-200mA / -30V Low V CE (sat) Digital transistors (with built-in resistors)DTB713ZE / DTB713ZMz ApplicationsInverter, Interface, Driverz Feature1) V CE (sat) is lower than conventional products. 2) Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration ofan inverter circuit without connecting external input resistors (see equivalent circuit).3) The bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors withcomplete isolation to allow positive biasing of the input. They also have the advantage of almost completely eliminating parasitic effects.4) Only the on / off conditions need to be set for operation, making the device design easy.z StructurePNP epitaxial plannar silicon transistor (Resistor built-in type)z Packaging specificationsEMT3VMT3DTB713ZE Part No.DTB713ZMTL 3000−T2L 8000−Package Packaging type Taping Taping CodeBasic ordering unit (pieces)z Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25°C)z Inner circuitParameterSymbol V CC −30−10 to +5−200150150−55 to +150DTB713ZE DTB713ZMV V IN V mA mW I C (max)P D Tj TstgUnitC CLimits∗1∗1 Characteristics of built-in transistor.∗2 Each terminal mounted on a recommended land.∗2Supply voltage Input voltage Collector current Power dissipation Junction temperature Storage temperature12Data SheetDTB713ZE / DTB713ZMz Electrical characteristics (Ta=25°C)ParameterSymbol V I(off)V I(on)V O(on)I I I O(off)R 1G I R 2/R 1f T Min.−−2.5−−−0.71408.0−−−−70−−1.0−10260−0.3−−300−6.4−0.51.3−12−V V CC = −5V, I O = −100µA V O = −0.3V, I O = −20mA I O /I I = −50mA / −2.5mA V I = −5VV CC = −30V, V I =0V V O = −2V, I O = −100mAV CE = −10V , I E =5mA , f=100MHzmV mA µA k Ω−−−−MHz Typ.Max.Unit ConditionsInput voltage Output voltage Input current Output current Input resistance DC current gain Resistance ratioTransition frequency ∗ Characteristics of built-in transistor.∗z Electrical characteristics curvesI N P U T V O L T A G E : V I (o n ) (V )0.11101001000OUTPUT CURENT : I O (mA)D C C U RE N T G A I N : G I1101001000OUOPUT CURRENT : I O (mA)NoticeN o t e sNo copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without theconsent of ROHM Co.,Ltd.The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice.The content specified herein is for the purpose of introd ucing ROHM's prod ucts (hereinafter"Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications,which can be obtained from ROHM upon request.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained hereinillustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions mustbe taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document.However, should you incur any d amage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of suchinformation, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Prod ucts. ROHM d oes not grant you, explicitly orimplicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM andother parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from theuse of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronicequipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, commu-nication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices).The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Prod ucts, aProduct may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons.Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guardagainst the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other d amage caused in the event of thefailure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHMshall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribedscope or not in accordance with the instruction manual.The Products are not designed or manufactured to be used with any equipment, device orsystem which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of whichmay result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medicalinstrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller,fuel-controller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use ofany of the Products for the above special purposes. If a Product is intended to be used for anysuch special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing.If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that maybe controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required toobtain a license or permit under the Law.Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.ROHM Customer Support System/contact/分销商库存信息: ROHMDTB713ZMT2L。
PLC工控板WS3U-F精速系列产品使用说明书--V1.8适用于以下型号:WS3U-14MR/MT-FWS3U-24MR/MT-FWS3U-32MR/MT-FWS3U-48MR/MT-FWS3U-56MR-F产品目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2基本参数 (1)1.3使用环境及安装方式 (1)第二章产品展示 (2)2.1产品主要硬件说明 (2)2.2产品正面效果图 (2)第三章电气设计参考 (3)3.1电源及功耗 (3)3.2232通讯口说明 (3)3.3485通讯口说明 (4)3.4输入内部等效电路与接线说明 (5)3.5输出内部等效电路与接线说明.....................6-73.6模拟量输入说明 (7)3.7模拟量输出说明 (7)3.8产品接线图 (8)3.9高速脉冲输出与脉宽调制 (8)3.10中断说明 (9)3.1产品接线图....................................9-11第四章编程参考 (12)4.1应用环境 (12)4.2元件号的分配和功能概要 (12)4.3基本指令 (13)4.4应用指令....................................13-164.5此版本不支持指令列表, (16)第五章常见问题及解决方案 (17)第六章保修条款 (17)第一章产品概述1.1产品概述·WS3U精速系列,采用ARMCortex-M332位MISC内核芯片,运算速度快,存储空间大。
·下载速度为38.4Kbps(特殊情况也可申请改9.6k);直接使用三菱GX Developer或者GX Works2编程、下载、调试、监视(不支持监控写入).·采用DC24V供电;输出继电器均不打开条件下,静态电流30MA;每打开一路增加10MA电流,如3U-48mr输出继电器全打开后电流为270MA(6.48W)。
以下报警说明伺服控制回路发生错误PC显示LED显示名称详细S01 0011 S1 11 PCB错误1 放大器内的PCB发生错误S01 0013 S1 13 软件处理超时,时钟错误放大器内的时钟发生错误电机类型错误编码器初始通讯错误S01 0016 S1 16 电机类型、编码器类型错误编码器CPU错误伺服放大器中的A/D转换器发生错误S01 0017 S1 17 PCB错误1(A/D转换初始错误)S01 0025 S1 25 绝对位置丢失编码器内部绝对位置数据发生错误S01 0034 S1 34 CRC错误与NC的通讯发生错误S01 0036 S1 36 通讯超时,NC down 与NC的通讯被中断S01 0037 S01 0038 S01 0039 S1 37 参数错误S1 38 frame错误S1 39 INFO错误参数设定值错误与NC的通讯发生错误NC传输了未被定义的数据S02 0011 S2 11 PCB错误1 放大器内的PCB发生错误S02 0013 S02 0015 S2 13 软件处理超时,时钟错误S2 15 EEROM错误放大器内的时钟发生错误伺服放大器中的EEROM发生写入错误伺服放大器中的A/D转换器发生错误S02 0017 S2 17 PCB错误1(A/D转换错误)S02 0018 S2 18 PCB错误(LSI错误)伺服放大器中的LSI发生错误S02 0020 S2 20 编码器故障伺服放大器与编码器之间的通讯发生错误电源接通时,检测到接地输出错误S02 0024 S2 24 接地问题S03 0010 S3 10 电压不足电源电压为160V或更低内部再生电阻或外部再生选项超过再生容许值S03 0030 S3 30 再生错误再生晶体管错误S03 0031 S3 31 超速电机速度超过允许的瞬间速度S03 0032 S3 32 过电流电流超过伺服放大器容许值S03 0033 S3 33 过电压伺服放大器中的转换器电压达到400V或更高S03 0033 S3 33 过电压到400V或更高S03 0046 S3 46 电机过热运行方式使得电机连续过载S03 0050 S3 50 过载1 伺服放大器或伺服过载保护功能启动。
外圆车刀型号说明之袁州冬雪创作内孔车刀型号说明可转位紧密车刀简介可转位紧密车刀是车削工具系统中主要部件,规格、品种较多的产品之一,紧密级产品,车刀的主要尺寸公差节制在±以内.螺钉夹紧式外圆车刀螺钉夹紧式外圆车刀SDJCR/L 、SDPCN 、SDPCR/L 、SSDPN 、STACR/L 、SCGCR/L 、SCFCR/L 、SCLCR/L 、SRDCN 、SRGCR/L 、SVJBR/L 、SVVBN 、SVHBR/L型 号bh h1 f l2l1 刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳 手SSDPN 1010H09 1010 10 512100SCMT09T308M4x9T15SSDPN 1212H09 12 12 12 6 SSDPN 1616H09 16 16 16 8 14SSDPN 2020K09 20 20 20 1025 125 SSDPN 2525M09 2525 2525 150 型 号 bhh1fl2l1刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳 手STACR/L0808H09 8888`100TCMT090204T8STACR/L1010H09 10101010STACR/L1212H09 12121212STAPR/L 1616H11 16 16 16 16 13 TCMT110204STAPR/L 2020K11 2020202518125STAPR/L2525M112525253225150型号b h h1f l2l1刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳手CCMT060204 T8 SCGCR/L 1212H0612 12 12 16 12100SCGCR/L 1616H0916 16 16 20 16CCMT09T308 M4x9 T15 SCGCR/L 2020K0920 20 20 25 25 125SCGCR/L 2525M0925 25 25 32 25 150螺钉夹紧式外圆车刀型号b h h1f l2l1刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳手SCFCR/LCCMT0602T8121212161212H0616100SCFCR/L161616201616H09SCFCR/LCCMT09T308M4x9T1520202025251252020K09SCFCR/L25252532251502525M09型号b h h1f l2l1刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳手SCLCR/L1212121612CCMT060204T8 1212H06100SCLCR/L1616162016CCMT09T308M4x9T15 1616H09螺钉夹紧式外圆车刀螺钉夹紧式内孔车刀螺钉夹紧式内孔车刀S-STFPR/L、S-STUPR/L、S-STLPR/L、S-SSKPR/L、S-SCLCR/L、S-SDUCR/L09S25S-SCLCR/L0932251725040236°型号最小加工直径D d f l1l2H Bα°a刀尖半径配用刀片螺钉扳手S12M-SDUCR/L071612915025118°DCMT070204T8 S16Q-SDUCR/L072016111803014156°S20R-SDUCR/L1125201320035188°DCMT11T308M4x9T15复合上压式车刀型号b l1f l2a刀尖半径配用刀片MSBNR/L 2020K1220201251711SNMG120408 MSBNR/L 2525M12252515022MSBNR/L 3225P152532*********SNMG150612MSBNR/L 4040R194040200353817SNMG190612型号b l1f l2a刀尖半径配用刀片MSDNN 2020K122020125348SNMG120408MSDNN 2525M122525150MSDNN 3225P1525321704210SNMG150612型号b l1f l2a配用刀片MSKNR/L 2020K122020125252911SNMG120408 MSKNR/L2525150322525M12MSKNR/L 3225P152********14SNMG15061238MSKNR/L 4040R1940402005017SNMG190612复合上压式车刀型号b l1f l2a配用刀片MSSNR/L 2020K12202012525348SNMG120408 MSSNR/L 2525M12252515032MSSNR/L 3225P152532*********SNMG150612型号f h1l2b h l1A配用刀片2020125MRGNR/L 2020K12252028MRGNR/L?12RNMG1204322525251502525M12MRGNR/L 3225P123232322532170型号f h1l2b h l1a刀尖半径配用刀片复合上压式车刀MSBNR/L、MSDNN、MSKNR/L、MSSNR/L、MRGNR/L、MDPNN、MTGNR/L、MCLNR/L、MTFNR/L、MWLNR/L、MDJNR/L、MDHNR/L复合上压式车刀杠杆式车刀PSBNR/L 、PSDNN 、PSSNR/L 、PCFNR/L 、PSKNR/L 、PCBNR/L 、PTGNR/L 、PCLNR/L 、PTFNR/L 、 PDPNN 、PDJNR/L 、PDHNR/L 、PRGNR/L型号f S h1l2b h l0a刀尖半径配用刀片PSSNR/L 1616H092016221616100SNMG090308PSSNR/L 2020K1225203020201258SNMG120408PSSNR/L 2525M1232252525150PSSNR/L 3225P123232170SNMG150608 PSSNR/L 4040R19504040404020012SNMG190612杠杆式车刀型号f f1h1l2b h l1a刀尖半径配用刀片PCFNR/L 2020K1225182028202012512CNMG120408PCFNR/L 2525M1232252525150PCFNR/L 3225P123232170型号f f1h1l2b h l1l0a刀尖半径配用刀片PSKNR/L1616H092015161716161001028SNMG090308 PSKNR/L2020K1225172022202012512811SNMG120408PSKNR/L2525M1232252525150153PSKNR/L 3232P15402232303232170174SNMG150612 PSKNR/L 502740404040200205SNMG1906124040R19型号f h1l2b h l1a刀尖半径配用刀片PCBNR/L 2020K12172028202012511CNMG120408PCBNR/L2525M1222252525150PCBNR/L 3225P16323132170CNMG160612杠杆式车刀型号f f1h1l2b h l1a刀尖半径配用刀片PTGNR/L 1616H16201616221616100TNMG160408PTGNR/L 2020K1625202020125 PTGNR/L2525M163221252525150PTGNR/L 3225P222432283217020TNMG220412 PTGNR/L 4040R27503040354040200TNMG270612型号f f1h1l2b h l1a刀尖半径配用刀片PCLNR/L 1616H0920-1626161610012CNMG090308PCLNR/L 2020K12251820282020125CNMG120408PCLNR/L 2525M1232252525150PCLNR/L 3225P123232170杠杆式车刀切断(槽)刀型号说明QZQ1616RL、QZQ2020RL、QZQ2525RL、QZQ3225RL切断(槽)刀罗纹车刀型号说明外罗纹车刀型号 h h1 b L f 配用刀片 螺 钉 扳 手SE R/L 1616H16 16 16 16 100 20 16ER/LT15SE R/L 2020K16 20 20 20 125 25SE R/L 2525M16 25 25 25 15032SE R/L 3225P16 32 32 25 170 SE R/L 3232P16 32 32 32 170 40 SE R/L 2525M22 25 25 25 150 32 22ER/L M4x15 T20 SE R/L 3225P22 32 32 25 170 32 SE R/L 3232P2232323217040内罗纹车刀SER/L,SNR/L。
