Suncombe brochure CIPone
物流中级英语(共145个)基本概念术语1.物品article2.物流logistics3.物流活动logistics activity4.物流作业logistics operation5.物流模数logistics modulus6.物流技术logistics technology7.物流成本logistics cost8.物流管理logistics management9.物流中心logistics center10.物流网络logistics network11.物流信息logistics information12.物流企业logistics enterprise13.物流单证logistics documents14.物流联盟logistics alliance15.供应物流supply logistics16.生产物流production logistics17.销售物流distribution logistics18.回收物流returned logistics19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics21.企业物流internal logistics22.社会物流external logistics23.军事物流military logistics24.国际物流international logistics25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics27.虚拟物流virtual logistics28.增值物流服务value-added logistics service 29.供应链supply chain 30.条码bar code31.电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗tangible loss33.无形消耗intangible loss 奖罚物流作业术语1.运输transportation2.联合运输combined transport3.直达运输through transport4.中转运输transfer transport5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport6.集装运输containerized transport7.集装箱运输container transport8.门到门door-to-door9.整箱货full container load (FCL)10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL11.储存storing12.保管storage13.物品储存article reserves14.库存inventory15.经常库存cycle stock16.安全库存safety stick23.装卸loading and unloading24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading25.包装package/packaging26.销售包装sales package27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand28.中性包装neutral packing29.运输包装transport package30.托盘包装palletizing31.集装化containerization32.散装化containerization33.直接换装cross docking34.配送distribution35.共同配送joint distribution36.配送中心distribution center37.分拣sorting38.拣选order picking39.集货goods collection40.组配assembly41.流通加工distribution processing42.冷链cold chain43.检验inspection 奖罚物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库warehouse2.库房storehouse3.自动化仓库automatic warehouse4.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库virtual warehouse6.保税仓库boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse 8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision9.冷藏区chill space10.冷冻区freeze space11.控湿储存区humidity controlled space12.温度可控区temperature controlled space 13.收货区receiving space14.发货区shipping space15.料棚goods shed16.货场goods yard17.货架goods shelf18.托盘pallet19.叉车fork lift truck20.输送机conveyor21.自动导引车automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22.箱式车box car23.集装箱container24.换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25.特种货物集装箱specific cargo container 26.全集装箱船full container ship27.铁路集装箱场railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站inland container depot 29.集装箱货运站container freight station (CFS) 30.集装箱码头container terminal31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport32.国际多式联运international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输land bridge transport34.班轮运输liner transport35.租船运输shipping by chartering36.船务代理shipping agency37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent38.理货tally39.国际货物运输保险international transportationcargo insurance40.报关customs declaration41.报关行customs broker42.进出口商品检验commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略logistics strategy2.物流战略管理logistics strategy management 3.仓库管理warehouse management4.仓库布局warehouse layout5.库存控制inventory control6.经济订货批量economic order quantity (EOQ) 7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS) 8.定期订货方式fixed-quantity system (FIS) 9.ABC分类管理ABC classification10.电子订货系统Electronic order system (EOS) 11.准时制just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理logistics cost control15.物料需要计划material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning (MRP II)17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP)18.配送资源计划distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.物流资源计划logistics resource planning (LRP) 20.企业资源计划enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映Quick response (QR) 23.有效客户反映efficient customer response(ECR) 24.连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering (CAO)26.供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包outsourcing一、基本概念术语1物品Article2物流Logistics3物流活动Logistics activity4物流作业Logistics operation5物流模数Logistics modulus6物流技术Logistlcs technology7物流成本Logistics cost8物流管理Loglstics management9物流中心Logistics center10物流网络Logistics network11物流信息Logistics information12物流企业Loglstics enterprise13物流单证Logistics documents14物流联盟Logistics alliance15供应物流Supp1y logistics16生产物流Production logistics17销售物流Distribution logistics18回收物流Returned logistics19废弃物物流waste material logistics20绿色物流Environmental logistics21企业物流Internal logistics22社会物流External logistics23军事物流Military logistics24国际物流Interriational logistics25第三方物流Third一part logistics (TPL)26定制物流Customized logistics27虚拟物流Virtual logistics28增值物流服务Value一added logistics service29供应链Supp1y chain30条码Bar code 同义词:条码符号bar code symbol 31电子数据交换Electronic data interchange (EDI)32有形损耗Tangible loss33无形损耗Intangible loss二、物流作业术语1运输Transportation2联合运输Combined transport3直达运输Through transport4中转运输Transfer transport5甩挂运输Drop and puIl transport6集装运输Containerized transport7集装箱运输Container transport8门到门Door一to一door 9整箱货Full container load(FCL)10拼箱货Less than container load (LCL)11储存Storing12保管Storage13物品储备Article reserves14库存Inventory15经常库存Cycle stock16安全库存Safety Stock17库存周期Inventory cycle time18前置期(或提前期)Lead time19订货处理周期0rder cycle time20货垛Goods stack21堆码Stacking22搬运Handling/carrying23装卸Loading and unloading24单元装卸Unit loading and unloading25包装Package/packaging26销售包装Sales package27定牌包装Packing of nominated brand28中性包装Neutral packing29运输包装Transport package30托盘包装palietizing31集装化Containerization32散装化In bulk33直接换装Cross docking34配送Distribution35共同配送Joint distribution36配送中心Distribution center37分拣Sorting38拣选0rder picking39集货Goods collection40组配Assemb1y41流通加工Distribution processing42冷链Cold chain43检验Inspection三、物流技术装备与设施术语1仓库warehouse2库房Storehouse3自动化仓库Automatic Warehouse4立体仓库Stereoscopic Warehouse5虚拟仓库Virtual varehouse6保税仓库Boned Warehouse7出口监管仓库Export supervised warehouse8海关监管货物Cargo under custom’S supervision 9冷藏区Chill space10冷冻区Freeze space11控湿储存区Humldity controlled space12温度可控区Temperature controlled space13收货区Receiving space14发货区Shipping space15料棚Goods shed16货场Goods yard17货架Goods shelf18托盘Pallet19叉车Fork lift truck20输送机Conveyor21自动导引车Automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22箱式车Box car 23集装箱Container24换算箱Twenty一feet equiva1ent unit (TEU)25特种货物集装箱Specific cargo container26全集装箱船Full container ship27铁路集装箱场Railway container yard28公路集装箱中转站Inland container depot29集装箱货运站Container freight station(CFS)30集装箱码头Container terminal31国际铁路联运International through raiIway transport32国际多式联运International multimdal transport 33大陆桥运输Land bridge transport34班轮运输Liner transport35租船运输Shipping by chartering36船务代理Shipping agency37国际货运代理Tnternational freight forwarding agent38理货Tally39国际货物运输保险International transportation cargo insurance40报关Customs declaration41报关行Customs broker42进出口商品检验Commodity inspection四、物流管理术语1物流战略Logistics strategy2物流战略管理Loglstics strategy management3仓库管理Warehouse management4仓库布局warehouse layout5库存控制Inventory control6经济订货批量Economic order quantity (EOQ)7定量订货方式Fixed一quantity system(FQS)8定期订货方式Fixed一interval system(FIS)9ABC分类管理ABC classification10电子订货系统Electronic order system(E0S)11准时制Just in time(JIT)12准时制物流Just一in一time 1ogistics13零库存技术Zero一inventory Technology14物流成本管理Logistics cost control15物料需求计划Material requirements planning (MRP)16制造资源计划Manufacturing resource planning (MRPⅡ)17配送需求计划Distribution requirements planning (DRP)18配送资源计划Distrlbution resource planning (DRPⅡ)19物流资源计划Logistics resource planning (LRP)20企业资源计划Enterprise resource planning (ERP)21供应链管理Supp1y chain management (SCM)22快速反应Quick response (QR)23有效客户反应Efficient customer response (ECR)24连续库存补充计划Continuous replenishment program(CRP)25计算机辅助订货系统Computer assisted ordering (CA0)26供应商管理库存Vendor managed inventory (VMI)27业务外包0utsourcing。
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Cleenol Group Ltd 6 In One Dishwasher Tablets 产品说明
PRODUCT USE GUIDE FOR6 IN ONE DISHWASHER TABLETSC13Product DescriptionFormulated for use in domestic dishwashers. The tablets are individually wrapped. The tablets have six functions:1. Wash2. Rinse3. Water Softer4. Glass Protection5. Stain Remover6. Stainless Steel ProtectionProduct Features∙This product is food safe when used in accordance with the Directions for Use below.Direction for Use∙Remove food scraps and rinse heavily soiled items before loading the dishwasher.∙Remove tablet from wrapper and place in the dispenser.∙Close the dispenser, select programme and switch on.∙NB - Certain items are not suitable for automatic dishwashing. These include some lead crystal or decorative glassware, antique and hand painted items with the pattern over the glaze, items with bone, wooden or plastic handles, coloured or anodised aluminium-ware or plastic items which cannot withstand temperatures of above 70°C. If in doubt, consult the manufacturer’s recommendations or test wash one piece. Do not allow silver to touch stainless steel in the dishwasher.Storage∙Store in cool conditions away from direct sources of heat∙Avoid extremes of temperature∙Do not allow to freeze∙Ensure the cap is tightly fitted after use∙Keep out of reach of childrenShelf Life∙Shelf life 24 months, if stored as recommended.∙Use within 6 months of opening.Environmental Hazards∙Do not allow large quantities of neat product to enter surface waterways.∙In the event of a large spillage, contact the local water authority or Environment Agency immediately.PRODUCT USE GUIDE FOR6 IN ONE DISHWASHER TABLETSC13For further information please scan your QR Smart Reader hereCode Nos.022221/100Data Sheet No. C13Note: This product is only to be used for the purpose for which it was intended and in accordance with the specified instructions. This product should never be mixed with other chemical products and should be handled with care and stored carefully out of reach of children.。
