酒吧模拟测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题,满分20分)1. 酒吧中最常见的酒精饮料是什么?A. 果汁B. 红酒C. 啤酒D. 咖啡答案:C2. 酒吧中调酒师通常使用哪种工具来调制鸡尾酒?A. 勺子B. 搅拌棒C. 吸管D. 量杯答案:B3. 下列哪项不是酒吧常见的安全规定?A. 不允许未成年人进入B. 禁止携带易燃易爆物品C. 允许顾客自带酒水D. 禁止酒后驾车答案:C4. 酒吧中通常不提供哪种类型的饮料?A. 酒精饮料B. 非酒精饮料C. 碳酸饮料D. 热茶答案:D5. 在酒吧中,顾客点单后,服务员应该?A. 立即离开B. 向顾客推销其他商品C. 记录顾客的订单D. 与顾客闲聊答案:C6. 酒吧中,如果顾客醉酒闹事,服务员应该怎么做?A. 继续服务B. 报警C. 与顾客争执D. 劝解顾客离开答案:D7. 酒吧中,调酒师在调制鸡尾酒时,通常不会添加哪种成分?A. 果汁B. 糖浆C. 冰块D. 盐答案:D8. 酒吧中,顾客可以要求调酒师调制哪种类型的鸡尾酒?A. 无酒精鸡尾酒B. 烈性酒鸡尾酒C. 混合果汁D. 热饮答案:A9. 酒吧中,顾客在结账时,通常会?A. 直接离开B. 要求打折C. 使用现金或信用卡支付D. 要求服务员陪同答案:C10. 酒吧中,如果顾客遗失物品,服务员应该怎么做?A. 忽视B. 保留并记录C. 交给其他顾客D. 丢弃答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题,满分15分)1. 酒吧中,以下哪些行为是被允许的?A. 吸烟B. 饮酒C. 跳舞D. 赌博答案:B, C2. 酒吧中,以下哪些因素会影响顾客的体验?A. 音乐音量B. 服务态度C. 环境清洁D. 酒水价格答案:A, B, C, D3. 酒吧中,以下哪些是调酒师的职责?A. 调制鸡尾酒B. 清洁工作区域C. 与顾客交流D. 管理酒吧财务答案:A, B, C4. 酒吧中,以下哪些是服务员的职责?A. 点单B. 上酒C. 处理顾客投诉D. 安排座位答案:A, B, C, D5. 酒吧中,以下哪些是顾客的权利?A. 要求更换座位B. 要求退换酒水C. 要求打折D. 要求服务员提供额外服务答案:A, B, D三、判断题(每题1分,共5题,满分5分)1. 酒吧中,顾客可以随意更换座位。
1.所有经理都是工程师,Kris 是一名工程师。
答案:3部分工程师是经理2.没有一名Hydra Corporation集团的员工在今年收到奖金。
3.People Research Magazine所有跨领域专家都擅长管人,所有跨领域专家都是总经理。
4.Finance Inc.公司为部分员工提供新的台式电脑。
5.公司部位员工支付holiday party派对费用。
若员工可以自己raise enough money筹足资金支付expense费用,则公司允许其举办派对。
6.Center Call Solutions呼叫中心的主管可能被要求无薪加班,因此没有一位主管是计时薪酬员工。
如果游泳池关闭,那么小吃部snack bar也将关闭。
9.评估客服质量service quality,“灵活性”没有“保持乐观”重要;“效率”efficiency比“保持乐观”更重要。
答案:4 一部分完成项目管理培训的人是主管。
11.Elmhurst County法院所有的办事员每月分两次拿到薪水。
答案:1 一些每月分两次拿到薪水的员工是法院办事员。
这三个问题分别是1.what is your favorate movie that impress you?and why does it impress you?2.how do you spend your spare time?3.whydo you want to join the summer boot camp? 从电话开始到结束,一共花了4分多钟,但我感觉什么也没有说了似的。
2020年百威雪豹测评-西区第一部分企业文化1. 百威公司企业文化有: *青出于蓝而胜于蓝(正确答案)携手你我,酿造更美好世界(正确答案)开源节流(正确答案)诚信踏实(正确答案)主人翁(正确答案)2. 下面哪一项,不属于对十大原则中我们的员工都是企业的主人翁。
主人翁将主动承担结果的描述: [单选题] *公司的主人翁做出更好的决定;公司的主人翁勇于承担责任并是可以依赖的;(正确答案)我们遵循统一的百威英博之道来完成任务;我们必须每天赢得更多业务;3. 消费者至上,我们提供优质的品牌体验,我们寻求传统和创新之间的美妙平衡,我们一如既往地倡导理性饮酒。
通过这些,我们建立起与消费者见的紧密纽带中,描述正确的是哪几项: *了解我们的消费者是制胜的关键所在;(正确答案)强大的品牌能带来更多溢价;(正确答案)我们的资源应支持那些能帮助拿到更高销量,更多销售频率和更高溢价的活动;(正确答案)我们倡导理性饮酒;(正确答案)4. 优秀员工是我们公司最宝贵的资产,我们必须以人为本,做到人尽其才,奖励优秀理解正确的有: [单选题] *伟大的公司是由优秀的人才构筑的;优秀的员工会吸引更多优秀的员工;招聘并选择能有助于公司进步的人才;(正确答案)优秀人才崇尚任人唯贤,坦诚相待以及不拘礼节;第二部分业务相关5. SFA拜访指标都有哪些? *拜访达成率(正确答案)GPS准确率(正确答案)订单成功率(正确答案)分配时间(正确答案)6. 啤酒产品生产的原料包括以下哪些? *大麦(麦芽)(正确答案)辅料(正确答案)啤酒花(正确答案)酵母(正确答案)酿造水(正确答案)7. 下面哪些选项,是在观察倒入酒杯中的啤酒泡沫时,需要关注的方面? *起泡性(正确答案)持久性(正确答案)挂杯性(正确答案)啤酒外包装8. 下面哪些选项,是做准备必须做的? *分析客户销售资料(正确答案)设定目标(正确答案)重点客户必须电话预约(正确答案)准备卖点(正确答案)9. 以下()属于支持渠道项目系统录入的代码? [单选题] *CSR代码(5/6/7/8/9********)(正确答案)售点代码(20000*******)CVR代码(5/6/7/8/9********)售点代码(30000*******)10. 以下关于渠道项目描述正确的是 (单选题 *必答) [单选题] *WCCS系统有售点闭店,更名,供应商变更等基础维护时,涉及渠道项目的店点需电话通知至市场部报备。
百威VPO 02高空作业专业项目培训测试答案
![百威VPO 02高空作业专业项目培训测试答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/70f8cde3710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2bf9a94b.png)
台球等级测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 台球比赛中,击球方必须使球至少击中目标球一次,以下哪项不是正确的击球顺序?A. 主球先击中目标球B. 主球先击中库边C. 主球先击中目标球后击中库边D. 主球先击中目标球再击中其他球答案:B2. 在斯诺克比赛中,如果击球方犯规,对方将获得多少分?A. 4分B. 7分C. 10分D. 14分答案:A3. 以下哪种情况不属于犯规?A. 主球落袋B. 击球时球杆触碰到其他球C. 击球后主球未击中任何球D. 击球后目标球落袋答案:D4. 在美式台球中,8号球必须在哪个球袋中落袋才能赢得比赛?A. 任意球袋B. 指定球袋C. 底袋D. 顶袋答案:B5. 斯诺克比赛中,如果击球方一杆内击落多个红球,应如何计分?A. 每个红球1分B. 每个红球2分C. 每个红球3分D. 每个红球4分答案:C6. 在九球比赛中,击球方必须按照什么顺序击球?A. 任意顺序B. 从小到大C. 从大到小D. 按照花色答案:B7. 斯诺克比赛中,如果击球方在击球过程中,主球同时击中红球和彩球,应如何计分?A. 红球得分加彩球得分B. 只计算红球得分C. 只计算彩球得分D. 不得分答案:A8. 在美式台球中,如果击球方在击球过程中,主球落袋,对方将获得多少自由球?A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个答案:B9. 斯诺克比赛中,如果击球方在击球过程中,主球先击中彩球再击中红球,应如何计分?A. 红球得分加彩球得分B. 只计算红球得分C. 只计算彩球得分D. 不得分答案:D10. 在九球比赛中,如果击球方在击球过程中,目标球落袋但同时主球也落袋,应如何处理?A. 目标球放回原位,对方获得球权B. 目标球不放回,对方获得球权C. 目标球放回原位,对方获得自由球D. 目标球不放回,对方获得自由球答案:A二、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 在斯诺克比赛中,如果击球方一杆内击落多个彩球,应按照彩球分值最高的计分。
酒水知识测试题部门:分部门:姓名:一:单项选择题(下列每题有4个选项,其中只有一个是正确的,请将其代号填在横线空白处;每题2分,共20分)1 下列哪种货品酒吧可提供存酒服务_______。
