




第二章机场1机场基准代号:基准代号有相关飞机的性能特性和 尺寸的两个要素组成。

(1) 第一要素是根据飞机基准飞行场地长度而确 定的代码。

(2) 第二要素是根据飞机翼展和主起落架外轮间 距二确定的代字2道面系统surfacesystem 位置及作用(1) 跑道道肩:shoulder1. 紧接跑道边缘经过装备作为跑道道面和邻接表面之间过度用的地区 2.弓航空器偶然滑出跑道时,是航空器的结构不至于遭受损坏。


(2) 停止道 Stopway1在可用起飞滑跑距离末端意外地面上一块划定的经 过整备的长方形地区2航空器在起飞滑跑过程中,适合于飞机在放弃起飞 时能在它上面停住(3) 净空道 Clearway1在有关当局管理管理下经选定或正被的使飞机可在 其上空进行一部分起始爬升到一个规定高度的地面或 水面上划定的一块长方形地区。

2航空器在起始爬升 阶段,在其下的障碍物加以限制以保安全(4) 升降带Strip• 一块划定的包括跑道和停止道(如果设有的话)场地。


(5) 跑道端安全地区•一块对称与跑道中线延长线于升降带段相接的地区。

•主要是减小飞机过早接地或冲出跑道是遭受损坏的 危险。

3道面强度报告格式 (1) 道面等级序号 PCN ( Pavement Classification Number ) (2) 道面类型:Rrigid pavement )刚性道面,(flexible pavement ) (3) 土基强度A-高强度、B-中强度、C-低强度、D 特 低强度。


Automatic Terminal Information Service Giving the pilot information on present aerodrome and weather conditions
Surface wind Temperature QNH Runway in use Any problems (Maintenance work on taxiway, equipment
第4节 航行情报服务
4.4.1航行情报服务的机构和内容 4.4.2航图 4.4.2航行资料 4.4.2飞行情报服务
4.4.1航行情报服务的机构和内容 基本任务 机构 内容
向驾驶员和有关航行部门提供及时、 准确、完整的飞行前和飞行中所需 的情报
分为:航行通告(Notice to Airmen--NOTAM)和雪 情通告(Snow Notice to Airmen--SNOWTAM) 航行设施、服务、程序的建立与变化
通 过 国 际 航 空 固 定 电 信 网 ( AFTN-Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network)提前7天发布
内容:重要天气情报、航行通告未发布的但是对飞 行安全有重要影响的内容、导航设施、机场设施、 飞行区、跑道冰雪霜积水、沿航线天气、交通情报 等等。 发布:管制员在无线电中发布、或使用ATIS通播




同时,也希望大家能够不吝赐教!---------------------------------------------------------- 航空用图是民航情报服务部门根据飞行规则、飞机性能、空域情况等等内容统一绘制并发布,具有很强的时效性,并且具有法律效力的公文。






查看当地服务提供商和在线注册 服务,如雅虎天气。
服务费用因服务类型和服务提供 者而有所不同。一些政府服务是 免费的,一些在线服务需要花费 数十美元或更多。
一些服务受天气和其他因素的干 扰,可能会导致信息不准确。此 外,一些服务可能会收到政府和 地区限制。
1 技术的发展和应用
2 服务的改进和创新
3 航行安全的保障
航行情报服务,是为船舶提供航行安全所需的信息和技术支持,以帮助船舶避免在航行过程 中出现危险或损失,同时提高船舶航行效率。
航行情报服务源远流长,早在古代就有人们用不同方式提供了海上航行所需的信息和技术支 持,如波斯人用“察罗精”制作测量船速的仪器,中国人使用「水星球」测定纬度等。
海图和海图更 新
提供航行所需的图表 和更新,保证航行时 的信息正确性。
气象和海洋环 境预测
提供航行中天气和海 洋情况的预测和实时 监控服务。

为船舶提供实时的交 通管理信息,以避免 发生碰撞事故。
提供船舶安全所需的 信息,如海盗袭击预 警和灾害预测等。



因W ord放这些航图比较费劲,所以请大家自己拿到本本文后自己复制图片出去,对照本文进行学习。

CCA-2715---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (转)不管是真实飞行还是模拟飞行,在飞行中航图资料是从飞行准备到飞机航行直至落地关车每一步都不能缺少的基本材料,它包括了飞行关键数据,航路信息,导航台资料,机场资料,飞行规则等内容,与飞行息息相关,密不可分!既然航图对飞行如此重要,那么该如何看懂这些由数字和线条组合成的即单调又复杂的内容呢?这篇文章,将对航空用图的涵盖内容及阅读方法作一个简要的说明,供大家参考,当然,不可能面面俱到,如有遗漏,请大家告知,我将逐步完善。








































