
产品代理协议书(中英文)合同样本XX 协议书制造商名称: KDSZ 注册地点: __________________________________________________________ (以下简称制造商) 代理商名称: ABC贸易有限公司注册地点:________________________________________________ ___________ (简称代理商) 1, 委任: 兹委任ABC 贸易有限公司为A 地区船舶修理及销售之代理商. 2, 代理商之职责: (1) 向该地区寻求船主欲购船和修船的询价单并转告KDSZ; (2) 报导本地区综合市场慨况;(3) 协助安排工厂经销人员的业务活动; (4) 代表船厂定期作市场调查; (5) 协助制造厂征收货款 (非经许可, 不得动用法律手段) ; (6) 按业经商定的方式, 向KDSZ报告在本地区所开展的业务状况. 3, 范围: 为了便于工作, KDSZ应把代理区域业主名录提供给代理商, 代理商对此名录给予评述, 提出建议或修正, 供KDSZ备查; 由于个别船舶收取佣金造成地区之间的争执时, KDSZ应是唯一的仲裁人, 它将综合各种情况给出公平合理的报酬. 4, 佣金: KDSZ向该地区代理商支付修理各种船舶总结算价值 2% 的佣金, 遇有大宗合同需另行商定佣金支付办法: 先付 1/4, 余额待修船结算价格收款后支付. 当需要由KDSZ付给业主 (即船主) 的经纪人及第三方介绍人等佣金的时候, 必须由代理商事先打招呼; 同时由KDSZ决定是否支付. 5, 费用: 除下述者外, 其余费用由代理商自理. (1) 由KDSZ指定的时间内对KDSZ的走访费用;(2) 特殊情况下的通迅费用 (长电传, 各种说明书等) ;(3) KDSZ对该地区进行销售访问所发生的费用. 6, KDSZ的职责: KDSZ应: (1) 向代理商提供产品样本和其他销售宣传品; (2) 向代理商提供重点客户的船名录以使其心中有数; (3) 通知代理商与本地区有关船主直接接洽; (4) 将所有从业主处交换来的主要文件之副本提供给代理商并要求代理商不得将商业秘密外泄. 7, 职权范围: 就合同之价格条款, 时间, 规格或其他合同条件, 代理商无权对KDSZ进行干涉; 其业务承接之决定权属KDSZ. 8, 利害冲突: 兹声明, 本协议有效期内, 代理商不得作其他修船厂的代表而损害KDSZ利益. 代理商同意在承签其他代理合同前须征求KDSZ之意见; 代理商担保, 未经KDSZ许可, 不得向第三方泄露有损于KDSZ商业利益的情报. 9, 终止: 不论何方, 以书面通知 3个月后, 本协议即告终止; 协议履行期间代理商所承接的船舶的佣金仍然支付, 不论这些船舶在此期间是否在厂修理. 10, 泄密: 协议执行中或执行完毕,代理商担保,不经KDSZ事先同意, 不向任何方泄露KDSZ 定为机密级的任何情报. 11,仲裁: 除第 3 条所述外, 双方凡因协议及其解释产生争执或经双方努力未能满意解决之纠纷, 应提交双方确认的仲裁人进行仲裁, 如对仲裁人达不成协议, 则暂由船舶工程师协会会长临时指定仲裁人. KDSZ ABC 贸易有限公司签字: _______________________签字: __________________________________年 ______月________日国际贸易代理合同代理协议书本协议于19__年__月__日签订。

二、经销范围及授权期限1. 经销范围:乙方在指定区域内享有独家经销权,甲方不得在此区域内另行设立经销商或直销渠道。
2. 授权期限:本协议自签订之日起生效,有效期为XX年。
三、产品供应及价格政策1. 甲方保证向乙方提供合格的产品,并按照约定的交货期限及时发货。
2. 双方根据市场情况和成本变化,共同协商制定价格政策。
3. 乙方应遵守甲方制定的价格政策,不得擅自降价或涨价销售产品。
四、市场推广及支持1. 甲方应向乙方提供必要的产品资料、市场信息和推广支持。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的市场推广策略,积极推广甲方的产品,提高产品知名度和市场占有率。
3. 甲方可根据市场需求和合作情况,对乙方进行必要的广告投放、促销活动等支持。

产品独家代理协议书(中英文)代理协议书制造商名称: KDSZ 注册地点: __________________________________________________________ (以下简称制造商) 代理商名称: ABC贸易有限公司注册地点:___________________________________________________________ (简称代理商) 1, 委任: 兹委任ABC 贸易有限公司为A 地区船舶修理及销售之独家代理商. 2, 代理商之职责: (1) 向该地区寻求船主欲购船和修船的询价单并转告KDSZ; (2) 报导本地区综合市场慨况;(3) 协助安排工厂经销人员的业务活动; (4) 代表船厂定期作市场调查; (5) 协助制造厂征收货款(非经许可, 不得动用法律手段) ;(6) 按业经商定的方式, 向KDSZ报告在本地区所开展的业务状况. 3, 范围: 为了便于工作, KDSZ应把代理区域业主名录提供给代理商, 代理商对此名录给予评述, 提出建议或修正, 供KDSZ备查; 由于个别船舶收取佣金造成地区之间的争执时, KDSZ应是唯一的仲裁人, 它将综合各种情况给出公平合理的报酬. 4, 佣金: KDSZ向该地区代理商支付修理各种船舶总结算价值 2% 的佣金, 遇有大宗合同需另行商定佣金支付办法: 先付 1/4, 余额待修船结算价格收款后支付. 当需要由KDSZ付给业主 (即船主) 的经纪人及第三方介绍人等佣金的时候, 必须由代理商事先打招呼; 同时由KDSZ决定是否支付. 5, 费用: 除下述者外, 其余费用由代理商自理. (1) 由KDSZ指定的时间内对KDSZ的走访费用; (2) 特殊情况下的通迅费用(长电传, 各种说明书等) ; (3) KDSZ对该地区进行销售访问所发生的费用. 6, KDSZ的职责: KDSZ应: (1) 向代理商提供产品样本和其他销售宣传品;(2) 向代理商提供重点客户的船名录以使其心中有数; (3) 通知代理商与本地区有关船主直接接洽; (4) 将所有从业主处交换来的主要文件之副本提供给代理商并要求代理商不得将商业秘密外泄. 7, 职权范围: 就合同之价格条款, 时间, 规格或其他合同条件, 代理商无权对KDSZ进行干涉; 其业务承接之决定权属KDSZ. 8, 利害冲突: 兹声明, 本协议有效期内, 代理商不得作其他修船厂的代表而损害KDSZ利益. 代理商同意在承签其他代理合同前须征求KDSZ之意见; 代理商担保, 未经KDSZ许可, 不得向第三方泄露有损于KDSZ商业利益的情报. 9, 终止: 不论何方, 以书面通知 3个月后, 本协议即告终止; 协议履行期间代理商所承接的船舶的佣金仍然支付, 不论这些船舶在此期间是否在厂修理. 10, 泄密: 协议执行中或执行完毕,代理商担保,不经KDSZ事先同意, 不向任何方泄露KDSZ 定为机密级的任何情报. 11, 仲裁: 除第3 条所述外, 双方凡因协议及其解释产生争执或经双方努力未能满意解决之纠纷, 应提交双方确认的仲裁人进行仲裁, 如对仲裁人达不成协议, 则暂由船舶工程师协会会长临时指定仲裁人. KDSZ ABC 贸易有限公司签字: _______________________签字: _________________________ _________年 ______月________日国际贸易代理合同(2)独家代理协议书本协议于19__年__月__日签订。

三、代理权限及义务1. 甲方授予乙方在代理区域内的独家代理权,乙方应遵守甲方的销售政策和价格政策,不得擅自调整价格或违反销售政策。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,积极推广和销售甲方产品,积极开展市场推广活动,完成销售目标。

产品代理协议书(中英文)合同样本6篇篇1Product Agency AgreementThis Product Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Manufacturer], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Manufacturer") and [Agent], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Agent").WHEREAS, Manufacturer desires to appoint Agent to act as its exclusive agent for the sale of certain products (the "Products") in the territory defined herein; andWHEREAS, Agent desires to accept such appointment on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Appointment. Manufacturer hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent for the sale of the Products in the