
新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson41【课文】SAN: Is that bag heavy, Penny?PENNY: Not very.SAN: Here!Put it on this chair.What's in it?PENNY: A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar of Chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pound of sugar.Half a pound of coffee.A quarter of pound of tea.And a tin of tobacco.SAN: Is that tin of tobacco for me?PENNY: Well, it's certainly not for me!【课文翻译】萨姆:那个提包重吗,彭妮?彭妮:不太重。
里面是什么东西?彭妮:一块乳酪、一块面包、一块肥皂、一块巧克力、一瓶牛奶、一磅糖、半磅咖啡、1/4 磅茶叶和一听烟丝。
萨姆:那听烟丝是给我的吗?彭妮:噢,当然不会给我的!【生词】cheese n. 乳酪,干酪bread n. 面包soap n. 肥皂chocolate n. 巧克力sugar n. 糖coffee n. 咖啡tea n. 茶tobacco n. 烟草,烟丝【知识点讲解】1. 今天我们要来学习英语当中的量词。
比如英语中能够说:"an apple",但汉语在正式使用时不能够说“一苹果”,必须要加上量词“个”,说成“一个苹果”。
这里我们课文中选择的例子全部都是不可数名词,包括cheese, tea, tobbacco, water...和汉语一样,不同的量词要对应不同的名词,比如能够用a loaf of修饰bread,但不能修饰tea。

新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson111【课文】:I like this television very much. How much does it cost?ASSISTANT:It's the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.MRS. FRITH:That's too expensive for us. We can't afford all that money.ASSISTANT:This model's less expensive than that one.It's only three hundred pounds. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.MR. FRITH: I don't like this model. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money.MR. FRITH: Can we buy it on instalments?ASSISTANT:Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.MR. FRITH:Do you like it, dear?MRS. FRITH:I certainly do, but I don't like the price. You always want the best, but we can't afford it. Sometimes you think you're a millionaire!:Millionaires don't buy things on instalments!【课文翻译】弗里斯先生:我非常喜欢这台电视机。

【导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课⽂内容及其全⾯的技能训练,为⼴⼤的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,⼜怎能错过新概念英语?下⾯为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!新概念英语第⼀册Lesson139~140课⽂翻译及学习笔记 【课⽂】 GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John? JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking. GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening. JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't understand. GRAHAM TURNER: Hasn't Mary told you? She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work. I'll have to stay at the office. I don't know when I'll finish. Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. JOHN SMITH: I don't know what you're talking about. GRAHAM TURNER: That is John Smith, isn't it? JOHN SMITH: Yes, I'm John Smith. GRAHAM TURNER: You are John Smith, the engineer, aren't you? JOHN SMITH: That's right. GRAHAM TURNER: You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don't you? JOHN SMITH: No, I don't. I'm John Smith the telephone engineer and I'm repairing your telephone line. 【课⽂翻译】 格雷厄姆·特纳:是你吗,约翰? 约翰·史密斯:是我,请讲。

新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson111【课文】MR.FRITH:I like this television very much. How much does it cost?ASSISTANT:It's the most expensive model in the shop. It costs five hundred pounds.MRS. FRITH:That's too expensive for us. We can't afford all that money.ASSISTANT:This model's less expensive than that one.It's only three hundred pounds. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.MR. FRITH: I don't like this model. The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money.MR. FRITH: Can we buy it on instalments?ASSISTANT:Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.MR. FRITH:Do you like it, dear?MRS. FRITH:I certainly do, but I don't like the price. You always want the best, but we can't afford it. Sometimes you think you're a millionaire!MR.FRITH:Millionaires don't buy things on instalments!【课文翻译】弗里斯先生:我非常喜欢这台电视机。

