TeSys U系列电动机起动-控制器 宣传样本
Tesys T调制过程(旧版本)马达保护器
调制T esys T过程首先打开桌面图标:tesyst.exe,进入其软件页面,在左侧出现四个菜单,依次是:Tesys T(电机控制保护器)Device information(设备信息),settings(设置),custom logic(逻辑习惯)。
双击Tesys T(电机控制保护器),在页面右侧出现其装置外观图双击Device information(设备信息),在页面右侧出现的信息不是用来改参数的,是用来参考设备其本身已设置好的参数。
Device settings(设备设置),其下有6个子信息,Reference catalog(参考目录)、firmware(硬件版本),current range(电流范围),control voltage(控制电压),digital I/O(逻辑输入输出),State(状态)。
然后是Extension module(扩展模块)。
最下是Device settings(设备设置),currnet range(电流范围),这个范围有下拉菜单以供选择,这个电流范围是设备本身允许的额定电流范围。
Control voltage(控制电压),同样也有下拉菜单,不过设备要求的是直流24V。
Input configuration(输入配置)这个为灰色,表示不能输入数据。
Firmware(版本),也有下拉菜单,一般选择2.1.0/2.2.0 注:此参数页面一般不需要再重新设置,这是Tesys t设备出厂自带的。
有6个菜单:Motor and control(电机控制),Thermal(热保护),Currnet(电流保护),V oltage(电压保护),Power(功率保护),Communication and HMI(通讯和人机界面)。
施耐德电气 TeSys
Te Sy s®T电动机管理控制器选型手册施耐德电气在中国1987年,施耐德电气在天津成立第一家合资工厂梅兰日兰,将断路器技术带到中国,取代传统保险丝,使得中国用户用电安全性大为增强,并为断路器标准的建立作出了卓越的贡献。
施耐德电气 能效管理平台全球能效管理专家施耐德电气为世界100多个国家提供整体解决方案,其中在能源与基础设施、工业过程控制、楼宇自动化和数据中心与网络等市场处于世界领先地位,在住宅应用领域也拥有强大的市场能力。
施耐德电气助您——善用其效,尽享其能!施耐德电气善用其效 尽享其能凭借其对五大市场的深刻了解、对集团客户的悉心关爱,以及在能效管理领域的丰富经验,施耐德电气从一个优秀的产品和设备供应商逐步成长为整体解决方案提供商。
今年,施耐德电气首次集成其在建筑楼宇、IT 、安防、电力及工业过程和设备等五大领域的专业技术和经验,将其高质量的产品和解决方案融合在一个统一的架构下,通过标准的界面为各行业客户提供一个开放、透明、节能、高效的能效管理平台,为企业客户节省高达30%的投资成本和运营成本。
● 选型指南 ......................................................................................................................2-3● 介绍 ................................................................................................................................4-5● 产品描述 .......................................................................................................................6-8● 功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9-10● 拓朴结构 .................................................................................................................... 11-12● 编程 ............................................................................................................................ 13-14● 产品特性 ...................................................................................................................15-18● 脱扣曲线 (19)● 订货号 .......................................................................................................................20-23● 尺寸与安装 ............................................................................................................. 24-25● 接线图 ...................................................................................................................... 26-29● 产品组合替换表 (30)目录电动机管理控制器Te Sys T选型指南保护元件Te Sys T 电动机管理控制器控制器Te Sys T 是一种电动机管理控制器,为单相或3相恒速交流电机提供电机保护,电机参数测量和监视功能;电机最大电流可达810A 。
Tesys T电动机管理控制器选型手册
介绍 ( 续 )
TeSys T 电动机管理控制器
系统应由以下组件构成 ● 一个 LTMR 电机管理控制器 ○ 包含内置电流互感器,最大穿芯电流 100A ○ 穿芯电流超过 100A 时,使用外部电流互感器,最大可达 810A ● 一个 LTME 扩展模块 ● 一个 XBTN410 操作终端 ● 集成于 PowerSuite 软件内部的组态软件 ● 系统附件
通信 LTMR 控制器本身具有一个通信端口,通过该端口你可以: 远程监控电机;所有电机信息因此通过通信方式存在于自动化等级,可以在管理层操作
TeSys T 已经支持以下网络协议 ● Modbus, CANopen, DeviceNet, ProfiBus DP ● Ethernet TCP/IP
TeSys T 系统功能
它用于电机控制可实现以下性能: ● 提升安装的可操作性 ● 提升项目从设计到执行的灵活性 ● 提供了系统运行所需要的全部信息,从而提高了生产力
TeSys T 电动机管理控制器与施耐德低压设备完美配合,如与 Okken, Blokset 以及 Prisma 抽屉柜, 都可以非常好地配合。
1 断路器 2 接触器 3 带扩展模块的控制器 4 操作员控制单元
保护功能 ● 预防热过载 ● 预防相不平衡和相位故障 ● 电动机热保护通过 PTC 探针 ● 预防倒相 ● 预防接地故障 ● 预防起动时间过长和电动机失速 ● 失压自动关闭和顺序重启功能 ● 预防负载起伏 (I, U, P) ● 预防功率因数 Cos ϕ 波动
测量功能 ● 测量 (rms 值) ○ 3 相电流 ○ 3 相电压 ○ 电机温度 ○ 接地电流 ● 计算 ○ 平均电流 ○ 频率
标准TeSys U-不可逆控制
此配置需一个动力底座,一个控制单元和可能需要的一个辅助触点模块,应用于保护电动机开 断。
A 动力底座(LUB12或LUB32)
TeSys® U“傲马”系列
电动机起动 - 控制设备
TeSys® U型-“傲马”系列
TeSys® U型电动机起动-控制器
p 设计理念 ..............................................................................................................................................2 p 选型指南 ..............................................................................................................................................5 ○ 控制单元和模块推荐选型 ..............................................................................................................5 p 应用举例 ..............................................................................................................................................7 p 产品说明 ............................................................................................................................................ 12 ○ 不可逆动力底座 .............................................................................................................................. 12 ○ 附加触点模块和辅助触点模块(用于不可逆动力底座).....................................................13 ○ 可逆动力底座...................................................................................................................................14 ○ 附加触点模块和辅助触点模块(用于可逆动力底座)............................................................ 15 ○ 附加触点模块和辅助触点模块 ...................................................................................................16 ○ 动力线路预接线系统,限流模块............................................................................................... 17 ○ TeSys U起动-控制器手柄...........................................................................................................18 ○ 控制单元............................................................................................................................................19 ○ 功能模块........................................................................................................................................... 22 ○ 并行接口和线圈预接线模块....................................................................................................... 23 ○ AS-i通讯模块................................................................................................................................... 25 ○ Profibus DP 通讯模块 ................................................................................................................... 27 ○ CANopen通讯模块........................................................................................................................30 ○ DeviceNet通讯模块 ...................................................................................................................... 32 ○ Advantys STB通讯模块................................................................................................................ 35 ○ Modbus 通讯模块 .......................................................................................................................... 37 ○ 15-315 kW的电动机控制器.......................................................................................................... 39 p 产品特性 ...........................................................................................................................................40 ○ 15 kW以下产品特性.......................................................................................................................40 ○ 15-315 kW产品特性 ....................................................................................................................... 48 ○ 脱扣曲线和限制曲线 .................................................................................................................... 50 ○ 电气寿命........................................................................................................................................... 53 ○ 尺寸.................................................................................................................................................... 55 ○ 电路图 ............................................................................................................................................... 57 p 建议应用方案 ..................................................................................................................................66
Te Sys®系列(国产)电动机起动器选型替代手册2 Te Sys®系列产品型号介绍3 Te Sys®系列三极接触器4 Te Sys®系列四极接触器5 Te Sys®系列可逆三极接触器6 Te Sys®系列中间继电器7 Te Sys®系列热继电器8 Te Sys®系列电动机继电器9 Te Sys®与D2产品型号对照Te Sys® 系列产品型号介绍LC1 D 09 7 M CLC1:接触器LC2:可逆接触器D:D系列产品09:AC3额定电流;T**:4NO主极AC1额定电流**8:2NO/2NC主极AC3额定电流11500, 15000,17000:对于115/150/170三个规格,末尾增加“00”线圈电压代码M:220V其余参见样本线圈电压类型5:50Hz7:50/60HzD:直流L:直流低功耗无:进口产品C:上海合资厂生产LRD:热继电器无:38A以下热继电器33:17~104A热继,与LC1D40~95接触器配合43:80~140A热继,与LC1D115~170接触器配合电流整定值范围22:16~24A其余参见样本无:进口产品C:上海合资厂生产KN:上海合资厂生产,KIR系列产品GV2:电动机断路器PM:Te Sys®国产系列旋钮操作ME:Te Sys®国产系列按钮式操作RT:Te Sys® D系列拨扣式操作P:Te Sys® D系列旋钮操作电流整定值范围10:4~6.3A其余参见样本无:进口产品C:上海合资厂生产CAD:控制继电器5:NO辅助触点数量0:NC辅助触点数量线圈电压代码M:220V其余参见样本线圈电压类型5:50Hz7:50/60HzD:直流L:直流低功耗无:进口产品C:上海合资厂生产LRD 33 22 CGV2 ME 10 CCAD 5 0 M 7 C45三极接触器螺丝固定接线方式AC-3类50/60Hz额定工作辅助基本型号重量三相电动机标准电流瞬时控制电路电压编码额定功率值(θ ≤ 60˚C)AC-3 触点组成一完整型号至440V 220V380V 660V 230V 400V 415V 440V 500V 690V 1000V kWkW kW kW kW kW kW A kg 2.2444 5.5 5.5—911LC1-D09pp C 0.32035.5 5.5—1211LC1-D12pp C 0.32547.5991010—1811LC1-D18pp C 0.3305.51111111515—3511LC1-D25pp C 0.370 7.515151518.518.5—3211LC1-D32pp C 0.375918.518.518.518.518.5—3811LC1-D38pp C 0.3801118.522222*********LC1-D40pp C 1.400152225303033305011LC1-D50pp C 1.40018.53037373737376511LC1-D65pp C 1.400223745455545458011LC1-D80pp C 1.590254545455545459511LC1-D95pp C 1.6103055595975807511500LC1-D11500pp C 2.50040758080901009015000LC1-D15000pp C 2.500559010010011011010017000LC1-D17000pp C 2.5006311011011012912910020500LC1-D205pp C 5.2007513213213216016014724500LC1-D245pp C 5.30010016018020020020016030000LC1-D300pp C 9.35011022022025025028018541000LC1-D410pp C 10.05014726528028035535533547500LC1-D475pp C 12.50020033537540040045045062000LC1-D620pp C 20.100(1) LC1-D09…38:夹持安装在35mm 5型导轨上或螺丝固定LC1-D40…95~:夹持安装在35mm 或75mm 5型导轨上或螺丝固定LC1-D40…95---:夹持安装在75mm 5型导轨上或螺丝固定LC1-D115…150---:夹持安装在2×35mm 5型导轨上或螺丝固定(2) 标准控制电路电压LC1-D09 (38)U 0.7...1.25 Uc BD CD ED FDMD LC1-D09pp LC1-D25pp LC1-D95pp LC1-D115pp6四极接触器螺丝固定接线方式无电感负载极数辅助触头数基本型号重量的额定电流控制电路电压编码(θ ≤ 60˚C)组成一完整型号AC-1Akg 204 -11LC1-DT20pp C 0.3652 211LC1-D098pp C 0.365254 -11LC1-DT25pp C 0.3652 211LC1-D128pp C 0.365324 -11LC1-DT32pp C 0.4252 211LC1-D188pp C 0.425404 -11LC1-DT40pp C 0.4252 211LC1-D258pp C 0.425标准控制电路电压LC1-D09...25 和 LC1-DT20...DT40U 0.7...1.25 UcBD CD ED FD MD 直流线圈标配内置抑流模块。
功能性设计 ● 合理化的尺寸和内部 布置 ● 减少占地面积 ● 简便的主电路和辅助 电路连接 ● 易于安装,升级成本 得到控制
Blokset, a modular multi-function system
A multi-function range ● type D: distribution switchboards up to 6300A ● type Dc: power factor correction column ● type Mf: fixed-type motor-control centres up to 6300A ● type Mx: withdrawable-type column up to 6300A ● type Mw: withdrawable-type column up to 6300A ● type Ms: variablespeed drives and starters column
Blokset, 模块化的多功能系统
● D型: 6300A以下的 配电柜
● Dc型: 功率因数补偿柜 ● Mf型: 6300A以下的 固定式电动机控制中心
● Mx型:6300A以下 的抽屉柜
● Mw型: 6300A以下的 抽屉柜
● Ms型: 变频器和软起 动器柜
模块化系统 ● 标准化的元件 ● 快速制造 ● 易于修改
the guarantee of a major manufacturer
The quality and reliability of Blokset are based on close collaboration with your local contacts.
