判断为A,心功能 I级B,心功能 II级C,心功能III级D,心功能 IV级E,心功能代偿期10,患者,男,50岁。
这是因为汽车()(A)具有较大的势能; (B)具有较大的动能;(C)具有较大的弹性; (D)具有较大的功率。
2.宝山钢铁公司的高炉工人都穿着反光很强的镀铝防护服,这主要是为了( )(A)易于观察操作工人的位置; (B)防止传导给工人造成的危害;(C)防止对流给工人造成的危害;(D)防止辐射给工人造成的危害3.如图所示是测定小灯泡额定功率的实验电路,如果考虑到伏待表和安培表本身有一定的电阻,那么小灯泡额定功率的测量值应该比实际值( )(A)大; (B)小; (C)相等; (D)无法确定。
若用这支温度计去测量某物体的温度时,它的读数恰好等于物体的实际温度,则该物体的温度是( )(A)50℃; (B)47.5℃; (C)4O℃; (D)38℃。
若外界的大气压强下降时,托盘电子秤的读数将( )(A)大于Q; (B)等于Q;(C)小于Q; (D)无法确定。
下表所示是该测量仪器测量某物理量时的一组测量值(表中已知量的单位和仪器刻度读数的单位相同):已知物理量Q 0.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00仪器刻度读数S 0.00 0.50 2.00 8.00 18.00由上表可以推断,若用这个测量仪器去测量一个5.00单位的已知物理量时,仪器的读数是( )(A)10.0; (B)12.5; (C)13.0; (D)16.5。
C +D .面对经济全球化带来的机遇和挑战,正确的选择是,充分利用一切机遇,合作应对一切挑战,引导好经济全球化走向。
2(C)A .截至124090B,使得这一古老的文明再次吸引了世人的目光。
A )古代雕刻艺术的宝库。
C C919的试飞成功,标志着我国大型商用飞机的研制已达到国际先进水平。
D .骑自行车健身时,所以减肥、塑身效果都比较明显。
7D )AB各种生活现象的一种民间说唱曲艺形式。
8.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( D )ABC我国成功发射的脉冲星试验卫星属于太阳同步轨道卫星,入轨并完成在轨测试后将开展在轨技术试验,主要验证星载脉冲星探测器性能指标等。
9. 下列各句中,加点成语使用不恰当的一项是(D)A.当全民足球的趋势逐渐被放大,校园足球也出现了“量产式”的发展,家长的担心也并非全都是不经之谈。
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(A )这个游戏平台在整个产业链中,占据了中游资源,不仅是中国民族网络游戏、移动互B.C.试政策拓宽足球人才成长渠道,培养优秀足球后备人才。
(8分)1.zǎo ch en,同学们穿着xiān yàn 的fú zhuāng把学校dǎ bàn得绚丽多彩,zhāo yǐn来了hào qí的蜜蜂、蝴蝶,它们在花丛中tiào wǔ、kuáng huān。
2四年级应用题专题训练(单量 数量 总量)综合训练 (1)
四年级应用题专题训练(单量数量总量)综合训练1.一种抽水机4台8小时抽水192吨,平均每台每小时抽水多少吨?2.学校组织植树活动,把学生分成18个小组,一共要植576棵树,平均每组植树多少棵?3.现有80.8千克的油,容量为4.7千克的油桶多少只才能全部装完?(得数保留整数)4.装订一本书要42张纸,现在860张纸装订20本书,纸够吗?5.某日人民币对美元的汇价是100美元可兑换人民币801.97元。这样要兑换1万美元需要人民币( )元。6.王老师有72元钱,他买24元一本的词典,可以买( )本。 A.5B.4C.37.四年级80位少先队员在学雷锋活动中共做好事560件,平均每个同学做了多少好事?8.一台收割机7小时收割小麦3.5公顷。平均收割每公顷小麦要多少小时?平均每小时收割小麦多少公顷?9.如果公园的门票每张8元,某校组织97名同学去公园玩,带800元钱够不够?10.一种播种机的播种宽度是3米,播种机每小时行5千米,照这样计算,2小时可以播种多少公顷?11.海啸过后的第16天,已不是中国首富的丁磊在广州宣布他个人向中国红十字会捐款120万美元,帮助受灾地区重建家园。
他的捐款折合人民币多少万元(1美元相当于8.25元人民币)?12.在百米赛跑中一名运动员用时为12秒,他每秒钟跑( )米。(得数保留两位小数。)13.小明买5千克苹果用去16.5元,小红买7千克苹果用去21.7元,谁买得贵?贵多少?14.一堆煤有3.7吨,一辆板车每次只能运走0.5吨。如果把这堆煤都运走至少要运( )次。[ ]A.7.4 B.7 C.815.妈妈到菜场买猪肉回到家,小明问妈妈猪肉一斤要多少元,妈妈说1.25斤的猪肉要8.5元,你能快速的帮小明解决问题吗?16.一辆汽车3.5升油可以行驶70千米,这辆汽车用1升油可以行驶多少千米?行驶1千米需要多少升汽油?17.李老师给参加数学竞赛获奖的同学买奖品,用148.8元买了12枝钢笔,每枝钢笔是( )元。18.王师傅4.8小时加工12个零件,平均每小时加工多少个,列式是( );平均加工一个零件要多少小时,列式是( )。A、4.8×12 B、4.8÷12 C、12×4.8 D、12÷4.819.有一批13.6吨的货物,用一辆载重4吨的卡车至少要几次才能运完?20.一家粮店5天买出618.5千克大米,平均每天卖出多少千克?21.一张发票被撕掉一角,你能算出每张桌子多少钱吗?22.每本故事书8.65元,李老师要买35本故事书,大约需要多少钱?(得数保留整数)23.商店里运来75个玉米,如果每15个装一筐,能正好装完吗?还可以怎么装?装几筐?24.一根6.4米长的彩带,每1.4米剪一段包扎一个礼盒,这根彩带可以包扎几个礼盒?25.一篇891个字的文章,小英为打字员、办公人员、学生小明三个人作了一个调查,请你帮小英把表填完整。
细胞浸泡于一定浓度的PI中,仅有死亡细胞的核会被染色,活细胞则不着色,但将PI 注射到活细胞中,则细胞核会着色。
利用PI鉴别细胞的基本原理是A.死细胞与活细胞的核酸结构不同 B.死细胞与活细胞的核酸含量不同C.活细胞能分解染色剂PI D.活细胞的细胞膜阻止PI的进入2.在做脂肪鉴定的实验中,步骤二用到了50%的酒精溶液,其作用是( ) A.消毒 B.洗去切片上的浮色C.便于观察 D.作为染色辅助剂3.下面是4位同学拼制的DNA分子部分平面结构模型,正确的是( )ABCD4.稻田里农民要拔掉稗草,人们不断清除鱼塘中肉食性的黑鱼,从生态学分析是为( ) A.保持生态平衡B.保持物种的单一性C.调整能量流动的方向D.加快物质循环5.下列属于支原体细胞中的生物膜的是( )A.细胞膜 B.荚膜 C.内质网膜 D.核膜6.对绿色植物来说,在反应式中,当反应向ATP方向进行时,提供能量的生理过程是( )A.暗反应和呼吸作用B.光反应和呼吸作用C.主动运输和光反应D.光反应和暗反应7.某学生在玻璃温室里进行植物栽培实验,为此他对室内空气中的二氧化碳含量进行24小时测定,图曲线中能正确表示其测定结果的是( ) (横坐标为当日时间,纵坐标为二氧化碳浓度)8.下面是最早的抗生素——青霉素的发明人弗莱明所从事的研究过程的一部分。
最适合作为这个实验猜想的是( )A.青霉菌与细菌间是共生关系 B.青霉菌污染了细菌生存的环境C.青霉菌产生了对人类有益的物质 D.青霉菌产生了可以抑制细菌增殖的物质9.下列生物学研究选择的技术(方法)不恰当的是 ( ) A.利用纸层析法分离叶绿体中的色素 B.利用γ射线诱变育种C.利用同位素示踪法研究DNA复制 D.利用光学显微镜观察细胞膜磷脂双分子层10.某细菌能产生一种“毒性肽”,其分子式是C55H70O19N10,将它彻底水解后只能得到下列四种氨基酸:甘氨酸(C2H5NO2)、丙氨酸(C3H7NO2)、苯丙氨酸(C9H11NO2)、谷氨酸(C5H9NO4),则控制该毒性肽合成的基因至少含有的碱基数为( )A.4 B.60 C.30 D.1011.一株基因型为AaBbCc的植物,取其花药进行花药离体培养,得到的幼苗中基因型是aabbcc的个体为( )A.1/64 B.1/16 C.1/8 D.012.下图是某遗传病系谱图,如图Ⅲ6与有病的女性结婚,则生育有病男孩的概率是( )A.1/4B.1/3C.1/8D.1/613.假如某大肠杆菌含14N的DNA的相对分子质量为a,若将其长期培养在含15N的培养基中,便得到含15N的DNA,相对分子质量为b。
中考基础专项综合训练 (1)
年 份 用水量
2002年 35吨
2003 年 34.5
2004年 34.0
2005年 33.2
年 份
2006 年
答: (3)在本次活动中,需要粘贴一些标语口号,请你根据 “发展 水利,改善民生”和“绿色奥运,节水先行”的意思和句式,再写 出两条标语,句子字数不必拘泥8个字。(2分) 标语口号: (1) (2)
2024届江苏省南京市高三下学期考前综合训练题(一)英语试题一、阅读理解The Shanghai Museum has announced its 2024 exhibition list, and “Top of the Pyramids, Ancient Egyptian Civilization Exhibition” will be the most anticipated.Running from July 19 to August 17, 2025, the one-year exhibition features the world’s largest and Asia’s highest level of ancient Egyptian cultural relics (文物) seen outside the country of Egypt. More than 95 percent of the Egyptian relics in this show are coming to Asia for the first time. It is also China’s first cooperation with the Egyptian government.Occupying three exhibition halls on the first floor at the Shanghai Museum, the exhibition will display nearly 500 groups of 800 ancient Egyptian relics.To be in concert with this exhibition, “Disappearing Pharaoh Khufu”, an immersive (沉浸的) exhibition, will be held at the same time on the second floor at the museum. Through the top virtual reality technology, visitors are able to travel back to the mysterious Egyptian civilization 4,500 years ago through a 45-minute digital experience.Besides this exhibition, the Shanghai Museum will also arrange a group of overseas exhibitions to spread traditional Chinese culture and art to more people. Among them, “China’s Han Dynasty cultural relics exhibition” will be on display in Hungary from January to June, showing the artistic and cultural achievements during the Han Dynasty. “The World of Marco Polo” will be shown from April to September in Italy and “The Beauty of Chinese Ceramics” in Japan from October to March, 2025.1.What’s special about the Egyptian cultural relics show?A.It displays relics hardly shown in Asia before.B.It features a VR experience in 3 exhibition halls.C.It marks Egypt’s first overseas exhibition of relics.D.It witnesses the long-term China-Egypt cooperation.2.Which exhibition will be shown in Italy?A.Disappearing Pharaoh Khufu.B.China’s Han Dynasty cultural relics exhibition.C.The World of Marco Polo.D.The Beauty of Chinese Ceramics.3.