1.教育对个人的作用:通常从德智体美劳等方面去考虑Improve moral standard 提高道德标准"In order to improve moral standards, schools should incorporate ethics and values education into their curriculum."为了提高道德标准,学校应将伦理和价值观教育纳入课程体系Theoretical knowledge 理论知识"It is important for students to acquire theoretical knowledge in subjects such as mathematics and science to build a strong foundation for advanced studies."对学生来说,获取数学、科学等科目的理论知识很重要,这为他们的高级学习奠定了坚实的基础Independent thinking 独立思考"Encouraging independent thinking is crucial in education as it helps students to form their own opinions and make informed decisions."鼓励独立思考在教育中至关重要,因为它帮助学生形成自己的观点并做出明智的决定Analyzing skills and problem-solving ability 分析和解决问题的能力"Developing analyzing skills and problem-solving ability is essential for students to tackle real-world challenges."培养分析能力和解决问题的能力对于学生应对现实世界的挑战是必不可少的Communication and social skills 人际交往能力"Schools should focus on enhancing communication and social skills of students to prepare them for a world that is increasingly interconnected."学校应该重点提高学生的交流和社交技能,为他们在日益紧密联系的世界中做好准备Adapt to a new environment 适应新环境"Education should equip students with the ability to adapt to new environments, whether it is a new school, city, or country."教育应该让学生具备适应新环境的能力,无论是新学校、新城市还是新国家Develop physical fitness 提高身体素质"Physical education classes are necessary to develop physical fitness and promote a healthy lifestyle among students."体育课程对于提高学生的身体素质和促进健康的生活方式是必不可少的Healthy lifestyle 良好的生活方式"Educational institutions should promote a healthy lifestyle by encouraging balanced diets, regular exercise, and adequate sleep."教育机构应该通过鼓励均衡饮食、定期锻炼和充足的睡眠来促进健康的生活方式An appreciation of culture 文化修养"Exposing students to art and literature from a young age fosters an appreciation of culture and enhances their creative thinking."从小让学生接触艺术和文学,可以培养他们对文化的欣赏和提高他们的创造性思维。
论社会主义核心价值体系的创新内涵∗——基于党意识形态九十年发展史视角的分析程 刚 裴学进【内容提要】本文剖析了社会主义核心价值体系的创新语境,即:创新的根本驱动力为社会实践的新发展,而继承和发展则构成其创新的核心路径。
【关键词】意识形态 社会主义核心价值体系 创新作者简介:程刚(1969- ),浙江理工大学副教授(浙江杭州310018);裴学进(1974- ),浙江理工大学法政学院副教授(浙江杭州 310018)。
高一英语哲学观点单选题40题1. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” This quote is attributed to which ancient philosopher?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Pythagoras答案:C。
Socrates 以“未经审视的生活不值得过”这句名言而闻名。
Plato 是苏格拉底的学生,主要作品有《 理想国》等;Aristotle 是柏拉图的学生,是一位伟大的哲学家和科学家;Pythagoras 以毕达哥拉斯定理等成就闻名。
2. Which philosopher is known for his concept of the “Categorical Imperative”?A. Immanuel KantB. Friedrich NietzscheC. René DescartesD. John Locke答案:A。
Immanuel Kant 提出了“绝对命令”(Categorical Imperative)的概念。
Friedrich Nietzsche 以批判传统道德和提出超人哲学等闻名;René Descartes 以“我思故我在”等观点著名;John Locke 主要在政治哲学和认识论方面有重要贡献。
3. “To be is to be perceived.” This statement is associated with whichphilosopher?A. George BerkeleyB. David HumeC. Thomas HobbesD. Adam Smith答案:A。
George Berkeley 提出“存在就是被感知”。
David Hume 是经验主义哲学家;Thomas Hobbes 在政治哲学方面有重要贡献;Adam Smith 是经济学家。
2023-2024学年高中政治人教版必修4第一单元 生活智慧与时代精神单元测试(含答案解析)
2023-2024学年人教版高中政治单元测试学校 __________ 班级 __________ 姓名 __________ 考号 __________注意事项1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上;一、选择题(本大题共计10小题每题3分共计30分)1.今天我们深化改革扩大开放遇到的矛盾纷繁复杂更需要哲学的指导这是因为正确地反映了时代的任务和要求的哲学()①可以更新人的观念解放人的思想②可以预见和指明社会的前进方向③可以动员和掌握群众从而转化为变革社会的巨大物质力量④是社会变革的先导和根本力量A. ①④B. ③④C. ①②③D. ①②④【答案】C【解析】2.马克思通过对青年黑格尔派的批判利用费尔巴哈的唯物论作批判的桥梁完成了对黑格尔辩证法的继承和超越材料告诉我们()①德国古典哲学是马克思主义哲学的直接理论来源②唯物主义是费尔巴哈思想的基本内核③辩证法是黑格尔思想的合理内核④德国古典哲学的产生是哲学史上的伟大变革A. ①B. ①②C. ①②③D. ①②③④【答案】C【解析】①②③说法正确德国古典哲学是马克思主义哲学的直接理论来源唯物主义是费尔巴哈思想的基本内核辩证法是黑格尔思想的合理内核④说法错误马克思主义哲学的产生是哲学史上的伟大变革故选C3.在嫦娥五号返回器安全着陆的直播中一只小动物从返回器旁擦肩而过意外抢镜有网友称这是“玉兔”在恭祝嫦娥五号返回器成功着陆!“嫦娥邂逅了小玉兔完美的一次旅行”……“嫦娥和小玉兔”的美丽传说()①体现了人类最新的哲学成果②是一种朴素的自发形成的世界观③是指导人们生活更好的艺术④源于实践中对宇宙的追问和思考A. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④【答案】D【解析】②④ “嫦娥和小玉兔”的美丽传说产生于实践源于实践中对宇宙的追问和思考是一种朴素的自发形成的世界观②④符合题意① 美丽传说是人们的朴素世界观不是人类最新的哲学成果①错误③ 本题强调美丽传说的产生没有体现哲学是指导人们生活更好的艺术排除③故本题选D.4.被称为中国首部“硬科幻电影”的《流浪地球》连创票房新高影片中灾难来临不同国家、不同信仰的人协商、合作以局部的小牺牲换来整体的大胜利可见编者深谙“整体部分联系”的道理从哲学视角把握了时代脉搏是对当今人类命运共同体理念的生动把握与诠释这表明()①哲学指导人们认识和改造世界②哲学是时代精神的总结与升华③哲学推动自然科学的不断发展④哲学是世界观和方法论的统一A. ①②B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④【答案】B【解析】①④符合题意被称为中国首部“硬科幻电影”的《流浪地球》连创票房新高影片中灾难来临不同国家、不同信仰的人协商、合作以局部的小牺牲换来整体的大胜利可见编者深谙“整体部分联系”的道理从哲学视角把握了时代脉搏是对当今人类命运共同体理念的生动把握与诠释这表明哲学指导人们认识和改造世界哲学是世界观和方法论的统一②错误真正的哲学是时代精神的总结和升华③错误具体科学推动哲学的发展5.如图漫画“宝宝快跳”中父母的做法警示我们()A. 要坚持整体和部分的统一B. 要坚持唯物主义反对唯心主义C. 要坚持世界观与方法论的统一D. 要发挥意识对人体生理活动的促进作用【答案】B【解析】A不合题意漫画寓意及主旨不体现整体和部分的统一B符合题意漫画“宝宝快跳”中父母的做法不顾孩子的实际超出了孩子的自身能力和客观实际情况这警示我们要坚持唯物主义反对唯心主义C不合题意材料主旨强调的是要坚持唯物主义反对唯心主义而不是讲坚持世界观与方法论的统一D错误意识对人体生理活动具有调节作用故选B6.《华严经》曰“心如工画师能画诸世间五蕴悉丛生无法而不造”下列与材料观点相同的是()①心外无物天下无一物非吾度内者②气之所以能动静者理为之宰也③心生法生心灭法灭心染则国土染心净则国土净④凡可状皆有也凡有皆象也凡象皆气也A. ①②B. ①③C. ②④D. ③④【答案】B【解析】“心如工画师能画诸世间五蕴悉丛生无法而不造”认为“心”是世界的本原属于主观唯心主义的观点①③符合题意“心外无物天下无一物非吾度内者” “心生法生心灭法灭心染则国土染心净则国土净” 这两种观点都把“心”看作世界的本原都属于主观唯心主义的观点②不合题意“气之所以能动静者理为之宰也” 认为“理”是世界的主宰属于客观唯心主义的观点④不合题意“凡可状皆有也凡有皆象也凡象皆气也” 认为“气”是世界的本原属于古代朴素唯物主义的观点故选B7.笛卡尔曾说过“知识好比是大树哲学是树根科学则是树枝”对此理解正确的是()A. 具体科学是由哲学派生的B. 哲学是对具体科学的总结C. 哲学对科学的发展具有重要的意义D. 具体科学引领哲学前进的方向【答案】C【解析】18.2020年12月4日科研攻关组疫苗研发专家组副组长、中国工程院院士王军志在第八次世界中西医结合大会做《新冠肺炎疫苗和药物研发进展》发言时表示“年内将有6亿支灭活疫苗获批上市”这印证了()①思维和存在有同一性②世界上没有不可认识之物③物质是世界的本原④意识是世界的本原A. ①②B. ①③C. ②④D. ③④【答案】A【解析】“年内将有6亿支灭活疫苗获批上市”印证了思维和存在有同一性世界上没有不可认识之物只有尚未认识之物①②符合题意材料没有涉及物质是世界的本原③不符合题意物质是世界的本原④说法错误故选A9.下列传统文化中的哲学命题,具有唯物主义倾向的是()①凡可状皆有也凡有皆象也凡象皆气也②有理则有气③一天一地并生万物万物之生俱得一气④气之所以能动静者理为之宰也A. ①③B. ③④C. ②③D. ①④【答案】A【解析】②④ 有理则有气先有理而后有气是朱熹客观唯心主义思想的表述气之所以能动静者理为之宰也也属于唯心主义观点故②④不选①③ 凡可状皆有也意思为凡是有形态可以用肉眼看得见的事物都是客观存在的属于唯物主义观点一天一地并生万物万物之生俱得一气王充把世界的本原归结为“气” 也属于唯物主义观点故①③正确故本题选A.10.老子说“道生一一生二二生三三生万物” 贝克莱认为“存在就是被感知”“物是观念的集合” 上述二人的观点()①把客观精神看作世界的本原②分别是客观唯心主义和主观唯心主义③都否认了世界的本原是物质④体现着哲学两大基本派别的根本对立A. ①②B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④【答案】C【解析】二、材料分析题(本大题共计4小题每题15分共计60分)11.阅读材料回答下面问题材料 2016年习近平总书记在重庆视察讲到了江姐和红岩精神并朗诵了难友们赞颂江姐的话你暴风雨中的海燕迎接着黎明前的黑暗飞翔吧!战斗吧!永远朝着东方永远朝着党!2017年重庆川剧团创作的《江姐》首次以川剧形式向观众展示了革命先烈追求国家独立、自由、民主的爱国情怀 2018年两会期间习近平总书记在参加重庆代表团审议时从重庆巴蔓子谈到“狱中八条” 主创人员沈铁梅表示如果把“狱中八条”放在《江姐》这部川剧里面更富有当代的价值能更好用红色革命文艺作品构建人民心灵的绿水青山结合材料和文化生活的知识分析创作红色革命文艺作品对构建人民心灵的绿水青山的意义【答案】①优秀文化塑造人生红色革命文艺作品宣传革命精神有利于丰富人的精神世界、增强人的精神力量促进人的全面发展②弘扬革命气节有利于引导人民树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观提升文化素养③创作特色革命文艺作品有利于继承革命传统培育爱国主义情怀弘扬中华民族精神④讲述革命故事推动人民将社会主义核心价值观内化于心外化于行【解析】本题以用红色革命文艺作品构建人民心灵的绿水青山为话题设置相关情境从《文化生活》角度设置相关问题考查考生对文化对人的影响、弘扬和培育民族精神、社会主义核心价值观、提升修养等知识的把握考查学生政治认同、法治意识、公共参与的核心素养培养思考的兴趣和品质激发公民政治责任感本题设问指向结合材料和文化生活的知识分析创作红色革命文艺作品对构建人民心灵的绿水青山的意义意义类的解答题要遵循由近及远、由表及里、由直接到间接的思维顺序语言组织要落脚在“有利于”“促进”“增强”“巩固”等句型审题关键是抓住材料中的有效信息和设问要求解题的步骤是原理+意义通过“江姐和红岩精神”“爱国情怀”“富有当代的价值”看出本题可以从优秀文化塑造人生、弘扬和培育民族精神、践行和培育社会主义核心价值观、培育时代新人等角度思考分析12.阅读材料完成下列要求某校高二年级政治课上老师向同学们讲解了学习哲学的必要性课后部分同学关于学习哲学的必要性发表看法甲同学说“我喜欢理工科从没想过当哲学家考大学又不考哲学所以没有必要在哲学上浪费时间”乙同学说“哲学对我们很重要哲学是一种方法论学好哲学不但可以指导我们的实践还可以帮助我们更好地理解理工科的知识”运用生活与哲学知识谈谈你对上述两位同学的观点的认识【答案】【解析】13.材料一历史地看凡是强盛的民族、国家都以某种哲学观念作为社会发展的思想推动或者是把社会发展的总体特征总结为某些基本观念比如古希腊人擅长从经验生活中概括具有普遍意义的观念从最简单的物质形态中推出世界的本原古希腊文明的最高代表就是古希腊哲学这种哲学塑造了西方哲学的雏形并引导了西方文明的发展材料二一个民族的哲学自觉是这个民族能够屹立于世界民族之林的重要标志当前哲学自觉表现为对唯物史观和唯物辩证法的自觉运用用历史的、辩证的方式观察事物、解释现象、提出观念、形成理论这样才能形成对事物的整体理解从宏观上把握事物发展的规律也就是说只有从哲学的高度解释在经验中面对的各种现象才能在事物的各种变化中把握事物的发展脉络结合材料一、材料二谈谈你对什么是哲学的认识【答案】①从材料一看哲学是关于世界观的学说(是理论化系统化的世界观)哲学是一门概括、总结和反思的学问哲学以整个世界作为研究对象从中抽象出最一般的本质和最普遍的规律②从材料二中可以看出哲学既是关于世界观的学说也是关于方法论的学说是世界观和方法论的统一【解析】本题为认识类试题要求结合材料一、材料二谈谈对什么是哲学的认识通过审题可知材料一主要从世界观、哲学是一门反思的学问这两个角度说明了什么是哲学材料二主要从方法论角度说明了什么是哲学哲学是世界观和方法论的统一14.材料一战国时期各种社会矛盾并常复杂由于经济地位、政治态度不同不同阶级和阶层在是否建立新的封建制度、如何建立封建制度、如何对待各因的变法和改革等问题上展开了激烈的论争形成了儒家、墨家、道家、法家、兵家、农家、阴阳家等思想流派出现了百家争鸣、群星璀璨的思想繁荣局面材料二 18世纪的法国为世界所瞩目在这片富饶美丽的土地上爆发了一场资产阶级启蒙运动出现了一大批为世人所景仰的启蒙大师他们高举自由、平等、人权和理性的旗帜向封建专制制度和宗教神学发动了猛烈的进攻正是这场伟大的启蒙运动迎来了轰轰烈烈的法国资产阶级大革命材料三正像在18世纪的法国一样在19世纪的德国哲学革命也作了政治崩溃的前导——恩格斯请用哲学与社会变革的关系分析上述材料【答案】【解析】。
其意义在于①转变政府职能,敬重市场作用,激活投资潜力②引导人民群众更好地管理经济事务③提高政府执政实力,更好地服务经济发展④在试行中发觉问题、修订方案、促使完善A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④3.近一段时期以来,全国多个地区发生重特大平安生产事故,造成极大的人员伤亡和财产损失。
对“党政同责”正确的理解是()①在党的领导下,政府切实履行爱护公民生命平安及合法权益的职能②党和政府都由人民代表大会产生,都对平安生产负有责任③党和政府都要负起确保平安生产、维护社会稳定的行政责任④确保平安生产、保障人民群众安家立业是各级党委和政府必需担当的责任A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.③④4.2024年10月31日,江西公务用车制度改革工作动员大会在南昌召开。
UNIT 5 Sociology Matters1.Culture is the totality of learned,socially transmitted customs,knowledge,material objects,and behavior.It includes the ideas,values,customs,and artifacts of groups of people.Though culture differ in their customs,artifacts,and languages,they all share certain basic characteristics.Furthermore,cultural characteristics change as cultures develop ,and cultures infuence one another through their technological ,commercial, and artistic achievements.文化是指社会传播学,海关,知识,材料的对象,和行为。
