Project 2013 Learning
Microsoft Project 2013
Microsoft Project 2013Microsoft Project 是一个国际上享有盛誉的通用的项目管理工具软件,凝集了许多成熟的项目管理现代理论和方法,可以帮助项目管理者实现时间(进度)、资源、成本的计划、控制,还可以帮助您实现工作管理、团队协作。
Project 2013是微软最新版本的项目管理产品。
一、启动Project 2013 程序如果您已经安装好Project 2013,启动Project是一件非常容易的工作:✧ 常规方式打开Project单击Windows 【开始】菜单, 单击【所有任务】/【Microsoft Office 2013】/【Project 2013】打开Project 2013的应用程序。
✧ 快捷方式打开Project在Windows 【开始】菜单中,单击【运行】(或使用“Win+R”快捷键),输入“winproj”点击确定。
二、开始一个新项目1 创建一个新的项目文件✧ 创建一个新的空项目选中【文件】选项卡,单击【新建】,然后选择【空白项目】。
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✧ 利用SharePoint 2013上的任务列表创建一个新项目如果您已使用Project Professional 2013,且SharePoint 2013环境也已就绪。
选中【文件】选项卡,单机【新建】,点击【根据SharePoint新建任务列表】将存在SharePoint 2013上面的任务转化为一个项目计划。
✧ 利用Project Server 2013中的企业项目模板创建一个新项目如果您的Project Server 2013环境也已就绪。
且已使用Project Professional 2013连接至Project Server 2013选中【文件】选项卡,单机【新建】,点击【企业】,选择已经保存在Project Server 2013上面的企业项目模板。
项目式学习(Project-BasedLearning) (2019-12-27 15:44:42)分类:理论前沿项目式学习(Project-Based Learning)项目式学习(Project-Based Learning)这种学习方法在西方广泛应用,从幼儿园到大学,我认为这是两半球教学方法的最根本区别。
]接下来文章将讲述如何成功地组织项目学习,其中包括4个必须遵守的原则:1. 布置好学习的空间项目学习课堂的一个主要特点是强调团队合作:学生们组成小组来解决问题。
基于项目的学习(Project-based-learning)简介基于项目的学习(Project-based learning)简介对基于项目的学习介绍前,有必要了解一下它的产生与发展。
有关项目化的 英语作文范文
Title: The Essence of Project-Oriented Learning in English CompositionIn the realm of English education, project-oriented learning has emerged as a powerful tool to engage students and foster critical thinking skills. This approach, which emphasizes hands-on experience and collaboration, is particularly effective in the context of writing essays. By framing the composition process as a project, students are able to delve deeper into their topics, explore various perspectives, and craft more meaningful and coherent arguments.The foundation of project-oriented learning lies in its ability to transform passive learning into an active and engaging experience. Instead of merely reading about atopic or reciting facts, students are encouraged to embark on a journey of discovery. They delve into research, gather information, analyze sources, and synthesize ideas—all while maintaining a clear focus on their essay's central argument. This process not only enhances their understanding of the subject matter but also cultivates skills that are essential for success in the 21st century,such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration.Moreover, project-oriented learning in English composition promotes creativity and innovation. Students are given the freedom to explore their own interests and perspectives, which allows them to express themselves uniquely and creatively. They are encouraged to question conventional wisdom, challenge existing paradigms, and propose novel ideas. This freedom to think outside the box fosters a sense of ownership over their work and enhances their motivation to produce high-quality essays.Additionally, collaboration is a key aspect of project-oriented learning. Students often work in groups to complete their essays, which requires them to communicate effectively, negotiate differences, and come to consensus on various aspects of their project. This collaborative approach not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for the real-world workplace, where teamwork and collaboration are crucial skills.Furthermore, project-oriented learning emphasizes the importance of feedback and revision. Students areencouraged to seek feedback from peers, teachers, and even external sources to improve their essays. This iterative process of writing, reviewing, and revising helps students to identify and address weaknesses in their work, leading to the development of stronger and more coherent arguments. In conclusion, project-oriented learning in English composition is a powerful tool that transforms the writing process into an engaging and meaningful experience. It fosters critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and revision skills that are essential for success in both academic and professional settings. By embracing this approach, students are able to delve deeper into their topics, express themselves uniquely, and produce high-quality essays that reflect their understanding and insight into the subject matter.**项目化学习在英语作文中的精髓**在英语教育领域,项目化学习已成为一种强有力的工具,能够激发学生的学习热情并培养他们的批判性思维能力。
Project2013快速使用入门教程(简单四步);CorrelationId=542f5246-7573-445e-9232-5243a3b6e488&ui=zh-CN&rs=zh-CN&ad=CN添加新任务使用 Project,您可以在计划中添加任务以将工时分解为可管理的部分。
要快速创建任务,请转到甘特图,在任务列表的底部选择一个空的“任务名称”域,然后按下 Enter。
本文中的其他内容在现有任务之间插入任务向网络图中添加一个任务一次添加多个任务添加完这些任务后…在现有任务之间插入任务 1. 选择要在其下显示新任务的行。
2. 单击“任务”>“任务”在插入的行中键入任务名称。
返回页首向网络图中添加一个任务 1. 单击“视图”>“网络图”。
2. 单击“任务”>“任务”3. 在新任务框中键入任务名称。
1. 单击“视图”>“甘特图”。
2. 单击“视图”,然后选中“详细信息”复选框。
3. 在“甘特图”(顶部)中,单击任务列表末尾的第一行空行。
4. 在“任务表单”(底部)中,键入有关新任务的信息: o 在“名称”框中,键入新任务的名称。
o 在“工期”框中,键入任务工期。
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5. 单击“确定”保存新任务,然后单击“下一步”移动到“甘特图”视图中的下一行。
Project 2013 快速入门指南
快速入门指南Microsoft Project 2013 与以前的版本在外观上有所不同,因此我们创建本指南帮助您将学习曲线缩到最短。
如何开始使用Project 2013 当您打开Project 2013 时,首先看到的是它全新的外观。
请进一步了解与Project 2007 相比有哪些重大改进。
Project 2013 不会直接给您显示一个空白文件,而是使您转到一站式中心开始创建项目。
创建新项目时,浏览常用项目模板,从Excel 或SharePoint 网站导入信息,或者仅单击“空白项目”获取一个空白甘特图。
您可以从计算机、网络、Project Online、甚至SkyDrive 打开以前的项目。
项目管理四步曲如果您不太熟悉项目管理,Project 2013 的内置Project 指南使您可以顺利开始。
使用此四步指南,您可以学习如何使用SharePoint 和Lync 安排任务、创建日程表、报告进度以及与您的团队合作,而无需退出Project。
常用工具和命令的路径使用下面的列表查找Project 2013 中一些常用的工具和命令。
展示项目数据使用Project 2013,您可以创建简洁、多彩的专业报表,而无需将数据导出到其他程序。
添加图片、图表、动画、链接等- 您与利益干系人和团队成员明确有效地共享项目状态信息所需的一切。
单击“报表”选项卡(Project 2013 的新增功能),然后选择您需要的报表。
许多报表绘图工具与Excel、Word、PowerPoint 以及Project 中的相同。
Microsoft Project 2013教程
关于Microsoft Project项目管理软件一、新建项目1.打开软件后,直接创建或在【文件】——【新建】菜单中选择空白项目或从模板创建一个新项目:二、设置项目的开始日期【文件】——【信息】,在信息页面的右侧选择【开始日期】。
工程综合训练Project-based learning教学的方法实践
文章编 号 :0 994 (09 3— 1 卜O 10— 1X2 0 )30 3 l