In addition to the technical excellence of the product, Schneider Electric also participates actively in the success of your projects today and tomorrow.
电磁保护设备TeSys GV系列产品参数表说明书
C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sCircuit breakersTeSys GV, GBC ontrol and P rotection C omponentsChapterB60.75g g 1.1g g 1.5375 2.533.5 LR2 K0308GV2LE071.1g g –––––– 2.533.5 LR2 K0308GV2LE071.5g g 1.5g g 3375451 LR2 K0310GV2LE08––– 2.2g g –––451 LR2 K0312GV2LE082.2g g 3501004375 6.378 LR2 K0312GV2LE103g g 410100 5.537510138 LR2 K0314GV2LE144g g 5.510100–––10138 LR2 K0316GV2LE14––––––7.537510138 LRD 14GV2LE14––––––937514170 LRD 16GV2LE165.515507.56751137514170 LR2 K0321GV2LE167.5155096751537518223 LRD 21GV2LE20915401147518.537525327 LRD 22GV2LE2211154015475–––25327 LRD 22GV2LE2215105018.54752237532416LRD 32GV2LE32(1) As % of Icu.g ) > 100 kA.GV2 LE10D F 526144.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r s0.09––––––0.45LRD 03GV2L030.12g g –––0.37g g 0.638LRD 04GV2L040.18g g ––––––0.638LRD 04GV2L04––––––0.55g g 113LRD 05GV2L050.25g g ––––––113LRD 05GV2L05––––––0.75g g 113LRD 06GV2L050.37g g 0.37g g –––113LRD 05GV2L050.55g g 0.55g g 1.1g g 1.622.5LRD 06GV2L06–––0.75g g ––– 1.622.5LRD 06GV2L060.75g g 1.1g g 1.54100 2.533.5LRD 07GV2L07Example: GV3 L32 becomes GV3 L326.(1) As % of Icu. Associated current limiter or fuses, where required. See characteristics page B6/33.g > 100 kA.GV2 L10D F 526145.t i fGV3 L65D F 526146.t i fTeSys GVThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 ME0.06gg––––––0.16…0.252.4GV2ME020.09g g––––––0.25…0.405GV2ME030.12 0.18g g g g – –– –– – 0.37 –g–g –0.40…0.638GV2ME040.25gg––– 0.55gg0.63…113GV2ME050.37 0.55 –g g –g g –0.37 0.55 0.75g g g g g g – 0.75 1.1– g g – g g 1…1622.5GV2ME060.75g g1.1gg1.5375 1.6...2.533.5GV2ME071.1 1.5g g g g 1.5 2.2g g g g 2.2 3 3 375 75 2.5 (4)51GV2ME082.2gg350100 43754...6.378GV2ME103 4g g g g 4 5.510 10100 100 5.5 7.5 3 375 756 (10)138GV2ME145.5 –15 –50 –7.5 – 6 –75 – 9 11 3 375 759…14170GV2ME167.5155096751537513…18223GV2ME209154011475 18.537517…23327GV2ME2111154015475 –––20…25327GV2ME22 (3)15105018.54752237524 (32)416GV2ME32Motor circuit breakers from 0.06 to 15 kW / 400 V, with lugsTo order thermal magnetic circuit breakers with connection by lugs, add the digit 6 to the end of reference selected above.Example: GV2 ME08 becomes GV2 ME086.Thermal magnetic circuit breakers GV2 ME with built-in auxiliary contact block With instantaneous auxiliary contact block (composition, see page B6/11):b GV AE1, add suffix AE1TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AE1TQ .b GV AE11, add suffix AE11TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AE11TQ .b GV AN11, add suffix AN11TQ to the motor circuit breaker reference selected above. Example: GV2 ME01AN11TQ .These circuit breakers with built-in contact block are sold in lots of 20 units in a single pack.(1) As % of Icu.(2) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.(3) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP , please consult your Regional Sales Office. g > 100 kA.GV2 ME10D F 526134.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 MEReferences0.06g g ––– 0.16…0.25 2.4GV2ME0230.09g g ––– 0.25…0.405GV2ME0330.120.18g g g g –––0.40…0.638GV2ME0430.250.37g g g g 0.37g g 0.63…113GV2ME0530.370.55g g g g 0.370.550.75g g g g g g 1…1.622.5GV2ME0630.75g g1.1g g 1.6…2.533.5GV2ME0731.11.5g g g g 1.52.2g g g g 2.5…451GV2ME0832.2g g 350100 4…6.378GV2ME10334g g g g 45.510101001006…10138GV2ME1435.515507.5675 9…14170GV2ME1637.515509675 13…18223GV2ME203911151540401147517…23327GV2ME2131115401547520 (25)327GV2ME223Contact blocksDescription Mounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold in lots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront 1N/O + N/C 10GVAE113N/O + N/O 10GVAE203LH side2N/O + N/C 1GVAN113N/O + N/O1GVAN203AccessoryDescriptionApplicationSold in lots of Unitreference Cable end reducerFor connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm 220LA9D99(1) For connection of conductors from 1 to 1.5 mm 2, the use of an LA9 D99 cable end reducer is recommended.(2) Maximum rating which can be mounted in enclosures GV2 MC or MP , please consult your Regional Sales Office (3) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.g > 100 kA.GV2 ME pp 3D F 526135.t i fLA9 D99D F 533898.e p sTeSys GVReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakersGV2 P, GV3 P and GV3 ME80GV2 P10D F 526137.t i fGV3 P65D F 526139.t i fGV3 P651D F 526140.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVReferences93610011181001581007.59707010010091150501001001115101010010012…20GV7RS20 2.0109113636100100111518181001001518.58810010015…25GV7RE25 2.0109117070100100111550501001001518.5101010010015…25GV7RS25 2.01018.53610018.522181810010022810025…40GV7RE40 2.01018.57010018.550100221010025…40GV7RS40 2.0102236100301810030810030…50GV7RE50 2.01522701003050100301010030 (50)GV7RS502.01537361004555181810010055810048...80GV7RE80 2.040377010045555050100100551010048...80GV7RS80 2.0404536100–1810075810060...100GV7RE100 2.0404570100–50100751010060...100GV7RS100 2.0405575353510010075903030100100901108810010090 (150)GV7RE1502.020557570701001007590505010010090110101010010090…150GV7RS150 2.02090110353510010011013216030303010010010016020088100100132…220GV7RE220 2.3509011070701001001101321605050501001001001602001010100100132…220GV7RS220 2.350(1) As % of lcu.TeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 RGV7 RE40D F 526138.t i fGV7 RS220D F 526141.t i f0.12––0.370.40…0.6313GV2RT040.…122GV2RT050.180.250.370.550.370.550.370.550.750.751.11…1.633GV2RT060.370.750.751.1…2.551GV2RT070.550.75 1.11.5 2.23 2.5…478GV2RT081.12.22.23344…6.3138GV2RT101.52.234445.5 5.57.56…10200GV2RT142.23…14280GV2RT1647.57.5991513…18400GV2RT205.5911111118.517…23400GV2RT21(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.GV2 RTD F 526142.t i fC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sblack handle, blue legend plate(1) The thermal trip setting must be within the range marked on the graduated knob.(2) Other accessories such as mounting, cabling and marking accessories are identical to those used for GV2 ME motor circuit breakers, see page B6/13.GV2 RTD F 526142.t i fD F 526340.e p sC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescription Mounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold inlots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront (1)1N/O or N/C (2)10GVAE1N/O + N/C 10GVAE11N/O + N/O10GVAE20Side (LH)2N/O + N/C1GVAN11N/O + N/O1GVAN20Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contact Side (3) (LH)1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAD1010+ N/C1GVAD1001N/C (fault)+ N/O1GVAD0110+ N/C1GVAD0101Short-circuit signalling contactSide (LH)1C/O common point1GVAM11(1 block on RH sideof circuit breaker GV2 ME)50 Hz GVAX11560 Hz GVAX116127 V60 Hz GVAX115220…240 V 50 Hz GVAX22560 Hz GVAX226380…400 V50 Hz GVAX38560 Hz GVAX386415…440 V 50 Hz GVAX415440 V60 Hz GVAX385Add-on contact blocksDescriptionMountingMaximum number Reference Visible isolation block (5)Front (1)1GV2AK00 (6)LimitersAt top(GV2 ME and GV2 P)1GV1L3Independent1LA9LB920(1) Mounting of a GV AE contact block or a GV2 AK00 visible isolation block on GV2 P and GV2 L .(2) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted.(3) The GV AD is always mounted next to the circuit breaker.(4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with a U , example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with an S , example: GV AS025.(5) Visible isolation of the 3 poles upstream of circuit breaker GV2 P and GV2 L .Visible isolation block GV2 AK00 cannot be used with motor circuit breakers GV2 P32 and GV2 L32 (Ith max = 25 A).(6) Ie Max = 32 A.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsAdd-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/89 and B6/94Dimensions, schemes:pages B6/70 to B6/82LA9LB920D B 126629.e p sC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVTerminal blockfor supply to one or more GV2 G busbar setsConnection from the top1GV1G09Can be fitted with current limiter GV1 L3 (GV2 ME and GV2 P)1GV2G05Cover for terminal block For mounting in modular panels10LA9E07Flexible 3-pole connection for connecting a GV2 to a contactor LC1-D09…D25 Centre distance between mounting rails: 100…120 mm10GV1G02Set of connections upstream/downstream For connecting GV2 ME to a printed circuit board 10GV2GA01“Large Spacing” adapter UL 508 type EFor GV2 P pp H7 (except 32 A)1GV2GH7Clip-in marker holders (supplied with each circuit breaker)For GV2 P , GV2 L, GV2 LE and GV2 RT (8 x 22 mm)100LA9D92ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsAccessoriesDimensions, schemes:pages B6/70 to B6/82D B 417942.e p sTeSys GVD B 126631.e p sD B 126630.e p sD B 126632.e p s7P B 106297_45.e p sExtended Rotary HandleAllows a circuit breaker or a starter-controller installed in back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure.A rotary handle can be black or red/yellow, IP54 or IP65. It includes a function for locking the circuit breaker or the starter in the O (Off) or I (On) position(depending of the type of rotary handle) by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 4 to 8 mm. The extended shaft must be adjusted to use in different size