2012年经济师《中级民航运输专业》:第一章(2)1 2012年经济师《中级民航运输专业》:第二章(1)1。










——空管资料库整编AIS-航行情报服务§AIS 简介1.Definition定义•Aeronautical Information Service: A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. 2. Necessity必要性•Needs of the operator•Responsibility of the pilot-in-command(正驾驶)•Responsibility of the AIS•Need for uniformity•Need for international exchange of an aeronautical information3. Background背景•Annex15-Aeronautical Information Services•Annex4-Aeronautical Charts•Annex14-Aerodromes (*以上为总则*)•ICAO Doc8126-AIS Manual•ICAO Doc8697-Aeronautical Charts Manual•CCAR Nr 93-Civil Aviation AIS Working Rules-中国民用航空规章(*以上为规范细则*)•ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organization:国际民航组织•specialized agency of the United Nations•headquarters in Montreal•sets international standards for the safety, security, efficiency and regularity of air transport•improving safety is ICAO main activity•Standards and recommended practices:(*国际民航公约,Annex1~3,5~13,16~18略*)•Annex 4-aeronautical charts 航空图表•Annex 14-aerodromes 机场•Annex 15-aeronautical information services AIS4. Purpose目的•To ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety , fficiency, regularity and economy of air navigation.• A variety of information concerning the air navigation facilities and service muse be made readily available to maitain a high standard of air navigation.•Information must be accurate, up-to-date and complete (*信息必须准确,及时和完整*)•Timely dissemination of information affecting navigation facilities and service is very essential.5. Responsibility责任•Each Contracting State shall: (*shall:必须should:最好*)a. Provide an aeronautical information serviceb. Agree with one or more other Contracting State for the provision of a joint servicec. Delegate the authority for the provision of the service to a non-governmental agency, provided the Standards and Recommended Practices of this Annex are adequately met.The State concerned shall remain responsible for the information published.Each Contracting State shall take all necessary measures to ensure that aeronautical information/data it provides relating to its own territory, as well as areas in which the state is responsible for air traffic service outside its territory, is adequate, of required quality and timely.When 24-hour service is not provided, service shall be available during the whole period an aircraft is in flight inthe area of responsibility of an aeronautical information service plus a period of at least two hours before and after such period. The service shall also be available at such other time as may be requested by an appropriate ground organization.An aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate,collate or assemble, edit format, publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory. Aeronautical information shall be published as an Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.Integrated Aeronautical Information Package(一体化航行情报系列资料)•AIP Amendment 航行资料汇编修订•AIP Supplement 航行资料汇编补充•Checklists and summaries; 明语和摘要•AIP- Aeronautical Information publication 航行资料汇编•NOTAM-Notices to Airman 航行通告•PIB- Pre-flight information bulletin 飞行前资料公告•AIC- Aeronautical Information Circular 航行资料通报•Checklists and summaries 校核单和明语摘要6. Functions功能•航行情报工作的主要任务:a编辑出版《中国民用航空航行手册》和《中华人民共和国航行资料汇编》b制定审核机场使用细则,设计审理机场仪表飞行程序c编辑出版各种航图d收集整理、发布提供各种航行通告e提供飞行前和飞行后航行情报服务以及空中交通管制工作所必需的航行情报资料f负责航空地图、航行资料的供应管理工作g组织实施航行情报人员的技术业务培训和执照考核工作7. Users of aeronautical information用户Pilot (飞行员)Flight dispatcher(签派员) AIS units(AIS相关单位) ATS units(AIS相关单位)8. Scope of information handled by an AIS范围(*同讲义,具体内容参阅讲义P2页*)•Permanent information: 永久信息•Temporary information: 临时信息•Information of an explanatory, advisory or administrative nature: 解释建议命令性质的信息9. Units providing raw aeronautical information提供单位1. ATS2. COM&NA V3.Airport construction departments4.Public security departments5.Fuel supply departmrnts6.Meteorology departments7.International transport departments8.Financial departments 9.Health departments 10.Flight standards departments10. Channels of communication通信方式•The channels of communication required for submission of raw data to AIS should include:A) messenger service B) postal service C) aeronautical fixed service D) telefaxE) telephonic F) computer network G) electronic mail§AIP-航行资料汇编• 1.Defination 定义Aeronautical Information Publication: A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.• 2. Contents 内容•The AIP is made up of three parts:General-GEN 总则En-route-ENR 航路Aerodromes-AD 机场•Each partis divided into sections and subsections as applicable, containing various types of information subjects.(*三部分分别的结构分解图见讲义10~11页*)• 3. General specifications 概略说明•Each AIP shall be self-contained and shall include a table of contents.•If it is necessary by reason of bulk or for convenience, to publish an AIP in two or more parts or volumes, each of them will indicate that the remainder of information is to be found in the other part(s) or volume(s).•Each AIP shall not duplicate information within itself or from other sources.•When two or more States combine to issue a joint AIP, this shall be made clear both on the cover and in the table of contents.•AIP should be published in loose-leaf form unless the complete publication is reissued at frequent intervals.•Each AIP shall be dated. In the case of AIP issued in loose-leaf form,each page shall be dated. The date,consisting of the day, month and year, shall be the publication date or the effective date of the information.• A checklist giving the current date of each page in the AIP shall be reissued frequently to assist the user in maintaining a current publication.•Each AIP issued as a bound volume and each page of an AIP issued in loose-leaf form shall be so annotated as to indicate clearly:The sheet size should be no larger than 210×297mm, except that larger sheets may be used provided they are folded to the same size.All changes to the AIP, or new information on a reprinted page, shall be identified by a distinctive symbol or annotation.Operationally significant changes to the AIP shall be published in accordance with AIRAC procedures and shall be clearly identified by the acronym-AIRAC.AIP shall be amended or reissued at such regular intervals as may be necessary to keep them up to date. Recourse to hand amendments or annotations shall be kept to the minimum. The normal method of amendment shall be by means of replacement sheets.AIP Amendments航行资料汇编修订•When an AIP Amendment is issued, it shall include references to the serial number of those elements, if any, of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package which have been incorporated into the amendment.• A brief indication of the subjects affected by the amendment shall be given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet.•When an AIP Amendment will not be published at the established interval or publication date, a NIL notification shall be originated and distributed by the monthly printed plain-language summary of NOTAM in force required. Checklist of AIP Amendments 航行资料汇编修订摘要•Each AIP Amendment checklist should give the current date of each loose-leaf page in the AIP series,unless there are only two or three replacement sheets involved.•And should provide a recapitulation of any outstanding manuscript corrections•The checklist should carry both page number/ chart title and dateAIP Supplements航行资料汇编补充•Temporary changes of long duration (three months or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and /or graphics shall be published as AIP Supplements.•Each AIP Supplement shall be allocated a serial number which shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•AIP Supplement pages shall be kept in the AIP as long as all or some of their contents remain valid.•When an AIP Supplement is sent in replacement of a NOTAM, it shall include a reference to the serial number of the NOTAM.• A checklist of AIP Supplements currently in force shall be issued at intervals of not more than one month. This information shall be issued through the medium of the monthly printed plain language summary of NOTAM in force required.•AIP Supplements pages should be coloured in order to be conspicuous, preferably in yellow.•AIP Supplements pages should be kept as the first item in the AIP parts.Difference in content between AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements航空资料汇编修订与补充的区别•Permanent changes to the AIP are published as AIP Amendments.•Temporary changes of long duration (three month or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and / or graphics are published as AIP Supplements.§AIRAC-航行资料定期颁发制• 1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical information Regulation and Control (AIRAC): It signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices. • 2.Purpose: 目的•Information concerning establishment, withdrawal or changes in facilities, services or procedures in AIP Amendments or AIP Supplements should have prearrangement to keep these changes up to date.• 3.Significant dates: 重要的日期•the effective date(生效日期):promulgated by ICAO and based on an interval of 28 days.•the publication or distribution date(出版日期): 42 days, sometimes 56 days ( even longer)between the publication date and the effective date. This allows for a period of up to 14 day’s distribution time, by the most expeditious means, in order for recipients to receive the information at least 28 days in advance of the effective date .•The latest date for the raw data to reach AIS(到达AIS部门的最晚时间) : as early as possible.•颁发规则体系• A. When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, it shall be identified by the acronym “AIRAC”.• B. the effective dates will be in accordance with the predetermined internationally agreed schedule of effective date based on an interval of 28 days.