
欢迎来到《汉英翻译讲义》PPT课件,让我们一起探索翻译的技巧和难点,以 及在不同领域的实战经验。
在平衡忠实于原文、易于理解、符合礼仪和符合 语言习惯之间做出取舍。
考虑源语和目标语所处的文化背景以确保准确的 意义传递。
2 翻译学习的必要性
3 翻译的的未来趋势
尽可能将所有内容都翻译出来,不遗漏任何重要 信息。
1 转换语序
调整句子中单词的顺序以符合目标语言的语 法规则。
2 转换词性
将源语言中的名词、动词等转换成目标语言 中相应的词性。
3 表达省略
在目标语言中省略源语言中过于冗长或不必 要的表达。
4 表达冗余
在目标语言中增添必要的信息以充实表达内 容。
Hale Waihona Puke 5 摆脱中式英语避免使用中式英语,使用符合目标语言规范 的表达方式。
6 合理使用专业词汇
根据目标受众和领域需求,使用准确的专业 词汇。
1 词汇难度
2 文化差异
3 常见错误

• 7. 随着学生对外语学习的不断深化,他们会增进对所学语 言民族的文化特征的认识。这种开阔的文化认识可以涉及… • “随着”即“As”, As students learn more and more about foreign language, they will increase their understanding of the cultural characteristics of the target languge, which includes/touches on… • 8. 学生在上外语课时应该学习 学习目标语民族的那些恰当得体 学习 的礼仪规范,学习 学习理解陌生的文化习俗,学习 学习在与外族人交 学习 学习 际时应有的言谈举止。 • 此句的翻译在于三个“学习”,learn the appropriate etiqutte patterns of the target language; learn the unfamiliar customs and traditions and learn the proper manners when communicating with persons of erpretation of Text
• 1. 今天我讲的话题是语言与文化的内在关系 重点讲 内在关系,重点讲 内在关系 第二语言学习与第二文化学习之间的关系及重要意义。 • Today I’m going to talk about/ Today my topic is the inherent link/relation between…and and… between and • “重点讲”也就是“主要讲,强调”的意思,因此可以 重点讲” 重点讲 也就是“主要讲,强调”的意思, 用以下词汇: 用以下词汇: on…例如用 emphasize/stress/highlight/focus on 例如用 I’m focus on: Especially I m going to focus on between…and and… the relationship between and as well as the importance/significance of this relationship.
第九讲 Repetition (重译法)

他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见惊is wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. 可是他老婆不断地在他耳朵边唠叨个没完,说身上。他 懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他一家人都要毁在他的身上。
注意,联系例3)、4)、5),英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在 第二第三次往往只用前置词而省略动词,在汉语译文中则要重复 动词。有时连前置词都省略了, 但在译文中通常仍重复动词.
3. 重复代词
1). Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.
C. 再者,英语中关系代词或关系副词whoever, whenever, wherever
7). Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized. 谁犯了纪律,谁就该受到批评。 8). Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free. 你什么时候有空,就什么时候到我办公室来谈一谈。
多数情况下,因为原语重复,译语为了生动或各自的惯用法, 以不同的方式进行重复。这种重复多为传达原文的生动性。
4). He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor of fights.
Translation Unit 9词语的翻译IPPT课件

• 二者都有两种事物相对的意思。但前者重在比较两事 物的异同或优劣;后者则强调把两事物并列起来,突 出其不同之处,在英语中的对应词分别是compare和 contrast。
• (1)让我们把译文和原文做一番比较,看看有无出入。 • (2)他的行为和他的诺言很不相符,很少有人相信他。 • Let’s compare the translation with the original so
Unit Nine
一、 多义词的翻译
• 任何一个词,用在新的上下文中就有了 一个新义。要确定多义词在特定语境中 的涵义,一要紧密联系上下文,二要注 意这些词语的搭配习惯。
• 上下文即词、短语、语句和篇章的前后 关系,有广狭之分。狭义上下文指特定 语言ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ前言后语。广义上下文指外部经 验世界。
• 歧义词指同时具有两种或两种以上解释的词, 这些词的实际意义与其字面意义不同,容易引 起误解或误译。下面介绍两种情况:
• (一)同形异义词 • 古汉语中多单音节词,这些单音节词逐渐向双
音节词发展。古汉语的一些形同义不同的词需 要特别主意。例如:
第九讲 省略译法