Cultural universals文化共性2.All societies,despite their differences,have developed certain general practices known as cultural universals.Many cultural universals are ,in fact,adaptations to meet essential human needs ,such as people’s need for food ,shelter,and clothing. Anthropologist George murdock compiled a list of cultural that included athletic sports, cooking ,funeral ceremonies,medicine,and sexual restrictions.所有的社会,尽管他们的差别,已经形成了一定的一般做法被称为文化的共性。
人教语文 选择性必修中册
《修辞立其诚》 题“真”和“善”进行阐释,在内容上从如何做好
狱中与格黎东就自己应不应该越狱这一问题展开的 《人应当坚持正义》
人教语文 选择性必修中册
《社会历史的决定性 的现状,以丰富的历史知识为基础,进行辩证的理
人教语文 选择性必修中册
这两篇文章分别写于延安整风运动时期和社会主义 《改造我们的学习》
人教语文 选择性必修中册
人教语文 选择性必修中册
单元学习目标 【人文目标】 认识理论著作的价值,探寻伟人对革命文化的理性思 考,增强理论自信;拓宽文化视野和思维空间,培养思维的深刻性和 逻辑性,培养求真求实的科学态度和勇于探索创新的精神。
人教语文 选择性必修中册
【素养目标】 1.初步接触人文社会经典论著,了解这些论著的观点及其 形成的历史背景,体会其理性探索的精神;2.抓住主要概念,把握核心观 点,理清论述思路,感受其强大的思想力量和逻辑力量;3.体会社科经典 论著的表述方式,把握文章的论证、论辩艺术和严密、准确的语言风格; 4.积极思考社会现象,深化对问题的认识,提高观点的深刻性,提升理性 思维水平。
高考语文各地社科文阅读题汇编全国卷I 阅读下面的文字,完成 5~7题。
《保护非物质文化辽产公约》 给“非物质文化遗产”所下的定义是: “指被各群体、团体有时被个人视为其文化遗产的各种实践、表演、表现形式、知识和技能及其有关的工具、实物、工艺品和文化场所。
”它强调 两个重要的条件:一是“各个群体和团体随着其所处环境、与自然界的相互关系和历史条件的文化不断使这 种代代相传的非物质文化遗产得到创新, 同时使他们自己具有一种认同感和历史感, 从而促进了之化多样性和人类的创追力”;二是“在本公约中,只考虑符合现有的国标人权文件,各群体、团体和个人之间相互尊 重的需要和顺应可持续发展的非物质文化遭产”。
非物质文化遗产的表现形式多种多样,例如口头传说和表述,表演艺术,社会风俗、礼仪、节庆,有关 白世界和宇宙的知识和实践,传统的手工艺技能等。
所有这些形式都与孕育它的民族、地域生长在一起, 构 成不可拆解的文化综合体。
作为非勃质文化遗产: 古琴艺术的价值不只在于古琴这种乐器本身, 也不限于古琴曲目和弹奏技术, 更重要的在于以古琴为聚合点而构建的传统美学特质及哲学意味,并且这种美学特质 和哲学意味贯穿于中华雅文化的发展当中。
由于钟子期和俞伯牙高山流水的故事是以古琴为依托的, 所以不 仅深遵感人, 而且历久弥斯。
可以说, 知音意识和获得知音的愉悦成为雅士阶层不可分割的一种人生内容. 于 是音乐境界与生命境界、乐品与诗品之品都互相沟通。
而遵循“大音希声”的哲学原理,古琴艺术又将儒家的 中正平和、道家的清静淡远融汇于乐曲之中。
每一项真正符合标准的非物质文化遗产都不可能以一个物质符号 (比如古琴乐器本身 )独立存在。
相对于物质符号而言, 非物质文化遗产中那些无形的环境、抽象宇宙观、 遗产非常重要的资源,就语言、 民间音乐、舞蹈和民族服装来说, 每个人身—上都存在着他所在社会的传统。
5.下列对“非物质文化遗产”定义的理解,不正确的一项是 A. 非物质文化遗产可以是被群体或团体认同的文化遗产,也可以是被个人认同的文化遗产。
Unit One 9701vote v. /n. 投票debate v. /n. 辩论,争论authority n. 政府;权威专家,权威(人士)occupation authorities 占领当局be authorized to do 得到授权be entitled to (do) sth. 被赋予做…的权利,有做…的权利incurably ill patients 晚期患者terminally ill 晚期的,终期的convince v. 坚信,相信;令人信服word n. 消息flash v./n. 闪现,,闪动,出现executive a.执行的n.执行官chief executive 首席执行官the right to…(有)做…的权利have rights doing sth. 有权做某事society n. 协会,社团academic ~ 学术社团specific society 具体的、特定的社团community n. …界, 团体;社会,社区legal community 法律界scientific community 科学界religious community 宗教团体health research community 医疗研究团体via prep. 经由,通过post v. 张贴,发布;(在网上)发帖bulletin n. 公告,报告import n. 重要性,重要意义;进口implications n. 含义,意义;暗示,启示imply v. 暗示,推论出;蕴含着…implicit a. 不言明(含蓄)的explicit a. 表达明确地,明白的sink in 被了解alike adj. 类似的,同类的deal with 安排,处理,思考breathe sighs of relief 轻松地出了一口气association n. 协会associate…with…把…和…联系起来bitterly adv. 尖酸刻薄地,厉害地bill n. 法案,法律;账单passage n. 通过;经过;道路,通道tide n. 潮流,趋势likely adj/adv. 很有可能,可能的= possible be likely to 常常,很有可能unlikely adj. 不可能= impossibleaging population 老龄化的人口extend v. 延长,延伸,推广life-extending technology 延长寿命的技术extended family 三代以上同堂的家庭模式be extended indefinitely 无限期延长get on with 继续做have something to do with…与…有关have much to do with 与…很有关系observer n. 观察者,旁观者observe v. 观察,注意;评论observation 观察(报告),观察(结论);评论make observations 做评论domino(es)多米诺效应(~ effect)request v. 请求,要求deadly adj. 致命的dreadful adj. 可怕的;极大的inject v. 注射,注入pill n. 药丸suffering n. 痛苦,受罪suffer v. 遭受diagnose v. 诊断cool off 平静下来,变凉certificate n. 证明(书、证等)haunting a.常浮现于脑海中的,不易忘怀的terrifying a. 可怕的,令人害怕的spiritual a. 精神上的fight for 努力…,为…而努力claw v. 抓(scratch)mask n. 面具object to 反对objection toobjectionable 引起反对的,讨厌的objective adj. 客观的objectivity n. 客观性impartial adj. 公正,客观share the same view on 对…持相同观点be responsible for 对…负责(表示原因)significance n. 重要性,意义calm a . 平静的,镇静的intense a.强烈的,剧烈的(~ fear 非常担心)characteristic n.(~s)特点,特色a. 特有的be characteristic of 特点是= be typical ofbe characterized by 特点是,以…为特点experience v./n. 经历(= undergo=go through)shared experience 共同的经历、经验perish v. 死亡,变腐败in peril 处在危险中approve v. 赞同(approval)disapproval n.反对indifferent a. 漠不关心的, 冷漠的(indifference)carefree adj. 不关心的,冷漠的suspect v. 怀疑,不信suspicion n. 怀疑,猜疑,不信be suspicious of 表示怀疑subjective adj. 主观的biased adj. 有偏见的(= prejudiced)prejudice n./v. (持有)偏见= bias puzzling adj. 令人困惑的puzzle v. 困惑word ~ 填字游戏puzzlement n. 困惑, 不明白的地方=confusionconfused adj.困惑的confusing adj.令人不解的confuse v. 茫然,困惑;混淆confusion n. 困惑,混淆optimistic adj. 乐观的optimism n. 乐观(精神)pessimistic adj. 悲观的pessimism n. 悲观(精神)reserve v. 预留,保留;储备(金)reserved adj. 有保留的reserve space 保留位置,空间consent v. 同意slight adj. 轻微的enthusiastic adj.热情的enthusiast n. 热衷者,狂热分子gloomy adj. 前途暗淡的gloom n. 昏暗;暗淡doom n. 末日,宿命gloom and ~ 悲伤沮丧scary adj.令人害怕的,可怕的scar n. 伤疤scared adj. 感到害怕的Unit Two 9702consistent a. 一直的,一贯的,始终如一的courteous a. 谦恭有礼的court n. 法庭,法院,足球场frequently adv. 经常,频繁地(反义词rarely)small-minded a. 小心眼儿的ill-mannered a. 态度恶劣的,粗鲁的deserve v. 应该有,应该受到;值得comment on (做)评论otherwise adv./adj. 原本,本来dull a. 无趣的,无聊的(dullness)existence n. 存在;生存状态, 生活(life)typically ad. 通常,一般地(= generally)distant a. 远的,距离远的source n. 来源,本源;根源,原因=origin diversion n. 娱乐;转移diverse adj. 不同的,多种多样的diversity n. 多样化program n. 项目;程序= projectharsh a. 残酷的;严厉、苛刻的(harshness)harsh realities残酷现实frontier n. 边境,前方shape v. 塑造,形成;外形,体形reshape v. 重塑hospitality n. 友好,好客(~ to sb.)injure v. 伤害(injury)turn to 诉诸,求助于,寻求…的帮助= resort tolodge n. 乡间小屋,旅社v. 借宿,临时住cabin n. 小屋settlement n. 住所shelter n. 藏身处,避难处v. 保护,庇护residence n. 住处,住宅;居住dwelling n. 住所,处所dwell v. 住,居住mere(ly)adj./adv. 仅仅,不过,只(= only)charitable a. 仁慈的,慈善的impulse n. 冲动;推动,动力on the part of…从…的角度(on my part 在我来)reflect v. 反映,表现(= mirror);反省,反思(~ on)reflection n.weary a.疲倦的,筋疲力尽的(=exhausted)tourist trails 旅游线路pretty ad.相当地(~ soon非常一小会儿)pretty = fairly = ratherproper a.适当正确的,完全彻底的(properly)casual a. 不经意的,偶然的,临时的casualness n. 随便,随意,非正式interpret v. 阐释,说明interpret as 理解为,解释为artificial a. 假的,人造的;矫揉造作的historically developed历史形成(发展而来)的developed society 发达国家emerging countries 新兴国家As is true of…正如…一样complex a.复杂的,综合的n. 大型建筑(群)complicated a. 结构复杂的a set of 一整套的signal n. 信号sign n. 迹象,征兆;符号assume v.(没有根据地)认为,假定;承担assumption n. 假设,假定,设想,认为not necessarily 未必underlie v.形成了,构成了(…的基础);强调fail v. 失败fail to 不能,未能translate v. 转化;理解more than 不仅仅是,远远胜过brief a.短暂的,简短的in brief 简而言之brief n. 概要,简短情况介绍encounter v./n. 相遇,遇到distinguish between 区分,区别value…highly 非常珍视be interralated 相互联系exercise v.行使,使产生~ an influence over.. manifest v. 体现,显现(~ oneself)~ation manifesto n. 宣言,声明exclusive adj.独一的(exclusive use 单独使用)equal v. 等于,相当于entertain v. 招待,款待(=treat);使娱乐out of 出于…out of charitable impulse出于慈善的冲动flavor n. 风味keep up 维持,持续(传统,习惯等)keep up with 跟上,追上keep doing 一直,持续做某事Unit Three 9703substance n. 物质other than 除了(…之外)rather than 而不是technically a. 技术上,学术上technical progress 技术进步professional progress 职业发展alter v. 改变mental a. 精神的drug n. 药品term n. 术语,专用名词v. 把…叫做/称为human term 普通人可以理解的说法refer to 指…,指的是;谈到,提及chemical n. 化学药品,化学制品addict n. 沉迷…的人v.(~ to)沉迷于addiction n. (to)上瘾,沉迷familiar a . 熟悉的alcohol 白酒,酒精tobacco n. 烟草neutral a. 中性的psychologist n. 心理医生,心理学家psychoactive 作用于精神的,影响(改变)心理状态的abuse v./n 滥用;虐待patient abuse 虐待病人make clear 解释,说明misuse v. 误用,用错;使用…不当heroin n. 海洛因cocaine n. 可卡因pervasive a. 广泛的(= widespread)aspirin n. 阿司匹林quiet v. 使安静;平息下来sociable a. 社交的,增进友谊的nerve n. 神经;勇气,胆量apparent a. 显然的,明显的= obvious apparently adv. 显然,明显地constructive a. 建设性的negative effects a. 副作用,消极作用impact n.深刻影响,冲击have significant ~on poison v 中毒,投毒(~ous 有毒的) perceptual v. 知觉的,感觉的perception n. 知觉,感觉perceive v. 观察,感知distort v. 扭曲,歪曲(~ion)repeated use 反复使用,再三使用repeated adj. 再三的,反复的,重复性的lead to 导致,造成(= result in =cause)substance dependence 物质(药物)依赖be dependent on /upon 依赖于independent a. 独立的be ~ of不受…的限制independence n. 独立be marked by 以…为明显特征tolerance n. 容忍,承受(tolerate v. )be tolerant of 容忍tolerate v. 忍受,容忍desire n./v.期望,希望~ed effect 预期的效果appearance n. 表现;外表unpleasant n.令人不愉快的pleasure n.快乐withdraw v.撤销,撤退,收回(withdrawaln.)symptom n. 症状discontinue v. 停止,废止,放弃affect v. 影响effect n. 影响;效果mood n. 情绪,心情group v. 归类,分类= classifystimulate v.刺激(stimulant n.使人兴奋的物质)depress v. 使压抑,使消沉,使沮丧depressant n. 使人镇静、情绪压抑的物质illusion v.错觉(hallucination n.幻觉,幻想)hallucinogens n. 迷幻剂initially adv. 最初,起初(=originally);第一,首先(= primarily)speed up 加速(slow down 减速,放缓)activate v. 刺激,使活跃起来primary a.初步的,首要的;主要的,重要的primarily adv. 主要的(=predominantly)首先,第一(=firstly=initially)primacy n. 首要地位,优势=predominance variety n.多样性,各种各样a ~ of各种各样的radical a. 根本的,彻底的,激进的radical change/reform 彻底的改革/变革state of consciousness 意识状态conscious a. 有意识的,有知觉的be preferable to比…更让人喜爱,更可取,更好preference n. 优先权,优惠preferential adj. 优惠的,优先的~ policiesin that 之所以这样是因为(解释原因)fatal a. 致命的,毁灭性的overwhelming a. 压倒性的,无法抵抗的piercing a. 刺穿的,深刻的,感人的pierce v. 刺穿,刺透,刺fierce 激烈的result from 由…而产生,来源于;原因是…= arise from = stem from…be attributed to 归因于,归功于attribute…to…把…的原因归为blame 归咎于, 责备owe…to …原因在于,原因是= due to consumption n. 消费,消费量(consume v.) production and consumption 生产与消费pattern n.模式,形式,方式standard ~ 标准模式purpose n.目的(= intention)quantitative a. 定量的,按一定数量的application (to)n. 