Worthington-Creyssensac VCI07 变速压缩机用户手册说明书
User’s manual ENVCI07For variable speed compressors62 205 930 11 ed00 Applicable as of Version 1209/04Worthington-CreyssensacPage 262 205 930 11Table of contains1 - GENERAL INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................3 2- USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................3 2.1 D ISPLAYS ..................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 P USH BUTTONS ..........................................................................................................................................4 2.3 LED’S .......................................................................................................................................................4 3- MENUS AND FUNCTIONS ..........................................................................................................................4 3.1 M ENU CODE ENTRY / PARAMETER MODIFICATION .........................................................................................4 3.1.1 Entering menus................................................................................................................................4 3.1.2 Parameter modification....................................................................................................................5 3.2 M ENU STRUCTURE – QUICK REFERENCE .....................................................................................................6 3.3 M ENUS AND CHANGEABLE FEATURES ..........................................................................................................7 3.3.1 Status menu.....................................................................................................................................7 3.3.2 Error log menu..................................................................................................................................7 3.3.3 Maintenance interval menu..............................................................................................................7 3.3.4 Basic settings menu.........................................................................................................................8 3.3.5 Machine configuration......................................................................................................................9 3.3.6 Regulating settings...........................................................................................................................9 3.4 M ICRO POWER INTERRUPTIONS ................................................................................................................10 4 - CONTRAST ................................................................................................................................................11 5 - MAINTENANCE .........................................................................................................................................11 6- START UP AND OPTIMISING FINAL MACHINE ADJUSTMENTS (11)7 - MAIN OCCURRENCES .............................................................................................................................12 8 - DRYER MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................13 9 - SPECIFIC VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR . (13)Worthington-Creyssensac 09/0462 205 930 11Page 31 - General informationThe VCI07 controller has been developed for the control of medium to large size variable speed compressors, integrating “Variable Speed”.The VCI07 has a metal housing and can be mounted inside or outside the electrical cabinet of the compressor.Two 3-digit LCD displays and an alphanumeric display with 2 lines of 16 characters permanently show the behaviour of the compressor.We devoted special attention to the development of a simple user interface.2 - User interfaceThe VCI07 controller is equipped with three bottom-view-side-lighted displays, 8 push buttons and 4 LEDS.StartStop Display Reset2.1 DisplaysThe VCI07 is equipped with 3-bottom view - side lighted displays. Each display is dedicated for a specific purpose:The following messages can be displayed:Message Meaning3 digit seven segment (left display) e.g. 6.8- - -• Current pressure is constantly beingdisplayed• Indicating a pressure sensor error3 digit seven segment (right display) e.g. 86- - -• Current temperature is being constantlydisplayed• Indicating a pressure sensor error Alpha numeric 2 lines 16 character e.g. emergency stop e.g. standbye.g. oil service Error indications Status indications Service timersTable 109/04Worthington-CreyssensacPage 462 205 930 112.2 Push buttonsThe VCI07 is equipped with 8 tactile push buttons. In the standard software, each push button has its own specific function.Arrow up Select previous menu item Arrow down Select next menu item Minus Exit current menu (back to previous) Plus Entering the selected menu Enter Modifying / confirming variable settings Green rectangular Starting the compressor locally Red rectangular Stopping the compressor locally Reset Return to the basic menu orReset the controller whenever an alarm/warning occurred.Table 22.3 LED’sThe VCI07 is equipped with 4 LEDS. Each LED has its own specific function.BAR The pressure unit is set at BAR (see Table 7 on page 9) PSI The pressure unit is set at PSI (see Table 7 on page 9)°CThe temperature unit is set at Celsius (see Table 7 on page 9) °F The temperature unit is set at Fahrenheit (see Table 7 on page 9)Table 33 - Menus and functions3.1 Menu code entry / parameter modificationThis paragraph explains how to select a menu and how to scroll through the different parameters.3.1.1 Entering menusand/or returning to the basic menuWorthington-Creyssensac 09/0462 205 930 11Page 5How the different menus and sub-menus can be entered, is shown below:3.1.2 Parameter modificationa) Parameter modification without password protection•Within the entered menu, select the parameter to be changed by scrolling through the menu with the up and down arrow-button (step 1)• Push the enter-button and the parameter value will start blinking (step 2) • Change the blinking value with the “+” or “-“ button (step 3) • Confirm with the enter-button (step 4)09/04Worthington-CreyssensacPage 662 205 930 113.2 Menu structure – quick referenceCurrent time & date set-up Date 1+time+pressure 1 Date 1+time+pressure 2 Date 1+time+pressure 3 Date 1+time+pressure 4 etc. ( up to 32 )Note: Dr. alarm and Dryer Start are visible if the drier option is enabled in the factory or in the SAV menu.Worthington-Creyssensac 09/0462 205 930 11Page 73.3 Menus and changeable features 3.3.1 Status menuThe status menu can be considered as the default menu. It is shown at start-up of the controller and the VCI07 will revert to this menu after one minute when the keyboard activity stops while displaying a different menu. The following messages are displayed :• Machine status (e.g. standby, blowing down, onload, offload, etc.) • Time and day• Errors - active faults are blinking (e.g. air. Temp ----, Oil filt P warn, etc.)3.3.2 Error log menuThe VCI07 saves the 10 most recent occurred faults. By using the up and down arrow-button all the messages can de displayed. Below an example is given:Fault log nr. 1 High pressure fault Occurred fault number 1 is being displayed Fault log nr. 2 Emergency stop Occurred fault number 2 is being displayed Fault log nr. 3 Air filter P warning Occurred fault number 3 is being displayed Fault log nr. 4 Temperature probe fault Occurred fault number 4 is being displayed (See Table 1 on page 3) Etc.Table 4After a fault has been selected and the enter-button is pushed continuously, the date and time is displayed when the fault occurred.3.3.3 Maintenance interval menuIn the timer menu the following timers can be checked:Running hours Total running hours is being displayed Loaded hours Total loaded hours is being displayed Air filter time Remaining hours to air filter service is being displayed Oil filter time Remaining hours to oil filter service is being displayed Oil separator time Remaining hours to oil separator service is being displayed Oil change time Remaining hours to oil change is being displayed Lubrication Motor lubricationTable 5Note: Setting and resetting the displayed values can be done in the service setting menu.09/04Worthington-CreyssensacPage 862 205 930 113.3.4 Basic settings menuOffload PFrom this level the machine starts working offload (for max. value see also factory settings). After a timing(“slow down time”), the compressor stops except the pressure has reached the pressure load level.8 6 P.max On Load P Pressure target in Variable Speed Regulation 6.6bar P. minOffload P.P.scheduleEnabling or disabling the pressure schedule OFF OFFON Press. schedule The current time can be set as well as the configuration of the pressure schedule throughout theweek (see below)Drainspit time Opening time of the drain to release the moisture of the after cooling process2sec 1sec20secDrain dwell time