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1. I had ____ unusual experience last winter.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2. Our team will come back from Greece ________ two days.

A. on

B. in

C. after

D. for

3. I saw _____ enjoy______ in the park.

A. her…hers

B. they…them

C. she…herself

D. them…themselves

4. I'm full. I want ______ to eat.

A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

5. I didn't want to learn ________ I heard the story about Gao Zhendong.

A. because

B. until

C. if

D. since

6. This mountain is about 1,000 feet ____ the sea level.

A. above

B. over

C. on

D. for

7. _______ nice picture you gave me!

A. How

B. What

C. What a

D. How a

8. If you broke the glass. You must ___________.

A. pay for it

B. pay it for

C. paid for it

D. paid it for

9. ---Can you hear a girl ______ in the room? ---Yes. let's go to see her.

A. sing

B. to sing

C. singing

D. is singing

10. He _______ an hour in finishing his work.

A. takes

B. took

C. spent

D. cost

11. The ______ dolphin is lying on the floor.

A. ill

B. sick

C. sickly

D. illness

12. _______ of the two boys are funny.

A. All

B. Both

C. Any

D. Either

13. ---Excuse me. look at the sign NO SMOKING.. ---Sorry. I ______ it.

A. don't see

B. didn't see

C. doesn't see

D. won't see

14. You can ____ my car, but you mustn’t ____ it to o thers.

A. borrow; borrow

B. lend; lend

C. borrow; lend

D. lend; borrow

15. There ____ a sports meeting next week.

A. is

B. will have

C. will be

D. is going to have

16. Mother ____ dumpling when we entered the kitchen.

A. is making

B. was making

C. has made

D. makes

17. Be sure to let Tom know the notice as soon as he ____.

A. will arrive

B. was arriving

C. arrives

D. arrived

18. Ben told Lana that Marcia ____ a surprise party for her.

A. will have

B. is going to have

C. would have

D. are having

19. Jackie bought a golden watch for her girlfriend and now she ____ it to work every day.

A. puts on

B. dresses

C. wears

D. had

20. Could you please ____ the message to Mike?

A. to pass on

B. pass on

C. pass for

D. to pass for

21. Her impolite words made me ____ angry that I left without saying a word.

A. felt very

B. feel very

C. feeling

D. feel so

22. There are _______ in the school library.

A. millions of books

B. two millions books

C. millions of book

D. millions book

23. The boy is ill. He won’t ____ go to school tomorrow.

A. can

B. could

C. is able to

D. be able to

24. . Don’t go that way, Sam. --- No, I ____.
