赫尔辛基大学简介赫大建立于遥远的1640年,芬兰当时还隶属于瑞典王国,13岁的瑞典女王赫里斯蒂娜在摄政王的提议下,创建了其前身土尔库皇家学院(the Royal Academy of Turku),为当时的国家培养了众多优秀的管理人员。
历史上赫尔辛基大学孕育了4位诺贝尔得主:Lars Ahlfors获1936年诺贝尔,Frans Emil Sillanpaa获1939年诺贝尔文学奖,Artturi Ilmari Virtanen获1945年化学奖,Ragnar Granit获1967年诺贝尔医学奖。
此外,世界著名的音乐大师Jean Sibelius也是出自赫尔辛基大学。
2009年与赫尔辛基经济学院和赫尔辛基艺术设计大学合并成为新大学Aalto University,以纪念设计赫尔辛基理工大学校园的芬兰设计师Alvar Aalto。
芬兰工程师(理学硕士)和建筑师中,42%毕业于TKK,理学博士中则有50%毕业于TKK (2006年统计)。
世界上最早的商业化全合成樟脑即由赫尔辛基理工大学首位化学教授Gustaf Komppa 研制成功。
NUS 硕士专业 介绍
地理位置新加坡国立大学校园位于肯特岗下段(Lower Kent Ridge Road),位于新加坡西南部,离市中心12公里,距东郊樟宜机场(Cha ngi Airport)30分钟车程。
校园北界是亚逸拉惹高速公路(Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE)),南界为巴西班让路(Pasir Panjang R d),西临金文泰路(Clementi Rd),东濒南波那维斯达路(South Buona Vista Rd)。
校区占地150公顷,前身是殖民地时代英军驻新加坡巴西班让(Pasir Panjang)空军基地。
校区毗邻新加坡科学园(Singapore Science Park)和国立大学医院(National University Hospital),科研条件十分便利。
——英国《泰晤士报》的《高等教育增刊》,2005年3月4日亚洲和澳洲最佳综合性大学的第五名——Asiaweek 2000工程论文发表量排名第十、电脑类论文发表量位居第十四,,材料科学类论文发表量名列第二十——Institute of Scientific Inform ation Essential Science Indicators 2002亚太地区MBA全日制课程首15名之一,并在亚细安排名第一——Asia Inc 2003世界首一百大MBA全日制课程提供者之一——Economist Intelligence Unit 2003 & Financial Times 2002学期设置每个新学年开始于每年七月的第二个星期一,到下一年的四月结束。
赫尔辛基大学城市研究与规划硕士课程优势Master’s Pro gramme in Urban Studies and Planning, Master of Science/Master of Social Sciences完成城市研究与规划硕士课程后,你将能够:理解理论,确定与社会科学,人文,生态学,工程学,建筑学,设计和艺术等相关领域的城市研究和规划相关的概念和经验研究方法;表达对城市政府,城市发展决策和规划的作用的认识;创造性地创造性地构建和回答在多个理论和实践领域内和之间相关的重要研究问题;基于来自多个来源的信息收集,处理和制定相关结论;编制,收集和分析与城市现象有关的案例和数据。
ABOUT USWe are Finland’s largest, oldest and internationally most esteemed research university.The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. The University of Helsinki seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity. Through the power of science, the University has contributed to society, education and welfare since 1640.The University’s core duties are research, teaching and their support through community relations.RESEARCH:The University of Helsinki aims to produce research of a high international standard in all fields. Research provides the University’s scholars wit h solid expertise to participate in the development of society and the business sector in various national and regional cooperation projects. The University of Helsinki is a member of more than half of all national and Nordic centres of excellence in research. It is also the only Finnish university to have received an invitation to join the League of European Research Universities (LERU), which is an association of the leading research-intensive universities in Europe.The University allocates funding to research based on competition and evaluation. Special emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary initiatives within basic research. About half ofthe research conducted at the University of Helsinki is financed from the University’s operating expenses and the ot her half from external funding sources.TEACHINGT:eaching at the University of Helsinki is based on research. The underlying principle is that every teacher does research and every researcher teaches. According to an international evaluation, teaching at the University of Helsinki is of a high European standard. As a research-intensive university, the University of Helsinki encourages most of its students to complete a second-cycle degree. The great variety of minor subject options continues to be an important component in the high quality of degrees completed at the University. The Open University offers teaching in accordance with the degree requirements of the University of Helsinki, and the Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education provides professional education programmes in the various fields represented at the MUNITY RELATIONS:The University of Helsinki is a responsible social force, an advocate of science and scholarship, and a valued partner. The University boasts an extensive network of partners, including its alumni and friends, donors and funders, foundations and civic organisations, businesses and the media as well as political decision-makers and civil servants in the public sector.The University’s social engagement is manifested through its core duties of research and teaching, in addition to which the University and members of the University community interact with the surrounding society in numerous ways.Interaction with the University enhances the operational conditions of its partners, the business sector and the society at large. Graduates serving as experts in various fields constitute the University’s most significant contribution to society. The University’s representatives areconsulted by decision-makers, participate in public debate and provide research information for public use. Productive, well-functioning partnerships generate solutions to the great challenges facing not only Finnish society, but societies globally.关于我们,我们是芬兰最大、最古老、国际上最受尊敬的研究型大学。