新概念英语第1册课文详细讲解及笔记新概念英语第1册课文详解及笔记Welcome:希望我可以成为你们新概念一册的最后一任老师?补充材料第一册 Unit One?英文中有26个字母五个元音字母?now you seeI can say my ABC?ABCD EFG HIJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ,XYZ now you see, I can say my ABC?英文中有48个音标分为元音和辅音20个元音、28个辅音?元音分为:->长元音、短元音->双元音、单元音元音:->单元音->前元音中元音后元音->双元音?前元音有4个bee 蜜蜂tea 茶pea 扁豆key 钥匙see 看见three 三big 大的city 城市with 和family 家,家庭happy 快乐的,愉快的,高兴的little 小的[?][?] 清辅音[?][?] 浊辅音以th打头的单词一般是发[?]、[?]?thank you 感谢你family 侧重家庭的成员There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。
home 抽象的家的概念home road 《我的父亲母亲》house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构?[?]bed 床beg 乞求red 红色的men 男人(复[?]bad 坏的bag 包dad 爸爸man 男人,人类数)never 从来不very 非常back 后部,背部cat 猫man can conquer nature 人定胜天I often see that man in the street.我经常在街上看到那个男的。
he has a very happy family.他有一个非常幸福的家庭。
A man is sitting on the desk.一个男的正坐在桌子上。
You see the green leaves on the tree.你在树上可以看见绿叶。

【课⽂】 CONDUCTOR: Fares, please! MAN: Trafalgar Square, please. CONDUCTOR: I'm sorry, sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. Haven't you got any small change? MAN: I've got no small change, I am afraid. CONDUCTOR: I'll ask some of the passengers. CONDUCTOR: Have you any small change, sir? 1st PASSENGER: I'm sorry. I've got none. 2nd PASSENGER: I haven't got any either. CONDUCTOR: Can you change this ten-pound note,madam? 3rd PASSENGER: I'm afraid I can't. 4th PASSENGER: Neither can I. CONDUCTOR: I'm very sorry, sir. You must get off the bus. None of our passengers can change this note.They're all millionaires! TWO TRAMPS: Except us. 1sth TRAMP: I've got some small change. 2nd TRAMP: So have I. 【课⽂翻译】 售票员:请买票! 男⼦:请买⼀张到特拉法加⼴场的票。
您没有零钱吗? 男⼦:恐怕我没有零钱。

新概念第一册1—2课文详解及英语语法课文详注 Further notes on the text1.Excuse me 对不起。
2.Yes?什么事?课文中的 Yes?应用升调朗读,意为:“什么事?”Yes?以升调表示某种不肯定或询问之意,也含有请对方说下去的意思。
较为正式的说法是:I beg your pardon。
I beg your pardon? Pardon me。
它们在汉语中的意思相当于“对不起,请再说一遍”或者“对不起,请再说一遍好吗?”4.Thank you very much.非常感谢!这是一句表示感谢的用语,意为“非常感谢(你)”。
请看下列类似的表达式,并注意其语气上的差异:Thank you。
Thanks! 谢谢!5.数字1~10的英文写法1—one 2—two 3—three 4—four 5-five6—six 7—seven 8—eig ht 9—nine 10—ten语法 Grammar in use一般疑问句一般疑问句根据其结构又分为若干种。
即将be的适当形式移到主语之前,如:陈述句:This is your watch。
这是你的手表.疑问句:Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗?(可参见 Lessons 15~16语法部分有关 be的一般现在时形式的说明.)词汇学习 Word study1.coat n. 上衣,外套: Is this your coat?这是你的外套吗?coat and skirt〈英>(上衣、裙子匹配的)西式女套装2.dress n。

想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加⼊学习吧!为您提供了以下内容,希望能够为⼤家学习新概念英语提供帮助!新概念英语第⼀册课⽂翻译及学习笔记Lesson129~130 【课⽂】 ANN: Look, Gary! That policeman's waving to you. He wants you to stop. POLICEMAN: Where do you think you are? On a race track? You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. GARY: I can't have been. POLICEMAN: I was doing eighty when I overtook you. POLICEMAN: Didn't you see the speed limit? GARY: I'm afraid I didn't, officer. I must have been dreaming. ANN: He wasn't dreaming, officer. I was telling him to drive slowly. GARY: That's why I didn't see the sign. POLICEMAN: Let me see your driving licence. POLICEMAN: I won't charge you this time.But you'd better not do it again! GARY: Thank you. I'll certainly be more careful. ANN: I told you to drive slowly, Gary. GARY: You always tell me to drive slowly, darling. ANN: Well, next time you'd better take my advice! 【课⽂翻译】 安:瞧,加⾥!那个警察正朝你挥⼿呢。

