埃及的性别平等在教育上的体现 英文




• • • • 1.机构和部门庞杂,需要有专门人员从事管理工作; 2.管理的核心是人,需要协调和处理好人际关系; 3.管理的本质是协调,组织工作需要保持秩序; 4.管理的宗旨是为了有效实现组织目标,提高生产效 率,促进生产力的发展。
第三节 学校管理
• • • • • • 一、什么是管理? 1.汉语中 据查,我国古代“管”字原意为锁钥。 后延伸其义为控制和执掌。 “理”字较早见于《说文》:“治玉治民为理” 后延伸其义为治理、协调。
• 2.英语中 • Administration表示“管理”。意思是:帮助 组织达标、服务于组织的成员、照管组织中的物 质、促进与协调组织成员的工作等一系列活动。 • 3.现在国外 • management(经营、处理)用得比较多。
• 一走进海洋大学鱼山路五 号,迎面的建筑就是“六 二”楼,建于1921年,是 日本第一次侵占青岛时的 日本中学校舍。大门是拱 形的,楼内的楼梯前也有 拱形廊柱,而楼梯却像登 山的阶梯一样完全是石头 打造,非常的古雅有趣。 在毁灭性的新建筑风潮中, 能保留一份这样的格调真 是一个奇迹。
2014-7-10 9
双轨学制代表国家:英国、德国、法国、俄国。 单轨学制代表国家:美国 分支型学制代表国家:前苏联
• (一)旧中国的学制沿革 • 1862年,京师同文馆是我国政府自行创立的第一 所新式学堂,标志着近代学校的诞生。此后,上 海的广方言馆、广州同文馆,福建的船政学堂等 都先后为洋务派所建立。 • 1898年戊戌变法,光绪帝准设京师大学堂,标志 着中国新教育体制的开端。



女性独立意识主题人物1. 纳吉布·马哈福兹(Nawal El Saadawi)纳吉布·马哈福兹是埃及的一位著名的女权主义者,也是一位作家和医学博士。


她的著名作品包括《女性与性》(Women and Sex)和《女性在阿拉伯世界的反抗》(The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World)等。

2. 伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)3. 玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)玛格丽特·撒切尔是英国历史上的一位重要政治家,也是第一位女性英国首相。



4. 梅尔芳·黛安娜(Melinda Gates)梅尔芳·黛安娜是著名的慈善家和胡比尔德基金会的创始人之一、她致力于为全球女性和儿童争取平等和机会,并解决全球性问题,例如贫困和性别不平等。


5. 玛拉拉·优素福扎伊(Malala Yousafzai)玛拉拉·优素福扎伊是巴基斯坦的一位教育活动家和诺贝尔和平奖获得者。







中国性别平等的英语作文Title: Achieving Gender Equality in China。

Gender equality is a fundamental principle that is essential for the progress and prosperity of any society. In recent years, China has made significant strides towards achieving gender equality, but there is still work to be done to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their gender, have equal rights and opportunities.One of the key areas where progress has been made in China is in education. The Chinese government has implemented policies to promote gender equality in education, including initiatives to increase access to education for girls and to eliminate gender stereotypes in textbooks. As a result, the gender gap in educational attainment has narrowed significantly, with girls now outnumbering boys in many universities and colleges.Another important aspect of gender equality in China iswomen's participation in the workforce. Over the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women entering the workforce, particularly in urban areas. However, women still face barriers to equal employment opportunities, including gender discrimination and unequal pay. To address these issues, the Chinese government has introduced measures such as anti-discrimination laws and policies to promote women's employment and entrepreneurship.In addition to education and employment, genderequality in China also encompasses issues such as healthcare, political representation, and social norms. The government has taken steps to improve women's access to healthcare services, including reproductive health services and maternal care. Furthermore, there have been efforts to increase women's participation in politics, although women are still underrepresented in leadership positions at both the national and local levels.Changing social norms and attitudes towards gender roles is another important aspect of achieving genderequality in China. Traditional gender stereotypes and expectations continue to persist in many parts of Chinese society, which can limit women's opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality. To address this issue, there is a need for comprehensive public awareness campaigns and educational programs to promote gender equality and challenge traditional gender norms.While progress has been made, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to achieve gender equality in China fully. These include addressing deep-rooted cultural attitudes towards gender, strengthening legal protections for women's rights, and promoting women's leadership and participation in decision-making processes.In conclusion, achieving gender equality is a complex and ongoing process that requires concerted efforts from government, civil society, and individuals alike. In China, significant progress has been made in areas such as education and women's participation in the workforce, but there is still work to be done to address issues such as gender discrimination and social norms. By continuing toprioritize gender equality and implementing targeted policies and programs, China can build a more inclusive and equitable society for all its citizens.。



中考英语教育公平问题探讨单选题40题cation equality means that every student has the same chance to get a good education.(教育公平意味着每个学生都有同样的机会获得良好的教育。




A 选项“不平等”是“inequality”;C 选项“优秀”是“excellent”;D 选项“普通”是“ordinary”。

2.Why is education equality important?((为什么教育公平很重要?)Because it can help students from different backgrounds to achieve their dreams.(因为它可以帮助来自不同背景的学生实现他们的梦想。




