



32.(7分)(1)①③②(2)液泡调节光圈(或调节反光镜、增强光源等)(3)引流abc (4)60.39μm(5)大于
36.(5分)(1)体液(2)抗原浆(或B淋巴)(3)d 反应快、反应强37.(7分)(1)脱氧核糖核酸 B (2)DNA的复制碱基配对
38.(7分)(1)有丝8 减数 2 0
39.(9分)(1)种子的圆形和皱缩(2)只表现一个亲本性状统计3∶1 (3)AA Aa 2 (4)圆形种子、黄色子叶3/8
上海市教委教研室保留版权结业文化考试答案(2009)生命科学试卷第1页(共1 页)。



2009-2010学年第一学期期末统考试卷高三生物一、选择题:(每小题2分,共60分)1.为了测定某种矿质元素是否是植物的必需元素,应采用的方法是:A.检测正常叶片中该矿质元素的含量B.分析根系对该矿质元素的吸收过程C.分析环境条件对该矿质元素吸收的影响D.观察含全部营养的培养液中去掉该矿质元素后植株生长发育状况2.高等动物胚胎发育过程中,组织分化最先发生在()A、原肠胚B、受精卵C、囊胚期D、卵裂期3.下列有关人体糖类代谢的叙述不正确的是A.糖类可由某些氨基酸脱氨基后转化产生B.糖类在供应过量的情况下可转化成脂质C.肌糖元可分解为葡萄糖以维持血糖浓度D.肝糖元分解代谢出现障碍可导致低血糖4、光照下,小麦(C3)植物叶片的叶肉细胞和维管束鞘细胞都能发生的生理过程是A.水光解释放O2B.固定CO2形成三碳化合物C.产物生ATP和[H]D.光合色素吸收并转换光能5、下列有关特异性免疫的叙述,正确的是A、当抗原侵入宿主细胞时,细胞免疫才开始发挥作用B、效应B细胞的产生,需要T细胞和抗原的共同刺激C、在体液免疫过程中,每个效应B细胞只分泌一种特异性抗体D、当同一种抗原再次刺激机体时,产生的效应B细胞均来自记忆细胞6、以下关于种群、群落和生态系统的叙述,正确的是A、种群中的个体是生物进化的基本单位B、亚热带生长的常绿阔叶林组成一个种群C、马尾松林地中所有树木构成了生物群落D、生态系统的营养结构是食物链和食物网7、下列关于神经系统及其调节的叙述,正确的是A、切除下丘脑的动物丧失血糖调节能力B、调节人体生理活动的高级中枢是下丘脑C、机体对刺激作出迅速反应的调节属于神经调节D、先天性行为与神经系统的调节作用无直接联系8.下列有关突触结构和功能的叙述中,错误的是()A.突触前膜和后膜之间有间隙B.兴奋的电信号转变成化学信号,再转变成电信号C.兴奋在突触处只能由前膜传向后膜D.突触前后两个神经元的兴奋是同步的9.呼吸作用对生命活动意义重大,下面关于呼吸作用的叙述不正确的是A.线粒体是有氧呼吸的主要场所,没有线粒体的细胞也能进行有氧呼吸B.呼吸作用中有机物的分解必须有水参与才能释放储存的能量C.动物停止呼吸作用就不能合成ATP,作为生命基本特征的新陈代谢就此终结D.有叶绿体的细胞可以自行合成ATP,因此不需要呼吸作用提供能量10.下列关于细胞周期的说法不正确的是A.具有特定形态、结构和功能的成熟细胞没有细胞周期B.细胞周期是一个与代谢有关的过程,温度越高所需的时间越长C.细胞种类不同,细胞周期的时间长短也不相同D.一个新细胞分裂成两个新细胞所需时间为一个细胞周期11.关于染色体和DNA分子的关系的正确叙述是①DNA分子数目加倍时,染色体数目也加倍②染色体数目减半时,DNA分子数目也减半③染色体数目加倍时,DNA分子数目也加倍④染色体复制时,DNA分子也复制A.①③B.②④C.②③D.①④12. 右图是一个哺乳动物细胞的示意图,它属于A.精巢中的细胞B.受精卵 C.骨髓干细胞 D.精细胞13.与生物体正常的生长发育密切相关的是A.细胞分化B.细胞衰老C.细胞癌变D.细胞死亡14.下列对有关实验的描述中,不正确的是()A.将双缩脲试剂加入到过氧化氢酶溶液中,溶液呈紫色B.将斐林试剂加入到蔗糖溶液中,加热后出现砖红色沉淀C.细胞中的DNA可以被甲基绿染成绿色,从而可以观察到其在细胞中的分布D.细胞中的染色体经龙胆紫溶液染色后,可观察到其在有丝分裂各时期中的形态特点15.下列关于人类遗传病的叙述,错误的是A.单基因突变可以导致遗传病B.染色体结构的改变可以导致遗传病C.近亲婚配可增加隐性遗传病的发病风险D.环境因素对多基因遗传病的发病无影响16.下列有关内环境稳态的叙述中,错误的是A.内环境的理化性质是相对稳定的B.内环境稳态是机体在神经系统的调节下,通过各个器官、系统的协调活动来共同维持的C.稳态是机体进行正常生命活动的必要条件D.在正常情况下,内环境的各项理化性质是经常处于变动之中的,但都保持在适宜的范围内17.C4植物与C3植物相比,其发生光合作用的场所为A.只发生在叶肉细胞的叶绿体中B.只发生在维管束鞘细胞的叶绿体中C.叶肉细胞和维管束鞘细胞的叶绿体D.叶肉细胞和导管细胞的叶绿体中18.右图表示在适宜的温度、水分和CO2条件下,两种植物光合作用强度的变化情况。