1工程综合 调练 引入 P oe t b s d lann rjc- a an n 教学方法 是 以工程 回归 理念为基 础, r jc— a e e r ig 以项 目研 究 为载 体 的教学方法 , 简称 P L教学法 。工程 回归理 念在现 代工程 实践 教学 B 中起 主导作用 , 适应我 国社 会发展 需要 并符合现 代大 学教育 的思想 的 。以 是 工程 回归为基础 的PL B 教学是 以项 目研 发为核 心开展教 学活动, 要求学 生在课 程 中完 成研 究 、开 发 、设计 、制造 ( 造)、运 行 、维 护直 到 市场 营 销 等 建 工程 内容 。其重 要意义在 于 : 以促进 学生初 步建立科 学研发 思维, 可 锻炼 基本 工程 能力 , 短学 生参 加工 作后 的适 应期 。 缩 2工程调 练漂程 {入 P L教学 方法 的优势 l B 2 1 发挥实践课 程的最大 优势 力量 . 工程 实践 课程 是最接近 生产 实际的 教学 内容, 其设 备优 势、师 资的工程
科 学 论 坛
O hi na c . rce nd ech nol s 峙 ● a T Ogy ew R
工 程综 合 训练 P oe t b sd lann rjc- ae erig教学的方法实践
王元昔 于雅莉
哈尔滨 10 0 ) 50 1 ( 尔滨工程 大学 工程训练 中心 哈 [ 摘 要] 随着现 代社会 的发 展, 对人 才 的需求发 生 了较 大 的变化 。高等 学校 的任 务是培养 符合 社会 需求 的人才, 教学方 法也应 随之 不断 改革 和提 高 。工 程训练 中心是 高校教育 改革 的产物 。 承担着 培养学 生工程实 践能力 的任务 。 为实现培养 创新 型、 复合型 高素质工 程人才, 们在工程 综合训练  ̄ 1 TP oe t 我 ) % r jc—
project based learning项目式学习计划
项目式学习通常是在一个学习小组中进行, 学生们在这 个小组中有各自的角色,而这个角色会不断轮换。在项 目式学习中学生们的学习是通过自己的思考和推理来实 现的。有一种七部法,包括弄清概念,定义问题,头脑 风暴,构建和假设,学习目标,独立学习和概括总结。 简而言之,就是搞清楚他们已经知道的, 他们需要知道 的,去哪里以及如何获得新的有助于解决问题的信息。 老师的角色是通过支持,建议和指导来帮助学生们更好 的学习。老师必须要建立学生们敢于接受难题的自信心, 鼓励学生们,并且在必要时拓展他们对问题的理解。项 目式学习代表了传统的基于论文的教学模式的转变。项 目式教学和传统的照本宣科教学非常不同,它需要更多 的准备时间和材料来指导各个小组的学习。
project based learning(May)
项目式学习(project based learning)是一 种动态的学习方法,通过学生们主动的探索 现实世界的问题和挑战, 在这个过程中领会 到更深刻的知识和技能. Nhomakorabea
项目式学习在欧洲国家被中小学普遍采用, 锻炼了美国中小学生的创造力,团队合作 和领导力,动手能力,计划以及执行项目 的能力。除此以外,对项目的选择也让中 小学生更早和更深入的面对和解决现实生 活中的问题。 这些能力则是中国应试教育 下的孩子缺少的应对来自世界,面向未来 挑战的能力。
项目式学习是增长知识和加深理解的一个过程。 这个过程的几个原则如下:
1.学习者自我学习和自我定义的目标和得出自己的结果 2. 学生们在返回大组讨论时要做好独立的,自我引导的学 习 3. 在老师指导下通过讨论在一个小组,通常2-3人,完成 学习 4. 关键材料,比如纸质网络材料,实验室数据, 照片, 文章, 视频, 病人(真的或者模拟的) 5. 七步法帮助指导项目式学习的整个过程 6. 允许通过合作来获取知识 7. 强调团队合作和沟通, 解决问题, 鼓励个人承担责 任并分享所学到的知识。这些技巧对于将来的实践都很 关键。
显著性Saliency Aggregation: A Data-driven Approach Long Mai, Yuzhen Niu, Feng Liu 现在还没有搜到相关的资料,应该是多线索的⾃适应融合来进⾏显著性检测的PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures with Spatial Priors Keyang Shi, Keze Wang, Jiangbo Lu, Liang Lin 这⾥的两个线索看起来都不新,应该是集成框架⽐较好。
⽽且像素级的,估计能达到分割或者matting的效果Looking Beyond the Image: Unsupervised Learning for Object Saliency and Detection Parthipan Siva, Chris Russell, Tao Xiang, 基于学习的的显著性检测Learning video saliency from human gaze using candidate selection , Dan Goldman, Eli Shechtman, Lihi Zelnik-Manor这是⼀个做视频显著性的,估计是选择显著的视频⽬标Hierarchical Saliency Detection Qiong Yan, Li Xu, Jianping Shi, Jiaya Jia的学⽣也开始做显著性了,多尺度的⽅法Saliency Detection via Graph-Based Manifold Ranking Chuan Yang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Xiang Ruan这个应该是扩展了那个经典的 graph based saliency,应该是⽤到了显著性传播的技巧Salient object detection: a discriminative regional feature integration approach , Jingdong Wang, Zejian Yuan, , Nanning Zheng⼀个多特征⾃适应融合的显著性检测⽅法Submodular Salient Region Detection , Larry Davis⼜是⼤⽜下⾯的⽂章,提法也很新颖,⽤了submodular。
project-based learning
基于项目学习对学校教学法和理工科女生的启示The Enlightenment of Project-based Learning to School Pedagogical Approach and Females Studying STEMChapter1 introductionAfter entering the information society, with the rise of knowledge economy, the purpose of learning and mastering knowledge is to create more knowledge and solve practical problems and create wealth with knowledge. Project-based learning (PBL) is a way to solve practical problems creatively. It can promote the overall development of people from many aspects.Project-based learning (PBL) theory and its application began in the United States. At present, it is widely spread around the world and is a highly respected teaching model. In the United States, project-based learning is one of the main learning models for its research learning. From the perspective of its research and development history, the first focus is on the project learning itself and its application, and then on the application of information technology in project learning.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewIn this chapter, the author will review the related literature to introduce the definition of PBL, effective pedagogical approach using PBL and the impact of PBL to students studying STEM(science, technology, mathematics and engineering fields).2.1 definition of Project-based learningProject-based learning(PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.Students learn about a subject by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, challenge, or problem.It is a style of active learning and inquiry-based learning. PBL contrasts with paper-based, rote memorization, or teacher-led instruction that presents established facts or portrays a smooth path to knowledge by instead posing questions, problems or scenarios. Thomas Markham (2011) describes project-based learning (PBL) thus: “PBL integrates knowing and doing. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve authentic problems and produce results that matter. PBL students take advantage of digital tools to produce high quality, collaborative products. PBL refocuses education on the student, not the curriculum—a shift mandated by the global world, which rewardsintangible assets such as drive, passion, creativity, empathy, and resiliency. These cannot be taught out of a textbook, but must be activated through experience.”James G. Greeno (2006) has associated project-based learning with the “situated learning” perspective and with the constructivist theories of Jean Piaget. Blumenfeld et al.elaborate on the processes of PBL: “Project-based learning is a comprehensive perspective focused on teaching by engaging students in investigation. Within this framework, students pursue solutions to nontrivial problems by asking and refining questions, debating ideas, making predictions, designing plans and/or experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, communicating their ideas and findings to others, asking new questions, and creating artifacts.”The basis of PBL lies in the authenticity or real-life application of the research. Students working as a team are given a “driving question” to respond to or answer, then directed to create an artifact (or artifacts) to