A 选项“放弃”是“give up”;B 选项“破坏”是“destroy”;D 选项“想象”是“imagine”。

cation equality is essential for the development of society.(教育公平对社会的发展是至关重要的。




A 选项“不必要的”是“unnecessary”;C 选项“困难的”是“difficult”;D 选项“容易的”是“easy”。

4.What can we do to promote education equality?(我们可以做什么来促进教育公平?)We can provide more resources for students in need.(我们可以为有需要的学生提供更多的资源。

长袜子皮皮 Pipi Longstocking

长袜子皮皮 Pipi Longstocking

“过一点儿有规律的生活对小孩子绝对是有好处的。最 好是他们自己照顾自己!” “皮皮不是真说谎话,她只是在假装说谎话,她是有意 编的,连这一点你都不懂,你真笨!” “说谎话不光彩,这是妈妈说的。”
(1)叙事技巧 幻想题材的日常化、生活化,情节平易又曲折、平常又丰富。 散文化的结构,提升了儿童幻想故事的文学风格,建立了当 代童话新的叙事风格。 (2)语言特色 叙述语言,幽默生动、口语化,富有现场感 。人物语言个性 化。 (3)人物塑造 典型人物、漫画式人物——皮皮 性格有发展的人物——阿妮 卡兄妹 (4)构思方式 寓庄重严肃的主题于诙谐有趣的故事 。 (5)主题鲜明 蕴含的主导思想与价值取向积极、明朗富有针对性 。
渴望冒险 . 渴望力量
吹牛说谎的梦想 不愿长大的梦想
渴望与成人平等 渴望冒险 . 渴望力量 吹牛说谎的梦想 不愿长大的梦想 渴望永远自由快乐
(1)叙事技巧 幻想题材的日常化,情节平易又曲折、平常又 丰富。 散文化的结构,提升了儿童幻想故事的文学风 格,建立了当代童话新的叙事风格。 (2)语言特色 叙述语言,幽默、生动、口语化,富有现场感。
Strange girl
外貌和穿着 奇特的名字 力大无比的神奇力量
皮皮露达·维多利亚·鲁尔加迪娅 · 克鲁斯蒙达 ·埃弗拉伊姆 ·长袜子
自立自强 乐观独立 自由快乐 能干 友善
不走寻常路——特立独行地倒着走 杜米和阿妮卡看见皮皮朝大街上走去,她的一只脚走在人 行道上,另一只脚走在人行道下。杜米和阿妮卡盯住她看,直 到她走得看不见为止。一转眼她又回来了,这回是倒着往回走 的,皮皮这样走的理由是回家她就省得转身了。她走到杜米和 阿妮卡的院子门口停下来。两个孩子一声不响地对看一下,最 后杜米问她说: 你干嘛倒着走? 我干嘛倒着走? 皮皮反问他们, 这不是一个自由的国度吗? 我不能爱怎么走就怎么走吗? 告诉 你们吧,在埃及人人都这么走,也没人觉得有一丁点儿奇怪, 在埃及人人都倒着走? 这你怎么知道的? 杜米问道。你又没到 过埃及。我没到过埃及! 我当然到过,那还用说,我到过全世 界,比倒着走更奇怪的事情都见过。要是我学印度支那人那样 倒竖着用手走路,真不知你们会怎么说呢?


Task 7-I
• What efforts努力 have been made to provide 提供 equal平等的 access进入 to education in your local当地的 area? Fill in the table with your ideas. Then exchange交互 your ideas with other groups.
• The difference between a college and a university can depend依赖 very much on where someone lives. Traditionally传统上, the term术 语 college applied运用 to a part of a university. Large universities may be split分裂 into colleges or schools that offer提供 different degrees学位.
• Give your ideas about how to ensure 保证educational fairness公平
• Express表达 your gratitude感激 anp6) Equality in society can be promoted by
equality and diversity in university. But the benefits好处 of university as a positive, diverse 多样化的 environment must be seen by students as adding value as much as any other



艾玛沃特森联合国演讲稿《HeForShe》Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe。


I am reaching out to you because I need your help. Wewant to end gender inequality—and to do that we need everyone to be involved。



This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: wewant to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates forgender equality. And we don’t just want to talk about it, but make sure it istangible。



I was appointed six months ago and the more I havespoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rightsh as too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I knowfor certain, it is that this has to stop。


教育的公平 The Equality of Education_英语作文

教育的公平 The Equality of Education_英语作文

教育的公平The Equality of EducationWhen the time comes to the children to go to school, many parents have made some plans and want to arrange suitable schools. Different schools have different requirements, but recently, a special documentary for parents was asked and some parents felt surprised.孩子准备到上学的年纪,许多父母就已经做好计划,想给他们安排合适的学校。


Some schools asked parents to go to the police office, as so to get the documentary evidence of free of criminal. As the requirement was exposed, the public was angry and they doubted the necessarity of this document. Actually, many laws have proved the wrong requirement of the school, because it is known to all that the first nine years education is compulsory, which means every child has the right to go to school and they should not be rejected. What’s more, such requirement also goes against the human right. Even if the parents have done something criminal, the children are innocent and they should not betreated different.有些学校要求父母去警察局开一份无犯罪记录的证明文件。