A、剩下半瓶的白兰地B、未曾食用的水果拼盘C、已开封但未饮用的啤酒D、剩下半瓶的葡萄酒2 轩尼诗XO的出品标准是选用下列的哪种杯子________.A、古典杯B、烈酒杯C、白兰地杯D、柯林杯3 溜杯的目的是________.A、增温B、降温C、装饰D、调色4 下面最好的开胃酒是_____A 波特酒B金酒 C 雪莉酒 D 味美思5 Pink Lady的基酒颜色为______。
A、无色B、粉红色C、红色D、乳白色6 爱尔兰咖啡中使用了一种烈酒,是________.A、百家得朗姆酒B、苏联红牌伏特加C、人头马VSOP D尊美醇7 “黑俄罗斯”鸡尾酒中加人________之后就变成了“白俄罗斯”鸡尾酒。
A.奶酪B.牛奶c.鸡蛋清D.黄油8 Bloody Mary的基酒是________。
A. 白兰地B. 金酒 C 伏特加 D .特基拉9、苏格兰纯麦威士忌宜于_________A 加可乐B 加蒸馏水C 净饮D 加冰水10 “Heineken”的产地是__________.A、美国B、捷克C、新加坡D, 荷兰二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)()1、啤酒的酒精含量为12°()2、法国波尔多葡萄酒被誉为“酒中之王”。
()3 金酒的香味主要来自杜松子.()4 调酒师在营业前或交班时,一般要清点存货,并开领货申请单,补充不足存货。
英博百威2010校园招聘讨论区/1.Part way through a project you realize that you need more time to complete it. Your colleagues are also struggling on their part of the project and you happen to be more expert in that area and so they ask you for help. On top of that, your manager has asked you to work on another task that is unrelated to the project. How would you tackle this situation?A Work extra time on your project to give some time to help your colleagues and extend the end date so you can do what your manager wantsB Talk to your manager, explain the situation and ask for more resources to complete all the conflicting prioritiesC Share your plan with those requesting your time and prioritize your different tasks, say 'no' to the least important2.You are under pressure to deliver a report for the next management meeting. You find that to complete the main section you need another department to send some information. After requesting this information they explain to you they are short of staff and cannot deliver on time for your report. Also, you have a lot of other activities/tasks you should finalize. What is your reaction?A Explain the situation to your manager and ask him to re prioritize this for you or talk to the other department to get them to prioritize your informationB Offer to help the other department in any way you could to achieve their priority so they can deliver your information, however you would have to deliver your normal work alsoC Look for a way around this situation and try to find a way you could present the report without this information3.You have just been put in charge of a team, and you know that some of the team members are not on track for the delivery of their targets. They have commented that they feel the targets are too stretching because of lack of management support. What approach would you favor the most?A Request from your manager that the targets are reviewed and made less stretching until you can sort out the management issuesB Organize a team building exercise to get to increase their motivation so they can deliver their existing targetsC Organize a one‐on‐one meeting with each team member to understand their development needs so you can best support them to deliver their targets4. ABInBev has recently introduced a new culture globally. You are sent to a country where they traditionally work in a very different way and are finding it difficult to adopt the new culture. How do you tackle this issue?A Work in the country practicing the new culture yourself to help introduce it by understanding their issuesB Examine the objections and prepare solid counter arguments to convince the people of the new cultureC Ask people who work in the country what they would suggest is the best way to introduce the new culture5. You have arranged an evening out with other colleagues to celebrate a successful joint project that has been well received. When you arrive at the restaurant and ask for a drink they inform you that they no longer sell the ABInBev beers. Do you:A Accept that not all restaurants would have ABInBev beers, stay for dinner and consume another beer brand, but not go there next timeB Stay for dinner, only drink soft drinks, explaining to the restaurant why you have decided to do thisC Explain why you are there and that you cannot stay if they do not sell ABInBev beers6.As part of your training you have been put in charge of a shift in a Brewery