Opening interval of the drain30sec 10sec120sec Dr. alarmDryer high temperature alert threshold 0 °C 5 °C30 °C Dryer start temporization of drier starting before the compressor= time necessary to produce dry air. 0 015minTable Pressure scheduleThe pressure time menu is used for programming over an entire week of up to 32 different pressure settings (e.g.: [REF] onload P. or 7 bar pressure required), associated with specific times. To modify the parameters in this menu, also see settings: pressure time Chap. (3.2).06Jun Fri 10 :291999Mon 06 :307.0BARMon 17 :30[OFF]Mon 19 :00[OFF]Required pressure [REF] = Onload pressureWorthington-Creyssensac 09/0462 205 930 11Page 93.3.5 Machine configurationIn the machine configuration menu, the following application specific parameters can be set:or possible values Auto restart Automatic restart of the machine after a power failure in case when the machine was running before the power failure.ARR ARR MARStart ctrl Select between local ON/OFF (on VCI07 box) or remote ON/OFF via the digital input 3.ON/OFF check can also be made via the RS 485 link For example with LeadairLOC LOC, EXT, 485Press. ctrl Selection between (no load / load) operation locally or via the RS 485 link (with Leadair)Remark: The DI 06 digital input has priority over this check function.DI 06 is the low-pressure switch input.Placing a relay in series with this pressure switch makes it possible to remotely control the (no load /load) operation.LOC LOC 485Machine number Address of the controller in an RS485 network 1 1 254 P unit Selection of the pressure unit BAR BAR PSI T unit Selection of the temperature unit °C °C °F Power unit Defines and activates instantaneous power display % - - - % Language Selection of the language in which the messages are displayed.EnglishMin temp Minimum oil temperature below which the machine does not start.2 °C -10 °C +10 °CRelay 6 It defines R 06 output as: Alarm and fault reportingR 06 changes state in the event of a machine alarm Machine safety or maintenance counters to 0 ….. - or in the event of a faultthe machine stops due to a safety problem - Fault report (only)Machine state: Output activated if the machine is operating (stand by) or if the motor is running Alarm Alarm / Error / StateTable 7Important note:It is always possible to stop the machine locally when remote start / stop function is enabled.3.3.6 Regulating settingsWhile the compressor is running loaded, a variable output signal is being generated by the PWM output. This signal is based on a PI control algorithm and can be used to drive an actuator (e.g. a proportional valve or a frequency inverter). The pressure regulation algorithm will control the actuator in order to maintain the load pressure at all time. If the actuator can not sufficiently cut back, the compressor will rise until it reaches the unload pressure. The compressor will then unload and the PI pressure control algorithm is disabled. As the pressure goes down and reaches the load level again, the compressor loads again and the PI control will take over. (see Table 6, Chap. 3.3.4)09/04Worthington-CreyssensacPage 1062 205 930 11ATTENTION :Do not adjust correctors P and I. They undergo in-factory configuration for compatibility with more than 95% of installations. During the setup, the installer checks the settings. If in doubt contact our after-sales service.Min. value It reflects the minimum output level of the control algorithm atwhich can be cut back. Below this value, the compressor will beput offload. The minimum value is expressed in %.0% 0% 100% P factor This proportional control factor determines how much thecontrol will react to differences between actual and targetpressure.40% 0% 100% I factor This integral control factor determines the “weight” of theintegral on the control action.10% 0% 100%Model Maximum frequency management model. Setting dependent uponmachine type (see VCI07 settings instructions)Unload Fr. The frequency at which the machine turns in no load operation 20Hz 0Hz 200Hz Max. Freq. Maximum frequency of variator. Setting dependent uponmachine type (see VCI07 settings instructions)Min Freq. Motor-compressor minimum frequency, set into the variable speed drive. This parameter is useful for displaying the instantaneous power10Hz 0Hz 200HzMax. Power Maximum power of machine. Setting dependent upon machine type (see VCI07settings instructions)Onload loss Defined for instantaneous power calculation 0 16 Safety fac.= Safety factor and proportional correction. Setting dependent upon machine type (see VCI07settings instructions)Ventil Stop. Ventilator stop.OFF OFF ONT Vent. STOP Time between shaft stop and ventilator stop = tempo at which the ventilator continues to turn after shaft stop.This safety feature prevents the oil temperature from rising after the machine has stopped.60 0 600Fan sp. entr Activates the ventilation speed variation: used to control the oiltemperature OFF ON OFFTH reg. Visible when ‘Var ventil ‘ is active, this parameter is the oiltemperature setpoint: it is the desired oil temperature 80 °C 70 °C 100 °CTable 83.4 Micro power interruptionsThe VCI07 is standard equipped with a micro power interruption detection of 40ms function. Every zero passage of the 24VAC main is detected. When 2 consecutive cycles or a power failure of 40ms is detected, the controller will automatically stop the machine. At the same time, all relays are released and 3 horizontal dashes are displayed on the LED display. By stopping the machine during a micro power interruption, sparks on the relay contacts are avoided which will extend the relay lifetime.4 - ContrastThe only possible adjustment is the visual angle of the alphanumeric display. In the factory this angle is already adjusted to its best position. When another angle is wanted it can be changed by removing the black cap at the bottom of the unit. Just behind the aperture a 270 degrees potentiometer is located. Use a screwdriver with a 25mm blade or less to make the adjustment. Do not forget to replace the black cap.5 - MaintenanceThe VCI07 does not need maintenance. When the front panel is dirty, it can be cleaned with a soft cloth drenched in soap water or methanol.6 - Start up and optimising final machine adjustmentsThe machine undergoes in-factory configuration in order to limit the need for adjustments during installation. Therefore, only the pressure thresholds need to be set :- “OnLoad P” = desired regulation pressure (in vari-speed)In order to conserve energy to the maximum, it is advised to lower the regulation pressure to thelowest possible level ( so as to optimize power)- “Offload P” = Delayed stop pressure of the machineFor energy consumption that is less than the minimum capacity , it is advised to set it at + 0,5 barabove the “P load”.In certain rare cases, it may prove useful to adjust the regulation settings (see chapter 7, main operational occurrences).7 -Main occurrencesOccurrences Solutions1. THE MACHINE STOPS AND STARTS AGAIN BUTONLY FOR A SHORT TIME Increase unloading time (for +5 to +20 s) so that the motor doesn’t stop so often (the compressor runs for longer before stopping). If this delay is insufficient, increase the “unloading time” and the minimum unloading time by the same amount (for example : +30s)2. THE MACHINE STOPS, DISPLAYING THE MESSAGE”MOTOR ERROR” Check that there is no mechanical blockage of the motor. See variator instructions : the fault comes from the variator. Identify the fault.Ne pas réinitialiser la machine sans chercher la source du problème.3. THE OIL TEMPERATURE IS TOO HIGH (THEMACHINE STOPS OR AN ALERT IS GIVEN) Lower the pressure to the min. level that the client will need. Decrease the “dry fact” setting by 2 to 10%In the event of failure, proceed more progressively : by consecutive steps of 1 to 2%, testing each time the rise in machine temperature.In this way, machine cooling is steady and total absorbed power is reduced (as is the case with the capacity)4. THERE ARE LARGE FLUCTUATIONS OF PRESSURE(MORE THAN 0,2 BARS) FOR FLOWS IN BETWEEN THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM CAPACITYI. Read the variator frequency (see variator instructions) Check that it is higher than the minimum frequency (the capacity is thus higher than the minimum capacity). If this is the case, reduce the integral factor (I factor) so as to reduce fluctuations.Attention : reducing it too much will slow the rise in pressure.5. THE PRESSURE DOES NOT RISE QUICKLYIncrease the P factor.6. THE MACHINE EQUIPPED WITH A DRIER DOESNOT START Wait or reduce the ‘dém séch‘ drier starting time to 0 min for machine starting.7. THE MACHINE STOPS AND ‘‘ERR T. MOTEUR’’ ISDISPLAYED The variable speed motor is overheating (RLR 220V). Check that the machine is not operating at an excessive ambient temperature (> 40 °C)8. THE MACHINE STOPS AND (DRYER FAULT) ISDISPLAYED The drier low temperature threshold has been reached Contact your After Sales Service to check that the drier is not frozen, (if the drier is not frozen, it is possible to maintain the drier low temperature threshold in the drier menu)8 - Dryer ManagementThis controller is compatible with the integral dryer and specific variable speed motor options. Dryer Management- The VCI07 may be configured in three manners to control the dryer:•- - - “no message”•Ale “Alert” (default setting)•ERR “Stop on FAULT”- - -Bottom Message/Top Message/Ale Dryer t. too low Dryer t. too highERR ERR : Dryer t. low ERR : Dryer t. highA start time before compressor starting can be indicated (see Chap. 3.2 “Base” settings).Dryer freezing- The VCI07 indicates a dryer alert when the dryer temperature is less than the bottom threshold value:It displays “Dryer t. too low” and the machine does not stop.The unit may be stopped following an error message by changing its mode with ERR: it displays“ ERR : Dryer t. low ”, the machine stops.Dryer and By-Pass replacementIf the dryer is replaced or has a direct connection (by-pass), it is necessary to disable the dryer functions in the drier menu-accessible through SAV code.The dryer “dew point” temperature acquisition is then disabled, as well as the ON/OFF control.9 - Specific variable speed motorIn certain applications, the motor is equipped with motor temperature control probes.A high motor temperature alarm is activated in order to alert the user about motor overheating.A machine fault – a complete compressor shutdown is triggered when the maximum temperature threshold of the winding is reached (see Operation Incidents).Check the compressor operation ambient temperature and the case internal temperature.