STR and STR report
下面是一些常用的方法:1. 利用库函数在C语言中,许多库函数都已经实现了防止字符串溢出的操作,比如strcpy_s、strncpy_s、sprintf_s等。
下面是一个使用strcpy_s函数的例子:```cchar str1[10] = "hello";char str2[10];strcpy_s(str2, sizeof(str2), str1);```在这个例子中,使用strcpy_s函数将str1复制到str2,并指定str2的大小为10,这就可以保证str2不会溢出。
2. 使用fgets函数fgets函数是C语言中用来读取文件或者输入流的函数,也可以用来保证字符串不会溢出。
下面是一个例子:在这个例子中,使用snprintf函数将字符串“hello, world”格式化后输出到buffer 中,并指定buffer的大小为10,这就可以保证buffer不会溢出。
1. 引言本章应分成以下几条。
1.2. 系统概述本条应简述本文档适用的系统和软件的用途。
1.3. 文档概述本条应概括本文档的用途与内容,并描述与其使用有关的保密性与私密性要求。
2. 引用文件本章应列出本文档引用的所有文档的编号、标题、修订版本和日期。
3. 测试结果概述本章应分为以下几条提供测试结果的概述。
3.1. 对被测试软件的总体评估本条应:a.根据本报告中所展示的测试结果,提供对该软件的总体评估;b.标识在测试中检测到的任何遗留的缺陷、限制或约束。
三、常用函数1. strlen()strlen()函数返回一个给定字符串的长度,不包括空字符(''\0'')。
函数原型:size_t strlen(const char *s);参数:s为要计算长度的字符串。
示例代码:```#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){char str[] = "Hello World";printf("Length of the string is: %ld", strlen(str));return 0;}```输出结果:```Length of the string is: 11```2. strcpy()strcpy()函数将一个给定的源字符串复制到目标字符数组中,并返回目标字符数组。
函数原型:char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);参数:dest为目标字符数组;src为源字符串。
示例代码:```#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int main(){char src[] = "Hello World";char dest[20];strcpy(dest, src);printf("Copied string is: %s", dest);return 0;}```输出结果:```Copied string is: Hello World```3. strcat()strcat()函数将一个给定的源字符串追加到目标字符数组的末尾,并返回目标字符数组。
Fastreport报表合并单元格技巧在做企业的ERP,SCM,CRM等等的软件中, 经常要做的就是报表, 如财务报表, 生产车间报表。
操作方法如下:1.选中Fastreport的主数据项,双击OnBeforePrint方法,在begin end 之间编写代码:1.MainData.Height:为每行数据显示的高度,2.[CLTAutoreporthead_AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead."Flag"]:表示要合并的行数(Delphi 算法),3.memo7.visible:是否显示单元格,[CLTAutoreporthead_AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead."Search_Flag"]=2:(Delphi算法),只要在Delphi中把要合并的行数与列用字段Flag(控制行数),Search_Flag(控制是否可见,2为可见)算出来,再在FastReport中显示出来,那么合并功能就算搞好。
以下是在Delphi中的合并算法代码:function TAutoReportProcessMonthForm.GetFastRptObj: TBizObject;varBizHead,BizLine:TBizObject;i,j,k,n,m,p:Integer;Head:TAutoreporthead;Line:TAutoreportline;slItemVendor,slVendors:TStringList;strItemVendor,strItemVendor2,strVendor:String;VendorsCount:array of Integer;beginMyCheck;Head:=TAutoreporthead.Create(false,true);erName:=erName;for i:=1 to dgView.RowCount-1 doif dgView.RowProps[i].Checked and (not dgView.IsRowEmpty(i))thenbeginLine:=TAutoreportline.Create;self.SetDgDataToBizObject(i,dgView,TBizObject(line));head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Add(line);end;//合并报表算法开始added by wbc, 2009-04-23slItemVendor:=TStringList.Create;slVendors:=TStringList.Create;for i:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginstrItemVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Item_Code+TAut oreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;if Pos(strItemVendor,slItemVendor.Text)=0 thenslItemVendor.Add(strItemVendor);strVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;if Pos(strVendor,slVendors.Text)=0 thenslVendors.Add(strVendor);end;//showMessage(slVendors.Text);setLength(VendorsCount,slVendors.Count);for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobeginVendorsCount[i]:=0;for j:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 doifsameText(slVendors.Strings[i],TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Ven dor_Code) thenbeginVendorsCount[i]:=VendorsCount[i]+1;end;end;setLength(MyVendors,slVendors.Count);for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobeginMyVendors[i]:=TMyVendor.Create;MyVendors[i].Vendor_Code:=slVendors.Strings[i];setLength(MyVendors[i].XVendors,VendorsCount[i]);n:=0;for j:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 doifsameText(slVendors.Strings[i],TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Ven dor_Code) thenbeginMyVendors[i].XV endors[n]:=TXVendor.Create;MyVendors[i].XV endors[n].index:=j;//MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].flag:=MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].flag+1;//MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].search_flag:=0;n:=n+1;end;end;for i:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginn:=0;strItemVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Item_Code+TAut oreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;for j:=i to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginstrItemVendor2:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Item_Code+TAu toreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Vendor_Code;if sameText(strItemVendor,strItemVendor2) thenn:=n+1;end;TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Flag:=n;for k:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dofor m:=0 to length(MyVendors[k].XVendors)-1 doif MyVendors[k].xVendors[m].index=i thenMyVendors[k].xV endors[m].flag:=n;end;//Search_Flag: 2 报表行可见,1不可见.for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobegin //for iif length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)<=27 thenbeginfor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag=0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;if MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag>1 thenfor k:=1 to MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag-1 doMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].search_flag:=1;end;//for jend elsebeginfor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag=0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;if j mod 27 =0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;p:=MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag;n:=0;for k:=1 to MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag-1 doif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag=0 thenif (j+k) mod 27=0 thenbeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag:=2;MyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].flag:=p-k;if n=0 thenbeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag:=k;n:=1;end;end elsebeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag:=1;end;end;//for jend;end; //for ifor i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobegin //for ifor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jTAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index]).Fla g:=MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].flag;TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index]).Se