人教版九年级数学(上下全册)综合测试卷(附带参考答案)(考试时长:100分钟;总分:120分)学校:___________班级:___________姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题 1.方程2269x x -=的二次项系数、一次项系数、常数项分别为( ) A .6,2,9 B .2,-6,9 C .-2,-6,9 D .2,-6,-92.下列方程中,属于一元二次方程的是( )A .233x x =-;B .5(1)(51)2x x x x +=-+;C .()2333y x -=;D .21210x x -+=.3.一元二次方程2410x x --=的根的情况是( )A .没有实数根B .只有一个实根C .有两个相等的实数D .有两个不相等的实数根4.把二次函数2243y x x =--+用配方法化成()2y a x h k =-+的形式( )A .()2215y x =-++B .()2215y x =--+C .()2215y x =++D .()2215y x =-+5.下图是由几个相同的小正方体搭成的一个几何体,它的主视图是( )A .B .C .D .6.关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+kx ﹣2=0(k 为实数)根的情况是( )A .没有实数根B .有两个相等的实数根C .有两个不相等的实数根D .不能确定7.若a ,b 为一元二次方程2710x x --=的两个实数根,则33842a ab b a ++-值是()A .-52B .-46C .60D .668.如图所示,在坐标系中放置一菱形OABC ,已知60ABC ∠=︒,OA=1,先将菱形OABC 沿x 轴的正方向无滑动翻转,每次翻转60︒,连续翻转2020次,点B 的落点一次为123,,B B B ……则2020B 的坐标为( )A .(1346,3)B .(1346,0)C .(1346,23)D .(1347,3)9.将一副三角板如下图摆放在一起,连结AD ,则∠ADB 的正切值为( )A .31-B .21-C .312+D .312- 10.如图,一名滑雪运动员沿着倾斜角为34°的斜坡,从A 滑行至B ,已知AB=500米,则这名滑雪运动员的高度下降了__米.(sin34°≈0.56,cos34°≈0.83,tan34°≈0.67) ( )A .415B .280C .335D .25011.二次函数y =x 2+4x −5的图象的对称轴为( )A .x =−4B .x =4C .x =−2D .x =212.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,O 为原点35OA OB ==,点C 为平面内一动点32BC =,连接AC ,点M 是线段AC 上的一点,且满足:1:2CM MA =.当线段OM 取最大值时,点M 的坐标是( )A .36,55⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭B .365,555⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭C .612,55⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭D .6125,555⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ 二、填空题 13.芜湖宣州机场(Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport ,IATA :WHA ,ICAO :ZSWA ),简称“芜宣机场”,位于中国安徽省芜湖市湾沚区湾沚镇和宣城市宣州区养贤乡,为4C 级国内支线机场、芜湖市与宣城市共建共用机场,如图是芜宣机场部分出港航班信息表,从表中随机选择一个航班,所选航班飞行时长超过2小时的概率为 .航程 航班号 起飞时间 到达时间 飞行时长芜宣-贵阳 C54501 9:15 11:552h40m 芜宣-南宁 G54701 9:15 11:55 2h40m 芜宣-沈阳 G54517 9:20 11:502h30m 芜宣-济南 JD5339 10:15 11:451h30m 芜宣-重庆 3U8072 12:35 14:552h20m 芜宣-北京 KN5870 14:00 16:152h15m 芜宣-长沙 G52817 14:20 16:001h40 m 芜宣-青岛 DZ6253 16:30 18:201h50m 芜宣-三亚 TD5340 17:5521:10 3h15m 14.抛物线()2318y x =-+的对称轴是: .15.如图,在O 中,AB 切O 于点A ,连接OB 交O 于点C ,点D 在O 上,连接CD 、AD ,若50B ∠=︒,则D ∠为 .16.直角三角形一条直角边和斜边的长分别是一元二次方程的两个实数根,该三角形的面积为 . 17.写出一个开口向下、且经过点(-1,2)的二次函数的表达式 ;18.如图,将ABC 绕点A 顺时针旋转85︒,得到ADE ,若点E 恰好在CB 的延长线上,则BED ∠= .19.甲袋里有红、白两球,乙袋里有红、红、白三球,两袋的球除颜色不同外其他都相同,分别从两袋里任摸一球,同时摸到红球的概率是 .20.如图,点A ,B 的坐标分别为()()4004A B ,,,,C 为坐标平面内一点,2BC =,点M 为线段AC 的中点,连接OM OM ,的最大值为 .21.如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,AB =5,BC =3,将△ABC 绕点B 顺时针旋转得到△A′B C′,其中点A ,C 的对应点分别为点,A C ''连接,AA CC '',直线CC '交AA '于点D ,点E 为AC 的中点,连接DE .则DE 的最小值为22.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,ACE ∆是以菱形ABCD 的对角线AC 为边的等边三角形23AC =点C 与点E 关于x 轴对称,则过点C 的反比例函数的表达式是 .23.若粮仓顶部是圆锥形,且这个圆锥的高为2m ,母线长为2.5m ,为防雨需在粮仓顶部铺上油毡,则这块油毡的面积是 m 2.(结果保留π)24.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,4,6,AB BC E ==是AB 的中点,F 是BC 边上一动点,将BEF △沿着EF 翻折,使得点B 落在点B '处,矩形内有一动点,P 连接,,,PB PC PD '则PB PC PD '++的最小值为 .(21题图) (22题图) (24题图)三、解答题25.计算:(﹣2)3+16﹣2sin30°+(2016﹣π)0.26.(1)计算:112cos30|32|()44-︒+---.(2)如图是一个几何体的三视图(单位:cm ).①这个几何体的名称是 ;②根据图上的数据计算这个几何体的表面积是 (结果保留π)27.水务部门为加强防汛工作,决定对马边河上某电站大坝进行加固.原大坝的横断面是梯形ABCD ,如图所示,已知迎水面AB 的长为20米,∠B =60°,背水面DC 的长度为203米,加固后大坝的横断面为梯形ABED.若CE的长为5米.(1)已知需加固的大坝长为100米,求需要填方多少立方米;(2)求新大坝背水面DE的坡度.(计算结果保留根号).28.某校举行了“防溺水”知识竞赛.八年级两个班各选派10名同学参加预赛,依据各参赛选手的成绩(均为整数)绘制了统计表和折线统计图(如图所示).班级八(1)班八(2)班最高分100 99众数a98中位数96 b平均数c94.8(1)统计表中,=a_______,b=_________,c=_______;(2)若从两个班的预赛选手中选四名学生参加决赛,其中两个班的第一名直接进入决赛,另外两个名额在成绩为98分的学生中任选两个,求另外两个决赛名额落在不同班级的概率.29.某口罩生产厂生产的口罩1月份平均日产量为18000个,1月底市场对口罩需求量大增,为满足市场需求,工厂决定从2月份起扩大产量,3月份平均日产量达到21780个.(1)求口罩日产量的月平均增长率;(2)按照这个增长率,预计4月份平均日产量为多少?30.阳阳超市以每件10元的价格购进了一批玩具,定价为20元时,平均每天可售出80个.经调查发现,玩具的单价每降1元,每天可多售出40个;玩具的单价每涨1元,每天要少售出5个.如何定价才能使每天的利润最大?求出此时的最大利润.31.(1)一个矩形的长比宽大2cm,面积是168cm?.求该矩形的长和宽.(2)如图,两个圆都以点O为圆心.求证:AC BD.32.国庆与中秋双节期间,小林一家计划在焦作市内以下知名景区选择一部分去游玩.5A级景区四处:a.云台山景区,b.青天河景区,c.神农山景区;d.峰林峡景区;4A级景区六处:e.影视城景区,f.陈家沟景区,g.嘉应观景区,h.圆融寺景区,i.老家莫沟景区,j.大沙河公园;(1)若小林一家在以上这些景区随机选择一处,则选到5A级景区的概率是.(2)若小林一家选择了“a.云台山景区”,此外,他们决定再从b,c,d,e四处景区中任选两处景区去游玩,用画树状图或列表的方法求恰好选到b,e两处景区的概率.33.综合与探究问题情境:某商店购进一种冬季取暖的“小太阳”取暖器,每台进价为40元,这种取暖器的销售价为每台52元时,每周可售出180台.探究发现:①销售定价每增加1元时,每周的销售量将减少10台;②销售定价每降低1元时,每周的销售量将增多10台.问题解决:若商店准备把这种取暖器销售价定为每台x元,每周销售获利为y元.(1)当54x 时,这周的“小太阳”取暖器的销售量为______台,每周销售获利y为______元.(2)求y与x的函数关系式(不必写出x的取值范围),并求出销售价定为多少时,这周销售“小太阳”取暖器获利最大,最大利润是多少?(3)若该商店在某周销售这种“小太阳”取暖器获利2000元,求x的值.答案:1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.2314.直线1x=15.20︒ x=-+(答案不唯一).18.95︒19.92520.122+/221+21.122.23yx=23.154π.24.423+25.-4.26.(1)4-;(2)①圆锥;②几何体的表面积为220cmπ27.(1)需要填方25003立方米;(2)新大坝背水面DE的坡度为237.28.(1)96;96;94.5;(2)3529.(1)口罩日产量的月平均增长率为10% (2)预计4月份平均日产量为23958个30.当定价为16元时,每天的利润最大,最大利润是1440元31.(1)矩形的长为14cm,宽为12cm32.(1)25(2)1633.(1)160,2240;(2)当销售定价为55元时,利润最大,最大为2250元;(3)当x为60或50时,每周获利可达2000元.。
小红经过测量,还发现家中只有电饭煲正常工作时, 5 min内电能表指示灯闪烁了200次,则该电饭煲的额定功率是W。
6.新能源太阳灶是一种烧水做饭的器具,太阳灶烧水时将太阳能转化为水的能,将2 kg的水从20 ℃加热到70 ℃,水吸收的热量为J。
[c水=4.2×103 J/(kg·℃)]7.小明利用标有“6 V 3 W”的灯泡L1和“6 V 6 W”的灯泡L2进行实验,不考虑温度对灯丝电阻的影响,若将它们并联接入电路中,该电路消耗的最大总功率为 W。
若将它们串联后接在另一个电路中,在保证电路安全的情况下,该电路的电源电压最大为 V。
8.如图所示,已知电源电压为3 V,小灯泡L的规格“3 V 0.9 W”,滑动变阻器的规格“20 Ω 1 A”,电流表量程为0~3 A。
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 3 综合测试卷含答案
![人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 3 综合测试卷含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/586c6631a88271fe910ef12d2af90242a895ab91.png)
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 3 综合测试卷第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. Where are the two speakers?A. B. C.2. What is Jack going to buy?A. B. C.3. Where will they probably go first?A. To the History Museum.B. To the Science Museum.C. To the Art Museum.4. What is the boy doing now?A. Writing a letter.B. Writing a report.C. Giving a speech.5. What does the woman mean?A. She is new here.B. She'll help call the police.C. She's too busy to help him.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。
6. What does the woman want to buy?A. Some envelopes.B. Some stamps.C. Some magazines.7. How long will it take the woman to get to the post office?A. About 3 minutes.B. About 17 minutes.C. About 20 minutes.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。
8. What can we know about Sam?A. He's lazy.B. He's impolite.C. He's careless.9. Where may Sam find his glasses?A. In the bathroom.B. In the living room.C. In the bedroom.10. What's the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.C. Husband and wife.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. Where is David from?A. England.B. America.C. Australia.12. How many times has David been to Beijing so far?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.13. Whom did David go to Wangfujing Street with?A. His mother.B. His father.C. His sister.14. When will David watch a football game?A. This evening.B. Tomorrow morning.C. Tomorrow evening.15. What does David think of Beijing?A. It has changed a lot.B. It's the same as before.C. It is not crowded.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. —I want to send this postcard to Tony. Do you know his ____?—Yes. He lives at No. 108, Bridge Street.A. abilityB. mistakeC. addressD. culture22. —____ will you share your summer holiday experiences with?—Of course, my classmates.A. WhatB. WhomC. WhoseD. Which23. —Have you got any ideas of what I should do to keep healthy?—Yes. I ____ light exercise like yoga. It can be good for you.A. suggestB. achieveC. provideD. develop24. —Is that the ____ spelling?—I don't know. Let me look it up in the dictionary.A. strangeB. simpleC. unusualD. correct25. Helen ____ refused the invitation to the concert because she needed to spend moretime on her homework.A. quietlyB. cheaplyC. politelyD. hardly26. This morning we saw some children dancing and singing when we ____ the park.A. passed byB. cleared outC. dressed upD. turned on27. The little girl often sits ____ her mother and listens to her mother tellinginteresting stories.A. aboveB. besideC. betweenD. below28. —Our computer is working again!—Yes. Our IT teacher ____ it. It took him about an hour.A. will fixB. is fixingC. has fixedD. was fixing29. —I wonder ____.—I'm not sure. Maybe next week.A. where they will goB. who will give us a talkC. how he will get thereD. when she will have a party30. —____,sir. Is the school library open the whole week?—I'm afraid not. Only from Monday to Friday.A. Pardon meB. Come onC. My pleasureD. No problem六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AOnce upon a time, a young man told people that his neighbor Mr Smith often stole things. As a result, people in the neighborhood thought __31__ of Mr Smith and they stayed away from him.One day, when an old man lost a pet dog, everyone in the neighborhood thought Mr Smith had __32__ it. The old man called the police and the police __33__ Mr Smith. However, it turned out that Mr Smith had never stolen __34__.When Mr Smith came out of the police station, he felt very __35__. Days later, he sued(起诉) the young man. The young man said to the judge, “They were just __36__. ” The judge said, “Write all the things you said about Mr Smith on a piece of paper. Cut it up and throw the pieces of paper out on your way home. Tomorrow, __37__. ”The next day, as soon as the young man arrived, the judge said, “Go out and __38__ all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday. ”The young man cried, “That's __39__. Wind has blown them everywhere. ”The judge then said, “The same way, simple words may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to __40__ it. ” Hearing this, the young man finally realized his mistake.31. A. truly B. clearlyC. badlyD. directly32. A. shown B. stolenC. spokenD. shaken33. A. caught B. thoughtC. foughtD. brought34. A. everything B. somethingC. nothingD. anything35. A. angry B. lonelyC. lovelyD. hungry36. A. rules B. ideasC. wordsD. songs37. A. come back B. stay upC. hand outD. run away38. A. connect B. collectC. controlD. compare39. A. important B. amazingC. impoliteD. impossible40. A. request B. hitC. fixD. cutBHow to make a telephone call politely? __41__ you have a conversation with a friend or talk to someone for business reasons, there are some ways to be polite.Greet the other person politely.If you know the person you're calling, you can __42__ with “Hello! This is… How are you doing today?” If you don't know the person, __43__ yourself before starting a conversation.Speak in your normal voice.If you talk too __44__,the person may feel uncomfortable. If you talk too quietly, it may be __45__ to hear you. If you're worried about your __46__,you may ask “Excuse me, can you hear me?”Don't make noises while talking on the phone.One of the most __47__ things while you are speaking on the phone is eating or drinking. It's impolite to let the other person hear these sounds. You can either __48__ the telephone conversation to finish, or ask if you may call him/her back after you finish eating.Say thank you and goodbye at the end of a call.Since there are no facial(面部的)__49__,it can often be difficult to know when t he conversation will end. By saying “Thanks for calling. Goodbye!”,you make it __50__ that the phone conversation is over.41. A. Which B. WhetherC. UntilD. Why42. A. start B. helpC. agreeD. talk43. A. understand B. remindC. introduceD. discover44. A. lonely B. quietlyC. aloneD. loudly45. A. easy B. hardC. happyD. angry46. A. study B. lifeC. workD. voice47. A. impolite B. necessaryC. famousD. convenient48. A. pick up B. wait forC. put awayD. turn down49. A. attentions B. decisionsC. questionsD. expressions50. A. common B. secretC. clearD. special七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A: Excuse me, sir. 51. ________B: Certainly. Go along this street. Turn left into Xinhua Road, and the hospital is on your right.A: 52. ________B: It's about forty minutes on foot.A: 53. ________ Can I take a bus?B: Yes, you can. 54. ________A: Is there a bus stop near here?B: Yes. It's over there. Look! 55. ________A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.第三部分阅读(共两节,40分)八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:AThe apartment is at 88 Renmin Road. It is only a few minutes' walk 56. The two bedrooms of the apartment face ____.A. eastB. westC. northD. south57. The apartment does NOT have ____.A. central heatingB. under-floor heatingC. Internet availableD. 