• 词的省译或叫省略法,指的是原文中的有 些词,译时不译出来。译文中虽无其词, 但已有其意,或是属于不言而喻,译出来 反倒累赘或是违背译文的语言习惯。省略 译法的目的是为了使译文简明扼要、通顺。 要特别注意,省略法不是,也不能删去其 中 的 内 容 。 ( conciseness, smoothness and brevity)
⑶省可能影响译文修辞效果的词语 汉语中,有时为了语言生动,常用具体形象词语或 成语比喻;有时为了加强语气,可连续使用好几个 短语,在翻译这类句子时,某些词语往往省译,译 出主要的和不可缺少的词语就可以了。例: 匪军(bandit troops)所到,杀戮人民,焚毁村庄,掠 夺财物,无所不用其极。 Wherever the bandit troops went, they massacred , burned , looted and stopped at nothing.
• There was no snow, but the leaves were gone from the trees and the grass was dead. 译文1:天还未还没有雪,但是叶子已经从树上落 下,草也枯死了。 译文2:雪还没下,但已叶落草枯。 • Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. • 不要自找麻烦。 • The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others. • 与人同乐才是真快乐。
②重复动词的省译。 在复合句中,如果从句中的谓语动词与主句中的相同, 往往省略不译。 • 例:When heated, gases act in exactly the same way as liquid acts. • 气体受热时所发生的变化与液体完全一样。 在实践中,动词省译还见于下列两种情况: 某些系动词,如be, become, get等,如以形容词或介 词短语作表语时,这类动词常可省译。 • The stages of rocket get smaller towards the top. • 愈朝顶端,火箭的级就愈小。 动词与具体动作意味的名词连用。 • 例:Let’s make an adjustment. • 让我们调整一下吧。

英语辅修、双学位专业2009级《英译汉》课程讲义2009-7-6I. Translation and Translation StudiesII. Factors Involved in TranslationIII. Translation CriteriaIV. T ranslation ProcessV. Translation Practice5.1 Sentence Translation1. He wanted to run, but that would be the worst thing he could do.2. Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.3. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him.4. Somehow our path took us toward the park.5. How’s the world treating you?6. Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town.7. He was convinced on the basis of what had by then appeared that there would be a long and adifficult struggle.8. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.5.2 Text TranslationYou might think that borrowing a match upon the street is a simple thing. But any man who has ever tired it will assure you that it is not, and will be prepared to swear on oath to the truth of my experience of the other evening.I was standing on the corner of the street with a cigar that I wanted to light. I had no match. I waited tilla decent, ordinary man came along. Then I said:“Excuse me, sir, but could you oblige me with the loan of a match?”“A match?” he said, “Why, certainly.” Then he unbuttoned his overcoat and put his hand in the pocket of his waistcoat. “I know I have one,” he went on, “and, I’d almost swear it’s in the bottom pocket—or, hold on, though, I guess it may be in the top—just wait till I put these parc els down on the sidewalk.”“Oh, don’t trouble,” I said, “its really of no consequence.”“Oh, it’s no trouble. I’ll have it in a minute: I know there must be one in here somewhere,”—he was digging his fingers into his pockets as he spoke—“but you see this isn’t the waistcoat I generally…”I saw that the man was getting excited about it.” Well, never mind,” I protested. “I f that isn’t the waistcoat that you generally—why, it doesn’t matter.”(to be continued)2009-7-6参考译文句子翻译:1. 他真想拔腿就跑,但对他来说,最糟糕的事莫过于此。
英译汉第9讲 翻译技巧之倒置法【连淑能英译汉教程】

position of adjective clauses
inversion of adverbials
position of adverbial clauses
inversion of sentence structure
inversion of word order in translating attributes
position of adjective clauses
inversion of adverbials
position of adverbial clauses
inversion of sentence structure
Here we shall discuss only such factors as may cause distortions of the signal. 这里我们将只讨论那些可能引起信号失真的因素。
We could not really feel satisfied, calm or in agreement with the situation with which we are faced at the beginning of this session of the General Assembly. 我们对本届联合国大会开始时所面临的局势难以感 到满意,也难以感到心安理得。
自考英语一课文翻译UINT 9


本句为文章难点, 也是精彩所在.
Foutains, fall away, bring back ; it 指代…
文章开始: When I can wake up and watch the sun rise over the ocean, as I do most days,
(1)I’m lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when fro the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
(2) And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out. Brim: 本义 “浅底容器或自然盆地的边缘.” full to the brim, 漫到边;满;溢 以一个具体的形象来抽象出作者所要表达的概念,这 是转义的一大功能. (具体---抽象) 试译: 有时,当外出讲学后回家,见过许多人,讲了许多 话,满脑子的感受,需要梳理的时候,我也会感到孤独.
(5) It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood.