每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共6题)1.下列关于糖的叙述,正确的是()A.葡萄糖有还原性 B.葡萄糖和麦芽糖可被水解C.构成纤维素的单体是葡萄糖和果糖 D.乳糖可以被小肠上皮细胞直接吸收2.谷氨酸的R基为C3H5O2,在一个谷氨酸分子中,含有碳和氧的原子数分别是()A.4、4 B.4、5 C.5、4 D.5、6 3.有关动物细胞有丝分裂的叙述,正确的是()A.细胞板在细胞有丝分裂末期形成B.同源染色体配对通常发生在分裂前期C.在分裂末期,细胞膜内陷形成两个子细胞D.在分裂中期,两个中心粒复制形成两组中心粒4. 右图表示物质进出细胞膜的示意图,该模式图主要说明的物质运输方式是( )A.自由扩散B.协助扩散C.主动运输D.都能说明5. 下列诸项均是有关显微镜操作的表述,其中错误的操作是()A.标本染色较深,应选用凹面反光镜和大光圈B.将位于视野内左上方的图像移向中央,应向左上方移动装片C.若转换高倍物镜观察,需先升高镜筒,以免镜头碰坏装片D.转换高倍物镜之前,应先将所要观察的图像移到视野的正中央6.下列关于细胞分裂和细胞分化的叙述,错误的是()A.生物体的生长发育是细胞分裂和细胞分化的结果B.生物体通过细胞分化,细胞之间逐渐发生了稳定的差异C.细胞分裂是细胞分化的基础D.细胞分化过程中细胞中的遗传物质种类发生了变化(二)2分题(共21题)7.某同学从杨树叶片中提取并分离得到4种叶绿体色素样品,经测定得到下列吸收光谱图,其中属于叶绿素b的是()8.关于血压的叙述,正确的是()①收缩压和舒张压分别发生在心房的收缩期与心室的舒张期②血压的调节包含神经和激素两种调节方式③副交感神经兴奋会升高血压④血管的管腔大小和血浆渗透压都影响血压A. ①③B. ②④C. ①②③D. ②③④9.下列生物或细胞中,能够合成蛋白质的一组是()A.SARS病毒、根瘤菌、汗腺细胞 B.SARS病毒、淋巴细胞、汗腺细胞C.噬菌体、T淋巴细胞、根瘤菌 D.T淋巴细胞、根瘤菌、汗腺细胞10.下列过程发生在人体内环境中的是( )A.神经递质与受体结合B.葡萄糖分解产生丙酮酸C.食物中的蛋白质经消化被分解成氨基酸D.胰岛细胞合成胰岛素11.《物种起源》出版已有150年,但依然影响着现代科学研究,在该著作中达尔文()①提出了适者生存,不适者被淘汰的观点②提出了用进废退的理论③认为种群是生物进化的基本单位④认识到变异广泛存在并能遗传给后代A.①②B. ③④C. ①③D. ①④12.下列关于实验观察的叙述,错误的是()A.低倍镜下看到的洋葱根尖分生区细胞呈正方形;与低倍镜相比,高倍镜视野下,变暗、但细胞变大,数目减少B.在紫色洋葱鳞叶细胞发生质壁分离复原的过程中,液泡由小变大但紫色变浅C.在叶绿体中色素的提取和分离的实验中,加入石英砂的作用是使研磨充分D.将班氏试剂加入到蔗糖溶液中,加热摇匀后出现砖红色沉淀13. 将记录仪(R)的两个电极置于某一条结构和功能完好的神经表面,如右图,给该神经一个适宜的刺激使其产生兴奋,可在R上记录到电位的变化。












一、单选题(共60分,每小题只有1个选项)(一) 1分题(共8题)1.下列细胞中最可能为浆细胞的是()A B C D2.假定一个细菌细胞产生3000种蛋白质。

每种蛋白质大约有100个氨基酸组成,试问:组成这个细菌DNA分子核苷酸数最小值是()A.30000个核苷酸B.900000个核苷酸C.1800000个核苷酸D.1200000个核苷酸3.微生物学成为前沿学科之一的最重要原因是()A.进行微生物生理学研究B.独立发展C.进行微生物遗传学研究D.与生物学发展主流汇合4.受体细胞a、b、c分别接受最合适的一组刺激是( ):5. 下列关于RNA的叙述,错误..的是()A.RNA能催化细胞内某些生化反应B.RNA是一种遗传物质C.RNA参与构成核糖体D.RNA参与构成细胞膜6.下表表示某种食物中的四种氨基酸的含量和人体蛋白质中这四种氨基酸的平均含量。


下列操作的先后顺序应该是()①环割右后腿脚趾基部的皮肤②用0.65%的生理盐水洗去血迹③用O.5%盐酸刺激右后腿脚趾皮肤④沿鼓膜后缘剪去头部⑤蒸馏水洗净被盐酸刺激的皮肤A.④②③①⑤③ B.④①③⑤③②C.④②③⑤①③ D.③⑤①③④②(二)2分题(共20题)9.生物多样性分为分子、个体、宏观3个层次,下列不属于生物多样性分类层次的是()A.环境多样性B.物种多样性C.遗传多样性D.生态系统多样性10.下列关于人体内T淋巴细胞的说法,正确的是( )A.在胸腺、淋巴结、脾、扁桃体等淋巴器官中产生并成熟B.能释放淋巴因子,加强其他细胞的免疫功能C.受抗原刺激后分化形成致敏T细胞,与靶细胞亲密接触,直接将抗原消灭D.与B淋巴细胞在功能上互相支援11.将栽有刚发芽玉米幼苗的小盆固定于如图所示的匀速旋转盘上(小盆不透光),并给予左侧光照。














物质转运的方向如箭头所示,黑点的数量表示物质的浓度,则该物质可能是A.神经递质B.叶绿素C.生长素 D.花青素5、小明将刚孵出的蟑螂分甲、乙、丙、丁四组,分别喂含不同营养成分的食物(如下表,表中的数字代表所含成分的多少,“-”表示没有此成分)。




(B ) (C ) (D )卢湾区2009学年第一学期高三年级期末考试物理试卷(本卷g 取10m/s 2,测试时间为120分钟,满分150分)答案请写在答题卷上第I 卷(共56分)一、单项选择题(40分。

本大题共有16小题,每小题给出的四个答案中只有一个是正确的,其中1-8题选对得2分,9-16题选对得3分) 1、下列物理量中,属于标量的是( )。

(A )动能(B )电场强度(C )力(D )磁感应强度2、表征物体作简谐运动快慢程度的物理量是( )。

(A )回复力 (B )振幅 (C )频率 (D )位移3、下面各组单位中属于基本物理量单位的是( )。

(A )千克、伏特、秒 (B )千克、库仑、米 (C )牛顿、特斯拉、秒 (D )开尔文、安培、米4、历史上第一个发现电流周围存在磁场,从而将电现象与磁现象联系起来的科学家是( )。

