御前大臣 grand minister in attendance
经筵官 participant in the classics colloquium
录事司 Administration Office
翰林(侍读)学士 awaiting/ studying Hanlin Academician
(南)御史台椽(院?) the (south) Censorate
参知政事 assistant administrator
兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War
(燕南)宪司经历 registrar of Judicial Commission(SONG) the Surveillance Commission(in YUAN)
户部尚书 Ministry of Revenue
吏部尚书 Ministry of Personnel
理藩院尚书 Ministry of the Court of Clonial Affairs
兵部尚书minister of war
丞相 grand councilor ; counselor-in-chief
平章政事 manager of governmental affairs
昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature
荣禄大夫 grand master for glorious happiness
驻藏大臣 grand minister resident of Tibet
德语 越南语
葡萄牙语 西班牙语 阿拉伯语 中文 世界语 塞尔维亚语
南非荷兰语 捷克语
府学生员 Prefectural School / government student 内阁(大)学士 (grand) secretary of the Grand Secretariat 中宪大夫 grand master exemplar 军机大臣 grand minister of state 荣禄大夫 grand master for glorious happiness 驻藏大臣 grand minister resident of Tibet
第 3 页,共 3 页
第 1 页,共 3 页
参知政事 assistant administrator 燕南宪司照磨闽海宪司知事 兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War
(燕南)宪司经历 registrar of Judicial Commission(SONG) ; the Surveillance Commission(in YUAN)
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日语 泰语
昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature
平章军国大事manager of important national security matters
现代官衔职称的翻译1正职头衔翻译法1)用Chief表示的职衔总司令COmmander-in-chief总编辑EditOr-in-chief总参谋长Chief of General Staff总工程师Chief Engineer总会计师Chief ACCOUnt总建筑师Chief ArChiteCt总裁判Chief Referee图书馆馆长Chief Librarian首席法官Chief JUdge检察长Chief PrOCUratOr (PrOCUratOr ate 检察院)总裁/ 首席执行官Chief EXeCUtiVe OffiCer (CEo)首席财务官Chief FinanCiaI OffiCer (CFO)首席记者Chief COrreSPOndent首席谈判代表Chief NegOtiatOr部MiniStry司厅/ 局/处/科长Chief/Head of the DePartment/Bureau/DiViSion/SeCtiOn县/ 区/ 乡/ 镇长COUntry/District/TOWnShiP/Town Chief/Head 2)用general表示的职衔总书记General Seeretary检察长Procurator-general审计长Auditor-general秘书长Seeretary-general总领事Consul-general (consulate 领事馆/ambassador 大使/embassy 大使馆)总经理GeneraI Manager3)用head来表示的职衔总教练Head Coach总厨Head Chef护士长Head NUrSe村长Village Head列车长Head Of a Train CreW4)用PreSident表示的职衔国家主席PreSident中国科学院院长PreSident Of the ChineSe ACademy of SCienCe最高人民法院院长PreSident of the SUPreme People ' COUrt(大学)校长PreSident中国人民银行行长PreSident/Governor of the ChineSe People ' Bank协会/ 学会/ 理事会会长PreSident of an association/SOCiety/council5)用Chairman 表示的职衔人大常委会委员长NPC Chairman政治协商会议主席CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席Chairman Of the Central Military CommiSSion政党主席Chairman of a Political Party公司董事长Chairman of the Board of DireCtOrS大学系主任Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6) 用director表示的职衔总政治部主任DireCtOr of the GeneraI Political DePartment 办公厅主任DireCtOr of the GeneraI OffiCe亚洲司司长DireCtOr of the DePartment of ASian AffairS 人民日报社社长DireCtOr of the People 'Daily编译局局长DireCtOr of the Compilation and TranSlationBUreaU研究所所长DireCtOr of a research inStitute博物馆馆长DireCtOr of a muSeumT)用COmmiSSiOner 表示的职衔行/公署专员COmmiSSiOner自治州州长COmmiSSiOner公安局局长Police COmmiSSiOner8) 用COmmander 表示的职衔执行主席EXeCUtiVe Chairman行政/ 执行秘书EXeCUtiVe SeCretary9) 用SeniOr表示的职衔高级工程师SeniOr Engineer高级编辑SeniOr EditOr高级讲师Senior LeCtUrer10)用executive表示的职衔执行主席EXeCUtiVe Chairman执行秘书EXeCUtiVe SeCretary11)其他总理Premier (中);Prime MiniSter国务委员State COUnCilor (State COUnCiI 国务院)部长MiniSter省长PrOVinCiaI GOVernOr顾问AdViSOr2副职头衔翻译法1)与前缀ViCe 搭配的头衔(PreSident, Premier , Chairman, minister,governor …)副主席ViCe Chairman副总理ViCe Premier副部长ViCe MiniSter副领事ViCe Consul副省长ViCe GOVernOr副校长ViCe PrinCiPaI2)与前缀DePUty 搭配的职衔(chief, head, mayor , director)副市长DePUty/Vice Mayor畐U书记DePUty SeCretary畐U秘书长DePUty SeCretary-general副检察长DePUty Chief PrOCUratOr副参谋长DePUty Chief Of Staff副处/ 科长DePUty DiViSion/SeCtiOn Chief3)与前缀ASSOCiate搭配的职衔副教授ASSOCiate PrOfeSSOr畐U研究员ASSOCiate ReSearCh Fellow3兼”代理”名誉”的翻译方法1)兼"的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and COnCUrrentIy上海市委书记兼市长Party SeCretary and COnCUrrentIy