新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲汇总(144课完整版)新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第1-2课:Excuse me新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第3-4课:Sorry sir新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第5-6课:Nice to meet you新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第7-8课:Are you a teacher新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第11-12课:Is this your shirt新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲23-24:Which glasses新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲25-26:Mrs. Smith’s kitchen新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲29-30:Come in, Amy.新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲31-32:Where’s Sally?新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲19-20:Tired and thirsty新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲35-36:Our village新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲37-38:Making a bookcaseit!新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲41-42:Penny’s bag新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲33-34:A fine day新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲43-44:Hurry up新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲45-46:The boss’s letter新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲47-48:A cup of coffee新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲53-54:An interesting climate新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲55-56:The Sawyer family新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲57-58:An unusual day新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲59-60:Is that all新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲61-62:A bad cold新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲63-64:Thank you , doctor新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲67-68:The weekend新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲69-70:The car race新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲71-72:He’s awfulKing Street新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲75-76:Unfortable shoes新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲77-78:Terrible toothache新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲81-82:Roast beef and potato新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲83-84:Going on a holiday新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲85课:Paris in the Spring新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲87课:A car crash新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲89课:For sale新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲91课:Poor Ian新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲93课:Our new neighbor新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲95课:Ticket, please.新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲97课:A small blue case新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲99课:Ow!新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲101课:A card from Jimmytest新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲105课:Full of mistakes新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲107课:It’s too small新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲109课:A good idea新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲111课:The most expensive model新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲113课:small change新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲115课:Knock,knock新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲117课:Tommy’s breakfast新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲119课: A true story新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲121课: The man in the hat新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲123课: A trip to Australia新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲125课: Tea for two新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲127课: A famous actress新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲129课: 70 miles an hour新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲133课: Sensational news新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲135课:The latest新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲139课:Is that you新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲第141课:Sally’s first新概念英语第一册课文原文+精讲131课:Don’t be so sure。

精品文档新概念英语第 1 册课文详解及笔记Welcome:希望我可以成为你们新概念一册的最后一任老师补充材料第一册Unit One英文中有 26 个字母五个元音字母now you seeI can say my ABCABCD EFG HIJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ,XYZ now you see, I can say my ABC英文中有 48 个音标分为元音和辅音20 个元音、 28 个辅音元音分为: -> 长元音、短元音-> 双元音、单元音元音: -> 单元音 -> 前元音中元音后元音-> 双元音前元音有 4 个bee蜜蜂big 大的tea茶city城市pea扁豆with和key钥匙family家,家庭see看见happy 快乐的,愉快的,高兴的three三little小的[][]清辅音[][]浊辅音以 th打头的单词一般是发 []、[ ]thank you感谢你family侧重家庭的成员There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。
home 抽象的家的概念home road《我的父亲母亲》house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构[ ][ ]bed床bad 坏的beg乞求bag 包red红色的dad 爸爸men 男人(复数)man 男人,人类never 从来不back 后部,背部very非常cat 猫man can conquer nature人定胜天I often see that man in the street.我经常在街上看到那个男的。
he has a very happy family.他有一个非常幸福的家庭。
A man is sitting on the desk.一个男的正坐在桌子上。
You see the green leaves on the tree.你在树上可以看见绿叶。

新概念英语第1册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99~104新概念英语第1册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99~100 【课文】ANDY: Ow!LUCY: What’s the matter, Andy?ANDY: I slipped and fell downstairs.LUCY: Have you hurt yourself?ANDY: Yes, I have. I think that I’ve hurt my back.LUCY: Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here. Let me help you.ANDY: I’m sorry, Lucy. I’m afraid that I can’t get up.LUCY: I think that the doctor had better see you. I’ll phone Dr. Carter.LUCY: The doctor says that he will come at once. I’m sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.【课文翻译】安迪:啊哟!露西:怎么了,安迪?安迪:我滑了一跤,从楼梯上摔下来了。
安迪,我看你需要做一次X 光透视。
【生词】ow int. 哎哟slip v. 滑倒,滑了一脚fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒downstairs adv. 下楼hurt (hurt, hurt) v. 伤,伤害,疼痛back n. 背stand up 起立,站起来help v. 帮助at once 立即sure adj. 一定的,确信的X-ray n. X光透视【知识点讲解】1. 今天我们要接触到宾语从句的基本形式,请大家看课文中出现的这些句子:I think that I’ve hurt my back.(我想+我伤了我的背。

