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by Lv Sheng , Cao Bingjie , Hu Yingfei

May 2011

Table of Contents

1. Introduction (3)

1.1 Gives background

1.2 States purpose & scope

1.3 Outline main argument and structure

2. Findings (4)

2.1 Finding One

2.2 Finding Two

2.3 Discussion

3. Recommendations (5)

4. Conclusion (7)

1.1 The Background of the Valentino Company:

Valentino chocolates are made in Italy. Company based in Turin - Chocolate capital of Italy, each chocolate master have a secret of chocolate making, passed down from generation to generation. They are well known as high quality product with a delicious and indescribable taste. Some of the V alentino’s chocolate manufacturers have won many international awards. In the recent years, the Valentino Company expanded fast, it has almost 300 employees,75 company shops, and a turnover of 90 million now. But they are faced with a serious problem that their sales growth has slowed down and have caused a fall in profits.

1.2 States purpose & scope:

The facts which cause the falling profits ,like

The prices :there is a widespread price cutting in the industry;

The production: fa ctory’s machines often break down;

The demand: the classic bar is falling. And also Valentino’s new products, biscuits and cakes, are not selling well;

The staff morale: They are becoming demotivated

1.3 Discussion:

There some methods to increase profits like:

Invest in more research and development;

Set up online sales;

Buy new machinery;

Launch a marketing campaign and others.

2.1 Finding One:

The first and the most important problem at this moment is machinery. The machines are getting older, they should be changed in new ones. So we think that purchase new machines will increase work ability of the factory.

It will costs to the company 200000 euro.

2.2 Finding Two:

Perhaps there are still many people who do not know about Valentino Chocolates products. So we should launch a marketing campaign to let them know about our chocolate. It will solve one of the most important problems – slow down of the sales growth.

It will costs to the company 500000 euro

2.3. Discussion:

We think Valentino Chocolates must find new markets to sale its production and appropriate for international expansion, one of the most perspective markets is US market. So we suggest to the company to finance a market survey and research trips to the US.

It will costs to the company 100000 euro.

Of course Valentino Chocolates have many problems at this moment, we think this 3 problems are the most serious and company must solve them at first.