territory of [Territory], and Agent hereby accepts such appointment.2. Duties of Agent. Agent shall use its best efforts to promote and represent the Products in the Territory. Agent shall not engage in any activities that could harm the reputation or sales of the Products.3. Exclusivity. Agent shall be the exclusive agent of Manufacturer for the Products in the Territory and shall not represent any other products that compete with the Products without Manufacturer's prior written consent.4. Compensation. Manufacturer shall pay Agent a commission of [Percentage]% of the net sales of the Products made by Agent in the Territory. The commission shall be paid [Frequency, e.g. monthly] within [Number] days of the end of each [Month/Quarter/Year].5. Term. This Agreement shall commence on [Date] and shall continue for a period of [Number] years, unless terminated earlier by either party upon [Number] days' written notice.6. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Number] days' written notice if the other party commits amaterial breach of any provision of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within [Number] days of receiving written notice of the breach.7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date.Manufacturer:[Manufacturer Name]By:______________________________Name:____________________________Title:_____________________________Agent:[Agent Name]By:______________________________Name:____________________________Title:_____________________________Date:_____________________________篇2Product Agency AgreementThis Product Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company], a corporation organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Manufacturer"), and [Agent], a corporation organized and existing under the laws of [Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Address] ("Agent").1. Appointment of Agent. Manufacturer hereby appoints Agent as its non-exclusive agent to market and sell the products listed in Exhibit A (the "Products") in the territory specified in Exhibit B (the "Territory"). Agent accepts such appointment and agrees to use its best efforts to market and sell the Products in the Territory.2. Obligations of Manufacturer. Manufacturer agrees to supply Agent with a sufficient quantity of the Products to meet the demand in the Territory. Manufacturer further agrees to provide Agent with any necessary training, marketing materials,and technical support to assist Agent in marketing and selling the Products.3. Obligations of Agent. Agent agrees to use its best efforts to market and sell the Products in the Territory. Agent further agrees to comply with all local laws and regulations governing the marketing and sale of the Products in the Territory.4. Compensation. Manufacturer shall pay Agent a commission of [Percentage] of the net sales of the Products generated by Agent in the Territory. The commission shall be paid [Frequency] within [Number] days of the end of each [Time Period].5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written and shall continue for a period of [Number] years. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Number] days' written notice to the other party.6. Confidentiality. Agent agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information disclosed by Manufacturer in connection with this Agreement, including but not limited to pricing, product specifications, and customer lists.7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[COMPANY]By: ____________________________Title: ___________________________Date: ___________________________[AGENT]By: ____________________________Title: ___________________________Date: ___________________________Exhibit A - Products[Insert List of Products]Exhibit B - Territory[Insert Territory]This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the subjectmatter hereof. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument signed by both parties.