一、关于赫尔辛基大学ABOUT USWe are Finland’s largest, oldest and internationally most esteemed researchuniversity.The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution ofacademic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the Universityof Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. The University of Helsinki seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity. Through the power of science, the University has contributed tosociety, education and welfare since 1640.The University’s core duties areresearch, teaching and their support through community relations.RESEARCH:TheUniversity of Helsinki aims to produce research of a high international standard in all fields. Research provides the University’s scholars with solid expertiseto participate in the development of society and the business sector in various national and regional cooperation projects. The University of Helsinki is amember of more than half of all national and Nordic centres of excellence inresearch. It is also the only Finnish university to have received an invitationto join the League of European Research Universities (LERU), which is anassociation of the leading research-intensive universities in Europe.TheUniversity allocates funding to research based on competition and evaluation.Special emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary initiatives within basicresearch. About half of the research conducted at the University of Helsinki is financed from the University’s operating expenses and the other half fromexternal funding sources.TEACHINGT:eaching at the University of Helsinki is based on research. The underlying principle is that every teacher does research and every researcher teaches. According to an international evaluation, teaching at the University of Helsinki is of a high European standard. As aresearch-intensive university, the University of Helsinki encourages most of its students to complete a second-cycle degree. The great variety of minor subject options continues to be an important component in the high quality of degrees completed at the University. The Open University offers teaching in accordance with the degree requirements of the University of Helsinki, and the PalmeniaCentre for Continuing Education provides professional education programmes in the various fields represented at the MUNITY RELATIONS:TheUniversity of Helsinki is a responsible social force, an advocate of science and scholarship, and a valued partner. The University boasts an extensive network of partners, including its alumni and friends, donors and funders, foundations and civic organisations, businesses and the media as well as politicaldecision-makers and civil servants in the public sector.The University’s socialengagement is manifested through its core duties of research and teaching, inaddition to which the University and members of the University communityinteract with the surrounding society in numerous ways.Interaction with theUniversity enhances the operational conditions of its partners, the businesssector and the society at large. Graduates serving as experts in various fieldsconstitute the University’s most significant contribution to society. TheUniversity’s representatives are consulted by deci sion-makers, participate inpublic debate and provide research information for public use. Productive,well-functioning partnerships generate solutions to the great challenges facing not only Finnish society, but societies globally.关于我们,我们是芬兰最大、最古老、国际上最受尊敬的研究型大学。
360教育集团介绍,芬兰公立高等学府之赫尔辛基经济学院(Helsinki School of Economics,简称HSE)成立于1911年,是全欧第一所商学院,是北欧顶级商学院之一。
学校的管理学硕士项目(Master in Management)在2014年Financial Times的全球管理学硕士排名中列第33位。
现拥有全球三大企管教育之同时认证,分别是英国颁发的AMBA(Association of MBAs)、欧洲的EQUIS (The European Quality Improvement System),以及美国的AACSB。
芬兰赫尔辛基大学基本概况【2】1.世界一流的研究环境SERVICES FOR RESEARCHERSThe research support services pave the way for smooth research work and save time for research. The services are offered through the University’s intranet Flamma, as on-site services near the researchers, in campus-specific service centres and in University Services. They are continuously developed to meet the users’ needs.On-Site ServicesThe nearest support staff can be found in the offices of faculties, departments and independent institutes. The staff in these units help researchers with daily problems, cooperate with the service providers in University Services, and when needed, assist the researcher in finding the appropriate service provider. Typically, on-site services include financial and human resources services, and in some units, also assistance with funding applications. Units are also responsible for providing researchers with work spaces and technical services.Research ServicesResearch Services helps researchers in preparing their projects and in delivering the research results for the service of the society at large. Its services cover the planning and application of research funding, legal support for research projects, business cooperation and the exploitation of research results.Research Services is a part of the Research Affairs sector of Central Administration. It works in close cooperation with the University of Helsinki–owned Helsinki Innovation Services Ltd, which provides innovation and commercialisation services.Financial and Human Resources ServicesCampus service centres offer services related to the management of finances and human resources. Their operations are overseen by UniversityFinance and Human Resources and Legal Affairs in Uniersity Services. International Staff Services, which operates under Human Resources and Legal Affairs, ensures that international researchers can settle seamlessly in Finland and also assists University of Helsinki researchers with the practicalities of relocating abroad.LibraryThe Helsinki University Library offers researchers electronic and printed materials and the related services, including assistance and training in information retrieval, open access publishing and the management of research materials. The University Library operates on all campuses.研究人员服务现场服务最近的支持人员可以在学院,部门和独立机构的办公室找到。