being shadowed by the normal manager. Five minutes before the shift finishes a problem occurs which would take two hours to fix. Do youA Give a comprehensive handover to the next shift and let them take care of the problemB Stay on and help the next shift deal with the problemC Ask the normal manager to help the new shift with the problem7.You are working in sales. One of your clients has decided to move his stores to a completely different area of town and as part of this new initiative, the client will not be able to sell the ABInBev products for a while, and in addition he will be reviewing which brands of beer to sell on the new location. He sends you an e‐mail to inform you of this. You are under pressure to sell more beer as you may not reach your targets this year. Do you:A Offer your own time to help him have a successful move so he may take on more ABInBev productsB Get him in touch with people who may be able to help him move and concentrate on other sales opportunities C Once he has moved, give him a hand with choosing the most appropriate brands, concentrate on other sales possibilities8. You have been working very hard on a very important project over the past month and have arranged to go away fora rest this weekend. On Friday you realize a problem has occurred with the project involving the weekend shift people. You have to deal with this. Do youA Go away as planned but arrange to stay in touch all weekendB Cancel the weekend and go into work to support the weekend shift peopleC Find someone who has experience of this area of work and ask them to help this weekend9.You have a report to present to the senior team. It is a complicated financial report which is usually boring to present, but which could vitally affect their future decisions. You have a slot in the next team meeting. What would you consider as the most important?A Make sure the presentation is interesting to ensure you get their full attentionB Ensure there is adequate time to present and discuss the issues and consequencesC Limit your presentation to a few slides, but easy to understand, simple and clear10.You have an assignment which requires a lot of travel. Your manager gives you the responsibility to book everything. Which of these three considerations would you prioritize?A The convenience of airports/stations and comfort of travel so that you are fresh when you arriveB The amount of time the travel will takeC The amount the travel costs11.When dealing with an established sales force and talking to them about corporate/social responsibility, which of these three approaches would you prefer to adopt when making the presentation?A You present with a lot of drive and determination and make sure they understand the key messagesB You present by focusing on knowledge and give a lot of factsC You foresee enough time for the presentation to ensure they fully understand12.Before you start an assignment at a plant, you are given a guided tour. Part way through the tour you noticesomething that you think maybe being done inefficiently. Would youA Mention this to your managerB Wait until you have more experience and tackle it yourselfC Question what is happening and why immediately13.You are helping with presentations to potential new hires in a university job fare. What approach would you take?A Try to be an example of the InBev culture so they can see what is expectedB Try and be as helpful and friendly as possible to make a good impressionC Prepare as well as possible about InBev (its history, brands, strategy etc) to share this information and be able to answer all questions14. You are sitting with friends and the subject of ABInbev comes up and some of your friends start to criticize the local Brewery. You feel some of their negative comments are reasonable and from what you know internally you can see why they have this impression. What would you do?A Remain neutral so you can find out their points of view and report them back to