IMD Corporate presentation - Nov 2010




Incoterms®2010ICC rulesfor the use of domestic andinternational trade termsEntry into force: 1 January 2011Copyright○C 2010版权○C 2010International Chamber of Commerce国际商会All rights reserved. This collective work was initiated by ICC which holds all rights as defined by the French Code of Intellectual Property. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means –graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, taping, or information retrieval systems – without written permission of ICC Services, Publications Department.版权所有,违者必究。



ICC ServicesPublications38 Cours Albert 1er75008 ParisFranceICC Publication No. 715EISBN:978-92-842-0080-1CONTENTS目录Foreword 4前言4Introduction 5引言5INCOTERMS○R 2010国际贸易术语○R2010Rules for any mode or modes of transport 15适用于所有运输方式的规则15EXW 15工厂交货15FCA 23货交承运人23CPT 33运费付至33CIP 41运费保险费付至41DAT 53终点站交货53DAP 61地点交货61DDP 69完税交货69Rules for sea and inland waterway transport只适用于海运和内河运输的规则FAS 79船边交货79FOB 87船上交货87CFR 95成本加运费95CIF 105成本运费保险费105Incoterms○R 2010 Drafting Group 119国际贸易术语○R2010 起草小组119ICC Dispute Resolution 124ICC争议解决124Copyright notice and synopsis of trademark usage rules 125版权声明和商标使用规则简介125ICC at a glance 126ICC一览126Other Incoterms○R 2010 products 127其他的国际贸易术语○R2010产品127ICC publication for global business 128ICC全球商业出版社128ForewordBy Rajat Gupta,ICC CbairmanThe global economy has given business broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries,in large quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of global sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sale contracts are not adequately drafted.The Incoterms® rules, the ICC rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms, facilitate the conduct of global trade. Reference to an Icoterms 2010 rule in a sale contract clearly defines the parties' respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal complications.前言国际商会主席Rajat Gupta全球经济一体化使得商业通向世界各地市场的途径空前宽广。

Incoterms 2010-presentation

Incoterms 2010-presentation

Seller Seller Seller Seller
Mainly difference for common terms CIP vs CIF
• Same: both of the price included the general freight, agreed the insurance terms; both are shipment contract; • Difference:
Origin Terminal Charges Buyer Buyer Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Loading on Carriage Carriage Charges Buyer Buyer Buyer Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller Seller
Training Objective
• Provide an overview of Incoterms 2010 • Describe the more common terms referred the various categories
Changes at a glance
13 terms have been reduced to 11 • 4 terms have been deleted: 1. DAF(Delivered at Frontier ) 2. DES (Delivered Ex Ship ) 3. DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 4. DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay) DAT • Replaced by: 1. DAP ( Delivered at Place) 2. DAT (Delivered at Terminal)

IMDS Presentation 2015(2015版的IMDS英文教程)

IMDS Presentation 2015(2015版的IMDS英文教程)

123456 Drawing Revision and date A / 23 Oct 2014
Customer Preh IMDS customer code / location 853 / Print / GD&T (as available) Kick off Sheet (as available)
Select the contact person drop down box and select the appropriate contact person
At this time only my name (James LeMere) is available, additional contact person(s) may be added at a later date. Also, only Certus Automotive is available in the Organization Unit drop down, which is automatically loaded.
Once all materials (and components) have been entered and the Measured weight per item is within 5% The Parts Marking drop down box should be selected, the 3 choices shown will appear and the appropriate selection should be made (Certus products should fall under Yes or Not applicable, if the part is too small)



爱德蒙得精密测量Edmunds Gages公司简介爱德蒙得精密量仪公司坐落于美国康州,始创于1950年。










其产品包括:•世界最精密的气动和电动量仪;•美国最高标准XXX级精度的环规和塞规;•世界最精密的量块检定仪(重复精度误差在 0.005µm以下);•世界最精密的内径外径检定仪(重复精度误差在 0.02µm以下);•快速外径量块检定仪;•世界最精密、最现代化的在线综合测量仪和工作站;爱德蒙得中国分公司总经理张绪增博士与爱德蒙得现任总裁罗伯特.爱德蒙得先生•各种超高精密电感测头、无摩擦传感器等高精度量仪附件。

爱德蒙得祖孙三代领导人(左图)产品目录1高精密气动量仪系统 2高精密电子塞规/电动量仪3高性能气动/电动量仪用电子柱显示仪 4 CAG QCM 高性能测量专用工业计算机 5各种超精密环规、塞规 6超高精密量块检定仪 7高精密快速量块/外径检定仪8超精密万能内外径比较仪/环规塞规检定仪 9各种超精密电感测头和无摩擦传感器等量仪附件10 按顾客要求设计制造高性能超精密非标在线综合测量工作站爱德蒙得高精密气动量仪系统气动量仪系统组成爱德蒙得公司制造完整、综合的气动量仪系统,包括电子柱显示仪(放大器)、气动测头、校对规、连接器和各种附件等。


powerpoint business template
Prepared by: xxx Jun 18, 20xx
Unique design
Our Company
Unique design
Our Work
Unique design
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Paragraph Slide
Logo here
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles.
Logo here
Our Services
Logo here
An Awesome Company
Paragraph Slide
Logo here
First chapter
By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek

技术引领未来——DMG2010年的创新与趋势暨CIMES 2010新产品发布会

技术引领未来——DMG2010年的创新与趋势暨CIMES 2010新产品发布会
亿欧元 , 对每个机床制造商来说 中国这个 占据全球消 费总
量 3 % 国家 是一 个 至 关重 要 的 市场 。 5的
业进一步提 高竞争优势的技术趋势和创新。
用户 需要更好 、 更快, 能够在生产效率、 精度和质量
等方面带来更多优势的机床 , 这就是为什么D G M 又一次推 出能给市场注入生机的新机床 ,帮助用户应对最新的挑 战。 世界特 别是 中国需要更大的机床 , 因此此 次D G M 带来 了两款更大的机床—— C X d ]a 4 0T 和 C X d la T e t 00 C T e t
年, 全年实现 了1 亿欧元 的收入。 0 9 9 2 0 年也实现 了 1 亿 2
欧元的销售收入 ,成功渡过 了全球性的经济危机 。尽管 2 0 年机床 市场惨淡, M 在德国和意大利 的销售额度分 09 DG
别下降了 6%和 5% 0 0 ,美国市场的消费下降 6% 日本的 0, 为 6% 8 ,但是 D G M 集团还是具有强劲实力的。中国是全球 最大的机床消费市场之一,仅 2 0 年消费额就高达 15 09 0
迈集团近期的新动态和 2 1 年创新与趋势以及德马吉中 00 国销售与服务情况, 自德马吉弗朗顿工厂的龙门系列机 来 床销售总监A d e sH r i 先生向与会记者展示 了德马 n r a a t g
“ 交钥匙 ”的方法,使得 D G M 在中国市场的运作更加本土
化 四是“ 交钥匙 ” 的方法涉及到 以前从未涉足的领域 : 五 是广大媒体的支持。 来 自车削联盟的 O t 博士 随后主讲 了D G C X to M T 型号 的机床在车削领域的应用 。 i 是且学及创业 的全球领先 DG 制造商 , 核心业务包括 “ 车削 ” “ 、 铣削 ” “ 、 超声振动加工 ” 和“ 激光加工 ” 四大领域 以及为机床和太阳能跟踪系统提