篇3Product Agency AgreementThis Product Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [date] by and between [Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Manufacturer"), and [Agent Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address] (the "Agent").WHEREAS, the Manufacturer is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling [description of products];WHEREAS, the Agent is engaged in the business of marketing and selling products on behalf of manufacturers;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Appointment of Agent. The Manufacturer hereby appoints the Agent as its exclusive agent to market and sell the Products in the territory of [Territory].2. Rights and Obligations of Agent. The Agent shall use its best efforts to market and sell the Products in the Territory in accordance with the Manufacturer's marketing and pricing policies. The Agent shall not engage in any activities that may harm the Manufacturer's reputation or interests.3. Rights and Obligations of Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall provide the Agent with all necessary marketing materials and product information. The Manufacturer shall also ensure that the Products are of good quality and meet the specifications agreed upon.4. Commissions. The Agent shall be entitled to a commission of [percentage]% of the net sales of the Products made by the Agent in the Territory. The Manufacturer shall pay the commissions to the Agent within [number] days of the end of each calendar month.5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of [number] years. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [number] days' written notice to the other party.6. Confidentiality. The parties agree to keep confidential all information obtained in connection with this Agreement,including but not limited to customer lists, pricing information, and manufacturing processes.7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.MANUFACTURER:[Company Name]By: _____________________________Name: ___________________________Title: ____________________________AGENT:[Agent Name]By: _____________________________Name: ___________________________Title: ____________________________Date: ___________________________This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed by both parties.篇4Product Agency AgreementThis Product Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Agreement date] by and between [Product Manufacturer], located at [Manufacturer address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Manufacturer"), and [Product Agent], located at [Agent address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Agent").1. Appointment. Manufacturer hereby appoints Agent as its non-exclusive agent for the sale of the products described in Exhibit A (the "Products") in the territory described in Exhibit B (the "Territory").2. Term. This Agreement shall commence on [Start date] and shall continue for a period of [Number of years] years, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Duties of Manufacturer. Manufacturer shall provide Agent with all necessary support, including marketing materials, product information, and training. Manufacturer shall also fulfill all orders received from customers in the Territory in a timely manner.4. Duties of Agent. Agent shall use its best efforts to promote and sell the Products in the Territory. Agent shall also maintain accurate records of all sales made and provide regular reports to Manufacturer.5. Compensation. Agent shall receive [Percentage]% commission on the net sales of the Products made by Agent in the Territory. Manufacturer shall pay Agent on a monthly basis within [Number of days] days of receiving the sales report from Agent.6. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number of days] days written notice. In the event of termination, Manufacturer shall pay Agent all commissions due up to the termination date.7. Confidentiality. Both parties agree to keep confidential all information shared during the course of this Agreement, including customer lists and pricing information.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country] and any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved in [City], [State/Country].