arch_Flag:=MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].search_flag;//showMessage(inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index)+':flag='+inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[ j].flag)+#13#10+inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index)+':search_flag='+inttostr(MyVendors[i].x Vendors[j].search_flag));end;//for j;end;//for i//合并报表算法结束added by wbc, 2009-04-23result:=Head;end;涉及的数据类型:typeTXVendor=classindex:Integer;flag:Integer;search_flag:Integer;end;TMyVendor=classpublicVendor_Code:String;xVendors:array of TXVendor;end;MyVendors:array of TMyVendor;合并报表2:模具工厂—供方送货单操作步骤:同样方法,选中Fastreport的主数据项,双击OnBeforePrint方法,在begin end 之间编写代码:if Pos('模具工厂',[PriseName])=0 thenbeginif (IsBegin=1) thenbeginMemo19.Height:=MainData.Height*5;Memo19.Visible:=true;memo20.Height:=MainData.Height*5;memo20.Visible:=true;memo21.Height:=MainData.Height*5;memo21.Visible:=true;IsBegin:=0;end elsebeginMemo19.Height:=MainData.Height;Memo19.Visible:=false;//Memo19.Top:=-18;memo20.Height:=MainData.Height;memo20.Visible:=false;memo21.Height:=MainData.Height;memo21.Visible:=false;IsBegin:=0;end;end elsebeginMemo34.visible:=true;Memo42.visible:=True;end;这个合并相对前面的合并显得更简单, 只要通过PriseName这个Delphi传来的参数就能够实行按物料编码合并.PriseName这个参数可能通过frGetValue这个方法传入Fastreport. (注意大小写,Fastreport对大小写参数是敏感的)procedure TAutoReportProcessMonthForm.frGetValue(const ParName: String;var ParValue: Variant);begininherited;if parname = 'PriseName' thenparvalue := LoginUser.Enterprise_Name;if parname = 'Company_Name' thenparvalue :=Loginuser.GetSysConfParam('Company_Name');if parname = 'Print_Date' thenparvalue :=DatetimeToStr(variables.SysServerTime);end;以后要开发类似合并报表的话,可以参照上述算法,根据要合并的字段进行相应修改即可达到客户报表的要求。
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report YTEST002_CY*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**&*&*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*REPORT YTEST002_CY.********************************************************************** * 基本数据类型 *********************************************************************** DATA text1(20) TYPE c. "声明一个char类型大小为20的变量。
DATA text2 TYPE string. "声明一个string类型的变量。
DATA number TYPE i. "声明一个ineger类型的变量。
text1 = 'this number '."为text1赋值number = 100. "为NUMBER赋值。
text2 = 'is an integer.'. "为text2赋值WRITE: text1, number, text2. "输出三个变量。
********************************************************************** * 自定义类型声明 *********************************************************************** WRITE: / '************************************************************ '.TYPES MYTEXT(10) TYPE C. "自定一个类型CHAR大小为10名字为MYTEXT的类型。
(1 ) 经济可行性:主要是对项目的经济效益进行评价,本系统作为一个毕业设计,不需要任何经费,对于我们学校在经济上完全没有问题的。
(2) 技术上的可行性:技术上的可行性分析主要分析技术条件能否顺利完成开发工作,硬、软件能否满足开发者的需要等。
本系统主要采用了delphi7. 0 和ms sql server2000进行相关的开发,而del phi 是面向对象的可视化软件开发工具,其对编程平台对数据库的访问做了很好的封装,数据库接口的转换只需动态更改控件的相关属性即可;另考虑到sql se rve r数据库服务器用户,亦提供s ql server 数据库接口,微软公司的sql server数据库,它能够处理大量数据,同时保持数据的完整性并提供许多高级管理功能。
STR-AR - Report
International Inspection Report - Initial Onsite110167CSCC Inspection No:Thursday, December 18, 2008Inspection Date:9:10am-3:00pmTime In-Out:The information contained in this document is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents is prohibited. This restriction is applicable to all sheets of this document. If you receive this document in error please notify us so that we can arrange retrieval of the document.CSCC China - ShenzhenCSCC Branch:Region:Country Zone:Zhe JiangSummer Chen, Mavis Luo Inspector(s):New York & Co.On behalf of:Tonglu Senda Knitting FactoryFacility inspected:Yaolin, TongluHangzhou Zhejiang 311516ChinaCSCC Rep:David Stonehilldavid.stonehill@Client Contact:Sabrina Berrysberry@Fax:Address:Contact(s):VendorLittle Wing Co.,Ltd Tel: Fax:JASON KATZ Guoping ZhouTel: 08657164371222 Fax: :08657164371220: ZHGUOP@SummarySectionCountry Laws Code of Conduct Violations% Compliant Violations% CompliantChild Labor00 Collective Bargaining00 Discrimination00 Document Review00 Dormitories00 Environmental00 Freedom of Association00 Harassment and Abuse00 Health & Safety03 Prison or Forced Labor00 Wages11 Work Hours00Was the facility able to be located?YesWas the entire audit denied?NoAuditor Comments:The full assessment including document review, facility walk throughand employees' interview was allowed to conduct.Did the facility allow employee interviews to be conducted?YesDid the facility allow the health and safety walkthrough to occur?YesDid the facility allow access to requested documents?YesName of factory contact who assisted you during this visit:Mr. Zhou Wen Sen, the factory director; Mr.He Xiang, the manager assistantManufacturers currently in process, with %:Auditor Comments:LIDL: 40%TESCO: 10%ZARA: 5%Others: 45%Labels viewed on floor, with %:Auditor Comments:OUVERTURE: 100%Products produced by facility:Knitting cap and scarfProduct Type:OtherFoodHardlinesSoftlinesHow many machines does the facility have?Totally 62 machines in the facility.Is this factory operating at full capacity?YesWhat operations are performed on-site?Auditor Comments:Cutting, weaving, handed stitching, sewing, ironing, checking andpackingDoes the facility require subcontractors to complete production orders?NoAuditor Comments:No subcontractor is required in the facility. During facility walkthrough, there are enough machines and employees in the facility toconduct all procedures.Does the facility employ homeworkers?NoTotal number of employees (M/F):107 employees including office staff in thefacility.Are foreign imported workers employed at this facility?NoAuditor Comments:All employees are Chinese, no foreign imported workers employed inthe facility.Are there contract workers employed by this facility?NoAre there production-based (piece rate) workers at this facility?NoAuditor Comments:All employees are calculated by hourly rate.Percent of hourly rate workers:100%Yes Is the minimum required wage guaranteed to employees, as applicableunder the law?Auditor Comments:The provided hourly wage is RMB5.1 to RMB5.4 per hour, which ishigher than the local minimum required wage RMB4.02 per hour.What percent of the work force receives the minimum wage?100%NoIf any employees earn below the