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A travel schedule.B.A local newspaper.C.A museum brochure.D.An official document.Last year I averaged 9,370 steps a day. My smartphone counted. My daily aim? Ten thousand steps. Because goals.Yet the concept of taking 10,000 steps a day to maintain health is rooted not in science but in marketing. In the 1960s, a Japanese company invented an early pedometer (计步器). Because the Japanese character for “10,000” looks like a person walking, the company called its device the 10,000-step meter. “It was just sort of a catchy phrase,” says I-Min Lee, a scientist at Harvard Medical School.In 2019, Lee published a study investigating the actual effects of meeting the 10,000-step goal. The result? Some movement is good, and more is better, but the benefits decline at some point. Your personal peak depends on your age. People younger than 60 should indeed walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day to get the best benefits in terms of lifespan (寿命). People older than 60 show the most benefit between 6,000 and 8,000 steps.The difference is energy consumption. “We basically relate energy consumption to health outcomes,” Lee says. Walking for 60 minutes at 3.3 miles an hour and running for 30 minutes at 6 miles an hour use the same amount of energy. “The older you are, the less efficient you are with your steps,” Lee says. “Per step, older people use more energy.” Thus, they need fewer steps to achieve the same benefits.Newer studies are moving beyond death rates to ask questions about the way steps may help to control blood pressure and weight. The goal, after all, is not just to live longer but to live healthier. Ful results are not in yet, so Lee’s advice is: “Tailor your steps according to what you are trying to achieve and according to who you are.”4.The concept of taking 10,000 steps daily arises from ______.A.the findings of scientific surveys B.the formation of a Japanese characterC.a marketing trick D.a healthy habit5.What does Lee’s research find?A.Walking step targets vary with age.B.Walking more makes one look younger.C.Old people benefit more from walking longer.D.Reaching 10,000 steps daily appeals to many.6.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A.The difference in energy consumption among age groups.B.The contrast between the benefits of walking and running.C.The reason for setting different step goals based on age.D.The link between energy consumption and health outcomes.7.What will newer studies focus on?A.How steps change one’s lifestyle.B.How steps affect one’s lifespan.C.How steps reduce death rates.D.How steps boost healthy living.We go through life assuming we’re in charge of our own minds —until temptation (诱惑) strikes. Few things better illustrate how little control we really have. You can know exactly what you should do (decline the second slice of cake or the third cocktail), but that hardly seems to matter when the urge arises. More self-discipline is rarely the answer, though. Instead, if you can understand what’s going on inside your head when temptation comes, you’ll be far better placed to make a healthier choice.Sometimes, you need to push yourself, the idea behind which, in psychology, is to make the better choice the easier choice. (School pupils eat more healthily, it’s been shown, when the salads are within easier reach than the chips.) So, instead of relying on willpower, stop keeping ice creams in your freezer! Use StayFocused or similar apps to block distracting websites. Change your environment, and temptation will be a non-issue.For every person, behind every bad habit, there's a reasonable desire: some people eat or drink too much because they're lonely, or smoke to get a break from a busy schedule. Once you’ve uncovered this underlying need, find a different way to meet it: call a friend; take a coffee break instead of a cigarette break. There’s nothing wrong with the need—only with the way you’recurrently meeting it.It’s a strange truth that we’ll break all sorts of promises to ourselves— yet most of us would never fail to show up at a prearranged meeting with a friend. Involve others in your temptation-resistance efforts, whether it's asking someone to check in weekly to see if you’re sticking to your plan, or never going shopping alone if you’re subject to impulse purchases. Best of all, launch a joint plan, in which two of you decide to give up a bad habit. That turns a challenge into a fun game.8.What does “that” mean in paragraph 1?A.Temptation.B.Self-awareness.C.Choice.D.Self-motivation.9.Which should be a good choice if you feel worn out from a packed timetable?A.Exercise strong willpower over it.B.Keep ice creams within easy reach.C.Use StayFocused to refresh yourself.D.Chat with a friend over a cup of coffee.10.What does the author suggest you do according to paragraph 4?A.Seek partners’ support.B.Leave challenges behind.C.Keep your promises.D.Say no to playing games.11.What is the text mainly about?A.What causes temptation.B.How to keep temptation at bay.C.Why urges set in.D.How to keep life under control.While lifting weights one day, I heard a loud click on my back. I was rushed to the emergency room, where I was told the pain would eventually disappear. It didn’t, however. What I’ve learned about pain since then — both as a patient and as a physician — has me questioning how we treat it.Vania Apkarian, one of the world’s leading pain researchers, told me the classic idea is that pain continues as long as the injury does, but the injury and pain it produces end up being separate. “Although MRIs (核磁共振) are reliable indicators of injury, they are not reliable indicators of pain,” he says. A review of 33 studies found that among a group of 20-year-olds without any backpain, 37 percent had disc degeneration (腰椎间盘退化) on MRI. And in people whose backs hurt, MRI results have absolutely no connection with their pain.This is a really big deal: millions of people in the U.S. alone get MRIs for back pain. Yet 5 percent of them were medically justified, and of those who received MRIs, 65 percent received potentially harmful advice — including calls for risky back surgery that probably wouldn’t have resolved their pain. I could have been one of those people, yet when I took my MRI films to an experienced surgeon, he told me an operation might leave my back worse off.If MRI doesn’t explain long-lasting pains, what does? One major factor is our mentality. A recent trial has revealed the power of therapies (疗法) that target how we think about discomfort. People who are anxious about being in pain are