(A )法拉第 (B )奥斯特 (C )麦克斯韦 (D )赫兹 5、以下几种运动中,加速度不是恒量的是( )。

(A )匀速圆周运动 (B )平抛运动 (C )竖直上抛运动 (D )自由落体运动 6、两个大小分别为F 1和F 2(F 1>F 2)的共点力,它们的合力F 的大小满足( )。

(A )F 2≤F ≤F 1 (B )F 1-F 2 2 ≤F ≤F 1+F 22(C )F 12-F 22≤F 2≤F 12+F 22(D )F 1-F 2≤F ≤F 1+F 27、小球从高处由静止落向地面后又反向弹起,下列v-t 图像中能较正确反映其运动过程的是( )。




(A)112F(B)43F (C)12F(D)34F10、下列过程中,可能发生的是()。



CO 2浓度为0.03%a b c CO 2浓度为1% CO 2吸取量 高三生物科上册期末考试试卷(第一卷)一.单项选择题(请选出最符合题意的一个选项,并把它填入答题栏中。

每题2分,共40分)1.非典即非典型性肺炎的简称,通过对该病的病原体的化学成分进行分析,发觉它与下列哪一结构相类似A .核糖体B .中心体C .线粒体D .染色体2.新宰的畜、禽,假如赶忙把肉做熟了吃,肉老而口味不行,过一段时刻再煮,肉反而鲜嫩。

这可能与肌肉细胞内哪一种细胞器的作用有关?A .溶酶体B .线粒体C .内质网D .核糖体3.向鱼鳔内注入30%的蔗糖溶液,扎紧入口并称重,然后将其浸入5%的蔗糖溶液中,每隔半小时称一次重量,结果如右图所示。

下列关于其重量变化的说明正确的是①在进行实验的1小时之内,鱼鳔重量增加,是因为外界水分进入鱼鳔内②在进行实验的1小时之内,鱼鳔重量增加,是因为外界蔗糖分子进入鱼鳔内③在进行实验的1小时后,鱼鳔重量不再增加,因为进出鱼鳔的水分子处于相对平稳状态④在进行实验的1小时后,鱼鳔重量不再增加,因为进出鱼鳔的蔗糖分子处于相对平稳状态A .①②B .②④C .②③D .①③4.如图所示将植物放在不同浓度CO 2环境下,其光合速率受光照强度阻碍的变化曲线。

b点与a 点相比较,b 点时叶肉细胞中C 5的含量;b 点与c 点相比较,b 点时叶肉细胞中C 5的含量。

其变化情形是A .低、高B .差不多一致C .高、低D .低、差不多一致5.结扎小白鼠的胰管,小白鼠将显现的症状是A .阻碍消化和血糖浓度B .不阻碍消化和血糖浓度C .阻碍消化,不阻碍血糖浓度D .不阻碍消化,阻碍血糖浓度6.分析下面的实验装置,你认为那个装置能够用来证明A.光合作用是否需要CO2 B.呼吸作用是否产生CO2C.光合作用是否需要光D.呼吸作用是否需要O27.下表为学生探究阻碍酶活性因素的一组实验,请据表分析,如要探究 pH对酶活性的阻试管内容物条件1 1mL10%鸡蛋清溶液+1mL清水35℃—38℃水浴2 1mL10%鸡蛋清溶液+1mL胰蛋白酶35℃—38℃水浴;pH=53 1mL10%鸡蛋清溶液+1mL胰蛋白酶35℃—38℃水浴;pH=94 1mL10%鸡蛋清溶液+1mL胰蛋白酶4℃水浴;pH=95 5mm×5mm毛边纸+1mL胰蛋白酶35℃—38℃水浴;pH=96 5mm×5mm毛边纸+1mL纤维素酶液35℃—38℃水浴;pH=5A. 4 和 5B. 2 和 3C. 5 和 6D. 1 和 28.在一个以肌肉为效应器的反射弧中,如传出神经遭到损害,而其他部位正常,当感受器受到刺激后将表现为A.既有感受又能运动 B 失去感受,肌肉也无收缩反应C 有感受但肌肉无收缩反应D 失去感受但能运动9.甲、乙、丙丁四图分别表示有关的生物学意义,在对其曲线的描述中,正确的是()A.甲图表示氧气浓度对植物根细胞K+的吸取量的阻碍B.乙图表示C3和C4植物在不同CO2浓度下的光合作用强度C.丙图可表示有丝分裂后期和四分体时期的三个重要数值的相对量D.丁图中,若胚芽鞘尖端下段背光侧为B对应的生长素浓度,则向光侧不可能为C 10.下列关于有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸,叙述正确的是①产生等量的ATP时,有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸消耗的葡萄糖摩尔数之比约为1:19②人体消耗等量的葡萄糖时,有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸产生的CO2摩尔数之比为3:2③催化有氧呼吸的酶存在于线粒体中,催化无氧呼吸的酶存在于细胞质基质中④高等生物进行有氧呼吸,低等生物进行无氧呼吸A.①②B.①C.②D.②③11.洋葱根尖分生区细胞在分裂过程中可不能显现的是()A.在细胞分裂间期,核糖体上合成DNA聚合酶和RNA聚合酶B.在细胞分裂前期,细胞两极发出纺锤丝形成纺缍体C.在细胞分裂中期,细胞内ATP的含量迅速减少D.在细胞分裂末期,高尔基体为细胞壁形成合成多糖12.因为描述真核细胞的基因转录机制,美国科学家罗杰·科恩伯格获得了2006年度诺贝尔化学奖。