• C. information so notified shall not be changed further for at least another 28 days after the indicated effective date, unless the circumstance notified is of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full period• D.When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, a NOTAM must be originated giving a brief description of the contents, the effective date and the reference number to the amendment or supplement. This NOTAM must come into force on the same effective date as the amendment or supplement concerned.• E. When information has not been submitted for publication at the AIRAC data, a NIL notification must be originated and distributed by NOTAM, not later than one cycle before the AIRAC effective date concerned.•Use of the AIRAC system during holiday periods•The receipt of AIRAC information is frequently dalayed during holiday periods, thus causing considerable problems to users.•During Chrismas/ New year period. It is not recommended to use 28-day cycles date from Dec 21 to Jan 17 as effective date.•There is a choice of 13 AIRAC effective dates during each calendar year.•Recommendation: Such data should reach recipients more than 28 days in advance of the effective date, for instance 42 or 56days or more. (*有例子见课件*)§AIC(*参见讲义P93~P96页*)1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical Information Circular: A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety,air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.2.For example 举例•a) a long-term forecast of a major change in legislation, regulation, procedures or facilities;•b) information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety;•c) information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.3.The types of information appropriate to AIC are as follows: 适合AIC的情报共20项,详见讲义P93~P95页Shall publish supplementary seasonal information on snow plan in advance of the beginning of each winter-not less than one month before winter. The seasonal information should contain following information: •a) a list of snow-clearance aerodromes during the coming winter;•b) information concerning any centre designated to co-ordinate information on the current state of progress of clearance and on the current state of runways, taxiways and aprons;•c) a division of the aerodromes into SNOWTAMdistribution lists in order to avoid excessive NOTAM distribution;•d) an indication, as necessary, of minor changes to the standing snow plan;•e) a descriptive list of clearance equipment;•f) a listing of what will be considered as the minimum critical snow bank to be reported at each aerodrome at which reporting will commence;4.General specification: 概略说明•a) AIC shall be issued in printed form.•b) Given international distributin and given the same distribution as AIP,AIP AMDT and AIP SUP.•c) serial number, should be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•d) When AIC are distributed in more than one series, each series shall be separately identified by a letter.•e) checklist shall be issued at least once a year, with distribution as for the AIC.•f) Colour coded by subject where there are sufficient circulars in force.white- administrative; yellow- ATC; pink- safety mauve- danger area map; green- maps/charts§NOTAM-航行通告1.Defination 定义•NOTAM ( class 1) : A notice distributed by means of telecommunication which concerns with the establishment, condition or change in aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to persons concerned with flight operations.•Annex 15: A NOTAM shall be originated and issued promptly whenever the information to be disseminated is of a temporary nature and of short duration or when operationally significant permanent changes, or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice, except for extensive text and/ or graphics.2.Dissemination of NOTAM NOTAM的发布•NOTAM are published when the information isOf direct operational significanceOf an ephemeral nature, orAppropriate to the AIP but needs immediate dissemination by short notice长期存在的临时变动-〉AIP SUP对飞行有重要意义的永久性变动-〉AIP AMDT有大量文字和图表的短期资料-〉AIP SUP3.Means of dissemination 发布方式• AFTN: Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network 航空固定电信· SITA: Societe’s International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques 国际航空电信公司4. Classification of NOTAM NOTAM 的分类• Class one NOTAM • Class two NOTAM• SNOWTAM (Except Class Two, others are all transmitted by telecommunication)5. Series of NOTAM NOTAM 系列• Series of class One NOTAM may be as follows: • Series A- international distribution• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States • Series C- national distribution•Series D- regional distribution to ATMB AIS Center. In emergency, issue to pertinent AD AIS department.(*Series A, Series C 结构图见讲义P45~P46页*)Series D- regional distribution• Originated by airport NOTAM offices.•Distributed to NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information center,regional CAAC, and direct to airport AIS offices in urgent cases.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, regional CAAC will further distribute them under SeriesC.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, CAAC will further distribute them under Series A whenneeded.Series of class One NOTAM•For example:Series of class two NOTAM may be as follows:• Series A- international distribution to AIP users• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States• Series C- national distribution. To regional ATMB AIS Centers Distribution date of class two NOTAM :• For series A and B, they shall be distributed 25 days before effective date, for series C, they shall be distributed15 days before effective date. Checklist of class two NOTAM:总局国外虹桥机场中南局东北局 机场机场AAA ACCC•Shall be issued in June and December twice a year.6. Duration of Class one NOTAM 一级NOTAM持续时间•should not remain in force for more than 3 months•Exceed 3 months:a) issue new or replacement NOTAMb) changes of long duration published in AIP supplement(Chinese regulation: series A: effective duration is 3 month; Seriess C: is 6 month.)7.General specifications of NOTAM 注意事项概略•Each NOTAM in a series of NOTAM shall be allocated a serial number by the originator. That number shall be consecutive and based on calendar year.•Each NOTAM shall be as brief as possible and so compiled that its meaning is clear without reference to another document.•Each NOTAM shall be transmitted as a single telecommunication message.•Location indicators included in the text of a NOTAM shall conform to the official ICAO list.•When no ICAO location indicator is assigned to the location, the name of the place shall be entered in plain language.• A checklist of NOTAM currently in force shall be issued over the AFTN at intervals of not more than one month.• A NOTAM shall be distributed to addressees to whom the information is of direct operational significance,and who would not otherwise have at least seven days prior notification.•The AFTN shall, whenever practicable, be employed for NOTAM distribution.•At least seven days’ advance notice shall be given of the activation of established danger, restricted or prohibited areas and of activities requiring temporary airspace restrictions other than for emergency operations.•Notice of any subsequent cancellation of the activities or any reduction of the hours of activity or the dimensions of the airspace should be given as soon as possible.•Whenever possible,at least 24hour’s advance notice is desirable, to permit timely completion of the notification process and to facilitate airspace utilization planning.•NOTAM notifying unserviceability of aids to air navigation, facilities or communication services should give an estimate of the period of unserviceability or the time at which restoration of service is expected.NOTAM Format: (NOTAM格式,参见讲义P48页)1. Priority indicator (优先等级)●Message are classified into priority categories according to their urgencyGG Nomally 一般DD When text is urgent, need special treatment 紧急2. Address (收电地址)•Address Indicator comprised with 4-letter-locator by ICAO and unit identifier by CAAC.•8-letter group forms an Address Indicator.•Item 1 and 2 shall be in one line: e.g. GG ZSSSOFXX•总局ZBBBYNYX西北管理局情报中心ZLXY OFXX华北管理局情报中心ZBAAOFXX◆天津机场情报室ZBTJ OIXX东北管理局情报中心ZYTXOFXX华东管理局情报中心ZSSSOFXX中南管理局情报中心ZGGGOFXX西南管理局情报中心ZUUUOFXX新疆管理局情报中心ZWWWOFXX3. Date and time of filing (签发日期)•shall fill in date and time group for originating basis.•first 2 letters – date•the following 4 letters – hour and minute e.g. 011539表示1日15时39分•series A adopts UTC•Series C, D adopt Beijing Time4. Originator’s indicator (发电单位)•The composing is similar to Address indicator but may fill in one indicator only. e.g. ZLXY OIXX•Item 3 and 4 shall be in one line: e.g. 070920 ZLXYOIXX5. Message series, number and identifier (系列号,编号,代码)•NOTAM series number: usually A C D•NOTAM number: 4 digits/ 2 digits e.g. A0001/05This number shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.注:每个发布单位都是从公历的1月1日起发本年的第一份航行通告NOTAM sub-number for multipart NOTAM only e.g. A1234/98A04 A1234/98B04国际和国内对签发部分报的规定不同国际用A03国内用A3例:A3表示3部分的第一部分B3表示3部分的第二部分C3 表示3部分的第三部分•NOTAM identifier:NOTAMN newNOTAMC cancel e.g. A0525/98 NOTAMC A0433/98NOTAMR replace e.g. A0432/98 NOTAMR A0100/98When a NOTAM is issued which cancels or supersedes a previous NOTAM, the serial number of the previous NOTAM shall be indicated.When errors occure in a NOTAM, a replacement NOTAM shall be issued.6. NOTAM Qualifiers (限定行)•Qualifiers is divided in eight fields, each separated by a stroke.Q) FIR/NOTAM Code/Traffic/Purpose/Scope/Lower limit/Upper limit/Coordinates,Radiuse.g. Q)ZGZU/QMWHW//M/A/000/999/2113N11O21E005If no entry is to be made in a field, it is not necessary to transmit blanks between the strokes.NOTE:The qualifier line (Q) and all identifiers (A to G inclusive) each followed by a closing parenthesis, as shown in the format, must be transmitted unless there is no entry to be made against a particular identifier.1) FIR (飞行情报区)该项必须用ICAO规定的四字地名代码填写如果涉及一个以上的飞行情报区,应在国家代码后加“XX”组成地名代码,然后在A项列出各个情报区的四字地名代码,但最多不能超过七个。