Mayor of Shanghai 2)代理"用acting代主席ACting PreSident3)名誉"有时用honorary ,有时用emeritus (荣誉退休的)名誉主席Honorary Chairma n名誉校长EmeritUS PreSident中国古代官职1品到5品翻译一品丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister Of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief 太尉Grand Commandant 太傅Grand PreCePtOr 大司空Great Minister of PUbIiC Works 大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior 二品骠骑将军General of the Flying CaVaIry 车骑将军General of ChariOtS and CaVaIry 镇东大将军Great General Who GUardS the EaSt 镇南大将军Great General Who GUardS the South 镇西大将军Great General Who GUardS the WeSt 镇北大将军Great General Who GUardS the North 征东大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the EaSt 征南大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the South 征西大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the WeSt 征北大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the North 光禄大夫ImPeriaI Minister of State 卫将军General of MartiaI Might 中军大将军Great General of the Central Army 上军大将军Great General of the UPPer Army三品光禄勋Chief of PaIaCe Administration 太常MaSter of Ceremony 尚书令Chief of SeCretariat 执金吾Chief of the CaPitaI GUard 安东将军General Who StabiIiZeS the EaSt 安南将军General Who StabiIiZeS the South 安西将军General Who StabiIiZeS the WeSt 安北将军General Who StabiIiZeS the North 平北将军General Who PaCifieS the North 平东将军General Who PaCifieS the EaSt 平南将军General Who PaCifieS the South 平西将军General Who PaCifieS the WeSt 前将军General of the FOrWard Army 后将军General of the Rear左将军General Of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army四品御史中丞ImPeriaI Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valia nt CaVaIry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the PrOdUCtiOn Of CrOSSbOWS积射将军General in Charge of the PrOdUCtiOn of Bows城门校尉Commander Who GUardS Gate典军中郎将Chief ImPeriaI Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the PrOdUCtion Of CrOSSbOWS持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将DePUty ImPeriaI Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将ImPeriaI Corps Comma nder Who UPIiftS the Army 武卫中郎将ImPeriaI Corps Commander of the MiIitary GUard五品符节令OffiCer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who DiSPIayS Owl ' Might折冲将军General Who OPPreSSeS the Enemy With FerOCity 伏波将军General Who OVerCOmeS AdVerSity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who CrOSSeS the OCean楼船将军General in Charge of NaVy复土将军General Who ReStOreS TerritOry牙门将军GarriSOn Commander偏将军ASSiStant General裨将军DePUty General。
跨文化翻译~~中国古代官职(一品~五品)中英对照丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief太尉Grand Commandant太傅Grand Preceptor大司空Great Minister of Public Works大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior二品骠骑将军General of the Fly ing Cavalry车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East 镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South 镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West 镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North 征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East 征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South 征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West 征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North 光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State卫将军General of Martial Might中军大将军Great General of the Central Army上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army三品光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration太常Master of Ceremony尚书令Chief of Secretariat执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North平北将军General Who Pacifies the North平东将军General Who Pacifies the East平南将军General Who Pacifies the South平西将军General Who Pacifies the West前将军General of the Forward Army后将军General of the Rear左将军General of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army御史中丞Imperial Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army 武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard 五品符节令Officer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who Displays Owl’s Might折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity 破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians 横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean 楼船将军General in Charge of Navy复土将军General Who Restores Territory牙门将军Garrison Commander偏将军Assistant General裨将军Deputy General。