Incoterms 2010 全

Incoterms 2010 全

Incoterms 2010 全目录INCOTERMS2010相对于INCOTERS2000的主要变化 (2)INCOTERMS2010 ...................................................... ................................................. (2)RULES FOR ANY MODE OR MODES OFTRANSPORT (3)EXW ................................................................ ........................................................................3FCA ................................................................ .........................................................................7CPT ................................................................ .......................................................................11CIP ................................................................ ........................................................................15DAT ................................................................ ......................................................................21DAP ................................................................ .......................................................................25DDP ................................................................ .......................................................................29RULES FOR SEA AND IINLAND WATERWAYTRANSPORT (33)FAS ................................................................ .......................................................................33FOB ................................................................ .......................................................................37CFR ................................................................ .......................................................................41CIF ................................................................ ........................................................................46一、【国际贸易术语解释通则】全名为“international rules for the interpretation of trade terms”简称为“international commercialterms"(以下简称INCOTERMS),宗旨是为国际贸易中最普遍使用的贸易术语提供一套解释的国际规则,以避免因各国不同解释而出现的不确定性,或至少在相当程度上减少这种不确定性。


I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. I have lived a
great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand.
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.
Your Subtitle Here
I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand. I have lived a great deal among grown-ups. I have seen them intimately, close at hand.
Your Subtitle Here
I wouldn‘t care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance.

incoterms2010和2020总结 -回复

incoterms2010和2020总结 -回复

incoterms2010和2020总结-回复Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are a set of standardized international trade rules that define the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers in international transactions. The terms were first introduced by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in 1936, and have since undergone revisions. The most recent version, Incoterms 2020, was released in January 2020. In this article, we will provide a detailed comparison of Incoterms 2010 and Incoterms 2020, highlighting the key changes and improvements introduced in the latest version.1. Incoterms 2010: An OverviewIncoterms 2010 consisted of 11 terms, grouped into two main categories: "any mode or modes of transport" and "sea and inland waterway transport." The terms included EXW (Ex Works), FCA (Free Carrier), CPT (Carriage Paid To), CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To), DAT (Delivered at Terminal), DAP (Delivered at Place), DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), FAS (Free Alongside Ship), FOB (Free on Board), CFR (Cost and Freight), and CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight).2. Incoterms 2020: What's New?Incoterms 2020 brought some significant changes and improvements compared to the previous version. The key changes include the introduction of a new Incoterm, revised terminal handling charges, and updated insurance coverage requirements.3. Introduction of the New Incoterm: DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded)One of the notable additions in Incoterms 2020 is the introduction of a new term called DPU. DPU replaces the previous term DAT (Delivered at Terminal) and expands its applicability to any place, not just terminals. It allows the seller to deliver the goods at any named place the buyer designates, whether it is a terminal, warehouse, or any other agreed-upon location.4. Revised Terminal Handling ChargesIn Incoterms 2010, terminal handling charges were often not clearly defined, leading to confusion and disputes. Incoterms 2020 addresses this issue by providing more guidance on the allocation of terminal handling charges. Specifically, it states that if the buyer is responsible for unloading the goods at the destination, they are also responsible for terminal handling charges. If the seller is responsible for unloading, they should include the costs ofterminal handling charges in their price.5. Updated Insurance RequirementsIncoterms 2020 also clarified the insurance coverage requirements for two terms: CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) and CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid To). Under CIF, the seller is now required to provide insurance coverage in accordance with Institute Cargo Clauses (A) or similar clauses. Similarly, under CIP, the seller must provide insurance coverage in accordance with Institute Cargo Clauses (A) or similar clauses. These changes aim to ensure that the level of insurance coverage matches the risks associated with the respective Incoterms.6. Enhanced Security ObligationsIncoterms 2020 introduced enhanced security obligations to address the growing concerns regarding security-related risks in international trade. The new clause requires the parties to cooperate in providing the necessary information to comply with security-related requirements, such as providing accurate and timely information for customs purposes.7. Additional Guidance and Explanatory NotesIncoterms 2020 includes additional guidance and explanatory notes to help users better understand and apply the terms. This includes detailed instructions on the allocation of costs, responsibilities, and risks between the buyer and seller at each stage of the transaction.In summary, Incoterms 2020 brought several important changes and improvements compared to Incoterms 2010. The introduction of the new term DPU expands the options for delivery locations, while the revised guidelines on terminal handling charges provide more clarity and reduce disputes. The updated insurance requirements ensure appropriate coverage for risks, and the enhanced security obligations address security-related concerns. With these changes, Incoterms 2020 aims to facilitate smoother and more efficient international trade transactions while reducing misunderstandings and disputes between buyers and sellers.。