24-hour hot water58. If you are interested in this apartment, you can contact Mrs Li ____.A. by websiteB. by letterC. by phoneD. by e-mailBHangzhou's West Lake is beautiful and it makes a lot of people feel excited.The city is the best place for active families, with bikeways, parks and places of interest. Visitors can live at Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel is designed in traditional Chinese style. It has old buildings with windows made of dark wood and Chinese gardens for people to relax.Outside the hotel, you can take part in many family-friendly activities. The parks around the West Lake are perfect for visiting by bicycle or on foot. You can also go fishing and boating. The hotel is a five-minute walk from these beautiful parks. Children will love visiting the meandering walkways, old buildings and bridges, while adults can watch locals practice tai chi or drink tea at a nearby teahouse.Within the area is Zhongshan Park that was once the holiday home of Emperor Qianlong. There are also some gardens on several islands. You can also rent bicycles from the hotel and go bike riding around the lake.The visit to the West Lake is not complete without walking a few kilometers each on the famous Su and Bai Causeways(堤). The two causeways were named after two famous Chinese poets, Su Dongpo and Bai Juyi. Take a walk in the early morning, ride a bike or climb into a boat for a personal ride around the lake. Look for the stone carvings(石刻) left by Emperor Qianlong and these stone carvings tell you about the ten beautiful sights of Hangzhou. To avoid(避免) a large crowd, try to time your visit on a weekday.59. What can you see at Four Seasons Hotel?A. Windows with light wood.B. Chinese gardens.C. English gardens and parks.D. Buildings in different styles.60. Which activity is not mentioned in the passage?61. What does the underlined word “meandering”mean?A. 蜿蜒的B. 陡峭的C. 可爱的D. 危险的62. Who left the stone carvings for the West Lake?A. The poet Su Dongpo.B. The poet Bai Juyi.C. Emperor Qianlong.D. The visitors.CEdinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is in the southeast of Scotland. It is about 45 miles away from Glasgow, 15 miles from Livingston and 100 miles from Carlisle and Aberdeen.During the Middle Ages, a small fort called Dun Eiden was built by the Gododdins. In the 7th century, the Angles invaded the fort. The Angles took the name “Eiden” and joined it to “burh”,an old English word meaning “fort”,and created the name of Edinburgh. It has been the capital of Scotland since 1437.If you come to Edinburgh by train from the south, the first thing you will see is Edinburgh Castle. It stands high over the city.Edinburgh is a city full of hills but it is a good city to visit on foot. After the castle, you can visit more of the Old Town. Go down the Royal Mile to Holyroodhouse. It is hundreds of years old. You can also go to the shops on the Royal Mile or on Princess Street in the New Town. There is also the National Gallery ofScotland, with pictures from Scotland and from many other places.In August, you can come to the Edinburgh International Festival. It's the biggest art festival in the world with hundreds of different things to do and see.63. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. Where Edinburgh is.B. How Edinburgh got its name.C. How the Angles invaded the fort.D. When Edinburgh became famous.64. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 r efer to?A. Edinburgh Castle.B. Princess Street.C. Holyroodhouse.D. The Royal Mile.65. In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A. Language.B. Nature.C. Environment.D. Travel.DAsking for directions is the first thing we need to do when we get to a different country. Knowing how to ask for help can make our life much easier! Here are some tips for you.(续表)66. What is a must when you ask for directions?A. Knowing where you are.B. Asking the right person.C. Making yourself understood.D. Greeting the person politely.67. Using the word “nearest” can help you ____.A. miss wrong placesB. find the place quicklyC. find a better placeD. learn about more places68. Which of the following can be put in “__▲__”?A. Learn more about the National StadiumB. Know when to find important landmarksC. Try to know some important landmarksD. Don't be afraid of asking about landmarks69. What is the text mainly about?A. How to ask for directions abroad.B. How to give polite greetings abroad.C. Some examples of how landmarks are used.D. Some polite expressions about asking for help.EHave you ever wondered how you can politely ask a question in English? How should you ask your teacher for a day off? Using an indirect(间接的) question is one great way to do this.When to Use Indirect QuestionsWhen you ask a direct question, you ask directly, “Where is the bus stop?” Direct questions are fine when you are talking to your friends, family members or people you know well. But how should you ask if you are in a more formal(正式的)situation or if you are asking someone you're not really close to? What if you are in a party or a work convention(会议)? In these situations, it's politer to use an indirect question.How to Form(构成)Indirect QuestionsIndirect questions are questions with extra words and phrases(短语)to make your question softer:Is it possible…?Do you know…?I was wondering…Can/Could you tell me…?“Can” is a little more casual,__while “Could” is politer.When you use these extra phrases, the rest of your sentence will return to the normal word order(顺序)of a declarative sentence(陈述句).Other Ways to Ask Indirect QuestionsA good word to use in an indirect question is “if ”. You could say, “Do you know if there is a bookstore here?” People can answer these “if” questions with a simple yes or no!You can also use your polite phrase followed by a question word—who, what,where, when, why or how.70. How does the writer develop the text?A. By listing(列举) numbers.B. By giving examples.C. By answering questions.D. By explaining reasons.71. In which situation can you ask direct questions?A. When you are asking a stranger.B. When you are talking to your brother.C. When you are in a party.D. When you are at an important meeting.72. What's the purpose of the text?A. To ask for some help.B. To give teachers some advice.C. To teach students how to learn English.D. To tell us something about indirect questions.第二节:阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
人教版九年级英语上册期末综合测试卷第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. What did Tom's aunt give him?A. B. C.2. Where does the man usually look through the newspapers?A. B. C.3. When will the woman give a report?A. Next Monday.B. Next Tuesday.C. Next Wednesday.4. Where will the boy go in half an hour?A. To the zoo.B. To the Great Wall.C. To the swimming pool.5. How will the man help the woman?A. By taking out the rubbish.B. By preparing for the report.C. By writing the speech report.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。
6. What does the girl want to do?A. See a doctor.B. Learn to dance.C. Help others.7. What is the girl good at?A. Drawing.B. Singing.C. Dancing.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。
8. When did they get to the park?A. At seven o'clock.B. At eight o'clock.C. At nine o'clock.9. How did the boy go to the park?A. By train.B. By car.C. By bus.10. What did the boy do in the park?A. He drew a picture.B. He fed an elephant.C. He saw a bird show.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. Where does Betty come from?A. America.B. England.C. Japan.12. Why did Betty come to Beijing?A. To visit her relatives.B. To tour around it.C. To study Chinese.13. What wasn't Betty used to in Beijing at first?A. The weather.B. The food.C. The language.14. How did Betty feel about learning Chinese?A. Interesting.B. Easy.C. Difficult.15. Who helped Betty when she was sad?A. Her friend.B. Her classmate.C. Her teacher.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. —What's the name of this tea? It tastes delicious.—It's Houkui, a kind of green tea. It is ____ in the south of Anhui.A. punishedB. preparedC. pollutedD. produced22. Just now you were ____ to Helen. I think you should say sorry to her.A. impoliteB. necessaryC. popularD. strange23. —The ____ Chinese culture is more and more popular around the world.—So it is! Tons of foreigners are learning Tang and Song poetry(唐诗宋词) now.A. modernB. successfulC. necessaryD. traditional24. —What time is it now?—I can't tell you the time ____,but I know it's too late.A. loudlyB. wiselyC. exactlyD. cheaply25. —Whose chemistry book is this?—It ____ be Ann's because her name is on it.A. mustB. mightC. mustn'tD. can't26. The earth is the planet ____ provides us with everything we need—fresh air, cleanwater and so on. It's our duty to protect it.A. whatB. whoC. whoseD. which27. —Many DIY cards ____ to mothers on Mother's Day every year.—How creative!A. were sentB. are sentC. have sentD. will send28. —Sorry, there are no tickets left for today's dance show.—OK. ____,I'd like to book a ticket for tomorrow's show.A. By the wayB. All in allC. In that caseD. As a result29. —Gina, I wonder ____ in the street when I come to pick you up.—Well, there's a big tree by the front gate and it's covered in lovely white flowers at the moment.A. how I will find your houseB. how will I find your houseC. when I will find your houseD. when will I find your house30. —I'm a poor singer. I don't think I can join your singing group.—____!We just sing for fun.A. Good luckB. Come onC. No wayD. Of course六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AOne day, Mi ss Ellis gave her pupils a task of being “happiness collectors”. It __31__ that kids should try to bring happiness to those around them. Most students chose to buy gifts for friends. But Carla just walked around with her __32__ and took pictures of people.The next day at school, Carla turned up __33__ a bag and said, “In this bag is all the happiness I've __34__ so far. ”Everyone was looking forward to seeing it, but Carla didn't show anyone what was in the bag. Instead, she pulled out a small box and gave it to Miss Ellis.Miss Ellis slowly opened the box and looked inside. Then a big smile showed onher face and at that moment Carla took a __35__ of her. Other students really wanted to know what __36__ made Miss Ellis happy.Miss Ellis __37__ the box to them. They found there was a photo of a big __38__. Everyone who had seen it felt __39__. And in return, every student sent out big smiles of their own to reply.Carla __40__ to tell a simple truth that every time you smile, you are sending happiness to others.31. A. seemed B. meantC. believedD. allowed32. A. paper B. giftC. foodD. camera33. A. carrying B. reachingC. breakingD. searching34. A. saved B. fixedC. collectedD. bought35. A. photo B. noteC. restD. look36. A. seriously B. clearlyC. excitedlyD. exactly37. A. passed B. explainedC. threwD. returned38. A. tree B. houseC. smileD. star39. A. important B. proudC. politeD. happy40. A. refused B. managedC. forgotD. promisedBTher e is a famous Chinese saying that goes, “Good wine needs no bush (酒香不怕巷子深). ” It __41__ that as long as your wine is good enough, people will come to buy it even if you don't advertise it. Sometimes we also __42__ it when we want to say that if you're good enough, other people will know it one day even if you don't speak a lot. So a lot of people don't think speaking __43__ are important. However, they __44__ play an important part in our life.With good speaking skills, you can make people __45__ you quickly. And you need to __46__ with others through speaking in life. Without good speaking skills, the conversations between you and others may not be __47__. Then how can you make others understand your ideas and find out what you are good at? Or at least, it may take much more __48__ for them to do so. As a result, although you are very excellent, you will find it __49__ to have a good job or get a good position in your team.In a word, speaking skills are very __50__. We should pay attention to speaking skills so that others can see our skills and hear our voice.41. A. holds B. fearsC. meansD. warns42. A. mention B. realizeC. performD. achieve43. A. dreams B. skillsC. reasonsD. chances44. A. suddenly B. recentlyC. quicklyD. actually45. A. listen to B. ask forC. learn aboutD. hear from46. A. communicate B. understandC. influenceD. experience47. A. traditional B. dangerousC. expensiveD. comfortable48. A. tour B. timeC. hopeD. luck49. A. busy B. trueC. hardD. lazy50. A. important B. personalC. commonD. natural七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A: Excuse me. I'm afraid I am lost. 51. ________________________________ B: Sure! Let me see. You're here now, near the biggest shopping mall, the center of the city.A: Oh…yes. Well, could you please tell me how I can get to the nearest bookstore from here?B: Sure. Just go along this street and turn right at the third crossing, and you'll see it on your left. 52. ________A: You mean it's across from City Cinema, right?B: Yes. 53. ________A: Well, can you tell me how long it will take to walk there?B: About twenty minutes. 54. ________ Ten minutes is enough if the traffic is good. A: Thank you. Oh, there is one more thing. 55. ________B: Perhaps at 9: 00 pm, but I'm not sure.A: Thank you very much.第三部分阅读(共两节,40分)八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节: A56. After reading the text, we can learn how to ____.A. use a helicopterB. draw a helicopterC. fly a paper helicopterD. make a paper helicopter57. Which question does this text explain?A. What things should we prepare?B. Who is interested in this activity?C. Why does the paper helicopter fall straight to the ground?D. How many steps should we do to draw a helicopter?58. What kind of text is this?A. An application.B. Instructions.C. A competition.D. An advertisement.BAt the age of 16, Einstein always played with a group of mischievous (顽皮捣蛋的) kids. Because he was so busy playing, he didn't study enough and failed his final exam.One morning, when Einstein was holding a fishing rod (钓鱼竿) and was about to go fishing with his friends, his father stopped him and said calmly, “Einstein, you spent so much time playing that you failed your exam. I'm worried about your future. ”“What are you worried about? Jack and Robert also failed, but don't they still get to go fishing?”