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A. Listening Test


I. Directions:Listen to the following passage and fill in the correct words to the blanks. (5 questions, 2 marks each question, 10 marks altogether) 根据你所听到的内容用正确的词填空,每题2分,共10分。

Writing invitations can be____1____ or personal. General ____2____are printed on a notice paper and then distributed widely. Personal invitations can be formal or informal. Written in the case of formal invitations, you can give all the ____3____ personally in the letter, or you can send an invitation card with a covering letter. Often the expression RSVP is used, meaning that the host would like a definite____4____ as to whether or not you will come. So the RSVP part of the invitation often has a date to ____5____ by and an address or …phone number‟.

1_____ ; 2____ _ ; 3___ __ __ ; 4___ ; 5___

II. Directions: Now listen to the following dialogue and then do the Multiple Choice questions. (5 questions, 2 marks for each, 10 marks altogether) 根据所听到的对话从所给选项中找出一个正确答案。每题2分,共10分。

1. Which statement is true?

(A)I made a reservation for Mr. Baumann last week.

(B)I want to change the reservation date.

(C)I am ringing from the Piccadilly Hotel.

(D)I want to make another reservation for Mr. Baumann.

2. What is made by the man in Tansy Tableware in Germany?

(A)A reservation for Mr. Owens on June the 2nd and 3rd for a single room with a bath. (B)A reservation for Mr. Owens on June the 2nd for a single room with a bath.

(C)A reservation for Mr. Baumann on the June 2nd and 3rd for a single room with a shower.

(D)A reservation for both Mr. Owens and Mr. Baumann on the June 2nd and 3rd for a double room with a shower.

3. The Piccadilly Hotel is full .

(A)every day in June

(B)on June the 2nd and 3rd

(C)on June the 3rd

(D)from June the 2nd to the 13th for a single room with a bath

4. This person from Tansy Tableware finally .

(A)finds Piccadilly Hotel in Manchester

(B)books a shower ticket

(C)books a room with a shower

(D)cannot book any room because it is fully booked up

5. What will the receptionist probably do after this telephone conversation?

(A)Repeat the telephone number again and again.

(B)Spell the name she heard.

(C)Help him speak to the boss to get an extra room.

(D)Send a confirmation to this guest.

B. Written Test

I. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: Directions: Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each sentence. (1 mark each question, 20 questions, 20 marks altogether) 单项选择,每题1分,共20分。

1. His initial opinion was later ________ by a series of experiments.

(A) confirmed (B) detected

(C) postponed (D) attributed

2. ______ they borrowed some money, they could not buy a new house.

(A) If (B) Now that

(C ) Except that (D)Unless

3. After careful investigation, he has ________ a theory on the new principles.

(A) settled (B) built

(C) constructed (D) established

4. When he got out of the truck, John was ____________prisoner.

(A) made (B) regarded

(C) taken (D) captured

5. Jeanne has decided on law as her _____. She wants to become a civil rights lawyer and help the poor.

(A) post (B) occupation

(C) profession (D) vacation

6. Every man or woman in China over the age of 18 is ________ to the right to vote.