应用,使用technological application 科学技术的运用apply v. (to)应用,适用于employ v. 使用;雇佣employer n. 用人单位;老板employment n. 使用;职位part time employment 兼职工作full time employment 全职工作disease n. 疾病positive a. 积极的(nagative a. 消极的)positive forces 积极力量=driving forces 推动力Unit Four 9704contribute to 导致,促成;为…做了贡献contribution n. 促成因素(=contributing factors)decline n./v. 衰退,下跌economic/ moral decline 经济/ 道德衰退declining adj. 处于衰退的a ~ industry fade v. 渐渐消失,衰弱,减弱fading adj. 处于衰退的,日渐消失的falling adj. 日渐降低的,日益衰退的rising adj. 越来越多(大)的=growing, soaring, increasingfall v./n. 下跌,降低(fell,fallen)= drop rise v./n. 上升,增加(rose ,risen)on the rise/ decline 处于上升/ 下跌、衰退accomplish v. 实现,完成,达到complete v. 完成,使完善adj.完整的,完全incomplete 不完全的career n. 职业生涯corrupt v. 腐蚀,使恶化a. 腐败的various a 各种各样的,各不相同的times n. 时代creative freedom 创作自由bottom line 底线core n./a. 核心(的),中心take over 接管,接班,接任late a. 已逝的,已故的alive adj. 活着的raise stock price 提高股票价格debt n. 债务deal n. 交易dealership n. 经销商property n.财产intellectual property 知识产权restructure v.结构重组,调整结构,体制改革reengineer v. 再设计,__________重新建造,结构重组flap n./v. 辩论,辩护debate n. 争论,辩论hip-hop 街舞expression n. 表达~ freedom 表达自由defend v. 保卫,辩护defender n. 支持者,辩护人=supporter defendant n. 被告justify v. 证明…合理,为…而辩护be justified 有道理scientifically justified 科学上合理的justifiable adj. 合理的defend/justify…on the grounds that/of 为…而辩护,理由是…release v. 发表,发行issue v.under fire 受攻击violent a. 暴力的,猛烈的violence n. 暴力school violence 校园暴力violate v. 违反,违背(规章等)= infringe violate the rules and regulationstest n./v. 测试,检验;试验democratic a. 民主的,大众化的column n. 专栏lie in 在于the widest possible latitude 最大的幅度dispute v./n.争执,争论beyond ~ 毋庸质疑disputable a. 有争议的irritating a. 令人愤怒的,使人气愤的compromise v./n.妥协,让步(=retreat ;=back off)hard-line 强硬路线~ stand强硬立场to some extent 在某种程度上=at some level stockholder n. 股东,股票持有人cite v. 引用,引证balance n./v. 平衡announce v. 宣布= declarelaunch v. 发动,发起~ a drive to do sth. drive v. 驱动,推动driving force 推动力,驱动力be driven underground 被赶到地下,暗处develop v. 制定,培养;发展;研发develop standards 制定标准distribute v. 分发,分配;发行,销售distribution n. 发行,销售;发放,分布collection n. 收集information collection and distribution信息的收集与发布board n. 董事会;委员会boss and board 管理层= the management licencing board 执照颁发委员会be supportive of 支持oppositive adj. 相反的oppose v. 反对insider n. 业内人士,知道内情的人士people associated with…与…有关联的人senator n 参议员amendment n.(法律、合同等的)修改,修订unite v. 团结,联合为一Unit Five 9705monetary a. 金融的,货币的steer v. 驾驶,驾驭land v. 着陆(take off 起飞,猛增)brake n./v. 闸;刹车precise a. 精确的far from the truth 远非事实variable a. 不确定的,易变的effect(on …)n. 影响(= influence on )hence adv. 因此就出现了,因此就有了analogy n. 类比nanlogous adj. 相当于,类似于conduct v./n 进行…行为;行为(~ online transactions 进行网上贸易)liken…to…v. 把…比作…crack v. 破裂,破碎rear v. 后部的,后面的view n. 景色,风景;观点,看法faulty a 有缺点的,不完美的banker n. 银行家boast v. 值得夸耀,引以为豪double-digit 两位数poll v. 投票选出percentage n. 百分比favorable a 有利的capacity n. 最大承受力(能力),最大承受量(容量)utilization n. 利用,使用prove v. (结果)竟然是,原来是,证明是;证明thrilling n. 令人激动的follow v. 遵循,按照…去做comparable a. 可比较的,可比作extremely a. 极端地,非常地last v. 持续(一段时间)amaze v. 令人吃惊,使吃惊amazing a.神奇的,奇异的Unit Six 9801it doesn’t help that 无法阻止,无法避免capture v. 吸引, 引起;俘获,夺取(~ one’s attention/ imagination)giant dam 巨大的水坝gigantic adj. 巨大的= giant=titanicat the mercy of 任凭…摆布drought n. 干旱(flood n. 洪涝)ideal n. 理想a. 理想的give up on…as an ideal 放弃…的理想do one’s bidding 听从某人的吩咐fascinating adj.令人着迷的,迷人的fascination n.着迷,异常兴奋be fascinated(with )对…着迷project n.(各类)建设项目;研究项目,计划threaten(to do)有…的危险,威胁(到)= riskthreat n. 威胁symbol n. 象征strive to do something / for something 努力奋斗assert oneself 表现自己cement v. 巩固,加强bid n. 出价,投标bid for(投标)竞争,争取得到overbidding过高出价status n. 地位;状态tend to 往往,通常会intend v. 打算,目的在于~ doing/to do sth. be intended to do目的在于tendency n. 趋势trend n. 趋势,倾向deprive somebody of something 剥夺,夺去fertile adj. 土地肥沃的, 多产的silt n. 淤泥in return for 作为…的回报reservoir n. 水库barely adv. 几乎不= hardlygenerate electricity 发电myth n. 神秘事件,神话;荒诞的说法mythical adj. 令人神往的,想象的,虚构的persist v. 持续, 坚持persistent adj. 没完没了的civilized adj. 文明的,进步的= civil civilize v. 让…变得文明,使文明stop (short of) doing 停止了做某事(差点做了…)troops n. 军队(= forces )contention over 竞争,争夺…(contend v. ) contend v.主张;竞争,斗争(contention n.)give the go-ahead 允许,许可wrong-headed adj. 执迷不悟的,固执错误的even though 即使= even ifalthough ( = though ) ad. 尽管,虽然destruction n. 毁灭,破坏the powerful 权贵,强势阶层the powerless 平民,群众far from 远非,根本不是,根本没有far beyond 远远超过,远非resolve v. 决心;解决(同问题、分歧连用)conflict n. 冲突,斗争,摩擦hydroelectric power 水力发电irrigation n. 灌溉monster adj. 庞大,巨大的shut one’s eyes to reality 对现实视而不见neglect v. 忽视,忽略negligence n. 忽视vital adj. 致命的,至关重要的vitality n. 生命力,活力concern v. 与…有关n. 担忧,关切concerning prep.就…而言;与…有关concerned 相关的(后置修饰词)voice one’s concern 公开声明对…表示关注mild/serious/hightened concern稍稍/严重/高度关注be concerned about/with 关心,担心,重视strengthen v. 巩固,加强weaken v. 消弱,使变弱strengths and weaknesses 长处和不足之处international ties 国际关系universal adj. 普遍的n. 普遍情况universalize v. 普及,使普遍= popularizeno use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收haste n. 匆忙(贬义)= rushhasten v. 加速leap v. /n. 跳跃,跳,飞跃Unit Seven 9802tale n. 故事,童话corporation n. 大公司corporate adj. 公司的international/multinational corporation 跨国公司incorporate v. 包含,加入;合并revival n. 复兴,振兴,重生establish v. 建立,确立;公认,确定established adj. 确定的,既定的well-established adj.得到广泛公认的~ tend productive adj. 生产力的;多产的productivity n. 生产力revolution n. 革新,变革revolutionary adj. 革命性的preside over v. 主持,负责president n.总统,总裁,大学校长vice ~ 副的official adj.正式的,官方的~ status 官方地位statistics n. 统计数字,统计学mildly adv. (mild adj. )轻微的,适度的lump…together v. 合起来manufacturing n. 制造~ industry 制造业manufacturer n. 制造商on average 平均(只用于数字或人的资质)previous adj. 以前的,过去的acceleration n. 加速,加速度due to 因为rebound n. 反弹cycle n. 循环,周期business ~ 商业周期recycle v. 再利用,循环使用conclusive adj. 结论性的,充分的~ evidenceinconclusive adj. 不充分的,不足以下结论的evidence n. 证据(不可数名词)treasury secretary n. 财政大臣,财政部长disjunction n. 分离,不吻合,出入anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事downsize v. 裁减,精简overall adj. 整体,全部的,总的factor n. 因素,要素joint adj. 共同的,联合的join v. 连接,结合equipment n. 装备,设备,装置machinery n. (总称)机器,机械profitable adj. 赢利的profit n. 利润switch (to) 转向matter much 关系很大,很有关系speculate (on) v. (对…进行)预测,推测speculative adj. 预测的,猜测的ineptly adv. 不适当地,不理想地spread v. 分布, 传播, 蔓延widespread adj. 广泛的,普遍的be evenly spread 平均分布,均衡分布的suppose v. 假设,猜想,想象academic v. 学者,大学教师a. 学术的former adj. 过去的n. 前者colony n. 殖民地anti-colonial 反殖民主义的chain n. 连锁机构crude adj.未经加工的;粗糙的,粗放型的crude oil 原油bakery n. 面包店toast v. 举杯庆祝case n. 情况;____案例,例子;(法律)案件in many cases 在很多情况下revenue n. 年收入,财政收入colleague n. 同事,伙伴= company mechanistic adj.机械的mechanism n.机制mechanical a.机械的,机械似的mechanical learning 机械的学习in a…fashion 以…方式,方法(= in a…manner)version 版本;说法chop out 削减give thought to (n) 考虑sufficient adj.足够的,大量的sufficiency n. long-term adj. 长期的~ prospect 远景in a short term 短期内blunt adj. 直率,直言不讳的dismiss…as…认为…不过是…consultant n. 顾问( = advisor ) consultancy n. 咨询ambulance n. 救护车turning point 转折点recovery n. 复苏;复原,恢复exclude v. 排除,除去…之外include v. 包含,包括fall short of 落后于,达不到(目标),不如anticipation n.预测anticipate v. 预测,预计the true state of 真实情况pose a question / challenge提出问题/ 挑战raise a question 提出问题question v. 怀疑,质疑= suspect questionnaire n. 问卷reply n. 答复,回答put forward提出(观点) (= pose v.提出,造成) unquestioned claim 毋庸质疑的论点reform n. 改革(liberal reform 自由改革) essential(for/to)adj.关键,至关重要的,核心的a bunch of 一帮,一捆,一串good-for-nothing n.无价值的,无用的人;废物Unit Eight 9803uneasy adj.不自在、不稳定的;困难、艰难的aspect n. (问题等的)方面rebel v.反叛,叛逆rebelling beliefs 叛逆的信念、信仰trial n. 审判;试验Catholic Church 天主教remark n./v. 话,言语harsh remarksmake a passing remark 短暂发言,说话worldview n. 世界观schism n. 裂隙,分裂deepen v. 加深,深化humanities n.人文学科humanity n.人文主义精神if anything 如果有的话afford to do 有条件、有资格做某事critic n. 批评者,评论家criticize v. 批评critical(ly) adj. 缜密严谨的;批评的;至关重要的think critically 批判地思维/思想think independently 独立地思考ignore v. 忽视be completely ~ed 完全遭到忽视fund n.资金v. 出资,拨款,资助funding n.资助over-funding 拨款过度under-funding 拨款不足anti-science n. 反科学notably adv. 引人注目地,显著地assemble v. 集合;组装find fault with 批评,挑…的毛病social status 社会地位sociology n. 社会学sociologist n. 社会学家philosopher n. 哲学家,思想家philosophy n. 哲学,人生准则,生活方式create v. 创造(creation n. 创造,创造物)creativity n. 创造力creature n. 生物creationism n. 上帝造人说evolution n. 进化;物种进化论phenomenon n. 现象(phenomena 复数)contradict v. 与…矛盾contradiction n.矛盾contradictory adj. 相矛盾的self-contradictory adj. 自相矛盾的on the contrary 相反contrast n. 对照,对比(不同点)survey n./v. 调查;纵览,通盘考虑reveal v. 显示,显示出;揭示,揭露;泄露tag n. 标签v. 贴标签(= label )label v./n. (贴)标签,标示epithet n.称号attach…to…将…联系在一起attach importance to…强调,重视…advocate v. 提倡,倡导n. 倡导者eliminate v.消除,淘汰,剔除(elimination n.)smallpox n. 天花virus n. 病毒virtue n. 美德scorn v. 蔑视long for 渴望,盼望utopia n. 乌托邦,理想完美境界,理想状态biological utopia 生物学上的理想状态environmentalist n.环保主义者,环境保护论者essay n. 文章,散文article n. 文章inevitable adj. 不可避免的,必不可少的respond forcefully/strongly to 对…做出强有力的反应respond to对…做出反应correspond to…v. 与…有关,相一致corresponding adj. 相应的pioneer n. 先驱,先锋global warming 全球气候变暖depletion n. 