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Lesson 78 The last one?


Afterreadinganarticle entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I litacigarette to calm mynerves. Ismokedwithconcentration andpleasure as I was sure that this would bemy lastcigarette. Fora wholeweek Idid not smoke at alla nd during this time, mywife suffered terribly.I had allthe usual symptoms of someonegiving upsmoking: a bad temper and anenormous appetite. Myfriends kepton offering me cigarettesand cigars. Theymade no effort to hide their amuse ment wheneverIproducedapacketof sweets frommy pocket. Aftersevendaysof this I went to aparty.Everybody aroundme was smoking and I felt extr emely uncomfortable. Whenmyold friend Brian urgedme to accept a cigarette, itwas morethan I could bear. I took one guiltily, litit and smokedwith satisfact ion. My wife was delightedthatthings hadreturned to normal once more. Anyway, asBrian pointed out,it is the easiest thing in theworld to give up smoking. He himself has done itlots of times!



New words and expressions 生词和短语



1. entitle

1) v.以......为名;授权

eg: Ifsomething entitles you to something, it gives you the official right to have or do it.

eg: The novelisentitledPride and Prejudice.


eg: Thislicense entitles you to sell drug.


词组拓展: be entitledto (do)sth. 对...享有权利,值得;有(做某事)的资格[权利]ﻫeg: Women employees are entitledto a maternity leave of three months.


记忆点拨: en(动词前缀,使……)—title(标题)(使有标题)


1)v.使镇定ﻫeg: Igave thefrightened childsome candies to calm him.


adj. 平静的ﻫAfter a night of storm, theseais now calm.


词组拓展: keep calm保持镇定ﻫcalm down镇定下来

calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静

相关表达: calmness n.平静, 冷静, 镇静

词义辨析: calm, peaceful,quiet, still

(1) calm (relaxedand quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset)


eg:The sky isblue,andthe sea is calm.

天空碧兰,海上风平浪静。ﻫeg:Although shewas frightened, she answeredwit h a calmvoice.ﻫ虽然她害怕,但还是用平静的声音回答。

(2) Peaceful (a peacefultime, place, or situation isquiet and calmwithout any worry or excitement) 指“和平的”表示“没有骚扰和战争的”


(3) quiet(not makingmuch noise,or makingnonoise atall)指“ 没有吵闹声的”、“没有噪音的”,它强调“声音很低、很少” 或“全然无声”

eg:Hehad a quiet life


(4)still(quietand calm)指“没声音的”、“没动静的”,
