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1.Auckland 奥克兰[新西兰]
2.Brisbane 布里斯班[澳大利亚]
3.Canberra 堪培拉[澳大利亚]
4.Hobart 霍巴特[澳大利亚]
5.Honolulu 火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)[美国]
6.Melbourne 墨尔本[澳大利亚]
7.Perth 佩思[澳大利亚] 8.Port Moresby 莫尔兹比港[巴布亚新几内亚] 9.Sydney 悉尼[澳大利亚] 10.Wellington 惠灵顿[新西兰]
1.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹[荷兰]
2.Antwerp 安特卫普[比利时]
3.Athens 雅典[希腊]
4.Belfast 贝尔法斯特[英国]
5.Belgrade 贝尔格莱德[南斯拉夫]
6.Berlin 柏林[德国]
7.Birmingham 伯明翰[英国] 8.Bonn 波恩[德国]
9.Brussels 布鲁塞尔[比利时] 10.Bucharest 布加勒斯特[罗马尼亚]
11.Budapest 布达佩斯[匈牙利] 12.Copenhagen 哥本哈根[丹麦]
13.Dublin 都柏林[爱尔兰] 14.Edinburgh 爱丁堡[英国]
15.Frankfurt 法兰克福[德国] 16.Geneva 日内瓦[瑞士]
17.Genoa 热那亚[意大利] 18.Gibraltar 直布罗陀[英国殖民地]
19.Glasgow 格拉斯哥[英国] 20.Hamburg 汉堡[德国]
21.Helsinki 赫尔辛基[芬兰] 22.Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔[土耳其]
23.Kiev 基辅[乌克兰] 24.Leipzig 莱比锡[德国]
25.Lisbon 里斯本[葡萄牙] 26.Liverpool 利物浦[英国]
27.London 伦敦[英国] 28.Madrid 马德里[西班牙]
29.Manchester 曼彻斯特[英国] 30.Marseilles 马塞[法国]
an 米兰[意大利] 32.Moscow 莫斯科[俄罗斯]
33.Munich 慕尼黑[德国] 34.Oslo 奥斯陆[挪威]
35.Paris 巴黎[法国] 36.Prague 布拉格[捷克]
37.Reykjavik 雷克雅未克[冰岛] 38.Rome 罗马[意大利]
39.Rotterdam 鹿特丹[荷兰] 40.St. Peterburg 圣彼得堡[俄罗斯] 41.Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩[瑞典] 42.Vatican 梵蒂冈[罗马教廷所在地] 43.Venice 威尼斯[意大利] 44.Vienna 维也纳[奥地利]
45.Warsaw 华沙[波兰] 46.Zurich 苏黎世[瑞士]
1.Anchorage 安克雷奇[美国]
2.Atlanta 亚特兰大[美国]
3.Baltimore 巴尔的摩[美国]
4.Bogota 波哥大[哥伦比亚]
5.Boston 波士顿[美国]
6.Brasilia 巴西利亚[巴西]
7.Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯[阿根廷] 8.Caracas 加拉加斯[委内瑞拉]
9.Chicago 芝加哥[美国] 10.Colon 科隆[巴拿马]
11.Dallas 达拉斯[美国] 12.Denver 丹佛[美国]
13.Detroit 底特律[美国] 14.Edmonton 埃德蒙顿[加拿大]
15.Havana 哈瓦那[古巴] 16.Houston 休斯敦[美国]
17.Kingston 金斯敦[牙买加] s Vegas 拉斯韦加斯[美国] 19.Lima 利马[秘鲁] 20.Los Angeles 洛杉矶[美国]
21.Mexico City 墨西哥城[墨西哥] 22.Miami 迈阿密[美国]
23.Montreal 蒙特利尔[加拿大]
25.New York 纽约[美国] 26.Ottawa 渥太华[加拿大]
27.Panama 巴拿马城[巴拿马] 28.Philadelphia 费城[美国]
29.Pittsburgh 匹兹堡[美国] 30.Quebec 魁北克[加拿大]
31.Ria de Janeiro 里约热内卢[巴西] 32.Saint Louis 圣路易斯[美国]
33.Salt Lake City 盐湖城[美国] 34.San Diego 圣迭戈[美国]
35.San Francisco 旧金山(圣弗兰西斯科)[美国] 36.Santiago 圣地亚哥[智利] 37.Seattle 西雅图[美国] 38.Toronto 多伦多[加拿大]
39.Vancouver 温哥华[加拿大] 40.Washington 华盛顿[美国]
ASIA 亚洲城市
1. Aden 亚丁[也门]
2. Amman 安曼[约旦]
3. Ankara 安卡拉[土耳其]
4. Baghdad 巴格达[伊拉克]
5. Bangkok 曼谷[泰国]
6. Beirut 贝鲁特[黎巴嫩]
7. Bombay 孟买[印度] 8. Calcutta 加尔各答[印度]
9. Colombo 科伦坡[斯里兰卡] 10. Damascus 大马士革[叙利亚] 11. Dhaka 达卡[孟加拉] 12. Djakarta 雅加达[印度尼西亚] 13. Hanoi 河内[越南] 14. Hong Kong 中国香港
15. Islamabad 伊斯兰堡[巴基斯坦] 16. Jerusalem 耶路撒冷[巴勒斯坦] 17. Karachi 卡拉奇[巴基斯坦] 18. Katmandu 加德满都[尼泊尔] 19. Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡[马来西亚] 20. Kuwait 科威特[科威特]
21. Kyoto 京都[日本] 22. Macao 澳门地区
23. Manila 马尼拉[菲律宾] 24. Mecca 麦加[沙特]
25. New Delhi 新德里[印度] 26. Osaka 大阪[日本]
27. Phnom Penh 金边[柬埔寨] 28. Pyongyang 平壤[朝鲜]
29. Rangoon 仰光[缅甸] 30. Seoul 汉城[南朝鲜]
31. Singapore 新加坡[新加坡] 32. Tehran 德黑兰[伊朗]
33. Tokyo 东京[日本] 34. Ulan Bator 乌兰巴托[蒙古] 35. Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯托克(海参崴)[俄罗斯] 36. Yokohama 横滨[日本]
1.EU: European Union欧盟
2.EEC: European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体