损耗,枯竭ozone layer 臭氧层consequence n. 后果logical consequence 合理结果,逻辑结论consequent adj. 随之而来的,作为结果的consequently adv. 因此= thus = therefore note v. 注意到;写道n. 注释explanatory note 注释heavy note 很浓的意味,明显特征denote v. 指示,表示的是have…in common 共同点是common adj. 共有的,共同的annoy v. 惹恼,激怒,令…不快annoying employees 惹人生气的雇员confront v. 面对,挑战confrontation n. 对抗,冲突,不和separation n. 分裂,分离separate adj. 独立的,各自的,分离的earn one’s keep 挣钱吃饭earn v. 挣钱,赚得;博得,得到contempt n.鄙视,蔑视,看不起earn the contempt of sb. 受到鄙视contemptible adj. 让人鄙视的,可鄙的greedy adj. 贪婪的show sympathy with/for 表示同情、同感in sympathy with 同情sympathetic adj.表示同情的;赞同、支持的compassionate adj.表示同情的,有同情心的exemplify v. 举例说明,例证context n. 上下文,语境Unit Nine 9804emerge v. 出现= appear emergence n. 出现emerge as v. 以…面貌出现emerging countries 新兴国家emerging economies 新兴国家的经济census n.人口普查head-counting n.数人数,人口普查regional adj. 地区性的national a. 全国性的worldwide a.世界范围的compete with 与…竞争competitor n. 竞争者fierce/ intense competition激烈竞争competitive adj.竞争的anti-competitive force 反竞争的力量competitiveness竞争性,竞争力fading/growing competitiveness 越来越强/弱的竞争力competently adv. 合格,有效地incompetently adv. 不合格,不称职地standstill n. 停滞不前enthrone v. 使成为首位,是名列…之首densely/thinly populated人口稠密(稀少)的be populated with/by 充满了,充斥着numerically adv.从数字___________上显示,从数字方面ever recorded/witnessed 有历史(记载)以来decade n. 十年gain n. 上升,增长(= rise)add up to 总数为annual adj. 每年的,每年一度的the Depression years 经济大萧条的年代migrate v. 迁徙immigrant n. 进入另一国的移民移民immigration n.迁移,移民(进入一地区或国家)prevail v. 普遍,,盛行prevalent adj. 流行的,主导的drop out of 离开,掉出,退出shift v. /n. 转换,变化,转移,转嫁shift (from…) to…转向major shift主要变化,重要变化wave n. 浪潮,潮流(= trend )one wave after another 一波接一波的the snow-belt 冰雪地带the sun-belt 阳光地带role n. 角色,作用play a role 起作用play a key role 起到关键作用baby boom生育高峰期,婴儿潮child-bearing adj.育龄的,怀孕的crop n. 收获,收割generation n. 一代(人)two-generation household 由两代人组成的家庭demography n. 人口统计学related adj. 有关,相关的closely related to career-related adj. 与工作有关的instance n. 例子,实例rapid adj. 迅速的,飞快的rap n. 说唱vast adj. 广大的,巨大的vastly = greatly = broadlydevastate v. 毁坏,破坏be composed of 由…组成的square n./a. 平方(的)~ meters 平方米flight n. 逃跑;远离bearable adj. 可以忍受的dramatize v. 明显体现出drama n. 戏剧dramatic adj. 剧烈的;巨大的~ changes 巨变dramatic declaration 引起轰动的消息dramatically adv. 大幅度地spacious adj. 宽敞的space n. 空间smog n. 烟雾crime n. 刑事犯罪criminal a. 有罪的n. 罪犯plague n. 瘟疫,通病urbanization n. 都市化urban a. 城市的suburban adj. 近郊的,城市边缘的rural a. 农村的rate n. 比率;费率interest rates 利率divorce rate离婚率crime rate犯罪率birth rate出生率inflation rates 通货膨胀率ratio n. 比例sex ratio 男女性别比例reason n. 理性;原因v. 推理reasonable a.合理的considerably adv. 相当大的,非常(= vastly)perplex v. 困扰,迷惑perplexing adj. 令人困惑的witness v. 见证,目击n. 目击者,证人undergo v. 经历了= experience distinguish oneself from others 使自身与众不同stress n. 压力v. 强调stress…over…v. 强调…比…更重要climatic influence 气候影响climate n. 气候highlight v. 强调(= stress )continuous adj. 连续不断的continual adj. 频繁的,不断的elaborate v. 详细阐述,精心制作delayed adj. 迟到的delay v. 延迟,耽误unanimously adv. 一致地democracy n. 民主be engaged in 从事,忙于conservative a. 保守的n. 保守的人cling to something 坚持___________= stick toUnit 10 9805scatter v. 遍布,散乱分布the globe n. 地球isolate v. 分离,隔绝isolated adj. 分离的,隔绝的region n. 地区volcano n. 火山volcanic activity 火山活动geology n. 地质学geologist n. 地质学家geological feature 地质特点geological publication n. 地质学出版物hot spot 热点boundary n. 界限drifting plate 漂移的板块drift away 漂走make up 占…(比例)(= account for)组成(be made up of…由…构成)弥补,化妆surface n. 表面interior n. 内部a. 内部的trail n. 踪迹,痕迹,路线tourist ~s;volcanic~s milestone n. 里程碑mark v. 标志着markedly adv. 显著地complementary adj. 互补的coastline n. 海岸线span v. 横跨,横越n. 跨距,跨度attention span 注意力集中时间段life span寿命ocean n. 海洋oceanic adj. 海洋的reminder n. 提示,提醒的人或物remind v. 提醒,使想起continent n. 大陆continental plate 大陆板块relative adj. 相对的motion n. 动作,移动(= mobility )mobile adj.(可)移动的,流动的mobility n. orbital motion 有轨道的运动construct v. 建造,构造;构思,构想,想象in detail adv. 细节的,详细的detail n. 细节with respect to关于…,在…方面,与…有关= in terms of = regardingreadily adv. 轻易地,容易地translate…into…将…解释为determine v. 确定,决定in opposite directions 向不同方向stationary adj. 固定的,静止不动的respectively adv. 各自地,分别地anchor v. 固定在,停留n 节目主持人layer n. 层,层次measuring instrument 测量工具,测量仪器measure n. 措施;衡量指标,测量方法conventional measures 常规的指标measurable adj. 可以衡量的analysis n. 分析self-analysis n. 自我分析senior analyst 高级分析师be confined to something 被限制于,局限于frame n. 框架,范围reference n. 参考geophysical adj. 地球物理学的propel v. 推动,推进,加速broad adj. 宽阔的,巨大的,广泛的broaden v. 拓展fissure n./ v. 缝隙,裂痕(= crack )entire adj. 完全的,整体的entirely adv. 完全地,彻底地entirely reasonable 完全合理的entirely different story 完全不同的情况initiate v. 开始,引发take initiative 积极行动,采取主动medical initiative 医疗动机formation n. 形成mutability n. 变形;易变性consistent adj.一直的,一贯的~ly adv. 一直inconsistency n. 不一致,变化apart adv. 分开dome n. 拱型,圆屋顶be deducted from 由…推论出stable adj. 稳定stability n. 稳定Unit 11 9901rough adj. 粗糙的,粗略的;困难,复杂roughly adv. 大约,大致(后跟数字或数目)slip v. 滑倒warning n. 警告warn of/against提醒注意…,发出关于…的警告disaster n. 灾难catastrophe n. 大灾难tragedy n. 悲剧,灾难lawsuit n. 法律诉讼sue v.起诉appeal v. (to,for)上诉,申诉compensate sb. for 赔偿,补偿compensation n. 赔偿,补偿or so 大约jury n. 陪审团hold v. 认为,主张;保持be liable for adj. 负法律责任,对…应负责任be liable to 易…的,有…可能的liability n. 义务,法律责任misfortune n. 不幸fortune n. 运气;财富;财产状况,经济状况cautious adj. 小心谨慎的caution n./v. 小心谨慎;警告precaution n. 预防,防范,警惕appropriate adj. 正确,适当的= proper inappropriate subject 不恰当的题材drug interaction 药物过敏,药物交互作用interact with 互动,相互作用interactive adj. 互动的interactivity n. 互动性federal adj. 联邦的regulation n. 管理规定,规则regulate v.规范,管理regular adj. 规则的,标准的;定期的regularity n. 规律性,规则性customer n. 顾客,消费者client n.顾客,客户potential customer 潜在顾客,可能的顾客customize n. 量身定制,定做,用户化take somebody to court 将…告上法庭turn the tide潮流倒转,逆转潮流reverse the trend 逆转这一潮流,逆转这一趋势claim n. 索赔;主张;宣称,声称unquestioned claim 毋庸置疑的言论proclaim v. 宣称(= claim)side with / back up 支持paralyze v. 麻痹,瘫痪paralysis n. 瘫痪parallel n. 类似事物或做法a.平行的unparalleled adj.无以伦比的= unmatched unsurpassed might 无法超越、空前的巨大力量unprecedented a. 史无前例的,空前的precede v. 先于,在…之前(发生)proceed to 着手做,进入(下一个议程或项目)athlete n. 运动员institute n. 学院,机构judge n. 法官v. 判断judgement n.判断justice n. 司法;正义;法官recommendation n.建议;推荐recommend v. 建议;推荐counsel v. 建议carry v. 有,蕴含着,承载着carry substantial weight 很有分量substantial adj. 相当大的;相当多的= considerableweight n. 分量,重量issue v. 发布,出台n. 问题,争端,事务guideline n. 指导,方针,大纲tort law 侵权法state v. 声明,陈述,规定statement n bombard sb. with…v. 用…狂轰滥炸lengthy adj.(演说、文章等)冗长的= tediouslengthen v. 延长shorten v. 缩短get buried 被掩埋,被忽略= be buried triviality n. 琐碎的事务draft v. 起草n. 草案,草稿moderate adj. 适度,中等的have one’s way 按照…的愿望行事,顺利进行for the benefit of / in the interest of 为了…的利益find fault with 找茬,挑错promise v. 承诺n. 前途intellectual promise 读书方面的前途political promise 政治前途promising adj. 有前景的inadequacy n. 不足,不完美inadequate adj.不够充分的,不完全,不够的make the best use of 充分利用be / feel obliged to do不得不demonstrate v.说明,显示,表明= illustrate discard v. 抛弃discard…in words 口头,表面上抛弃Unit 12 9902web business = internet commerce= online transaction 在线商务,互联网贸易anti-consumerism 反消费主义,抵制消费第一的观念consumer n. 消费者culture of consumption 消费文化medical consumer 医疗消费者fashion n. 时尚v. 制定, 开发,研发(=develop)attain a certain fashion 一定程度上得到流行old-fashioned a. 落伍的,过时的fashionable a. 时髦的,流行的revolve around v. 围绕…展开或进行tap v. 开发~ the market 开发市场make sense 合理,行得通;有意义nonetheless adv. 然而,但是(= nevertheless ) hesitate v. 犹豫,犹豫不决doubt v. 怀疑self-doubt n. 自我怀疑doubter n. 怀疑者dubious a. 半信半疑的reliable adj. 可靠的fairly ~ 相当可靠的reliability n. 可靠性trust v./n. 信任n. 托拉斯,大型垄断企业distrust v. 不信任mistrust v. 不信任,怀疑trustworthy adj. 可靠的pathway n. 路径path n. 路径risk v./n. 风险,冒…的风险= threatenrisk doing something 冒险做某事partner n. 伙伴give somebody access to 允许出入,允许接触access n. 接近,利用(网络)accessible adj. 可获得的,可利用的intranet n. (单位内部)局域网model n./v. 模式,方式,模仿,建模focus on 集中于;全神贯注于available adj. 可以得到的,可以用的available online 在网上可得到的site n. 位址,场所;网址=websitedirect a. 直接的,径直的indirect a. 间接的transmit v. 传播,传染transmission n. message n. 信息,消息send out messages screen savor 屏幕保护deliver v.传送,送货上门;发言,发表演说updated adj. 最新的,更新的stream n.流,河流,一连串tourist streams 客流a stream of 一系列的,一连串的streams of news/information 大量的新闻、信息subscriber n. 订阅者subscribe v. (to)同意,赞同monitor n. 监视器,显示器as yet (到目前为止)尚未not…(just) yet 尚未special sales 减价销售,特价销售commercial promotion 商业促销promote v. 推动,促进;促销;提拔byproduct n. 副产品produce v. 生产出,创造出;培养出n. 产品side-effect n. 副作用offer v. 提供;出价,报价provide v. 提供= offerprovided conj. 如果(= if)think tank 智囊团notion n. 观念,概念,想法,意见connotation n. 内涵,含义,意义event n. 活动,事件,事情eventually adv. 最终,最后flow v. 流动request n. 要求once adv. 以前,曾经(= used to);一旦,如果univited a. 不请自来的,未经请求的distinction n. 区别;显赫身份,声望distinct a. 截然不同的,明显独特的draw v. 做比较,进行区别draw distinctions/ comparisons between …and …对…进行比较,区别两者comparison n. 比较(相同点或不同点)prospect n. 前景raise the ~ 使前景变得光明job prospect 就业前景career prospect职业前景horrify v. 吓唬,恐吓,令人害怕,使害怕Net purist网络纯净主义者pure a. 纯粹的, 纯洁的resort to something 借助,采取,求助于the best resort 最好的办法,最好的手段the last resort 最后的手段;终审法庭,最高法庭the right mix of …and ……和…的有机结合cost n.