present their gained knowledge. Artifacts may include a variety of media such as writings, art, drawings, three-dimensional representations, videos, photography, or technology-based presentations.2.2 effective pedagogical approach using project-based learningAnne Shaw recommends that teachers always build into the structure of the PBL curriculum an organizational strategy known as Jigsaw and Expert Groups. This structure forces students to be self-directed, independent and to work interdependently.This means that the class is assigned (preferably randomly, by lottery) to Expert Groups. Each of the Expert Groups is then assigned to deeply study one particular facet of the overall project. For example, a class studying about environmental issues in their community may be divided into the following Expert Groups:1.Airnd3.Water4.Human impact on the environmentEach Expert Group is tasked with studying the materials for their group, taking notes, then preparing to teach what they learned to the rest of the students in the class. To do so, the class will “jigsaw”, thus creating Jigsaw Groups. The Jigsaw Groups in the above example would each becomposed of one representative from each of the Expert Groups, so each Jigsaw Group would include:1.One expert on Air2.One expert on Land3.One expert on Water4.One expert on “Human impact on the environment”Each of these experts would then take turns teaching the others in the group. Total interdependence is assured. No one can “slack off” because each student is the only person in the group with that “piece”of the information. Another benefit is that the students must have learned the concepts, skills and information well enough to be able to teach it and must be able to assess (not grade) their own learning and the learning of their peers. This forces a much deeper learning experience.In Project-Based Learning in Undergraduate Environmental Chemistry Laboratory: Using EPA Methods To Guide Student Method Development for Pesticide Quantitation written by Eric J. Davis, StevePauls and Jonathan Dic k, a project-based learning (PBL) laboratory approach for an upper-division environmental chemistry or quantitative analysis course is presented. This pedagogical approach provided numerous teaching moments regarding the pitfalls of research and low-level quantitation in environmental samples, as well as development opportunities for student teamwork skills as each individual focused on a specific aspect of the project throughout the semester.In Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning through an Environmental Water Quality Study,a n interdisciplinary environmental water quality study was designed and conducted to enhance training and employ ability of chemical and environmental technician students in associate degree programs. Surveys completed by students and instructors indicate that the project is a successful teaching method allowing introduction of new skills as well as review of important technical and employ ability skills.2.3 the impact of Project-based learning to students studying STEMWhen researchers at Worcester Polytechnic Institute began surveying alumni to assess how their project-based curriculum impacted their students in the long term, t hey unexpectedly found that female engineering students responded particularly well to its project-based learning approach. The survey included graduates from across the disciplines who graduated between 1974 (the first class to graduate after WPI redesigned its curriculum to focus on project-based learning) and 2011.Project-based learning gets students out of the classroom to solve real-life, open-ended problems. At WPI, students complete two projects, worth nine credit hours each: one addressing an interdisciplinary problem and one addressing a problem in the student's major field.The target learning outcomes of the curriculum include problem-solving and research skills, application of knowledge in context, communication and effective teamwork. But as study showed, the outcomes were even more pronounced for women, who appeared to gain more in the three dozen or so aspects of personal and professional development.For example, 63 percent of women said the program helped them understand the connections between technology and society “much” or “very much,” compared to just half of men. Sixty-six percent of women said the curriculum helped them “be an effective leader”; 54 percent of men did. More than 70 percent of women said it taught them to function effectively in the real world, compared to 62 percent of men, and 57 percent of women said the projects helped them speak clearly and effectively, as opposed to 48 percent. Also, 77 and 76 percent of women said it helped them develop ideas and solve problems, respectively, compared to 69 and 68 percent of men.“It makes sense that girls would find more value in [project-based learning],” said Christianne Corbett, a senior researcher at the American Association of University Women, “given that women tend to care more about the social relevance of the work they do.”if these concepts could be integrated into the high school classroom, or in the engineering summer camps that WPI and other institutions host, it could help get more girls studying STEM in college, Vaz and others said.