Diagram Incoterms 2010

Diagram Incoterms 2010

Diagram:International Commercial Terms 2010INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL TERMS 2010INCOTERMS FOR SPECIALLY LAND AND AIR TRANSPORT AND ALL TRANSPORT MODESEXW Ex WorksFCA Free CarrierCIP Carriage and Insurance Paid ToCPT Carriage Paid ToDDP Delivered Duty PaidDAP Delivered At Place (Ex DDU – DES – DAF))DAT Delivered At Terminal (Ex DEQ)INCOTERMS FOR SPECIALLY SEA TRANSPORTFAS Free Alongside ShipFOB Free On BoardCFR Cost and Freight(The former acronym of Cost and Freight was C&F) CIF Cost, Insurance and FreightEXW {+ the named place}Ex WorksEx means from. Works means factory, mill or warehouse, which is the seller'spremises. EXW applies to goods available only at the seller's premises. Buyer isresponsible for loading the goods on truck or container at the seller's premises, and for the subsequent costs and risks.In practice, it is not uncommon that the seller loads the goods on truck or container at the seller's premises without charging loading fee.In the quotation, indicate the named place (seller's premises) after the acronym EXW, for example EXW Kobe and EXW San Antonio.The term EXW is commonly used between the manufacturer (seller) and export-trader (buyer), and the export-trader resells on other trade terms to the foreign buyers.Some manufacturers may use the term Ex Factory, which means the same as ExWorks.FCA {+ the named point of departure}Free CarrierThe delivery of goods on truck, rail car or container at the specified point (depot) ofdeparture, which is usually the seller's premises, or a named railroad station or anamed cargo terminal or into the custody of the carrier, at seller's expense. The point(depot) at origin may or may not be a customs clearance center. Buyer is responsiblefor the main carriage/freight, cargo insurance and other costs and risks.In the air shipment, technically speaking, goods placed in the custody of an air carrier is considered as delivery on board the plane. In practice, many importers andexporters still use the term FOB in the air shipment.The term FCA is also used in the RO/RO (roll on/roll off) services.In the export quotation, indicate the point of departure (loading) after the acronym FCA, for example FCA Hong Kong and FCA Seattle.Some manufacturers may use the former terms FOT (Free On Truck) and FOR (Free On Rail) in selling to export-traders.FAS {+ the named port of origin}Free Alongside ShipGoods are placed in the dock shed or at the side of the ship, on the dock or lighter,within reach of its loading equipment so that they can be loaded aboard the ship, atseller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the loading fee, main carriage/freight, cargo insurance, and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the port of origin (loading) after the acronym FAS, for example FAS New York and FAS Bremen.The FAS term is popular in the break-bulk shipments and with the importing countries using their own vessels.FOB {+ the named port of origin}Free On BoardThe delivery of goods on board the vessel at the named port of origin (loading), atseller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the main carriage/freight, cargo insuranceand other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the port of origin (loading) after the acronym FOB, for example FOB Vancouver and FOB Shanghai.Under the rules of the INCOTERMS 1990, the term FOB is used for ocean freight only. However, in practice, many importers and exporters still use the termFOB in the air freight.In North America, the term FOB has other applications. Many buyers and sellers in Canada and the U.S.A. dealing on the open account and consignment basis areaccustomed to using the shipping terms FOB Origin and FOB Destination.FOB Origin means the buyer is responsible for the freight and other costs and risks. FOB Destination means the seller is responsible for the freight and other costs and risks until the goods are delivered to the buyer's premises, which may include the import customs clearance and payment of import customs duties and taxes at thebuyer's country, depending on the agreement between the buyer and seller.In international trade, avoid using the shipping terms FOB Origin and FOB Destination, which are not part of the INCOTERMS (International CommercialTerms).CFR {+ the named port of destination}Cost and FreightThe delivery of goods to the named port of destination (discharge) at the seller'sexpense. Buyer is responsible for the cargo insurance and other costs and risks. Theterm CFR was formerly written as C&F. Many importers and exporters worldwidestill use the term C&F.In the export quotation, indicate the port of destination (discharge) after the acronym CFR, for example CFR Karachi and CFR Alexandria.Under the rules of the INCOTERMS 1990, the term Cost and Freight is used for ocean freight only. However, in practice, the term Cost and Freight (C&F) is stillcommonly used in the air freight.CIF {+ the named port of destination}Cost, Insurance and FreightThe cargo insurance and delivery of goods to the named port of destination (discharge) at the seller's expense. Buyer is responsible for the import customs clearance and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the port of destination (discharge) after the acronym CIF, for example CIF Pusan and CIF Singapore.Under the rules of the INCOTERMS 1990, the term CIF is used for ocean freight only. However, in practice, many importers and exporters still use the term CIF in the air freight.CPT {+ the named place of destination}Carriage Paid ToThe delivery of goods to the named place of destination (discharge) at seller's expense.Buyer assumes the cargo insurance, import customs clearance, payment of customsduties and taxes, and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the place of destination (discharge) after the acronym CPT, for example CPT Los Angeles and CPT Osaka.CIP {+ the named place of destination}Carriage and Insurance Paid ToThe delivery of goods and the cargo insurance to the named place of destination(discharge) at seller's expense. Buyer assumes the import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes, and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the place of destination (discharge) after the acronym CIP, for example CIP Paris and CIP Athens.DAP {+ the named point}Delivered At PlaceThe delivery of goods to the specified point at the place at seller's expense. Buyer isresponsible for the import customs clearance, payment of customs duties and taxes,and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the place chosen(discharge) after the acronym DAP, for example DAP Shanghaï.DAT {+ the named port of destination}Delivered At TerminalThe delivery of goods to the quay (the port) at destination at seller's expense. Seller is responsible for the import customs clearance and payment of customs duties and taxes at the buyer's end. Buyer assumes the cargo insurance and other costs and risks.In the export quotation, indicate the port of destination (discharge) after the acronym DAT, for example DAT Shanghaï.DDP {+ the named point of destination}Delivered Duty PaidThe seller is responsible for most of the expenses, which include the cargo insurance,import customs clearance, and payment of customs duties and taxes at the buyer's end, and the delivery of goods to the final point at destination, which is often the projectsite or buyer's premises. The seller may opt not to insure the goods at his/her own risks.In the export quotation, indicate the point of destination (discharge) after the acronym DDP, for example DDP Bujumbura and DDP Mbabane.。

CMIC Presentation中文版

CMIC Presentation中文版

• 阿联酋航空– 航线分布广,航班班次多 • 迪拜世界贸易中心拥有90,000平方米的活动空间 为了创造一个高效有影响力的竞标过程,并且能为迪拜赢得更多商业会议契机. • 政府支持
重点目标 (概述) 迪拜竞标联盟要求 • 至少有1,500名与会者 • 在旺季最低750间客房的使用量 • 国际性协会或公司会议
大使支持计划,并确 认当地款待政策
竞标成功 会议服务
迪拜竞标联盟(DBA)是迪拜会奖局内部的一个工作团体. 迪拜竞标联盟是迪拜相关业内供应商合作的结晶, 是一个专为竞标国际型大会服务的团 体. 团体成员包括酒店,阿联酋航空,地接社, 专业大会组织者以及迪拜会奖局. 联盟目标 迪拜竞标联盟的实力 为了创造一个能申请个体投标的会议竞标套餐而努力.这个预设的套餐计划包括一个协 • 能提供相同合同条款的22,000+ 高标准酒店房间 议,使所有的利益相关者能提供奖励计划与合理的优惠政策给会议组织者.

