



国外计算机类SCI期刊排名Abbreviated Journal Title ISSN2004 Total Cites Impact Factor ACM COMPUT SURV0360-0300146910.037J MACH LEARN RES1532-4435621 5.952 BIOINFORMATICS1367-480311390 5.742 HUM-COMPUT INTERACT0737-******* 4.778 IEEE T PATTERN ANAL0162-882812485 4.352 ANNU REV INFORM SCI0066-4200296 4.292 ACM T INFORM SYST1046-8188914 4.097 VLDB J1066-88887554IEEE T MED IMAGING0278-00626297 3.922 IEEE T EVOLUT COMPUT1089-778X1012 3.688 ARTIF INTELL0004-37025632 3.57 MACH LEARN0885-61253610 3.258J COMPUT BIOL1066-52771467 3.241 MED IMAGE ANAL1361-84151057 3.212 EVOL COMPUT1063-65601083 3.206J MOL GRAPH MODEL1093-32632579 3.036 QUANTUM INFORM COMPU1533-7146427 3.035 INT J COMPUT VISION0920-56913446 2.914 MIS QUART0276-77831869 2.884 IEEE INTELL SYST1094-7167980 2.86 IEEE ACM T NETWORK1063-66923548 2.851J CHEM INF COMP SCI0095-23384885 2.81 DATA MIN KNOWL DISC1384-5810653 2.8 USER MODEL USER-ADAP0924-1868286 2.789J COMPUT AID MOL DES0920-654X2089 2.729 IEEE NETWORK0890-******** 2.667 ACM T GRAPHIC0730-******** 2.661J AM MED INFORM ASSN1067-50271468 2.612 IEEE INTERNET COMPUT1089-7801806 2.554 IEEE T COMPUT0018-93405667 2.419J ACM0004-54114111 2.414 COGNITIVE BRAIN RES0926-64102166 2.394J CRYPTOL0933-******* 2.393 ACM T SOFTW ENG METH1049-331X401 2.385 NEURAL COMPUT0899-******** 2.364 IBM J RES DEV0018-86462262 2.266 IEEE WIREL COMMUN1536-1284228 2.189 IEEE T NEURAL NETWOR1045-92274682 2.178 PATTERN RECOGN0031-32035667 2.176 ARTIF LIFE1064-5462546 2.15 BIOL CYBERN0340-12003346 2.142J AM SOC INF SCI TEC1532-28822254 2.086J ARTIF INTELL RES1076-9757946 2.045 IEEE T INFORM THEORY0018-944811182 2.029 THEOR PRACT LOG PROG1471-0684109 2.024IEEE T IMAGE PROCESS1057-71494950 2.011 COMPUT CHEM0097-8485864 1.923 COMPUT INTELL0824-7935560 1.923 ACM T COMPUT SYST0734-******* 1.917 CHEMOMETR INTELL LAB0169-74392282 1.899 QSAR COMB SCI1611-020X145 1.882 ACM T PROGR LANG SYS0164-09251294 1.875 COMMUN ACM0001-07827907 1.865 DISTRIB PARALLEL DAT0926-8782255 1.85 ACM T DATABASE SYST0362-5915870 1.846 INFORM MANAGE-AMSTER0378-******** 1.815 J COMPUT PHYS0021-999111917 1.777 NEURAL NETWORKS0893-******** 1.736 IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR1077-2626666 1.694 COMPUT CHEM ENG0098-13543806 1.678 COMPUT LINGUIST0891-******* 1.657 COMPUT BIOL CHEM1476-9271106 1.655 J MOL MODEL0948-5023604 1.638 IBM SYST J0018-8670834 1.636 IEEE T MULTIMEDIA1520-9210511 1.634 IEEE COMPUT GRAPH0272-17161208 1.602 IEEE T INF TECHNOL B1089-7771389 1.575 SAR QSAR ENVIRON RES1062-936X393 1.546 INFORMS J COMPUT1091-9856407 1.522 COMPUT PHYS COMMUN0010-46556062 1.515 IND MANAGE DATA