enclosures. The IP54 rotary handle is fixed with a nut (Ø22) to make easierthe assembling. The new Laser Square tool brings the accuracy to align the circuit breaker and the rotary handle.device(padlocks not included)ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic and magnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 with screw clamp connectionsC i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescriptionMounting Maximum number Type of contacts Sold inlots of Unitreference Instantaneous auxiliary contactsFront1N/O or N/C (1)10GVAE1N/O + N/C 10GVAE11 (2)N/O + N/O10GVAE20 (2)Side (LH)2N/O + N/C1GVAN11 (2)N/O + N/O1GVAN20 (2)Fault signalling contact + instantaneous auxiliary contactFront 1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAED101 (2)N/O (fault)+ N/C1GVAED011 (2)Side (3) (LH)1N/O (fault)+ N/O1GVAD1010+ N/C1GVAD1001N/C (fault)+ N/O1GVAD0110+ N/C1GVAD0101Short-circuit signalling contact Side (LH)1C/O common point 1GVAM11(4)MountingVoltage ReferenceSide(1 block on RH side of circuit breaker)24 V 50 Hz GVA p 02560 Hz GVA p 02648 V 50 Hz GVA p 05560 Hz GVA p 05610050 Hz GVA p 107100…110 V 60 Hz GVA p 107110…115 V 50 Hz GVA p 11560 Hz GVA p 116120…127 V 50 Hz GVA p 125127 V 60 Hz GVA p 115200 V50 Hz GVA p 207200…220 V 60 Hz GVA p 207220…240 V 50 Hz GVA p 22560 Hz GVA p 226380…400 V 50 Hz GVA p 38560 Hz GVA p 386415…440 V 50 Hz GVA p 415415 V 60 Hz GVA p 416440 V 60 Hz GVA p 385480 V 60 Hz GVA p 415500 V 50 Hz GVA p 505600 V60 HzGVA p 505AccessoriesDescription Reference Sets of 3-pole 115 A busbars Pitch: 64 mm2 tap-off GV3 P pp and GV3 L pp GV3G2643 tap-off GV3 P pp and GV3 L pp GV3G364Cover “Large Spacing” UL 508 type E (Only one cover required on supply side)GV3 P ppGV3G66(1) Choice of N/C or N/O contact operation, depending on which way round the reversible block is mounted.(2) Contact blocks available in version with spring terminal connections. Add a figure 3 at the end of the references selected above. Example: GV AED101 becomes GV AED1013.(3) The GV AD pp is always mounted next to the circuit breaker.(4) To order an undervoltage trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with a U , example: GV AU025. To order a shunt trip: replace the dot (p ) in the reference with an S , example: GV AS025.Add-on blocks and accessoriesGV3 G66D F 537424.e p sTeSys GVD B 126637.e p sD B 126636.e p sD B 126632.e p s7P B 106297_45.e p sExtended Rotary HandleAllows a circuit breaker or a starter-controller installed in back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure.A rotary handle can be black or red/yellow, IP54 or IP65. It includes a function for locking the circuit breaker or the starter in the O (Off) or I (On) position(depending of the type of rotary handle) by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 4 to 8 mm. The extended shaft must be adjusted to use in different size enclosures. The IP54 rotary handle is fixed with a nut (Ø22) to make easierthe assembling. The new Laser Square tool brings the accurency to align the circuit breaker and the rotary handle.For English 10-GVAPSEN For German 10-GVAPSDE For Spanish10-GVAPSES For Chinese 10-GVAPSCN For Portuguese 10-GVAPSPT For Russian 10-GVAPSRU For Italian10-GVAPSITD F 526342.e p sB6/21C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVfor locking the Start button (on open-mounted product)using up to 3 padlocks(padlocks to be ordered separately)External operator for mounting on enclosure door.Red Ø40 knob on yellow plate, padlockable in position O (with up to 3 padlocks). Door locked when knob in position I, and when knob padlocked in position O.GK3AP03(1) 1 voltage trip OR 1 fault signalling contact to be fitted inside the motor circuit breaker.Other versions24 to 690 V, 50 or 60 Hz voltage trips for circuit breakers GV3 ME80.Please consult your Regional Sales Office.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsMotor circuit breakers GV3 ME80 and GK3 EF80Add-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/89 and B6/92Dimensions:page B6/47B6/22D F 526344.e p sB6/23C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVThese allow remote indication of the circuit breaker contact states. They can be used for signalling, electrical locking, relaying, etc. They are available in two versions: standard and low level. They include a terminal block and the auxiliary circuits leave the circuit breaker through a hole provided for this purpose.They perform the following functions, depending on where they are located in the circuit breaker:Low levelGV7AB11Fault discrimination devicesThese make it possible to:b either differentiate a thermal fault from a magnetic fault,b or open the contactor only in the event of a thermal fault.VoltageReference a 24...48 and c 24…72 V GV7AD111 (1)z 110…240 VGV7AD112 (1)Electric tripsThese allow the circuit breaker to be tripped via an electrical control signal.b Undervoltage trip GV7 AUv Trips the circuit breaker when the control voltage drops below the tripping threshold, which is between 0.35 and 0.7 times the rated voltage.v Circuit breaker closing is only possible if the voltage exceeds 0.85 times the rated voltage. Circuit breaker tripping by a GV7 AU trip meets the requirements of IEC 60947-2.b Shunt trip GV7 ASTrips the circuit breaker when the control voltage rises above 0.7 times the rated voltage.b Operation (GV7 AU or GV7 AS)v When the circuit breaker has been tripped by a GV7 AU or AS, it must be reset either locally or by remote control. (For remote control, please consult your Regional Sales Office).v Tripping has priority over manual closing: if a tripping instruction is present, manual action does not result in closing, even temporarily, of the contacts.v Durability: 50 % of the mechanical durability of the circuit breaker.TypeVoltageReference Undervoltage trip48 V, 50/60 HzGV7AU055 (1)110…130 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU107 (1)200…240 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU207 (1)380…440 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AU387 (1)525 V, 50 HzGV7AU525 (1)Shunt trip48 V, 50/60 HzGV7AS055 (1)110…130 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS107 (1)200…240 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS207 (1)380…440 V, 50/60 Hz GV7AS387 (1)525 V, 50 HzGV7AS525 (1)(1) For mounting of a GV7 AD or a GV7 AU or AS.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 R with screw clamp connectionsAdd-on blocks and accessoriesCharacteristics:pages B6/51, B6/52 and B6/56Dimensions:pages B6/79 to B6/81Schemes:page B6/83B6/24B6/25C i r c u i t b r e a k e r sTeSys GVDescription ApplicationFor use on contactors Sold in lots of Unitreference Clip-on connectors for GV7 RUp to 150 A, 1.5…95 mm 2–3GV7AC021Up to 220 A, 1.5…185 mm 2–3GV7AC022Spreader 3-pole (1)To increase the pitch to 45 mm–1GV7AC03Terminal shields IP 405 (1)Supplied with sealing accessory–1GV7AC01Phase barriersSafety accessories used when fitting of shields is impossible –2GV7AC04Insulating screens Ensure insulation between the connections and the backplate –2GV7AC05Kits for combination with contactor (2)Allowing link between thecircuit breaker and the contactor. The cover provides protection against direct finger contactLC1 F115…F1851GV7AC06LC1 F225 and F2651GV7AC07LC1 D115 and D1501GV7AC08Replaces the circuit breaker front cover; secured by screws. It includes a device for locking the circuit breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). A conversion accessory allows the direct rotary handle to be mounted on the enclosure door. In this case, the door cannot be opened if the circuit breaker is in the “ON” position. Circuit breaker closing is inhibited if the enclosure door is open.Description TypeDegree of protection Reference Direct rotary handleBlack handle, black legend plate IP 40GV7AP03Red handle, yellow legend plateIP 40GV7AP04Adapter plate (3)Four mounting direct rotary handle on enclosure doorIP 43GV7AP05Allows a circuit breaker installed in the back of an enclosure to be operated from the front of the enclosure. It comprises:b a unit which screws onto the front cover of the circuit breaker,b an assembly (handle and front plate) to be fitted on the enclosure door,b an extension shaft which must be adjusted (distance between the mounting surface and the door: 185 mm minimum, 600 mm maximum). It includes a device for locking the circuit breaker in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included). This prevents the enclosure door from being opened.DescriptionTypeDegree of protection Reference Extended rotary handleBlack handle, black legend plate IP 55GV7AP01Red handle, yellow legend plateIP 55GV7AP02Allows circuit breakers not fitted with a rotary handle to be locked in the O (Off) position by means of up to 3 padlocks with a shank diameter of 5 to 8 mm (padlocks not included).Description ApplicationReference Locking deviceFor circuit breaker not fitted with a rotary handleGV7V01(1) Terminal shields cannot be used together with spreaders.(2) The kit comprises links, a protective shield and a depth adjustable metal bracket for the breaker.