minimum wages, does this practiceconform to legal requirements, where applicable? (i.e. trainees, apprentices)Are employees paid for "down time" in accordance with local laws?YesYes Is overtime paid as required by law, labor contract, or collective bargaining agreement?Auditor Comments:The compensations for regular overtime and rest day overtime are atthe rate of 150% and 200% of the regular wages.No Are employees correctly classified who have been exempted from overtimepay by the facility?Auditor Comments:All employees are paid for overtime compensation.No Did employees report lack of or incorrect overtime pay?Does the facility provide the following benefits, where required by law?bonus paymentsNo maternity leaveYes annual leaveYes sick leaveYesYes holiday leavechild careNodorms/housingNo Auditor Comments:No dormitory is provided by the facility.No subsidized mealsmedical careYes provident fund/pension fund/retirement benefitsYes social securityYes Auditor Comments:All employees are covered with injury insurance as per the providedsocial insurance receipt and participant list.PPEYes Auditor Comments:The PPE such as mental gloves are provided to the employees free for workplace injuryYes Auditor Comments:All employees are covered with workplace injury insurance.severance pay upon terminationYes Auditor Comments:Yes Do all employees receive these benefits?Did employees report not receiving required benefits?NoYes Do employees have the right to use or not to use the services provided bythe employer, such as housing, transportation, or meals?Are benefits accorded or paid within the required time limits?YesYes Are all legally mandated deductions such as taxes, social insurance, etc.,deposited each pay period or transmitted to the government?Are less than 100% of employees represented on social security records?No Does the facility ensure deductions are not illegal or unreasonable?YesDoes the facility provide tools and supplies free of charge?YesDid employees report any disciplinary deductions?NoAuditor Comments:No disciplinary deduction is reported by the interviewed employees.YesDo facility practices regarding disciplinary deductions meet legalrequirements?Auditor Comments:As per the facility rules and regulations, the employees who break thefacility rules would be given verbal or written warning. No disciplinarydeduction is reported by the interviewees.YesDo facility practices regarding disciplinary deductions meet the clientstandard?Does the payment of recruitment fees comply with the client standard?YesDoes the facility communicate orally and in writing to all employees in theirlanguage: the wages, incentive systems, benefits, and bonuses to whichthey are entitled under the law?YesDo employees have an effective complaint system for inaccuratepaychecks?Auditor Comments:All employees could deliver their complaint to the supervisors.Frequency of salary payment: MonthlyBi-monthlyWeeklyOtherDailyAre wages paid directly to the worker or a worker-controlled account?All wages are paid directly to the workers incash.Method of salary payment: CashDirect DepositOtherCompany CheckYesIf employees are paid in kind, are these payments in compliance with legalrequirements for wage payment?YesAre wage policies, such as pay date and pay rates, communicated to employees?Auditor Comments:The wage policies are stipulated on the facility rules and regulations,which are communicated to the employees.YesCountry Law ViolationClient Code of Conduct ViolationDo employees receive late wage payments?Auditor Comments:All employees are issued payment no later than the 15th of eachmonth. However, as per the facility management, the severance wages paid to the terminated employees on the scheduled day with other employees rather than within 5 days of termination.Country Law(s)Regulation on Management of Wages Payment for Zhejiang Provincial Enterprises, Article 15If the employing unit revokes or terminates the labor contract in a legal way, the employing unit shall pay the employee in full for wages already earned within five days of termination or revocation. [...]The severance wages paid to the terminated employees are delayed in each month.How many times have payments been delayed in the last year?Unclear of the local lawWhat is the reason for the late payment?NoDo late payments comply with legal requirements governing that practice?YesDoes the facility provide employees with an understandable wage statement that includes regular and overtime hours worked, regular and overtime earnings, and deductions?Auditor Comments:All interviewed employees reported that they were provided with pay slips.Employee InterviewNo Were any additional concerns disclosed in the areas of wages or workhours?Auditor Comments:Inconsistency regarding Saturday overtime are personal leaving daysare detected between the provided time records and the testimonies of approximately 93% of the interviewees. There are 14 out of 15employees reported that they conducted Saturday overtime of 8 hours occassionally from July to September, 2008 and they could notremember how many times they conducted each month. But noSaturday overtime is reflected on the provided time records from Julyto September, 2008. One employee from packing section reported thatshe had a leave for one month in October, 2008. But full attendance in October, 2008 is reflected on the provided time record for theemployee. The facility management explained that the employees inthe facility are local resident and they would not deduct the wages ofthe employees if they had a leave occassionally. The facilitymanagement was advised to ensure the time records reflect accurateworking hours for all employees.One lunch breakHow many breaks do employees receive each day?One hour lunch break is from 11:00am to 12:00pm How long is each break?YesDoes the break time provided adhere to local legal requirements? Auditor Comments:There is one hour's lunch break from 11:00am to 12:00 pm.32 hours as per the provided time record of September, 2008.What is the maximum number of overtime hours worked by any individual employee for the pay period reviewed?6 days as per the provided time records from September to November, 2008What is the maximum number of