


周次:第01周学生:___________ 得分:








































(1)每有会.意 (2)性嗜.酒

(3)期.在必醉 (4)既.醉而退

6、下列句子中加点的“其”字用法不同于其它的一项是( )。A.亦不详其.姓字 B.其.如土石何 C.亲旧知其.如此 D.食之不能尽其.材





A本文是作者以史传的手法所写的一篇自传。 B这篇自传是用第一人称解说的。












A风烟/俱净,天山/共色。 B疏条/交映,有时/见日。

C经纶/事务者,窥谷忘反。 D好鸟/相鸣,嘤嘤/成韵。


A.从.流飘荡:随着 B.负.势竞上:凭依

C.窥谷忘反.:通“返” D.在昼.犹昏:夜晚







范仲淹二岁而孤,母贫无依,再适长山朱氏,既长,知其世家(家世),感泣辞母去,之南都入学舍。昼夜苦学,五年未尝解衣就寝。或夜昏怠,辄以水沃面。往往馇(zhān,稠粥)粥不充,日昃(z è,太阳偏西)始食,遂大通六经之旨,慨然有志于天下。常自诵曰:“当先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。”



















8.“不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵”9、B 10.C 11.作者“好读书”是为了获得知识上的满足,精神上的享受,“不求甚解是作者率真性格的体现。


13、略14、略15、C 16.D



三、1.B 2.C 3、C 4.略5.范仲淹发愤苦读,胸怀大志

第九周周清试题 王巧燕

六年级语文第九周周周清试题 班级姓名 一、给加点的字选择正确的读音。(3分) 载重(zǎi zài)赠给(gěi jǐ )吏庶(shuò shǔ ) 逮捕(dài dǎi)琥珀(pōbō )松脂(zhī zhǐ ) 二、词语充值卡。(26分)1、看拼音写词语。(10分) gē qián xuē yuān róu lìn pán shān hān sè ()()()()() kuìzèng lǔ lüèào huǐwēn xùn xī rǎng ()()()()() 2、比一比组词(4分) 燥()烁()镌()撒() 躁()砾()携()撤() 3、把下列成语补充完整,在按要求归类。(8分) 忠心()()()()不安()山峻岭()风暴雨 雪中送()()发童颜痛心()首神采()() (1)描写自然环境: (2)描写人物外貌: (3)描写人物品质: (4)描写人物心理活动: 三、句子训练场。(11) 1、按要求改写句子。(5分) (1)我心里不是滋味。(改为夸张句)—————————————————————————————— (2)长城在八达岭上弯弯曲曲。(改为比喻句) —————————————————————————————— (3)小马温驯地磨动它的松软的大口和齐整的大牙。(缩句) —————————————————————————————— (4)树是城市的灵魂。(改为双重否定句) —————————————————————————————— (5)眼睛盯着书。(扩句) —————————————————————————————— 2、根据场合需要,选择适当的说法。(2分) 祝祝贺恭喜恭贺 (1)()您取得更大的成绩。(2)()您提前完成了任务。 (3)()您早日恢复健康。(4)()大哥晋级、获奖——双喜临门。 (1)种子的力量巨大无比,()再坚固的东西()能顶开。 (2)()我们努力学习,()一定会取得好成绩。 3、用修改符号修改病句。(4分) (1)我要学习他刻苦钻研认真学习。 (2)秋天的银川是一年中最美丽的季节。 四、文本连接。(16分) 1、按课文内容填空。(12) (1)日常篱落无人过, (2)那样的心,那种想、想、为了甚至的伟大的心是不会死的,不管经过百年千载,它都会发光。 (3)让我们起来行动吧,让我们学会地面对,不断,。永远满怀着和。 2、根据课文内容填空。(4分) (1)《可爱的中国》一文的作者是,文中的“朋友”指,他对朋友抒发了的情怀。 (2)《野草》通过描写, 表达了作者对的高度赞美。 什么作用?(2分)至少写出四个)