(3) This conversion accessory makes it impossible to open the door if the device is closed and prevents the device from being closed if the door is open.ReferencesTeSys protection componentsThermal-magnetic motor circuit breakers GV7 R with screw clamp connectionsAccessoriesGV7 AC07D F 537429.e p sGV7 AC08D F 537428.e p sDimensions:pages B6/79 to B6/81B6/260.5 6.63GB2DB051143GB2DB062263GB2DB073403GB2DB084503GB2DB095663GB2DB106833GB2DB1281083GB2DB14101383GB2DB16121653GB2DB20162203GB2DB21202703GB2DB22(1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1.GB2 CBppD F 526243.t i fGB2 CD ppD F 526244.t i fGB2 DBppD F 526245.t i fPresentation, selection :page B6/84Characteristics :pages B6/85 to B6/87Dimensions :page B6/88Schemes :page B6/88B6/27C i r c u i t b r e a k e r s(1) Conforming to IEC 60947-1.Accessories for circuit breakers GB2-CB, DB and CSDescriptionSold in lots of Unitreference Busbar set for supply to 10 GB2 DB or20 GB2 CB or GB2 CS with 2 connectors1GB2G210Supply connector 10GB2G01GB2 CS ppD F 526246.t i fPresentation, selection :page B6/84Characteristics :pages B6/85 to B6/87Dimensions :page B6/88Schemes :page B6/88B6/28B6/29B6/30TeSys GVCharacteristicsTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 LE and GV2 LReferences:pages B6/2 and B6/3Dimensions:pages B6/43 to B6/47Schemes:page B6/48add-on contact blocks. Side by side mounting is possible up to 40 °C.(2) When mounting on a vertical rail, fit a stop to prevent any slippage.(1) As % of Icu.Average operating times at 20 °C related to multiples of the setting currentD F 534092.e p s1 3 poles from cold state2 2 poles from cold state3 3 poles from hot stateDynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VD F 534093.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 32 A3 25 A4 18 A5 14 A6 10 A7 6.3 A8 4 A9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Dynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VD F 534094.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 32 A3 25 A4 18 A5 14 A6 10 A7 6.3 A8 4 A9 2.5 A 10 1.6 A11 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Thermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22Prospective Isc (kA)D F 534095.e p s1 32 A 2 25 A3 18 A4 14 A5 10 A6 6.3 A7 4 A8 2.5 A9 1.6 AThermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22D F 534096.e p s1 25 A and 32 A 2 18 A3 14 A 4 10 A5 6.3 A6 4 A7 2.5 A8 1.6 AThermal limit in kA 2s in the magnetic operating zone Sum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V22D F 534097.e p s1 32 A (GV2 LE32)2 25 A and 32 A (GV2 L32)3 18 A4 14 A5 10 A6 6.3 A7 4 A8 2.5 A9 1.6 A10 Limit of rated ultimate breaking capacity on short-circuit of GV2 LE (14, 18, 23 and 25 A ratings).Average operating time at 20 °C without prior current flowx the setting current (Ir)D F 534098.e p s1 3 poles from cold state2 2 poles from cold state3 3 poles from hot stateA Thermal overload relay protection zoneB GV3 L protection zoneDynamic stressI peak = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 VProspective Isc (kA)D B 418280.e p s1 Maximum peak current2 GV3 L653 GV3 L504 GV3 L405 GV3 L326 GV3 L25Thermal limit in A 2sSum of I 2dt = f (prospective Isc) at 1.05 Ue = 435 V2Prospective Isc (kA)D B 418279.e p s1 GV3 L652 GV3 L503 GV3 L404 GV3 L325 GV3 L25TeSys GVDimensions, mountingD F 537440.e p sD F 537441.e p sD F 537444.e p sTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LETeSys GVDimensions, mounting TeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LED B 127415.e p sD B 127414.e p sa b Mini Maxi Mini Maxi GV2 APN pp140250GV2 APN pp + GV APH02151250GV2 APN pp + GV APK11250434--GV2 APN pp + GV APH02 + GV APK11--250445TeSys GVDimensions,mounting Sets of busbars GV2 G445, GV2 G454, GV2 G472, with terminal block GV2 G05D F 537451.e p sGV2 G445224269314359GV2 G454260314368422GV2 G472332404476548D F 537452.e p sD F 537454.e p sGV2 G345 (3 x 45 mm)134GV2 G354 (3 x 54 mm)152TeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L and GV2 LED F 537480.e psD F 537435.e p sD F 510637.e p sD F 510638.e p sD B 127416.e p sD B 127417.e p sa b Mini Maxi Mini Maxi GV3 APN pp189300--GV3 APN pp + GV APK12300481GV3 APN pp + GV APH03--200300GV3 APN pp + GV APH03 + GV APK12--300492TeSys GVSchemesTeSys protection componentsMagnetic motor circuit breakers GV2 L, GV2 LE, GV3 LD F 537474.e p sD F 537475.e p sD F 537476.e p sGV2 ME, GV2 P , GV3 ME, GV3 P and GV7 R motor circuit breakers are 3-pole thermal-magnetic circuit breakers specifically designed for the control and protection of motors , conforming to standards IEC 60947-2 and IEC 60947-4-1.Connection GV2GV2 ME and GV2 P circuit breakers are designed for connection by screw clamp terminals.Circuit breaker GV2 ME can be supplied with lugs or spring terminal connections.Spring terminal connections ensure secure, permanent and durable clamping that is resistant to harsh environments, vibration and impact and are even more effective when conductors without cable ends are used. Each connection can take two independent conductors.GV3GV3 circuit breakers feature connection by BTR screws (hexagon socket head), tightened using a n° 4 Allen key.This type of connection uses the Ever Link ® system with creep compensation (1) (Schneider Electric patent).This technique makes it possible to achieve accurate and durable tightening torque, in order to avoid cable creep.GV3 circuit breakers are also available with connection by lugs. This type of connection meets the requirements of certain Asian markets and is suitable for applications subject to strong vibration, such as railway transport.GV7GV7 circuit breakers: with connection by screw clamp terminals (for bars and lugs) and by clip-on connectors.OperationControl is manual and local when the motor circuit breaker is used on its own.Control is automatic and remote when it is associated with a contactor.GV2 ME and GV3 ME80Pushbutton control.Energisation is controlled manually by operating the Start button “I” 1.De-energisation is controlled manually by operating the Stop button “O” 2, or automatically by the thermal-magnetic protection elements or by a voltage trip attachment.GV2 P , GV3 P and GV7 Rb Control by rotary knob: for GV2 P and GV3 P b Control by rocker lever: for GV7 R.Energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position “I” 1.De-energisation is controlled manually by moving the knob or rocker lever to position “O” 2.De-energisation due to a fault automatically places the knob or rocker lever in the “Trip” position 3.Re-energisation is possible only after having returned the knob or rocker lever to position “O”.(1) Creep: normal crushing phenomenon of copper conductors, that is accentuated over time.GV2 MEwith screw clamp terminals124D F 526134.t i fGV2 MEwith spring terminals connections124D F 526135.t i fGV3 P1324D F 526136.t ifGV2 P1342D F 526137.t i fGV7 R132D F 526138.t i f。
TeSys U电机控制器说明书
可逆换向可逆换向模块 5 可将无可逆换向的动力底座转换为带可逆换向功能的动力底座。 可逆换向模块 (LU2M) 直接安装在动力底座下方,不增加宽度 (45 mm)。当可用高度受限时,可 以用独立安装的可逆换向模块 LU6M 与动力底座分开安装。 限流 - 隔离器 LUA LB 6 直接安装在动力底座上。可以使分断能力在 400 V 下提高至 130 kA。
保护功能参数设置 “日志”功能,监视
通过串行连接进行的电动机起动器管理 ( 用于报警、日志、监 视的状态、命令、选择和菜单项 ) 隔离功能 过载和短路保护
内置 Modbus 端口
400 V 下的功率
使用断路器 使用熔断器
0.06…75 kW 0.06…75 kW
使用高级控制单元的 电动机起动 - 控制器
使用多功能控制单元的 电动机起动 - 控制器
(1) 并行通信模块
TeSys 电动机起动器 - 开放型
TeSys U 型起动器控制器是一种 D.O.L. 起动器 (1) ,它可完成以下功能: b 单相或三相电动机的保护和控制: v 分断功能 v 过载和短路保护 v 热过载保护 v 动力切换 b 应用控制: v 保护功能报警 v 应用检测 ( 运行时间、故障数目、电动机电流值等等 ) v 日志 ( 保存的最近 5 次故障,并带有电动机参数值 )。 只需要选择控制单元和功能模块并简单插入动力底座中就能实现这些功能,这样产品就可以最 快速、及时的定制。辅助装配的附件可以简化甚至完全取消元件之间的连线。
辅助触点 负载监视 通信接口
标准型 高级型 多功能型
色块: 不能配合 可以配合 内置功能
CE : Compliance with the European Directives
UL, CSA (USA, Canada)
BV, GL, LROS, DNV… : Certifications for merchant navy
(France, Germany, Great Britain, Norway…)
和底座宽度相同的电动机可逆换向 模块,直接安装,无需接线
附加触点及预接线模块,反馈状态 信息,简化接线
TeSys U 智能型电动机起动-控制器 设计理念——快速定制
国际/欧洲标准: IEC/EN 60947-4-1
TeSys U AS-I通信模块用户手册
描述 ........................................................................................................................... 5
安装 ........................................................................................................................... 6
故障描述说明 ........................................................................................................ 13
技术参数................................................................................................................. 13
AS-i AS-i TeSys® U 型 通信模块将 TeSys® U 型起动器 - 控制器连接到 AS-i 总线系统以实现直接或远程
控制。 AS-i ASILUFC5 通信模块的不同操作状态 (AS-i 总线电压、 AS-i 总线通信故障、寻址故障,……) 通过 2 个发光二极管 ( 绿色和红色 ) 在前面板上进行显示。 模块操作通过自检进行连续监控。这对用户来说是完全透明可视的。 AS-i V2 功能的集成 , 通过总线或通过 ASITERV2 和 XZMC11 寻址终端进行远程或本地诊断。 模块必须使用 24V DC 辅助电源供电,且必须并只能与 LUC...BL 24V DC 控制单元一起使用。
® 5 -- TeSys 电子过流继电器
目录 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/1 b 说明特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/2 b 选型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/6 b 尺寸,安装,说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/7
6 -- Vario 负荷开关
目录 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/1 b 选型指南和特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/2 b 选型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/8 b 尺寸,安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/21 b 分订表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/25
Telemecanique TeSys U 控制器 说明书
设置 TeSys U 控制器
基于该文档大小的原因,本章分为以下多个主题: z 介绍 z 组装 z 连接 z 起动
危险 这些设备必须由具有相关认证的人员进行安装、配置和使用。 用户必须了解所有有关应用性说明、标准和规定的需求。 起动电机之前必须检查功能设置。 禁止降级或修改这些设备。 如不遵守该警告,可导致死亡、严重致残或设备损坏。
