通化东宝:全年净利润增长预计将不低于35% 买入评级
© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved
ISO 34-1:2010(E)
பைடு நூலகம்
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
5.2 Nick cutter ..............................................................................................................................................3
Annex B (normative) Calibration schedule ....................................................................................................11
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved
温度传感器传输器(DIN 尺寸)说明书
iiE -'%: GYJ17.1057X(�±t: Obere Wank 1, 87484 Nesselwang, Germany)� � jE!Jlt3t:�$ (�$h.��)� -'% � � TMT121/127/128 -*�tllJf.i 11 *� � Ex nA II C T4-T6 Ge00 *$ UQ -'% 141000000GB 3836.1-2010, GB 3836.8-2014� ftVi � llt iiE 0* iiE � fi $& Wh 2017 � 2 .Fl 22 f3 � 2022 � 2 .Fl 21 B� 51 1. ��f�m 51��I»im*iiE� 1l11i!fo2. iiE�t.Ifij-%J§g� "x" �a,ijf"�1t���1�m���i!f, r*.J�m*iiE�1l11i!fo3. m-%m�iJta,ijm*iiE�1l11i!fo4. It ����J&m*iiE�1l11i!fo5. *iiE�li5'Jlt1�mT.'�l�wr�wr;li�,}tf)(.* (�#I) ��lH}i'iJ (�±t: �#lI�Il!I!R�!l!Ia:p�465-%) �f"l't.Jli5'Jm-%f"�o:tt!!.il: : ..t. jfiHP' m 3i: R& 103�JIlß!.IiQ: 200233 1XX.I!.il:: www.nepsLo r Emai l:****************��: +8621 643681801{,Ji: +8621 64844580EXPLOSION PROTECTIONCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITYCert NO.GY J17.1057XThis is to certify that the productTemperatllre transmitter (DIN raH)manufactured by Endress + Hauser Wetzer GmbH + Co. KG(Address:Obere Wank 1,87484 Nesselwang, Gerrnany)which model is TMT1211127/128 SeriesEx marking Ex nAlIC T4�T6 Geproduct standard /drawing number 14 1000000has been inspected and certified by NEPSI, end that it conformsto GB 3836.1-2010,GB 3836.8-2014This Approval shall remain in force until 2022.02.21Remarks I.Conditions for safe use are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.2.Symbol "X" placed after the certification number denotes specific conditions of use,which are specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.3.Model designation is specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.4.Safe parameters specified in the attachment(s) to this certificate.5.This certificate is also applicable for the product with the same type manufactured byEndress+Hauser Wetzer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (address: Su Hong Zhong Lu No.465,S u z hou-S I P, China)DirectorThis Certificate is valid for products com patible with the d ocuments and sam p ies alJproved by NEPSI.103 Cao Bao Road Shanghai 200233, China Email:**************.cnTel: +862164368180Fax: +8621 64844580Editlon05�*�tt�tt��.*�����M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )GY J17.1 057X�lIit�iiEffi"{tt I1'1'1 }ßl1i&\;ltfr+ ;;:Wri� '§'j �tz: ß'.JTMT121/127/128�3i�1Mdt5V!:1l� c ��j L:t:�) , � I� �� 1x..g�1x�Il1J��:i:%-l.'����ft�(NEPSIH:ft��, �B:ifTJ�f5Ff1t:GB3836.1-2010 ;l�HFtl:l:;f:LJ't�1:gf)7J\.: &-1.r J.ill.):g�*GB3836.8-2014 ;/;!!Ht'l"tPfm �8:gß7t: U,I "n"FJD�J5il�HF;:tEx nA II C T4�T6 Ge, �J5;tiif*hLE�GY J17.1 057Xo;;$: iLE.=p; iA PT I'('.J F���. #Ht P�I T :iTEMP pCP DIN rail TMT 121-20iTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT 127-20iTEMP TC DIN rail TMT 128-20X�: O*��.��.��� .•• ffi��, W�F��mm��o-. F 5it:tc:i:�ffl *f��{tfA#�W�T:;;$:F�10f�*�fi;J, :tIJJUh1tmn�·�N:t:�fr�B:�GB4208-2008N\lJEFI J IP54�Lt. JitittJ"J!: GB3836.1-201 o tnGB3836.8-2014!?f*ß'.Jjr:J't/!=' 0=,F5it�fflr±f!.J.}Ji1, FRn1!fmJf:Ijß�ffiU�t D�JJnBjJiJB���:�l5tmfJl J T4 T5 T6jb9=:q��11ü\.15t -40'C-+85'C -40'C -+65 'c -40'C-+50'C2. FRr,I'F11jt Ft!, Itlli15J: 8�35Vde o3. 7t� B� fm!t l}[ 5e�..g� j r :rMfr�}1±fuftltd T, IJI)h 1!f m n�' @04.m����ff�.���F�ß'.J��$$#, @��F���ft��M*�ff�� ���., ����m.tl��m���ß'.J��o5. F� 1'F1:t:�. 1!ft8tD�fu�)� @If.1J F,f�r1!f Fl-J���. GB3836.13-2013 "!it1=tt:q� lJ't �13gß7t:&�B�1Itll. fft11t. 1��tDi:&jjl[" GB3836.15-2000 ".tt:'t1/-"t#Pf l�t8� �1Jl� t1115$7t: m:;�ft:f:hfifi��:t:� ctNJrI!#;jl') " GB3836.16-2006 ".tH1�1*Pfjjt ffllt�i&1k-�16tfll5}: t:h���ß'.J��t D�tt�J� o}.lnr�#;!tr) " RGB50257-2014 "�I1�i&.�(GY J 17.1 057X)�,it!J)t rJJf iE2mU � r &, �JjJ )'L I<: *it :r5< fln NE P SI iA riJ-B� )( 1�: j9i �4 �F ; 3 � � tt Jt� rp ßY � j> {Q. J5 r JU r*J � :a) N EPS I -!A nJt;F$ (�ltIJ;lIil-*itiiE b) c )�)]-;lI il-*it iiE -'%d ) 1t J-FJ Jf jjHfm &(Attachment I )�*�{)(�{)(��1I��lI{r1f�%M National Supervision and Inspection Centre forExplosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation(GYJ17.1057X) (Attachment I )Attachment I to GYJ17.1057X1.TMT121 /127/128 series Temperature transmitter (DIN rail), manufactured by Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH + CO.KG, has been certified by National Supervision and Inspection Center for Explosion Protection and Safety of Instrumentation (NEPSI). The product accords with following standards:G83836.1-2010 Explosive atmospheres-Part 1: Equipment-General requirementsG83836.8-2014 Explosive atmospheres-Part 8: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"The Ex marking is Ex nA TI C T 4-T6 Gc, its certificate number is GY J17.1 057X.Type approved in this certificate is shown as the following:iTEMP PCP DIN rail TMT121-2DiTEMP RTD DIN rail TMT127-2DiTEMP TC DIN rail TMT128-2Do indicates type of connection, sensor, meauring range and ete.Refer to instruction manual for the details.2. Special Conditions for Safe UseThe suffix "X" placed after the certificate number indicates that this product is subject to special conditions for safe use, that is:When using this head type product, it shall be installed in the enclosure which IP degree is at least IP54 according to G84208-2008, and meet the relative requirements of G83836.1-201 0 and G83836.8-2014.3. Conditions for Safe Use3.1 The relationship between ambient temperature range and the temperature class is shown as folIows:Temperature class T4 T5 T6Ambient temperature range -40"C-+85"C -40"C-+65"C -40"C-+50"C3.2 Electrical data: 8-35 Vdc.3.3 The external earth connection facility of the whole product shall be connected reliably.3.4 The user shall not change the configuration in order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection performance of the equipment. Any change may impair safety.3.5 For installation, use and maintenance of this product, the end user shall observe the instruction manual and the following standards:Page 1 of 2(GY J17.1 057X) (Attachment I )GB50257-2014 "Code for construction and acceptance of electric device for explosion atmospheres and fire hazard electrical equipment installation engineering".GB3836.13-2013 "Explosive atmospheres-Part 13:Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation".G B3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 15:Electrical installations inhazardous area (other than mines)".GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 16:lnspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines)".4. Manufacturer's Responsibility4.1 Conditions for safe use, as specified above, should be included in the documentation the user is provided with. 4.2 Manufacturing should be done according to the documentation approved by NEPSI.4.3 Nameplate should include these contents listed below:1) NEPSl logo @2) Ex marking3) certificate number4) ambient temperature5) electrical dataPage 2 01 2。
常用塑胶原料厂牌及牌号PP(高聚物聚丙烯)廠牌牌號泰国HP480S、332K、3342M、3342R、348S、1100NK、1102、1126NK、200F、348N茂名T30S、T36F、V30G台塑3015、1005、1040、1080、1120、1124、2080、3040、3040C、FPD943、K1011 K1023 北京B303、EPC30R、HHP1、HHP3、HHP4印度SS35N、H030SG、H100EY、H110MA台湾3010、K1020、K1011、K1023、K1035、K4015、K4515、K4535、K8010、K8025、K8802、1005、T8002、4210、4410、7533、6331、7633 ST868M日本住友W531、W531A韩国现代H1500、H5300、DJ560S、DJ570S、H1501、H4540、M1250、M1600、R1610、DJ570S、台湾永嘉1120、3204、5020、3015、3080、5090T燕山石化1300、B4808、K1001、K1003、K1005、K1008、K4818、K4912、K7726、K7760、K8303、K9020、K9035、T1701、T1702扬子石化F401、F501、J301G、J340、K8003、K9015、K9927、S1004、S2309、S700、3008、307G、706上海赛科K4912、M800E、3317、510M、C1007、K4912、K7926、K7930、K8003、S1003、S2040宁波1120、3015、5090T台湾福聚366-3、366-4、366-5、6331、6524、73F4-3、7533、7633、7633-3、7633U、PD943、ST751、ST031、ST868M、ST869M、PJ3001、PJ3003、PJ3004台湾南亚3219M3、3317、3307、3117、3310韩国晓星J440、J440X、J640、J740X、J801R、HJ800R、HJ801R、J440W、R300X、R301、R530A、J340、B100N、J700、J742S、R401、R601、R701新加坡7033N、9999SS、AW564、AZ864、AY564、W531L、W531P、Y101H、Z433、1304E1、AP03B韩国锦湖H150U美国0544、GF30-04、H17UC00、TS01广州金发PP-20、R008、G220、R30-701、TC15G、FR-NC03香港NB2620G、NB2630G美国液氮MFL-36S、4036HS、MS-1003南非100P、HKR102埃克森7032E3、7033E3、AP03B、AP3AW、AP7885巴赛尔EP300H、HP550J、KY6110巴西H103、H503中石油A180TM、A002TM、A200T、AF005、DY-GK2590S、W0723F、W0825RT俄罗斯21030法国3365沙特500P、520L、570P、575P、578P、670K、910MNK40上海石化F800E、M1600E、M180R、M250E、M2600R、M450E、M500、M700R、M800E、T300、Y2600、Y3700CPP填充级(滑石粉填充10%-30%)、高刚性、高耐热。
SMIA 1.0 Part 5: Camera Characterisation SpecificationDISCLAIMERThe contents of this document are copyright © 2004 Nokia Corporation, ST Microelectronics NV and their licensors. All rights reserved. You may not copy, modify nor distribute this document without prior written consent by Nokia and ST. No license to any Nokia’s, ST’s or their licensor’s intellectual property rights are granted herein.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS SMIA SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NEITHER NOKIA, ST NOR THEIR LICENSORS MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THIS SMIA SPECIFICATION OR ANY PRODUCT, SOFTWARE APPLICATION OR SERVICE IMPLEMENTING THIS SMIA SPECIFICATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY BY NOKIA, ST OR BY ANY OTHER PARTY THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS SMIA SPECIFICATION WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOKIA, ST OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, LICENSORS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR COSTS OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PROFITS, INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ECONOMIC, COVER, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THIS SMIA SPECIFICATION, EVEN IF NOKIA, ST OR THEIR LICENSORS ARE ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY EXCLUSION CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE HELD TO BE INVALID FOR ANY REASON AND NOKIA, ST OR THEIR LICENSORS BECOMES LIABLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MAY LAWFULLY BE LIMITED, SUCH LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO U.S.$50.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This document supersedes and replaces all versions previously supplied.HistoryVersion Date Author Status Notes1.0 30-June-04 Nokia and ST ApprovedTable of contentsSCOPE (11)1.Definitions (12)1.1Arrays (12)1.2Standard Parameters (13)1.2.1Raw Bayer Image Data (13)1.2.2Green (Red) Raw Bayer (13)1.2.3Region of Interest (ROI) (13)1.3Function Descriptions (15)1.3.1AV_IMAGE(#1, ..., #F) (15)1.3.2COLUMN_AV(#) (15)1.3.3CONVOLUTION(#1,#2) (16)1.3.4Extract Colour Plane - GREENRED (16)1.3.5LOG10(x) (16)1.3.6Local Deviation (16)1.3.7MAX(#) (16)1.3.8MEAN(#) (16)1.3.9MIN(#) (16)1.3.10Regression Analysis (17)1.3.11RMS(#) (17)1.3.12ROI(a,b;x,y;#) (17)1.3.13ROW_AV(#) (17)1.3.14STDEV(#) (17)2.Pre-Processing (18)2.1Data Pre-Processing (18)2.2Image Pre-Processing (18)2.2.1Introduction (18)2.2.2Kernel Kern k (18)2.2.3Error Detection (19)2.2.4Defect Correction (19)3.Test Equipment and Environmental Requirements (20)3.1General (20)3.2Illumination Specification (20)3.3Environmental Specification (20)3.4Electrical Specification (21)3.4.1Analogue Supply (21)3.4.2Digital Supply (21)4.Default Configuration (22)4.1Default Camera Configuration (22)4.1.1Default Electrical Conditions (22)4.1.2Camera Register Settings (22)4.1.3Default Environmental Conditions (22)4.1.4Default Lighting Conditions (22)4.2Default Characterisation Configuration (23)4.2.1Darkroom Set Up (23)4.2.2Mobile Device Equivalence Model (24)5.Characterisation Test Methods (25)5.1Dynamic Range (25)5.1.1Description (25)5.1.2Test Conditions (25)5.1.3Analysis (25)5.2Vertical Fixed Pattern Noise (26)5.2.1Description (26)5.2.2Test Conditions (27)5.2.3Analysis (27)5.3Horizontal Fixed Pattern Noise (28)5.3.1Description (28)5.3.2Test Conditions (28)5.3.3Analysis (29)5.4Temporal Noise (30)5.4.1Description (30)5.4.2Test Conditions (30)5.4.3Analysis (30)5.5Column Noise (31)5.5.1Description (31)5.5.2Test Conditions (31)5.5.3Analysis (32)5.6Row Noise (33)5.6.1Description (33)5.6.2Test Conditions (33)5.6.3Analysis (34)5.7Frame to Frame Flicker (35)5.7.1Description (35)5.7.2Test Conditions (35)5.7.3Analysis (35)5.8Dark Signal (36)5.8.1Description (36)5.8.2Test Conditions (36)5.8.3Analysis (36)5.9Dark Signal Non-uniformity (37)5.9.1Description (37)5.9.2Test Conditions (37)5.9.3Analysis (37)5.10Power Supply Rejection Ratio (38)5.10.1Description (38)5.10.2Test Conditions (39)5.10.3Analysis (40)5.11Signal to Noise Ratio (41)5.11.1Description (41)5.11.2Test Conditions (41)5.11.3Analysis (42)5.12Sensitivity (43)5.12.1Description (43)5.12.2Test Conditions (43)5.12.3Analysis (44)5.13Maximum Illumination (45)5.13.1Description (45)5.13.2Analysis (45)5.14Minimum Illumination (46)5.14.1Description (46)5.14.2Test Conditions (46)5.14.3Analysis (46)5.15Module Response Non-Linearity (47)5.15.1Description (47)5.15.2Test Conditions (48)5.15.3Analysis (49)5.16Photo-Response Non-Uniformity (50)5.16.1Description (50)5.16.2Test Conditions (50)5.16.3Analysis (51)5.17Relative Illumination (52)5.17.1Description (52)5.17.2Test Conditions (52)5.17.3Analysis (52)5.18Spatial Frequency Response (53)5.18.1Description (53)5.18.2Test Conditions (54)5.18.3Analysis (54)5.19Image Sharpness Measurement (56)5.19.1Description (56)5.19.2Test conditions (58)5.19.3Analysis (59)5.20TV Distortion (61)5.20.1Description (61)5.20.2Test Conditions (62)5.20.3Analysis (62)5.21Field of View (64)5.21.1Description (64)5.21.2Test Conditions (64)5.21.3Analysis (65)5.22Colour Accuracy (66)5.22.1Description (66)5.22.2Test Conditions (66)5.22.3Conversion of Data into CIELAB (67)5.22.4Conversion from sRGB into XYZ 1931 CIE (Tristimulus) Values (69)5.22.5Conversion from XYZ 1931 CIE (Tristimulus) Values to CIELAB (70)5.22.6Calculation of Colour/Hue Accuracy from L*a*b* (CIELAB) Data (70)5.22.7Pseudo Code for the Analysis Process (71)5.23Image Lag (74)5.23.1Description (74)5.23.2Test Conditions (74)5.23.3Analysis (75)5.24Veiling Glare (76)5.24.1Description (76)5.24.2Test Conditions (77)5.24.3Analysis (78)References (79)Appendix A- Default Test Conditions (80)Appendix B- Test Charts (81)Appendix C– Possible Trial-and-Error Image Lag Test Method (82)List of tablesTable 1: Acronyms (ix)Table 2: Definitions (ix)Table 3: ECR (x)Table 4: Bayer Matrix Orientation (13)Table 5: Standard ROIs (14)Table 6: Example ROI Dimensions (14)Table 7: Illumination Specification (20)Table 8: Environmental Specification (20)Table 9: Analogue Supply Specification (21)Table 10: Digital Supply Specification (21)Table 11: Default Electrical Conditions (22)Table 12: Default Environmental Conditions (22)Table 13: Default Lighting Conditions (22)Table 14: Dynamic Range Test Conditions (25)Table 15: Vertical Fixed Pattern Noise Test Conditions (27)Table 16: Horizontal Fixed Pattern Noise Test Conditions (28)Table 17: Temporal Noise Test Conditions (30)Table 18: Column Noise Test Conditions (31)Table 19: Row Noise Test Conditions (33)Table 20: Frame to Frame Flicker Test Conditions (35)Table 21: Dark Signal Test Conditions (36)Table 22: Dark Signal Non-Uniformity Test Conditions (37)Table 23: Power Supply Rejection Ratio Test Conditions (39)Table 24: Electrical Test Conditions (40)Table 25: Signal to Noise Ratio Test Conditions (41)Table 26: Sensitivity Test Conditions (43)Table 27: Minimum Illumination Test Conditions (46)Table 28: Module Response Non-Linearity Test Conditions (48)Table 29: Photo-Response Non-Uniformity Test Conditions (50)Table 30: Relative Illumination Test Conditions (52)Table 31: SFR Test Conditions (54)Table 32: Image Sharpness ROIs (57)Table 33: Image Sharpness Test Kernel (58)Table 34: Image Sharpness Test Conditions (58)Table 35: TV Distortion Test Conditions (62)Table 36: FOV Test Conditions (64)Table 37: Colour Accuracy Test Conditions (66)Table 38: Image Lag Test Conditions (74)Table 39: Veiling Glare Test Conditions (77)Table 40 - Default Test Conditions (80)List of figuresFigure 1: Taking a sub-matrix (12)Figure 2 - Measurement ROIs (15)Figure 3: Default Darkroom Set Up (23)Figure 4: Electrical Schematic of Mobile Device Equivalence Model (24)Figure 5: Image Sharpness ROIs For Example Chart (57)Figure 6: Distorted image of a square, showing pincushion distortion (61)Figure 7: Colour Test Image Capture Set Up (67)Figure 8: Colour Accuracy Process (68)Figure 9: Bayer Data to sRGB Conversion (68)Figure 10: Veiling Glare Measurement Set-up schematic (77)Figure 11: Image Lag Frame Acceptability (82)Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions:Functional descriptions can be found in section 1.3.CCP Compact Camera PortCCI Camera Control InterfaceEMC Electro Magnetic CompatibilityEMI Electro Magnetic InterferenceFE Frame EndFps Frames per secondFS Frame StartFSD Full Scale DeflectionI2C Inter ICbusIF InterfaceIO Input/OutputLSB Least Significant ByteLVDS Low Voltage Differential SignallingMbps Megabits per secondMSB Most Significant ByteOECF Opto-Electronic Conversion FunctionPSRR Power Supply Rejection RatioRH Relative HumidityRO Read OnlyROI Region of InterestRW Read/WriteSCK System ClockSFR Spatial Frequency ResponseSMIA Standard Mobile Imaging ArchitectureSubLVDS Sub-Low Voltage Differential SignallingSVGA Super Video Graphics Array (800x600)VGA Video Graphics Array (640x480)Table 1: AcronymsFull scale deflection Taken to be the maximum pixel output minus the minimum pixeloutput (pedestal). Note that the maximum pixel output might notbe 2n-1 and the minimum pixel output is unlikely to be 0. Integration time Integration is the time in seconds between pixel reset and read. Optical axis Line through the centres of curvature of the surfaces of the opticalsystem.Pedestal Fixed offset used to compensate for black level of the cameramodule. The pedestal value is the offset from 0 codes to therequired black level.Table 2: DefinitionsPREFACESpecification Supersedes Earlier DocumentsThis document contains the SMIA Characterisation specification.Following publication of the SMIA Standard, there may be future approved errata and/or approved changes to the standard prior to the issuance of another formal revision.Incorporation of Engineering Change Requests (ECRs)The following ECRs have been incorporated into this version of the specification:ECR DESCRIPTIONTable 3: ECRSCOPEThis document describes the tests which are used to characterise the performance of a SMIA camera. In general, a test plan will be used to define the number of samples to be used for each test, and any deviations from the test methods and test conditions described in this specification.The document is arranged as follows:-• Chapter 1 Definitions. This provides standard definitions which are used throughout the document. These include array nomenclature, image data formats and function descriptions.• Chapter 2 Pre-Processing. This includes descriptions of data manipulation steps that are used prior to calculations on captured image data.• Chapter 3 Test Equipment and Environmental Requirements. This defines the capabilities of the equipment and environment required to make the measurements.• Chapter 4 Default Configuration. This describes the default camera configuration & physical darkroom set up for tests, and electrical schematic. Specific settings which deviate from the defaults are defined in each test method description.• Chapter 5 Characterisation Test Methods. This includes descriptions of each of the individual test methods. A standard template is used for each method, with the following parts:- o Overview of the test objective.o Formal description of the calculations required and the physical set up.o Table to define the test conditions (illumination, environmental, electrical, camer settings, capture method and pre-processing).o Pseudo code to describe the analysis required, using functions defined in the “Definitions” chapter.• Appendix A describes the default environmental, electrical supply and analogue gain test conditions at which each characterisation test is conducted. These should be used where a specific test plan has not been provided.• Appendix B provides information on suitable test charts for various tests, and references to the electronic versions.• Additional appendices are used for supplementary information .This specification includes descriptions for 24 characterisation tests. Additional tests for depth of focus, flare, ghosting, out of scene image artifacts, infra red response, blemish and EMC will be added to a future release of this specification.Nokia & ST Confidential Page 11 of 83Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 12 of 831. DefinitionsCare should be taken to avoid loss of precision, for example due to rounding errors when performing calculations or by reducing the bit depth of the data.1.1 ArraysIn this document a generic array is a collection of values ordered in a 2-dimensional matrix. AThe size of is written where m is the number of columns and n is the number of rows. When the number of elements in the array is needed as a quantity, size may also be used as a function: . A n m ×mn A size =)(An individual value in may be referred to as an element, entry, item, member, pixel, position, value, etc. The value occurring on the i A th row and in the j th column of is written . The top left value is while the bottom right value is A ),(j i A )0,0(A )1,1(−−n m A . The sum of a matrix is the sum of all its elements: .∑∑−=−==101),()(m i n j j i A A sum A sub-array can be described using sets of values, e.g. )2,2(j i A B = where andrepresents an array one quarter the size of and taking it’s values from the 2m i <≤20n j <≤20A nd , 4th , 6thetc rows and 2nd , 4th , 6th etc columns. This is illustrated in Figure 1.a b c d e f …g h i j k la c e … m n o p q r …m o qs t u v w xy aa ac … y z aa ab acadB=: : ae af ag ah ai aj … A= :::Figure 1: Taking a sub-matrixFor convenience we also define the mean of an array as )()()()(A size A sum A A A mean ===µ, thevariance of an array as ∑∑−=−=−−=1012)),((1)(1)var(m i n j A j i A A size A . and the standard deviation of an array as )var()()(A A A std ==σ.Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 13 of 831.2 Standard Parameters1.2.1 Raw Bayer Image DataThe precise data format of an SMIA compatible image is already given in the SMIA Functional Specification and consists of a single bit depth Bayer pixel array, with size where m and n are both even numbers. A n m ×Using this image data the following types of image arrays are required for the Optical Characterisation measurements.1.2.2 Green (Red) Raw BayerGreen (Red) Raw Bayer contains the visible Green pixels data from each row containing Green and Red Bayer pixels. This array can be written )2,2()(q j p i A A GR G ++= where m i <≤20,, and n j <≤20p and depend upon the alignment of the Bayer matrix as shown in the tablebelow.qFirst Bayer column contains blue pixelsFirst Bayer column contains red pixelsFirst Bayer row contains red pixelsp = 0, q = 0 p = 0, q = 1 First Bayer row contains blue pixelsp = 0, q = 1p = 1, q = 1Table 4: Bayer Matrix Orientation1.2.3 Region of Interest (ROI)A Region Of Interest (ROI) is a continuous sub-array of the form where and. For a given process one or more ROIs may be defined with algorithms being run just onthe ROI sub-arrays instead of on the whole data set. ),(j i A 21x i x ≤≤21y j y ≤≤Some standard ROIs are defined in Table 5.Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 14 of 83Description of location Area relative to )(GR G A Sub-array of with size )(GR G A n m ×Range for columnsRange for rowsROI (1)Geometric centre 5⅓% *),()(j i A GR Gi k m ≤−12/ 12/1−+≤k m **j k n ≤−12/ 12/1−+≤k n **ROI (2)Geometric centre 1% ),()(j i A GR G 120/1120/9−≤≤m i m 120/1120/9−≤≤n j nROI (3)Upper left 1% ),()(j i A GR G 110/0−≤≤m i 110/0−≤≤n j ROI (4)Lower left 1% ),()(j i A GR G 110/9−≤≤m i m 110/0−≤≤n j ROI (5)Upper right 1% ),()(j i A GR G 110/0−≤≤m i 110/9−≤≤n j n ROI (6)Lower right1%),()(j i A GR G110/9−≤≤m i m110/9−≤≤n j nTable 5: Standard ROIs1.2.3.1 Example ROI DimensionsExample ROI dimensions are shown in Table 6.Module type Green-Red Bayer pixel dimensionsROI () dimensions)1(ROI ROI () dimensions)6,5,4,3,2(ROI SMIA VGA(640 x 480) 320 x 240 64 x 6432 x 24 SMIA SVGA(800 x 600)400 x 300 80 x 8040 x 30Table 6: Example ROI Dimensions*If this is less then 64x64 pixels then area is defined as 64 x 64 pixels**where 5/)3/(1mn k =Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 15 of 831.2.3.2 Measurement Locations)(n iFigure 2 - Measurement ROIs1.3 Function Descriptions1.3.1 AV_IMAGE(#1, ..., #F)Takes a number of frames, F, to produce a composite image containing the average values for each pixel.Thus if A = AV_IMAGE(A 1, A 2, …, A F ) then ∑==Fk kj i A Fj i A 1),(1),( for each i,j where 0 ≤ i < m ,0 ≤ j < n .1.3.2 COLUMN_AV(#)Takes the column averages for a frame and outputs a row vector.Thus if C = COLUMN_AV(A) then ∑−==1),(1)(N j j i A n i C for each i where 0 ≤ i < m .Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 16 of 831.3.3 CONVOLUTION(#1,#2)Convolves two arrays to produce a fresh array with the output being placed at the position in array #1 coincident with centre entry of the array #2.Thus if A is an m x n matrix, K is a r x s matrix (where r = 2u+1 and s = 2v+1), and B = CONVOLUTION(A, K) then for each i,j where 0 ≤ i < m , 0 ≤ j < n .∑∑−=−=++++=u u g vvh h v g u K h j g i A j i B ),(),(),(In cases when i + u < 0 or i + u ≥ m , and/or j + v < 0 or j + v ≥ n the kernel array K overhangs the edge of the array A and so A(i + g, j + h) is undefined for some values of g and h . In such cases define a sub-array C of A asC = A(e, f) where max(0, i - u) ≤ e ≤ min(m - 1, i + u) and max(0, j - v) ≤ f ≤ min(n - 1, j + v)and use A(i + g, j + h) = mean(C) when i + g < 0 or i + g ≥ m , and/or j + h < 0 or j + h ≥ n . 1.3.4 Extract Colour Plane - GREENREDThus GREENRED(A) = A G(GR) as defined in section 1.2.2. 1.3.5 LOG10(x)Logarithm to the base Local DeviationThis takes the deviation of a point from the average of its locality.The local standard deviation is defined by∑∑−=−=⋅−⋅=1012,11M i N j j i local local N M δσ ,where()⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛⋅−+⋅−=∑∑+−=+−=j i K i K i n K j K j m m n j i ji local p p K p ,,2,,1121δ given p i,j is the pixel value at (i,j) and K is the locality parameter. For most cameras the localityparameter can be set to K = 5, which yields an average over 120 pixels for the locality. When dealing with pixels at the edge of the array, for calculation purposes the pixels outside the array assume the value of the average of those inside the array and the locality. 