业界支持 便捷经济的交通运输方式 恰当的场地选择 膳宿方面:价格服务的多样性 独一无二的难忘经历 确保赢余,不得亏损 政府方面的支持

入境签证办理 安全保障 运输通畅 市场推广支持, 统筹协调
迪拜能提供Al Safeer方案
业内竞争空前激烈 会奖业是当今多元化经济的重要组成部分 关注每个客户的需求 只有群策群力才能取得巨大收获 发扬协作精神

与其他城市合作 业内利益相关者之间的合作 业内组织机构之间的合作

MBN_10447_2010-05_EN_Quality Management Standard-Elektrics-Elektronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars_nng

MBN_10447_2010-05_EN_Quality Management Standard-Elektrics-Elektronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars_nng

10447 Mercedes-Benz MBN Company Standard Date published: 2010-05Folder: 22Supersedes: A212 000 18 99Total no. of pages (including Annex): 49Person in charge: Matthias GeigerPlant 050; Dept.: MBC/QEEDate of Translation: 2010-11 Phone: +49 7031 90 49 400Quality Management StandardElectrics/Electronicsfor Mercedes-Benz CarsQualitätsmanagement-Norm Elektrik/Elektronik für Mercedes-Benz CarsForewordThis Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics for Mercedes-Benz Cars describes therequirements specified by Daimler AG for suppliers of electrical/electronic components and electri-cal/electronic control units for Mercedes-Benz Cars.This Standard is applicable in addition to the component requirement specifications for the devel-opment, manufacture and series production of this component by a contractor of Daimler AG.ChangesFirst editionNOTE: This translation is for information purposes only.The German version shall prevail above all others.Copyright Daimler AG 2010Contents1Scope (5)2Normative references (6)3Terms and definitions (7)3.1List of abbreviations (7)3.2Nomenclature (8)4General requirements (9)4.1Contacts at Daimler AG (9)4.2Contacts at the supplier and its sub-suppliers (10)4.3Key processes (10)5Preventive maturity level management (11)5.1Start of preventive maturity level management (11)5.2Scope (11)5.3Tracking of sub-supplier maturity level (12)5.4Changes following start of production (12)5.4.1Process and sub-process relocation (12)5.4.2Replacement or exchange of machines or equipment (12)5.4.3Change of a sub-supplier (13)6Detection of anomalies (14)7Process capability and product reliability (15)7.1Proof of machine and process capability for SMT processes (15)7.1.1Machine and process capability of paste printer (15)7.1.2Machine capability placement machines (15)7.1.3Verification of solder profile (16)7.2Proof of reliability of the assembly and connection technology (16)7.3Proof of reliability of the devices used (16)7.4Board bending test (17)7.5Requalification (18)7.5.1Complete repeat of the environmental and life tests (18)7.5.2Q-Review Environment E/E (18)8Manufacturing processes for electronic components (20)8.1Storage (20)8.1.1Moisture sensitive devices (20)8.2Printed circuit board magazines (21)8.3Transportation of devices and components (21)8.4Soldering paste printing (21)8.4.1Initial part approval during series production (21)8.4.2Soldering paste (21)8.4.3Paste printer (22)8.4.4Cleaning of the stencil (22)8.4.5Cleaning of circuit boards following soldering paste printing (22)8.4.6Mechanical stress in double-sided PCB assembly (23)8.5PCB assembly (23)8.5.1Initial part approval (23)8.5.2Reel change (23)8.5.3Mechanical stress (23)8.5.4Process control (23)8.5.5Maintenance (23)8.6Assembly and connection technology (24)8.6.1Reflow soldering (24) malfunctions (25) profile (25)8.6.2Press-fit technology (25)8.6.3Selective soldering with mini-wave (26) (26) pretreatment and temperature gradient (26) monitoring (27) malfunctions (27) residue (27) bath (27) filling level (27)9Rework (28)10Test technology in series production (29)10.1Inspection of soldered joints (29)10.1.1Inspection of paste printing (29)10.1.2Inspections after reflow soldering (29)10.1.3Inspections after selective soldering (30)10.1.4Manual visual inspections (30)10.2In-circuit test (30)10.3Contacting of components (31)10.4End-of-line test (31)10.5Test parameters (32)10.6Mechanical interfaces (32)10.7Product audit (32)10.7.1Temperature cycle test (33)10.7.2Additional component-specific tests (33)10.7.3Changes (34)10.8Early defect detection (34)10.8.1Realization of early defect detection (34)10.8.2Active run-in (34)10.9Test coverage analysis (35)10.10Evaluation and reporting of internal test results (36)10.11Haptic measurements (36)10.12Testing of function, switch and controls illumination (37)10.13Noise testing (37)10.14Process documentation and process records (38)10.14.1Soldering paste printing (38)10.14.2Placement machines (38)10.14.3Reflow soldering (38)10.14.4Selective soldering with mini-wave (38)10.14.5Rework (39)10.14.6Test parameters (39)11Mechanical manufacturing processes (40)11.1Circuit board separation (40)11.1.1Milling (40)11.1.2Punching (V-cutting) (40)11.1.3Sawing (40)11.1.4Laser cutting (41)11.2Assembly and screw-fastening processes (41)11.3Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) connectors (41)11.3.1Manual joining of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.2Semi or fully automatic joining of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.3Testing of the connection of zero insertion force connectors (42)11.3.4Opening of the plug connection of zero insertion force connectors (42)12Traceabilty of devices and components (43)12.1Incoming goods (43)12.2PCB assembly (43)12.3Tests (44)12.4End-of-line test (44)12.5Outgoing goods (44)12.6Rework (44)13ESD (45)13.1ESD protection measures in electronics production (45)13.2Personnel grounding (45)13.3Rework (45)14Flashing of components (46)14.1Handling (46)14.2Contacting and flashing (46)14.3Testing and traceability of flashed components (46)14.4Capacity of the flashing process (47)15Failure analysis (48)15.1Analysis reports (48)15.2Priority failures (48)15.3NTF failures (complaints) (48)15.4Failure analysis on site (48)16On-site support (49)16.1Professional requirements for staff (49)16.2Time-related requirements (49)16.3Other requirements (49)1 ScopeThis Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics applies irrespective of the model to all electri-cal/electronic components in general.2 Normative referencesMB Special Terms Mercedes Benz Special Termsof Electronic AssembliesANSI/IPC-A-610D AcceptabilityIPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B.1 Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/ReflowSensitive Surface Mount DevicesDIN EN ISO 9453 Soft Solder Alloys – Chemical Compositions and FormsA2110039899 Design Rules for E/E ComponentsDIN EN 61340-5-1 Protection of Electronic Devices from Electrostatic Phenom-ena — General RequirementsIEC/TR 61340-5-2 Protection of Electronic Devices from Electrostatic Phenom-ena – User GuideDIN EN 61340-4-5 Standard Test Methods for Specific Applications – Methodsfor Characterising the Electrostatic Protection of Footwearand Flooring in Combination with a PersonDIN EN 61340-4-3 Standard Test Methods for Specific Applications – Footwear AEC-Q100 Stress Qualification for Integrated CircuitsAEC-Q101 Stress Test Qualification for Discrete SemiconductorsAEC-Q200 Stress Test Qualification for Passive ComponentsAEC-Q004 Zero Defects Guideline (Draft version)ANSI/IPC J-STD-001D Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assem-bliesMBN 10448 Field Failure Analysis3 Terms and definitions3.1 List of abbreviationsTwo-dimensional2DThree-dimensional3DAEC Automotive Electronic Council (body for quality standards in the automotive indus-try)InspectionOpticalAutomatedAOI(Ausführungsvorschrift)regulationAVImplementationBGA Ball Grid Array componentsBR Vehicle model series (Baureihe)cmk Short-term process capabilitycapabilityprocessLong-termcpksupplyspecification (Liefervorschrift)Daimler-BenzDBLDS Identification and documentation of safety relevancedocumentation of certification relevanceandIdentificationDZE/E component Electrical/electronic componentProgrammable Read-Only MemoryEEPROM ElectricallyErasableX-rayspectroscopyEnergy-dispersiveEDXEOL End Of Line testOverStressEOSElectricalDischargeElectroStaticESDFMEA Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisLevelingAirHotHALHIL Hardware In the LoopHardWareHWStandardizationISOforOrganisationInternationalCircuitsIC IntegratedIn-Circuit-TestICTspecifications (Komponentenlastenheft)requirementComponentKLHMBN Mercedes-Benz standard (Mercedes-Benz Norm)SystemDevelopmentMercedes-BenzMDSInterfaceMan-MachineMMIMSD Moisture Sensitive DeviceLevelSensitiveMSLMoistureSystemProductionMercedes-BenzMPSMTTF Mean Time To FailureNTF No Trouble Foundprocess and product approvalPPAProductioncapabilityprocessPreliminaryppkPRG Product maturity level (Produkt-Reifegrad)GateQGQualityQualityManagementQMStatusQ-Status QualityMemoryAccessRandomRAMMemoryOnlyReadROMTemperatureRoomRTUnitControlCUMountedTechnologySurfaceSMTSOP Start of ProductionSoftWareSWTechnologyHoleThroughTHT3.2 NomenclatureBelow, electrical/electronic components and electrical/electronic control units are termed "components" for the reader’s convenience.Below, the contractor of Daimler AG is termed "supplier".Below, the sub-components of components such as circuit boards, electronic devices (e.g. controllers, transceivers, micromechanical semiconductors) and mechanical units (e.g. housings) are termed "de-vices" for the reader’s convenience.Below, requirements for documentation and the recording of data are specified. In this context, "docu-ment" refers to instructions and specifications (e.g. work instructions, process descriptions, etc). The term "record" refers to evidential data (e.g. completed checklists, audit evidence, etc).4 GeneralrequirementsFor safety requirements, homologation and quality, the existing statutory requirements and laws shall be complied with. In addition, the relevant requirements of Daimler AG apply.All materials, procedures, processes, components, and systems shall conform to the current regulatory (governmental) requirements regarding regulated substances and