twice as likely to develop long time pain.A thorough examination of pain and its origins should encourage efforts to make sure everyone in pain receives kindness and respect, as well as access to more than pills and surgical procedures. Fully accepting the complexity of pain can open the door to new and innovative ways to ensure that even if we hurt, we don’t have to suffer.12.What does paragraph 2 imply?A.Back pain is not necessarily an emergency case.B.MRI tests can’t give a full picture of one’s condition.C.Minor injuries can lead to severe pain.D.Bone problems begin to bother the young.13.What can we learn from the author’s personal story?A.He found his back surgery medically justified.B.The surgeon misled him about the back injury.C.A surgery might do him more harm than good.D.Being a physician helps him treat his back pain.14.According to the author, what should a patient with long-lasting pain do?A.Consult professionals to receive surgeries.B.Have painkillers as early as possible.C.Take comprehensive MRI examinations.D.Acquire a thorough understanding of the pain.15.What is a suitable title for the text?A.Origins of pain.B.Killers of pain.C.Victims of pain.D.Effects of pain.On a beautiful Saturday morning, I went for a run in the park. I got to about a mile and a half, through rose gardens and around trees. 16 . The next thing I remember was two worried faces looking down at me.They were calling an ambulance, while a black Labrador was licking my face! I felt pain in my back. Later, I learnt the dog chasing a squirrel ran straight into me. I was thrown into the air and landed on my back. My usual run had turned into a trip to a nearby hospital. Luckily, aside from minor injuries, I was OK. 17 : what if it had been a car? How can we ever see these things coming?The truth is that sometimes, life really is out of our control. Then what do we do when it does? First, do a gratitude stocktake (盘点): my friend Denise, would look after my son Jett; gratitude that it was a dog, not a car, and I lived to tell the tale.The next, who and what measures up? These uncontrollable moments in life are also the times when you find the greatest clarity. 18 .The ones that make the effort: show up; come round; be there.19 see it as an opportunity to step back and reassess. Is your time and love focused on the things that truly matter? Are there conversations left unsaid? What do you want to do differently? If it all ended tomorrow, would your life have been well lived? I hope so. 20 ! A.But it crossed my mindB.Unless misfortune falls upon youC.Then I‘m not entirely sure what happenedD.You see the people who are really there for youE.When the breath is literally knocked out of youF.I didn’t expect a Labrador would transform my lifeG.If not, it’s time to start living and watching out for dogs二、完形填空In 2014, Amy collapsed from a brain hemorrhage (脑溢血) while working. After a year recovering at home, she 21 a course with the ambition to become a 22 .However, occasional vision disturbance was still 23 , influencing the amount of 24 she could give to the course. Further complications (并发症) left the young artist almost completely blind, making it difficult to see a whole figure. It’s particularly 25 because it seemed to 26 her optimism to be a painter!One morning, when watching the sunrise, she suddenly felt a sense of 27 . She realized that she may not 28 a whole face anymore, but it shouldn’t stop her from putting what she could see on canvas (画布). The following years, she 29 her special art journey.“Strangely, my experience has increased my 30 when drawing, enabling me to catch a character better,” she explains. “People often speak highly of the detail and sensitivity of the character. I have more determination and appreciation for my 31 . These are 32 I wouldn’t have had without everything I’ve 33 .” For her new touring exhibition, she has produced a series of artworks based on her visual experience. “In the 34 interaction between what I can and cannot see lies my perspective on the world.”Sometimes, we can tur a loss into a gain: something unique and individual that has been gifted to us by never 35 .21.A.made use of B.looked forward to C.signed up for D.took pride in 22.A.teacher B.doctor C.worker D.painter 23.A.present B.unnoticed C.unusual D.strange 24.A.credit B.energy C.instruction D.donation 25.A.disappointing B.exciting C.inspiring D.depressing 26.A.ruin B.boost C.spread D.express 27.A.achievement B.thankfulness C.belongings D.security 28.A.see B.touch C.draw D.cover 29.A.shared B.concluded C.started D.recalled 30.A.eyesight B.sensitivity C.taste D.attention 31.A.talent B.choice C.role D.vision 32.A.gifts B.challenges C.awards D.pains33.A.relied on B.gone after C.survived through D.thought of 34.A.active B.misty C.social D.regular 35.A.losing B.leaving C.quitting D.failing三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
新视野大学英语综合训练第1册课后练习题含答案1. 简介《新视野大学英语》是国内外知名的大学英语教材,旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
2. 课后练习题Part One:Listening SkillSection AListen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.Section BListen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.Part Two:Speaking SkillSection ADescribe the following pictures in your own words.Picture 1: __________Picture 2: __________Section BAnswer the following questions in complete sentences.1.What’s your favorite hobby? Why?2.Do you think hobbies are important? Why or why not?3.What hobbies do most people in your country have?4.Have you ever tried a new hobby? What was it? Did you enjoyit?5.Do you think that hobbies can help people relax? Why or whynot?Part Three:Reading SkillSection ARead the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words.Section BRead the passage and choose the best answer to each question.Part Four:Writing SkillSection AComplete the following sentences using the words provided.1.__________ (never / traveled)2.__________ (more / easily)3.__________ (learn / another)4.__________ (speak / fluently)5.__________ (friends / different)Section BWrite a paragraph of about 100 words on one of the following topics.1.Describe a memorable travel experience.2.Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of living in a big city.3.Expln why learning a foreign language is important.4.Describe a special hobby or interest of yours.5.Discuss your favorite book or movie and why you enjoy it.3. 答案解析(答案略)。