八年级英语周周清Unit7 一、单选 ( )1.How _______ yogurt do you need. A.many B.a little C.much D.often ( )2.If you a dd three ______nine you get twelve. A.up B.on C.to D.in ( )3.May I have ________ slice of bread wit h butter ? I’m not full. --Gertainly. Here you are A.other B.the other C.another D.two ( )4.I want to watch the ball game. Can you _______ the TV? A.turn on B.turn off C.open D.close ( )5.Why not have a drink in the bar ? A.Right B.It’s OK C.You’re welcome D.Good idea ( )6.______ are all the gifts ? A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often ( )7.There are many tall buildings(高楼)on ________sides of the street. A.either B.all C.both D.every ( )8.How do you _____ a turkey sandwich? A.take B.make C.cook D.carry ( )9.Don’t froget to ______ the blender after the shake is done. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn over D.turn in ( )10.Look! Linda is _____ hot water into the blender. A.pour B.pours C.pouring D.to pour ( )11.How many orange do we need? Let me ______.Three. A.think B.think of C.think over D.think about ( )12.How______cups of milk doyou drink every day ? A.many B.much C.some D.any ( )13.You can _____some sugar_______the water. A.add,/ B.add , into C.add , to D.add up ,to ( )14.Do you like lettuce _____Sandwiches. A.of B.in C.with D.for ( )15.Let’s make fruilt salad._______. A.No,I’m not. B.Thnak you. C.That’s all right D.That’s a good idea. ( )16.Here’s a recipe_______salad. A.of B.in C.for D.on ( )17.What’s the ______ of cola we need? A.recipe B.amount C.kind D.ingredient ( )18.Please put the fruilt and the relish into the bowl and _____. A.mix up all it B.mix it all up C.mix all it up D.mix all up it ( )19.The banana is too big. You can ______ first. A.cut up them B.cut them up C.cut it up D.cut up it ( )20.I did well in Enlgish test . This _____me happy. A.made B.lets C.turned D.have ( )21.This piece of bread is too small, Could you give me a big _____? A.one B.piece C.bread D.it ( )22.I’m hungry. Please give me ______. A.two turkey sandwich B.three turkey sandwiches C.twe turkeys sandwich D.three turkeys sandwiches ( )23.We need two_____ and _______. A.potatos, an onion B.potatoes, an onion C.potatoes,a onion D.potatos, an oinos 二、完形填空 English breakfast is very big meal-eggs, tomatoes,tea,coffe,… But 1 many people lunch is a quick meal. 2 cities,there are a lot of sandwich bars.Where office workers can 3 all kinds of Sandwiches, Salad meat. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many students like to take sandwiches , a drink and some fruilt from 4 . “Tea” 5 two things. It’s a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches,cakes and a cup of tea. They usually have the evening meal quite early 6 6:00 and 8:00 , and


英语周周清测试题 完形填空(每空3分) I grew up in a community called Estepona. I was 16 when one morning, Dad told me I could drive him into a 1 village called Mijas, on condition that I took the car in to be 2 at a nearby garage. I readily accepted. I drove Dad into Mijas, and 3 to pick him up at 4 pm, then dropped off the car at the 4 . With several hours to spare, l went to a theater. 5 , when the last movie finished, it was six. 1 was two hours late! I knew Dad would be angry if he 6 I’d been watch ing movies. So I decided not to tell him the truth. When I 7 there I apologized for being late, and told him I’d 8 as quickly as I could, but that the car had needed a major repairs. I’ll never forget the 9 he gave me. “I'm disappointed you 10 you have to lie to me, Jason.” Dad looked at me again. “When you didn’t 11 , I called the garage to ask if there were any 12 , and they told me you hadn’t yet picked up the car.” I felt 13 as I weakly told him the real reason. A 14 passed through Dad as he listened