1.3.7 MAX(#)Finds the maximum entry value in an array.1.3.8 MEAN(#)Finds the mean of the entry values in an array, i.e. MEAN(A) = mean(A) as defined in section 1.1. 1.3.9 MIN(#)Finds the minimum entry value in an array.Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 17 of 831.3.10 Regression AnalysisSome methods give rise to a set of pairs of measured values (x 1,y 1), (x 2,y 2), …, (x n ,y n ). We can draw a best fit straight line y=mx+c through these points using the Gaussian method of least squares by setting m and c as follows.Let∑==n i i x n x 11 and ∑==n i iy n y 11. Also let∑=−−−=n i i i xy y y x x n s 1))((11 and ∑=−−=n i i x x n s 1221)(11. Then21s s m xy= and x m y c −=.1.3.11 RMS(#)Finds the root mean squared of array. Thus ∑∑−=−==1012),()(1)(m i n j j i A A size A RMS , where size(A) is defined in section ROI(a,b;x,y;#)ROI extracts a region of interest of size (a,b) with top left coordinates (x,y) from an array and outputs the ROI as a new arrayThus ROI(a,b;x,y;A) = A(x + i, y + j) for each i,j where 0 ≤ i < a , 0 ≤ j < b . 1.3.13 ROW_AV(#)Takes the row averages for a frame and outputs a column vector.Thus if R = ROW_AV(A) then ∑−==1),(1)(m i j i A m j R for each j where 0 ≤ j < n . 1.3.14 STDEV(#)Finds the standard deviation of an array's entry values. Note that this is always the sample standard deviation σn-1 and this is the quantity referred to as standard deviation in the text, i.e. STDEV(A) = std(A) as defined in section 1.1.Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 18 of 832. Pre-Processing2.1 Data Pre-ProcessingThe SMIA Functional Specification describes the format of the data output by SMIA cameras, and should be used to correctly unpack the captured image data.Additionally, it describes Data Pedestal. Each characterisation test method in section 5 states whether the data pedestal should be subtracted from the unpacked data. Data pedestal subtraction is performed by subtracting the pedestal from each pixel value, clipping to zero if the original pixel value is less than the pedestal.Thus if A = Pedestal_Offset_Subtraction(F) then A(i, j) = F(i, j ) - p if F(i, j ) >p otherwise A(i, j) = 0, for each i,j where 0 ≤ i < m , 0 ≤ j < n , and where p is the pedestal value in codes.2.2 Image Pre-Processing2.2.1 IntroductionIn normal use, a camera module can be expected to operate with a large amount of digital signal processing to remove errors and enhance the overall image quality. As a SMIA camera module is characterised using raw Bayer data a certain amount of low-level error detection and defect correction is necessary for the majority of tests.We use a measurement Kernel of size (see Section 2.2.2), which traverses each image pixel in the image array from top left through to bottom right. The default value of k is 1. The result of this convolution creates a corrected image data array (see Sections 2.2.3, 2.2.4) based on the value of the central pixel of the Kernel compared to its surrounding pixels. If a pixel is close to the edge of the array its Kernel may extend past the array boundaries. In such cases the value of the corresponding pixel in the corrected array is set to the value of the pixel in the original array. This new corrected array is then used for later analysis. k Kern k 2.2.2 Kernel Kern kThe kernel of size used in section 2.2 is a square array of size with equal weightings on for each entry (i.e. all entries in the kernel parameter of the convolution are set to 1). k Kern k 1212+×+k kOther kernels are also used elsewhere in the text and are described explicitly when required.Given an array , the kernel of the pixel is the sub-array whereand A ),(y x A ),()),((j i A y x A Kern k =k x i k x +≤≤−k y j k y +≤≤−.Nokia & ST ConfidentialPage 19 of 832.2.3 Error DetectionThe purpose of this routine is to detect pixels defects on the image by recording the difference between the local pixel value and the kernel mean. This may be used at a later date for blemish test method, but is currently not used.k K For each pixel let , let ),(y x A )),((y x A Kern Kern k =1)(),()(−−=Kern size y x A Kern sum aThen create a new array with ected errors A det _a y x A y x A ected errors −=),(),(det _.2.2.4 Defect CorrectionThe purpose of this correction routine is to remove the effects of large pixels defects on the images by setting any pixel with a value that is +/-15% of FSD deviation from the Kernel mean (Kern ).For each pixel let , let ),(y x A )),((y x A Kern Kern k =1)(),()(−−=Kern size y x A Kern sum aand create a new array where if corrected defect A _15.0)),((×<−FSD a y x A abs thenotherwise ),(),(_y x A y x A corrected defect =a y x A corrected defect =),(_.3. Test Equipment and Environmental Requirements3.1 GeneralAll test results should state the measurement accuracy achieved with the measurement equipment used. The following sections specify the capability of the equipment required to make the measurements, not the actual measurement conditions.3.2 Illumination SpecificationIllumination type TungstenHalogenTungstenD65 D75 DiffuseColour temperature 3200-3400K2500-3000K6500K 7500K2500-3400KType TungstenhalogenTungstenDaylightFluorescentFluorescentTungsten ortungstenhalogenElectrical SupplyFrequency DC DC 20 – 100kHz 20 – 100kHzIntensity range atchart10 - 2000 Lux1 - 2000 Cd/m2> 100 Lux> 100 Lux > 100 Lux> 50 Lux atdiffuserAngle of incidence of eachlight source (with respect to chart) 45º 45º 45º 45ºDiffuseUniformity ofillumination atchart± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 2%Table 7: Illumination SpecificationAdditionally, the “Dark” condition is defined as one in which no detectable light (< 1mLux) can reach the camera. It is recommended that a double shielding approach is taken. For instance, the camera is covered by a black cap and blackout cloth in a darkroom.3.3 Environmental SpecificationParameter Value Tolerance UnitsTemperature rangeMinimum Maximum -30+70± 1%± 1%°C°CHumidity <70 ± 5% % RHTable 8: Environmental SpecificationNokia & ST Confidential Page 20 of 833.4 Electrical Specification3.4.1 Analogue SupplyParameter Minimum Typical Maximum UnitsVoltsVoltage 0.0 2.8 5.0 DCCurrent(Resistive) +/-50 mATable 9: Analogue Supply Specification3.4.2 Digital SupplyParameter Minimum Typical Maximum UnitsVoltsVoltage 0.0 1.8 5.0 DCCurrent(Resistive) +/-50 mATable 10: Digital Supply SpecificationNokia & ST Confidential Page 21 of 834. Default Configuration4.1 Default Camera Configuration4.1.1 Default Electrical ConditionsParameter Value Tolerance UnitsReference Analogue supply (VANA) 2.8 ± 0.1 DC Volts SMIA Functional SpecificationModulation OFFDigital supply (VDIG) 1.8 ± 0.1 DC Volts SMIA Functional SpecificationModulation OFFExternal Clock (EXTCLK) SMIA Functional SpecificationFrequency 13.0 ±0.1 MHzLevel V DIG- VoltsTable 11: Default Electrical Conditions4.1.2 Camera Register SettingsThe SMIA camera shall be reset before each Characterisation test is performed so that the camera registers contain the default data defined in the SMIA Functional Specification.Additionally, the camera registers should be configured for• 13MHz External Clock, unless specified in the test plan• Analogue gain specified for the test• Digital gain specified for the test• Integration time required for the test• Frame Rate required for the test• Other camera-specific registersThe default frame rate is the lesser of 15fps or the maximum achievable frame rate.Information on the register settings used for each test should be supplied with the test results.4.1.3 Default Environmental ConditionsParameter Value Tolerance UnitsTemperature23 ±2 °CHumidity <70 %RHTable 12: Default Environmental Conditions4.1.4 Default Lighting ConditionsParameter ValueTolerance UnitsIlluminationType Intensity at chartUniformity Tungsten Halogen300± 5%----Lux-Table 13: Default Lighting ConditionsNokia & ST Confidential Page 22 of 83。
宏观 (表观) 微观 (换算的)
90 120 170 120 160 190
1.5 2Leabharlann 5 7.0 <1.0 1.0 1.5 <0.5
105 120 160 105 115 135 115 130 140 85 110 115 140 115 115 135 150
40HRF 60.0 80.0 25HRB 40.0 55.0 20HRC 22.0 25.0 35HRB 50.0 N/A 60.0 70.0 22HRC 28.0 32.0 35.0 60HRC 60 60 60 58HRC 58 58 N/A N/A
化学成份(%) 牌号 Fe F-0000-10 F-0000-15 F-0000-20 F-0005-15 F-0005-20 F-0005-25 F-0005-50HT F-0005-60HT F-0005-70HT F-0008-20 F-0008-25 97.1-99.4 F-0008-30 F-0008-35 F-0008-55HT F-0008-65HT 97.1-99.4 F-0008-75HT F-0008-85HT 注:参见MPIF标准35整理 0.6-0.9 520 590 590 660 0.6-0.9 210 240 380 450 290 390 450 520 140 170 97.04-99.7 0.3-0.6 97.04-99.7 0.3-0.6 97.7-100.0 0.0-0.3 C 其它 最小强度MPa (A)(E) 屈服 70 100 140 100 140 170 340 410 480 极限
46 65 99 60 80 100 160 190 220 80 100 120 170 180 210 240 280
Fitbit Inspire HR 手冊 V2.6说明书
使用手冊版本 2.6目錄開始 (5)包裝盒內物品 (5)為智慧手環充電 (6)透過手機進行設定 (7)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (7)佩戴 Inspire HR (8)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (8)慣用手 (9)佩戴與保養技巧 (9)更換錶帶 (10)移除錶帶 (10)安裝錶帶 (10)基本資訊 (11)導覽 Inspire HR (11)基本導覽 (11)快速設定 (13)調整設定 (13)變更錶面 (14)手機通知 (15)設定通知 (15)查看傳入通知 (16)關閉通知 (16)計時 (17)設定鬧鐘 (17)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (18)使用計時器和碼錶 (18)活動與健康 (19)查看統計資料 (19)追蹤每日活動目標 (20)2追蹤每小時的活動 (20)追蹤您的睡眠 (20)設定睡眠目標 (21)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (21)查看您的心率 (21)練習引導式呼吸 (22)運動和心臟健康 (23)自動追蹤您的運動 (23)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (23)GPS 要求 (24)自訂運動設定與快速鍵 (25)查看您的運動摘要 (25)查看您的心率 (25)預設心率區間 (26)自訂心率區間 (26)分享您的活動 (27)檢視心肺健康分數 (27)更新、重新啟動和清除 (28)更新 Inspire HR (28)重新啟動 Inspire HR (28)清除 Inspire HR (28)疑難排解 (29)找不到心率訊號 (29)沒有 GPS 訊號 (29)其他問題 (30)General Info and Specifications (31)感應器與元件 (31)材質 (31)無線技術 (31)觸覺反饋 (31)電池 (31)記憶體 (31)顯示幕 (31)3環境條件 (32)瞭解詳情 (32)退貨政策和保固 (32)Regulatory and Safety Notices (33)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (33)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) statement (34)European Union (EU) (35)Customs Union (36)Argentina (36)Australia and New Zealand (36)Belarus (37)China (37)India (38)Israel (39)Japan (39)Mexico (39)Morocco (39)Nigeria (40)Oman (40)Pakistan (40)Philippines (41)Serbia (41)South Korea (41)Taiwan (42)United Arab Emirates (44)Zambia (44)Safety Statement (44)45開始Fitbit Inspire HR 是一款方便的心率健身智慧手環,可幫助您每天養成健康的習慣。
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Fiery XF 7 说明书
Fiery XF 7© 2018 Electronics For Imaging, Inc. 此产品的《法律声明》适用于本出版物中的所有信息。
2018 年 12 月 19 日目录Fiery Command WorkStation 概述 (11)Job Center (11)用于管理队列中作业的命令 (12)工具栏图标 (12)作业搜索 (13)Job Editor (14)Server Manager (14)系统维护 (14)配置 Command WorkStation (16)登录到多个 Fiery 服务器 (16)移除 Fiery server (16)添加更多打印机 (16)配置网络打印机 (17)配置通过 USB 连接的打印机 (17)配置打印到文件输出 (18)承印材料和工作流程 (18)配置承印材料 (19)配置工作流程 (19)配置用户帐户 (23)登录到 Command WorkStation (24)注销 Command WorkStation (24)导入作业 (25)直接导入作业到 Job Center (25)在导入时自动处理作业 (26)热文件夹和虚拟打印机 (26)配置热文件夹 (27)配置虚拟打印机 (27)Fiery XF Universal Driver (28)安装 Universal Driver (28)登录到 Universal Driver 并打印 (28)Universal Driver 设定 (29)配置打印机设定 (30)开始打印 (30)取消作业处理 (31)PostScript 和 PDF 作业 (32)切换到不同的 PDF 打印引擎 (32)EPS 作业检测 (33)为 EPS 作业检测设置时间推移或更改输入分辨率 (33)采用 RIP 自动分色 (33)设置 Command WorkStation 如何处理 in-RIP 信息 (34)页面框定义 (34)指定页面框 (35)工作色彩空间 (35)应用工作色彩空间 (35)在合成作业中套印 (36)在合成作业中模拟套印 (36)管理 PDF 作业中的非嵌入字体 (36)将多页 PDF 作业作为单页加载 (36)编辑作业 (38)旋转作业 (38)翻转作业 (38)缩放作业 (38)对齐印张上的作业 (39)裁切作业 (39)撤销作业编辑 (40)将作业设定另存为工作流程 (40)可视辅助工具 (40)更改测量单位 (41)放大 (41)打开对齐 (42)设置标尺坐标 (42)使用参考线 (42)显示可视辅助工具 (42)作业标签 (43)创建或编辑作业标签 (43)打印作业标签 (43)调整作业标签的大小 (44)控制栏 (45)选择控制栏 (45)创建动态楔入 (45)跨两行打印作业标签 (46)嵌入 (47)嵌入所有作业 (47)强制嵌入以打印 (48)嵌入所选作业 (48)添加、移除或删除套叠式作业 (48)克隆套叠式作业 (49)重命名嵌入 (49)排列套叠式作业 (49)在印张上将所有套叠式作业对齐 (49)编辑套叠式作业 (50)缩放套叠式作业 (50)在印张的固定位置锁定套叠式作业 (50)添加套叠式作业周围的边距 (51)打印多页 PDF 的所选页面 (51)平铺 (52)创建平铺 (52)创建具有重叠效果的图素 (53)打印具有粘合区域的图素 (53)调整图素大小 (54)将图素边缘锁定到固定位置 (54)合并或拆分图素 (54)显示和保存平铺预览 (55)拆分图素以进行打印 (55)对平铺作业进行后期编辑 (56)步骤和重复 (57)创建步骤和重复 (57)修改步骤和重复 (58)作业合并 (59)设置自动作业合并的工作流程 (59)手动合并作业 (60)校准和生成特性档工具 (61)启动 Color Tools (61)校准打印机 (61)非 EFI 宽幅打印机的校准过程 (62)EFI 宽幅打印机的校准过程 (68)打印机优化 (75)为承印材料特性档优化进行设定 (76)选择一个 L*a*b* 优化文件。
牛津3000英汉对照词汇表 (1)
述申 �吁呼.n&.iv laeppa
滩河,滩湖,滩海.n hcaeb 做,在,是.iv&.v.xua eb 湾海.n yab 战
�地显明 .da yltnerappa 明 �的上面表.a tnerappa 错认 ,罪 谢,歉 道 .iv ezigolopa 的显
乎似,然显 .jda�地
弃 抛 被 .a denodnaba 弃抛
前在 , 面 前在 .vda daeha 意同
确 正 ,的 确准 .a etarucca 目帐
� 的 人惊 .jda gnizama
�议协,定协.n tnemeerga
,弃放�弃丢.tv nodnaba
汇词 0003 义释津牛
-2始开.tv 始开.iv nigeb …向 �前以…在.perp erofeb 酒啤.n reeb 肉牛.n feeb 床.n deb 得变 .n 称 �衡平使.tv ecnalab 母姑,母婶,母伯.n tnua 月八.n tsuguA 者 边 恰,的当适.a etairporppa .n 近靠…向.tv hcaorppa 赏欣 �激感.tv etaicerppa 会约,定 定 近靠 硬烧�焙,烘,烤.tv ekab 旁)向或到 (在 .vda edisa 羞�)的(愧惭.a demahsa )的(耻
包书,袋口,包提.n gab 的坏 气脾 .jda derepmet-dab 地劣恶�坏.vda yldab 的
李行.n egaggab
读,众观,众听.n ecneidua 的力引吸有.a evitcartta 力引�力 惑
于由,为因.jnoc sa 的家
室卧.n moordeb