赫尔辛基大学 University of Helsinki
坦佩雷大学 University of Tampere
赫大建立于遥远的1640年,芬兰当时还隶属于瑞典王国,13岁度瑞典女王赫里斯蒂娜在摄政王的提议下,创建了其前身土尔库皇家学院(the Royal Academy of Turku),为当时的国家培养了众多优秀的管理人员。
历史上赫尔辛基大学孕育了4位诺贝尔得主:Lars Ahlfors获1936年诺贝尔,Frans Emil Sillanpaa获1939年诺贝尔文学奖,Artturi Ilmari Virtanen获1945年化学奖,Ragnar Granit获1967年诺贝尔医学奖。
此外,世界著名的音乐大师Jean Sibelius也是出自赫尔辛基大学。
赫尔辛基大学的申请信息解读1500字赫尔辛基大学(University of Helsinki)是芬兰最古老、最大的大学,也是北欧地区排名前列的世界一流研究型大学之一。
赫尔辛基大学—University of Helsinki
赫尔辛基大学—University of Helsinki赫尔辛基大学—University of Helsinki赫尔辛基大学—University of Helsinki 芬兰近50万人,拥有20所大学,是世界上人均占有大学最多的国家。
degreeprogrammes:(master sdegree)专业设置facultyoftheology 神学系departmentofbiblicalstudies 圣经学departmentofchurchhistory 教会历史departmentofcomparativereligion 高级信仰departmentofpracticaltheology 实用神学departmentoforthodoxyandeasteuropeanchurchstudies 正统东欧教会学departmentofsystematictheology 系统神学facultyoflaw 法律系-departmentofcriminallaw,juridicalprocedureandgeneraljurisp rudentialstudies 刑法,司法程序和普通法律学-departmentofprivatelaw 私法-departmentofpubliclaw 国际公法facultyofmedicine 医学系-departmentofforensicmedicine 法医学-departmentofpublichealth 公众健康学-hartmaninstitute 哈特曼学院-instituteofbiomedicine 生物医学-instituteofclinicalmedicine临床医学-instituteofdentistry 牙科-nationallibraryofhealthsciences 国家健康医学facultyofscience 自然科学系-departmentofastronomy 天文学-departmentofbiosciences 生物科学-departmentofchemistry 化学-departmentofcomputerscience 计算机科学-departmentofecologicalandenvironmentalsciences 生态和环境学-departmentofecologyandsystematics 生态学系统-departmentofgeography 地理学-departmentofmathematics 数学-departmentofpharmacy 药剂学-departmentofphysicalsciences 物理学facultyofsocialsciences 社会学系-departmentofcommunication 信息学-departmentofeconomics 经济学-departmentofpoliticalscience 政治学-departmentofsocialandmoralphilosophy 社会道德哲学-departmentofsocialpolicy 社会政治学-departmentofsocialpsychology 社会心理学-departmentofstatistics 统计学-instituteofdevelopmentstudies 社会发展学-departmentofsocialsciencehistory社会科学历史facultyofagricultureandforestry 农学和林学系-departmentofagriculturalengineeringandhouseholdtechnolo gy农业工程和普通技术学-departmentofanimalscience 兽医学-departmentofappliedbiology 实用生物学-departmentofappliedchemistryandmicrobiology 应用化学和微生物学-departmentofeconomicsandmanagement 经济和管理学-departmentoffoodtechnology 食品技术学-departmentofforestecology 森林生态学-departmentofforesteconomics 森林经济学-departmentofforestresourcemanagement 森林资源管理-departmentoflimnologyandenvironmentalprotection 湖沼生物学和环境保护学学校特色是一所在国际上享有盛誉的著名高等学府,也是芬兰第一所国立大学,世界排名为第60位。
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International Master´s Degree Programmes 2010Table of Contents3 Welcome to the University of Helsinki4 General Information on Study Opportunities in English5 Helsinki & Finland6 Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry7 Art Theory, Criticism and Management8 Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies9 Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis10 Bioinformatics11 Biotechnology12 Economics13 Economy, State and Society14 Environment and Natural Resources15 Ethnic Relations, Cultural Diversity and Integration16 European Studies17 Food of Life – the Science of Animal-Derived Foods18 Food Sciences19 Forest Sciences and Business20 Geoinformatics21 Intercultural Encounters22 Media and Global Communication23 Modeling Molecules and Nanosystems24 Multidisciplinary Studies on Urban Environmental Issues25 Neuroscience26 Plant Production Science27 Practical Philosophy – Theories of Good Society28 Public International Law and International Commercial Law29 Religious Roots of Europe30 Semiotics31 Social Sciences32 Space Sciences33 Translational Medicine34 The Cross Border University Masters’ DegreesWelcome tothe University of Helsinkiwww.helsinki.fi/universityThe University of Helsinki is one of the leading Euro-pean research-intensive universities. It is a founding member of the League of European Research Univer-sities LERU together with the likes of Oxford and Cam-bridge. The University is internationally renowned for its high-quality in teaching, research and innovation. In international rankings, the University of Helsinki is consistently placed among the 20 best universities in Europe.With some 3 900 members of research and teach-ing staff and 35 000 students, the University of H el-sinki has a multidisciplinary and inspiring study envi-ronment. The University of Helsinki is the largest and most multidisciplinary university in Finland, providing higher education in