TeSys U 控制器
安全信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 关于本书 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
根据被控制的接触器型号,有以下两种控制器底座: LUTM10BL 和 LUTM20BL。 LUTM/ 接触器组合表。
电压 24 <=> 250 V
接触器 TeSys 型
电压 24 <=> 250 V
接触器 TeSys 型
24 V
TeSys 型 09 <=> 95
LUTM••BL 控制器底座组成
产品相关性警告 用户建议
施耐德电气不对该文档中的任何错误负责。如果您有任何对该文档进行改进和修改 的建议,或者发现该文档中任何错误,请联系我们。 未经施耐德优先授权,禁止通过任何方式或任何方法 ( 如电子印刷、机械印刷或影 印 ) 对该文档的任何部分进行复制。 在设置和使用该产品时必须遵守所有本地的安全规则。有关安全原因和确保与文档 说明性系统数据符合的问题,只有制造商有权对相关组件进行维修。
H y b r i d m o t o r s t a r t e r sTeSys ControlHybrid motor startersType of productRangePageUltra-compact starters IEC ratingsStandard starters, screw or spring terminals, direct-on-line or reverseUp to 3 kW AC53a Up to 9 A AC51A3/6Safety starters, screw or spring terminals,direct-on-line or reverseUltra-compact starters UL ratingsStandard starters, screw or spring terminals,direct-on-line or reverseUp to 3 hp AC53a Up to 9 A AC51A3/7Safety starters, screw or spring terminals,direct-on-line or reverseTeSys Deca Circuit breakers for a group of startersSelection of magnetic motor circuit breakers TeSys GV2L – rotary knob TeSys GV2LE – rocker leverUp to 32 AA3/8A3/11ChapterA3The most compact 3 KW / 400 V starterin the worldWith printed QR code, refering directly to the product data sheet.H y b r i d m o t o r s t a r t e r sStandard versionp 2 ratings:- 2.4 A 400 V AC53a - 6.5 A 400 V AC53ap 2 control voltages:- 24 V DC- 110 V / 230 V ACSafety versionp Safe T orque Off embedded:- SIL3 according to IEC61508-1 - Ple according to ISO13849-1 p ATEX:- A s associated devices for motor protectionP B 114714_r .e p sP B 114712_r .e p sP B 114718-r .e p sP B 114716_r .e p sp 2 terminal types:- Screw clamps - Springp C an provide up to3 functions:- Forward running - Reverse running - Overload protectionP B 114712_r.e psP B 114801_r .e psP B 114802_r .e p sP B 114711_r .e p sDirect-on-lineHybrid Standard starterReverseIntroductionH y b r i dm o t o r s t a r t e r sHybrid Safety starterHybrid motor starters 101393.e p s107014.e p s101393.e p s107014.e p s101393.e p s 107014.e p sP B 114847_r .e p sP B 113929_r .e p sP B 113929_r .e p s101393.e p s107014.e p sP B 114847_r .e p sP B 113929_r .e p sP B 113929_r .e p sP B 114711.e psP B 114715.e ps1.5 1.52.23333 1.5...6.5LZ8H6X5pp Spring terminals0.370.370.750.750.750.75 1.10.18...2.4LZ8H2X43pp the ●● in the reference by the bobine code: BD (24 V DC) or FU (110-230 V AC).Safety LZ7H2X4pp 9Standard LZ1H6X5pp Safety LZ7H6X5pp Spring terminals2.4Standard LZ1H2X43pp Safety LZ7H2X43pp 9Standard LZ1H6X53pp SafetyLZ7H6X53pp(1) Remplace the ●● in the reference by the bobine code: BD (24 V DC) or FU (110-230 V AC).LZ1H2X4BDLZ7H2X4BDH y b r i d m o t o r s t a r t e r sP B 114713.e psP B 114716.e ps1 1.53 1.5...6.5LZ8H6X5pp Spring terminals1/21/210.18...2.4LZ8H2X43pp 11.531.5...6.5LZ8H6X53pp(1)Remplace the ●● in the reference by the bobine code: BD (24 V DC) or FU (110-230 V AC).Safety LZ7H2X4pp 9Standard LZ1H6X5pp Safety LZ7H6X5pp Spring terminals2.4Standard LZ1H2X43pp Safety LZ7H2X43pp 9Standard LZ1H6X53pp SafetyLZ7H6X53pp(1) Remplace the ●● in the reference by the bobine code: BD (24 V DC) or FU (110-230 V AC).LZ1H2X43BDLZ8H6X5BDMagnetic motor circuit breakers:b GV2L: rotary knob type - Ue = 500 V bGV2LE: rocker lever type - Ue = 415 V.150.011GV2L05GV2LE051.650.011GV2L06GV2LE062.535.011GV2L07GV2LE07412.511GV2L08GV2LE086.38.021GV2L10GV2LE10Deca Magnetic circuit breakers for group protection P B 121671_R .e psP B 114721_r .e psP B 114721_r .e psP B 114721_r .e psP B 114721_r .e p sGV2L + LZ2H2X4BDSelection tableTeSys Control Hybrid motor startersLZ1H2X43BD LZ1H2X43FU LZ1H2X4BD LZ1H2X4FU LZ1H6X53BD LZ1H6X53FU LZ1H6X5BD LZ1H6X5FU LZ2H2X43BD LZ2H2X43FU LZ2H2X4BD LZ2H2X4FU LZ2H6X53BD LZ2H6X53FU LZ2H6X5BD LZ2H6X5FU LZ7H2X43BD LZ7H2X43FU LZ7H2X4BD LZ7H2X4FU LZ7H6X53BD LZ7H6X53FU LZ7H6X5BD LZ7H6X5FU LZ8H2X43BD LZ8H2X43FU LZ8H2X4BD LZ8H2X4FU LZ8H6X53BD LZ8H6X53FU LZ8H6X5BD LZ8H6X5FUProduct referencesAb Thermal overload: the motor currents exceed the set value.b Phase unbalanced: the motor currents differ from each other by more than 33 % b Phase loss: power missing on one or several phasesb Stall and jam: motor current exceeding 45 A for more that 2 s during starting or running phase - No motor is connected - Motor current is lower that the minimum configurable current for more than 2 seconds, on at least two phases.For all this detected situations, the Hybrid motor starter will switch off, activate its TRP/ERR LED and fault signaling contact.Please refer to the “Instruction sheet and User Guide” for more information.PreferredElectrical life time: 30000000 AC53a electrical cyclesSafety Chain Application for Monitoring Emergency STOP Circuits with Two Channel Inputs and Two Channel Outputs with Preventa XPSAF Safety Processing Device.Possible but non- recommendedElectrical life time: 10000 AC53 a electrical cyclesSafety Chain Application for Monitoring Emergency Stop Circuits with Two Channel Inputs and Two Channel Outputs with Preventa XPSAC Safety Processing Device.1, 21, 2CharacteristicsCharacteristics Hybrid motor startersTaI n (A )1020305060704006427531(°C)D B 418907.e p sDerating according:b motor starter control power supply b ambient temperature (Ta)bdistance between devices 1: 20 mm, with spacing2: without spacing.TaI n (A )1020305060704006427531(°C)D B 418908.e p sD B 418914.e p sD B 418916.ep sPower terminalsT1, T2, T3 Motor connection L1, L2, L3 Power inputsControl terminals A1, A2 Auxiliary power unit I.1Control input, direction 1 I.2C ontrol input, direction 2 (LZ2H and LZ8H only)CC ontrol inputs common point (LZ7H and LZ8H only)Y1 Reset mode, common point Y2 Reset mode, remote, manual Y3 Reset mode, automatic98, 96, 95 Trip or error signaling contactDimensions, schemesCharacteristics:。
F1.66E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs➊ Horsepower ratings shown in the table above are for reference. The final selection of the controller depends on the actual motor full load current and service factor. For motor with service factor less than 1.15. Usemotor nameplate full load current times 0.9 and choose the motor starter with the appropriate current range. Example: Motor FLC = 4.2A; S.F. = 1.0. 4.2A x 0.9 = 3.78A. Select catalog number KTA9-32S-4.0A.➋ Magnetic trip is fixed at 14x the maximum value of the current adjustment range.➌ CX7 may be applied to single phase loads. Contact factory for these specifications.➍ Other voltages available, see Section A in this catalog.➎ KAIC Assembly Rating Index. See pages F73-F76 for Application Rating Guide.➏ One Pilot Device option must be selected. Plastic Bezel is standard. Pilot Device options include D7-BX_ Base Mounted contact blocks. Pilot Light option must match coil voltage 24V AC or DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only. See Section H for more information.➐ CPT not possible with KS7-C0C4R. Refer to page F1.86 for wiring diagram and F1.87 for dimensional information.➑ A red and yellow handle may be selected instead of the standard gray and black handle. Change “PG” suffix to “PJ”. Ex: Change CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG ▼ to CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PJ ▼.➒ Catalog number (–A10) includes front-mounted auxiliary KT9-PE1-10 with 250 VAC maximum control circuit matching line voltage, or provided from separate source, used to de-energize contactor coil under fault condition(auxiliary not available for customer use). For control circuits greater than 300 VAC, which is common with line voltage, the auxiliary will not be wired into the control circuit since the contactor coil will be de-energized when KTA9 is tripped due to overload or short circuit; therefore, the KT9-PE1-10 auxiliary is available for customer use.➏➐Includes:• T ype 1/12K Non-metallic enclosure (KS7-C0C4R)• K TA9 “Type E/F” Self-protected Combination Motor Controller with 1 NO front mount Auxiliary Contact (Cat #: KT9-PE1-10)• T erminal Adaptor for Type E Applications (Cat.# KT9-40-TE)• C A7 contactor (for remote operation), AC coil • G ray and black Type 1/12K; IP66 handle (KT9-SHB + KT9-KN) ➑• P ower wiring • F actory installed Pilot device option➏Contactorthe factory to terminals “L1” and “L2” (for line voltage control). This means the coil voltage must match the line voltage. When a coil is specified for 120V or less, it will be wired for a separate control source (not wired to L1 and L2).Replace ▼ with option code.See page F1.71 for factory installed modificationsFF1.67E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs ➊ Horsepower ratings shown in the table above are for reference. The finalselection of the controller depends on the actual motor full load currentand service factor. For motor with service factor less than 1.15. Use motornameplate full load current times 0.9 and choose the motor starter with theappropriate current range. Example: Motor FLC = 4.2A; S.F. = 1.0. 4.2A x0.9 = 3.78A. Select catalog number KTA9-32S-4.0A.➋ Magnetic trip is fixed at 14x the maximum value of the current adjustment range.➌ CX7 may be applied to single phase loads. Contact factory for these specifications.➍ CX7-9E…23E with electronic coils are not interchangeable with non-electronic DC or AC coils.