名著导读 哈克贝利费恩历险记 活动课
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I’m intellectual
I receive moral education
Pap’s Cabin (Pap kidnaps Huck and holds him in a cabin across the river.)
Jackson’s Island, in the middle of Mississippi (Huck escapes and hides in the Jackson’s Island, where he meets Jim. )
Huckleberry Finn
Tom Sawyer
The Plot
Huck’s life before the river.
Huck’s life on the river.
Huck’s life after the river.
《哈克贝利· 费恩历险记》(1884)是马克· 吐温的代表作, 也是美国文学史上一部影响深远的作品。小说的中心情节 是讲白人孩子哈克和黑奴吉姆如何结下深厚友谊的故事。 哈克为了逃避酒鬼父亲的虐待,逃到一小岛上,巧遇逃奴 吉姆,两人结伴而行,企图从密西西比河上逃往北方的自 由州。哈克起先受反动教育影响,觉得不应该帮逃奴的忙, 后来在日日夜夜的漂流生活中,逐渐被吉姆的善良无私的 性格所感动,表示宁肯冒着下地狱的危险,也要帮助吉姆 得到自由。他们一路上历尽艰险,遭遇民队的追捕、骗子 的虐待以及各种自然灾害。在两人的同心协力下,所有艰 险均被化解。最终,哈克在好朋友汤姆的帮助下救出了被 骗子卖掉的吉姆,并得知女主人在遗嘱中已宣布解除吉姆 的奴隶身份。
They rescue two men: the duke and the dauphin.
Wilk’s Funeral (The duke and the dauphin pretend to be Wilks’s brothers and want to swindle Peter Wilks’s inheritance.)
In His Middle Ages
By 1900 Twain becomes America’s famous people. To enhance his image, he likes to wear white suits and loves to walk on the street.
His Later Life
Early life experience
• • • • • • • • • Born in a little town in Mississippi At 11, he lost his father At 13, he stopped schooling Tramp printer (“流浪”印刷匠) Steamboat pilot (轮船领航员) on the Mississippi Confederate guerrilla (游击队员) Prospector (采矿者) Reporter on the far western frontier (西部边疆) Traveler abroad
• Genre 风格 – Satiric(讽刺的) Novel • Setting 背景 – Time • Before the Civil War; 1835–1845 – Place • The Mississippi River town of St. Petersburg, Missouri • The adventure continues down the Mississippi into Arkansas
• the first Great American Novel • fathered Modern American literature • It is considered as the best book of Twain’s works. Hemingway once described the novel "all modern American literature comes".
Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
and Life on the Mississippi.
Mark Twain’s Masterpieces
Mark Twain
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)
•Mark Twain was a great American writer, and he was also a famous speaker.
The Name of Mark Twain
• Twain's real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. • "Mark Twain", which means "watermark two", was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi.
• Mark Twain loves the great river . Many of his great works are set in the background of the Mississippi River, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry
Grave of Mark Twain
• 马克吐温诞生于1835年11月30日的晚上,正是那晚,哈雷慧 星划破了密苏里州密西西比河上的夜空,光临地球。 • 后来,马克吐温以他丰富的人生经历,敏锐地观察,幽默 的笔调,成为美国著名的作家。 • 下图是美国1985年发行的哈雷慧星邮资首日封,除了右上 方的哈雷慧星图外,左面还有马克.吐温的像和他在1909年74 岁时讲的一段话:“1835年我随哈雷彗星而来,彗星明年又 要来了,我期望随它而去。如果我不能随哈雷慧星而去,那 将是我生命中最大的失望”。 • 1910年,正如他所愿望的那样,马克吐温去世了。他是随 着哈雷慧星而去的,但他的书和书中的故事却长久地留在地 球上。
A Brief Assessment
• • • • 一个优秀的作家,一个优秀的演说家 近代幽默文学的泰斗! 代表美国文学的世界一流作家! 他是怀有赤子之心的顽童,亦是仗义执剑的骑 士! • 有个关于马克吐温的书库 • 美国文学中的林肯
Mark Twain and the Mississippi
★Life in St. Petersburg ★Pap’s Cabin ★Jackson’s Island ★The Grangerfords vs.
the Shepherdsons
★The Duck and the king ★Wilk’s Funeral ★Phelps' Farm
St. Petersburg, Missouri (where the story begins)
They have a close encounter with a gang of robbers on a wrecked steamboat.
Grangerfords VS. Shepherdsons (Huck and Jim are separated because a steamboat slams into their raft before.
Huck Finn get rid of Social yoke(枷锁)
I escape for my cruel father and the “civilized” society!
to escape his cure father
to escape the ”civilized”,the Bible
在他以后的生活中有许多悲惨事件。他的 投资失败,他不得不以演讲还清债务,加 上他的妻子和两个女儿的死亡,使他更是 伤心欲绝。在他的后期作品风格陡然转变。 乐观,幽默作家几乎绝望,作品风格悲观、 消极。
His Death
Mark Twain died of illness on April 21, 1910. When he passed away, newspapers around the country declared, “The whole world is mourning.” He had become Mark Twain, a proud possession of the American nation.
Phelp’s Farm (Tom Sawyer hatches a wild plan to free Jim with Huck. Finally, Jim become a free man.)
Brief InBiblioteka Baiduroduction
When: around 1850, before the Civil War Where: along the Mississippi River Who: Huck, Jim etc. What: the process of pursuing freedom and happiness.