迷你脸部清洁器VisaPure旋转技术清洁器1个清洁刷头1个强度设置BSC111 066倍更好的清洁
VisaPureRotation technologyCleansing1 cleansing brush head1 intensity settingBSC111/066x better cleansingReady in 1 minute*The mini facial cleanser with rotation technology. It's compact. It's easy to use. It'sperfect for your daily skincare. Wherever you are.Better skincareRotation cleansing technology6x better cleansing than hands*. Ready in just 1 minute!Easy to use, easily fits in your skincare routine100% waterproof designRechargeable device for long lasting batteryCleansing has never been easier! 1 minute for better resultsCompatible with all Philips brushesCompact and lightweightCompact and lightweight designGentle to your skinGentle to your skin, tough on impuritiesPerfectly designed for optimal hygieneHighlightsRotation technologyThe rotating motion quickly but gently removes these impurities by sweeping them away,leaving the skin more deeply cleansed.6x better cleansingThanks to the rotation technology and the 17,000 silky soft bristles of the normal cleansing brush you get six times better cleansing results for a soft and radiant skin.Gentle to your skinVisaPure mini facial cleanser is tough onimpurities, but gentle to your skin. Thanks to its silky soft, thin and dense bristles, it ensures a smooth glide while cleansing for absolute skin comfort. VisaPure mini facial cleanser is gentle enough to use twice a day.100% waterproofThis device is 100% waterproof and can be easily used in the shower and cleaned under the tap.RechargeableWhen fully charged, this device has cordless power for 20 uses, equivalent to 10 days when used twice per day.1 minute cleansing programWith the 1 minute recommended cleansing program for effective and superior cleansing,VisaPure mini facial cleanser easily fits in your routine and makes it better!Compatible with all brushesThis device is compatible with all Philips brushes, which are designed to fit your individual skin type and needs.Compact for your convenienceWith its compact and lightweight designVisaPure mini facial cleanser easily fits in your handbag or bathroom shelf. It’s the perfect mini cleanser for your daily skincare routine wherever you are.Designed for optimal hygieneThe silky soft bristle material of all ourVisaPure brush heads is a specially chosen,delicate nylon. This helps to ensure the brush heads are super easy to clean and keep fresh.SpecificationsBenefitsAbsorption: Improves the absorption of your skin care productSkin cleansing: 6x more effective than hand cleansingEase of useCordless: up to 20 uses without charging Battery indicator: Icon indicates battery life 1 Speed settings: Deep cleansing Waterproof: Can be used in the shower Application areasFace and neck: Cheeks, Chin, Fronthead, Neck,NoseItems includedBrush heads: Normal skin brush headInstruction for use: Quick start guide, usermanualPower adapter: 100 - 240 V adapterTechnical specificationsOne way rotationPowerCharging time: 8 hoursPower system: Rechargeable batteryRunning time: 20 uses of 1 minute eachVoltage: 100-240 VServiceWarranty: 2-year limited warranty* *Compared to cleansing by hands. Data on file.© 2020 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2020‑04‑22 Version: 5.1.112 NC: 8845 400 06220 EAN: 08 71010 38268 73。
Product #(s) – 4105Material Safety Data SheetFor Emergency Call:CHEM-TEL (800) 255-3924 24 Hour Assistance1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name: C hampion Wipe-R-Clean Windshield Washer & De-IcerCAS Number: 67-56-1 / 7732-18-5Recommended Uses: Windshield WashCompany IdentificationManufacturer's Name: CHAMPION BRANDS, LLCAddress: 1001 Golden Drive, Clinton, MO 64735Telephone – General Information: (800) 821-56932. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHazard Classes: Flammable Liquid Category 3Acute Oral Toxicity Category 3Acute Dermal (skin) Toxicity Category 3Acute Inhalation Toxicity Category 3Toxic to Reproduction Category 1BSpecific Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure) Category 1 and Category 3Aspiration Hazard Category 1Note: Assigned to classification based on human experienceSignal Word: DANGERHazard Statements:H226 Flammable Liquid and Vapor.H301 Toxic if Swallowed.H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H311 Toxic in Contact with Skin.H331 Toxic if Inhaled.H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.H360 May Damage Fertility or the Unborn Child – fetotoxic and teratogenic effects.H370 Causes Damage to the Optic Nerve causing blindness if ingested. Precautionary Statements:P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.P102 Keep out of reach of children,P103 Read label before use.P201 Obtain special instructions before use.P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. P210 Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces – No smoking.P233 Keep container tightly closed.P240 Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.P241 Use explosion-proof electrical lighting and equipment.Product #(s) – 4105P242 Use only non-sparking tools.P243 Take precautionary measures against static discharge.P261 Avoid breathing vapors.P264 Wash thoroughly after handling.P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.P280 Wear protective gloves / protective clothing / eye protection.P301 + P310 If SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.P331 D o NOT induce vomiting.P330 Rinse mouth.P303 + P361 + P353 If ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take of immediately all contaminated clothing.Rinse skin with water/shower.P304 + P340 IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a positioncomfortable for breathing.P308 + P311 IF exposed or concerned: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianP361 + P378 Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.P370 + P378 In case of fire: Use dry chemical, CO2, alcohol-resistant foam, and water spray for extinction.P403 + P235 Store in well-ventilated place. Keep cool.P501 Disposal: Dispose of contents/container to a specialized waste disposal plant in accordance with local/regional regulationsHazard Pictograms:3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCAS Num b erComponents Typical WeightPercentageMethanol 22-36% 67-56-1Water 64-78% 7732-18-54. FIRST AIDEyes: If irritation or redness develops, move victim away from exposure and into fresh air. Flush eyes with clean water. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.Skin: Remove contaminated shoes and clothing and cleanse affected area(s) thoroughly bywashing with mild soap and water. If irritation or redness develops, seek medical attention.Inhalation: If respiratory symptoms develop or other symptoms of exposure develop, move victim away from source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. If victim is not breathing, clear airway and immediately begin artificial respiration. If breathingdifficulties develop, oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Seek immediate medical attention.Product #(s) – 4105Ingestion: Aspiration hazard. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth because thismaterial can enter the lungs and cause severe lung damage. If victim is drowsy or unconscious and vomiting, place on the left side with the head down. If possible, do not leave victim unattended and observe closely for adequacy of breathing. Seek immediate medical attention.Note to Physicians: Ethanol significantly decreases the toxicity of methanol because it competes for the same metabolic enzymes, and has been used to treat methanol poisoning.Epinephrine and other sympathomimetic drugs may initiate cardiac arrhythmias in persons exposed to high concentrations of hydrocarbon solvents (e.g., in enclosed spaces or with deliberate abuse).The use of other drugs with less arrhythmogenic potential should be considered. If sympathomimetic drugs are administered, observe for the development of cardiac arrhythmias.Medical Conditions: Exposure to high concentrations of this material may increase the sensitivity of the heart to certain drugs. Persons with pre-existing heart disorders may be more susceptible to this effect (see Note to Physician above).5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or alcohol-resistant foam. .Water spray is recommended to cool or protect exposed materials or structures. Water may be ineffective for extinguishment, unless used under favorable conditions by experienced fire fighters. Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen. Use caution when applying carbon dioxide in confined spaces.Specific Hazards: This material is flammable and can be ignited by heat, sparks, flames or other sources of ignition (e.g., static electricity, pilot lights or mechanical/electrical equipment). Flame is invisible in daylight. Vapors may travel considerable distances to a source of ignition where they can ignite, flashback or explode. May create vapor/air explosion hazard indoors, in confined spaces, outdoors or in sewers. If container is not properly cooled, it can rupture in the heat of a fire. Vapors are heavier than area and can accumulate in low areas.Hazardous Combustion Products: Toxic gases and vapors; oxides of carbon and formaldehyde.Special Firefighting Procedures: For fires beyond the initial stage, emergency responders in the immediate hazard area should wear bunker gear. When the potential chemical hazard is unknown, in enclosed or confined spaces, or when explicitly required by DOT, a self-contained breathingapparatus should be worn. In addition, wear other appropriate protective equipment as conditions warrant (see Section 8). Isolate immediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Stop spill/release if it can be done with minimal risk. Move undamaged containers from immediatehazard area if it can be done with minimal risk. Water spray may be useful in minimizing ordispersing vapors and to protect personnel. Cool equipment exposed to fire with water, if it can be done with minimal risk. Avoid spreading burning liquid with water used for cooling purposes.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal Precautions: Flammable. Spilling of liquid product will create a fire hazard and may form an explosive atmosphere. Keep all sources of ignition and hot metal surfaces away fromspill/release if safe to do so. The use of explosion-proof equipment is recommended. Stay upwind and away from spill/release. For large spills, notify people down-wind of spill/release, isolateimmediate hazard area and keep unauthorized personnel out. Wear appropriate protectiveequipment including respiratory protection as conditions warrant (see Section 8). See Sections 2 and 7 for additional information on hazards and precautionary measures.Product #(s) – 4105Environmental Precautions: Stop spill/release if it can be done with minimal risk. Prevent spilled material from entering sewers, storm drains, other unauthorized treatment drainage systems, and natural waterways. Use foam on spills to minimize vapors. Use water sparingly to minimizeenvironmental contamination and reduce disposal requirements. If spill occurs on water, notify appropriate authorities. Spills into or upon navigable waters, the contiguous zone, or adjoiningshorelines that cause a sheen or discoloration on the surface water, may require notification of the National Response Center (phone number 800-424-8802).Methods for Containment and Clean-Up: Notify relevant authorities in accordance with allapplicable regulations. Immediate cleanup of any spill is recommended. Dike far ahead of spill for later recovery or disposal. Absorb spill with inert material such as sand, earth or other non-combustible material, and place in suitable container for disposal. If spilled on water remove with appropriate methods (e.g., skimming, booms or absorbents). In case of soil contamination, remove contaminated soil for remediation or disposal, in accordance with local regulations.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for Safe Handling: Keep away from ignition sources such as heat/sparks/open flames – No smoking. Take precautionary measures against static discharge. Non-sparking tools should be used. Wear protective gloves/clothing and eye/face protection. Wash thoroughly after handling.Use good personal hygiene practices and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8).Flammable. May vaporize easily at ambient temperatures. The vapor is heavier than air and may create an explosive mixture of vapor and air. Beware of accumulation in confined spaces and low lying areas. Open container slowly to relieve any pressure. Electrostatic charge may accumulate and create a hazardous condition when handling or processing this material. To avoid fire orexplosion, dissipate static electricity during transfer by bonding and grounding containers andequipment before transferring material. The use of explosion-proof equipment is recommended and may be required (see appropriate fire codes). Refer to NFPA-77 and/or API RP 2003 for specific bonding/grounding requirements. Do not enter confined spaces such as tanks or pits withoutfollowing proper entry procedures such as ASTM D-4276 and 29CFR 1910.146. Do not wearcontaminated clothing or shoes. Keep contaminated clothing away from sources of ignition such as sparks or open flames. Use good personal hygiene practice.Conditions for Safe Storage: Keep container(s) tightly closed. Use and store this material in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away from heat and all sources of ignition. Post area “No Smoking or Open Flame.” Store only in approved containers. Keep away from any incompatible material (see Section 10). Protect container(s) against physical damage. Outdoor or detached storage ispreferred. Indoor storage should meet OSHA standards and appropriate fire codes.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure GuidelinesComponent ACGIH TLV ACGIH STEL OSHA PEL OSHA STELMethanol 200 ppm(Skin) 250 ppm(Skin)200 ppm(Skin)250 ppm(Skin)Product #(s) – 4105Engineering Controls: If current ventilation practices are not adequate to maintain airborneconcentrations below the established exposure limits, additional ventilation or exhaust systems may be required.Specific Personal Protective EquipmentEye/Face Protection: The use of eye protection that meets or exceeds ANSI Z.87.1 isrecommended to protect against potential eye contact, irritation or injury. Depending on conditions of use, a face shield may be necessary.Skin: The use of gloves impervious to the specific material handled is advised to prevent skin contact. Users should check with manufacturers to confirm the breakthrough performance of their products. Depending on exposure and use conditions, additional protection may be necessary to prevent skin contact including use of items such as chemical resistant boots, aprons, arm covers, hoods, coveralls or encapsulated suits. Suggested protective materials: butyl and nitrile rubbers.Respiratory Protection: Where there is potential for airborne exposure above the exposure limits,a NIOSH approved air purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge may be used.A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. Air- purifying respirators provide limited protection and cannot be used in atmospheres that exceed the maximum use concentration as directed by regulation or the manufacturer’s instructions, in oxygen deficient (less than 19.5% oxygen) situations or under conditions that are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstances where air-purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.Other Protective Equipment: Eye wash and quick-drench shower facilities should be available in the work area. Thoroughly clean shoes and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Suggestions provided in this section for exposure control and specific types of protectiv e equipment are based on readily available information. Users should consult with the specific manufacturer to confirm the performance of their protective equipment. Specific situations may require consultation with industrial hygiene, safety, or engineering professionals.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (approximate v a lues)Appearance: Clear, blue liquidOdor: Mild alcoholOdor threshold: 4.2-596 ppmpH: Not applicableMelting/Freezing Point: -97.8˚C /208˚FBoiling point (at 1 atm): 64.7˚C / 148 ˚FFlash Point: 35 ˚C / 9 ˚F (Closed Cup)Auto-Ignition Temperature: 470 ˚C / 878 ˚FEvaporation rate (butyl acetate = 1): 4.1Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicableExplosive Limits: Lower – 6%/ Upper – 36%Vapor Pressure: 92 mmHg @ 20 ˚C / 68 ˚FProduct #(s) – 4105Vapor Density (air = 1): 1.1 @ 15 ˚C / 59 ˚FSpecific gravity (H20 = 1): 0.79 @ 20˚C / 68 ˚FSolubility in water: SolublePartition Coefficient: n-octanol/water: Log P = -0.77Decomposition Temperature: No dataViscosity: 5.81 x 10-7 m2/s @ 40 ˚C / 104 ˚F10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability (thermal, light, etc.): Stable under normal conditions of storage and handling.Conditions to Avoid: Avoid all possible sources of ignition (see Sections 5 and 7).Incompatibility (materials to avoid): Avoid contact with strong acids, bases and oxidizers such as liquid chlorine and oxygen. Contact with these materials may cause a violent or explosive reaction.May be corrosive to lead, aluminum, magnesium and platinum. May react with metallic aluminum or magnesium and generate hydrogen gas. May attack some forms of plastic, rubber and coatings.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition may release carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde.Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute Toxicity:Product/Ingredient Name Result Species DoseMethanol (major ingredient) LD50 OralLD50 DermalLC50 Inhalation (vapor) RatRabbitRat>2528 mg/kg17,100 mg/kg13.3 mg/l – 6hrNote: Assigned to classification based on human experience and not animal data.Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Causes mild irritation. Repeated exposure may cause dryness orcracking.Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: Causes mild irritation.Signs and Symptoms: High concentrations can cause minor respiratory irritation, headache,drowsiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, disorientation and fatigue. Ingestion can causeirritation of the digestive tract, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and visual disturbances ranging from blurred vision to light sensitivity, blindness or death.Skin Sensitization: None reportedRespiratory Sensitization: None reportedGerm Cell Mutagenicity: There is insufficient information available to conclude that methanol is mutagenic.Carcinogenicity: Methanol did not demonstrate carcinogenic effects in rats and mice treated via whole body inhalation at concentrations > 1.3 mg/l in air. There is insufficient informationavailable to conclude that methanol is carcinogenic. It is not listed by NTP, IARC or OSHA.Product #(s) – 4105Reproductive Toxicity: Methanol has produced fetotoxicity in rats and teratogenicity in miceexposed by inhalation to high concentrations of methanol vapors.Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Single Exposure): Methanol ingestion causes damage to the optic nerve causing blindness. May cause drowsiness and dizziness.Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Repeated Exposure): There is insufficient informationavailable to conclude that methanol causes target organ effects from repeated exposure.Aspiration Hazard: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicity:Ingredient Name Result Species ExposureMethanol (major ingredient) Acute EC50 = 16.912 mg/L Marine WaterAcute LC50 = 2500000 ug/L Marine WaterAcute LC50 = 3289 mg/L Fresh WaterAcute LC50 > 100000 ug/L Fresh WaterAlgaeCrustaceansDaphniaFish96 hours48 hours48 hours96 hoursPersistence and Degradability: Methanol biodegrades easily in water and soil.BOD5 = 1.1COD = 1.05 – 1.55, 99%Bioaccumulative Potential: Risk of bioaccumulation is low (BCF <500 and low log K ow <4). BCF =0.2 - <10 Log K ow = -0.77Mobility in Soil: Methanol is highly mobile. Adsorption coefficient (K oc) solid phase/liquid phase = 1 Other Adverse Effects: None known13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSThe generator of a waste is always responsible for making proper hazardous waste determinations and needs to consider state and local requirements in addition to federal regulations.Recycle wherever possible. Large volumes may be suitable for re-distillation or, if contaminated, incinerated. Can be disposed of in a sewage treatment facility.This material, if discarded as produced, would not be a federally regulated RCRA “listed” hazardous waste. However, it would likely be identified as a federally regulated RCRA hazardous waste for the following characteristic of ignitability (D001). See Sections 7 and 8 for information on handling,storage and personal protection and Section 9 for physical/chemical properties. It is possible that the material as produced contains constituents which are not required to be listed in the MSDS but could affect the hazardous waste determination. Additionally, use which results in chemical orphysical change of this material could subject it to regulation as a hazardous waste.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT/TDG Proper Shipping Name: Flammable Liquid n.o.s. (Methanol)Product #(s) – 4105DOT/TDG Identification Number: UN1993DOT Hazard Class: 3 / TDG Hazard Class: 3(6.1)DOT/TDG Packing Group: IIERG Guide Number: 131Marine Pollutant: No15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONTSCA: Methanol is listed on the TSCA inventory.DSL: Methanol is listed on the DSL inventory.OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration): This material is considered to be hazardous as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.This material has not been identified as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHACERCLA/SARA – Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances and TPQ (in pounds): This material does NOT contain chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 302 and 40 CFR 355 Appendix A and B.EPA (CERCLA) Reportable Quantity (in pounds): This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of 40 CFR 302.4.Component Concentration RQMethanol 22-36% 500 lbs CERCLA/SARA - Sections 311/312 (Title III Hazard Categories):Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: Yes Reactivity: NoCERCLA/SARA – Section 313 and 40 CFR 372: This material contains the following chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of SARA 313 and SARA Title III and 40 CFR:Component Concentration de minimisMethanol 22-36% 1% California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): This material contains detectable chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity.Component Concentration EffectMethanol 22-36% Developmental Canada:This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the SDS contains all the information required by the Regulations.WHMIS Hazard Class: B2, D1B, D2A, D2B16. OTHER INFORMATIONIssue Date: May 2, 2013Previous Issue Date: May 2, 2013Change: Updated to new GHS compliant HCS 2012 criteriaProduct #(s) – 4105DISCLAIMER OF EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED WARRANTIESThe information in this document is believed to be correct as of the date issued. HOWEVER, NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IS TO BE IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION, THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT, THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT, OR THEHAZARDS RELATED TO ITS USE. This information and product are furnished on the condition that the person receiving them shall make his own determination as to the suitability of the product for this particular purpose and on the condition that he assumes the risk of his use thereof.。
海卓帕特 WE 3323 EC 安全技术说明书
安全技术说明书页: 1/10 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 09.05.2023版本: 1.0日期/上次修订: 不适用上次版本: 无日期 / 首次编制: 09.05.2023产品: 海卓帕特 WE 3323 ECProduct: Hydropalat® WE 3323 EC(30797308/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 04.11.20231. 化学品及企业标识海卓帕特 WE 3323 ECHydropalat® WE 3323 EC推荐用途和限制用途: 表面活性剂, 润湿剂, 墨水,清漆或涂料用添加剂公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:对水环境的急性危害: 分类3对水环境的慢性危害: 分类3巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 09.05.2023版本: 1.0产品: 海卓帕特 WE 3323 ECProduct: Hydropalat® WE 3323 EC(30797308/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 04.11.2023标签要素和警示性说明:危险性说明:H402对水生生物有害。
法国BioSecure安悦有机个人护理品牌介绍-with toner
调理肌肤,柔化肌肤 角质层,促进肌肤吸 收后续营养; 迅速补充水分和养分 ,令肌肤润泽,呈现 健康活力。
喷嘴设计方便全天候醒 肤、补水。 适合面部、颈部和身体 使用: .适合日常、四季使用 .柔和配方同样适合敏感肌 肤及孕产妇。
有机活效成分: 有机大马士革玫瑰花水
天然有机亮点: . 无酒精 . 无香精 . 无水杨酸 . 全成分中98.2% 为 天然成分
200 ml
*植物成分中95%以上为有机 植物。
*经欧盟权威妇科医学检 测
.100%的试用者在使用后有清洁的感 觉 .89%的试用者在使用有清凉舒爽的 感觉 . 85%的试用者在使用后体验到柔和 同时有私处受到保护的感觉
* pH值接近人体天然值
*巩固女性私处的自洁功 能
* 抑菌舒缓,清爽舒适
* 不含香料,不含皂基
有机活效成分: 欧洲榛花和金盏花萃取 精华:抑菌纾缓 苦橙花花水:清凉舒适
经ECOCERT & COSMEBIO -欧 盟权威双有机认证: • 全成分中高达98.2%为天 然成分 • 植物成分中95%以上为有 机植物
安悦平衡洗发露不含硅(矽 灵),不会造成毛囊堵塞,导 致头皮过敏、脱发、头屑等 现象。
爽身抑体味配方,温和不刺 激,怡人淡香,带来全天候 的清爽和活力。不含酒精和 色素。吸收迅速,不留痕。
把有机进行到底:包装 不含气体推进装置,保 护臭氧层,环保有机。 使用: • 只需每天早上在腋下滚 动2-3下,清爽一整天
MDM;Mdme. = Madame
MDPE = Medium-density polyethylene
mdse.;MDSE= merchandise
MED.;M = medium
Medit = MediteraneanSea
Memo.;memo = memorandum
lt. = light
L.T.;L/T;Lt.; l.t. = long ton
LT; L.T.; L/T = letter telegram
LTCLeast Total Cost
LTD;Ltd. = Ld. = limited
mo.;mos.= month(s)
MOQ= minimum order quantuty
M/P = months after payment
M.P. =①Member of Parliament
②military police
M.pack = missing package
MPF = Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde
M/L Cause; m/l clause = more or less clause
Mlle. = Mlledemoiselle
M.M. = merchant marine
M/a;MA= my account
MA = Maleio Anhydride
SHI Cryopump Product Catalogue说明书