关于古埃及文化的英文演讲Culture of EgyptThe Culture of Egypt has five thousand years of recorded history. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations. For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. After the Pharaonic era, Egypt itself came under the influence of Hellenism, for a time Christianity, and later, Arab and Islamic culture. Today, many aspects of Egypt's ancient culture exist in interaction with newer elements, including the influence of modern Western culture, itself with roots in Ancient Egypt.LanguageThe Ancient Egyptian language, which formed a separate branch among the family of Afro-Asiatic languages, was among the first written languages, and is known from hieroglyphic inscriptions preserved on monuments and sheets of papyrus. The Coptic language, the only extant descendant of Egyptian, is today the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church.The "Koiné" dialect of the Greek language was important in Hellenistic Alexandria, and was used in the philosophy and science of that culture, and was later studied by Arabic scholars.Arabic came to Egypt in the seventh century and Egyptian Arabic has since become the modern speech of the country. Of the many varieties of Arabic, it is the most widely spoken second dialect, probably due to the influence of Egyptian cinema throughout the Arabic-speaking world.In the Upper Nile Valley, around Kom Ombo and Aswan, there are about 300,000 speakers of Nubian languages, mainly Nobiin, but also Kenuzi-Dongola. The Berber languages are represented by Siwi, spoken by about 5,000 around the Siwa Oasis. There are over a million speakers of the Domari language (an Indo-Aryan language related to Romany), mostly living north of Cairo, and there are about 60,000 Greek speakers in Alexandria. Approximately 77,000 speakers of Bedawi (a Beja language) live in the Eastern Desert.LiteratureAncient Egyptian literature dates back to the Old Kingdom, in the third millennium BC. Religious literature is best known for its hymns to various gods and its mortuary texts. The oldest extant Egyptian literature are the Pyramid Texts: the mythology and rituals carved around the tombs of rulers. The later, secular literature of ancient Egypt includes the 'wisdom texts', forms of philosophical instruction. The Instruction of Ptahhotep, for example, is a collation of moral proverbs by an Egyptian administrator. The authors of the literature of the Old and Middle Kingdoms (through to the middle of the second millennium BC) seem to have been drawn from an elite administrative class, and were celebrated and revered into the New Kingdom (to the end of the second millennium). In time, the Pyramid Texts became Coffin Texts (perhaps after the end of the Old Kingdom), and finally the mortuary literature produced its masterpiece, the Book of the Dead, during the New Kingdom.The Middle Kingdom was the golden age of Egyptian literature. Some notable texts include the Tale of Neferty, the Instructions of Amenemhat I, the Tale of Sinuhe, the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor and the Story of the Eloquent Peasant. Instructions became a popular literary genre of the New Kingdom, taking the form of advice on proper behavior. The Story of Wenamun and the Instructions of Ani are well-known examples from this period.During the Greco-Roman period (332 BC − AD 639), Egyptian literature was translated into other languages, and Greco-Roman literature fused with native art into a new style of writing. From this period comes the Rosetta Stone, which became the key to unlocking the mysteries of Egyptian writing to modern scholarship. The great city of Alexandria boasted its famous Library of almost half a million handwritten books during the third century BC. Alexandria's centre of learning also produced the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint. During the first few centuries of the Christian era, Egypt was the ultimate source of a great deal of ascetic literature in the Coptic language. Egyptian monasteries translated many Greek and Syriac works, which are now only extant in Coptic. Under Islam, Egypt continued to be a great source of literary endeavour, now in the Arabic language. In 970, al-Azhar University was founded in Cairo, which to this day remains the most important centre of Sunni Islamic learning. In the 12th century Egypt, the Jewish talmudic scholar Maimonides produced his most important work.Egypt's vast and rich literature constitutes an important cultural element in the life of the country and in the Middle East as a whole. Egyptian novelists and poets were among the first to experiment with modern styles of Arabic literature, and the forms they developed have been widely imitated. The first modern Egyptian novel Zaynab by Muhammad Husayn Haykal was published in 1913 in the Egyptian vernacular. Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz was the first Arabic-language writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Many Egyptian books and films are available throughout the Middle East. Other prominent Egyptian writers include Nawal El Saadawi, well known for her feminist works and activism, and Alifa Rifaat who also writes about women and tradition. Vernacular poetry is perhaps the most popular literary genre amongst Egyptians, represented most significantly by Ahmed Fuad Nigm (Fagumi) and Abdel Rahman el-Abnudi.ReligionAncient Egyptian religion was a polytheistic system that saw the world as in conflict between forces of order and chaos. The Pharaoh, representative of order on Earth, was seen as divine and descended of the falcon god Horus. There was a strong cult of resurrection in the next life centered around the god Osiris.Coptic Christianity became popular in the Roman and Byzantine periods, and Egypt was indeed one of the strongest early Christian communities. Today, Christians constitute about 10% of the population.Islam in Egypt came to the country with the successors of Mohammed, and is today the dominant faith with 90% of the population adherents, almost all of the Sunni denomination.Visual artEgyptian art in antiquityThe Egyptians were one of the first major civilizations to codify design elements in art. The wall paintings done in the service of the Pharaohs followed a rigid code of visual rules and meanings. Early Egyptian art is characterized by absence of linear perspective, which results in a seemingly flat space. These artists tended to create images based on what they knew, and not as much on what they see. Objects in these artworks generally do not decrease in size as they increase in distance and there is little shading to indicate depth. Sometimes, distance is indicated through the use of tiered space, where more distant objects are drawn higher above the nearby objects, but in the same scale and with no overlapping of forms. People and objects are almost always drawn in profile.Early Egyptian artists did have a system for maintaining dimensions within artwork. They used a grid system that allowed them to create a smaller version of the artwork, and then scale up the design based upon proportional representation in a larger grid.See also: African art (Egypt)[edit] Egyptian art in modern timesModern and contemporary Egyptian art can be as diverse as any works in the world art scene. Some well-known names include Mahmoud Mokhtar, Abdel-Hadi el Gazzar, Farouk Hosny, Gazbia Sirry and many others. Many artists in Egypt have taken on modern media such as digital art and this has been the theme of many exhibions in Cairo, in recent times. There has also been a tendency to use the world wide web as an alternative outlet for artists and there is a strong Art-focused internet community on egroups that has found origin in Egypt.SciencePtolemyClaudius Ptolemaeus, given contemporary German styling, in a 16th century engraved book frontispiecePtolemy is one of the most famous scientists associated with Egypt. Although he was born in Greece, he is famous for his work in Alexandria. Born Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: Κλαύδιος ∏τολεμαίος; c. 85 – c. 165),he was a Greek geographer, astronomer, and astrologer. He is considered by many to be the father of astronomy.Ptolemy was the author of two important scientific treatises. One is the astronomical treatise that is now known as the Almagest (in Greek Η μεγάλη ∑ύνταξις, "The Great Treatise"). In this work, one of the most influential books of Antiquity, Ptolemy compiled the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greek and Babylonian world.Ptolemy's other main work is his Geography. This too is a compilation, of what was known about the world's geography in the Roman Empire in his time.In his Optics, a work which survives only in a poor Arabic translation, he writes about properties of light, including reflection, refraction and colour. His other works include Planetary Hypothesis, Planisphaerium and Analemma.Ptolemy's treatise on astrology, the Tetrabiblos, was the most popular astrological work of antiquity and also enjoyed great influence in the Islamic world and the medieval Latin West.Ptolemy also wrote an influential work Harmonics on music theory. After criticizing the approaches of his predecessors, Ptolemy argued for basing musical intervals on mathematical ratios (in contrast to the followers of Aristoxenus) backed up by empirical observation (in contrast to the overly-theoretical approach of the Pythagoreans). He presented his own divisions of the tetrachord and the octave, which he derived with the help of a monochord. Ptolemy's astronomical interests also appeared in a discussion of the music of the spheres.Tributes to Ptolemy include Ptolemaeus crater on the Moon and Ptolemaeus crater on Mars.Music and danceEgyptian music is a rich mixture of indigenous Egyptian, Arabic, African and Western influences.As early as 4000 BC, ancient Egyptians were playing harps and flutes, as well as two indigenous instruments: the ney and the oud. However, there is little notation of Egyptian music before the 7th century AD, when Egypt became part of the Muslim world. Percussion and vocal music became important at this time, and has remained an important part of Egyptian music today.Contemporary Egyptian music traces its beginnings to the creative work of luminaries such as Abdu-l Hamuli, Almaz and Mahmud Osman, who were all patronized by Khedive Ismail and who influenced the later work of Sayed Darwish, Umm Kulthum, Mohammed Abdel Wahab, Abdel Halim Hafez and other Egyptian music giants.From the 1970s onwards, Egyptian pop music has become increasingly important in Egyptian culture, particularly among the large youth population of Egypt. Egyptian folk music is also popular, played during weddings and other festivities. In the last quarter of the 20th century, Egyptian music was a way to communicate social and class issues. The most popular Egyptian pop singer is Amr Diab.Belly dance, or Raqs Sharqi in Arabic, may have originated in Egypt, and today the country is considered the international center of the art.。