八年级语文第一周周周清 班级__________ 姓名____________ 一、语言运用 1、“永远的丰碑”是中央电视台《新闻联播》中的一个专题栏目,该栏目每期介绍一位英雄人物的感人事迹,在社会上引起了强烈反响。请你回答以下问题。 ①“永远的丰碑”的含义是什么?(4分) ___________________________________________________________ ②请你根据下面的材料,为战斗英雄陈师长写几句赞语。(6分) 当年红三十四师师长陈树湘率部为红军殿后。掩护主力队伍撤退以后,他们只剩下四五百人。等到他们撤退的时候,湘江已经被国民党封锁了。他们又饿着肚子翻山越岭退回到湘西打游击。撤退途中,陈师长腹部中了敌人的子弹,他命令其他的战士撤退,自己来掩护,不幸被敌人抓住。敌人非常得意,在抬着他去邀功的时候,陈师长把自己的肠子掏出来扯断,最后壮烈牺牲,年仅29岁。——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————③请你谈谈观看这个专题栏目后的感受。(6分)————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————2、给下面的新闻加一个标题(4分) “伟大壮举光辉历程————纪念中国工农红军长征胜利70周年展览”19日上午在陕西历史博物馆开幕,展览主要采用图片、文物照片和投影、电视音像作品等多种表现形式向公众展出。 这次展览由中组部、中宣部、中央文献研究室、中央党史研究室、解放军总政治部联合主办,中国人民革命军事博物馆和陕西省委宣传部承办。展览以长征历程为主线,以弘扬长征精神为主题,在全面展示长征起因和过程的基础上,通过长征中的重要战役战斗、重要事件、重要会议和重要人物,深刻揭示和突出反映伟大的长征精神。


八年级语文周周清测试题 周次:第01周学生:___________ 得分: 一、基础知识 1、给下列字注音或根据拼音写汉字(10分) ⑴嗜⑵慕⑶吝⑷欤 ⑸晏⑹俦⑺辄⑻褐 ⑼无碍⑽轩邈⑾横柯 ⑿缥碧⒀经纶⒁(líng)作响 ⒂(yuān)飞(lì)天⒃(kuī)谷忘(fǎn) ⒄在(zhòu)犹昏⒅(tuān)急 ⒆黔娄()⒇宅()边 2、解释加点的字 ⑴先生不知何许人⑵造饮辄尽 ⑶性嗜酒⑷每有会意 ⑸不汲汲于富贵⑹其言兹若人之俦乎 ⑺晏如也⑻以乐其志 ⑼水皆缥碧⑽猛浪若奔 ⑾互相轩邈⑿鸢飞戾天 ⒀负势竞上⒁横柯上蔽 3、填空 ⑴《与朱元思书》的作者是朝(姓名)。该文选自《》,是文(体裁),多处使用了对偶句。本文总写的一句话是。 ⑵用《与朱元思书》中的原文回答:侧面表现水清澈的句子; 写出水流湍急的句子;既表现了富阳山的魅力,又表现了作者鄙弃名利的思想的句子是。 ⑶《五柳先生传》的作者,他是(朝代)的诗人, 名,字,我们在八年级(上册)课本学过他的一篇散文名作《》。“五柳先生”是指,“传”的意思是。

⑷根据课文内容回答: a.表现五柳先生喜爱读书的句子是:。 b.五柳先生名号的由来:。 c.全文的中心句:,。 二、阅读理解(一)《五柳先生传》 先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字,宅边有五柳树,因以为号焉。闲静少言,不慕荣利。好读书,不求甚解;每有会意,便欣然忘食。性嗜酒,家贫不能常得。亲旧知其如此,或置酒而招之;造饮辄尽,期在必醉。既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。常住文章自娱,颇示己志。忘怀得失,以此自终。 赞曰:黔娄之妻有言:“,。”其言兹若人之俦乎?衔觞赋诗,以乐其志。,。 1、上文中的“先生”指的是(朝代)时期的(作者)。 2、请把文中的空白处补全。 3、对下列句子朗读停顿划分正确的一项是() A每有会/意,便/欣然忘食。B性/嗜酒,家贫/不能常得。 C亲旧知其/如此,或置酒/而招之。D常住文章/自娱,颇示己/志。 4、对下列句子中加点的虚词理解不正确的一项是() A亦不详其姓字(他的)B因以为号焉(因此) C既醉而退(已经)D以此自终(用) 5、解释下列句中加点的词。 (1)每有会.意 (2)性嗜.酒 (3)期.在必醉 (4)既.醉而退 6、下列句子中加点的“其”字用法不同于其它的一项是( )。A.亦不详其.姓字 B.其.如土石何 C.亲旧知其.如此 D.食之不能尽其.材 7、用现代汉语写出下面句子的意思。 不戚戚于贫贱;不汲汲于富贵。译: 8、“赞”语中哪句话和传文中“不慕荣利”一句相照应?