“My boy, you can't think like that,” his dad said.“There is a story that people tell in our hometown. I will tell it to you now. ”“There were two cats playing on a roof. One cat got caught off guard and fell down the chimney (烟囱) while holding the other cat. When the two cats climbed out of the chimney, one of the cats had soot (烟灰) on its face, while the other cat's face was clean. Seeing the dirty cat, the clean cat thought its face must be dirty, so it quickly ran to the river and washed its face. The dirty cat saw the clean cat and thought its face was also clean, so it just swaggered down the street. ”“No one can be your ‘mirror’. You have to think for yourself. If you just do whateveryone else does, you will never learn,” added his father.After that, Einstein decided to pay more attention to his studies and less attention to what his friends were doing. This allowed him to be successful.59. What was Einstein's main problem according to his father?A. He was not good at math.B. He didn't play often enough.C. He played with mischievous kids.D. He didn't take his final exam.60. What do we know from the fable(寓言)?A. The dirty cat fell into the chimney first.B. The dirty cat washed its face clean.C. The clean cat didn't wash its face.D. Both cats made the wrong decision.61. What does the underlined word “swaggered” mean?A. 自信地走B. 快速地跑C. 感到愚蠢D. 羞愧离开62. What lesson did Einstein learn from his father?A. Friends are like a mirror of ourselves.B. Geniuses(天才) are one step away from being fools.C. Don't follow others when deciding how to behave.D. There are no shortcuts (捷径) to success.CYour Idea, Please!We asked you to help one of the readers by answering his question. Here's some good advice.*******************Negative (消极的)Thinker:I always have negative ideas like “I can't do this”. How can I start looki ng up?—Keller *******************Try to find something you look forward to, like an ice-cream or your birthday. It will make you happy to think this way.—Susan, 14, California Maybe you should think “I'll try” instead of “I can't”. And give yourself a reward (奖励)after you finish doing something.—Jacob, 11, New YorkI often think of all the things that I can do and want to have. They make me feel happy and confident. I hope this works for you.—Frank, 13, London To solve the problem, you should do difficult things step by step. For example, when you do your homework, try reading and thinking about the questions slowly before answering them. Everything is possible if you work hard and carefully.—Nina, 12, California63. Who give the similar advice to Keller on his problem?A. Susan and Nina.B. Susan and Frank.C. Jacob and Nina.D. Jacob and Susan.64. What does Jacob think is important in solving Keller's problem?A. Good communication.B. Hard work.C. Asking for help.D. Having a try.65. What should Keller do in Nina's opinion?A. He should do a lot of exercise.B. He should think more and do less.C. He should try to do something by himself.D. He should do something step by step.DThe Longtaitou Festival, or the Dragon-Head-Raising Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival. It falls on the second day of the second lunar month every year. People think it is the start of spring and farming. It's said that Dragon King has wokenup from the winter sleep and the rain will increase from that day on.There are several traditional ways to celebrate the festival in China. My grandfather always has his hair cut on that day. He thinks getting a haircut can help to get__rid__of the bad luck. There is also a saying that cutting the hair in the first lunar month may bring bad luck to the family. In fact, it's not true.Grandpa also tells me that people in Fujian usually eat tofu balls on that day. They often make tofu and vegetable balls for a good wish. People in Suzhou always eat a kind of sticky rice cake—chengyao cake. They think it can bring them good luck.How do you celebrate the festival in your hometown?66. When is the Longtaitou Festival?A. On the first day of the first lunar month.B. On the second day of the first lunar month.C. On the first day of the second lunar month.D. On the second day of the second lunar month.67. What does the underlined phrase “get rid of” in this text mean in Chinese?A. 遭遇B. 摆脱C. 隐藏D. 抛弃68. What do people eat in Fujian during the festival?A. Dumplings.B. Meatballs.C. Tofu balls.D. Chengyao cake.69. What does the text want to tell us?A. The traditions of the Longtaitou Festival.B. Special foods for the Longtaitou Festival.C. The importance of the Longtaitou Festival.D. History of celebrating the Longtaitou Festival.ELiving in a secret village in a forest, the lovely small Smurfs(蓝精灵) are one of the most popular cartoon characters around the world. Now they find a new home in China. It is a Smurfs Theme Park in Shanghai. The park is the first Smurfs ThemePark in China and the third in the world.When visitors get into the park, they must walk through a forest maze(迷宫) to arrive at the Smurfs Village. In the village, children can meet their favorite Smurfs, play in the mushroom(蘑菇) houses and go on rides. The bad Gargamel's house is here too. It is a scary house full of different sounds, lights and motion effects(动作效果). Children can go there to save the captured (被捕的) Smurfs.The theme park receives a lot of visitors every day. Not only children but also their parents show great interest in the park. These parents watched the cartoon in the 1980s and 1990s and have loved Smurfs just like their children do.70. The Smurfs Theme Park in Shanghai is the ____ one in the world.A. onlyB. firstC. secondD. third71. What does the second paragraph talk about?A. Why visitors like to visit the park.B. The rules visitors have to follow.C. The reason for building the park.D. What visitors can do in the park.72. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The Shanghai Smurfs Theme Park is popular among people.B. The Shanghai Smurfs Theme Park is the largest in the world.C. Children don't have to pay to get into the theme park.D. The idea of building the park started in the 1980s.第二节:阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
外研版九年级英语上册Module 6 综合测试卷含答案
![外研版九年级英语上册Module 6 综合测试卷含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/31164551f68a6529647d27284b73f242326c3116.png)
外研版九年级英语上册Module 6 综合测试卷(60 分钟100 分)一、单项选择(每小题2 分,共20 分)1. Jack is such _____ honest boy that he gets along well with his classmates.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Among the following things, the _____ is a kind of musical instrument.A. guitarB. snackC. ropeD. medal3. [立德树人关爱学生]—I think Miss Wang is the most patient teacher in our school.—That’s true. She’s never _____ her students.A. angry withB. pleased withC. proud ofD. sorry for4. Linda has got into the habit of _____ a glass of water after getting up everymorning.A. drinkB. to drinkC. drinkingD. drank5. Peter may be slow, but _____ he doesn’t make stupid mistakes.A. at leastB. at mostC. no longerD. in fact6. — Kids should play outdoor games more ______ playing computer games.—I agree with you. It will be better for their eyes.A. as forB. because ofC. instead ofD. such as7. [2023 成都改编] _____ you treat others with your heart, you will get friendship inreturn.A. IfB. UntilC. UnlessD. Though8. Mother often warns me _____ home late at night.A. not to go backB. not going backC. don’t go backD. not go back9. — Will you please tell Robin to come early to help us get ready for the party?—All right. I’ll tell him at once _____.A. if I see himB. if I’ll see himC. until I see himD. until I’ll see him10. —Jeremy has to miss the competition since he is sick.—_____ You know, he has prepared for a long time.A. No deal.B. That’s my last word.C. That’s a shame.D. That’s not the po int.二、完形填空(每小题1.5 分, 共15 分)Smiling is the best way of making friends.When I was thirteen 11______ old, my father found a job in the city. So my family moved there. I also came to a new school near where we lived. At first, I didn’t know anyone in my class. I felt very 12______, and afraid to make friends with my classmates. I couldn’t talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn’t want my parents to 13_______ me.Then one day, something good 14_______. I was sitting at my desk in silence while my classmates were talking 15_______ with each other. At that moment, a 16_______ came into the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me and, without a word, smiled. Suddenly, I felt happy, lively and 17_______. That smile 18_______ my life. I started to talk with the other classmates and made friends. Day 19_______ day, I became closer to everyone inmy class.Thanks to the smile, I have moved on to a new life. Now, I believe that the world is what you think it is. So 20_______ at the world and it will smile back.11. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years12. A. lonely B. alone C. surprised D. angry13. A. talk to B. look after C. worry about D. look at14. A. handed B. happened C. replied D. shone15. A. quickly B. early C. finally D. happily16. A. teacher B. girl C. boy D. headmaster17. A. sad B. terrible C. cold D. warm18. A. chose B. changed C. cleared D. controlled19. A. by B. in C. to D. on20. A. laugh B. look C. point D. smile三、阅读理解(每小题2 分,共20 分)A [2023 宜宾]For most of us, stress is a fact of life. But there are many useful ways to lower stress. Let’s take a look.21. How many ways can we use to lower stress?A. 4.B. 5.C. 6.D. 7.22. What can we do if we feel disappointed?A. We can go to bed.B. We can call our friends.C. We can walk on the playground.D. We can write down our problems.23. What can we choose to do if we feel sad or angry?A. To listen to music.B. To study hard.C. To keep a diary.D. To read our favourite books.24. Which way can help us calm down before having a test?A. Drawing pictures.B. Learning to swim.C. Taking deep breaths.D. Having enough sleep.25. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. It talks about our stress.B. It tells us how to exercise.C. It talks about our daily life.D. It tells us how to lower stress.BCommunication plays a big role in our everyday life. Being polite with words can help you have better relationships with other people. It’s also just a great way to make other people feel comfortable around you. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. Be low you’ll find simple tips you can take to start being more polite to other people.The most basic tips are saying “please” when asking someone for help, saying “thank you” after someone has done something for you, and saying “sorry” when you do wrong things. As the tips are known to all, there is no need to go into details. Let’s move on.Make small talk. Instead of jumping right into a serious discussion with someone, make small talk first. Discuss their day or the food they have for lunch. Talk about the movies or shows you’re watching lately or books you’re reading. This will help break the ice.Show your concern. Congratulate other people on their successes. When others do well, offer them your praise. If your friend is going through a hard time, try to offer a few words of comfort.Avoid inappropriate topics . Some conversation topics can make people upset or uncomfortable, and you can risk hurting other people’s feelings if you accidentally say something inappropriate. Some topics are okay to discuss with just very close friends. Otherwise, choose your topics carefully.Good words are never lost. Not only will your good words bring sunshine to the lives of others, but also to yours. So, remember to always be polite with your words.26. The writer starts the passage by _____.A. telling a storyB. making a comparisonC. giving a factD. giving questions27. According to the passage, if you want to have a serious discussion with yourfriends, you’d better _____.A. jump right into a discussionB. make small talk firstC. show your concernD. avoid inappropriate topics28. The underlined phrase “break the ice” in Paragraph 3 means “____” in Chinese.A. 打破僵局B. 溶解冰块C. 打碎冰面D. 破坏冰块29. The structure of the passage is _____.(①= Paragraph 1, ②= Paragraph 2...)A. ①/②③④⑤/⑥B. ①/②③④⑤⑥C. ①/②/③④⑤⑥D. ①②/③④⑤/⑥30. The writer writes the passage to _____.A. tell us how to be polite with your wordsB. introduce some ways of studyingC. give us the information of good wordsD. tell us how to avoid inappropriate topics四、词汇运用(每小题2 分,共10 分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 5 综合测试卷含答案
![人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 5 综合测试卷含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/759ce919bf1e650e52ea551810a6f524ccbfcba9.png)
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 5 综合测试卷第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. Where is Li Wei from?A. B. C.2. What are they talking about?A. B. C.3. Where is the camera made?A. In France.B. In China.C. In America.4. What is the woman going to do?A. To cut down trees.B. To plant trees.C. To work on the farm.5. What does the boy think of the mobile phone?A. It's old.B. It's expensive.C. It's heavy.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。
