If we want to be able to apply the process for an arbitrary number of steps, we need to assume that it is common knowledge that all the player are rational.
The second drawback of iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies is that the process often produces a very imprecise prediction.
Consider the game as follows, for example.
2 L U 1 D M R
1, 0 0,3
1, 1, neither U nor D is strictly dominated. For player 2, however, R is strictly dominated by M, so a rational player 2 will not play R.
2 L U 1 D M
1, 0 0, 3
1, 2 0, 1
In above game, D is now strictly dominated by U for player 1, so if player 1 rational then player 1 will not play D.
Thus, if player 2 knows that player 1 is rational, and player 2 knows that player 1 knows that player 2 is rational, than player 2 can eliminate D from player 1’s strategy space, leaving the game is as follows.
2 另外,在计算时应当判断 b 4ac 是否大于0。
9. *求一个三位数,该三位数等与其每位数字的阶乘之和。 10. *验证角谷猜想:任给一个自然数,若为偶数除以2,若为奇数则乘3 加1, 得到一个新的自然数后按照上面的法则继续计算, 若干次后得到的结果必然为1。 要求:读入一个自然数,输出计算的步骤。 11. *已知两个完全平方三位数abc 和xyz,其中a、b、c、x、y、z 未必是不同 的,而ax、by、cz 是三个完全平方数。求abc 和xyz 12. *如果整数A 的全部因子(包括1,不包括A 本身)之和等于B,且整数B 的 全部因子包括1, 不包括B 本身) 之和等于A, 则称整数A\B 是一对亲密数。 求3000 以内的全部亲密数。 13. **验证哥德巴赫猜想:任何一个大于6 的偶数,都能分解成两个质数的和。 要求输入一个整数,输出这个数能被分解成哪两个质数的和。 eg : 14 14=3+11 14=7+7 14. ***用递归的方法解决汉诺塔问题 汉诺塔是源自印度神话。上帝创造世界的时候做了三根金刚石柱子,在一根 柱子上从下往上安大小顺序摞着n 片黄金圆盘。 上帝命令婆罗门把圆盘从下面开 始按大小顺序重新摆放在另一根柱子上。并且规定,在小圆盘上不能放大圆盘, 在三根柱子之间一次只能移动一个圆盘。 读入 n,输出移动的顺序。
Chp3 函数练习
Key Point ●函数的三要素 ●return 语句的使用 练习 1. 写一个函数add,接受两个整数作为参数,返回这两个整数的和。 2. 写一个函数,接受一个整数,输出这个整数的所有因子。 3. 写一个函数,接受一个整数n,输出1+2+3+...+n 的和 4. 写一个函数,接受一个整数参数n,输出n 个HelloWorld 5. *写一个函数,接受一个整数,输出这个整数是几位数 6. *写一个函数,判断一个整数是否是质数 7. *写一个函数,计算两点(x1, y1)和(x2, y2)之间的距离 8. *写一个函数,接受三个整数a, b, c,计算ax2+bx+c=0 的根。
0⎤ 1/ 4⎥⎦
(1) 计算接收端的平均不确定性;
(2) 计算由于噪声产生的不确定性 H(Y/X);
(3) 计算信道容量。
p(x1 )
⎢ ⎢ ⎢
2 1
2 1
⎤ ⎥
⎥ ⎥
⎣2 4 4⎦
P( XY )
⎢ ⎢
1a 2 (1 − a)
⎢⎢1 ⎢1
0⎥⎥ 0⎥
xy = 11 ⎢⎣0 1⎥⎦
由p(xz)=p(x)p(z|x)= ∑y p(xy)p(z|xy)得:
p(xz) = p(00) = 1 ×1+ 3 ×1 = 1 , p(01) = 1 × 0 + 3 × 0 = 0
88 2
p(10) = 3 ×1+ 1 × 0 = 3 , p(11) = 3 × 0 + 1 ×1 = 1
3.5 写出图示信道的转移概率矩阵,并指出其是否为对称信道。
⎡ 0.99 0.01 0 ⎤ 解:信道的转移概率矩阵 P(Y | X ) = ⎢⎢0.005 0.99 0.005⎥⎥
⎢⎣ 0 0.01 0.99 ⎥⎦
⎡2 / 3 ⎢⎣1/ 3
3.2 在一个二进制的信道中,信源消息集 X={0,1}且 p(1)=p(0),信宿的消息集 Y={0,1}, 信道传输概率 p( y = 1 x = 0) = 1/ 4 , p( y = 0 x = 1) = 1/ 8 。求:
f 60cm
(1)当x1 20mm时,有
x1= f f x1
60 (60) 180mm 20
s1 f x 60 180 240mm (p ,实像)
(2)当x2 20mm时,有
x2= f f x2
60 (60) -180mm 20
nr n
nD 2(n
1.57 20 6.05 (cm) 2 (1.53 1)
15.有两块玻璃薄透镜的两表面均各为凸球面及凹球面,其曲率半径为10cm. 一物点在主轴上距离20cm处,若物和镜均浸在水中,分别用作图法和计算法 求像点的位置.设玻璃的折射率为1.5,水的折射率为1.33.
f f1 f f 1
sf12sf sf1sf 1 1
1 s
1 f1
1 f
s凸 s凸s1 s1404.902.92cmcm
解: n' n n' n s' s r
(1)s r s1' r
n n n n n s1 r r r
n n n n s s r
即s1 r
(2) s1
n n n n 2n n n n n
n n n n
F ma
a rβ
1、如图所示,A、B为两个相同的绕着轻绳 的定滑轮.A滑轮挂一质量为M的物体,B滑 轮受拉力F,而且F=Mg.设A、B两滑轮的 角加速度分别为A和B,不计滑轮轴的摩擦 ,则有 (A) A=B. A B (B) A>B. (C) A<B. (D) 开始时A=B, F M 以后A<B. [C]
例4 一质量m = 6.00 kg、长 l = 1.00 m的匀质 棒,放在水平桌面上,可绕通过其中心的 竖直固定轴转动,对轴的转动惯量 I = ml2 /12.t = 0时棒的角速度o = 10.0 rad/s.由 于受到恒定的阻力矩的作用,t = 20 s时, 棒停止运动.求:(1) 棒的角加速度的大小 ;(2) 棒所受阻力矩的大小; (3) 从t = 0到t = 10 s时间内棒转过的角度。 解:(1) 0 = 0 + t → = - 0 / t = - 0.50 rad/s2 (2) Mr = ml 2 / 12 = - 0.25 N· m (3) 10 = 0t + t2 = 75 rad
2、几个力同时作用在一个具有光滑固定 转轴的刚体上,如果这几个力的矢量和为 零,则此刚体
(A) 必然不会转动.