利用AI进行数据分析和处 理,提高航行情报的准确 性和实时性。
通过大数据分析,预测航 班流量和航线需求,优化 航班计划和航路设计。
构建云服务平台,实现航 行情报的共享和协同工作 ,提高工作效率。
基于航行情报提供个性化 航班推荐和定制服务,满 足旅客的多样化需求。
为航空公司提供智能决策 支持系统,协助制定合理 的航班计划和运营策略。
推广环保理念,通过航行 情报分析,优化航班运行 ,降低碳排放和噪音污染 。
利用航行情报数据监测空气质量 ,为环保部门提供决策依据。
按情报来源分为空中情报和地面情报 ;按情报性质分为基本情报和专业情 报。
包括气象情报、航路情报、机场情报 、空中交通管制情报等。
数字化转型是当前航行情报服务的重要趋势,通过引入先进的信息技术,实现情 报数据的数字化存储、处理和传输,提高情报服务的效率和准确性。
数字化转型还包括对传统纸质航图和情报资料的数字化处理,以便于更方便地进 行检索、分析和共享。


由缔约国在其领土上指定作为国际飞行的航空器 出入境并办理海关、移民、公共卫生、动植物检 疫和其他类似手续的航站。
由国家指导进行国际间交换航行通告的办 公室。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ9.航行通告
用电信方式分发有关任何航空设施、服务、 程序或危险的确立、状况或变化的情报服 务。
➢机场仪表飞行程序原始制作; ➢机场仪表飞行程序的修订; ➢机场其他程序如目视飞行程序的制作和修
➢机场使用细则的原始制作; ➢机场使用细则的修订; ➢机场使用细则的颁发。
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
《中国民航国内航空资料汇编》总则、航路、机场 (机场细则)
《中国民航国内航空资料汇编》机场 (航图手册)
第二节 航行情报部门的体制和 各级航行情报部门的工作任务
3.航行资料修订 航行资料汇编资料的永久性改变。
4.航行资料汇编补充 以专用页公布航行资料汇编中资料的临时
5.航行资料定期颁发制 (AIRAC)
一种制度,将使用惯例需要重大改变的情况,按 照共同生效日期提前发出通告。
一个划定范围的空域,可能在特定时间内对航空 器的飞行存在危险活动。
在飞行前准备的、对运行有重要意义的 现行航行通告资料。















另外云的表示方法为(八分制) SKC----(0/8云量)净空 FEW----(1/8—2/8云量)少云 SCT ----(3/8—4/8云量)疏云 BKN----(5/8—7/8云量)多云 OVC----(8/8云量)满天云 后面跟三位数字表示的是高度,单位为百英尺。BKN050意思是在5000英尺高度有5-7个 云量的云 描述云的有: CI---卷云 CS---卷层云 AS---高层云 SC---层积云 CU---积云 CC---卷积云 AC---高积云 NS---雨层云 ST---层云 CB---积雨云 描述CB云的是: ISOL---个别的、独立的CB云 OCNL---分离的CB云 FRQ----连续的CB云 EMBD----隐藏的CB云 CAVOK包含了三层意思 .能见度大于10公里 .云底高大于1500米 .无重要的天气现象
------JEPPESEN资料 上航情报室
上世纪三十年代初的美国,随着民用航空业的快速发展,航空 导航方式急需改变原来的地标领航(常用的比如沿铁路、沿河 流……),因为这种方式受经验和天气影响太大了,有时甚至运送 邮件的飞机会临时停在宽阔平整的地面比如农场上,等天气好转以 后再继续飞行。从小具有飞行梦想的JEPPESEN在从事飞行的时候 将自己的经验及收集的领航数据系统地整理出来,撰写了一本名叫 “LITTLE BLACK BOOK”的笔记,在同事中小范围试用的反响 非常好。随着这种需求的扩大,JEPPESEN成立了自己的航图公司。 在半个多世纪的时间内,JEPPESEN资料和世界民航共同发展,因 其标准化、全面、系统、实用、人性化的风格逐渐成为一种全球通 用的具有标准格式的必备飞行资料。JEPPESEN公司也因为对民航 业的领航方式、导航设施等领域的推动成为全球民航同业中不可替 代的权威公司。