第16区39扒1RWY 80梆SDTb 26焙OUKg 67便WGJq 13箔TIRf A40叭KWY 81榜SUPy 27被PUHC 68变YOcu 14伯WRg 01啊KPsk 41吧KCn 82膀EUPy 28奔DFAj 69卞YHU15帛RMHj 02阿BSkg 42笆TCB 83绑XDTb 29苯ASGf 70辨UYTu 16舶TERg 03埃FCTd 43八ETY 84棒SDWh 30本SGd 71辩UYUh 17脖EFPb 04挨RCTd 44疤UCV 85磅DUPy 31笨TSGf 72辫UXUh 18膊EGEF 05哎KAQy 45巴CNHn86蚌JDHh 32崩MEEf 73遍YNMp 19渤IEPl06唉KCTd 46拔RDCy 87镑QUPy 33绷XEEg 74标SFIy 20泊IRg07哀YEU 47跋KHDC 88傍WUPy 34甭GIEj 75彪HAME 21驳CQQy 08皑RMNN 48靶AFCn 89谤YUPy 35泵DIU 76膘ESFi 22捕RGEy 09癌UKKm 49把RCN 90苞AQNb 36蹦KHME 77表GEu 23卜HHY 10蔼AYJn 50耙DICn 91胞EQNn 37迸UAPK 78鳖UMIG 24哺KGEy 11矮TDTV 51坝FMY 92包QNv 38逼GKLP 79憋UMIN 25补PUHy 12艾AQU 52霸FAFe 93褒YWKe 39鼻THLj80另ijKLJh 26埠FWNf 13碍DHGf 53罢LFCu 94剥VIJH 40比XXn 81瘪UTHX 27不GIi14爱EPdc 54爸WQCb 第17区41鄙KFLb 82彬SSEt 28布DMHj 15隘BUWl 55白RRRr 01薄AIGf 42笔TTfn 83斌YGAh29步HIr16鞍AFPv 56柏SRG 02雹FQNb 43彼THCy 84濒IHIM 30簿TIGf 17氨RNPv 57百DJf 03保WKsy 44碧GRDf 85滨IPRw 31部UKbh 18安PVf 58摆RLFe 04堡WKSF 45蓖ATLx 86宾PRgw 32怖NDMh19俺WDJN 59佰WDJg 05饱QNQN 46蔽AUMt 87摈RPRw C20按RPVg 60败MTY 06宝PGYu 47毕XXFj 88兵RGWu 33擦RPWI 21暗JUjg 61拜RDFH07抱RQNn 48毙XXGX 89冰UIy 34猜QTGE22岸MDFJ 62稗TRTF 08报RBCy 49毖XXNT 90柄SGMw 35裁FAYe 23胺EPVg 63斑GYGg 09暴JAWi 50币TMHk 91丙GMWi 36材SFTt 24案PVSu 64班GYTg 10豹EEQY51庇YXXv 92秉TGVi 37才FTe25肮EYMn 65搬RTEc 11鲍QGQn 52痹ULGJ 93饼QNUa 38财MFtt 26昂JQBj 66扳RRCy 12爆OJAi 53闭UFTe 94炳OGMw 39睬HESy 27盎MDLf 67般TEMc 13杯SGIy 54敝UMIt第18区40踩KHES 28凹MMGD68颁WVDm 14碑DRTf55弊UMIA 01病UGMw 41采ESu29敖GQTY 69板SRCy 15悲DJDN 56必NTe 02并UAj 42彩ESEt 30熬GQTO 70版THGC 16卑RTFJ 57辟NKUh 03玻GHCy 43菜AEsu 31翱RDFN 71扮RWVn 17北UXn 58壁NKUF 04菠AIHc 44蔡AWFi 32袄PUTd 72拌RUFH 18辈DJDL 59臂NKUE 05播RTOL 45餐HQce 33傲WGQT 73伴WUFh 19背UXEf 60避NKuP 06拨RNTy 46参CDer 34奥TMOd 74瓣URcu20贝MHNY 61陛BXxf 07钵QSGg 47蚕GDJu 35懊NTMd 75半UFk 21钡QMY 62鞭AFWq 08波IHCy 48残GQGt 36澳ITMd 76办LWi 22倍WUKg 63边LPy 09博FGEf 49惭NLrh B77绊XUFh 23狈QTMY64编XYNA 10勃FPBl 50惨NCDe 37芭ACb 78邦DTBh 24备TLF 65贬MTPy 11搏RGEF 51灿OMh 38捌RKLJ 79帮DTbh 25惫TLNu 66扁YNMA 12箱QRG 52苍AWBb53舱TEWb 05偿WIpc 52吃KTNn 54仓WBB 06肠ENRt 53痴UTDK55沧IWBn 07厂DGT 54持RFfy 56藏ADNT08敞IMKT55匙JGHX 57操RKKs 09畅JHNR 56池IBn 58糙OTFP 10唱KJJg 57迟NYPi 59槽SGMJ 11倡WJJG 58弛XBn 60曹GMAj 12超FHCk 59驰CBN 61草AJJ 13抄RITt 60耻BHg 62厕DMJK 14钞QITt 61齿HWBj 63策TGMi 15朝FJEg62侈WQQy64侧WMJh 16嘲KFJe 63尺NYI 65册MMgD 17潮IFJe 64赤FOu 66测IMJh 18巢VJSu 65翅FCNd 67层NFCi 19吵KItt 66斥RYI68蹭KHUJ 20炒OItt 67炽OKwy 69插RTFv 21车LGnh 68充YCqb 70叉CYI 22扯RHG 69冲UKHh 71茬ADHF 23撤RYCt 70虫JHNY 72茶AWSu 24掣RMHR 71崇NOFi 73查SJgf 25彻TAVN 72宠PDXb 74碴DSJg 26澈IYCT 73抽RMg 75搽RAWS 27郴SSBh 74酬SGYH76察PWFI 28臣AHNh 75畴LDTf 77岔WVMJ 29辰DFEi 76踌KHDF78差USAf 30尘IFF 77稠TMFK79诧YPTA 31晨JDfe 78愁TONU80拆RRYy 32忱NPqn 79筹TDTF 81柴HXSu 33沉IPMn 80仇WVN 82豺EEFt34陈BAiy 81绸XMFk 83搀RQKU 35趁FHWE 82瞅HTOy 84掺RCDe 36衬PUFy 83丑NFD 85蝉JUJF 37撑RIPr 84臭THDU86馋QNQU 38称TQiy 85初PUVn 87谗YQKu 39城FDnt 86出BMk 88缠XYJf 40橙SWGU 87橱SDGF 89铲QUTt 41成DNnt 88厨DGKF90产UTe 42呈KGf 89躇KHAJ 91阐UUJf 43乘TUXv90锄QEGL 92颤YLKM 44程TKGG 91雏QVWy93昌JJf 45惩TGHN 92滁IBWt 94猖QTJJ 46澄IWGU 93除BWTy 第19区47诚YDNt 94楚SSNh01场FNRT 48承BDii02尝IPFc 49逞KGPd 第20区03常IPKH 50聘CMGn 01石础DBMh04长TAyi 51秤TGUh 02储WYFj 03矗FHFH 50匆QEYi 01怠CKNu 04搐RYXL 51从WWy 02耽BPQn 05触QEJY 52丛WWGf 03担RJGg 06处THi 53凑UDWd 04丹MYD 07揣RMDj 54粗OEgg 05单UJFJ 08川KTHH55醋SGAj 06郸UJFB 09穿PWAT 56簇TYTd 07掸RUJF 10椽SXEy 57促WKHy 08胆EJgg 11传WFNY 58蹿KHPH 09旦JGF 12船TEMK 59篡THDC 10氮RNOo 13喘KMDj 60窜PWKh 11但WJGg 14串KKHk 61摧RMWy 12惮NUJf 15疮UWBv 62崔MWYf 13淡IOoy 16窗PWTq 63催WMWy 14诞YTHP 17幢MHUf 64脆EQDh 15弹XUJf 18床YSI 65瘁UYWf 16蛋NHJu 19闯UCD 66粹OYWf 17当IVf20创WBJh 67淬IYWF 18挡RIVg 21吹KQWy 68翠NYWF 19党IPKq 22炊OQWy 69村SFy 20荡AINr 23捶RTGF70存DHBd 21档SIvg 24锤QTGF 71寸FGHY 22刀VNt 25垂TGAf72磋DUDa 23捣RQYM 26春DWjf 73撮RJBc 24蹈KHEV 27椿SDWJ 74搓RUDa 25倒WGCj 28醇SGYB 75措RAJg 26岛QYNM29唇DFEK 76挫RWWf 27祷PYDf 30淳IYBg 77错QAJg 28导NFu 31纯XGBn D29至UGCfJ 32蠢DWJJ 78搭RAWK 30稻TEVg 33戳NWYA79达DPi 31悼NHJH 34绰XHJh 80答TWgK 32道UTHP 35疵UHXv 81瘩UAWk 33盗UQWL 36茨AUQW 82打RSh 34德TFLn 37磁DUxx 83大DDdD 35得TJgf 38雌HXWy 84呆KSu 36的RQYy 39辞TDUH85歹GQI 37蹬KHWU 40慈UXXN 86傣WDWi 38灯OSh 41瓷UQWN87戴FALW39登WGKU42词YNGK 88带GKPh 40等TFFU 43止匕HXn 89殆GQCk 41瞪HWGu 44刺GMIj 90代WAy 42凳WGKM45赐MJQr 91贷WAMu 43邓CBh 46次UQWy 92袋WAYE 44堤FJGH 47聪BUKN 93待TFFY 45低WQAy 48葱AQRN94逮VIPi 46滴IYMd 49囱TLQl第21区47迪MPd48敌TDTy 第22区47断ONrh 93洱IBG 44诽YDJd 91符TWFu 49笛TMF 01丁SGH 48缎XWDc 94二FGg 45吠KDY 92伏WDY 50狄QTOY 02盯HSh 49堆FWYg 第23区46肺EGMH93俘WEBg 51涤ITSy 03叮KSH 50兑UKQB 01贰AFMi47废YNTY 94月服EBCy52翟NWYF04钉QSh 51队BWy F48沸IXJh 第24区53嫡VUMd 05顶SDMy 52对CFy 02发NTCy 49费XJ,u 01浮IEBg 54抵RQAy 06鼎HNDn53墩FYBt 03罚LYjj 50芬AWVb 02涪IUKg 55底YQAY 07锭QPgh 54吨KGBn 04筏TWAr 51酚SGWv 03福PYGl 56地FBn 08定PGhu 55蹲KHUF 05伐WAT 52吩KWVn 04袱OUWD57蒂AUPh 09订YSh 56敦YBTy 06乏TPI 53氛RNWv 05弗XJK 58第TXht 10丢TFCu57顿GBNM 07阀UWAe 54分WVb 06甫GEHy 59帝UPmh 11东AIi 58囤LGBn 08法IFey 55纷XWVn 07抚RFQn 60弟TXHt 12冬TUU 59钝QGBN 09珐GFCy 56坟FYy 08辅LGEY 61递UXHP 13董ATGf 60盾RFHd10藩AITL 57焚SSOu 09俯WYWf 62缔XUPh 14懂NATf 61遁RFHP 11帆MHMy 58汾IWVn 10釜WQFu 63颠FHWM 15动FCLn 62掇RCCc 12番TOLf 59粉OWvn 11斧WQRj 64掂RYHk 16栋SAIy 63哆KQQy 13翻TOLN 60奋DLF 12脯EGEy 65滇IFHW 17侗WMGK 64多QQu 14樊SQQD 61份WWVn 13腑EYWf 66碘DMAw 18恫NMGk 65夺DFu 15矾DMYy 62忿WVBY 14府YWFi 67点HKOu 19冻UAIy 66垛FMSy 16钒QMYY 63愤NFAm15腐YWFW68典MAWu 20洞IMGK 67躲TMDS 17繁TXGI 64粪OAWU 16赴FHHi 69靛GEPH 21兜QRNQ68朵MSu 18凡MYi 65丰DHk 17副GKLj 70垫RVYF 22抖RUFH 69跺KHMs 19烦ODMy 66封FFFY 18覆STTt 71电JNv 23斗UFK70舵TEPX 20反RCi 67枫SMQy 19赋MGAh 72佃WLg 24陡BFHy 71剁MSJh 21返RCPi 68蜂JTDh 20复TJTu 73甸QLd 25豆GKUf 72惰NDAe 22范AIBb 69峰MTDh 21傅WGEf 74店YHKd 26逗GKUP 73堕BDEF 23贩MRcy 70锋QTDh 22付WFY 75惦NYHk 27痘UGKU E24犯QTBN 71风MQi 23阜WNNF 76奠USGD 28都FTJB 74蛾JTRt 25饭QNRc 72疯UMQi 24父WQU 77淀IPGH 29督HICH 75峨MTRt 26泛ITPy 73烽OTDh 25腹ETJt 78殿NAWc 30毒GXGU 76鹅TRNG27坊FYN 74逢TDHp 26负QMu 79碉DMFk 31犊TRFD77俄WTRt 28芳AYb 75冯UCg 27富PGKl 80叼KNGg 32独QTJy 78额PTKM 29方YYgN 76缝XTDP 28讣YHY 81雕MFKY 33读YFNd 79讹YWXN 30肪EYN 77讽YMQy 29附BWFy 82凋UMFk 34堵FFTj 80娥VTRt 31房YNYv 78奉DWFh 30妇VVg 83刁NGD35睹HFTj 81恶GOGN 32防BYn 79凤MCi 31缚XGEf 84掉RHJh 36赌MFTJ 82厄DBV 33妨VYn 80佛WXJh 32咐KWFy 85吊KMHj 37杜SFG 83扼RDBn 34仿WYN 81否GIkf G86钓QQYY 38镀QYAc 84遏JQWP 35访YYN 82夫FWi 33噶KAJn 87调YMFk 39肚EFG 85鄂KKFB 36纺XYn 83敷GEHT 34嘎KDHa 88跌KHRw 40度YACi 86饿QNTt 37放YTy 84肤EFWy 35该YYNW89爹WQQQ 41渡IYAc 87恩LDNu 38菲ADJd 85孵QYTB36改NTY 90碟DANs 42妒VYNT 88而DMJj 39非DJDd 86扶RFWy 37概SVCq 91蝶JANs 43端UMDJ89儿QTn 40啡KDJd 87拂RXJH 38钙QGHn 92迭RWPi 44短TDGu 90耳BGHg 41飞NUI 88辐LGKl 39盖UGLf 93谍YANs 45锻QWDc 91尔QIU 42月肥ECn 89幅MHGl 40溉IVCq 94叠CCCG 46段WDMc 92饵QNBG 43匪ADJD 90氟RNXj 41干FGGH42甘AFD89根SVEy 41股EMCy 43杆SFH 90跟KHVe 42故DTY 44柑SAFg 91耕DIFj 43顾DBdm 45竿TFJ 92更GJQi 44固LDD 46月干EFh 93庚YVWi 45雇YNWY47赶FHFK 94羹UGOD 46刮TDJH 48感DGKN 第25区47瓜RCYi 49秆TFH 01埂FGJq 48剐KMWJ50敢NBty 02耿BOy 49寡PDEV 51赣UJTm 03梗SGJQ 50挂RFFG 52冈MQI 04工AAAA 51褂PUFH 53刚MQJh 05攻ATy 52乖TFUX 54车钢QMQy 06功ALn 53拐RKLn 55缸RMAg 07恭AWNU54怪NCfg 56肛EAg 08龚DXAw 55棺SPNn 57纲XMqy 09供WAWy 56关UDu 58岗MMQu 10躬TMDX57官PNhn 59港IAWN 11公WCu 58冠PFQF 60杠SAG 12宫PKkf 59观CMqn 61篙TYMK 13弓XNGn 60管TPnn 62皋RDFJ14巩AMYy 61馆QNPn 63高YMkf 15汞AIU 62罐RMAY64膏YPKe 16拱RAWy 63惯NXFm 65羔UGOu 17贡AMu 64灌IAKy 66糕OUGO 18共AWu 65贯XFMu 67搞RYMk 19钩QQCY 66光IQb 68镐QYMk 20勾QCI67广YYGT 69稿TYMk 21沟IQCy 68逛QTGP 70告TFKF 22苟AQKF 69瑰GRQc 71哥SKSk 23狗QTQk 70规FWMq 72歌SKSW 24垢FRgk 71圭FFF 73搁RUTk 25构SQcy 72硅DFFg 74戈AGNT26购MQCy 73归JVg 75鸽WGKG 27够QKQQ 74龟QJNb 76胳ETKg 28辜DUJ 75闺UFFD 77疙UTNv 29菇AVDf 76轨LVn 78割PDHJ 30咕KDG 77鬼RQCi 79革AFj 31箍TRAh 78诡YQDb 80葛AJQn 32估WDg 79癸WGDu 81格STkg 33沽IDG 80桂SFFg 82蛤JWgk 34孤BRcy81柜SANg 83阁UTKd 35姑VDg 82跪KHQB 84隔BGKh 36鼓FKUC 83贵KHGM85铬QTKg 37古DGHg 84刽WFCJ 86个WHj 38蛊JLF 85辊LJxx 87各TKf 39骨MEf 86滚UYCe 88给XWgk 40谷WWKf 87棍SHXx 88锅QKMw 39呵KSKg 86忽QRNu 89郭YBBh 40喝KJQn 87瑚GDEg 90国LGYi 41荷AWSK 88壶FPOg 91果JSi 42菏AISk 89葫ADEF 92裹YJSE 43核SYNW 90胡DEg 93过FPi 44禾TTTt 91蝴JDEg H45和TKG 92狐QTRy 94哈KWGk 46何WSKg 93糊ODEg 第26区47合WGKf 94湖IDEg 01骸MEYw 48盒WGKL 第27区02孩BYNW 49貉EETK 01弧XRCy 03海ITXu 50阂UYNw 02虎HAmv 04氦RNYW 51河ISKg 03唬KHAM05亥YNTW 52涸ILDg 04护RYNt 06害PDhk 53赫FOFo 05互GXgd 07骇CYNW 54褐PUJN 06沪IYNt 08酣SGAF 55鹤PWYg 07户YNE 09憨NBTN 56贺LKMu 08花AWXb10甘BAFBh 57嘿KLFo 09哗KWXf 11韩FJFH58黑LFOu 10华WXFj 12含WYNK59痕UVEi 11猾QTMe 13涵IBIb 60很TVEy 12滑IMEg 14寒PFJu 61狠QTVe 13画GLbj 15函BIBk62恨NVey 14划AJh 16喊KDGT 63哼KYBh 15化WXn 17罕PWFj 64亨YBJ16话YTDg 18翰FJWn 65横SAMw 17槐SRQc 19撼RDGN 66衡TQDH18徊TLKg 20捍RJFh 67恒NGJg 19怀NGiy 21旱JFJ 68轰LCCu 20淮IWYg 22憾NDGN 69哄KAWy 21坏FGIy 23悍NJFh 70烘OAWy 22欢CQWy 24焊OJFh 71虹JAg 23环GGIy 25汗IFH 72鸿IAQG24桓SGJG 26汉ICy 73洪IAWy 25还GIPi 27夯DLB 74宏PDCu 26缓XEFc 28杭SYMn 75弘XCY 27换RQmd 29航TEYm 76红XAg 28患KKHN30壕FYPe 77喉KWNd 29唤KQMd 31嚎YPEU 78侯WNTd 30痪UQMd 32豪YPTn 79猴QTWd 31豢UDEu 33毫FOBh 80吼KBNn 32焕OQMd 34赤BFOBh 81厚DJBd 33涣IQMd 35好VBg 82候WHNd 34宦PAHh 36耗DITN 83后RGkd 35幻XNN 37号KGNb 84呼KTuh 36荒AYNQ38浩ITFK 85乎TUHk37慌NAYq38黄AMWu 85货WXMu 36寄PDSk 83俭WWGI 35矫TDTJ 82津IVFH 39磺DAMw 86祸PYKW 37寂PHic 84剪UEJV 36侥WATQ 83襟PUSi 40蝗JRgg J38计YFh 85减UDGt 37脚EFCB 84紧JCxi 41簧TAMW 87击FMK 39记YNn 86荐ADHb 38狡QTUq 85锦QRMh 42皇RGF 88圾FEyy 40既VCAq 87槛SJTl 39角QEj 86仅WCY 43凰MRGd 89基ADwF 41忌NNU88鉴JTYQ 40饺QNUQ 87谨YAKg 44惶NRGG 90机SMn 42际BFiy 89践KHGt 41缴XRYt 88进FJpk 45煌ORgG 91畸LDSk 43妓VFCy 90贱MGT 42绞XUQy 89靳AFRh 46晃JIqb 92稽TDNJ 44继XOnn 91见MQB 43剿VJSJ 90晋GOGJ 47幌MHJQ 93积TKWy 45纪XNn 92键QVFP 44教FTBT 91禁SSFi 48恍NIQn 94箕TADw 46嘉FKUK 93箭TUEj 45酵SGFB 92近RPk 49谎YAYq 第28区47枷SLKg 94件WRHh 46轿LTDj 93烬ONYu 50灰DOu 01肌EMn 48夹GUWi 第29区47较LUqy 94浸IVPc 51挥RPLh 02饥QNMn 49佳WFFG 01健WVFp 48叫KNhh 第30区52辉IQPL 03迹YOPi 50家PEu 02舰TEMQ 49窖PWTK 01尽NYUu 53徽TMGT 04激IRYt 51力口LKg 03佥ijWGIj 50揭RJQn 02劲CALn 54恢NDOy 05讥YMN 52荚AGUW 04饯QNGT51接RUVg 03荆AGAj 55蛔JLKg 06鸡CQYg53颊GUWM 05渐ILrh 52皆XXRf 04兢DQDq 56回LKD 07姬VAHh 54贾SMU 06溅IMGT 53秸TFKG 05茎ACAf 57毁VAmc 08绩XGMy 55甲LHNH 07涧IUJG 54街TFFH 06睛HGeg 58悔NTXu 09缉XKBg 56车钾QLH 08建VFHP 55阶BWJh 07晶JJJf 59慧DHDN 10吉FKf 57假WNHc 09僵WGLg 56截FAWy 08鲸QGYi 60卉FAJ 11极SEyY 58稼TPEy 10姜UGVf 57劫FCLN 09京YIU 61惠GJHn 12棘GMII 59价WWJh 11将UQFy 58节ABj 10惊NYIY 62晦JTXu 13辑BKBg 60架LKSu 12浆UQIu 59桔SFKg 11精OGEg 63贿MDEg 14籍TDIJ 61驾LKCf 13江IAg 60杰SOu 12粳OGJq 64秽TMQy 15集WYSu 62嫁VPEy 14疆XFGg 61捷RGVh 13经XCag 65会WFcu 16及EYi 63歼GQTf 15蒋AUQf 62睫HGVh 14井FJK 66烩OWFc 17急QVNu 64监JTYL 16桨UQSu 63竭UJQN 15警AQKY67汇IAN 18疾UTDi 65坚JCFf 17奖UQDu 64洁IFKg 16景JYiu 68讳YFNH 19汲IEYy 66尖IDu 18讲YFJh 65结XFkg 17颈CADm69诲YTXu 20即VCBh 67笺TGR19匠ARk 66解QEVh 18静GEQh 70绘XWFc 21嫉VUTd 68间UJd 20酱UQSG 67姐VEGg 19境FUJq 71荤APLJ 22级XEyy 69煎UEJO 21降BTah 68戒AAK20敬AQKt 72昏QAJF23挤RYJh 70兼UVOu 22蕉AWYo 69藉ADIj 21镜QUJq 73婚VQaj 24几MTn 71肩YNED 23椒SHIc 70芥AWJj 22径TCAg 74魂FCRc 25脊IWEf72艰CVey 24礁DWYo 71界LWJj 23痉UCAd 75浑IPLh 26己NNGn 73奸VFH 25焦WYOu 72借WAJg 24靖UGEg 76混IJXx 27蓟AQGJ 74缄XDGt 26胶EUqy 73介WJj 25竟UJQb 77豁PDHK 28技RFCy 75茧AJU 27交UQu 74疥UWJk 26竞UKQB 78活ITDg 29冀UXLw 76检SWgI 28交BUQBh 75诫YAAH27净UQVh 79伙WOy 30季TBf 77柬GLIi 29浇IATq 76届NMd 28炯OMKG80火OOOo 31伎WFCY 78碱DDGt 30骄CTDJ 77巾MHK 29窘PWVK81获AQTd 32祭WFIu 79硷DWGI 31娇VTDJ 78筋TELB 30揪RTOy 82或AKgd 33剂YJJH 80拣RANW 32嚼KELf 79斤RTTh31究PWVb 83惑AKGN 34悸NTBg 81捡RWGI 33搅RIPQ 80金QQQQ 32纠XNHh 84霍FWYF 35济IYJh 82简TUJf 34铰QUQy 81今WYNB 33玖GQYy34韭DJDG 81抉RNWY 31靠TFKD 78款FFIw 29澜IUGI 76漓IYBC 35久QYi82掘RNBM 32坷FSKg 79匡AGD 30谰YUGi 77理GJfg 36灸QYOu 83倔WNBm 33苛ASKf 80筐TAGf 31揽RJTq 78李SBf 37九VTn 84爵ELVf 34柯SSKg 81狂QTGg 32览JTYQ 79里JFD 38酒ISGG 85觉IPMQ 35棵SJSy 82框SAGG 33懒NGKM 80鲤QGJF 39厩DVCq 86决UNwy 36磕DFCl 83矿DYT 34缆XJTq 81礼PYNN 40救FIYT 87诀YNWY 37颗JSDm 84眶HAGg 35烂OUFG 82莉ATJj 41旧GJg 88绝XQCn 38科TUfH 85旷JYT 36滥IJTl 83荔ALLl 42臼VTHg89均FQUg 39壳FPMb 86况UKQn 37琅GYVe 84吏GKQi 43舅VLlb 90菌ALTu 40咳KYNW 87亏FNV 38榔SYVb 85栗SSU 44咎THKf 91钧QQUG 41可SKd 88盔DOLf 39狼QTYe 86丽GMYy 45就YIdN 92军PLj 42渴IJQn 89岿MJVf 40廊YYVb 87厉DDNv 46疚UQYi 93君VTKD 43克DQb 90窥PWFQ 41郎YVEB 88励DDNL 47鞠AFQo 94峻MCWt 44亥UYNTj 91葵AWGd 42朗YVCe 89砾DQIy 48拘RQKg 第31区45客PTkf 92奎DFFF 43浪IYVe 90历DLv 49狙QTEG 01俊WCWt 46课YJSy 93魁RQCF 44捞RAPl 91利TJH 50疽UEGd 02竣UCWt 47肯HEf 94傀WRQc 45劳APLb 92傈WSSy 51居NDd 03浚ICWT 48啃KHEg 第32区46牢PRHj 93例WGQj 52驹CQKg 04郡VTKB 49垦VEFf 01馈QNKm 47老FTXb 94俐WTJh 53菊AQOu 05骏CCWt 50恳VENU 02愧NRQc 48佬WFTx 第33区54局NNKd 51坑FYMn 03溃IKHm 49姥VFTx 01痢UTJk 55咀KEGg K52吭KYMn 04坤FJHH 50酪SGTK 02立UUuu 56矩TDAn 06喀KPTk 53空PWaf 05昆JXxb 51烙OTKg 03粒OUG 57举IWFh 07咖KLKg 54恐AMYN 06捆RLSy 52涝IAPl 04沥IDLn 58沮IEGg 08卡HHU55孔BNN 07困LSi 53勒AFLn 05隶VII59聚BCTi 09咯KTKg 56控RPWa 08括RTDg 54乐QIi 06力LTn 60拒RANg 10开GAk 57抠RAQy 09扩RYt 55雷FLF 07璃GYBc 61据RNDg 11揩RXXR 58口KKKK 10廓YYBB 56镭QFLg 08哩KJFg 62巨AND12楷SXxr 59扣RKg 11阔UITd 57蕾AFLF 09俩WGMw63具HWu 13凯MNMn60寇PFQC L58磊DDDf 10联BUdy 64星巨KHAn 14慨NVCq 61枯SDg 12垃FUG 59累LXiu 11莲ALPu 65踞KHND 15刊FJH 62哭KKDU13拉RUg 60儡WLLl 12连LPK 66锯QNDg 16堪FADn 63窟PWNm 14喇KGKj 61垒CCCF 13镰QYUO 67俱WHWy 17勘ADWL 64苦ADF 15蜡JAJg 62擂RFLg 14廉YUVO 68句QKD 18坎FQWy 65酷SGTK 16腊EAJg 63肋ELn 15怜NWYC 69惧NHWy 19砍DQWy 66库YLK 17辣UGKi 64类ODu 16涟ILPy 70炬OANg 20看RHF67裤PUYl 18啦KRUg 65泪IHG 17帘PWMh 71剧NDJh 21康YVIi 68夸DFNb 19莱AGOu 66棱SFWt 18敛WGIT 72捐RKEg 22慷NYVi 69垮FDFN 20来GOi 67楞SLyn 19脸EWgi 73鹃JEQg 23糠OYVI 70挎RDFN 21赖GKIM 68冷UWYC 20链QLPy 74娟VKEg 24扛RAG 71跨KHDn 22蓝AJTl 69厘DJFD 21恋YONu 75倦WUDb 25抗RYMN 72胯EDFn 23婪SSVf 70梨TJSu 22炼OANW76眷UDHF 26亢YMB 73块FNWy 24栏SUFg 71犁TJRh 23练XANw 77卷UDBB 27炕OYMn 74筷TNNw 25拦RUFg 72黎TQTi24粮OYVe 78绢XKEg 28考FTGn 75侩WWFC 26篮TJTL 73篱AYBC 25凉UYIY 79撅RDUW 29拷RFTn 76快NNWy 27阑UGLI 74狸QTJF 26梁IVWs 80攫RHHc 30烤OFTn 77宽PAmq 28兰UFF 75离YBmc 27粱IVWO28良YVei 75岭MWYC 27禄PYVi 73麻YSSi 25霉FTXU 72描RALg 29两GMWW 76领WYCM 28录VIu 74玛GCG 26煤OAfs 73瞄HALg 30辆LGMw 77另KLb 29陆BFMh 75码DCG 27没IMcy 74藐AEEq 31量JGjf 78令WYCu 30戮NWEa 76蚂JCG 28眉NHD75秒TItt 32晾JYIY 79溜IQYL 31驴CYNt 77马CNng 29媒VAFs 76渺IHIT 33亮YPMb 80琉GYCq 32吕KKf 78骂KKCf 30镁QUGd 77庙YMD 34谅YYIy 81榴SQYl 33铝QKKg 79嘛KYss 31每TXGu 78妙VITt 35撩RDUi 82硫DYCq 34侣WKKg 80吗KCG 32美UGDU 79蔑ALDT 36聊BQTb 83馏QNQL 35旅YTEY81埋FJFg 33昧JFIy 80灭GOI 37僚WDUi 84留QYVL 36履NTTt 82买NUDU 34寐PNHI81民NAv 38疗UBK85刘YJh 37屡NOvd 83麦GTU 35妹VFIy 82抿RNAn 39燎ODUI86瘤UQYL 38缕XOVg 84卖FNUD 36媚VNHg 83皿LHNg 40寥PNWe 87流IYCq 39虑HANi 85迈DNPv 37门UYHn 84敏TXGT 41辽BPk 88柳SQTh 40氯RNVi 86脉EYNI 38闷UNI 85悯NUYy 42潦IDUI 89六UYgY 41律TVFH 87瞒HAGW 39们WUn 86闽UJI 43了BNH 90龙DXv 42率YXif 88慢NJLC 40萌AJEf 87明JEg 44撂RLTK 91聋DXBf 43滤IHAn 89蛮YOJu 41蒙APGe 88螟JPJu 45镣QDUi 92咙KDXn 44绿XViy 90满IAGW 42檬SAPe 89鸣KQYg 46廖YNWe 93笼TDXb 45峦YOMj 91蔓AJLc 43盟JELf 90铭QQKg 47料OUfh 94窿PWBG 46挛YORj 92曼JLCu 44锰QBLg 91名QKf 48歹ijGWjh 第34区47孪YOBf 93慢NJlc 45猛QTBL 92命WGKB49裂GQJE 01隆BTGg 48滦IYOS 94漫IJLC 46梦SSQu 93谬YNWE50烈GQJO 02垄DXFf 49卵QYTy第35区47孟BLF 94摸RAJD 51劣ITLb 03拢RDXn 50舌LTDNn 01谩YJLc 48眯HOy 第36区52猎QTAj 04陇BDXn 51掠RYIY 02芒AYNb 49醚SGOp 01摹AJDR 53琳GSSy 05楼SOVg 52略LTKg 03茫AIYn 50靡YSSD 02蘑AYSd 54林SSy 06娄OVf 53抡RWXn 04盲YNHf 51糜YSSO 03模SAJd 55磷DOQh 07搂RSvg 54轮LWXn 05t氓YNNA52迷OPi 04膜EAJD 56霖FSSu 08篓TOVf 55伦WWXn 06忙NYNN 53谜YOPY 05磨YSSD 57临JTYj 09漏INFY56仑WXB 07莽ADAj 54弥XQIy 06摩YSSR 58邻WYCB 10陋BGMn 57沦IWXn 08猫QTAL 55米OYty 07魔YSSC 59鳞QGOh 11芦AYNR 58纶XWXn 09茅ACBT 56秘TNtt 08抹RGSy 60淋ISSy 12卢HNe 59论YWXn 10车锚QALg 57觅EMQb 09末GSi 61凛UYLi 13颅HNDM 60萝ALQu 11毛TFNv58泌INTt 10莫AJDu 62凭WTFM 14庐YYNE 61螺JLXi 12矛CBTr 59蜜PNTJ 11墨LFOF 63吝YKF 15炉OYNt 62罗LQu 13铆PQQTb 60密PNTm 12默LFOD 64拎RWYC 16掳RHAl 63逻LQPi 14卯QTBH61幂PJDh 13沫IGSy 65玲GWYc 