➎ KAIC Assembly Rating Index. See pages F73-F76 for Application Rating Guide.➏ One Pilot Device option must be selected. Plastic Bezel is standard. Pilot Device options include D7-BX_ Base Mounted contact blocks. Pilot Light option must match coil voltage 24V AC or DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only. See Section H for more information.➐ CPT not possible with KS7-C0C4R. Refer to page F1.86 for wiring diagram and F1.87 for dimensional information.➑ A red and yellow handle may be selected instead of the standard gray and black handle. Change “PG” suffix to “PJ”. Ex: Change CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG▼to CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PJ▼.➍➏➐Includes:• T ype 1/12K Non-metallic enclosure(KS7-C0C4R)• K TA9 “Type E/F” Self-protectedCombination Motor Controllerwith 1 NO front mount AuxiliaryContact (Cat #: KT9-PE1-10)• T erminal Adaptor for Type EApplications (Cat.# KT9-40-TE)• C A7 contactors (for remoteoperation), with Electronic DC Coil• G ray and black Type 1/12K; IP66handle (KT9-SHB) + KT9-KN➑• P ower wiring• F actory installed Pilot deviceoption➏Catalog Number ➍➏➑KTA9-32S Standard Interrupting CapacityCX7-9E-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS0.25A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS0.40A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS0.63A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS1.0A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS1.6A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS2.5A-A10-PG▼CX7-9E-10-✱-AS4.0A-A10-PG▼Replace▼ with option code.See page F1.71 forfactory installed modifications Contactor Electronic DCthe factory to terminals “L1” and “L2” (for line voltage control). This means the coil voltage must match the line voltage. When a coil is specified for 120V or less, it will be wired for a separate control source (not wired to L1 and L2).F1.68E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs➊ This is a factory assembly. The KS7-C0C4R does not include knock-outs for field assembly of this starter.➋ Horsepower ratings shown in the table above are for reference. The final selection of the controller depends on the actual motor full load current and service factor. For motor with service factor less than 1.15. Usemotor nameplate full load current times 0.9 and choose the motor starter with the appropriate current range. Example: Motor FLC = 4.2A; S.F. = 1.0. 4.2A x 0.9 = 3.78A. Select catalog number KTA9-32S-4.0A.➌ Magnetic trip is fixed at 14x the maximum value of the current adjustment range.➍ CX7 may be applied to single phase loads. Contact factory for these specifications.➎ Other voltages available, see Section A in this catalog.➏ KAIC Assembly Rating Index. See pages F73-F76 for Application Rating Guide.➐ Uses D7P-U2EFFEPX11 Two-Position Multifunction push button with legend I/O and D7P-MT44PX01 Emergency Stop Push Button.➑ CPT not possible with KS7-C0C4R. Refer page F1.87 for dimensional information.➒ A red and yellow handle may be selected instead of the standard gray and black handle. Change “PG” suffix to “PJ”. Ex: CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG 4U-9 becomes CX7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PJ 4U-9.➓ Catalog number (–A10) includes front-mounted auxiliary KT9-PE1-10 with 250 VAC maximum control circuit matching line voltage, or provided from separate source, used to de-energize contactor coil under fault condition(auxiliary not available for customer use). For control circuits greater than 300 VAC, which is common with line voltage, the auxiliary will not be wired into the control circuit since the contactor coil will be de-energized when KTA9 is tripped due to overload or short circuit; therefore, the KT9-PE1-10 auxiliary is available for customer use.➊➐➑Includes:• T ype 1/12K Non-metallic enclosure (KS7-C0C4R) ➊• K TA9 “Type E/F” Self-protected Combination Motor Controller with 1 NO front mount Auxiliary Contact (Cat #: KT9-PE1-10)• T erminal Adaptor for Type E Applications (Cat.# KT9-40-TE)• C A7 contactor (for remote operation), AC coil • M ultifunction 2-position Push Button and Emergency Stop ➐• G ray and black Type 1/12K; IP66 handle (KT9-SHB + KT9-KN) ➒• Power wiringCatalog Number ➎➐➒➓KTA9-32S Standard Interrupting Capacity -AS0.16A-A10-PG4U-9-AS0.25A-A10-PG4U-9-AS0.40A-A10-PG4U-9-AS0.63A-A10-PG4U-9-AS1.0A-A10-PG4U-9-AS1.6A-A10-PG4U-9-AS2.5A-A10-PG4U-9-AS4.0A-A10-PG4U-9the factory to terminals “L1” and “L2” (for line voltage control). This means the coil voltage must match the line voltage. When a coil is specified for 120V or less, it will be wired for a separate control source (not wired to L1 and L2).FF1.69E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs➊ Horsepower ratings shown in the table above are for reference. The finalselection of the controller depends on the actual motor full load currentand service factor. For motor with service factor less than 1.15. Usemotor nameplate full load current times 0.9 and choose the motor starter with the appropriate current range. Example: Motor FLC = 4.2A; S.F. = 1.0. 4.2A x 0.9 = 3.78A. Select catalog number KTA9-32S-4.0A.➋ Magnetic trip is fixed at 14x the maximum value of the current adjustment range.➌ CXU7 may be applied to single phase loads. Contact factory for specifications.➍ Other voltages available, see Section A in this catalog.➎ KAIC Assembly Rating Index. See pages F73-F76 for Application Rating Guide.➏ One Pilot Device option must be selected. Plastic Bezel is standard. Pilot Device options include D7-BX_ Base Mounted contact blocks. Pilot Light option must match coil voltage 24V AC or DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only. See Section H for more information.➐ CPT not possible with KS7-C0C4R. Refer to page F1.86 for wiring diagram and F1.87 for dimensional information.➑ A red and yellow handle may be selected instead of the standard gray and black handle. Change “PG” suffix to “PJ”. Ex: Change CXU7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG▼to CXU7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PJ▼.➒ Catalog number (–A10) includes front-mounted auxiliary KT9-PE1-10 with 250 VAC maximum control circuit matching line voltage, or provided from separate source, used to de-energize contactor coil under fault condition (auxiliary not available for customer use). For control circuits greater than 300 VAC, which is common with line voltage, the auxiliary will not be wired into the control circuit since the contactor coil will be de-energized when KTA9 is tripped due to overload or short circuit; therefore, the KT9-PE1-10 auxiliary is available for customer use.➏➐Includes:• T ype 1/12K Non-metallicenclosure (KS7-C0C4R)• K TA9 “Type E/F” Self-protectedCombination Motor Controllerwith 1 NO front mount AuxiliaryContact (Cat #: KT9-PE1-10)• T erminal Adaptor for Type EApplications (Cat.# KT9-40-TE)• C A7 contactor (for remoteoperation), AC coil• G ray and black Type 1/12K; IP66handle (KT9-SHB + KT9-KN) ➑• P ower wiring• F actory installed Pilot deviceoption➏Contactorthe factory to terminals “L1” and “L2” (forline voltage control). This means the coilvoltage must match the line voltage. Whena coil is specified for 120V or less, it willbe wired for a separate control source (notwired to L1 and L2).Replace▼ with option code.See page F1.71 forfactory installed modificationsF1.70E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs➊ Horsepower ratings shown in the table above are for reference. The final selection of the controller depends on the actual motor full load current and service factor. For motor with service factor less than 1.15. Usemotor nameplate full load current times 0.9 and choose the motor starter with the appropriate current range. Example: Motor FLC = 4.2A; S.F. = 1.0. 4.2A x 0.9 = 3.78A. Select catalog number KTA9-32S-4.0A.➋ Magnetic trip is fixed at 14x the maximum value of the current adjustment range.➌ CXU7 may be applied to single phase loads. Contact factory for these specifications.➍ CXU7-9E…23E with electronic coils are not interchangeable with non-electronic DC or AC coils.➎ KAIC Assembly Rating Index. See pages F73-F76 for Application Rating Guide.➏ One Pilot Device option must be selected. Blanks are not available. Plastic Bezel is standard. Pilot Device options include D7-BX_ Base Mounted contact blocks. Pilot Light option must match coil voltage 24V AC or DC, 120V AC or 240V AC only. See Section H for more information.➐ CPT not possible with KS7-C0C4R. Refer to page F1.86 for wiring diagram and F1.87 for dimensional information.➑ A red and yellow handle may be selected instead of the standard gray and black handle. Change “PG” suffix to “PJ”. Ex: Change CXU7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PG ▼ to CXU7-9-10-✱-AS0.16A-A10-PJ ▼.➍➏➐Includes:• T ype 1/12K Non-metallic enclosure (KS7-C0C4R)• K TA9 “Type E/F” Self-protected Combination Motor Controller with 1 NO front mount Auxiliary Contact (Cat #: KT9-PE1-10)• T erminal Adaptor for Type E Applications (Cat.