“They get excited about it and they can begin to see, ‘Ah, this is how I fit into this,’” said Tricia Berry, director of the women in engineering program at the University of Texas at Austin. “It does draw them in, and helps them not only to apply to those STEM fields but to stay in and graduate and go on to the work force.”Chapter 3 The Enlightenment of Project-based Learning to School Pedagogical Approachand Females studying STEM3.1 the benefit of project-based learning to teaching studentsIt has been said, “high school teaches you what to think; and, college teaches you how to think”. However, that is changing in today’s learning culture.Creative teaching disciplines such as PBL are replacing the decades-old passive learning practices to which students no longer respond.The core idea of project-based learning is that real-world problems capture students’ interest and provoke serious thinking as the students acquire and apply new knowledge in a problem-solving context. PBL intentionally develops students’ problem solving and creative making of products to communicate deeper understanding of key concepts and mastery of 21st Century essential learning skills such as critical thinking. Students become active digital researchers and assessors of their own learning when teachers guide student learning so that students learn from the project making processes.PBL relies on learning groups. Student groups determine their projects, in so doing, they engage student voice by encouraging students to take full responsibility for their learning. This is what makes PBL constructivist.Students work together to accomplish specific goals. When students use technology as a tool to communicate with others, they take on an active role vs. a passive role of transmitting the information by a teacher, a book, or broadcast. The student is constantly making choices on how to obtain, display, or manipulate information. Technology makes it possible for students to think actively about the choices they make and execute. Every student has the opportunity to get involved either individually or as a group.The teacher plays the role of facilitator, working with students to frame worthwhile questions, structuring meaningful tasks, coaching both knowledge development and social skills, and carefully assessing what students have learned from the experience.They do not relinquish control of the classroom or student learning but rather develop an atmosphere of shared responsibility, structuring the proposed question/issue so as to direct the student's learning toward content-based materials. The facilitator regulate student success with intermittent, transitional goals to ensure student projects remain focused and students have a deep understanding of the concepts being investigated. The students are held accountable to these goals through ongoing feedback and assessments. The ongoing assessment and feedback ensure the student stays within the scope of the driving question and the core standards the project is trying to unpack.3.2 the help of project-based learning to females studying STEMIn the Department of science and technology in the colleges and universities, there are often more male than female. On the job market, the preference of Mathematical Engineering Majors is prohibitive for female. The so-called STEM is still that male outnumber female. People think that women are not good at science and engineering at the first time. But the bias has been broken by the results of research. Although some studies have shown that females are slightly lower in spatial cognitive ability than males, this innate factor is not so significant that it is far less important than the day after training and nurture - the ability of spatial cognition is completely nurtured later.According to the survey by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, when the focus of study is shifted from teaching in class to taking students as the main body so that students can acquire and apply new knowledge in problem-solving environment, the achievement of female students studying STEM will be improved and they increased interest in STEM. From this we can infer boldly that the previous teaching method is not suitable for girls.We can know that a correct method is one of the three elements of success, and success cannot be achieved only having the spirit of hard work and a down-to-earth style of work. The French physicist Langevan, in summing up the experience and lessons of reading, said with deep understanding: “the appropriateness of the method often dominates the whole process of reading. It can lead you to the other side of success, but also to the deep valley of failure.”From this we can know how important the learning method is.So it’s not that girls can’t learn STEM well, but that they're likely to have problems with their methods. Female students prefer to connect technical learning to solving real problems, and the core idea of PBL is just like this. PBL can make females feel the flash of STEM and learn effectively, leading them to develop into STEM.。
Project Based Learning
Project Based Learning for ProjectProject-based learning is a model
classroom activity that shifts away from the classroom practices of short, isolated, teacherteacher-centered lessons and instead emphasizes learning activities that are longlongterm, interdisciplinary, student-centered, studentand integrated with real world issues and practices.
As educators, we need to be thinking about how to teach in the language of the Digital Natives. The first involves a major translation and change of methodology. The second involves new content and thinking. So we have to invent; adapting materials to the language of Digital Natives
Real World Connection
The Interdisciplinary Lesson
Step One Outcomes Step Two Theme Step Three Skills Step Four Resources Step Five Lesson Design