卢湾区2009学年第一学期高三年级期末考试英语试卷第I卷I. Listening comprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital.C. At a theatre.D. At a railway station.2. A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister.C. T eacher and student.D. Clerk and customer.3. A. Sam turned it in. B. He turns in the lock.C. It was in the lock.D. He got it from Sam.4. A. Coffee. B. A chocolate milk shake.C. Tea.D. A vegetable salad.5. A. She thinks they ca n‟t go to the theatre without the car.B. She suggests going to the theatre by subway.C. She believes the man‟s brother will let them use the car first.D. She thinks the theatre is far away from here.6. A. He hates going to the piano course.B. He would like to make decisions himself.C. He is too old to learn the piano.D. He is already good at playing the piano.7. A. She is already a teacher.B. She doe sn‟t know what she will do after graduation.C. She has no desire to teach.D. She likes teaching very much.8. A. Read a book. B. Write a composition.C. Talk about a problem.D. Listen to the radio.9. A. Someone has told him where it is.B. He doesn‟t know, either.C. He knows where it is but can‟t tell the woman.D. He has asked someone for help.10. A. She lost her car.B. She drove here.C. Something was wrong with her car.D. She broke the traffic rules.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. There are too many people everywhere.B. There are always too many cars in Tokyo.C. The places where he wants to be are always very crowded.D. The streets in Tokyo are narrow.12. A. At 11:00 pm. B. At 11:30 pm.C. At 12:00 pm.D. At 12:30 pm.13. A. About 3,500. B. About 35,000.C. About 350,000.D. About 3,500,000.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. In Anhui province. B. In Shanxi province.C. In Shandong province.D. In Hubei province.15. A. When he was building a house.B. When he was digging a tomb in the fields.C. When he was digging a channel to place a pipes for tap water.D. When he was cleaning his yard.16. A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.Though she tried hard to pull the fish _____ her, she was pulled deeper into the water.A. byB. withC. afterD. towards26.The boy‟s parents often quarrel about their son, and _____ of them is willing to give in.A. anyB. othersC. neitherD. none27.It‟s high time you had your hair cut, since it‟s getting _____.A. too much longB. much too longC. long too muchD. too long much28.She won‟t leave the computer game _____ her husband is waiting for his supper.A. as thoughB. even thoughC. whetherD. whenever29.Early to bed and early to rise _____ a man healthy, wealthy and wise.A. makesB. makeC. has madeD. will make30._____ unemployment and crime is high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.A. BeforeB. WhereC. UnlessD. Until31.I felt very happy _____ into the Bird‟s Nest to watch the performances that Jackie Chan hosted.A. to admitB. to be admittedC. admitD. admitting32.John promised his wife he _____ not smoke, and he has never smoked ever since.A. mightB. shouldC. mustD. would33.People often provide their children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _____ that all children like thesethings.A. thinkingB. thinkC. to thinkD. thought34.--- Is that the small town you often refer to?--- Right, just the one _____, you know, I used to work for years.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what35.You should understand the traffic rule by now, since you‟ve had it _____ often enough.A. explainingB. to explainC. explainD. explained36.It is said that no attention _____ other possibilities at the meeting the day before yesterday.A. was paid toB. paid toC. had been paid toD. had paid to37.High technology has been used in teaching. As a result, not only _____, but students became more interestedin the lessons.A. saved was teachers‟ energyB. was teachers‟ energy savedC. teachers‟ energy was savedD. was saved teachers‟ energy38.Those businesspersons are getting well-prepared for the coming season, for they can‟t risk _____ the goodopportunity.A. to loseB. losingC. to be lostD. being lost39._____ those boys called the grey-headed gentleman really made the old man frustrated.A. WhichB. WhetherC. HowD. What40.The reason _____ she gave for not coming to the party puzzled all of the people present.A. whatB. whyC. asD. whichSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.When I succeeded in becoming a part-time employee of Nokia China l ast summer, many friends asked me how I survived the interview.I once asked myself the same questions. Many of my peers also __41__ for the job, including some very competitive and intelligent students from famous universities.But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them?Finally, __42 __ pushed me to ask the interviewers after we became colleagues. The answer was that I appeared confident but humble, responsible and communicative. They evaluated people not just on their academic certificates, but on the base of their __43__ and abilities. I happened to be the right person.To be frank, I once felt __44__ of being a student from an unknown college, and I think this may apply to some of you. I thought my future was ruined. It was only at the time of my successful interview that I finally understood the famous saying --- “You decide where you go.”A wide range of skills is important these days. I used to work for Master Kong. My job was to cook instant noodles for customers. I had regarded it as a piece of cake, but I failed constantly. I had to cook the noodles for the right amount of time to make them taste good. Moreover, the noodles could only remain in a plastic cup of five minutes, or the taste would be __45__.This experience taught me never to look __46__ on anything, and always remain humble.I also worked as a volunteer for a beach volleyball event. My job was to help foreign visitors experience the beach. I thought it would be very easy because my oral English was __47__ good. But when I went to talk with a group of foreign guests, I suddenly realized that I did not know a single beach volleyball term. I was embarrassed.After this, I read brochures in both Chinese and English every day to learn the terms for facilities and related words. This allowed me to deliver accurate __48__ to foreigners, and I was happy to work responsibly.After these experience, I‟m more confident and I strongly believe that my fate is in my __49__. It has certainly helped me make a giant step closer to my dream of graduating with prospects for the future. I hope my advice will benefit you as well.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza shop. We were dressed __50__ and equipped with a rented video we had been __51__ to watch. I was feeling a little __52__ as I was carrying our shopping, and decided to throw away something. So I started to walk towards a garbage can when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He __53__ over to another nearby garbage can and started looking through it.I suddenly felt very guilty because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was __54__. I walked up to him and handed the drink and some snacks over to him. The man looked up __55__ and took what I gave him.A huge smile __56__ across his face and this caused me to feel indescribably satisfied. I felt I couldn‟t be happier __57__ myself, but then he said, “Wow, this is my son‟s lucky day!”With that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike, I __58__ heard him whistling a song as he rode away.I got a warm __59__ inside. I now understand what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”.Although it only __60__ a little action and a few words, I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can __61__ help and everyone will be helped by __62__ kindness.The image of that man‟s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every __63__ I have the chance to do something nice.This is the __64__ of charity.50. A. poorly B. coldly C. warmly D. expensively51. A. dying B. exciting C. worrying D. happy52. A. worried B. interested C. bored D. tired53. A. headed B. passed C. crossed D. took54. A. cheap B. heavy C. tasteless D. full55. A. in silence B. in surprise C. in interest D. in a hurry56. A. appeared B. spread C. went D. ran57. A. with B. to C. at D. for58. A. still B. once C. even D. ever59. A. sense B. mind C. thinking D. feeling60. A. held B. took C. called D. asked61. A. offer B. send C. show D. have62. A. showing B. expressing C. lending D. setting63. A. moment B. day C. minute D. time64. A. power B. meaning C. strength D. aimSection BDirections: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.AIf you asked me, over a year ago, to choose between the neon lights and street lights of Chengdu, I would have chosen the colourful ones without hesitation. But my experiences during the time of the severe earthquake have given me a different perspective.In fear of the after shocks people would be constantly moving about and they stayed out of doors during the nights. When night fell and rain set in, we could feel cold, tired and helpless. But I remember one night, which changed my whole attitude to the lights of Chengdu. All of a sudden, there was a beam of yellow, then another, and another. Before we knew it, there were lights on everywhere. The sea of light had the effect of making us feel overwhelmingly secure.I realized that the lights, which we had taken for granted before, were protecting the whole city.Then there were the people who came to our rescue, who made every effort to protect and save lives. I saw local taxi drivers on the road all night long transporting injured people to the hospitals. I saw volunteers from other parts of China hurrying with living essentials to the worst-hit areas…At that moment, Chengdu became a place where the word …love‟ was being spelt in capital letters by caring people from every corner of the planet.Reconstruction is still in progress, but I‟ve already come to understand that the quality of life in Chengdu comes not from the number of its modern buildings…but from the hope, the faith, the optimism, and the determination of the people…65.What does the underlined word mean?A. determinationB. evaluationC. destinationD. viewpoint66.What did the writer think of the street lights before the earthquake?A.The writer thought the street lights were very important to the people.B.The writer believed people couldn‟t do without street lights.C.The writer considered the street lights as something natural.D.The writer had no idea about the street lights.67.What‟s the best title for this passage?A. EarthquakeB. Lights in RainC. Hope, the LightsD. Love of PeopleBIn the UK, students‟residence halls are run as profit-making business, but this can occasionally be to students‟ disadvantage.As many universities choose to contract out their hall‟s management to private companies, room rents are rising and student rights are suffering.In 2006, 55 percent of student rooms were managed by private companies --- only 27 percent by universities and colleges, the National Union of Students (NUS) has reported.These private companies are improving the hall‟s facilities in return for higher room rents. The most noticeable example of this trend is the growth in luxury halls. These are halls for students willing to pay more for larger rooms with better services.Chancellors Court, at Edinburgh University in Scotland, is one such luxury hall. Rooms are divided between standard and large, with larger rooms costing 173 pounds each week, 40 pounds more than smaller rooms. They come with a scenic view, color TV, fast Internet connection and a modern bathroom.Other luxury halls have private gyms for their residents. Private companies capitalize (用…以牟利) on their investment by renting out the students rooms to travelers over the summer vacation period.But the NUS is concerned that luxury halls are affecting room rents at standard un-privatized halls. Most students in the UK pay on average 126 pounds a week for a private room in catered (提供餐饮的) halls of residence, the International Students Advice and Welfare organization has reported. According to the NUS, rent in UK halls of residence has risen by almost a quarter from 2005 to 2007.Veronica King, NUS vice-president of welfare, wants the privatization of university accommodation to stop.