6. How long did Sam stay in the US?A. For three days.B. For a week.C. For ten days.7. Why didn't Sam buy anything in the US?A. Because things there were expensive.B. Because many things were made in China.C. Because he didn't have time to go shopping.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。
8. When was the art festival?A. Last Thursday.B. Last Friday.C. Last Saturday.9. What is the dress made of?A. Newspapers.B. Silk.C. Cotton.10. What does the girl think of Alice?A. Smart.B. Creative.C. Patient.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. Where are the couple from?A. France.B. Japan.C. England.12. What is the house made of?A. Wood.B. Balloons.C. Glass.13. How long did the couple spend building the house?A. About 7 weeks.B. About 1. 5 months.C. About 6 months.14. How much is the ticket for the house?A. £3.B. £10.C. £13.15. What do the couple prepare for children?A. Delicious food.B. Interesting books.C. Magic shows.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. —Do you think we will be late for school today?—I don't think so. There isn't much ____ on the roads now.A. rubbishB. trafficC. businessD. noise22. In the center of the room is an old table. ____ legs are broken.A. ItsB. HisC. YourD. My23. —Have you finished reading that novel, Cindy?—No. It's too long and I have only ____ half of it.A. suggestedB. increasedC. requestedD. completed24. —It seems that Tina is always ____.—So she is. She is full of energy all the time to do everything.A. carefulB. usefulC. livelyD. lovely25. —The chicken soup looks great. May I taste it?—Of course. But it's a little bit cold. Let me ____ it for you.A. packB. pourC. heatD. prepare26. —Do you know about Qimen, Anhui?—Yes. It's known ____ its black tea.A. asB. ofC. byD. for27. —What are these machines used for?—They are used for ____ food in the factory.A. increasingB. processingC. consideringD. reminding28. —The young man is very hard-working.—So he is. ____ what he does, he always tries his best to do it well.A. No matterB. According toC. Because ofD. As well29. —Your bedroom is so tidy.—Of course. It ____ every day.A. has cleanedB. will cleanC. is cleanedD. is cleaning30. —What about going to the beach this weekend, Sam?—____. I'm looking forward to going there.A. Sorry to hear thatB. It doesn't matterC. Have a nice timeD. That sounds interesting六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)ADo you enjoy sewing? In China, sewing (缝纫)is regarded as a(n) __31__ skill for women in the traditional society. They sewed for their parents, husbands and children.My grandma is a gentle old lady. She has a __32__ for sewing. She __33__ all my childhood clothes with her hands. As a little girl, I __34__ played outside but helped my grandma sew, because I was very interested in it. As I grew older, she sewed things like gloves and scarves for me—her __35__ was sent to me through theneedle and thread all the time.It was my grandma who __36__ me to sew by myself. Months ago, I sewed a pencil bag as my friend's birthday gift. It didn't look as __37__ as I imagined, but it was the most loving pencil bag I could make. I gave it to my friend and wished her a happy __38__.Just yesterday, she called me and said that every time she saw the pencil bag, she __39__ me and felt warm. Now I believe sewing is a fantastic art __40__,and it can also express our love and care.31. A. international B. necessaryC. expensiveD. beautiful32. A. talent B. secretC. futureD. course33. A. sold B. gaveC. madeD. lost34. A. simply B. mostlyC. quicklyD. hardly35. A. love B. fearC. luckD. help36. A. introduced B. celebratedC. encouragedD. disagreed37. A. stupid B. modernC. famousD. pretty38. A. birthday B. messageC. holidayD. program39. A. took after B. thought ofC. listened toD. worried about40. A. form B. bandC. materialD. fairBThere are many unusual hotels around the world. Can you imagine sleeping in aroom made of __41__?That is what guests do at the Ice Hotel in Sweden. At this special hotel, even the beds are made of ice, and each room has __42__ features(特点). Some rooms have ice trees and flowers. Others have ice animals. People sleep in sleeping bags to __43__ warm on their ice beds.The __44__ the hotel is built makes it different from any other hotel in the world. In March, workers cut large pieces of ice from the Torne River and store them until they are __45__. Then some artists work together to plan a new hotel.In November, the building work __46__. First, the workers put snow on special metal forms. Next, walls are built with the ice that has been collected. Then the artists make ice beds and other things for the rooms.Of course, people can stay at the Ice Hotel only in __47__. In spring, the ice melts because of the __48__ weather, and the water returns to the river. The hotel will not __49__ until the next winter. And the process of planning and building begins __50__. This means that each year people can live in a new Ice Hotel!41. A. grass B. woodC. paperD. ice42. A. unusual B. commonC. usefulD. central43. A. rush B. hearC. keepD. fall44. A. job B. wayC. dayD. fun45. A. shared B. openedC. passedD. needed46. A. throws B. beginsC. raisesD. offers47. A. spring B. summerC. autumnD. winter48. A. bad B. fineC. warmD. cold49. A. appear B. repeatC. becomeD. polish50. A. instead B. everC. againD. yet七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A: Welcome to the Gift Corner. 51. ________B: I want to buy something for my foreign teacher. 52. ________A: How about this fan?B: It looks quite beautiful. 53. ________A: It's made of silk.B: Do you have a fan with an orchid(兰花) on it?A: Yes. Here you are. 54. ________ The one with the orchid is the most beautiful. B: Thank you. I'll take it. 55. ________A: Sure. Please wait for a moment.B: OK. Take your time.第三部分阅读(共两节,40分)八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:AThe “Four Treasures of the Study” is an expression used to refer to the brush, ink stick, paper and inkstone.(续表)56. What is the brush made of according to the passage?A. Silk.B. Leaves.C. Stones.D. Animal hair.57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. The She inkstone is the best of all inkstones.B. Xuan paper got the name from its birthplace.C. The ink stick is made out of only 20 materials.D. In the past everyone could buy the brushes of the best quality. 58. What's the purpose of the text?A. To give facts about the brush.B. To explain why people love Xuan paper.C. To tell people how to grind the ink stick.D. To introduce the “Four Treasures of the Study”.BThe sugar-figure blowing(吹糖人) art is a traditional folk art form of China. The artists walk around lanes and streets, carrying akit(工具箱) including a little cabinet, a basket, a charcoal stove(炭炉)and sugar, the raw material for the sugar-figure. The performance of this technique(技艺) is enjoyable, and the completed sugar-figure works look amazing and taste good.It is said that this folk art form started from the Song Dynasty, and at that time it was called sugar opera. The sugar-figure blowing art uses sugar as its raw material. The artists all have their own special ways to boil sugar.Mr. Wang is an experienced sugar-figure maker. He says, “The art challenges coordination of eyes, hands and mind. It takes practice to master all these skills. If there is even one small mistake, the whole work will be a failure. ”Firstly, he heats the sugar up to a proper temperature, and then pulls a lump and kneads(揉捏)it into a ball. Touching a bit of farina(淀粉)with his index finger, he then presses a deep hole on the ball. Then he pulls the finger and the sugar out immediately, until the sugar is very thin. Then it is time to make it into different shapes, such as the Monkey King, the White Dragonet, and so on. At last, he paints bright colors onto it. The sugar-figure is not only tasty, but it also makes one cool.So if you get a chance, don't miss seeing the traditional art.59. What's the raw material of the sugar-figure blowing art?A. The cabinet.B. The charcoal stove.C. The basket.D. Sugar.60. Which may NOT be the comment(评论) on the sugar-figure?A. It's tasty.B. It can make one cool.C. It's easy to make it.D. It looks amazing.61. What's the last step of the sugar-figure blowing art?A. Kneading the lump into a ball.B. Touching a bit of farina.C. Blowing air to the sugar stick.D. Painting bright colors onto the sugar-figure.62. What is the purpose of the text?A. To ask for some help.B. To introduce a folk art form.C. To introduce a product.D. To introduce an artist.CWith the development of society, more and more people pay more attention to our traditional culture. Here are four forms of our country's intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产).Lanzhou noodlesLanzhou noodles are a form of intangible cultural heritage from Gansu Province. Local people eat them almost every day. You can see the cook pulling the dough (面团) into long ropes. Minutes later, the dough turns into thin or thick noodles.Temple fair (庙会)Temple fair is a type of intangible cultural heritage in Beijing. They are big gatherings where people go for fun and groups of businessmen do business. Several temple fairs are held at different ancient temples during the Spring Festival.Mature vinegar (陈醋)Mature vinegar is a type of intangible cultural heritage in Shanxi. It is made from different crops, and has a strong flavor. Mature vinegar has been around for about 3,000 years. It is very popular in northern China.Single-string instrument (独弦琴)The single-string instrument is a form of intangible cultural heritage from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The instrument is made out of big bamboo pipes(管子). It has only one string, but it can create beautiful sounds.63. People in ____ eat Lanzhou noodles almost every day.A. ShanxiB. BeijingC. GansuD. Guangxi64. What is the single-string instrument made of?65. In which part of a magazine can you read the text?A. Nature.B. Technology.C. Sports.D. Culture.DYang Hongwei was born into a kite-making family in Weifang.When she was young, she often saw kites with bright colors anddifferent shapes in her grandfather's workshop.“Every time I see these beautiful kites, my bad feelings go away,” said Yang.Yang learned to make kites from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practicing the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.“Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites,” Yang said. “But I think the cultural idea behind our kites is special. ”On Yang's kites, people can see not only common pictures like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese myths, legends and history. For example, she once made a kite with a phoenix (凤凰). On each side of the phoenix were 50 images(形象) of famous women from Chinese history. Each woman was different in looks, clothes and make-up.“It took me a lot of time,” Yang said, “but when I explain the stories of the kite to foreigners, I feel a great sense of achievement. ”In her free time, Yang travels to countries such as Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand. She tells the stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. “It is an__important__job of mine,” she said.66. Yang Hongwei saw some beautiful kites in her ____ workshop when she wasyoung.A. uncle'sB. father'sC. grandfather'sD. aunt's67. The example of Yang's kite with a phoenix is given to show ____.A. how she makes kitesB. why she likes kitesC. what's in her kitesD. who she makes kites for68. What do you think of Yang Hongwei from the passage?A. Creative.B. Humorous.C. Honest.D. Silly.69. What do the underlined words “an important job” refer to (指)?A. Spreading Chinese culture.B. Traveling abroad.C. Selling more kites.D. Making more money.EWe know many musical instruments well, such as pianos, violins, drums and so on. What about the erhu? The erhu is a traditional Chinese instrument. It is the most popular of the huqin family, and it has a long history.The modern erhu developed from the xiqin, which was played by many ethnic minorities (少数民族) during the Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, musicians began to use the erhu to perform different kinds of music, and it became quite a popular instrument. With the rise of some forms of folk art, the art of the erhu developed quickly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It became an important accompanying (伴奏) instrument in different folk music. At present, it is used in both traditional and modern music, such as in pop, rock and jazz. It has even become a solo (独奏) instrument. One of the most famous musical pieces played on the erhu is Erquan Yingyue.As the erhu was mainly played by common people and the playing skills were passed down orally (口头地), there are few written records about the erhu that can be found. To study the history and the development of the erhu, historians (历史学者) usually turn to ancient paintings.The earliest pictures of this instrument were found in Yulin Caves and Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in Gansu Province, where five erhu pictures were discovered on murals (壁画).70. When did the erhu become a popular instrument?A. In the Tang Dynasty.B. In the Song Dynasty.C. In the Ming Dynasty.D. In recent years.71. How do historians study the history of the erhu?A. They usually play the most famous erhu pieces.B. They usually listen to different kinds of folk music.C. They usually get help from ancient paintings.D. They usually read some books about ethnic minorities.72. Which part of a newspaper may you read the passage?A. Culture.B. Business.C. Health.D. Nature.第二节:阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