IntroductionProject-based learning (PBL) has gained increasing popularity in the field of education in recent years. As a teaching method that emphasizes students' active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, PBL has become an essential part of my teaching philosophy. In this essay, I will share my personal experience and insights gained from implementing PBL in my classroom, highlighting the benefits and challenges of this innovative approach.I. The Implementation of Project-Based Learning1. Choosing the Right ProjectSelecting the right project is the first step in implementing PBL effectively. A well-designed project should be engaging, relevant, and challenging for students. It should also promote collaboration and critical thinking. In my experience, I have found that projects that allow students to explore real-world problems and apply their knowledge in practical ways are particularly effective.2. Defining Clear ObjectivesTo ensure that the project is meaningful and valuable, it is essential to define clear objectives. These objectives should be aligned with the curriculum goals and reflect the desired learning outcomes. By setting clear expectations, students will have a better understanding of what is expected of them and be more motivated to complete the project successfully.3. Facilitating CollaborationPBL is a collaborative learning experience. As a teacher, my role is to facilitate this collaboration by creating a supportive and inclusive environment. This involves assigning roles and responsibilities to each student, promoting open communication, and encouraging students to share their ideas and perspectives.4. Providing Support and ResourcesTo ensure that students can successfully complete the project, it is important to provide them with the necessary support and resources. This may include access to relevant materials, such as books, online resources, and experts in the field. Additionally, I have found that providing guidance and feedback throughout the project can help students stay on track and develop their skills.II. Benefits of Project-Based Learning1. Enhanced Student EngagementPBL has been shown to significantly enhance student engagement. By allowing students to work on real-world problems and collaborate with their peers, they are more likely to be motivated and interested in the subject matter. This increased engagement can lead to better learning outcomes and a more enjoyable learning experience.2. Development of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving SkillsOne of the primary goals of PBL is to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through the project, students are encouraged to analyze information, evaluate different perspectives, and propose creative solutions to challenges. These skills are essential for success in both academic and professional settings.3. Improved Collaboration and CommunicationPBL provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop their collaborative and communication skills. By working in groups, students learn to appreciate diverse perspectives, negotiate conflicts, and articulate their ideas effectively. These skills are crucial for success in teamwork and leadership roles.4. Application of Knowledge in Real-World ContextsPBL allows students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts, making the learning experience more meaningful and relevant. This application not only helps students retain the information better but also prepares them for future challenges and opportunities.III. Challenges of Project-Based Learning1. Time ConstraintsImplementing PBL can be time-consuming, as it requires careful planning and ongoing support. This can be challenging for teachers who are already juggling a heavy workload. To address this issue, it is important to allocate sufficient time for the project and set realistic deadlines.2. Resource AvailabilityAccess to relevant resources and materials can be a challenge,especially in under-resourced educational settings. To overcome this challenge, teachers can explore alternative resources, such as online platforms, community partnerships, and collaborative learning opportunities.3. Assessment and GradingAssessing and grading PBL projects can be more complex than traditional assessments. It is important to develop a fair and comprehensive evaluation criteria that considers both individual and group contributions, as well as the overall quality of the project.ConclusionProject-based learning has been a transformative experience in my teaching practice. By embracing this innovative approach, I have witnessed significant improvements in student engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration. While challenges exist, the benefits of PBL far outweigh the drawbacks. As educators, we must continue to explore and refine this approach to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment for our students.。
大学生创新训练计划项目英语类创新点全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Innovative Features of the College Student Innovation Training Program in English DisciplineIntroductionIn recent years, the College Student Innovation Training Program has gained popularity in universities across the globe. This program aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among college students. In this article, we will discuss the innovative features of the College Student Innovation Training Program, specifically in the English discipline.1. Project-Based LearningOne of the key features of the College Student Innovation Training Program in English is project-based learning. Students are encouraged to work on real-world projects that require them to apply their English language skills in creative and innovative ways. This hands-on approach not only enhances students'proficiency in English but also helps them develop valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management.2. Interdisciplinary CollaborationAnother innovative aspect of the program is its emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Students from different disciplines, such as literature, linguistics, and communication, are encouraged to work together on projects that require a variety of skills and perspectives. This collaborative approach not only fosters creativity and innovation but also prepares students for the diverse and interconnected world they will enter after graduation.3. Technology