分,对赤峰机场周边的主要地标和相邻空 军机场的位置、距离不清楚,在进近中绕 飞雷雨失去与机场的相对位置。
第一章 航行情报服务概述
• 案例2 • 时间:2000年10月31日 • 航班:新加坡航空公司SQ006波音747客机
在台北桃园机场降落 • 事故:错误进入施工中的跑道,在起飞滑
跑过程中与施工机械相撞,造成机毁人亡 的重大事故。 • 事故原因:场建部门提供原始资料不准确、 不完整,航行情报部门没有进行现场核对、 认真分析,正确、明了发布通告有关。
航图(ICAO、JEPPSEN) 导航数据库(大改签) 航行通告(含CNMS系统) 航行资料
• 情报:某种信息情况的传递和 报道,并对其 进行分析研究,编写完整系统的资料,作为 生产、工作 和从事各种活动的依据。
• 航行情报:对航空数据进行收集、分析和整理后
第一章 航行情报服务概述
• 案例3 • 时间:2002年7月30日 • 事件经过:恩施机场盲降设备遭受强雷击,造成
下滑信标台不工作和ILS监控系统失效。经多方维 护勉强维持到8月4日再次故障,航站技术人员无 法修复。 8月5日,恩施航站未经批准擅自发布了 “从即日起至8月20日18时机场关闭,因ILS故障” 的航行通告 • 问题说明:表现出有关人员专业知识匮乏,业务 素质不高,存在着机场盲降系统故障就必须关闭 机场的错误认识。
第一章 航行情报服务概述

• 时间:1948秋
• 航班:荷兰航空公司星座客机,执行阿姆斯特丹
• 普雷斯特维奇机场:CEIL250m,VIS很差
• 进近失事:降至500米,仍不见RWY,继续进近


航行资料汇编(AIP) 航行通告 航行资料通告 飞行人员资料手册
按照ICAO的要求,把对外开放的机场资料、 气象、空中规则、导航设施、服务程序、 航图等资料以活页形式汇编对外提供,并 定期修改。 国内以航线手册、机场细则的形式提供
Ex.3 ATIS message
分为:航行通告(Notice to Airmen--NOTAM)和雪 情通告(Snow Notice to Airmen--SNOWTAM) 航行设施、服务、程序的建立与变化
通 过 国 际 航 空 固 定 电 信 网 ( AFTN-Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network)提前7天发布
航行资料汇编 航图 航行通告、雪情通告 飞行前和飞行后航行资料服务 飞行情报服务(管制员提供)
航空地图 特种航图
航路图、仪表进近图、机场图、机场障碍图、 机场地面活动图、标准仪表进场图、标准仪表 离场图、精密进近地形图等等。
内容:重要天气情报、航行通告未发布的但是对飞 行安全有重要影响的内容、导航设施、机场设施、 飞行区、跑道冰雪霜积水、沿航线天气、交通情报 等等。 发布:管制员在无线电中发布、或使用ATIS通播
与起飞降落有关的气象条件、使用跑道、管制限制 等要素通常由管制员在无线电中对航空器发布、如 果飞行繁忙,为了减少指挥波道的拥挤和减轻管制 员负担,用专用波道双语自动对空滚动播发以上信 息,飞行员收听以上信息后通知管制员已收到某通 播。



十三航行情报I A.航行情报服务概述航行情报服务是指在指定区域内,负责为空中航行的安全、正常和效率提供所需航行资料/数据而建立的服务。












I B.航行情报工作的主要任务组织实施航行情报工作必须认真贯彻执行“保证安全第一,改善服务工作,争取飞行正常”的方针,不断地提高航行情报工作的质量和服务水平。




ZSWZ 260750Z 260918 19004MPS 3000 SHRA BR SCT015 OVC050 TEMPO 0918 1000 TSRA BR FEW005 SCT011 SCT030CB OVC050=

提供日出落表、当地时间、航行通告、雪情通告格式说 明、气压高度、风角表航行通告代码等等
当航图中的内容发生变化时,因种种客观原因不 能及时更新航图时JEPPESEN采用了航行通告的方式予 以公告。这类通告因为涉及到航图内容的更改所以应 该是比较重要的,尤其是一些通告涉及到导航设施的 变更导致的航路变更;些限制区禁区的长时段的活动 导致的航路上某段的关闭;新开辟航路……。这些信 息对于航行来说是非常重要的,需要我们加以特别的 关注。当然了,一般情况下我们情报室会根据通告的 重要性和对我公司的实际影响通知各位注意事项,但 是我们建议各位也要多看这类信息。下面我们来看一 个大阪回浦东的航行通告范例
解释:C0007/04为航行通告序列号,前四位为编号,04指年份 序列号共分为四类:A/B/C/D A类-用于国际通告发布 B类-用于国际通告发布,但一般用于相邻两国间,比如欧洲国家比较多,我国暂不使用。 C类-地区管理局发布。用于地区管理局之间,地区管理局与总局国内情报处之间 D类-机场情报室向地区管理局发布 NOTAMN-新通告发布 NOTAMR-代替报,后一定跟着一个被代替的通告序列号 NOTAMC-取消报,后一定跟着一个被取消的通告序列号,本通告生效即失效 Q项内容为事件发生地所在情报区/事件性质/注意事项/影响运行方式/影响范围/下限/上限/坐标、半径 Q项内容主要是为了便于计算机识别而安排的,对于各位对通告的判读没有太多的指导意义。上述的 影响范围和座标等看一下就可以了。 A项为事件发生地四字码。 B项为事件开始的时间,应为十位数 C项为事件结束时间,也是十位,后面可加EST(预计);也可整项为PERM(永久生效),如果为 时间+EST则到达该时间时不管事件有没有结束必须再发一份代替报或取消报。 D项为补充项。可能存在时间段时使用,比如上面指每天2230-0500,如没有时间段限制可不填 E项为正文部分。可在此项详细描述事件 NNNN为结束符号 需要注意的是,如果发布的通告类型为A、B类其事件使用的是世界协调时,C、D类则为北京时间