consecutive days worked by any individual employee for the pay period reviewed?YesAre overtime hours maintained within legal limits, where applicable? Auditor Comments:As per the provided time records, the night overtime is conducted from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, 3 to 4 times per week in September and October,2008. The Saturday overtime of 8 hours is conducted, 1 time inOctober, 2008. No rest day overtime is conducted in September and December, 2008. The maximum daily and monthly overtime working hours are 2 hours and 32 hours in September, 2008. In addition, the facility maintains comprehensive working hours waiver, which isapproved by social insurance bureau, Tonglu county. The valid time is from March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009. the maximum working hours from March, 2008 to November, 2008 are 1816 hours, which is within the limit of the waiver.YesAre overtime hours maintained within the limits established by the client standard?Auditor Comments:As per the provided time records, the night overtime is conducted from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, 3 to 4 times per week in September and October,2008. The Saturday overtime of 8 hours is conducted, 1 time inOctober, 2008. No rest day overtime is conducted in September and December, 2008. The maximum daily and monthly overtime working hours are 2 hours and 32 hours in September, 2008. In addition, the facility maintains comprehensive working hours waiver, which isapproved by social insurance bureau, Tonglu county. The valid time is from March 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009. the maximum working hours from March, 2008 to November, 2008 are 1816 hours, which is within the limit of the waiver.Yes Does the facility have overtime permits or waivers, where required? Auditor Comments:The facility maintains comprehensive working hours waiver, which is approved by social insurance bureau, Tonglu county. The valid time is from March, 2008 to February, 2009. The maximum working hours from March, 2008 to December, 2008 are 1816 hours, which is within the limit of the waiver.Are these waivers/permits valid?YesAuditor Comments:The provided comprehensive working hours waiver is approved bysocial insurance bureau, Tonglu county, which is valid.Is the facility currently operating within the limits of their waivers/permits?YesAuditor Comments:As per the provided time records, the maximum working hours fromMarch, 2008 to November, 2008 are 1816 hours, which is within thelimit of the waiver.YesBased on current working hours, is it likely the facility will stay within thelimits of the waiver/permit for the entire period of such waiver?Auditor Comments:As per the provided time records, the maximum working hours fromMarch, 2008 to November, 2008 are 1816 hours, which is within thelimit of the waiver.Auditor Comments:There is at least 1 day of rest is provided for the employees.Do rest day practices of this facility comply with the client standard?YesAuditor Comments:There is at least 1 day of rest is provided to the employees.8 hours per day and 40 hours per week What are the standard operating hours of this facility?Are current work hours the same as the standard operating hours?YesAuditor Comments:The established working time is from 8:00am to 11:00am, 12:00pm to5:00pm, Monday to Friday, totally 8 hours per day.Do the standard work hours at this facility comply with the legal requirement?YesYesDo the standard work hours at this facility comply with the client standard?Are there multiple shifts?NoAuditor Comments:There is only one shift in the facility.YesDoes the facility adhere to special provisions on women's work hours,according to local regulations?Yes Where required by law, does the facility provide each employee with awritten document that outlines the employment relationship?Auditor Comments:All employees' labor contracts are provided for review. The numbersof the provided labor labor contracts are sufficient and the clauses arelegal and valid.Is the facility missing copies of these documents for any employees?No Auditor Comments:All interviewed employees reported that they were provided with thecopies of the labor contracts.What percent of employment documents are missing?NoneYes Does the written employment document meet the provisions of the legalregulations?Is the written employment document valid?YesYes Are employment documents in the native language of each respectiveemployee?Yes Do the facility's terms of probation for new employees meet legalrequirements?Do facility hiring practices meet local legal requirements?YesAre all legally required notices properly posted in the factory work areas?Yes(a) minimum wage(b) work weekYesYes(c) employment rules(d) employee rightsYes(e) licensesYesYes(f) otherStandardsYesWhere requested by the client, have the client standards been posted in avisible location for employees to see?Auditor Comments:The client's code of conduct is posted on the work floors.Payroll period(s) reviewed for audit sample:From September to November, 2008 Number of employees present50 employeesNumber of employees on payroll records99 employees as per the provided payrollregister of November, 2008Is the employee populace accounted for on payroll and production records?YesYesDoes the facility maintain one uniform set of books for payroll andrecordkeeping?Auditor Comments:The payroll registers from September to November, 2008 and timerecords from March to November, 2008 are provided for review.Does the facility maintain wage records?YesYesAre the wage records accurate and complete?Auditor Comments:The provided payroll registers are itemized with the employees'badges, names, sections, regular working days, total working hours,basic wages, hourly wages, regular working hours and wages, regularovertime working hours and wages, rest day overtime working hoursand wages, downtime hours and wages, net wages and employees'signatures.Are these records maintained for the required period of time?YesAre production records accurate?YesYesDid the information in wage records and production records correspondappropriately?Does the facility use a time keeping system?YesAuditor Comments:The facility uses