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Natio nality:Chi na (Mai nland)

Curre nt Place:Gua ngzhouHeight/Weight:168 cm?66 kg

Marital Status:marriedAge:32 years

Career Objective

Applicati on type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:CTO/CIO: Technical Manager、CTO/CIO: IT Man ager、

Worki ng life:9Title:Se nior title

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a month

Expected salary: ¥ 5 , 000-- ¥ 8 , OOOPreferred working place:Gua ngzhou

Work experie nee

Companys name:SuiBao Mattress and Furniture Group (Eurasia Intern eti onal Group)Begi n and end date: 2008-03-

Enterprise nature:Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Paper Makin g/Pri nti ng

Job Title: IT Man ager

Job description: a) After I join this company, the headquarter compa ny in Chi na, I found many departme nts low efficie ncy, and the restricted data and work-flow did not do informationization processing used by IT tech no logy. I establish and impel the ERP projec, appraises and desig nates the ERP system n egotiates and impleme nts this project.

b) In order to raise the plant production efficiency , the adjusting worker salary reform , simultaneously provides the comprehensive product tracking data , I establish and impel the enterprise informationization reform project, including product digitization ,

bar-code track ing system.

c) Optimizati on and in tegratio n of existi ng IT resources.

Reas ons for leav ing:

Educati onal Backgr ound

Name of School:Gua ngDong Polytech nic Normal Un iversity

Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduatio n:2001-07-01

Name of Major 1:Computer Scie nee And Tech no logyName of Major 2:

Educati on experie nce:Start dateE nd dateEducati on orga ni zati onM ajorsCertificateCertificate No

1998-092001-07Gua ngDo ng Polytech nic Normal

Uni versityComputer Applicatio nAssociate

2004-032007-01Gua ngDo ng Polytech nic Normal

Uni versityComputer Scie nee And Tech no logyBachelor

Lan guage Ability

Foreig n Lan guage:E nglishLevel:good

Chin ese level:Ca nton ese Level:perfect

Releva nt skills and abilities

Over 8 years working experienee, high experienee in team management of IT. Depends on the situation of enterprise to work out suitable IT tools/systems for enterprise management; arjd optimizing IT tech no logy to obta ining more ben efit for en terprise.

Self-recomme ndati on letter

Over 8 years working experienee, high experienee in team management of IT. Depends on the situation of enterprise to work out suitable IT tools/systems for enterprise management; and optimizing IT tech no logy to obta ining more ben efit for en terprise.


Natio nality:Chi na (Mai nland)

Curre nt Place:Sha nghaiHeight/Weight:175 cm?60 kg

Marital Status:S in gleAge:27 years

Career Objective

Applicati on type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:Production Plan/Product Material Control: PMC 、Yardman: Production Engineer、Purchasing Manager:
