

Connect X300 智能设备安装说明说明书

Connect X300 智能设备安装说明说明书

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Connect X300DescriptionConnect X300 is a physical device that is the gateway connection between a Cloud service and a controlled/monitored system. This system in a building can include fire alarm control panels, devices, sensors, detectors, etc.X61X60X63X30X31X1 P1X2 P1X70ON/OFF X80L+MEARTH SCREWX62NOT USEDNOT USEDNOT USEDNOT POWER SUPPLYFIRE PANEL INTERNET ACCESSFigure 1Connect X300 GatewayConnections and Indicators•X1P1: Connection to Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular via FCM2041-U2/-U3 Operator Interface.Connection to Desigo FC2025/FC2050 and Cerberus PRO FC922/FC924 via FCM2018/2019/2035-U2/-U3 Operating Units.Connection to Desigo FV2025/2050 and Cerberus PRO FV922/924 via VCA2002-A1 Card Cage.X2P1: Connection to internet networkFeatures• Two Ethernet ports for WAN and LAN• Remote firmware and configuration data update over the IP Interface • LED indication of activities and state • Operating voltage DC 24V • Max current load: 515mA DC• Plug-in screw terminal block for supply •Mounting on wall using enclosuresDepending on firmware, the following functions are supported (examples):• Multi-site management • Remote monitoringApplicationThe device integrates Desigo Fire Safety Modular, Cerberus PRO Modular, DesigoFC2025/FC2050/FV2025/FV2050, and Cerberus PRO FC922/FC924/FV922/FV924 fire panels over IP. It transmits data to the cloud over IP networks or over mobile networks (3G/4G/LTE).FunctionsThe Connect X300 provides two integration levels to connect fire alarm control panels to the cloud: System integration (between the Connect X300 and the fire panels) and cloud integration (between the ConnectX300 and the cloud). The Connect X300 supports Ethernet and 3G/4G/LTE for cloud connectivity.Mounting and WiringThe Connect X300 can be mounted inside the ENCL-01, P/N S54465-C63-A1, or PAB-ENCL Siemens enclosures using adaptor plates. Adaptor plate CGAP, P/N S54811-B101-A1, is used with the ENCL-01 enclosure while adaptor plate CGAP2, P/N S54811-B102-A1, is used for the PAB-ENCL enclosure. Refer to Figures 2 through 6.Wiring the Connect X300 Gateway inside PAB-ENCL EnclosuresTo connect the ethernet cable, see Figure 3. Use knockouts from the right side; wires are considered Power Limited. To connect the power to the Connect X300 Gateway, see Figure 2.Option: The FP2011-U1 Power Supply can be used with the cable provided to connect the power fromthe FP2011-U1 Power Supply to the Connect X300 Gateway. Use knockout close to the location of the Power Supply to enter the box. Wires are considered Non-Power Limited.Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular Enclosure)DETAIL E SCALE 2 : 512-22 AWG BlackWires are Power LimitedFor UL applications: wiring limited to20 ft in conduit located in the same room.For ULC applications: wiring inmetallic conduit located in the same roomNOTE : All high voltage and non-power limited wiring must be kept separate from power limited wiring. A ¼” separation must be maintained with high voltage and non-power limited wiring running in separate conduit openings from power wiring. Wiring within the cabinet should be routed around the perimeter of the cabinet.Figure 2Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular System Power Connection to Connect X300Rear View ofFCM2041-U2/-U3Operator Interface (Located in the S55842-Z121-A100Connect X300GatewayEthernet Cable 6 ft. long (User Provided)Wires are Power LimitedFor UL applications: wiring limited to20 ft. in conduit located in the same room.For ULC applications: wiring inmetallic conduit located in the same room not exceeding 18 m.NOTE : All high voltage and non-power limited wiring must be kept separate from power limited wiring. A ¼” separation must be maintained with high voltage and non-power limited wiring running in separate conduit openings from power wiring. Wiring within the cabinet should be routed around the perimeter of the cabinet.Figure 3Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular System Ethernet Connection to Gateway12-22 AWG BlackWires are Power LimitedFor UL applications: wiring limited toDETAIL ESCALE 2 : 5Figure 4Desigo and Cerberus PRO Power Connection to Connect X300 GatewayGateway(Can be mountedinside the enclosuresP/Ns S54465-C63-A1,S54339-A8-A1, &Figure 5Desigo and Cerberus PRO Fire Only Panel Ethernet Connection to Connect X300 GatewayGateway(Can be mounted inside the enclosures P/Ns S54465-C63-A1, S54339-A8-A1, &LOCAL CAN MODULE+24 VDCPOWER VCC LOCAL MONETFigure 6Desigo and Cerberus PRO Fire Voice Panel Ethernet Connection to Connect X300 GatewayConfiguring for the Cerberus PRO FC922/FC924/FV922/FV924 and DesigoFC2025/FC2050/FV2025/FV2050Refer to FG2004 Commissioning Guide, Document ID A6V11382550.Configuring for the Desigo Fire Safety Modular/Cerberus PRO Modular using Zeus1. Insert a Custom Enclosure.2. Under this, insert the X300 Gateway.a. To enable supervision of this gateway, check the property for Connection Supervision.i. When checked, a Not responding trouble will be reported each time the connectionbetween the Operator Interface and Connect X300 is lost.ii. By default, this property is unchecked.b. To add the gateway to the battery calculations, check the Cloud Battery Backup option.i. By default, the value is checked.Cyber security disclaimerSiemens provides a portfolio of products, solutions, systems and services that includes security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. In the field of Building Technologies, this includes building automation and control, fire safety, security management as well as physical security systems.In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art security conc ept. Siemens’ portfolio only forms one element of such a concept.You are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to your plants, systems, machines and networks which should only be connected to an enterprise networkor the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place. Ad ditionally, Siemens’ gui dance on appropriate security measures should be taken into account. For additional information, please contact your Siemens sales representative or visit https:///global/en/home/company/topicareas/ future-of-manufacturing/industrial-security.html.Siemen s’ portfolio undergoes continuous developme nt to make it more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest versions are used. Use of versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase your exposure to cyber threats. Siemens strongly recommends to comply with security advisories on the latest security threats, patches and other related measures, published, among others, under https:///cert/en/cert-security-advisories.htm.。

Active UC 快速安装使用手册

Active UC 快速安装使用手册

Active-UC快速使用手册北京网动科技有限公司2009-10-10目录一.客户端安装 (3)1.1安装前的准备 (3)1.2客户端下载安装 (3)1.3客户端登陆 (3)二、快速会议操作 (4)主持人操作 (4)2.1.1 开始会议 (5)2.1.2 系统设置 (5)2.1.3 开始发言 (7)2.1.4 界面选择 (7)2.1.5 会议室设定 (7)2.1.5 单个会员操作 (8)2.1.6 演讲稿 (8)2.1.7白板使用 (9)2.1.8 浏览器 (9)三、即时通讯操作 (9)四、音、视频设备以及网络检测 (12)4.1音频设备检测 (12)4.2视频设备检测 (15)4.3 显卡硬件加速检测 (17)4.4 网络情况检测 (18)一.客户端安装1.1安装前的准备确保本地计算机能够正常登陆internet,如果服务器在局域网中,确保本地计算机能正常连通服务器;开启防火墙中关于active-UC的相应端口,或者将本地防火墙关闭;TCP:11010~11016、11020~11026、8080UDP:7222~7224、8000~8002、8006开启方法:开始->控制面板-> windows防火墙-> 例外-> 添加端口;获取服务器IP地址、用户名、密码;1.2客户端下载安装打开IE浏览器,输入http://服务器IP地址:8080/acenter,回车,出现如下界面:点击左上角下载客户端,下载;下载完成后点击“下一步”,完成安装;1.3客户端登陆安装完成后,将在桌面出现图标“”,双击打开:输入服务器IP、用户名、密码,登陆系统。

二、快速会议操作主持人操作点击左侧第三个标签“”,显示如图界面:在预设会议室列表中,选择相应的会议室,点击“加入”,进入会议室,如下图:2.1.1 开始会议点击“”,系统将自动广播主持人的音频和视频,其他参会人员可以同时接收到主持人的音视频;同时,其他人的音视频将被关闭;2.1.2 系统设置点击“-->高级,弹出如下界面:请按照如图参数进行标准配置,用户可根据具体网络情况在此基础上做适当调节,如果网络情况相对较差,可将流量和分辨率适当的降低;点击“多媒体设备”标签,如图:视频设备选择当前安装使用的设备,语音回放和录音设备选择声卡,或者选择其他专业音频设备;其他部分如图所示勾选,如果使用了云台,则勾选“存在云台”,端口和协议根据具体使用的摄像机选择;点击“确定”,完成设置;如果未使用云台,此处不做勾选;2.1.3 开始发言点击“”,会员可通过麦克风将声音广播给其他会员;2.1.4 界面选择点击“”,可选择窗口排列和全屏排列;加入数据窗口:选择是否在窗口排列时,将数据窗口进行排列;2.1.5 会议室设定会议室设定针对所有人员进行控制和设置,控制着整个会议室的秩序和进程。

Legrand AV FCS1U 产品安装说明说明书

Legrand   AV FCS1U 产品安装说明说明书

I N S T A L L A T I O N I N S T R U C T I O N SFloor to Ceiling Cable MountFCS1UFCS1U Installation Instructions2DISCLAIMERLegrand | AV and its affiliated corporations and subsidiaries (collectively “Legrand | AV”), intend to make this manualaccurate and complete. However, Legrand | AV makes no claim that the information contained herein covers all details,conditions or variations, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with the installation or use of this product. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice or obligation of any kind. Legrand | AV makes no representation of warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the information contained herein. Legrand | AV assumes no responsibility for accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in this document.Chief® is a registered trademark of Legrand AV Inc.DEFINITIONSMOUNTING SYSTEM: A MOUNTING SYSTEM is theprimary Chief product to which an accessory and/or component is attached.ACCESSORY: AN ACCESSORY is the secondary Chief product which is attached to a primary Chief product, and may have a component attached or setting on it.COMPONENT: A COMPONENT is an audiovisual itemdesigned to be attached or resting on an accessory or mounting system such as a video camera, CPU, screen, display,projector, etc.WARNING: A WARNING alerts you to the possibility ofserious injury or death if you do not follow the instructions.CAUTION: A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility ofdamage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the corresponding instructions.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING: Failure to read, thoroughly understand, andfollow all instructions can result in serious personal injury, damage to equipment, or voiding of factory warranty! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure all mounting systems are properly assembled and installed using the instructions provided.WARNING: Failure to provide adequate structural strengthfor this mounting system can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the structure to which this mounting system is attached can support five times the combined weight of all equipment. Reinforce the structure as required before installing the mounting system.WARNING: Exceeding the weight capacity can result inserious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight of all components attached to the FCS1U mounting system does not exceed 130 lbs (58.9 kg).WARNING: Use this mounting system only for its intendeduse as described in these instructions. Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.WARNING: Never operate this mounting system if it isdamaged. Return the mounting system to a service center for examination and repair.WARNING: Do not use this mounting system outdoors.IMPORTANT ! : The FCS1U mounting system is designed tobe mounted to a:•Structurally sound solid concrete surface with a minimum thickness of 4" (101.6mm) or greater; or •wood surface that measures at least 3-1/2" x 1-1/2" (88.9mm x 38.1mm)CAUTION: To prevent possible injury to hands duringinstallation, use protective work gloves while installing cables to mount.--SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS--Installation Instructions FCS1U DIMENSIONS3FCS1U Installation Instructions TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATIONwork gloves PARTSJ (4)[10’ cable with loop]4Installation Instructions FCS1U PARTS - DISPLAY INTERFACE5FCS1U Installation Instructions6Assembly And InstallationInstalling Support CablesWARNING: Failure to provide adequate structural strengthfor this component can result in serious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the structure to which this component is attached can support five times the combined weight of all equipment. Reinforce the structure as required before installing the component.IMPORTANT ! : If installing with lateral shift accessory (PACFCL), refer to the PACFCL installation instructions to install accessory to ceiling and floor.Solid Concrete Ceiling StructureWARNING: Anchors must be installed into structurallysound solid concrete with a minimum thickness of 4"(101.6mm) or greater. Installation into hollow concrete block, mortar, or concrete that exhibits cracking, spalling, or other defects may result in failure of anchor and serious personal injury or damage to equipment!1.Drill 1/4" diameter x 1-1/2" deep hole at each marked cable anchor support location (See Figure 1). Ensure hole is atfrom hole.Figure 12.Tap anchor (F) into each hole until the anchor head is seated in the hole. (See Figure 1)WARNING: Failure to properly set anchor may result infailure of anchor and serious personal injury or damage to equipment!3.Using claw portion of hammer, set each anchor (F) by pulling it out of hole approximately 1/4" (6.4mm). (See Figure 1)4.Hang turnbuckle (G) or connecting link (C) through the hole on each concrete anchor (F). (See Figure 1)NOTE: For larger displays where the turnbuckles may behidden behind the displays, it may be acceptable to install the turnbuckles behind the display instead of up at the ceiling. Otherwise, installing the turnbuckles at the ceiling is recommended for safety reasons.5.Insert portion of manufactured loop on cable (J) through hole in turnbuckle (G) or connecting link (C). Insert end of cable (J) through loop. (See Figure 1)Wood Ceiling StructureWARNING: measures at least 3-1/2" x 1-1/2" (88.9mm x 38.1mm), and the anchor must install in the center of the narrower (1-1/2" [38.1mm]) face.1.Drill 5/32" diameter x 2" deep hole at each marked cable anchor support location (See Figure 2). Remove debris from hole.Figure 22.Fully thread eye lag (E) into each hole (See Figure 2).3.Hang turnbuckle (G) or connecting link (C) through the hole on each eye lag (F). (See Figure 2)NOTE: For larger displays where the turnbuckles may behidden behind the displays, it may be acceptable to install the turnbuckles behind the display instead of up at the ceiling. Otherwise, installing the turnbuckles at the ceiling is recommended for safety reasons.4.Route end of cable (J) through turnbuckle (G) or connecting link (C) hole and then through cable loop. (See Figure 2)12351/4"(J)(F)4(G)or 4(C)5(J)15/32"24(E)(J)3(G)or 34Installation InstructionsFCS1U7Solid Concrete FloorWARNING: Anchors must be installed into structurallysound solid concrete with a minimum thickness of 4"(101.6mm) or greater. Installation into hollow concrete block, mortar, or concrete that exhibits cracking, spalling, or other defects may result in failure of anchor and serious personal injury or damage to equipment!1.Drill 1/4" diameter x 1-1/2" deep hole at each marked cable anchor support location (See Figure 3). Use a plumb drop tool to make sure holes will be directly aligned with holes on ceiling. Ensure hole is at least 2-1/2" from nearest concrete edge. Remove debris from hole.2.Tap anchor (F) into each hole until the anchor head isseated in the hole. (See Figure 3)WARNING: Failure to properly set anchor may result infailure of anchor and serious personal injury or damage to equipment!3.Using claw portion of hammer, set each anchor (F) by pulling it out of hole approximately 1/4" (6.4mm). (See Figure 3)4.Insert portion of manufactured loop on cable (J) through hole in anchor (F). Insert end of cable (J) through loop. (See Figure 3)Figure 3Wood Floor StructureWARNING: Anchors must be installed into wood thatmeasures at least 3-1/2" x 1-1/2" (88.9mm x 38.1mm), and the anchor must install in the center of the narrower (1-1/2" [38.1mm]) face. 1.Drill 5/32" diameter x 2" deep hole at each marked cable anchor support location (See Figure 4). Use a plumb drop tool to make sure holes will be directly aligned with holes on ceiling. Remove debris from hole.Figure 4Fully thread eye lag (E) into each hole (See Figure 4).Route end of cable (J) through eye lag (E) and then through cable loop. (See Figure 4)Connecting Mount to Cables1.Use four #10-24 x 1/2" button head cap screws (K) to secure two outer frames (A) to main assembly (B). (See Figure 5)Figure 51341/4"(J)(F)5/32"(K) x 21(A) x 2(B)FCS1UInstallation Instructions82.Use four connecting links (C) and cable locks (D) to secure cables (J) to two outer frames (A). (See Figure 6)NOTE: If connecting turnbuckles (G) behind display, connect turnbuckles into top holes instead of connecting links (C). (See Figure 7)Figure 73.Tighten two turnbuckles (G) until cables have little to no slack in them and use a level to make sure the mount is level.Display InstallationWARNING: Exceeding the weight capacity can result inserious personal injury or damage to equipment! It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure the combined weight of all components attached to the FCS1U mounting system does not exceed 130 lbs (58.9 kg). 1.Make sure height is at the lowest possible position.2.Make sure latching flags are in "open" position.WARNING: IMPROPER INSTALLATION CAN LEAD TOMOUNT FALLING CAUSING SERIOUS PERSONALINJURY OR DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT! DO NOT substitute hardware. Only use hardware provided or specified by manufacturer.3.Determine and mark the vertical center position between the Left side Upper and Lower mounting holes in display. (See Figure 8)bracket (QR).Installation InstructionsFCS1U98.Select correct screws, nesting spacers (if necessary) and universal washers (if required) from the hardware bag (QA-QM) and attach brackets to back of screen. (See Figure 10)IMPORTANT ! : The M8 screws do NOT require awasher. Use the universal washer (QMB) only with M4, M5 and M6 screws.NOTE: The nesting spacers (QMA) may be used separately,or put two together in different configurations to createFigure 99.If the display has a recessed mounting surface, protrusions or a power box, a spacer and longer mounting hardware must be placed between the display and vertical mounting bracket (QR). (See Figure 10)10.Repeat Steps 5 through 8 for Right side vertical mountingbracket using the same hole locations to align brackets horizontally.Figure 10FCS1UInstallation Instructions10align upper and lower brackets by aligning holes or end of slots. (See Figure 12)IMPORTANT ! : Whenever possible install mounting screws diagonally as shown in detail in Figure 12 below.17.Install display with attached universal interface to mountfollowing the installation instructions provided with the mount.Figure 12Installation Instructions FCS1U 18.Lift display onto mount, carefully placing mounting buttonsFigure 1411FCS1U Installation InstructionsUSA/InternationalA 6436 City West Parkway, Eden Prairie, MN 55344P 800.582.6480 / 952.225.6000F 877.894.6918 / 952.894.6918Europe A Franklinstraat 14, 6003 DK Weert, NetherlandsP +31 (0) 495 580 852F +31 (0) 495 580 845Asia Pacific AOffice No. 918 on 9/F, Shatin Galleria18-24 Shan Mei StreetFotan, Shatin, Hong KongP 852 2145 4099 F 852 2145 44778800-003172 Rev00 2019 Legrand | AV 07/19。