Is College Entrance Examination System Fair?This year, I had the opportunity to participate geographical Volume change roll. In those days, I deeply appreciate the hard work of every candidate and sweat.To the most of the high school students, college entrance examination is the only way that they can enter a college to continue their education.Some people say it is not fair because this is the primary cause of the exam-oriented education, the students have to do well in every subject to get into a good college, it is not fair for those who are talented in specific majors while not so good in other ones.However, I think the current college entrance examination system is fair to the most of students.Because the college entrance examination only requires the students do well in study, power and wealthy family of the students won’t do anything with it. It gives those students from poor family a chance to receive higher education, helps them to change their fate of being born in a poor family. These students maybe have lost at the starting line, but the college entrance examination system gives a second chance to start with others at the same line again.As for those who are talented in specific majors, the system also has other solutions. It authorizes the college to recruit the students independently. If the student good enough, he/she will make his/her effort to get into the college.We all know that college entrance examination is the only way that it do not need to see your family background and family economic conditions, just looking at your complete accuracy of examinations share.There is no doubt that College Entrance Examination gave birth poor children a chance to change their fate. when I was a Senior high school student , I went to school very early every day, and came home late.I still remember my parents deeply expectations. For every high candidates, their shoulder always hold the enormou pressure . They never give up chewing, with their small shoulders propped teachers and parents' expectations. Here, I have to commend each student is a hero!However, from another aspect, this system is only relative fairness. Because we do have a unified national college entrance examination questions. As we all know, there is a big difference between college entrance examination scores high places and areas with low scores. Hebei, Henan and Shandong, these province's college entrance examination scores may be higher than in remote areas and Beijing Tianjin scores higher than 100 points. I really do not understand why ?Such score gap to make these high areas the students spendmuch effort.This is an aspect I think is very unfair entrance.These are my feelings changed after College Entrance Examination, and every papers include the student's future and hope of Hebei. They paid time and experience, for their own ideal of the university.I really want to be fair to every region of the candidates, and do not let their bear geographical discrimination. Let them pay to get due returns.。