____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 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BATTERY MANAGEMENT Jul 09, 1998 Switch-Mode Battery Charger Delivers 5AThe fast-charge controller IC3 (Figure 1) normally directs current to the battery via an external pnp transistor. In this circuit, the transistor is replaced with a 5A switching regulator (IC1) that delivers equivalent power with higher efficiency.Figure 1. By controlling the PWM duty cycle of switching regulator IC1, the fast-charge controller (IC3) makes efficient delivery of the battery's charging current.IC1 is a 5A buck switching regulator whose output is configured as a current source. Its internal power switch (an npn transistor) is relatively efficient because V CE(SAT) is small in comparison with the 15V-to-40V inputs. (For applications that require 2A or less, the low-saturation, non-Darlington power switch of a MAX726 offers better efficiency.)R6 senses the battery-charging current and enables IC3 to generate an analog drive signal at DRV. The signal is first attenuated by the op amp to assure stability by reducing gain in the control loop. It then drives IC1's compensation pin (VC), which gives direct access to the internal PWM comparator. IC3 thus controls the charging current via the PWM duty cycle of IC1. The Q1 buffer provides current to the DRV input.Loop stability is also determined by the feedback loop's dominant pole, set by C4 at the CC terminal of IC3. If you increase the value of the battery filter capacitor (C5), you should make a proportional increase in the value of C4. Lower values, however, assure good transient response. If your application produces load transients during the fast-charge cycle, check the worst-case response to a load step. To assure proper termination of the charge, battery voltage should settle within 2msec to 5mV times N (where N is the number of battery cells). More InformationMAX713:QuickView-- Full (PDF) Data Sheet-- Free Samples。
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AS-interface ................................................................................................................................. 3/229 ET200 电机起动器 ........................................................................................................................ 3/235 SIMOCODE.................................................................................................................................. 3/237
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郎汉德PLC触摸屏一体机(7寸)产品说明书文件版本:V1.0.0目录1.产品简介 (3)2.参数详情 (3)2.1.电气参数 (3)2.2.PLC编程电缆参数 (4)2.3.选型表 (6)2.4.拨码状态 (7)2.5.接线图 (8)2.5.1.晶体管输出型号引脚定义 (8)2.5.2.继电器输出型号引脚定义 (10)2.6.PLC地址 (12)2.6.1.PLC地址使用情况 (12)2.6.2.特殊寄存器.和位 (13)2.7.模拟量转换 (17)2.8.兼容三菱指令 (17)3.通信使用 (22)3.1.串口通信配置 (22)3.2.一体机内部PLC与HMI通讯(COM2) (23)3.2.1.使用FX3U协议内部通讯 (23)3.2.2.使用Modbus RTU内部通讯 (26)3.3.串口通信发送与接收数据的应用(COM4) (28)3.3.1.PLC做为Modbus从站通信 (28)3.3.2.串口自由通信协议ADPRW指令使用 (29)3.3.3.Modbus主站通信协议ADPRW指令使用 (32)4.售后 (34)4.1.联系方式 (34)4.2.免责声明 (34)1.产品简介本产品为PLC触摸屏一体机。
2.参数详情2.1.电气参数类别项目参数电气环境供电电源额定24V,12-32V宽压输入范围;内部与外供电电气隔离工作温度0~55°C湿度5%-95%RH(非结露)抗干扰性峰值:1500vp-p;幅度1uS;上升时间:30ms;周期30-100HZ抗震动符合IEC61121-2标准电气隔离性能通讯隔离性通讯口均与内部隔离电源隔离性内部5V、15V之间隔离;与24V输入隔离数字量量输入导通状态高于DC15V,2.5mA 关断状态低于DC7V,1mA晶体管输出响应时间ON->OFF20us以内OFF->ON50us以内输出电压范围DC5V~30V额定输出负载0.75A@DC24V继电器输出响应时间10ms以内输出电压范围DC5V-30或AC5V~250V 额定输出电压DC24V/2A或AC220V/2.0A 使用寿命机械1千万次电气10万次(额定负载)模拟量输出输出范围电压输出0~10V 电流输出0~20mA模拟量输入输入范围电流输入0-20mA或4-20mA电压输入0-10V运动控制脉冲输出速度可达200KHZ 计数输入速度可200K以上2.2.PLC编程电缆参数一体机的PLC部分,对应的编程口为RS232通信。
青岛鼎信通讯股份有限公司目录1概述 (1)2功能特点 (1)3原理框图 (1)4引脚定义 (2)4.1 芯片引脚图 (2)4.2 引脚说明 (2)5功能描述 (3)5.1供电电源 (3)5.2过流保护功能 (3)5.3接收发送控制 (3)5.4数据收发 (3)6电气参数 (4)6.1额定直流电气参数 (4)6.2交流电气指标 (5)6.3电气特性图 (5)6.4ESD特性 (6)7封装尺寸 (7)8参考电路 (8)8.1典型应用电路 (8)8.2关键器件选型 (8)1概述XY•CN-PDC总线是一种可供电、无极性、两线制通信机制,具有通讯设备容量大,通讯速率高,设计简单,布线方便,抗干扰能力强等特点。
2功能特点静态功耗典型值小于1mA;工作电压范围宽:12V~36V;自带内部稳压输出:+5V,10mA;下行发码满幅电压调制,上行收码电流环解调,抗干扰能力强;最多可挂接252个节点设备;通讯距离1200m,上行通讯速率可达19200bps,下行通讯速率可达9600bps;采用半双工通讯;小体积QFN-16封装;可隔离设计保证电磁兼容特性;功率器件外置,芯片不易损坏;工作温度:-40℃~ +85℃。
3原理框图图1 TC100B原理框图4 引脚定义4.1 芯片引脚图T X DI D E TV O U TTREORXDBUSL GNDV D DV D E T REVINVBBUSHVCCN CR B图2 TC100B 芯片引脚图4.2注:当输入+5V/+3.3V 时,RXD 和EO 输出的高电平为+5V/+3.3V ,低电平为0V 。
TPUNA001 POWERBOOK G4,●NA002 IBOOK G4NA003MacBook,MacBook Pro,MacBook AIR ●●NB001X41以下●●NB002T43以下,R52以下●●Z60,Z61,T60,R60,R61,T61,X300,X301T400,T500,R400,R500,W500NB004X60,X61●●NB005ThinkPad SL300,SL400,SL410,SL500,SL510●●NB006X200,X200s,X200 tablet●●NB007ThinkPad edge E30NC001AW300C,K100C●NC002KW100C,SW200C,V120A,V200C,V210CT,V210DNC003KW300C,KW5500,KW5600,TW300C,S4106,TW420,TW2050●●NC004L100NC005S100(小机器)ND001佳和H150●ND002颐和E400,佳和 A500●ND003颐和E360D,佳和450●ND004颐和 R660●●ND005●ND006●ND007●ND008R610N,R620,T550N,颐和T360,S650N,R660,R650,R651●●ND009R211 ,S211,S280,颐和T360●CooSkin酷奇笔记本电脑键盘保护膜型号表苹果APPLENB003七喜方正FOUNDER 纳米银品牌型号适合机型备注硅胶材质●●IBMND010佳和H520●●ND011B102,BIG2●不适合H180,R350,S620,R511,S260,S300,S200,T370,A630,R350NE001ASPIRE 2000停产●TravelMate 4000,3300,2400,8000Ferrari 4000,5000,NE003ASPIRE 1600,3000,3600,5000,5500,5670,●NE00412寸 TravelMate 3000,Aspire 2420,2920TravelMate 4520,4330,4720,5520,5710,5720,Extensa 4620,4630Z●Aspire 4310,4330,4315,4520,4530Aspire 4710,4715,4720,4735Z,4920,4930,4937Aspire 5520,5920NE007TravelMate 6292,6231●NE008Aspire ONE ●●NE009Aspire 2930●NE010Aspire 6530G,6930G,8930,8920g,8730g,●Aspire 4736Z,4736G ,4535,4535G,5935G ,5940G ,Aspire 3810T,4810T,4540G,4740G Aspire One AO751h,Aspire 1810T,Aspire Timeline 1820PT,Aspire 1410,farrari one 200NE013Emachines D725,D525,Aspire 4732Z●NE014Aspire 5810T, 5739G,5536,AS5542G,8935G,5738Z●●不适合Aspire 5710,TravelMate 6492,6592NF001S6110,S6120,S6130,T3000停产S6200,S6300,S7000,S7100,S7211S2100,S2020,S2200,S6410,S6420,S6510N3510,N3520,N3530,T4000,C1000,E8000,LifeBook T1010,T4310NF002宏碁ACERNE002NE012NE006NE005NE011●●●●●●●●●NF003P7000系列,P5000系列,Q2010●NF004P7100系列,P7200系列,P8010系列,P8020,B6220●NF005LifeBook A3110系列,V1020系列●NF006P1510,P1610●NF007T8010海外●NF008M2010●不适合E4000,N6000,N6470,U1010(5.6寸)NG001灵迅M210●NG002超锐V100,A10,超锐K400,X300,锋锐K40●NG003超锐V10,超锐K210,k421,k431●●NG004超锐V30,V60,K430,K100,T10,F5600S ●NG005超锐T21●●NG006超锐T31 T30 F5600●NG007超锐T50●NG008超锐A50●●NG009灵迅M200 灵迅M280●NG010灵迅M220●NG011锋锐 K42●NG012mini s5,锋锐 S20●NH001Compaq Presario B2000停产●Compaq Presario M2000,V2000,V4000,R4000Pavilion ZE2000,ZV5000,ZV6000Pavilion DV1000,DV4000,DV5000Compaq NX6330,NX6125,Compaq6730NH003Compaq Presario B3000,B3800●●Pavilion ZE5000,ZT3000 Compaq Presario V1000,X1000Compaq NX6000,NX6325,NX7000Compaq NX5000,NC6000,NC8000,NW8000,富士通FUJITSU NH004KNH002清华同方NH004●●●Compaq 8510,8710,6710B NH005Compaq Presario B2800●●Pavilion DV2000,DV2500,DV2800,DV2900,DV3000,DV6000,Pavilion DV6700Pavilion 500,520,530,540,541,Compaq Presario V3000,V3700,V3900 ,V3803Compaq Presario F500,F734,F735,F761,Compaq 6520,6530s,6531s,6535sCompaq dv3,dv4,dv5,CQ35,CQ40,CQ45,CQ510,CQ511Compaq510,511,515,516,DV2500,CQ41,CQ36NH007Compaq Presario B1900●NH008Compaq NC4400●Compaq 6515b ,6510b,6715s,6910s,6910P,6930s ,Compaq6530b,6530s,6535b,NC6400,nw9440Elitebook 6930pCompaq Presario 2210,2230S, B1200, B1216,B1235,B1236,B1828 ,TX1000,TX1105,TX1106,Compaq Presario cq20NH011Compaq 2133,mini2140,MINI 1000,Mini110,Mini1101●●NH012CQ60,CQ61,dv6,Pavilion HDX X18,X16●●NH013Pavilion dv2,dm1,Compaq mini 311●NH014EliteBook 2530P,2730p,Compaq 2510P,2710p ●NH015ProBook 4411s,4410S ,4415S ,4416s,4310S,4311s,●●NH016HP ProBook 4710s ●●NH017MINI 5101●NH018ProBook 5310m●●NH019Pavilion dm3,●●Compaq Presario B1800,TX2101,TX2000系列Pavilion ZD8000,DV8000,DV9000,HDX9000,TouchSmart tx2NH004K NH010不适合NH006NH009惠普HP●●●●●●Compaq TC4000,NX9000,NW9000,2510PNI001风影H160,H50,W80,W61●NI002H101,A20,X108,X105●NI003H40,H22,H60●NI004T51,A60,A62,W66,T628,T621,T68D ●NI005H 12,S20,W18NI006W36,W30,W32,A61,A610,W68●NI007Q1,X260●●不适合W10NJ001JOYBOOK R22,R23,R31,A32,A33,A51,C42停产●NJ002JOYBOOK 3000,,S52,S53,S61,T31,S31,S32,S33●NJ003JOYBOOK 7000,S72,S73,P41,R42,R41,R53,S41,S42●NJ004JOYBOOK R55,R43,R45,X31,S35●●NJ005Joybook Lite U101●●NJ006Joybook Lite U121●NJ007Joybook Lite T131●NJ008JoyBook S35●●NJ009Joybook Lite U102●●不适合JOYBOOK A52,R56,6000,X31NK001N211U●NK002N411,W451U,W551N●NK003W511A●●NL002 天逸S180,天逸Y160,旭日160停产●天逸Y200,天逸200,天逸F30,F40,F50旭日125,旭日410,Y400NL004旭日150,天逸100,昭阳E370●NL005天逸80●NL006昭阳E280,昭阳E290,昭阳E660,昭阳E680,●NL007昭阳E255,昭阳E260,旭日120停产●海尔HAIER技嘉NL003明基BENQ●●NL008天逸F20,F21,昭阳S650,昭阳S660●NL009旭日420,昭阳E390●●NL010旭日210●天逸F31,F41,F51昭阳K41,K42,K43,E41,E42,E43,E23旭日N220,N440,N466旭日C100,C430,C460系列,C510IdeaPad