14.下列说法正确的是()A .α粒子散射实验说明原子核内部具有结构B .在234112H H He x +→+中,x 表示质子C .重核的裂变和轻核的聚变都是质量亏损的放出核能过程D .一个氢原子从1n =能级跃迁到2n =能级,必需吸收光子15.一滑块做直线运动的v t -图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是()A .滑块在3s 末的加速度等于22m/s -B .滑块在2s 末速度方向发生改变C .滑块在2~4s 内的位移与4~6s 内的位移相同D .滑块在0~6s 内的平均速度等于0~2s 内的平均速度16.空间有一水平匀强电场,范围足够大,场中有一粒子源,某时刻释放出速度大小相同的同种带电粒子,速度方向沿垂直于电场的竖直面内各方向,粒子的重力不计,如图所示,则()A .同一时刻所有粒子的动量相同B .同一时刻所有粒子的位移相同C .同一时刻所有粒子到达同一等势面上D .同一时刻所有粒子到达同一水平面上17.传送带在工农业生产和日常生活中都有广泛的应用,例如在港口用传送带装卸货物,在机场用传送带装卸行李等,为人们的生活带来了很多的便利.如图甲所示,为一传送带输送机卸货的简化模型:长为L 的传送带与水平面夹角为θ,传送带以速度逆时针匀速转动。
在传送带的上端轻轻放置一个质量为m 的小物块,小物块与传送带之间的动摩擦因数为(最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力).图乙为小物块运动的v—t 图象.根据以上信息可以判断出()A.小物块开始运动的加速度为B.小物块与传送带之间的动摩擦因数C.时刻,小物块的速度为D.传送带始终对小物块做正功18.如图所示,半径相同、质量分布均匀的圆柱体A和半圆柱体B靠在一起,A表面光滑,重力为G,B下表面粗糙,A静止在水平面上,现过A的轴心施以水平作用力F,可缓慢地将A拉离平面一直滑到B的顶端,整个过程中,B始终处于静止状态,对该过程分析,下列说法不正确的是)()A.开始时拉力F最大为3G,以后逐渐减小为0B.A、B间的压力开始最大为2G,以后逐渐减小到GC.地面受到B的压力逐渐增大D.地面对B的摩擦力逐渐减小19.人类首次发现了引力波来源于距地球之外13亿光年的两个黑洞(质量分别为26个和39个太阳质量)互相绕转最后合并的过程。
大学英语综合训练教程第一册答案Key to Unit 1Text Learning Guide Questions1. My parents want me to;To go on holiday in an English speaking country;To make friends with people who speak English;It’s my hobby;I need it for my job;To pass an exam.2. I had to be faced with many problems in learning English, such as pronunciation, grammar rules, and cultural background. And the most frustrating one was how to memorize a large body of new words.I Writing (15 %)Income GapThere has been a heated discussion over the growing income gap now. Some people hold that the gap is natural because it reflects different contributions that different people make in their work. In their view, those people with high income work hard and long. Besides, these people bring high efficiency, and create more wealth. Accordingly, they deserve high pay.On the other hand, there are always some people who view this gap negatively. They believe that a lot of crimes happen as a result of this income gap. Some people make so little from their work that they risk taking criminal acts to get rich. In fact, experts have long found out that most cases of crime are directly related to low income. There is another point to back up a negative view against income gap. For most people, income gap may destroy the satisfaction that they obtain from work.As anything has two sides, so has the problem of income gap. Personally, I believe that this gap may motivate people to compete better in job market. When this gap is growing too wide, however, our government should make some policies to get rid of its negative consequences.II Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (10%)1-7 BCACDCB 8. overall white women9. the beauty industry’s standards 10. beauty and desirabilityIII Banked Cloze (5%)11. B 12. G 13. C 14. I 15. K 16. N 17. A 18. D 19. L 20. FIV Reading in Depth (20%)21-25 ADDAB 26-30 ADCBDV Cloze (10%)31-35 DCBCD 36-40 ADABB 41-45 CBACA 46-50 CBACCVI Word building (15%)1. requirements2. impatient3. succeeded4. reflected/reflects5. commitment6. awareness7. challenging8. frustrated9. unforgettable 10. discovery11. instructor 12. absolutely 13. eagerness 14. personally municationVII Rewrite the Following Sentences (5%)1. was rewarding enough to spend the time and effort on it2. reach the lowest standards allowed by the course3. communicate with others and reduce the difference4. I cried because of disappointment5. Still, the situation had many problemsVIII Fill in blanks (10%)1. trying2. for3. did4. insights5. opened6. communicate7. favorite8. participate9. space 10. gapIX. Translation (10%)1. while he considers it meaningless and useless2. Now that we have finished the course3. Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience4. give up working and stay home to look after the children5. but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply6. more and more people have access to the Internet7. so I feel like participating in the contest8. It requires a lot of patience to complete this task9. Although he is 2 years senior to me / senior to me by 2 years10. It is vital that an online student be fully aware ofKey to Unit 2Text Learning Guide Questions1. 1) The older generation emphasizes devotion to society while the younger one thinks moreabout the realization of personal value.2) The older sticks to its experience-based beliefs while the younger clings to radical ideas.3) The older believes young people are too young to see through things whereas the youngerthinks the elders’ ideas are too old to keep up with the flow of the times.2. As far as we are concerned, the secrets are as follows:1) Keep our minds open to our parents;2) Treat our parents as we want them to treat us;3) Make friends with our parents;4) Learn to be responsible for our actions;5) Be sure to show love to our parents in different formsI Writing (15 %)Views on Generation Gap1) When it comes to the problem of generation gap, people’s ideas are not cut from the same cloth.2) Most of the old argue that young people should be responsible for the problem. 3) They base their argument on the ground that young people either turn a deaf ear to the elders’ experience-based advice or set themselves against what the elders have been proud of. 4) Yet the younger generation reacts to the problem the other way around and holds that the opposite is just reasonable. 5) From their angle of view, the older generation is too conservative to acceptanything new, as a result of which, their voices are not taken into account, and their efforts are far from the requirements set by the elders.6) I am of the opinion that both generations should take the responsibility for the problem. 7) Much evidence proves that the generation gap results just when the two generations miss connecting or understanding with each other. 