支出,成本;代价at all ~s 不惜一切代价地cost and benefit 利弊costly adj. 昂贵的= expensivefree fall 自由落体,自由降落enterprise n. 企业silicon n. 硅,电脑业in silicon在互联网上silicon chips 硅片,芯片,集成电路板set up 设立,创立take the online plunge投身于互联网,置身于网络expand v. 扩大expansion n. 扩展fanciful adj. 新奇的in vain 徒劳,白费,没有用处boom v.繁荣,迅猛发展baby boom生育高峰enjoy the widest popularity 得到流行,受到欢迎popular adj. 受欢迎的;大众的popular culture 大众文化populist n. 大众主义者,平民主义者adj. 大众主义者的,大众的faith n. 忠诚,信任give priority to 重视,认为…优先function v.起作用,运行,行使职责n.功能,职责functional adj. 功能性的leading adj. 主要的,重要的;领先的Unit 13 9903invisible adj. 看不见的,无形的visible adj. 看得见的border n. 边界,界限frontier n. 边境,前方divide v. 分开,划分开n. 差距,鸿沟digital divide数字化鸿沟division n. 分歧,分隔,分离argue for 赞成,支持,同意= subscribe =favor argue v. 坚决主张, 认为=claim=hold=contendargument n. 论点,观点;论据on behalf of 代表…,为了…= on one’s behalfexplore v. 探索,探讨,探究,研究exploration n. 探究,研究subject n.题目,主题;学科adj.遭受…的,容易受到…(影响)的be subject to (n.) 受限制,属于subject matter 主题,主旨go to 是…go to the heart of 是…的核心或关键indeed adv. (加强语气)确实,事实上campaign n. 运动,活动v. 发起运动,活动aim at 目的在于= aim towards aimlessness n. 毫无目的,毫无目标require v. 要求concept n. 概念;观念,想法conception n. 概念assess v. 评价,评估possess v. 拥有,占有= ownpossession n. 拥有;财产livelihood n. 生活be equipped with 具有…的能力;配备有…the case 实情,情况,状况this is always the case 事实总是如此this is not always the case 事实并非只是如此pursue v. 继续,从事;追求,追逐pursuit n. 追求,追逐,努力= quest intellectual pursuit 在知识方面的追求intellectual inquiry 在知识方面的探究、研究be fit to do 适合于forsake…for…=replace…with…=trade…with …以…取代…;用(后者)取代(前者)。
19.巴以问题日趋严峻,世界和平面临挑战。2024年8月29日,中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽在安理会巴以问题紧急公开会上发言时表示,停火谈判不能无限期拖延下去,更不能以谈判为幌子继续在加沙和约旦河西岸实施违反国际法的暴行。由此可见( )
①法律关系 客体是侵权行为
②乙侵犯了甲 人格权
22.在通过十字路口时,刘女士为抢绿灯从非机动车道突然加速进入机动车道内行驶。为避让刘女士,公交司机吴先生立刻紧急刹车,造成乘客王女士摔倒受伤并住院治疗,公交车行车记录仪记录下了整个过程。经L市M区交警大队认定,刘女士承担全部事故责任,司机吴先生无责任。因刘女士拒绝赔付,最终诉诸法院解决。本案中( )
10.“枫桥经验”在60多年的实践中不断丰富发展,形成具有鲜明时代特征的“党政动手,依靠群众,预防纠纷,化解矛盾,维护稳定,促进发展”的枫桥新经验,成为“中国之治”的一张重要名片。由此可见,推动基层治理要( )
2.改革开放以来,经过全党和全国各族人民的不懈努力,我国的创新动力、发展活力勃发奔涌。面对制约高质量发展的不利因素,面对束缚新质生产力发展的堵点卡点,面对推动经济回升向好需要克服的困难挑战,需要进一步全面深化改革,这是基于( )
2006年7月第28卷 专辑三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)Journa l o f Ch i na Three Go rges U n i versity(H u m an iti es&So cial Sciences)Ju.l 2006V o l 28 Spec i a l sec .高校实施个性化教育的思考罗丽娜,赵 彪(三峡大学经济与管理学院,湖北宜昌 443002)摘 要:知识经济的兴起对高等教育提出了新的要求,即要求把学生的创新精神开发出来,而实施个性化教育正是培养开发学生创新精神的有效途径。
关键词:知识经济; 个性化教育; 高校中图分类号:G 649.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6219(2006)专辑-0051-02一、知识经济时代高校实施个性化教育的必要性1996年世界经合组织(OECD )在《1996年科学、技术和产业展望》的研究报告中对知识经济作了系统全面的阐述: 知识经济是以现代科学技术为基础,建立在知识和信息的生产、分配、使用(消费)之上的经济。
江泽民同志曾深刻地指出: 要迎接科学技术突飞猛进和知识经济迅速兴起的挑战,最重要的是坚持创新。
高中(北师大版)英语选修8课件:unit 22 section 2
a number of一些;许多;大量 ( 教 材 P5)Jim , at the moment , you’re working in the botanical gardens to save a number of endangered birds. 吉姆,现在你正在植物园从事拯救濒危鸟类的工作。 ①A number of ordinary people attend the meeting and express their voice.许多普通人参加了这次会议并表达了他们的心声。 ②A large/great number of children were playing in the park when the shooting incident happened. 当枪击事件发生时,许多孩子正在公园里玩。
beyond prep.超出 (教材P6)In the last few decades,scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate—something previously seen as beyond our control.最近几十年,科学家们一致认为,人类正在引起地球的 气候变化——而这在以前看来是我们不能控制的。
beyond belief 难以置信 beyond control 无法控制 beyond one’s power 是某人力所不及的 beyond expression/description 无法表达/形容 It is beyond me. [口]我能力所不及;我不能理解
①I am afraid it is beyond my power to do what you are
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Social Sciences in ChinaV ol. XXXIII, No. 3, August 2012, 157-170SPECIAL ISSUE: THEORETICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONTEMPORARY SYSTEM OF CHINESE ACADEMIC DISCOURSEKnowledge Community, Value Base and System Consciousness: A Refl ection on Innovation in Philosophy and Social SciencesWang ZhuojunSchool of Politics and Public Administration, Soochow University如何推进哲学社会科学创新是“十二五”期间的重大课题。
关键词:哲学社会科学创新发展知识社区价值基点制度自觉An important task in the period of 12th Five-year Plan is to promote innovation in researchin philosophy and social sciences. In order to fulfi ll this task, we need to grasp the logic ofthe knowledge community, clear up value confl icts that hinder our progress, and map theroute of system change in this fi eld.Keywords: philosophy and social sciences, innovation and development, knowledge community, value base, system consciousnessInnovation, structural transformation and changes in our mode of development are some of the key words frequently appearing in our 12th Five-year Plan. They are also thematic words for the development of our research on philosophy and social sciences. Recently, scholars in this fi eld have presented multi-dimensional papers in which valuable opinions abound. In the author’s opinion, with respect to overall strategies, priority should be given to understanding the deeper logic of the knowledge community, reconciling internal value confl icts that hinder innovation, and exploring ways to establish knowledge systems that facilitate innovation. Those priorities are of great theoretical signifi cance for the promotion of innovation in these fi elds.ISSN 0252-9203© 2012 Social Sciences in China PressDOI: /10.1080/02529203.2012.702949158Social Sciences in ChinaI.Knowledge Community Divisions and Innovation in Research in Philosophy andSocial SciencesIn today’s society, people tend to place more importance on individual freedom, individual rights and individual status. So in the production and management of knowledge, more often than not the stress is on the importance of individual freedom and individual innovation in research on philosophy and social sciences at the expense of neglecting their holistic and communal properties. Reflecting upon the historical development and spatial structure of philosophy and social sciences, we consider innovation in this realm to be a consequence of the unifi cation of individual and communal properties. The development of the knowledge community as a whole is of primary signifi cance to the promotion of creativity in this fi eld.To a considerable extent, “knowledge community” is a synonym for what Thomas S. Kuhn termed the “scientific community.”1 As Kuhn sees it, the knowledge community is of fundamental significance to our understanding of scientific revolutions and advances in knowledge. He claimed that his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions neglected to some degree the relationship between the knowledge community and the scientifi c revolution and advances in knowledge. “If this book were being rewritten, it would therefore open with a discussion of the community structure of science, a topic that has recently become a signifi cant subject of sociological research and that historians of science are also beginning to take seriously.”2The demonstration by Kuhn of the relationship between paradigm shifts and the knowledge community is in the fi nal analysis a revelation of the relationship between knowledge innovation and the knowledge community. Kuhn says: “A paradigm is what the members of a scientifi c community share, and, conversely, a scientifi c community consists of men who share a paradigm.”3In the relationship between knowledge production and the knowledge community, the knowledge community is an important carrier of scientific knowledge, and both normal science and scientifi c revolutions are based on the activities of this community.4 Individual manipulation of a piece of knowledge or a method may contain elements of truth, but in terms of effect and function, it is not really part of social knowledge or a research paradigm. A1 The Chinese translation of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions uses two words here, both of which mean community. “Community” (shequ社区) and “common body” (gongtongti 共同体) do not differ in essence. In the Chinese context as well as in this article, we use “community” instead of “common body” for two reasons. First, “common body” is more likely to be understood as referring to a relatively enclosed entity with a stronger ideological overtone, whereas “community” sounds more neutral, open and inclusive. Second, the concept of community can be generalized as referring to the particular structural relationships between the individual and the collective, which are the main bodies in knowledge production. In comparison to the relationship among knowledge producers, their relationship with their work units and the community is relatively loose, fl exible and subject to change.2 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientifi c Revolutions, p. 158.3 