17卤HLqi 64锣QLQy 15茂ADNt 62棉SRMh 14漠IAJd 66菱AFWT 18虏HALV 65箩ALQu 16冒JHF 63眠HNAn15寞PAJd 67零FWYC 19鲁QGJf66骡CLXu 17帽MHJh 64绵XRmh 16陌BDJg 68龄HWBC 20麓SSYX 67裸PUJS 18貌EERQ65冕JQKQ 17谋YAFs 69铃QWYC 21碌DVIy 68落AITk 19贸QYVm 66免QKQb 18牟CRhj 70伶WWYC 22露FKHK 69洛ITKg 20么TCu 67勉QKQL 19某AFSu 71羚UDWC 23路KHTk 70骆CTKg 21玫GTy 68娩VQkq 20拇RXGu 72凌UFWt 24赂MTKg 71络XTKg 22枚STY 69缅XDMD 21牡TRFg 73灵VOu 25鹿YVJx M23梅STXu 70面DMjD 22亩YLF 74陵BFWt 26潞IKHK 72妈VCg 24酶SGTU 71苗ALF 23姆VXgu24母XGUi 70逆UBTp O67陪BUKg 19瞥UMIH 65漆ISWi 25墓AJDF 71溺IXUu 22哦KTRt 68配SGNn 20拼RUAh 66柒IASu 26暮AJDJ 72蔫AGHO 23欧AQQw 69佩WMGh 21频HIDm 67沏IAVn 27幕AJDH 73拈RHKG 24鸥AQQG 70沛IGMH22贫WVMu 68其ADWu 28募AJDL 74年RHfK 25殴AQMc 71喷KFAm 23品KKKf 69棋SADw 29慕AJDN 75碾DNAe 26藕ADIY 72盆WVLf 24聘BMGn 70奇DSKF 30木SSSS 76撵RFWL 27呕KAQY 73砰DGUh 25乒RGTr 71歧MFCy 31目HHHH 77捻RWYN 28偶WJMy 74抨RGUH 26坪FGUh 72畦LFFg 32睦HFwf 78念WYNN 29沤IAQy 75烹YBOu 27苹AGUh 73崎MDSk 33牧TRTy 79娘VYVe P76澎IFKE 28萍AIGH 74脐EYJh 34穆TRIe 80酉良SGYE 30啪KRRg 77彭FKUE 29平GUhk 75齐YJJ N81鸟QYNG31趴KHWy 78蓬ATDP 30凭WTFM 76旗YTAw 35拿WGKR 82尿NII 32爬RHYC79棚SEEg 31瓶UAGn 77祈PYRh 36哪KVfb 83捏RJFG 33帕MHRg 80硼DEEg 32评YGUh 78祁PYBh 37呐KMWy 84聂BCCU 34怕NRg 81篷TTDP 33屏NUAk 79骑CDSk 38钠QMWy 85孽AWNB 35琶GGCb 82膨EFKe 34坡FHCy 80起FHNv 39那VFTh 86啮KHWB 36拍RRG 83朋EEg 35泼INTY 81岂MNb 40娜VVFb 87镊QBCc 37排RDJd 84鹏EEQg 36颇HCDm 82乞TNB 41纳XMWy 88镍QTHs 38牌THGF 85捧RDWh 37婆IHCV 83企THF 42氖RNEv 89涅IJFG 39徘TDJD 86碰DUOg 38破DHCy 84启YNKd 43乃ETN90您WQIN 40湃IRDf87坯FGIG 39魄RRQC 85契DHVd 44奶VEn 91柠SPSh 41派IREy88秒匕DXXn 40迫RPD 86砌DAVn 45耐DMJF 92狞QTPs 42攀SQQr 89霹FNKu 41粕ORG 87器KKDk 46奈DFIu 93凝UXTh43潘ITOL 90批RXxn 42剖UKJH 88气RNB 47南FMuf 94宁PSj 44盘TELf 91披RHCy 43扑RHY 89迄TNPv 48男LLb 第37区45磐TEMD 92劈NKUV 44铺QGEy 90弃YCAj 49难CWyg 01拧RPSh 46盼HWVn 93琵GGXx 45仆WHY 91汽IRNn 50囊GKHe 02泞IPSh 47畔LUFh 94毗LXXn 46莆AGEy 92泣IUG 51挠RATQ 03牛RHK 48判UDJH 第38区47葡AQGy 93讫YTNN 52脑EYBh 04扭RNFg 49叛UDRC 01啤KRTf 48菩AUKf 94掐RQVg 53恼NYBh 05钮QNFg 50乓RGYu 02脾ERTf 49蒲AIGY 第39区54闹UYMh 06纽XNFg 51庞YDXv 03疲UHCi 50埔FGEY 01恰NWGK55淖IHJh 07脓EPEy 52旁UPYb 04皮HCi 51朴SHY 02洽IWGk 56呢KNXn 08浓IPEy 53耪DIUY 05匹AQV 52圃LGEY 03牵DPRh 57馁QNEv 09农PEI 54胖EUFh 06痞UGIK 53普UOgj 04扦RTFH 58内MWi 10弄GAJ 55抛RVLn 07僻WNKu 54浦IGEY 05钎QTFh 59嫩VGKt 11奴VCy 56咆KQNn 08屁NXXv 55谱YUOj 06铅QMKg 60能CExx 12努VCLb 57刨QNJH 09譬NKUY 56曝JJAi 07千TFK 61妮VNXn 13怒VCNu 58炮OQnn 10篇TYNA 57瀑IJAi 08迁TFPk 62霓FVQb14女VVVv 59袍PUQn 11偏WYNA Q09签TWGI 63倪WVQn 15暖JEFc 60跑KHQn 12片THGn 58期ADWE 10仟WTFH 64泥INXn 16虐HAAg61泡IQNn 13骗CYNA 59欺ADWW 11谦YUVo 65尼NXv 17疟UAGD 62呸KGIg 14飘SFIQ 60栖SSG 12乾FJTn 66拟RNYw 18挪BRVFb 63胚EGIg 15漂ISFi 61戚DHIt 13黔LFON 67你WQiy 19懦NFDJ 64培FUKg 16瓢SFIY62妻GVhv 14钱QGt 68匿AADK 20糯OFDj 65裴DJDE 17票SFIU 63七AGn 15钳QAFg 69腻EAFm21诺YADk 66贝音MUKg 18撇RUMT 64凄UGVV 16前UEjj17潜IFWj 64青GEF 16劝CLn 62绒XADt 13森SSSu 60绍XVKg 18遣KHGP65轻LCag 17缺RMNw 63冗PMB14僧WULj 61奢DFTj 19浅IGT66氢RNCa 18炔ONWy 64揉RCBS 15莎AIIT 62赊MWFi 20谴YKHP 67倾WXDm 19瘸ULKW65柔CBTS16砂DItt 63蛇JPXn 21堑LRFf 68卿QTVB 20去却FCBh 66肉MWWi 17杀QSU 64舌TDD 22嵌MAFw 69清IGEg 21鹊AJQG 67茹AVKf 18杀UQSJh 65舍WFKf 23欠QWu 70擎AQKR 22榷SPWY 68蠕JFDJ 19沙IITt 66赦FOTy 24歉UVOW 71晴JGEg 23确DQEh 69儒WFDj 20纱XItt 67摄RBCC 25枪SWBn 72氰RNGE 24雀IWYF70孺BFDj 21傻WTLT68射TMDF 26呛KWBn 73情NGEg 25裙PUVK 71如VKg 22啥KWFK 69慑NBCc 27腔EPWa 74顷XDmy 26群VTKd 72辱DFEF 23煞QVTo 70涉IHIt 28羌IDMB75请YGEg R73孚LEBNn 24筛TJGH 71社PYfg 29墙FFUK 76庆YDi 27然QDou 74汝IVG 25晒JSG 72设YMCy 30蔷AFUk 77琼GYIY 28燃OQDO 75入TYi 26珊GMMg 73砷DJHh 31强XKjy 78穷PWLb 29冉MFD 76褥PUDF 27苫AHKf 74申JHK 32抢RWBn 79秋TOy 30染IVSu 77软LQWy 28杉SET 75呻KJHh 33橇STFn 80丘RGD 31瓤YKKY78阮BFQn 29山MMMm 76伸WJHh 34锹QTOy 81丘邱RGBh 32壤FYKe 79蕊ANNn 30删MMGJ 77身TMDt 35敲YMKC 82球GFIy 33攘RYKe 80瑞GMDj 31煽OYNN 78深IPWs 36悄NIeg 83求FIYi 34嚷KYKe 81锐QUKq 32衫PUEt 79娠VDFe 37桥STDj 84囚LWI 35让YHg 82闰UGd 33闪UWi 80绅XJHh 38瞧HWYo 85酋USGF 36饶QNAq 83润IUGG 34陕BGUw 81神PYJh 39乔TDJj 86泅ILWy 37扰RDNn 84若ADKf 35擅RYLg 82沈IPQn 40侨WTDj 87趋FHQV 38绕XATq 85弱XUxu 36赡MQDy 83审PJhj 41巧AGNN 88区AQi 39惹ADKN S37膳EUDK 84婶VPJh 42鞘AFIE 89蛆JEGG 40热RVYO 86撒RAEt 38善UDUK 85甚ADWN43撬RTFN90曲MAd 41壬TFD 87洒ISg 39汕IMH 86肾JCEf 44翘ATGN 91躯TMDQ 42仁WFG 88萨ABUt 40扇YNND87慎NFHw 45峭MIeg 92屈NBMk 43人WWWW 89腮ELNY 41缮XUDk 88渗ICDe 46俏WIEg 93m区CAQy 44忍VYNU 90鱼鳃QGLn 42墒FUMk 89声FNR 47窍PWAN 94渠IANS 45韧FNHY 91塞PFJF 43伤WTLn 90生TGd 48切AVn 第40区46任WTFg 92赛PFJM 44商UMwk 91甥TGLL 49茄ALKF 01取BCy 47认YWy 93三DGgg 45赏IPKM 92牲TRTG 50且EGd 02娶BCVf 48刃VYI 94叁CDDf 46晌JTMk 93升TAK 51怯NFCY 03龋HWBY 49妊VTFg 第41区47上HHGg 94绳XKJN 52窃PWAV 04趣FHBc 50纫XVYy 01伞WUHj 48尚IMKF 第42区53钦QQWy 05去FCU 51扔REn 02散AETy 49裳IPKE 01省ITHf 54侵WVPc 06圈LUDb 52仍WEn 03桑CCCS 50梢SIEg 02盛DNNL 55亲USu 07颧AKKm 53日JJJJ 04嗓KCCs 51捎RIEg 03剩TUXJ 56秦DWTu 08权SCy 54戎ADE05丧FUEu 52稍TIEg 04月生ETGg57琴GGWn 09醛SGAG 55茸ABF 06搔RCYJ 53烧OATq 05圣CFF 58勤AKGL 10泉RIU 56蓉APWk 07骚CCYJ 54芍AQYu 06师JGMh 59芹ARJ 11全WGf 57荣APSu 08扫RVg 55勺QYI 07失RWi 60擒RWYC 12痊UWGd 58融GKMj 09嫂VVHc 56韶UJVk 08狮QTJH 61禽WYBc 13拳UDRj 59熔OPWk 10瑟GGNt 57少ITr 09施YTBn 62寝PUVC 14犬DGTY60溶IPWK 11色QCb 58哨KIEg 10湿IJOg 63沁INy 15券UDVb 61容PWWk 12涩IVYh 59邵VKBh 11诗YFFy12尸NNGT59售WYKf 11双CCy 58粟SOU 09泰DWIu156特TRFf13虱NTJi 60受EPCq 12爽DQQq 59僳WSOy 10酞SGDY 57藤AEUi 14十FGH 61瘦UVHc 13谁YWYG 60塑UBTF 11太DYi 58腾EUDc 15石DGTG 62兽ULGK 14水IIii 61溯IUBe 12态DYNu 59疼UTUi 16拾RWGK 63蔬ANHq15睡HTgf 62宿PWDJ 13汰IDYy 60誊UDYF 17时JFy 64枢SAQy 16税TUKq 63诉YRyy 14坍FMYG61梯SUXt 18什WFH 65梳SYCq 17吮KCQn 64肃VIJk15摊RCWy 62剔JQRJ 19食WYVe 66殊GQRi 18瞬HEPh 65酸SGCt 16贪WYNM 63踢KHJr 20蚀QNJy 67抒RCBh 19顺KDmy 66蒜AFIi 17瘫UCWY 64锑QUXt 21实PUdu 68输LWGj 20舜EPQH 67算THAj 18滩ICWy 65提RJgH 22识YKWy 69叔HICy 21说YUkq 68虽KJu 19坛FFCy 66题JGHM 23史KQi 70舒WTKB22硕DDMy 69隋BDAe 20檀SYLg 67蹄KHUH24矢TDU71淑IHIC 23朔UBTE 70随BDEp 21痰UOOi 68啼KUph 25使WGKQ 72疏NHYq 24烁OQIy 71绥XEVg 22潭ISJh 69体WSGg 26屎NOI 73书NNHy 25斯ADWR 72髓MEDp 23谭YSJh 70替FWFj 27驶CKQy 74赎MFNd 26撕RADr 73碎DUWf 24谈YOOy 71嚏KFPH 28始VCKg 75孰YBVY 27嘶KADr 74岁MQU 25坦FJGg 72惕NJQr 29式AAd 76熟YBVo 28思LNu 75穗TGJN 26毯TFNO 73涕IUXT 30示FIu 77薯AFTJ 29私TCY 76遂UEPi 27袒PUJG 74剃UXHJ 31±FGHG78暑JFTj 30司NGKd 77隧BUEp 28碳DMDo 75屉NANv 32世ANv79曙JLfJ 31丝XXGf 78祟BMFi29探RPWS 76天GDi 33柿SYMH80署LFTJ 32死GQXb 79孙BIy 30叹KCY 77添IGDn 34事GKvh 81蜀LQJu 33肆DVfh80损RKMy 31炭MDOu 78填FFHw 35拭RAAg 82黍TWIu 34寺FFu 81笋TVTr 32汤INRt 79田LLLl 36誓RRYF 83鼠VNUn35嗣KMAk 82蓑AYKe 33塘FYVk 80甜TDAF 37逝RRPk 84属NTKy 36四LHnG 83梭SCWt 34搪RYVk 81恬NTDg 38势RVYL 85术SYi 37伺WNGk 84唆KCWt 35堂IPKF 82舔TDGN39是JGHu 86述SYPi 38似WNYw 85缩XPWj 36棠IPKS 83腆EMAw40嗜KFTJ 87树SCFy 39饲QNNK 86琐GIMy 37膛EIpf 84挑RIQn 41噬KTAw88束GKIi 40巳NNGN87索FPXi 38唐YVHk 85条TSu 42适TDPd 89戍DYNT41松SWCy 88锁QIMy 39糖OYVk 86迢VKPd 43仕WFG 90竖JCUf 42耸WWBf 89所RNrH 40倘WIMk 87眺HIQn 44侍WFFy 91墅JFCF 43怂WWNu T41躺TMDK 88跳KHIq 45释TOCh 92庶YAOi 44颂WCDm 90塌FJNg 42淌IIMk 89贴MHKG46饰QNTH 93数OVTy 45送UDPi 91他WBn 43趟FHIK 90铁QRwy 47氏QAv 94漱IGKW 46宋PSU 92它PXb 44烫INRO 91帖MHHK48市YMHJ第43区47讼YWCy 93她VBN 45掏RQRm 92厅DSk 49恃NFFy 01恕VKNu 48诵YCEH 94塔FAWK 46涛IDTf 93听KRh 50室PGCf 02刷NMHj 49搜RVHc 第44区47滔IEVg 94烃OCag 51视PYMq 03耍DMJV 50艘TEVC 01獭QTGM 48绦XTSy 第45区52试YAAg 04摔RYXf 51擞ROVT 02挞RDPy 49萄AQRm 01汀ISH 53收NHty 05衰YKGE 52嗽KGKW 03蹋KHJN 50桃SIQn 02廷TFPD 54手RTgh 06甩ENv 53苏ALWu 04踏KHIJ 51逃IQPv 03停WYPs 55首UTHf 07帅JMHh 54酥SGTY 05胎ECKg 52淘IQRm 04亭YPSj 56守PFu 08栓SWGg 55俗WWWK 06苔ACKf 53陶VQRm 05庭YTFP 57寿DTFu 09拴RWGg 56素GCIu 07抬RCKg 54讨YFY 06挺RTFP 58授REPc 10霜FShf 57速GKIP 08台CKf 55套DDU07艇TETp08通CEPk 55妥EVf 06桅SQDb 53握RNGf 04悉TONu 51嫌VUvo 09桐SMGK 56拓RDg 07围LFNH 54沃ITDY 05膝ESWi 52显JOgf 10酮SGMK 57唾KTGf 08唯KWYG 55巫AWWi06夕QTNY53险BWGi 11瞳HUjf W09惟NWYg 56呜KQNG 07惜NAJG 54现GMqn 12同MGkd 58挖RPWN 10为YLyi 57钨QQNg 08熄OTHN 55献FMUD13铜QMGK 59哇KFFg 11潍IXWy 58乌QNGd 09烯OQDh 56县EGCu 14彤MYEt60蛙JFFg 12维XWYg 59污IFNn 10溪IEXd 57腺ERIy 15童UJFF 61洼IFFG 13苇AFNh 60诬YAWw 11汐IQY 58馅QNQV16桶SCEh 62娃VFFg 14萎ATVg 61屋NGCf 12犀NIRh 59羡UGUw17捅RCEh 63瓦GNYn15委TVf 62无FQv 13檄SRYt 60宪PTFq 18筒TMGK 64袜PUGa16伟WFNh 63芜AFQB 14袭DXYe 61陷BQVg 19统XYCq 65歪GIGh 17伪WYLy64梧SGKg 15席YAMh 62限BVey 20痛UCEk 66外QHy 18尾NTFn 65吾GKF 16习NUd 63线XGt 21偷WWGJ 67豌GKUB 19纬XFNH 66吴KGDu 17媳VTHN 64相SHg 22投RMCy 68弯YOXb 20未FII67毋XDE18喜FKUk 65厢DSHd 23头UDI 69湾IYOx 21蔚ANFf 68武GAHd 19铣QTFQ 66镶QYKe 24透TEPv 70玩GFQn 22味KFly 69五GGhg 20洗ITFq 67香TJF 25凸HGMg71顽FQDm 23畏LGEu 70捂RGKG 21系TXIu 68箱TSHf 26秃TMB 72丸VYI 24胃LEf 71午TFJ 22隙BIJi 69襄YKKe 27突PWDu 73烷OPFq 25喂KLGE 72舞RLGh23戏CAt 70湘ISHG 28图PTUi 74完PFQb 26魏TVRc 73伍WGG 24细XLg 71乡XTE 29徒TFHY75碗DPQb 27位WUG 74侮WTXu 25瞎HPdk 72翔UDNG30途WTPi 76挽RQKQ 28渭ILEg 75坞FQNG 26虾JGHY 73祥PYUd 31涂IWTy 77晚JQkq 29谓YLEg 76戊DNYt27匣ALK 74详YUDh 32屠NFTj 78皖RPFq 30尉NFIF 77雾FTLb 28霞FNHC 75想SHNu 33土FFFF 79惋NPQB 31慰NFIn 78晤JGKg 29辖LPDK 76响KTMk34吐KFG 80宛PQbb 32卫BGd 79物TRqr 30暇JNHc 77享YBF 35兔QKQY81婉VPQb 33瘟UJLd 80勿QRE 31峡MGUw 78项ADMy36湍IMDj 82万DNV34温IJLg 81务TLb 32侠WGUw 79巷AWN b37团LFTe 83腕EPQb 35蚊JYY 82悟NGKG 33狭QTGW 80橡SQJe 38推RWYG 84汪IGg 36文YYGY 83误YKGd 34下GHi 81像WQJe 39颓TMDM 85王GGGg 37闻UBd X35厦DDHt 82向TMkd 40腿EVEp 86亡YNV38纹XYY 84昔AJF 36夏DHTu 83象QJEu 41蜕JUKq 87枉SGG 39吻KQRt 85熙AHKO 37吓KGHy 84萧AVIJ 42褪PUVP 88网MQQi 40稳TQVn 86析SRh 38掀RRQw 85硝DIEg 43退VEPi 89往TYGg 41紊YXIU87西SGHG39锨QRQw 86霄FIEf 44吞GDKf 90旺JGG 42问UKD 88万西DSG 40先TFQb 87削IEJh 45屯GBnv 91望YNEG 43嗡KWCn 89矽DQY 41仙WMh 88哮KFTb 46臀NAWE 92忘YNNU44翁WCNf 90晰JSRh 42鲜QGUd 89器KKDk 47拖RTBn 93妄YNVF 45瓮WCGn 91嘻KFKk 43纤XTFh 90销QIEg 48托RTAn 94威DGVt 46挝RFPy 92吸KEyy 44咸DGKt 91消IIEg 49脱EUKq 第46区47蜗JKMw 93锡QJQr 45贤JCMu 92宵PIef 50鸵QYNX01巍MTVc 48涡IKMw 94牺TRSg 46衔TQFh 93淆IQDe 51陀BPXn 02微TMGt 49窝PWKW 第47区47舷TEYX 94晓JATq 52驮CDY 03危QDBb 50我TRNt01稀TQDh 48闲USI 第48区53驼CPxn 04韦FNHk 51斡FJWF02息THNu 49涎ITHP 01少IHty 54椭SBDe 05违FNGP 52臣卜AHNH 03希QDMh 50弦XYXy 02孝FTBf03校SUQy 50幸FUFj02癣UQGd 04肖IEf 51杏SKF 03眩HYxy 05啸KVIj 52性NTGg 04绚XQJg 06笑TTDu 53姓VTGg 05靴AFWX07效UQTy 54兄KQB06薛AWNU08楔SDHd 55凶QBk07学IPbf 09些HXFf 56胸EQqb 08穴PWU 10歇JQWw 57匈QQBk 09雪FVf 11蝎JJQn 58汹IQBH 10血TLD 12鞋AFFF 59雄DCWy 11勋KMLn 13协FLwy 60熊CEXO 12熏TGLo 14挟RGUw 61休WSy 13循TRFH 15携RWYE 62修WHTe 14旬QJd 16邪AHTB63羞UDNf15询YQJg 17斜WTUF 64朽SGNN 16寻VFu 18胁ELWy 65嗅KTHD 17驯口CKH19谐YXXR 66锈QTEN 18巡VPv 20写PGNg 67秀TEb 19殉GQQj 21械SAah 68袖PUMg 20汛INFh 22卸RHBh 69绣XTEN 21训YKh 23蟹QEVJ 70墟FHAG 22讯YNFh 24懈NQeh 71戌DGNt23逊BIPi 25泄IANN 72需FDMj 24迅NFPk 26泻IPGG 73虚HAOg Y27谢YTMf 74嘘KHAG 25压DFYi 28屑NIED 75须EDMy 26押RLh 29薪AUSr 76徐TWTy 27鸦AHTG 30芯ANU 77许YTFh 28鸭LQYg 31锌QUH 78蓄AYXl 29呀KAht 32欣RQWy 79酗SGQB 30丫UHK 33辛UYGH80叙WTCy 31芽AAHt 34新USRh 81旭VJd 32牙AHti 35忻NRH 82序YCBj 33蚜JAHt 36心NYnY 83畜YXLf 34崖MDFF 37信WYg 84恤NTLg 35衙TGKh 38衅TLUf 85絮VKXi 36涯IDFf 39星JTGf 86婿VNHE 37雅AHTY 40腥EJTg 87绪XFTj 38哑KGOg 41猩QTJG 88续XFNd 39亚GOGd 42惺NJTg 89轩LFh 40讶YAHt 43兴IWu 90喧KPgg 41焉GHGo 44刑GAJH 91宣PGJg 42咽KLDy 45型GAJF 92悬EGCN 43阉UDJN 46形GAEt 93旋YTNh 44烟OLdy 47开BGABh 94玄YXU 45淹IDJn 48行TFhH 第49区46盐FHLf 49醒SGJg 01选TFQP 47严GODr 48研DGAh 第50区47蚁JYQy 49蜒JTHP 01摇RERm 48倚WDSk 50岩MDF 02尧ATGQ 49已NNNN 51延THPd 03遥ERmp 50乙NNLl 52言YYYy 04窑PWRm 51矣CTdu 53颜UTEM05谣YERm 52以NYWy 54阎UQVD 06姚VIQn 53艺ANB 55炎OOu 07咬KUQy 54抑RQBh 56沿IMKg 08舀EVF55易JQRr 57奄DJNb 09药AXqy 56邑KCB 58掩RDJN 10要SVf 57屹MTNN 59眼HVey 11耀IQNY 58亿WNn 60衍TIFh 12椰SBBh 59役TMCy 61演IPGw 13噎KFPu 60臆EUJn 62艳DHQc 14耶BBH 61逸QKQP 63堰FAJV 15爷UQBj 62肄XTDH 64燕AUkO 16野JFCb 63疫UMCi 65厌DDI 17冶UCKg 64亦YOU 66砚DMQn 18也BNhN 65裔YEMk 67雁CWWy 19页DMU 66意UJNu 68唁KYG 20掖RYWy 67毅UEMc 69彦UTER 21业OGd 68忆NNn 70焰OQVg 22叶KFh 69义YQi 71宴PJVf 23曳JXE70益UWLf 72谚YUTe 24腋EYWY 71溢IUWl 73脸EWGi 25夜YWTy72诣YXJg 74殃GQMd 26液IYWy 73议YYQy 75央MDi 27一GGLl 74谊YPEg 76鸯MDQg 28壹FPGu 75译YCFh 77秧TMDY 29医ATDi 76异NAJ 78杨SNrt 30揖RKBg 77翼NLAw 79扬RNRt 31铱QYEy 78翌NUF 80佯WUDH 32依WYEy 79绎XCFh 81疡UNRe 33伊WVTt 80茵ALDu 82羊UDJ34衣YEu 81荫ABEf 83洋IUdh 35颐AHKM 82因LDi 84阳BJg 36夷GXWi 83殷RVNC 85氧RNUd 37遗KHGP 84音UJF 86仰WQBH 38移TQQy 85阴BEg 87痒UUDk 39仪WYQy 86姻VLDy 88养UDYJ 40胰EGXw 87吟KWYN89样SUdh 41疑XTDH 88银QVEy 90漾IUGI 42沂IRH 89淫IETf 91邀RYTP 43宜PEGf 90寅PGMw 92腰ESVg 44姨VGxw 91饮QNQw 93妖VTDy 45彝XGOa92尹VTE 94瑶GERm 46椅SDSk 93引XHh 94隐BQvN 46游IYTB 93育YCEf 第51区47酉SGD 94誉IWYF01印QGBh48有DEF 第52区02英AMDu 49友DCu 01浴IWWk 03樱SMMV 50右DKf 02寓PJMy 04婴MMVf 51佑WDKg 03裕PUWk 05鹰YWWG 52釉TOMg 04预CBDm06应YID 53诱YTEn 05豫CBQe 07缨XMMv 54又CCCc 06驭CCY 08莹APGY 55幼XLN 07鸳QBQg 09萤APJu 56迂GFPk 08渊ITOh 10营APKk 57淤IYWU 09冤PQKy 11荧APOu 58于GFk 10元FQB 12蝇JKjn 59盂GFLf 11垣FGJG 13迎QBPk 60榆SWGJ 12袁FKEu 14赢YNKY 61虞HAKd 13原DRii 15盈ECLf 62愚JMHN14援REFc 16影JYIE 63舆WFLw15辕LFKe 17颖XTDm 64余WTU 16园LFQv 18硬DGJq 65俞WGEJ 17员KMu 19映JMDy 66逾WGEP 18圆LKMI 20哟KXqy 67鱼QGF 19猿QTFE 21拥REH 68愉NWgj 20源IDRi 22佣WEH 69渝IWGJ 21缘XXEy 23臃EYXy 70渔IQGG 22远FQPv 24痈UEK 71隅BJMy 23苑AQBb 25庸YVEH 72予CBJ 24愿DRIN 26雍YXTy73娱VKGD 25怨QBNu 27踊KHCe 74雨FGHY 26院BPFq 28蛹JCEH 75与GNgd 27曰JHNG 29咏KYNi 76屿MGNg 28约XQyy 30泳IYNI 77禹TKMy 29越FHAt 31涌ICEh 78宇PGFj 30跃KHTD 32永YNIi 79语YGKg 31钥QEG 33恿CENu 80羽NNYg32岳RGMj 34勇CELb 81玉GYi 33粤TMOn35用EThH 82域FAKG34月EEEe 36幽XXMk83芋AGFj 35悦NUKq 37优WDNn 84有BDEBh 36阅UUKq 38悠WHTN 85吁KGFH 37耘DIFC 39忧NDNn 86遇JMhP 38云FCU 40尤DNV87喻KWGJ 39郧KMBh 41由MHnG 88峪MWWK 40匀QUd 42邮MBh 89御TRHb 41陨BKMy 43铀QMG 90愈WGEN 42允CQh 44犹QTDN 91欲WWKW 43运FCPi 45油IMG 92狱QTYD 44蕴AXJl 45酝SGFc 91喳KSJg 43账MTAy 46晕JPlj 92渣ISJG 44仗WDYY47韵UJQU 93杞SNN 45胀ETAy 48孕EBF 94轧LNN 46瘴UUJK Z第53区47障BUJh 49匝AMHk 01铡QMJh48招RVKg 50石砸DAMH 02闸ULK49昭JVKg 51杂VSu 03眨HTPy 50找RAt 52栽FASi 04栅SMMg 51沼IVKg 53哉FAKd 05榨SPWf 52赵FHQi 54灾POu 06咋KTHF 53照JVKO 55宰PUJ07乍THFd 54罩LHJj 56载FAlk 08炸OTHf 55兆IQV 57再GMFd 09诈YTHf 56肇YNTH 58在DHFd 10摘RUMd 57召VKF 59咱KTHg 11斋YDMj 58遮YAOP 60攒RTFM 12宅PTAb 59折RRh 61暂LRJf 13窄PWTF 60哲RRKf 62赞TFQM 14债WGMY 61蛰RVYJ 63赃MYFg 15寨PFJS 62辙LYCt 64脏EYFg 16瞻HQDy 63者FTJf 65葬AGQa 17毡TFNk 64锗QFTj 66遭GMAP18詹QDWy 65蔗AYAo 67糟OGMJ 19粘OHkg 66这YPi 68凿OGUb20沾IHKg 67浙IRRh 69藻AIKs 21盏GLF68珍GWet 70枣GMIU22斩LRh 69斟ADWF 71早JHnh23辗LNAe 70真FHWu 72澡IKks 24崭MLrj 71甄SFGN 73蚤CYJu 25展NAEi 72砧DHKG 74躁KHKS 26蘸ASGO 73臻GCFT 75噪KKKS 27栈SGT 74贞HMu 76造TFKP 28占HKf 75针QFh 77皂RAB29战HKAt 76侦WHMy78灶OFg 30站UHkG 77枕SPQn 79燥OKKs 31湛IADn 78疹UWEe 80责GMU 32绽XPGh 79诊YWEt 81择RCFh 33樟SUJh 80震FDFe 82贝UMJh 34章UJJ 81振RDFe 83泽ICFh 35彰UJEt 82镇QFHW 84贼MADT 36漳IUJh 83阵BLh 85怎THFN 37张XTay 84蒸ABIO 86增FUlj 38掌IPKR 85挣RQVH 87憎NULj 39涨IXty 86睁HQVh 88曾ULjf 40杖SDYy 87征TGHg 89赠MUlj 41丈DYI88狰QTQH 90扎RNN 42帐MHTy 89争QVhj。
Moore Industries STAR Center 产品说明书