8) As long as both sides keep their minds open to each other’s outlooks on the world and get ready for adjustment of their own ideas to the social needs, therefore, the gap between them will be narrowed down in time.II Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (10%)1-7 CDBDDDC8. National Committee9. Team manager10. five yearsIII Banked Cloze (5%)11. C 12. K 13. N 14. D 15. H 16. F 17. G 18.M 19. I 20. A来源:来源:IV Reading in Depth (20%)21-25 DCBCA 26-30 BADBAV Cloze (10%)31-35 ABCAA 36-40 BDCBA 41-45 BCBCD 46-50 CABCAVI Word building (15%)1. valuable2. encouragement3. repeatedly4. agreement5. thoroughly6. offensive7. disturbing8. awake9.consistency 10. tunelessly11. Evaluation 12. curiosity 13. individually 14. guidance 15. additionalVII Rewrite the Following Sentences (5%)1.entered her room suddenly2.took the soap suddenly and washed herself all over3.I have finished my breakfast4.not old enough to wear so much makeup5.People of different age groups like different types of musicVIII Fill in blanks (10%)1. comment2. upset3. appeal4. unique5. embarrassing6. pierced7. negative8. remove9. awful 10. absolutelyIX. Translation (10%)1.how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students2.As usual, when his parents don’t li ke what he wears3.while pretending not to4.Rock music appealed to Sandy so much5.As she was about to turn off the music6.It makes my blood boil, who are forced by their parents7.but when it comes to getting up in the morning in time for classes8.When there is this type of communication barrier between parents and children9.It’s not unusual for teenagers to go through a phase10.that he didn’t tell us his real identityKey to Unit 3Text Learning Guide Questions1. He felt embarrassed to be seen with his father, because his father was severely crippled2. Having a “good heart”.3. He is sorry about having been reluctant to be seen walking together with his crippled and short father.I Writing (15 %)Certificates Craze on CampusIn recent years, to get a certificate has become a new craze among college students. Just randomly, ask a student on campus what he or she is busy doing, quite possibly, you may get the answer that he or she is preparing for a certificate of some kind.Why does this craze appear? There are two mainly reasons behind this phenomenon. First, it is the employments pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges, a large more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job markets. How can one make himself more competitive, more certificates at hands maybe. Second, the diplomas and certificates are still important standard by which many employers measure a person’s ability in order to increase q ualification for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.Form my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability, being crazy in getting certi ficates blindly. It is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.II Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (10%)1. B D B C C A D 8. fear 9. the care for their vocation 10. three / 3III Banked Cloze (5%)11.B 12. O 13. H 14. I 15. D 16. M 17. F 18.A 19. K 20.GIV Reading in Depth (20%)21-25. A C C C C 26-30. A D B D DV Cloze (10%)31-35. C D B A C 36-40 A C B C B 41-45 A D C C B 46-50 D B B D AVI Word building (15%)1. enable2. envious3. occasionally4. knowledgeable5. laughter6. information7. location8. apparently9. interruptions 10. complaints11. reluctance 12. severe 13. aid 14. elderly 15. patienceVII Rewrite the Following Sentences (5%)1. He never showed that he was aware of it or troubled2. He went to work even when he was ill.3….although the weather was very bad.4.…make him experience such shame and stress.5. But the following day people made fun of him and said…VIII Fill in blanks (10%)1.embarrassed2.crippled3. inwardly4. bothered5. on6. coordinate7. halting8. impatient9. pace 10. adjustIX Translation (10%)1. even though the job is not very well paid.2. who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.3. but with a little reluctance.4. Please see to it that you are not late for it.5. you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.6. until (it is) actually started.7. even though he knew she might very well refuse to listen8. he found himself in some very poor parts of the town.9. When hearing the song10. Finding the right balance between work and playKey to Unit 4Text Learning Guide Questions1. We show our true feelings through unspoken communication, that is, through our eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.2. The qualities include physical appearance, energy, rate of speech, pitch, and tone of voice, gestures, expression through the eyes, and the ability to hold the interest of other people.3. We should never change the way we act from one situation to another.4. Look at those in the room and smile.I Writing (15 %)Extravagant spending on college campusAccording to a survey, in recent years, the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into society.This extravagant spending is mainly caused by the following factors: First of all, nowadays, most students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. Secondly, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditures of their children. Thirdly, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tends to need more money. Finally, campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.Form my point of view, a college student as a pure consumer should learn to be thrifty we should limit our expenditure on barely necessities but not buy whatever we want, regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.II Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (10%)1. D B A D C A C 8. feeling the vibrations of a struggling prey9. collagen fibers 10. some fantastic involuntary changesIII Banked Cloze (5%)11. B 12.F 13.K 14. I 15. A 16.N 17. L 18. H 19. D 20.EIV Reading in Depth (20%)21-25. D A C A B 26-30. D B B B CV Cloze (10%)31-35.B D A C C 36-40. A B D B C 41-45. B D A C D 46-50. D C A B AVI Word building (15%)1.presentation2. introductions3. depression4. promotion5. relaxations6. overestimated7. consistent8. impression9. appearance 10. humorous11.unconscious 12. behavioral 13. resentful 14. seemingly 15. statementVII Rewrite the Following Sentences (5%)1.Your eyes, face, body, and