Ibid.4 Ibid., p. 161.Wang Zhuojun159paradigm “stands for the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on shared by the members of a given community.”5 “Paradigms are something shared by the members of such groups.”6 An important prerequisite for a piece of knowledge to become part of social knowledge is consensus within a certain group. On the other hand, sharing is a precondition for the existence of a community who share not only common knowledge but also a common background, discourse, methodology and research subject. “A scientifi c community consists of the practitioners of a scientifi c specialty.”7 “Communities of this sort are the units that this book has presented as the producers and validators of scientifi c knowledge.”8 “The need for agreement depends on what it is the community does.”9 As opposed to a community of daily life, a working community or an ethnic community, the scientific community is a special kind of community centered on knowledge. Its central tasks are the production, innovation, handing down and dissemination of knowledge.A knowledge community is spontaneous and constructive. It can form on its own, yet it also needs conscious cultivation. The relationship between the knowledge community and creativity in philosophy and social sciences, as well as the functions the knowledge community performs in this fi eld, can be illustrated as follows:(1) The ongoing differentiation and specialization within the knowledge community serve as a major driving force for the creativity and progress of research in philosophy and social sciences.The history of the development of research in philosophy and social sciences in general and its modern history in particular is in a sense a history of the ongoing differentiation and specialization of the knowledge community. Reviewing the history of ancient Greek philosophy and science, we see that the emergence and existence of a variety of knowledge communities contributed greatly to the fl ourishing of research in the philosophy and science of the time. There were a great variety of philosophical schools, represented by the Milesians who emphasized “quintessential substance,” Pythagoras who gave priority to mathematics and “eternity,” and Heraclitus who placed “fl ux” above all other things, not to mention the great philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. All of them attracted a great many followers and disciples. In Europe, starting from the Enlightenment, the scientifi c revolution and the knowledge revolution accelerated. This was also closely related to the further differentiation and specialization of the knowledge community from which sprang such prominent fi gures as Montesquieu, Hume, Adam Smith, Kant and Hegel. As great thinkers, they interpreted the development and history of society from different angles and gathered many followers of their own. The fact that at the time social and philosophical studies were divided into5 Ibid., p. 157.6 Ibid., p. 160.7 Ibid., p. 159.8 Ibid., p. 161.9 Ibid., p. 162.160Social Sciences in China“prescriptive” and “descriptive” contributed to people’s acceptance of the different social studies methodologies initiated by Marx, Comte, Weber and Freud. In the era of modern philosophy and social sciences, the frequent emergence of new methodologies that contribute to the fl ourishing of these fi elds is in a sense also the result of the continued differentiation of the knowledge community. Newly emerging academic and knowledge communities facilitate the exploration of new issues and new academic interests.This tells us that the achievements of research in philosophy and the social sciences should be attributed not only to research on new issues pertaining to social production and life and to the establishment of relatively autonomous disciplines with their own methodologies, but also to the formation of particular knowledge communities centered on particular problems and methodologies. In this sense, the construction and formation of new knowledge communities serves as a major structural driver for innovation in these fields. Those communities are helpful in rallying specialist researchers to concentrate on developing new methodologies and paradigms for particular issues. They also help to revitalize the creative potential of traditional knowledge communities, and to promote competition and communication between them. In this sense, embracing and encouraging the differentiation of knowledge communities is as wise as it is inevitable.(2) Seen from the point of view of the problems and confl icts in knowledge innovation, a major hindrance to the progress of modern research in philosophy and the social sciences is the over-differentiation of knowledge communities and the multiple “intersubjective ruptures” those communities confront.As the division of labor in our society becomes ever more fine-grained and as self-organizing social or quasi-social systems become more independent or even hedged off from each other, the isolation of these specialized social systems, including systems of social production and knowledge production, is becoming more evident. As a profound problem of modernity, “intersubjective ruptures” manifest themselves in the realm of philosophy and social sciences as deep-seated and multiple “intercommunity ruptures.” On the one hand, “everyday” innovations in the social production system (production community) cannot be integrated into the knowledge production system (knowledge community) in a systemized, standardized and concentrated way. At the same time, different knowledge production systems (knowledge communities) often do not communicate well with each other.“Every researcher speaks from within a distinct interpretive community, which configures, in a special way, the multicultural and gendered components of the research act.”10 Complex and multi-dimensional “intercommunity ruptures” greatly impede synthesis and innovation as well as overall progress in philosophy and social sciences and damage the degree of science and quality of civilization in social development.On the one hand, the differentiation of communities is a sign marking the progress 10 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, “Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research,” p. 23.Wang Zhuojun161and maturity of knowledge. On the other hand, as Kuhn puts it, this process involves a compromise: “Something important is sacrificed by the change.”11 One manifestation of over-differentiation of the knowledge community is the pursuit of individuality, individual freedom, individual interests, and localization and contextualization in research on philosophy and social sciences. “Rapid social change and the resulting diversification of life worlds are increasingly confronting social researchers with new social contexts and perspectives…traditional deductive methodologies…are failing…thus research is increasingly forced to make use of inductive strategies instead of starting from theories and testing them…knowledge and practice are studied as local knowledge and practice.”12 At a time when more and more people pursue the maximization of their self-interest under the guise of “rationalism,” the sustainable and healthy development of the knowledge community is facing a profound challenge. Therefore, it is important for philosophy and social sciences that we promote and strengthen communication and integration in the knowledge community.Generally speaking, the differentiation and integration of the knowledge community has historical and dialectical functions in innovation in philosophy and social sciences. In order to promote conscious creativity in research on philosophy and social sciences in China, we should handle correctly the contradiction between integration and differentiation. At present, we face a situation in which, on the one hand, the knowledge community is not suffi ciently differentiated and lacks dynamism; on the other hand, over-individualization and lack of community exist in the actual operations of knowledge production and methodological innovation. The co-existence and interlocking nature of this two-fold problem has become a major structural fl aw in in many fi elds of our research and even in our innovation as a whole. Advancing the restructuring of China’s knowledge communities is an important foundational task. As well as encouraging the diversification and specialization of our knowledge communities, it can prevent them from being over-differentiated and over-specialized and encourage effective communication