(B) 转速必然不变.
(C) 转速必然改变.
(D) 转速可能不变,也可能改变.
[ D ]
3 、一圆盘绕过盘心且与盘面垂直的光滑固 定轴 O 以角速度 按图示方向转动 . 若如图 所示的情况那样,将两个大小相等方向相 反但不在同一条直线的力 F 沿盘面同时作 用到圆盘上,则圆盘的角速度
Δ t 时间内,人相对盘转过的角度为: 由题意在
v r ´=ω ´ Δ t = Δ t =2 π R
R 2 π ∴Δt = vr
高层建筑结构设计 课后习题解答(部分)
Chap 21、为什么活荷载的不考虑不利布置?计算高层建筑结构在竖向荷载作用下的内力时,一般不考虑楼面及屋面竖向活荷载的不利布置,而是按满布考虑进行计算的。
2、高层建筑结构抵抗水平力的构件有哪几种?各种构件有哪些类型(1)有:梁、柱、支撑、墙和筒组成;(2)梁:钢梁、钢筋混凝土梁、钢骨(型钢)混凝土梁;柱:钢柱、钢筋混凝土柱、钢骨(型钢)混凝土柱;钢管混凝土柱等;支撑有:中心支撑和偏心支撑等;墙:实体墙、桁架剪力墙;钢骨混凝土剪力墙等;筒有:框筒、实腹筒、桁架筒、筒中筒、束筒等;3、如何确定高层建筑的结构方案(1)、结构体系的确定:按:高度、风荷载、地震作用;功能、场地特征;经济因素、体型等因素确定采用以下结构体系;(2)、构件的布置(3)、对构件截面进行初选;4、如何确定高层建筑的风荷载和地震作用;1、风荷载的确定:大多数建筑(300m 以下)可按荷载规范规定的方法计算;少数建筑(高度大、对风荷载敏感或有特殊情况者)还要通过风洞试验);规范规定的方法:0k z s z w βμμω=z β--基本风压;s μ--风载体型系数;z μ--风压高度变化系数;z β--z 高度处的风振系数;2、地震荷载分为:反应谱法和时程分析法;《抗震规范》要求在设计阶段按照反应谱方法计算地震作用,少数情况需要采用时程分析进行补充;5、减少高层建筑温差影响的措施是什么?减少温差影响的综合技术措施主要有:(1)采取合理的平面和立面设计,避免截面的突变。
chap3(答案)Chapter 3: Multiple Choice1. A production frontier that is concave from the origin indicates that the nation incurs increasing opportunity costs in the production of:a. commodity X onlyb. commodity Y onlyc. both commoditiesd. neither commodity2. The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:a. the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of Xb. the opportunity cost of Xc. the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of productiond. all of the above3. Which of the following is not a reason for increasing opportunity costs?a. technology differs among nationsb. factors of production are not homogeneousc. factors of production are not used in the same fixed proportion in the production of all commoditiesd. for the nation to produce more of a commodity, it must use resourcesthat are less and less suited in the production of the commodity4. Community indifference curves:a. are negatively slopedb. are convex to the originc. should not crossd. all of the above5. The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:a. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain on the same indifference curveb. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curvec. amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higher indifference curved. amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higher indifference curve6. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the MRS of X for Y?a. It is given by the absolute slope of the indifference curveb. declines as the nation moves down an indifference curvec. rises as the nation moves up an indifference curved. all of the above7*. Which of the following statements about community indifference curves is true?a. They are entirely unrelated to individuals' community indifference curvesb. they cross, they cannot be used in the analysisc. the problems arising from intersecting community indifference curves can be overcome by the application of the compensation principled. all of the above.8. Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation?a. It consumes inside its production frontierb. it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontierc. the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontierd. MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py9. If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:a. nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity Yb. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity Xc. nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity Yd. none of the above10. Nation 1's share of the gains from trade will be greater:a. the greater is nation 1's demand for nation 2's exportsb. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 2's pretrade Px/Pyc. the weaker is nation 2's demand for nation 1's exportsd. the closer Px/Py with trade settles to nation 1's pretrade Px/Py11*. If Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with tradea. the nation exporting commodity X will want to export more of X than at equilibriumb. the nation importing commodity X will want to import less of X than at equilibriumc. Px/Py will fall toward the equilibrium Px/Pyd. all of the above12. With free trade under increasing costs:a. neither nation will specialize completely in productionb. at least one nation will consume above its production frontierc. a small nation will always gain from traded. all of the above13*. Which of the following statements is false?a. The gains from trade can be broken down into the gains from exchange and the gains from specializationb. gains from exchange result even without specializationc. gains from specialization result even without exchanged. none of the above14*. The gains from exchange with respect to the gains from specialization are always:a. greaterb. smallerc. equald. we cannot say without additional information15*. Mutually beneficial trade cannot occur if production frontiers are:a. equal but tastes are notb. different but tastes are the samec. different and tastes are also differentd. the same and tastes are also the same.16*. If nations have identical production possibilities frontiers it is possible for them to experience gains from trade ifa. they have the same tastes and preferenceb. they have different tastes and preferencesc. they have different natural resourcesd. they have constant opportunity costs17*. Under which circumstance is it not possible for nations to gain from trade?a. identical production possibilities and identical tastes and preferencesb. different production possibilities and identical tastes and preferencesc. identical production possibilities and different tastes and preferencesd. different production possibilities and different tastes and preferences18. If a nation has a steeper indifference curve relative to that of another nation it means thata. it has stronger tastes and preferences for good Yb. it has stronger tastes and preferences for good Xc. it has a higher opportunity costs for good Yd. it has a higher opportunity