most disciplines including science, humanities, social sciences and medicine.The strengths of the University of Helsinki are inter-nationally acclaimed scientifi c research and the teach-ing based on it. Teaching is closely linked to research. According to the guiding principles of the university “all teachers are researchers and all researchers teach.”International UniversityAt the University of Helsinki, students have a truly in-ternational learning environment with a mixture of students coming from all regions of Finland and from all over the world. In addition to the International Master’s Degree Programmes, a number of Master’s Degrees and all Ph.D. programmes can be completed in English.The university has strong international connec-tions. It has more than 100 cooperation agreements with universities across the globe. The University’s re-searchers are in great demand as experts in interna-tional scientifi c communities, meetings and media. The University participates in numerous exchange pro-grammes including major EU programmes. It also en-gages in many international research programmes.The University of H elsinki is the alma mater of seven of Finland’s eleven presidents, Mr Jorma Ollila, former CEO of Nokia, and Mr Linus Torvalds, the brains behind the Linux operating system, for example.3First and foremost, the University of H elsinki is a re-search-intensive institution. This policy is refl ected in the Master’s Programmes as well. University of Helsin-ki offers a wide range of Master’s Degree Programmes fully in English. The scope of the programmes is 120 ECTS credits, completed in two years of full-time stud-ies. Some programmes are organised jointly by the University of Helsinki and by other Finnish or foreign universities. All programmes comply with the nation-al legislation governing university education and are, therefore, recognised globally. As a high-profi le re-search institution, the University of Helsinki offers stu-dents a solid foundation for doctoral studies and skills needed in demanding professions. The quality of the Master’s Programmes is guaranteed by the University’s extensive quality assurance system.Inspiring Environment for StudiesUniversity of Helsinki houses world-class facilities, in-cluding modern libraries, laboratories and computer environments. Computer labs are easily accessible and many of them can be used 24 hours a day. In addition, the University offers pre-arrival guidance, an orienta-tion course and peer counselling. The University Sports Services offer excellent opportunities for indoor an outdoor sports at affordable prices. Tsemppi, the or-ganisation for international degree students, secures a social network for international students: more in-formation is available at .Admission Requirements for Master’s Degree ProgrammesApplicants are required to have a Bachelor’s degree in the same or related fi eld of study they are apply-ing for at the University of H elsinki. In the Master’sDegree Programmes portrayed in this brochure, the teaching language is English. To indicate your English profi ciency, you must submit a language test score , e.g. TOEFL or IELTS. For detailed information on ac-ceptable language tests and other ways of indicating your language profi ciency, please see www.helsinki.fi /admissions/language_skills .Application ProcedureThe English-speaking International Master’s Pro-grammes have a web-based application procedure. The user-friendly on-line form makes the application procedure fast and effi cient. More information on the application process, see www.helsinki.fi /admissions .No Tuition FeesThe University of Helsinki charges no tuition fees. The only obligatory fee is the Student Union membership fee (approx. 80 euro per year). The only exceptions are the Erasmus Mundus programmes: they may charge programme fees.General Informationon Study Opportunities in EnglishP h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o4GrantsThere are some scholarships available for students who have been accepted to study in an International Master’s Degree Programme. For more information, please refer to the websitewww.helsinki.fi /studying/grants_and_scholarships.shtml .Cost of LivingAll degree students need to cover their books and oth-er study materials as well as for their accommodation and living expenses. The total monthly living expenses of a single student range from 600 to 900 euro .Student status, and especially the Student Union membership, entitles students to various services at af-fordable prices as well as to abundance of student dis-counts. Seewww.helsinki.fi/studying/fees_and_costs.shtml .PhD StudiesEach faculty of the University of Helsinki has its individ-ual application procedure for doctoral students. More information is available atwww.helsinki.fi/admissions/postgraduate_applicants.htm .Helsinki Summer SchoolHelsinki Summer School (HSS) is a three-week academ-ic event organised every August by the universities in the H elsinki area. H SS gives an opportunity to get a taste of studying in English at the University of H el-sinki. More information is available at www.helsinki.fi/summerschool .P h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r oFINLAND• Educational forerunner () • High-tech superpower• Home of Nokia, Linux, Sauna and Santa Claus • A European Union member state, a Nordic welfare state• top rankings in several international surveys when it comes to quality of life and competitiveness (World Economic Forum)HELSINKI,the Capital of Finland• The largest city and the capital of Finland • A pocket-sized metropolis – everything within easy reach• Famous for its architecture, design, and high technology• A dazzling mixture of ultramodern infrastructure and unspoilt naturewww.helsinki.fi www.studyinfi nland.fi www.virtual.fi nland.fi5The Master´s Degree Programme inAdvanced Spectroscopyin ChemistryThe Master´s Degree Programme in Advanced Spec-troscopy in Chemistry is a European Joint Degree pro-gramme and aims to educate graduates who will have the required expertise to become spectroscopy profes-sionals of a high standard for employment in the in-ternational public and private sectors. They will also be well prepared for postgraduate studies.A consortium of seven European universities offers high-level education in chemical spectroscopy. This two-year course (120 ECTS credits) is taught in English. The consortium consists of the following European higher education institutions: University of H elsinki, Finland; University of Science and Technologies Lille, France; University of Leipzig, Germany; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Bergen, Norway; Jagiel-lonian University Krakow, Poland; and Complutense University Madrid, Spain.The students admitted to this programme will study at two or more partner universities. Students are encouraged to base their thesis on a collabora-tive project between two of the partner institutions, thus underlining the European dimension of the pro-gramme. A mobility scheme ensures that, in addition to high level of specialization and access to state of the art technologies, students will complete a com-mon core curriculum of studies in different higher ed-ucation institutions throughout Europe.Students completing this European master’s de-gree with a thesis will fi nd employment in European R&D careers in instrument manufacturing companies, spectroscopic laboratories, analytical enterprises and administrative organizations. Further scientifi c oppor-tunities towards PhD programmes are also available.www.helsinki.fi/internationalprogrammes6The Master´s Degree Programme inArt Theory, Criticism andManagement (ATCM)The International Master’s Degree Programme in ArtTheory, Criticism and Management (ATCM) is organ-ised jointly by the Institute for Art Research at the Uni-versity of Helsinki and the Department of Marketingand Management at the Helsinki School of Economics.By combining a theoretical approach to art and aes-thetics with the study of management and marketing,the ATCM programme is designed to provide studentswith up-to-date knowledge and expertise that art or-ganisations and professionals need to succeed in thechanging environments of the art fi eld and the experi-ence industry. At the University of Helsinki, the majorstudy tracks are Aesthetics, Art H istory, ComparativeLiterature, Musicology and Theatre Research togeth-er with Film and Television Research and Semiotics.At the H elsinki School of Economics, ATCM is a spe-cialisation track in the MSc Programme in Marketing.www.helsinki.fi/atcmStudents admitted into the ATCM degree programmestudy at both partner universities.ATCM offers a variety of curricular options for de-signing personalised study plans. The courses offeredrange from advanced theoretical, critical and analyti-cal approaches to a particular art form to internation-al art policy, art marketing, and management.All in all, ATCM supplies professional skills and ca-pabilities for pursuing a variety of careers in the fi eldof arts and art management. It responds to the varied,changing needs of the current cultural fi eld and quali-fi es students for postgraduate (PhD) studies in their ma-jor subject. The graduates of ATCM gain a broad under-standing of the world of arts and acquire the essentialbusiness competence. The ATCM programme offers stu-dents with diverse backgrounds an excellent opportu-nity to develop wide range interdisciplinary expertise.Photo:VeikkoSomerpuroPhoto:PinjaMetsäranta7The syllabus of the International Master’s Degree Pro-gramme in Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies (ABS) has its roots in high-quality research. The co-operating in-stitutes are housing several national and international centres of excellence in research.As an ABS graduate, you achieve a solid founda-tion for working with environmental issues and you will be competent in various areas of society. You will gain the ability to fi nd innovative solutions to complex problems in the fi eld of environmental sciences – its main challenge being climate change. At the Universi-ty of Helsinki, your major subject will be either physics or meteorology. The ABS Master’s degree offers excel-lent opportunities for continuing your career in PhD studies and research.The