郑中国际学校2020--2021学年上学期八年级英语学科周清测试 考试时间:50分钟试卷总分:90分 一、用所给单词的适当形式或根据汉语意思填空。(每空1分,共10分) 1.He is one of the ______________ (friendly) people in the shopping center. 2.Lucy and her twin sister look the same, but Lucy is ___________ (heavy). 3.I_________( choose) a few books from the shelf yesterday morning. 4.The ________ (win) of this year’s Young Star Award is Daniel. 5.Some students in our school are truly _____________( talent). 6.He is _____ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English. 7.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second _____________ (deep). 8.They usually play a role in __________ (decide) the important plans. 二、单项选择。(每题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. --Learning to love is like learning to walk. --Yes, ______we step out bravely, we’ll find it’s not so difficult. A.as if B.even though C.as long as D.as far as ( ) 2. I think _____ is always interesting _______ others show their talents. A.that; to watch B. it; watching C. it; to watch D. that; watching ( ) 3. --My teachers often encourage me _______ more friends but I find it difficult . -- Your teachers’ idea is right. The more friends you make, _________ you will be. A.to make; the more happy B. to make; happier C. Making; the happier D. to make; the happier ( ) 4.My father often _______ funny stories to make me _______ loudly. A.ends up; to laugh B. dresses up; laugh C. makes up; laugh D. turns up; to laugh ( ) 5.How smart Mary is! Of all the students in her class, she usually spends the ____ time and makes the ____ mistakes. A.least; fewest B. least; least C. fewest; least D. most; fewest ( ) 6. -The service is wonderful and the weather is quite fine. - Yes, this holiday is so great. We never had _____before. A.the best one B. a good one C. a better one D. the better one ( ) 7. The earth is about ________ as the moon . A.as fifty time big B. fifty times as big C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big ( ) 8. In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more ________ ideas. A.true B. common C. simple D. creative ( ) 9.-- ______ is it from your school to the bus stop? -- It’s about 5 minutes’ walk. A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far ( ) 10. --Shall we clean the room this afternoon or tomorrow? -- _________. Any time is OK. A.It is up to you. B. Have a good time. C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. Excuse me. 三、完形填空。(每题1分,共15分) Colors can ___1___ people’s moods. So different nations like different colors. Chinese people like red most. We call it Chinese Red. Some foreigners know___2___ about China, so they can’t ___3____ how much Chinese people like these color. In China, red is ___4____, such as red flag, Chinese knots, red lanterns and so on. Many foreigners wonder __5____Chinese people like it so much. Red has special ___6____ in Chinese culture and history. Red is the color of the fire, the sun and the life. It makes us warm and ____7____. In the past, people colored the walls red to ___8____ dignity (尊严) and power. Red also ____9____ luck, health, happiness and peace. Chinese people think red can protect us from illness and ___10______ . So we dress ourselves in red and eat red eggs for good luck __11_____a new baby comes to the world.