新概念英语| 第一册(Lesson 1)学习笔记新概念英语(第一册)一、适合对象1. 已经具备字母、音标基础的初级学员;2. 处于英语初学阶段的小学高年级和初中学生;3. 英语基础几乎为零,希望能从头开始,打牢英语基础的学习者;4. 想在小升初考试和中考中取得好成绩的同学。
【生词及短语】1.excuse /iks'kju:z/ v. 原谅2.me /mi:/ pron. 我(宾格)3.is /iz/ v. be 动词单数第三人称4.yes /jes/ adv. 是的5.this /eis/ pron. 这6.your /j?:(r)/ (possessive adjective) 你的、你们的7.handbag / 'h?ndb?g/ n. 手提包8.pardon /'pɑ:dn/ int. 原谅,请再说一遍9.It /it/ pron. 它10.thank you /θ??k-ju:/ 感谢你(们)11.very much / 'veri-m?t?/ 非常【课文解析】1.Excuse me!这是常用于表示道歉的客套话,相当于汉语中的“劳驾”、“对不起”。
(1)引起别人的注意:eg:Excuse me,is this your handbag?(2)要打扰某人或打断别人说话:eg:Excuse me,may I ask you a question?(3)向某人借东西eg. Excuse me,can I borrow your pen?(4)Excuse me,can I borrow your …?—Ok,here you are.—Sorry,I don’t have.2.yes? /jes/(1)adv. 是的(用于一般疑问句的肯定回答)eg: Are you a student? 你是一名学生么?Yes,I am. 是的,我是。

为您整理了“新概念英语第⼀册Lesson75~80课⽂翻译及学习笔记”,希望可以帮助到您!新概念英语第⼀册Lesson75~76课⽂翻译及学习笔记 【课⽂】 LADY: Do you have any shoes like these? SHOP ASSISTANT: What size? LADY: Size five. SHOP ASSISTANT: What color? LADY: Black. SHOP ASSISTANT: I'm sorry. We don't have any. LADY: But my sister bought this pair last month. SHOP ASSISTANT: Did she buy them here? LADY: No, she bought them in the U.S. SHOP ASSISTANT: We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don't have any now. LADY: Can you get a pair for me, please? SHOP ASSISTANT: I'm afraid that I can't. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they're not in fashion this year. SHOP ASSISTANT: These shoes are in fashion now. LADY: They look very uncomfortable. SHOP ASSISTANT: They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 【课⽂翻译】 ⼥⼠:像这样的鞋⼦你们有吗? 售货员:什么尺码的? ⼥⼠:5号的。

【导语】为了⽅便同学们的学习,为您精⼼整理了“新概念英语第⼀册课⽂翻译及学习笔记Lesson133~138”,希望有了这些内容的帮助,可以为⼤家学习新概念英语提供帮助!如果您想要了解更多新概念英语的相关内容,就请关注吧!新概念英语第⼀册课⽂翻译及学习笔记Lesson133~134 【课⽂】 Reporter: Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh? Miss Marsh: Yes, I have. Reporter: Are you going to make another? Miss Marsh: No, I'm not. I'm going to retire. I feel very tired. I don't want to make another film for a long time. Kate: let's buy a newspaper, Liz. Listen to this! "Karen Marsh: Sensational News! By our reporter, Alan Jones. Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat. She told me she had just made a new film. She said she was not going to make another. She said she was going to retire. She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time." Liz: I wonder why! 【课⽂翻译】 记者:您刚拍完⼀部新电影吗,马什⼩姐? 马什⼩姐:是的,我刚拍完。

新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson125新概念英语第一册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson125【课文】SUSAN: Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?PETER: Not yet. I must water the garden first.SUSAN: Do you have to water it now?PETER: I'm afraid I must. Look at it! It's terribly dry.SUSAN: What a nuisance!PETER:Last summer it was very dry, too. Don't you remember? I had to water it every day.SUSAN: Well, I'll have tea by myself.SUSAN: That was quick! Have you finished already?PETER: Yes. Look out of the window.SUSAN: It's raining! That means you don't need to water the garden.PERTR: That was a pleasant surprise. It means I can have tea,instead.【课文翻译】苏珊:彼得,你现在能进来喝茶吗?彼得:还不能。