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. (SHI) has a tradition of excellence and innovation that spans over 400 years. From its very beginning as a small shop selling medicines and books in Kyoto, Japan in the early 17th century, to its current status as a diverse, $6 billion corporation, SHI has continued to grow and flourish in an ever-changing international market.SHI’s acquisition of IGC-APD Cryogenics, Inc. in 2002 brought together two of the world’s leading cryogenic companies to form the SHI Cryogenics Group, with an unsurpassed tradition of design, development and success in the manufac-ture of cryogenic equipment.SHI Cryopumps continue this tradition by supporting both global research & development as well as state-of-the-art technologies. Today, applications of cryogenic technologies can be found in our daily lives. SHI Cryopumps are used directly or in the manufacturing of many of the world’s semiconductor, telecommunications, electronics, vacuum-coat-ed, and custom laboratory equipment and products.SHI offers a wide range of Cryopump products. Marathon® CP Series Cryopumps are offered with stan-dard and low profile enclosures, several flange options and manual and automatic features. They can be serviced in-situ without breaking vacuum or removing the pump from the chamber.The SICERA® Cryopump uses SHI proprietary inverter technology to reduce customerenergy costs. The resulting savings and increased production efficiency makeSICERA® ideal for semiconductor-related manufacturing.SHI Cryopumps are built in world-class manufacturing facilities us-ing Six Sigma manufacturing processes and process capabilitiesand analysis. The result is a product portfolio that offersflexibility, high reliability and is supported by aglobal sales, service and supportnetwork.Cryopump ModelMarathon® CP SICERA®CP-8CP-8LP CP-250LP CP-12CP-16CP-20KZ-8L KZ-12LAir (liters/second)1,5001,8003,0003,6004,8009,7001,5003,300 Water (liters/second)4,2004,2006,3009,56017,30029,1004,0009,500 Argon (liters/second)1,2501,5002,5003,1004,1008,3001,2003,500 Hydrogen (liters/second)2,3003,0005,0007,30012,00014,0002,2005,500 Argon Throughput (torr liters/second) Argon Capacity (standard liters)1,2001,6001,6002,0005,5006,0001,0002,000 Hydrogen Capacity (standard liters)2523305050331235 Crossover Rating (torr-liters)220220300650500400150150Weight35 lbs.(16.8 kg)39.5 lbs.(17.9 kg)44 lbs.(20 kg)90 lbs.(41 kg)110 lbs.(50 kg)170 lbs.(77 kg)70.6 lbs.(32 kg)88.2 lbs.(40 kg)Zephyr®•••HC-4E1•••Masatomo Sumitomo, founder of the Sumitomo family, opens a shopdealing in medicines and books in Kyoto, Japan17th Century Discovery of Besshi Copper Mine—Sumitomo receives exclusivemining rights1690Precursor to Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. established as amachinery production and repair facility at the Besshi Mine Plant1888Establishment of Sumitomo Machinery Works, Ltd.19341959Precursor to APD Cryogenics established as Space and MissileDepartment of Air Products in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USASumitomo establishes its cryogenics business at the Hiratsuka Research Laboratory in Hiratsuka City, near Tokyo. 1962Renamed the Advanced Product Development Department of AirProducts1968Introduces Displex ® cryocooler systems Merger between Sumitomo Machinery and Uraga Heavy Industriesresults in the establishment of Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.19691976Pioneers current generation cryopump technologyMerger with Nittoku Metal Industries results in the establishment of the1982APPLICATIONSSHI’s Cryopump systems are specifically designed to meet the needs of high vacuum processes, and are used in the manufacture of a variety of products. Typical applications for cryopumps include:Performance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ANSI 6”, ISO 200 or CF 10” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-8 Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• Standard Low Profile Design in Left orRight Hand Configurations• ANSI 6”, ISO 200 or CF 10” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-8LP Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head CablePerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• Standard Low Profile Design in Left orRight Hand Configurations• ISO 250 Flange• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Two (2) cryopumps operating with one(1) HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor• Displex ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-250LP Cryopump • Zephyr ®, HC-4E1, HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• ANSI 10”, ISO 320 or CF 14” FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-12 Cryopump • HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable •Tool KitPerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ISO 400, CVC 10” or Wire Seal FlangeOptions• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-16 Cryopump • HC-8E4 or F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable • Tool Kit Available Configurations• ISO 500, ANSI 20” or Wire SealFlange Options• Standard Manual Operation• Optional Fully-Automated Operationwith Marathon ® Cryopump Controller• Displex ® and Whisper ® Technology Standard Scope of Supply • CP-20 Cryopump • F-70L/H Compressor • 10’ Flexible Gas Lines • 10’ Cold Head Cable •Tool KitPerformance Specifications Performance Specifications Available Configurations• ICF 253 mm Flange• Standard Fully-Automated Operation• SHI Proprietary Inverter Technology Standard Scope of Supply • KZ-8L Cryopump • CSW-61C/D Compressor • Remote Cryopump Controller with RS-485 Cables • Flexible Gas Lines • Power Cables Available Configurations• ANSI 10” Flange• Standard Fully-Automated Operation• SHI Proprietary Inverter Technology Standard Scope of Supply • KZ-12L Cryopump • CSW-61C/D Compressor • Remote Cryopump Controller with RS-485 Cables • Flexible Gas Lines •Power CablesSHI offers a complete line of necessary interconnect-ing cables for our Marathon ® CP Cryopump Sys-tems. Standard, manual systems include cables that transmit the necessary power from our compressors to the cryopump cold head. Standard length is 10 feet (3 meters) with options to extend up to 66 feet (20 meters). For our fully automatic, MCC-driven systems, additional interconnecting cables are in-cluded to power the cold head, MCC, automatic valves, blanket heater and vacuum and temperature instrumentation. RS-232 cables connect between our optional MCC and the customer’s host computer, PLC or PC.The SI CERA ® Cryopump system includes power cables for the pumps, compressors and controller. In addition, RS-485 cables connect the con-troller to both the pumps and compressors. SI CERA™ system cablescome in a variety of lengths and can be customized to fit the customer’sprocess.SHI offers Temperature I ndicator Kits, de-signed to accurately display and/or com-municate critical cryopump temperatures forour Marathon ® CP Cryopumps. Model 1901Indicator is a single, Model 9302 is dual, andModel 9304 is a four channel temperature in-dicator. All have alarm set points, RS-232 interface and analogoutput (optional on Model 1901). Model 9302 and 9304 Indica-tors additionally have a standard Ethernet interface. Tempera-ture indicators provide the necessary excitation and accuratereadout for our standard temperature diodes and kits comecomplete with 50 foot interconnecting cable(s).The S CERA ® Remote Cryopump Control-ler enables fully automatic operation of SICERA ® Cryopumps using commands from the end user’s host computer and industrystandard cryopump protocol. The controller comes standard with all SICERA®Cryopump systems. An Operation Panel Unit (shown in picture) is available as an option to monitor the status of the cryopumps and compressors, as well as to modify the regen-eration sequence and to obtain key data from the cryopump system.SHI’s MCC enables fully automatic operation of Marathon ® CP Cryopumps. Industry standard cryopump protocol is delivered via RS-232 interface from the customer’s host computer, PLC or Windows-based PC (using optional SHI MCS Software). Automatic operation and regeneration, as well as monitoring of critical system functions, are enabled, resulting in im-proved process times, enhanced efficiency of the user’s process and greatly reduced down-time between production cycles. I n conjunc-tion with the MCC, Marathon ® CP Cryopumps are enhanced with all necessary automatic valves, vacuum and temperature instrumen-tation and blanket heaters to enable safe andefficient automatic operation and regeneration.Tool Kits & Replacement Parts KitsCables Flexible & Superflex Gas LinesMarathon ® Cryopump Controller (MCC)SICERA ® Remote Cryopump Controller Temperature IndicatorsSICERA ® Cryopumps come equipped with flex-ible helium gas lines in 82 feet (25 meter) lengths,while Marathon ® CP Cryopumps come standardwith flexible helium gas lines in lengths from 10feet (3 meters) to 66 feet (20 meters). Gas linesterminate in size 8 female coupling halves forquick connect and disconnect to/from the coldhead and compressor and are also available withone end at 90°.Optional Superflex lines offer superior flexibilityand smaller bend radius without thinning the wall of the hose and of-fer a higher flexing cycle life than standard lines. Superflex lines alsodampen vibration and noise of the helium gas traveling through thelines. All flexible gas lines are pre-charged with clean helium gas.SHI offers a complete line of replacementparts kits that include all of the required partsand assemblies to completely reconditionMarathon ® CP Cryopumps and compres-sors.Tool kits are available from the standardwrench kit (used for connecting couplings)that accompanies new Marathon CP ® sys-tems to more comprehensive kits that in-clude such items as gas charging valves andadditional tools required for performing yourown service on Marathon ® CP Cryopumps and compressors.Contact your local SHI office for details.GLOBAL SERVICE & SUPPORT PROGRAMSAt SHI Cryogenics Group, we realize that our customers are diverse and the markets they serve are demanding and unique. In response, our global service and support network offers responsive and value-added support for our complete range of products. Our factory-trained technicians are located in strategic service centers around the globe and offer 24/7 on-call support, with no machines and no waiting.Our cryopump service offerings are both flexible and cost effective, including:• Product return to regional service depot for service, repair or complete refurbishment• Technical assistance in diagnosing equipment