古代官职的中英翻译府学生员Prefectural School / government student内阁(大)学士(grand) secretary of the Grand Secretariat中宪大夫grand master exemplar荣禄大夫grand master for glorious happiness军机大臣grand minister of state驻藏大臣grand minister resident of Tibet伊犁将军general of Yili兵部员外郎vice director of Bureau of Military Personnel;湖广总督governor-general of Hu-Guang直隶候补知府reserve prefect of a superior prefecture库伦办事大臣grand minister superintendent of KULUN太守prefect(知州、知府)御前大臣grand minister in attendance经筵官participant in the classics colloquium录事司Administration Office翰林(侍读)学士awaiting/ studying Hanlin Academician参知政事assistant administrator兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War秀才scholar; skilful writer举人provincial graduate进士metropolitan graduate封疆大吏provincial magnate按察副使vice surveillance commissioner翻译生员translation student翰林学士Hanlin Academician笔帖式clerk丞相grand councilor counselor-in-chief平章政事manager of governmental affairs昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature 平章军国大事manager of important national security matters中丞事vice-manager of important national security matters刑部尚书ministry of Justice工部尚书ministry of Works户部尚书Ministry of Revenue吏部尚书Ministry of Personnel理藩院尚书Ministry of the Court of Clonial Affairs兵部尚书minister of war。
寺即官署。九寺即九卿之官署。汉以太常、光禄勋、卫尉、太仆、廷尉、大鸿胪、宗 正、大司农、少府谓之九寺大卿。历代略有变动,迄于清皆因之。
4、知 主持 《左传·襄公二十六年》:“子产其将~政矣。”
5、判 高职位或出任地方官 《宋史·韩绮传》:“除镇安武胜军节度史、司徒兼侍中,~ 相州。”
6、任 担负、担任 《史记·蒙恬传》:“恬~外事,而毅常为内谋。”
7、授 授给、给予 《汉书·翟方进传》:“遣使者持黄金印……朱轮军,即军中拜~。”
8、辟(bi)征召 《晋书·谢安传》:“初~司徒府,除佐著作郎。”(当初受司徒府的征召, 拜官为著作郎。)
Байду номын сангаас
【太子太师】太子太师属“东宫三师”为名义上的太子老师。太子太师、太子太傅、太子 太保为“东宫三师”,太子少师、太子少傅、太子少保,称"三孤"后来也逐渐成为虚衔。
陟罚臧否,不宜异同。(诸葛亮《出师表》) 3.升(提升) 旋升宁夏道。(梁启超《谭嗣同》) 四.表示降低、罢免官职的 1.谪(贬官,降职并外放) 庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》) 2.贬(降职并外放,与“谪”相近) 贬连州刺史。(《旧唐书• 刘禹锡传》) 3.黜(罢免官职) 台臣惭,迫受其牒,为复守官而黜臧使者。(高启《书博鸡者事》) 4.夺(削去、罢免) 使者遂逮守,胁服夺其官。(高启《书博鸡者事》) 五.表示官职调动的 1.转(迁职调任,无所谓升降) 顺帝初,再转复为太史令。(范晔《后汉书• 张衡传》) 2.徙(改任官职,特定语境下可以表示升职或降职) 衡不慕当年,所居之官辄积年不徙。(范晔《后汉书• 张衡传》) 3.调(调动、调迁) 调为陇西都府。(班固《汉书• 袁盎传》) 4.迁(调动改派。一般情况下,“转迁”“迁调”表示调职;“右迁”“迁除”表示升职;“左迁”“迁 谪”表示削职) 公车特拜征郎中,再迁为太史令。(范晔《后汉书• 张衡传》) 元和十年,予左迁九江郡司马。(白居易《琵琶行》) 5.放(京官调任地方官)
古今官衔职称的翻译集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-现代官衔职称的翻译1 正职头衔翻译法1) 用chief表示的职衔总司令 Commander-in-chief总编辑 Editor-in-chief总参谋长 Chief of General Staff 总工程师 Chief Engineer总会计师 Chief Account总建筑师 Chief Architect总裁判 Chief Referee图书馆馆长 Chief Librarian首席法官 Chief Judge检察长 Chief Procurator(Procurator ate 检察院)总裁/首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer(CFO)首席记者 Chief Correspondent首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator部 Ministry司厅/局/处/科长 Chief/Head of theDepartment/Bureau/Division/Section县/区/乡/镇长 Country/District/Township/Town Chief/Head 2) 用general表示的职衔总书记 General Secretary检察长 Procurator-general审计长 Auditor-general秘书长 Secretary-general总领事 Consul-general(consulate 领事馆/ambassador 大使/embassy 大使馆)总经理 General Manager3) 用head来表示的职衔总教练 Head Coach总厨 Head Chef护士长 Head Nurse村长 Village Head列车长 Head of a Train Crew4) 用president表示的职衔国家主席 President中国科学院院长 President of the Chinese Academy of Science最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court(大学)校长 President中国人民银行行长President/Governor of the Chinese People’s Bank协会/学会/理事会会长 President of anassociation/society/council5) 用chairman表示的职衔人大常委会委员长 NPC Chairman政治协商会议主席 CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席 Chairman of the Central Military Commission政党主席 Chairman of a Political Party公司董事长 Chairman of the Board of Directors大学系主任 Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6) 用director表示的职衔总政治部主任 Director of the General Political Department办公厅主任 Director of the General Office亚洲司司长 Director of the Department of Asian Affairs人民日报社社长Director of the People’s Daily编译局局长 Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau研究所所长 Director of a research institute 博物馆馆长 Director of a museum7) 用commissioner表示的职衔行/公署专员 Commissioner自治州州长 Commissioner公安局局长 Police Commissioner8) 用commander表示的职衔执行主席 Executive Chairman行政/执行秘书 Executive Secretary9) 用senior表示的职衔高级工程师 Senior Engineer高级编辑 Senior Editor高级讲师 Senior Lecturer10) 用executive表示的职衔执行主席 Executive Chairman执行秘书 Executive Secretary11) 其他总理 Premier(中);Prime Minister国务委员 State Councilor(State Council 国务院)部长 Minister省长 Provincial Governor顾问 Advisor2 副职头衔翻译法1) 与前缀vice搭配的头衔(president, premier, chairman, minister, governor…)副主席 Vice Chairman副总理 Vice Premier副部长 Vice Minister副领事 Vice Consul副省长 Vice Governor副校长 Vice Principal2) 与前缀Deputy搭配的职衔(chief, head, mayor, director)副市长 Deputy/Vice Mayor副书记 Deputy Secretary副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-general副检察长 Deputy Chief Procurator副参谋长 Deputy Chief of Staff副处/科长 Deputy Division/Section Chief3) 与前缀Associate搭配的职衔副教授 Associate Professor副研究员 Associate Research Fellow3 “兼”“代理”“名誉”的翻译方法1) “兼”的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and concurrently上海市委书记兼市长 Party Secretary and Concurrently Mayor of Shanghai2) “代理”用acting代主席 Acting President3) “名誉”有时用honorary,有时用emeritus(荣誉退休的)名誉主席 Honorary Chairman名誉校长 Emeritus President中国古代官职1品到5品翻译一品丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief太尉Grand Commandant太傅Grand Preceptor大司空Great Minister of Public Works大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior二品骠骑将军General of the Flying Cavalry车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East 镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South 镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West 镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North 征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East 征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South 征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West 征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North 光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State卫将军General of Martial Might中军大将军Great General of the Central Army 上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army三品光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration太常Master of Ceremony尚书令Chief of Secretariat执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North平北将军General Who Pacifies the North平东将军General Who Pacifies the East平南将军General Who Pacifies the South平西将军General Who Pacifies the West前将军General of the Forward Army后将军General of the Rear左将军General of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army四品御史中丞Imperial Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将 Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard五品符节令 Officer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who D isplays Owl’s Might折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean楼船将军General in Charge of Navy复土将军General Who Restores Territory牙门将军Garrison Commander偏将军Assistant General裨将军Deputy General。
古代官职称谓大全1. 皇帝 (huáng dì) - 古代君主的最高称号,在中国古代帝王制度中代表着至高无上的权威和统治力。
2. 太子(tài zǐ) - 皇帝的嫡长子,是未来的继任者。
3. 大臣 (dà chén) - 皇帝的高级官员,负责辅助皇帝治理国家事务。
4. 宰相(zǎi xiàng) - 皇帝的首席大臣,负责国家政务的总管理。
5. 高官(gāo guān) - 位居高级职位的官员,负责具体部门的管理和决策。
6. 文官 (wén guān) - 负责文化、教育、文艺等领域的官员。
7. 武官(wǔ guān) - 负责军事和安全事务的官员。
8. 衙役 (yá yì) - 监管和维持官府秩序的人员。
9. 仕宦人员 (shì huàn rén yuán) - 通过科举考试进入官府任职的人员。
10. 地方官(dì fāng guān) - 负责地方行政和司法事务的官员。
11. 将军(jiāng jūn) - 统率军队并负责军事行动的高级军官。
12. 知府(zhī fǔ) - 地方官的最高职位,负责管理和统治一个地方。
13. 巡抚(xún fǔ) - 负责一定地区的行政和司法事务的高级官员。
14. 司法官(sī fǎ guān) - 负责司法系统的官员,包括审判、裁决和执行刑罚。
15. 监察官(jiān chá guān) - 负责监督官员和政府机构的行为和行政活动的官员。
16. 侍卫 (shì wèi) - 负责保护皇帝和皇室成员安全的宫廷卫士。