computerized swiping system to record theemployees' working time.YesDoes the time keeping system record start and stop times for eachemployee?Auditor Comments:As per the provided time records, the time-in and time-out arestipulated on the time records.Do employees record their own work hours?YesAre time records accurate?YesAre all employee work hours recorded in the time records?NoAuditor Comments:Inconsistency regarding Saturday overtime are personal leaving daysare detected between the provided time records and the testimonies ofapproximately 93% of the interviewees.Average overtime hours worked during pay period:32 hours as per the provided time record ofSeptember, 2008Average regular hours worked during pay period:168 hours as per the provided time record ofSeptember, 2008Average rate of regular pay for pay period:RMB5.1 per hour as per the payroll register ofSeptember, 2008Average rate of overtime pay for pay period:150% and 200% of the regular wages forregular overtime and rest day overtime.Was the workforce free from workers under the legal age?YesAuditor Comments:During employees' interview and age document, no child labor isdetected. The youngest age is 21 years old in the facility.What is the youngest age working in this facility?21 years oldAre minors (legal youth workers) employed at this facility?NoAuditor Comments:No child labor and juvenile workers are detected in the facility.What is the minimum hiring age at this facility?Above 18 years old Does the facility hiring age comply with local legal requirements?YesYesDoes the facility hiring age comply with the client standards?YesDoes the facility request original, legal documentation from job applicants toestablish age at the time of hire?Auditor Comments:All employees' age document and employee register are provided forreview. However, insufficient items stipulated on the employee registerare detected. This is in violation of Enforcement Regulations of LaborContract Law Article 8. The facility management was advised to ensurethe employee register stipulates sufficient items.Are copies of this documentation missing for any employees?NoNoWere the documents reviewed during the audit free from signs of fraud oralteration?YesDoes the facility have a documented system to identify forged or borrowedidentity cards?NoIf apprentice workers are employed, does the facility follow legalrequirements for their employment?Auditor Comments:No apprentice workers are employed in the facility.No Does the facility refrain from requiring monetary deposits from employees forany reason?Auditor Comments:No monetary deposition or document detainment is reported by the interviewees.No Does the facility maintain control and custody of the employees' identity documents?Did employees report mandatory overtime?NoNo Are employees required to complete daily production quotas prior to leavingthe facility?Auditor Comments:No daily quotas is reported by the interviewees.Yes Do labor contract provisions on work hours comply with client standardsregarding compulsory labor?Are there any prison workers at this facility?No Auditor Comments:No prison workers at the facility.Does the facility subcontract with a prison for any production needs?NoYes Are employees free to move about during the work day, to use the restroom,drink water, etc?Is movement of employees in and out of the facility unrestricted?YesNo Did employees report any instances of restricted liberties or forced labor,aside from mandatory overtime?Auditor Comments:No restriction liberty or forced labor is reported by the interviewees.Is the role of security guards limited so that it does not prevent at-willemployee departure from the facility?Yes Are employees protected from penalties, financial or otherwise, if they wantto leave their employment for just, legal reasons?Yes Is there an established procedure at this facility for disciplining theemployees?Auditor Comments:As per the facility rules and regulations, the employees who break thefacility rules would be given verbal or written waring.If yes, describe:Auditor Comments:As per the facility rules and regulations, the employees who break thefacility rules would be given verbal or written waring.Yes If yes, is this procedure communicated to the employees?Yes Does the facility comply with legal provisions regarding employee discipline,if there are such?Yes Do managers and supervisors receive training on appropriate disciplinary practices?If yes, does the facility monitor their compliance?Yes Are written records maintained of disciplinary actions taken?Yes Do managers and supervisors speak a different language than the workers?NoDid employees report any problems with security measures?No Did any employees report possible mistreatment?No Auditor Comments:All interviewed employees reported that they were treated equally andkindly by the facility management.Yes Does the facility have an internal system where employees can raise issuesof concern to management without fear of reprisals or negativerepercussions?Auditor Comments:The employees could deliver their complaints to the supervisors.Is the facility free from physical abuse or harassment?Yes Is the facility free from psychological or verbal harassment/abuse?YesIs the facility free from sexual harassment or abuse?YesYes Does the facility have a clear and uniform hiring policy, to ensure employeesare hired based on skill rather than subjective requirements?Yes Does the facility consider all applicants of legal working age, rather thanlimiting hires to younger persons only?Yes Does the facility allow employees to remain employed based on their performance, rather than forcing older employees into early retirement?Yes Are employees promoted based on their ability to perform rather thanpersonal characteristics and beliefs?Yes Are programs in place to enable employees to reach supervisor level?Do supervisors reflect characteristics similar to the employee population?YesYes Does the facility have a policy that prohibits discrimination of employment onthe basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation,nationality, or social or ethnic origin?Yes Are employees compensated equally for performing equal work activities?Yes Does the facility maintain