attitudes----all the things send information about you to others.2. They teach you to give people strong handshakes when you say hello to them and tell you tolook at the other person.3. The audience always believe what they see with their own eyes rather than what they hear, thatis, seeing is believing.4. Then the chairman moved his head back and laughed loudly.5. Very often, they are either thinking or worrying a lot or talking a lot about themselves.VIII Fill in blanks (10%)1.how-to2.stride3. impress4. handshakes5. drive6. consistently7.effective8. addressing9. interviewed 10. matchIX Translation (10%)1.was committed to the cause of language teaching.2.She was so absorbed in reading the book.3. believe what they see over what they hear.4. leaving a bad impression on everyone.5. to be consistently you, at your best.6. all of the students took it seriously7. Realizing it wasn’t her fault8. breaking it into pieces9. actions speak louder than words10. Body movements are unconscious forms of expressionsKey to Unit 5ⅠWriting(15%)How to Deal With PovertyMost people have realized that poverty has long been a serious social problem,but they are divided on whether it can ever be eliminated.The reasons why such phenomenon arises are threefold.First, the distribution mechanism of our nation has some innate drawbacks. Second, the gap of economic development between urban and rural areas is too huge to be bridged in a short time. Third, the present education system is far from satisfactory: many children throughout the country cannot receive nine-year compulsory education.Consequently it is important that we take three measures to solve this problem. First of all, the government should constantly improve the distribution mechanism, making it not only transparent but also reasonable. In the second place, during economic development, more emphasis should be placed on the relatively backward areas. Last but by no means least, all people should make great efforts to significantly iimprove educational level---- if we can quickly increase the literacy rate of our nation, the overall situation of poverty will fundamentally change.It is beyond doubt that poverty is a serious problem to any nation at any time.Nevertheless, in such a nation as we have, I firmly believe if all of us shoulder the responsibility, we can deal with this problem successfully.Ⅱ.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and scanning )(10%)1-7 ACBCDDC 8. suggestion therapy9. they are fascinated by it 10. accept it/ accept the methodⅢ.Banked cloze(5%)11. N 12. O 13. D 14. L 15. C 16. J 17. K 18. B 19. H 20. GⅣ. Reading in depth (20%)21-25. A B C D C 26-30. C C D A CⅤ.Cloze (10%)31-35. B D C A C 36-40. B D C C B 41-45. A D B C D 46-50 B C B D BⅥ. Word building (15%)1. threatened2. pressure3. educational4. emergence5. infection6. bled7. enjoyable8. adoption9. vaporize 10. competed11. trial 12. repetition 13. distract 14. Efficiency 15. alarmingⅦ. Rewrite the following sentences(5%)1.who have the HIV virus, will die2.Although the number of people infected with AIDS is surprising3.In order to contact more people in the community4.because people can make a better connection5.Such wrong information is common and causes problems in the medical institutionⅧ. Fill in the blanks(10%)1. concern2. however3. whatever4. being5. of6. infected7. on8. remained9. in 10. fromⅨ. Translation(10%)1.because the noise will distract her from homework2.before signing up for it.3.The policy is playing a more and more important role4.Despite all the efforts from the local organizations5.reject the new heart as a foreign object6.in spite of his old age7.will be of some use to the battle against AIDS8.implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods9.the way he teaches English10.both vitamin and mineral deficiencyKeys to Unit 6ⅠWriting (15%)The Career I PursueWhenever asked about the career I pursue, I will not hesitate a moment to say that I want to bea doctor in the future.The reasons why I choose to be in the medical profession are as follows. First, it would be a most glorious job to save the dying and help the wounded. By relieving the pain in the body or the heart, doctors make great contributions to increasing the living quality of different people.Second, by exploring in the fantastic world of medicine, doctors take on the responsibility offinding ways make people healthier and stronger, which is vital to the development of the whole mankind.Third, a doctor can be respectable because of the patience to listen and the determination to help.To turn my dream into reality, I have made the following preparations.First, I listen to teachers attentively in class and review lessons carefully after class. Second, I consult all kinds of reference materials in the library or on the internet to improve my expertise. Third, I carefully make the experiments to lay a solid foundation for future study. I believe as long as I work hard in this direction, my dream will become true one day.ⅡSkimming and Scanning (10%)1-7 A B C B B B C 8.General Sherman9. their thick bark 10. so enormous that they seem unrealⅢ Banked cloze(5%)11.C 12. M 13. E 14. K 15. N 16. L 17. I 18. B 19. F 20. HⅣ. Reading in depth (20%)21-25 ABDCD 26-30 CDBABⅤ.Cloze (10%)31-35. B C A C B 36-40. D D C A D 41-45. A A C A B 46-50 B D D B CⅥ. Word building (15%)1. occasionally2.lengthy3. frankly4. harmful5. employment6. continually7.conceivable8. replacement9. devotion 10. inquiry11.survival 12. original 13. approachable 14. civilization 15. acquaintanceⅦ.Rewrite the sentences (5%)1.but my mind told me2.I felt that I was treated as a human again.3.As an immediate and natural reaction to his experience, Steve talked angrily about these things4.Most people looked friendly and easy to talk to.5.How dare you say what I should not do?