17. 太监(tài jiān) - 对宫廷事务负有特殊职责的官员,通常是割除生殖器官的宦官。
18. 内侍 (nèi shì) - 位于宫廷内部的官员,负责协助和服务于皇帝。
然而,一些比较具有代表性的官职头衔可以用英语来概括,如下所示:- 皇帝(Huángdì) - Emperor- 太后(Tàihòu) - Empress Dowager- 太子(Tàizǐ) - Crown Prince- 皇后(Huánghòu) - Empress- 王爷(Wángyé) - Prince- 公主(Gōngzhǔ) - Princess- 将军(Jiāngjūn) - General- 大臣(Dàchén) - Minister这些官职头衔的翻译可以根据特定的历史时期和背景进行调整。
以下是一些在中英两种语言中常见的学术头衔及其对应的翻译:- 教授(Jiàoshòu) - Professor- 副教授(Fùjiàoshòu) - Associate Professor- 博士(Bóshì) - Doctor- 博士后(Bóshìhòu) - Postdoctoral Fellow- 研究员(Yánjiūyuán) - Researcher- 教育家(Jiàoyùjiā) - Educator- 院士(Yuànshì) - Academician- 进士(Jìnshì) - Jinshi Degree Holder (a title in ancient China)3.荣誉头衔荣誉头衔通常是用于表示尊重和认可,给予个人或组织的特殊称号。
现代官衔职称的翻译1 正职头衔翻译法1) 用chief表示的职衔总司令Commander-in-chief总编辑Editor-in-chief总参谋长Chief of General Staff总工程师Chief Engineer总会计师Chief Account总建筑师Chief Architect总裁判Chief Referee图书馆馆长Chief Librarian首席法官Chief Judge检察长Chief Procurator(Procurator ate 检察院)总裁/首席执行官Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席财务官Chief Financial Officer(CFO)首席记者Chief Correspondent首席谈判代表Chief Negotiator部Ministry司厅/局/处/科长Chief/Head of the Department/Bureau/Division/Section 县/区/乡/镇长Country/District/Township/Town Chief/Head2) 用general表示的职衔总书记General Secretary检察长Procurator-general审计长Auditor-general秘书长Secretary-general总领事Consul-general(consulate 领事馆/ambassador 大使/embassy 大使馆)总经理General Manager3) 用head来表示的职衔总教练Head Coach总厨Head Chef护士长Head Nurse村长Village Head列车长Head of a Train Crew4) 用president表示的职衔国家主席President中国科学院院长President of the Chinese Academy of Science最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court(大学)校长President中国人民银行行长President/Governor of the Chinese People’s Bank协会/学会/理事会会长President of an association/society/council5) 用chairman表示的职衔人大常委会委员长NPC Chairman政治协商会议主席CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席Chairman of the Central Military Commission政党主席Chairman of a Political Party公司董事长Chairman of the Board of Directors大学系主任Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6) 用director表示的职衔总政治部主任Director of the General Political Department办公厅主任Director of the General Office亚洲司司长Director of the Department of Asian Affairs人民日报社社长Director of the People’s Daily编译局局长Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau 研究所所长Director of a research institute博物馆馆长Director of a museum7) 用commissioner表示的职衔行/公署专员Commissioner自治州州长Commissioner公安局局长Police Commissioner8) 用commander表示的职衔执行主席Executive Chairman行政/执行秘书Executive Secretary9) 用senior表示的职衔高级工程师Senior Engineer高级编辑Senior Editor高级讲师Senior Lecturer10) 用executive表示的职衔执行主席Executive Chairman执行秘书Executive Secretary11) 其他总理Premier(中);Prime Minister国务委员State Councilor(State Council 国务院)部长Minister省长Provincial Governor顾问Advisor2 副职头衔翻译法1) 与前缀vice搭配的头衔(president, premier, chairman, minister, governor…)副主席Vice Chairman副总理Vice Premier副部长Vice Minister副领事Vice Consul副省长Vice Governor副校长Vice Principal2) 与前缀Deputy搭配的职衔(chief, head, mayor, director)副市长Deputy/Vice Mayor副书记Deputy Secretary副秘书长Deputy Secretary-general副检察长Deputy Chief Procurator副参谋长Deputy Chief of Staff副处/科长Deputy Division/Section Chief3) 与前缀Associate搭配的职衔副教授Associate Professor副研究员Associate Research Fellow3 “兼”“代理”“名誉”的翻译方法1) “兼”的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and concurrently上海市委书记兼市长Party Secretary and Concurrently Mayor of Shanghai 2) “代理”用acting代主席Acting President3) “名誉”有时用honorary,有时用emeritus(荣誉退休的)名誉主席Honorary Chairman名誉校长Emeritus President中国古代官职1品到5品翻译一品丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief太尉Grand Commandant太傅Grand Preceptor大司空Great Minister of Public Works大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior二品骠骑将军General of the Flying Cavalry车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State卫将军General of Martial Might中军大将军Great General of the Central Army上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army三品光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration太常Master of Ceremony尚书令Chief