ot · tiom r -_ ris -i ,e rUSEI ·,s I ANUAL J a nu a r y 2018No. 150-704-00 FTable of C ontentsIntroduction 1 1 3 6 0.sCfipt i on Calibration InstallationInstallation in H azardous Locations Specific Conditions of U se Maintenance & Troubleshoot i ng4S�LIVERY�llld kt � TOL L F REE 1-800-999-2900U n 'ei!d K ifio d OfflF REE PHONE0800 525107 ... , .... TOLL mEE008 261928l 06$0�CIO!ll.,...1 S..,wcll,, C.bN Ill� U .SA. ltt 18181 8'11,7111 • T Iii! 8S-JSt.i F�:(,18)891•2'1•OONt<et�WS(l'Ul.VEOA , uo,,,,. co...,,.� AoJo •, °'-"rW &u.-RH 1f)201J ,UriWld '°"domT -0'2li0 S I • ... • T tlc 87&67F AX:0:53�Moore Industries" STAR" C ent e r has a w i de variety of quaJ i ty instrumentat i on in stock and ready to s h i p .•S i gnal Transm i tters• Temperature Transm i tters • P /1 and 1/P Converters •Isolators and Converters • I nd i cators and D i splays • A l ann Trips•Integrators and Total i zers •Power Transducers•Instrument Power Suppl i es • R acks, Rails and Enc l osuresMost instruments can be custom i zed to m eet yoor needs. Even then, you·n never have to wa i t more than a few days.8118IntroductionMoore l ndustflos' IOO P-PQWe<ed P oteot l ometer Transmll1er, t he PTX, s a dev i oe u sed to converts1andard, three-w i r e pot entlomttor (poQ i n put 10pl'0p011i0na l curre n t output.Th i s ma n ual cont a i ns all o f the i ntotmatiO,n nt tded 10 ca l ibrate, CIS*'att, and m a i n ta i n lhe P TX. 11 al soi ncludes a brief descriptio n of t he u ni! and its c.apa·biti i es and oplk)n s,a llstlng of u n it specif ica t i ons, and a n overview o4 Moort l nct.,str l es' u nll data lraeklng system and lab eling.A A awe,ndix a.t l ht tnd � lhe manual provid es th9 tionnatlo n reql.A'ed tOJ l n st.al i ng N PTX i n h aJard·ous e n v i r ontl'ltf'IIS. Such inStaHatlo n$ r equ i r e o n e o l ht availab&e l n t.rl n sic S afety (S) o ptions. de scribed la1e<.I.Nhere they appea, a, '9lt1 o r f igur.s, "N OTES'" art uS6d to draw at t ef'lli O n to p taetioe s t hal cou l d olhefwiSe r esul I n lnoonv enienoes to t he user. "WARN· INGS" po i nt o ut practices that, u.-U avoic5td, could result in pe r so n a l injury,DescriptionThe PTX tra n srrittor is a va i l ab&t n e i ther a D IN-style, or Moo r e l rd.tst r i es'hOCMy·p.,ck (HP) hOus l ng. n measu r es variable reSiSUve l l'l)UI b y oon,parfno Input m i lli vo lt$ wl h 1ht drop across a n Interna l,pr ec i sio n vo l tage dMder. II p rovides co n stant voltage ox:cila·tlo n l o a Slanda r d, 3-wir e pot, and OUtpulS a p,opor·tlo n aS 4-20 °' 1 ()..50 mAcurre n t based on the pors w i pe r pos i tio n. t accepts� f rom any 100 10 10,000n.3-w i,e pot.The unil IS IOOp-powe r eCI (12·42 Vdc-). Some S options req.ii r e 12�24 or 12-28 V dc powe r i ng. Re:tet 10 t h& l n S1ala!ion Sect ion of th i s manuat f or i n lonnatioo on u ni e l9Ctrieal con n oeliOns.1"N a vai1'ble hOus l ng styles ro r the PTX, t he H P-o r DIN-style, a flon:I t he use, w ith a wide vatiely of mounthg options. I n additio n to lh8 Sland·ak>ne unil. mounthg hardware optio n s nclude tl3"0&$ l o, u se wih re l ay track O f surf a ce mount, e xp l osiOnptOOt enclosu r es,and NEMA bO xes. co n sult wh h you r Moore l nc:klstrics' Sa l e$ RepresenlaJ l ve fo r mo r ei nformauon o o ava�1e mounlfng h ardwa r e options.Pag e 1PTXTht HP•Style PTX. This styt& oC u nit S inl e nded 10 runot l on as a modutar rep&aoomenl n appllcatio ns whe r e conduit a nd encfO-Su res may alr e ady be i n place. when a special en closure i s n()1 1&qui-ed, or In appllcatlons where the O N•sty l e u n i t 1$ not otherwise appropri at e,l l i s atso avallab l e mou n ted in a separate, dQme<I, explos l onproof enclosure. secured n s i de with s pr�clips; n o drilli ng o, lapp i ng s r equ i red. Othe r r if·slo n s h:WG h;a,ctwsre l o r surf ace mounl and retay tractt1n sianatto n s.Tho D N·stYIJO PTX. Th i s style soaps on t o G·YP8 DIN rails (01N EN50035), I I ii most O lte n used In applic a lions ,e�l r l ng a la r ge n urrt>e, of units In are l atlvefy smal space. TeSl j adl.$ o n the t,o n t panel allow tor basic f uncliOn Check$ wtl hOOI having tor emove the PTX l rom the process l oop,Tab l e 1 IISls t he p erf o rmance and operat10n a1 speclfl. catio n s k>r M oo r e l ndustr i os' P TX. Flgv r e 1 shows the r elationsh i p between the po wer souroe u sed i n a PTX ai,s:lli l ion and t he u n it's load capab i l ity,Controls and IndicatorsLabe l ed pots 10 oo n trO unit zero and sp a n are located on !he fro n t p ane l o1 bo th the D N-and H P·sty l o PTX. The Calibration Sectio n Of t h i s ma n ua lde&Cflbes hOw these pois ca n be a djusted. Sc:,ec l l'lcatiOns to r ad j uslabll ity appea r in table 1,OptionsThe follow i ng li SI provides a n oveNlew o f some of the PTX optio n s. Comp&e l e n formatio n o n mour¥i ng harttNam and f unclion&optio n s, o r curr80lfy avaiable c ert ll icatio n s and approva l s is avalab l e trom yQUr Moore l nd.Jstries Salos ROPf0$0nlatlv e. Usef'S may also con tact the factory Clite,ct l y at 1--800-999-2900 in t he U.S.A.IS(X) o,mo n-Intrinsic Sa lety.U n hs equi pped w l l h options such a s tSB and SC a r e rna n ufac:tu r eo acoo r d l n g 10 t he specifications of thit'di)any cenlfy l r q agencies l o meet vamus teQJitements 10f l nt r l n s l·cally safe flsta11ation i n haza r(IOus e n viro n me n ts. Refe r 10 lht PTX d�l{I Sheet.o r consu l t the lactory lor i n lo,tmalion on currenl IS oe rtif i cali0n$,Page2PIXno,-1. PTX Pa tformaf'IC6 and Opa ratlonal Spec{fica6onsCh1ractertsUc:Spectr J ca U o n slnpY t k i t e poientlome,1-rtated f rom 0·100 O to 0-10,000 a Sen.« Current; l mA,, maximumftan9e:M i n i mums,�n Is 15%0, potv-.i•. Mall l n-..m o'™'t l o r � 18 (t00%• -0%')-10%• po l v a l ueo u t putF eic.Ory-.ML 4-20 m A 01 10-50 m Aacco rd in g ID ou s llo m or spoc il icmion ill li mo or otdo r Limit ing: ,.20 m A units 1rnc.d 10 30 m A . maxltnl.lTI 10-so m A 1,W!h & fm l � 10 65 fflA tnax lmu m .... ,12-42 V d oSome IS options require other pow9r r.i�. Refer to � o r <XltliUII wllh your Moor• fndustlios' Sa l es Ropte:Mnlilllv• l or (l etah,,M ax im u m : Un l e3n s lJSIUI u p to 80 V do w l hio ut darn a g ci Contro l •Z.ro : Labs l ed pot o n f ron t p,;,M,I pn,v ido s ad ju stmcinl ID O"-o f ou!p t.C s p an 11()%. wit h O"-l'l pu tZ.ro Ran g •: Min1nwm zero Is 15%Cf inputpo t v aruo Spa n : Labo l od pot on f lQnl panel .cl j i..1, f u ll «* 10 100%PlorformanoeAccuracy: i-0.1% ot tplVI ltldud l ng l nta r ly at'l d 1tp&atabifty Load Capebllity: Sae r-.;w• l Loop Load t Un• Voflege) E H•ct: :t0.002'% oC span 1)61 VOl tel\tlnge, as m.asured' at the inpultarmilalsA ,,..,._. T empe r •t w e Effect : .t0.01%oi s pan po, •F c h ange Env 1r on me n ia JA � Amb i e n t �allng Tem p e r a1u,. Rango : -29 lo 82•c (--20 ID 1so •F )Rat ingWe l g :11HP.atyto : Appw l m .i !el)' 141.8 g (5 Ol)O I N •aty le : App 10x i m a,8'y 224 g {7SI OZ)NOT ES : 1. Consult your Moo re Industrias'$"" Rop,ettnlllllve l or Information Ct'I 81)41(:IIM!tlliof'lt. Pf lc l ng a nda vailabii t y oi oplions .2. Rotor to the In stal l ation 1on t or PTX outJne <f lll'let1sbne.RF Op tion -RadiO F rllQUOllcy a nd Elec.tromagnetlc lntorlerence (RFVEMI) Filtering. F1Jielf:d term i na l sand cuep rovid0$50 V/m eter. a bc:. 0.1% of f u ll ·sca l e s p anWhe n I H1ed aocotd i ng 10 PMC SAMA SUtfldard 33. 1,RTB Opflon -Removeable Terminal BIOCk. Pt0videst o r unn rep1a,Cemen1 w ithoutw i ri ng d i soonnect.J>W l i eable to 0/l'ktyte PTX�on,y.untt D ata Tracklng -ModCIJSOfla l NumbOr. MooroI ndustr i es keeps a record o l pr oduct l nlorma!io n on overy u n i t sold or s ervioed. Th i s record Is keyed t o I .he u nl model and �l'iO l ,.,.rr(lers.On DIN·$1)11e PTX's.. IOOk l ()t the model and st.ria l nul Tber& o n one o l the hous i n g side pane l s. The l ab e l on HP·Sly l e u n i ts i$ found c,1th0r on tho unit beck or front paneJ.Page 3P TX2400 ----..-----.------,-----.----�::!l:IO l-----------�-----1-..;,..._---+------...111"--'2000 1----"-----li-----t....&,,.. __ ...a..,,6.. __The e-xa"l)le on'Ll'lo following page '5how.s a tvpt:alP rx m::idei n umbor, breaking out ils �tq 1l e ltb forl ustr atb n purposes. Actor kl lh8 example Indeeil)l'lnt i ng the mode l n�r on your unil.H sol'Yice a6i&is1anc e Is ever fl oct u i rodl. m.ae e na1e or11'16 unit. model 1a1�er 1:1e,or-e contacti n g Lhe factory.1For rast:Ht as.sis t e nce. �l s.o no t e 100 IJf'lil t.oriaJnu l'l1'0r, o b 1a1n1Jer, and llrJe purCM$ ord'et mr.JEBrl.ffido, whic:.h it waS :shtppea. TlliS lntormatiOn assls1slh r ac:,o,y tepresenJetlve n p110viding )'OU with �heMS-wors you need a� e i1ilcie n l'.ty as po:s.sil1e.CalibrationP rio r 10 5h lpme n1, every P1X is m u ly t es.1e d IO enrureco mpliance with Moore lndustrles· slr1d Cl,.JaliLyoontfol ,guidelines. ee1·01e n s1al l3l lo ri, �·ov e r. yourunH(s) :smuld be benc h �ed In order to sol andwrir)r Lhe desired operamlng levels..This procedure should b e oonal!docJ in an o nvwo nmont co ns ide r ed awropriete •or general l es t� 04olcu::tronic atu:I pnel!lmatic equipment I t Is recomrnoncted lha11he pl'Dcedure5 In lhls :s.ea l o n no, beca rr i e d Otl'I In the IT-e.ld. Use a technician� ti cncn orin a Simi l a r lab-type selup, SQ lhat any u n i1 damag�um rnay have occt.1fifed during stilpmenll can bediS'.t'XMU ecl !iilfely, h.e., s:ewate-ll lrom tile lntcn(t(ldprocess 01 applfcstlon.POQG4PIXI EXAMPLE IPTX / 1K--0-100 / 4-20MA / 12-42DC / •RTB ·RF [HP)�--a�Unit T ypeTota l Res i stance of Po 1anOometer % o t PotonliOmoterTrave J IOObta i n0% O utpu1'Yo o t Poienlk>meter T rave l to Ctita l n F ull·&eale ( 100%) Outpu1Powot Optlon(s) Hou$1ngCalibration SetupTab l e 2 l ists t he OCJJ i pment you wil l ne&d to calbrate the PTX . These i tems aro not �plied by Moore Industries. rut shOuld be ava i lable I n env i rorwnents qua l if i ed to p erform the p,ooodure.'Ille termila l s t01oo mection of the c aM>rat i on equ i pme nt ate located on the unit fronl panel. H P · style un i ts U$O a she-place, n orrt>ered terminal block w i th term i na l 5 fl'l acttve , O I N·style units aJso h ave a six-place terminal l*x::k w ith the non-labeled l &rminal inadive. The term i na l s on both types of uM a e clear l y labeled.. Use +PS and -PS tOJ connection of the approp riate loop po wer and term i nals ·A·, "8", and ·c· t or conn(lclion o t pot i npu t Flgure 2 i ltlstra t es the hookup I Of standard PTX callbrat l o n The desfgnator "f\ • r efers to the eppn,.prlate p,ec:lslon res i stor.use the appropriate materials listed I n t l)ble 2 I n the l�up, app l y appr opriate power , and allow approx:!·mal e l y 5 m i n..r les for unil w�up a n d hoolQJp scab i llzaUo nCalibration ProcedureWith l he �l bratlon s etup c�l et8d as ShOwn. set bolh decade resistar.::e boxes to p rov i de z ero ohms ot res i stance. apply t he appropl'iale 10-42 voe powor , a nd 1um both the Z ero and Span pds on tne 1ro n t panel 011he PTX tu.lly oo unterdock w ise. AllOW appmximate l y l l ve m i n utes tor u n i t warm�p and se.tup stabi i z.a l i o n .1.Se1 d ecad e box A l o p r o v id i&r &&i s t a noo eq u ro to th e va l ue catted o ut in t he "% T rav el M>, 0%Ou 1pu1" fi e ld 01 vour un � mode l nu mbe r:2$e l box B t o v a ll e spec ified i n ..,..lo T r ave l t o,1� 0\11pur t l eld o f u nit mo de l num oo rFOR E XAMP L E ;For a PTXw i th •1K �25.75� l i st ed t n mo d elrunti er, s et d ec a de bo x A to 250 n afl(f b O x B t o p(OV lde 750 0.PIXEqufpment Spff:1Jle1Uo11sAlli.tafl� De.Id� BoltH Oallbnlted. Aeeura1a 10 :f0.05� mlnlrrwum.(2, Reci;,mm9.lld ESDI l!)Qieiibo• mock! 0862, or a:puivi1klnL00Vi:111milr GaJibtatiid. AIX.Ul--mei to :t0.005%. mlrinwm.Rocomrn a tal' K•lliikly mod 197, or e,q,ut.ralent.PIKl11Gn AN111or 2.50ll, ±0..01 ,I,. pr«lJl:!11 re 'klr 1or 4-20 mA L!llit5,1000. ±0..01 % remicr ior 1 o-5(1mA unia.P'Jw,arSoura C albr�id. Vwbii &Quro9 � of r�utz lm O:tJlpJ L .in Om12-42 Vdc r�.SCNwdmta-, Bli!dlili "'1idlh 2..5-4 rJlril [O. 1 ntti�. trWIITIIJffl.(·ilO� � ·�pt)10 0 0 0,,1 A10 0 0 O�I CDECADE R0!1STAHJC!;! BOX D3.14m zero pol CIOCkvdse u fMJ I' vottmeter reads 1-V, t-4mV,"· C:ti:ange "1t l PCJo• �e 'bo x A.Jo.pro,yli1ereSi:S t anc_p �Nd In stop 2 {% T tavel lor 1g o%� ft(!� �I 11R.inlb$r).PTX-5. Set decat;lel box B to Y al.Je 1rom s tep 1 t'¾ Tr.aveS.Of 0%}.X'.PS I I +��2\100l?OWEA,SOt.JACE-ff AV J\V� -DCVOLTMETER6.li'Um Span r::tOt" �lae U1iTII YOltrne'ler reads SV,.±4 mV.7.Aepeet s.1eps 11hrough 4 uhtll PTX oo1iiut is x:stable at !»In O¾o aoo l\ull-seale Input.8.Check linearity D')' cal'cula1ing 25%. 50'%, arid75o/ii o t ratod span W"h On setting on decadeto� 13-, set box A to eech level derived fro.,, tt.esucalcula11oPS.. error In u n o u t p u l wiU not ttxoood'0. 1 % 01 span.Pago 6PIXInstallationI nstallation of th e PTX i s p,osent.Od � th i s matlJa l i n 1w o phases. FirSI Is t he physical m ount i n g o f th eu n i t This I s fo l low e d by the e tectr l ca l con n ectio n s. hi s recommondod that i nsta.ll alion bO ca tfiOd out 111 lhlsotdOI.Befor e PTX I n st a llation.