Y510,Y530,Y430,U330,V350,V450,V5503000系列G450,G430NL012IdeaPad S9,S10,昭阳M10●●NL013IdeaPad Y450,Y550●●NL014IdeaPad S10-2,●NL015Ideapad U350,U450,昭阳E45,Y650●●NL016B450●●NL017IdeaPad U150●●NL018IdeaPad S12,昭阳 K23●不适合联想IdeaPad U110,昭阳K12,老款X系列,老款P系列,老款M系列,老款R系列,Q310,Q308,NM002Q70,Q45,Q208,Q210,Q68●●NM003R18,R20,R25,R458,R466,R453,R508●●NM004NC10,ND10,N10,N128,N110,N108,N140●●NM005NC20,N120,Q210,N510●●NM006N310●●R468,R467,R463,R470,R518,R522,X418,X420,P467R403,R428,NM008X118,X170●●不适合X1,M70,R700,Q318,Q320NN001VERSA S1000,S3000,S5100,E5100三星SAMSUNGNM007NL011联想LENOVO●●NM001●●●●NN002VERSE S900不适合E600NP001Inspiron 700M,710M,Vostro 1200●Inspiron 6000,6400,8000,9000,9300,94001300,1500,E1505,E1705,510M,600M,630M,640M,Latitude D500,D510,D520,D530XPS M1710,vostro 1000Precision M65,M90Latitude D400,D600,D610,D620,D630,D810,D820,Latitude E6500,E5500,Inspiron 1420,1520,1525,1545,Vostro1400,1500XPS M1330,M1530,戴尔Studio 15,1535,1536,Vostro A840,A860,1014,1088,Inspiron 1318,Studio 1557,1555,1435NP004Vostro 1310,1510,1320●●NP005Mini 9●NP006Inspiron 1425,1427●●NP007MINI 10●NP008MINI 12●NP009Inspiron 1440,1320,●●Inspiron 13Z,14Z,15Z,1464,Vostro V13,Studio 1457,1450,NP011Vostro 1220●NP012Inspiron 11Z●M1210,latitude D410,D420,D430,E6400,E4200,E5400Inspiron 1720,Studio 1735,NQ001LS40, LS45,LM40,GS40●NQ002LS70,LM50,LM60,LM70,LP60●不适合戴尔DELLNP002(无指点杆)NP002KNP010NP003NEC ●●●●●●●NQ003LW20,Z1NQ004LW40停产NQ005M1 停产NQ006F1,F2停产NQ007A1,C1停产NQ008LW 60停产●不适合LE50,RD400NR001V7●●NR002V1●NS001VAIO V505停产NS002 VAIO TR 停产NS003VAIO S NS004 VAIO A 停产NS005VAIO Z1停产NS006VAIO B 停产NS007VAIO T 停产NS008VAIO FS 停产NS009VAIO Y 停产NS010VAIO TX 停产●NS011VAIO FJ 停产NS012VAIO BX 停产NS013VAIO FE 停产NS014VAIO SZ,AR 停产●●NS015VAIO N 停产●NS016VAIO C,NR 停产●NS017VAIO L 停产NS018VAIO G 停产●NS019VAIO FZ 停产●NS020VAIO CR●●索尼SONYLG厦新NS021VAIO TZ 停产●●NS022VAIO SR ●●NS023VAIO FW ●●NS024VAIO Z ●NS025VAIO CS ●NS026VAIO NS ●NS027VAIO TT ●●NS028VAIO P ●NS029VAIO NW ●NS030VAIO W ●NS031VAIO CW ●●NS032VAIO X ●NS033VAIO Y11●NS034VAIO S11●NS035VAIO F●NT001PORTEGE R100,A100,M400,M500停产●SATELLITE A100,A80,A60,A50,M100,M5,M50, M30●QOSMIO G35,G30,G20,G10,F30,E10,●NT003SATELLITE M18,M19,L401●●NT004PORTEGE R200,A200,M300停产●●NT005SATELLITE L100,L30,L20,L10,●SATELLITE A200,A202,L200,L402,M105,SATELLITE L510,L511,L512,L515,L516,L517,L521,L522,L523,L525,L526,L531,L533,L535,L536,L551SATELLITE M200,M202,M203,M207,M211,M212SATELLITE M301,M302,A300系列,A350,L455,SATELLITE L311,L312,L315,L317,L322,L323,L331,L332SATELLITE L525,L526,Satellite M501,M502,M503,M505,M506,M507NT002NT006●●QOSMIO G40,F501PORTEGE M600,M605,M606,M612POTEGE R400,A500,POTEGE M801,M802,M803,M805,M806,M807,M808,M810,M819,M820,M821,M822,M823,M825,M830,M831,M832,M833,M851,M852,M861,M862,M863,M865,M866,M867,M868,POTEGE M901,M902,M903,M905,M906,M907,M908,M909POTEGE T130,T131,T132,T135Satellite NB200系列,NB201,NB202,NB203,NB205,Satellite NB300系列,NB301,NB302,NB303,NB305NT009东芝 Satellite T110系列, T111,T112,●NT010东芝 Portégé R501,R502,A601,A602●Satellite M60,M65,X205, Dynabook UX,Qosmio G50东芝L500系列,L581,L582,L585(大键盘),NU001S5老款,M5老款停产●NU002A3,A6,Z92,W1,W2,M6,PRO 20,G1,●NU002K A9,Z91,G2,F2,F3,F5,Z5,Z53,X50,X51,X53,X59●●NU003M2停产●W3,V6,A8,Z99,PRO 80,VX1,F80,F81,F83,K41X80,X81,X82,X85,X88,C90S,Z37,N80,N81,NU005W5,W6,W7,M9,S7,F9,Z3,R1F,RIE,U6,F6,X20●NU006S5新款,M5新款,U5●NU007EcoBook S6 ●NU008Eee PC 701,901●●NU008K Eee PC 1000,1000HA,1000HC,S101●●NU009M51,M50,X55,X71●●NU010N10, EeePC 1101HA●●●NT007NT008不适合华硕ASUSNU004东芝TOSHIBA ●●●●NU011N20●NU012Eee PC 1000HE ●●NU013K40,X8,P80,P81,●●NU014Eee PC 1005HA,1008HA,1001HA●●NU015U20A,UL20,Eee PC 1201N,1201HA ●NU016U80,U81,UL30,UL80,UX30,A42●●NU017U50V,U50,UL50,N61VN,G60J,G51●N50,N51,N61VG,N70,N71,K50,K51,M60,X61,X66,F50,F70,K70,X5DC NU019Eee PC T91,900HA●●不适合U3,A7,G70,Eee PC 900,UX50V,S121,M70,U20,优派NV001VB1510●●NW001A20,A30NW002T50,T2000●NW003E3100NW004E300,E530●NW005T60,E570●NX001承运M350D,M725S ●NX002承龙A222S●W320,W260,L420,F205T,L720T,W726T,L520T,F550T,L710T,承运L230E ,优雅HP860Q360S,F420S,Q300,F206S,F231S,F520F205S,F235S,Q230N,Q300S,Q310Y,T500N NX005Q200,W430,W420R,W205R,W225R ●NX006M350●NX007B725●●Q400N,优雅HP660,承龙 U450优雅 HP660,F239T ,HP860,HP870,HP500,NX009优雅 Q130(老的)●NU018NX008●神舟HASEE长城NX003NX004●●●●●●NX010优雅 U20,UV20●NY001MT ●●NY002MX,C ●●NY003T,●LT3108C,LT3109C,LT3110C,LT3111C EC1405C,EC1404C NZ001K10,E100●NZ0029200●NZ003T600,T2112,T3112,K4217,K4222,K43●●NZ004A10,X200●NZ005K4013A ●●NZ006K22●NZ007K41,T41,T51●●BM001U100,Wind U123H●●BM002VR630,CX600,EX610,EX620,EX630,ER710●X320 X340,Wind12 U210,Wind U200,CR400X-Slim X410,X400,EX460,EX300,EX310,S300,EX400,EX401,GX400,PR320,PR400BM005Wind U135●●不适合U90,U115NY004GATEWAY BM003BM004TCL微星 MSI●●●●注:TPU所有型号都有,纳米银有的型号表示为●,硅胶有的型号表示为●。
TwinCAT 3 可被分为各个不同的功能块。
TwinCAT 3 工程组件能够配置、编程和调试应用程序。
TwinCAT 3 实时内核由可扩展的组件 — 基本组件和功能 — 构成。
TC1270 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I/CNC TwinCAT 3 – eXtended Automation Engineering (XAE)基本功能块之间相互构建,并对功能进行分类。
基础功能功能TwinCAT 3 – eXtended Automation runtime (XAR)TC1320 | TC3 C++/Matlab ®/Simulink ®TC1300 | TC3 C++TF1xxx | 系统TF3xxx | 测量TF4xxx | 控制TF5xxx | 运动控制TF6xxx | 连接TF8xxx | 行业特定TC1100 | TC3 I/O TC1000 | TC3 ADSTC1260 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I TC1250 | TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10TC1220 | TC3 PLC/C++/Matlab ®/Simulink ®TC1210 | TC3 PLC/C++TC1200 | TC3 PLC TC1100 | TC3 I/O TC1000 | TC3 ADS15功能概览基本功能块可通过功能扩展。
这些功能可被划分为不同的类别:运动控制、测量技术、控制技术以及通讯T F 5x x x | 运动控制TF5000 | TC3 NC PTP 10TF5100 | TC3 NC ITF5110 | TC3 运动转换 L1TF5200 | TC3 CNCTF5050 | TC3 NC 凸轮TF5055 | TC3 NC 飞锯功能T F 6x x x | 连接TF6000 | TC3 ADS 通讯功能库TF6100 | TC3 OPC UATF6220 | TC3 EtherCAT 冗余 250TF6250 | TC3 Modbus TF6310 | TC3 TCP/IP TF6360 | TC3 虚拟串口T F 4x x x | 控制TF4100 | TC3 控制器工具箱TF4110 | TC3 温度控制器• • •T F 3x x x | 测量TF3600 | TC3 状态监测TF3900 | TC3 太阳位置算法功能库• • •• • •• • •16TwinCAT 3 实时内核组件可用于不同的平台TwinCAT 3 命名系统TX abbb-00pp-v v v vT = TwinCAT X = C (基础功能) F (功能) E (工程) a = 分类法1 = 系统 3 = 测量4 = 控制5 = 运动6 = 连接8 = 行业专用bbb = 规范pp = 平台vvvv = 版本号TwinCAT 3 — 平台P10小型P20经济型P30经济增强型P40中等性能P50高性能P60超高性能P90其它BC/BXCX8000CX90x0CX1010CP62xx CX5xxx CX1020CPxxxx C6920CX2020CPxxxx C6930CX2040这里根据平台进行等级划分只是一个示例配置17TwinCAT 3 — 产品概览o = on request页面工程环境实时内核小型经济型经济增强型中等性能高性能超高性能其它pp=10203040506090工程环境(Windows XP | Windows 7)TE1000-00pp TC3 工程环境20x o ––––––TE1110-00pp TC3 仿真管理器20x o ––––––TE1120-00pp TC3 ECAD 导入工具20x o ––––––TE1140-00pp TC3 管理服务器21x o ––––––TE1150-00pp TC3 备份工具21x o ––––––TE1400-00pp TC3 Matlab ®/Simulink ®目标21x o ––––––TE1500-00pp TC3 阀图编辑器21x o ––––––TE1510-00ppTC3 凸轮设计编辑器21xo––––––TwinCAT 基础功能TC1000-00pp TC3 ADS 22o x x x x x x TC1100-00pp TC3 I/O 22o x x x x x x TC1200-00pp TC3 PLC 23o x x x x x x TC1210-00pp TC3 PLC/C++23o –x x x x x TC1220-00pp TC3 PLC/C++/Matlab ®/Simulink ®24o –x x x x x TC1250-00pp TC3 PLC/NC PTP 1024o –x x x x x TC1260-00pp TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I 25o ––x x x x TC1270-00pp TC3 PLC/NC PTP 10/NC I/CNC 25o ––x x x x TC1300-00pp TC3 C++25o –x x x x x TC1320-00pp TC3 C++/Matlab ®/Simulink®25o–xxxxx功能测量TF3600-00pp TC3 状态监测等级 126o ––x x x x TF3601-00pp TC3 状态监测等级 226o ––x x x x TF3602-00pp TC3 状态监测等级 3 26o ––x x x x TF3900-00pp TC3 太阳位置算法功能库27o x x x x x x 控制器TF4100-00pp TC3 控制器工具箱27o x x x x x x TF4110-00ppTC3 温度控制器27o–xxxxx18o = on request运动控制TF5000-00pp TC3 NC PTP 10 轴 28o –x x x x x TF5010-00pp TC3 NC PTP 25 轴28o –x x x x x TF5020-00pp TC3 NC PTP 25+ 轴28o –x x x x x TF5050-00pp TC3 NC 凸轮控制29o ––x x x x TF5055-00pp TC3 NC 飞锯29o ––x x x x TF5060-00pp TC3 NC FIFO 轴29o ––x x x x TF5065-00pp TC3 极速运动控制29o ––x x x x TF5100-00pp TC3 NC I 30o ––x x x x TF5110-00pp TC3 运动转换 L130o ––x x x x TF5111-00pp TC3 运动转换 L231o ––x x x x TF5112-00pp TC3 运动转换 L331o ––x x x x TF5200-00pp TC3 CNC 32o ––x x x x TF5210-00pp TC3 CNC E 32o ––x x x x TF5220-00pp TC3 CNC 轴软件包33o ––x x x x TF5230-00pp TC3 CNC 通道软件包33o ––x x x x TF5240-00pp TC3 CNC 转换33o ––x x x x TF5250-00pp TC3 CNC HSC 软件包33o ––x x x x TF5260-00pp TC3 CNC 主轴插补34o ––x x x x TF5270-00pp TC3 CNC 虚拟 NCK 基础34o ––x x x x TF5271-00pp TC3 CNC 虚拟 NCK 选项34o ––x x x x TF5800-00pp TC3 数字式凸轮服务器31o ––x x x x TF5810-00pp TC3 液压运动控制31o ––x x x x 连接TF6000-00pp TC3 ADS 通讯功能库35o ––x x x x TF6100-00pp TC3 OPC UA 35o x x x x x x TF6120-00pp TC3 OPC DA35o –x x x x x TF6220-00pp TC3 EtherCAT 冗余 25036o ––x x x x TF6221-00pp TC3 EtherCAT 冗余 250+36o ––x x x x TF6250-00pp TC3 Modbus 36o x x x x x x TF6255-00pp TC3 Modbus RTU 36o x x x x x x TF6300-00pp TC3 FTP 37o x x x x x x TF6310-00pp TC3 TCP/IP 37o x x x x x x TF6340-00pp TC3 串行通讯37o x x x x x x TF6350-00pp TC3 SMS/SMTP 37o x x x x x x TF6360-00pp TC3 虚拟串口38o –x x x x x TF6420-00pp TC3 数据库服务器38o x x x x x x TF6500-00pp TC3 IEC 60870-5-10x 38o –x x x x x TF6510-00pp TC3 IEC 6185039o –x x x x x TF6520-00pp TC3 IEC TC3 IEC 61400-2539o –x x x x x TF6600-00pp TC3 RFID 阅读器通讯39o x x x x x x TF6610-00ppTC3 S5/S7 通讯39oxxxxxx页面工程环境实时内核小型经济型经济增强型中等性能高性能超高性能其它pp=10203040506090功能19TE1xxx | TwinCAT 工程环境TC3 工程环境技术参数TE1000-00pp TwinCAT 工程环境包含 TwinCAT 3 控制软件的工程环境:.集成到 Visual Studio ® 2010 中(如果可用).支持原始 Visual Studio ® 接口(如连接源代码管理系统的接口).IEC 61131-3(IL 、FB 、LD 、AS 、ST )和 CFC 编辑器 .IEC 61131-3 语言编译器.用于配置目标系统的集成式系统管理器.在同一个解决方案中实例化多个系统管理项目 .实例化和参数化 TwinCAT 模块 .集成 TwinCAT C++ 调试器.集成的用户接口,用于实现由 Matlab ®/Simulink ® 生成的模块的参数设置.如果已经集成到 Visual Studio ® 中,则在相同的解决方案中实例化 .NET 项目(例如对于 HMI )要求目标系统Windows XP ,Windows 7上市时间2011 年第四季度更多信息/TE1000TC3 仿真管理器TE1110-00pp TwinCAT 仿真管理器是一种用于配置仿真环境的工具,它将其自身完美地集成到 TwinCAT 系统环境中。
一、性能参数1、输出信号:多圈磁电绝对值编码器采用多圈式磁电绝对值编码器,输出信号可以是多种类型,常见的有RS-422/RS-485/TTL/HTL 等。