节目传输系统安装说明文档标题NHUA智慧酒店多媒体应用平台节目传输系统安装说明文档编号版本0.1版本日期02/25/2013作者目的:∙本文档描述上海胤华电子有限公司智慧酒店多媒体应用平台,节目传输系统的各模块安装配置说明.∙本文档不会描述产品的内部设计.文档使用人员:∙公司测试人员∙客户运维人员目录1、概述 (3)1.1 编写目的 (3)1.2 术语和缩略语 (3)2、节目传输系统 (4)2.1 网络构架 (4)2.2 系统模块 (6)2.3 部署模型 (8)2.3.1 单节点最小系统 (9)2.3.2 分布式部署系统 (10)2.3.3 辅助运营系统 (11)2.4 硬件设备选型 (11)3、Linux系统下安装节目传输系统 (12)3.1 RtspProxy的安装和配置 (12)3.1.1 RtspProxy的安装 (12)3.1.2 RtspProxy的主要配置 (13)3.1.3 RtspProxy的配置文件 (13)3.2 VideoServer的安装和配置: (14)3.2.1 VideoServer的安装步骤 (14)3.2.2 VideoServer获取注册码 (14)3.2.3 VideoServer的主要配置 (15)3.2.4 VideoServer的配置文件 (15)3.3 Transceiver的安装和配置 (20)3.3.1 Transceiver的安装步骤 (20)3.3.2 Transceiver的主要配置 (21)3.3.3 Transceiver配置文件 (21)3.3.4 Transceiver录制任务的主要配置: (22)3.3.5 TaskList配置文件 (22)3.4 LogServer的安装和配置 (24)3.4.1 LogServer的安装 (24)3.4.2 LogServer的主要配置 (24)3.4.3 LogServer的配置文件 (25)4、Windows系统下安装节目传输系统 (26)4.1 Windows服务模块的安装 (26)1、概述1.1编写目的本文描述上海胤华电子有限公司智慧酒店多媒体应用平台,多媒体子系统的各模块安装配置说明。


pole switch is used for the remote switch).
EJ343C Timer
Single Pole Switch
5. Three Way continued (at the second three way
switch) Note: These instructions use trial-and-error to figure out how to install the jumper wire. 1. Be certain power is off. 2. Remove switch plate and pull the existing
2. Remove switch plate and pull the existing switch out. 3. Carefully pull
off the push-
button (time
dial) 3a and remove the
cover assem-
bly from timer
Three way wiring diagram for old wiring (using the existing 3-way switch)
Install Jumper
EJ343C Timer
Existing 3-Way Switch
Three way wiring diagram for new wiring or when existing remote switch was a dimmer, lighted or back wired switch (a standard single

Lorex LBV1521系列安装指南说明书

Lorex LBV1521系列安装指南说明书
WARNING - A REGULATED power supply is REQUIRED for use with this camera. Use of a non-regulated, non-conforming power supply can damage this product and voids the warranty.
0.1 Lux without IR LED 0 Lux with IR LED
Video Output
Lorex Analog HD
Lens / Lens Type
3.6mm F1.9 / Fixed
FOV (Diagonal)
BNC Type
IR LED Qty. / Type
Before installing the cameras:
• Decide whether to run the cables through the wall / ceiling (drilling required) or along the wall / ceiling.
• If you run the cables along the wall / ceiling, you must run the cable through the cable notch on the base. This will keep the camera base flush to the surface when mounted.
Operating Humidity Range
< 95% RH
Both (IP66)
Weight (including stand)



Legato Automated Availability Manager安装使用手册安装目的:LAAM:自动化管理增强业务有效性;本次安装的是纯软件方式的双机软件,它同硬双机(共享方式)的区别在于它不需要把数据库放在一个共享的存储设备(共享的磁盘阵列或存储区域网SAN)上,而是通过镜像的方式把数据实时的复制到另外一台服务器上,这样就把同样的数据在两台服务器上各存一份,从而一台服务器出现故障,另一台服务器通过监控后就会完成切换功能;从而达到数据库应用的高可靠性、不间断性。



每台服务器至少提供30M系统硬盘空间用于安装LAAM软件两台服务器的主要配置:CPU:Intel 奔腾4 2.8EGHz;主板:Intel 865GV;硬盘:希捷酷鱼7200.7 80G 7200转 2M;内存:金士顿 512MB DDRII 533;把一台服务器命名为:hy(作主机);另一台服务器命名为:zhy(作从机);2、网卡设置四块型号为D-Link DFE-530TX的网卡两台服务器分别装两块:第一块网卡:公用网络和客户端连接;网上邻居属性显示为本地连接1 另一块网卡:用于连接两台服务器,又称镜像网卡,网上邻居属性显示为本地连接23、心跳线用于连接两台服务器的第二块网卡,做镜像使用,又称交叉线;可以多准备一条作备用;二、软件设置1、OS两台服务器上安装操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2019 Server;2、IP设置为两台服务器设置IP地址:本地连接1:hy(主机)IP地址:,从机)IP地址:,默认网关192.168.0.1本地连接2:hy(主机)IP地址:、从机)IP地址:、最后一步:先在hy(主机)上,在菜单栏里选择运行:ping,看是否能ping通从机,同样在zhy上运行:ping,能否ping 通主机;ping通,网络环境搭建成功;3、数据库安装两台服务器上分别安装SQL SERVER2000标准版;应用文件安装到两台服务器的C盘(系统分区);把数据文件安装到两台服务器的D盘(数据分区);停止SQL数据库的所有服务,在需要时手动启动;4、LAAM工作原理LAAM软双机结构图心跳线Hy(主机) zhy(从机)正常情况下,hy(主机)SQL应用工作正常,并通过网络为客户端提供服务,而zhy(从机)此时处于待机状态;并通过心跳线检测主机的工作状态,一旦主机因故障停机,或者网络故障造成应用程序不能正常运行,那么从机通过心跳线马上检测到此情况,从而把虚拟IP指向从机,主机把SQL的应用切换到从机上运行,从机接管主机的工作;而且此过程只需几秒的切换时间,保证客户不受影响;保证系统正常工作;而一旦主机修复好之后,从机马上检测到此状况,并把服务切换回主机,而从机再回到待机状态,监控主机工作,直到下次故障再切换。



一、布线与施工1、工具硬件配备大十字、大一字、小十字、小一字、呆扳12-14、呆扳 8-10、电笔、 5 米卷尺、锤子、电钻、电锤、切割机、长线插排, 数字万用表(带蜂鸣器) ,带绝缘 胶皮的剪刀,斜口钳,尖嘴钳,电烙铁,老虎钳,焊丝,焊锡膏。

2、系统集成综合布线基础知识1) 电气线采用阻燃型暗管或阻燃型线明槽铺设,导线在管内不应有结 头和扭结。

2) 插座线序必须遵守左零右火规则3)强弱电分开。

电源线和电视线、信号线、网线、电话线、音频线、 控制线等分开铺设,分别用线槽隔离开,平行距离不得小于 50CM 。

4) 电视线应单独铺设,不得于其他弱电线混在一起,此种线属于高频 弱电,会对其他造成干扰。

5) 总电源线要使用功率大的三芯铜导线。

6)计算功率,民用导线可简单地按材料质的分为铝线和铜线两种 , 一般情况下,铝线按每毫米平方4A;铜线按每毫米平方6A 计算即可3、多媒体教室如何布线1) 中控或讲台或电子讲台到投影机需要布四种线 线、控制线 。

2) 中控或讲台或电子讲台到音箱需要布一种线。

音响线4) 电源线使用 0.75 个平方的三芯双层绝缘皮铜导线。

5) VGA 线不超过25M 采用3+6类型,超过25M 加VGA 放大器 6) 视频不超过 30M 使用 75-3类型,超过 30使用 75-5类型。

7) 控制线 采用超五类的网线或 0.3 平方的三芯电源线。

8) 音响线使用 200芯透明或不透明抗氧化 PVC 柔软塑料 ,不得超过 40米电源线、 VGA 线、视频3) 中控或讲台或电子讲台到摄像机需要布三种线 电源线、控制线、视频9) 强弱电分开。



10) 严禁接头。



4、工程实施方法原则:1) 将工程细化一个个很小的工作包2) 将工作包分类3) 将工作包流程排序4) 统筹方法安排人员,分组分包施工5) 按流程排序流水化施工。



APT-251B/252B 多协议解码器1、设备概述本系统解码器兼容多种控制协议,可兼容多种数字硬盘录像机和矩阵切换主机。






2、面板介绍∙CODE:RS-485 通讯指示灯,当数字监控硬盘录像机或矩阵切换主机与解码器的控制线连接正常时,指示灯亮。

∙A、S、B:RS-485 通讯接口,通过屏蔽双绞线与数字监控硬盘录像机或矩阵切换主机的RS-485通讯接口连接(如果无此接口可通过接口转换器转换),A、B通过双绞线对应相连,S通过屏蔽层对应相连。

∙CAMERA ID:解码器六位地址编码开关,1是低位,8是高位:ON=1,OFF=0.通过二进制编码来实现对前端设备的分别控制。

∙120Ω:RS-485 通讯接口阻抗选择开关(高阻/120Ω),出厂状态为高阻(OFF).∙云台控制输出:UP:云台上DOWN:云台下LEFT:云台左RIGHT:云台右AUTO:云台自动P/T COM:云台电源输入端∙镜头控制输出LENS COM:镜头公共端ZOOM:镜头焦距FOCUS:镜头变焦IRIS:镜头光圈∙电源输出:12VDC:12VDC 输出正极,供应摄像机、探头等设备电源,容量为700mAGND:12VDC输出负极。


∙AUX1 SW:辅助控制开关AUX1端口。

∙AUX2 SW:辅助控制开关AUX2端口。

∙CAM SW:摄像机电源控制开关端口。

∙220V 50Hz:电源220输入端口。


3、技术指标输入电压:220VAC±10% 50Hz;24VAC±10% 50Hz(型号后缀:/24)云台电压:220VAC/1.0A或24VAC/1.0A镜头电压:±9VDC/250mA摄像机电压:12VDC/700mA辅助开关:AUX1-常开触点,275VAC/7AAUX2-常开触点,275VAC/7A摄像机开关:CAM-常开触点,275VAC/7A控制线连接方式:屏蔽双绞线4、与数字监控硬盘录像机连接示意图解码器可采用链式和星式连接,A、B为信号端,通过双绞线与数字监控硬盘录像机端口A、B端对应连接;S为屏蔽端,通过双绞线屏蔽层对应本相连。


频率 f=c/
射频 <3/6/9GHz 微波>RF
按波长划分:3m, 5cm,3cm,2cm,8mm,3mm,……
按波段划分:L, C, X, Ku, K, Ka, W, ……
引言 – 相关基础知识
V, mV, uV, ……. W, mW, nW, …….

用来测量跳线和馈线 测量电缆单方向的信号损失
回波损耗的1/2 测量
测量时电缆的另一端开路无 连接
使用 FDR 测量技术 测量驻波比
反射信号越小越好 由于反射才会引起驻波的比值 反射引起驻波的比值越小,显
示的测量值越小 开路或短路条件下,显示的反
引言 天馈线分析仪 频谱分析仪
引言 -- 相关基础知识 传输线的分类
同轴连接器 各种类型电缆
引言 -- 相关基础知识
BNC F N 7mm SMA 3.5mm K(2.92mm) 2.4mm V(1.85mm) 1mm
传输线和天线(天馈线)简介 天馈线测量基础 测试设备(方法)和比较 操作培训 故障分析
如何进行系统的性能测量? 进行传输线扫描测量的最好方法?
频域反射仪FDR(采用矢量网络分析仪技 术,增加了抗干扰等外场测量需要的设计)
时域反射仪TDR 频谱仪附加跟踪信号源和反射桥 标量网络分析仪 功率计

APLICOM A9 PRO 设备安装指南说明书

APLICOM A9 PRO 设备安装指南说明书

APLICOM A9 PROInstallation Guide rev. 1.0.0This guide supports following devicesD108300 A9 PROOrder code K521000Important:Please read this installation guide before the installation.Aplicom Oy, P.O. Box 33, FI-44101 Äänekoski, Finland, Telephone +358 10 841 9414Business ID 0995791-7, Äänekoski***************Package contentA9 PRO UnitPower and IO cable for A9 PRO (D337300)Dual lock fastener (4200100)SIM card is also needed. Order card from teleoperator or from Aplicom.OptionsGPS antenna (D593563)iButton reader for A9 (D337010)Aplicom contactless CAN reader for 12..24V supply (D350650)3PAD (D324310)Figure 1.Preparation and installing of the A9 PRO unitThe following steps must be made in right order to start the unit immediately for full operation.1. Open the unit2. Install SIM card3. Close the unit4. Connect external power cabling and other needed connections5. Mechanically install the unit to carefully selected place6. Connect the vehicle power supply to A9 wiring power supply with fuse protectionInsert the SIM card by opening the A9 PRO unit. Press locking lid on the other end of the device and at the same time lift up top case on locking side. Finally remove entire top case carefully and insert the SIM. Figures 2, 3 and 4.Connect the Power and IO cable (D337300) and GPS antenna (D593563). Figure 5.Figure 2. Figure 3.Figure 4. Figure 5.Mechanical InstallationSelect the place of installation from a safe, dry and mechanically protected area. Avoid installation to places of direct sunlight and extreme temperature. Note that unit includes internal GPRS and shouldn't be installed in metal cage. Unit's product label is installed under top cover.Note! Install the A9 PRO unit as far away as possible (minimum 1 metres recommended) from the car radio and its antenna or other electrical devices to avoid any interference.Select the installation method from following options:Figure 6. With the dual lock fastener. Attach another half of the fastener to the bottom of A9 PRO device and other half firmly to the surface on which the unit shall be fixed. Use the fastener which is delivered in the package. Figure 7. There are three mounting lugs on the sides of the A9 PRO device cover. Install the A9 PRO device using these mounting lugs with the cable tie A. Put the cable tie through the openings. There is also an optional cable tie opening B which can be used. Maximum width of the cable tie is 4,8mm.BAElectrical Installation•Read warnings chapter on page 10 on this document.•Protect power supply lines (6,8...32Vdc) with 3A fuse at power supply end of line.•Connect the cables to A9 PRO device and peripherals as advised in the connection guide. Figure 14.•Install the A9 PRO unit as far away as possible (minimum 1 metres recommended) from the car radio and its antenna or other electrical devices to avoid any interference.•Additional information: Application note K505002 Cabling of Aplicom Products.•Avoid ground loops! It is highly recommended to connect all A9 PRO and peripherals ground connections to a single point. It is also recommended to use non-grounding antennas.•Disconnecting ground lines shall not be done while the unit is connected to power supply of the vehicle. This will cause voltage leak between IO connections causing possible problems in external devices connected to them.•Internal GSM/GPRS antenna: Install the A9 PRO unit to a place where unit’s internal antenna hav e the best possible visibility to GSM/GPRS network base stations.•External GPS antenna: Install the GPS/GLONASS antenna to a place where it has the best possible open sky view. Please note that Aplicom supplied antennas are installed inside the vehicle, on dashboard, on any surface, or windshield, depending on selected antenna type. The antennas direction to satellites must be correct to have a good visibility of satellites. Only antennas that are separately specified and clearly stated to be used outside of vehicle, can be installed so. Please refer to Aplicom documentation of the antenna.•If the IGN -line is used ensure that it is connected to power line, in modern cars for example the lights etc. are pulse controlled.•The GPS antenna connector contact retention is 1kg (min). Install the antenna with no disengagement force. If additional cable clamp is needed the optional cable tie opening can be used. Figure 9. Notice that the cable angle shouldn't be too tight. Figure 8.•A9 PRO unit with CAN bus functionality * do not include internal bus terminator resistor (120Ω).* CAN bus is available as option.Notice that the cable angle shouldn't be too tight.Figure 8. Figure 9.Figure 10. Connector stickerPower and IO cable for A9Pin 1, GNDPin 2, PWRPin 3, DIN1/IGN/AD1/Pulse1 (default IGN)Pin 4, DIN2/AD2/Pulse2Pin 5, OCPin 6, CANHPin 7, CANLPin 8, DIN3/AD3/Pulse3Pin 9, GPIO Black Red Green Violet Blue Yellow Grey Orange White1-wire cablePin 1, 1-Wire PWRPin 2, 1-Wire DataPin 3, GNDSW CFGPin 1, A9 TxDPin 2, A9 RxDPin 3, GNDUsed to SW configuration, COM1 port (sw option) and SW debug.Note! Use only Aplicom specific cable. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13.Testing installationIf the unit has a default configuration1. Connect the power on.2. Status led is red when the software is started (this takes about 30s).3. Status led is green when GPS fix is received (this takes about another 30s). Now the unit is working correctly.If the unit has a service providers configuration follow their instruction, for example ensure that data is sended to the server. NOTE! This connection guide contains only example connections, not exact application specific connection.Figure 14. Connection guideNote! If DIN1 is in IGN use then DIN2, DIN3 and GPIO are usable inputs. iButton 3PADPOTENTIOMETERTechnical DataSupply voltage 6,8…32Vdc (nominal +12Vdc) Dimensions 61mm (W) x 112mm (L) x 13mm (H)Current consumption Typical: < 100mAMax (peak): 1A / < 1sWeight 70g with internal batteryGPS antenna power supply 3Vdc Housing / material IP31, PC/ABS LG chem.GN5001TFFuse External fuse on power cable: 3AInternal fuse: 3A/slow User interface SIM card slot (inside the unit)Indicators (LED):Led - JAVA appl.Operating temperature -30°C...+70°C (see Note 1)-5°C...+65°C With internal battery0°C...+45°C internal battery chargeOptions CAN optionStoragetemperature-40°C...+80°C Warranty 1 yearPower switch None, IGN and SW controlled CE marking/Approvals according to directives:2011/65/EU (RoHS)2014/53/EU (RED)ECE r.10.05 E-type approvalCommon connections Internal GSM antennaMCX for GPS antenna1 x Molex Microfit, 9 pinfor PWR and IO1 x Molex Microfit, 3 pin for 1-Wire interfaceRelative humidity +95% maxNote 1: Ensure SIM cards operating temperature range from telecom service provider.WARNINGS•Warranty is voided if case is damaged.•A9 device and all peripherals must be powerless during the installation. Turn off ignition and disconnect power.•Do not use detergents to clean the device.•GPRS may interfere sensitive electronics. Install unit as far away from sensitive electronics as possible.•All devices connected to A9 device must have a fuse protection.•All signal inputs connected to A9 must be fuse protected, max 3A.•As a rule, when pulling Aplicom cables through inlets or tubes during installation, it is not allowed to pull directly from connectors. Instead the pull must be directed to cable itself.•The place of installation should be safe from detergents and corrosive substances.•Do not install unit in places were safety may be compromised.•Ensure CAN connection and limitations from vehicle manufacturer or dealer.•For replacing the internal battery see document K520015 A9 battery replacement guide available on Aplicom extranet. DO NOT USE OTHER BATTERIES THAN APLICOM DELIVERED. RISK OF EXPLOSION.•DISCONNECT ALL CABLES FROM A9 connectors before changing internal battery.•If the unit is to be transported by airplane, disconnect the Power /IO cable connector from A9 during the transport. Disconnecting the cable disconnect the A9 internal battery from the A9 internal electronics for safety.•If A9 PRO A is used, install external communication antenna minimum 1 metres from the device itself.Battery safety instructionCAUTION: Failure to observe the safety instructions can result in fire, electric shock and other injuries or damage to the device or other property.The housing is made of plastic with sensitive electronic components and batteries inside.Safety instructions:• Do not pierce, break, crush or cut the device or the battery!• Do not expose the device or the battery to an open flame or extremely high temperatures!• Do not expose the device or the battery to liquids o r extremely low air pressure!• Do not drop the device or the battery!• Do not try to change the battery in the device!• The device or the battery must be recycled or disposed of separately from household waste!INSTALLATION CHECKLISTAction/FunctionalityDEVICE INSTALLATION The place of installation is safe from accidental knocks and excessive humidity.Device is fastened tightly and safely, with no possible interference with vehicle safety system like Airbag. etc.CABLES The cables are led carefully along a well-protected route to the device and the peripherals.All cables are correctly connected and secured with fuses.The cables are fastened or supported in such a way that during use they exert no torsion on the connectors.ANTENNAS A9 unit is fitted in such a way that its visibility to base stations is as unobstructed as possible.GPS antenna is fitted in such a way that its visibility GPS satellites is best possible and GSM/GPRS (internal) antenna hasvisibility to GSM/GPRS network.Unit is installed as far away as possible from vehicle radio and its antennas and wirings. Make sure that the GPRS sendingof the unit does not cause disturbances to car radio or other vehicle systems. External GPS cables are led carefully along awell-protected route to the device.Check that vehicle windows do not have heating system that may block the GPS/GLONASS signals for example indashboard or windshield installations. Check the antenna right orientation towards the GPS satellites and correct fixingplace and surface.POWER ON DEVICE Connect PWR and if IGN is used, turn it on. If movement wake up is used, cause movement to start up the unit.FINAL CHECK Before completing the installation work, rigorous checking of any disturbances to vehicle or machine, where the unit is installed, must be made. Special attention is needed to check the vehicle safety systems and radio and multimediaequipment functions. This is to avoid recalls to service because of un-noticed problems.TROUBLE SHOOTINGProblem SolutionNo power Check that all the cables and fuses are connected.PWR is connected and IGN is on (if used).No GPRS connection Check that SIM card is inserted.Check PIN CODE requirements.No GPS position Check that the GPS antenna has open sky view.NOTE! Electronic heated or UV-protected windshield may disturb GPS antenna sky view.Ensure that GPS antenna is installed in right direction. This depends on used antenna type (dashboard/window mount).If none of the above helps, please contact your equipment dealer for further assistance.Aplicom is the registered trademark of Aplicom Oy.© Aplicom Oy 2021Printed in Finland.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Aplicom Oy makes every effort to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, but accepts no liability for any errors or omission.Aplicom Oy has a policy of continuous improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this guide without prior notice. Due to these improvements, the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.Aplicom Oy is not responsible for any loss of data, income or any consequential damage.This crossed-out wheelie bin means that within the European Union the product must betaken to separate collection points at the product`s end-of life. This applies to your device butalso to any enhancements marked with this symbol. Do not dispose of any part of theseproducts as unsorted municipal waste.。