[Signatures]Manufacturer: ___________________Agent: ___________________Exhibit A: [Product Description]Exhibit B: [Territory Description]This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements. This Agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by both parties.[Effective date]篇5Product Agency AgreementThis Product Agency Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into this ____ day of __________, 20__, (the "Effective Date") by and between ABC Company, a company organized and existing under the laws of ______________ and having its principalplace of business at _______________ (the "Company") and XYZ Agency, a company organized and existing under the laws of______________ and having its principal place of business at_______________ (the "Agent").1. Appointment. The Company appoints the Agent as its exclusive agent for the sale of its products in the territory defined as ________________ (the "Territory"). The Agent accepts the appointment and agrees to use its best efforts to promote and sell the Company's products within the Territory.2. Obligations of the Agent. The Agent shall establish and maintain an adequate sales force to promote and sell the Company's products. The Agent shall use its best efforts to market and promote the Company's products and to maximize sales within the Territory.3. Obligations of the Company. The Company agrees to provide the Agent with all necessary sales materials, samples, and information regarding its products. The Company shall also provide training to the Agent's sales force and shall support the Agent in its sales efforts in the Territory.4. Commission. The Agent shall be entitled to a commission of ___% of the net sales price of each product sold by the Agent within the Territory. The commission shall be paid monthly andshall be calculated based on the sales made by the Agent during the preceding month.5. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall have an initial term of ___ years and shall automatically renew for successive one-year periods unless terminated by either party with ___ days' written notice. Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon thirty (30) days' written notice if the other party materially breaches the Agreement.6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ________________.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.ABC Company XYZ Agency_____________________ _______________________By: ___________________ By:_____________________Name: _________________ Name: _________________Title: ___________________ Title: _________________篇6Product Agency AgreementTh is Product Agency Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [date] by and between [Company Name], with its principal place of business at [address], hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, and [Agent Name], with its principal place of business at [add ress], hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”.WHEREAS, Principal is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling [products], and Agent wishes to act as an agent for the sale of these products in [territory].NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Appointment. Principal appoints Agent as itsnon-exclusive agent for the sale of the products in the territory. Agent accepts such appointment and agrees to use its best efforts to promote the sale of the products in the territory.2. Term. This Agreement shall commence on [date] and shall continue for a period of [number] years, unless terminated earlier as provided herein.3. Territories. Agent shall have the right to sell the products in the territory, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.4. Commissions. Agent shall be entitled to a commission of [percentage] of the net selling price of the products sold by Agent, payable [monthly/quarterly/annually].5. Marketing. Agent shall be responsible for all marketing and advertising expenses incurred in connection with the sale of the products in the territory.6. Confidentiality. Agent shall maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by Principal and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of Principal.7. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [number] days written notice to the other party.8. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [State/Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.[Principal Signature] [Agent Signature][Principal Name] [Agent Name]。