the BreweryB Defend the Brewery by giving counter arguments tackling their negative pointsC As they know you work for ABInBev, join in and give your own opinions of the Brewery15.How would those who have worked with you before describe you?A Someone who is very flexibleB Someone who gets on well with most of the colleaguesC Someone who is very demanding and works hard16.You start working with a person that has a reputation for not getting on with others. What approach do you take?A Talk to the person to try to find out more information about what had happened previously so that you could try to understand their behaviourB Try to help them improve their relationships with others by advising them what they should do differentlyC Work as hard as you can and focus on your job and the teams objective, as team success is more important17.I am the sort of person who:A Prefers to waste no time and just get on with the job, getting through as much as I can, as fast as I canB Always plans their work in advance, sets key milestones, but remains flexible to deal with changesC Usually has a plan but sometimes deviates from it when there are really tight timescales18.Whilst working as a management trainee you have periods where your workload is not as high as others in your team. How would you approach this?A I would spend the quieter times getting to know my colleagues better and finding out what different experiences they have hadB I would make the most of the quieter times by getting on with the jobs that I don't always get time to do, such as organizing my filesC I would try to plan so that I had a more even spread of work and fill any quiet time by doing research for my own development19.Which of the following would those who know you well be most likely to say about you?A Always takes the time to help others outB Is good at understanding complex informationC Is very outgoing and makes friends easily20.Which statement best describes the way you like to learn the tasks and activities of a new role?A By attending a formal training course prior to starting in the roleB By shadowing a more experienced colleagueC By working in the role and learning "on the job"21.You are having lunch with a colleague, when another member of her team comes to sit with you, and starts making very negative comments about the organization and her team. How do you feel?A SympatheticB AnnoyedC Neutral更多海量资料下载,敬请访问。
第一部分:12分钟完成49道题,从给的九个表里读取信息推断49个论断是对是错还是无法判断。该部分悲剧的只做了不到40道,建议,表的内容真不多,建议前几道题的时候多花些时间把表能细致看一遍,(不是理解上的数据表,一张表一般在100字左右的文字叙述,看一遍可以记住),在后面的推断中就可以不怎么查表,凭印象记忆就可以快速选择,应该会省去不少时间,避免每道题都去重复查找信息愿,实在不值又浪费过多不必要的时间,o(︶︿︶)o 唉,失误了,千万不要紧张,其实本没什么,又快又准就好了。--------------个人觉得不需要准备,准备也无用,只要处理好时间,够快就可以,不难!
Verbal部分的材料是几个制表位的奥页面,根据各个页面的内容进行判断下面结论的对错。这里中文版把所给材料翻译成பைடு நூலகம்据表了,大家不要误解,其实不是数据表,而是几个包含各种信息页面。一共49题,12分钟。建议大家不要在乎一题的得失,一定要快速答题,不能很快找到答案就选个觉得像的,一定要答完。我后面几道是蒙的,觉得在几道题上浪费太多的时间很不值。
总的来说,BP的题并不难,也不需要准备,因为准备不到什么东西,都不是临时能补充的,最关键的就是保证做题的时候有一个安静不被打扰的环境,保持饱满清醒的精神状态,不要紧张题本身是很简单的,我想能做到淡定的 “又快又准” 你也就赢了!
第1篇一、选择题1. 以下哪种葡萄品种是酿造赤霞珠红酒的主要原料?A. 赤霞珠B. 梅洛C. 希拉D. 葡萄柚答案:A解析:赤霞珠是酿造赤霞珠红酒的主要原料,具有丰富的果香和单宁。
2. 红酒陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?A. 氧化B. 沉淀C. 腐败D. 老化答案:A解析:红酒在陈年过程中,氧化会导致酒体变得干瘦,失去平衡。
3. 以下哪种葡萄酒具有浓郁的果香和香料味?A. 红酒B. 白酒C. 赤霞珠D. 赤霞珠红酒答案:C解析:赤霞珠红酒具有浓郁的果香和香料味,适合搭配各种菜肴。
4. 以下哪种葡萄酒属于干型?A. 甜型B. 半干型C. 干型D. 甜酒答案:C解析:干型葡萄酒是指含糖量较低的葡萄酒,口感清新。
5. 以下哪种葡萄酒适合搭配意大利面?A. 红酒B. 白酒C. 赤霞珠D. 赤霞珠红酒答案:D解析:赤霞珠红酒具有浓郁的果香和单宁,适合搭配意大利面等菜肴。
二、判断题1. 红酒在陈年过程中,酒标上的年份代表酒的实际年份。
2. 红酒在陈年过程中,单宁含量越高,酒体越醇厚。
3. 红酒在陈年过程中,颜色会逐渐变深。
4. 红酒在陈年过程中,酸度会逐渐降低。
5. 红酒在陈年过程中,酒标上的年份代表酒的品质。
三、填空题1. 红酒陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?()答案:氧化2. 红酒在陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?()答案:氧化3. 红酒陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?()答案:氧化4. 红酒陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?()答案:氧化5. 红酒陈年过程中,以下哪种现象会导致酒体变得干瘦?()答案:氧化四、简答题1. 简述红酒陈年的过程。