Master´s Degree Programme inAtmosphere-BiosphereStudies (ABS)ABS is a joint programme offered by ten Nordicand Baltic universities:• University of Helsinki, Finland (Co-ordinating university)• Estonian University of Life Sciences • Technical University of Denmark • University of Aarhus, Denmark • University of Copenhagen, Denmark • University of Gothenburg, Sweden • University of Kuopio, Finland • University of Lund, Sweden • University of Stockholm, Sweden • University of Tartu, EstoniaAs a multidisciplinary programme, ABS offers versatile studies in atmospheric sciences, covering physical phe-nomena, atmospheric chemistry, meteorology, physi-cal geography, and ecology. Part of the syllabus is re-lated to the interactions between ecosystems and the atmosphere.www.atm.helsinki.fi/ABSP h o t o : M a t t i T i r r i8The Master´s Degree Programme inBayesian Statisticsand Decision Analysis (EuroBayes)www.mathstat.helsinki.fi/bayesMaster’s Degree Programme in Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis (EuroBayes) provides advanced train-ing for students who wish to develop special skills in the modern methodologies of statistical data analysis, with a particular emphasis on Bayesian inference.EuroBayes is offered as a joint degree programme by six European universities, representing a wide spec-trum of different orientations of study and corre-sponding profi les of research. At least one academic term of studies is to be completed at one of the col-laborating universities other than Helsinki.The six partner universities responsible for the pro-gramme are: the University of H elsinki, Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain), Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris, France), Università La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), Al-pen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Klagenfurt, Austria)and Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain). The fi rst year of the programme follows a curriculum which is nearly identical in all participating institutions.One way of looking at statistics stems from the perception that, ultimately, probability is the only ap-propriate way to describe and systematically deal with uncertainty. The scientifi c discipline based on this un-derstanding is called Bayesian Statistics. The Bayesian paradigm has experienced a spectacular growth dur-ing the past 10 years and is still fi nding new areas of fruitful practical application.The added new potential of the Bayesian method-ology in solving real life problems has led to many at-tractive opportunities for employment being available to trained specialists in the area.P h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o9The Master’s Degree Programme in Bioinformatics (MBI) is offered jointly by the University of H elsinki and H elsinki University of Technology. The MBI pro-gramme educates bioinformatics professionals to re-search work and developmental tasks in biology and medicine. MBI offers a unique combination of bioin-formatics, methodological sciences, biosciences and medicine. An MBI student will learn the full spectrum of bioinformatics process from planning experiments to the data analysis and verifi cation of hypotheses.As a student of the MBI programme, you have an excellent chance to become familiar with real-life bio-informatics as you intern in a bioinformatics compa-ny or in a research group. Besides giving useful workwww.cs.helsinki.fi/mbiThe Master´s Degree Programme inBioinformatics (MBI)experience and connections, as a rule, the internship period leads to fi nding a suitable topic for your MSc thesis. The MBI programme actively participates in ar-ranging internship positions for students with and or-ganising fi nancial support for the internship period.MBI graduates will be able to obtain positions in industrial and academic facilities such as biomed-ical companies, universities and research institutions. A bioinformatician often operates in a multidiscipli-nary environment with graduates from methodolog-ical sciences, biosciences as well as medical sciences. It is therefore important for a bioinformatician to be able to possess the multidisciplinary skills the MBI pro-gramme provides.P h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o10The Master´s Degree Programme inBiotechnology (MBIOT)As early as 2005, the Faculty of Biosciences and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry jointly – with two outstanding research institutes: the Institute of Bio-technology and the Neuroscience Centre – initiated the interdisciplinary Master’s Degree Programme in Biotechnology (MBIOT). The state-of-the-art scientif-ic research conducted at these faculties and research institutes offer exceptional opportunities to pursue studies benefi tting from modern facilities and in an inspiring research-oriented environment.MBIOT provides students with the knowledge and skills they need for modern biotechnology research and related employment. Topics in instruction range from the latest developments in recombinant DNA technology to non-technical issues such as business and bioethics.As a potential