the job position, seniority, wage and benefits ofwomen during their pregnancy and maternity leave, as required by local law?Yes Does the facility respect the beliefs of employees, for example, where prayerbreaks or head dresses should be accommodated?Do all employees have equal opportunities to work overtime?YesYes Does the facility prohibit pregnancy testing or questioning of pregnancy ormarital status as a condition of hire or employment?Auditor Comments:No pregnancy testing is reported by the interviewees.Are any employees currently pregnant or on maternity leave?NoNo Does the facility refrain from firing pregnant employees or otherwisepressuring to leave their employment?No Has this facility experienced any workers' strike, demonstration, or other typeof labor conflict in the last 2 years?Yes Where legally allowed, does management respect the right of employees tochoose to form, belong to or not belong to a union or any other type ofworkers' organization?Auditor Comments:All interviewed employees reported that they were free to join anyassociation and organization.Does a union or other type of workers' organization exist at this facility?Yes Auditor Comments:There is a union named "Tonglu Senda Knitting Factory Union"approved by local Union Committee in the facility.Yes Does the facility prohibit union membership status being considered as acondition of hire or employment?Yes In cases where a single union represents employees, do employees havethe ability to form other organizations to represent them without theemployer's interference?Does the facility have a collective bargaining agreement?Yes Does the facility adhere to the terms of the collective bargaining agreement?YesDid employees offer any complaints or suggestions during the audit?NoYes Does the facility refrain from interfering with or discouraging the formation ofworker organizations?Yes Do workers' organizations at this facility have the right to elect theirrepresentative and conduct their activities without employer interference?Auditor Comments:The union representatives are selected by the employees in the facility.Does the facility recognize legally elected employee representatives?Yes Auditor Comments:There are 4 union representatives selected during the first employee representative meeting.YesDoes the facility have fire extinguishers?Auditor Comments:There are sufficient fire extinguishers on each work floor.Yes Is the facility equipped with a sufficient number of fire extinguishers, hoses and/or hydrants?YesAre fire extinguishers unblocked and accessible?NoClient Code of Conduct Violation Are fire extinguisher locations clearly marked?Auditor Comments:Approximately 40% of the fire extinguishers are not marked.YesAre fire extinguishers mounted on walls and columns at appropriate heights?YesIs all fire fighting equipment regularly inspected and maintained? YesIs the facility equipped with a functional fire alarm? YesIf yes, is the fire alarm audible throughout the facility? YesAre evacuation drills conducted at least once a year, or according to the local requirement?Auditor Comments:The evacuation drill was conducted twice a year, the latest evacuation drill was conducted on June, 2008.Yes Are employees properly trained in the use of fire fighting equipment?YesHave any employees been trained in the use of First Aid and basic First Aid procedures?YesAre safety education and/or training programs provided to employees?YesDoes the facility have a Health and Safety Committee or Manager responsible for health and safety at the factory?Auditor Comments:Mr. He Xiang, the manager assistant is responsible for health and safety at the facility.YesHave employees been trained in the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as applicable?Emergency Exits。
一、KYC(了解你的客户)KYC(Know Your Customer)是商业银行的基本合规要求之一。
二、CTR(现金交易报告)CTR(Cash Transaction Report)是商业银行反洗钱合规的另一个重要方面。
三、STR(可疑交易报告)STR(Suspicious Transaction Report)是商业银行反洗钱合规的核心要求之一。
str数据类型的⽤法---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------str:⽅法: 44种'capitalize', 'casefold', 'center', 'count', 'encode', 'endswith','expandtabs', 'find', 'format', 'format_map', 'index', 'isalnum','isalpha', 'isdecimal', 'isdigit', 'isidentifier', 'islower','isnumeric', 'isprintable', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper','join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'maketrans', 'partition','replace', 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit','rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip','swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill'a ="hello world"⽅法含义实例capitalize()把字符串的第⼀个字符⼤写In [146]: a.capitalize()Out[146]: 'Hello world'casefold相当于lower()In[1]:'HELLO ORLD'.casefold()Out[1]: 'hello world'center返回⼀个原字符串居中,并填充⾄长度 width 的新字符串In [3]:,"*")Out[3]: '****hello world*****'count返回 str 在 string ⾥⾯出现的次数,如果 beg 或者 end 指定则返回指定范围内 str 出现的次数In [4]: a.count("h") Out[4]: 1In [7]: a.count("o",1,20) Out[7]: 2encode encode(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')以 encoding 指定的编码格式解码string,如果出错默认报⼀个ValueError 的异常,除⾮errors 指定的是 'ignore' 或者'replace'In [8]: a.encode()Out[8]: b'hello world'endswith检查字符串是否以 obj 结束,如果beg 或者 end 指定则检查指定的范围内是否以 obj 结束,如果是,返回 True,否则返回 False.In [9]: a.endswith("d") Out[9]: TrueIn [10]: a.endswith("d",1,9) Out[10]: Falseexpandtabs定义\t的空格数把字符串 string 中的 tab 符号转为空格,tab 符号默认的空格数是 8In [12]: a.expandtabs() Out[12]: 'hhh fff'In [13]: len(a)Out[13]: 7In [14]: a.expandtabs(2) Out[14]: 'hhh fff'Out[14]: 'hhh fff' In [15]: len(a) Out[15]: 7find检测 str 是否包含在 string 中,如果 beg 和 end 指定范围,则检查是否包含在指定范围内,如果是返回开始的索引值,否则返回-1In [16]: a ="hello world"In [17]: a.find("w")Out[17]: 6format格式化字符串In[20]: "{},{name}".format("hello",name="Tom")Out[20]: 'hello,Tom'format_map同上,很少使⽤In [31]: b = "{name}"In[32]: b.format_map({"name":"tom"})Out[32]: 'tom'index同find In [33]: a.index("o")Out[33]: 4isalnum如果 string ⾄少有⼀个字符并且所有字符都是字母或数字则返回 True,否则返回 False In [34]: "asdfas".isalnum() Out[34]: TrueIn [35]: "#$%^&*(".isalnum() Out[35]: Falseisalpha如果 string ⾄少有⼀个字符并且所有字符都是字母则返回 True,否则返回 False In [36]: "asd1111".isalpha() Out[36]: FalseIn [37]: "asd".isalpha() Out[37]: Trueisdecimal如果 string 只包含⼗进制数字则返回 True 否则返回 False.In [41]: "2131".isdecimal() Out[41]: TrueTrue 否则返回 False.Out[44]: FalseIn [45]: "3333".isdigit()Out[45]: Trueislower如果 string 中包含⾄少⼀个区分⼤⼩写的字符,并且所有这些(区分⼤⼩写的)字符都是⼩写,则返回True,否则返回 False In [46]: "asdfSD".islower() Out[46]: FalseIn [47]: "asdfas".islower() Out[47]: Trueisidentifier检查字符串是否是字母开头"asdfasd".isidentifier() #true"123asdfasd".isidentifier() #falseisnumeric检测字符串是否只由数字组成。