航图根据飞行规则分为:目视飞行用航图、仪表飞行用航图;根据空域划分分为:航路或航线用图(其中又包括高空航路图、中低空航路图)、区域图、终端区图; 现在根据空域划分分类进行航图的介绍:一、航路或航线图:为飞机进行航路或航线飞行时使用的航图,它主要包括了基本地形轮廓、飞行航路信息、航路代码、航路空域划分、航路飞行通讯频率、导航台信息、经纬度坐标、限制性空域信息等于航路飞行有关的数据信息;一般分为高空航路图和中低空航路图。



8697号文件绘制 1997年7月版的附件15中明确规定了AIP的具 体结构
航行资料汇编 (AIP)的结构
第一部分 总则(GEN): 包括没有重要到发布航行通告的有关管理和说明种类 的情报资料 第二部分 航路(ENR): 包括有关空域以及使用时涉及到的有关资料 第三部分 机场(AD): 包括有关机场/直升机场以及使用时的相关情报资料
第二部分 航路(ENR)
• • • • • • • ENR的目录 一般规则和程序 空中交通服务空域 ATS航路 无线电导航设施/系统 航行警告 航路图
ENR1一般规则和程规则:公布本国适用的一般规 则 ENR1.2目视飞行规则:公布本国适用的目 视规则 ENR1.3仪表飞行规则:公布本国适用的仪 表规则 ENR1.4空中交通服务空域分类

负责的服务:提供的航行情报服务及主要组成部分的描述包括 服务/单位名称 邮政地址 电话号码 传真号码 用户电传号码 航空固定业务地址 服务所根据的有关ICAO文件的说明,如有差异应说明其在AIP 中的位置 如不能提供24小时航行情报服务时的说明
第一部分 总则(GEN)