All of the stores of Retailer YZ are local stores in a very hot climate, and all of the local stores have faulty air conditioning.●Some stores with faulty air conditioning are stores of Retailer YZ.Pat, a manager at Baggum Groceries, has decide to chan ge the store’s image to better fit the needs of the customers.●Some of the people that Pat asks to complete satisfaction survey are customers.None of the employees at Hydra Corporation got bonuses this year.●Some employees who got bonuses this year do not work at Hydra Corporation.All laptops are ordered and purchased by managers, and some laptops are ordered by members of IT department.●Some members of the IT department are managersPeople Research Magazine recently conducted a study which found that all cross-functional experts are great at managing people, and,●Some managers who are great at managing people are general managers.Although SHN is a large corporation, it prefers to outsource large printing jobs. Their policy is that…●If it is no t necessary to outsource a print job, then it is less than 100 pages.Supervisors at Center Call Solutions can be required to work overtime without pay…●Some hourly employees are not supervisors.Joey works as a copy editor at WordThought, a large publi shing company…●At least some grammatical errors that Joey marks are in red ink.If the carbon monoxide alarm sounds, then all employees must evacuate. In the case of an evacuation…●If no employees evacuate to the park, then the carbon monoxide alarm d id not sound.The XYZ Security company requires all new employees to pass a background check before…●Some people who pass the background check are new employees.The government does not pay for holiday parties for its employees. Howerer,…●If employees are not allowed to have a holiday parties this year, they did not raise enough money to pay for it.Rizza is the manager of a recreation complex and is estimating profits based on impending weather conditions…●Either the snack bar is open, or it is raining at the pool.The sales and marketing departments of a large organization receive funds from corporate headquarters for recruiting events….●Corporate headquarter had limited funds for recruiting events.All clerks at Elmhurst County Court get paid twice per month.●Some employees who get paid twice per month are clerks.At Bridge Builders, all managers are engineers. Kris is an engineer at Bridge Builders.●Some engineers are managers.Transcendental Airlines values safety in air travel, therefor airline attendants are…●If all airplane passengers are not evacuated, then there is no somke.At Big Bowl, if bowling pins are knocked down, they are automatically reset and counted. The bowling pins are ready for play, once they are reset.●If the bowling pins are reset, they were knocked down.No police officers in Big City are part-time. All police officers in Big City are salaried employees.●Some salaried employees are in Big City are full-time.Scheduling employees is a complicated process. If no manager is scheduled to work a shift then…●If some assistant managers are not scheduled to work a shift, then some managers are scheduled to work that shift.Clint is a college student who is trying to plan his future. He knows that if he has 120 credits, then he will graduate.●If Clint does not graduate, he does not have 120 credits.A recent survey showed that all managers in Stockville are women●Some women in Stockville are managers.The Information Technology department at Finance Inc. is providing new desktop computers to some of the employees. Additionally,…●Computers that are not replaced are less than five years old.Break times must be scheduled for employees C, D, E, F, G, and H, The following rules apply: Employee C must go on break before Employee F…●H, E, G, D, C, FA company has a formal policy for different types of absences.Employees must give at least one week’s notice before taking vacation or personal time…●John used no vacation time last week.ServiceCo places a very high value on training new employees, so…●In the last year, there