第二十二页,编辑于星期日:六点 四十七分。
四、丰润美 (full-grownness value) 1)Previously, if I had been really interested
in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decide, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.
第十页,编辑于星期日:六点 四十七分。
我属鸡。我从来不吃鸡。 鸡年是我的本命年。
I was born in the Year of Rooster. I never eat chicken. The Year of the Rooster will bring me good luck or bad luck.
改译:After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked fat, and having made that complimentary remark he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.
第十四页,编辑于星期日:六点 四十七分。
5. 民族心理差异
成语谋事在人成事在天。 杨宪益夫妇译为Man proposes, Heaven disposes. 英国汉学家霍克思译为Man proposes, God disposes.

英语辅修、双学位专业2009级《英译汉》课程讲义2009-7-6I. Translation and Translation StudiesII. Factors Involved in TranslationIII. Translation CriteriaIV. T ranslation ProcessV. Translation Practice5.1 Sentence Translation1. He wanted to run, but that would be the worst thing he could do.2. Linda is a good singer and a good dancer, a great actress and a great joker.3. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him.4. Somehow our path took us toward the park.5. How’s the world treating you?6. Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town.7. He was convinced on the basis of what had by then appeared that there would be a long and adifficult struggle.8. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.5.2 Text TranslationYou might think that borrowing a match upon the street is a simple thing. But any man who has ever tired it will assure you that it is not, and will be prepared to swear on oath to the truth of my experience of the other evening.I was standing on the corner of the street with a cigar that I wanted to light. I had no match. I waited tilla decent, ordinary man came along. Then I said:“Excuse me, sir, but could you oblige me with the loan of a match?”“A match?” he said, “Why, certainly.” Then he unbuttoned his overcoat and put his hand in the pocket of his waistcoat. “I know I have one,” he went on, “and, I’d almost swear it’s in the bottom pocket—or, hold on, though, I guess it may be in the top—just wait till I put these parc els down on the sidewalk.”“Oh, don’t trouble,” I said, “its really of no consequence.”“Oh, it’s no trouble. I’ll have it in a minute: I know there must be one in here somewhere,”—he was digging his fingers into his pockets as he spoke—“but you see this isn’t the waistcoat I generally…”I saw that the man was getting excited about it.” Well, never mind,” I protested. “I f that isn’t the waistcoat that you generally—why, it doesn’t matter.”(to be continued)2009-7-6参考译文句子翻译:1. 他真想拔腿就跑,但对他来说,最糟糕的事莫过于此。

1) In Terms of Linguistic Signs
intralingual tr.
interlingual tr.
intersemiotic tr.
2) In Terms of Language Translated from /to
from native languages into foreign languages & vice versa 3) In Terms of Subject of Translating
Translating is a linguistic activity in which are involved two languages and various kinds of knowledge. It is a faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another such as the ideas, contents, thoughts, feelings, styles.
1. 4 Principles/Criteria of C-E Tr.
Sociosemiotics-oriented Principle
1) Translation means translating meaning. Three Kinds of Meanings:
Designative meaning (指称意义): Linguistic meaning (言内意义) :
所谓忠实,首先指忠实于原作的内容。译者必须把 原作的内容完整而准确地表达出来,不得有任何篡 改、歪曲、遗漏、阉割或任意增删的现象。 忠实还指保持原作风格即原作的民族风格、时代风 格、语体风格、作者个人风格等。要完全做到这些, 实非易事。但作为基本要求,可先掌握口语体和笔 语体的不同特点及其对翻译的要求,掌握各种文体 的不同特点及其对翻译的要求。

二、政治参与的类型 1.资本主义国家的政治参与和社会主义国 家的政治参与 2.个别参与和组织参与 3.自动参与、动员参与和消极参与 4.常态政治参和非常态政治参与
三、政治参与的作用 (一)政治参与的政治作用 1、政治参与有助于促进政府管理的民主化和科学化。 2、政治参与有助于强化政治统治和合法性。 3、政治参与有助于推进民主政治文化的社会化进程。 (二)政治参与的社会作用
第一节 政治参与的涵义与作用
一、政治参与的涵义 政治参与是公民、政党以及各种社会团 体和组织影响政府公共政策的制定与实 施,参与管理国家事务和社会事务的各 种政治行为。
第一,政治参与主体的非职业性。 第二,政治参与目标指向的公共政策性。 第三,政治参与外延上的复杂性与多样 性。 第四,政治参与表现形态的行为性。
第九章 政治参与
政治参与是现代政治学基本概念之一。现代政治的 普遍形式是民主政治,即人民大众通过各种方式广泛地参 与国家政治生活。因此,现代民主政治就是民众参与的政 治,而民众参与政治的广度和深度,是衡量一个国家政治 现代化和政治民主化的重要尺度。 本章教学任务是掌握政治参与理论,考察资本主义国 家政治参与机制,介绍中国当前政治参与的现状和发展趋 势。
1.经济因素 2.制度因素 3.社会因素 4.心理因素
政治参与的组织、规则和程序等一系列规 范,在民主政治建设中不断获得政治制度 的基本特征的过程。
1、政治参与影响社会经济的发展。 2、政治参与影响会公平的实现。
第二节 政治参与的主体
一、公民 二、政党 三、政治社团 四、非政府组织