一、代理事项甲方同意就以下事项为乙方提供外贸代理服务:1. 采购商品:具体商品名称、规格、数量等按照乙方提供的清单为准。
2. 寻找国际市场合作伙伴和客户资源。
3. 负责与外商签订出口贸易合同及相关事宜。
4. 处理物流运输事宜,包括但不限于装箱、运输、报关等。
5. 协助乙方办理支付、收款及相关金融事务。
6. 提供贸易咨询和建议,包括但不限于市场趋势分析。
二、双方责任与义务1. 乙方需提供完整、准确的公司信息及出口商品资料。
2. 甲方需积极履行代理职责,确保外贸业务的顺利进行。
3. 双方应共同遵守贸易法律法规,维护双方利益。
4. 甲方应及时向乙方报告业务进展和存在的问题。
5. 乙方应按照约定支付甲方代理费用及相关费用。
三、费用与支付1. 代理费用:根据代理业务的实际成果和难度,双方另行商定具体金额及支付方式。
2. 其他费用:如报关费、运输费、银行手续费等,由乙方承担,具体金额按照实际发生额计算。
3. 支付方式:所有费用需开具正规发票,通过银行转账或其他双方认可的方式进行支付。
四、保密条款1. 双方应对涉及的知识产权、商业秘密等信息予以保密。
2. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄露本协议内容及相关信息。
五、违约责任1. 若因一方违约导致本协议不能履行或造成对方损失,违约方应承担相应责任。
2. 因不可抗力因素导致协议不能履行的,双方均不承担责任。
七、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为_____年。

二、合同双方信息甲方信息:(代理方信息)地址:XXXXXXXXX法定代表人:XXXXXXXXXX联系方式:XXXXXXXXXX电子邮箱:XXXXXXXXXX乙方信息:(委托方信息)地址:XXXXXXXXXX法定代表人:XXXXXXXXXX联系方式:XXXXXXXXXX电子邮箱:XXXXXXXXXX三、合同内容第一部分:代理事项及范围1. 代理销售产品范围:双方约定,代理方将代理销售委托方的XXXX产品。
2. 代理期限:自XXXX年XX月XX日起至XXXX年XX月XX日止。
3. 代理区域:(具体区域划分)。
4. 销售目标及双方责任等具体事项。
(详细列明)第二部分:双方权利义务1. 代理方的权利与义务:(1)获得委托方授权的销售代理权。
…… 双方其他约定事项(略)。
2. 委托方的权利与义务:……(此处省略具体条款,详细列明委托方的权利和义务)第三部分:商务条款及市场运作方式……(此处省略具体条款,包括佣金支付方式、运输方式、售后服务等)…… 双方可根据实际情况调整和完善本部分内容。

中英文对照销售代理合同3篇篇1销售代理合同Sales Agency Contract甲方(委托方): ________________________Party A (Principal): ________________________乙方(代理方): ________________________Party B (Agent): ________________________鉴于甲方希望扩大产品市场占有率,提升品牌影响力,特此委托乙方作为其产品在指定区域内的独家销售代理商;乙方愿意接受甲方的委托,依据本合同约定的内容开展代理活动。
双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:PreambleGiven that Party A wishes to expand the market share and enhance the brand influence of its products, Party A hereby appoints Party B as the exclusive sales agent for its products in the designated territory. Party B is willing to accept the appointment by Party A and undertake agency activitiesaccording to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Both parties have reached the following agreement through friendly consultations:第一条合同双方Article 1 The Parties to the Contract1.1 甲方(委托方): 公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人等详细信息。
1.1 Party A (Principal): Company name, registered address, legal representative, etc., detailed information.1.2 乙方(代理方): 公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人等详细信息。

合作协议COOPERATION AGREEMENT甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:甲乙双方本着平等互信、互惠互利的原则,在共同遵守相关法律法规的基础上,就产品销售合作达成如下协议:In accordance with the principle of equality, mutual trust and benefit, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on product sales cooperation on the basis of common compliance with relevant laws and regulations:1. 合作内容cooperation content1.1合作范围scope of cooperation甲方授权乙方在XX国家代理销售甲方的xx等xx牌产品。
Party A authorizes Party B to sell xx products in xx countries.1.2合作方式Cooperation mode甲乙双方直接签订合同的,甲方按代理商价格销售给乙方,乙方按先款后货条件支付货款,在合同中明确权责、义务等。
Party A and Party B sign the contract directly, Party A sells products to Party B at the agent's price and Party B shall pay the goods according to the principle of first payment and later shipment . The rights and responsibilities should be clear in the contract. Party B provides market resources and develops customer to Party A, and then Party A sign the contract with customer, Party A will pay a certain proportion of commission to Party B as Party B's market development cost.1.3合作期限period of cooperationxx年 xx月至 xx年xx月。

独家代理协议Exclusive Agency Agreement本协议于______年____月____日在______(地点)由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on ___________(Date)in ________(Place)on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use1. 协议双方The Parties ConcernedFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use甲方:_______ 乙方:__________Party A:________ Party B:________地址:__________ 地址:___________Add:____________ Add:______________电话:__________ 电话:____________Tel: ___________ Tel: _____________传真:_________ 传真:____________Fax:___________ Fax:______________2. 委任Appointment甲方指定乙方为其独家代理,为第三条所列商品从第四条所列区域的顾客中招揽订单,乙方接受上述委任。