人教版九年级物理全一册期末综合测试卷(Word版有答案)一、选择题(本大题共15个小题,共33分.1~12小题为单选题,每小题的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意,每小题2分;13~15小题为多选题,每小题的四个选项中,有两个或者两个以上选项符合题意,每小题3分,全选对的得3分,选对但不全的得2分,有错选或不选的不得分)1.在国际单位制中,电阻的单位是()A.伏特(V) B.欧姆(Ω)C.焦耳(J) D.安培(A)2.下列说法正确的是()A.水的比热容为1.0×103 J/(kg·℃) B.家里电冰箱正常工作的电流约为10 AC.人体的电阻大约为100 Ω D.一节新干电池的电压为1.5 V3.关于温度、内能和热量,下列说法正确的是()A.物体内能增大,一定从外界吸收热量B.温度越高的物体,放出的热量一定越多C.物体内能减少时,温度可能不变D.汽油机在做功冲程中把机械能转化为内能4.如图所示为四冲程内燃机四个冲程的示意图,箭头表示活塞的运动方向.请你结合气门的位置做出判断,其正确的工作顺序是()A.甲、丁、乙、丙B.乙、丙、丁、甲C.丙、甲、乙、丁D.丁、甲、丙、乙5.下列有关“电”的说法正确的是()A.摩擦起电的实质是创造了电荷B.运动的电荷一定形成电流C.电路两端有电压就一定有电流D.电阻中有电流,它的两端一定有电压6.关于电路的知识,下列说法中不正确的是()A.为使两灯同时亮,同时灭,两灯一定要串联B.金属中的电流方向跟自由电子定向移动的方向相反C.在电路中,电源是把其他形式的能转化为电能的装置D.一般的电路是由电源、用电器、开关和导线组成的7.下列有关热的说法正确的是()A.晶体在熔化过程中温度不变,内能也不变B.用水做汽车冷却液,是因为水的比热容大C.内燃机的压缩冲程,主要是用热传递的方法增加了汽缸内物质的内能D.柴油机的效率比汽油机的效率高,是因为柴油的热值比汽油的热值大8.学习了内能及能量的转化和守恒后,同学们在一起梳理知识时交流了以下想法,你认为其中不正确的是()A.能量在转化和转移的过程中总会有损耗,但能量的总量保持不变B.热传递改变物体的内能是不同形式的能的相互转化C.各种形式的能在一定条件下都可以相互转化D.做功改变物体的内能是不同形式的能的相互转化9.如图所示是测量电灯两端的电压和流过电灯的电流的电路图,可是一同学在实际连接电路时却将电压与电流表的位置对调了,那么当他闭合开关后产生的后果是() A.电压表和电流表都可能烧坏B.电压表不会烧坏,电流表可能烧坏C.电压表可能烧坏,电流表不会烧坏D.电压表和电流表都不会烧坏10.下列选项中与物质的比热容没有关系的是()A.用水作为“暖气”的工作物质B.夏季沿海地区比内陆地区凉爽C.沙漠地区昼夜温差较大D.用天然气作燃料11.压敏电阻的阻值是随所受压力的增大而减小的.小聪同学想设计一个通过电表示数反映压敏电阻所受压力大小的电路,要求压力增大时电表示数增大.以下电路不符合要求的是(D)12.如图所示是电阻甲和乙的U-I图象,下列说法中不正确的是()A.甲为定值电阻,乙的阻值随电压升高而增大B.当乙两端电压为2 V时,R乙=10 ΩC.甲、乙串联在电路中,当电路电流为0.2 A时,电源电压为3 VD.甲、乙并联在电路中,当电源电压为2 V时,电路的总电流为0.6 A13.如图所示,开关闭合后发生的现象下列说法错误的是()A.灯不亮,电流表烧坏B.灯不亮,电流表有示数C.灯不亮,电压表有示数D.灯亮,电流表、电压表都有示数14.关于电流、电压和电阻的关系,下列说法中正确的是()A.当导体两端的电压为零时,电阻也为零B.电阻由导体本身的性质决定,与电流、电压无关C.定值电阻两端的电压越大,通过该电阻的电流就越大D.导体的电阻与导体两端的电压成正比,与通过导体的电流成反比15.如图所示,电源电压不变.闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动时,下列说法正确的是()A.电流表A1示数变小,电压表V示数变小B.电流表A2示数变大,电压表V示数变大C.电压表V的示数与电流表A1示数的比值变大D.电压表V的示数与电流表A2示数的比值变大二、填空及简答题(本大题共10个小题,共28分,每空1分)16.如图所示,机械能转化为内能的是_____;用热传递的方法改变物体内能的是______.(填序号)A.用钻头钻孔B.用煤气烧水C.金属块在砂石上摩擦D.用锯锯木板17.“花气袭人知骤暖,鹊声穿树喜新晴”,前一句是根据______这一物理知识来判断当时周边的气温突然变化.两滴水银接触时会自动结合成一滴较大的水银,说明______.形成雾霾天气的主要污染物是PM2.5,其直径大约是一般分子直径(数量级为10-10m)的2万倍,它在空中的运动______(填“属于”或“不属于”)分子的无规则运动.18.如图所示的验电器,用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒接触它,就有一部分电荷发生定向移动,本来闭合的两箔片就张开,则两箔片带上的是______(填“正”或“负”)电荷,这个过程产生的电流方向是从_____到____.(填“玻璃棒”或“金属箔”)19.如图所示是四根高压输电线上的一个装置,该装置应该属于_____(填“导体”或“绝缘体”),它的作用是将四根导线______(填“串联”或“并联”)起来,以增大导线的横截面积;某些物质在温度很低时,电阻变为______,这就是超导现象,如果能利用超导材料远距离输电,可以大大降低输电线路的电能损耗.20.在汽油机的四个冲程中,机械能转化为内能的是______冲程.如图所示汽油机正在进行的是______冲程,已知汽油的热值为4.6×107 J/kg ,则完全燃烧100 g 汽油放出的热量为_____J.21.阅读下面的短文,回答问题:半导体制冷半导体材料有P 型半导体和N 型半导体两种,除了可以用于各种电子元器件外,还可以用作制冷材料.如图所示是一个半导体制冷单元的原理图,P 型半导体和N 型半导体的上端和铜片A 连接,下端分别与铜片B 连接后接到直流电源的两端,此时电路的电流方向从N 型半导体铜片A 流向P 型半导体,铜片A 会从空气吸收热量,铜片B 会向空气放出热量;反之,改变直流电源的正负极方向,使电流方向从P 型半导体铜片A 流向N 型半导体,这时铜片A 会向空气释放热量,铜片B 会从空气吸收热量.由于半导体制冷单元制冷量小,为了满足实际需要,需要多个制冷单元同时工作.(1)如图,若要使一个电冰箱箱内的温度下降,应将铜片A 置于电冰箱的______,铜片B 置于电冰箱______,这就是半导体冰箱的工作原理.(填“箱内”或“箱外”)(2)若将图中P 型半导体与N 型半导体位置互换,其他条件不变,则铜片A 表面空气的温度将______;若将图中电源正负极互换,其他条件不变,则铜片B 表面空气的温度将______.22.小明利用如图所示的电路进行实验,电源电压为两节干电池,①、②、③是三个电表(分别为电压表和电流表).闭合开关S.灯L 1与L 2并联,电路中______是电压表.实验过程中,粗心的小明只记录了三个表的示数为3、0.2、0.5,请你根据小明的实验结果,推算流过L 1的电流为______A ,流过L 2的电流为_____A.23.在一定值电阻两端加4 V 的电压,其电阻为10 Ω;若在它两端加12 V 的电压,其电阻为____Ω;若没有电流通过时,其电阻是______Ω.24.如图所示,电源电压保持不变.闭合开关S 后,滑动变阻器R 2的滑片在a 、b 两点移动过程中,电压表的示数变化范围为1~3 V ,电流表的示数变化范围为0.3~0.5 A ,则R 1的阻值是_____Ω;滑动变阻器的滑片在a 点时的电阻R a 的阻值是______Ω.25.如图甲所示,当开关S 从点2转到1时,电流表和电压表对应的示数如图乙所示,由图甲和图乙中的信息可知,电源电压是___V ,电阻R 2的阻值是____Ω,电阻R 2的I -U 图象是丙图中的___(填“a ”或“b ”).三、实验探究题(本大题共3个小题,共21分;第26小题6分,第27小题7分,第28小题8分)26.我们已经知道导体的电阻是导体本身的一种性质,它的大小与导体的长度、横截面积和材料有关,进一步研究表明,在温度不变时,导体的电阻跟导体的长度成正比,跟导体的横截面积成反比,这个规律叫做电阻定律,用公式表示为R =ρL S,其中R 、L 、S 分别表示导体的电阻、导体的长度和横截面积.而ρ是反映材料导电性能的物理量,我们把它叫做材料的电阻率.材料电阻率的大小与什么有关?小红提出如下猜想:猜想1:电阻率与材料的长度有关.猜想2:电阻率与材料的横截面积有关.猜想3:电阻率与材料的种类有关.(1)分析比较实验序号1、2的数据,可以初步确定猜想1是___(填“正确”或“错误”)的.(2)分析比较实验序号1、4、5的数据,可以初步确定猜想__是正确的.(3)根据表中的数据,如果要制作一个滑动变阻器,应选用____材料作为电阻线圈,这是因为相同规格的这种材料电阻较___(填“大”或“小”),可以调节的阻值范围较大.(4)根据表中的数据求出一段长10 m ,横截面积2 mm 2的铁导线的电阻是___Ω.(5)我们知道导体的电阻还与温度有关,有的导体温度升高电阻增大,有的导体温度升高电阻反而减小.你认为,导体的电阻随温度变化,是因为____.A .R =ρL S不成立 B .ρ发生变化 C .L 发生变化 D .S 发生变化27.如图所示,甲、乙、丙三图中的装置完全相同.燃料的质量相等,烧杯内的液体质量和初温也相同.(1)比较不同燃料的热值,应选择___两图进行实验,燃料完全燃烧放出的热量的多少是通过___(填“温度计升高的示数”或“加热时间”)来反映的.(2)若想利用上述装置估测燃料的热值,那么还需要补充的实验仪器是____,小明购买了一盒薯片,取出几片用上述方法测出薯片的热值为1.4×107 J/kg ,他又观察到包装盒上印有“质量:100 g ”,他发现据此算出了整盒薯片能提供的热量与包装盒上注明的“能量:2 100 kJ ”不符,原因可能是____.(3)比较不同物质吸热升温的特点,应选择____两图进行实验.如果质量和初始温度均相同的a 、b 两种液体,吸热后它们的温度随时间变化的图象如图丁所示,由图可以看出,____液体的温度升高得较快,升高相同的温度___液体吸收热量多.28.在探究“电流与电压的关系”的实验中,小华设计了如图甲所示的电路,其中电源电压恒为3 V ,电阻R 1为10 Ω,滑动变阻器R 0标有“20 Ω 0.5 A ”字样.(1)图甲是小华未完成的实验电路,请你用笔画线代替导线将电路补充完整,要求当滑片P 左移时电流表的示数变大.(2)实验中连接电路时,开关应该___,实验前在试触开关时,如果发现电流表指针如图乙所示,则接下来的正确的操作是___;连接好电路后,在闭合开关前应将滑动变阻器的滑片移至____(填“A ”或“B ”)端;图丙是某次实验中电流表的示数为___A.(3)小华在实验中应保持电路中的电阻不变,通过移动变阻器的滑片P 改变电阻两端的__;如表是记录的部分实验数据,通过分析可得出结论:当电阻一定时,通过导体的电流与导体两端的电压成____.(4)小华继续思考,若用该电路研究“电流与电阻的关系”,要选用不同的定值电阻接入电路,实验过程中也要移动变阻器的滑片P ,其主要目的是___.四、计算应用题(本大题共2个小题,共18分;第29小题8分,第30小题10分)29.为减少有害气体排放,LNG(液化天然气)新能源公交车已经投入运营,天然气汽车和汽油车相比较,尾气中的有害气体排放明显减少,无粉尘排放,因此天然气被称为绿色能源.(1)(2)做同样多的有用功,汽油发动机需要燃烧多少千克汽油?(3)若某天然气公交汽车每天消耗100 m3的天然气,与用汽油相比,它每天节约的运行成本是多少?30.如图所示,电源电压保持不变,电阻R1的阻值为30 Ω,滑动变阻器铭牌已模糊不清,只能辨识出标有“1 A”字样.开关S断开时,电流表A的示数为0.4 A.(1)求电源电压U.(2)闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器滑片P移到某点M处,然后将滑片P从M点向左移动,在保证电路元件安全的情况下,发现电流表A的示数的最大变化量为0.2 A,将滑片P从M 点向右移动,发现电流表A的示数的最大变化量也为0.2 A,求滑片P在M点时电流表A 的示数.(3)求在第(2)小题滑片P移动过程中,滑动变阻器R2的取值范围.答案一、选择题1.在国际单位制中,电阻的单位是(B)A.伏特(V) B.欧姆(Ω)C.焦耳(J) D.安培(A)2.下列说法正确的是(D)A.水的比热容为1.0×103 J/(kg·℃) B.家里电冰箱正常工作的电流约为10 AC.人体的电阻大约为100 Ω D.一节新干电池的电压为1.5 V3.关于温度、内能和热量,下列说法正确的是(C)A.物体内能增大,一定从外界吸收热量B.温度越高的物体,放出的热量一定越多C.物体内能减少时,温度可能不变D.汽油机在做功冲程中把机械能转化为内能4.如图所示为四冲程内燃机四个冲程的示意图,箭头表示活塞的运动方向.请你结合气门的位置做出判断,其正确的工作顺序是(D)A.甲、丁、乙、丙B.乙、丙、丁、甲C.丙、甲、乙、丁D.丁、甲、丙、乙5.下列有关“电”的说法正确的是(D)A.摩擦起电的实质是创造了电荷B.运动的电荷一定形成电流C.电路两端有电压就一定有电流D.电阻中有电流,它的两端一定有电压6.关于电路的知识,下列说法中不正确的是(A)A.为使两灯同时亮,同时灭,两灯一定要串联B.金属中的电流方向跟自由电子定向移动的方向相反C.在电路中,电源是把其他形式的能转化为电能的装置D.一般的电路是由电源、用电器、开关和导线组成的7.下列有关热的说法正确的是(B)A.晶体在熔化过程中温度不变,内能也不变B.用水做汽车冷却液,是因为水的比热容大C.内燃机的压缩冲程,主要是用热传递的方法增加了汽缸内物质的内能D.柴油机的效率比汽油机的效率高,是因为柴油的热值比汽油的热值大8.学习了内能及能量的转化和守恒后,同学们在一起梳理知识时交流了以下想法,你认为其中不正确的是(B)A.能量在转化和转移的过程中总会有损耗,但能量的总量保持不变B.热传递改变物体的内能是不同形式的能的相互转化C.各种形式的能在一定条件下都可以相互转化D.做功改变物体的内能是不同形式的能的相互转化9.如图所示是测量电灯两端的电压和流过电灯的电流的电路图,可是一同学在实际连接电路时却将电压与电流表的位置对调了,那么当他闭合开关后产生的后果是(B) A.电压表和电流表都可能烧坏B.电压表不会烧坏,电流表可能烧坏C.电压表可能烧坏,电流表不会烧坏D.电压表和电流表都不会烧坏10.下列选项中与物质的比热容没有关系的是(D)A.用水作为“暖气”的工作物质B.夏季沿海地区比内陆地区凉爽C.沙漠地区昼夜温差较大D.用天然气作燃料11.压敏电阻的阻值是随所受压力的增大而减小的.小聪同学想设计一个通过电表示数反映压敏电阻所受压力大小的电路,要求压力增大时电表示数增大.以下电路不符合要求的是(D)12.如图所示是电阻甲和乙的U-I图象,下列说法中不正确的是(A)A.甲为定值电阻,乙的阻值随电压升高而增大B.当乙两端电压为2 V时,R乙=10 ΩC.甲、乙串联在电路中,当电路电流为0.2 A时,电源电压为3 VD.甲、乙并联在电路中,当电源电压为2 V时,电路的总电流为0.6 A13.如图所示,开关闭合后发生的现象下列说法错误的是(ABD)A.灯不亮,电流表烧坏B.灯不亮,电流表有示数C.灯不亮,电压表有示数D.灯亮,电流表、电压表都有示数14.关于电流、电压和电阻的关系,下列说法中正确的是(BC)A.当导体两端的电压为零时,电阻也为零B.电阻由导体本身的性质决定,与电流、电压无关C.定值电阻两端的电压越大,通过该电阻的电流就越大D.导体的电阻与导体两端的电压成正比,与通过导体的电流成反比15.如图所示,电源电压不变.闭合开关S,将滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动时,下列说法正确的是(CD)A.电流表A1示数变小,电压表V示数变小B.电流表A2示数变大,电压表V示数变大C.电压表V的示数与电流表A1示数的比值变大D.电压表V的示数与电流表A2示数的比值变大二、填空及简答题16.如图所示,机械能转化为内能的是____ACD__;用热传递的方法改变物体内能的是____B__.(填序号)A.用钻头钻孔B.用煤气烧水C.金属块在砂石上摩擦D.用锯锯木板17.“花气袭人知骤暖,鹊声穿树喜新晴”,前一句是根据____温度越高,分子运动越剧烈__这一物理知识来判断当时周边的气温突然变化.两滴水银接触时会自动结合成一滴较大的水银,说明____分子间存在引力__.形成雾霾天气的主要污染物是PM2.5,其直径大约是一般分子直径(数量级为10-10 m)的2万倍,它在空中的运动____不属于__(填“属于”或“不属于”)分子的无规则运动.18.如图所示的验电器,用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒接触它,就有一部分电荷发生定向移动,本来闭合的两箔片就张开,则两箔片带上的是____正__(填“正”或“负”)电荷,这个过程产生的电流方向是从____玻璃棒__到__金属箔__.(填“玻璃棒”或“金属箔”) 19.如图所示是四根高压输电线上的一个装置,该装置应该属于____导体__(填“导体”或“绝缘体”),它的作用是将四根导线____并联__(填“串联”或“并联”)起来,以增大导线的横截面积;某些物质在温度很低时,电阻变为____0__,这就是超导现象,如果能利用超导材料远距离输电,可以大大降低输电线路的电能损耗.20.在汽油机的四个冲程中,机械能转化为内能的是____压缩__冲程.如图所示汽油机正在进行的是____做功__冲程,已知汽油的热值为4.6×107 J/kg,则完全燃烧100 g汽油放出的热量为____4.6×106__J.21.阅读下面的短文,回答问题:半导体制冷半导体材料有P型半导体和N型半导体两种,除了可以用于各种电子元器件外,还可以用作制冷材料.如图所示是一个半导体制冷单元的原理图,P型半导体和N型半导体的上端和铜片A连接,下端分别与铜片B连接后接到直流电源的两端,此时电路的电流方向从N型半导体铜片A流向P型半导体,铜片A会从空气吸收热量,铜片B会向空气放出热量;反之,改变直流电源的正负极方向,使电流方向从P型半导体铜片A流向N型半导体,这时铜片A会向空气释放热量,铜片B会从空气吸收热量.由于半导体制冷单元制冷量小,为了满足实际需要,需要多个制冷单元同时工作.(1)如图,若要使一个电冰箱箱内的温度下降,应将铜片A置于电冰箱的____箱内__,铜片B置于电冰箱____箱外__,这就是半导体冰箱的工作原理.(填“箱内”或“箱外”)(2)若将图中P型半导体与N型半导体位置互换,其他条件不变,则铜片A表面空气的温度将____上升__;若将图中电源正负极互换,其他条件不变,则铜片B表面空气的温度将____下降__.22.小明利用如图所示的电路进行实验,电源电压为两节干电池,①、②、③是三个电表(分别为电压表和电流表).闭合开关S.灯L1与L2并联,电路中____②__是电压表.实验过程中,粗心的小明只记录了三个表的示数为3、0.2、0.5,请你根据小明的实验结果,推算流过L1的电流为____0.3__A,流过L2的电流为____0.2__A.23.在一定值电阻两端加4 V的电压,其电阻为10 Ω;若在它两端加12 V的电压,其电阻为____10__Ω;若没有电流通过时,其电阻是____10__Ω.24.如图所示,电源电压保持不变.闭合开关S后,滑动变阻器R2的滑片在a、b两点移动过程中,电压表的示数变化范围为1~3 V,电流表的示数变化范围为0.3~0.5 A,则R1的阻值是____10__Ω;滑动变阻器的滑片在a点时的电阻R a的阻值是____2__Ω.25.如图甲所示,当开关S从点2转到1时,电流表和电压表对应的示数如图乙所示,由图甲和图乙中的信息可知,电源电压是__6__V,电阻R2的阻值是__20__Ω,电阻R2的I -U图象是丙图中的__a__(填“a”或“b”).三、实验探究题(本大题共3个小题,共21分;第26小题6分,第27小题7分,第28小题8分)26.我们已经知道导体的电阻是导体本身的一种性质,它的大小与导体的长度、横截面积和材料有关,进一步研究表明,在温度不变时,导体的电阻跟导体的长度成正比,跟导体的横截面积成反比,这个规律叫做电阻定律,用公式表示为R =ρL S,其中R 、L 、S 分别表示导体的电阻、导体的长度和横截面积.而ρ是反映材料导电性能的物理量,我们把它叫做材料的电阻率.材料电阻率的大小与什么有关?小红提出如下猜想:猜想1:电阻率与材料的长度有关.猜想2:电阻率与材料的横截面积有关.猜想3:电阻率与材料的种类有关.于是小红找来不同规格的导线进行测量,实验数据见表:(1)分析比较实验序号1、2的数据,可以初步确定猜想1是__错误__(填“正确”或“错误”)的.(2)分析比较实验序号1、4、5的数据,可以初步确定猜想__3__是正确的.(3)根据表中的数据,如果要制作一个滑动变阻器,应选用__镍铬合金线__材料作为电阻线圈,这是因为相同规格的这种材料电阻较__大__(填“大”或“小”),可以调节的阻值范围较大.(4)根据表中的数据求出一段长10 m ,横截面积2 mm 2的铁导线的电阻是__0.5__Ω.(5)我们知道导体的电阻还与温度有关,有的导体温度升高电阻增大,有的导体温度升高电阻反而减小.你认为,导体的电阻随温度变化,是因为__B__.A .R =ρL S不成立 B .ρ发生变化 C .L 发生变化 D .S 发生变化27.如图所示,甲、乙、丙三图中的装置完全相同.燃料的质量相等,烧杯内的液体质量和初温也相同.(1)比较不同燃料的热值,应选择__甲、乙__两图进行实验,燃料完全燃烧放出的热量的多少是通过__温度计升高的示数__(填“温度计升高的示数”或“加热时间”)来反映的.(2)若想利用上述装置估测燃料的热值,那么还需要补充的实验仪器是__天平__,小明购买了一盒薯片,取出几片用上述方法测出薯片的热值为1.4×107 J/kg ,他又观察到包装盒上印有“质量:100 g ”,他发现据此算出了整盒薯片能提供的热量与包装盒上注明的“能量:2 100 kJ ”不符,原因可能是__实验中存在热量的损失(或实验时薯片没有完全燃烧)__.(3)比较不同物质吸热升温的特点,应选择__甲、丙__两图进行实验.如果质量和初始温度均相同的a 、b 两种液体,吸热后它们的温度随时间变化的图象如图丁所示,由图可以看出,__a __液体的温度升高得较快,升高相同的温度__b __液体吸收热量多.28.在探究“电流与电压的关系”的实验中,小华设计了如图甲所示的电路,其中电源电压恒为3 V ,电阻R 1为10 Ω,滑动变阻器R 0标有“20 Ω 0.5 A ”字样.(1)图甲是小华未完成的实验电路,请你用笔画线代替导线将电路补充完整,要求当滑片P 左移时电流表的示数变大.。
九年级物理(电学)综合测试卷(时间90分钟,满分100分)一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项准确,每小题2分,共24分)1.【题文】家庭中使用的电水壶,正常工作时通过的电流约为( ) A.40 A B.4 A C.400 mA D.40 mA【答案】B2.【题文】小刚利用电能表测某家用电器的电功率.当电路中只有这个用电器工作时,测得在15 min内,消耗电能0.3 kW·h,这个用电器可能是( )A.空调器B.电冰箱C.电视机D.收音机【答案】A3.【题文】随着生活水平的提升,家用电器日益增多.某户实行电路旧线改造后,将保险丝的规格由10 A换成了15 A,则该线路允许同时接入用电器的功率比原来增加了( )A.2200 W B.3300 W C.1100 W D.5500 W【答案】C4.【题文】下面所示电器中,利用电流的热效应来工作的是( )A.电磁起重机B.电炉C.电风扇D.电脑【答案】B5.【题文】为了避免触电事故,下列电器安装不符合国家规定的技术要求的是( )【答案】B6.【题文】随着人们生活水平的逐步提升,家用电器的持续增多.下列关于家庭电路的说法中,准确的是( )A.灯与控制它的开关是并联的,与插座是串联的B.使用测电笔时,不能用手接触到笔尾的金属体C.电路中电流过大的原因之一是使用的电器总功率过大D.增增大功率用电器时,只需换上充足粗的保险丝即可【答案】C7.【题文】有一串小彩灯,每盏小彩灯的规格为“4V 0.2A”.下列表述中不准确的是( )A.若要使小彩灯在家庭电路中正常工作,应把55盏小彩灯串联起来使用B.每盏小彩灯正常工作时的电阻是20C.每盏小彩灯的额定功率是0.8 WD.小彩灯不工作时,电阻为零【答案】D8.【题文】将分别标有“16V 8W”、“8V 4W”字样的灯L1、L2串联使用.当灯L1正常发光时,灯L2会( )A.正常发光B.比正常发光暗C.比正常发光亮D.以上三种情况均有可能【答案】A9.【题文】夏天在家里打开空调时,发现室内的灯光变暗.关于这个现象,下列说法中不准确的是(不考虑温度对电阻的影响) ( )A.进户线中的电流变大了B.线路中的热损耗变大了C.线路中的总电阻变大了D.灯两端的电压变小了【答案】C10. 【题文】如图所示,一同学做测量小灯泡的电阻实验时,把电压表与电流表的位置接错了。
九年级道法上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教版 2024年秋)
![九年级道法上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教版 2024年秋)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/54d72c16e418964bcf84b9d528ea81c758f52ec1.png)
九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教辽宁版 2024年秋)
![九年级语文上册第一学期期中综合测试卷(人教辽宁版 2024年秋)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c633378e77a20029bd64783e0912a21615797f5f.png)
九年级物理(下册)期末综合能力测试卷及答案(时间:60分钟分数:100分)班级:姓名:分数:一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1、如图甲所示,闭合开关,两灯泡均正常发光,且两个完全相同的电流表指针偏转均如图乙所示,通过灯泡L1和L2的电流分别为()A.1.2A,1.2A B.0.3A,0.3A C.1.2A,0.3A D.1.5A,0.3A 2、下列物体重力约为1N的是()A.一枚大头针 B.两个鸡蛋 C.一头奶牛D.一个篮球3、如图,分别在A、B、C处用同样大小的力推门,可以感受到在A点用力容易把门推开.这说明力的作用效果与下列哪个因素有关?()A.力的作用点B.力的大小C.力的方向D.力的单位4、《中国诗词大会》深受观众喜爱,下列诗词中涉及的物态变化现象解释正确的是()A.风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到——雪是升华形成的B.不知明镜里,何处得秋霜——霜是凝固形成的C.露从今夜白,月是故乡明——露是液化形成的D.岚雾今朝重,江山此地深——雾是汽化形成的5、小云家卫生间安装了换气扇和照明灯,换气扇和照明灯的电路连接如图所示,下列说法中正确的是()A.换气扇和照明灯不能同时工作B.换气扇和照明灯只能同时工作C.换气扇和照明灯工作时,通过它们的电流一定相等D.换气扇和照明灯工作时,它们两端的电压一定相等6、下列物体的长度值最符合实际的是()A.一枚硬币的厚度为5mm B.乒乓球的直径为10cmC.物理教科书的宽度为1.8dm D.课桌的高度为1.2m7、利用铅垂线和三角尺判断桌面是否水平,如图所示的做法正确的是()A.B.C. D.8、如图所示电路,电源电压不变,闭合开关,当滑动变阻器的滑片P向右移动的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A.电流表的示数变小B.电压表的示数变小C.小灯泡的亮度变暗D.电压表的示数不变9、如图所示是四冲程汽油机的一个工作循环示意图,其中属于做功冲程的是()A. B. C. D.10、以下描述中与光的折射现象有关的是( )A .形影相随,亲密无间B .海市蜃楼,虚无缥缈C .镜中生花,脱离实际D .水中捞月,一无所得11、一只可口可乐瓶,其侧壁有a 、b 两个小孔并用塞子塞住,瓶内盛有一定质量的酒精,如图所示,把可口可乐瓶放入水中,当瓶内、外液面相平时,拔出a 、b 两个小孔上的塞子,则( )A .a 、b 两个小孔均有水流入B .a 、b 两个小孔均有酒精流出.C .酒精从a 小孔流出.水从b 小孔流入D .水从a 小孔流入.酒精从b 小孔流出.12、图甲中用力F1水平拉着重为G 的物体在水平路面上匀速移动s 的距离。