“For the students for whom luxury is not affordable, there is a significant risk that accommodation costs, coupled with the burden of complete fees, may reduce the choice of where to go to university,” she said.Legal quarrels with privatized (私有化了的) halls may also account for some of the 10 percent per year rise in student complaints to the office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). The OIA is an independent student complaints scheme that has authority over all higher education institutions in England and Wales.Rob Behrens, chief executive of the OIA, said he was unsurprised by the rise in complaints. “The bottom line is that students are today more self-confident in thinking about what their rights are and what are the things they can get form the commitments they make.”68.Why are room rents rising in British universities?A.Because the world is facing a financial crisis.B.Because most universities are getting bored about students‟ complaints.C.Because many universities let private companies run students‟ halls.D.Because not all universities can meet the demands of the students.69.Which of the following is not mentioned about a luxury hall?A.Students have to pay more for a luxury hall.B.Students can have a good view in a luxury hall.C.Students can enjoy their own gym in a luxury hall.D.Students can have an Internet connection free of charge.70.Why do some students want to pay more for a luxury hall?A.Because they just want to show that they are rich.B.Because they are better served in a luxury hall.C.Because there are too much complaints about small rooms.D.Because there are no other choices.71.What may happen to those who can‟t afford the accommodation fee?A.They may borrow more money from the bank.B.They may go to OIA for help.C.They may not go to college.D.They may go abroad for further study.CToday‟s career assumption is that you can get a lot of development, challenge and job satisfaction and not necessarily be in a management role.Managing others is always a tough task, but in the past that stress was balanced by hopes for career mobility and financial rewards. Along with a sizable pay raise, people chosen as managers would begin a nearly automatic climb up the career ladder to successful executive private benefits: company cars, club memberships, plus the key to the executive washroom.But in today‟s global and more competitive showground, a manager sits in an insecure (不稳定的)chair. More companies has begun to take less management as they come to view their organizations as collections of talents rather than hierarchies (等级). There are far fewer steps for managers to climb. Also, managerial jobs demand more hours and headaches t han ever before but offer slim, if any financial paybacks and perks.Now managers must manage many people who are spread over different locations, even over different continents. They must manage across functions with, say, design, finance and marketing.In many companies, when the most praised people in business are those launching something new, management seems like an invisible, thankless role. Employers are looking for people who can do things, not for people who make other people do things.Moreover it may not pay to be a manager, at least not the way it once did. Ms. Chmielewski says, “The emotional rewards can be great, and there were times when I enjoyed management. But a 10-to-11-hour day and one weekend day a month is the norm (标准)”.With more people cautious of joining management, are companies being hurt or worrying about developing future leaders? Not many are. While employers have fired a lot of managers, they believe many more candidates linger on at many companies. “Another reason why companies aren‟t short of managers,” argues Robert Kelley, a business professor, “is that so many workers today are self-managed, either individually or via teams, they don‟t need a manager.”72.By writing the passage, the writer seems to _____.A. explain reasons for firing managersB. advise people not to become managersC. express dissatisfaction of some managersD. encourage managers to be more competitivepared with past, the managing job today is more _____.A. demandingB. rewardingC. questionableD. acceptable74.The author mentions what Ms Chmielewski says to reflect that _____.A.the managers‟ low working efficiency makes them less paidB.the gain of being a manager is not as satisfactory as beforeC.she enjoys great emotional rewards of being a manager nowD.she misses the past enjoyment of being a manager75.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.More and more people are eager to become managers.B.There will be more managers to be employed in the future.C.Employers think it easy for them to find managers in the future.D.Teamwork makes it possible for companies not to hire more managers.Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.It is very important to keep your hair healthy. Here are five ways for you.76. _____ Good fats are also called necessary fatty acids which the body can‟t produce naturally. Eating these types of fats will help promote healthy skin, nails, teeth and hair. They can be found in the form of oil, or in food such as seeds, nuts and olives.77. _____ Hair is nothing more than dead protein. But that doesn‟t mean that it is not important. A lack of it can cause slow growth and thinning, where on the contrary, getting enough amounts can help promotes growth. Good choices to include in the diet would be eggs, lean meats, tofu, fish, yogurt and beans.78. _____ There are a handful of vitamins that have been known to be effective for healthy hair. Some of the main ones include vitamin B, biotin, calcium, vitamins A, C and E, and iron. Other than in extra form, these nutrients can also be found naturally in citrus (柑橘类) fruits, peppers, low-fat dairy products, dried fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. A large salad can be made with the inclusion of a lot of these food.79. _____ Getting enough exercise can help promote hair growth. Circulation to the scalp is a very important factor for healthy hair and growth. Aim to get at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise every day. It can be walking, jogging, weight training, biking or moderate intensity activity that is enjoyable and easy to fit into your schedule.80. _____ Right after you brush your teeth, brush your hair as well. Brushing hair fifty to one hundred strokes right before bed can help remove pollutants and dirt while also stimulating circulation. Also, natural oils are released, which will add more sheen (光泽) and oxygen to your hair.Section DDirection: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest words.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.) Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations. And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression. It‟s important to do so in proper way, no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone, or introducing two people to each other. To keep you aware of this, we have gathered tips on how to make a proper introduction.✧Always stand when making an introduction.When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you, make the effort to stand up. By doing this, you show respect for yourself and for the other person.✧Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction.Many people are not aware of the value of this simple action. When you make eye contact you are giving a confident image.✧Always introduce a person of lesser authority to one of greater authority.The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person‟s name first. For example, when introducing you supervisor to a job candidate, you would give your supervisor‟s name first. “Bob Jones, may I introduce Susan Lee, who has just graduated from ABC University?”✧In a situation where rank is unimportant, an introduction is based on sex and age.A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman. What if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten the other person‟s name? Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself. By doing this, you will usually cause the other person to do the same.However, if the other person does not take your suggestion, it is OK simply to apologize and let the person know that you can‟t remember her or his name. This is not the ideal situation, of course, but it doesn‟t happen to all of us. The other person should be forgiving.81.When you are sitting and a person comes to you, hoping to talk to you, you should_____________________________________________________________________________________. 82.Why does a person need to maintain eye contact while making a conversation?_____________________________________________________________83.Who should you introduce first, your grandfather or your classmate?_____________________________________________________________84.If you forget a person‟s name, you‟d better______________________________________________________________________________________.第II卷I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or phrase given in the brackets.1.他们已经为那位可怜的母亲募集了近两千元。