新概念英语第一册Lesson93~98课文翻译及学习笔记新概念英语第一册Lesson93~94课文翻译及学习笔记【课文】Nigel is our new next-door neighbour. He’s a pilot.He was in the R.A.F.He will fly to New York next month.The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo.At the moment, he’s in Madrid. He flew to Spain a week ago.He’ll return to London the week after next.He’s only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.Nigel is a very lucky man. But his wife isn’t very lucky. She usually stays at home!【课文翻译】奈杰尔是我们新搬来的隔壁邻居。
她总是呆在家里!【生词】pilot n. 飞行员return v. 返回New York n. 纽约Tokyo n. 东京Madrid n. 马德里fly (flew, flown) v. 飞行【知识点讲解】1. next-door neighbour 意思是隔壁邻居。
2. R.A.F 是 the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军的简写;3. next month, 下个月;the month after next,下下个月;the week after next,下下周。

新概念英语第一册笔记Lesson 1 Excuse me一、单词讲解1、excuse1)v. 原谅eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。
2)n. 借口eg. It΄s an excuse.那是一个借口。
2、mepron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。
)eg. He loves me. 他爱我.eg. She cheats me. 他骗我.eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我.Excuse me 的用法:这个短语经常被译作“对不起”,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作“劳驾”。
1)为了要引起别人的注意eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人的话eg. Excuse me. May I ask you a question?3)向陌生人问路eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me theway to the railway station?4)向某人借东西eg. Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen?5)需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路eg. Excuse me. Could you please make someroom for me?6)要求在宴席或会议的途中离开一会儿eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while?对不起打扰一下,我可以离开一会吗?eg. Excuse us for a moment.比较sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起”。
1)请问几点了?eg. Excuse me. What time is it?2)不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。
eg. Sorry. 或者I΄m sorry!3)对不起,我先失陪一下eg. Excuse me.4)误解了别人的意思eg. Sorry.3、yes1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答)eg. Are you mad? Yes, I am.2)经常用于应答,表示“什么事”。
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新概念英语第1册课文详解及笔记Welcome:希望我可以成为你们新概念一册的最后一任老师补充材料第一册 Unit One英文中有26个字母五个元音字母now you seeI can say my ABCABCD EFG HIJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ,XYZ now you see, I can say my ABC英文中有48个音标分为元音和辅音20个元音、28个辅音元音分为:->长元音、短元音->双元音、单元音元音:->单元音->前元音中元音后元音->双元音前元音有4个bee 蜜蜂tea 茶pea 扁豆key 钥匙see 看见three 三big 大的city 城市with 和family 家,家庭happy 快乐的,愉快的,高兴的little 小的[][] 清辅音[][] 浊辅音以th打头的单词一般是发[]、[]thank you 感谢你family 侧重家庭的成员There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。
home 抽象的家的概念home road 《我的父亲母亲》house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构[]bed 床beg 乞求red 红色的men 男人(复数)never 从来不very 非常[]bad 坏的bag 包dad 爸爸man 男人,人类back 后部,背部cat 猫man can conquer nature 人定胜天I often see that man in the street.我经常在街上看到那个男的。
he has a very happy family.他有一个非常幸福的家庭。
A man is sitting on the desk.一个男的正坐在桌子上。
You see the green leaves on the tree.你在树上可以看见绿叶。
Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag. 蒂姆跑回去拿到了黑色的帽子和红色的包。
Nothing to fear but fear itself.除了恐惧本身之外没有什么可恐惧的。
a bad apple 一个坏苹果->坏蛋,惹麻烦,不诚实的人Big Apple 大苹果->纽约的别称a fat cat 肥猫->暴发户(贬义)a hot potato 棘手的问题A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。
God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。
Hi!/Hello!/Hullo!/How do you do?(Good)morning/afternoon/evening!How are you?/How are you doing?/How are you all keeping?最近你们好吗?Fine/well. Thank you. And you?/What about you?/How about you?Not too bad!/Pretty good!/Couldn't be better!/Just so-so./I'm just my oldself!还不坏!/非常好!/好的不能再好了!/凑合吧!/我还是老样子!.Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you!meet 强调第一次见面see 强调第二次见面,老朋友见面。