Ⅷ. Fill in the blanks1. Contrary2. prior3.anyone4. scared5. Unfortunately6. quit7. out 8. triumph 9. matter 10. commenceⅨ. Translation1.but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style2.Contrary to his hope3.Even if you disagree with her4.we always make the rounds of his relatives5.you should stay away either from online games or from part-time work6.The officials in charge of the investigation7.but none of them held water8.I slept for 12 solid hours9.Out of the sympathy for those homeless children10.so has sheKey to Unit 7Text Learning Guide Questions1.He threw his keys into a bush.2.A river.3.Their attention focuses on the guns rather than on their users.4.They were destroying the basic ideas that we value: our freedom to move about, the fruits oflabor, our own lives and those of people we value.I.Writing (15%)Should Firecrackers Be Banned?There has long been a national debate on firecrackers. Some people advocate that firecrackers should be banned because we had heard of too many instances of firecrackers injuring people and causing fires. Others hold the opposite opinion. They believe firecrackers, apart from creating happy atmosphere and bringing good luck, have become part of out national tradition. How can we do away with this custom which labels our identity?From my point of view, I welcome so-called limited banning, which has been practiced in some parts of our country. On the one hand, the local government at all levels can organize large-male parties in which firecrackers are let off on national holidays especially the Spring Festival. On the other hand, the specialist himself, who makes this his career, takes on the responsibility of letting off the firecrackers on ceremonies and parties. Only in this way can we ward off danger while retaining the happiness brought about by firecrackers.II. Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (10%)1-7 CBCBCAC 8. do not mix well9. electricity for manufacturing 10. the losing of calciumIII. Banked Cloze (5%)11. E 12. H 13. A 14. B 15. F 16. L 17.I 18. K 19. N 20. DIV. Reading in depth. (20%)21-25 CDDA 26-30 CADBCV. Cloze (10%)31-35 DABDA 36-40 CCCAB 41-45 ADCDA 46-50 AABCDVI. Word building (15%)1. enlarge2. presently3. endangered4. criminals5. robbery6. exception7. unusual8. polishing9. unshaven 10. intentionally11. ignorance 12. guilty 13. anxiety 14. violence 15. confrontationsVII. Rewrite the following sentences (5%)1.I thought it was very peculiar to have my life saved by fried chicken.2. George had his papers taken from him at the police station.3.The couple are going to have their wedding photos enlarged at the store.4.Many victims of armed attacks focused their attention on the guns, rather than on their users5.Rather than using the last of my cash, I decided to write a check.VIII. Fill in blanks. (10%)1.emerged2. intentionally3. polished4. to5. sidewalk6. into7. additional8. robberies9. identify 10 withIX. Translation (10%)1.The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged2.that morning was no exception3.and we can’t offer any additional details4.The couple pulled their car into the parking lot5.no matter hoe unpleasant it is6.rather than hurt the attacker7.Since she had the walls repainted8.teenage crime was out of control9.fearing that he would come face to face with the robber a second time10.rather than the exception。
【精品】九年级物理上学期 综合训练一(第十三~十四章)
综合训练一(第十三~十四章)一、选择题1.关于下列现象的说法中,正确的是()A.矿石被粉碎成粉末,说明矿石分子很小B.热水瓶塞有时很难拔出,说明分子间有引力C.污水排入池塘不久,整个池塘的水都被污染了,说明分子在做无规则运动D.气体很容易被压缩,说明分子间有引力2.关于温度、热量、内能,以下说法正确的是()A.0 ℃的冰没有内能B.水沸腾时继续吸热,温度保持不变C.物体的温度越低,所含的热量越多D.物体的内能与温度有关,只要温度不变,物体的内能就一定不变3.(2018百色)如图所示的各种情景,属于热传递改变物体内能的是(),A.滑下滑梯) ,B.给水加热),C.压缩点火) ,D.搓手取暖)4.(2017上海)两个质量不同的金属块,放出相同热量,降低相同温度,则()A.质量大的金属块的比热容一定大B.质量大的金属块的比热容一定小C.质量大的金属块的比热容可能大D.两个金属块的比热容有可能相同5.(2017成都)小明根据下表所提供的数据得出了四个结论,其中正确的是()A.B.同种物质发生物态变化后,比热容不变C.由于水的比热容大,白天海水温度比沙滩高D.2 kg的水温度升高50 ℃,吸收的热量是4.2×105J6.(2018巴中)下列有关热机的说法正确的是()A.柴油机顶部是火花塞,吸气冲程吸入的是空气B.热机的工作原理是将内能转化为机械能C.内燃机压缩冲程时体积增大,内能减少,温度升高D.热机效率可以等于17.以下说法正确的是()A.冷水一定比热水的内能小,是因为冷水温度较低B.汽油机在做功冲程中,是内能转化为机械能C.用火炉烧水,是通过做功的方法增加水的内能D.中午海滩上沙子比水热,是因为水的比热容较小8.煤的热值大于干木柴的热值,这里是指()A.煤比干木柴含有的热量多一些B.烧煤比烧干木柴产生的温度高一些C.烧煤比烧干木柴产生的热量多一些D.要使它们放出相同的热量,烧煤用的质量较少9.(2017枣庄)如图所示是某内燃机工作时的能量流向,该内燃机的热机效率是()A.25%B.35%C.40%D.75%10.(2018铜仁)阅读下列材料:①扩散现象实质是一切物质分子都在不停地做无规则运动;②内燃机压缩冲程是将内能转化为机械能;③压缩气体使气体温度升高是通过做功改变物体内能;④热机效率是热机性能的重要指标之一.以下答案正确的是()A.①③④正确B.只有①③正确C.①②正确D.①②③④正确二、填空题11.(2017聊城)端午节到了,空气中弥漫着粽子的香味,“棕叶飘香”是现象;固体很难被压缩,是因为固体分子间存在着W.12.当神舟飞船穿越大气层返回地面时,它表面温度升高,这是通过的方式将能转化为内能.13.(2017江西)长征二号PT2运载火箭选用液态氢作燃料,主要是因为液态氢的高.火箭外表涂有一层特殊物质,是利用该物质在发生物态变化时要热,从而避免高速运行的火箭温度过高.14.(2018株洲)水煮花生是一道风味小吃.煮花生过程中,通过(选填“做功”或“热传递”)方式使其内能增大;利用(选填“机械”或“热”)运动使花生仁具有各种调料味.15.已知天然气的热值是7.5×107J/m3,若某家庭一个月用8 m3的天然气,则这些天然气完全燃烧时放出的热量是J,若这些热量全部由热值是3.0×107J/kg的焦炭来提供,应完全燃烧kg的焦炭.16.(2018郴州)标准大气压下完全燃烧0.042 m3的煤气放出的热量是J.若50%的热量被水吸收,能使质量为2.5 kg、初温为25 ℃的水升高℃.[q煤气=4.0×107 J/m3,c水=4.2×103J/(kg·℃)]三、实验探究题17.(2017永城模拟)小强是一个喜欢思考的同学,他随家人到海边玩耍时,发现阳光下的海水和岸边的沙子温差很大.于是他带回一些岸边的沙子想比较沙子和水这两种物质吸热能力的差异.他设计了如图所示的实验装置,所使用的仪器规格也完全相同.请你来帮他完成实验.(1)在实验时控制(选填“加热时间”或“温度变化”)相同就可以确定水和沙子吸收了相同的热量;加热完成后只要比较它们(选填“加热时间”或“温度变化”)的多少就可以比较出沙子和水吸热能力的差异.(2)小强查表可知,由实验测得的沙子的比热容比实际值要大一些,若测量过程中没有错误,你认为造成此误差的原因是________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________.18.在比较不同燃料热值大小的实验中,小明组装了两套完全相同的实验装置,如图所示.(1)他分别在燃烧皿中放入质量的燃料甲和燃料乙.(选填“相同”或“不同”)(2)同时点燃燃料后,对质量都为100 g和初温都为20 ℃的水加热.燃烧相同时间后,用甲加热后的水温度为30 ℃,另一杯水温度为24 ℃.此过程水的内能(选填“增大”或“减小”).用甲加热的水吸收的热量为J.[水的比热容为4.2×103J/(kg·℃)](3)由实验结果(选填“能”或“不能”)说明甲的热值较大.四、简答题19.在装着红棕色二氧化氮气体的瓶子上面(二氧化氮的密度大于空气密度),倒扣一个空瓶子,使两个瓶口相对,两瓶口之间用一块玻璃板隔开,如图甲所示.抽掉玻璃板后,最终发现两瓶内气体颜色基本相同,如图乙所示.(1)这是一种什么现象?(2)它说明了什么?20.(2018广州)如图a所示,用加热器给初温均为20 ℃的甲、乙液体加热(m甲<m乙),两种液体每秒吸收的热量相同.这两种液体的温度—加热时间的图线如图b.(1)某时刻温度计示数如图a所示,此时乙的温度为℃.(2)甲液体第30 s的内能第35 s的内能(选填“大于”“等于”或“小于”).(3)小明根据图b中0至30 s图线及题目所给信息得出:甲液体的比热容比乙液体的大.你认为小明的说法是否正确?你的判断依据是什么?21.(2017毕节)如图所示,将一个烧瓶盛少量水,给瓶内打气,当瓶塞跳出时,可以看到瓶内出现“白雾”.回答下列问题.(1)此过程中是用什么方法改变了物体内能?(2)请从物态变化角度提出一个问题并回答.五、计算题22.(2018广安)用天然气灶给水加热,在1标准大气压下,把体积为10 L,温度为15 ℃的水加热到沸腾.求:(1)水吸收了多少热量?[ρ水=1.0×103kg/m3,c水=4.2×103J/(kg·℃)](2)若不计热量损失,需要燃烧多少天然气?(q天燃气=4.2×107J/m3)23.(2017大连)某家庭用的燃气热水器,将20 kg的水从10 ℃加热到60 ℃,完全燃烧了0.21 m3的煤气.已知水的比热容为4.2×103J/(kg·℃),煤气的热值为4×107J/m3.试求:(1)煤气完全燃烧放出的热量;(2)水吸收的热量;(3)该热水器烧水的效率.综合训练一(第十三~十四章)1.C2.B物体在任何时候都有内能,A错误;水沸腾时吸热,但温度不变,B正确;热量是一个过程量,要用“吸收”或“放出”来表达,C错误;内能的多少与物体的质量、温度、状态有关,单比较物体的温度不能判断内能的大小,D错误.3.B4.B据公式Q=cmΔt可得c=QmΔt,金属块的质量不同,放出的热量相同,其变化的温度相同,质量大的金属块的比热容一定小,故B正确.5.D6.B7.B内能与物体的温度和质量有关,因此热水的内能不一定比冷水的内能多,A错误;汽油机的四个冲程是吸气、压缩、做功、排气冲程,做功冲程是高温高压燃气推动活塞向下运动,将内能转化为机械能,B正确;用火炉烧水,是通过热传递的方法增加水的内能,C 错误;中午海滩上沙子比水热,是因为水的比热容较大,D错误.8.D9.B因热机的效率是指用来做有用功的能量与燃料完全燃烧产生的能量之比,所以,由图可得,内燃机的热机效率η=1-25%-40%=35%.10.A11.