issues via phone or e-mail• Product exchange programs• Customer training programs• Customized service contractsAdditionally, Marathon® CP Cryopumps, can be serviced on-site, in-situ by the cus-tomer or a SHI factory-trained technician, without breaking vacuum or remov-ing the cryopump from the chamber for return or replacement. This uniqueservice option is the result of the high-quality, ultra-reliable Displex®Cryocooler technology found in all Marathon® CP Cryopumps.Displex® Cryocoolers have a long and successful operatinghistory, and feature a pneumatic drive that optimiz-es performance, reliability and main-tainability.Performing in-situ service lowers the total cost of ownership by:• Minimizing the required capital investment in spare parts• Minimizing the “down time” of your system for service or repair• Eliminating the cost of shipping a complete cryopump to a service center• Eliminating labor costs associated with complete disassembly of the cryopump from your systemSICERA® Cryopumps can be returned to one of SHI’s service centers for routine maintenance, service or complete refurbishment. Additional SICERA® pumps and compressors are available as “exchange units.” Simply install the exchange unit and the returned unit will be refurbished and placed “on the shelf” ready for the next exchange.Additionally, our factory-trained service technicians are available for on-site training, scheduled maintenance or emergency visits, offering rapid-response service for mission-critical applications.Whether you have service performed by a qualified service technician, perform in-situ service yourself with readily-ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FROM SHI CRYOGENICS GROUP In addition to the cryopumps featured in this catalogue, SHI Cryogenics Group designs and manufactures4K and 10K G-M Cryocoolers, Pulse Tubes and other low temperature cooling technology.SHI Cryogenics Group’s 10K Gifford-McMahon Cryocoolers are versatile, orientation-free, closed-cycle systems that feature the same Displex® technology found in the complete line of Marathon® CPCryopumps and MRI coolers, proven the world over with millions of reliable operating hours. Theyhave been recognized as the industry standard since we developed the technology over 40 years ago.Our original pneumatic drive, which limits the number of wear parts in the refrigerator, combined withstate-of-the-art design features, results in superior performance and low maintenance costs. Selectmodels, such as the CH-208 (left), also feature Whisper® technology for quieter operation.SHI’s 10K Cryocoolers have proven reliability in thousands of applications, includingMRI, cryopumping, research and other custom low-temperature applications.SH I CryogenicsGroup’s 4K Gifford-McMahon Cryocoolers arerecognized as the most reliableand versatile systems available in themarketplace. These Cryocoolers featurehigh cooling capacities, compact designs and areorientation-free. Models like the SRDK-408D2 (left) are the standardfor MRI and other superconducting magnets and can be found cooling awide variety of analytical and experimental devices and offer a verycost effective alternative to open-cycle liquid helium systems.SHI’s 4K Pulse Tube Cryocoolers embody leading-edge technologyand provide low vibration, high reliability and low maintenancerequirements. They are uniquely designed with no moving partsinside the coldhead. I n addition, the SRP-062B (right) featuresan optional separated valve unit to further reduce vibration, enableoperation in higher magnetic fields and ease maintenance requirements. SHI PulseTube Cryocoolers provide a stable low-temperature solution for sensitive measurementand analytical applications.For additional literature and information regarding 10K Cryocooler, 4K G-M and PulseTube Cryocooler designs, please contact your local SHI Cryogenics Group sales office.11For Information in:AsiaSumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.ThinkPark TowerCryogenics Division, Sales Department 1-1, Osaki 2-Chome, Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo 141-6025, Japan Phone: +81-3-6737-2550Fax: +81-3-6866-5114E-mail:***********.jpCryogenics Division, Service Department 2-1-1, Yato-cho, Nishitokyo-city Tokyo 188-8585, Japan Phone: +81-42-468-4265Fax: +81-42-468-4254E-mail:*******************.jpUnited StatesSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1833 Vultee Street Allentown, PA 18103Phone: +1 610-791-6700Fax: +1 610-791-0440E-mail:***********************EuropeSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe, Ltd.3 Hamilton Close, Houndmills Industrial Estate Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6YT United KingdomPhone: +44 (0) 1256 853333Fax: +44 (0) 1256 471507E-mail:************************.ukSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics Shanghai, Ltd.Building 15Lane 333 Zhujian Road Minhang DistrictShanghai 201107, P .R. China Phone: +86-21-5486-6318Fax: +86-21-5486-0065E-mail:***********************.jpSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1700 Wyatt Drive Suite 13Santa Clara, CA 95054Phone: +1 408-645-3346Fax: +1 408-736-7325Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of Europe, GmbH Daimlerweg 5aDarmstadt D-64293, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6151 860 610Fax: +49 (0) 6151 800 252E-mail:***********************Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics Korea Co., Ltd.3F , 280-3, Saneop-ro155beon-gil, Gweonseon-GuSuwon-City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea Phone: +82-31-278-3050Fax: +82-31-278-3053E-mail:******************.jpSumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics T aiwan Co., Ltd.4th Floor, No. 3Lane 216, Gongyuan Rd.Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan ROC Phone: +886 3 561 2557Fax: +886 3 562 3400Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc.1500-C Higgins RoadElk Grove Village, IL 60007Phone: +1 847-290-5801Fax: +1 847-290-1984World Wide Web: © SHI Cryogenics Group 2/16。
T K 0 R A B A 司推广过 具有 中国 自主知 E N G F M T A 公 F
识产 权的喷墨C 术 同样成 为上述 国家和地 区 T技 P 独有的新型环保C 技术 。 T P
目前 普 瑞 特 公 司 已 在 国 内 安 装 了十 几 套 环 保
定量 的重金属银 ,但 仍然有一部分废液排放 ,造成
艺是将铝板基进 行 电化学处理 ,形成砂 目和氧化膜
2 1 . 今 E印刷 0 09 l
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后再涂上一层感光树脂 。这层感光树脂一般都是 由
用 P 版 2 多 平 米 ,按 3 W 照 功 率 ,每 平 米平 均 2 S 亿 光 k
公 司 曾 向 墨 西 哥 的 E G A H S 司 和 土 耳 其 的 M R P I 公 C
了用激光照排 制作软 片的过 程 .也就没有 了卤化银 重金属 的废水 排放 ,但在直 接制版 过程 中,仍然需 要使 用紫激光 光源或红外激光对版材进行光或热辐 射 版材 上 的感 光 或感 热树 脂 发生 光 或热反 应 后还需与碱性显 影液进行化学反应去除 然后冲洗 掉 ,这个过程 同样有废水污染排放 , 环保型裸 版喷墨 C 系统在 制作技术方 面是 直 T P 接将 环保 型 的水 性 吸油 油墨 喷射 到版 材再 上机 印 刷 ,既 无需 制作 菲林 ,免去 了重 金属 卤化 物 的污 染 ,也没有感光树脂 的显影水洗工艺 ,将整个制版 过程的废水排放 减至零 是一种无污染制版技术 。
的环 保 R 主 要 体 现 在 以下 几 个 方 面 : I A '  ̄
照制作每平 米版材 消耗0. 吨水计 算 ,废 水排放 近 1 2 0 万吨 浪费的水资源价格 近6 0 万元 。最 主 0 0 O0 要的是 这些废水排放所造成 的污 染或管理所 需的
胡逸超,苏赞,陈义昌,等.基于图像处理的烟草甲自动监测系统设计与应用[J ].湖北农业科学,2024,63(4):163-167.烟草甲[Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius )]属鞘翅目窃蠢科,是烟草仓储、生产加工过程中的主要害虫;烟草甲虫情监测主要依靠人工检查,同时借助灯光诱捕器和性信息素诱捕器进行监测[1]。
目前害虫自动监测技术主要有电容法[3]、声音信号识别技术[4]、图像识别技术[5-8]、软X 射线检测法、近红外光谱法[9]等。
目前粮食基于图像处理的烟草甲自动监测系统设计与应用胡逸超1,苏赞1,陈义昌1,张龑2,苏晨阳2,刘勇2(1.广西中烟工业有限责任公司,南宁530001;2.武汉东昌仓贮技术有限公司,武汉430074)摘要:根据烟草仓储及卷烟生产车间的烟草甲自动监测需求,结合烟草甲[Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius )]实际图像特征,在基于标记分水岭算法的基础上叠加分割图像算法,设计了基于图像处理的烟草甲自动监测系统,通过全自动拍照设备定时采集相应诱捕器图像,利用有线网络将图像传输至服务器,在服务器端完成图像识别与计数、实时展示、超标报警、历史曲线查看等功能,解决了烟草甲实际监测过程中虫板烟尘、虫体重合、光线等诸多干扰因素,实现了烟草甲精准的自动图像识别及计数功能。
我司XXXXXX有限公司从上海雅胜物流公用型保税仓库进口一票乙烯-丙烯共聚物。并于2012年08月23日向贵关申报此票保税仓库出库货物,进口报关单号为:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,出口报关单号为:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX。此票单证我司于2012年08月16日与Borouge Pte Ltd签订,签订价格为USD1.34/公斤,与贵关掌握的价格信息存在差异,而且我司不能提供相关价格证明材料,现我司同意按照海关价格USD2.254/公斤征收关税,望海关予以办理。
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Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE 免税协定管理产品介绍说明书