of Secretariat执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North平北将军General Who Pacifies the North平东将军General Who Pacifies the East平南将军General Who Pacifies the South平西将军General Who Pacifies the West前将军General of the Forward Army后将军General of the Rear左将军General of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army四品御史中丞Imperial Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard五品符节令Officer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who Displays Owl’s Might折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean楼船将军General in Charge of Navy复土将军General Who Restores Territory牙门将军Garrison Commander偏将军Assistant General裨将军Deputy General。
丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief太尉Grand Commandant太傅Grand Preceptor大司空Great Minister of Public Works大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior二品骠骑将军General of the Flying Cavalry车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East 镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South 镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West 镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North 征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East 征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South 征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West 征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North 光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State卫将军General of Martial Might中军大将军Great General of the Central Army上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army三品光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration太常Master of Ceremony尚书令Chief of Secretariat执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North平北将军General Who Pacifies the North平东将军General Who Pacifies the East平南将军General Who Pacifies the South平西将军General Who Pacifies the West前将军General of the Forward Army后将军General of the Rear左将军General of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army御史中丞Imperial Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard五品符节令Officer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who Displays Owl’s Might折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean楼船将军General in Charge of Navy复土将军General Who Restores Territory牙门将军Garrison Commander偏将军Assistant General裨将军Deputy General。
古代官职 五品 中英对照翻译
副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander
典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors
抚军中郎将 Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army
征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South
征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West
征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North
光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State
积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows
城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate
典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander
积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows
牙门将军Garrison Commander
偏将军Assistant General
裨将军Deputy General
前将军General of the Forward Army
后将军General of the Rear
左将军General of the Left
右将军General of the Right
中领军Commandant of the CeLeabharlann tral Army 四品
御史中丞Imperial Minister
库伦办事大臣grand minister superintendent of KULUN
御前大臣grand minister in attendance
经筵官participant in the classics colloquium
丞相grand councilor counselor-in-chief
平章政事manager of governmental affairs
昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature
平章军国大事manager of important national security matters
举人provincial graduate
进士metropolitan graduate
封疆大吏provincial magnate
按察副使vice surveillance commissioner
翻译生员translation student
翰林学士Hanlin Academician
录事读)学士awaiting/ studying Hanlin Academician
参知政事assistant administrator
兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War
秀才scholar; skilful writer
军机大臣grand minister of state
驻藏大臣grand minister resident of Tibet