recyclability.This Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics makes reference to applicable laws, standards and regulations etc. The supplier shall be responsible for compliance with all laws, standards and regula-tions and for the development and production of the component in line with the state of the art. In this con-text, due consideration shall be given to the fact that the vehicles of Daimler AG containing this compo-nent are sold worldwide.This Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics makes reference to other applicable documents of the component requirement specifications (KLH) (specifications, test methods, implementation regula-tions, instructions of Daimler AG). Where this Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics contains deviating or contradictory information compared with other standards, specifications or implementation regulations, the more severe specification shall apply. In case of doubt, clarifying agreements following discussions with Daimler AG Quality Management shall be set down in writing.The supplier shall supply conforming products to Daimler AG, and the supplier shall maintain the zero-defect target.If the supplier is aware of measures or alternatives serving to increase quality or reliability, the supplier shall notify these to Daimler AG Quality Management.All information and documents associated with the development, manufacture and production of the com-ponent shall be treated confidentially.4.1 Contacts at Daimler AGThe responsible component developer and other contacts at Daimler AG are listed in the component re-quirement specifications (KLH).Mercedes-Benz Cars Quality Management is divided into two units:- Preventive Quality Management (Prevention) and- Quality Management Production in the worldwide Daimler assembly, body, paintwork and stamp-ing plants (e.g. Sindelfingen, Bremen, Tuscaloosa, South Africa etc.).During the development phase (requirement specification phase up to the launch of the component in production), a staff member from Prevention is the responsible quality contact for the supplier. Together with the responsible staff member from Prevention, the supplier shall hold coordination discussions re-garding quality management requirements. The supplier shall seek approval from the responsible staff member from Prevention for any deviations from these quality management requirements.During the production phase (launch of component in production up to discontinuation of production), a Quality Management staff member from each assembly, body, paintwork and stamping plant is the re-sponsible quality contact for the supplier. The supplier shall seek approval for all changes to the compo-nent or production process during the production phase from the responsible Quality Management staff member from the assembly, body, paintwork and stamping plants. In the event of deviations from the re-lease status of the component, the supplier shall present appropriate measures and samples and have any changes approved.Any deviation from the requirements of this Quality Management Standard Electrics/Electronics are sub-ject to the written approval of Daimler AG Quality Management.4.2 Contacts at the supplier and its sub-suppliersThe supplier shall submit an organizational diagram to Daimler AG Quality Management showing all per-sons responsible for the project and their functions.The supplier shall reveal the complete supply chain of devices for the project to Daimler AG Quality Man-agement. In this process, the supplier shall document the scope of supply and supplier name of each de-vice.4.3 Key processesTo facilitate the successful implementation of the project, the supplier shall provide evidence of docu-mented process structures for the following key processes during the concept presentation:1. Requirements analysis process2. Test strategy process3. Configuration and change management process4. Problem analysis process5. Project management5 Preventive maturity level managementThe objective of preventive maturity level management is to recognize quality-related problems and defi-cits concerning the product and/or production process as early as during the development phase of the component and to be able to initiate countermeasures. Timely completion of the project and defect-free implementation of all specified functions are the top priorities for Daimler AG.The supplier shall document and maintain a preventive maturity level management system. As part of this system, the supplier shall determine and record characteristic data (metrics, process capability indices, inspections, etc.).In this context, all company units of the supplier involved with the product creation process shall be sub-ject to the maturity level management system.Assessment of the maturity level shall be based on the specified quality targets and quality criteria throughout the product and process development process.The supplier shall document compliance with and fulfillment of all requirements from the component re-quirement specifications (KLH) and this Standard.To track all activities during development, the supplier shall maintain a list of open issues, and grant Daim-ler AG Quality Management access to this list on request.The supplier shall submit regular reports to Daimler AG Quality Management regarding maturity level pro-gress. The supplier shall document maturity level reports in writing. The supplier shall record the maturity level reports for the Quality Gates (according to MDS) and submission of A, B, C, D and PPF samples in writing.5.1 Start of preventive maturity level managementThe supplier shall initiate preventive maturity level management at the time of project start - immediately following the commencement of hardware and software development and the start of the production proc-ess.5.2 ScopeThe supplier shall coordinate and document the scope of preventive maturity level management with Daimler AG Quality Management.The preventive maturity level tracking during the product creation process includes the monitoring of the degree of fulfillment of all requirements. In this context, the supplier shall document and record the (func-tional and non-functional) requirements for the component and the production process during the devel-opment phase of the component.The supplier shall carry out an assessment on the basis of the degree of implementation of the require-ments at the relevant project date. The maturity level is divided into four stages:- Requirement not implemented by the deadline- Requirement is in the process of being implemented- Requirement has been implemented by the deadline- Requirement has been implemented and tested successfully by the deadline5.3 Tracking of sub-supplier maturity levelThe supplier shall document and implement a preventive maturity level management system at all sub-supplier companies involved in the project (Tier 2, Tier 3, …).The supplier shall inform Daimler AG Quality Management of the status of the preventive maturity level management if there is a risk of the sub-suppliers involved in the project failing to reach the project objec-tive.On request, the supplier shall grant Daimler AG Quality Management access to records concerning the maturity level management of the sub-suppliers involved in the project.5.4 Changes following start of productionAny changes to the component or an existing manufacturing process shall be subject to the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management and be approved using a PPA process.The supplier shall qualify any change, e.g. in the event of changes to devices (material or manufacturing process of the device) or in the manufacturing process of the component. The supplier shall provide evi-dence of and document qualification in accordance with the component requirement specifications.Deviations from a complete qualification by the supplier shall be subject to the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management.Qualification shall be carried out using components manufactured on the production equipment at the se-rial production location.The documentation of changes shall be coordinated with Daimler AG Quality Management.The supplier shall adhere to a previously defined time frame for pre-advice to Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.In the cases indicated below, the supplier shall inform the following Daimler AG units: Quality Manage-ment, Development, Purchasing and Logistics.5.4.1 Process and sub-process relocationIn the case of any type of process and sub-process relocation, the supplier shall inform Daimler AG Qual-ity Management no later than 9 months before the intended implementation of the change. The supplier shall submit a relocation scenario and seek the approval of Daimler AG Quality Management for such scenario.This time frame also applies to the outsourcing of processes or sub-processes to sub-suppliers.5.4.2 Replacement or exchange of machines or equipmentIn the case of the replacement or exchange of machines or equipment or other systems, the supplier shall inform Daimler AG Quality Management no later than 3 months before the intended implementation of the change.5.4.3 Change of a sub-supplierIn the case of a change of a sub-supplier or manufacturer of a device of the component, the supplier shall submit a change scenario to Daimler AG Quality Management and seek the approval of Daimler AG Qual-ity Management for such scenario. The supplier should inform Daimler AG Quality Management no later than 6 months before the intended implementation of the change.6 Detection of anomaliesThe statistical detection of anomalies is intended for the detection of unusual features in the functionality or measurement parameters. These may be anomalies which lie within the specification limits provided, but are unusual compared to other components. The anomalies may