ESU 04908-07064 ECoSLink 控制器连接器安装手册说明书

ESU 04908-07064 ECoSLink 控制器连接器安装手册说明书

1st Edition, July 2009Translated from P/N 04908-07064PLEASE NOTE:This document has been prepared by translating the german version of the Manual using Google Translate. It has not been authorised or approved by ESU. If you use this translation, it isentirely at your own risk.1. Declaration of ConformityWe, ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH &Co KG, Industriestraße 5, D-89081 Ulm,declare in sole responsibility that the productTo which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standards:EN 71 1-3: 1988 / 6: 1994 - EN 50088: 1996- EN 55014, Part 1 + Part 2: 1993EN 61000-3-2: 1995 - EN 60742: 1995 - EN 61558-2-7: 1998Under the provisions of Directive88/378/EEC -89/336/EEC -73/23/EEC2. WEEE DeclarationDisposal of old electrical and electronic equipment (valid in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)This symbol on the product, its packaging or its literature indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste.Instead, take this product to the appropriate disposal point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. If the product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent negative effects to the environment and health that could be caused by improper disposal. The recycling of materials will preserve our natural resources. For more information about recycling this product, please contact your local Citizen's Advice Bureau, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased this product.3. Important - Please read this firstCongratulations on your purchase of a ESU ECoSlink terminal. This manual will guide you step by step through the possibilities offered by, and the use of the device in detail.Please read this manual thouroughly before installing or using the device.Although the board is very robust, an incorrect connection may result in the destruction of the ECoSLink Terminal.Avoid "costly" experiments.• 4. ECoSLink Bus StructureThe ECoSLink Bus is based on the CAN (Controller Area Network) protocol. This was originally designed for use in the automobile industry where robustness and the capacity to handle high data flow rates is essential. CAN allows all data to be transmitted at 250 kbit/second over the ECoSLink bus. The ECoSLink cable carries both data as well as the power supply for the ECoSLink Terminals themselves.An ECoSLink Bus can be up to 100metres long. All units must be wired up in series,with the first Terminal only being connected to your Master Controller. The last module in the chain will automatically configure itself to terminate the Bus electronically. This prevents false signals being generated within the Bus.ECoSLink Terminals automatically recognise the two different types of equipment that can be connected to them, namely:• Bus Connection Modules (such as the ECoSLink Terminal or Märklin® Terminal)• Equipment using the Bus (such as hand throttles, boosters (e.g. ECoSBoost), and feedback modules (e,g, ECoSDetector or EcoSDetector Standard).Bus Connection Modules extend the bus and add extra connection points. The first Bus Connection Module must always be connected directly to the Master Controller. Each additional Module must be connected to the previous Module,forming a single chain of Modules.By using different connectors and appropriate cables incorrect wiring is not possible.Each ECoSLink Terminal has an input and an output socket for the ECoSLink Bus itself. A 9-pin plug connector is used for the input socket and a 9-pin mini-DIN connector for the output socket. The ECoS and CS1 each has only one output jack (labeled "ECoSLink Extend"), as this is always the beginning of the bus.Equipment such as hand throttles, boosters etc, are connected to the bus via ECoSLink 7-pin mini-DIN connectors. These connectors are also installed on the ECoS and CS1. The connection cable between the ECoS or CS1 and the first Terminal must not exceed 1.8m (6 feet).These cables are virtually "stubs" fromthe main bus terminal.The cable connecting the first Terminal to the Master Controller must not be lengthened or it will upset the signal timing. If the cable supplied with equipment to be connected to the bus is too short, the bus must be extended with extra ECoSLink Terminal modules as necessary.5. OverviewIf your layout is growing and you want to connect additional ECoSBoost boosters or ECoSDetector feedback modules or more than 3 Märklin ® mobile station 60652 hand controllers, then you need one or more ECoSLink terminals. The ECoSLink module is intended for permanent installation on your layout and connection to the ECoSLink Extend socket on your ECoS or Märklin ® central station connected. Each Terminal has two ECoSLink connection sockets on the front and four sockets on the back for connecting devices. The Terminals themselves are either powered through the ECoSLink bus by the ECoS or CS1 or via an (optional) external power supply. The individual ECoSLink Terminals are connected togetherwith standard computer Cat 5e ethernet network cables (sometimes called"patch cable"with RJ45 connectors). Thus, a total run of up to 100m is possible with the appropriate cabling.Making the correct connections is made easier by the use of different connector types. Wrong connections are almost impossible.a) ECoSLink connectors b) Bus input RJ45 socket c) Bus input white pin plug d) Bus output RJ45 sockete) Bus output mini-DIN connector f) DIP Switchesg) External power supply input h) Status LEDBefore making any connections the front panel must first be fitted to the circuit board. To do this, first remove the two fixing screws as arrowed. Then align the front panel to the circuit board and fix the panel to the board with the two screws provided in the holes as indicated on Figure 4. To avoid damage to the retaining bushes take care that you do notovertighten the screws.Make sure that you have the circuit board the right way round. The connectors must be on the underside of the board when the printing on the faceplate is the right way up.The items using the bus are connected to the ECoSLink Connect sockets. ECoSLink Connect sockets can be recognized by their 7-pin mini-DIN connector Devices suitable for connection are, for example:• ECoSBoost boosters• ECoSDetector and ECoSDetector Standard feedback modules• Märklin ® mobile station 60651 or 60652 (An adapter cable for the mobile stations is required which can be obtained from Maerklin spares, item number 610479)• ESU Navigator Base Units• Bachmann Dynamis Pro Box UnitsAs shown in Figure 3 the ECoSLink Terminal has two sockets on the front and four sockets at the rear. The front sockets are primarily intended for hand throttles or controllers. The hand controller can always be unplugged and plugged in at another location as the ECoSLink bus is "hot plug" capable. The rear jacks are provided for Booster and feedback modules.Only one Bus input and one Bus output can be used at any one time on a Terminal. The signals are routed through each Terminal in turn, as described in Section 4. It is possible to use different connections at each end of the cable connecting two ECoSLink Terminals together.Each ECoSLink Terminal can only have one bus input and one bus output in use at any one time.To make the wiring as flexible as possible, use computer ethernet network cable with 8-pin RJ45 connectors. These pre-assembled cables are available in all lengths from computer shops. They need to be fully wired (with eight wires in the cable). We recommend using CAT5 cable or better.NevercablesLoconet ®, XPressNet ®, s88-N which also use 8-pin Ethernet cable. Never connect these The first ECoSLink Terminal must be connected to the Master Controller with the supplied supplied for this purpose. An second Terminal can be connected as required to the first ECoSLinkTerminal.ECoSLink cables carry both the data signals and a power supply from the Master Controller. The ECoS/CS1 can deliver up to 1A at 12V to the connected devices. Once the ECoSLink bus is activated by turning on the power, the status LEDs light up.The LED shows only the general bus status. It does not show when data is being transmitted.6. Suitable Master ControllersThe ECoSLink Terminal is suitable for connection to the following Master Controllers:• ESU ECoS 50000 with monochrome display• ESU ECoS 50200 with colour display• Märklin® central station 60212 withMärklin® Firmware• Märklin® central station 60212 with ESU Firmware 3.0.0. "Reloaded“• Märklin® central station 60213 with colour displayUse your ECoSLink Terminal only with a suitable Master Controlles. A list of ESU retailers is available on our Web site.7. Connection to the ControllerThe first ECoSLink Terminal must be connected as shown in Figure 5 to the Master Controller with the 0.9m longcable supplied with the Terminal.ECoSLinkExtendSocket WhitePin Plug• First insert the white plug on the cable into the white socket on the Terminal.Ensure the plug is the right way round.The cable can only be used one way round.• Next, insert the mini-Din plug into the ECoSLink Extend socket on the Master Controller, again making sure that you have properly aligned the pins on the plug with the holes in the socket.Do not use excessive force to insert the plug. The plug only fits one way into the socket. If the plug does not go in easily,then the pins on the plug are not properly aligned with the socket. Make sure any external power to the ECoSLink Terminal is turned off, and that the power supply to your Master Controller is also turned off.8. Adding More ECoSLink TerminalsIf you need to to add more ECoSLink Terminals, connect each new one to the one you added most recently. In this way a chain of modules is built up.If you want to connect two Terminals that are far apart, use normal ethernet network cable with RJ45 connectors.short damage cablesIf the distance between the Terminals that you want to connect is short, use the cable supplied with the ECoSLink Terminal.• Connect one end of the cable to the bus output RJ45 socket ofthe first ECoSLink Terminal, see Figure 3, item d, and then,• Connect the other end of the cable to the bus input RJ45 socket of the second ECoSLink Terminal, see Figure 3, item b.Take great care not to confuse the input and output sockets.Never connect two outputs or two inputs together. This could result in damage to your Master Controller!Do not mix ECoSLink cables with other cables used for model railways. 8-pin Ethernet cable is also used to connect up Loconet ®, XPressNet ®, s88-N systems.Never connect these systems directly to the ECoSLink bus as this would cause a• Insert the Mini-DIN plug into the mini-DIN outlet socket on the first ECoSLink Terminal Module, aligning it correctly.• Then push the white trailing socket onto the white pin plug on the second module.Make sure that you have the socket connector the right way round as it can only be inserted one way one way on to the pin plug.9. Adding an External Power SupplyFor larger layouts, the number of hand throttles, boosters and feedback modules may require more power than the ECoS/CS1 can supply. Typical power An ESU ECoS can typically provide about 1A current. It will therefore be necessary only very rarely to add an external power supply unit (PSU) for the ECoSLink bus.If you do use an external PSU, then mostof the usual model railway PSUs, whether DC or AC, can be used provided the following requirements are met:• DC: Voltage Range 16-22 Volts DC • AC: Voltage Range 14-16 Volts AC • Current: Minimum Output of 1 AmpDo not use a traditional 12 Volt DC output PSU, the voltage is too low.The PSU must only be connected to the ECoSLink Terminal!The operating temperature of the ECoSLink Terminal will depend on the output voltage of the PSU. The higher the voltage, the warmer the Terminal will become during use.The PSU is connected to the external power supply input, see Figure 3, item g,on the ECoSLink Terminal. Removable terminal blocks make wiring easier. The polarity of the connecting wires does not matter. Once the PSU is turned on, this is recognised by the Terminal. The remaining bus sections are then supplied with power from this PSU. All devices on the bus BEFORE the Terminal connected to the PSU are still supplied by the Master Controller. Figure 8 shows this relationship.The status LEDs light up on the ECoSLink Terminals only when the bus has been turned on by the Master Controller.10. DIP Switch SettingsOccasionally it is necessary to change the settings of the DIP Switch on an ECoSLink Terminal. The factory default settings are:1 Off/Aus 2 Off/Aus 3 On/An 4 On/An 5 On/An6 On/AnThe necessary controllines for external ECoSBoost boosters are built into the ECoSLink bus cable. Very long cable lengths can sometimes cause problems if many ECoSBoost units are used. We recommend that all ECoSBoost units are connected within the first 15-25m (49-82feet) of the ECoSLlink bus. The start of the bus is always the Master Controller itself.The Booster control lines are terminated separately with DIP switches 1 to 4 thus:1 2 3 4 ResultOn On Off Off Booster control lines areterminated. Do not attach a booster after this point in the chain as control lines have been disconnected at this ECoSLink Terminal.Off Off On On Booster control lines arenot terminated. You can connect more boosters to ECoSLink Terminals after this one as the control lines are still connected through.11. Installing ECoSLink TerminalsThe ECoSLink Terminal should be installed on the fascia panel of your layout. The maximum thickness of the fascia must not exceed 20mm. To help you install the EcoSLink Terminal a mounting template has been provided on page 9. Cut out a rectangular hole 63mm x 40mm as marked on the template and drill four holes in the positions shown on the mounting template.The ECoSLink Terminal must be installed so that the circuit board does not touch any wood panels or come into contact with exposed wires or metallic objects below the baseboard.14. NotesCongratulations on your purchase of this ESU product. This high tech quality product hasbeen manufactured according to the latest production processes and has passed stringent quality checks and tests.Therefore ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co KG offers you in addition to the national warranty rights as governed by law, a specialWarranty conditions:• This warranty is valid for all ESU products, purchased from an ESU dealer.• Any repair or replacement under this warranty is subject to proof of purchase. The warranty certificate completed by your ESU dealer together with the receipt serve as the proof of purchase. We recommend that you keep the receipt together with the certificate.• In the event of a warranty claim, please fill in the goods return note on page 9 and return it with the item for repairScope of warranty / exemptions:The warranty of ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co KG comprises the free of charge repair or replacement of any faulty part due to faulty design, manufacturing or material or transport damage.Any futher claims are excluded.This warranty expires:1. In case of failure due to wear and tear.2. If ESU products have been modified with parts not approved by ESU.3. If parts have been altered, especially missing shrink sleeves, or wires soldered directly to the decoder.4. If the product is used for a different purpose to the one intended by the manufacturer.5. If recommendations issued by ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co. KG are not adhered to.For reasons of liability no examination or repairs can be carried out on parts built into locos or coaches.The warranty period will not be extended due to repairs or replacement.You may submit your claim by either returning the faulty product to your dealer or by shipping it directly to ESU electronic solutions ulm GmbH & Co KG together with the warranty certificate, the receipt and a detailed description of the fault to:11Translated from ESU P/N 04908-07064 by Keith Montgomery, August 2011。