# KT9-40-TE)• C A7 contactors (for remoteoperation), with Electronic DC coil • G ray and black Type 1/12K; IP66 handle (KT9-SHB + KT9-KN) ➑• P ower wiring • F actory installed Pilot device option➏Replace ▼ with option code.See page F1.71 for factory installed modificationsContactor Electronic DC the factory to terminals “L1” and “L2” (for line voltage control). This means the coil voltage must match the line voltage. When a coil is specified for 120V or less, it will be wired for a separate control source (not wired to L1 and L2).FF1.71visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationSSNA2018E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rs➊ KS7-C0C4R only has (1) 22mm hole to accomodate (1) pilot device.➋ Currently supply D7 multi-function pushbuttons as standard which do notrequire protective boots to meet Type 4X.See Section H in this catalog for description (all suffix’s ending in “U”).➌ Pilot Lights may be applied with 24VAC/VDC, 120VAC or 240VAC Control Circuit. Pilot Lights with 380 VAC...575VAC require a control circuit transformer.➍ CRI7E-24 will be used. CRI7E-12 by special order only.➎ See page A47 for limitations on adding auxiliaries to Electronic DC Coil contactors.➏ Additional auxiliaries are per contactor. Number of auxiliaries is double for reversing applications. Multiply price adder by two (2).F1.72visit /ecatalog for pricing and the most up to date informationSSNA2018E n c l o s e d M o t o r C i r c u i t C o n t r o l l e rsCX7 KWIKstarter Enclosures for use with KTA9 Type E Motor Controllers and CA7 Contactors ➊➌➊ KS7-C0C4R is supplied with the following holes:• (1) one 22mm hole for a Pilot Device option, select one kit from this page. • (1) one 22mm hole for KT9-SHB (or SHRY) Disconnect or Reset handle.➋ Plastic bezel is standard. Pilot Device Kits include D7-BX_ Base Mounted contact blocks. See Section H for more information.➌ CPT not possible.➍ Standard KT9-32S-PEC23 does not work in CX7/CXU7 Kwikstarters.➎ KS7-P1✪24V can be used with 24VAC or 24VDC.➏ KS7-C0C4R series B enclosures compatible to KTA9 series controllers KS7-C0C4R series A enclosures compatible to KTA9 series controllersComponentDescriptionFor Use WithEnvironmental ApprovalsCatalog NumberType E ControllerContactor Enclosure for Combo KWIKstarter ➊CX7/CXU7-9…23CX7/CXU7-9E…23EKTA9-32S KTA9-40HCA7-9...23CA7-9E…23E CAU7-9…23CAU7-9E…23EcUL Type 1/12K IEC IP66KS7-C0C4RCX7 KWIKstarter Pilot Device Kits Kits。
TeSys® 电动机起动器 - 开放型
U 型 — “傲马”系列
使用的功能 可选择脱扣等级
对过载、空载运行、起动时间过长的检测 接地故障保护 ( 仅对设备保护 )
相不平衡保护 缺相保护 故障区分 有触点模块
报警 ( 热过载、过电流…) 电动机负载指示
使用高级控制单元的 电动机起动 - 控制器
使用多功能控制单元的 电动机起动 - 控制器
(1) 并行通信模块
TeSys® 电动机起动器 - 开放型
U 型 — “傲马”系列
TeSys U 型起动器控制器是一种 D.O.L. 起动器 (1) ,它可完成以下功能: p 单相或三相电动机的保护和控制: O 分断功能 O 过载和短路保护 O 热过载保护 O 动力切换 p 应用控制: O 保护功能报警 O 应用检测 ( 运行时间、故障数目、电动机电流值等等 ) O 日志 ( 保存的最近 5 次故障,并带有电动机参数值 ) 只需要选择控制单元和功能模块并简单插入动力底座中就能实现这些功能,这样产品就可以最快 速、及时的定制。辅助装配的附件可以简化甚至完全取消元件之间的连线。
使用功能模块 使用功能模块
在前面板上指示,可由通信模块输出通信 在前面板上指示,可由通信模块输出通信
通信使用通信模块或控制 集线器
使用总线通信模块 (1)
使用总线通信模块 (1) (1) 使用总线通信模块
浦发电器TeSys U系列高级控制器数据表说明书
Product data sheetCharacteristicsLUCD12BAdvanced control unit, TeSys U, 3-12A, 3Pmotors, protection & diagnostic, class 20, coil 24V ACMainRange of product TeSys U Range TeSys Product name TeSys U Device short name LUCDProduct or component type Advanced control unit Device application Motor control Motor protectionProduct specific application Basic protection and advanced functions, communication Main function availableEarth fault protectionProtection against phase failure and phase imbalance Protection against overload and short-circuit Manual resetProduct compatibilityPower base LUB12Power base LUB32Power base LUB38Power base LUB120Power base LUB320Power base LUB380Reversing contactor breaker LU2B12B Reversing contactor breaker LU2B32B [Ue] rated operational voltage 690 V AC Network frequency 40...60 HzLoad type3-phase motor - cooling: self-cooled Utilisation categoryAC-44AC-43AC-41Motor power kW5.5 kW at 400...440 V AC 50/60 Hz 5.5 kW at 500 V AC 50/60 Hz 9 kW at 690 V AC 50/60 Hz Rated motor current adjustment range3…12 Ai s c l a i m e r : T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n sThermal overload class Class 20 - frequency limit: 40…60 Hz - temperature compensation: -25…70 °C conforming to IEC60947-6-2Class 20 - frequency limit: 40…60 Hz - temperature compensation: -25…70 °C conforming to UL 508 Tripping threshold14.2 x Ir +/- 20 %Phase failure sensitivity Yes[Uc] control circuit voltage24 V ACComplementaryControl circuit voltage limits20...26.5 V for AC circuit 24 V in operation14.5 V for AC circuit 24 V drop-outTypical current consumption140 mA at 24 V AC I maximum while closing with LUB12220 mA at 24 V AC I maximum while closing with LUB32220 mA at 24 V AC I maximum while closing with LUB3870 mA at 24 V AC I rms sealed with LUB1290 mA at 24 V AC I rms sealed with LUB3290 mA at 24 V AC I rms sealed with LUB38Heat dissipation2 W for control circuit with LUB123 W for control circuit with LUB323 W for control circuit with LUB38Operating time35 ms opening with LUB12 for control circuit35 ms opening with LUB32 for control circuit35 ms opening with LUB38 for control circuit70 ms closing with LUB12 for control circuit70 ms closing with LUB32 for control circuit70 ms closing with LUB38 for control circuitReset Manual resetStandards EN 60947-6-2IEC 60947-6-2UL 60947-4-1, with phase barrierCSA C22.2 No 60947-4-1, with phase barrierProduct certifications CEULCSACCCEACASEFAATEXMarine[Ui] rated insulation voltage690 V conforming to IEC 60947-6-2600 V conforming to UL 60947-4-1600 V conforming to CSA C22.2 No 60947-4-1[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage6 kV IEC 60947-6-2Safe separation of circuit400 V SELV between the control and auxiliary circuits conforming to IEC 60947-1400 V SELV between the control or auxiliary circuit and the main circuit conforming to IEC 60947-1 Fixing mode Plug-in (front face)Width45 mmHeight66 mmDepth60 mmCompatibility code LUCDEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP20 front panel and wired terminals conforming to IEC 60947-1IP20 other faces conforming to IEC 60947-1IP40 front panel outside connection zone conforming to IEC 60947-1Protective treatment TH conforming to IEC 60068Ambient air temperature for operation-25…70 °CAmbient air temperature for storage-40…85 °COperating altitude2000 mFire resistance960 °C parts supporting live components conforming to IEC 60695-2-12650 °C conforming to IEC 60695-2-12Shock resistance10 gn power poles open conforming to IEC 60068-2-2715 gn power poles closed conforming to IEC 60068-2-27Vibration resistance 2 gn, 5…300 Hz, power poles open conforming to IEC 60068-2-64 gn, 5…300 Hz, power poles closed conforming to IEC 60068-2-6Resistance to electrostatic discharge8 kV level 3 in open air conforming to IEC 61000-4-28 kV level 4 on contact conforming to IEC 61000-4-2Non-dissipating shock wave1 kV serial mode conforming to IEC 60947-6-22 kV common mode conforming to IEC 60947-6-2Resistance to radiated fields10 V/m 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-3Resistance to fast transients2 kV class 3 serial link conforming to IEC 61000-4-44 kV class 4 all circuits except for serial link conforming to IEC 61000-4-4Immunity to radioelectric fields10 V conforming to IEC 61000-4-6Immunity to microbreaks3 msImmunity to voltage dips70 % / 500 ms conforming to IEC 61000-4-11Packing UnitsUnit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Weight132 gPackage 1 Height 5.2 cmPackage 1 width7.8 cmPackage 1 Length10 cmUnit Type of Package 2S02Number of Units in Package 223Package 2 Weight 3.467 kgPackage 2 Height15 cmPackage 2 width30 cmPackage 2 Length40 cmOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productEU RoHS Directive CompliantEU RoHS DeclarationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS declarationProduct out of China RoHS scope. Substance declaration for your informationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End of Life InformationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specific waste collection andnever end up in rubbish binsPVC free YesHalogen content performance Halogen free plastic parts productContractual warrantyWarranty18 months。
施耐德TeSys K电动机起动设备
A 0 A 0 V 或 . kW kW kW kW kW - 最多 N/C 或 N/O - kW . kW . kW kW kW -
kW . kW . kW . kW kW -
从到 A
Ie maxi AC- (Ue ≤ 0 V) Ie AC- (q ≤ 0 oC)
A - 0 V
额定工作电压 极数 AC- 类别的 额定工作功率 0/0 V 0/00 V /0 V 00 V 0/0 V 000 V 附加辅助 触点模块 正面 侧面 正面时间延迟 正面防尘和防潮 结合手动-自动 复位的热过载 继电器 抑流器模块 接触器型号 a c 带机械互锁的 可逆接触器型号 a c 接触器 可逆接触器 脱扣等级0 A 脱扣等级0
最小值 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm x . x 0. x 0. x 0. x 0. x .或 x . mm x mm N.m V V V V kV 0..... 最多为 触点,随型号而不同 0 0 0 00 "TC" 防止手指直接接触 C C - 0...+ 0 - ...+ 0 000 gn gn 自熄材料V 符合要求 0 gn gn
● 选型指南 .................................................................................................................................................................. ● 特性 ........................................................................................................................................................................... ● 热过载继电器选型 ................................................................................................................................................ ● 尺寸、安装、线路图............................................................................................................................................