SYST0263-5577491 1.504 IEEE T SOFTWARE ENG0098-55893088 1.503 FOUND COMPUT MATH1615-337564 1.5 IEEE SOFTWARE0740-74591157 1.481 DECIS SUPPORT SYST0167-9236861 1.458 AUTON AGENT MULTI-AG1387-2532269 1.447 COMPUTER0018-91622025 1.432 IEEE T FUZZY SYST1063-67062071 1.373 WIREL NETW1022-0038599 1.35 METHOD INFORM MED0026-1270845 1.338 INT J MED INFORM1386-5056713 1.326 SIGMOD REC0163-5808531 1.319 ACM T MATH SOFTWARE0098-35001206 1.312 AUTON ROBOT0929-5593516 1.309 SIAM J COMPUT0097-53973460 1.306 INFORM PROCESS MANAG0306-4573992 1.295 AI MAG0738-******* 1.291 INT J HIGH PERFORM C1094-3420275 1.277 J MANAGE INFORM SYST0742-1222944 1.271 EXPERT SYST APPL0957-4174518 1.247 IEEE MULTIMEDIA1070-986X424 1.243 IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN1041-43471559 1.243KNOWL ENG REV0269-8889414 1.237 INT J GEOGR INF SCI1365-8816899 1.234 INFORM RETRI1386-4564464 1.231 NETWORK-COMP NEURAL0954-898X597 1.227 COMPUT NETW1389-12861428 1.226 INTERACT COMPUT0953-******* 1.225 INT J HUM-COMPUT ST1071-5819873 1.222 IEEE MICRO0272-1732692 1.19 IEEE T PARALL DISTR1045-92191555 1.19 J COMPLEXITY0885-064X382 1.187 ARCH COMPUT METHOD E1134-3060126 1.182 COMPUT FLUIDS0045-79301128 1.164 IMAGE VISION COMPUT0262-88561460 1.159 ARTIF INTELL MED0933-******* 1.124 SCIENTOMETRICS0138-9130860 1.12 J HEURISTICS1381-1231297 1.113 DISTRIB COMPUT0178-2770299 1.081 MED BIOL ENG COMPUT0140-01182154 1.07 COMPUT AIDED DESIGN0010-44851788 1.052 IEEE T SYST MAN CY B1083-44191215 1.052 J FUNCT PROGRAM0956-7968231 1.045 INT J ELECTRON COMM1086-4415264 1.044 J COMPUT SYST SCI0022-00002085 1.03 COMPUT STAT DATA AN0167-9473883 1.022 MATH PROGRAM0025-56102603 1.016 J BIOMED INFORM1532-0464162 1.013 EUR J INFORM SYST0960-085X2501 MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO0340-62532321 J LOGIC COMPUT0955-792X4370.986 COMPUT BIOL MED0010-48255260.974 DATA KNOWL ENG0169-023X5440.971 J LOGIC ALGEBR PROGR1567-8326540.967 RANDOM STRUCT ALGOR1042-98326140.966 J VIS COMMUN IMAGE R1047-32034050.964 SCI COMPUT PROGRAM0167-64235140.942 MOBILE NETW APPL1383-469X2970.931 INT J APPROX REASON0888-613X5640.929 ALGORITHMICA0178-461711440.923 ACTA INFORM0001-59037090.922 INFORM COMPUT0890-540129470.92 COMPUT AIDED GEOM D0167-83968480.916 PARALLEL COMPUT0167-81919660.915 IEEE T COMPUT AID D0278-007022140.913 IEEE DES TEST COMPUT0740-74755030.908 REAL-TIME SYST0922-64433210.905 COMPUT GEOSCI-UK0098-300412620.903 J INF SCI0165-55153660.899INFORM SYST0306-437912110.896 J MATH IMAGING VIS0924-99072960.887 ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW1364-81524360.876 INT J MOD PHYS