2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 1TCM809/TCM810Features•Precision V DD Monitor for 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 5.0V Nominal System Voltage Supplies•140msec Minimum RESET Time Out Period •RESET Output to V DD = 1.0V (TCM809)•Low Supply Current, 9µA (typ.)•V DD Transient Immunity•Small 3-Pin SC-70 and SOT-23B Packages •No External Components •Push-Pull RESET Output •Temperature Range:-Industrial, SC-70 (E): -40°C to +85°C-Extended, SOT-23, SC-70 (V): -40°C to +125°CApplications•Computers•Embedded Systems•Battery-Powered Equipment•Critical Microcontroller Power Supply Monitoring •AutomotiveTypical Application CircuitGeneral DescriptionThe TCM809 and TCM810 are cost-effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor V DD in digital systems and provide a reset signal to the host proces-sor, when necessary. No external components are required.The RESET output is typically driven active within 65µsec of V DD falling through the reset voltage thresh-old. RESET is maintained active for a minimum of 140msec after V DD rises above the reset threshold.The TCM810 has an active-high RESET output, while put of the TCM809/TCM810 is valid down to V DD = 1V.Both devices are available in 3-Pin SC-70 and SOT-23B packages.The TCM809/TCM810 is optimized to reject fast transient glitches on the V DD line. A low supply current of 9µA (typ., V DD = 3.3V) make these devices suitable for battery-powered applications.Pin Configurations1TCM809V DDV DDV DDRESET RESET INPUT(Active-Low)GNDGNDPICmicro ®Microcontroller32SOT-23B/SC-70Note: 3-Pin SOT-23B is equivalent toV DDTCM809 RESET GND TCM809/TCM81012TCM810 (RESET)3JEDEC TO-236.3-Pin Microcontroller Reset MonitorsTCM809/TCM810DS21661C-page 2 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.1.0ELECTRICALCHARACTERISTICSAbsolute Maximum Ratings†Supply Voltage (V DD to GND)..........................................6.0V RESET, RESET....................................– 0.3V to (V DD +0.3V)Input Current, V DD .........................................................20mA Output Current, RESET, RESET...................................20mA dV/dt (V DD ).............................................................100V/µsec Operating Temperature Range....................– 40°C to +125°C Power Dissipation (T A = 70°C):3-Pin SOT-23B (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C)......320mW 3-Pin SC-70 (derate 2.17mW/°C above +70°C)......174mW Storage Temperature Range.......................– 65°C to +150°C Maximum Junction Temperature, T J ..............................150°C† Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended peri-ods may affect device reliability.PIN FUNCTION TABLENAME FUNCTIONGNDGround.RESET (TCM809)RESET push-pull outputremains low while V DD is below the reset voltage threshold and for 240msec (140msec min.) after V DD rises above reset threshold.RESET (TCM810)RESET push-pull outputremains high while V DD is below the reset voltage threshold and for 240msec (140msec min.) after V DD rises above reset threshold.V DDSupply voltage (+2.5V, +3.0V, +3.3V, +5.0V).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV DD = Full Range, T A = Operating Temperature Range, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C,V DD = 5V for L/M/J, 3.3V for T/S, 3.0V for R and 2.5V for Z (Note 1).ParameterSymMin Typ Max Units Test ConditionsV DD Range 1.0— 5.5VT A = 0°C to +70°C 1.2— 5.5T A = – 40°C to +125°C Supply CurrentI CC —1230µA TCM8xx L/M/J:V DD < 5.5V —925TCM8xx R/S/T/Z:V DD < 3.6V Reset Threshold (Note 2)V TH 4.56 4.63 4.70V TCM8xx L:T A = +25°C4.50— 4.75T A = – 40°C to +125°C 4.31 4.38 4.45V TCM8xx M:T A = +25°C4.25— 4.50V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 3.93 4.00 4.06V TCM809J:T A = +25°C3.89—4.10V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 3.04 3.08 3.11V TCM8xx T:T A = +25°C3.00— 3.15V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.89 2.93 2.96V TCM8xx S:T A = +25°C2.85—3.00V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.59 2.63 2.66V TCM8xx R:T A = +25°C2.55— 2.70V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.28 2.32 2.35V TCM8xx Z:T A = +25°C2.25— 2.38V T A = – 40°C to +125°CReset Threshold Tempco —30—ppm/°C V DD to Reset Delay,—65—µsec V DD = V TH to (V TH – 100mV) (Note 2)Reset Active Time Out Period140320560msecNote 1:Production testing done at T A = +25°C, overtemperature limits ensured by QC screen.2:RESET output for TCM809, RESET output for TCM810.TCM809/TCM810RESET Output Voltage Low (TCM809)V OL——0.3V TCM809R/S/T/Z: V DD = V TH min, I SINK = 1.2mA ——0.4TCM809L/M/J: V DD = V TH min, I SINK = 3.2mA——0.3V DD > 1.0V, I SINK = 50µARESET Output Voltage High (TCM809)V OH0.8 V DD——V TCM809R/S/T/Z: V DD > V TH max, I SOURCE = 500µA V DD – 1.5——TCM809L/M/J: V DD > V TH max, I SOURCE = 800µARESET Output Voltage Low (TCM810)V OL——0.3V TCM810R/S/T/Z:V DD = V TH max, I SINK = 1.2mA ——0.4TCM810L/M:V DD = V TH max, I SINK = 3.2mARESET Output Voltage High (TCM810)V OH0.8 V DD——V 1.8<V DD < V TH min, I SOURCE = 150µAELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED)V DD = Full Range, T A = Operating Temperature Range, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C,V DD = 5V for L/M/J, 3.3V for T/S, 3.0V for R and 2.5V for Z (Note1).Parameter Sym Min Typ Max Units Test ConditionsNote1:Production testing done at TA= +25°C, overtemperature limits ensured by QC screen.2:RESET output for TCM809, RESET output for TCM810.2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 3TCM809/TCM810DS21661C-page 4 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.2.0TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 2-1:Supply Current vs.Temperature.FIGURE 2-2:Supply Current vs.Temperature.FIGURE 2-3:Power-up Reset Time Outvs. Temperature.FIGURE 2-4:Normalized Reset Threshold vs. Temperature.Note:The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore outside the warranted range.2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 5TCM809/TCM8103.0APPLICATIONS INFORMATION3.1V DD Transient RejectionThe TCM809/TCM810 provides accurate V DD monitor-ing and reset timing during power-up, power-down and brown-out/sag conditions. These devices also reject negative-going transients (glitches) on the power sup-ply line. Figure 3-1 shows the maximum transient dura-tion vs. maximum negative excursion (overdrive) for glitch rejection. Any combination of duration and over-drive that lies under the curve will not generate a reset signal.FIGURE 3-1:Maximum TransientDuration vs. Overdrive for Glitch Rejection at +25°C.Combinations above the curve are detected as a brown-out or power-down condition. Transient immu-nity can be improved by adding a capacitor in close proximity to the V DD pin of the TCM809/TCM810.3.2RESET Signal Integrity During Power-DownThe TCM809 RESET output is valid to V DD = 1.0V.Below this voltage the output becomes an "open cir-cuit" and does not sink current. This means CMOS logic inputs to the microcontroller will be floating at an undetermined voltage. Most digital systems are completely shut down well above this voltage.However, in situations where RESET must be main-tained valid to V DD = 0V, a pull-down resistor must be connected from RESET to ground to discharge stray capacitances and hold the output low (Figure 3-2). This resistor value, though not critical, should be chosen such that it does not appreciably load RESET under normal operation (100k Ω will be suitable for most applications). Similarly, a pull-up resistor to V DD is required for the TCM810 to ensure a valid high RESET for V DD below 1.0V.FIGURE 3-2:The addition of R 1 at the RESET output of the TCM809 ensures that the RESET output is valid to V DD = 0V.TCM809V DDV DD R 1100k ΩRESETGNDTCM809/TCM810DS21661C-page 6 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.3.3Controllers and Processors With Bidirectional I/O PinsSome microcontrollers have bidirectional reset pins.Depending on the current drive capability of the control-ler pin, an indeterminate logic level may result if there is a logic conflict. This can be avoided by adding a 4.7k Ω resistor in series with the output of the TCM809/TCM810 (Figure 3-3). If there are other components in the system that require a reset signal, they should be buffered so as not to load the reset line. If the other components are required to follow the reset I/O of the microcontroller, the buffer should be connected as shown with the solid line.FIGURE 3-3:Interfacing the TCM809 to a Bidirectional RESET I/O.TCM809V DDRESET GNDRESET GNDBuffered RESET To Other System ComponentsMicro-4.7k ΩcontrollerBufferPICmicro ®TCM809/TCM810 4.0PACKAGING INFORMATION4.1Package Marking Information3-Pin SOT-23B3-Pin SC-70cdef c d e f g hTop Side Bottom SidePart Number SOT-23/SC-70TCM809LENB J1TCM809MENB J2TCM809TENB J3TCM809SENB J4TCM809RENB J5TCM809JENB J6TCM809ZENB J7TCM809LVNB/TCM809LVLB JZTCM809MVNB/TCM809MVLB JYTCM809TVNB/TCM809TVLB JXTCM809SVNB/TCM809SVLB JVTCM809RVNB/TCM809RVLB JUTCM809JVNB/TCM809JVLB JTTCM809ZVNB/TCM809ZVLB JS (SC-70 package only)Part Number SOT-23/SC-70TCM810LENB K1TCM810MENB K2TCM810TENB K3TCM810SENB K4TCM810RENB K5TCM810ZENB K6TCM810LVNB/TCM810LVLB KZTCM810MVNB/TCM810MVLB KYTCM810TVNB/TCM810TVLB KXTCM810SVNB/TCM810SVLB KVTCM810RVNB/TCM810RVLB KULegend:1Part Number + temperature range and voltage (two-digit code)2Part Number + temperature range and voltage (two-digit code)3Lot ID number4Year and work week5Year and work week6Year and work weekNote:In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will becarried over to the next line thus limiting the number of available characters