JAPANESE MULTI-NATIONALsaves millions with Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE™Free Trade Agreement (FTA)ManagementHow it all beganBefore an open trade zone was forged between Japan and Europe in 2019, billions were paid in tariffs by businesses on both sides. One such Japanese manufacturing multinational was paying millions in duties, as EU was one of their highest revenue-generating markets.The biggest struggle for the company was FTA management, an area that was being managed manually. However, just as the JP-EU agreement was being discussed, the client decided to proactively evaluate options to simplify compliance. It sought a comprehensive FTA solution that could integrate with their complex ERP estate. EU FTA was a different ball game since the scale of trade was much higher, as was the associated self-certification risk.All of this motivated the client to seek a robust FTA platform. One solution that particularly stood out to them was the ONESOURCE FTA Management platform by Thomson Reuters.Approach TakenNew FTA (JP-EU) on the horizonComplex ERP landscapeRisk of non-compliance andhigh penaltiesDeep-div e workshops: Thomson Reuters’ global trade experts conducted several deep-dive workshops to understand the customer’s business and current challenges.POC implemente d: Based on these insights, Thomson Reuters helped the client draft a future roadmap with a decisive Proof of Concept (POC) delivery time. The team also highlighted the millions that would be left on the table if the client continued to take a manual approach to FTAs.Why ONESOURCE FTA solution?Superior data handling & proce ssing: Automated Origin Determination ComplianceRobust FTA solutionUser-friendly | global coverage | system readinessStrong implementation roadmap123Impact/globaltradeCONTACT USThe client engaged in extensive research to find the right solution to manage FTAs and realized that Thomson Reuters,ONESOURCE FTA management solution, fit the bill perfectly. Thomson Reuters’ solution was functionally superior and covered all bases.During the POC stage, the platform was appreciated by the customer team for its user-friendly interface, global coverage, and system readiness.ONESOURCE was uniquely positioned to help them add a technology layer, as well as empower their staff with FTA manage-ment and massive cost savings, in terms of duty reductions.Furthermore, in terms of functionality, it offered several key benefits:Ability to integrate highly complex bill of material structures and simultaneously analyze them against the Rules of Origin of multiple agreements, on a cloud-en-abled system.Ability to automatically self-certify, allow-ing for error-free declarations, mitigating potential penalties, while building the audit trail for future preferential claims.。
Sprecher + Schuh B2B用户指南说明书
User GuideAccess to your Sprecher + Schuh orders around the clockAccess B2B Portal (2)Password Reset ......................................4Apps“Price & Availability” .................................6 “Order Tracking” . (11)“Special Price Agreements” (12)Frequently Asked Questions (28)Technical Support *************************Customer Service877.721.5913 USA 905.475.6543 Canada❷Click “Access B2B Portal”❸Sign in Page Your “Sign in name” is your email.❹VerificationFor security, an automated code verification is required and is sent by text, phone call or email. This verification is sent on your first sign in of the day.• TEXT sends a security code by text message.• EMAIL sends a security code by email.• PHONE respond to automated call by pressing “#”.Click the B2B Portal to Open login Page❶❷❸❹* for more information about 2-Step Verification, see the frequently asked questions• All fields are required.• Microsoft Multi-factorAuthentication is used at login.Must click “Send verification code” before the form can be completedNote: Email Address will be your “Sign-in Name”The phone number does not need to be the same one Microsoft will use for verificationClick verify❹Click “Continue”* option to change email is here❺Enter and confirm your new password Click “Continue”❻Complete.❷❸❻❹❺AppsAdditional applications or links will appear here when they are launched“Price & Availability” App• Check availability dates oncomponents• Search by product id, catalognumber or description• Upload a list of parts by product id(SKU) or catalog #• Check pricing on Special PriceAgreements“Special Pricing Agreements”• For Distributors and Sales Reps only• View agreements both active andexpired• Download Excel files• Request modifications• Request new agreements• Accept Countered price requests“Order Tracking”• See Open and Completed orders• Search by your Purchase Order andS+S Order #• Order details, order status, and backorder status• Estimated ship dates• Tracking numbers & linksSold To Locations• Your Sold To account will populate automatically• Accounts with multiple locations can choose which one to usePrice & AvailabilityThree Options to Add Items Begin adding product by Clicking “Add Item”❶ Enter complete Catalog No. or Product ID here, Quantity and click + Add❸ Upload an Excel file containing the specified information (see page 9)❷open Product Search Windowby clicking Search icon❶❷❸can repeat this process to build your list of products.2# Search by product description and partial identifiers.To search by partial Catalog Number or Product Description use a “*” to search for incomplete identifiers such as “CA9-116-11-*”Clicking “Ok” confirms product list and quantities and returns to Price and Availability screen...Enter Product, Catalog number or Description. Use a star “*” to search incomplete items such as“CA9-116-11-*”Click Search to refresh product listproduct fills in Product Don’t forget to...Input desired quantity before clicking “+ Add” ButtonDon’t forget to...Input desired quantity before clicking “+ Add” ButtonClicking “Ok” returns to Price and Availability screen...Price & AvailabilityUse Browse.. to locate and select your “Upload”When finished Click “OK”• The system will take a moment to upload and convert data...• If there are any errors you will get an alert• Then your listed items will be shown and you can continue adding items or adjust quantity on the Price and Availability screen.Click to add agreementStandard discount SPA discount Click “Find Price and Availability” Button populates product detailsBook Net Price and Net Each prices will bethe same for Items not on agreement used,Click “Kit Availability”link for a bill of materialsand stock availabile inassemblies• If everything is avaiable wecan usually assemble andship a kit within a few days(or sooner!)• Items assembled in ourpanel shop have specificlead times. Please contactCustomer Service.❶❷❸❶ Orders are listed by request date by default.(sort enhancements to come)❷ To search, enter criteria and Apply Filters❹ Shipping address❺ Actual quantity shipped, backorders or canceled orders❻ Item Net and special pricing agreement ❼ Carrier and tacking numbers❽ Freight charges and shipping dates❹❺❼❽❻Special Pricing AgreementsView AgreementSpecific agreements can be found by Agreement number, Old 5 digit NPA (reference number) Or DescriptionFields are case and space sensitive. A star “*” can be used as wild card searchSearch by Sold To Party or End Customer❶ Click Seach icon to bring up search window❷ Enter Name, City, etc.❸❹❺❶❺❹❷❸Uncheck to include ALL contract dates* The SPA app is only available to Authorized and Specialty DistributorsHINT! Hit Ctrl+F5 if you get a blank screenDownload list of agreements shownClick to download specific agreementOpens by clicking the ”view” iconNotes created during setup or modificationNext goes to ParticipantsValid From and Valid ToDealsTwo basic discount types• Net price by Catalog• Discount by product group (PGC)• Discount by Catalog is not used at this timeUse tabs to view DealsDiscount By Product GroupNet Price By CatalogRule SummaryContracts can also be downloaded to .csv format by clicking Rule Summary iconEnter the Agreement # or Reference NumberClick the agreementNext or the Deals IconInclude ADDITIONAL contacts to receive notification(confirmation will be sent to requester)Annual estimated value of this businessKnown Competitor* All notes are saved with the contractCREATE MODIFICATION REQUESTHINT! If you cut and paste catalog numbers from a list, you only need one rowUpload from an Excel fileWhen uploading a file to a modification request include the Valid From and Valid To dates of the current agreement• Once a request has been approved an email is sent to the requesterYou can save your request and keep editing it until you Click the “Home” Icon to return to the dash boardClick Save, Then Click Status to Submit.Your request has been sent Click OK and ExitAction Required• Requests that have not been submitted (the pencil is not grayed out)• Or a price has been countered and needs acceptanceHint: The “Action Required” and “In Pricing Review” tiles only appear when an action is pending.In Pricing Review• When a request has been reviewed an email is sent to the requester• You cannot have more than one modification request for the same contract.with a new request price.All columns in the app are movable for easy sorting and filteringOnly Countereditems require action. Marked by an “X”Addressing a Countered RequestOnly items countered need to be addressedActions for countered offers• Edit the requested pricing and click Status to resubmit or• Accept the countered price by clicking Status and Acknowledge RequestClick the pencil to review the countered pricingSpecial Pricing AgreementsCREATE NEW REQUESTBasic DataAgreement TypeUser type determines Agreement types available.• Temporary = one time Quote (90 day)• Long Term = Annual contractEnter Todays Date• Automatic for Temporary• Fixed Value Date determines which List Price is used on the contractUse drop down menu to choose Agreement TypeCREATE NEW REQUESTInclude ADDITIONAL contacts to receive notifications(confirmations will be sent to requester)Search End Customer IDClick Next to addParticipantsHint!For Sales Representives onlyIf an End Customer relationship can’t be found, use the Sold To as the endcustomer and use the notes section to include the new end customer information• company name• address• website• phone + contact nameYour request will be delayed or rejected without End Customer informationDealsUses the same tools as Requesting a Modification❶ Select number of rows you want to add• You can cut and paste several lines at once • Past each column separately❷ Enter catalog number, UPC number, product numbers, or Price Groups ❸ Search for catalog numbers or Price Groups❶❷Hint!Never use the “APR + End Customer” tab.