IntegrationThe College Student Innovation Training Program in English also integrates technology into the curriculum to enhance students' learning experience. For example, students may use online platforms to collaborate on projects, conduct research, and communicate with their peers and mentors. Additionally, students may use digital tools such as video editing software, presentation tools, and online language learning platforms to enhance their English language skills.4. Entrepreneurial MindsetThe program also aims to foster an entrepreneurial mindset among students by encouraging them to think creatively, take risks, and pursue innovative solutions to real-world problems. Students are given the opportunity to develop and pitch their own business ideas related to the English language, such as language learning apps, online tutoring services, or cultural exchange programs. This entrepreneurial component of the program helps students develop valuable skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and resilience.5. Global PerspectiveFinally, the College Student Innovation Training Program in English aims to develop students' global perspective by exposing them to a diverse range of English language and literature from around the world. Through readings, discussions, and projects, students are encouraged to explore different cultures, perspectives, and ways of thinking. This global perspective not only enhances students' language skills but also prepares them to thrive in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.ConclusionThe College Student Innovation Training Program in English offers a unique and innovative approach to developing students' English language skills, creativity, critical thinking, andproblem-solving abilities. By integrating project-based learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, technology, entrepreneurial mindset, and global perspective into the curriculum, the program prepares students to succeed in a rapidly changing and competitive world.篇2Title: Innovative Features of College Students' Innovation Training Program in EnglishIntroductionAs the world continues to advance, the demand for innovation and creativity has become increasingly important. In order to equip college students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in today's competitive world, universities have started implementing innovation training programs. One such program is the College Students' Innovation Training Program in English, which stands out for its unique and innovative features. In this article, we will explore the key innovative aspects of this program.1. Integration of Language Skills and InnovationOne of the key innovative features of the College Students' Innovation Training Program in English is the integration of language skills and innovation. Unlike traditional innovation training programs that focus solely on creativity andproblem-solving, this program combines these skills with English language proficiency. This dual focus allows students to not only develop their innovation skills but also enhance their communication skills in English, making them more competitive in the global marketplace.2. Project-Based LearningAnother innovative aspect of the program is its emphasis on project-based learning. Instead of relying solely on lectures and theoretical knowledge, students are required to work onreal-world projects that challenge them to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. This hands-on approach not only enhances students' problem-solving skills but also prepares them for the challenges they will face in their future careers.3. Cross-Disciplinary CollaborationThe program also promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration, bringing together students from different academicbackgrounds to work together on innovative projects. By working with students from diverse disciplines, students are exposed to new perspectives and ideas, helping them think outside the box and come up with truly innovative solutions. This cross-disciplinary approach mirrors the collaborative nature of the modern workplace, where employees are often required to work with colleagues from different backgrounds to achieve common goals.4. Industry PartnershipsTo ensure that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the real world, the program has established partnerships with industry leaders. These partnerships allow students to gain valuable insights and knowledge from industry experts, as well as access tocutting-edge technology and resources. By working closely with industry partners, students can develop innovative solutions that are relevant and applicable to the current market trends.5. Mentorship ProgramFinally, the program also offers a mentorship program, where students are paired with experienced professionals whoprovide guidance and support throughout the program. These mentors help students navigate the challenges of the program, offering valuable advice and feedback to help them succeed. The mentorship program not only enhances students' learning experience but also helps them build valuable connections and networks that can benefit them in their future careers.ConclusionThe College Students' Innovation Training Program in English stands out for its innovative features that set it apart from traditional innovation training programs. By integrating language skills and innovation, promoting project-based learning, encouraging cross-disciplinary collaboration, establishing industry partnerships, and offering a mentorship program, the program equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitive world. As the program continues to evolve and grow, it will undoubtedly produce a new generation of innovative and creative thinkers who will shape the future of the global marketplace.