point towards pre-damage to the component.In order to ensure the process capability and product reliability, the supplier shall document and use a method for the detection of anomalies, and provide evidence by means of records.To verify the process capability and product reliability, the supplier shall use this method, starting with the manufacture of initial samples, and create records. Evidence shall be provided no later than at the time of submission of the initial sample documentation.7 Process capability and product reliabilityIn accordance with VDA 2, the supplier shall provide evidence of the process capabilities for its production processes.For the deadline and the required values for the process capabilities, refer to MBST.At the time of submission of the initial samples, the supplier shall document the final evidence of the proc-ess capabilities and product reliabilities required.The initial samples shall be manufactured on production equipment and selected randomly.The supplier shall have any deviations from these specifications approved by Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.7.1 Proof of machine and process capability for SMT processesWithin the framework of the zero-defects strategy in relation to the customer, the supplier shall make every effort to prevent and detect nonconformances. From the point of view of customer satisfaction and with a view to ensuring the quality of the components, it is essential that nonconformances are detected as early as possible and eliminated. The focus shall therefore be on the process capability of the supplier's manufacturing process. This includes the determination of the ongoing process capability, the control of the production process and continuous process improvement.The supplier shall supply regular evidence of the process capabilities of production as a whole and each production process and maintain the appropriate records.7.1.1 Machine and process capability of paste printerThe supplier shall check the machine capability once every year and maintain the pertinent records.Evidence of the machine capability of the paste printer can be provided by means of a reference stencil. The relevant parameters for this purpose are the positioning accuracy in the x and y direction of the solder deposit.The supplier shall check the process capability of the paste printer with the product-specific original stencil and maintain appropriate records. During this process, the supplier shall document reference points and determine their positioning accuracies in x and y position as well as the volume. To do so, the supplier may use the paste AOI provided that the AOI measuring data can be analyzed.7.1.2 Machine capability placement machinesThe supplier shall check the machine capability every other year and maintain the pertinent records.The supplier shall check the machine capability using a glass board and glass devices or ceramic pads and maintain appropriate records. To prove capability, the supplier shall document the critical SMD shapes and test these.7.1.3 Verification of solder profileThe supplier shall verify that the solder profile determined allows each solder joint to reach the required soldering temperature and the required temperature profile. The supplier shall maintain appropriate re-cords.The supplier shall verify that "thermally critical" devices on the circuit board are not overheated. The sup-plier shall maintain appropriate records.The supplier shall observe the specifications of the board, device and soldering paste manufacturers, and provide evidence of compliance. The temperature profile shall therefore be recorded with the printed com-ponent circuit board.7.2 Proof of reliability of the assembly and connection technologyThe supplier shall document the development progress at the time of each delivery of sample parts.At the time of submission of the initial samples, the supplier shall perform a full qualification on the basis of the requirements of the KLH and provide the appropriate evidence.The supplier shall coordinate the number and scope of the tests with Development and Daimler AG Qual-ity Management and document the results.In order to allow the impact of changes on the component to be assessed, the supplier shall document a comparison of measuring results before and after the intended change.Qualification shall be carried out using components manufactured on the series production equipment. 7.3 Proof of reliability of the devices usedOn delivery, the supplier shall provide evidence of device qualification.For ICs, the supplier shall provide evidence of the device qualification in accordance with AEC-Q100, for discrete components in accordance with AEC-Q101, and for passive components in accordance with AEC-Q200.To achieve the zero-defects strategy, the supplier shall document the methods as per AEC-Q004 and provide evidence of the records to Daimler AG Quality Management.The supplier shall have any deviations from these specifications approved by Daimler AG Quality Man-agement.7.4 Board bending testThe supplier shall ensure that soldered circuit boards or devices cannot be damaged as a result of me-chanical stresses. Excessive mechanical stresses result in the danger of the board or devices becoming pre-damaged due to microcracks. The supplier shall support the PCB boards using an appropriate fixture.By means of a board bending test, the mechanical stress to which a soldered circuit board is exposed during the production process can be determined.The supplier shall perform a bending test for the following production steps on the component-specific board and maintain the relevant records:- Paste printer (only for double-sided boards)- SMD placement machines- ICTseparatorboard- Circuit- Press-fit process for contacts- Press-fit and assembly fixtures and jigs for installing boards in a housing- Transport systems, including gripping devices.The supplier shall repeat the board bending test at regular time intervals and record the relevant results.The supplier shall use the bending test for fault finding in the event of failures of devices (e.g. damage, microcracks on ceramic capacitors). The supplier shall record the results and submit them to Daimler AG Quality Management on request.The supplier shall use an appropriate measurement procedure for carrying out the board bending test.The maximum critical bending of boards depends on the individual circuit board or the devices used. The supplier shall take care to ensure that the sensors are positioned on the board at the point of maximum bending.The supplier shall take care to ensure that circuit board is assembled and soldered in line with the relevant process step to be examined.During the processing of ceramic capacitors, the supplier shall ensure that the specifications ofAV A2110039899 "Design Rules for E/E Components“ are complied with for all manufactured compo-nents.7.5 RequalificationThe supplier shall check at least once every year whether its deliveries conform to the specifications of Daimler AG.As a minimum requirement, the test scope shall include evidence that the specifications with regard to dimensional, material, reliability, environmental, process and statutory rules have been complied with.The supplier shall coordinate and document the test scopes with Daimler AG Quality Management. This coordination shall be based on the environmental and lifetime tests specified in the component require-ment specifications (KLH) as well as other specifications such as DBL, MBN, AV, etc.The supplier can choose between the following methods to prove compliance with the specifications of the environmental and life tests required in KLH:- complete annual repeat of the of the environmental and life tests specified in KLH- annual execution of a so-called "Q-Review Environment E/E“.7.5.1 Complete repeat of the environmental and life testsThe supplier shall record the results of the repeat and submit them to Daimler AG Quality Management on request.The supplier shall notify Daimler AG Quality Management of any deviations from the specification without delay.The supplier shall supply regular evidence of the process capabilities of production as a whole and each production process and maintain the appropriate records.If the tests show that the required cp or cpk values are not achieved and that the equipment requires read-justment, the supplier shall shorten the test interval.7.5.2 Q-Review Environment E/ETo perform a "Q-Review Environment E/E“, the supplier is required to comply with the following conditions: The environmental and life tests specified in the KLH have been performed once successfully, and the relevant results recorded.Another condition for the execution of a "Q-Review Environment E/E“ is that the following requirements have been fulfilled during the previous 12 months:- The supplier has used a statistical method for the early detection of faults in production. This method has ensured that 100% of the manufactured parts have been covered, the results recorded and evaluated regularly. All measures defined as part of the early fault detection system during the previous 12 months must have been effectively implemented.- The required qualification tests shall have been passed successfully with regard to any changes to the component or the production process.- All failures during the tests in production have been determined, and the relevant results recorded and regularly evaluated. All measures defined during the previous 12 months shall have been effectively im-plemented.- All measures defined during internal and external audits during the previous 12 months shall have been effectively implemented.- All 0-km failures and field failures during the previous 12 months shall have been analyzed and evalu-ated. Any resulting measures shall have been implemented effectively.。