性别平等英语作文Title: Achieving Gender Equality: A Global Imperative。

Gender equality is an essential cornerstone of a just and fair society. In recent decades, significant strides have been made towards gender parity, yet there is still much work to be done. This essay explores the importance of gender equality and outlines strategies to achieve it.First and foremost, gender equality is a fundamental human right. Every individual, regardless of gender, deserves equal opportunities, treatment, and respect. Discrimination based on gender not only violates this basic principle but also undermines social cohesion and economic development.Furthermore, achieving gender equality is crucial for sustainable development. When women and girls are empowered through education, employment, and participation in decision-making processes, societies thrive. Gender-inclusive policies and practices lead to greater innovation, productivity, and prosperity for all.One of the key barriers to gender equality isentrenched gender stereotypes and norms. From a young age, children are socialized into narrow gender roles, which perpetuate inequality. Boys are often encouraged to be assertive and ambitious, while girls are expected to be nurturing and submissive. These stereotypes limitindividual potential and perpetuate inequalities in education, employment, and leadership.To overcome these barriers, education plays a pivotal role. Schools should promote gender-sensitive curriculathat challenge stereotypes and promote critical thinking. Additionally, comprehensive sexuality education isessential to promote healthy relationships, consent, and respect for diversity.In the workplace, closing the gender pay gap and promoting women's leadership are critical steps towards gender equality. Employers must ensure equal pay for equalwork and create inclusive environments free from harassment and discrimination. Furthermore, companies should implement family-friendly policies such as flexible working hours and parental leave to support work-life balance for all employees.Political empowerment is another vital aspect of achieving gender equality. Women remain underrepresented in decision-making bodies worldwide, limiting their ability to influence policies that affect their lives. Political parties and electoral systems should actively promote women's participation and remove barriers to their candidacy.Beyond these institutional changes, fostering acultural shift towards gender equality requires the collective effort of individuals, communities, and governments. Men and boys have a crucial role to play as allies in the fight for gender equality. By challenging traditional notions of masculinity and supporting women's rights, men can help create a more inclusive and equitable society.Moreover, media and popular culture play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes towards gender. By promoting diverse and positive representations of women and challenging harmful stereotypes, the media can contribute to a more inclusive and egalitarian society.In conclusion, gender equality is not only a moral imperative but also essential for social progress and economic prosperity. By challenging gender stereotypes, promoting education and economic empowerment, and fostering inclusive policies and practices, we can create a world where every individual, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive. It is incumbent upon all of us to work towards this vision of a more just and equitable society.。

八年级英语unit 7topic 1we are preparing for a food festival.仁爱版知识精讲

八年级英语unit 7topic 1we are preparing for a food festival.仁爱版知识精讲

初二英语Unit 7:Topic 1:We are preparing for a food festival.仁爱版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 7:Topic 1:We are preparing for a food festival.二. 教学重点、难点:(一)单词:△Nigeria ;n. 尼日利亚△wrestling n. 摔跤运动organize v. 组织successful adj. 成功的,有成就的imagine v. 想象,设想soup n. 汤biscuit n. 饼干pancake n. 薄煎饼cheese n. 干酪,奶酪pie n. 甜馅饼;水果馅饼;肉馅饼;蔬菜馅饼have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食western adj. 西方的,西部的cookie n. 小甜饼Greek adj. 希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的n. 希腊人,希腊语Indian adj. (美洲)印第安人的;印度人的n. 印度人;印第安人△curry ;n. 咖喱食品Italian adj. 意大利(人)的;意大利语的n. 意大利人;意大利语△pizza n. 比萨饼,意大利薄饼fried adj. 油煎的△sushi n. 寿司African adj. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人Russian adj. 俄国的,俄罗斯的;俄国人的;俄语的n. 俄语;俄国人△PRC=the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国Africa n. 非洲South Africa 南非Greece n. 希腊△Nigerian ;adj. 尼日利亚的n. 尼日利亚人△surprising adj. 令人惊奇的,使人吃惊的in order to 为了,目的是sincerely ;adv. 真诚地△wrestler n. 摔跤运动员supply n. & v. 补给,供给(二)词组:know about…了解,知道……情况be born in…出生在……make money 挣钱,赚钱turn to sb. for help 向某人求助chat with sb. 与某人聊天prepare for…为……准备have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食think about 考虑decide to do sth. 决定做某事invite sb. to …邀请某人去(做)……plan to…计划做……keep up 持续不断in order to 为了be pleased with…对……中意,满足come true 实现(三)句型:[金点1]Shall we have a food festival to make money for his school? 我们举办一次美食节为他的学校挣点钱好吗?(1)have a food festival 举办美食节(2)make money 赚钱如:Mrs. Green wants to make money for her baby.格林太太想为她的孩子挣点钱。