篇3Title: Innovative Points of University Student Innovation Training Program English ClassWith the rapid development of society and economy, the demand for talents with international vision and cross-cultural communication skills is increasing. As a result, universities are paying more attention to cultivating students' abilities in English communication and innovation. The University Student Innovation Training Program is designed to enhance students' English proficiency, critical thinking skills, and creativity through various activities and projects. In this article, we will explore the innovative points of the program in the English class.Firstly, the program adopts a project-based learning approach, which allows students to apply their language skills and knowledge to real-life situations. For example, students are required to work on group projects that involve researching, planning, and presenting their ideas in English. This not only improves their language proficiency but also enhances their teamwork and problem-solving skills.Secondly, the program integrates technology into the English class to create an interactive and engaging learning environment. For instance, students are encouraged to use online resources, such as language learning apps andmultimedia tools, to practice their listening and speaking skills. Additionally, the program uses virtual reality (VR) technology to simulate real-world scenarios, such as business meetings and presentations, to help students develop their communication skills.Furthermore, the program emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation in language learning. Students are encouraged to think outside the box and come up with new and original ideas for their projects. For example, students may be asked to create their own English learning materials, such as video tutorials or podcasts, to share with their classmates. This not only enhances their language skills but also fosters their creativity and independence.In addition, the program provides opportunities for students to interact with native English speakers and immerse themselves in English-speaking environments. For example, students may participate in language exchange programs or cultural exchange activities to practice their language skills and learn about different cultures. This helps students build confidence in their English communication abilities and develop a global mindset.Overall, the University Student Innovation Training Program English class offers a unique and innovative approach tolanguage learning. By incorporating project-based learning, technology, creativity, and cultural exchange, the program aims to cultivate students' English proficiency, critical thinking skills, and cross-cultural communication abilities. Through this program, students can develop the skills and competencies needed to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.。
“Exploring the Benefits of Project-Based Learning”
“Exploring the Benefits of Project-Based Learning”1. 引言1.1 概述在当今全球教育领域中,项目学习正逐渐受到广泛关注和重视。
1.2 文章结构本篇文章将包括以下几个部分:首先,我们将探讨项目学习的好处,包括提高学生参与度和动力、培养实际问题解决能力以及促进综合学科知识的应用与整合。
1.3 目的本文旨在深入探讨项目学习对于学生发展的重要意义和价值。
2. 项目学习的好处2.1 提高学生参与度和动力项目学习能够提高学生的主动参与度和学习动力。
初中英语项目化学习的作文The concept of project-based learning in English has revolutionized the way students at junior high level engage with the language. It's not just about memorizing vocabulary or grammar rules; it's about applying them in real-world contexts.In our English class, we've been tasked with projectsthat require us to think critically and creatively. For instance, one project involved researching a foreign culture and presenting it to the class in English, which was both challenging and exciting. It pushed us to delve into the nuances of language and communication.The collaborative nature of project-based learning has been a game-changer. Working in teams, we've learned to communicate effectively, respect different perspectives, and solve problems together. It's a skill set that extends beyond the classroom and into our future endeavors.Moreover, these projects have allowed us to explore our interests within the realm of English. Whether it's writing a short story, creating a podcast, or even designing a poster campaign, the freedom to choose our projects has made learning English a personal and fulfilling experience.Assessments in project-based learning are holistic, focusing on the process as much as the final product. Thisapproach has taught us the importance of effort, perseverance, and continuous improvement, rather than just the end result.The integration of technology in these projects has been another key aspect. Using digital tools to create presentations, conduct research, and share our work has prepared us for the digital age and made the learning process more interactive.In conclusion, project-based learning in English has been an enriching experience that has not only improved our language skills but also equipped us with essential life skills. It's a testament to the power of learning by doingand has left a lasting impression on our educational journey.。