Nice to see you, too./Same here.见到你也很高兴!我也很高兴!It's my pleasure/honor to see you!见到你很荣幸。
pleasure 幸福,快乐honor 荣耀,荣誉Haven't seen you for ages/for a long time./Long time no see.很久都没有见你了。
Life is happier if it is full of pretty people.生命是非常美好的,如果生活中充满了非常有趣的人的话。
Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show.人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片田野,你从哪里选择走路,你的每一个脚印都会显现出来。
Lesson 1 Excuse me![词汇]Excuse v. 原谅me pron. 我(宾格)yes adv. 是的is v. be动词现在时第三人称单数this pron. 这your possessive adjective 你的,你们的handbag n.(女用)手提包pardon int. 原谅,请再说一遍it pron. 它thank you 感谢你(们)very much 非常地Excuse me 用法:1、向陌生人问路时2、引起对方注意时3、在某个聚会中突然中途要离开一会儿时4、在发生一个简单的不算太错的错误时sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时人称代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词我(们)I me my mine你(们)you you your yours他(们)he him his his她(们)she her her hers主格一般作主语,放在句首宾格作宾语,放在动词或者介词之后形容词性的物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词或者其他的词名词性的物主代词是单独使用的This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。
This pen is mine. 这只笔是我的。
yes读降调表示对某件事情的认同,读升调表示询问v. verb 动词adj. adjective 形容词adv. adverb 副词pron. pronoun 代词prep. preposition 介词n. noun 名词conj. conjunction 连词be 动词有am, is, aream 只能跟在第一人称的单数I 后面is 跟在第三人称单数he, she 后面be 动词的基本意思:是she is, he is, it is, Tim isare 搭配you, 不管是单数还是复数you are, we are, they areI am = I'mshe is = she'she is = he'sit is = it'sTim is = Tim'syou are = you'rewe are = we'rethey are = they're含有be 动词的简单的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句。
This is my handbag. 这是我的手提包。
含有be 动词的句子如果变否定句,就是在be 动词后面.加notThis is not my handbag. 这不是我的手提包。
含有be 动词的句子,如果变成一般疑问句,就是把be 动词提到句子的前面,大写Is this my handbag? 这是我的手提包吗?Is this your handbag?book 书本watch 手表pen 钢笔car 小汽车Yes, it is. 是的。
No, it isn't. 不是。
This is my book. 这是我的书。
This is not my book. 这不是我的书。
Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?Yes, it is. 是的。
This is my watch. 这是我的手表。
This is not my watch. 这不是我的手表。
Is this your watch? 这是你的手表吗?No, it isn't.不是This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。
This is not my pen. 这不是我的钢笔。
Is this your pen? 这是你的钢笔吗?Yes, it is.This is my car. 这是我的小汽车。
This is not my car. 这不是我的小汽车。
Is this your car? 这是你的小汽车吗?No, it isn't.[课文]Excuse me.Yes?Is this your handbag?Pardon?Is this your handbag?Yes, it is.Thank you very much.pen n.钢笔pencil n.铅笔book n.书watch n.手表coat n.上衣,外衣dress n.连衣裙skirt n.裙子shirt n.衬衣car n.小汽车house n.房子pardon 请原谅,再说一遍I see that man in the street. 我在街上看到那个男的。
Nothing to fear but fear itself.没有什么可恐惧的,除了恐惧本身。
handbag 手提包我是我的长裙。
This is my dress.This is not my dress.Is this your dress?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.这是我的房子。
This is my house.This is not my house.Is this your house?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.my, your, his ,her这是他的衬衫。
This is his shirt.这不是他的衬衫。
This is not his shirt.这是他的衬衫吗?Is this his shirt?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.这是她的手表。
This is her watch.This is not her watch.Is this her watch?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.[复习课文·略]Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.[词汇]umbrella n.伞please int.请here adv.这里my possessive adjective 我的ticket n.票number n.号码five num.五sorry adj.对不起的sir n.先生cloakroom n.衣帽存放处here 是地点副词there 那儿home 家abroad 国外downstairs 楼底下upstairs 楼上downtown 市中心这些地点副词的前面不能加介词one 一two 二three 三six 六seven 七eight 八eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三.four 四five 五nine 九ten 十fourteen 十四fifteen 十五祈使句My umbrella and my coat please. 省略了动词和间接宾语的祈使句。