2010版审查指南英文English:The 2010 Guidelines for Examination provide detailed instructions and criteria for patent examiners when assessing the patentability of inventions. The guidelines cover various aspects such as novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability, and enablement. Examiners are required to carefully consider the prior art, technical effects, and any differences between the claimed invention and the prior art. In addition, the guidelines provide guidance on how to assess the sufficiency of disclosure in the patent application, ensuring that the description enables a person skilled in the art to carry out the invention. Examiners are also instructed to evaluate whether the claims are clear, concise, and supported by the description. The guidelines emphasize the importance of conducting a thorough examination to ensure that granted patents meet the necessary criteria for patentability. Overall, the 2010 Guidelines for Examination serve as a comprehensive tool for patent examiners to evaluate patent applications effectively and consistently.中文翻译:《2010年审查指南》为专利审查员在评估发明的可专利性时提供了详细的指导和标准。



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Content Text
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Content Text
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.



New INCOTERMS effective January 1, 2011The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC ) has published revisions to its International Commercial Terms, also known as INCOTERMS®, that take effect on January 1, 2011.The revised rules, designated "INCOTERMS 2010", contain a series of changes, such as areduction in the number of terms to 11 from 13. The DAF, DES, DEQ, and DDU designationshave been eliminated, while two new terms, Delivered at Terminal (DAT) and Delivered at Place (DAP), have been added. INCOTERMS 2010 also attempt to better take into account the roles cargo security and electronic data interchange now play in international trade.WHAT INCOTERMS ARE - INCOTERMS are a set of three-letter standard trade terms most commonly used in international contracts for the sale of goods. First published in 1936,INCOTERMS provide internationally accepted definitions and rules of interpretation for most common commercial terms. In the US, INCOTERMS are increasingly used in domestic sales contracts rather than UCC shipment and delivery terms.WHAT INCOTERMS DO - INCOTERMS inform the sales contract by defining the respective obligations, costs and risks involved in the delivery of goods from the Seller to the Buyer.WHAT INCOTERMS DO NOT DO - INCOTERMS by themselves DO NOT: •Constitute a contract;•Supersede the law governing the contract;•Define where title transfers; nor,•Address the price payable, currency or credit terms.These items are defined by the express terms in the sales contract and by the governing law.INCOTERMS 2010 are grouped into two classes:1. TERMS FOR ANY TRANSPORT MODE•EXW - EX WORKS (... named place of delivery)o The Seller's only responsibility is to make the goods available at the Seller's premises. The Buyer bears full costs and risks of moving the goods from thereto destination.•FCA - FREE CARRIER (... named place of delivery)o The Seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier selected by the Buyer. The Seller loads the goods if the carrier pickup is at the Seller's premises.From that point, the Buyer bears the costs and risks of moving the goods to destination.•CPT - CARRIAGE PAID TO (... named place of destination)o The Seller pays for moving the goods to destination. From the time the goods are transferred to the first carrier, the Buyer bears the risks of loss or damage.•CIP - CARRIAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO (... named place of destination)o The Seller pays for moving the goods to destination. From the time the goods are transferred to the first carrier, the Buyer bears the risks of loss or damage. TheSeller, however, purchases the cargo insurance.•DAT - DELIVERED AT TERMINAL (... named terminal at port or place of destination)o The Seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from the arriving means of transport, are placed at the Buyer's disposal at a named terminal at the namedport or place of destination. "Terminal" includes any place, whether covered ornot, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal.The Seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them atthe terminal at the named port or place of destination.•DAP - DELIVERED AT PLACE (... named place of destination)o The Seller delivers when the goods are placed at the Buyer's disposal on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the names place of destination. The Seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place.•DDP - DELIVERED DUTY PAID (... named place)o The Seller delivers the goods -cleared for import - to the Buyer at destination.The Seller bears all costs and risks of moving the goods to destination, includingthe payment of Customs duties and taxes.2. MARITIME-ONLY TERMS•FAS - FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP (... named port of shipment)o The Seller delivers the goods to the origin port. From that point, the Buyer bearsall costs and risks of loss or damage.•FOB - FREE ON BOARD (... named port of shipment)o The Seller delivers the goods on board the ship and clears the goods for export. From that point, the Buyer bears all costs and risks of loss or damage.•CFR - COST AND FREIGHT (... named port of destination)o The Seller clears the goods for export and pays the costs of moving the goods to destination. The Buyer bears all risks of loss or damage.