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0 Introductory Digital Concepts
Digital and Analog Quantities Binary Digits, Logic Levels and Digital
0-1-1 Digital and Analog Quantities
An analog electronic system: - a public address system
0-1-3 Digital Systems
➢Now most of modern electronic devices and systems are digital system.
digital converter.
0-1-6 The Digital Advantage
Can be processed and transmitted more efficiently and reliably .
Easy to be stored, and can be stored more compactly and so on.
二值信息,不易受外界的干扰,因而抗 干扰能力强。另外它可用增加
Digital Fundamentals
Course Introduction
This course will present a strong foundation in the core fundamentals of digital technology. It will provide basic concepts reinforced by a plentiful illustrations, examples, exercises and applications. Through this course, students will master the all important fundamental concepts before they get into more advanced course.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduvalues.
High Level(高电平)
Low Level(低电平)
Digital(数字化、数字的)是digit(数字) 的形容词,拉丁语中原意是手指头。表示 了人类用手指来计数。
手指或弯曲,或伸直,不用其中间状态。 这两种状态可以很清楚地区分。
➢ Many quantities are analog in nature; that is, they are continuous quantities.
Digital and Analog Quantities
➢ An analog quantity (模拟量)is one having continuous (连续的) values.
➢ A digital quantity (数字量) is one having a
discrete (离散的 )(discontinuous) set of
➢ Physical quantities such as temperature (温度), pressure (压力), time (时间), velocity(速度), and sound (声音) are examples of analog quantities.
0-1-2 Analog Systems
Electronic circuits can be divided into two broad categories, digital and analog.
We are discussing digital electronics(数字电 子学)in this term and we have discussed analog electronics (模拟电子学)last term.
(1) 2 different voltage levels: HIGH and LOW. (2) switch: open and close. (3) lamp: turned on and off. (4) 2 opposite states.
机、数控技术、通讯设备、数字仪表以 及国民经济其他各部门都得到
0-1-2 Binary Digits, Logic Levels, and Digital Waveforms
Digital electronics : 2 possible states. 2 states:
0-1-3 Digital Systems
0-1-4 Analog and Digital Systems
The CD player
0-1-5 ADC and DAC
Music in digital form is stored on the compact disk.
DAC: digital-to-analog converter Analog signal is got. Another procedure: ADC analog-to-
Can’t be affected by noise (unwanted voltage fluctuations).
(1)在数字技术中一般都采用二进制,因此凡元件具有的两个稳定状态 都可用来表示二进制,(例如 “高电平”和“低电平”),故其基本 单元电路简单,对电路中各元件精度要求不很严格,允许元件参数有 较大的分散性,只要能区分两种截然不同的状态即可。这一特点,对实 现数字电路集成化是十分有利的。