Party A hereby appoints Party B as its Exclusive Agent to solicit orders for the commodity stipulate in Article 3 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 4,and Party B accepts and assumes such appointment.3. 代理商品Commodity4. 代理区域Territory仅限于_______(比如:广州)In __________(for example: Guangzhou)only.5. 最低业务量Minimum turnover乙方同意,在本协议有效期内从上述代理区域内的顾客处招揽的上述商品的订单价值不低于_______人民币。

三、代理费用及支付方式1. 甲方应按照本协议约定向乙方支付代理费用。
2. 代理费用的计算方式、支付时间和支付方式由双方另行商定。
)四、双方权利义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方按照本协议履行代理职责,并支付代理费用。
2. 乙方应按照甲方的要求履行代理职责,并保守甲方的商业秘密。
)五、违约责任和争议解决1. 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,应承担违约责任。
2. 如双方因履行本协议发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
)六、其他条款1. 本协议自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
3. 本协议未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商补充。
)【英文翻译】Agent Contract Agreement (Bilingual Version)This agreement is made by and between:Party A: (Name of Principal or Company), legally registered in (Country/Region Name), hereinafter referred to as "Party A".Party B: (Name of Agent or Company), legally registered in (Country/Region Name), hereinafter referred to as "Party B".WHEREAS Party A requires agency services, and Party B is willing to accept the commission of Party A and provide agency services, both parties, through friendly consultation, have reached the following agreement:I. Agency MattersParty B agrees to provide agency services to Party A as requested, including but not limited to the following matters:(Describe agency matters in detail, such as agency sales, consulting services, etc., and enumerate specific matters.)II. Agency TermThe agency term of this agreement is from (Start Date) to (End Date). After the agency term expires, if both parties continue to cooperate, a new agency contract shall be signed.III. Agency Fees and Payment Methods1. Party A shall pay agency fees to Party B in accordance with the agreement.2. The calculation method, payment time, and payment method of agency fees shall be agreed by both parties separately.(Describe in detail the calculation method, payment time, and payment method of agency fees to ensure the rights and interests of both parties.)IV. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties1. Party A has the right to require Party B to perform agency duties in accordance with this agreement and pay agency fees.2. Party B shall perform agency duties in accordance with the requirements of Party A and keep Party A's business secrets confidential.(Enumerate other rights and obligations of both parties, such as cooperation confidentiality, intellectual property protection, etc.)V.违约责任和争议解决Liabilities for Breach of Contract and Settlement of Disputes1. If one party breaches any terms of this agreement, it shall bear liability for breach of contract.2. If a dispute arises between the two parties due to the performance of this agreement, it shall be resolved first through friendly consultation. If no settlement is reached, any party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court having jurisdiction.(Describe in detail the circumstances of breach of contract and specific measures for dispute resolution to ensure the rights and interests of both parties.) VI. Miscellaneous Clauses 1. This agreement becomes effective from the date of signature (or seal) by both parties. 2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. 3. Any matters not covered in this agreement may be supplemented by both parties separately. (Other terms that need to be supplemented.) SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________________________ _________________________________(双方签字)(签订日期)(Signature of Party A)(Signature of Party B)(Date)(Date)(甲方签字)(乙方签字)(日期)(日期)NOTE: This is a bilingual version of an agent contract agreement. Please ensure that both parties understand and agree to all terms and conditions before signing.。