Innovative GPSsolutions for costoptimalisationGeneral DescriptionThe ACTivE GPS AGPS50A Series withembedded GPS antenna enables highperformance navigation and solid fix even forthe most stringent applications in harsh GPSvisibility environments.It is based on the high performancefeatures of the MediaTek 3329 single-chiparchitecture, Its –165dBm tracking sensitivityextends positioning coverage into place likeurban canyons and dense foliageenvironment where the GPS usage was notpossible before. Water-proof design, easiestand convenient connector allow to add GPSfunctionality to other electronic equipment.Applications•LBS (Location Based Service)•Vehicle navigation system•PND (Portable Navigation Device)•Timing applicationFeatures•Ultra high sensitivity: -165dBm•22 tracking/66 acquisition-channel receiver•WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS/GAGAN support•NMEA protocols (default speed: 9600bps)•Internal back-up battery•One serial port•Embedded patch antenna•Industrial temperature range•RoHS compliant•Tiny form factorPin Assignment1.RX2. TX3. GND4. 3.3VAGPS50A Series Top ViewPerformance SpecificationParameter SpecificationGPS receiverReceiver Type L1 frequency band, C/A code, 22 Tracking / 66 Acquisition-ChannelSensitivity TrackingAcquisition-165dBm-148dBmAccuracy PositionVelocityTiming (PPS)3.0m CEP50 without SA(Typical Open Sky)0.1m/s without SA60ns RMSAcquisition Time Cold StartWarm StartHot StartRe-Acquisition36s33s1s<1sPower Consumption TrackingAcquisitionSleep/Standby<******************TBDNavigation Data Update Rate 1HzOperational Limits AltitudeVelocityAccelerationMax 18,000mMax 515m/sLess than 4gAntenna SpecificationsOutline Dimension 25 x 25 x 4.0 mmCenter Frequency 1575 ± 3 MHzBandwidth 10 MHz minImpedance 50 ΩAxial Ratio 3 dB maxPolarization RHCPMechanical requirementsDimension 25 x 25 x 4.0 mmWeight 50gPower consumptionVCC 5V ±5%Current 45mA(typical)EnvironmentOperating temperature 40 ~ +85 o C (w/o backup battery) Storage temperature 40 ~ +125 o CHumidity ≤95%Hardware Interfaces ConfigurationPower Supply: Regulated power for the SKM50 series is required. The input voltage Vcc should be 3.3V, current is no less than 45mA. Suitable decoupling must be provided by external decoupling circuitry(10uF and 1uF). It can reduce the Noise from power supply and increase power stability.UART Ports:The SKM50 series supports one full duplex serial channels UART. The serial connections are at 2.85V LVTTL logic levels, if need different voltage levels, use appropriate level shifters. the data format is however fixed: X, N, 8, 1, i.e. X baud rate, no parity, eight data bits and one stop bit, no other data formats are supported, LSB is sent first. The modules default baud rate is set up 9600bps. The RX & TX recommended to pull up (10KΩ). It can increase the stability of serial data.Pin No. Pin name I/O Description RemarkUART Port1 RX I TTL:VOH≥0.75 *VCC VOL≤0.25VCC UART Serial Data Input2 TX O TTL:VIH≥0.7 *VCC VIL≤0.3 *VCC UART Serial Data Output3 GND G Power Ground Reference Ground4 VCC P Power Supply VCC:3.3V±10%Software ProtocolNMEA 0183 ProtocolThe NMEA protocol is an ASCII-based protocol, Records start with a $ and with carriage return/line feed. GPS specific messages all start with $GPxxx where xxx is a three-letter identifier of the message data that follows. NMEA messages have a checksum, which allows detection of corrupted data transfers.The ACTivE GPS AGPS50A supports the following NMEA-0183 messages: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC VTG, ZDA. The module default NMEA-0183 output is set up GGA, GSA, RMC, GSV, and default baud rate is set up 9600bps.Table 1: NMEA-0183 Output MessagesNMEA Record Description DefaultGGA Global positioning system fixed data YGLL Geographic position—latitude/longitude NGSA GNSS DOP and active satellites YGSV GNSS satellites in view YRMC Recommended minimum specific GNSSYdataVTG Course over ground and ground speed NZDA Date and Time NGGA-Global Positioning System Fixed DataThis sentence contains the position, time and quality of the navigation fix.See RMC for Fix Status, Fix Mode, Fix Date, Speed, and True Course.See GSA for Fix Type, PDOP, and VDOP.$GPGGA,021514.000,2232.1799,N,11401.1823,E,1,6,1.25,84.0,M,-2.2,M,,*74Table 2: GGA Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGGA GGA protocol headerUTC Position 021514.000 hhmmss.sssLatitude 2232.1799 ddmm.mmmmN/S indicator N N=north or S=southLongitude 11401.1823 dddmm.mmmmE/W Indicator E E=east or W=westPosition Fix Indicator 1 See Table 2-1Satellites Used 6 Range 0 to 12HDOP 1.25 Horizontal Dilution of PrecisionMSL Altitude 84.0 meters Altitude (referenced to the Ellipsoid) AltUnit M meters Altitude UnitGeoSep -2.2 meters Geoidal SeparationGeoSepUnit M meters Geoidal Separation UnitAge of Diff.Corr. <Null> second Null fields when it is not UsedDiff.Ref.Station ID <Null> Null fields when it is not UsedChecksum *74EOL <CR> <LF> End of message terminationTable 2-1: Position Fix IndicatorsValue Description0 Fix not available or invalid1 GPS SPS Mode, fix valid2 Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix validGLL-Geographic Position – Latitude/LongitudeThis sentence contains the fix latitude and longitude.$GPGLL,2232.1799,N,11401.1824,E,021513.000,A,A*50Table 3: GLL Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGLL GLL protocol headerLatitude 2232.1799 ddmm.mmmmN/S Indicator N N=north or S=southLongitude 11401.1824 dddmm.mmmmE/W Indicator E E=east or W=westUTC Position 021513.000 hhmmss.sssFix Status A A=data valid or V=data not validFix Mode A A=autonomous, N = No fix, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *50EOL <CR> <LF> End of message teminationGSA-GNSS DOP and Active SatellitesThis sentence contains the mode of operation, type of fix, PRNs of the satellites used in the solutionas well as PDOP, HDOP and VDOP.$GPGSA,A,3,26,05,18,15,27,29,,,,,,,1.52,1.25,0.87*0FTable 4: GSA Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage $GPGSA GSA protocol headerMode 1 A See Table 4-2Mode 2 3 See Table 4-1ID of satellite used 26 Sv on Channel 1ID of satellite used 05 Sv on Channel 2… … …ID of satellite used <Null> Sv on Channel 12 (Null fields when it is notUsed)PDOP 1.52 Position Dilution of PrecisionHDOP 1.25 Horizontal Dilution of PrecisionVDOP 0.87 Vertical Dilution of PrecisionChecksum *0FEOL <CR> <LF> End of message terminationTable 4-1: Mode 1Value Description1 Fix not available2 2D Fix3 3D FixTable 4-2: Mode 2Value DescriptionM Manual-forced to operate in 2D or 3D modeA Automatic-allowed to automatically switch 2D/3DGSV-GNSS Satellites in ViewThis sentence contains the PRNs, azimuth, elevation, and signal strength of all satellites in view. $GPGSV,3,1,12,15,79,333,42,42,50,127,,29,45,263,44,02,36,124,30*7E$GPGSV,3,2,12,26,36,226,34,05,35,046,22,27,33,161,29,21,16,319,*7D$GPGSV,3,3,12,10,15,066,31,18,14,285,45,24,12,319,15,08,09,047,18*7ETable 5: GGA Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPGSV GSV protocol headerNumber of Message 3 Total number of GSV sentences (Range 1 to 3)Message Number 1 Sentence number of the total (Range 1 to 3)Satellites in View 12 Number of satellites in viewSatellite ID 15 Channel 1(Range 01 to 32)Elevation 79 degrees Channel 1(Range 00 to 90)Azinmuth 333 degrees Channel 1(Range 000 to 359)SNR(C/NO) 42 dB-Hz Channel 1(Range 00 to 99, null when not tracking) … …Satellite ID 02 Channel 4(Range 01 to 32)Elevation 36 degrees Channel 4(Range 00 to 90)Azimuth 124 degrees Channel 4(Range 000 to 359)SNR(C/NO) 30 dB-Hz Channel 4(Range 00 to 99, null when not tracking) Checksum *7EEOL <CR> <LF> End of message terminationDepending on the number of satellites tracked multiple messages of GSV data may be required. RMC-Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS DataThis sentence contains the recommended minimum fix information.See GGA for Fix Quality, Sats Used, HDOP, Altitude, Geoidal Separation, and DGPS data.See GSA for Fix Type, PDOP and VDOP.$GPRMC,023345.000,A,2232.1767,N,11401.1953,E,0.18,151.55,100410,,,A*6BTable 6: RMC Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPRMC RMC protocol headerUTS Position 023345.000 hhmmss.sssStatus A A=data valid or V=data not validLatitude 2232.1767 ddmm.mmmmN/S Indicator N N=north or S=southLongitude 11401.1953 dddmm.mmmmE/W Indicator E E=east or W=westSpeed Over Ground 0.18 KnotsCourse Over Ground 151.55 Degrees True CourseDate(UTC) 100410 ddmmyyMagnetic variation <Null> Degrees Null fields when it is not UsedMagnetic Variation Direction <Null> E=east or W=west (Null fields when it is notUsed)Fix Mode A A=autonomous, N = No fix, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *6BEOL <CR> <LF> End of message terminationVTG-Course Over Ground and Ground SpeedThis sentence contains the course and speed of the navigation solution. $GPVTG,148.81,T,,M,0.13,N,0.24,K,A*3DTable 7: VTG Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPVTG VTG protocol header Tcourse 148.81 Degrees True CourseReference T T = TrueMcourse <Null> Degrees Magnetic Course (Null fields when it is not Used)Reference M M = Magnetic (Null fields when it is not Used)Speed over ground 0.13 Knots Nautical Miles per HourUnits N KnotsSpeed over ground 0.24 Km/hr in Kilometers per HourUnits K Kilometer per hourMode A A=Autonomous, N=No fix, D=DGPS, E=DR Checksum *3DEOL <CR> <LF> End of message terminationZDA-Date and TimeThis sentence contains UTC date & time, and local time zone offset information. $GPZDA,023345.000,10,04,2010,,*50Table 8: ZDA Data FormatName Example Units DescriptionMessage ID $GPZDA ZDA protocol headerUTC Time 023345.000 hhmmss.sssDay 10 UTC time: day (01 ... 31) ddMonth 04 UTC time: month (01 ... 12) mmYear 2010 UTC time: year (4 digit year) yyyylocal zone hours <null> Local Time Zone Offset Hours (Null fields when it is not Used)local zone minutes <null> Local Time Zone Offset Minutes (Null fields when it is not Used)Checksum *50EOL <CR> <LF> End of message termination ACTE Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to specification changes without notice。



LBI-39023 Array Installation ManualS-825 CONTROL UNIT& RANGR® RADIO UNITMOTORCYCLE INSTALLATIONericssonz2Copyright © November 1994, Ericsson Inc.The procedures in this manual cover the motorcycle installation of an S-825 Series Control Unit, a RANGR two-way radio, and associated items. The instructions in this manual are typical installation instructions, and are not intended to cover all makes and models of motorcycles available.To simplify installation and minimize difficulties, it is suggested that the installer read the entire manual pertaining to this application before starting the installation.NOTICETOOLS REQUIREDA few specific tools are required to complete the motorcycle installation. These are:• Soldering iron,• Wire crimpers (ST2602),• (9/64") drill for backup plate mounting screws,• TORX® driver,• Adjustable wrench or 5/16" and 7/16" box wrench,• Hex drivers: #10, #25, and #30,• 1/2-20 bolts,• Flat blade screwdriver, and• Hex wrench set for motorcycle fairing.TORX® is a registered Trademark of CAMCAR Division of Textron, Inc.34Figure 1. Typical S-825 Series Motorcycle Installation• Motorcycle Mounting Bracket• RTVEQUIPMENT SUPPLIED:• Weatherproof Box -19D438453G3• Weatherproof case base mounting bracket - 19D438723P2• Top Mounting Plate, 19D903777P1• Bottom Mounting Plate, 19D903778P1• RANGR Top Cover, 188D5003P1• Rubber pad, 19B802204P1• Installation Parts packet• Rear Mount Antenna Support Bracket (Optional) - 19D904965INSTALLATIONThe standard Installation consists of the following:• Mounting the S-825 control unit,• Mounting the weatherproof base plate to the motorcycle bracket,• Installing the outboard antenna bracket,• Mounting the weatherproof case to the base plate,• Running the power/control, vehicle system, and option cables,• Installing the RANGR two-way radio in the weatherproof case, and• Installing the antenna on the weatherproof case or• Installing the antenna on the L bracket.All mounting hardware consists of stainless steel screws, locknuts, nuts, and lockwashers for added reliability.Optional equipment covered in this installation include the headset and headset handlebar switch, noise canceling microphone, microphonehang-up bracket and the antenna.5A typical S-825 Series Control Unit installation using a Harley-Davidson motorcycle Model FXRP is shown in Figure 1.EQUIPMENTStandard equipment available for the S-825 Series installation includes the following items:• One of the following S-825 Series Control Units -Select, Conventional19D901146G3Deluxe, Conventional19D901146G4EDACS Trunked19D901146G5EDACS Trunked w/ Scan19D901146G6• A 10-Foot Power/Control Cable 19D901739G5 (Option S8CC1L)• EDACS System Cable 19D901864G2 (Option S8CC1X)• Vehicle System Cable 19B219537G5 (Option S8CC1K)• A low power RANGR two-way radio (refer to the Power vs.Current chart in the Two Way Radio Mounting section of thismanual before installing).• Weatherproof Fuse kit 19A149701G1 (Option S8PD1B)• Weatherproof Case Assembly 19D438453G3 (Option S8RB1A)• Weatherproof Case Mounting Plate Kit 19A149703G1 (Option S8MA1D)• Standard Microphone 19B801499P5 with Mounting BracketOR• Noise Canceling Microphone 19B851815P2 (Option S8MC1G)• Microphone Bracket with stronger spring 19A149690G1 (S8MN1G)VENDOR DROP-SHIP OPTIONS• Low Band, High Band, UHF, or 800 MHz Antenna.6• Headset with Microphone, Handlebar Switch, and Belt-Mount Amplifier.CONTROL UNIT MOUNTINGMount the control unit within convenient reach of the operator, and where it will not interfere with the safe operation of the motorcycle. A typical control unit, microphone, and speaker mounting is shown in Figure 2.Due to the large number of different motorcycle makes and models, it is up to the installer to decide how to mount the control unit, radio, and optional equipment. Guidelines are provided for planning the installation.The use of customer-designed "U" brackets, "L" brackets, mounting plates, backing plates, or optional mounting kits from the motorcycle manufacturer, if available, are suggested for mounting the control unit, microphone, adaptor plate, weatherproof case, and radio. Existing bolts in the frame and handlebar assembly may be utilized to mount the brackets and mounting plates to the motorcycle.Bracket material should be 1/8-inch steel minimum. When designing and mounting the brackets, the following guidelines should be considered:• The installation must NOT interfere with steering or operation of the motorcycle.• Mounting locations must NOT interfere with the driver or with Instrument visibility.• The installation should provide easy access to the radio operating controls.After installing the control unit, do not make any cable connections until all cables have been run and secured, and the speaker and any option connections have been made to the vehicle system plug. Speaker and option connections are shown on the Interconnection Diagrams listed in the Table of Contents. A typical control unit installation is shown in Figure 3.7After all cables are installed, refer to the Control Unit Interconnection Diagrams in back of this manual for final connections to the control unit, and for instructions to install the cable entrance cover kit.Figure 2 Typical Control Unit and Speaker MountingFigure 3 - Typical Control Unit Installation8TWO-WAY RADIO MOUNTINGThe installation of the two-way radio consists of:• Mounting the base mounting plate to the motorcycle,• Installing the radio mounting bracket in the weatherproof case,• Installing the radio on the mounting bracket, and• Connecting the power/control cable, cable ground lead, and antenna lead once they have been installed.• Modifying the RANGR radio for motorcycle installation, if required.POWER CONSIDERATIONSThe motorcycle may be equipped with additional lights, light flashers, sirens, PA systems, etc. Therefore, consideration must be given to the system current drain. It is recommended that the radios be set for the applicable power output and current drain shown in Table 1 for all RANGR motorcycle applications.MOUNTING THE RADIOTo install the radio in the weatherproof case:Assembling the Weatherproof Box1.Unpack the weatherproof motorcycle box, remove the key from the bagattached to the bottom and open the box.2.Remove the hardware kit (plastic bag), the bottom radiomounting plate (19D903778P1) from the box by removing thefour 10-32 X 5/8” screws. The bottom mounting plate is thesmaller of the two. This will be installed in subsequent steps.9Table 1. Power vs. Current Setting3.Insert the large rubber grommet into the metal cable cutout and slidethe cable cutout w/ grommet into the slot on the bottom of the weatherproof box. Secure with the two 1/4 X 20 machine screws and locking nuts provided. See Figure 4.4.Insert the two sm aller grommets into the two holes adjacent to thecable cutout.5.Remove the backing from the plastic wire holder. Locate a position onthe opposite side of the case from the cable cutout approximately 3/4-inch from and parallel with the front and 2.5 inches from the outside edge. Press the holder into position.6.Install the four 4-inch radio ground straps (provided) with theweatherproof case mounting screw through the ring terminal. The flat side of the ring terminal should be face down.10Figure 4. Weatherproof Box Assembly111.Install the weatherproof case base mounting bracket (19C337200G1)to the motorcycle mounting bracket (customer supplied and installed) with the four 1/4 X 20 X 3/4 inch cap screws and lock nuts provided.See Figure 5.2.Mount the weatherproof box to the mounting base (19C337200G1)using the six 1/4-20 x 3/4-inch cap screws and locknuts provided.Position the weatherproof box so that the cable access cutout istowards the front of the motorcycle.3.Install the bottom mounting plate, 19D903778P1, using the four 10 x32 screws and washers supplied. Refer to Figure 6 to view anassembled unit. When installed correctly, the mounting plate will be approximately centered, side-to-side, in the weatherproof box. The lipson the mounting plate will be face down, the rubber pad is topside.Figure 5. Weatherproof Box Mounting1213Figure 6. Radio Top Mounting Bracket Installation4.Refer to Figure 7 and position the radio and top mounting plateassembly over the bottom mounting plate. Align the holes in the two mounting plates (two on each side) and secure with the four machine screws (N30AP16010), lockwashers (N406P39), and (N400P9) flat washer provided. Secure the spade lugs of the 4-inch grounding straps between screws (N30AP16010) and mounting plates.5.If an optional rear-mount antenna is not used, install the suppliedgrommet in the cable entrance cover plate and insert 1/4-20 x 3/4"screw, flat washer, and nut to seal the grommet.14Figure 7. Radio and Base Plate MountingRadio Modification ProceduresPrior to installing the radio in the weatherproof box, the radio must be modified to withstand the mechanical vibrations inherent to motorcycle applications. Refer to Figure 8, RANGR application assembly.1.Remove and discard standard RANGR mounting screw, spring, and washer.2.Remove backing from rubber pad 19B802204P1 and attach to top mounting plate 19D903777P1 as shown.3.Remove RANGR bottom cover and four cone shaped mounting feet.Discard cone shaped mounting feet.4.Put a small drop of RTV on each end of the receive oscillator crystal to stake the crystal to the printed board.5.Assemble RANGR bottom cover and mounting plate 19D903777P1 tothe bottom of the RANGR using four 344A4064P1 screws. Torque to 21 inch-pounds.6.Remove and discard RANGR top cover.7.The synthesizer is located under a casting on the top side of the RANGR radio. Re-torque all screws on the synthesizer casting andsynthesizer printed board to 8.5 inch-pounds.8.Remove the wire metal handle (if present) from the 13.2 Mhz plug-inreference oscillator located on the synthesizer board.9.The logic board in the top of the RANGR radio contains one or twoplug-in crystals. One of these is located under the removable metal shield. Put a drop of RTV on each end of the crystal to stake the crystal to the printed board.Figure 8. RANGR Application Assembly, Bottom View10.Set the transmitter power to 25 watts (except 30 watts on low band).The power adjust pot is accessed through a hole in the logic boardadjacent to the synthesizer module.11.Assemble new RANGR radio top cover 188D5003P1 and torquescrews to 21 inch-pounds.12 Apply label in vacant recess on the RANGR rear casting.CABLE INSTALLATIONCable installation consists of making the power connections, and then running the radio power/control and vehicle system cables to the control unit.To assure the feasibility of the cable routing, it is suggested that the cables be run before installing the two-way radio. Try to route cables away from exhaust pipes, mufflers, and moving parts, or where mechanical15damage may result. Also, route the cables so that they will not interfere with the operation of the motorcycle. Secure all cables with black cable ties for a neat installation.POWER/CONTROL CABLEThe power/control cable is supplied for negative ground systems only. It is recommended that the black fuse holder box shipped with the radio be discarded and the black weatherproof fuse assembly provided be used in this installation. Also, remove the strai n-relief hook from the cable and install the cable as follows:Installation Note: Before installing the power/control cable, mount the weatherproof case as instructed under “Two-Way Radio Mounting”. See Table of Contents).hole in the bottom of the weatherproof box. Insert the radio control cable through the cable entrance hole, leaving the radio connector inside the weatherproof case (see Figure 9).2. Split the large grommet provided and install it on the control cable.Then slide the grommet into the cutout on bottom of the case as shown in Figure 4. Leave enough slack at the radio end to allow the cable to be easily connected to the radio, and for the radio to be pulled out of the case for servicing.3. Replace the cable entrance cover plate on the weatherproof case.4. Install the two small grommets in the holes for the power and groundleads.5. Cut the terminal off the black ground lead.6. Cut the red power cable in two and strip the insulation from each of thecut ends.7. Run the red and black power leads through the holes in the bottom ofthe weatherproof case as shown.8. Install the black 20-ampere fuseholder using the heat-shrink sleevingon each side to protect the exposed ends.9. Run the #8 red and black power leads to the vicinity of the battery.10. Insert the 20-ampere fuse into the fuseholder. Connect the ringterminal on the red lead to battery plus (+).1611. Install a new ring terminal on the black cable and connect it to batteryminus (-).Figure 9. Power/Control Cable InstallationFigure 10. Under Seat Cable Installation17VEHICLE SYSTEM CABLEThe vehicle system cable provides power to the control unit. The yellow-fused lead provides the receiver "hot" and transmitter enable connection. The black lead provides the control unit ground. An optional red-fused lead (Option CC01) is available for ignition switch standby control. The vehicle system plug (P1) is used for the speaker and option connections. The vehicle system cable is shown in Figure 11.Install the vehicle system cable as follows:1. Run the cables to the battery area or to Ignition Switch A+. Cut thecable to the length required.2. Connect a ring terminal on the end of the lead, if required, and connectthe lead to battery (+).3. Secure the fused lead to the power/control cable by opening the yellowfuse assembly and then closing it over the power/control cable and the black vehicle system cable.4. Tie down all cables (including option cables) with cable ties.Figure 11. Vehicle System Cable1819Installation Notes: Figure 10 shows the use of a customer- fabricated,under-seat mounting plate. This mounting plate provides mounting holes and slots for securing connectors, fuses, and cables on some Harley-Davidson motorcycles (such as model FXRP) . The mounting plate is especially helpful for large installations.In addition, banana plugs may be installed in the power cables as shown in Figure 10 to provide for quick connections to a battery charger, if desired.After power connections are made to the power/control and vehicle system cables, run all of the cables (along with any option cables) to the control unit using one of the following methods:For motorcycle models equipped with a gas tank fairingThe cable may be routed from the saddle area, under the fairing, around the left side of the gas tank filler pipe, and up to the area of the control unit. The fairing may have to be notched to provide entrance and exit space. Run the power/control cable as directed in Steps a through c .a. Remove the three screws securing the fairing-- two at the end nearest the handlebars and one near the saddle. Next, unscrew and remove the gas tank cap and lift off the fairing. Replace the gas cap immediately.b. Run the cables from the saddle area up the left side of the gas tank to the area of the control unit (see Figure 12).c. Before replacing the fairing, the vehicle system cable and any optioncables may be run under the fairing also. Then replace the fairing by removing the gas cap, repositioning the fairing, then replacing the gas cap and the three screws that secure the fairing.For motorcycle models not equipped with a gas tank fairing:After making power connections, run the power/control and vehicle system cables (as well as any option cables) up the left side of the motorcycle to the control unit and secure the cables with the cable ties. Note that all cables connect to the back of the control unit.MICROPHONE BRACKETAfter mounting the control unit and connecting the microphone, mount the microphone hang-up bracket in a location that is convenient to the operator, and where it will not interfere with the safe operation of the motorcycle. For ease of installation, Figure 2 shows the microphone hang-up bracket mounted on a customer-provided mounting plate.Figure 12. Cable Routing to the Control Unit20SPEAKER MOUNTINGMount the speaker where the operator can hear it, and where it does not interfere with the safe operation of the motorcycle. On some motorcycles, the speaker can be attached to the windshield bracket using existing bolts to secure the speaker mounting bracket (see Figure 2).CONTROL UNIT CONNECTIONSAfter installing the control unit, speaker, and all cables, connect the required leads (including option leads) to the vehicle system plug as shown on the Interconnection Diagram (see the Table of Contents). Then connect the cables to the control unit connectors as shown in Figure 13.Figure 13. Control Unit Connections21ANTENNA INSTALLATIONTOP COVER POSITIONThe antenna must be installed in accordance with good engineering practices for best results. See Figures 14 and 15.1. Discard the lockwasher provided with the antenna and use the thinlockwasher provided.2. The 1/2-inch braided ground strap is required for 29-50 MHz operationand is recommended for all other bands.3. For 29-50 MHz, 136-174 MHz, and 450-512 MHz antennas, use theantenna whip cutting chart provided in this manual (see Table of Contents). Do not use the cutting chart supplied by the antenna manufacturer.When cutting the antenna cable, be sure to have enough slack so that the case can be opened without straining the antenna cable connections. Route the antenna cable to the radio along the opposite side of the radio from the antenna jack and radio heatsink as shown in Figures 2 and 5.REAR MOUNT OPTIONMount the antenna on the rear antenna support 19D904965P1 (See Figure 16). Mount the support to the weatherproof case mounting plate using four 1/4-20 x 3/4" cap screws and 1/4-20 locknuts provided. Cover the hole in the top of the weatherproof case with the plug provided and seal with RTV compound, if required.Connect the sleeved, braided ground strap from the rear antenna support to the motorcycle chassis.Slip the supplied grommet over the antenna cable and route the antenna cable through the cable entrance cover plate on the weatherproof box to theradio.Connect the ground strap from the rear support bracket to the motorcycle.2223Figure 14. Antenna Mounting (Top Mount Position)Figure 15. Antenna Modifications24Figure 16. Antenna Mounting (Rear Mount Option)FINAL CHECKS AND CONNECTIONSAfter the weatherproof case is installed and all cables run, connect the power/control plug to the radio, connect the antenna to the radio, and connect the cable shield ground to the radio case with the metric screw provided with the Power/Control Cable as shown in Figure 17, Radio Connections.Make a final check of all cables to make sure they are properly connected and dressed away from all moving parts and exhaust pipes, and secured with cable ties. Then recheck all electrical connections and radio mounting hardware.To ensure optimum performance, make sure the cableshield ground lead is connected to the radio case.NOTESERVICE NOTE: Refer to the control unit maintenance manual for therequired initial adjustments.25Figure 17. Radio ConnectionsHEADSET OPTION INSTALLATION Headset option includes the helmet-mounted microphone, amplifier belt, and cables with quick disconnect connectors. A typical installation is shown in Figure 18.Install the headset option according to the manufacturer's instructions provided with the option.Figure 18. Typical Headset Installation2627Figure 19. Power Control Cable Outline Diagram28Figure 20. Control Unit and Radio Interconnection DiagramFigure 20. Control Unit and Radio Interconnection Diagram (con’t)2930Figure 21. Control Unit Accessories, Interconnection DiagramFigure 21. Control Unit Accessories, Interconnection Diagram (con’t)31Figure 22. Antenna Cutting Chart, 29-50 MHz 32Figure 23. Antenna Cutting Chart, 136-174 MHz33Figure 24. Antenna Cutting Chart, 450-512 MHz34INSTALLATION HARDWARE KITS-825 CONTROL UNITSelect, Conventional 19D901146G3Deluxe, Conventional 19D901146G4EDACS Trunked 19D901146G5EDACS Trunked 19D901146G635Ericsson Inc.Private Radio SystemsMountain View RoadLynchburg, Virginia 245021-800-528-7711 (Outside USA, 804-528-7711)Printed in U.S.A.。