人教版(五四制)初中数学九年级(下)期末综合测试卷及答案(一)一、选择题(共10题,共30分)1.(3分)关于x的方程kx2−6x+9=0有实数根,k的取值范围是( )A.k<1且k≠0B.k<1C.k≤1且k≠0D.k≤12.(3分)如图,△ABC是一张纸片,∠C=90∘,AC=6,BC=8,现将其折叠,使点B与点A重合,折痕为DE,则DE的长为( )A.1.75B.3C.3.75D.43.(3分)如果x,y之间满足的关系是xy=−6,那么y是x的( )A.正比例函数B.反比例函数C.一次函数D.二次函数4.(3分)在做“抛掷一枚质地均匀的硬币”试验时,下列说法正确的是( )A.随着抛掷次数的增加,正面朝上的频率越来越小B.当抛掷的次数很多时,正面朝上的次数一定占总抛掷次数的12C.不同次数的试验,正面朝上的频率可能会不相同D.连续抛掷11次硬币都是正面朝上,则第12次抛掷出现正面朝上的概率小于12 5.(3分)甲队修路120m与乙队修路100m所用天数相同,已知甲队比乙队每天多修10m,设甲队每天修路x m.依题意,下面所列方程正确的是( )A.120x =100x−10B.120x=100x+10C.120x−10=100xD.120x+10=100x6.(3分)如图,菱形ABCD的边长为13,对角线AC=24,点E,F分别是边CD,BC的中点,连接EF并延长与AB的延长线相交于点G,则EG=( )A.13B.10C.12D.57.(3分)如图,AB是⊙O的直径,CD是弦,AE⊥CD于点E,BF⊥CD于点F,若FB=FE=2,FC=1,则AC的长是( )A.5√22B.3√52C.4√53D.5√238.(3分)如图,已知AB∥CD,OE平分∠BOC,OF⊥OE,OP⊥CD,∠ABO=α,则下列结论中不正确的是( )A.∠BOE=12(180∘−α)B.OF平分∠BODC.∠POE=∠BOF D.∠POB=2∠DOF9.(3分)如图,在△ABC中,BD,BE分别是高和角平分线,点F在CA的延长线上,FH⊥BE交BD于G,交BC于H,下列结论:① ∠DBE=∠F;② 2∠BEF=∠BAF+∠C;③ ∠F=12(∠BAC−∠C);④ ∠BGH=∠ABE+∠C,其中正确的是( )A.①②④B.①③④C.①②③D.①②③④10.(3分)如图,AB⊥BC,AE平分∠BAD交BC于点E,AE⊥DE,∠1+∠2=90∘,M,N分别是BA,CD延长线上的点,∠EAM和∠EDN的平分线交于点F.下列结论:①AB∥CD;②∠AEB+∠ADC=180∘;③DE平分∠ADC;④∠F为定值,其中结论正确的有( )A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个二、填空题(共7题,共28分)11.(4分)18和30的最小公倍数是.12.(4分)近似数7.30×104精确到位.13.(4分)小明爸爸把10000元按一年期定期储蓄存入银行,年利率为1.95%,到期后可得本利和为元.14.(4分)如图,在直角坐标系中,⊙A的圆心的坐标为(−2,0),半径为2,点P为x+6上的动点,过点P作⊙A的切线,切点为Q,则切线长PQ的直线y=−34最小值是.15.(4分)如图,△ABC的两条高线BD,CE相交于点F,已知∠ABC=60∘,AB=a,CF=EF,则△ABC的面积为(用含a的代数式表示).16.(4分)三个连续奇数,中间一个为a,则它们的积为.17.(4分)将正方形ABCD的各边按如图延长,从射线AB开始,分别在各射线上标记点A1,A2,A3,⋯,按此规律,点A2019在射线上.三、解答题(共8题,共62分)18.(6分)目前节能灯在城市已基本普及,今年某省面向农村地区推广,为响应号召,某商场用3300元购进节能灯100只,这两种节能灯的进价、售价如表:进价(元/只)售价(元/只)甲种节能灯3040乙种节能灯3550(1) 求甲、乙两种节能灯各进多少只?(2) 全部售完100只节能灯后,该商场获利多少元?19.(6分)解答下列问题.(1) 计算:4sin60∘−√12+(√3−1)0;).(2) 化简(x+1)÷(1+1x20.(7分)计算:(1) 37∘49ʹ+44∘28ʹ.(结果用度、分、秒表示)(2) 108∘18ʹ−56.5∘.(结果用度表示)21.(7分)我们约定:如果身高在选定标准的±2%范围之内都称为“普通身高”.为了了解某校九年级男生中具有“普通身高”的人数,我们从该校九年级男生中随机抽出10名男生,分别测量出他们的身高(单位:cm),收集并整理如下统计表:男生序号①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩根据以上信息,身高x(cm)163171173159161174164166169164解答如下问题:(1) 计算这组数据的三个统计量:平均数、中位数、众数;(2) 请你选择其中一个统计量作为选定标准,找出这10名男生中具有“普通身高”是哪几位男生?并说明理由.22.(8分)如图,先把一矩形ABCD纸片对折,设折痕为MN,再把B点叠在折痕线上,得到△ABE.过B点折纸片使D点叠在直线AD上,得折痕PQ.(1) 求证△PBE∽△QAB;(2) 你认为△PBE和△BAE相似吗?如果相似给出证明,若不相似请说明理由.23.(8分)果子成熟从树上落到地面,它落下的高度与经过的时间有如下的关系:时间t/秒0.⋯高度ℎ/米 4.9×0.25 4.9×0.36 4.9×0.49 4.9×0.64 4.9×0.81 4.9×1⋯(1) 上表反映了哪两个变量之间的关系?其中自变量是什么?因变量是什么?(2) 请你按照表中呈现的规律,列出果子落下的高度ℎ(米)与时间t(秒)之间的关系式.(3) 如果果子经过2秒落到地上,请计算这果子开始落下时离底面的高度是多少米?24.(10分)在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)与x轴的两个交点分别为A(−3,0),B(1,0),与y轴交于点D(0,3),过顶点C作CH⊥x轴于点H.(1) 求抛物线的解析式和顶点C的坐标;(2) 连接AD,CD,若点E为抛物线上一动点(点E与顶点C不重合),当△ADE与△ACD面积相等时,求点E的坐标;(3) 若点P为抛物线上一动点(点P与顶点C不重合),过点P向CD所在的直线作垂线,垂足为点Q,以P,C,Q为顶点的三角形与△ACH相似时,求点P的坐标.25.(10分)已知:四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AD=AB=CD,∠BAD=120∘,点E是射线CD上的一个动点(与C、D不重合),将△ADE绕点A顺时针旋转120∘后,得到△ABEʹ,连接EEʹ.(1) 如图1,∠AEEʹ=∘;(2) 如图2,如果将直线AE绕点A顺时针旋转30∘后交直线BC于点F,过点E作EM∥AD交直线AF于点M,写出线段DE、BF、ME之间的数量关系;(3) 如图3,在(2)的条件下,如果CE=2,AE=2√7,求ME的长.答案一、选择题(共10题,共30分)1. 【答案】D2. 【答案】C3. 【答案】B4. 【答案】C5. 【答案】A6. 【答案】B7. 【答案】B8. 【答案】D9. 【答案】D10. 【答案】C二、填空题(共7题,共28分) 11. 【答案】 9012. 【答案】百13. 【答案】 1019514. 【答案】 4√215. 【答案】√3a 2516. 【答案】 a 3−a17. 【答案】 AB三、解答题(共8题,共62分)18. 【答案】(1) 设商场购进甲种节能灯 x 只,购进乙种节能灯 y 只,根据题意,得{30x +35y =3300,x +y =100.解这个方程组,得{x =40,y =60.答:甲、乙两种节能灯分别购进 40,60 只.(2) 商场获利=40×(40−30)+60×(50−35)=1300(元).答:商场获利1300元.19. 【答案】(1) 原式=4×√32−2√3+1=2√3−2√3+1=1.(2) 原式=(x+1)÷(xx+1x)=(x+1)÷x+1x=(x+1)⋅xx+1=x.20. 【答案】(1) 82∘17ʹ.(2) 51.8∘21. 【答案】(1) 平均数为:163+171+173+159+161+174+164+166+169+16410=166.4(cm);10名同学身高从小到大排列如下:159,161,163,164,164,166,169,171,173,174,中位数:166+1642=165(cm);众数:164(cm).(2) 选平均数作为标准:身高x满足166.4×(1−2%)≤x≤166.4×(1+2%),即163.072≤x≤169.728时为普通身高,此时⑦⑧⑨⑩男生的身高具有“普通身高”.选中位数作为标准:身高x满足165×(1−2%)≤x≤165×(1+2%),即161.7≤x≤168.3时为普通身高,此时①⑦⑧⑩男生的身高具有“普通身高”.选众数作为标准:身高x满足164×(1−2%)≤x≤164×(1+2%),即160.72≤x≤167.28时为普通身高,此时①⑤⑦⑧⑩男生的身高具有“普通身高”.22. 【答案】(1) ∵∠PBE+∠ABQ=90∘,∠PBE+∠PEB=90∘,∴∠ABQ=∠PEB.又∵∠BPE=∠AQB=90∘,∴△PBE∽△QAB.(2) 相似,理由如下:∵△PBE∽△QAB,∴BEAB =PEBQ,又∵BQ=PB,∴BEAB =PEPB,即BEEP=ABPB,又∵∠ABE=∠BPE=90∘,∴△PBE∽△BAE.23. 【答案】(1) 上表反映了果子成熟从树上落到地面时落下的高度ℎ与经过的时间t的关系;其中时间t是自变量,高度ℎ是因变量.(2) 观察可知,下落t秒时,高度为4.9t2,即ℎ=4.9t2.(3) 当t=2时,ℎ=4.9×22=19.6(m).故果子开始落下时离底面的高度是19.6米.24. 【答案】(1) 把点A,B,D的坐标代入二次函数表达式得:{a+b+c=0,9a−3b+c=0,c=3,解得:{a=−1,b=−2,c=3,则抛物线的表达式为:y=−x2−2x+3 ⋯⋯①,函数的对称轴为:x=−b2a=−1,则点C的坐标为(−1,4);(2) 过点C作CE∥AD交抛物线于点E,交y轴于点H,则△ADE与△ACD面积相等,直线AD过点D,则其表达式为:y=mx+3,将点A的坐标代入上式得:0=−3m+3,解得:m=1,则直线AD的表达式为:y=x+3,CE∥AD,则直线CE表达式的k值为1,设直线CE的表达式为:y=x+n,将点C的坐标代入上式得:4=−1+n,解得:n=5,则直线CE的表达式为:y=x+5 ⋯⋯②,则点H的坐标为(0,5),联立①②并解得:x=−1或−2(x=1为点C的横坐标),即点E的坐标为(−2,3);在y轴取一点Hʹ,使DH=DHʹ=2,过点 Hʹ 作直线 EʹEʺ∥AD ,则 △ADEʹ,△ADEʺ 与 △ACD 面积相等,同理可得直线 EʹEʺ 的表达式为:y =x +1 ⋯⋯③, 联立 ①③ 并解得:x =−3±√172, 则点 Eʺ,Eʹ 的坐标分别为 (−3+√172,−1+√172),(−3−√172,−1−√172), 点 E 的坐标为:(−2,3) 或 (−3+√172,−1+√172),(−3−√172,−1−√172);(3) 设:点 P 的坐标为 (m,n ),n =−m 2−2m +3,把点 C ,D 的坐标代入一次函数表达式:y =kx +b 得:{4=−k +b,b =3, 解得:{k =−1,b =3,即直线 CD 的表达式为:y =−x +3 ⋯⋯④,直线 AD 的表达式为:y =x +3,直线 CD 和直线 AD 表达式中的 k 值的乘积为 −1, 故 AD ⊥CD ,而直线 PQ ⊥CD ,故直线 PQ 表达式中的 k 值与直线 AD 表达式中的 k 值相同, 同理可得直线 PQ 表达式为:y =x +(n −m ) ⋯⋯⑤, 联立 ④⑤ 并解得:x =3+m−n2, 即点 Q 的坐标为 (3+m−n 2,3−m+n2),则:PQ 2=(m −3+m−n2)2+(n −3−m+n2)=(m+n−3)22=12(m +1)2⋅m 2.同理可得:PC 2=(m +1)2[1+(m +1)2], AH =2,CH =4,则 AC =2√5, 当 △ACH ∽△CPQ 时, PCPQ =ACAH =√52,即:4PC 2=5PQ 2,整理得:3m 2+16m +16=0,解得:m =−4 或 −43, 点 P 的坐标为 (−4,−5) 或 (−43,359);当 △ACH ∽△PCQ 时,同理可得:点 P 的坐标为 (−23,359) 或 (2,−5),故:点 P 的坐标为:(−4,−5) 或 (−43,359) 或 (−23,359) 或 (2,−5).25. 【答案】(2) 当点E在线段CD上时,DE+BF=2ME;∵∠EʹAE=120∘,AE=AEʹ,∴∠AEEʹ=∠AEʹE=30∘.∵∠EAF=30∘,∴AN=EN,∠EʹAF=90∘,∴AN=12NEʹ,EN=12NEʹ.即NEʹ=2EN.∵EM∥AD∥BC,∴△EMN∽△EʹFN,∴MEFEʹ=ENEʹN=12.∵DE=BEʹ,∴DE+BF=BEʹ+BF=FEʹ=2ME.即DE+BF=2ME.当点E在CD的延长线上,0∘<∠EAD<30∘时,BF−DE=2ME;∵△ADE旋转到△ABEʹ,∴ED=BEʹ.EʹF=BF−BEʹ=BF−ED同上可证:△MEN∽△FEʹN,AN=EN=12NEʹ∴EʹFME =EʹNEN=2.即BF−DE=2ME.30∘<∠EAD≤90∘时,DE+BF=2ME;∵EM∥BC,∴△EMN∽△EʹFN,∴EʹFEM =EʹNEN=2.同上可证:AN=EN=12NEʹ,∴EʹF=2EM.∵ED=BEʹ,∴DE+BF=BEʹ+BF=EʹF=2EM.90∘<∠EAD<120∘时,DE−BF=2ME.∵ED=BEʹ,DE−BF=BEʹ−BF=EʹF,EM∥BC,∴△EMN∽△EʹFN,EʹF EM =EʹNEN,AN=EN=12NEʹ,∴EʹF=2EM,DE−BF=2ME.(3) 作AG⊥BC于点G,作DH⊥BC于点H.由AD∥BC,AD=AB=CD,∠BAD=120∘,得∠ABC=∠DCB=60∘,易知四边形AGHD是矩形和两个全等的直角三角形△ABG、△DCH.则GH=AD,BG=CH.∵∠ABEʹ=∠ADC=120∘,∴点Eʹ、B、C在一条直线上.设AD=AB=CD=x,则GH=x,BG=CH=12x,.作EQ⊥BC于Q.在Rt△EQC中,CE=2,∠C=60∘,∴CQ=1,EQ=√3.∴EʹQ=BC−CQ+BEʹ=2x−1+x−2=3x−3.作AP⊥EEʹ于点P.∵△ADE绕点A顺时针旋转120∘后,得到△ABEʹ.∴△AEEʹ是等腰三角形,∠AEʹE=30∘,AEʹ=AE=2√7.∴在Rt△APEʹ中,EʹP=√21.∴EEʹ=2EʹP=2√21.∴在Rt△EQEʹ中,EʹQ=√EʹE2−EQ2=9.∴3x−3=9.∴x=4.∴DE=BEʹ=2,BC=8,BG=2.∴EʹG=4在Rt△EʹAF中,AG⊥BC,∴Rt△AGEʹ∽Rt△FAEʹ.∴AEʹEʹG =EʹFAEʹ∴EʹF=7.∴BF=EʹF−EʹB=5.由(2)知:DE+BF=2ME.∴ME=72人教版(五四制)初中数学九年级(下)期末综合测试卷(二)一、单项选择题:本大题总共8小题,每小题3分,共24分。
2024-2025学年九年级语文(上)第六单元综合测试卷一、积累与运用1.下列加点字的注音有误的一项是( )A.银锭.(dìnɡ) 逞.办(chěnɡ) 迸.射(bèng) 唯.唯连声(wéi)B.会.稽(kuài) 麈.尾(zhǔ) 勾.当(ɡòu) 强聒.不舍(guō)C.怨怅.(chànɡ) 银箸.(zhù) 窥.望(kuī) 箪.食壶浆(dān)D.戗.金(qiànɡ) 行.货(hánɡ) 喧.嚷(xuān) 顿开茅塞.(sāi)2.下列词语书写有误的一项是( )A.威慑吹嘘尴尬面面厮觑B.砒霜溺爱嗔怒不省人事C.拜谒倒坍陨落芳草凄凄D.愧赧亵渎惬意如雷贯耳3.依次填入下面句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( )春天带来的温暖,在人身上;志愿者带来的温暖,在人心里。
A.不胜枚举理由传播高尚B.比肩接踵理由播撒伟大C.不胜枚举缘由播撒高尚D.比肩接踵缘由传播伟大4.下列句子组成语段,顺序排列正确的一项是( )①有定评的经典作品,经过时间的筛选,其中有着最伟大的思想、最丰富的内容、最高尚的品格,是人类迄今为止所能达到的巅峰。
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 6 综合测试卷含答案
![人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 6 综合测试卷含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84ec00a4c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ff71362.png)
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 6 综合测试卷一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. How many years did the woman spend on the invention?A. B. C.2. Where was the T-shirt made?A. B. C.3. What does the boy think of the potato chips?A. Salty.B. Sweet.C. Sour.4. What did Steve see in the museum?A. Old paintings.B. Old clocks.C. Old coins.5. How did Jack get the news?A. From the radio.B. From the TV program.C. From the website.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。
6. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The computer.B. The car.C. The bicycle.7. When was it invented?A. In 1790.B. In 1890.C. In 1690.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。
8. How long has the woman had the machine?A. For four days.B. For two days.C. For three days.9. What's the machine used for?A. Cutting apples.B. Holding food.C. Cutting vegetables.10. How much is the machine?A. 40 yuan.B. 50 yuan.C. 60 yuan.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. What is Annie probably?A. A guide.B. A student.C. A teacher.12. What can the students learn about on the first floor?A. Old technologies.B. Foreign culture.C. Modern inventions.13. When should they hand in the report?A. On Sunday.B. On Monday.C. On Thursday.14. How long can they stay at the rest area?A. For half an hour.B. For an hour.C. For two hours.15. Where do they need to get together at five?A. In front of the school bus.B. In front of the shop.C. In front of the museum.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. —What do you think of the cotton dress, Helen?—The ____ is very new, but I think it is too long for me.A. priceB. styleC. brandD. size22. —Listen! ____ is knocking at the door.—Who is it? Let me have a look.A. SomebodyB. EverybodyC. AnybodyD. Nobody23. —The fish ____ delicious. I can't wait to try it.—Haha, help yourself.A. soundsB. tastesC. feelsD. smells24. —I'm afraid the bottle will break in such cold weather.—Don't worry. This kind of material can stand very ____ temperatures.A. oldB. bigC. lowD. hot25. —Jim, please turn off the TV and set the table. Dinner is ____ ready.—OK, Mom.A. hardlyB. nearlyC. simplyD. cheaply26. ____ Jane ____ Ann has been to Mount Huangshan. They visited it together twomonths ago.A. Not only; but alsoB. Either; orC. Both; andD. Neither; nor27. —Sam, you ____ to go to the teachers' office just now. What's up?—We aren't allowed to bring phones to school. Er, but I broke the rule.A. toldB. tellC. are toldD. were told28. The meeting will ____ next week if everything goes well.A. take downB. take offC. take placeD. take away29. Success in life doesn't happen ____. It requires hard work and perseverance.A. by mistakeB. by accidentC. in personD. in public30. —If you want to make more friends, you should be friendly to others.—____.A. I'm sorry to hear thatB. It's not very goodC. You do seem to have a pointD. That's all right六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AMy mother sometimes rents out a room in our house for some money. One day, she told me that an old man was going to __31__. Just then, the doorbell rang and my mother let the old man in.Without a __32__,he went with my mother to see the room. All he had was a small black suitcase and a bag of clothes. I didn't __33__ him at all because he was impolite.Every day, he took his suitcase in and out and never said a word to me. I thought there must be something dangerous in his suitcase.I decided I had to find out what he __34__ in the suitcase. When he was out oneday, I walked into his room secretly and found the __35__ suitcase on top of the bookcase. I took it down and put it on the bed. I __36__ it and cried. Inside was a mechanical arm.Just then, the old man came in and __37__. He told me that he was a designer of mechanical arms for people who had lost their arms and that he was very __38__ of his job.We began to talk a lot from that day on and then we became good __39__. I hope one day to be able to do something for __40__ people just like he did. You know, sometimes a hero can be living right in your own house!31. A. come out B. run awayC. stay upD. move in32. A. word B. planC. signD. note33. A. save B. playC. likeD. know34. A. gave B. keptC. lentD. sold35. A. brown B. whiteC. blueD. black36. A. opened B. washedC. agreedD. pushed37. A. served B. studiedC. smiledD. shouted38. A. afraid B. proudC. readyD. strict39. A. cousins B. classmatesC. partnersD. friends40. A. disabled B. lonelyC. strongD. braveBIn 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made history. They made and flew the world's first plane. The incredible(不可思议的) thing __41__ at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA, on December 17th. The brothers made a great team.The brothers __42__ in a very loving home. They could always follow their own __43__. And one of them was flying.In 1878, their father gave them a small __44__ machine. The boys loved it and played with it a lot. They also made some of their own ones in different sizes and tested them. That was the Wright brothers' first __45__ of flying, but it wouldn't be their last.The Wright brothers didn't finish high school for some reason, but they never stopped learning. They were also very __46__. While Wilbur was good with words and could __47__ well, Orville was quiet but good with his hands.Although they were different, the brothers worked well together. They __48__ their hopes and dreams. They talked about everything in their lives, too. Also, they would listen to the other's advice.As young men, Wilbur and Orville started several __49__ together. One was a bicycle shop. At first, they fixed bicycles. After that, they made and sold their own bicycles. Then, they found their love of flying __50__. The Wright brothers worked on their idea for a flying machine and soon taught the world to fly.41. A. polluted B. happenedC. followedD. included42. A. grew up B. gave upC. took upD. woke up43. A. secrets B. habitsC. ordersD. interests44. A. singing B. runningC. flyingD. saying45. A. experience B. treasureC. schoolworkD. pressure46. A. surprised B. talentedC. excitedD. worried47. A. sing B. listenC. paintD. speak48. A. shared B. wantedC. failedD. caused49. A. subjects B. messagesC. businessesD. opinions50. A. else B. againC. justD. only七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A: What do you think is the most useful invention?B: I think the most useful invention is the light bulb.A: 51. ________B: Because it gives people more time to work and play every day. What about you? A: 52. ________B: Why is that?A: You can talk to your friends far away with it. 53. ________B: I'd like to invent a pen with which I can write faster, but as neatly as usual. What about you?A: 54. ________ When I am in the classroom, I can put it in my pocket.B: That sounds interesting. We must work hard if we want to make our dreams come true.A: You are quite right. 