4.APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经贸合作组织
5.NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定
6.EFTA: European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟
7.GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council海湾合作委员会
8.OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国家组织
9.SAARC: South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation南亚区域合作联盟
10. ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟)
11. WTO: World Trade Organization世界贸易组织
12. WHO: World Health Organization世界卫生组织
13. UFO: Unidentified Flying Object不明飞行物
14. NBA: National Basketball Association全美篮球协会
15. UN: United Nations联合国
16. SOS: Son of Satan紧急求救信号
17. LDCs: Least Developed Countries最不发达国家
18. CIS: Commonwealth of Independence States独联体
19. UK: United Kingdom联合王国
20: PRC: People's Republic of China中华人民共和国
A.The World Trade Organization(WTO)
- As provided by the successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round GATT negotiations, on January 1, 1995, the WTO replaced the GATT secretariat and began to administer the system of international trade law.
- By January 1997, there were 130 WTO member-countries and 31 more governments had requested membership.
- Regional trade agreements( RTAs)may darken the WTO’s future. A committee of international trade experts has warned that the WTO needs to develop effective disciplines soon to stop RTAs from weakening its authority and obstructing economic integration.
- 4.The WTO has replaced the most- favored clause of GATT with concept of normal trade relations, which applies only to WTO members.
B. The European Union ( EU ) 欧洲联盟
- 1.In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed, and it crested the European Community(EC),( 欧洲联盟) sometimes called the European Economic Community(EEC)(欧洲经济联盟) or the European Common Market(欧洲共同市场).
- 2.The first 6 Common Market members were Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. The next to sign the treaty were Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Greece, Portugal, and Spain, making a total of 12 member - nations, Then on January 1, 1995, Australia, Finland, and Sweden became members and there were 15.
- 3. EU objectives were to remove trade obstacles among members and to cooperate in many other ways. Brussels was established as headquarters, housing the EU Commission. The 17 commissioners are each responsible for: labor, transportation, trade, and so forth.
- 4.The policy - setting body of the EU is the Council of Ministers.
- 5.The European Parliament(part of the EU) has its seat in Strabourg(斯特拉斯堡:法国城市) and is popular elected by voters in each member-country.
- 6.The EU Court of Justice decides all cases arising under the Treaty of Rome, and
its authority supersedes that of the member-countries’ courts.
- 7.The EU joins most of the economic and industrial might of Western Europe and most of its population. The EU is the largest import and export market in the world. It is second only to the United States in the largest import and export market in the world.