have been some new employees that passed the exam.At Robosec Inc., some of the employees working on the night shift also have experience working all of the other work shifts…●Some employees working on the night shift have been with Robosec Inc. for more than five years.CANDO Inc. requires periodic training for its employees. Several employees working in HR administration must attend benefits training. If an employee attends,…●Bob is a manager.None of the competitors of Grade-A Sport Gear are offering this new produce. However,…Some major corporations are not offering the new product.If all supervisors are trained in performance evaluation, then the accuracy of performance evaluations will increase.●If the accuracy of performance evaluations did not increase, supervisors were not trained in performance evaluation.To provide flexibility all sales agents work remotely. Employees that…●Josiah may be a sales agentFive employees (A, B, C, D and E) requested the same day off…●C and BIron River Tax Consulting is cautious about its documents. The paper disposal…●Some shredded documents are confidential.Candid Company has had a difficult year, economically. The company sent out a memo stating…●Candid Company did not freeze hiring, so employees did not receive raises.At ABC Inventing Inc., the Research and Development (R&D) department leads the way to…●The R&D department is working on at least three new patents, if the board meets to discuss the budget.Meeting production demands is critical to Great Pharma’s long term viability in the marketplace…●The Vice President will not both cancel the planned leave and require the employees to work only standard business hours.There are six houses on Maple street: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The house with the oldest age is listed…●5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6All cubicles on the 6th floor have computers and either desk chairs or chairs with wheels…●Some cubicles on the 6th floor with computers do not need rolling file cabinets.Marsh Engineering employs many IT specialists. None of its network engineers are component…●At Marsh Engineering, none of the IT specialists are component design engineers.A consulting company divides its pay scales by job family. Consultants are paid at Level 1,…●If Lee received leadership training, then she I paid at Level 2.In an effort to motivate employees, the Human Resources department has just announced…●Peter was not awarded a 3% bonus, so he did not receive a rating of at least 4 on his performance evaluation.A large investment brokerage firm is considering different options to improve the effectiveness…●If outsourcing is not implemented, then the internal human resource service delivery model must be revamped.All employee surveys are sent out by the Human Resources Department and…●At times, materials sent out by the Human Resources Department are kept confidential.Adam is a supervisor at Nighttime Restaurant, and he is in charge of…●Alicia, Brian, Hiroko, FaiThe executive leaders at Containers Inc. have decided to expand their business to the global…●At least some of Containers Inc’s products are not shipped from outside the U.S.Mobile Sales Inc.●Some employee have cars with leather seats.At Tele Service Inc., supervisors conduct call-monitoring on a bi-monthly basis to evaluate…●Tim is not scheduled for re-evaluation and therefore he was meeting customer service standards.The recent memo from the Program Director indicated that the number of applicants…FALSE●The number of job openings requiring general skills will decrease next month.。
酒厂员工测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 酒厂中,用于发酵的微生物主要是:A. 细菌B. 酵母菌C. 霉菌D. 病毒答案:B2. 酒厂生产过程中,以下哪种物质是不需要的?A. 水B. 糖C. 酒精D. 盐答案:D3. 酒厂中,蒸馏的目的是为了:A. 提高酒精浓度B. 降低酒精浓度C. 增加酒的风味D. 减少酒的风味答案:A4. 酒厂中,以下哪种容器用于储存酒精?A. 发酵罐B. 蒸馏塔C. 储酒罐D. 冷却器答案:C5. 酒厂中,以下哪种物质可以作为酒精发酵的原料?A. 木材B. 塑料C. 谷物D. 金属答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)6. 酒厂中,以下哪些因素会影响酒精发酵的效果?A. 温度B. pH值C. 氧气含量D. 光照答案:A、B、C7. 酒厂中,以下哪些是酒精蒸馏过程中可能产生的副产品?A. 甲醇B. 乙醛C. 乙酸D. 水答案:A、B、C、D8. 酒厂中,以下哪些措施可以提高酒精产量?A. 提高原料质量B. 增加发酵时间C. 提高蒸馏效率D. 减少原料使用答案:A、C9. 酒厂中,以下哪些是酒精储存和运输时需要注意的安全事项?A. 防火B. 防爆C. 防泄漏D. 防盗答案:A、B、C10. 酒厂中,以下哪些是酒精质量检测时需要检测的项目?A. 酒精度B. 甲醇含量C. 色泽D. 香气答案:A、B、C、D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)11. 酒精发酵过程中,酵母菌会消耗氧气。