解析:由于分子在不停地做无规则运动,所以我们会闻到粽子的香味,这就是扩散现象;物体不能无限地被压缩,说明分子间存在斥力.答案:扩散斥力12.解析:当神舟飞船穿越大气层返回地面时,飞船与空气摩擦做功,将机械能转化为内能,内能增加,温度升高.答案:做功机械13.热值吸14.热传递热15.解析:天然气完全燃烧时放出的热量Q=qV=7.5×107 J/m3×8 m3=6×108 J;需要焦炭的质量m=Qq′=6×108 J3.0×107 J/kg=20 kg.答案:6×1082016.答案:1.26×1067517.解析:(1)在实验时控制加热时间相同就可以确定水和沙子吸收了相同的热量;加热完成后只要比较它们温度变化的多少就可以比较出沙子和水吸热能力的差异;若在实验时发现,沙子温度升高得比水高,则吸热能力较强的是水.(2)实验测得的沙子的比热容比实际值要大一些,原因是酒精燃烧时不一定完全燃烧,酒精燃烧时释放的热量不能完全被沙子吸收等,根据Q放=qm计算出的热量大于沙子吸收的热量,根据c=Qm(t-t0)可知,实验测得的沙子的比热容比实际值要大一些.答案:(1)加热时间温度变化(2)酒精燃烧时不一定完全燃烧,酒精燃烧时释放的热量不能完全被沙子吸收18.解析:(1)为了保证实验的可靠性,需要控制水的质量和水的初温相同,并且燃料的质量也要相同;(2)对水加热的过程中,水吸收热量,内能增加,温度升高;用甲加热的水吸收的热量:Q =cm Δt =4.2×103 (J/kg ·℃)×0.1 kg ×(30 ℃-20 ℃)=4.2×103 J ;(3)虽然在其他条件相同时,甲杯水的温度升高的较快,即甲燃烧产生的热量多,但相同时间两种燃料燃烧的质量不能比较,故不能比较热值的大小.答案:(1)相同 (2)增大 4.2×103 J (3)不能 19.(1)这是气体的扩散现象.(2)扩散现象说明了分子在不停地做无规则运动.20.解析:(1)由图可知,温度计的分度值为1 ℃,示数为58 ℃;(2)由图可知,物体从30 s 到35 s 时,一直吸收热量,温度升高,内能变大,即甲液体第30 s 的内能小于第35 s 的内能.答案:(1)58 (2)小于 (3)由图可知,在0~60 s 内,甲、乙变化图象是重合的,即甲、乙吸收相同的热量,升高相同的温度,由于甲的质量小于乙的质量,根据c =Qmt 可知,甲的比热容大于乙的比热容,故小明的说法是正确的.21.(1)通过塞子上方的开口向瓶里打气,瓶内气体把瓶塞冲出,对瓶塞做了功,瓶内气体的内能转化为瓶塞的机械能,内能减少,温度降低,此过程是用做功的方法改变了物体内能.(2)提出问题:当塞子跳起时,瓶内出现“白雾”,是怎么形成的?回答:塞子跳出时,瓶内气体对外做功,内能减少,温度降低,瓶内水蒸气放热发生液化形成小水珠,即瓶内出现“白雾”.22.解析:(1)由ρ=m V 得,10 L 水的质量:m =ρ水V =1.0×103 kg/m 3×10×10-3 m 3=10 kg ,水吸收的热量:Q 吸=c 水m 水(t -t 0)=4.2×103 J/(kg·℃)×10 kg ×(100 ℃-15 ℃)=3.57×106 J ;(2)不计热量损失,则Q 放=Q 吸,由Q 放=Vq 可得,需要燃烧天然气的体积:V 天然气=Q 放q 天然气=Q 吸q 天然气=3.57×106 J 4.2×107 J/m3=0.085 m 3. 答案:(1)3.57×106 J (2)0.085 m 323.解析:(1)煤气完全燃烧放出的热量Q 放=Vq =0.21 m 3×4×107 J/m 3=8.4×106 J. (2)水吸收的热量Q 吸=cm (t -t 0)=4.2×103 J/(kg ·℃)×20 kg ×(60 ℃-10 ℃)=4.2×106 J.(3)该热水器烧水的效率η=Q 吸Q 放×100%=4.2×106 J 8.4×106 J ×100%=50%.答案:(1)8.4×106 J (2)4.2×106 J (3)50%。
(每空0.5分,共3分)hào√fà√ huǎnɡ√ xiàng√ zhēng√zhāo√三、在括号里填上恰当的词。
(每空0.5分,共4分) 略五、选择填空。
(每空1分,共5分)1. A.果然 B. 忽然 C. 居然2. A. ④ B. ③六、把下列成语补充完整,再将合适的成语填入句子中。
(补充成语每空0.5分,其他每空1分,共5分)正五白彩注满 1.引人注目 2.白发苍苍七、按要求写句子。
(10分)1.巨大茂密灰褐色 2. 把阵棵 3. 高大粗壮4.那巨大的树冠向四面伸展,茂密的树叶把阳光遮得严严实实,活像一把绿色的大伞。
(每空0.5分,共3分)1.juàn√ juǎn√2.dāng√ dàng√3.jiào√ jiāo√三、选字填空。
第 1 页 共 4 页 第 2 页 共 4 页学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号:小学语文二年级上册综合训练(一)(考试时间为60分钟,满分100分)一、读拼音,写词语。
(16分)yǎn jinɡ pí máo zhī shí hǎi yángbàn fǎ bànɡ wǎn shǒu jiǎo gèng jiā二、我会选择正确的读音或汉字。
(12分)1.老师在教.( )室里教.( )学生写字。
①jiào ②jiāo 2.庄稼没.( )有被淹没.( )。
①mò ②méi 3.袋.( )鼠的脑袋.( )上长着两只长耳朵。
①dài ②dai 4.植物为.( )什么要四海为.( )家? ①wéi ②wèi 5.我已经写完( )业了,现在在( )练习题。
①做 ②作 6.刚刚小明还在( )里站着的,现在不知道去( )里了。
①哪 ②那三、连一连。
(3分)灌溉 机器 披着 尾巴 发动 田地 甩着 肚子 冲毁 房屋 露着 衣裳2.把相应的图片和文字连起来。
(2分)运动裤 登山鞋 指南针 帐篷四、按要求填空。
好——( ) 粗心——( ) 暴躁——( ) 2.在括号里填上合适的词语。
雪白的( ) 碧绿的( ) ( )的脑袋 ( )的嘴巴五、选词填空。
(6分) 1.①飘 ②落 ③打(1)一块大石头从上面( )下来。
(2)有时候我变成小硬球( )下来,人们就叫我“冰雹”。
(3)这张纸是从上面( )下来的。
2.①他 ②她 ③它(1)( )是我的妈妈。
(2)我有一只小猫,( )的名字叫小花。
(3)那个人是我的爸爸,( )是一名老师。
(8分)低( ) 孩( ) 底( ) 该( )七、按要求写句子。
人教版四年级上册英语 期末综合训练一(含听力材料和答案)
人教版四年级上册英语期末综合训练一听力部分I.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
)()1.A.father B.fridge C.friend()2.A.beef B.soup C.bread()3.A.window B.maths C.strong()4.A.kitchen B.chair puter()5.A.driver B.farmer C.nurseII.Listen and number.(听录音,标序号。
)III.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的句子。
)()1.A.How many people are there in your family?B.How many pens are there in your bag?()2.A.Let’s clean the blackboard.B.Let’s clean the classroom.()3.A.My schoolbag is heavy.B.My pencil box is heavy.()4.A.Are they in the living room?B.Are they in the study?()5.A.I’d like some vegetables.B.I’d like some fish.IV.Listen and number.(听录音,给句子标序号。
)()I’d like some fish and vegetables.()What would you like for dinner?()Sure. Pass me the chopsticks, please.()Can you use chopsticks?()Here you are.笔试部分V.Read and match.(读一读,英汉连线。
)VI.Read and find.(读单词,找出不同类的一项。
B项连词,表承接,于是,就/副词,表肯定,就是。 C项连词,表转折/后者为连词,表递进。 D项和“为”字配合使用,表被动/用在动词之前,构成名词性词组。
9 10
3.下列对原文有关内容的概括与赏析,不正确的一项是( 知州,但很快又被提拔,担任三司度支判官。
9 10
李氏居京城北崇庆里,凡七世不异爨,至昭述稍自丰殖,为族人所 望,然家法亦不隳。 注 噍类:活着的人或活的动物。 (选自《宋史· 列传第二十四》,有删改)
9 10
1.对下列句子中加颜色词语的解释,不正确的一项是( B )(3分)
A.其谋遂寝 寝:停止
9 10
9 10
统编版语文六年级上册第一-四单元综合训练试题(一)(有答案)第一-四单元综合训练题(一)一、选择题1.下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()A.稍(shāo)微妩媚(wǔ)彩虹(hóng)蒙(m ēng)古包B.花苞(bāo)苏轼(sì)摇曳(yè)孕(y ùn)育C.直奔(bèn)豫皖(wǎn)苏围歼(jiān)战千钧(jūn)一发D.山坳(ào)蜷(juán)缩干涸(hé)璀璨(cuǐcàn)2.下面每组词语中加点字读音相同的一项是()A.模仿/模样B.攒动/积攒C.哄笑/闹哄哄D.咋办/咋呼3.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.飞弛衣裳天奈之音余音绕粱B.爆布纯熟轻歌慢舞画龙点晴C.伶俐萍藻粉末登场字正腔园D.批阅袖筒曲终人散有板有眼4.下面句子中,加点词语的运用不恰当的一项是()A.生活是一片海,时而汹涌澎湃,时而风平浪静。
高三生物综合训练(1)李耀编辑1.【2012·宁波市八校期初测试】右图为某生物体内某些代谢过程中物质变化的示意图, A、B、C分别表示不同代谢过程。
若图中抗原再次进入人体内,则a、b、c 细胞中。
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ab表示( );ab+9×45表示( )。
8、4x-2x=3×18 12(2+3x)=42 7.2×0.5+3x=4.8 3.6×1.25 + 0.32÷0.4
1、王师傅5分钟加工4个零件,平均每加工一个要( )分钟,每分钟加工( )个。
2、当m 的值是( )时,2m 与m 2正好相等。
3、小明在计算某数除以3.75时,把除号看成了乘号,结果是225,这道题的正确答案是( )。
4、一个平行四边形与一个三角形的面积相等,底也相等,平行四边形的高是6厘米,三角形的高是( )厘米。
5、一个长方体的棱长是8厘米,宽6厘米,高5厘米,棱长总和是( )厘米。
6、一个正方体的棱长总和是24厘米,,它的一条棱的长度是( )厘米。
7、如果做一个长10厘米,宽5厘米,高6厘米的长方体框架,至少需要铁丝( )厘米。
8、一个长方体棱长总和是144米,它的长是10米,宽8米,高是( )米。
9、6.41X X 2.6=- 06.08X -16=× 7.75×[20÷(3.24-3.04)] 0.8×(12.5+1.25)
10、、妈妈和小平现在年龄的和是42岁,5年 11、加工一批零件,原计划8天完成,实际 后妈妈比小平大28岁。
今年妈妈和小平 每天多加工20个,只用6天就完成了。
各多少岁? 这批零件一共有多少个?
2、6200千克= ()吨 1.04千米= ()米
0.37公顷= ()平方米990公顷= ()平方千米
6、循环小数8.59696……是( )小数,保留两位小数是( )。
9、62 × 0.35= 64÷0.16=8.65-3.7+1.35-6.3 (16.5×3+3×7.5)÷6
1.2.5小时=()时()分 3.06m2=( ) m2()cm2
3.如果4x=28,那么3x-9=() 7x-16+2x=( )
7.19.76-(9.76-3.28) 1.2+ X-2.5=0.9 32.5×1.7+32.5×9.3-32.5
. 6X+ 3×1.8=18.6 0.03×5x=0.5×6 0.21×4.2÷0.21×4.2 9.9×99
8.水果店里的苹果质量是梨的4倍,苹果比梨多84kg,苹果和梨个多少kg?( 方程和算术两种方法) 9.一根电线长100米,剪掉同样长的35段后,还剩37米,剪掉的每段电线长多少米?
1.把完全相同两个正方体拼成一个长方体,表面积减少了( )个面的面积.
2.长方体的长宽高都扩大3倍,表面积扩大( )倍,如果长宽不变,表面积扩大( )倍. 3.长方体的长8厘米宽6厘米高4厘米,把它切成2个完全相同长方体,表面积可能增加( ) 4.正方体的底面周长36厘米,它的表面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米
5.一块石头完全浸入长40Cm宽25cm高15cm的长方体水槽里,水面上升1cm,石头的体积是()6.一个长方体的长a米宽b米高h米,如果高增加2米,新长方体的体积比原来增加了()7. 2.5×4.8 2.18×3.14+3.14×7.82 5.72×1.01 0.78+7.8×9.9 3.131÷10.1
X-0.3X=1.2 5(X+0.2)=3 18.6+X=21.4 7.98-X=0.75
1.4.05千米=()千米()米 532厘米=()米
5030克=()千克 3.75小时=()小时()
8.0.6×[(5 - 0.68)÷1.2 ]45×98 31×128-28×31 462-83-117 x+0.8x=7.2 7.2×0.5+3x=4.8 3.2x -38.2=25.8
12.学校运来7.6 m3沙土,把这些沙土铺在.一个长5 m,宽3.8 m的沙坑里,可以铺多厚?。