二、代码实现下面是实验报告生成器的代码实现:```pythondef generate_report(data):# 生成实验报告的代码实现report = "实验报告内容:\n"# 添加实验数据分析结果report += "实验数据分析结果:\n"report += "实验数据总数:" + str(len(data)) + "\n"report += "最大值:" + str(max(data)) + "\n"report += "最小值:" + str(min(data)) + "\n"report += "平均值:" + str(sum(data) / len(data)) + "\n"# 添加实验结论report += "实验结论:\n"if sum(data) > 0:report += "根据实验数据分析结果,实验结果为正面。
\n"else:report += "根据实验数据分析结果,实验结果为负面。
\n"return report# 测试代码data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]report = generate_report(data)print(report)```三、实验结果根据给定的实验数据 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],运行上述代码,生成的实验报告内容如下:实验报告内容:实验数据分析结果:实验数据总数:5最大值:5最小值:1平均值:3.0实验结论:根据实验数据分析结果,实验结果为正面。
2.测试打印当前“借阅信息”数 据表中的全部记录 (1)测试内容:打印当前“借阅信 息”数据表中的全部记录。 (2)确认方法:屏幕拷贝、目测。
在如图8-21所示的窗体中,单击【浏 览全部】按钮,该窗体的DataGrid控件中 显示当前“借阅信息”数据表中的全部记 录,然后单击【打印】按钮,显示如图822所示的报表,在该报表中单击按钮,即 可打印该报表。
为了在代码中使用报表文件,添加以 下引用。
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
为了在代码中调用系统运行窗体的路径属 性,添加以下引用。 Imports System.Windows.Forms
3.声明窗体级变量 4.编写New方法重载形式的程序 代码
图8-13 展开数据库bookData中的视图
单击选择视图【loanView】,然后单 击【插入表】按钮,视图“loanView”便出 现在右侧的列表中,如图8-14所示。
图8-14 插入视图loanView
在【数据】选项卡中单击【下一步】 按钮,切换到【字段】选项卡,如图8-15 所示。
图8-15 切换到【标准报表专家】对话框的“字段”选项卡
(2)确认方法:屏幕拷贝、目测, 【查询图书借阅数据】窗体的运行状 态如图8-21所示。 (3)测试结论:合格。
图8-21 【查询图书借阅数据】窗体运行的初始状态
功能测试的目的是测试任务卡中的功 能要求是否能够实现,同时测试“打印报 表”模块的容错能力。
图8-10 【OLE DB(ADO)-OLE DB提供程序】对话框
STR运营管理里面什么意思简介STR(Store Traffic Report)是一种用来管理和优化零售门店运营的工具。
本文将从几个方面解释STR 运营管理的含义和重要性。
1. 迎客流量STR运营管理中的一个关键概念是迎客流量。
2. 客流转化率客流转化率是STR运营管理中的另一个重要指标。
3. 顾客行为除了迎客流量和客流转化率,STR运营管理还可以帮助零售商了解顾客的行为。
4. 数据分析和决策STR运营管理提供了强大的数据分析和决策支持能力。
5.在弹出的“自定义函数”窗口中,输入以下代码:```Function UniqueColumnNames(ByVal arr() As String) As String Dim obj As ObjectDim str As StringFor Each obj In arrIf str <> "" Thenstr &= "," & objElsestr &= objEnd IfNext objUniqueColumnNames = Right(str, Len(str) - 1)End Function```6.返回“数据集”窗口,将新创建的自定义函数应用于需要处理的数据列。
Collect biological samples from the crime scene for analysis.2.提取DNA样本并进行扩增。
Extract DNA samples and amplify them.3.进行PCR扩增,选择STR位点扩增。
Perform PCR amplification to amplify the STR loci.4.测序PCR扩增产物。
Sequence the PCR amplification products.5.将测序结果与参考数据库比对。
Compare the sequencing results with the reference database.6.确定STR位点的基因型。
Determine the genotype of the STR loci.7.分析STR位点的等位基因。
Analyze the alleles of the STR loci.8.利用统计学方法进行数据分析。
Use statistical methods for data analysis.9.确定物证样本与嫌疑人样本的关联性。
Determine the association between the evidence sample and the suspect sample.10.书写报告,总结分型结果。
Write a report summarizing the typing results.11.确认实验操作无误,记录实验数据。
Confirm the correctness of the experimental operation and record the experimental data.12.对结果进行重复实验,确保可靠性。
Repeat the experiment to ensure the reliability of the results.13.进行数据处理和质量控制。
一、函数原型及含义先来看一下strstr函数的函数原型:```char *strstr(const char *str1, const char *str2);```该函数的返回类型为char *,即指针类型,表示返回值为一个字符指针,指向查找到的字符串的第一次出现位置。
以下是一个简单的示例代码:```#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>char str1[] = "hello, world!";char str2[] = "world";char *ptr = strstr(str1, str2);if(ptr) {printf("'%s' is found in '%s' at position %ld.\n", str2, str1, ptr - str1);} else {printf("'%s' is not found in '%s'!\n", str2, str1);}return 0;}```运行以上代码,输出结果为:```'world' is found in 'hello, world!' at position 7.```该示例代码中,定义了两个字符串str1和str2,分别为"hello, world!"和"world"。
join:对字符串进⾏拼接s1='$'s2='-'s3=' 'ss=['Today','is','a','good','day']print(s1.join(ss))Today$is$a$good$dayprint(s2.join(ss))Today-is-a-good-dayprint(s3.join(ss))Today is a good day实例扩展:>>>s = 'RUNOOB'>>> str(s)'RUNOOB'>>> dict = {'runoob': '', 'google': ''};>>> str(dict)"{'google': '', 'runoob': ''}">>>到此这篇关于python中str内置函数⽤法总结的⽂章就介绍到这了,更多相关python中str内置函数总结归纳内容请搜索以前的⽂章或继续浏览下⾯的相关⽂章希望⼤家以后多多⽀持!。
fastreport问题整理FastReport 问题整理1.FastReport中如果访问报表中的对象?可以使用FindObject方法。
TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject(’memo1′)).Text: =’FastReport’;2.FastReport中如何使用上下标?设置frxmemoview.AllowHTMLTags := True;在Text输入如下上标:mm<sup>2</sup>下表:k<sub>6</sub>举一反三,你还可以使用其他HTML标记。
3.FastReport中如何打印总页数?设置两次报表后加入引号内内容“第[Page#]页共[TotalPages#]页”4.FastReport中如何动态加入变量及变量组?建立变量组名:=’ '+变量组名;建立变量名frxreport1.Variables.AddVariable(’组名,如果为不存的组或空,则为默认组,这里不需要空格’,变量名,变量初始值);例如要建立变量组Yuan,二个变量Yuan1,Yuan2,则为:=’ Yuan’注意前面是空格frxreport1.Variables.AddVariable(’Yuan’,Yuan1,初始值) frxreport1.Variables.AddVariable(’Yuan’,Yuan2,初始值)5.FastReport中如何加入自定义函数?Fastreport可以自己加入需要的函数,来实现特定的功能。
则语句为:frxreport1.AddFunction(’Function GetName(Old:String):String;’);2)脚本中使用函数。
这种监测和报告机制被称为可疑交易报告(Suspicious Transaction Report,STR)。
Fastreport报表合并单元格技巧在做企业的ERP,SCM,CRM等等的软件中, 经常要做的就是报表, 如财务报表, 生产车间报表。
操作方法如下:1.选中Fastreport的主数据项,双击OnBeforePrint方法,在begin end 之间编写代码:1.MainData.Height:为每行数据显示的高度,2.[CLTAutoreporthead_AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead."Flag"]:表示要合并的行数(Delphi 算法),3.memo7.visible:是否显示单元格,[CLTAutoreporthead_AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead."Search_Flag"]=2:(Delphi算法),只要在Delphi中把要合并的行数与列用字段Flag(控制行数),Search_Flag(控制是否可见,2为可见)算出来,再在FastReport中显示出来,那么合并功能就算搞好。