costs for good X19. Trade allows nations to attain and indifference curve that isa. beyond the indifference curve it could attain without tradeb. inside the indifference curve it could attain without tradec. is positively slopedd. is negatively sloped20. The primary factor for the loss in manufacturing employment in developed nations isa. Tradeb. Investmentc. Productivity growthd. OutsourcingShort Answer21. Carefully explain what an indifference curve is.A community/individual indifference curve shows the various combinations of two commodities that yield equal satisfaction to the nation/person. Higher curves refer to greater satisfaction, lower curves to less satisfaction, they are negatively sloped and convex from origin, and they must not cross.22. What is the marginal rate of Substitution(MRS).The rate at which the substitution occurs that some amount of one good (Y) must be sacrificed if more of another (X) is to be acquired is called the Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS). MRS=△Y/△X . It is equal to an indifference curve’s absolute slope.23. Even though the production conditions of two nations are identical, gainful trade may still occur if demand conditions are dissimilar. Demonstrate this fact by using community indifferent curves.Shown by the above figure, with increasing costs, even if two nations have identical PPF, there will still be a basis for mutually beneficial trade if tastes, or demand preferences in the two nations differ. The nation with the relatively smaller demand or preference for a commodity will have alower autarky relative price for and comparative advantage in that commodity. See in this figure, Nation 1 has a lower price in X commodity, so isolation point is A at Indifference curve I, and Nation 2 has a lower price in Y commodity, so isolation point is A` at indifference curve I` , so Nation 1 has a comparative advantage in X and Nation 2 has a comparative advantage in Y with trade both nation specializes in production of X/Y at B/B` point where B and B` is at some place, after trading, both nations higher their consuming point to E/E` which ones stand on the higher indifference curves III/III`, that means both two nations gains from trade.24. What is meant by the theory of reciprocal demand? How does it provide a meaningful explanation of the international terms of trade? Reciprocal demand theory suggests that the actual price at which trade takes place depends on the trading partner s’ interacting demands. It contends that the equilibrium terms of trade depends on the relative strength of each nation’s demand for the other nation’s product. The stronger the nation’s demand for the good relative to the other nation’s demand for the other good, the closer the terms of trade will settle to the first nation domestic price ratio.Essay25. Given: (1) two nations (1 and 2) which have the same technology but different factor endowments and tastes, (2) two commodities (X and Y) produced under increasing costs conditions, and (3) no transportation costs, tariffs, or other obstructions to trade. Prove geometrically that mutually advantageous trade between the two nations is possible. Note: Your answer should show the autarky (no-trade) and free-trade points of production and consumption for each nation, the gains from trade of each nation, and express the equilibrium condition that should prevail when trade stops expanding.)(1)Based on two nations have difference factor endowments and tastes,drawing the two nations’PPF as above figure shown that nation 1’s PPF is flatter to X axis, and nation 2’s PPF is steeper to Y axis, also, under increasing cost conditions, both two nations’ PPF are concave to origin. In the autarky conditions, Nation 1 produced and consumed at Point A with relative prices PA (lower price about X commodity ), andNation 2 produced and consumed at Point A` with relative price PA`(lower price about Y commodity) , both nations consumed at Indifference curve I.(2)So for free trade condition, Nation 1 will specialized to producing atpoint B and export X, and Nation 2 will specialized to producing at point B` and export Y, so the price of X will increased, and price of Y will decreased in Nation 1, until the two nations achieved with same relative prices ratio PX/PY = PB.(3)So Nation 1 exports BC import CE, and Nation 2 exports B`C` importC`E`, so Nation 1 consumption point changed from A to E, Nation 2 consumption point changed from A` to E`, and achieved a higher indifference curves II.。
其语法形式: 其语法形式:
for(表达式 表达式 表达式 表达式1;表达式 表达式3) 表达式 表达式2;表达式 语句
C++与结构化程序设计 第3章 C++与结构化程序设计
表达式1 表达式
表达式2 表达式
语 句
表达式3 表达式
C++与结构化程序设计 第3章 C++与结构化程序设计
C++与结构化程序设计 第3章 C++与结构化程序设计
if(b) { cout<<n<<'\t'; counter++; if(counter%5==0) cout<<endl; } } }
C++与结构化程序设计 第3章 C++与结构化程序设计
C++与结构化程序设计 第3章 C++与结构化程序设计
if语句嵌套 3.4.2 if语句嵌套
C++语言中规定else始终与同 一层中上面最接近它的if语句 配对,而这个if语句又没有其 他的else与之匹配。最好用 大括号{}括起该层的if语句 来确定层次关系。
= =
+ 1) + 2 3 ( z 2 + 1) ( z 2 − 1) + 6 ( z 2 + 1)( z 2 − 1) + 3 3
3 2 2
3 3 ( z 2 − 1)
0.3318 − 0.9954 z −2 + 0.9954 z −4 − 0.3318 z −6 1 − 0.9658 z −2 + 0.5827 z −4 − 0.106 z −6
f s = 6 KHz ,通带边界频率为
1.5KHz .
Ωc =
ω T T 2π 1.5 T 1 ctg ( c ) = ctg ( ) = , H a (s) = s s s 2 2 2 2 6 2 [1 + 2( ) + 2( ) 2 + ( )3 Ωc Ωc Ωc
( m −1)
注意: Y ( z ) 的求法, Y ( z ) ≠ ( − z )
d( ) X ( z) 。 m −1 dz ( )
m −1
题图 3.1 表示一个数字滤波器的频率响应.
(1) 用脉冲响应不变法,试求原型模拟滤波器的频率响应. (2) 用双线性变换法, ,试求原型模拟滤波器的频率响应. 解答: 脉冲响应不变法:
1 (1 − z −1 ) −3 = H ( z ) = H a ( s ) | T 1+ z −1 = −1 −1 −1 −2 s= + + + z z z 1 1 1 + z 6 2 2 3 − 1 2 1− z + 2( 1+ 2 ) +( ) 1 − z −1 1 − z −1 1 − z −1
(n 2)r 像在球的右侧, 像在球的右侧,离球的右边 2(n 1)
5,一个双凸薄透镜,两表面的曲率半径均为20 cm,透 ,一个双凸薄透镜,两表面的曲率半径均为 , 镜材料的折射率为n 镜材料的折射率为 2 = 1.50.此透镜嵌在水箱的侧壁上, .此透镜嵌在水箱的侧壁上, 一面的媒质是水,其折射率为n 一面的媒质是水,其折射率为 1 =1.33,另一面是空气, ,另一面是空气, 折射率为n 折射率为 3 = 1.00.试问:平行光束从水中沿光轴方向入 .试问: 射到透镜上,光束会聚的焦点离透镜多远? 射到透镜上,光束会聚的焦点离透镜多远?平行光束从空 气入射,会聚点又离透镜多远? 气入射,会聚点又离透镜多远?