•CIF - COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT (... named port of destination)o The Seller clears the goods for export and pays the costs of moving the goods to the port of destination. The Buyer bears all risks of loss or damage. The Seller, however, purchases the cargo insurance.PRACTICE POINTS•B E SPECIFIC:o If you use INCOTERMS in the Sales Contract or Purchase Order, youshould identify the appropriate INCOTERM Rule [e.g. FCA, CPT, etc.], state "INCOTERMS 2010" and specify the place or port as precisely as possible.•R ECOGNIZE WHERE THE R ISK OF L OSS TRANSFERS:o A common misconception when the Seller pays the freight is that the Seller hasthe risk of loss until the goods are delivered to the place or port specified on thebill of lading or airway bill. Actually, when using INCOTERMS CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF, risk transfers to the Buyer when the Seller hands the goods over to thecarrier at origin, not when the goods reach the place or port of destination.o Understand that under CIP and CIF, the Seller is only obliged to obtain•U NDERSTAND WHO HAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR L OADING AND U NLOADING C HARGES. F OR EXAMPLE:o DAT obliges the Seller to place the goods at the Buyer's disposal after unloadingat the named terminal at port or place of destination.o DAP obliges the Seller to place the goods at the Buyer's disposal on the delivering carrier ready for unloading at the named place of destination.o CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF on the other hand, require the parties to identify as precisely as possible the point at the agreed port of destination because thecosts up to that point are for the account of the Seller.•U NDERSTAND WHO HAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR U.S. C USTOMS ENTRY DECLARATIONS: o DDP is the only INCOTERM where the Seller has responsibility for U.S. Customs entry declarations.o IMPORTANT NOTE: An important factor to be considered when asking the Seller to be responsible for international carriage, is if the goods ship by Ocean Freight, an Importer Security Filing (ISF) must be electronically submitted to Customs 24 hours before the cargo is laden on the vessel bringing the cargo tothe U.S. The Buyer should specify in the contract either (a) the shipper is responsible for the ISF or (b) the Seller is responsible for providing the required data in a timely manner (i.e. 72 hrs before lading) to the Buyer’s appointed agent (e.g. Customs Broker). In our experience, when the broker and the international forwarder are unrelated parties, this requirement is honored more in the breach than in the observance. The Buyer should indemnify against the penalties(US$5,000) for filing a late, inaccurate or incomplete ISF. The ISF does notapply at this time to airfreight shipments.•D ETERMINE THE IMPORTANCE OF S UPPLY C HAIN V ISIBILITYo When CPT, CIP, CFR or CIF are used the Seller fulfills its obligation to deliver when it hands the goods over to the carrier, not when the goods reach the placeof destination.。



新增加了指导性说明(Guidms® 2010 对每个术语都新加了指导性说明。
该说明主要解释了何时适用本术语以及在何种情形 下适用其他术语,该术语合同下与货物有关的风险负担何 时转移,买卖双方之间的成本或费用以及出口手续如何划 分等事宜,以及双方应当明确规定交货的具体地点和未能 规定所引起的费用的负担等。 需要注意的是在“指导性说明”中,Incoterms® 2010通常要求双方当事人自行明确风险转移的临界点,而 非由Incoterms® 2010本身去规定这些临界点。这就需要 买卖双方在订立合同时要考虑到该问题,必要时可在商定 的基础上另行规定双方认可的风险临界点。

Incoterms® 2010
Incoterms® 2010 中DAP的含义

按照Incoterms® 2010 的解释,DAP是 Delivered At Place的简称,字面意思是“指定目 的地交货”。其中,“Place”可以指港口,也 可以是陆地的地名。 Incoterms® 2010 对DAP的解释是:卖方自行 负担费用和风险订立运输合同,按惯常路线和方 式,在规定日期或期限内,将货物从出口国运到 进口国内指定目的地,将货物置于买方支配之下, 就算完成交货义务。
INCOTERMS 2000 与Incoterms® 2010的 主要区别 1.对适用范围的调整; 2.对贸易术语分类的调整; 3.新增加了指导性说明(Guidance Note); 4.对贸易术语名称和数量的调整; 5.对贸易术语义务项目上的调整; 6.对货物风险转移界限的调整; 7.新增连环贸易(String Sales)
工厂交货 货交承运人 装运港船边交货 装运港船上交货 成本加运费 成本加运保费 运费付至 运保费付至 边境交货 目的港船上交货 目的港码头交货 未完税交货 完税后交货



Incoterms®2010ICC rulesfor the use of domestic andinternational trade termsEntry into force: 1 January 2011Copyright○C 2010○C 2010International Chamber of merce国际商会All rights reserved. This collective work was initiated by ICC which holds all rights as defined by the French Code of Intellectual Property. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means –graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, taping, or information retrieval systems – without written permission of ICC Services, Publications Department.所有,违者必究。



ICC ServicesPublications38 Cours Albert 1er75008 ParisFranceICC Publication No. 715EISBN:978-92-842-0080-1.iccbook.CONTENTS目录Foreword 4前言4Introduction 5引言5INCOTERMS○R 2010国际贸易术语○R2010Rules for any mode or modes of transport 15适用于所有运输方式的规如此15EXW 15工厂交货15FCA 23货交承运人23CPT 33运费付至33CIP 41运费保险费付至41DAT 53终点站交货53DAP 61地点交货61DDP 69完税交货69Rules for sea and inland waterway transport只适用于海运和内河运输的规如此FAS 79船边交货79FOB 87船上交货87CFR 95本钱加运费95CIF 105本钱运费保险费105Incoterms○R 2010 Drafting Group 119国际贸易术语○R2010 起草小组119ICC Dispute Resolution 124ICC争议解决124Copyright notice and synopsis of trademark usage rules 125声明和商标使用规如此简介125ICC at a glance 126ICC一览126Other Incoterms○R 2010 products 127其他的国际贸易术语○R2010产品127ICC publication for global business 128ICC全球商业128ForewordBy Rajat Gupta,ICC CbairmanThe global economy has given business broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries,in large quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and plexity of global sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes when sale contracts are not adequately drafted.The Incoterms® rules, the ICC rules on the use of domestic and international trade terms, facilitate the conduct of global trade. Reference to an Icoterms 2010 rule in a sale contract clearlydefines the parties' respective obligations and reduces the risk of legal plications.前言国际商会主席Rajat Gupta全球经济一体化使得商业通向世界各地市场的途径空前宽广。

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