每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共8题)1.下列各项中,不属于细胞膜功能的是( )A.将细胞与外界环境隔开B.细胞识别C.控制物质进出D.为各种细胞器提供膜结构2.下列细胞结构中,在普通光学显微镜下分辨不出的是()A.染色体B.液泡C.核糖体D.叶绿体3.下图表示种群在无环境阻力状况下增长的是()4.在细胞有丝分裂的分裂期开始时,如果它的染色体数为N,DNA含量为Q,则该细胞分裂后每个子细胞中的染色体数和DNA含量分别是()A.N和Q B.N/2和Q/2 C.N和Q/2 D.N/2和Q5.常温常压下,要使过氧化氢溶液迅速放出大量的氧气,应投入()A.新鲜猪肝B.煮熟猪肝 C.冰冻猪肝D.生锈铁钉6.最近国务院关于我国人口发展报告指出,2050年我国将进入老龄化社会,人口出现负增长。

这一预测的主要依据是()A.人口数量 B.人口密度 C.性别比例 D.年龄结构7.要检验绿色植物在呼吸过程中放出CO2,必要的一项实验条件是()A.要用一株叶片多的植物B.要在黑暗条件下实验C.把植物淹没在水中D.用一株幼小植物8.长期营养不良,血浆蛋白质降低,会引起组织水肿,这是因为()A.血浆渗入组织液的速度降低B.组织液回渗速度降低C.淋巴生成率降低D.淋巴循环受阻(二)2分题(共20题)9.图中①、②、③三个图分别代表某个概念或某类物质。

以下各项中能构成图中关系的是( )A .DNA 、染色体、基因B .反射、应激性、适应性C .酶、蛋白质、激素D .减数分裂、有丝分裂、无丝分裂10.右图中能排除伴性遗传的是( )A .③④B .②③C .①②D .①④11.对绿色植物自身来说,制约其吸收无机离子的因素有( )①根细胞呼吸作用的强弱 ②根细胞内细胞液浓度③植物的蒸腾作用 ④物种自身的遗传性A . ①④B . ②③C .③④D . ①②12.小麦植株最上一片叶称为旗叶,据研究,它对小麦籽粒的产量有着决定性的作用。
























(A) (B)(D)卢湾区2009学年第一学期高三年级期末考试物理试卷(本卷g 取10m/s 2,测试时间为120分钟,满分150 分)答案请写在答题卷上第I 卷(共56分)一、单项选择题 (40分。

本大题共有 16小题,每小题给出的四个答案中只有一个是 正确的,其中1-8题选对得2分,9-16题选对得3分) 1、下列物理量中,属于标量的是 ()。

(A )动能(B )电场强度 (C )力2、表征物体作简谐运动快慢程度的物理量是( )。

3、下面各组单位中属于基本物理量单位的是( )。

(A )千克、伏特、秒 (B )千克、库仑、米 (C )牛顿、特斯拉、秒(D )开尔文、安培、米4、历史上第一个发现电流周围存在磁场,从而将电现象与磁现象联系起来的科学家是()。