GEN介绍 前言 本国规章和要求 表格和代码 服务(航行情报服务) 机场和空中航行服务 收费

AIP的简述 出版机构名称 可采用的ICAO文件 AIP的结构和定期修订间隔 发现AIP内容错误或遗漏的联系方法


指定机构:与国际飞行有关的指定机构的地址, 每个机构应包括: 机构代码 机构名称 邮寄地址 电话号码 传真号码 用户电传号 航空固定业务地址(AFTN地址)
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——空管资料库整编AIS-航行情报服务§AIS 简介1.Definition定义•Aeronautical Information Service: A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. 2. Necessity必要性•Needs of the operator•Responsibility of the pilot-in-command(正驾驶)•Responsibility of the AIS•Need for uniformity•Need for international exchange of an aeronautical information3. Background背景•Annex15-Aeronautical Information Services•Annex4-Aeronautical Charts•Annex14-Aerodromes (*以上为总则*)•ICAO Doc8126-AIS Manual•ICAO Doc8697-Aeronautical Charts Manual•CCAR Nr 93-Civil Aviation AIS Working Rules-中国民用航空规章(*以上为规范细则*)•ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organization:国际民航组织•specialized agency of the United Nations•headquarters in Montreal•sets international standards for the safety, security, efficiency and regularity of air transport•improving safety is ICAO main activity•Standards and recommended practices:(*国际民航公约,Annex1~3,5~13,16~18略*)•Annex 4-aeronautical charts 航空图表•Annex 14-aerodromes 机场•Annex 15-aeronautical information services AIS4. Purpose目的•To ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety , fficiency, regularity and economy of air navigation.• A variety of information concerning the air navigation facilities and service muse be made readily available to maitain a high standard of air navigation.•Information must be accurate, up-to-date and complete (*信息必须准确,及时和完整*)•Timely dissemination of information affecting navigation facilities and service is very essential.5. Responsibility责任•Each Contracting State shall: (*shall:必须should:最好*)a. Provide an aeronautical information serviceb. Agree with one or more other Contracting State for the provision of a joint servicec. Delegate the authority for the provision of the service to a non-governmental agency, provided the Standards and Recommended Practices of this Annex are adequately met.The State concerned shall remain responsible for the information published.Each Contracting State shall take all necessary measures to ensure that aeronautical information/data it provides relating to its own territory, as well as areas in which the state is responsible for air traffic service outside its territory, is adequate, of required quality and timely.When 24-hour service is not provided, service shall be available during the whole period an aircraft is in flight inthe area of responsibility of an aeronautical information service plus a period of at least two hours before and after such period. The service shall also be available at such other time as may be requested by an appropriate ground organization.An aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate,collate or assemble, edit format, publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory. Aeronautical information shall be published as an Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.Integrated Aeronautical Information Package(一体化航行情报系列资料)•AIP Amendment 航行资料汇编修订•AIP Supplement 航行资料汇编补充•Checklists and summaries; 明语和摘要•AIP- Aeronautical Information publication 航行资料汇编•NOTAM-Notices to Airman 航行通告•PIB- Pre-flight information bulletin 飞行前资料公告•AIC- Aeronautical Information Circular 航行资料通报•Checklists and summaries 校核单和明语摘要6. Functions功能•航行情报工作的主要任务:a编辑出版《中国民用航空航行手册》和《中华人民共和国航行资料汇编》b制定审核机场使用细则,设计审理机场仪表飞行程序c编辑出版各种航图d收集整理、发布提供各种航行通告e提供飞行前和飞行后航行情报服务以及空中交通管制工作所必需的航行情报资料f负责航空地图、航行资料的供应管理工作g组织实施航行情报人员的技术业务培训和执照考核工作7. Users of aeronautical information用户Pilot (飞行员)Flight dispatcher(签派员) AIS units(AIS相关单位) ATS units(AIS相关单位)8. Scope of information handled by an AIS范围(*同讲义,具体内容参阅讲义P2页*)•Permanent information: 永久信息•Temporary information: 临时信息•Information of an explanatory, advisory or administrative nature: 解释建议命令性质的信息9. Units providing raw aeronautical information提供单位1. ATS2. COM&NA V3.Airport construction departments4.Public security departments5.Fuel supply departmrnts6.Meteorology departments7.International transport departments8.Financial departments 9.Health departments 10.Flight standards departments10. Channels of communication通信方式•The channels of communication required for submission of raw data to AIS should include:A) messenger service B) postal service C) aeronautical fixed service D) telefaxE) telephonic F) computer network G) electronic mail§AIP-航行资料汇编• 1.Defination 定义Aeronautical Information Publication: A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.• 2. Contents 内容•The AIP is made up of three parts:General-GEN 总则En-route-ENR 航路Aerodromes-AD 机场•Each partis divided into sections and subsections as applicable, containing various types of information subjects.(*三部分分别的结构分解图见讲义10~11页*)• 3. General specifications 概略说明•Each AIP shall be self-contained and shall include a table of contents.•If it is necessary by reason of bulk or for convenience, to publish an AIP in two or more parts or volumes, each of them will indicate that the remainder of information is to be found in the other part(s) or volume(s).•Each AIP shall not duplicate information within itself or from other sources.•When two or more States combine to issue a joint AIP, this shall be made clear both on the cover and in the table of contents.•AIP should be published in loose-leaf form unless the complete publication is reissued at frequent intervals.•Each AIP shall be dated. In the case of AIP issued in loose-leaf form,each page shall be dated. The date,consisting of the day, month and year, shall be the publication date or the effective date of the information.• A checklist giving the current date of each page in the AIP shall be reissued frequently to assist the user in maintaining a current publication.•Each AIP issued as a bound volume and each page of an AIP issued in loose-leaf form shall be so annotated as to indicate clearly:The sheet size should be no larger than 210×297mm, except that larger sheets may be used provided they are folded to the same size.All changes to the AIP, or new information on a reprinted page, shall be identified by a distinctive symbol or annotation.Operationally significant changes to the AIP shall be published in accordance with AIRAC procedures and shall be clearly identified by the acronym-AIRAC.AIP shall be amended or reissued at such regular intervals as may be necessary to keep them up to date. Recourse to hand amendments or annotations shall be kept to the minimum. The normal method of amendment shall be by means of replacement sheets.AIP Amendments航行资料汇编修订•When an AIP Amendment is issued, it shall include references to the serial number of those elements, if any, of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package which have been incorporated into the amendment.• A brief indication of the subjects affected by the amendment shall be given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet.•When an AIP Amendment will not be published at the established interval or publication date, a NIL notification shall be originated and distributed by the monthly printed plain-language summary of NOTAM in force required. Checklist of AIP Amendments 航行资料汇编修订摘要•Each AIP Amendment checklist should give the current date of each loose-leaf page in the AIP series,unless there are only two or three replacement sheets involved.•And should provide a recapitulation of any outstanding manuscript corrections•The checklist should carry both page number/ chart title and dateAIP Supplements航行资料汇编补充•Temporary changes of long duration (three months or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and /or graphics shall be published as AIP Supplements.•Each AIP Supplement shall be allocated a serial number which shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•AIP Supplement pages shall be kept in the AIP as long as all or some of their contents remain valid.•When an AIP Supplement is sent in replacement of a NOTAM, it shall include a reference to the serial number of the NOTAM.• A checklist of AIP Supplements currently in force shall be issued at intervals of not more than one month. This information shall be issued through the medium of the monthly printed plain language summary of NOTAM in force required.•AIP Supplements pages should be coloured in order to be conspicuous, preferably in yellow.•AIP Supplements pages should be kept as the first item in the AIP parts.Difference in content between AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements航空资料汇编修订与补充的区别•Permanent changes to the AIP are published as AIP Amendments.•Temporary changes of long duration (three month or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and / or graphics are published as AIP Supplements.§AIRAC-航行资料定期颁发制• 1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical information Regulation and Control (AIRAC): It signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices. • 2.Purpose: 目的•Information concerning establishment, withdrawal or changes in facilities, services or procedures in AIP Amendments or AIP Supplements should have prearrangement to keep these changes up to date.• 3.Significant dates: 重要的日期•the effective date(生效日期):promulgated by ICAO and based on an interval of 28 days.•the publication or distribution date(出版日期): 42 days, sometimes 56 days ( even longer)between the publication date and the effective date. This allows for a period of up to 14 day’s distribution time, by the most expeditious means, in order for recipients to receive the information at least 28 days in advance of the effective date .•The latest date for the raw data to reach AIS(到达AIS部门的最晚时间) : as early as possible.•颁发规则体系• A. When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, it shall be identified by the acronym “AIRAC”.• B. the effective dates will be in accordance with the predetermined internationally agreed schedule of effective date based on an interval of 28 days.