(对)12. 酒精蒸馏时,温度越高,酒精的提取率越高。
(错)13. 酒厂中,酒精的储存容器必须是密封的。
(对)14. 酒精的酒精度越高,其燃烧性越强。
(对)15. 酒精蒸馏过程中,甲醇和乙醇的沸点相同。
(错)四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 请简述酒厂中酒精发酵的基本过程。
17. 描述酒厂中酒精蒸馏的原理。
酒质监员考试题库及答案一、单选题1. 酒类产品的国家标准编号通常以GB/T开头,其中GB/T代表什么含义?A. 国家标准/推荐性标准B. 国家标准/强制性标准C. 行业标准/推荐性标准D. 行业标准/强制性标准答案:A2. 酒类产品中,酒精度的测定通常采用哪种方法?A. 比重法B. 蒸馏法C. 光谱法D. 色谱法答案:B3. 酒类产品的感官评价中,以下哪项不是评价的主要指标?A. 色泽B. 香气C. 口感D. 包装答案:D4. 酒类产品的微生物检测中,以下哪种微生物是绝对不允许检出的?A. 酵母菌B. 乳酸菌C. 大肠杆菌D. 醋酸菌答案:C5. 酒类产品的贮存条件中,以下哪项不是正确的?A. 避免阳光直射B. 保持适宜的温度C. 存放在潮湿的环境中D. 避免剧烈震动答案:C二、多选题6. 酒类产品的质量控制中,以下哪些因素是重要的?A. 原料质量B. 生产工艺C. 包装材料D. 储存条件答案:A, B, C, D7. 酒类产品的标签上必须包含哪些信息?A. 生产日期B. 酒精度C. 成分表D. 保质期答案:A, B, C, D8. 酒类产品的理化指标检测中,以下哪些项目是必须检测的?A. 酒精度B. 总酸C. 总酯D. 重金属含量答案:A, B, C, D9. 酒类产品的微生物限量标准中,以下哪些微生物是必须控制的?A. 沙门氏菌B. 金黄色葡萄球菌C. 志贺氏菌D. 大肠杆菌答案:A, B, C, D10. 酒类产品的感官评价中,以下哪些因素是评价的重点?A. 色泽的透明度B. 香气的纯正性C. 口感的平衡性D. 包装的美观性答案:A, B, C三、判断题11. 酒类产品的酒精度越高,其品质越好。
(对/错)答案:错12. 酒类产品的储存温度越高,其陈化效果越好。
(对/错)答案:错13. 酒类产品的标签上可以不标注生产日期。
(对/错)答案:错14. 酒类产品的微生物检测中,可以允许一定量的大肠杆菌存在。
初级品酒师考试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共50分)1. 葡萄酒的酒精含量通常在多少百分比之间?A. 5%-10%B. 10%-15%C. 12%-20%D. 15%-25%答案:C2. 以下哪种葡萄品种不是红葡萄?A. 赤霞珠B. 梅洛C. 长相思D. 西拉答案:C3. 香槟酒的原产地是哪里?A. 法国波尔多B. 法国勃艮第C. 法国香槟区D. 意大利皮埃蒙特答案:C4. 以下哪种酒不是甜型葡萄酒?A. 冰酒B. 贵腐酒C. 波特酒D. 干红葡萄酒答案:D5. 葡萄酒的陈年潜力与以下哪个因素无关?A. 葡萄品种B. 酒精含量C. 糖分含量D. 包装材料答案:D6. 以下哪种酒不是以产地命名的?A. 波尔多B. 夏布利C. 马尔贝克D. 里奥哈答案:C7. 葡萄酒的单宁主要来源于哪里?A. 葡萄皮B. 葡萄籽C. 葡萄梗D. 橡木桶答案:A8. 以下哪种酒不是白葡萄酒?A. 霞多丽B. 长相思C. 黑皮诺D. 雷司令答案:C9. 葡萄酒的酿造过程中,哪个步骤是去除葡萄皮的?A. 压榨B. 发酵C. 浸皮D. 澄清答案:A10. 以下哪种酒不是以葡萄品种命名的?A. 霞多丽B. 赤霞珠C. 马尔贝克D. 香槟答案:D11. 以下哪种酒适合年轻时饮用?A. 波尔多红葡萄酒B. 勃艮第红葡萄酒C. 里奥哈红葡萄酒D. 博若莱新酒答案:D12. 以下哪种酒不是以颜色命名的?A. 桃红葡萄酒B. 白葡萄酒C. 红葡萄酒D. 贵腐酒13. 以下哪种酒不是以甜度命名的?A. 半干葡萄酒B. 干葡萄酒C. 甜葡萄酒D. 波特酒答案:D14. 以下哪种酒不是以酿造方法命名的?A. 冰酒B. 贵腐酒C. 波特酒D. 赤霞珠答案:D15. 以下哪种酒不是以酒精含量命名的?B. 低度酒C. 烈酒D. 干红葡萄酒答案:D16. 以下哪种酒不是以酒体命名的?A. 轻盈酒体B. 中等酒体C. 饱满酒体D. 长相思答案:D17. 以下哪种酒不是以香气命名的?A. 花香型B. 果香型C. 草本香型D. 波尔多答案:D18. 以下哪种酒不是以口感命名的?A. 酸度较高B. 单宁较重C. 酒体较轻D. 波尔多答案:D19. 以下哪种酒不是以陈年潜力命名的?A. 陈年潜力强B. 陈年潜力中等C. 陈年潜力弱D. 长相思答案:D20. 以下哪种酒不是以包装命名的?A. 瓶装酒B. 桶装酒C. 盒装酒D. 赤霞珠答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共30分)21. 以下哪些因素会影响葡萄酒的风味?A. 葡萄品种B. 土壤C. 气候D. 酿造工艺答案:ABCD22. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要香气类型?A. 花香B. 果香C. 草本香D. 橡木香答案:ABCD23. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要口感特征?A. 酸度B. 甜度C. 单宁D. 酒精度答案:ABCD24. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要颜色?A. 红色B. 白色C. 桃红色D. 蓝色答案:ABC25. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要甜度类型?A. 干型B. 半干型C. 半甜型D. 甜型答案:ABCD26. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要酒体类型?A. 轻盈B. 中等C. 饱满D. 超重答案:ABC27. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要陈年潜力类型?A. 陈年潜力强B. 陈年潜力中等C. 陈年潜力弱D. 无需陈年答案:ABCD28. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要包装类型?A. 瓶装B. 桶装C. 盒装D. 罐装答案:ABCD29. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要酿造方法?A. 发酵B. 浸皮C. 压榨D. 澄清答案:ABCD30. 以下哪些是葡萄酒的主要品鉴步骤?A. 观色B. 闻香C. 品尝D. 评分答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共20分)31. 葡萄酒的酒精含量越高,其陈年潜力越强。
一、基础知识(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪种酒精度数最高?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒2. 以下哪种酒属于烈酒?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒3. 以下哪种酒属于低度酒?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒4. 以下哪种酒不含酒精?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒D. 果酒5. 以下哪种酒在酿造过程中需要添加酵母?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒6. 以下哪种酒酿造过程中不需要添加酵母?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒7. 以下哪种酒酿造过程中需要添加葡萄?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒8. 以下哪种酒酿造过程中需要添加高粱?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒9. 