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化合物的英文命名(Nomenclature of compounds)

I 无机物的命名(Inorganic compounds)

1 元素与单质的命名

“元素”和“单质”的英文意思都是“element”,有时为了区别,在强调“单质”时可用“free element”。因此,单质的英文名称与元素的英文名称是一样的。下面给出的既是元素的名称,同时又是单质的名称。

S-block Element


H Hydrogen Be Berylliu


Li Lithium Mg Magnesiu m

Na Sodium Ca Calcium K Potassium Sr Stronti um

Rb Rubidium Ba Barium

Cs Cesium

Fr Francium Ra Radi um

P-block Element



B Boron

C Carbon

N Nitrogen

Al Aluminium Si Silicon

P Phosphorus

Ga Gallium Ge Germanium As Arsenic

In Indium Sn Tin S

b Antimony

Tl Thallium Pb Lead B

i Bismuth


He Helium

O Oxygen F Fluorine

Ne Neon

S Sulfur Cl Chlorine

Ar Argon

Se Selenium Br Bromine

Kr Krypton

Te Tellurium I Iodine

Xe Xenon

Po Polonium At Astatine

Rn Radon

Common Transition Elememt

Fe : iron Mn : manganese

Cu: copper Zn: zinc

Hg: mercury Ag: silver

Au: gold

2 化合物的命名

化合物的命名顺序都是根据化学式从左往右读,这与中文读法顺序是相反的。表示原子个数时使用前缀(1)mono-,(2)di -,(3)tri- ,(4)tetra – ,(5)penta- (6)hexa-,(7)hepta-, (8)octa-,(9)nona-,(10)deca-,但是在不会引起歧义时,这些前缀都尽可能被省去。

①Naming metal ions (cations) for metal oxides, bases and salts

i. Single valence ions

Cation’s name = Element

for example:

Na+ Sodium Al3+ Aluminum

K+ Potassium Ca2+ Calcium

ii.Multivalence ions

Cation’s name = Element(N)

For example:

Fe2+ Iron(II) or Ferrous

Fe3+ Iron(III) or Ferric

Cr2+ Chromium(II)

Cr3+ Chromium(III)

Mn4+ Manganese(IV)

Mn2+ Manganese(II)


如 FeO: iron(II)oxide 或 ferrous oxide

Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide或ferric oxide

Cu2O: copper(I) oxide 或cuprous oxide

CuO: copper(II)oxide或cupric oxide

②Naming nonmetal ions (anions)

i. Monatomic anions

Anion’s name = Element’s root -ide

For example:

Cl- Chloride O2- Oxide

Br- Bromide OH- Hydroxide I- Iodide CN- Cyanide

S2- Sulfide H- Hydride

ii. Polyatomic oxyanions

a. Acid radicals for normal salt(正酸根 -ate )

Anion’s name = Central Element’s root -ate

for example:

ClO3- Chlor ate IO3- Iod ate

PO43- Phosph ate NO3- Nitr ate

SO42- Sulf ate CO32- Carbon ate

b. Acid radicals for meta-salts (亚酸根 -ite )

Anion’s name = Central element’s root -ite

for example:

ClO2- Chlor ite IO2- Iod ite