2 2
f′ f 又Q + = 1 f′ = f s′ s f′ f ′ ∴ + =1 s s′ 1 1 1 1 1 = + = + = 0.0756 s′ s f ′ 20 39.12
2 2 2 2 2
∴ s′ = s′ = 13.23 cm
凹 2
作图1 作图
作图2 作图
P P'
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 2 经第二界面(涂银面)反射成像: 经第二界面(涂银面)反射成像: Q s′ + s = r s = s′ → ∞ r = 15cm 1 r 15 s2′ = = ∴ = 7.5 (cm) 2 s′ 2
2 1 2 2 2
n′ n n′ n Q = s′ s r n = 1.5, n′ = 1, r = 10cm, s′ = s = 7.5cm n′ n′ n n ∴ = + s′ s r 1 1 1.5 1.5 0 0.5 1.5 即: = + = = 0.25 10 7.5 10 7.5 s′
(4) (5)
6.3-6所示零件的技术要求是:①法兰盘端面A对 孔的轴线的垂直度公差为0.015mm;② 圆周上均匀分布的 孔,要求以 孔的轴线和法兰盘端面A为基准能互换装配,位置度公差为 。试用形位公差代号标出这些技术要求。
7. 小包容区域、定向最小包容区域与定位最小包容区域三者有何差异?若同一要素需同时规定形状公差、定向公差和定位公差时,三者的关系应如何处理?
作业: 题3.3
xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯
Function Fac(x) 算法名称后面可以带括号也可以不带括号
2. 指令序列 Begin
指令序列; End
或者: {
指令序列; /}
3. 输入/输出 输入:用Input表示; 输出:用Output或Return表示 4. 分支选择 1. (1) If <条件> Then 2. { 指令 /} 3. (2) If <条件> Then 4. { 指令1 /} 5. else 6. { 指令2 /}
5. 赋值 := 或 例如: x:=x+1
yx*x 6. 循环 (1) 计数式循环 (2) For 变量:=初值 To 终值 (3) { 指令 /} (4) (2) 条件式循环 (5) While(条件) do (6) { 指令 /}
7. 算法结束 关键字End的后面加上算法名称,表示算法的结束,是算法
3.连接点 4.输入输出框
6.流程线 7.注释框
1. 顺序结构
开始 输入 语句A 语句B 输出 结束
2. 分支结构
成立 语句条A件
条件 不成立 语句B
成立 语句A
条件 不成立
输出 结束
绪言1. 试写出R10从250到3150的优先数系。
2. 试写出R10/3从0.012 到100的优先数系的派生数系。
3. 试写出R10/5从0.08到25的优先数系的派生数系。
Chap1 圆柱公差与配合1.计算出表中的极限尺寸,上、下偏差和公差,并按国家标准的规定标注基本尺2.已知下列三对孔、轴相配合。
要求:(1) 分别计算三对配合的最大与最小间隙(X max ,X min )或过盈(Y max ,Y min )及配合公差。
(2) 分别绘出公差带图,并说明它们的类别。
a) 孔:033.0020+φ轴:065.0098.020--φ b) 孔:007.0018.035+-φ 轴:0016.035-φ c) 孔:030.0055+φ轴:060.0041.055++φ3.下列配合中,查表1-8,表1-10,表1-11确定孔与轴的最大与最小间隙或过盈以及配合公差,画出公差带图,并指出它们属于哪种基准制和哪类配合? (1)7850f H φ (2)101080h G φ (3)6730h K φ (4)88140r H φ (5)67180u H φ (6)5618h M φ 4.将下列基孔(轴)制配合,改换成配合性质相同的基轴(孔)制配合,并查表1-7,表1-10,表1-11,确定改换后的极限偏差。
(1)9960d H φ (2)7830f H φ (3)6750h K φ(4)6730h S φ (5)6750u H φ 5.有下列三组孔与轴相配合,根据给定的数值,试分别确定它们的公差等级,并选用适当的配合。
(1) 配合的基本尺寸=25mm,X max =+0.086mm,X min =+0.020mm. (2) 配合的基本尺寸=40mm,Y max =-0.076mm,Y min =-0.035mm. (3) 配合的基本尺寸=60mm,Y max =-0.032mm,X max =+0.046mm.chap2 长度测量基础1. 试从83块一套的量块中,同时组合下列尺寸(单位为mm ):29.875,48.98,40.79,10.56.2. 仪器读数在20mm 处的示值误差为+0.002mm ,当用它测量工件时,读数正好为20mm ,问工件的实际尺寸是多少?3. 用某测量方法在等精度的情况下对某一试件测量了15次,各次的测得值如下(单位为mm ): 30.742, 30.743, 30.740, 30.741, 30.739, 30.740, 30.739, 30.741, 30.742, 30.743, 30.739, 30.740, 30.743, 30.742, 30.741, 求单次测量的标准偏差和极限误差。
其他任务:滤掉空格,删除或跳过注释、换行符、 续行符、标号等非实质性的字符,填符号表,词法错 误检查等
3.2 程序语言的单词符号种类及词法分析输出
单词符号是程序设计语言的基本语法单位和最小 的语义单位。
例 有C语言源程序 段: main( ) { int a; a=10; printf(“%d”, a); }
保留字(它是标识符的子集): if、else、for、while、
<identifier>∷= <letter> | < identifier > <letter> | <identifier><digit> <number>∷= <digit> | <number> <digit> <letter>∷= a | b | … | z | A | B | … | Z <digit>∷= 1 | 2 | … | 9 | 0 <singleword>∷= + | - | * | / | = |(|)|{|}|:|,|;|<|>|! <doubleword>∷=>= |<= |!= |= = <commend_first>∷= /* <commend_last>∷= */
1 0
Z V1 Z01 U001 1001
3.3 正则文法及状态图
经济学基础Chap003ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. What does the supply and demand for human kidneys look like? If amarket in kidneys were legal, who would get them? How does a lawprohibiting kidney sales affect the quantity of kidney transplants or theirdistribution?LO: 2 AACSB: Analytic BT: AnalyzeCurrently, the demand for kidneys far exceeds the supply due to lawsprohibiting donors of kidneys from being compensated. If a market inkidneys were legal, the recipients would be those who had the financialability to acquire them, a market response just like any other goodbeing offered for sale. The law prohibiting kidney sales keeps thesupply down despite increasing demand.On the other hand, the quantity supplied of kidneys would increase asthe price increased. As the price increased, more people would bewilling to give up a kidney. The supply curve would start out at thepoint on the x-axis at the quantity that is currently available at a priceof zero. These are mostly from people who have died and have signedorgan donor cards. This quantity is lower than the quantity demandedand therefore results in a shortage of kidneys when their sale isprohibited by law.If a market in kidneys were legal, the people who are most likely to getthe kidneys are those who are willing and able to pay the going marketprice. People who do not have insurance coverage for new kidneys orwho cannot afford to pay the market price will do without.A law that prohibits kidney sales reduces the quantity of kidneystransplanted because the law reduces the quantity supplied of availablekidneys. The allocation of kidneys relies on legal distribution throughregistered organ banks and on the black market for kidneys.2. In the web-tutoring market, what forces might cause(a) A rightward shift of demand?(b) A leftward shift of demand?(c) A rightward shift of supply?(d) A leftward shift of supply?(e) A n increase in the equilibrium price?LO: 4 AACSB: Analytic BT: Apply3-2Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.a. An increase in any of the determinants of demand for web-tutoringwould cause the demand curve to shift right. Examples include: anincreased desire to create websites, increases in income resulting inmore people purchasing computers and connecting to the web,decreases in the prices of computers resulting in more peoplepurchasing computers and connecting to the web, decreases in theprice of monthly web connection fees, and changes in theexpectations of how many people will be accessing the web.b. A decrease in any of the determinants of demand for web-tutoringwould cause the demand curve to shift to the left. Examples wouldinclude: a decreased desire to create websites, decreases in incomeresulting in less people purchasing computers and connecting to theweb, increases in the prices of computers resulting in less peoplepurchasing