(A )法拉第(B )奥斯特(C )麦克斯韦(D ) 赫兹5、以下几种运动中,加速度不是恒量的是( )。

(A )匀速圆周运动 (B )平抛运动 (C )竖直上抛运动 (D )自由落体运动 6、两个大小分别为F I 和F 2 ( F !>F 2)的共点力,它们的合力 F 的大小满足('、F 1-F 2 F 1+F 2(A ) F 2< F W F I (B ) 2 W F W 2(C ) F-12- F 22< F 2W F 12+F 22 ( D ) F T F 2W F < F 1+F 27、小球从高处由静止落向地面后又反向弹起,下列v-t 图像中能较正确反映其运动过(D )磁感应强度(A )回复力 (B )振幅 (C )频率(D )位移 (C )t示,设这四列波的波速均为v,且均向右传播,从图示时刻开始计时,M点首先出现8、如图所示为一简谐横波在某时刻的波形图,根据此图可确定该波的()。




2009届高三年级生物试卷第一卷 (选择题 共64分)一、单项选择题:本题包括20小题,每小题2分,共40分。



1.关于右图分析正确的是A .①和②所示的过程都需要消耗细胞内A TP 水解释放的能量B .只有①所示的过程能逆浓度梯度运输物质C .大分子只有通过①所示的过程才能进入细胞D .蜜饯腌制时蔗糖进入细胞与过程①和②有关2.某生物的基因型为AaBb ,已知A 、a 和B 、b 两对等位基因分别位于两对非同源染色体上,那么该生物的体细胞在有丝分裂的后期,基因的走向是( )A .A 与B 移向一极,a 与b 移向另一极 B .A 与b 移向一极,a 与B 移向另一极C .A 与a 移向一极.B 与b 移向另一极D .移向两极的均为A 、a 、B 、b3.动物和人体内具有分裂和分化能力的细胞称为干细胞。

对下图的相关叙述中,错误的是A .a 过程表示干细胞能自我更新B .b 、c 过程表示干细胞具有分化能力C .b 过程形成的细胞直接组成器官,可供器官移植使用D .a 、b 、c 过程中细胞的遗传信息表达情况不同4.下列图中,①表示有酶催化的反应曲线,②表示没有酶催化的反应曲线,E 表示酶降低的活化能。

正确的图解是( ) 5.下图中甲~丁为某动物(体细胞染色体数=2n )睾丸中细胞分裂不同时期的染色体数、染色单体数和DNA 分子数的比例图,关于此图叙述中错误的是( )A .甲图可表示减数分裂第一次分裂前期B .乙图可表示减数分裂第二次分裂前期C .丙图可表示有丝分裂间期的第一阶段D .丁图可表示有丝分裂后期6.下面是有关燕麦实验的示意图。


请分析图中a 至f 的琼脂块中,生长素含量正确的一组( )A .a<b 、c=d 、e=fB .a<b 、c=d 、e<fC .a<b 、c<d 、e=fD .a>b 、c=d 、e<f物质跨膜运输的方式自由扩散7.牵牛花有红色和白色,叶有阔叶和窄叶之分,红色(R )和阔叶(B )分别是显性,两对基因独立遗传。

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一、单选题(共60分,每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共8题)1.人体淋巴细胞细胞膜的主要成分是( )A.蛋白质和脂质B.多糖和脂质C.脂质和核酸D.蛋白质和多糖2.下列在血浆中找不到的蛋白质是( )A.胰岛素 B.抗体C.淀粉酶D.纤维蛋白原3.吃下的薯片在人体内分解代谢的最终产物主要是()A.淀粉B.麦芽糖C.葡萄糖D.二氧化碳和水4.下图是艾滋病病毒(HIV)和大肠杆菌噬菌体(T4)的结构模式图。

比较二者的结构和化学组成,下列描述中正确的是()A.二者不具备细胞结构,核心物质的化学结构相同B.HIV的外壳成分含有磷脂,T4外壳含有核酸C.二者核心物质都是核酸,外壳的化学结构不同D.HIV有细胞膜的结构,T4有细胞核的结构5.在细菌接种过程中,对接种针(环)进行灭菌的正确方式是()A.火焰灼烧 B.清水浸泡 C.高压蒸汽 D.酒精擦拭6.新物种形成最显著的标志是( )A.具有一定的形态结构B.具有一定的生理功能C.产生了生殖隔离D.改变了基因频率7.在将显微镜的低倍物镜转换成高倍物镜并寻找物像的过程中,不应..出现的操作是() A.转动细准焦螺旋 B.转动粗准焦螺旋C.转动物镜转换器 D.调节反光镜和光圈8.10000个基因型为AaBb的卵原细胞,假设符合自由组合规律的话,理论上可形成Ab基因型的卵细胞数为( )A.2500个B.5000个C.7500个D.10000个(二)2分题(共20题)9.在两个大小差别较大的容器中,分别盛等量的鲜牛奶再接种等量的乳酸菌后密封,结果()A.小容器中的牛奶先变酸B.大容器中的牛奶先变酸C.两个容器中的牛奶同时变酸D.两个容器中的牛奶都不变酸10.某一生物有四对染色体,假设一个初级精母细胞在产生精细胞的过程中,其中一个次级精母细胞在分裂后期有组成一条染色体的两条染色单体移向了同一级,则这个初级精母细胞产生正常精细胞和异常精细胞的比例为( )A.1:1 B.1:2 C.1:3 D.0:4 11.由于轻微创伤使小腿某处皮下青紫并且局部水肿,对这一现象的合理解释是()A.毛细血管破裂,部分血液外流,使局部组织液渗透压增高,组织液增多B.毛细血管破裂,使淋巴液外渗,使局部组织液回渗到血管C.毛细血管收缩,血流量减少,使局部组织液减少D.毛细血管扩张,血流量增加,使局部组织液增多12.下列关于微生物的叙述中,正确的是()A.蓝藻无叶绿体,不能进行光合作用B.细菌无线粒体,不能进行有氧呼吸C.霉菌有细胞核,属于真核生物D.变形虫和草履虫都是原生动物,属于原核动物13.某种化合物的分子式为NH2CH2—COOH,在小肠中的主要吸收方式和进入细胞后的可能去向是( )①扩散和渗透②协助扩散③主动运输④直接分解释能⑤合成蛋白质⑥直接转化为脂肪⑦脱氨基后分解或转化A.①③⑤B.②④⑥C.③⑤⑦D.③⑤⑥⑦14.人类的血型是可以遗传的,在ABO血型系统中,I A与I B为共显性基因,对i均为显性。