八年级语文周周清试题 温馨提醒:本试卷共两个大题,共计70分,其中含有5分卷面分。 一、积累与运用(32分) 1、下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是()(3分) A、缄.(jiān)默干涸.(hé) 畸.(jī)形歼.(jiān)灭 B、玷.(zhān)污驿.(yì)站凝.(níng)视逊.(xùn)色 C、搪.(tāng)塞卑劣.(liè) 哀悼.(dào) 鄙.(bǐ)视 D、匿.(nì)名溺.(nì)水诘.(jí)责叱.(chì)骂 2、下列没有错别字的一项是()(3分) A、蕴藏出类拔萃生脱死拽 B、欧打水汇不通浅尝辄止 C、筛选梦寐以求张冠李带 D、赊欠源远流长直截了当 3、结合语境,选出下列句子中加点词语解释有误的一项是()(3分) A、教育厅要求各高校实行阳光招生 ....。(指公开、公平、公正的招生) B、为将物资及时送到灾区,政府开辟了绿色通道 ....。(指方便快捷的途径、优惠政策等) C、“明星学院”吸引了不少的阳光少年 ....。(指活泼、富有生气的少年) D、为了满足人们健康的需要,厂家纷纷推出了绿色食品 ....。(指绿颜色蔬菜) 4、下面句子的空缺处,依次填入的词语最恰当的一项是()(3分) 水是人类赖以生存的特殊资源,没有水就没有生命。但是,目前水危机已成为人类面临的最的挑战之一。水危机严重了人类的可持续发展,水已经向人类敲响了警钟。 A、严肃制约 B、严峻制约 C、严峻控制 D、严肃控制 5、下列句子没有歧义的一项是()(3分) A、我们在火车上写标语。 B、小王买了一本精装的《红楼梦》。 C、孩子们看着他们在哈哈大笑。 D、船行二日即到。 6、加点成语的使用错误的一项是()(3分) A.共同的爱好和相似的性格使他们有一种一见如故 ....的感觉。 B.想不到昔日的“浪子”今天却成了英雄,这就不得不让人刮目相看 ....。 C.元旦联欢会上,全校师生欢聚一堂,共享天伦之乐 ....。 D.我们的祖国山河壮丽,文学家们以脍炙人口 ....的诗句吟咏它,绘画家以使人迷恋的丹青描绘它,摄影师以令人神往的镜头记录它。 7、下列句子中没有语病的一项是()(3分) A.继北京奥运会之后,在21世纪初又举办了一次全球盛会——上海世博会。 B.为防止“中国式过马路”不再引发交通事故,部分城市对行人闯红灯采取了罚款措施。 C.“我的中国梦”演讲活动,使同学们点燃了爱国激情,放飞了青春梦想。 D.我们要把改善民生、保障民生、关注民生作为一切工作的目的和出发点。 8、有关课文的表述不正确的一项是()(3分)

2019秋人教新目标八年级英语上册周周清:Unit 7

检测内容:Unit 7 得分________卷后分________评价________一、单项选择。(10×1.5分=15分) 1.Every person should play ________ part in saving ________earth. A.a;a B.a;an C.a;the D.a;/ 2.—Will people live on another ________in the future? —No,the earth will always be the best place for us. A.planet B.country C.city D.factory 3.—He got an A in last week's math test. —It is ________!His math is always the worst. A.possible B.simple C.impossible D.bored 4.It's ________ for them to swim in the river.They should leave at once. A.safe B.dangerous C.simple D.happy 5.—________will he arrive here? —In an hour. A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far 6.—The Great Wall is very famous. —Yes,________ people go to visit it every day. A.hundred B.hundreds


四年级第九周英语周周清试卷 学号班别姓名 一.单词填空(2*18) 二.根据中文提示把句子补充完整。(2*13) 1. Let show you our . (让我带你们参观我们的新学校) 2. It is a very school. (漂亮的) 3. is your .(你们的教室在哪里?) 4. It’s , next the library. (它在那里,图书馆旁边) 5. there a swimming ? (有游泳池吗?) 6. It is the playground. (它在操场的对面) 7. We sometimes have lessons there. (我们有时候在那里上体育课) 三.选择填空(2*7) () 1. Let me you my house. A. show B. to show C. showing () 2. We sometimes TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching () 3. It’s near the room. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’

() 4. Let me show new school. A. you I B. your our C. you our () 5. draw here. A. Let B. Let’s C. Let’s me () 6. This is our , we can read a book here. A. library B. gym C. playground () 7. The playground is in front the classroom building. A. on B. to C. Of X|k |B| 1 . 四、找出合适的活动,连线。(2*6) We read books on the playground We sometimes have PE lessons in the library We play games in the dinning hall We have English lessons in the swimming pool We eat meals in the teachers’ room Teachers work in the classroom 五、阅读短文,判断下列句子,用“T”和“F”表示。(2*6) Welcome to our new school. There are two buildings in our school. This is the classroom building. There are 24 classrooms and five teachers’rooms in it. In front of the classroom building, there is a red building. In this building,there is a computer room,an art room,a music room,and a library. I like reading books in the library. Behind the red building,there is a playground. We have PE lessons on it. But there isn’t a s wimming pool in our school. () 1. There is one building in our school. () 2. There are 24 classrooms in our school. () 3. There are four teachers’ rooms in our school. () 4. There is a music room in our school. () 5. There is a gym room in our school. () 6. There isn’t a swimming pool in our school. () 7. We have PE lessons on the playground.