computers and connecting to the web, increases in theprice of monthly web connection fees, and changes in theexpectations of how many people will be accessing the web.c. An increase in any of the determinants of supply for web-tutoringwould cause the supply curve to shift to the right. Examples include:improvements in technology that make it easier to design websites,decreases in the prices of computers and web design software, adecrease in taxes on web design income, increases in expectationsincome generated through web design, increases in the number ofsellers of web-tutoring.d. A decrease in any of the determinants of supply for web-tutoringwould cause the supply curve to shift to the left. Examples include:increases in the prices of computers and web design software,increases in taxes on web design income, decreases in expectationsof income generated through web design, decreases in the number ofsellers of web-tutoring.e. An increase in the equilibrium price of web services can be caused byeither an increase in demand or a decrease in supply, ceterisparibus.3. Did the price of tuition at your school change this year? What mighthave caused that?LO: 3 AACSB: Analytic BT: ApplyIn almost all cases, the price of tuition at colleges and universitiesincreased last year. A market explanation of this price increase wouldinclude an increase in the demand for a college education as more andmore high school graduates decide to go to college. In addition, thecost of providing that education, such as salaries of faculty, staff, andadministration, heating and cooling, rent on buildings, etc., allincreased, causing supply to decrease. Also, a reduction in subsidiesfrom state governments facing financial difficulties may have lead totuition increases in some cases.3-3Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.4. Illustrate the market shortage for tickets to 2012 Sandy benefit concert(News Wire, page 63). Why were the tickets priced so low initially?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: ApplySupplyrep(ECIRPSince markets use trial and error to set prices, the below market pricemay be due to bad guesses on the part of distributors. Concert ticketprices might also be kept low to sell out the arenas and create freepublicity for future concerts.5. When concert tickets are priced below equilibrium, who gets them? Isthis distribution of tickets fairer than a pure market distribution? Is itmore efficient? Who gains or loses if all the tickets are resold (scalped)at the market-clearing price?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: Apply3-4Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.When tickets are priced below equilibrium, tickets are often distributedinitially on a first-come first-serve basis. It is often the case that thesepeople then resell their tickets at a higher price for a profit. Whetherthe distribution of tickets is fairer than a pure market distributionsystem depends on your point of view. If you have the time to stand inline early, or redial the phone continually until you get in on thetelephone order line, you probably think the system is fair. If you donot have the time for these activities, you probably think the system isunfair. This system of distribution is less efficient in that the ticketsare not being sold for their market value. If all of the tickets are resold at the market-clearing price, then there are mostly gainers. Thosepeople who originally purchased the tickets gain because they sell$28.50 tickets for a higher price and they earn a profit. Those peoplewho purchase the tickets at a higher price gain because they are able toacquire tickets that they otherwise would not have been able topurchase. There are some people who may not be able to afford to paythe market-clearing price and thus cannot purchase the tickets.6. Is there a shortage of on-campus parking at your school? How mightthe shortage be resolved?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: ApplyMost schools have an on-campus parking shortage. This shortagecould be resolved in a number of ways. A non-market solution wouldbe for the campus administration to intervene and restrict the numberof cars allowed on campus. For example, some schools do not allowfirst and second year students to bring cars on campus. This method,of course, harms first and second year students who would otherwisebring cars to campus. A second method would be to utilize the marketand sell parking privileges. If the price of parking permits is setappropriately, the parking problem will be resolved. Only thosestudents who perceive the benefit of parking to be greater than or equalto the cost of parking will purchase the parking permit. Those who donot believe the benefits received from parking on campus are worth theprice will either not bring cars to school or will park off campus.7. If departing tenants sell access to rent-controlled apartments, who islikely to end up with the apartments? How else might scarcerent-controlled apartments be distributed?