• C. information so notified shall not be changed further for at least another 28 days after the indicated effective date, unless the circumstance notified is of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full period• D.When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, a NOTAM must be originated giving a brief description of the contents, the effective date and the reference number to the amendment or supplement. This NOTAM must come into force on the same effective date as the amendment or supplement concerned.• E. When information has not been submitted for publication at the AIRAC data, a NIL notification must be originated and distributed by NOTAM, not later than one cycle before the AIRAC effective date concerned.•Use of the AIRAC system during holiday periods•The receipt of AIRAC information is frequently dalayed during holiday periods, thus causing considerable problems to users.•During Chrismas/ New year period. It is not recommended to use 28-day cycles date from Dec 21 to Jan 17 as effective date.•There is a choice of 13 AIRAC effective dates during each calendar year.•Recommendation: Such data should reach recipients more than 28 days in advance of the effective date, for instance 42 or 56days or more. (*有例子见课件*)§AIC(*参见讲义P93~P96页*)1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical Information Circular: A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety,air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.2.For example 举例•a) a long-term forecast of a major change in legislation, regulation, procedures or facilities;•b) information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety;•c) information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.3.The types of information appropriate to AIC are as follows: 适合AIC的情报共20项,详见讲义P93~P95页Shall publish supplementary seasonal information on snow plan in advance of the beginning of each winter-not less than one month before winter. The seasonal information should contain following information: •a) a list of snow-clearance aerodromes during the coming winter;•b) information concerning any centre designated to co-ordinate information on the current state of progress of clearance and on the current state of runways, taxiways and aprons;•c) a division of the aerodromes into SNOWTAMdistribution lists in order to avoid excessive NOTAM distribution;•d) an indication, as necessary, of minor changes to the standing snow plan;•e) a descriptive list of clearance equipment;•f) a listing of what will be considered as the minimum critical snow bank to be reported at each aerodrome at which reporting will commence;4.General specification: 概略说明•a) AIC shall be issued in printed form.•b) Given international distributin and given the same distribution as AIP,AIP AMDT and AIP SUP.•c) serial number, should be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•d) When AIC are distributed in more than one series, each series shall be separately identified by a letter.•e) checklist shall be issued at least once a year, with distribution as for the AIC.•f) Colour coded by subject where there are sufficient circulars in force.white- administrative; yellow- ATC; pink- safety mauve- danger area map; green- maps/charts§NOTAM-航行通告1.Defination 定义•NOTAM ( class 1) : A notice distributed by means of telecommunication which concerns with the establishment, condition or change in aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to persons concerned with flight operations.•Annex 15: A NOTAM shall be originated and issued promptly whenever the information to be disseminated is of a temporary nature and of short duration or when operationally significant permanent changes, or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice, except for extensive text and/ or graphics.2.Dissemination of NOTAM NOTAM的发布•NOTAM are published when the information isOf direct operational significanceOf an ephemeral nature, orAppropriate to the AIP but needs immediate dissemination by short notice长期存在的临时变动-〉AIP SUP对飞行有重要意义的永久性变动-〉AIP AMDT有大量文字和图表的短期资料-〉AIP SUP3.Means of dissemination 发布方式• AFTN: Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network 航空固定电信· SITA: Societe’s International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques 国际航空电信公司4. Classification of NOTAM NOTAM 的分类• Class one NOTAM • Class two NOTAM• SNOWTAM (Except Class Two, others are all transmitted by telecommunication)5. Series of NOTAM NOTAM 系列• Series of class One NOTAM may be as follows: • Series A- international distribution• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States • Series C- national distribution•Series D- regional distribution to ATMB AIS Center. In emergency, issue to pertinent AD AIS department.(*Series A, Series C 结构图见讲义P45~P46页*)Series D- regional distribution• Originated by airport NOTAM offices.•Distributed to NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information center,regional CAAC, and direct to airport AIS offices in urgent cases.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, regional CAAC will further distribute them under SeriesC.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, CAAC will further distribute them under Series A whenneeded.Series of class One NOTAM•For example:Series of class two NOTAM may be as follows:• Series A- international distribution to AIP users• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States• Series C- national distribution. To regional ATMB AIS Centers Distribution date of class two NOTAM :• For series A and B, they shall be distributed 25 days before effective date, for series C, they shall be distributed15 days before effective date. Checklist of class two NOTAM:总局国外虹桥机场中南局东北局 机场机场AAA ACCC•Shall be issued in June and December twice a year.6. Duration of Class one NOTAM 一级NOTAM持续时间•should not remain in force for more than 3 months•Exceed 3 months:a) issue new or replacement NOTAMb) changes of long duration published in AIP supplement(Chinese regulation: series A: effective duration is 3 month; Seriess C: is 6 month.)7.General specifications of NOTAM 注意事项概略•Each NOTAM in a series of NOTAM shall be allocated a serial number by the originator. That number shall be consecutive and based on calendar year.•Each NOTAM shall be as brief as possible and so compiled that its meaning is clear without reference to another document.•Each NOTAM shall be transmitted as a single telecommunication message.•Location indicators included in the text of a NOTAM shall conform to the official ICAO list.•When no ICAO location indicator is assigned to the location, the name of the place shall be entered in plain language.• A checklist of NOTAM currently in force shall be issued over the AFTN at intervals of not more than one month.• A NOTAM shall be distributed to addressees to whom the information is of direct operational significance,and who would not otherwise have at least seven days prior notification.•The AFTN shall, whenever practicable, be employed for NOTAM distribution.•At least seven days’ advance notice shall be given of the activation of established danger, restricted or prohibited areas and of activities requiring temporary airspace restrictions other than for emergency operations.•Notice of any subsequent cancellation of the activities or any reduction of the hours of activity or the dimensions of the airspace should be given as soon as possible.•Whenever possible,at least 24hour’s advance notice is desirable, to permit timely completion of the notification process and to facilitate airspace utilization planning.•NOTAM notifying unserviceability of aids to air navigation, facilities or communication services should give an estimate of the period of unserviceability or the time at which restoration of service is expected.NOTAM Format: (NOTAM格式,参见讲义P48页)1. Priority indicator (优先等级)●Message are classified into priority categories according to their urgencyGG Nomally 一般DD When text is urgent, need special treatment 紧急2. Address (收电地址)•Address Indicator comprised with 4-letter-locator by ICAO and unit identifier by CAAC.•8-letter group forms an Address Indicator.•Item 1 and 2 shall be in one line: e.g. GG ZSSSOFXX•总局ZBBBYNYX西北管理局情报中心ZLXY OFXX华北管理局情报中心ZBAAOFXX◆天津机场情报室ZBTJ OIXX东北管理局情报中心ZYTXOFXX华东管理局情报中心ZSSSOFXX中南管理局情报中心ZGGGOFXX西南管理局情报中心ZUUUOFXX新疆管理局情报中心ZWWWOFXX3. Date and time of filing (签发日期)•shall fill in date and time group for originating basis.•first 2 letters – date•the following 4 letters – hour and minute e.g. 011539表示1日15时39分•series A adopts UTC•Series C, D adopt Beijing Time4. Originator’s indicator (发电单位)•The composing is similar to Address indicator but may fill in one indicator only. e.g. ZLXY OIXX•Item 3 and 4 shall be in one line: e.g. 070920 ZLXYOIXX5. Message series, number and identifier (系列号,编号,代码)•NOTAM series number: usually A C D•NOTAM number: 4 digits/ 2 digits e.g. A0001/05This number shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.注:每个发布单位都是从公历的1月1日起发本年的第一份航行通告NOTAM sub-number for multipart NOTAM only e.g. A1234/98A04 A1234/98B04国际和国内对签发部分报的规定不同国际用A03国内用A3例:A3表示3部分的第一部分B3表示3部分的第二部分C3 表示3部分的第三部分•NOTAM identifier:NOTAMN newNOTAMC cancel e.g. A0525/98 NOTAMC A0433/98NOTAMR replace e.g. A0432/98 NOTAMR A0100/98When a NOTAM is issued which cancels or supersedes a previous NOTAM, the serial number of the previous NOTAM shall be indicated.When errors occure in a NOTAM, a replacement NOTAM shall be issued.6. NOTAM Qualifiers (限定行)•Qualifiers is divided in eight fields, each separated by a stroke.Q) FIR/NOTAM Code/Traffic/Purpose/Scope/Lower limit/Upper limit/Coordinates,Radiuse.g. Q)ZGZU/QMWHW//M/A/000/999/2113N11O21E005If no entry is to be made in a field, it is not necessary to transmit blanks between the strokes.NOTE:The qualifier line (Q) and all identifiers (A to G inclusive) each followed by a closing parenthesis, as shown in the format, must be transmitted unless there is no entry to be made against a particular identifier.1) FIR (飞行情报区)该项必须用ICAO规定的四字地名代码填写如果涉及一个以上的飞行情报区,应在国家代码后加“XX”组成地名代码,然后在A项列出各个情报区的四字地名代码,但最多不能超过七个。