2024年中考英语热点阅读练习7 文化差异(含解析)

2024年中考英语热点阅读练习7 文化差异(含解析)

1 2 34 562024年中考英语新热点时文阅读-文化差异题型主要内容阅读理解讲述了英国食物的国际化,详细地介绍了英国的一些食物及其和中国食物的区别。







01(2023海南海口海南中学校考模拟预测)Stir-f r y(小炒),Peking duck, f r ied rice—the tastes of Britain."Britain?!" I hear you cry. "But British people take afternoon tea with sandwiches! Those are Chinese dishes!"According to a survey by Food Network UK, nine out of 10 British people said their favorite food was Asian.The number one international food in Britain was stir-fry, according to the Daily Mail, with 55 percent saying they ate it oftenBritain has a very multicultural history. Centuries of history brought dishes from across the world. Almost every town in the UK has a Chinese or Indian restaurant, and Italian, Thai and Jamaican are not unusual. Perhaps it's no surprise that they learned to cook and eat dishes from other countries. Traditional British food doesn't have a great reputation(名JInternational food has become British food, even when British are cooking. Another survey by the UKTY food channel in 2009 showed the most common dish British could cook without a recipe was Italian spaghetti.However, if you're in the UK and think a trip to a Chinese restaurant would be a great way to stay away from homesickness(乡愁),think again. Many British Chinese dishes aren't exactly Chinese. At the end of every British Chinese meal, you get a sweet crisp known as a "traditional Chinese fortune cookie". I have lived in Beijing for almost a year. I have yet to eat a fortune cookie that is really Chinese.A bowl of stir fry followed by a fortune cookie... n ow that would be a way to cure my homesickness, for the UK I.Which is British people's favorite international food, according tto the sur v ey?A.Stir-fry.B.Peking duck.C.Italian spaghetti.2.What's the most important feature of modern British food?A.UnusualB.International.C.Traditional.3.What can we learn from the sixth paragraph?A.Chinese fortune cookies are famous in Beijing.B.Chinese people in the UK won't go to Chinese restaurants.C.British Chinese restaurants are different to Chinese restaurants in China.4.Wh.ich of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Ttalian food doesn't have a great reputation.B.Trad巾onal British food doesn't have a great reputation.C.Modern British food doesn't have a great reputation.5.What's the best title for tbe story?A.Histo1-y of British foodB.International tastes of BritainC.The reputation of British food02(2023福建泉州统考三膜)The Netherlands is low-lying and influenced by the north sea wind, which caused floods to happen easily in the past. In order to deal with the problem, the Dutch used thousands of windmills. So the Netherlands became the famous land of windmills. With this invention, the Dutch set a special date and beld some activities. It's beld on the second Saturday of May each year. Gradually, Windmill Day becomes a traditional folk festival in the Netherlands On this day, pictures shaped of windmills are everywhere. Many shops are filled with colorful windmill art pieces. Children also I伈e to draw windmills on the doors and windowsWindmills have different purposes in different states. They bring good luck to people in most situations. When the flag is hung on the windmill, it may mean that a baby is born, oJ· a couple are holding a wedding. When the fan of windmill is like a cross, it means that some important guests are coming and they打e warmly welcomed. However, when the windmill is at rest and backward, it mainly tells us that something bad has happened.Nowadays, during your visit in the Netherlands, you can choose the windmill museums. Also, you can go to the local windmill villages. There are still more than 1000 windmills around the country, with many still in use. Every windmill is covered in red and green and is slowly running to greet you.6. People in Netherlands mainly use windmills to.A.produce electricityC.celebrate festi v ats7.How do the Dutch celebrate Windmill Day?B.do with floodsD.welcome visitors(DThey decorate the public places with pictures shaped of windmills®Shop owne几prepare lots of colorful windmill art pieces@They fix the fan of wind血II as the shape of a cross.©Young kids draw windmills on the doors and wi11dowsA.@蠲B.®@@ c.@@@8.Which picture of windmills shows the coming of a newborn?A. B.c. D.9. What can we know fr o m the text?A.Yisito几can only enjoy windmills in museums.B.Windmills bring good luck to people in all situations.C.There are fewer than 1000 windmills across the countr yD. A still windmill means something bad has happened.10.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A. Culture.B.Human.nguage.03D.CD®©D.Science.(2022秋丿一、东河源九年级校考期末)The New Year is a time of new beginning and good hopes for the future. People ___lL_ the New Year with many n·aditions and activities. ____.!l_, not all cultures celebrate New Year's Day in tl1e same way.In Japan, people throw beans. They throw beans while ____ll__"Bad luck out, good luck in." After throwing the beans, family members pick up and eat the same number of beans as their age. It will bring ___lL_ and good I u ck for the new year.In China, people buy presents, decorations, food and new clothes a few weeks before the new year. They clean their houses to _____.lL bad luck. On New Year's Eve, people usually get together for a big meal. On New Year's Day, children will ___lL_ hongbao from their parents. People think it will bring good luck to children. People !]__ visit their relatives and f r iends at this time. The lion dance is a ____!lL_ activity that is held during the Chinese New Year. People believe that the 19 sound of drums can keep bad things away.In India, men and women 20 traditional dances. Family members also enjoy delicious food. They say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new.I I. A. celebrate B. take C. break D. promise12. A. So8.And C. Then D. However13. A. pulling B.shouting C. playing D.pora racct1i c111g14. A. purpo沁 B.advice C.health D.time15. A. turn on B.sweep away C.take off D.tidy up16. A. accept B. make C.buy D. receive17. A. hardly B.never C. always D.seldom18. A. beautiful B.traditional C.modem D.borin仁!!19. A. quiet B.slow C. fast D.loud20. A. perform8.spend C. hear D. check04(2022秋重庆江北九年级重庆十八中校考期末)Ind戊is a country rich in trad山on and culture. Can you tell me how much you have known about I ndia so far? I f you're planning to travel to I ndia, it will be ____1L_ to know the following customs.You should not hold hands ___.lL_, kiss or hug anyone in public, even your loved ones. As a conservative(保守的)country,India does not welcome public expression of affection(情感)such as hugging and kiss. _____11 Indian people's eyes are big and considered the most beautiful in Asia, it is not proper to look straight into a person's eyes while talking. Indian people m吐e� eye communication than W estern people do. However, this doesn't ____1,i_ that Indian people are not honest. IL is just part of their culture. Another custom that you should pay ____1L__ to is that men shouldn't touch Indian women. In fact, only their sons can touch them in public. When it comes to other people, however, a friendly knock on the back between people of the same gender(性别)is allowed What's more, whatever you do, stay away from the �-According to Indian culture, the head is the most important part of the human body, and no one can touch it. So if you touch an Indian person's head by accident, say sorry as quickly as possible to _____1L_ any trouble05(2023四川凉山模拟预测)究成表格。