❸Upload a fileSpecify which data is in which columnInclude Qty for Short TermA maximum quantity is requiredUse “Browse File” toselect and upload file.Hint!Materials cannot be added without a UPC code already in the systemadd them as a Price Group instead. See next page.Enter desired discountpercent off List Price Click SaveYour sign in name will be the email address you used when registering for the portal. Previous “old portal” users cannot use their old credentials. You must register for a new user account at register. I am asked to sign in over and overWhen trying to access the B2B portal for the first time, if you are asked to enter your user credentials repeatedly this indicates your user account was not ready for use. It takes up to 24 hours to complete a user set up, though typically it is the same day. Please allow more time and try to log in later. If this error persists, please contact ************************************ screen capture of the error.Why Can’t I See The Special Pricing Application?The SPA application is designed for Sprecher + Schuh Authorized and Specialty Distributors, and Sales Manufacturing Representatives. If you do not see the app on your dashboard then your account type is not authorized to use it. If you think this is an error, please contact b2bhelp@ .Not all my products were uploaded from my Excel file If the data in the file is not in the right columns there will be an error. Make sure to use the format examples supplied. When uploading from an Excel file, some products may not be loaded due to incomplete or incorrect information. Only correct and current products will be added to the list. There are no indicators identifying which product lines did not load. This is a future enhancement.of presenting the user with a second challenge question in addition to their user-name and password upon login to further verify their identity. Sprecher + Schuh offers 4 options/ methods for 2-step verification; User’s can opt to receive a 6-digit verification code at the time of login via a phone call, text message, or email that they can input into the login screen, or they can opt to receive a phone call from the verification Automation System and choose the # key to authenticate.Why Do I Need 2-Step Verification?Sprecher + Schuh wants to insure the confidentiality of your pricing and account information by using this additional security method. The second challenge question prevents someone else from logging in with your account in the event they should get ahold of your login id and password, as the authentication code changes each time you login, and a potential hacker would need access to your mobile device/ email account in addition to your password.When is 2-Step Verification Required for loginThe 2-Step Verification is required at least once a day (approximately every 8 hours), or if you log off and log on to a different computer or network (IP address). You should be able to login again within that time period without performing the2-Step verification, including closing a browser or restarting after a system time out. A computer shut down or restart might also trigger the verification process. As a rule, once a day can be expected.How Do I Change My Verification Method?The 2-Step Verification method can be changed from Email to Phone or Phone to email by sending a request to b2bhelp@sprecherschuh. com.sensitive. Try to match the case that is onyour account, or contract, and don’t includeany spaces in catalog numbers. You can also use a star (*) for the ampersand (&) symbolor wild card elements, as some symbols have encountered problems in the search screens. When attempting to add Search Criteria when looking for companies, make sure to use the PLUS symbol to add the criteria to the filter areaWhy can’t I use my End Customer?If you search for and find an End Customer for use on a New request, and receive an error that that End Customer is not allowed, a relationship is missing. Include the End Customer data in the notes section of the request and use your own information as the End Customer. We will create the relationship (if allowed) and correct the agreement request appropriately.Why Do I See Multiple Sold To Accounts or Duplicate Contract Numbers?Users who have a relationship to multiple locations will see those locations in the Sold To screen on the Price & Availability app. Generally, it does not matter which location you choose to look up availability. However, if multiple locations are listed on a contract, a location on that contract must be selected to view pricing for that contract. Also, when multiple locations are listed on a contract, it will appear multiple times in the Agreement look up trying to be loaded or searched for. This is especially prevalent in very long agreements or if search criteria is too vague. Please be patient. When using the app, if a screen appears to be taking too long, or is not responding, try pressing Control + F5 to force a screen refresh. Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer are the most suitable browsers for the B2B Portal. Microsoft Edge can also be used but has some small compatibility issues that may manifest as unresponsiveness in the application.I have extra rows I don’t needSometimes you add more rows than you need. Or maybe you added a row on the APR & End Customer tab or the Discount by Catalog tabby mistake. The application will think you have missing data and give you an error message. Check for empty rows on all tabs. Scroll all the way to the right to delete unwanted rows using the trash can link.。
ø 274 mm Ventilated disc ø 260 mm Solid Drum Standard 8 + 9” Tandem
5 speed Manual
Efficient gauge cluster design
Diesel 65
Double Wishbone & Torsion Bar with ø 25mm Stabilizer Bar Semi-elliptic Laminated Leaf Springs
4539 mm2 1 பைடு நூலகம்on
Hydraulic Power Assisted (Rack and Pinion with Collapsible Universal Joint and Column) 5.3
AM/FM/BT/AUX/USB Audio System Rear Flat High Deck
Roomy Interior
Naturally Aspirated 2.6L diesel engine
Disclaimer: For exact models, specifications and colors – please consult your Hyundai dealer. Some of the equipment illustrated or described in this leaflet may not be supplied as standard equipment and may be available at extra cost. Hyundai Nishat Motor (Private) Limited reserves the right to change specifications and equipment without prior notice.
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About Us
Suncombe Limited is an organization dedi-cated to the advancement of Clean in Place (CIP) and Hygienic processing technology. We have always targeted leading-edge technologies. Our mission is to utilise for-ward-thinking expertise that anticipate and satisfy the needs of cleaning and hygienic processing requirements of the future.
Utilising standard pre-approved modules, the CIP one™is a fully modularised system that offers an economic solution to CIP whilst maintaining the quality of build and operation that Suncombe clients expect. The system is built from a selection of mod-ules, allowing configuration of the system that you require whilst also affording full fu-ture proofing by either exchanging or add-ing modules at any time.
This new range, developed using our 45 years of company experience, incorporates new technology, environmental and water saving features. Available in Static and Mo-bile Versions, the CIP one™ is built from certi-fied stainless steels using EHEDG and 3A sanitary components and is available in manual, semi-automatic and automatic.
Standard Operation
The CIP one™ can be supplied with no water storage or with the facility to store 500, 1,000 or 1,500 litres of cold water and de-liver this water in a controlled manner to the equipment to be cleaned at the required flowrate and pressure, to provide a Clean In Place of your equipment.
Typical Applications
Static and Mobile Tanks and Vessels,
Processors and Fermenters, Mixers and
Blenders, Labscale and Pilot scale plant,
Dryers, Granulators, Coaters, Filters,
Presses and Mills. Isolators, IBC’s,
Pasteurisers, Homogenisers, Conveyors,
Ovens, Ducting, Filters, Pumps, Dryers,
Fillers Fillers and Whippers, Other
Processing Equipment.
Typical Industries
Food, Dairy, Brewery, Beverage, Phar-
maceutical Agro-chemical, Flavourings,
Healthcare, Personal Care, and many
other processing industries.
The systems can include routing valves
and flowplates to route the CIP fluids to
the equipment being cleaned and can
also include scavenge pumps and drain
Available Rinses
Cold Water Rinse, Cold Detergent Rinse,
Hot Water Rinse, Hot Detergent Rinse,
Cold Sanitiser Rinse, Air Purge
Control System
The CIP one™is available with a manual
control system or an automatic control
system. The automatic control system
allows the selection of 1, 5 or 10 different
cycles, each providing an automatic, re-
peatable cycle. The control system in-
cludes a self diagnostic function and in-
corporates health and safety systems to
comply with current regulations.
Reference System
500 litre
litre tank
or Manual
CIP one™251”35 2.0 5.51,2001,5001,800 /500 /1000 /1500 A/M
CIP one™40 1.5”90 2.0 5.51,2001,5001,800 /500 /1000 /1500 A/M
CIP one™50 2.0”162 2.0 5.5 1,2001,5001,800 /500 /1000 /1500 A/M
CIP one™80 3.0”386 2.0 4.51,2001,5001,800/500 /1000 /1500 A/M。