二、甲方权利和义务1. 甲方有权将其产品委托乙方进行代理销售,并向乙方提供相应的销售支持和培训。
2. 甲方应保证所提供的产品质量符合相关法律法规的要求,并保证产品的供应。
3. 甲方有权要求乙方按照约定的销售目标和指标开展销售活动,并提供销售报告等相关资料。
三、乙方权利和义务1. 乙方有权代理销售甲方指定的产品,并可在合作范围内制定相应的销售策略。
2. 乙方应根据甲方的要求进行产品宣传和推广,并积极开展销售活动,努力完成销售目标。
3. 乙方应保护甲方的商业机密和知识产权,不得将相关信息泄露给任何第三方。
四、报酬和结算方式1. 乙方的报酬方式为按照销售额的一定比例提成,具体比例由双方协商确定。
2. 结算周期为每月一次,乙方应按时提供销售报告和相关销售数据。
五、保密条款1. 本协议签订后,双方应对协议内容及执行过程中涉及的商业机密和相关信息予以保密。
2. 未经双方一致同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露有关本协议的任何信息。
六、合作期限和终止1. 本协议的合作期限为__年,自协议生效之日起计算。
2. 若一方违反本协议约定,经另一方书面通知后在合理期限内未能改正,对方有权提前终止本协议。
八、协议变更和生效1. 本协议的任何变更或补充须经双方书面协商一致,并以书面形式进行修改。
2. 本协议自双方盖章之日起生效。
---Agency Sales Agreement1. PurposeThis agreement aims to clarify the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B, and ensure their cooperation and mutual development in the process of agency sales.2. Rights and Obligations of Party A1. Party A has the right to appoint Party B as the agent for selling its products and provide the necessary sales support and training.2. Party A shall ensure that the quality of the provided products meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, and guarantee the supply of the products.3. Party A has the right to require Party B to carry out sales activities according to the agreed sales targets and indicators, and provide sales reports and other relevant materials.3. Rights and Obligations of Party B1. Party B has the right to act as the agent to sell the products designated by Party A, and is allowed to formulate corresponding sales strategies within the scope of cooperation.2. Party B should promote and advertise the products according to Party A's requirements, actively engage in sales activities, and strive to achieve sales targets.3. Party B should protect Party A's trade secrets and intellectual property rights, and shall not disclose the relevant information to any third party.4. Remuneration and Settlement1. Party B's remuneration is based on a certain percentage of the sales amount, and the specific percentage shall be determined through negotiation between both parties.2. The settlement period is once a month, and Party B shall provide sales reports and related sales data in a timely manner.5. Confidentiality1. After the signing of this agreement, both parties shall keep the content of the agreement and any business secrets and related information confidential.2. Without the consent of both parties, neither party shall disclose any information related to this agreement to any third party.6. Cooperation Period and Termination1. The cooperation period of this agreement is __ years, starting from the effective date of the agreement.2. If either party breaches the provisions of this agreement and fails to rectify it within a reasonable period of time after receiving a written notice from the other party, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement in advance.7. Dispute ResolutionThe interpretation and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Both parties agree to submit the dispute to relevant arbitration institutions for mediation or arbitration.8. Amendment and Effectiveness of the Agreement1. Any amendment or supplement to this agreement shall be made in writing after mutual consultation and shall be valid in written form.。

4 Representation and Warranty 声明和保证Each Party hereby represents and warrants that neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereunder, nor compliance with any of the provisions of this Agreement, will conflict with, violate, result in a breach of, constitute a default (or an event that, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default) under, or require any authorization, consent, approval, exemption or other action by or notice to any court or other governmental body or any other person under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any contract or other agreement or to which such Party is bound. 双方在此声明并保证,本协议的签署与交付、本协议项下交易的完成、遵守本协议的任何规定,不会与任何法庭或者其他政府机构给予或者接受的授权、同意、许可、免除或者其他行为,或者在任何合同或者其他协议的条款、条件或者规定下约束该方的其他人员、发生冲突、违反、或者构成违约(或者是随着通知或时间的流逝,构成违约)。