• l s 61tong l)' rec:olffll e nded that each urjl b e bonCh choeked,Re'lot to thei nstruct i ons f or triS p rocOOJte i n the C alibra t ion Stction, ea r l iet i n t h i s marua1.Atso. any requ i romenlS I Ot NMSic satoty i n t he Nended application must be considered.Intrinsic Safety Considerations Electrical ConnectionsF,gul'O 5i s the PTX �stall a t l oo hOokup d i ag ram. Wh e n th e u n it s have been ptOPOrty mou rned, ref e r to figure 5 t o connect them to power and other t l ekt devlees.As l he PTX i s a loop-pow e ted dO v iee n o addlllonaf elect r ical oonnecOons art re,qu l recl. Check t he "Powe,. l retd 01 vour u n lt'S mod e l n umber to venty appropr i ate IOOP volage.R e f e r 10 th e exp l anation Of the model n.,mt>er In t h e Oescq)tion S&ctiOn of th i s maf' l, and 10 th e speciica6ons liStOd i n l able 1 lor mor e I nforma t ion.A s s how n I n 1he f i gur es con n oct t he +P$ term i n a l of lhe PTX to the po sit i v e� tmm the power souroe In t h e loop. Co n n ect the -PS PTX torm l nal I n ser l e$w ith t h e pos i tive torm i n.alS or the other de v ices I n t he loop and th& negative term i nal of the loop power suppty.The po1enti0motcr w i t i ng I s oonnected to th e term ina l s ta be l Od A B.and c.Connoct.-.g w i te.s u se<I ShOu l d b e betw e e n,,. a n d 22 AWG.Connections are mad e w i lh oomprossiOnscrew socket s Use a slott e d·l:4> screwdl'Worwilh a head w idth n o g r e at e r lhan 2.54 nm (0,1inch). Ground i ng. To ground the HP·Sly l e unll. m ake s u,e a shie lded g rounding lead iS c:onnected to the GND screw o n l h8 u nit front panel Th i$ screw Is loca ted to th e rigft of the Z•ro act j ustmenl pot, and Is l y p l·cally fitted w ith a w i re or wlt e term i nat i ng lu g. Typieally, whe n MP·style unlls are equ_,ped w ith explOS I Of'C.\l'OOf e.n ctosures,th e u n it gro unding s crew 1$ attac:heci lo th e en closur e ground pr l0< to Shipment.To ground tho O I N•Sly l e PTX, the use ot sh l e tded twiStOd•pait w i Mg, QtOUncle<f as ne a r a s poss i ble 10 the u n it Ilse.It l s recomm en ded.Physical Mounting of the PTXF I QUte 3 shOws the mount i ng d l me n sJo n s k>r the H P·&tyle PTX, and th e O I N•51y l e PTX hous i ng d i l'l'IOnslOns are ShOw n i n t igure 4Tht M P musltatiOn shc>w'S ttwt u anoe mouni hat<fwa re option.Whe n us i n g 1he H P PTX wilh e x p l o.s i O(l)roof eocto-sures,spring t;t l p$ ex1end from the uni fronlpa n el Reier 10 t he approp r1ale Moore l ndU$l t\es Cata)Og d a1asheet ro r enctosure d i me n s i ons.Installation in Hazardous LocationsThis section contains important information regarding the installation of the PTX in Hazardous Area Locations.Specific Conditions of UseCSA InstallationsInstallation of the Model PTX into a Class 1 Division 1 location requires the use of a CSA Certified Intrinsic Safety Barrier with the following output parameters.Uz = 27V, Imax out = 100mA, Wmax out =0.68W or Uz = 28V, Imax out = 93mA, Wmax out = 0.67W.4-4.S.mn:11 �(1,75 h] -.U,7f811"141e;e1,1.rn�tl'!m--------[�.87in)-----lll"iI Cle ll!'l rl',,.. _____ (4,251f\J _____ _-:\'' ,, '',,II'' ''. ,,l:-: =�p1J KPIX{_�3,W :R E POT 0-1000ID 0-,0,0000 114 ,PS B PTX C -PS �12-42.\!DC POWER SOURCE -.. DLIRREJff DRi\10\1 --SEB NOTE!DEYVlCE NOTE; Som e as a� rBqlite dilfilll!nt Wlhlil!i r ana • a �r � ••�,I!� cw aiodl l ilt:1;1,y bf lnformalio� Maintenance & TroubleshootingOnce pmpcdy 1nsta11ee1 an.1 oonneded, IJ'to PTX i u nc Uons: u n :ane n de<I , A 'Simp e , perloo!C c:heok or @Meclbns. � a ll th.at Is re-q u l fed •o rna ln 1a1n u nll ope r a1km. Moore I nd u5:tl1es. 5ug9es.1, a &-im:>mti 9dledu l e fo r mal nte n anc e Checks .t problems. �e ln the �l,ll"il;lon o1 �he u n � In I t � awllc.a'lbn,•Maka SIJilO lhat 1npu1. and o u 1pu1. eoM«tlon.s .aro clean Md Ugh'l.•Ro mo ve · tM unill I m m Hrviee aM iltc.alibra,e,� su,e that bench inSlruments. usedl are pr,ope.l'il!,' c a ll bla t e(I .Vern loop p!Wt'4r IIOvels,tr, afte r re-ca.tbratlan. me PTX rails lo pe-f1o rm u p 1o sp;eciUcatiOM, co nl aci your 10cal Cl.iSlome r Service D-epartroont. Pl'IDne l'IU!fbers o4 o� STAR cen,ats are lls.1ed Inside lhe fr(lnl OOYTilt ol Urli:S mainu l �n.i clk>n !ii lor 1he r,etu m of tne u ,o tho tactory IOr fur1he r lesliflg or ran.m can bOi lound on lh.e back OOv,&t.Wha 1 cal 101 aulsJan::e, ahNays. r e tM mbe r ,o �i:, t taotory with ltte mod.el and !i(l!ilel number' 011no ot r e � unh, and i. po�1e. �ith Uis fob oomber alld tile !PUrc�e, order ni,imbet u ndB r whiCh Ote unit was ordered. Test J�k,. The OIN-�le PTX Is equipped ww, W.'O Leos4 Jacu. Locat� on Lhe f'ronl pan o l , mese Jaci<.s p ro,v ld'e a. convenient lltlsa.M om votifying l oo p ClU ff ie nt when th e uni:C is Installed! aild op rating,. CoooeeJlng a: m l ll �a e r to the [a.ck&, l abelled ·+ l'" and ·-T", when ·til e u n � b powenKI up. �cs a reedino, 111 mTil!ami;,e. ot lhe cu�nt in tno klop, i'O. 1¾. II desired. �s.u r a ttie vOflaga Cll'Op across a 1 o n cto.OS%) r es l 5,1or 00meo1ed 1o 'the �. The o-urnmt In ·t he ilQop �hQujj �,ch that obt;eii\'o dl iln lhe reslst o r , ±0.01%.© 2018 Moore Industries-International, Inc.Specifications and Information subject to change without notice.。
CH7511B Utility User Guide-v1.22
ChrontelCH7511B Utility User GuideInformation presented in this document is relevant to Chrontel driver module software, and Chrontel DisplayPort chipset products. It may be only used for Chrontel software development aid. It may not be used for any other purpose. Chrontel and author of this document are not liable for misuse of information contained herein. Chrontel and author of document are not liable for errors found herein. Information contained herein may not be used within life support systems or nuclear facility applications without the specific written consent of Chrontel. Do not distribute this document to non-designated unauthorized parties in any form without the specific written consent of Chrontel. Do not read and destroy this document if you are not designated recipient. Information contained herein is subject to change with or without notice. Communicate with Chrontel Software and Systems Engineering Department for up-to-date changes.CONTENTS Preface (3)Chapter 1: How to Generate the BOOTROM Image (4)1.1 Chip Configuration Wizard (4)1.2 Panel Configuration Wizard (6)1.3 Generate CH7511B BOOTROM Image (18)Chapter 2: How to Import and Flash the BOOTROM Image (20)2.1 Import an BOOTROM Image (20)2.2 Flash the BOOTROM Image (21)Chapter 3: How to Retrieve the BOOTROM Image (24)3.1 Create an BOOTROM Image File (24)3.2 Retrieve the BOOTROM Image (25)Appendix A: Acronyms (26)Appendix B: Sixteen Sets of Pre-Burned Panel Configurations (27)Appendix C: How to calculate DTD parameters (28)C.1 Example Signal Timing Specifications (28)C.2 Signal Timing Waveforms (29)C.3 How to calculate the necessary timing parameters according to the panel spec (29)Appendix D: How to Access the BOOTROM through DP AUX (31)D.1 AMD DP AUX (31)D.2 Intel DP AUX (31)Appendix E: How to Access the BOOTROM through SMBus (32)E.1 Install SMBus driver on Win7 X86, Vista X86 and XP X86 (32)E.2 Install SMBus driver on Win7 X64, Vista X64 and XP X64 (32)Appendix F: EMI Issues (33)Appendix G: How to Set Panel Type through SMBus when Power On (34)G.1 Panel Select Sequence through SMBus (34)Appendix H: How to Set PWM1 through SMBus (35)H.1 PWM1 Control Sequence through SMBus (35)VERSION HISTORY (36)PrefaceThere are three chapters and one appendix in this document. Chapter 1 introduces how to generate the CH7511B BOOTROM image file. Chapter 2 introduces how to flash the BOOTROM. Chapter 3 introduces how to retrieve the image from the BOOTROM. Appendix B introduces the 16 sets of pre-burned panel configurations. Appendix C introduces how to calculate the DTD timing in EDID according to the panel spec. Appendix D introduces how to access the BOOTROM through DP AUX. Appendix E introduces how to Access the BOOTROM through SMBus. Appendix F introduces how to generate the parameters for spread spectrum for EMI testing purpose. Appendix G introduces how to set panel type through SMBus when power on. Appendix H introduces how to set PWM1 through SMBus.Actually, it is easy to generate, flash and retrieve the CH7511B BOOTROM image file by using this utility (CH7511B-Utility-v1.01.22.exe). You can refer Chapter 1 to finish the configuration quickly.This document will be used together with CH7511B datasheet Rev0.96 or later.Chapter 1: How to Generate the BOOTROM ImageThe “CH7511B Image Generator” tool (first tab in CH7511B-Utility-v1.01.22.exe) is provided to help to generate a CH7511B BOOTROM image file. The following sections explain how to use this image generator step by step.The image generator interface looks like this:There are two different kinds of wizard in CH7511B Image Generator.One is used to generate the common configuration for CH7511B; the other is used to generate 16 sets of configuration for different panels.1.1 Chip Configuration WizardCH7511B save its configuration in BOOTROM and load them from BOOTROM during power-up.You can click button “Launch Chip Wizard …” to begin chip configuration wizard.1.1.1 Wizard step 1You can decide if enable OSD display. You can also determine to adopt 8 or 16 adjust step, and set the default duty cycle.CH7511B supports 2 clock input modes:1) Crystal mode.27MHz crystal shall be connected between CH7511B XI and XO pin.2) Inject 27MHz clock.Inject 27MHz clock to CH7511B REFC pin.Note:If you don’t know how to set these parameters, please use the default one.1.1.2 Complete the Last OperationAfter configure all these steps, you can click button “Finish” to adopt these changes or click button “Cancel” to give up any change.1.2 Panel Configuration WizardCH7511B provides total 16 sets of configuration for different panels in one BOOTROM image. You can refer to Appendix B for detailed information.The number in “GPIO[3:0]” item indicates which set of configuration is current one, the value is decided by the connection way of GPIO pins. When you click button “Launch Panel Related Wizard”, a wizard of 11 steps is provided for you to complete the panel configuration.You can also generate the same configuration for 16 sets of configuration. At this time, GPIO[3:0] will be disabled.1.2.1 Wizard step 1In step1, a description for CH7511B BOOTROM image wizard is provided.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “LVDS Basic Configuration” wizard.1.2.2 Wizard step 2In step 2, you should configure these basic parameters correctly according to your panel type.In addition to supporting OpenLDI and SPWG specifications, the CH7511B’s LVDS transmitter is capable of driving four types of panel electrical interfaces –the 18-bit single channel, the 24-bit single port, the 18-bit dual channel and the 24-bit dual channel.Note:Please select correct color depth according to the panel spec. Please make sure that the same color depth is set for both source and panel. You can find dither setting in “Chip Configuration Wizard”.If you have any question, please refer to the CH7511B datasheet and panel related datasheet.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “Panel EDID Configuration: Part I” wizard.1.2.3 Wizard step 3In step 3, you should set the DTD part in panel EDID correctly.If 50Hz or 40Hz is selected, the utility will generate the corresponding DTD based on the 60Hz one, and only change is pixel clock.Please refer to Appendix C to find how to calculate these DTD timing in EDID according to the panel spec.You can set these parameters manually, and you can also use these pre-calculated ones:Note 1: If you want to set these parameters manually and use other refresh rate other than 60Hz, please make sure that the pixel clock rate is for 60Hz condition.Note 2:Please select CVT or CVT-RB timing according to your panel’s datasheet. Please make sure the pixel clock is not far away from the typical value required by the panel.Tips:You can select a similar timing from the list and then select “Set manually” to modify it.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “Panel EDID Configuration: Part II” wizard.1.2.4 Wizard step 4In step 4, you should set the vender specific parameters in panel’s EDI D correctly.All these parameters are EDID specific except “Vendor Specific String”. We provide max 32 chars for vendor specific usage. You can use these chars to indentify the system serial number and manufacture time or something else.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “PCB Layout Relative Configuration” wizard.1.2.5 Wizard step 5In step 5, you should set the polarity and mapping of LVDS data and clock correctly according to your layout.The CH7511B has a flexible LVDS output pins mapping for the data and clock to support PCB top/bottom mounting.Note: For single port LVDS application, right channel is recommended to use.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “Smart Panel Feature Configuration” wizard.1.2.6 Wizard step 6In step 6, you should set some smart panel features correctly.The HSYNC/VSYNC recovered from DisplayPort Main Link can be inverted separately to satisfy the input requirement of a specific LCD Panel. Both Sync signals can also be forced to 0 to support Smart Panels.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “LVDS Panel Power Sequence Control” wizard.1.2.7 Wizard step 7In step 7, you should configure the panel power sequence parameters.The CH7511B conforms to the SPWG LVDS panel power sequence requirements. The timing specification shown in Figure 1 is a superset of therequirements in the SPWG specification.Figure 1: Power Supply Sequence DiagramClick button “Next” to complete this step and start “LVDS Driver Configuration:Part I” wizard.1.2.8 Wizard step 8In step 8, you should configure some parameters of LVDS driver.You can disable the unused output pins to save power.For single port panel, you can disable total right or left channels.For 18 bit color depth, you can disable A3, please refer to “PCB Layout Relative Configuration” wizard.