for customerspecific information.2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 7TCM809/TCM810DS21661C-page 8 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.3-Lead Plastic Small Outline Transistor (NB) (SOT-23)10501050βMold Draft Angle Bottom 10501050αMold Draft Angle Top 0.510.440. Lead Width0. Lead Thickness 10501050φFoot Angle0.550.450. Foot Length 3.042.922. Overall Length 1.401.301. Package Width 2.642.372. Overall Width0. § 1.020.950. Package Thickness Overall Height1.92.076p1Outside lead pitch (basic)0.96.038pPitch33n Number of Pins MAXNOMMIN MAXNOMMINDimension LimitsMILLIMETERSINCHES*Units21p DBnE E1LcβφαA2AA1p1* Controlling Parameter Notes:Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed .010” (0.254mm) per side.JEDEC Equivalent: TO-236Drawing No. C04-104§ Significant CharacteristicTCM809/TCM810 3-Lead Plastic Small Outline Transistor (LB) (SC-70)2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 9TCM809/TCM810DS21661C-page 10 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.4.2Product Tape and Reel SpecificationsFIGURE 4-1:EMBOSSED CARRIER DIMENSIONS (8, 12, 16, AND 24 MM TAPE ONLY)Top Cover TapeK 0PWB 0A 0TABLE 1:CARRIER TAPE/CAVITY DIMENSIONSCase Outline Package Type Carrier Dimensions Cavity DimensionsOutput Quantity Units Reel Diameter inmmW mm P mm A0mm B0mm K0mm NB SOT-233L 84 3.15 2.77 1.223000180LBSC-703L842.42.41.1930001802004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 11TCM809/TCM810PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMTo order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office .Sales and SupportDevice:TCM809:Supervisor circuit with active-low RESET output TCM810:Supervisor circuit with active-high RESET output V DD Reset Threshold:L = 4.63V M = 4.38V J = 4.00V T = 3.08V S = 2.93V R = 2.63V Z = 2.32VTemperature Range:E =-40°C to +85°C V=-40°C to +125°CPackage:NB713=SOT-23B, 3-pin (Tape and Reel)LB713=SC-70, 3-pin (Tape and Reel)PART NO.X X Temperature V DDReset DeviceExamples:a)TCM809LENB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor, -40°C to +85°C,Tape and Reel.b)TCM809LVLB713:SC-70-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.c)TCM809LVNB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.a)TCM810MENB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.38V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +85°C,Tape and Reel.b)TCM810RVLB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 2.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.c)TCM810TVLB713:SC-70-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.38V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.RangeThresholdXXXXX PackageData SheetsProducts supported by a preliminary Data Sheet may have an errata sheet describing minor operational differences andrecommended workarounds. To determine if an errata sheet exists for a particular device, please contact one of the following:1.Your local Microchip sales office2.The Microchip Corporate Literature Center U.S. FAX: (480) 792-72773.The Microchip Worldwide Site ()Please specify which device, revision of silicon and Data Sheet (include Literature #) you are using.Customer Notification SystemRegister on our web site (/cn) to receive the most current information on our products.TCM809/TCM810NOTES:DS21661C-page 12 2004 Microchip Technology Inc.2004 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661C-page 13Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed by Microchip Technology Incorporated with respect to the accuracy or use of such information, or infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights arising from such use or otherwise. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any intellectual property rights.TrademarksThe Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, K EE L OQ , MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart and rfPIC are registeredtrademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.AmpLab, FilterLab, micro ID , MXDEV, MXLAB, PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartShunt and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.Application Maestro, dsPICDEM, , dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense,FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP , ICEPIC, Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, PICkit, PICDEM, , PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, Select Mode, SmartSensor, SmartTel and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries.SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies.© 2004, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved.Printed on recycled paper.Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions.•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to ourknowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.•Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in October 2003. The Company’s quality system processes andprocedures are for its PICmicro ® 8-bit MCUs, K EE L OQ ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. 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多路通TC系列程控电话交换机说明书沈阳魁星公司 024-******** 024-******** 024-********简明使用方法来电显示:个分机口均可接来电显示电话。
数控铣床维修技术文件职业院校:烟台职业学院系别:电气工程系班级: 2010机电三班姓名:徐勤才学号: 2010102174目录XK713数控铣床简介 (2)XK713数控铣床用途 (2)标准配件 (3)数控机床零配件及厂家明细 (3)性能参数 (4)如何选购 (5)安装要求 (6)调整 (10)主轴项目维修 (11)日常维护保养 (19)XK713数控铣床XK713是针对模具等机械行业设计的机床,具有高刚性、高可靠性、切削功率大的特点,气动换刀快捷、方便。
标准配件:数控系统切削液系统工作灯主轴吹气+工件吹气刚性攻牙变压器全罩式钣金水平调整螺丝及垫块自动润滑系统电器箱热交换系统工具箱及工具 RS-232 界面带导轨配重随机资料:操作编程说明书数控机床零配件及厂家明细:1、控制系统:三菱/发那科;2、三轴驱动电机:三菱/发那科;3、主轴电机:见本机系统配置;4、主轴:台湾臻赏或罗翌;5、润滑:日本河谷;6、丝杆:台湾HIWIN(上银)/(银泰)精密级滚珠丝杆及精密锁紧螺母;7、轴承:日本NSK高精度轴承;8、联轴器:进口联轴器,(如电机与滚珠丝杆为直联方式);9、刀库:台湾臻赏刀库系统;10、外罩:超厚外罩钣金,采用静电喷涂处理(喷塑处理);11、防护罩:X,Y,Z防护罩:进口不锈钢防护罩;12、光机:高品质树脂砂铸件;性能参数:工作台面尺寸Table size (Mm) 800×350X轴最大行程 X axes (Mm) 450Y轴最大行程 Y axes (Mm ) 350Z轴最大行程 Z axes (Mm) 400定位精度Positioning Accucy (Mm) ±0.01重复定位精度Repeatability (Mm) ±0.0075主轴电机功率 Spindle drive motor (Kw) 3.7/5.5主轴最高转速 Max spindle speed (Mm/min) 6000(无级变频调速) 最大快进速度 Rapid traverse speed (Mm/min) 5000三轴进给速度 traverse speed (Mm/min) 3000主轴端面至工作台面距离Distance from spindle nose to table surface (Mm) 80-480工作台T型槽 T-Slot 12H/3主轴锥孔 Spindle taper 标准 BT40工作台承重 Max.Load Of Table (Kg) 400机床总功率 Total power (Kw) 12机床净重 Machine weight ( T ) 2如何选购:1:根据被加工零件的尺寸选用:规格较小的升降台式数控铣床,其工作台宽度多在400mm以下,它最适宜中小零件的加工和复杂形面的轮廓铣削任务。
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© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 1TCM809/TCM810Features•Precision V DD Monitor for 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 5.0V Nominal System Voltage Supplies•140msec Minimum RESET Time-Out Period •RESET Output to V DD = 1.0V (TCM809)•Low Supply Current, 9µA (typ.)•V DD Transient Immunity•Small 3-Pin SC-70 and SOT-23B Packages •No External Components •Push-Pull RESET Output •Temperature Ranges:-Industrial: SC-70 (E): -40°C to +85°C-Extended: SOT-23, SC-70 (V): -40°C to +125°CApplications•Computers•Embedded Systems•Battery-powered Equipment•Critical Microcontroller Power Supply Monitoring •AutomotiveTypical Application CircuitGeneral DescriptionThe TCM809 and TCM810 are cost-effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor V DD in digital systems; providing a reset signal to the host processor,when necessary. No external components are required.The RESET output is typically driven active within 65µsec of V DD falling through the reset voltage thresh-old. RESET is maintained active for a minimum of 140msec after V DD rises above the reset threshold.The TCM810 has an active-high RESET output, while output of the TCM809/TCM810 is valid down to V DD =1V. Both devices are available in 3-Pin SC-70and SOT-23B packages.The TCM809/TCM810 are optimized to reject fast transient glitches on the V DD line. A low supply current of 9µA (typ., V DD = 3.3V) make these devices suitable for battery-powered applications.Pin Configurations1TCM809V DDV DDV DDRESET RESET INPUT(Active-Low)GNDGNDPICmicro ®Microcontroller32SOT-23B/SC-70Note: 3-Pin SOT-23B is equivalent toV DDTCM809 RESET GND T C M 809/T C M 81012TCM810 (RESET)3JEDEC TO-236.3-Pin Microcontroller Reset MonitorsTCM809/TCM810DS21661D-page 2© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.1.0ELECTRICALCHARACTERISTICSAbsolute Maximum Ratings†Supply Voltage (V DD to GND)........................................................6.0V ...................................................-0.3V to (V DD +0.3V)Input Current, V DD .......................................................................20mA Output Current, RESET, RESET.................................................20mA dV/dt (V DD )...........................................................................100V/µsec Operating Temperature Range ...................................-40°C to +125°C Power Dissipation (T A = 70°C):3-Pin SOT-23B (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C)....................320mW 3-Pin SC-70 (derate 2.17mW/°C above +70°C)....................174mW Storage Temperature Range.......................................-65°C to +150°C Maximum Junction Temperature, T J ............................................150°C† Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational listings of this specification is not implied.Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV DD = Full Range, T A = Operating Temperature Range, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C,V DD = 5V for L/M/J, 3.3V for T/S, 3.0V for R and 2.5V for Z (Note 1).ParameterSymMin Typ Max Units Test ConditionsV DD Range 1.0— 5.5VT A = 0°C to +70°C 1.2— 5.5T A = – 40°C to +125°C Supply CurrentI CC —1230µA TCM8xx L/M/J:V DD < 5.5V —925TCM8xx R/S/T/Z:V DD < 3.6V Reset Threshold (Note 2)V TH 4.56 4.63 4.70V TCM8xx L:T A = +25°C4.50— 4.75T A = – 40°C to +125°C 4.31 4.38 4.45V TCM8xx M:T A = +25°C4.25— 4.50V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 3.93 4.00 4.06V TCM809J:T A = +25°C3.89—4.10V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 3.04 3.08 3.11V TCM8xx T:T A = +25°C3.00— 3.15V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.89 2.93 2.96V TCM8xx S:T A = +25°C2.85—3.00V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.59 2.63 2.66V TCM8xx R:T A = +25°C2.55— 2.70V T A = – 40°C to +125°C 2.28 2.32 2.35V TCM8xx Z:T A = +25°C2.25— 2.38V T A = – 40°C to +125°CReset Threshold Tempco —30—ppm/°C V DD to Reset Delay,—65—µsec V DD = V TH to (V TH – 100mV) (Note 2)Reset Active Time Out Period140320560msec RESET Output Voltage Low (TCM809)V OL——0.3VTCM809R/S/T/Z: V DD = V TH min, I SINK = 1.2mA ——0.4TCM809L/M/J:V DD = V TH min, I SINK = 3.2mA——0.3V DD > 1.0V, I SINK = 50µARESET Output Voltage High (TCM809)V OH 0.8 V DD ——V TCM809R/S/T/Z: V DD > V TH max, I SOURCE = 500µA V DD – 1.5——TCM809L/M/J: V DD > V TH max, I SOURCE = 800µA RESET Output Voltage Low (TCM810)V OL ——0.3V TCM810R/S/T/Z:V DD = V TH max, I SINK = 1.2mA ——0.4TCM810L/M:V DD = V TH max, I SINK = 3.2mARESET Output Voltage High (TCM810)V OH0.8 V DD——V 1.8 <V DD < V TH min, I SOURCE = 150µANote 1:Production testing done at T A = +25°C, overtemperature limits ensured by QC screen.2:RESET output for TCM809, RESET output for TCM810.TCM809/TCM810 2.0TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFIGURE 2-1:Supply Current vs. Temperature.FIGURE 2-2:Supply Current vs. Temperature.FIGURE 2-3:Power-up Reset Time Out vs. Temperature.FIGURE 2-4:Normalized Reset Threshold vs. Temperature.Note:The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore outside the warranted range.© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 3TCM809/TCM8103.0PIN DESCRIPTIONSThe descriptions of the pins are given in Table3-1.TABLE 3-1:PIN FUNCTION TABLENAME FUNCTIONGND GroundRESET (TCM809)RESET push-pull outputRESET (TCM810)RESET push-pull outputV DD Supply voltage (+2.5V, +3.0V,+3.3V, +5.0V).3.1Ground (GND)Ground terminal.3.2RESET Output (TCM809)The RESET push-pull output remains low while V DD isbelow the reset voltage threshold, and for 240msec(140msec min.) after V DD rises above reset threshold.3.3RESET Output (TCM810)The RESET push-pull output remains high while V DD isbelow the reset voltage threshold, and for 240msec(140msec min.) after V DD rises above reset threshold.3.4Supply Voltage (V DD)V DD: +2.5V, +3.0V, +3.3V and +5.0VDS21661D-page 4© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 5TCM809/TCM8104.0APPLICATIONS INFORMATION4.1V DD Transient RejectionThe TCM809/TCM810 provides accurate V DD monitor-ing and reset timing during power-up, power-down and brown-out/sag conditions. These devices also reject negative-going transients (glitches) on the power supply line. Figure 4-1 shows the maximum transient duration vs. maximum negative excursion (overdrive)for glitch rejection. Any combination of duration and overdrive that lies under the curve will not generate a reset signal.FIGURE 4-1:Maximum TransientDuration vs. Overdrive for Glitch Rejection at +25°C.Combinations above the curve are detected as a brown-out or power-down condition. Transient immunity can be improved by adding a capacitor in close proximity to the V DD pin of the TCM809/TCM810.4.2RESET Signal Integrity During Power-DownThe TCM809 RESET output is valid to V DD = 1.0V.Below this voltage the output becomes an "open cir-cuit" and does not sink current. This means CMOS logic inputs to the microcontroller will be floating at an undetermined voltage. Most digital systems are completely shut down well above this voltage.However, in situations where RESET must be main-tained valid to V DD = 0V, a pull-down resistor must be connected from RESET to ground to discharge stray capacitances and hold the output low (Figure 4-2). This resistor value, though not critical, should be chosen such that it does not appreciably load RESET under normal operation (100k Ω will be suitable for most applications). Similarly, a pull-up resistor to V DD is required for the TCM810 to ensure a valid high RESET for V DD below 1.0V.FIGURE 4-2:The addition of R 1 at the RESET output of the TCM809 ensures that the RESET output is valid to V DD = 0V.TCM809V DDV DD R 1100k ΩRESETGNDTCM809/TCM810DS21661D-page 6© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.4.3Controllers and Processors With Bidirectional I/O PinsSome microcontrollers have bidirectional reset pins.Depending on the current drive capability of the control-ler pin, an indeterminate logic level may result if there is a logic conflict. This can be avoided by adding a 4.7k Ω resistor in series with the output of the TCM809/TCM810 (Figure 4-3). If there are other components in the system that require a reset signal, they should be buffered so as not to load the reset line. If the other components are required to follow the reset I/O of the microcontroller, the buffer should be connected as shown with the solid line.FIGURE 4-3:Interfacing the TCM809 to a Bidirectional RESET I/O.TCM809V DDRESET GNDRESET GNDBuffered RESET To Other System ComponentsMicro-4.7k ΩcontrollerBufferPICmicro ®TCM809/TCM810 5.0PACKAGING INFORMATION© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 7TCM809/TCM810DS21661D-page 8© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.3-Lead Plastic Small Outline Transistor (NB) (SOT-23)10501050βMold Draft Angle Bottom 10501050αMold Draft Angle Top 0.510.440. Lead Width0. Lead Thickness10501050φFoot Angle0.550.450. Length 3.042.922. Overall Length 1.401.301. Package Width 2.642.372. Overall Width § 1.020.950. Package Thickness Overall Height 1.92.076p1Outside lead pitch (basic)0.96.038p Pitch33n Number of PinsMAXNOMMIN MAXNOMMINDimension LimitsMILLIMETERSINCHES*Units21p DBnE E1LcβφαA2AA1p1* Controlling Parameter Notes:Dimensions D and E1 do not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed .010” (0.254mm) per side.JEDEC Equivalent: TO-236Drawing No. C04-104§ Significant CharacteristicTCM809/TCM810 3-Lead Plastic Small Outline Transistor (LB) (SC-70)© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 9TCM809/TCM810DS21661D-page 10© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.5.2Product Tape and Reel SpecificationsFIGURE 5-1:EMBOSSED CARRIER DIMENSIONS (8, 12, 16 AND 24 MM TAPE ONLY)Top Cover TapeK 0PWB 0A 0TABLE 1:CARRIER TAPE/CAVITY DIMENSIONSCase Outline Package Type Carrier Dimensions Cavity DimensionsOutput Quantity Units Reel Diameter inmmW mm P mm A0mm B0mm K0mm NB SOT-233L 84 3.15 2.77 1.223000180LBSC-703L842.42.41.193000180TCM809/TCM810 APPENDIX A:REVISION HISTORYRevision D (March 2005)•Updated 6.0 “Packaging Information” to includeold and new packaging examples.•Applied new template and rearranged sections tobe consistent with current documentation.Revision C (April 2004)Revision B (January 2002)Revision A (May 2001)Initial release of data sheet.© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 11TCM809/TCM810NOTES:DS21661D-page 12© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 13TCM809/TCM810PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMTo order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office .Sales and SupportDevice:TCM809:Supervisor circuit with active-low RESET output TCM810:Supervisor circuit with active-high RESET output V DD Reset Threshold:L = 4.63V M = 4.38V J = 4.00V T = 3.08V S = 2.93V R = 2.63V Z = 2.32VTemperature Range:E =-40°C to +85°C V=-40°C to +125°CPackage:NB713=SOT-23B, 3-pin (Tape and Reel)LB713=SC-70, 3-pin (Tape and Reel)PART NO.X X Temperature V DDReset DeviceExamples:a)TCM809LENB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor, -40°C to +85°C,Tape and Reel.b)TCM809LVLB713:SC-70-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.c)TCM809LVNB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.a)TCM810MENB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.38V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +85°C,Tape and Reel.b)TCM810RVLB713:SOT-23B-3-TR,Microcontroller 2.63V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.c)TCM810TVLB713:SC-70-3-TR,Microcontroller 4.38V Reset Monitor,-40°C to +125°C,Tape and Reel.RangeThresholdXXXXX PackageData SheetsProducts supported by a preliminary Data Sheet may have an errata sheet describing minor operational differences andrecommended workarounds. To determine if an errata sheet exists for a particular device, please contact one of the following:1.Your local Microchip sales office2.The Microchip Corporate Literature Center U.S. FAX: (480) 792-72773.The Microchip Worldwide Site ()Please specify which device, revision of silicon and Data Sheet (include Literature #) you are using.Customer Notification SystemRegister on our web site () to receive the most current information on our products.TCM809/TCM810NOTES:DS21661D-page 14© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS21661D-page 15Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WAR-RANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY , PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE .Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in life support systems is not authorized except with express written approval by Microchip. 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