The Importance of Project-Based LearningIn the contemporary educational landscape, project-based learning has emerged as a transformative approach, revolutionizing the way students engage with knowledge and skills. This innovative methodology not only enhances academic outcomes but also fosters critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity among learners.At its core, project-based learning involves students in the process of exploring real-world problems and challenges through hands-on projects. Unlike traditional teaching methods that often focus on rote learning and memorization, project-based learning encourages students to take an active role in their education, engaging deeply with the subject matter and applying their knowledge to practical situations.One of the key benefits of this approach is its ability to foster critical thinking. Through projects, students are required to analyze complex issues, evaluate information, and make informed decisions. This process challenges them to think beyond the confines of textbooks and classroom discussions, encouraging them to develop their own perspectives and arguments.Collaboration is another crucial aspect of project-basedlearning. Students often work in groups, dividing tasks and responsibilities, and pooling their resources to achieve a common goal. This collaborative environment fosters teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, preparing students for the demands of the modern workplace.Moreover, project-based learning encourages creativity and innovation. Students are given the freedom to explore their interests and passions, allowing them to develop unique and innovative solutions to problems. This freedom of expression not only enhances their learning experience but also helps them develop a sense of ownership and pride in their work.In addition to these personal development benefits, project-based learning also has a positive impact on academic performance. By applying their knowledge to practical situations, students are able to consolidate and retain information more effectively. This approach also prepares them for standardized tests and exams, as they are able to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter through real-world applications.However, it is worth noting that project-based learning requires a significant amount of preparation and guidance from teachers. Teachers need to design projects that are relevant,engaging, and challenging, while also providing students with the necessary resources and support to complete them successfully. This can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and commitment, teachers can create an environment that fosters student engagement and success.In conclusion, project-based learning is a powerful tool for enhancing student engagement and promoting deeper learning. By providing students with the opportunity to explore real-world problems and challenges through hands-on projects, this approach fosters critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. While it requires a significant investment of time and effort from teachers, the long-term benefits for students are immense. As we continue to evolve our education system, it is essential that we embrace project-based learning as a key strategy for preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.Furthermore, the integration of project-based learning into the classroom is not just about enhancing academic performance; it is also about shaping the students into well-rounded individuals. Projects often require students to engage with the community, conduct research, and present their findings to a wider audience. This process not onlybroadens their horizons but also helps them develop a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement.Moreover, project-based learning aligns with the principles of 21st-century education, which emphasizes the development of skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and technological proficiency. By engaging in projects that require the use of digital tools and platforms, students are able to develop these skills, making them more competitive in the job market and better prepared for the demands of the modern world.In sum, project-based learning offers a holistic approach to education that goes beyond the confines of traditional classroom teaching. It provides students with an opportunity to explore, discover, and create, while also developing the skills and dispositions necessary for success in the 21st century. As such, it should be a central component of any modern educational program aimed at fostering the development of the whole child.。
基于项目的学习(Project-based learning)简介
基于项目的学习(Project-based learning)简介对基于项目的学习介绍前,有必要了解一下它的产生与发展。
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1.Project 2013项目管理概述及预备项目管理是一门实践性很强的技术,其实也是一门艺术。
MS Office系列的单独套件Project就是一个很好的项目管理专门软件。
2.Project 2013基础操作概述从外观上看,Project和同属Office系列的其他组件如Word是类似的。
2.甘特图:Gantt chart,是条状图的一种类型,显示任务、进度以及其他与时间相关的系统进展的内在关系随着时间进展的情况。
一. 项目时间。
如图1.图1 project标签打开组内的Project Information,如图2。
24 hours:没有休息日;night shift:周一到周六,日夜轮班;standard:周一到周五,朝八晚五。
图2 项目信息图3 项目起始日期图4 项目日历模式如果觉得三种日历模式都和当前项目不符合,通过Project→Properties→Change Working Time自定义日历。
点击FILE→Info→Project Information→Advanced Properties,填好。
图5 项目相关信息三、任务的输入、插入和删除Project 2013中,任务有多种类型:通用任务、子任务、里程碑等。
直接点一下任务名称(task name)一栏下的单元格,即可输入任务。
如果在已经输入好的任务中间插入新的任务,可以TASK→Insert→Task或者在想要插入的那一栏的左侧序号栏右击→insert task。
删除任务只需:右击该任务→d elete task;或在想删除的那一栏的左侧序号栏右击→delete task。
四、任务持续时间任务持续时间(duration)就在任务名称(task name)一栏右侧。
图6 便捷输入方法不过需要注意的是,在这里1小时等于60分钟,但是1天却不一定等于24小时。
图7 日历换算关系如果没有指定持续时间,但是给定了开始时间和结束时间,project会自动算出持续时间。
插入方法:将要插入里程碑的一栏选中,Task→insert→milestone六、摘要任务摘要任务(summary task)实质上就是将一组关系密切的任务进行的打包。
建立方法:选中相邻的多个任务,task→insert→summary task。
TIPS:任务模式(task mode)选择自动比较好。
设置方法很简单,如下图:图1 任务模式的自动和手动在project中,两个项目的依赖性一共有四种类型。
图2 四种任务依赖性如何建立依赖性就像回字有六种写法一样,建立任务之间的以来模式也有多种方法。
选中用 ctrl+鼠标左键的方式即可。
图3 任务依赖性按钮依赖性是默认的“结束-开始”型。
图4 建立依赖性之后的样子第二种:1.这次不需要选中两个任务了。
2.执行TASK--- Properties---Information,弹出如下Task Information对话框。
选择Predecessors标签,点击下面的task name右侧的按钮,会弹出所有可供选择的前继,选择我们需要的任务2。
图5 第二种方法这种方法和方法一效果一样。
如果你不小心,单击变成了双击,会有什么出现?试试看!这算不算第四种方法呢?我的例子,按照刚才的方法输入完,是这个效果:图6 依赖性建立后的效果改变依赖性关系默认的“结束-开始”模式能够适应大部分任务。
图7 依赖关系变动一个任务依赖于多个任务多个任务依赖于同一个任务,比较好处理,只要把它们的predecessors都设置为这个任务的ID即可。
效果如下图:图8 一个任务依赖于多个任务让任务丰满一些任务的名称是尽量要简洁的,非简洁不能提纲挈领;但是任务的内容却尽量要详细,不详细会导致执行起来无法检查。
图9 添加Notes添加notes之后,在左侧会出现一个标志,如图。
图10 鼠标移过3.设置资源任务的完成,离不开人力、物力、财力。
VIEW-->resource sheet。
接下来,根据事先评估确定好的资源,在resources name一列依次填写各个资源的名字。
type是资源的类型,在project中,资源一共有三种类型:work(人力和设备),material (材料),cost(花费)。
max units是工作量,默认的是100%,即按照项目日历如实上班工作;50%则意味着有一半的时间不能工作;120%则意味着加班了。