それではTodorova の所説を見てゆくことにしよう。

₂.理論的背景2-1 社会的行動の儀式的特徴と道具的特徴 Todorova によれば行動の習慣の結果として社会的行動が習慣的である、ということを認めるならば、一定の行動パターンは道理にかなったものである。


したがって「儀式的な価値は習慣的であり、₁.はじめに 制度派経済学の創始者であり、制度学派の建設者のひとりとしても著名なソースタイン・ヴェブレン(1857-1929)は制度化された行動様式としての消費を処女作『有閑階級の理論』(1)で採りあげている。



 そこで私はZdravka.K.Todorova (3)の論文「合衆国における女性の消費者行動の道具的側面と儀式的側面」をとりあげることとした。




艾玛沃特森演讲全文(中英双语)Thank you all for being here for this important moment. These men from all over the world have decided to make gender equality a priority in their lives and in their universities. Thank you for making this commitment.非常感谢你们能在此见证这样一个重要的时刻。



I graduated from university four years ago. I had always dreamed of going, and I know how fortunate I am to have had the opportunity to do so.四年前,我大学毕业。


Brown became my home, my community, and I took the ideas and the experiences I had there into all of my social interactions, into my work place, into my politics, into all aspects of my life. I know that my university experience shaped who I am. And of course it does for many people.布朗大学成为了我的家,我的归属。




世界各国平等尊重英语作文English is a language that is universally respected and valued in countries all over the world. It has become the lingua franca of international communication, connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds. The importance of English lies not only in its practicality but also in the cultural exchange and understanding it promotes.English is a language that opens doors to opportunities. In today's globalized world, proficiency in English isoften a prerequisite for job opportunities, especially in fields such as business, tourism, and technology. English proficiency allows individuals to expand their horizons and interact with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of inclusivity and understanding.English is also a language of cultural exchange. Through English, people can access a wealth of literature, music, and films from different parts of the world. It allows for the sharing of ideas and perspectives, enablingindividuals to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and traditions. This cultural exchange enriches our lives and promotes mutual respect and appreciation.Furthermore, English is a language of innovation and progress. Many scientific and technological advancements are published and shared in English, making it essentialfor researchers and scholars to communicate their findings. By promoting the use of English, countries can encourage scientific collaboration and contribute to global progress in various fields.In addition, English proficiency can enhance international relations. When people from different countries can communicate effectively in a common language, it facilitates diplomacy and cooperation. It allows for smoother negotiations and better understanding between nations, fostering peace and stability in the international community.English is a language that transcends borders and brings people together. Its widespread use ensures thatindividuals from different countries can communicate and understand each other, regardless of their native languages. By promoting equal respect for English, we can create amore inclusive and connected world, where barriers are broken down and understanding is fostered.。