LBI-38610AMobile CommunicationsInstallation ManualFMD ™MOBILE RADIO AND ACCESSORIESCopyright© August 1991, Ericsson GE Mobile Communications Inc.2INTRODUCTIONThis manual contains installation instructions for the FMD Mobile Radio and associated accessories. Included are mounting and cabling instructions. Interconnection and wiring diagrams are provided at the back of the manual. Before installation, the radio personality should be programmed. Refer to the applicable programming manual for instructions.RADIO INSTALLATIONThe following paragraphs will explain how to mount and wire the FMD ra-dio. Installation and wiring of external options are also covered. External connection points on the FMD radio are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 - External Connection Points3UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENTWhen ready for installation, carefully unpack the radio and any accesso-ries. It is recommended that you identify each item in the packing case. If any damage has occurred to the equipment during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately. The following is a list of equipment packed with the radio.*FMD Radio Unit*Package of mounting hardware*Mounting bracket*Power Cable*Microphone*Microphone hanger*Remote internal speaker (optional with FMD scan model)*External speaker (optional)*Emergency switch (optional)*Operator’s manual*Installation manualPLANNING THE INSTALLA TIONBefore starting, plan your installation carefully so that it will be:•Safe for the operator and passengers•Convenient for the operator to use•Neat•Protected from water damage•Easy to service•Out of the way of auto mechanics•Out of the way of passengers4It is suggested that you take advantage of the experience of one of the many authorized Service Stations located throughout the United States by having them install your radio and make the final adjustments. A typical in-stallation is shown in Figure 2.EQUIPMENT REQUIREDThe equipment required for installing the radio and accessories is listed below:•Electric drill for drilling mounting holes•Drills (see sizes in box)•Phillips screwdriver and Allen wrench for mounting screws•Electrical TapeINSTALLA TIONS IN VEHICLES POWERED BY LIQUEFIED (LP) GASDRILL SIZES5Figure 2 - Typical Installation 6Radio installation in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas, with the LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of the vehicle, must conform to the National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA58 which requires that:•Space containing radio equipment shall be isolated by a seal from the space containing the LP gas container and its fittings.•Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP gas container.•The LP gas container space shall be vented to the outside of the vehicle.RADIO CONFIGURATIONBefore installing the radio or making any electrical connections, it is nec-essary to configure jumpers on the internal circuit card assemblies in order to support the selected options. Refer to Table 1 and the maintenance manualfor information. Only the installed options should be enabled. The FMD System model does not have a speaker within the radio due to the position-ing of the keypad, therefore it comes standard with the remote internal speaker option. Connector option FMCN1B or Connector/Cable option FMCC5J must be specified when ordering the FMD System model in order to install the supplied speaker. The particular connector and cable option will depend on the combination of options and the planned installation. System model radios do not require the removal of panel control board jumper C. The following options are currently available for use with the FMD radio.•External speaker•Remote internal speaker•Emergency switch•Bypass ignition switch7Emergency SwitchNo modifications are required to use the optional emergency switch. Re-fer to the connection diagram for wiring details.External And Remote Internal SpeakersNo modifications are required to use a single external speaker with the radio (a horn speaker is configured as an external speaker). If a remote inter-nal speaker is used in addition to the external speaker, the radio jumper con-figuration must be changed. See Table 1, Figure 3, and the connectiondiagram for details.Figure 3 - Speaker Wiring8Bypass Ignition SwitchThe bypass ignition switch option allows the radio to be operated at all times. In this configuration, the ignition switch may be turned off and the ra-dio will continue to operate. Refer to Table 1, the connection diagram, and the power cable installation section of this manual.RUNNING CABLESTo assure the feasibility of the cable routes you plan to use, it is sug-gested that you run the cables before installing the radio. Be sure to leave some slack in each cable so that the radio may be pulled out for servicing with the power applied.Try to route the cables away from locations where they will be exposed to heat (exhaust pipes, mufflers, tailpipes, etc.), battery acid, sharp edges, or mechanical damage, or where they will be a nuisance to automobile mechan-ics, the driver, or passengers. Keep wiring away from ignition circuits to help prevent noise pickup in the radio equipment.In addition, try to utilize existing holes in the fire wall and trunk wall and the channels above or beneath the doors. Y ou may also use the channels through door and window columns, where they are convenient, unless you plan to install rigid or flexible conduit in which to run the cables.9If an existing hole is not conveniently located for passing the power ca-ble through the fire wall, drill a hole and insert the rubber grommet pro-vided. Leave at least 18 inches of slack in the plug end of the cables next to the radio. A typical cable routing diagram is shown in Figure 4.MOUNTING THE RADIOThe radio should be mounted within convenient reach of the operator. Mount the radio where it will not interfere with the safe operation of the ve-hicle or cause a hazard to passengers in case of an accident. Refer to Figure 5 for details on securing the mounting bracket.The mounting bracket may be placed over or under the radio housing de-pending on the mounting location. Additionally, the radio may be tilted within the mounting bracket to allow the best viewing angle.Figure 5 - Installing Mounting BracketPOWER CABLE INSTALLATIONPower connections to the radio are made through a three-wire power ca-ble assembly (Figure 6).10Figure 6 - Power Cable11A three-wire cable is used to provide power to the radio. The red fused lead supplies power to the radio directly from the vehicle battery. The yellow fused lead is an ignition sense lead. It is used by the radio electronics to de-termine when the ignition switch is turned on. This lead is not used to supply power to the radio but must have power applied when the radio is pro-grammed. The black lead is the radio ground connection.Depending on how the radio jumpers are configured, the radio may be operated only when the ignition switch is turned on (or in the accessory po-sition), or may be operated regardless of ignition switch position (ignition switch bypass). Before connecting the radio to power, refer to Table 1 and the connection diagram for the proper jumper configuration and wiring de-tails. The power connectors lock into place when they are mated together.Squeeze the end of the connector when disconnecting the power plug.MICROPHONEThe microphone has an internal hookswitch which is activated when the microphone is placed into the hanger. There are no wires connected to the microphone hanger.Mount the microphone where it will be within easy reach of the operator,but will not interfere with safe operation of the vehicle. Connect the micro-phone plug into the microphone connector on the radio and tighten the re-taining screws in the plug. Refer to Figure 8 for microphone and mountingbracket details.Figure 7 - Power Cable Connection12Figure 8 - Microphone And Microphone Hanger ANTENNAInstallation instructions for the antenna are packaged with the antenna. The antenna must be installed in accordance with good engineering practices for optimum results.The most effective mounting position is usually in the center of the roof of the vehicle. The antenna cable will normally run from the radio, behind sections of the interior trim to a door or window post. Then run the cable up between the roof and headliner in the passenger compartment to the antenna base.Once the antenna is installed, connected it to the TNC connector at the left rear of the radio.HORN SPEAKER (OPTION)The horn speaker may be used as an external speaker. It may be mounted un-der the hood, on the vehicle roof, or other suitable location. The horn speaker option includes horn speaker and speaker cable assembly.13INSTALLA TION1.Mount the speaker in the desired location and make the electrical con-nections indicated in Figure the backplate as a template, mark and drill two 13/64-inch holes for the backplate retaining screws, and four 9/32-inch holes for the speaker mounting screws. Next, drill a 5/8-inch hole for the speaker ca-ble and insert rubber grommet in the hole.3.Attach the backing plate to the mounting surface with two 8-32 thread forming screws and lock washers.4.Route cable from radio through backplate (under mounting surface),grommet, and gasket, to the speaker.Figure 9 - Horn Speaker Mounting14splice connectors supplied.6.Provide strain relief for the speaker cable using a standard cable clamp(not supplied).7.Mount the speaker using four 1/4 x 7/8 inch screws and lock washerssupplied.8.Remove the two screws holding the cover over the DB-25 connector onthe radio (cover is not mounted on all radios).9.Connect the speaker to the DB-25 connector as shown. EMERGENCY SWITCH MOUNTINGAn optional external emergency switch may be used with the radio. Afterthe switch is mounted, it should be connected to the radio as shown in Fig-ure 10.Figure 10 - Emergency Switch Wiring CONNECTOR COVERIf the MDT connector is not used, place the protective cover (Figure 1)over the unused connector and tighten the retaining screws. The cover pre-vents moisture and debris from entering the unused connector. The cover is shipped mounted to the radio or in the mounting hardware bag.15CONNECTION DIAGRAM (19D438446, Sh. 1, Rev. 4)Printed in U.S.A.。