八年级第八周语文周周清 一、选择(21分) 1.下列加点字注音全部正确的一项是()(3分) A.芳草鲜美(xiān)俶尔远逝(chù) B.便要还家(yào) 罔不因势象形(wǎnɡ) C.犬牙差互(chā) 寤寐思服(wù) D.曾不盈寸(zēnɡ) 黄发垂髫(tiào) 2.下面对诗歌的品析不恰当的一项()(3分) A.海日生残夜,江春入旧年:“生”“入”两字,形象地表现了时序的变迁、新旧的交替。此联既写美景,又含哲理。 B.白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪:“搔”,写解愁的动作;白发“更短”,突出愁的程度。诗人在离乱伤痛之时,叹息衰老,更添悲愁。 C.千嶂里,长烟落日孤城闭:夕阳西下,崇山峻岭间,狼烟升起,城门早早关闭。此句营造了一种宁静祥和的氛围。 D.小桥流水人家:小桥一座,流水潺潺,几户人家,幽静安适。此句反衬出流落他乡孤独无助的游子内心的凄凉。 3.下面句子朗读停顿划分有误的一项是() (3分) A.有/良田、美池、桑竹之属B.其岸势/犬牙差互 C.虞山/王毅叔远/甫/刻D.窈窕/淑女,钟鼓/乐之 4.下列句子中加点词语解释有误的一项是() (3分) A.渔人甚异之异:对……感到惊异B.斗折蛇行折:折断C.其两膝相比者比:靠近D.悉如外人悉:全,都5.下面句中加点词的古今意义相同的一项是() (3分) A.率妻子邑人来此绝境B.无论魏晋 C.日光下澈D.技亦灵怪矣哉 6.下列加点词的意义和用法完全相同的一项是() (3分) A.潭中鱼可百许头高可二黍许 B.为坻,为屿,为嵁,为岩为宫室、器皿、人物 C.此中人语云如有所语 D.乃记之而去乃不知有汉 7.(2018·荆门)下列说法不正确的一项是() (3分) A.钧,旧时对尊长或者上级用的敬词。如“钧裁”,指对上级裁决的敬称,也指恭请做出决定。 B.古代常用纪年法有王公即位年次纪年法、年号纪年法、干支纪年法、年号干支兼用法等,“天启壬戌”为年号干支兼用法。 C.《诗经》收录了我国从西周到春秋时期的诗歌,分为“风”“雅”“颂”三个部分,其中《关雎》选自“风”,《蒹葭》选自“雅”。 D.《小石潭记》《醉翁亭记》均是我国古代文学游记类作品的经典之作,其作者都在“唐宋八大家”之列。 二、名句默写。(12分) (1)统领《关雎》全篇的诗句是:__________,____________。 (2)《蒹葭》中于浓浓的秋凉之中折射出人物淡淡的凄婉之情的句子是:__________,__________。__________,__________。 (3)《式微》中表明受奴役者处于非人处境的诗句是“__________,____________?”“__________,____________?” (4)青青子佩,__________。纵我不往,__________?(《诗经·郑风》)

2018年秋八年级英语人教版河南用上册周周清 8

Self Check 得分________卷后分________评价________ 一、单项选择。(10×2分=20分) 1.—It's so hot in the room,just like Aoven. —You are right,let's open door to let wind in. A.an; the B.the; an C./; the D.an; an 2.For this reason we'll have to wait B three weeks for the result. A.more B.another C.other D.much 3.—Do you need some A in your soup? —Oh,yes.I love everything sweet. A.sugar B.pepper C.salt D.gravy 4.—Can you tell me the ending of the story? —OK.A,the little girl died with lots of matches around her. A.Finally B.Quickly C.Clearly D.Luckily 5.—Ahoney do you need for the milk shake? —Just one spoon. A.How much B.How many C.How far D.How long