自考公共英语(一)课文翻译(unit9)Unit 9Text A学者词汇和大众词汇每一门经过锤炼的语言都有两大类词,它们一起构成了这门语言的整个词汇。
从来没有人是由书上学到“lively” 这个形容词的,这个词是大众词汇的一部分。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一. 分句法
3. 名词
---His informality impressed me deeply.
---The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants. 每个帐篷内怎样布置,这要看各个使用者的性格了。 --- At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply. 现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题, 因为它安全,不招风险。
一. 分句法
--- I feel I cannot let the occasion pass without writing a word of thanks for your very kind and acceptable thoughts in providing such a magnificent reunion dinner for us on last Thursday evening. 上星期四晚您为我们举行了隆重的聚餐会。对于您作 此友好而称人心意的考虑,我感到不能时过境迁,不 予表示,故特写此信以表谢意。
---He had long been held in cordial contempt by his peers;now that contempt was no longer cordial. 长期以来,他的同僚虽然看不起他,却还是对他有些亲切 4 感;现在,除看不起之外,亲切感也没有了。
3. I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore. I have amused myself by now and then finding a smooth pebble or a pretty shell, but the great ocean of truth still lies before me unknown and unexplored. 4. I don’t care if at first they look dismayed. As long as they discover there is help. 5. It’s good there. Quiet, fresh-aired. White swans swam around whitely. 6. I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wide apart at first. But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar. So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them.
一. 分句法
--- It is good of you to think of me, and you could not have chosen anything that would have given me more pleasure. 感谢您对我的关心。您挑选的礼物再合适不过了,再 也没有其他任何东西能给我带来更大的快乐了。 --- I am sure that we all found the deliberations before the dinner extremely helpful, and I hope that your staff found the same.
--- The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dared not smoke. They would not move.
二. 合句法
---American schools have an education system which differs in many respects from our own. 美国学校的教育制度在许多方面与我们不同。 ---If we do a thing, we should do it well.
一. 用分句法翻译下列句子。 1. George nodded, thankful that his wife was not the talkative kind. 2. Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbors in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said. 3. The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle. 4. Several blocks from the park, running parallel to it, Clement Street bustles like a second Chinatown with dozens of ethnic restaurants. 5. The wonderful purity of nature at this season is a most pleasing fact.
一. 分句法
2. 名词短语
--- The intent to make an immediate gift must be clear and unmistakable, and the transfer must take immediate and permanent effect. 直接赠与的意向必须明白无误,转让行为必须立即产生效 力,且该效力应具有永久性。 --- He had been burying awareness of her plight from his mind, laden with his own calamities and, as he thought, helpless to do anything about her. 他明知道她陷入了困境,却把它置于脑后,因为他自己心 事重重,感到对她实在爱莫能助。
一. 分句法
3. 介词短语
---The answer had been there all of the time just out of reach. 答案一直摆在那里,可就是没有拿到手。 --- The hospital was already spreading a fame for its food. 这个医院的伙食好,这点已远近闻名了。 --- Doctors and men both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe. 医生和伤病员常常谈起一种神奇的药物,而且谈时几 乎都带着一种敬畏的口气。
我深信我们大家都感到晚餐前的一些探讨极为有益。 我想你方成员也有同感。
一. 分句法
---They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国 人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲 了自己的生命。
I’d always welcomed the friendly sound of my brother’s voice calling from Maryland, but this time his words jolted me as I stood with the kitchen phone to my ear. 二. 用合句法翻译下列句子。 1. Some trains carry trucks and take them to other places. Then the trucks can travel on the roads. 2. Suddenly, pacing by the water, he was overcome with astonishment. He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life, where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one’s working life was spent watching one’s feet. 6.
英译汉 第九讲 分句、合句法
第九讲 分句、合句法
教学内容: 1. 分句法 2. 合句法
教学目的: 通过课堂和课后练习全面掌握分句、合句法 教学重点和难点: 分句、合句法
一. 分句法
(一)单词译成句子。 1. 副词
--- Characteristically Tedder concealed his feelings and watched and learned. 特德没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会。 这是他的特点。 ---Illogically, she had expected some kind of miracle solution. 她期望会有某种奇迹般的解决办法。这是不合情理的。 ---He wished he were at home. Ordinarily, he would have been there three hours ago. 他真希望那时候已在家里。要是在以往,他早已到家三小时了。