智能区G5 PDU安装指南说明书

智能区G5 PDU安装指南说明书

G5 PDU Installation ManualContentsBefore You Begin (3)Overview (3)Important Safety Information (3)Required Tools (5)Section 1 – Introduction (5)Classification Overview (5)Features (6)Form Factors (8)Load Segment and Phase Distinction (8)Power Cord Retention (9)Integrated Cord Retention (9)4-in-1 combination outlets (11)Locking Power Cord (11)Section 2 – Installing the PDU (12)Vertical PDUs (12)Install Mounting Hardware (12)Vertical (0U) PDU– Single Installation (13)Vertical (0U) PDU– Two or More Installation (14)Dual Sided PDU Installation (14)1U PDUs (15)Mounting Options (15)Mounting Hardware Installation (16)2U PDUs (17)Mounting Options (17)Mounting Hardware Installation (18)Grounding the PDU (19)IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALConnecting the Ground Bonding Cable (19)Bonding (20)Section 3 – Connecting the PDU (21)Connecting the PDU to a Power Source (21)Section 4 – Configuration considerations (22)Dual rated PDUs (22)IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALBefore You BeginOverviewThis document provides installation instructions and configuration instructions to qualified personnel for installing a Panduit Metered, Switched, and Metered &Switched Power Distribution Unit (PDU) into a datacenter rack. Please read allinstructions before operating the equipment and save this manual for futurereference.Important Safety InformationSee the complete regulatory compliance notices in Safety and ComplianceInformation for Server, Storage, Power, Networking, and Rack Products on thePanduit website (/). In addition, follow the safetyprecautions that are specific to this device.This PDU is intended only for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) loadswith linear/Power Factor Corrected (PFC) input current. If non-linear loadsare connected, the nameplate current rating of the PDU must be reduced bya factor of 0.8.Follow these safety precautions when connecting multiple hardwarecomponents to power sources.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and damage to the equipment: HIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT. To reduce the risk of electric shock due to high leakage currents, ensure that there is a reliable grounded (earthed) connection before connecting power distribution products to AC power. If aWARNING: A risk of personal injury from electric shock and hazardous energy levels exists. The installation of options and routine maintenance and service of this product must be performed by individuals who are knowledgeable about the procedures, precautions, and hazards associated with AC power products.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS-----SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALlarge number of products will be connected to a single PDU, it may be necessary to conduct an evaluation of the installation to verify the total amount of leakage current. The total combined leakage current should not exceed 5 percent of the input current for the PDU and associated load.Connect only to a circuit providing branch circuit overcurrent protection of appropriate current rating. Connect the input power cord to a grounded (earthed) electrical outlet that is located near the equipment and is easily accessible. Be sure all circuit breakers are in the off position before connecting input power. Be sure that the devices connected to the Panduit PDU are adjusted for, or otherwise capable of, operation from the same line voltage supplying the PDU. Failure to verify the voltage can lead to severe equipment damage. Do not overload the PDU. The total input current rating of all equipment connected to each output cannot exceed the total output rating marked on the PDU. Use only the hardware provided to install the PDU. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, install this PDU in a temperature and humidity controlled, indoor environment, free of conductive contaminants. Do not operate near water or excessive humidity (90% maximum noncondensing). Ambient temperature must not exceed 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F). The internal components can become extremely hot during operation. Allow sufficient time for the PDU to cool before handling. Do not use a two-wire power cord in any product configuration. TO ISOLATE THIS EQUIPMENT, DISCONNECT THE POWER CORD.DANGER: This PDU contains LETHAL VOLTAGES . NO repairs should be performedon these units except for the replacement of the management card. Thereare NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS inside the PDU. The installation ofoptions, routine maintenance, and service of this product must beperformed by individuals who are knowledgeable about the procedures,precautions, and hazards associated with AC power products.IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS EQUIPMENT IS CONNECTED TO ANELECTRICAL SUPPLY.For permanently connected PDUs, the installation must be performed by a licensedelectrician, must be connected to an AC power source that is current limited by a properlyrated circuit breaker or fuse meeting national and local electrical codes, and must be connected to a protective earth ground.Required ToolsThe following tools maybe required for installation:•Phillips screwdriver•Torx screwdriverSection 1 – IntroductionClassification OverviewThe Panduit G5 Monitored, Switched, Monitored per Outlet, and Monitored & Switched per Outlet PDUs (Power Distribution Units) are intelligent PDUs designed to distribute power to IT equipment installed into a rack. These PDUs are single-phase (1Ph) or three-phase (3Ph) models with electrical metering and switching capabilities.Each PDU provides power distribution to IT loads through C13, C19 or NEMA 5-20R outlets. The quantity and location of outlets vary by model. The PDUs allow you to connect and manage these outlets from a single power connection. The PDUs can be managed from a Web interface, or a Command Line Interface (CLI), and viewed from the local display.Panduit PDUs are designed for use with all Panduit cabinets and are compatible with most third-party data center racks. The PDU models vary in form factor with several mounting configurations available.Panduit Monitored PDU: Provides aggregate power monitoring to quickly identify potential power issues and reclaim available or under-utilized power capacity. Panduit Switched PDU: Provides aggregate power monitoring and outlet level switching capabilities for individual outlets or a group of outlets. This PDU enables power sequencing, rebooting equipment or restrict unauthorized use of individual outlets.Panduit Monitored per Outlet PDU: Provides outlet-level power monitoring to quickly identify potential power issues and reclaim available or under-utilized power capacity at the outlet level.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALPanduit Monitored & Switched per Outlet PDU: Provides outlet-level power monitoring and outlet-level switching capabilities for individual outlets or a group of outlets. Power monitoring at the individual outlet level provides actionable management data on the power consumption of each connected IT device, enabling the redeployment or decommissioning of individual servers to reclaim available or under- utilized power capacity.FeaturesThe Panduit Monitored, Switched, Monitored per Outlet, and Monitored & Switched PDUs provide the following features:•Lower profile on Vertical PDUs – enhances serviceability area in the back of the rack.•Multiple mounting options on Vertical PDUs – can be mounted with outlets facing in toward center of rack, back or front of rack.•Higher operating temperature – all G5 se ries PDUs rated for 60˚C operating temperature.•Available 4-in-1 combination outlets - the ultimate in connection flexibility allowing a single receptacle to be used as a C13/C15 or a C13/C15/C19/C21,making sure connection types are available when needed most. Combinationoutlets also accept the Panduit dual locking power cords to eliminate accidentaldisconnects.•Color-coded outlets to circuit breakers – used to easily differentiate load segments and phases•Integrated (cable tie accepting) cord retention on most C13 & C19 receptacles – eliminates accidental disconnects.•Supports optional dual locking cords on all C13 & C19 receptacles – eliminates the need to use cable ties and locks on both ends of the power cord •1U PDUs support multiple mounting options – can be mounted horizontal in a U space or in the True 0U space between the RETMA rails.•Hot Swappable Network Management Module – allows power distribution during module replacement eliminating downtime.•1Gb Ethernet – eliminates the need to manually set the network switch to run at a slower rate•Daisy Chain – able to network up to four of the same PDUs on one IP address.•Enhanced Sensor Support – supports up to six physical sensors (with optionalIM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALhub) and eight measurements per PDU with a total of 32 measurements in amaximum daisy chain configuration.•Highly Visible OLED display – improves visibility while providing local access to view configuration settings. Automatically enters power save mode to conserve energy and protect the display from burn in.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALIM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALForm FactorsDetails of the form factors that are covered within this document.Form FactorDetails 0U (Vertical) Vertical PDUs come in Half, Mid, & Full-height versionsand install vertically in the 0U space in the back of therack. There are also Half and Full-height dual sidedmodels that install vertically in the 0U space in the back ofthe rack. The dual sided model mounts on its side withoutlets facing the back of the rack.1U 1U PDUs can be installed in a U position in the rack, or inthe true 0U space on the side of the rack between theRETMA rails.2U2U PDUs can be installed in a U position in the rack.Load Segment and Phase DistinctionPanduit G5 PDUs have colored receptacles to help distinguish between the different load segments and phases. All Panduit three phase PDUs have different colored receptacles (white, light gray, and dark gray) to distinguish the different phases. All Panduit PDUs with breakers have different colored receptacles to distinguish thedifferent load segments (with one exception as noted below). For single phase PDUs with no breakers the receptacles are all black.Single Phase PDU ExampleIM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALThree Phase PDU Example There is one exception to the different colored receptacles per load segment. The three phase half-height dual sided model has two different load segments on each phase asshown in the illustration below.Three Phase Half-Height Dual Sided PDU ExamplePower Cord RetentionIntegrated Cord RetentionMost IEC C13 and C19 outlet on the PDU comes equipped with an integrated cord retention feature. This will allow you to secure the cord to the outlet without a cord retention bracket. The Dual Sided PDU models to not include this feature to savespace; however those PDU models are locking cord compatible.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL1. Plug in the power cord.2. Using the tie wraps provided, slide the end of the tie wrap into the notch on the PDU next to the desired outlet and wrap around the cord.3. Secure the tie wrap.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL4-in-1 combination outletsProvides the ultimate in flexibility by allowing a customer to use an outlet as either a C13/C15 outlet (Image C) or a C13/C15/C19/C21 outlet (Image D) without anymodifications. Merely plug in the corresponding power cord to the applicable outlet.(C) (D)Locking Power CordOptional locking power cords can be used on each IEC C13 (Image A) and C19 (Image B) outlet on the PDUs. Several lengths are available to support any configuration. The image below shows the locking power cord engaged with the outlets.(A)(B)IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL Section 2 – Installing the PDUVertical PDUsPanduit Vertical PDUs include the following form factors: half-height, mid-height, and full-height models. This section covers the recommended installation methods.Install Mounting HardwareEach vertical PDU has two different mounting hole locations on the sides and back of the PDU for the button installation to assist with mounting in a non-Panduit racks. When installing the mounting buttons, use either mounting holes as a set. Mounting button installation – outlets facing the center of the rack1. Align and install the mounting buttons with the screw holes on the face, opposite of the receptacles.2. Install the PDU by inserting the mounting buttons into the keyhole slots on the PDU mounting bracket in the rack.Mounting button installation – outlets facing the back or front of the rack1. Align and install the mounting buttons with the screw holes on the sides ofthe PDU.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL2. Install the PDU by inserting the mounting buttons into the keyhole slots on the PDU mounting bracket in the rack.Vertical (0U) PDU– Single InstallationA single vertical unit can be installed with the outlets facing the center (A), outlets facing the back of the rack (B), or outlets facing the front of the rack (C). The pictures below illustrate these installation methods.(A) (B) (C)NOTE: The above installation methods are true for all vertical models except for the dual sided models. Those units can only mount on its side with outlets facing the back of the rack. Reference the dual sided PDU installation section for installation instructions.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL Vertical (0U) PDU– Two or More InstallationFor two full-height (in a 42U/45U/48U rack), two mid-height (in a 42U/45U/48U rack), or four half-height (in a 42U/45U/48U rack) vertical units to be mounted on one side of the rack, all units must be installed with the outlets facing in towards the center of the rack.(A) (B) (C)NOTE: (A) Two full-height PDUs with outlets facing in towards the center of the rack; (B) Two mid-height PDUs with outlets facing in towards center of the rack; (C) Four half- height PDUs with outlets facing in towards center of the rack.Dual Sided PDU InstallationThis unique form factor comes in both full-height (A) and half-height (B) models and can only be side mounted (installed on the sides of the PDU with the outlets facing the rear of the cabinet and circuit breakers facing the inside of the cabinet when viewing thecabinet from the rear.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL(A) (B)NOTE: One full-height can be installed per side of rack whereas two half-height models per side (one on the top and the other on the bottom).1U PDUsMounting OptionsThis unit can be installed in any 1U location of the rack.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL Additionally, the mounting ears can be removed and rotated 180°. This feature is on both the 1RU and 2RU PDU’s.1. Remove the 4 screws holding each ear on.2. Rotate the bracket 180°.3. Re-install the bracket and fasten the screws. Mounting Hardware Installation1U PDU mounting in a U position of the rack1. Install the cage nuts at the desired U location.2. Screw the mounting bracket ears into the RETMA rail surface at the U locationwhere the cage nuts were installed.2U PDUsMounting OptionsThis unit can be installed in any U locations of the rack. IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALMounting Hardware Installation1. Install cage nuts at the desired U locations.2. Install the PDU.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALGrounding the PDUConnecting the Ground Bonding CablePer international regulatory requirements, the primary Safety Earth Bond connection is contained in the PDU as an integral part of the branch circuit cabling and plug. There is an external ground bonding point located on the chassis of the PDU. The ground bonding screw is provided as an attachment point for conductors. Use a ground bonding cable if the rack contains any conductors for functional grounding or bonding of ungrounded metal parts. This bonding point can also be used to bond the PDU to a known earthed reference terminal in the building. The ground bounding point is located on the surface with the receptacles on all PDUs except for the dual-sided models. These models have the ground bounding point on the surface with the circuit breakers.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALBond Power Distribution Units (PDUs) to grounding strip or grounding bus bar. See Panduit Grounding and Bonding Jumper kits for factory terminated options to provide a bolt-on solution.BondingThis product contains an external earthing screw with a star washer, which should be used for supplementary Earth bonding to the rack metalwork.BondingMinimum Requirements for Bonding ConductorsUp to and including 32A 12 AWGUp to and including 63A 8 AWGUp to and including 80A 6 AWGScrew SizeOver 16A, less than or equal to 40A 5mmOver 40A, less than or equal to 63A 6mm64A 7mmIM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALSection 3 – Connecting the PDUConnecting the PDU to a Power SourceAlways follow local and national codes when installing the PDU. The PDU should be connected to a dedicated circuit protected by a branch circuit breaker matching the PDU input plug type.NOTE: When connecting the PDU to a Power Source, make sure that you have enough length in the PDU power cord to reach the PDU power source.1. Turn the feed circuit breaker Off.2. Make sure that all circuit breakers on the PDU are set to On.3. Connect each PDU to an appropriately rated branch circuit.NOTE: Refer to the label on the PDU for the input ratings.4. Turn the feed circuit breaker On. The OLED screen (on units with display) willdisplay a status bar when the PDU operating system is loading. When complete,the Main Menu will display on the OLED screen. Switched and Monitored &Switched PDUs show a light corresponding to each outlet as it is powered up.IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUALSection 4 – Configuration considerationsDual rated PDUsDual rated PDUs require an additional CLI configuration step to enable the Web GUI to report the correct power capacity. See CLI Commands in the User Manual for details. IM054 REV 07 - SMARTZONE G5 INSTALLATION MANUAL。

IONA技术有限公司Artix Connect V4.0安装指南说明书

IONA技术有限公司Artix Connect V4.0安装指南说明书

Artix Connect InstallationGuideVersion 4.0, August 2006IONA T echnologies PLC and/or its subsidiaries may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this publication. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from IONA Technologies PLC, the furnishing of this publication does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.IONA, IONA Technologies, the IONA logo, Orbix, Orbix Mainframe, Orbix Connect, Artix, Artix Mainframe, Artix Mainframe Developer, Mobile Orchestrator, Orbix/E, Orbacus, Enterprise Integrator, Adaptive Runtime Technology, and Making Software Work Together are trademarks or registered trademarks of IONA Technologies PLC and/or its subsidiaries.Java and J2EE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. CORBA is a trademark or registered trademark of the Object Management Group, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks that appear herein are the property of their respective owners.While the information in this publication is believed to be accurate, IONA Technologies PLC makes no warranty of any kind to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. IONA shall not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.COPYRIGHT NOTICENo part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written consent of IONA Technologies PLC. No third-party intellectual property right liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. IONA Technologies PLC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions contained in this publication. This publication and features described herein are subject to change without notice.Copyright © 1999-2006 IONA Technologies PLC. All rights reserved.All products or services mentioned in this publication are covered by the trademarks, service marks, or product names as designated by the companies that market those products.Updated: August 17, 2006ContentsChapter 1 Installation Prerequisites5 Before You Begin6 System Requirements7 Supported Products and Standards8 Chapter 2 Installing Artix Connect9 Running the Artix Connect Installer10 Licensing Artix Connect12 Setting up the Artix Connect Environment13 Adding the Wizards to Visual Studio Manually19 Uninstalling Artix Connect213CONTENTS 4CHAPTER 1InstallationPrerequisitesBefore you install Artix Connect 4.0, check the systemrequirements and familiarize yourself with the steps involvedin installing the product.In this chapter This chapter discusses the following topics:Before You Begin page6System Requirements page7Supported Products and Standards page85CHAPTER 1 | Installation PrerequisitesBefore You BeginRead the release notes Before installing Artix Connect, visit the IONA Product Documentation webpage at:/support/docs/artix/connect/4.0/index.xmland read the Artix Connect Release Notes for late-breaking information onnew features, known problems, and other release-specific information.There may also be updates to this Installation Guide.Saving your license You should receive your license file by e-mail. Save this file to your harddrive. During installation, the Artix Connect installer will prompt you for thelocation of the file.6System Requirements System RequirementsOverview This section outlines the system requirements for Artix Connect 4.0. Runtime requirements Artix Connect requires Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.Development requirements If you plan to do any development for Artix Connect, you must be runningMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET 2003.Supported operating systems Artix Connect can run on the following operating systems:•Windows 2000, Service Pack 3•Windows XP, Service Pack 1•Windows 2003 Server7CHAPTER 1 | Installation Prerequisites8Supported Products and Standards Supported transports andprotocolsArtix Connect enables .NET clients and servers to communicate seamlessly with clients and servers using any of the transports and protocols supported by Artix. These include:•HTTP •CORBA IIOP 1.1 and 1.2•BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or higher 1•IBM WebSphere MQ 5.x or higher 1•TIBCO Rendezvous 7.1 or higher 1•Java Messaging Service (JMS)1Supported bindingsArtix Connect supports all of the bindings (marshalling schemes) supported by Artix, including:•SOAP 1.1•CORBA Common Data Representation (CDR)•Pure XML •Fixed record length (FRL)1•Tagged (variable record length)1•TibrvMsg (a TIBCO Rendevous format)1•Tuxedo Field Manipulation Language (FML)11. Only available if you have a valid license.CHAPTER 2Installing ArtixConnectThis chapter describes how to install Artix Connect.In this chapter This chapter discusses the following topics:Running the Artix Connect Installer page10Licensing Artix Connect page12Setting up the Artix Connect Environment page13Adding the Wizards to Visual Studio Manually page19Uninstalling Artix Connect page219CHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix Connect10 Running the Artix Connect Installer Downloading the installationpackageThe Artix Connect 4.0 installation package is available for download from the IONA Product Download Center at: /downloads/artix.htm Download the artix_connect_4.0_Windows package and extract its contents to a directory on your hard drive.Running the installerTo install Artix Connect:1.Go to the directory into which you extracted the installation package and run the installer:2.Click Next to begin the installation.3.Read the license agreement.4.Accept the license agreement by selecting I accept the terms of the License Agreement and click Next .5.Enter the name of the folder into which you want to install Artix Connect and click Next .6.Select where on the Start menu you want to place shortcuts and click Next .7.Choose what type of installation you want and click Next :♦Developer Tools and Runtime ♦Runtime Tools connect.exeRunning the Artix Connect Installer8.Specify if you want to set the environment variables specific to ArtixConnect for all users on this system, then click Next . For details ofthese environment variables, see “Artix Connect environmentvariables” on page 14.9.Review your installation information and click Install .10.When the installer finishes installing the Artix Connect files, it launchesthe License Installer. Click Browse to locate your license file and clickNext . The license is copied to the InstallDir \etc directory.If you want to install the license later, click Cancel . For moreinformation see “Licensing Artix Connect” on page 12.11.Click Done to finish the installer.WARNING:If you have other IONA products installed and you allowthe Artix Connect installer to set the environment variables, it mightoverwrite your existing IONA products’ environment variables. Youcan create a batch file for each product that sets the environmentvariables for that product. Artix Connect includes anartix_connect_env.bat file that sets the Artix Connect environment.See “Running the artix_connect_env script” on page 16 for more detail.Note:If you set the environment variables while installing, you mustreboot your machine to ensure that the variables set.CHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix ConnectLicensing Artix ConnectOverview Before you can begin using Artix Connect, you need to install a valid productlicense. The license is a text file containing keys for the individualcomponents that you have purchased.Typically, you will receive your Artix Connect license from IONA by e-mail.You should save it to a location on your hard drive and install it in one of thefollowing ways:•Automatically using the Artix Connect installer (See “Running the ArtixConnect Installer” on page10)•By manually copying the license file to the default location (See“Installing the license file manually”)Installing the license file manually You can install your license manually by copying the license file to thedefault location:InstallDir\etcIf you want to save the license file to an alternative location on your harddrive, you must set the IT_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point tothe location. See “Setting the variables manually” on page17 for moredetail.Note:If you have other licensed IONA products installed, you may needto re-set IT_LICENSE_FILE for those products.Setting up the Artix Connect Environment Setting up the Artix Connect EnvironmentOverview Before you can run any Artix Connect based processes you must set up theruntime environment. The Artix Connect installer automatically sets theenvironment variables that are required by Artix Connect. If, however, youchoose not to set the variables during installation, you must either run theartix_connect_env.bat script or set the variables manually.Note:If you plan to use the command-line nmake rather than the VisualStudio IDE to build the demos that ship with Artix Connect, you must runthe artix_connect_env.bat script at least once for each Windowscommand prompt.In this section This section gives details of the variables and how to set them if you havenot already set them while installing the product. The following topics arecovered:•Artix Connect environment variables•Running the artix_connect_env script•Setting the variables manually•Verifying the environmentCHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix ConnectArtix Connect environment variables Table1 describes the environment variables required by Artix Connect: Table 1: Artix Connect Environment VariablesVariable DescriptionIT_PRODUCT_DIR Points to the top level of your Artix Connectinstallation. For example, if you install ArtixConnect into the C:\Program Files\IONAdirectory, IT_PRODUCT_DIR should be set tothat directory.Note:If you have other IONA productsinstalled and you choose not to install theminto the same directory tree, you must resetIT_PRODUCT_DIR each time you switch IONAproducts.IT_LICENSE_FILE Specifies the location of your Artix Connectlicense file. The default value is%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\etc\licenses.txtIT_DOMAIN_NAME IT_DOMAIN_NAME specifies the name of theconfiguration domain used by Artix Connectto locate its configuration. This variable alsospecifies the name of the file in which theconfiguration is stored.It should be set to artix.IT_CONFIG_DOMAINS_DIR Specifies the directory where Artix Connectsearches for its configuration file, artix.cfg.It should be set to:%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\artix\Version\etc\domainsFor example:C:\iona\ArtixConnect\artix\4.0\etc\domainsSetting up the Artix Connect EnvironmentTable 1: Artix Connect Environment Variables (Continued)Variable DescriptionIT_IDL_CONFIG_FILE Specifies the configuration used by the ArtixConnect IDL compiler. If this variable is notset, you will be unable to run the IDL toWSDL tools provided with Artix Connect.This variable is required for an Artix Connectdevelopment installation. The defaultlocation is:%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\artix\Version\etc\idl.cfgFor example:C:\iona\ArtixConnect\artix\4.0\etc\idl.cfgNote:Do not modify the default IDL configurationfile.JETVMPROP Specifies where the Artix Connect license fileis stored. JETVMPROP is required for the ArtixConnect wsdltodotnet metadata generatorto work. The default value is:-Dcom.iona.artix.LicenseFile=%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\etc\licenses.txtFor example:-Dcom.iona.artix.LicenseFile=C:\iona\ArtixConnect\etc\licenses.txtCHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix ConnectRunning the artix_connect_env script Artix Connect includes an artix_connect_env.bat script that sets the Artix Connect environment. It is located in the following directory:To set your Artix Connect environment, open a Windows command prompt and run the following command:PATH The Artix Connect bin directories are addedto the PATH variable to ensure that the properconfiguration files, libraries, and utilityprograms are used.The default bin directories are%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\artix\Version\binand%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\binIn addition, the following is added to thepath:%IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\artix\4.0\bin\vc71\It is required if you want to use the sessionmanager and locator.Table 1: Artix Connect Environment Variables (Continued)Variable DescriptionInstallDir\artix\Version\binartix_connect_env.batSetting up the Artix Connect Environment Setting the variables manually To set the environment variables manually:1.Right-click on the Windows My Computer desktop icon and select View system information . The System Properties dialog box appears.2.Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables , as shown inFigure 1.3.The Environment Variables dialog box appears as shown in Figure 2.Figure 1:Viewing System PropertiesCHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix ConnectClick New to add each of the environment variables, including the correct value for your installation, as described in “Artix Connect environment variables” on page 14.Verifying the environmentTo verify that the Artix Connect environment is correctly set up, open a command prompt and run the following:Your working directory should change to the directory where you installed Artix Connect.Figure 2:Setting Environment Variables Manually cd %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%Adding the Wizards to Visual Studio Manually Adding the Wizards to Visual Studio ManuallyIntroduction The Artix Connect installer installs the Artix Connect wizards andautomatically registers them with Visual Studio .NET 2003.However, there might be occasions when you need to add the wizards toVisual Studio by hand. This involves the following steps:1.Copying the wizard files into the Visual Studio installation2.Installing the wizards into the .NET global assembly cache3.Registering the wizards with Visual StudioCopying the wizard files into the Visual Studio installation You need to copy the following files into your Visual Studio installation:•Artix Reference.ico•Artix Reference.vsz•CORBA Reference.ico•CORBA Reference.vszTo copy the wizard files:1.Ensure that your IT_PRODUCT_DIR environment variable is set for ArtixConnect.2.Open a command prompt and run the following command:Installing the wizards into the .NET global assembly cache To install the Artix Connect wizards and the Artix.Remoting.dll into the .NET Framework global assembly cache, run the following from a command prompt:Note:The Artix Connect installer registers the wizards automatically. These manual steps are provided for reference purposes only and are not necessary.copy %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\artix\4.0\etc\wizard\* C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET2003\VC#\CSharpProjectItems\LocalProjectItemsitgacinstaller %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\bin\it_ar_wizard5_vc71.dll itgacinstaller %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\bin\it_ar_idlwizard5_vc71.dll itgacinstaller %IT_PRODUCT%\bin\Artix.Remoting.dllCHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix ConnectRegistering the wizards with Visual Studio To register the wizards with Visual Studio .NET, run the following from a command prompt:C:\windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322\RegAsm.exe %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\bin\it_ar_wizard5_vc71.dllC:\windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322\RegAsm.exe %IT_PRODUCT_DIR%\bin\it_ar_idlwizard5_vc71.dllUninstalling Artix Connect Uninstalling Artix ConnectUninstalling Artix Connect To uninstall Artix Connect:1.From the Windows Start menu, select (All) Programs | IONA | ArtixConnect 4.0 | Uninstall Artix Connect 4.0.2.Click Uninstall.Alternatively, you can run the following from a command prompt:InstallDir\artix\4.0\uninstall\Uninstall_artixconnect_4_0.exe21CHAPTER 2 | Installing Artix Connect 22。