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “LVDS Driver Configuration: Part II” wizard.1.2.9 Wizard step 9In step 9, you should configure the rest parameters of LVDS driver.LVDS PLL feed forward divider, pixel clock will be set automatically according to the EDID setting in “Panel EDID Configuration: Part I” wizard.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “Spre ad Spectrum Configuration” wizard.1.2.10 Wizard step 10In step 10, you should configure the spread spectrum part.You can refer to Appendix F for detailed description.Click button “Next” to complete this step and start “PWM Configuration” wizard.1.2.11 Wizard step 11In step 11, you should configuration PWM correctly.You can bypass the PWM input or use the PWM generated by CH7511B. For bypass mode, you can also invert the PWM output.Note: If you want to use CH7511B to generate the PWM, min PWM frequency value is 104 x 1Hz, max PWM frequency is 26,367 x 16Hz.1.2.12 Complete the Last OperationAfter configure all these steps, you can click button “Finish” to adopt these changes or click button “Cancel” to give up any change.1.3 Generate CH7511B BOOTROM ImageAfter configure all panel parameters you want, you can click button “Export” to input the image file name and save it.Chapter 2: How to Import and Flash the BOOTROM ImageThe “CH7511B Image Copy” tool (second tab in CH7511B-Utility-v1.01.22.exe) is provided to help customer to import an BOOTROM image file and flash it into BOOTROM. The following sections explain how to flash an image file to BOOTROM step by step.The image copy interface looks like this:2.1 Import an BOOTROM ImageYou can click button “Import” to open the image file you want to flash.After you finish the file open operation, the image data is stored into the internal buffer of the utility.Tips:You ca n import an image file first with “CH7511B Image Copy” tool and then change them with “CH7511B Image Wizard” tool.2.2 Flash the BOOTROM ImageAfter finished opening the image file, you can click button “Flash” to write the image into the BOOTROM.Yo u can click button “Options” to select flash interface.When you select different interface, dialog title will change.Then you can click button “Flash” to flash your BOOTROM.After finished the BOOTROM flash, the utility will check if the BOOTROM flash succeed.A message dialog with “Flash OK” will appear if the BOOTROM flash succeeds.For DP AUX interface, if you see “AUX operation error!” dialog, you can just retry the flash operation again. If the error still exists, please reinstall the driver attached.Note 1: For SMBus interface, BOOTROM checking function is not supported. A “Flash Finished” dialog will appear after flash operation finished.Note 2: When you update the BOOTROM through AUX, the panel will be black during update period. The panel will display normal after updating.Note 3:After finishing updating the BOOTROM, please reboot the system to make the new configuration take effect.Note 4: We recommend update the BOOTROM with AUX.Chapter 3: How to Retrieve the BOOTROM ImageThe “Diagnostics” tool (third tab in CH7511B-Utility-v1.01.22.exe) is provided to help customer to retrieve an image file from BOOTROM. The following sections explain how to retrieve an image from BOOTROM step by step.The “Diagnostics” int erface looks like this:3.1 Create an BOOTROM Image FileYou can click button “Save As” to select or input the image file you want to save.3.2 Retrieve the BOOTROM ImageAfter generate the retrieved image file name, you can click button “Retrieve” to retrieve the image from the BOOTROM.Tips: After you retrieve the image from BOOTROM, you can change them with “CH7511B Image Wizard” tool.After retrieve image from the BOOTROM, a message dialog with “Retrieve Over!” will appear.Note: For SMBus interface, retrieve function is not supported.Appendix A: Acronyms Table A-1: List of AcronymsAppendix B: Sixteen Sets of Pre-Burned PanelConfigurationsIn the BOOTROM, we provide 16 sets of pre-burned panel configuration. Table B-1 is the panel timing parameters in 16 sets of configurations.Table B-1: 16 sets of panel timing parametersNote 1: For all 16 sets of timing, HM is set to zero.Note 2: LVDS bit mapping is SPWG.Appendix C: How to calculate DTD parameters This appendix provides the way to calculate the DTD timing in EDID according to the panel spec.C.1 Example Signal Timing SpecificationsThis is the signal timing required at the input of the example User connector. All of the interface signal timing should be satisfied with the following specifications and specifications of LVDS Tx/Rx for its proper operation.Table C-1: Example Panel TimingC.2 Signal Timing WaveformsC.3 How to calculate the necessary timing parameters according tothe panel specC.3.1 Pixel Clock:For single port LVDS panel:PC = DCLKFor dual ports LVDS panel:PC = 2 x DCLKC.3.2 Horizontal Parameters:HM = 0HA = Hsync ActiveHB = Hsync Period - Hsync ActiveHSO = Horizontal front porch + HMHSPW = Hsync Width-Active C.3.3 Vertical Parameters:VM = 0VA = Vsync ActiveVB = Vsync Period - Vsync ActiveVSO = Vertical front porch + HMVSPW = Vsync Width-ActiveAppendix D: How to Access the BOOTROM through DP AUX D.1 AMD DP AUXYou can access the AMD DP AUX directly after the graphic driver is installed.D.2 Intel DP AUXBefore you access the BOOTROM through Intel DP AUX, please run the Install32.bat first for Windows x86, and run Install64.bat for Windows x64.You can also run Uninstall32.bat or Uninstall64.bat to uninstall corresponding components after BOOTROM updating.You can find these file in .\drivers\DPAUX\Intel\.Note: If your operation system is Win7, you must “Run as administrator”.Appendix E: How to Access the BOOTROM through SMBus If you want to update the BOOTROM through SMBus, you must install this SMBus driver first.Unzip smbusDriver.7z, you will find three folders: driver, setupX86 and setupx64.E.1 Install SMBus driver on Win7 X86, Vista X86 and XP X86Please enter setupX86, then click install.bat. driver will install on OS, and display as follows:E.2 Install SMBus driver on Win7 X64, Vista X64 and XP X64Please NOTE: When boot OS, you need ctrl F8, Then select “Disable Driver Signing” to make SMBus driver enable.Please enter setupX46, and then click install.bat. driver will install on OS, and display as X86, Please search device manager and find “Chrontel Universal Control Bus Device” is ok in folder system device, if this driver has “!”, Please restart OS and c trl F8 to Select “Disable Driver Signing”.Appendix F: EMI IssuesFor EMI purpose, you can enable spread spectrum by checking “Enable the LVDS PLL Emission Reduction function”.We will generate 30 ~ 80 KHz modulation frequency tri-wave. You can change the SSCC to get 0.47% ~ 7% SSC modulation amplitude.Appendix G: How to Set Panel Type through SMBus whenPower OnRSTBHPDhave to be updated before HPD assertion to guarantee correct operationto 1s beforePANEL_TYPE is stableFigure G.1. CH7511B Operation Upon Receiving PANEL_TYPE During Power ON We must set the SPP slave correctly before firmware and configuration loading finished. T1 is about 150ms.G.1 Panel Select Sequence through SMBus// Panel Type BYTE panelType;// RoutinesBYTE SMBusSingleByteRead(BYTE chipaddr, BYTE offset);void SMBusSingleByteWrite(BYTE chipaddr, BYTE offset, BYTE regval); // Code panelType = 15;/* 0 ~ 15*/SMBusSingleByteWrite(0x21, 0x00, panelType); SMBusSingleByteWrite(0x21, 0x01, 0x5A);Appendix H: How to Set PWM1 through SMBusWe can output a special 30% ~ 100% PWM through PWM1 pin. We provide a register to control the duty cycle of PWM1. If the register value is from 0x01 to 0x11, the duty cycle is from 30% to 99.99%. If the register value is other ones, the duty cycle is forced to 78%.Before VBIOS display, they must set this register correctly according to last setting.You can set the duty cycle of PWM1 through SMBus.Note: To use this PWM1, you need special firmware.H.1 PWM1 Control Sequence through SMBus// Duty CycleBYTE dutyCycle;// Routinesvoid SMBusSingleByteWrite(BYTE chipaddr, BYTE offset, BYTE regval);// CodedutyCycle = 12; /* 1 ~ 17*/SMBusSingleByteWrite(0x21, 0x7F, 0xED); // change to duty cycle pageSMBusSingleByteWrite(0x21, 0x6E, dutyCycle); // from 30% to 100%VERSION HISTORYDESCRIPTION:Version 1.00:Used to generate the CH7511B BOOTROM image file and flash the image into BOOTROM or retrieve the image from BOOTROM according to the CH7511B Datasheet.Version 1.02:Add interface and spread spectrum description.Version 1.06:Modify accumulated user interface change and add more appendixes.Version 1.08:Modify 16 sets of default configuration. Delete 2560x1080@50Hz 24bits, add 1024x768@60Hz 24bits.Version 1.10:Modify 1600x900@60Hz 24bits from CVT-R to CVT.Version 1.14:Change the UI and modify SSC and LVDS Driver Configuration. Add new appendix G about how to set panel type through SMBus when power on.Version 1.18:Color depth for panel and EDID can be set separately. Add dither enable control in chip configuration wizard. Add Appendix H: How to Set PWM1 through SMBus.Version 1.22:Add 60/50/40Hz parse function, modify refresh display issue when import image file. Modify the default configuration to make it identical with that described in Appendix B.。
标准物/项目 Formazin标准物 Stablcal一级标准 Gelex二级标准
校准 X X
• USEPA认可的标准物质。 • Stablcal浊度标准物为Formazin的稀释液,使用时无需稀释。 • 可订购不同浊度值的Stablcal浊度标准物: • <0.1,1,10,18,20,40,100,180,200,800,1000,1800, • 4000及7500NTU。 • 包装分:套装(六只密封瓶)及瓶装(100,500,1L)。
2100N 台式浊度仪 标准配 置
2100N台式浊度仪(主机) 一套样品瓶,6个/套 一套Stablcal型浊度标准物 ( 5个浊度水平:<0.1,20,200,1000,4000NTU) 硅油、擦拭布 仪器操作手册
2100AN 台式浊度仪光路图
垂直方向 散射光检测器
载到电脑 • 内置打印机,可直接打印结果及相关参数 • 可测量色度
项目/型 2100P便携式浊度仪 号
检测90o散透比率信号、前 检测90o散透比率信号 向散射光信号、或根据需
检测90o散透比率信号、前 向及后向散射光信号、或 根据需要检测90o散射光信 号
B检ac测k s器catter
灯泡 透镜
Forw检ar测d 器scatter
样 品 池(剖 面 图)
Tr透an射水sm光平it检t方ed测向器 light
海盗湾35 的种子上传都是PORN
音频和视频仍然是最常用的两类,不过后者更受欢迎(30% vs 40%)。
《变态假面》解说文案_正义的变态——《变态假面》日本喜剧/动作电影《变态假面》,于2013年上映,由福田雄一导演,小栗旬KeishûAndô 编剧,影片讲述了抖M受虐刑警和SM女王结合生出的孩子色丞狂介,平常是个很没用的高中生,但只要脸套上内裤、穿上网袜全身仅穿一个三角内裤就能变身为神勇的“变态超人”,打击犯罪。
正义的变态——《变态假面》*《变态假面》片名Hentai Kamen(2013),别名疯狂假面。
◎译名变态假面 | 疯狂假面◎片名 HK Hentai Kamen◎年代 2013◎国家日本◎类型喜剧 | 动作◎音频日语◎时间 105 Mins◎导演福田雄一◎演员铃木亮平 | 清水富美加 | 片濑那奈 | 安田显◎影片介绍抖M受虐刑警和SM女王结合生出的孩子色丞狂介,平常是个很没用的高中生,但只要脸套上内裤、穿上网袜全身仅穿一个三角内裤就能变身为神勇的“变态超人”,打击犯罪。
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Global Research
2014 年 10 月 23 日
全年净利润增长预计将不低于 35%
12 个月评级
净利润 2.2 亿元,同比增长 16% 公司发布三季报,营业收入 10.3 亿元,同比增长 19%;归属于上市公司股 12 个月目标价
1,025 百万 (ORDA )
同时在医生与公司之间建立良好的信任关系,料能持续促进公司产品的销售。 流通股比例
日均成交额(Rmb 百万)
2012 年中国约有糖尿病患者 9240 万人,是世界糖尿病患病人数最多的国家, 庞大的患者基数将造就可观的降糖药物市场。通化东宝作为国内胰岛素龙头 企业,未来随着胰岛素类似物、口服降糖药物的上市,有望成长为与诺和诺 德、礼来并驾齐驱的全球糖尿病领域专家之一。此外公司也有望借助庞大的
二代胰岛素产品增长约 24%,未来 3 年仍有望持续 20%以上的增速
交易数据和主要指标 52 周股价波动范围
公司三季度胰岛素产品收入增长约 24%,保持稳健增长。公司继“蒲公英”培 市值
Rmb15.6 十亿/US$2.55 十亿
养计划结束后,实施新的培训项目“情系中华”继续为基层培训内分泌医生, 已发行股本
市盈率 (UBS, 稀释后) (x)
20.5NMຫໍສະໝຸດ 68.656.540.3
2014/10/23 07:00
预测回报率 预测股价涨幅 预测股息收益率 预测股票回报率 市场回报率假设 预测超额回报率
+16.9% 0.8%
+17.7% 9.3%
我们认为公司下行主要包括:1.二代胰岛素基层销售速度慢于预期;2.三代胰 岛素研发进展慢于预期。
快评: 通化东宝 2014 年 10 月 23 日 2014/10/23 07:00
分析师声明: 每位主要负责编写本研究报告全部或部分内容的研究分析师在此声明:就本报告中所提及的证券或每家发行 人,(1)本报告中所表述的任何观点均准确地反映了其个人对该证券或发行人的看法 ,并且以独立的方式表述(包括与瑞 银相关的部分);(2)分析师薪酬的任何组成部分无论是在过去、现在及将来,均与其在本研究报告中所表述的具体建 议或观点无直接或间接的关系。
资料来源:UBS(瑞银);截止至 2014 年 10 月 22 日
快评: 通化东宝 2014 年 10 月 23 日 2014/10/23 07:00
股 价 (Rmb)
01-Oct-09 01-Jan-10 01-Apr-10 01-Jul-10 01-Oct-10 01-Jan-11 01-Apr-11 01-Jul-11 01-Oct-11 01-Jan-12 01-Apr-12 01-Jul-12 01-Oct-12 01-Jan-13 01-Apr-13 01-Jul-13 01-Oct-13 01-Jan-14 01-Apr-14 01-Jul-14 01-Oct-14
本文件所包含的任何投资策略或建议并不构成适合投资者特定情况的投资建议或个人投资建议。市场有风险,投资需谨慎。本文件中所述金融工具不一定能在所有的 国家和地区向所有类型的投资者销售。期权、衍生产品和期货未必适合所有投资者,并且此类金融工具的交易存在很大风险。住房抵押支持证券和资产支持证券可能 有很高的风险,而且可能由于利率变化或其他市场因素而出现巨大的波动。外汇汇率可能对本文件所提及证券或相关工具的价值、价格或收益带来负面影响。有关投 资咨询、交易执行或其他方面的问题,客户应联系其当地的销售代表。
吕 学龙, 博士 研究助理
eric.lv@ +86-105-832 8479
重要数据 (Rmb 百万) 营业收入 息税前利润(UBS) 净利润 (UBS) 每股收益(UBS 稀释后)(Rmb) 每股股息 (Rmb) 现金 / (净债务)
权益自由现金流 (UBS) 收益 率%
资料来源:公司报告、Thomson Reuters、UBS 估算。 UBS 给出的估值是扣除商誉、例外项目以及其他特殊项目之前的数值。 估值:根据该年度的平均股价得出,(E):根据 2014 年 10 月 22 日
例外和特殊案例 英国和欧洲投资基金的评级和定义: 买入: 结构、管理、业绩、折扣等因素积极; 中性: 结构、管理、 业绩、折扣等因素中性; 减持: 结构、管理、业绩、折扣等因素消极。 主要评级段例外(CBE): 投资审查委员会 (IRC)可能会批准标准区间 (+/-6%)之例外。IRC 所考虑的因素包括股票的波动性及相应公司债务的信贷息差。因此, 被视为很高或很低风险的股票可能会获得较高或较低的评级段。当此类例外适用的时候,会在相关研究报告中“公司披露 表”中对其进行确认。
本报告由瑞银证券有限责任公司(瑞银集团的关联机构)编制。瑞银集团(UBS AG)、其子公司、分支机构及关联机构, 在此统称为 UBS(瑞银)。
关于 UBS(瑞银)管理利益冲突以及保持其研究产品独立性的方法、历史业绩表现、以及有关 UBS(瑞银)研究报告投资 建议的更多披露,请访问:/disclosures。股价表现图中的数字指的是过去的表现,而过去的表现并不是一个 可靠的、可用来预测将来结果的指标。如有需要,可提供更多信息。 瑞银证券有限责任公司是经中国证券监督管理委员 会批准具有证券投资咨询业务资格的机构.
瑞银投资研究: 全球股票评级定义
12 个月评级
覆盖 1
投资银行服务 2
股票预期回报超出市场回报预期 6%以上。
股票预期回报低于市场回报预期 6%以上。
覆盖 3
投资银行服务 4
由于某一特定的因素或事件,股价预计将在评级公布之时起的 3 个月内上涨。
22 时 37 分的股价(Rmb15.23)得出;
本报告由瑞银证券有限责任公司编制. 分析师声明及要求披露的项目从第 3 页开始. UBS(瑞银)正在或将要与其报告中所提及的 公司发展业务关系。因此,投资者应注意,本公司可能会有对报告的客观性产生影响的利益冲突。投资者应仅将本报告视为作出投 资决策的考虑因素之一。
定价日期及时间 2014 年 10 月 22 日
快评: 通化东宝 2014 年 10 月 23 日 2014/10/23 07:00
除非特别指出,请参考这份报告中的"价值与风险"章节。 通化东宝 (Rmb)
目标 价 位 (Rmb) 20.0 15.0 10.0
5.0 0.0
买入 没 有 评级
主要定义 预测股票收益率(FSR) 指在未来的 12 个月内,预期价格涨幅加上股息总收益率 市场收益率假设(MRA) 指一年期当地利率加上 5%(假定的并非预测的股票风险溢价) 处于观察期(UR): 分析师有可能将股票标记为“处于 观察期”,以表示该股票的目标价位/或评级近期可能会发生变化--通常是对可能影响投资卖点或价值的事件做出的反应 短期评级 反映股票的预期近期(不超过三个月)表现,而非基本观点或投资卖点的任何变 股票目标价 的投资期限为未 来 12 个月。
对本报告作出贡献的由 UBS Securities LLC 任何非美国关联公司雇佣的分析师并未在全美证券经纪商协会(NASD)和纽约 证券交易所(NYSE)注册或具备这两家机构所认可的分析师资格,因此不受 NASD 和 NYSE 有关与对象公司沟通、在公众 场合露面以及分析师账户所持证券交易的规则中述及内容的限制。对本报告作出贡献的每一家关联公司名称以及该关联公 司雇佣的分析师姓名见下文。