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Do as you would be done by, is the surest method that I know of pleasing. 就我所知,最可靠的办法是:你愿 意别人如何对待你,你就这样对待 别人。
Observe carefully what pleases you in others, and probably the same things in you will please others. 务必仔细观察,在别人身上有什么 使你喜欢他的地方,很可能你身上 同样的东西会使别人喜欢你。
在我的记忆里,安妮.曼斯菲尔德. 沙利文老师来的第一天,是我一生 中最重要的日子。从这一天开始, 我的生活和以前迥然不同,一想到 这一点,我就感到非常兴奋。这个 重要的日子是1887年3月3日,我 差三个月就满七周岁。
On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. 那天下午,我一声不响,怀着期待 的心情站在门廊里。
几个星期以来,我又气又恨,感到 非常苦恼,这种感情上的激烈斗争 过去以后,我感到浑身无力。
The art of pleasing is a very necessary one to possess; but a very difficult one to acquire. 取悦于人的艺术是非常必要的,然 而又很难学到。
I was suggested vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. 母亲给我打着手势,人们在屋里匆匆地 走来走去,我模模糊糊地预感到一件不 寻常的事就要发生了。
切勿当众讲故事;使人讨厌、 不愉快的事莫过于此了。如果 碰巧你有个小故事,又极适合 当时的话题,尽量讲得简短些。
Middle age turns him to Chinese tea which gives a delicate fragrance very gradual to come out, only discernable off and on. It is bland (mild) and elegant, deep and profound. It never stimulates your sense of taste but a sip of it will leave a faint fragrance lingering in your mouth.
现在,人们在过多地强调进行调整、 “融入集体”的重要性。即使给此 事寇以最动听的名称“团结协作” , 而当一个人必须在牺牲自己的人格 与适应或加入集体活动之间做出抉 择的时候,他却能特立独行,寻这 种能力比团结协作来得更重要。
No matter how bad the world may become, no matter how much the mass man of the future may lose such of the virtues as he still has, one fact remains. If one person alone refuses to go along with him, if one person alone asserts his individual and inner right to believe in and be loyal to what his fellow men seem to have given up, then at least he will still retain what is perhaps the most important part of humanity.
如果别人彬彬有理并关心你风趣 的谈吐、你的爱好、或是你的弱 点,你应此感到高兴;我敢说, 你的彬彬有理与注意,同样会使 别人高兴。
Take the tone of the company, that you are in, and do not pretend to give it; be serious, gay, or even trifling, as you find the present humour of the company; this is an attention due from every individual to the majority.
谈吐要与大家的气氛一致,不要想 去定调子;严肃、欢快,甚至轻浮 无聊,都得适合你所处的当时人们 的心境;这是个人对多数人应有的 礼貌。
Do not tell stories in company, there is nothing more tedious and disagreeable; if by chance you know a very short story, and exceedingly applicable to the present subject of conversation, tell it in as few words as possible.
If you are pleased with the complaisance (politeness) and attention of others to your humours, your tastes, or your weaknesses, depend upon it, the same complaisance and attention, on your part, to theirs, will equally please them.
Home is no more than a porcelain bowl, which gives its owners something to fall back on. Simple food though the bowl may contain, it is adequate to nourish one throughout one’s life. This porcelain bowl, therefore, needs cherishing.
我们常听人说,当代人最渴望的是安全 感。如果真是这样,那他们就不懂得什 么是真正的、最大限度的安全。一个人 如果依赖的是身外之物,是金钱、权力、 名誉之类的东西,那他就不会感到安全, 永远也不会。只有做到了自制、自足的 人,才能真正感到安全。
Too much is being said about the importance of adjustment and "participation in the group. " Even cooperation, to give this thing its more favorable designation, is no more important than the ability to stand alone when the choice must be made between the sacrifice of one's own integrity and adjustment to or participation in group activity.
不管世界会堕落到什么地步,不管 未来的大众会丧失多少他们迄今为 止还保留着的美德,有一个事实依 然不变:只要有一个人不肯跟着随 波逐流,只要有一个人还会坚持自 己植根于心灵深处的权利,信守他 的同胞似乎已经放弃的美德,那他 至少还会保留着也许是人性中最宝 贵的东西。
The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.
My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.
我几乎是无意识地用手抚摸着我所 熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长出的叶 子和刚开的花朵在南方迎来了芬芳 的春天。
I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me.
但不知今后等待我的是什么,会 使我欣喜,还是惊骇。
Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.
Well-settled, he sees the landscape with water delineated (described) markedly from hills. Free from impractical longings and fully aware of the evanescent (fading) beauty of sunset, he cherishes every minute of the day and each day of his is sweetened with a simple but real happiness.
The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. 于是我就走到门口,站在台阶上等着。 下午的阳光透过门廊上覆盖着的厚厚的 一层忍冬,照在我微微仰着的脸上。
It can hardly be reduced to rules; and your own good sense and observation will teach you more of it than I can. 不可能把它简化成几条规则;你自 己的辨别力和观察力能教给你的东 西比我所能给你的多。
英语专业八级翻译训练3 英语专业八级翻译训练3
We hear it said frequently that what present-day men most desire is security. If that is so, then they have a wrong notion of what the real, the ultimate, security is. No one who is dependent on anything outside himself, upon money, power, fame, or what not, is or ever can be secure. Only he who possesses himself and is content with himself is actually secure.