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: ApplyIf departing tenants sell access to rent-controlled apartments, thepeople who end up with the apartments are those who can most affordto pay the access fee. An alternative to this distribution system mightbe to set up a means test, i.e. have a maximum income requirement forrent-controlled apartments. People who exceed the maximum incomecould not have access to the apartments.3-5Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.8. If rent controls are so counterproductive, why do cities impose them?How else might the housing of poor people be solved?3-6Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.LO: 5 AACSB: Reflective Thinking BT: CreateWhere the leaders of a city have both a commitment to solving thehousing problems of the poor and political pressure to act quickly, rentcontrols do the job. They immediately put a lid on rents. Because thisinterference with the market decreases the profitability of rentalhousing, rent controls also tend to bring construction of new rentalhousing to a halt, so that the long-run housing problem will still exist.An alternative approach would be to utilize the market by eithersubsidizing the rents of low-income people, thereby enabling them topay the “high” rents or subsidizing landlords, thereby increasingsupply and lowering rents to a more acceptable level. Cities alsoincrease the supply of rental housing by creating government-ownedpublic housing.9. Why did Apple set the initial price of the iPhone 5 below equilibrium (seethe News Wire p. 64)? Should Apple have immediately raised the price?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: AnalyzeApple might have been setting the price of their iPhone 5 based on along-term pricing strategy rather than a short-term pricing strategy.Although their initial price of $199 for the 16GB version was well belowthe equilibrium price during the initial release, Apple expectedconsumer demand and supply to reach an equilibrium level well belowthis level after the initial release. Instead of alienating consumers onthis new product, they set a price that allowed consumers who werewilling and able to purchase the product at $199 to have access to theproduct while still enticing other potential consumers with thepossibility of purchasing a higher GB version for a higher price. In sodoing, they kept potential consumers in the market waiting for theshortage to be alleviated. They also were able to use the shortage as amarketing strategy to demonstrate their product to would-be buyersand get them to purchase a higher priced phone while giving them ahigher GB version as well.10. POLICY PERSPECTIVES Was the gas rationing in New Jersey the fairestresponse to the gasoline crisis? The most efficient?LO: 5 AACSB: Analytic BT: ApplyThe government’s response to a the lower supply of gasoline in thoseareas replaces the market mechanism of determi ning a person’s abilityto pay for a product through price, with the amount of time they can waitin line for their gasoline ration. If fairness is measured by time someonecan spend instead of resources they are given by other people in society,then it was the fairest response. It is the least efficient as it ensures ashortage by setting prices below market equilibrium without a rationing.3-7Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.3-8Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw-Hill Education.3-9Copyright © 2014 McGraw -Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw -Hill Education. PROBLEMS 1. Using the “new demand” in Figure 3.7 as a guide, determine the size of the market surplus or shortage that would exist at a price of(a) $40 (b) $20Answers: (a) approximately 50 hours of surplus (b) approximately 87.5 hours of shortageExplanation: (a) At a price of $40, quantity supplied is 125 and quantity demanded is 75 implying a surplus of 50 hours. (b) At a price of $20, quantity supplied is 37.5 and quantity demanded is 125 implying a shortage of 87.5 hours.LO 03-05Topic: Disequilibrium PricingAACSB: Analytic Blooms: Level 2 Understand2. (a) Assuming constant supply and demand curves, what were the different market situations for the 1992 and 1997 U2 concerts? (b) What is the equilibrium price? (See the discussion and News Wire on page. 65)/ Answers: (a) 1992 – shortage, 1997 – surplus(b) $30 Explanation: (a) U2’s cheap tickets for their 1992 concert tour not only filled up every concert venue but left thousands of fans clamoring for entry; a clear sign of a shortage. In 1997, U2 was charging as much as $52.50 a ticket. By the time they got to their second city they were playing in stadiums with lots of empty seats; an apparent market surplus. (b) U2’s 2009 360 Degrees Tour offered festival seating for $30 and sold out every performance.LO 03-05Topic: Disequilibrium PricingAACSB: Analytic Blooms: Level 3 Apply3.Given the following data,(a) complete the following table, (b) construct market supply and demand curves, (c) identify the equilibrium price,3-10Copyright © 2014 McGraw -Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent ofMcGraw -Hill Education. (d) identify the amount of shortage or surplus that would exist at a price of $5.Participant Quantity Demanded (per week) Price $5 $4 $3 $2 $1Demand sideAl 1 2 3 4 5Betsy 1 2 2 2 3Casey 2 2 3 3 4Daisy 2 3 4 4 6Eddie 2 2 2 3 5Market Total __ __ __ __ __Price $5 $4 $3 $2 $1Supply sideFirm A 3 3 3 3 3Firm B 7 5 4 4 2Firm C 6 4 3 3 1Firm D 6 5 4 3 0Firm E 4 3 3 3 2Market total __ __ __ __ __Answers:(a)Price $5 $4 $3 $2 $1Demand sideMarket Total 8 11 14 16 23Supply sideMarket Total 26 20 17 16 8(b)(c) $2(d) 18 unit surplusExplanation:(a) Market totals are developed by simply summing each column. Forexample, the market total at a price of $5 is 8 (= 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2).(b) In order to construct market supply and demand curves, market totalswith their corresponding prices are plotted. For example, one point on the market supply curve is at a price of $5 and market supply of 26 (26, 5). The other points along both curves are plotted in a similar manner.(b) Equilibrium price is the price at which quantity supplied is equal toquantity demanded. At a price of $2, quantity supplied is 16 units andquantity demanded is 16 units.