55. ________第三部分阅读(共两节,40分) 八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:A56. When was the telephone invented?A. In 1876.B. In the 1880s.C. About 400 years ago.D. In 1853.57. What did an American invent according to the text?A. The abacus.B. Chips.C. The bicycle.D. Tea.58. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?A. The abacus is used for talking with people far away.B. The bicycle was invented in 1790.C. Shen Nong was a Chinese ruler.D. The chips are used for eating.B[科学素质·科学探究]How did people tell the time before clocks were invented?At first, the ancient people looked up at the sun and could tell it was the middle of the day when the sun was directly overhead in the sky. They also knew when it was morning or evening.Later, the Egyptians used sticks. These sticks measured (测量) time during the day. The sun shone on the tall stick and made a shadow (阴影). As the sun moved across the sky, the position (位置) of the shadow changed. This would let people tell what time it was.Over time, the Chinese first used sundials instead of shadow sticks. The sundial has a type of shadow stick on it. As the sun shines on it, a shadow appears on the numbers. Each number stands for an hour of the day. But sundials don't work at night or on a cloudy day! There are no shadows unless the sun is out.Water clocks were used to measure time at night. Water dripped (滴落) slowly from one bowl into another. The level of the water in the bowls showed the time.People also used hourglasses. You may have seen one. The sand falls from the top of the hourglass to the bottom. It measures short amounts of time. The more sand falls, the more time has passed. When the sand has finished falling, you have to turn the hourglass over.59. At first, the ancient people told the time by looking at ____.A. the stickB. the shadowC. the sunD. the moon60. Which picture shows a “sundial”?61. Which is right according to the passage?A. Sticks measured time in Egypt day and night.B. Sundials were first used in ancient Egypt.C. Hourglasses usually measure a long time.D. The water clock was used to show the time at night.62. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Something about sundials.B. How to tell the time by looking at the sun.C. How to tell the time in the past.D. Some inventions in China.CDo you know who invented Legos? What was that person's story?The story started off in the country of Denmark. Ole Kirk Christiansen trained as a carpenter in the village of Billund, Denmark. He had a workshop and in 1932 he started making wooden toys and other things. They were of great quality and soon big orders started coming in. Unluckily, in the same year his wife died, leaving Ole to raise their four sons alone.In 1934, with toys now the main business, Ole wanted a new name for his company. So he held a competition to name the company. Finally, he won it himself with the name “Lego” which means “play well” in Danish.In 1942, a fire broke out and Ole's workshop burned to the ground. He lost everything and almost gave up. But he decided it was important to help the men who worked for him and his kids. So he rebuilt the workshop and carried on.In 1947, Ole started to make plastic toys. He then got the idea to create a “system” of toys that would build kids' imagination and creativ ity. They built a village to test the idea. And the idea caught on quickly! Soon sales were coming quickly. Then they started to build more and more kinds of models.Now Lego toys are made and sold in more than 130 countries around the world. Thanks to the persistence of Ole, kids all over the world can enjoy Lego toys.63. What can we learn from the second paragraph?A. Ole's business went well in 1932.B. Ole's sons helped with his business.C. Both Ole and his wife were carpenters.D. Ole's workshop made wooden toys only.64. Which is the correct order of the following?①Ole rebuilt his workshop.②Ole started making plastic toys.③Ole started making wooden toys.④Ole's company was named “Lego”.A. ③①②④B. ④③②①C. ③④①②D. ④②①③65. What's the best title for this text?A. The best toy of all timeB. The man behind LegoC. A successful toy businessD. A top company from DenmarkD[科学素质·技术产品体验]Did you know magnets (磁铁) are all around you?Magnets help you do amazing things!Keep reading!See if you think magnets have surprising uses.Magnets Push or PullLook closely and you will see. Magnets can be found in a fridge. The magnet attracts or pulls the metal to make the door closed. Do you know how?A magnet pulls things made of metals called iron and steel. But it will not pull other things,such as a wooden pencil or a plastic toy,which means it does not attract all.Magnets Have Two Poles (磁极)You have shown magnets can pull some things to them. Why is this true?The two ends of a magnet are its poles. Every magnet has a north pole and a south pole. Have you ever played with trains that have magnets?Sometimes,you try to put twotrain cars together,but they push away from each other. Then you turn one of the cars around. The two cars attract each other rapidly. When the train cars push away,two of the same poles are facing each other. However,if you put the north and south poles together,they will be together immediately.________________________Scientists are using magnets in new ways. There is a new train that uses powerful magnets to travel more quickly. Magnets lift the train above the track (轨道) and push the train forward. The train appears to be moving as fast as wind! It's much faster than the trains we know. Besides,in medicine,the powerful magnet is used to help patients produce heat to kill cancer cells without harming their body. The powerful magnet can also be seen in varied fields,like space,industry,and teaching. So it plays an important role in our life.66. What does the underlined wo rd “it” refer to?A. A fridge.B. A toy.C. A pencil.D. A magnet.67. Which one of the following pictures might probably happen?68. Which of the following can be best filled in “____”?A. The Train Using MagnetsB. Magnets Can Be PowerfulC. The Magnets for PatientsD. Magnets Have Varied Types69. What's the purpose of the passage?A. To explain why magnets can attract metal.B. To introduce the two poles of magnets.C. To give some information about magnets.D. To encourage readers to discover magnets.EA large drawing of a cat, drawn into a hillside, has beendiscovered in Peru, near the Nazca Lines.Peru is home to the Nazca Lines, a group of huge lines anddrawings made by ancient people in the Nazca Desert. These lines and drawings are often called “geoglyphs (地画)”. Among the geoglyphs, about 70 of them are shaped like animals or plants.It's not clear why the Nazca Lines were drawn. Some people believe the lines have something to do with where the sun and stars are. Some think the shapes were drawn to increase the chance of rain. And some believe that they might have been used as travel markers.Scientists said that the newly found drawing of the cat is older than most of the Nazca Lines. They believe it's between 2,100 and 2,200 years old. Because the drawing is on the side of a hill, it was more easily eroded over time. After they discovered the drawing, the scientists carefully cleaned and restored the lines so that it can be seen easily.“It's exciting that we're still finding a ne w drawing, but we know that there are more to be found. We will do more studies to solve the mysteries about the Nazca Lines,” said Johny Isla, a researcher.70. What do we know about the Nazca Lines?①They are discovered in Peru.②They are known as “geoglyphs”.③They are all shaped like animals or people.④They are a group of huge lines and drawings.A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D. ①③④71. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A. How scientists found the Nazca Lines.B. How long the Nazca Lines have been there.C. Some new discoveries about the Nazca Lines.D. Some possible reasons why the Nazca Lines were drawn.72. What's the purpose of the text?A. To introduce a new discovery.B. To solve an ancient mystery.C. To share some experiences of scientists.D. To encourage people to visit a famous place.第二节:阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 1 综合测试卷含答案
![人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 1 综合测试卷含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a00edf2f8f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f00666586.png)
人教版九年级英语上册UNIT 1综合测试卷第一部分听力(四大题,20分)一、短对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. How does the girl study for an English test?A. B. C.2. Where is Dale going after school?A. B. C.3. How does the man know about the weather?A. By watching TV.B. By reading a newspaper.C. By listening to the radio.4. What are the two speakers probably talking about?A. How to learn English.B. How to make movies.C. How to talk with foreigners.5. What does Peter mean?A. He's using his ruler now.B. Mary can use his ruler.C. He has lent his ruler to others.二、长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6、7小题。
6. What is Sally listening to?A. English news.B. Chinese news.C. English songs.7. How often does Sally do that?A. Every day.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。
8. Where is the boy's pen pal from?A. Australia.B. Canada.C. Italy.9. How long has the boy's pen pal been learning Chinese?A. For about 3 weeks.B. For about 3 months.C. For about 3 years.10. What's the girl's advice on learning Chinese?A. Reading more Chinese books.B. Asking the teacher for help.C. Taking notes in Chinese class.三、短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)11. How often will Ann take training classes at most?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.12. How will Kevin improve his listening skills?A. By taking a course.B. By listening to tapes.C. By watching videos.13. Where is Mr. Smith from?A. America.B. Canada.C. Britain.14. What club does May want to set up?A. A reading club.B. A storytelling club.C. A writing club.15. What is Sarah weak in?A. Speaking.B. Reading.C. Writing.四、信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言知识运用(三大题,35分)五、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. —We should believe in ourselves.—I agree with you. Self-confidence is the first ____ to success.A. noticeB. matterC. changeD. secret22. —Have you lived in Tunxi since you came to China?—Sorry, could you ____ the question? I didn't catch you.A. acceptB. regardC. repeatD. remind23. —Mum, Sally can't work out the math problem although I have taught her threetimes.—Be ____,Eric. Your little sister is not good at math.A. patientB. seriousC. friendlyD. natural24. —Does your cousin spend her money ____?—Yes, of course. She knows what to buy and what not to buy.A. loudlyB. wiselyC. trulyD. simply25. —How can you improve your English?—I can improve my English ____ listening to English songs.A. withB. ofC. byD. in26. —I think it's a good habit to ____ new words in a dictionary.—Yes, that's helpful to us.A. take upB. wake upC. look upD. give up27. —It's impossible to finish the work in such a short time ____ both of us worktogether.—No problem. Let's start!A. becauseB. sinceC. althoughD. unless28. People show their kindness by taking a(n) ____ part in helping people in need.A. smartB. luckyC. activeD. fresh29. —Jenny was ____ talent for being a singer.—You're right. She sang well when she was young.A. born withB. strict withC. similar toD. sure about30. —I got wet in the rain this morning.