男人和女人谁改变了世界英语作文英文回答:In the vast tapestry of history, the question of who has had a greater impact on shaping the world men or women has been hotly debated for centuries. While it is undeniable that both genders have played pivotal roles in the advancement of human civilization, a closer examination reveals that the contributions of men and women have often been vastly different, both in nature and magnitude.Men have historically dominated positions of power and influence, holding sway over political, economic, and military affairs. From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the emperors of Rome and beyond, it was men who largely determined the course of history, shaping the destinies of nations and civilizations. They led armies into battle, enacted laws, and established social hierarchies. Their decisions, both wise and foolish, had a profound impact on the lives of countless people, leaving an enduring legacythat continues to shape our world today.Women, on the other hand, have often been relegated to more domestic and private spheres. Throughout much of history, they have been denied access to education, property ownership, and political participation. Despite these limitations, women have played a vital role in human progress, albeit in ways that have often been overlooked or undervalued. They have been responsible for nurturingfuture generations, raising children who would go on to become leaders, scholars, and artists. They have also made significant contributions to the arts, literature, and science, often working behind the scenes or under pseudonyms to avoid social stigma.In recent centuries, the roles of men and women have begun to shift, albeit slowly. As societies have evolved and become more enlightened, women have gradually gained access to education, employment, and political power. While gender inequality persists in many parts of the world, there is no doubt that women are playing an increasingly influential role in shaping our world. They are breakingdown barriers in STEM fields, leading Fortune 500 companies, and serving in high-level government positions. Theirvoices are being heard in boardrooms, parliaments, and international forums.The question of who has changed the world more men or women is ultimately a complex one. Both genders have made invaluable contributions to human history, albeit indifferent ways. Men have often held the reins of power,while women have quietly nurtured and shaped the fabric of society. As we move forward, it is essential to recognize and celebrate the contributions of both men and women, andto work together to create a more just and equitable world for all.中文回答:历史上,男人和女人谁对塑造世界的影响更大一直备受争论。



新闻大事记英语作文200字英文回答:January 2023。

January 1: Mexico City's mayor announces a ban on smoking in outdoor public spaces and workplaces.January 6: Extremist supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump storm the U.S. Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.January 20: Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, becoming the oldest person to assume the office.February 2023。

February 24: Russia launches a full-scale invasion ofUkraine, marking the beginning of a major conflict in Europe.February 28: The United States and the European Union announce severe sanctions against Russia in response to the invasion.March 2023。

March 8: International Women's Day is observed worldwide, with protests and rallies taking place to demand gender equality and women's rights.March 21: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres calls for a global ceasefire in Ukraine.March 29: The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the COVID-19 pandemic a global health emergency.April 2023。

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Male 6
7 % of girls in Students' dorms
90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
% of girls in Students' dorms
More than 50% of the female students are from very poor backgrounds
Source: education Committee (2007): Status of Female Students in Higher education, Shura Council, Cairo
千 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 State Univ. 40 25 243 123 706
Open Ed.
Private Univ.
11 248
Types of HE Institutions Private HEIs Priv. Tech. Colleges State Tech. colleges State HEIs 16 23 77 67 12 6
Are there other factors that affect gender issues in higher education?

ewed as leaders in the higher education institutions/sector. What are the future strategies and policies for supporting gender equality and equity in Egyptian Higher Education sector.
% student enrollment as percentage of the age group 18-23
% student enrollment as percentage of the age group 18-23
Source: Strategic Planning Unit (2007): Master Plan for HE (2007-2022), Second Iteration, Ministry of Higher Education, Cairo.
On the National Level: Provision of equitable higher education opportunities across governorates.

Coordinating with pre-university gender policies per type of education (general, vocational and technical). Allocating more resources for students’ residence with increasing quota for female students. Encouraging female Student in applied fields of specializations through support grants. Adopting programs for enhancing humanities and social sciences (beside engineering & applied sciences)

0.00% Cairo Alexandria Port Said Suez Damitta Dakahlia Sharkeya
Kafr El Sheik Qaliobeya Ismailia Behira Giza Beni Seuf Fayoum Menia Assuit Sohag Qena Luxor Aswan Gharbeya

On the institutional level: Higher education institutions targets girls’ friendly context. (requirement for accreditation)

Flexible study programs and more support for students from poor families.
Expansion in geographical areas representing low enrollment rates. Provision of continuing education for female students
Red Sea
New Valley Matrouh South Sinai North Sinai
39.05% 57.84% 26.10% 24.53% 31.72% 23.54% 21.85% 18.99% 17.68% 25.88% 22.95% 8.30% 40.19% 18.70% 6.74% 8.96% 27.02% 14.95% 14.62% 11.87% 20.77% 5.78% 10.14% 5.30% 0.00% 11.81% Average of 27.26%

What is the current situation for females versus males enrollment in Egyptian Higher Education institutions?

Does it reflect equal opportunities and Equity?