以下哪种酒酿造过程中需要添加小麦?B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒10. 以下哪种酒酿造过程中需要添加玉米?A. 啤酒B. 葡萄酒C. 白酒D. 红酒二、饮酒技巧(每题3分,共30分)11. 饮酒前应该先吃什么?A. 饮用果汁B. 饮用牛奶C. 饮用豆浆D. 饮用矿泉水12. 饮酒时应该先喝什么?A. 白酒B. 葡萄酒C. 啤酒D. 红酒13. 饮酒过程中应该怎样搭配食物?A. 酒精含量高的酒搭配高热量食物B. 酒精含量低的酒搭配低热量食物C. 酒精含量高的酒搭配低热量食物D. 酒精含量低的酒搭配高热量食物14. 饮酒过程中应该怎样保持清醒?A. 喝茶B. 喝咖啡C. 喝水D. 喝果汁15. 饮酒过程中应该怎样防止醉酒?A. 适量饮酒B. 饮用碳酸饮料C. 饮用酒精饮料D. 饮用非酒精饮料16. 饮酒过程中应该怎样选择饮酒方式?A. 小口慢饮B. 大口猛饮C. 一饮而尽D. 随意饮用17. 饮酒过程中应该怎样处理酒精中毒?A. 饮用浓茶B. 饮用牛奶C. 饮用豆浆D. 饮用矿泉水18. 饮酒过程中应该怎样处理头痛?A. 饮用咖啡B. 饮用茶水C. 饮用矿泉水D. 饮用果汁19. 饮酒过程中应该怎样处理胃痛?A. 饮用牛奶B. 饮用豆浆C. 饮用矿泉水D. 饮用果汁20. 饮酒过程中应该怎样处理醉酒后的不适?A. 饮用浓茶B. 饮用咖啡C. 饮用牛奶D. 饮用豆浆三、饮酒文化(每题4分,共40分)21. 中国古代饮酒的代表性诗句是哪一句?A. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?B. 醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪?C. 醉卧美人膝,醒掌杀人剑。
大学生酒品考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 啤酒的酒精含量通常在多少范围内?A. 1%-3%B. 3%-5%C. 5%-7%D. 7%-9%答案:B2. 以下哪种酒不属于烈性酒?A. 白兰地B. 伏特加C. 红酒D. 威士忌答案:C3. 葡萄酒的酿造过程中,发酵的主要作用是什么?A. 提高酒精含量B. 增加糖分C. 产生二氧化碳D. 改变颜色答案:A4. 黄酒是中国传统的酿造酒,其主要原料是什么?A. 高粱B. 大米C. 小麦D. 玉米5. 以下哪种酒的酿造不需要使用橡木桶?A. 威士忌B. 红酒C. 白兰地D. 伏特加答案:D6. 鸡尾酒的调制中,常用的基酒是什么?A. 果汁B. 苏打水C. 烈性酒D. 牛奶答案:C7. 以下哪种酒的酒精含量最高?A. 啤酒B. 红酒C. 黄酒D. 清酒答案:C8. 酒类中,哪种酒的酿造过程不需要添加酵母?A. 啤酒B. 红酒C. 黄酒D. 伏特加答案:D9. 以下哪种酒是使用葡萄作为原料酿造的?B. 伏特加C. 红酒D. 清酒答案:C10. 酒的保存中,哪种条件是不正确的?A. 避免阳光直射B. 保持恒温C. 直立存放D. 避免潮湿答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. 以下哪些因素会影响酒的风味?A. 原料B. 发酵过程C. 储存条件D. 包装材料答案:A, B, C, D2. 酒的分类中,以下哪些属于蒸馏酒?A. 白兰地B. 威士忌C. 红酒D. 伏特加答案:A, B, D3. 以下哪些是酒的适量饮用可能带来的益处?A. 促进血液循环B. 增进食欲C. 改善睡眠D. 预防心血管疾病答案:A, B, C4. 以下哪些因素会影响酒的保存?A. 温度B. 湿度C. 光照D. 震动答案:A, B, C, D5. 以下哪些是酒的不当饮用可能带来的风险?A. 肝脏损伤B. 酒精中毒C. 交通事故D. 营养不良答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. 所有的酒类都含有酒精。
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1.所有经理都是工程师,Kris 是一名工程师。
2.没有一名Hydra Corporation集团的员工在今年收到奖金。
3.People Research Magazine所有跨领域专家都擅长管人,所有跨领域专家都是总经理。
4.Finance Inc.公司为部分员工提供新的台式电脑。
5.公司部位员工支付holiday party派对费用。
若员工可以自己raise enough money筹足资金支付expense费用,则公司允许其举办派对。
6.Center Call Solutions呼叫中心的主管可能被要求无薪加班,因此没有一位主管是计时薪酬员工。
如果游泳池关闭,那么小吃部snack bar也将关闭。
9.评估客服质量service quality,“灵活性”没有“保持乐观”重要;“效率”efficiency比“保持乐观”更重要。
答案:4 一部分完成项目管理培训的人是主管。
11.Elmhurst County法院所有的办事员每月分两次拿到薪水。
答案:1 一些每月分两次拿到薪水的员工是法院办事员。
13.Transcendental Airlines航空公司的空乘人员需知道,如果飞机上与烟雾的话,火警警报将会激活;如果火警警报激活,那么每一位乘客都必须要撤离。
答案:3 如果所有乘客都没有撤离,那么就没有烟雾。
14.所有笔记本电脑laptop都由经理进行预订order和购买,部分笔记本电脑由IT department 部门的成员预订。
答案:4 IT部门的部分人员是经理。
答案:1 A,B,C,F
答案:3 除非小欣是经理及以上的级别,否则他没有最高级别的安全权限。
Senior manager
答案:1 部分空调不好的商店是YZ零售连锁的商店。
20.Baggum Groceries超市的经理小柏Pat,请所有的顾客接受一份关于超市满意度的调研。
答案:3 小柏请求完成满意度调研的部分人是顾客。
答案:3 如果打印工作没有必要外包的话,那么打印量一定不到100页。
22.Big Bowl保龄球馆,如果保龄球被击倒,那么他们会自动重置并计数。
答案:3 如果保龄球被击倒了,那么就又可以玩了。
答案:4 如果柯林没有毕业,那么他还没有修满120学分。
24.小乔Joey是一名校对员Word Thought,当他做校对工作时,他只用红笔red ink标出语法错误。
答案:2 小乔标出的语法错误里至少有一些是用红色笔标出的。
答案:3 部分能够报销停车费的员工在会计部门工作。
答案:4 在员工墙上挂上照片的销售经理完成了他的销售目标。
答案:1 如果绩效考核的准确性没有提升,那么说明主管们没有接受过绩效考核的培训。
28.如果manager assistant managers shift没有一名经理被安排值班,那么所有副经理都必须要值这个班。
答案:4 如果部分副经理没有被安排值班,那么部分经理被安排值这个班。
29.公司设立了新规定,如果员工在未向主管director报告的情况下连续旷工absenteeism 3个班次,他将被解雇fire。
答案:3 如果员工在未向主管报告的情况下连续上了3个班次,那么他将不会被解雇。
30.顾问的薪资是1级Level 1,高级顾问的薪资是2级Level 2。
答案:3 如果小李接受过领导力培训,那么他获得2级薪资。
答案:4 公司总部用在招募活动上的资金有限。
32. Big City城市里没有警官是兼职的。
答案:3 城市里一些按月付薪的雇员是全职的。
答案:2 Bob是个经理。
34.五个员工要求同一天请假day-off,但是公司不允许超过no more than two三个人请假。
答案:3 C and B
36. ABC Inventing Inc. B
The R & D department is working on at least three new patents, if the board meets to discuss the budget.
37. Containers Inc. D
At least 有一些产品并不是从美国以外运过来的
38. A large investment brokerage firm A
39. Stockville B Some women
40. Break times B HEGDCF
41. formal policy absences John D Used no vocation time last week
43. All laptops IT department Taylor A Taylor orders office furniture.
44. XYZ Security C Some people who passed the background check are new.
45. Iron River Tax Consulting C Some shredded documents are confidential
46. Mobile Sales Inc. C Some employee have cars with leather seats。