以下是在Delphi中的合并算法代码:function TAutoReportProcessMonthForm.GetFastRptObj: TBizObject;varBizHead,BizLine:TBizObject;i,j,k,n,m,p:Integer;Head:TAutoreporthead;Line:TAutoreportline;slItemVendor,slVendors:TStringList;strItemVendor,strItemVendor2,strVendor:String;VendorsCount:array of Integer;beginMyCheck;Head:=TAutoreporthead.Create(false,true);erName:=erName;for i:=1 to dgView.RowCount-1 doif dgView.RowProps[i].Checked and (not dgView.IsRowEmpty(i))thenbeginLine:=TAutoreportline.Create;self.SetDgDataToBizObject(i,dgView,TBizObject(line));head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Add(line);end;//合并报表算法开始added by wbc, 2009-04-23slItemVendor:=TStringList.Create;slVendors:=TStringList.Create;for i:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginstrItemVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Item_Code+TAut oreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;if Pos(strItemVendor,slItemVendor.Text)=0 thenslItemVendor.Add(strItemVendor);strVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;if Pos(strVendor,slVendors.Text)=0 thenslVendors.Add(strVendor);end;//showMessage(slVendors.Text);setLength(VendorsCount,slVendors.Count);for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobeginVendorsCount[i]:=0;for j:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 doifsameText(slVendors.Strings[i],TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Ven dor_Code) thenbeginVendorsCount[i]:=VendorsCount[i]+1;end;end;setLength(MyVendors,slVendors.Count);for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobeginMyVendors[i]:=TMyVendor.Create;MyVendors[i].Vendor_Code:=slVendors.Strings[i];setLength(MyVendors[i].XVendors,VendorsCount[i]);n:=0;for j:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 doifsameText(slVendors.Strings[i],TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Ven dor_Code) thenbeginMyVendors[i].XV endors[n]:=TXVendor.Create;MyVendors[i].XV endors[n].index:=j;//MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].flag:=MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].flag+1;//MyVendors[i].XVendors[n].search_flag:=0;n:=n+1;end;end;for i:=0 to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginn:=0;strItemVendor:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Item_Code+TAut oreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Vendor_Code;for j:=i to head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Count-1 dobeginstrItemVendor2:=TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Item_Code+TAu toreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[j]).Vendor_Code;if sameText(strItemVendor,strItemVendor2) thenn:=n+1;end;TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[i]).Flag:=n;for k:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dofor m:=0 to length(MyVendors[k].XVendors)-1 doif MyVendors[k].xVendors[m].index=i thenMyVendors[k].xV endors[m].flag:=n;end;//Search_Flag: 2 报表行可见,1不可见.for i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobegin //for iif length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)<=27 thenbeginfor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag=0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;if MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag>1 thenfor k:=1 to MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag-1 doMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].search_flag:=1;end;//for jend elsebeginfor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag=0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;if j mod 27 =0 thenMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].search_flag:=2;p:=MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag;n:=0;for k:=1 to MyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag-1 doif MyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag=0 thenif (j+k) mod 27=0 thenbeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag:=2;MyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].flag:=p-k;if n=0 thenbeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j].flag:=k;n:=1;end;end elsebeginMyVendors[i].XVendors[j+k].Search_Flag:=1;end;end;//for jend;end; //for ifor i:=0 to slVendors.Count-1 dobegin //for ifor j:=0 to length(MyVendors[i].xVendors)-1 dobegin//for jTAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index]).Fla g:=MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].flag;TAutoreportline(head.AutoreportlineOfAutoreporthead.Items[MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index]).Se arch_Flag:=MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].search_flag;//showMessage(inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index)+':flag='+inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[ j].flag)+#13#10+inttostr(MyVendors[i].xVendors[j].index)+':search_flag='+inttostr(MyVendors[i].x Vendors[j].search_flag));end;//for j;end;//for i//合并报表算法结束added by wbc, 2009-04-23result:=Head;end;涉及的数据类型:typeTXVendor=classindex:Integer;flag:Integer;search_flag:Integer;end;TMyVendor=classpublicVendor_Code:String;xVendors:array of TXVendor;end;MyVendors:array of TMyVendor;合并报表2:模具工厂—供方送货单操作步骤:同样方法,选中Fastreport的主数据项,双击OnBeforePrint方法,在begin end 之间编写代码:if Pos('模具工厂',[PriseName])=0 thenbeginif (IsBegin=1) thenbeginMemo19.Height:=MainData.Height*5;Memo19.Visible:=true;memo20.Height:=MainData.Height*5;memo20.Visible:=true;memo21.Height:=MainData.Height*5;memo21.Visible:=true;IsBegin:=0;end elsebeginMemo19.Height:=MainData.Height;Memo19.Visible:=false;//Memo19.Top:=-18;memo20.Height:=MainData.Height;memo20.Visible:=false;memo21.Height:=MainData.Height;memo21.Visible:=false;IsBegin:=0;end;end elsebeginMemo34.visible:=true;Memo42.visible:=True;end;这个合并相对前面的合并显得更简单, 只要通过PriseName这个Delphi传来的参数就能够实行按物料编码合并.PriseName这个参数可能通过frGetValue这个方法传入Fastreport. (注意大小写,Fastreport对大小写参数是敏感的)procedure TAutoReportProcessMonthForm.frGetValue(const ParName: String;var ParValue: Variant);begininherited;if parname = 'PriseName' thenparvalue := LoginUser.Enterprise_Name;if parname = 'Company_Name' thenparvalue :=Loginuser.GetSysConfParam('Company_Name');if parname = 'Print_Date' thenparvalue :=DatetimeToStr(variables.SysServerTime);end;以后要开发类似合并报表的话,可以参照上述算法,根据要合并的字段进行相应修改即可达到客户报表的要求。
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STR and STR report
2008年,The Bench,Deloitte’旗下的HotelBenchmark与STR,三家全球领先的酒店数据服务机构合并,成立了STR Global。
自1985 年成立以来,STR 就一直服务于北美市场,而STR Global 则将备受酒店业人士喜爱和广泛使用的STAR Report推向了全球的酒店用户。
STR 和STR Global 追踪酒店业供应(Supply)和需求(Demand)信息并为所有主要的国际酒店连锁和品牌以及单体酒店提供珍贵的酒店市场和竞争群数据以进行标杆管理。
STR和STR Global一直致力于为全球酒店运营者、业主、投资商、供应商、开发商、酒店顾问和金融机构等提供获取酒店业数据的一站式解决方案。
STR (Smith Travel Research)
25 年前,Randy Smith 开始从事酒店业研究和分析。
凭借其在市场研究方面的深厚背景以及对此的浓厚兴趣,Smith 产生了一个想法:成立一个服务机构,为希望更加了解酒店业发展趋势的行业人士和关注者提供最佳数据信息。
STR 最初的理念是创建一份包含美国地区所有酒店的完整名单,并将名单提供给酒店供应商,以便帮助他们划分销售区域。
经法律允许后,Smith 创建了一个数据库,用于追踪单个酒店的绩效,并与其他竞争酒店进行比较。
STR 在一些主要连锁集团的支持下,于1988 年1 月启动其STAR Program。
STAR Program 目前已经成为全球酒店连锁集团和管理公司最重要的数据信息来源。
Smith 始终坚持仅提供市场综合和平均数据的原则。
一直以来,无论是酒店的债权人、评估人员、顾问还是开发商都是STR 市场综合数据报告的忠实使用者,这些数据信息为他们的日常工作带来了极大的支持和帮助。
STR Global & STR 是全球领先的酒店表现数据服务提供机构。
STR Global & STR 为客户提供完整的酒店标杆管理报告和全球市场分析,并与全球上万家酒店、酒店管理集团、银行、酒店开发商、行业顾问及媒体共享全球各个主要市场的重要酒店经营数据。