人教版新目标英语九年级全册:Unit 12 单元写作小专题

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单元写作小专题& Section B(3a ~ 3b)【单元写作目标】


1. 能用过去完成时“had done sth.”叙述某一时刻为止已经完成的活动;

2. 能正确应用“by,before, when”等引导的过去时间状语;

3. 能正确使用“when, later, then, after that, finally”等连词叙述事情发生的过程;

4. 写作微技能:按时间顺序叙述事件的过程。



(二)模仿例句,用by, when或before连接句子。

e.g. Tom fell asleep.

Tom’s father came back home.

By the time / When his father came back home, Tom had fallen asleep.

1. My parents left home to work.

I woke up.

2. The library was closed.

Mary got to the city library.

3. His friends waited for him for a long time.

Mr. Lin arrived at the park.

4. 1 realized that I didn't write my name on it.

I handed in my paper.

5. The movie was on for 20 minutes.

The boy reached the cinema. 6. Peter received many gifts.

His birthday came.


1. 生活中充满了意外。

Life the unexpected.

2. 当我决定先买杯咖啡时,我正要上去。

I go up when I decided to get a coffee first.

3. 我们疑惑地盯着从燃烧的大楼里哲出来的烟。

We the black smoke rising the burning building.

4. 我从床上跳起来并直奔机场。

I bed and

to the airport.

5. 早上当我离开去学校的时候,我发现我忘记穿校服了。


school in the morning, I

found I had forgotten to put on school uniform.

6. 然而,全世界最有名的恶作剧,是发生在十月而不是四月。

One of the world’s tricks, however, happened in October in April.

7. Welles让它听起来如此逼真,以至于成百上千的人都相信了这个故事。因此,全国上下一片恐慌。Welles made it sound real

hundreds of people believed the story,and fear

across the whole country.


同学们,还记得曾经令你觉得尴尬、倒霉、沮丧的一天吗?请你以“What a(n)Day”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,叙述这段经历及当时的感受。


1. When did it happen?

2. What happened first?

3. What happened next?

4. How did the day end?

5. How did you feel about this day?

单元写作小专题& Section B(3a ~ 3b)


(一)run; told; rushed; found; stayed; ring; fallen; lost; wake; made; left; take; put; written; got; stopped; sell; shown; go; hit;


(二)1. By the time / When I woke up, my parents had left home to work.

2. By the time / When Mary got to the city library, it had been closed.

3. By the time / When Mr. Lin arrived at the park, his friends bad waited for him for a long time.

4. By the time / When I handed in my paper, I realized that I hadn't written my name on it.

5. By the time / When the boy reached the cinema,the movie had been on for 20 minutes.

6. Before his birthday came, Peter had received many gifts

(三)1. is full of 2. was about to 3. stared in disbelief at; above 4. jumped out of; went straight 5. By the time; left for 6. most famous; rather than 7. so; that; spread


One possible version:

What an Unforgettable Day

Last summer vacation I decided to visit my grand parents because I haven’t seen them for many years.

That day I got up and ate breakfast early. When I examined my bag, I found I hadn’t put my ID card into it. Before I was about to leave for the bus station, I realized that I had left my mobile phone on the bed. It was not a good start, was it?

After I got to the bus station and checked the timetable, I found I had made a big mistake. In fact, my bus would arrive two hours later. So, I bought a magazine to kill my time. About twenty minutes later, a woman came and asked me if I could help her look after her two boys for a short time. I played games with the two kids and we had great fun. Time passed by quickly, the woman returned and I had to say goodbye to my new little friends. Something terrible happened. I discovered my wallet had been stolen. I called the police right away. They told me that the woman and her two boys had cheated me. That made me really disappointed and worried.

Finally, I got to my grandparents’ home with the help of the police. I was so depressed that I could hardly eat anything. My grandparents comforted me that “one good turn deserves another.”