古代官名府学生员Prefectural School / government student内阁(大)学士(grand) secretary of the Grand Secretariat中宪大夫grand master exemplar军机大臣grand minister of state荣禄大夫grand master for glorious happiness驻藏大臣grand minister resident of Tibet太史grand scribe (da-shi); grand astrologer (tai-shi-ling);伊犁将军general of Yili兵部员外郎vice director of Bureau of Military Personnel;湖广总督governor-general of Hu-Guang直隶候补知府reserve prefect of a superior prefecture库伦办事大臣grand minister superintendent of KULUN太守prefect(知州、知府)御前大臣grand minister in attendance经筵官participant in the classics colloquium录事司Administration Office翰林(侍读)学士awaiting/ studying Hanlin Academician(南)御史台椽(院?) the (south) Censorate参知政事assistant administrator燕南宪司照磨闽海宪司知事兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War(燕南)宪司经历registrar of Judicial Commission(SONG) the Surveillance Commission(in YUAN)(热河)兵备道Military Defense Circuit秀才scholar; skilful writer举人provincial graduate祭酒libationer; chancellor进士metropolitan graduate(燕南河北道)提刑judicial commissioner封疆大吏provincial magnate按察副使vice surveillance commissioner翻译生员translation student翰林学士Hanlin Academic ian理藩院court of Colonial Affairs笔帖式clerk丞相grand councilor counselor-in-chief平章政事manager of governmental affairs昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature平章军国大事manager of important national security matters中丞事vice-manager of important national security matters刑部尚书ministry of Justice工部尚书ministry of Works户部尚书Ministry of Revenue吏部尚书Ministry of Personnel理藩院尚书Ministry of the Court of Clonial Affairs 兵部尚书minister of war。
现代官衔职称的翻译1 正职头衔翻译法1) 用chief表示的职衔总司令Commander-in-chief总编辑Editor-in-chief总参谋长Chief of General Staff总工程师Chief Engineer总会计师Chief Account总建筑师Chief Architect总裁判Chief Referee图书馆馆长Chief Librarian首席法官Chief Judge检察长Chief Procurator(Procurator ate 检察院)总裁/首席执行官Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席财务官Chief Financial Officer(CFO)首席记者Chief Correspondent首席谈判代表Chief Negotiator部Ministry司厅/局/处/科长Chief/Head of the Department/Bureau/Division/Section 县/区/乡/镇长Country/District/Township/Town Chief/Head2) 用general表示的职衔总书记General Secretary检察长Procurator-general审计长Auditor-general秘书长Secretary-general总领事Consul-general(consulate 领事馆/ambassador 大使/embassy 大使馆)总经理General Manager3) 用head来表示的职衔总教练Head Coach总厨Head Chef护士长Head Nurse村长Village Head列车长Head of a Train Crew4) 用president表示的职衔国家主席President中国科学院院长President of the Chinese Academy of Science最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court(大学)校长President中国人民银行行长President/Governor of the Chinese People’s Bank协会/学会/理事会会长President of an association/society/council5) 用chairman表示的职衔人大常委会委员长NPC Chairman政治协商会议主席CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席Chairman of the Central Military Commission政党主席Chairman of a Political Party公司董事长Chairman of the Board of Directors大学系主任Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6) 用director表示的职衔总政治部主任Director of the General Political Department办公厅主任Director of the General Office亚洲司司长Director of the Department of Asian Affairs人民日报社社长Director of the People’s Daily编译局局长Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau 研究所所长Director of a research institute博物馆馆长Director of a museum7) 用commissioner表示的职衔行/公署专员Commissioner自治州州长Commissioner公安局局长Police Commissioner8) 用commander表示的职衔执行主席Executive Chairman行政/执行秘书Executive Secretary9) 用senior表示的职衔高级工程师Senior Engineer高级编辑Senior Editor高级讲师Senior Lecturer10) 用executive表示的职衔执行主席Executive Chairman执行秘书Executive Secretary11) 其他总理Premier(中);Prime Minister国务委员State Councilor(State Council 国务院)部长Minister省长Provincial Governor顾问Advisor2 副职头衔翻译法1) 与前缀vice搭配的头衔(president, premier, chairman, minister, governor…)副主席Vice Chairman副总理Vice Premier副部长Vice Minister副领事Vice Consul副省长Vice Governor副校长Vice Principal2) 与前缀Deputy搭配的职衔(chief, head, mayor, director)副市长Deputy/Vice Mayor副书记Deputy Secretary副秘书长Deputy Secretary-general副检察长Deputy Chief Procurator副参谋长Deputy Chief of Staff副处/科长Deputy Division/Section