(d) At a price of $5, quantity supplied is 26 units while quantity demanded is8. Thus, a surplus of 18 units exists.LO 03-02Topic:Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 3 Apply4. If a product becomes more popular(a) Which curve will shift?(b) Along which curve will price and quantity move?At the new equilibrium price, will(c) price(d) quantitybe higher or lower?Answers:(a) demand(b) supply(c) higher(d) higherExplanation:(a) When a product becomes more popular, consumers become moreinterested in purchasing this new product, increasing demand.(b) An increase in demand moves price and quantity along the supply curve.(c) An increase in demand is a shift in the demand curve away from theorigin leading to an increase in price.(d) Once again an increase in demand shifts the demand curve to the rightleading to an increase in quantity.LO 03-04Topic:Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 2 Understand5. Which curve shifts and in what direction, when the following events occur inthe domestic car market?(a) The U.S. economy falls into a recession.(b) U.S. auto workers go on strike.(c) Imported cars become more expensive.(d) The price of gasoline increases.Answers:(a) Demand shifts to the left(b) Supply shifts to the left(c) Demand shifts to the right(d) Demand shifts to the leftExplanation:(a) When the U.S. economy falls into a recession, incomes in the U.S. arelower and thus demand for domestic cars decrease.(b) If U.S. auto workers go on strike, domestic car production slows orcomes to a halt, decreasing supply.(c) When imported cars become more expensive, people are more likely tobuy the relatively less expensive domestic cars, increasing demand.(d) Gasoline and cars are complementary goods so an increasing price ofgasoline will lead to a decrease in demand for domestic cars.LO 03-04Topic: Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 4 Analyze6. Show graphically the market situation for 16 GB iPhone 5s in 2012 (see NewsWire, p. 68).Answer: a shortage existsExplanation:According to the article, a random check of about a dozen stores indicated that most were sold out. One particular Verizon store in New York Citysaid the 32 and 64 gigabyte models, but not the 16 GB version, wereavailable. A Sprint store in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota, said all but the most expensive 64 GB iPhone 5s were sold out. In this case quantitydemanded exceeds quantity supplied and a shortage exists.LO 03-04Topic: Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 2 Understand7. Assume the following data describe the gasoline market:Priceper gallon $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50Quantitydemanded 36 35 34 33 32 31 30Quantitysupplied 24 26 28 30 32 34 36(a) Graph the demand and supply curves.(b) What is the equilibrium price?(c) If supply at every price is reduced by 6 gallons, what will the newequilibrium price be?(d) If the government freezes the price of gasoline at its initial equilibriumprice, how much of a surplus or shortage will exist when supply is reduced as described in part (c) above?Answer:(a)(b) $3.00 per gallon(c) $3.50 per gallon(d) 6 gallon shortageExplanation:(a) The demand curve is graphed with price on the vertical axis and quantity on the horizontal axis. Each corresponding pair is then plotted. For example, one point is at a price of $2.00 and a quantity demanded of 36, another point is at a price of $2.25 and a quantity demanded of 35, and so on. The supply curve is plotted in the same way yet the corresponding pair of price and quantity supplied are used.(b) Equilibrium price is the price at which quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied, in this case equilibrium price is $3.00 where quantity demanded (32 gallons) is equal to quantity supplied (32 gallons).(c) With a decreased supply of 6 gallons at every price, the new equilibrium price is $3.50 where quantity demanded (30 gallons) is equal to quantity supplied (30 gallons).(d) At the initial equilibrium price of $3.00 and the new supply described in part (b), quantity demanded is 32 gallons and quantity supplied is 26 gallons. Thus, implying a shortage of 6 gallons.LO 03-03Topic: EquilibriumAACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 3 Apply8. Graph the response of students to higher alcohol prices, as discussed in theNews Wire on p. 53.Answer: decrease in quantity demandedExplanation:Students faced with a $1 increase above the average drink price of $2.17 will be 33 percent less likely to drink at all or as much.LO 03-02Topic: Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 3 Apply9. (a) Graph the outcomes in the used-car market (News Wire, p. 65) if thegovernment had put a ceiling of $20,000 on used-car prices after Hurricane Sandy.(b) How large would the resulting market shortage be?Answers:(a)(b) 2,500 carsExplanation:(a) When a price ceiling of $20,000 is imposed, a shortage results.(b) If a price ceiling of $20,000 had been imposed on the used-car market,quantity demanded would have been greater than quantity supplied.According to the graph provided, this would result in a shortage of 2,500 used cars (= 10,000 – 7,500).LO 03-05Topic: Disequilibrium PricingAACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 3 Apply10. Illustrate on a graph the impact on the New Jersey gasoline market of:(a) Hurricane Sandy.(b) The governor’s price controls.Answers:(a) decrease in supply(b) shortageExplanation:(a) Hurricane Sandy was the largest Atlantic storm on record. The gasolinemarket was particularly hard hit by the storm. One third of the fuelterminals in New Jersey were closed down due to storm damage, cutting off wholesale gasoline supplies. Over 60 percent of the gas stations in NewJersey were inoperable in the wake of Sandy. Supply was thus decreasedsignificantly.