施耐德电气 TeSys系列电动机启动设备 说明书
施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司 ■ 上海分公司 ■ 广州分公司 ■ 武汉分公司 ■ 南京办事处 ■ 南宁办事处 ■ 青岛办事处 ■ 烟台办事处 ■ 深圳办事处 ■ 大连办事处 ■ 福州办事处 ■ 杭州办事处 ■ 重庆办事处 ■ 西安办事处 ■ 天津办事处 ■ 长沙办事处 ■ 昆明办事处 ■ 成都办事处 ■ 乌鲁木齐办事处 ■ 沈阳办事处 ■ 济南办事处 ■ 苏州办事处 ■ 宁波办事处 ■ 合肥办事处 ■ 郑州办事处 ■ 哈尔滨办事处 ■ 厦门办事处 ■ 石家庄办事处 ■ 无锡办事处 ■ 长春办事处 ■ 东莞办事处 ■ 太原办事处 ■ 中山办事处 ■ 洛阳办事处 ■ 常州办事处 ■ 佛山办事处 ■ 施耐德(香港)有限公司 ■ 施耐德电气中国研修学院
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TESYS 电机启动器套件、联击器、热电阻过流保护关闭器产品数据说明说明书
T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsLR9D32KITD12BDTESYS motor starter kit, LC1D12BD contactor,LR9D32 thermal overload relayProduct availability: Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facility MainRange TeSysProduct or componenttypeMotor starterContactor application Resistive loadMotor controlUtilisation category AC-1AC-4AC-3Poles description3PPower pole contactcomposition3 NO[Ue] rated operationalvoltagePower circuit <= 690 V AC 25...400 HzPower circuit <= 300 V DC[Ie] rated operationalcurrent25 A 140 °F (60 °C)) <= 440 V AC AC-1 power cir-cuit12 A 140 °F (60 °C)) <= 440 V AC AC-3 power circuit Motor power kW3 KW 220...230 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)5.5 KW 380...400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)5.5 KW 415...440 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)7.5 KW 500 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)7.5 KW 660...690 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-3)3.7 kW 400 V AC 50/60 Hz AC-4)Motor power HP (UL /CSA)0.5 Hp 115 V AC 50/60 Hz 1 phase2 Hp 230/240 V AC 50/60 Hz 1 phase3 Hp 200/208 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase3 Hp 230/240 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase7.5 Hp 460/480 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phase10 hp 575/600 V AC 50/60 Hz 3 phaseControl circuit type DC standard[Uc] control circuit volt-age24 V DCAuxiliary contact com-position1 NO + 1 NC[Uimp] rated impulsewithstand voltage6 kV IEC 60947Overvoltage category III[Ith] conventional freeair thermal current25 A 140 °F (60 °C) power circuit10 A 140 °F (60 °C) signalling circuitIrms rated making ca-pacity250 A 440 V power circuit IEC 60947140 A AC signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-1250 A DC signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-1Rated breaking capacity250 A 440 V power circuit IEC 60947[Icw] rated short-timewithstand current105 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 10 s power circuit210 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 1 s power circuit30 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 10 min power circuit61 A 104 °F (40 °C) - 1 min power circuit100 A - 1 s signalling circuit120 A - 500 ms signalling circuit140 A - 100 ms signalling circuitAssociated fuse rating10 A gG signalling circuit IEC 60947-5-140 A gG <= 690 V type 1 power circuit25 A gG <= 690 V type 2 power circuitAverage impedance 2.5 mOhm - Ith 25 A 50 Hz power circuit[Ui] rated insulation volt-agePower circuit 690 V IEC 60947-4-1Power circuit 600 V CSAPower circuit 600 V ULSignalling circuit 690 V IEC 60947-1Signalling circuit 600 V CSASignalling circuit 600 V ULElectrical durability2 Mcycles 12 A AC-3 <= 440 V0.8 Mcycles 25 A AC-1 <= 440 VPower dissipation perpole0.36 W AC-31.56 W AC-1Safety cover WithMounting support PlateRailStandards CSA C22.2 No 14EN 60947-4-1EN 60947-5-1IEC 60947-4-1IEC 60947-5-1UL 508Product certifications BVCSADNVRINAGLGOSTLROS (Lloyds register of shipping)CCCULConnections - terminals Power circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)flexible with cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.00 in²(1…2.5 mm²)flexible with cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)solid without cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in²(1…4 mm²)solid without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)flexible with cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.00 in² (1…2.5 mm²)flexible with cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)solid without cable endControl circuit screw clamp terminals 2 0.00…0.01 in² (1…4 mm²)solid without cable endTightening torque Power circuit 15.05 lbf.in (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals flat Ø 6 mmPower circuit 15.05 lbf.in (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals Philips No 2Control circuit 15.05 lbf.in (1.7 N.m) screw clampterminals flat Ø 6 mmControl circuit 15.05 lbf.in (1.7 N.m) screw clamp ter-minals Philips No 2Operating time53.55...72.45 ms closing16...24 ms openingSafety reliability level B10d = 1369863 cycles contactor with nominal loadEN/ISO 13849-1B10d = 20000000 cycles contactor with mechanicalload EN/ISO 13849-1Mechanical durability30 McyclesMaximum operating rate3600 cyc/h 140 °F (60 °C)Relay application Motor protectionPhase failure sensitivity Phase difference > 40% 3 s IEC 60947-4-1 ComplementaryCoil technology With integral suppression deviceControl circuit voltage limits Drop-out 0.1...0.25 Uc DC 140 °F (60 °C))Operational 0.7...1.25 Uc DC 140 °F (60 °C))Time constant28 msInrush power in W 5.4 W 68 °F (20 °C))Hold-in power consumption in W 5.4 W 68 °F (20 °C)Auxiliary contacts type Mechanically linked 1 NO + 1 NC IEC 60947-5-1Mirror contact 1 NC IEC 60947-4-1Signalling circuit frequency25...400 HzMinimum switching current5 mA signalling circuitMinimum switching voltage17 V signalling circuitNon-overlap time 1.5 Ms on de-energisation between NC and NO contact1.5 ms on energisation between NC and NO contactInsulation resistance> 10 MOhm signalling circuitContact compatibility M4Motor power range4…6 KW 380…440 V 3 phase4…6 KW 480…500 V 3 phase2.2…3 kW 200…240 V 3 phaseMotor starter type Direct on-line contactorContactor coil voltage24 V DC standardThermal overload class Class 5 (30)Thermal protection adjustment range 6.4…32 AMaximum power consumption in W300 mWMounting support Under contactorPlate, with specific accessoriesRail, with specific accessories[Ue] rated operational voltage690 V power circuit660 V signalling circuit[Ui] rated insulation voltage Power circuit 1000 VSignalling circuit 690 VTripping threshold 1.25 In IEC 60947-4-1Control type Red push-button stop and manual resetWhite 2 microswitches adjustable trip classRed knob automatic resetGrey dial full-load current adjustmentTime range 1.5...4 min - automatic reset time[Ith] conventional free air thermal current5 A signalling circuitAssociated fuse rating5 A gG signalling circuit5 A BS signalling circuit[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage6 kVIP degree of protection Front face IP20 IEC 60529Front face IP20 VDE 0106Mechanical robustness Vibrations 10...150 Hz 6 Gn) IEC 60068-2-6Shocks 11 ms 15 gn) IEC 60068-2-7Connections - terminals Control circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.00 in² (2.5 mm²) solid or flexible - with-out cable endPower circuit screw clamp terminals 1 0.02 in² (16 mm²) solid or flexible - withoutcable endTightening torque Control circuit 0.8 N.m screw clamp terminalsPower circuit 3.1 N.m screw clamp terminalsEnvironmentIP degree of protection IP20 front face IEC 60529Protective treatment TH IEC 60068-2-30Pollution degree3Ambient air temperature for operation23…140 °F (-5…60 °C)-40…158 °F (-40…70 °C) at UcPermissible ambient air temperature around the de-viceOperating altitude9842.52 ft (3000 m) withoutMechanical robustness Vibrations contactor open2 Gn, 5...300 HzVibrations contactor closed4 Gn, 5...300 HzShocks contactor open10 Gn for 11 msShocks contactor closed15 Gn for 11 msHeight 3.03 in (77 mm)Width 1.77 in (45 mm)Depth 3.74 in (95 mm)Net weight 1.07 lb(US) (0.485 kg)Standards UL 60947-4-1IEC 60947-4-1CSA C22.2GB 14048.4Product certifications CSACCCTÜVCULusAmbient air temperature for operation-13…158 °F (-25…70 °C) IEC 60255-8Ambient air temperature for storage-76…176 °F (-60…80 °C)Ambient air temperature for storage-67…176 °F (-55…80 °C)Operating altitude6561.68 ft (2000 m) without deratingFire resistance1562 °F (850 °C) IEC 60695-2-1Flame retardance V1 UL 94Electromagnetic compatibility Surge withstand 2 kV common mode IEC 61000-4-5Resistance to electrostatic discharge 8 kV IEC 61000-4-2Immunity to radiated radio-electrical interference 10 V/m IEC 61000-4-3Immunity to fast transients 2 kV IEC 61000-4-4Dielectric strength6 kV 50 Hz IEC 60255-5Height 2.85 in (72.5 mm)Width 1.77 in (45 mm)Depth 3.15 in (79.9 mm)Net weight0.40 lb(US) (0.18 kg)Ordering and shipping detailsCategory22350 - LR9D AND TESYS D STARTER KITSDiscount Schedule I12Package weight(Lbs)0.74 kg (1.64 lb(US))Returnability YesCountry of origin CNOffer SustainabilityREACh Regulation REACh DeclarationREACh free of SVHC YesEU RoHS Directive Compliant EU RoHS DeclarationToxic heavy metal free YesMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS DeclarationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specificwaste collection and never end up in rubbish bins.。
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统的 化系 自动 美集成 种 供多 系统完 ■提 化 动 ■自
TeSys U 系 列
-6-2 -947 C60 type E ■ IE 508 UL
TeSys U 电动机起动 - 控制器包括:
< ■ 动力底座
■ 动力底座本体支持至 18.5 kW 功率 ■ 标准分断能力 50 kA ■ 交直流两用操作 ■ 2 对内置辅助触点 ■ 上至 32 A 共 6 档电流 设置范围
控制单元 2 种电流规格,0 -12 A 和 0-32 A。 > ■ 控制单元 控制单元提供 3 种类型, 根据电动机起动的不同需 要进行选择。 从最简单的保护升级到 最复杂的起动-控制- 保护全部功能,只需 更换控制单元,无需 增加元件和尺寸。
实现完美的“透明化” 基本设备元件可以被完全 透明地访问,从而运转信 息诸如电流、操作次数、 折旧程度等可以实时获 得,大幅提高了生产设备 的可用性。 协助实现分布式管理 设备中的分布式自动化系 统管理协助功能可以带来 多项优势: ■ 有效缩减设备电气柜的 尺寸。 ■ 在设备整个生命周期内 支持完全开放式的访问, 并提供最为便利的安装和 维护。 当电动机起动器要求 放诸设备内部或现场 时,TeSys U 是最佳 解决方案。 具有双重设置方案以 供选择: ■ 适合自动化系统的 应用方案 ■ 适合分布式电动机 起动器的应用方案
32A 25A 18A 12A 9A
电动机控制器 将控制功能扩展至 250 kW 的负载设备, 并且可以扩展使用 TeSys U 系列的各 种模块。
பைடு நூலகம்
TeSys U 电动机起动-控制器
TeSys U 电动机起动-控制器 卓越技术,业界领先
TeSys U 电动机起动 -控制器让您直探动力 设备的心脏
TeSys U 电动机起动-控制器 简约设计理念 系统全面瘦身
施耐德电气公司 Schneider Electric China
北京市朝阳区东三环北路 8 号 亮马大厦 17 层 邮编: 100004 电话: (010) 6590 6907 传真: (010) 6590 0013
TeSys U 系列电动机起动-控制器
动力澎湃 掌驭自如
TeSys U 电动机起动-控制器 发挥极限功效 性能卓尔不群
TeSys U 电动机起动-控制器 人性设计,用户至上
TeSys U 电动机起动- 控制器 简化元器件选型,便于采 购管理;提供优化电路, 缩短设计时间。TeSys U 元件数量仅为通用产品的 1/10,可以为分销商、生 产厂商和最终用户有效减 小库存。
TeSys U 电动机起动 - 控制器更加贴合您 的需求
2 类通信方式: ■ 通过并行总线 通过并行通信模块和 HE10 集线器接入高 密度 I/O
■ 通过串行总线
备, 属设 需专 协议开放 ■无 信 种通 对各
通过 As-i 或者 Modbus 通信模块可以减少接入 总线的连线。 同时通过网关设备可以 接入其他总线协议的网 络, 如 DeviceNet, Profibus, FipI/O 等。 为电动机起动方案提供 全面协助 参数设置和诊断: ■ 本地操作: 通过多功能控制单元的 显示屏和按键,或者通过 PowerSuite软件实现 通过功能模块的 LED 灯指示操作 ■ 远程直接控制: 通过 Modbus 通信模块以及相 应网关、网络、上位机 和人机界面等设备实现 与自动化系统集成时, 安全得到充分的保障 简化不同操作模式的管 理, 并允许本地控制 (等级 2)。
> 标准型 > 高级型 > 多功能型
一 - 分之 选型 简化 减少至十 标准 ■ 08 E 数量 型号 保护- 2 和 UL5 化 -6■强 C947 合 IE 符
要实现与自动化系统的通 信功能只需添加: > ■ 通信模块 As-i、Modbus 等模块。 此外还有
■ 辅助触点模块
添加辅助触点模块后不会 改变整体尺寸。
17/F, Landmark Building 8 North Dongsanhuan Road Chaoyang District Beijing 100004 Tel: (010) 6590 6907 Fax: (010) 6590 0013
由于标准和材料的变更, 文中所述特性和本资料中的图象只有经过我们的业 务部门确认以后,才对我们有约束。