within knowledge communities and between knowledge communities and social communities. Solving this contradiction may offer us a chance to open a new era of creative research in the fi eld of philosophy and social sciences.II.Change of Value Base and Creativity in Research on Philosophy and Social SciencesInnovation in research on philosophy and social sciences is, by its nature, community-related. Different knowledge communities often have different value bases and ethics. So understanding such value bases and their orientation and properly handling the value relationship between different knowledge communities is of fundamental importance to the promotion of innovation in these fi elds.11 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientifi c Revolutions, p. 161.12 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln,“Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research,” p. 12.162Social Sciences in ChinaSince Weber, Mill and Comte, the idea of value-free research has gradually become an important aim of social sciences. For positivism and utilitarianism, values and ethical meaning are “extrinsic” to scientifi c research, and it is only when research in philosophy and social sciences is value-neutral that it can be considered scientifi c and objective. “Given its dualism of means and ends, the domain of the good in utilitarian theory is extrinsic. All that is worth valuing is a function of their consequences.”13 For a given historical period, the emphasis on value-free research may be significant. “Weber’s opposition to value judgments in the social sciences was driven by practical circumstances. Academic freedom for the universities of Prussia was more likely if professors limited their professional work to scientifi c know-how.”14However, the question is whether the deliberate cultivation of value-free research should become a general and basic principle in research in philosophy and social sciences. “Weber thought that the best way to increase the power and economic prosperity of Germany was to train a new managerial class learned about means and silent about ends.”15 Whether this approach of exclusion of values and separation of means and ends, of methods and values, was related to the destruction the Nazis loosed on human civilization in World War II is worth further examination, but certainly individual cases did exist of scientists who took such an approach. However, if science, and especially philosophy and social sciences, become purely a “means” and a methodology or become value-free, it is highly likely that this approach will produce an overall bias in research in social sciences, leading to a norm that has lost its purpose and meaning. Or even worse, such research may be used to serve the forces of evil. What Kuhn revealed about the paradigms of scientifi c revolutions and about the subject nature and community nature of those paradigms may, to a certain extent, be understood as a challenge to the neutrality and value-free character of natural sciences. To an even greater extent, scholars in the field of research in philosophy and social sciences reflect deeply on the foundation of values. Many believe that “There is no value-free science.”16“Paradigms represent belief systems that attach the user to a particular worldview.”17“Protecting and promoting individual autonomy have been the philosophical rationale for value neutrality since its origins in Mill. But the incoherence in that view of social science is now transparent.”18 A so-called “value-free methodology” does not exist: “Questions of method are secondary to questions of paradigm, which we defi ne as the basic belief system or worldview that guides the investigator, not only in choices of method but in ontologically13 C.G. Christians, “Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research,” p. 149.14 Ibid., p. 148.15 Ibid.16 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, “Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research,” p. 8.17 Ibid., p. 7.18 C.G. Christians, “Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research,” p. 163.Wang Zhuojun163and epistemologically fundamental ways.”19 It is safe to say that in general, “It is no longer possible for the human disciplines to research the native, the indigenous other, in a value-free inquiry. Today researchers struggle to develop situational and transsituational ethics that apply to all forms of the research act and its human-to-human relationships.”20We have always believed that, analyzed from the perspective of the cultural nature of the existence and creativity of philosophy and social sciences, these fi elds represent the union of “value system, descriptive system and behavioral system,” and any innovation in this fi eld is jointly driven by all those systems. No philosophy or social science is value-free, purely descriptive and purely behavioral, nor is there research in these fi elds that is purely objective and value-free. Given the particular situation in China, confi rmation of this fact is of great signifi cance for gaining a deeper understanding of the philosophical essence of philosophy and social sciences and promoting their progress.In the complex developmental context of globalization, marketization and urbanization, the key question is not only understanding the ontological relationship between creativity and values in philosophy and social sciences, but also grasping their value confl icts at a deeper level and consciously reviewing the value base and value tensions in our research in these fi elds, especially in relation to methodology. At present, the task of carrying out innovation in research in philosophy and social sciences in China faces the following value dilemmas and value tensions:(1) The value tension between academic freedom and social responsibility. The relationship between the two is a topic for discussion worldwide. “It is essential to think through the power, obligations and responsibilities of social research.”21“We are compelled to try to move a public conversation about researchers and responsibilities toward a sense of research for social justice.”22“Thus we seek to narrate a form of reflexivity in our concerns with representation and responsibilities in these very mean times.”23Western scholars may not be accurate in defi ning our times as mean, but they are right in their concern for and emphasis on the social responsibilities of academic research. Over-emphasis on academic freedom and neglect of the social responsibilities of academic research is to some extent also one of the important causes of the lack of creativity in research on philosophy and social sciences in China.(2) The value confl ict of an elite orientation versus serving the public. This is also a global issue. In the context of the market economy and the logic of capital, research on philosophy and social sciences and even on the natural sciences is likely to be “co-optated” by capital19 Ibid.20 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, “Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research,” p. 24.21 M. Fine et al., “For Whom? Qualitative Research, Representations, and Social Responsibilities,” p. 114.22 Ibid.23 Ibid., p. 115.164Social Sciences in Chinaand power. “Universities are now in the employ of government research agencies and big private sector actors. Although they may do work of value to these stakeholders, universities characteristically ignore the interests of a much more diverse and larger group of stakeholders who do not have the power and money of governments and large corporations.”24 We need to “break this pattern of co-optation”25 of social sciences, and to “break this pattern of co-optation by the few in favor of service to the many.”26 Although in China such a phenomenon does not exist, in a situation driven by the overwhelming logic of the market, the question of how to coordinate the relationship between services oriented to an elite and public service in general has become an issue of value choices that must be taken up by Chinese social science researchers and managers.