Powerful multimedia installation projector equipped to take on the mostdemanding integration projectsRemote control(Included accessory)OptionsInstallation ProjectorPA621U / PA521U / PA671W / PA571W / PA721X / PA621XCable cover NP04CVOption lensNP11FL NP30ZL NP12ZL NP13ZL NP14ZL NP15ZLWireless LAN unitNP02LM1NP02LM2NP02LM3Replacement lampNP26LPCabinet dimensions *Stated projection distances are standard values.For a stack installation, the recommended projection distances will be different.*The values in the tables are design values and may vary.Throw distance and screen sizePA621U/PA521U (Aspect ratio 16:10)30"40"60"80"100"120"150"200"240"300"400"500"- - 0.91.0 - 1.31.5 - 1.92.0 - 2.62.5 - 3.33.0 - 3.93.8 - 4.95.1 - 6.66.1 - 7.97.6 - 9.910.2 - 13.212.7 - 16.5--1.0 - 1.31.4 - 1.81.7 - 2.22.0 - 2.72.6 - 3.43.4 - 4.54.1 - 5.45.2 - 6.86.9 - 9.0 8.7 - 11.3-1.2 - 2.51.9 - 3.82.5 - 5.13.2 - 6.33.8 - 7.64.8 - 9.5 6.4 - 12.77.6 - 15.3 9.6 - 19.112.8 - 25.516.0 - 31.9--3.7 - 6.05.0 - 8.0 6.3 - 10.1 7.5 - 12.1 9.4 - 15.212.6 - 20.315.2 - 24.419.0 - 30.525.4 - 40.731.8 - 50.9--5.9 - 9.0 7.9 - 12.1 9.9 - 15.111.9 - 18.214.9 - 22.820.0 - 30.524.0 - 36.630.1 - 45.840.1 - 61.150.2 - 76.4PA721X/PA621X (Aspect ratio 4:3)30"40"60"80"100"120"150"200"240"300"400"500"(0.61x0.46m)(0.81x0.61m)(1.22x0.91m)(1.63x1.22m)(2.03x1.52m)(2.44x1.83m)(3.05x2.29m)(4.06x3.05m)(4.88x3.66m)(6.10x4.57m)(8.13x6.10m)(10.16x7.62m)-0.6 1.0 1.3 - 0.90.9 - 1.21.4 - 1.91.9 - 2.52.4 - 3.22.9 -3.83.7 -4.84.9 - 6.45.9 - 7.77.4 - 9.6 9.8 - 12.812.3 - 16.0--1.0 - 1.31.3 - 1.71.6 - 2.12.0 - 2.62.5 - 3.23.3 - 4.34.0 - 5.25.0 - 6.56.7 - 8.7 8.4 - 10.9-1.2 - 2.41.8 - 3.72.4 - 4.93.0 - 6.13.7 - 7.44.6 - 9.2 6.1 - 12.3 7.4 - 14.8 9.2 - 18.512.3 - 24.715.4 - 30.8--3.6 - 5.84.8 - 7.86.0 - 9.7 7.3 - 11.7 9.1 - 14.712.2 - 19.614.7 - 23.618.4 - 29.524.6 - 39.430.7 - 49.2--5.7 - 8.7 7.6 - 11.6 9.6 - 14.611.5 - 17.614.4 - 22.019.3 - 29.423.2 - 35.329.1 - 44.238.8 - 59.048.6 - 73.8PA671W/PA571W (Aspect ratio 16:10)WUXGA typeXGA typeWXGA type30"40"60"80"100"120"150"200"240"300"400"500"(0.65x0.40m)(0.86x0.54m)(1.29x0.81m)(1.72x1.08m)(2.15x1.35m)(2.59x1.62m)(3.23x2.02m)(4.31x2.69m)(5.17x3.23m)(6.46x4.04m)(8.62x5.39m)(10.77x6.73m)(0.65x0.40m)(0.86x0.54m)(1.29x0.81m)(1.72x1.08m)(2.15x1.35m)(2.59x1.62m)(3.23x2.02m)(4.31x2.69m)(5.17x3.23m)(6.46x4.04m)(8.62x5.39m)(10.77x6.73m)- 2.6-----0.7 - 1.01.0 - 1.31.5 - 2.02.0 - 2.62.5 - 3.33.0 - 4.03.8 - 5.05.1 - 6.66.1 - 8.0 7.7 - 10.010.2 - 13.312.8 - 16.7--1.0 - 1.31.4 - 1.81.7 - 2.22.0 - 2.72.6 - 3.43.4 - 4.54.1 - 5.45.2 - 6.86.9 - 9.0 8.7 - 11.3-1.2 - 2.5 1.9 - 3.8 2.5 - 5.1 3.2 - 6.4 3.9 - 7.7 4.8- 9.6 6.4 - 12.8 7.7 - 15.4 9.6 - 19.2 12.8 - 25.7 16.0 - 32.1-- 3.7 - 6.0 5.0 - 8.1 6.3 - 10.1 7.6 - 12.2 9.5 - 15.3 12.7 - 20.4 15.3 - 24.5 19.1 - 30.7 25.5 - 40.9 31.9 - 51.2NP13ZL NP14ZLNP15ZL--5.9 - 9.1 7.9 - 12.1 9.9 - 15.212.0 - 18.315.0 - 22.920.1 - 30.624.1 - 36.830.2 - 46.040.4 - 61.450.5 - 76.9· The projector can be unplugged during its cool down period after it is turned off.Parts of the projector will become heated during operation.Use caution when picking up the projector immediately after it has been operating.· Use caution when putting the projector in the soft case immediately after the projector has been operating. The projector cabinet is hot.Cat.No. WLPJ-1411-0013NMicrosoft is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.HDMI, the HDMI Logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.DisplayPort and DisplayPort Certified Logo are trademarks of the Video Electronics Standards Association, registered in the U.S. and other countries.CRESTRON and CRESTRON ROOMVIEW are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crestron Electronics, Inc.Trademark PJLink is a trademark applied for trademark right in the United States of America and other countries.VESA is a trademark of a nonprofit organization, Video Electronics Standard Association.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The images in this brochure are samples./ap/162359368142499Lens centreLens centreUnit: mmThree primary colour liquid crystal shutter projection1,024,000 (1,280 dots × 800 lines)Manual (zoom range depends on lens)Manual Manual40" to 500" (throw distance depends on lens)10-bit colour processing (approx. 1.07 billion colors)Built-in 10 W monaural speaker33 dB / 39 dBAnalog: 15 kHz, 24 to 100 kHz (24 kHz or greater for RGB inputs), conforms to VESA standards / Digital: 15 kHz, 24 to 153 kHz, conforms to VESA standards Analog: 48 Hz, 50 to 85 Hz, 100, 120 Hz conforms to VESA standards / Digital: 24, 25, 30, 48 Hz, 50 to 85 Hz, 100, 120 Hz conforms to VESA standardsAnalog: 1,920 × 1,200 (with Advanced AccuBlend) / Digital: 4,096 × 2,160 (with Advanced AccuBlend)Mini D-Sub 15-pin × 1, 5BNC x 1Stereo mini jack × 2Stereo mini jack × 1 (selected from Computer / BNC / HDMI)TypeA 19 pin(HDMI connector) with HDCP(V1.4) x 2YesTypeA 19 pin(HDMI connector) with HDCP(V1.4) x 1YesDisplayPort 20 pin connecter x 1Yes BNC × 1Stereo mini jack x 1 ,shared with 5BNC, BNC (CV), BNC (Y/C)BNC × 2Stereo mini jack x 1 ,shared with 5BNC, BNC (CV), BNC (Y/C)D-Sub 9-pin × 1USB type A × 1RJ-45 × 1, (Supports 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)IEEE 802.11b/g/n (Optional)Stereo mini jack × 15 V / 10 mA, synchronized signal output for 3D useOperating temperature: 5 to 40°C (*5), Operating humidity: 20 to 80 % (with no condensation)Storage temperature: -10 to 50°C, Storage humidity: 20 to 80 % (with no condensation)Operating altitude: 0 to 3,650 m (1,700 to 3,650 m: Set [FAN MODE] to [HIGH ALUTITUDE])100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz377 W (100-130 V) / 362 W (200-240 V)0.11 W (100-130 V) / 0.16 W (200-240 V)4.7 W (100-130 V) / 4.9 W (200-240 V)499 × 142 × 359 mm (Net dimensions not including protruding parts)591 × 259 × 491 mm (Gross dimensions)8.4 kg (not including lens) 11.2 kg (Gross weight)2,304,000 (1,920 dots × 1,200 lines)350 W AC 6,200 lm 6,000:1483 W (100-130 V)460 W (200-240 V)5.5 A-2.2 A330 W AC 5,200 lm 5,000:1463 W (100-130 V) 440 W (200-240 V)5.1 A-2.2 A350 W AC 6,700 lm 6,000:1483 W (100-130 V)460 W (200-240 V)5.5 A-2.2 A330 W AC 5,700 lm 5,000:1463 W (100-130 V) 440 W (200-240 V)5.1 A-2.2 A350 W AC 7,200 lm 6,000:1483 W (100-130 V)460 W (200-240 V)5.5 A-2.2 A330 W AC 6,200 lm 5,000:1463 W (100-130 V) 440 W (200-240 V)5.1 A-2.2 A0.79" (with MLA) × 3 (aspect ratio: 4:3)786,432 (1,024 dots × 768 lines)MethodSpecifications of main partsLight output (*3) (*4)Contrast ratio (*3) (all white/all black)Screen size(throw distance) Colour reproducibility Audio outputQuietness (ECO mode ON/ECO mode OFF)Scan rateMax. display resolution (horizontal × vertical)Input/output connectorsUsage environmentPower supplyPower consumptionRated input current Dimensions (W x H x D)WeightSize Pixels(*1) Zoom Focus Lens shiftingECO OFFHorizontal VerticalVideo input Audio input Audio outputVideo input Audio input Video output Audio output Video input Audio input Video input Audio input Video input Audio inputECO mode off ECO mode on STANDBY (NORMAL) STANDBY(Network STANDBY)Liquid crystal panel Projection lensesLamp wattage (*2)Computer/ComponentHDMI Input Terminals HDMI Output Terminal DisplayPort BNC (CV) BNC (Y/C)PC control connector USB port Ethernet port Wireless LAN (USB)Remote connector 3D SYNC output terminal 0.76" (with MLA) × 3 (aspect ratio: 16:10)*1 : Effective pixels are more than 99.99 %. *2 : 264W when ECO mode is on.*3 : This is the light output value (lumens) when the [PRESET] mode is set to [HIGH-BRIGHT].The light output values will drop to 80 % when [ON] is selected for [ECO MODE]. If any other mode is selected as the [PRESET] mode, the light output value may drop slightly. *4 : Compliance with ISO21118-2005*5 : 35 to 40°C – “Forced ECO mode” (PA621U/PA521U will shift to the ECO-mode in stages starting from 33 °C.) • These specifications and the product’s design are subject to change without notice.Model name of the wireless LAN unit varies depending on the country where the unit is used (or to be used).NP02LM1 : NP02LM2 :NP02LM3 : United States, Canada, Mexico,Taiwan, Brazil, ColombiaEurope, United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia, Oman, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, Egypt,Israel, Australia,New Zealand,Japan, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea,Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Vietnam,India, Indonesia, Philippines,Peru, Chile, Argentina, EcuadorRussiaTerminalsTilt-free and portrait mode supportThis 10 bit video processor represents an enormous leap in video processing, with true flagship performance in noise reduction,de-interlacing and scaling.Equipped with NEC 4,096 x 2,160 scaler NV1301 and the 3rd SweetVision TM circuitWide selection of inputs and outputsRemote control / monitoringECO modeLarge maintenance-free filterEnergy saving design with a standby power consumption of 0.16 W (200-240 V)This function seamlessly blends multipleprojected images to display a single high-resolution image.Built-in edge blendingMulti-display capabilities and Tiling technologies are integrated into the new PA series. This projector is also equipped with multiple digital input & HDMI output terminals that can connect multiple projectors in a digital daisy chain. These cutting-edge functions produce a beautiful high-resolution image, including a 4K/2K high-resolution display using 4 PA621U/521U projectors and various Picture in Picture/Picture by picture configurations.The projector uses large two-layer filters. Since they are highly effective at repelling dust, as long as the filter is replaced with new ones when changing the lamp, there is no need for regular cleaning.ECO mode that curbs electricity consumption and extends the lamp replacement time to a maximum of 4,000 hours.The projector is equipped with a wide range of input/output terminals and compatible with a variety of image sources, which lets you connect HDMI, DisplayPort, computer (analogue), 5-core BNC, video, and wired LAN (RJ-45)/wireless LAN* sources.Image Express Utility / Wireless Image Utility*Using Image Express Utility Lite contained on the supplied NEC Projector CD-ROM provides wired and wireless* data and audio transmission via peer-to-peer networking or over a network.Wireless Image Utility can send images directly from your iOS devices such as an Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, which enables you to send the real-time images taken with its internal camera, web pages accessed or cloud files in combination with a file sharing application to the projector.Multiscreen functionThis feature allows the projectors to boost an image’s brightness up to 28,800 ANSI lm (PA721X), which is ideal for large screens and environments with strong ambient light. It also prevents the complete loss of an image, which can happen when using only one projector.Stacking capabilitiesGeometric correction*1 Value with XGA. *2 Brightness value when the lamp mode is set to "ECO OFF Mode" and the preset mode is "High-bright mode".*The lens shift mechanism does not work when using NP11FL.*As you maximise the tilt direction of the lens shift, the area surrounding t h e s c re e n m a y g e t d a r k e r a n d shadows may appear.Lens shifting range (with NP12ZL/NP13ZL/NP14ZL/NP15ZL)1V1H0.5 V(PA721X/PA621X/PA621U/521U)0.6 V(PA671W/PA571W)0.1V0.1H0.1HHeight of projected imageWidth of projected image0.3H*0.3H**The lenses are not included with this unit.HDBaseT models* are also available. *PA622U / PA522U / PA672W / PA572W / PA722X / PA622XLens specifications-0.8 : 140-1505,400 ANSI lm 4,600 ANSI lm 4,700 ANSI lm 4,000 ANSI lm 4,200 ANSI lm 3,500 ANSI lm 1.2 kg1.31.19-1.56 : 130-5005,600 ANSI lm 4,800 ANSI lm 5,000 ANSI lm 4,200 ANSI lm 4,600 ANSI lm 3,800 ANSI lm 1.2 kg1.30.81-1.06 : 152-5006,800 ANSI lm 5,900 ANSI lm 6,400 ANSI lm 5,400 ANSI lm 5,900 ANSI lm 4,900 ANSI lm 1.2 kg2.01.50-3.02 : 140-5007,200 ANSI lm 6,200 ANSI lm 6,700 ANSI lm 5,700 ANSI lm 6,200 ANSI lm 5,200 ANSI lm 0.84 kg1.62.97-4.79 : 160-5005,800 ANSI lm 5,000 ANSI lm 5,100 ANSI lm 4,300 ANSI lm 4,700 ANSI lm 4,000 ANSI lm 1.0 kg1.524.70-7.20 : 160-5005,600 ANSI lm 4,800 ANSI lm5,000 ANSI lm 4,200 ANSI lm 4,600 ANSI lm 3,800 ANSI lm1.0 kgManual (Focus only)Manual Fixed Short Throw Lens Zoom LensSix types of optional lenses available for flexible installationEnjoy greater installation flexibility with a complete line of optional bayonet style lenses (6) for quick and easy exchange. Lens throw distances range from 0.6 to 76.9 m.Lens shift function for easily adjusting the position of the projected imageThe projector is equipped with a lens shift that allows you to adjust the projected image horizontally or vertically. You can easily adjust the position of the projection just by turning the lens shift dials, without having to move the projector unit itself. Furthermore, the projector is also equipped with a centre lens design for easy alignment.4K Ultra HD support( 4,096 x 2,160 / 3,840 x 2,160 )12 bit gamma correction Advance colour correction(6-axis saturation and hue adjustment / skin tone) Video and film cadence detection (multi cadence)Seamless switching Active single 3D video supportRemote control ID Program timer with real time clock / OFF Timer Silent design of 33dB in ECO mode Built-in 10 W monaural speakerPIN security / Control panel lock / Security bar / Security slot Simple access pointNaViSet Administrator 2 AMX BEACONCRESTRON ROOMVIEW TM with emergency function PC Control Utility 4.0 for Windows PC Control Utility 5.0 for MACPJLink HTTP server Virtual remotePer-pixel motion adaptive de-interlacing Detail enhancementSuper resolution correction (3rd SweetVison TM )3D random, mosquito and block noise reductionPA571WPA621XPA521UPA671WPA721XPA621U6200ANSI lumens WUXGA 8.4kg6700ANSI lumens WXGA 8.4kg7200ANSI lumensXGA 8.4kg 5200ANSI lumens WUXGA 8.4kg5700ANSI lumens WXGA 8.4kg6200ANSI lumensXGA8.4kgLens shift dials* For the PA621U/PA521U, horizontal lens shift range is 0.15H at over 150"** These value are with the NP12ZL/NP13ZL/NP14ZL/NP15ZLBrightness using NP13ZL. Weight does not include lensThis feature corrects horizontal and vertical keystone distortion or adjusts the image when projecting onto an unique shaped screen.The projector can be rotated freely (360°) to point up or down depending on the installation requirements and can be installed on its side to create a portrait image.HDMI 1 INUSB PortEthernet(RJ-45)DisplayPort INCOMPUTER INAUDIO OUT (Stereo mini)PC CONTROL (D-Sub 9 pin)BNC AUDIO IN (Stereo mini)HDMI OUTHDMI 2 INBNC INCOMPUTER AUDIO IN (Stereo mini)3D SYNC (Mini DIN 4 pin)1920192019201200Daisy chain Daisy chain*Requires optional wireless LAN moduleREMOTE (Stereo mini)。