MBIOT student, you can apply to either the Faculty of Biosciences or the Faculty of Ag-riculture and Forestry. You choose your specialisation track in your fi rst term out of fi ve MBIOT tracks:• Bioinformatics and Systems Biology • Biotechnology of Natural Resources (incl. Microbial Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology and Plant & Forest Genomicsand Biotechnology)• Cellular Biotechnology, Developmental Biology and Structural Biology• Food Biotechnology (only for MBIOT students at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry) and Health Biotechnology• Neuroscience (only for MBIOT students at the Faculty of Biosciences)The foundation of your studies is your personal study plan – giving you the chance to focus your studies ac-cording to your own interests. The research-based teach-ing offers MBIOT students the opportunity to complete their practical training, parts of their laboratory courses and their Master’s thesis in the advanced research groups on various Campuses of the University of Helsinki.www.helsinki.fi/biotech/P h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o11www.helsinki.fi/econThe Master´s Degree Programme inEconomicsThe Master’s Degree Programme in Economics is a full-time two-year integrated graduate programme of-fered by the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Social Sciences. All instruction is in English.The programme consists of a minimum of 120 ECTS credits. The Master’s Degree Programme in Eco-nomics corresponds with the standards of the best Eu-ropean universities.The programme provides professional training for economists, including both theoretical and applied training. In addition, students acquire a solid founda-tion for doctoral studies.Research at the Department of Economics is of high international standard. This is indicated by a large number of articles published in top internation-al scientifi c journals and by the extensive collaborative relations with foreign universities. Further evidence of high quality is the “Centre of Excellence” status the Academy of Finland awarded to the Research Unit for Economic Structures and Growth.Economics graduates are employed in research in-stitutes, various international organisations, business enterprises, banks, and state institutions. The degree gives sound expertise to qualify for top jobs in Finnish and international companies as well as in the public sec-tor. Moreover, Economics graduates have excellent op-portunities to continue their research career towards a doctoral degree at Finnish or foreign universities.The economics department is located at the Eco-nomicum Building in the centre of Helsinki.P h o t o : I d a P i m e n o f fP h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o12The Master´s Degree Programme inEconomy, State and Societywww.helsinki.fi/internationalprogrammesThe International Masters in Economy, State and Soci-ety (IMESS) with reference to Central and Eastern Eu-rope is a graduate programme offered by a consorti-um of leading European universities. It is an intensive integrated study programme, with the fi rst year spent at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, and the second at the Uni-versity of Helsinki, Finland or at one of the other part-ner universities in Czech Republic, Estonia, H ungary and Poland.The main objective of the programme is to en-hance global understanding and awareness of the wider European region. As well as developing cultural and linguistic knowledge of both Eastern and Western Europe, you acquire skills to identify and critically ana-lyse key factors shaping the economies, states and so-cieties of the expanding European region and to for-mulate appropriate and effective policy responses.The IMESS degree offers three distinct but relat-ed study tracks, refl ecting the expertise of the con-sortium institutions. Students enrol onto one of the three tracks and specialise in one of the partner insti-tution languages. Each track combines obligatory lan-guage training, research methodology, specialist elec-tives and an extended research dissertation. The study tracks are:• Economics and Business • Politics and Security • Nation, History and SocietyAs an IMESS graduate, you will acquire language competence, cultural awareness and a deep-root-ed knowledge and understanding of the economies, states and societies of Central and Eastern Europe. You acquire skills suited to entering a career in the private or public sector – or for developing a research career in academia. IMESS provides you an essential fl ow of European expertise needed to meet the challenges of the fast-changing world.P h o t o : P a u l W i l l i a m sP h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o13The Master’s Degree Programme in Environment and Natural Resources (MENVI) provides students with a holistic understanding of environmental issues to-gether with a solid foundation of the chosen major subject. The MENVI programme combines the aspects of the natural and social sciences and equips the stu-dent with skills necessary in implementing the results of scientifi c research in the environmental