6.Sam Ahis head to show that he disagreed with us about it. A.shook B.fell C.covered D.touched 7.Andy B the radio and then began to listen English. A.cut up B.turned on C.turned off D.cut down 8.There Aany butter.Can you buy some for me? A.isn't B.aren't C.is D.are 9.—What do you eat for breakfast? —Dbread,an egg and a bowl of porridge. A.A bowl of B.A cup of C.A spoon of D.A piece of 10.Ayour house fresh air is good for your sleep. A.Filling; with B.Sending; to C.Putting; into D.Giving; to 二、完形填空。(10×2分=20分) It is simple to make a cheese and salad sandwich. __11__,go to the supermarket and buy all necessary things, such as bread, butter, cheese and vegetables like __12__,tomatoes and cucumbers(黄瓜). Now you are ready __13__ your sandwich. First, put some butter __14__ one piece of bread. Then cut the cheese into __15__ and put them onto the buttered piece of bread. Next, __16__the vegetables and cut __17__into thin pieces. Then put them on the cheese together with __18__ lettuce. Finally, put a __19__ piece of bread over the top and __20__ your sandwich into two halves to form triangles(三角形). Your sandwich is ready. C11.A.Then B.Next C.First D.Finally


七年级英语周周清姓名——班级——学号—— 一、词汇积累:(10分) (1)按要求写出下列单词的形式: 1. twelve(序数词)_________________ 2. brother(名词所有 格)_____________ 3. do not(缩写形式)_______________ 4..tomato(复 数)___________________ 5.shop(同义词)_________________ 6..nine(序数 词)___________________ 7..have(第三人称单数)____________ 8..thirty(序数 词)__________________ 9.sell(名词)_____________________10..fourth(写出基数词) ___________ 二.写出下列短语:(10分) 1.红色的毛衣________ 2._黑色的衬衫__________ 3.白色的裙子 ________ 4.长的裤子__________ 5.短的袜子_______________ 6.大的鞋子_________ 7一顶蓝帽子_____________8._给你______9.不必客气_________ 10.一双运动鞋__________三.根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。(10分) 1. January is the first m_______ of a year. 2. My friend’s b______ is in October. 3. Teachers’Day is on S_______ 10th. 4. We have an Art F______ each year. 5. I like go to the English P_______. 6. _______ (二月) is the second month of a year. 7. When is your _______(聚会) ? 8. _______ (妇女) Day is on March 8th. 9. The fourth month of a year is_______(四月). 10. They have a speech _______(比赛). 四.单项选择(20分) () 1. My school trip is _______ May.

八年级语文下学期周清(3.9,无答案) 新人教版

2019学年八年级语文下学期周清 (书写认真,字体工整,争取满分) 一、解释下面加粗的词语。(每个1分,共50分) 1.余幼时即嗜学 2.无从致书以观 3.假借于藏书之家 4.弗之怠 5.走送之 6.不敢稍逾约 7.以是人多以书假余8.余因得遍观群书 9.益慕圣贤之道10.又患无硕师名人与游11.尝趋百里外12.门人弟子填其室 13.未尝稍降辞色14.无冻馁之患矣 15.援疑质理16.或遇其叱咄 17.色愈恭18.礼愈至 19.不敢出一言以复20.俟其欣悦 21.卒获有所闻22.负箧曳屣 23.四支僵劲不能动24.持汤沃灌 25.以衾拥覆26.寓逆旅主人 27.日再食28.皆被绮绣 29.腰白玉之环30.右备容臭 31.余则缊袍敝衣32.余故道为学之难以告之33.以中有足乐者34.廪稍之供 35.裘葛之遗36.有问而不告 37.求而不得者也38.假诸人而后见也

39.非天质之卑40.岂他人之过哉! 41.流辈甚称其贤42.余朝京师 43.生以乡人子谒余44.撰长书以为贽 45.辞甚畅达46.言和而色夷 47.其将归见其亲也48.余故道为学之难以告之 49.负箧曳屣50.援疑质理 二、将下面的句子翻译成现代汉语。(共50分) 1.故余虽愚,卒获有所闻。(3分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 2.以中有足乐者,不知口体之奉不若人也。(3分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.尝趋百里外从乡之先达执经叩问。(3分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 4.其业有不精,德有不成者,非天质之卑,则心不若余之专耳,岂他人之过哉?(4分)_________________________________________________________________________________ 5.余朝京师,生以乡人子谒余。(3分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.撰长书以为贽,辞甚畅达,与之论辩,言和而色夷。(4分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 7.其将归见其亲也,余故道为学之难以告之。(4分) _________________________________________________________________________________ 8.有司业、博士为之师,未有问而不告,求而不得者也。(4分)