Chief3) 与前缀Associate搭配的职衔副教授Associate Professor副研究员Associate Research Fellow3 “兼”“代理”“名誉”的翻译方法1) “兼”的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and concurrently上海市委书记兼市长Party Secretary and Concurrently Mayor of Shanghai 2) “代理”用acting代主席Acting President3) “名誉”有时用honorary,有时用emeritus(荣誉退休的)名誉主席Honorary Chairman名誉校长Emeritus President中国古代官职1品到5品翻译一品丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief太尉Grand Commandant太傅Grand Preceptor大司空Great Minister of Public Works大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior二品骠骑将军General of the Flying Cavalry车骑将军General of Chariots and Cavalry镇东大将军Great General Who Guards the East镇南大将军Great General Who Guards the South镇西大将军Great General Who Guards the West镇北大将军Great General Who Guards the North征东大将军Great General Who Assails the East征南大将军Great General Who Assails the South征西大将军Great General Who Assails the West征北大将军Great General Who Assails the North光禄大夫Imperial Minister of State卫将军General of Martial Might中军大将军Great General of the Central Army上军大将军Great General of the Upper Army三品光禄勋Chief of Palace Administration太常Master of Ceremony尚书令Chief of Secretariat执金吾Chief of the Capital Guard安东将军General Who Stabilizes the East安南将军General Who Stabilizes the South安西将军General Who Stabilizes the West安北将军General Who Stabilizes the North平北将军General Who Pacifies the North平东将军General Who Pacifies the East平南将军General Who Pacifies the South平西将军General Who Pacifies the West前将军General of the Forward Army后将军General of the Rear左将军General of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army四品御史中丞Imperial Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valiant Cavalry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 积射将军General in Charge of the Production of Bows城门校尉Commander Who Guards Gate典军中郎将Chief Imperial Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the Production of Crossbows 持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将Deputy Imperial Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将Imperial Corps Commander Who Uplifts the Army武卫中郎将Imperial Corps Commander of the Military Guard五品符节令Officer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who Displays Owl’s Might折冲将军General Who Oppresses the Enemy with Ferocity伏波将军General Who Overcomes Adversity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who Crosses the Ocean楼船将军General in Charge of Navy复土将军General Who Restores Territory牙门将军Garrison Commander偏将军Assistant General裨将军Deputy General。
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古代官职的中英翻译 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】
古代官职的中英翻译府学生员 Prefectural School / government student
内阁(大)学士 (grand) secretary of the Grand Secretariat
中宪大夫 grand master exemplar
荣禄大夫 grand master for glorious happiness
军机大臣 grand minister of state
驻藏大臣 grand minister resident of Tibet
伊犁将军 general of Yili
兵部员外郎 vice director of Bureau of Military Personnel;
湖广总督 governor-general of Hu-Guang
直隶候补知府 reserve prefect of a superior prefecture
库伦办事大臣 grand minister superintendent of KULUN
太守 prefect(知州、知府)
御前大臣 grand minister in attendance
经筵官 participant in the classics colloquium
录事司 Administration Office
翰林(侍读)学士 awaiting/ studying Hanlin Academician
参知政事 assistant administrator
兵部郎中director of the Bureau of Military of War
秀才 scholar; skilful writer
举人 provincial graduate
进士 metropolitan graduate
封疆大吏 provincial magnate
按察副使 vice surveillance commissioner
翻译生员 translation student
翰林学士 Hanlin Academician
笔帖式 clerk
丞相 grand councilor counselor-in-chief
平章政事 manager of governmental affairs
昭文馆大学士grand academician of the Institute for the Glorification of Literature 平章军国大事manager of important national security matters
中丞事 vice-manager of important national security matters
刑部尚书ministry of Justice
工部尚书 ministry of Works
户部尚书 Ministry of Revenue
吏部尚书 Ministry of Personnel
理藩院尚书 Ministry of the Court of Clonial Affairs
兵部尚书minister of war。