—____. I told you to take an umbrella.A. It takes timeB. It serves you rightC. Practice makes perfectD. It's a piece of cake六、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AI started learning English at the age of 22. It is kind of __31__ to start studying a language. However, age is never a problem if you really want to __32__ something.I was preparing myself to study engineering in __33__. To go to my dream university, I had to __34__ a TOEFL score(托福分数) of 90 or higher. After careful thought, I signed up for (报名参加) a six-month program to study English.As we all know, it is __35__ to get 90 in six months for English beginners, but I decided to __36__. In order to join the __37__,I moved to a different city and rented (租用) a house with a friend. We were in the same program.We had classes every day from 8: 30 a. m. to 4: 30 p. m. with a lunch break only. After the __38__ were over, we had something for dinner and started __39__ what we had learned and doing homework. We would study until we became sleepy and usually, we would finish it by midnight.My __40__ and I encouraged each other and we did our best. Luckily, we both got perfect TOEFL scores and went to America at last.31. A. busy B. longC. slowD. late32. A. learn B. explainC. trustD. control33. A. England B. CanadaC. AustraliaD. America34. A. use B. getC. readD. write35. A. difficult B. naturalC. boringD. dangerous36. A. make a wish B. take a breakC. have a tryD. get a surprise37. A. university B. programC. testD. trip38. A. competitions B. classesC. examsD. meetings39. A. reviewing B. introducingC. questioningD. reporting40. A. classmate B. fatherC. teacherD. friendBIf you want to speak excellent English, you should learn with your ears. Listening, listening and listening is the key to excellent spoken English, because if you listen a lot, you will build your __41__ and your grammar will improve too. Native speakers learn to speak English with their __42__,by listening, listening and listening too. And that's what you must do if you want to speak English __43__,quickly, correctly, just like a native speaker.You must listen to easy English at first. You should __44__ 95% or more without stopping, without a dictionary. You can try school children's __45__. If they are still too __46__,find something easier. You can listen to programs for very __47__ children.You should listen to English all the time. Listen in the morning when you __48__,listen when you're on the way to school, listen when you're at lunch, listen when you're on the way home __49__ school, and listen in the evening when you're at home. In this way, you are sure to __50__ excellent English.All in all, the more you listen, the better you speak English.41. A. exercise B. vocabularyC. researchD. progress42. A. eyes B. handsC. nosesD. ears43. A. easily B. usuallyC. finallyD. slowly44. A. communicate B. celebrateC. understandD. introduce45. A. programs B. symbolsC. questionsD. numbers46. A. dangerous B. difficultC. deliciousD. different47. A. crazy B. heavyC. greatD. small48. A. get up B. put upC. cut upD. set up49. A. with B. fromC. aboutD. near50. A. write B. replyC. speakD. begin七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A: Why are you unhappy today, Jim?B: 51. ________ It's hard for me to learn Chinese. Could you help me with it?A: Yes, I'd love to. 52. ________B: First, I'm always afraid of speaking Chinese in public.A: 53. ________ You should be brave and believe in yourself. If necessary, just take a deep breath and smile before speaking. You'd better speak Chinese as often as possible.B: Really? I'll try that way. 54. ________A: I often read Chinese stories and novels. It's a good way to read aloud or retell a passage to practice more.B: 55. ________ But I'm still…A: Cheer up. You can do a good job.B: OK, I'll do as you said and never give up.D. What's your problem?E. Why not ask your teacher for help?F. I did badly in the Chinese exam.G. Then, how do you improve your reading?第三部分阅读(共两节,40分) 八、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节:A56. When is the English writing course?A. On Monday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Friday.D. On Saturday.57. How much does Sam need to pay if he takes the listening course?A. £30.B. £65.C. £95.D. £125.58. Where does the text probably come from?A. A website.B. A movie magazine.C. A science report.D. A travel guide.BFor many of us, there's nothing better than putting our heart into a good book. No matter what kind of books you read, it's good to read a book to keep you away from everyday problems. It may seem obvious(明显的) that reading is good for us. Reading can make us feel happy or make us feel sorry for characters in the book.Professor Philip Davis wrote a book called Reading for Life. He finds that when a person reads something for pleasure, the brain will begin to work from different parts and get excited.Of course, it's easy for our generation(一代人) to throw away a good book and lose ourselves in our smart phones instead. But opening up a book could be a simple way to help keep us in a healthy state of mind. It's thought that books can help us set goals(目标).If you don't like reading books, it can be hard to know where to begin. If a book list doesn't attract your attention, you can read book reviews or visit a library or a bookshop. Once you've found the right text, you'll be interested in it!59. Reading for Life is ____.①a book②a song③written by Philip Davis④about how to readA. ①③B. ①④C. ②③D. ②④60. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A. Reading can help readers feel happier and get richer.B. Now we can lose ourselves in our smart phones easily.C. Reading a good book can help readers set goals.D. Reading for pleasure can let the brain get excited.61. What does the underlined word “attract” mean?A. payB. runC. pushD. draw62. What does the last paragraph want to tell us?A. We should visit a library or a bookshop at once.B. We should spend more time on smart phones.C. We should find something interesting to read at first.D. We should get a good book list first.CWhat time does your school start? Do you wish you could get up later every morning? You are not alone if your answer is “Yes”. In the US, many middle school students have the same wish.In America, many schools start before 7: 30 am. But that may change soon. A new law has been passed in California. According to the law, middle schools should not start before 8: 00 am. The government hopes school children will have a longer time in bed.Many scientific studies show that teenagers are more active in the afternoon and in the evening. Simply telling them to go to bed earlier doesn't work well. Most of them don't get enough sleep because of bad sleeping habits and early school starting time. They need more sleep in the morning. Scientists suggest middle schools should start at 8: 00 am or later. Students can get ready to learn and they won't fall asleep in class. They will pay more attention to classes. The change can help improve students' grades.While scientists are happy with the new law, many parents disagree with it. They won't be able to send their children to school before they go to work. They also fear that later school starting time will lead to later ending time. As a result, their children will have less time to take part in after-school activities.It's good news that Chinese education experts have noticed the problem. So what's your opinion? Do you expect China to pass a similar law?63. Middle schools shouldn't start before ____ according to the new law in California.64. Why don't most of the teenagers get enough sleep?A. Because they watch TV late.B. Because they have too much homework.C. Because their parents need them to do housework.D. Because their sleeping habits are bad and schools start early.65. What can we know from the text?A. Teenagers are more active in the morning.B. All the parents in California disagree with the law.C. Students in California will have more sleeping time.D. Later school starting time can lead to more after-school activities.DAncient China produced many types of beautiful art. Among them, calligraphy(书法), poetry(诗歌) and painting are the most famous. Often they would be put together in art.Calligraphy is the art of handwriting. In the old times the Chinese considered writing as an important form of art. Calligraphers(书法家) would practise for years to learn to write perfectly, and with style. Over 40,000 Chinese characters needed to be written correctly. And strokes(笔画) in a Chinese character had to be written in a certain order.Poetry is also an important form of art. Great poets were famous all over the country, and all educated people were expected to write poetry. During the Tang Dynasty poetry was so important that writing poetry was part of the examinations for a person to become a civil servant(官员) to work for the government.Chinese painting is often connected with calligraphy. It is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. Chinese painting is known as “national painting(国画)” or “native painting”,which is quite different from Western painting. People can drawmountains, homes, birds, trees and water on paper.66. How many Chinese characters did calligraphers need to write correctly in the oldtimes?A. Over 10,000.B. Over 20,000.C. Over 30,000.D. Over 40,000.67. What was part of the civil servant examinations during the Tang Dynasty?A. Painting.B. Calligraphy.C. Writing poetry.D. Playing music.68. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Calligraphy, poetry and painting are famous.B. The strokes of each Chinese character can be written in any order.C. Poetry is an important form of art like calligraphy.D. Chinese painting is often connected with calligraphy.69. What is the best title for the text?A. Great Traditional Chinese ArtB. Chinese Exams in the Tang DynastyC. Chinese History and Its ArtD. Great Poets and Tang Dynasty PoetryEIf you are an auditory(听觉感知的) learner, you learn by hearing.Here are some things that auditory learners can do to learn better.•Sit where you can hear.•Use cards to learn new words; read them out aloud.•Read stories or material out aloud.•Record yourself when you are spelling words and then listen to the recording.If you are a visual learner,you learn by reading or seeing pictures.Here are some things that visual learners can do to learn better.•Sit in the front of the classroom.•Use cards to learn new words.•Try to visualize things that you hear or things that are read to you.•Write down key words or ideas.If you are a tactile (触觉感知的)learner,you learn by touching things. You are a “hands-on” learner who likes to touch, move, build, or draw things.Here are some things that tactile learners can do to learn better.•Do lots of hands-on activities like doing art projects(课题),taking walks,or acting out stories.•Use cards and put them in groups to show relationships between them.•Follow words with your finger to learn spelling (finger spelling).•It's OK to tap(轻敲)a pencil, shake your foot, or hold on to something while you are learning.70. If you are an auditory learner, how should you understand and remember things?A. By hearing.B. By seeing.C. By drawing.D. By writing.71. Which of the following is NOT a hands-on activity?A. Acting out stories.B. Taking walks.C. Watching videos.D. Doing art projects.72. What is the best title of the passage?A. How to Learn English BetterB. Different Styles of LearningC. Ways of Learning New WordsD. Good Learning Habits第二节:阅读下面的短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。
共20小题,每题2分,共40分)1、下列物质属于碱的是()A.H2O B.NaHCO3C.Ca(OH)2D.H3BO32、下列关于催化剂的说法正确的是()A.化学反应前后催化剂的质量不变B.化学反应前后催化剂的性质不变C.催化剂只能加快化学反应速率D.没有催化剂化学反应不能发生3、除去下列物质中所含杂质(括号内为杂质)的实验,能达到目的的是()A.NaOH(Na2CO3):加入适量稀盐酸B.CO(CO2):通过装有浓硫酸的洗气瓶C.CuO(C):在空气中充分灼烧D.MgSO4(Na2SO4):溶解,过滤4、将一定量甲烷和氧气置于密闭容器中引燃,测得反应前后各物质的质量如下表:下列判断正确的是()A.X可能是反应物B.X可能是该反应的催化剂C.X中含有氢元素D.氧气增加能减少X的生成5、从分子、原子角度对下面一些现象和变化的解释,合理的是()A.花香四溢分子很小,质量也很小B.热胀冷缩温度变化,分子或原子大小发生变化C.滴水成冰温度降低,分子间隔变小、停止运动D.食品变质分子发生变化,分子性质发生变化6、某同学误将少量KMnO4当成MnO2加入KClO3中进行加热制取氧气,部分物质质量随时间变化如下图所示,下列关于该过程的说法正确的是()A.c代表氧气 B.t2时刻,O2开始产生C.t1时刻,KMnO4开始分解 D.起催化作用物质的质量一直保持不变7、推理是研究和学习化学的重要方法。
以下推理正确的是()A.可燃物燃烧时温度需要达到着火点,所以温度达到着火点时,可燃物就一定能燃烧B.过滤可以除去水中不溶性杂质,因此过滤后的水一定是软水C.催化剂在反应前后质量不变,因此反应前后质量不变的物质一定是催化剂D.不锈钢虽然是金属材料,但它属于混合物而不是金属单质8、人体内的一些液体正常pH范围如下,其中呈酸性的是()A.血浆7.35-7.45 B.胆汁7.1-7.3C.胃液0.9-1.5 D.胰液7.5-8.09、下列加热高锰酸钾制取氧气的部分操作示意图中,正确的是()A.检查装置气密性 B.加热立即收集C.收满后移出集气瓶 D.结束时停止加热10、一定质量的锌、铁分别和等量的盐酸反应,产生氢气质量与时间的关系如图所示,下列说法不正确的是()A.t1时,产生氢气的质量锌比铁大 B.t1时,产生氢气的速率锌比铁大C.t2时,参加反应锌的质量与铁相同 D.t2时,锌、铁消耗的盐酸质量相同11、实验室制取CO2的有关操作如下,不正确的是()A.检查气密性B.制气C.收集 D.验满12、现将10gA和足量B混合加热,A和B发生化学反应,10gA完全反应后生成8gC和4gD,则参加反应的A和B的质量比是()A.1:1 B.2:1 C.4:1 D.5:113、下列物质在空气或氧气中燃烧现象的描述,正确的是()A.镁条在空气中燃烧,冒出浓烈的黑烟,放出热量,生成黑色粉末B.铁丝在氧气中剧烈燃烧,火星四溅,放出热量,生成四氧化三铁C.木炭在氧气中燃烧,发出白光,放出热量,产生能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体D.硫在氧气中燃烧,发出微弱的淡蓝色火焰,放出热量,产生没有气味的气体14、下列化学用语表示正确的是()A.两个氢分子: 2H B.三个氮原子: 3NC.一个镁离子: Mg+2 D.氧化钠中氧元素的化合价: 2-2Na O15、测定空气里氧气含量的实验装置和步骤如下:(已完成装置气密性检查)()①在集气瓶内加入少量水,并将水面上方空间分为5等份;②用弹簧夹夹紧胶皮管;③点燃燃烧匙内的红磷后,立即伸入瓶中并把塞子塞紧,观察现象;④红磷熄灭后,立即打开弹簧夹,观察现象。
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九年级综合测试卷(人教版) 11+5时间:45分钟分数:70分一、单项选择题(6小题,每小题2分,共12分。
这表明()A.我国不再重视发展国有经济 B.非公有制经济在国民经济中已处于主导地位C.非公有制经济越来越发挥着重要的作用D.非公有制经济已经成为国民经济的主体5.2011年6月30日,第十一届全国人大常委会第二十一次会议表决通过决议,决定将于今年9月1日起,将个人工资薪金所得的个人所得税起征点由2000元提高至3500元。
此举()A.降低了人们创造财富的积极性 B.减缓了我国经济的发展速度C.有利于调节居民收入,实现共同富裕D.表明公民个人财产受法律保护6.2011年4月24日,胡锦涛在庆祝清华大学建校100周年大会上的讲话,提出:我国青年一代应该大有作为,也必将大有作为,应该志存高远、脚踏实地,共同为我们伟大的祖国、伟大的民族更加美好的明天奋斗、奋斗、再奋斗。
过度包装的行为()A.给当前的资源环境带来沉重的压力 B.体现了人们对生活质量的追求和期盼C.违背了勤俭节约的中华民族传统美德D.与当前提倡的艰苦奋斗相悖三、简答题(4分)13.2011年7月22日中新网报道,据美国《侨报》报道,中国的父母为赚钱几乎拼上性命,可在美国做小留学生的一些儿女们却花钱大手大脚,他们买名牌、讲排尝显富比阔、花天酒地,让父母闻之彻骨心寒。
(4分)九年级综合测试参考答案一、单项选择题1. D2.A3.D4.C5.C6.B二、多项选择题7.AD 8.ACD 9.AB 10.ACD 11.ABCD 12.ACD三、简答题13.(1)要自立自强,学会告别对父母的依赖;(2)要关心父母,体谅父母的难处;(3)要消除攀比心理,树立合理消费观念;(4)艰苦朴素的传统美德永远不能丢弃。