(b) Governor Christie responded to the crisis by imposing gas rationing inNorthern New Jersey. He also declared that gas stations could not charge a price that was more than 10 percent above pre-hurricane levels. Those who did would be charged with price gouging and subjected to both civil andcriminal penalties.LO 03-04Topic: Market Interactions (including Demand and Supply)AACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 4 Analyze11. If the average face value of tickets for the Hurricane Sandy benefit concert(see News Wire “Ticket scalpers making big bucks off 12/12/12 concert forbenefit Hurricane Sandy victims”) was $600 and the equilibrium price was $1,000, how much ticket revenue was lost due to disequilibrium pricing?Answer: $8 millionExplanation:If the average face value of a ticket for the benefit concert was $600, this implies a loss of $400 per ticket (= $1,000 - $600). According to the discussion there were 20,000 seats available. Therefore, the total revenue lost was $8 million (= 20,000 seats x $400) due to disequilibrium pricing. LO 03-01Topic: Market ParticipantsAACSB: AnalyticBlooms: Level 4 Analyze。
《跨境电商沟通与客服》课后习题Chap 1绪论假设你在Aliexpress上经营一家主营服装的网店,通过数据分析,你发现店铺的巴西客户和俄罗斯客户数量最多,你将如何分别针对这两国客户进行店铺营销和客服沟通?(请说明你将选择什么样的店铺营销手段?在沟通过程中应注意哪些问题?请说明原因)速卖通店铺的营销手段主要有四种:店铺优惠券、全店铺打折、限时限量折扣和全店铺满立减。
Chap 2售前沟通与服务Jinjiang Jinghong Trading Co., Ltd.在Aliexpress上经营一家网店卖鞋子Mr. John向你咨询了一双鞋,作为业务员的你,•该如何向他推荐产品?•简要列出该产品特点。
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a a (ξ 在 与 之间) 之间) n n+1
n2 a = lim n→∞ n(n + 1) 1 + ξ 2
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
解法2 解法2 利用罗必塔法则
arctan a − arctan b x x 原式 = lim 1 x→∞ x2 nbt = lim t →0 t2
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例1. 设函数 证明 在
在 内有界. 内有界
内可导, 内可导 且
∈ 证: 取点 x0 ∈(a , b), 再取异于 x0 的点 x∈(a , b), 对
在以 x0 , x 为端点的区间上用拉氏中值定理 得 为端点的区间上用拉氏中值定理,
f ( x) − f ( x0 ) = f ′(ξ )( x − x0 )
f (0)+ f (1)+ f (2) f (c) = f (0) += 1 ) + f (2) f (1 3 分析: 分析: 所给条件可写为 = 1, f (3) = 1 3 Q f (c) = f (3) = 1, 且 f ( x)在[c, 3] 上连续,f在(c, 3) 内可导, f (0) + (1) + f (2) f (c) = 想到找一点 c , 使∈(c, 3) ⊂ (0, 3), 使 f ′(ξ ) = 0. 3 由罗尔定理知, 由罗尔定理知 必存在 ξ
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例5.设函数 f (x) 在[0, 3] 上连续 在(0, 3) 内可导 且 上连续, 内可导, f (0) + f (1) + f (2) = 3, f (3) = 1,试证必存在 ξ ∈(0, 3), 使 f ′(ξ ) = 0. (03考研) (03考研 考研) 证: 因 f (x) 在[0, 3]上连续 所以在 2]上连续 且在 上连续, 上连续, 上连续 所以在[0, 上连续 [0, 2]上有最大值 M 与最小值 m, 故 上有最大值 f (0) + f (1) + f (2) m≤ ≤M m ≤ f (0), f (1), f (2) ≤ M 3 由介值定理, 由介值定理 至少存在一点 c ∈[0, 2] , 使
f ′′(ξ ) 2 f ( x) = f (0) + f ′(0)x + x 2! = −2ξ e2ξ x2 < 0 (0 < ξ < x < 1)
故原不等式成立. 故原不等式成立
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例13. 求 解法1 解法1 利用中值定理求极限
1 a a 原式 = lim n ( − ) 2 n→∞ 1+ ξ n n + 1
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例12. 证: 只要证
设 f ( x) = (1 − x)e
− 1 − x,
则 f (0) = 0
f ′(0) = 0
f ′( x) = (1 − 2x)e2 x − 1,
f ′′( x) = −4x e2 x < 0 (0 < x < 1)
利用一阶泰勒公式, 利用一阶泰勒公式 得
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
x1 o
x2 x
f (x)
x1 o
x2 x
例7. 证明
上单调增加. 上单调增加
证: ln f ( x) = xln(1 + 1 ) x = x [ ln(1 + x) − ln x ]
令 F(t ) = lnt , 在 [ x , x +1 ]上利用拉氏中值定理 得 上利用拉氏中值定理, 上利用拉氏中值定理 1 ln(1 + x) − ln x = (0 < x < ξ < x + 1)
习题课、 习题课、中值定理与导数的应用
一、 微分中值定理及其应用 二、 导数应用
一、 微分中值定理及其应用
1.微分中值定理及其相互关系 1.微分中值定理及其相互关系 罗尔定理 f ′(ξ ) = 0
f (a) = f (b)
f (a) = f (b)
y F( x) = x y = f (x)
f (b) − f (a) = f ′(ξ )(b − a), ξ ∈(a, b)
又因 f ( x)及x2 在[a, b]上满足柯西定理条件 , 故有
a+b f ′(η), ξ , η ∈(a , b) 代入② 将①代入② , 化简得 f ′(ξ ) = 2η
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
则 故
ϕ′( x) = e x[ f ( x) + f ′( x)]> 0
在 上连续单调递增, 从而至多只有 上连续单调递增
一个零点 . 至多只有一个零点. 又因 e x > 0, 因此 f (x) 也至多只有一个零点 思考: 思考: 若题中 其它不变时, 如何设辅助函数? 其它不变时 如何设辅助函数
例2. 设
上连续, 上连续 在
内可导, 且 内可导 使
证: 问题转化为证 ξ f ′(ξ ) + 2 f (ξ ) = 0. 设辅助函数 显然
ϕ( x) = x2 f ( x)
上满足罗尔定理条件, 在 [ 0 , 1 ] 上满足罗尔定理条件 故至 使 少存在一点
ϕ′(ξ ) = 2ξ f (ξ ) + ξ 2 f ′(ξ ) = 0
1 1 1 x) − 故当 x > 0 f ′(,x) = [ln(1 +从而 ln x]+ x [ 时 在 ] 上单调增. −上单调增 f ( x) 1+ x x
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例8. 设
上可导, 且 上可导
证明 f ( x ) 至多只有一个零点 .
x 证: 设ϕ( x) = e f ( x)
x1 o
x2 x
f (x)
的示意图. 的正负作 f (x) 的示意图
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
x1 o x2
(2) 设函数
上可导, 在 ( −∞ ,+∞ ) 上可导,
f ′′(x)
的图形如图所示, 的图形如图所示 则函数 f (x) 的图 上是凹弧; 形在区间 ( x1, 0), ( x2, + ∞)上是凹弧 在区间 (−∞, x1), (0, x2 ) 上是凸弧 ; 拐点为 ( x1, f ( x1)) , ( x2, f ( x2 )), (0, f (0)) . 提示: 提示: 的示意图. 的正负作 f (x) 的示意图
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
改为 f ( x) − f ′( x) < 0,
ϕ( x) = e− x f ( x)
例9. 求数列 证: 设 f ( x) =
1 xx
的最大项. 的最大项
( x ≥ 1), 用对数求导法得
令 极大值
f ′( x) =
1 −2 x x (1 − ln x )
得 列表判别: 列表判别 因为 处 又因 中的最大项. 中的最大项
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例6. 填空题 (1) 设函数 其导数图形如图所示, 其导数图形如图所示 单调减区间为 (−∞, x1), (0, x2 ) ; 单调增区间为 ( x1, 0), ( x2, + ∞) ; x1, x2 ; 极小值点为 极大值点为 提示: 提示:
f ′(x)
oaξ b x 柯西中值定理
f (b) − f (a) f ′(ξ ) = F(b) − F(a) F′(ξ )
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
f (b) − f (a) f ′(ξ ) = b−a F( x) = x n=0 y = f (x) y 泰勒中值定理
f ( x) = f ( x0 ) + f ′( x0 )( x − x0 ) o a ξ b x +L+ 1 f (n)( x0 )( x − x0 )n n! + 1 f (n+1)(ξ )( x − x0 )n+1 (n + 1)!
习题课、 习题课、中值定理及导数的应用
例3. 试证存在
f ′(ξ ) f ′(η) f ′(ξ )(b − a) f ′(η) , 即要证 . = = 证: 欲证 2 2 a+b 2η 2η b −a 上满足拉氏中值定理条件, 因 f ( x ) 在 [ a , b ] 上满足拉氏中值定理条件 故有
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例11. 设
上 有
存在 , 且
递减, 单调 递减 证明对一切
证: 设ϕ( x) = f (a + x) − f (a) − f ( x), 则
ϕ′( x) = f ′(a + x) − f ′( x)
所以当 令 x = b, 得 即所证不等式成立. 即所证不等式成立
满足下述等式 a1 an a0 + +L+ =0 2 n+1 在 ( 0 , 1) 内至少有一 证明方程 例4.设实数 4.设实数 个实根. 个实根 证: 令F′( x) = a0 + a1x +L+ anxn, 则可设 a1 2 an n+1 F( x) = a0 x + x +L+ x 2 n+1 且 F(0) = F(1) = 0,由罗尔定理知存在一点 ξ ∈(0,1), 使 即 a0 + a1x +L+ an xn = 0 在 0, 内至少有一个实根ξ . ( 1 )