不同血型的基因组成如右图:正常情况下,子女血型不可能为O型的婚配方式是( )A.A型×O型B.B型×O型C.A型×B型D.AB型×O型15.下列现象中属于非条件反射的是( )A.用沾有0.5%盐酸的小纸片贴在蛙腹部的皮肤上,蛙的四肢出现收缩B.葵花向着太阳转C.衣藻由光线弱的地方游向光线强的地方D.狗听到铃声分泌唾液16.向正在进行有氧呼吸的细胞悬液中分别加入a、b、c、d四种抑制剂,下列说法正确的是( )A.若a能抑制丙酮酸分解.则使丙酮酸的消耗增加B.若b能抑制葡萄糖分解.则使丙酮酸增加C.若c能抑制ATP的形成,则使ADP的消耗增加D.若d能抑制H氧化成H2O,则使O2的消耗减少17.利用月季花的枝条扦插所产生的后代与利用月季花的种子播种所产生的后代相比,关于其变异的叙述正确的是( )A.前者不会发生变异.后者有较大的变异性B.前者不会出现基因重组的新性状.后者可能出现基因重组的新性状C.前者不会发生染色体变异,后者可能发生染色体变异D.前者不会因环境影响发生变异,后者可能因环境影响发生变异18.在5个相同的琼脂块上分别放置1—5个水稻胚芽鞘尖端,几小时后将这些琼脂块分别紧贴于5个切去尖端的胚芽鞘切面一侧,经暗培养后,测定胚芽鞘弯曲角度(如右图所示)。

正确的结果是()19.下列关于生物学研究方法的叙述错误的是( )A.欲分离各种细胞器可用差速离心法B.欲研究DNA的半保留复制可用同位素标记法C.欲提取叶绿体中的色素应使用纸层析法D.欲证明动物细胞的死活可用染色排除法20.下图为家族性高胆固醇血症病因示意图。

对这一图示的叙述中错误的是()A.该病的根本原因是基因突变导致遗传信息发生了改变B.该病的直接病因是患者肝细胞膜上的脂质受体有缺失C.该病可能会引发血管硬化等心血管疾病D.患者肝细胞中胆固醇水平很高21.在下列自然现象或科学研究成果中,能为“动物细胞具有全能性”观点提供直接证据的是( )A.壁虎断尾后重新长出尾部B.蜜蜂的末受精卵发育成雄峰C.用体外培养的皮肤治疗烧伤病人D.小鼠腺细胞的自我复制22.下列过程发生在人体内环境中的是( )A.神经递质与受体结合B.葡萄糖分解产生丙酮酸C.食物中的蛋白质经消化被分解成氨基酸D.胰岛细胞合成胰岛素23.物种多样性是代表群落组织水平和功能的基本特征,辛普森指数是测定种群组织水平最常用的指标之一,辛普森指数与物种多样性的关系是()A.辛普森指数越大,表示物种多样性程度高B.辛普森指数越小,表示物种多样性程度高C.只有当种群密度小时,辛普森指数与物种多样性正相关D.只有当种群密度大时,辛普森指数与物种多样性负相关24.下列说法不正确的是( )A.在高温条件下,人体会丢失大量的水和无机盐B.K+ 在维持细胞外液的渗透压上起决定性作用C.核糖体中进行的化学反应有水生成D.休眠或越冬的植物体内自由水与结合水比值下降25.艾弗里等人的肺炎双球菌转化实验和赫尔希与蔡斯的噬菌体侵染细菌试验都证明了DNA是遗传物质。

这两个实验在设计思路上的共同点是()A.重组DNA片段,研究其表现出的效应B.诱发DNA突变,研究其表现出的效应C.设法把DNA与蛋白质分开,研究各自的效应D.应用同位素示踪技术,研究DNA在亲代与子代之间的传递26.《物种起源》出版已有150年,但依然影响着现代科学研究,在该著作中达尔文()①提出了适者生存,不适者被淘汰的观点②提出了用进废退的理论③认为种群是生物进化的基本单位④认识到变异广泛存在并能遗传给后代A.①②B. ③④C. ①③D. ①④27.关于右图中DNA分子片段的说法不正确...的是()A.把此DNA放在含15N的培养液中复制2代,子代中的15N的DNA链占总链的7/8B.②处的碱基对缺失导致基因突变C.限制性内切酶可作用于①部位,解旋酶作用于③部位D.该DNA的特异性表现在碱基种类和(A+T)/(G+C)的比例上28.下列有关生物工程的说法正确的是()A.单克隆抗体制备中使用的细胞是小鼠骨髓瘤细胞和卵细胞。







如右图所示,图中1、6、7号个体已过世,无法提取到遗传物质,为了鉴定男孩8与本家庭的亲子关系,下列方案可行的是( )A.比较8与2的线粒体DNA序列B.比较8与3的线粒体DNA序列C.比较8与2的X染色体DNA序列D.比较8与5的Y染色体DNA序列30.右图表示生物学中的某些现象。


用隐性性状的个体与显性纯合体个体杂交得F1,F l测交结果为aabbcc:AaBbCc:aaBbcc:AabbCc=1:1:1:1,则( )A.基因A和C连锁,基因a与c连锁B.基因A和B连锁,基因a与b连锁C.基因B和C连锁,基因b与c连锁D.连锁基因间有互换32.下图是同一种生物体内,有关细胞分裂的一组图像,下列与此有关的几种说法中,不正确...的是()℃A.中心法则所表示的生命活动内容主要是在图⑤所示的时期进行的B.可遗传的变异来源之一的基因重组的发生与图①有关,而与图③无直接关系C.在图示②细胞分裂方式的间期发生的基因突变传递给下一代的可能性要比图③所示的大得多D.在雄性动物体内,同时具备上述图所示细胞分裂时期的器官是睾丸而不是肝脏第II卷(共90分)二、简答题(共90分)33.(11分) 右图示植物细胞亚显微结构模式图。

请据图回答:(括号内填图中编号) (1) 计量植物细胞大小的常用单位是____________米。

(2) 细胞亚显微结构必须通过_____________(仪器)才能观察到。

(3) 与细胞渗透吸水能力直接有关的结构是[ ]_________。

(4) 光合色素主要分布在[ ]____________结构内。

(5) 能合成ATP的部位有[ ]____________,[ ]____________,[ ]____________。

(6) 结构[10]核膜和[12] ____________相连的特点和它的功能___________________________________是一致的。

(7) 若这是根尖生长点细胞,图中必须删去的结构是[ ],[ ]。