Manual of Electrical Installation ofContactless Magnetostrictivecod. 85192I Edition 10/2020Contenuti1. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS (2)1.1. Mounting inside a cylinder (2)2. ANALOGS (3)2.1. Installation guideline (3)2.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-A/WPP-A/WPA-A) (4)2.3. Electrical connections (series WPG-A) (7)2.4. Electrical connections (series IK4-A/WRP-A/WRA-A/WRG-A) (8)2.5. Electrical connections (series RK-2) (11)2.6. Electrical connections (series RK-4) (12)3. SSI (13)3.1. Optional cables (13)3.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-S/WPP-S/WPA-S) (13)3.3. Electrical connections (series IK4-S/WRP-S/WRA-S) (15)4. CAN ISO 11898 (16)4.1. Standard installation (16)4.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-C) (16)4.3. Electrical connections (series IK4-C) (17)5. PROFIBUS DPV0 IEC61158 (18)5.1. Electrical connections (series MK4-P / IK4-P) (18)5.2. Profibus structure and connections (18)5.3. Cable type and transmission speed (19)5.4. Optional cables (19)5.5. Optional accessoires (19)5.6. Optional node number programmer (19)6. IO-LINK V1.1 (20)6.1. Standard installation (20)6.2. Electrical connections (20)7. PROTECTION FOR OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONS OF ANALOG SENSORS (21)8. STANDARD REFERENCE (22)• The transducer must be installed away from sources of magnetic fields, both static and 50 Hz (electric motors, solenoids, etc.).• If it uses a floating cursor (PCUR039/PCUR202), the assembly support must be made with nonmagnetic material.• The transducer connection cable must be wired separate from power cables and/or solenoid controls, drives, or remote switches.• The 24 VDC feed must be dedicated to the transducers or must be drawn directly from the power terminals and as near as possible. • Since the transducer cursor is a magnet, make sure there are no iron filings or small fragments of magnetic metal near the transducer. This could produce an accumulation of material on the cursor, with consequent sliding problems.• The cylinder head (in which the threaded hole will be drilled for inserting the transducer) must be made of nonmagnetic material. If not, the residual magnetization caused by drilling the threaded hole must be less than 4 Gauss.• The system must be used only in accordance with the required protection level.• The sensor must be protected against accidental knocks and used in accordance with the instrument’s ambient characteristics and perfor-mance levels.• The sensors must be powered with non-distributed networks and always at lengths of less than 30 mt.• In case of outdoor installations, follow the instructions in paragraph 6.1.1. Mounting inside a cylinderTransducers: WPG-A/MK4-A/WPP-A/WPA-A/WRG-A/WRP-A/WRA-A/RK-4Outputs: 0...10V, 4...20mAInstallation notes WPG-A/MK4-A/WPP-A/WPA-A- To guarantee the correct electrical insulation of the transducer from the machine, always assemble the brackets using the plastic whashers provided in the package as shownin the fig. a and fig. b.- The braiding of the shielded transducer connection cable must be connected to the case of the female connector or to the appropriate PIN of screen (WPG-A) so that the shielding is connected to the transducer case.- The cable shielding on PLC side must be grounded.In the UL environment the devices must be supplied with a Class 2 Power Supply (as for NEC) or LPS Power Supply (as for EN 60950).If devices are permanently connected to the machine it’s requested an external switch or circuit breaker and external overcurrent protection.2.1. Installation guidelinefig. a fig. binstallation notes IK4-A/WRG-A/WRP-A/WRA-A/RK- The transducer must be on a grounded metallic cylinder.- The braiding of the shielded transducer connection cable must be connected to the case of the female connector so that the shielding is connected to the transducer case.- The cable shielding on PLC side must be isolated.In the UL environment the devices must be supplied with a Class 2 Power Supply (as for NEC) or LPS Power Supply (as for EN 60950).If devices are permanently connected to the machine it’s requested an external switch or circuit breaker and external overcurrent protection.Note:if the transducer is installed in a cylinder isolated from the ground, the cable shielding on PLC side must be grounded.2.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-A/WPP-A/WPA-A)2.3. Electrical connections (series WPG-A)PIN FUNCTION1Power supply -2Output3Power supply +Cable Shield(must be connected to the panel side, too)213132schield2.4. Electrical connections (series IK4-A/WRP-A/WRA-A/WRG-A)Transducers: MK4-S/IK4-S/WPP-S/WPA-S/WRP-S/WRA-SOutputs: MK4-S/IK4-S/WPP-S/WPA-S/WRP-S/WRA-SInstallation notes- Connections with instructions taken from MK4-S/WPP-S/WPA-S data-sheet.- Braiding grounded on PLC side for both MK/WP and IK/WR.- The braiding must always be wired so that it is electrically connected to the connector case on transducer side. - Cable length is based on baud rate.3.1. Optional cables3.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-S/WPP-S/WPA-S)3.3. Electrical connections (series IK4-S/WRP-S/WRA-S)Transducers: MK4-C / IK4-COutputs: CANopen DP406Installation notes- Make sure that the transducer body is electrically connected to the machine body (ground).- If a shielded, prewired cable was not purchased, make sure to connect the braiding (shielding) of the cable to the body of the mobile fema-le connector.- DO NOT connect the power supply GND to earth or to the cable shielding.- Connect the cable shielding only on transducer side and not on power supply side.- Make sure that there is a terminator plug (120Ω resistor between CANH and CANL lines) at the beginning and end of the network.- For inside cylinder applications, make sure that the cylinder head is not magnetized.4.1. Standard installation4.2. Electrical connections (series MK4-C)4.3. Electrical connections (series IK4-C)Transducers : MK4-P / IK4-PInstallation notes- Connections with the information obtained from the datasheet dell’MK4-P and IK4-P - Braiding grounded on PLC side for both MK and IK.- The braiding must always be wired so that it is electrically connected to the connector case on transducer side.- Cable length is based on baud rate.5.1. Electrical connections (series MK4-P / IK4-P)5.2. Profibus structure and connectionsA Profibus network lets you connect peripheral Slave devices (transducers or actuators) to Class 1 Master central control units (typically PLCs).The network software is installed with a Class 2 Master containing a database with the GSD files of all connected devices. The network is desi-gned and parameterized with a graphics tool, then the configuration is downloaded to the Class 1 Masters in the network.The Class 1 Master(s) start(s) the communication process with the peripheral devices according to the configuration received from the Class 2 Master.This process includes an initial data exchange regarding Slave identification, parameterization, and configuration. When this phase is done, application management begins with exchange of process data on the network.The GSD file contains all information on device identification, supported functions, and length/format of data packets.Class 1 MasterClass 2 MasterSlaveSlaveSlaveConnection with two M12 connectors + 1 M8 connector :• no T connection required• standard M12 and M8 connectors• separate power supply line (ideal for use of programmer)• for power supply: use a shielded cable with metal connector and shield connected to connector casePROFIBUS24VDC power supplyTerminatorFemale Male Female MaleFemale MaleMale FemaleMale FemaleMale Female5.3. Cable type and transmission speedThe cables must have the following characteristics:Parameter Cable Type AImpedance ohm135 (165)Capacity pF/m< 30Loop resistance ohm/km< 110Section of the core mm²> 0.34 (AWG 22/1)With this type of cable lengths to reach a bus segment, depending on the speed are:Transfer Rate kbit/s9.631.2545.4593.75187.550015003000600012000 Cable length mm120012001200100010004002001001001005.4. Optional cablesM8 4-pin axial female connector, pre-wired with 3-meter cable for power supply PCAV700 M8 4-pin axial female connector, pre-wired with 5-meter cable for power supply PCAV701 M12 5-pin axial female connector, pre-wired with 3-meter cable for communication PCAV702 M12 5-pin axial female connector, pre-wired with 5-meter cable for communication PCAV704 M12 5-pin axial male connector, pre-wired with 3-meter cable for communication PCAV703 M12 5-pin axial male connector, pre-wired with 5-meter cable for communication PCAV7055.5. Optional accessoiresProfibus terminator (axial M12 male connector)CON049 Pre–assembled cable with M12 5pin straight male connector CON380 Pre–assembled cable with M12 5pin straight female connector CON390 Node number programmer PNP-1 Downloadable GSD file from the website 5.6. Optional node number programmerThe PNP-1 node number programmer lets you read and set the node number on a Profibus networkfor MK4-P and IK4-P series sensors.This accessory component is used if you do not have a Class 2 Master programmer.See the PNP-1 programmer technical sheet and manual for detailed information.Gefran products, described in this manual, are compliant to the European Directive 2014/30/EU.They are tested according to the standard EN 61326-1 “Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC require-ments”, Part 1 “general requirements and EN 61326-2-3 “Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC require-ments”, Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test configuration, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements are classified in two types: Emission requirements, Immunity requirementsEmission requirementsaFor class B equipment the limits, the measuring methods and the provisions given in CISPR11, EN 61000-3-2 and EN 61000-3-3 apply. Equipment classification and choice of respective limits shall be determined after taking into account the intended environment and emission requirement in the areas of useImmunity requirementsThe immunity test requirements are given table 1 for ONDA and table 2 for HYPERWAVE.The tests shall be conducted in accordance with the basic standards. The tests shall be carried out one at time.Table 1. Requirements for immunity testing for devices used in industrial environments (ONDA technology)Port Test Basicstandard Value required by the standard Value obtained by ONDA Performancerequired bythe standardPerformanceobtained byONDAEnclosure Electrostaticdischarge(ESD)EN 61000-4-24/8 kV contact/air4/8 kV contact/air B A EM field EN 61000-4-310 V/m (from 80 MHz to 1 GHz)3V/m (from 1,4 GHz to 2 GHz)1 V/m (from 2,0 GHz to 2,7 GHz)10 V/m (from 80 MHz to 1 GHz)3V/m (from 1,4 GHz to 2 GHz)1 V/m (from 2,0 GHz to 2,7 GHz)A A Magnetic field EN 61000-4-830 A/m400 A/m A APower supply V DCBurst EN 61000-4-4 2 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz) 2 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)B A Surge EN 61000-4-5 1 kV/ 2kV 1 kV/ 2kV B B Conducted RF EN 61000-4-6 3 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)10 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)A AI/O signal/ control (including functional earth lines)Burst EN 61000-4-4 1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz) 2 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)B A Surge EN 61000-4-5 1 kV 1 kV B B Conducted RF EN 61000-4-6 3 V (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)10 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)A ATable 2. Requirements for immunity testing for devices used in industrial environments (HYPERWAVE technology)Port Test Basicstandard Value required by the standard Value obtained by HYPERWAVE Performancerequired bythe standardPerformanceobtained byHYPERWAVEEnclosureElectrostaticdischarge (ESD)EN 61000-4-24/8 kV contact/air16/8 kV contact/air B A EM field EN 61000-4-310 V/m (from 80 MHz to 1 GHz)3V/m (from 1,4 GHz to 2 GHz)1 V/m (from 2,0 GHz to 2,7 GHz)10 V/m (from 80 MHz to 2,7 GHz)A A Magnetic field EN 61000-4-830 A/m796 A/m A APower supply VDCBurst EN 61000-4-4 2 kV (5/50 ns, 5 Hz) 4 kV (5/50 ns, 5 Hz)B A Surge EN 61000-4-5 1 kV/ 2kV 1 kV / 2 kV B A Conducted RF EN 61000-4-6 3 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)10 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)A AI/O signal/control (including functional earthlines)Burst EN 61000-4-4 1 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz) 4 kV (5/50 ns, 5 kHz)B A Surge EN 61000-4-5 1 kV 1 kV B A Conducted RF EN 61000-4-6 3 V (from 10 kHz to 80 MHz)10 V/m (from 150 kHz to 80 MHz)A ACriteria A: Normal performances within specification limitsCriteria B: Temporary degradation or loss of performance which is self-recoverable Criteria C: Temporary degradation or loss of performances which requires operator interventionPerformance criterion ADuring testing, normal performance within the specification limits.ExampleIf electronic equipment is required to work with high reliability, the EUT shall operate without any apparent degradation from the manufactu-rer’s specification.Performance criterion BDuring testing, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance which is selfrecovering.ExampleDuring testing, an analogue function value may deviate. After the test, the deviation vanishes.Performance criterion CDuring testing, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance which requires operator intervention or system reset occurs. ExampleIn the case of an interruption in the mains longer than the specified buffer time, the power supply unit of the equipment is switched off. The switch-on may be automatic or carried out by the operator.Copy of the conformity declaration is available for download on the Gefran web site GEFRAN spavia Sebina, 74 - 25050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063 Internet: 。

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5. When Active-MAP is Power On, it starts the detection sequence from RCA.
* Before operation, switch TV input source to the HDMI channel of Active-MAP by using TV remote control.
consists of front cover. Remove the front cover plate by using a small flat blade screw driver. Insert carefully into the side aperture and lift the cover plate gently. Place the front cover in a clean and safe place.
2. User’s devices can connect to Active-MAP via RCA/VGA/Audio/HDMI interfaces. The signal is detected, converted and output to HDMI port. The detected interface has LED light-up indication.
when the device has been powered on, Active-MAP will start to play analog audio & video signal. 3. If it needs to change to VGA signal, please just unplug RCA and it will jump to next priority, VGA signal. * 4. If it needs to change HDMI signal, please make sure the VGA output on computer is enabled. Unplug VGA signal and RCA, then it will detect HDMI signal and play it. 5. If it needs to change to VGA signal, please make sure the VGA output on computer is enabled and plug in the VGA connector. The Active-MAP will detect VGA signal and then play it. * The switching time among three sources will be around 5-10 seconds.
• After removing the front cover, it shows the Active MAP panel as below :
Thank you for purchasing Schneider Electric, ZENcelo series multi-gang wallmount Active MAP (Media and Power) panel. To ensure safety and trouble-free operation, please read through the manual before installation.
Step 5: Fixing of MAP panel onto wall surface
• Install the Active-MAP unit into the wall.
HDMI Output Port Power Input of the module and front cover
• Install individual ZENcelo module onto the both ends slot and screw into the recessed plastic boxes.
• Attach the cover plate to the aligned modules as shown. It completed the installation of MAP panel.
79.0±1.0 20.5
Installation & Operation Manual Active MAP
Step 2: Disassembly • The Active MAP panel
Red, White, Yellow Triple Phono Left and Right Analog Audio and CVBS (NTSC or PAL Auto select) PAL, NTSC, SECAM at 60/50Hz
75ohm Typ. 0.7Vpp Typ. 0.3Vpp Typ.
Step 3: Dimension of the wall hole
• Cut a rectangular hole on a wall and drill 4 holes to match the front side main metal bracket.
• The hole to be drilled in the wall should follow the dimensions below.
ZENcelo series multi-gang wallmount Active MAP has been designed to integrate twin-gang active module and two individual one-gang slots modules for hotel applications. It facilitates the auto-switch and auto-detect connection of guests’ digital gadgets to the hotel’s in-room facilities and help enhancing guests’ enjoyment during their stay. It is aesthetically pleasing but also practical in design, installation and ongoing maintenance.
This installation manual applies to the following products: E84MAPACT E84MAPACT_SZ
Description Active MAP panel with RCA/HDMI/USB/DB15/MiniAudio Active MAP panel with RCA/HDMI/USB/DB15/MiniAudio Silver Bronze Active MAP panel with RCA/HDMI/USB/DB15/MiniAudio Coarse Titanium
3. Active-MAP always auto-detect the last plug in device and outputs to TV screen.
4. If the current selected source is removed, the Active-MAP will select another active input by loop sequence RCA >VGA/Audio>HDMI > RCA. **
User Operation Example 1. Switch the TV input source to the HDMI channel of Active-MAP by using
TV remote control. 2. If all input ports have been connected, the priority is RCA>VGA>HDMI. So,
B. INSTALLATION PROCEDURES 1. Product Dimension Wallmount Active MAP
MAP unit : 350mm (L) x 87mm (H) x 64mm(D) Front and Side View
Back View with screw position
** VGA and 3.5mm Audio is Video and Audio in the same group.
USB Charging USB port is for charging only. It supports iPod, iPhone & iPad charging.
Upscale Resolution Upscale RCA and VGA video source to HDMI 1080p resolution.
Active MAP provide connections for consumer electronic device such as: - RCA : portable DVD player, DV camcorder, Digital Camera - VGA/Audio : Laptop computer. Audio : MP3 player - HDMI : DVD/BD player, DV camcorder, Digital Camera