(3) The value relationship between individual development and academic community. Although all those doing research in philosophy and social sciences belong to a given knowledge community, the level of their research dimensions, methodologies and conditions and whether they are doing cutting-edge research are to a considerable extent dependent on the overall academic level of the community to which they belong. The “choice of research practices depends upon the questions that are asked, and the questions depend on their context, what is available in that context, and what the researcher can do in that setting.”27 However, in the practice of knowledge production and methodological innovation, the contribution of knowledge communities and academic communities in supporting and guiding individual researchers often comes in an anonymous and externalized form. Individual researchers are more often than not willing, hoping and ready to attribute their innovation and success to themselves. On the other hand, the present system of knowledge management, which makes fame and interest allocation its priority, is also more than willing to keep this situation as it is. So how to protect individual innovation while maintaining the collective potential of knowledge community and how to promote interaction between the individual and the community are really both a matter of individual and collective value choices in the course of the transition of China’s knowledge production system and management system.Refl ecting on the present situation of the development of Chinese research in philosophy and social sciences, we see that these deep-rooted contradictions and complexities with regard to value choice have seriously hindered innovation and progress in this fi eld as a whole. In this regard, our guiding principle should be respecting and protecting individual values and freedoms while gaining the necessary resources for academic research by securing the backing of power and capital, and at the same time promoting an awareness of responsibility, of the masses and of the community and achieving a consciousness of the value bases of innovation24 Davydd J. Greenwood and Morton Levin, “Reconstructing the Relationship between Universities and Society through Action Research,” p. 111.25 Ibid., p. 110.26 Ibid., p. 111.27 Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, “Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research,” p. 5.Wang Zhuojun165in research in philosophy and the social sciences. This is the crucial guiding orientation for innovation in this fi eld as a whole.III.Knowledge System Self-consciousness and Innovation in Research on Philosophy and Social SciencesAs we face the underlying community and value confl icts in research in philosophy and social sciences, we should enhance our consciousness not only of community and values but also of systems and system innovation. Kuhn points out that whether we are talking about revolution and progress in society or in knowledge, their success “necessitates the partial relinguishment of one set of institutions in favor of another.”28 The new system constitutes a normative confi rmation of the development rationale, the means of development, and its ends. Changes of knowledge system can directly and profoundly liberate and revitalize research potential in philosophy and social sciences and can drive their progress in practice.System change requires, first and foremost, clarification of direction and goals. Understanding the historical and contemporary function of philosophy and social sciences is of great significance to guiding the innovative reform of the knowledge system. Our reflections on the social function of philosophy and social sciences should be multi-dimensional and multi-directional. In designing the goals of an innovative knowledge system, we should address the following tensions. Firstly, the tension between cultural innovation and heritage. In a modern context where development and innovation are key words, people tend to lay more emphasis on new ways, new perspectives, new knowledge and new values, and less on preserving and carrying on traditional knowledge, ways and values. Refl ecting on the history of human development, including the history of the advance of knowledge, we see that the most effective and sustainable development has been achieved through appropriate handling of the tension between innovation and transmission, so an important and basic goal of the reform of the knowledge system should be the reconciliation of the two. Secondly, the tension between contemporary tasks and historical mission. Faced with the ever more massive and complex task of development, people often ask researchers in this field to engage in practical projects. Such requests are not altogether inexcusable, given the fact that research in philosophy and social sciences is in essence an effort to provide logical answers to contemporary concerns. However, the problem is that research in this field is different from other kinds of practical research. The answers it provides should not be of a purely utilitarian nature, nor should they only follow the trail of capital and infl uence. Rather, they should respond to questions from the heights of trends in historical development, the laws of development and the nature of development. A correct handling of the tension between contemporary trends and our historical mission is a strategic goal for the reform of the knowledge system. Thirdly, the tension between academic research and humanistic concerns.28 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientifi c Revolutions, p. 86.166Social Sciences in ChinaIn the contemporary context of differentiation among communities, increased disciplinary specialization and increased secularization of knowledge activities, applying the methods of one’s own discipline to solving problems within a particular fi eld often becomes a practical choice for researchers in philosophy and social sciences, as well as one that suits their interests. Faced with systemic confl icts between the dignity of life and one’s job performance, between social progress and the constraints of the natural world, and between technological progress and humanistic concerns, strengthening the humanistic nature of philosophy and social sciences and correctly handling the tension between academic research and humanistic concerns are increasingly becoming value objectives that must be taken into full consideration in the design of a future-oriented knowledge system.Full awareness of the need to reform the present knowledge system means the initiation of a synthesizing project leading to the protection and promotion of innovation in the fi eld of research in philosophy and social sciences. This project should be able to handle the following relationships.(1) Relationship between disciplinary differentiation and integration. The differentiation and professionalization of the knowledge community is an important trend in the development of knowledge. The endeavors of different disciplines and specialties to explore different issues and different levels within an issue have always been an important historical path for the constant advance of research on philosophy and social sciences. Renewal of the knowledge system should provide free space for different disciplines to produce preliminary innovations based on their specialized perspectives. At the same time, the integration of the knowledge community and the overlapping and interaction of different disciplines play an ever more prominent role in driving forward innovation in the field as a whole. So what the renewal of the knowledge system needs is multi-dimensional dialogues and innovative coordination between scholars who are good at organizing and integrating different disciplines and who are concerned about the progress of philosophy and social sciences. And whether one is talking about disciplinary differentiation or disciplinary integration, the primary driver of an innovative knowledge system and the criterion of its success is that innovation should be in tune with the spirit of the times and facilitate the interpretation of and solutions to major issues of social development. We should correctly handle the relationship between discipline differentiation and integration, take problems as the core and take as our objectives the transmission of history, solving contemporary issues and pointing towards the future. This will help disciplinary independence and, more than this, will be conducive to a knowledge system with interlocking and integrated disciplines. Such a system will provide an in-depth driver for the development of Chinese research in philosophy and social sciences, shifting from spontaneous, sporadic and individual innovation to consciously developed, intensive and integrated innovation.(2) Relationship between respect for knowledge and winnowing the chaff from the academic fi eld. One important feature of philosophy and social sciences is that they originate。