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合作协议COOPERATION AGREEMENT甲方:P arty A:乙方:Party B:甲乙双方本着平等互信、互惠互利的原则,在共同遵守相关法律法规的基础上,就产品销售合作达成如下协议:In accordance with the principle of equality, mutual trust and benefit, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on product sales cooperation on the basis of common compliance with relevant laws and regulations:1. 合作内容cooperation content1.1合作范围scope of cooperation甲方授权乙方在XX国家代理销售甲方的xx等xx牌产品。
Party A authorizes Party B to sell xx products in xx countries.1.2合作方式Cooperation mode甲乙双方直接签订合同的,甲方按代理商价格销售给乙方,乙方按先款后货条件支付货款,在合同中明确权责、义务等。
Party A and Party B sign the contract directly, Party A sells products to Party B at the agent's price and Party B shall pay the goods according to the principle of first payment and later shipment . The rights and responsibilities should be clear in the contract. Party B provides market resources and develops customer to Party A, and then Party A sign the contract with customer, Party A will pay a certain proportion of commission to Party B as Party B's market development cost.1.3合作期限period of cooperationxx年 xx月至 xx年xx月。
xx to xx. One month prior to the expiration of the agreement, the parties may renew the agreement if they are willing to continue their cooperation.1.4若乙方需要委托甲方采购在中国除xx以外的其它产品,甲方优先提供采购和资源支持。
If Party B needs to entrust Party A to purchase other products except xx in China, Party A should give priority to purchasing and resource support.The parties sign specific contract with additional agreement.2. 甲乙双方的权利和义务 rights and obligations of Party A and Party B2.1甲方的权利与义务rights and obligations of Party A2.1.1甲方负责为客户提供符合合同规定标准的产品、运输与服务等相关事宜,并对所供产品质量负责。
2.1.1 Party A is responsible for providing customers with relevant products, transportation and services related to the standards stipulated in the contract, and responsible for the quality of the products provided.2.1.2甲方负责为乙方提供市场开发、客户招标所需的资料、技术支持、投标文件等服务。
2.1.2 Party A is responsible for providing market development, bidding information, technical support and other services for Party B.2.1.3对乙方开发的客户,并由甲方与最终客户签订的合同,甲方合同履行完成并收到全额货款后xx日内,甲方负责按双方确定的佣金比例给乙方支付佣金费。
2.1.3 When Party A sign contract with clients developed by Party B , Party A should pay the contract commission to Party B within xx days after completing the contract and receiveing all the payment.2.1.4对乙方因业务需要,客户需来访甲方工厂的,甲方负责提供必要的便利条件和服务。
2.1.4 Party A should be responsible for providing necessary facilities and services for clients developed by Party B when they need to visit Party A's factory.2.2乙方的权利和义务rights and obligations of Party B2.2.1乙方负责在符合所在国的法规前提下,对甲方产品进行宣传,市场开发、收集客户所在国的产品相关技术标准和要求,取得合同订单、维护客户资源。
2.2.1 In accordance with the laws and regulations of the country, Party B is responsible for the publicity of Party A's products, market development, collection of clients's relevant technical standards and requirements, to obtain contract orders, maintain customer resources.2.2.2乙方负责对甲方在合同履约过程中协调各方关系,协助办理各种手续及货款回收等事宜。
2.2.2 During the performance of the contract, Party B is responsible for coordinating the relationship among all parties, assisting in handling various formalities ,the collection of the loan and so on.2.2.3因业务需要,甲方相关人员需前往所在区域拜访客户的,乙方负责为甲方提供必要的便利条件和服务。
2.2.3 Because of the business needs, Party A's related personnel need to go to the region to visit customers, Party B is responsible for providing the necessary conditions and services for Party A.3. 双方建立共同确认的信息传递、发布等沟通渠道,以保证市场开拓业务的及时高效。
3. Both sides establish communication channels and transmit information, so as to ensure timely and efficient development of the business.4. 未尽事宜Unsettled affairs双方友好协商解决,并另行签订补充协议作为本协议的补充文件,具有同等法律效力。
Both parties shall resolve through friendly consultation. The supplementary agreement signed by the two parties has the same legal effect.5. 本协议一式两份,经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。
5. This contract shall be provided in two copies,with each party holding one copy and the two copies having the same legal validity.甲方:乙方:Party A:Party B:签字signature:签字signature:电话(TEL):电话(TEL):传真(FAX):传真(FAX):年月日年月日。