- 8.There 15 sovereign nations in the EU.
C. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)
1.APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, was formed in Nov 1989 to promote multilateral economic cooperation in trade and investment in the Pacific Rim.
2.It is comprised of 21 countries that border the Pacific Rim — both in Asia and in the Americas.
3.Because APEC includes so many countries and is so spread out geographically, it is a largely ineffectual organization compared with the EU and NAFTA.
* APEC’s major objectives:
-1)Resist protectionist pressures and maintain the momentum(力量) of trade liberalization.
-2)Counter inward-looking regionalism elsewhere, such as in the EU and NAFTA;
-3)Provide ways to deal with economic conflicts in the region.
* an important reason to found APEC:
-There is concern over the potential trade diversion of NAFTA.
* What APEC leaders committed:
- To accomplish its objectives, APEC leaders committed to achieve free and open trade in the region by 2010 for the industrial nations(which generate 85% of the regional trade) and by 2020 for the rest of the members.
4.APEC has the potential to become a significant economic bloc, especially because it generates such a large percentage of the world’s output and merchandise trade. It is trying to establish “open regionalism”, whereby individual member countries can determine whether to apply trade liberalization to non - APEC countries unconditionally.
D. North American Free Trade and Agreement(NAFTA)
- 1.In 1990, President George Bush proclaimed as a goal “Enterprise for the Americas”, envisioning(设想) a free trade zone from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.火地岛(位于南美洲嫩段,与北美的南美大陆之间,隔麦哲伦海峡,面积7.3万平方公里。
- 2.Canada and the United States began implementation of their free trade area in
1989, and negotiation began in 1991 to add Mexico.
- 3.Despite fierce opposition from organized labor and some politicians, the negotiation succeeded, and the legislatures of Canada, Mexico, and the United States approved the NAFTA treaty.
E. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)石油输出国组织(欧佩克)
- 1.Realizing that if the oil- exporting countries were united they could bargain more effectively with the large oil companies.
- 2.Iran and Venezuela joined the Arab Petroleum Congress(阿拉伯石油协会) at a Cairo meeting in 1959.
- 3.Discussion and secret agreements at the meeting became the seeds for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC).
- 4. Attending the meeting were representatives of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. OPEC was formed, and the OPEC members took charge of pricing. - 5.The first headquarters of PPEC was in a relatively small apartment in Geneva. - 6.OPEC’s headquarters have been moved to Vienna, and its members, in addition to the founders named above, including Qatar, Libya, Indonesia, Abu Dhabi(阿布扎比:组成阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一),Algeria, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔)and Gabon(加蓬:法属).
Part 1
1. a free trade zone 自由贸易区
2. EEC - European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体
3. Treaty of Rome罗马协议
4. a customs union关税同盟
5. tariff barrier关税壁垒
6. a common tariff统一关税
7. the European Union欧盟 8.levy reduced rates of duty征收降低关税
mon external tariff共同的对外关
10.the Latin American Free Trade Association拉丁美洲自由贸易协会
11.bonded warehouses保税仓库
Part 2 Tariff Barrier 关税壁垒
1.an ad valorem从价税
2.a specific duty从量税
3.an alternative duty选择税
4.a compound duty 混合税
5.a compensatory duty补偿性关税
6.tariff barrier关税壁垒
7.the country of origin原产国 8.local currency本国货币
9.monetary value货币价值 10.inflation通货膨胀
11.manufacturing industry制造业
Part 3 Non –Tariff Barrier 非关税壁垒
1.balance of payments国际收支
2.import quotas 进口配额
3.unilateral quotas 单边配额
4.negotiated bilateral quotas 协定双边配额
5.negotiated multilateral quotas 协定多边配额
6.tariff quotas 关税配额
7.absolute quotas 绝对配额 8.allocated quotas 国别配额,分配配额mon quotas 共同配额 10.country quotas 国家配额
11.custom/duty quotas 关税配额 12.export quota 输出限额,出口配额13.importer quota 进口商配额 14.mixing quota 混合配额
15.voluntary export quota 自愿出口配额16.rate of exchange 汇率
17.Gold Standard 金本位制
Part 4 the World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
1.the World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
2.the multilateral trading system 多边贸易制度
3.merchandise exports 商品出口
4.trade negotiation 贸易谈判
5.tariff reduction 降低关税
6.anti-dumping 反倾销
7.non - tariff measures 非关税措施8.the Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合。