decision-making process.MENVI is organised by the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, together with the other faculties of the University of H elsinki providing courses in environ-mental issues. The MENVI programme is one of the ac-tivities of the H elsinki University Centre for Environ-ment HENVI.The programme offers four lines of study: Agr-oecology, Environmental Engineering in Agriculture,www.helsinki.fi/menviThe Master´s Degree Programme inEnvironment andNatural Resources (MENVI)Environmental Soil Science, and Microbiology. Stu-dents apply for and are admitted into one study track where they complete their Master’s degree.Studies are based on student’s personal study plan, with fl exibility to modify studies according to the stu-dent’s own interests. The Master’s Thesis is the most signifi cant module as it furnishes the student with the skills needed to carry out scientifi c work.To meet the diverse challenges of the impact of agriculture and food production on the environment, polluted soils, water quality, biodiversity decline, and other problems, environmental experts are increasing-ly sought after. The MENVI programme provides the student with an excellent basis for a career in environ-mental agencies, international development organisa-tions, related industries, consultancy groups, non-gov-ernmental organisations, and, naturally, in research.P h o t o : L i n d a T a m m i s t oP h o t o : I d a P i m e n o f f14The Master´s Degree Programme inEthnic Relations,Cultural Diversity and Integration (ERI)www.helsinki.fi/eriGlobally, addressing the issues related to the fi eld of ethnic relations constitutes one of the most essential institutional challenges at the beginning of the 21st century. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for professionals who are trained to meet these chal-lenges. ERI offers the tools needed to deal with issues that culturally diverse societies and their institutions encounter.In ERI, students choose one of the three majors; Political Science, Sociology, or Social Psychology. Be-sides focusing on the advanced major studies, the stu-dents attend thematic courses and carry out studies in social science methodology. ERI aims at giving its students a common ground for analyzing intergroup phenomena, the consequences of migration and their implications for social relations and political processes. A particular strength of ERI is that it offers students the opportunity to work under the close supervisionof leading experts from the participating Departments and from the Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN).Upon the successful completion of the pro-gramme, the graduates are awarded a Master of So-cial Sciences in their major subject with a specialisation in ethnic relations, cultural diversity and integration. Graduates of ERI will be qualifi ed to position them-selves in both the private as well as the public sector, in the units of governmental administration on local, regional, national and international levels. One of the main goals of ERI is also to prepare the students for a continuing academic career with the objective of ob-taining a doctoral degree.ERI is a full-time two-year Master’s programme of-fered by The Swedish School of Social Science and the Departments of Political Science, Sociology and Social Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences.P h o t o : V e i k k o S o m e r p u r o15www.helsinki.fi/mesThe Master´s Degree Programme inEuropean Studies (MES)The Master’s Degree Programme in Euro-pean Studies (MES) is a multidisciplinary spe-cialisation programme designed to offer gradu-ates with a profound un-derstanding of Europe in all of its historical, politi-cal and cultural diversity.The students of MES choose their major subject from one of the following: History, Geography, Politi-cal History, Economic and Social History, Politics or Ad-ministration and Organisations. Depending on their major subject, they will be awarded the degree of the Master of Arts, the Master of Science, or the Master of Social Sciences.The programme aims to approach the vast fi eld of European Studies from three distinct thematic per-spectives – Time, Space and Politics. All these themes are closely related to the historical and the (geo-)polit-ical traditions of the Nordic countries and Finland: thewelfare state and statism in Europe; boundaries and regions in Europe; and Europe in the world. The De-partments involved in the MES programme are rated among the best in Europe and beyond, thus providing students with the most up-to-date teaching and su-pervision. The programme is co-ordinated by the Uni-versity’s Network for European Studies.There is currently a great need of professionals with relevant training in issues of Europe and Europe-an integration both within public and private sectors. The graduates of MES will acquire the necessary skills and expertise to pursue careers in research, local and state administrations, the European Union, and inter-national institutions.P h o t o : T a p i o S c h r e yP h o t o : N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y16。