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The ratio between students of science to students of
engineering is 3:2.
Pressure is inversely proportional to volume.
Ⅳ 用途和功能
Definitions as given here apply only to the subject
treated in this standard.
Although both the planer and the shaper are adapted
to the machining of flat surfaces, they differ widely in construction and in method of operation.
Gases and solids sometimes dissolve in liquids to
form solutions, thereby forming solutions.
Ⅵ 目的
chief main The
aim purpose
major principal
It is obvious that the strength of a country’s
economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its industry and agriculture.
The operator’s knowledge is mainly concerned
Another typical example is …
Ⅸ 状态的转换或变化
convert … (变化前) to into … (变化后)
The silicon controlled rectifier is able to change
表达A 与 B不同时还可以用: Hydraulic presses differ from mechanical presses
from B
in their way of functioning.
Nuclear power stations are distinguished from
ordinary power stations only by the source of heat.
major There are two general
of …
Ⅲ 比例关系
Most objects are big in proportion to the size of an atom
but small in proportion to the size of the sun.
Iron unlike rubber, is a good conductor of electric
C. 相当于
One turn of the hand-wheel is equivalent to 2 mm
For finishing electrodes, the foil thickness
physical and chemical properties. One should not confuse balancing forces with forces of action and reaction.
B. 不同于 different A be distinct distinguished
hope Performing the study we intend to (do) …
To obtain better reception, an aerial should be filtered. To find the required radio station, the tuner should be
with the hardware and not with the software.
Both heat transfer and boundary layers are
strongly dependent on the nozzle shape and size.
Ⅷ 举例
This can be illustrated by … A specific case can be provided to show … An example of this involves …
concerned with …
concerning …
This is a problem related to …
relating to …
bearing on …
dealing with …
A secondary mechanism for thermal conduction in
solids is associated with lattice vibrations.
choosing and comparing the appropriate information with a program.
By comparison, very little is known about the
internal structure of the earth.
A. 区分
alternating current to direct current.
The sine-cosine potentiometer is especially used
to transform polar coordinates into rectangular coordinates.
A cam is used for transforming rotation motion
Ⅺ 故障
If the separator is out of order, check and treat as
There was something wrong with the instrument,
they had to repeat their experiment once again.
(comes) up to the standard. Certification marks are used on products to indicate that they meet (reach/attain) certain standards, or come from a certain geographic location. A high degree of accuracy can be achieved by cold-working the metal.
In this essay
In this context In computer science For this purpose
will be considered to be …
will refer to …
will be used in …
Ⅱ 分类
break down
corresponds to the spark gap.
D. 优越于
A possesses offers advantage over B
A优越于B还可用以下句型表达: Synthetic rubber is in many ways superior to
natural rubber.
Thread machines are used in preference to
lathes for certain threading operations.
Gear shaping has certain advantages over other
E. 相似
This equation is analogous to Kepler’s equation for
This article aims at discussing new developments in
component material and techniques.
The experiment was designed to test the new drug.
Ⅶ 问题的相关性
objective goal
of the experiment is …
of … in the hope that … with a view to (do) … The experiment has been conducted in order to (do) … to the end that … so that …
Orbital and planetary cutting machines are
particularly useful for cutting off tubular work.
Ⅴ 行为与结果
causes … gives rise to … leads to … results in … brings about … The result obtained
+ … (总体) + into/as … (部分)
be classified
fall into can be divided into
groups. classes. categories.
The models
may be classified into
are of
general broad
1) 表达不同功能的常用句型 Ⅰ 定义
means… signifies… is considered to be… is taken to be …
The term superconductor
refers to…
In this article
In this paper
will be taken to mean … will be used in the … network
into reciprocating motion.
Ⅹ 比较
Now compare the work done lifting the car with
the work done puling it up the inclined plane.
The arithmetic-logical unit is also responsible for
agrees with … is in agreement with … is in line with … is consistent with … fits into …
The burning match is inverted, and as a result the
flame becomes bigger.
The object of this experiment is to separate a
solid from the liquid.
We must distinguish sliding friction from rolling
We know one substance from another by their
the elliptic orbit. Turret lathes have many features similar to those of modern engine lathes. Although the purpose of the microscope is quite different from that of the telescope, the two instruments resemble one another in some ways.
Because computers are man-made machines,
they sometimes malfunction and have to be repaired.
Ⅻ 达到标准或程度
As far as the quality is concerned, the product is