C0129-18319690.864 COMPUT ELECTRON AGR0168-16994280.863 NEW GENERAT COMPUT0288-36352950.854 INT J COOP INF SYST0218-84301390.853 ANN MATH ARTIF INTEL1012-24434390.851 J INTELL INF SYST0925-99023240.851 J INF TECHNOL0268-39622170.85 J ALGORITHM0196-677411580.849 IEEE T RELIAB0018-952911020.828 CIN-COMPUT INFORM NU1538-2931490.818 PHOTONIC NETW COMMUN1387-974X1210.811 PATTERN ANAL APPL1433-75411580.803 STRUCT MULTIDISCIP O1615-147X2980.803 COMPUT GRAPH FORUM0167-70555030.801 DISPLAYS0141-93822750.8 IEEE T VLSI SYST1063-82108700.793 FUND INFORM0169-29686150.785 CYBERNET SYST0196-97221860.768 CONNECT SCI0954-********.765 J COMPUT INFORM SYST0887-********.764 STAT COMPUT0960-31744840.761 ICGA J1389-6911510.757 COMPUT SCI ENG1521-96153410.75 MIND MACH0924-64951270.745 COMPUTAT GEOSCI1420-05971040.744 J STRATEGIC INF SYST0963-86871440.742 COMPUT STRUCT0045-794933960.741 AI COMMUN0921-71261960.738 FUZZY SET SYST0165-011444050.734 ANN SOFTW ENG1022-70911110.733 J PARALLEL DISTR COM0743-********.729 MED INFORM INTERNET1463-92382320.717 J SYST SOFTWARE0164-12126100.716 SPEECH COMMUN0167-63936410.709 OPEN SYST INF DYN1230-1612720.702 ROBOT CIM-INT MANUF0736-********.699 COMPUT IND0166-36155730.69 DESIGN CODE CRYPTOGR0925-10224950.69 FORM METHOD SYST DES0925-98563230.688 SOC SCI COMPUT REV0894-43931910.687 COMPUT METH PROG BIO0169-26078860.686 COMPUT INFORM1335-9150460.456 REAL-TIME IMAGING1077-20141430.455 INFORM PROCESS LETT0020-019016800.453Immediacy Index2004 Articles Cited Half-Life0.08312 6.40.43848 2.50.715564 3.42.9171270.4161548.50.33312 5.71.42119 6.20.3332140.426141 5.90.42138 4.60.625649.80.9254080.1369 4.20.38936 5.40.64314 6.40.362588.31.345292.30.517607.60.333249.70.55456 3.70.15988 6.80.7247 4.90.18222 6.30.36411 4.10.10946 6.50.35137 4.80.165103 5.60.91861 4.70.41855 3.50.306134>10.00.45231>10.00.219151 4.40.308138.20107.20.481104 6.90.534589.90.15439 2.40.3041357.10.32037.80.84626 5.90.32178>10.00.21697 6.20.38234 6.60.2413249.40.3520 2.20.321134 6.207.2 0.576337.4010>10.0 0.148115 6.7 0.22476 1.4 0.11127>10.0 0.137161>10.0 0.38918 5.2 0.28621>10.0 0.05672 5.4 0.258306>10.0 0.2481058.3 0.21361 5.5 0.2452377 0.125169.2 0.33342 1.4 0.22449 3.6 0.71442 5.6 0.2181 3.7 0.419438.4 0.29248 3.8 0.24337 3.5 0.12839 5.5 0.341889.1 0.04370 3.7 0.33369>10.0 0.083120.2557.1 0.0683 5.9 0.43816 4.4 0.15292 6.4 0.06874 6.2 0.15857 4.9 0.06987 6.3 0.24789 3.8 0.196565 0.39328>10.0127 4.6 0.11470>10.0 0.185547.8 0.12257 0.44134 3.5 0.17135 6.9 0.1351114 0.3129 5.3 0.26111968.4 0.135377.4 0.87516>10.0 0.133157.7 0.114140 5.2 0.32755 4.8 0.32468 6.2 0.13751 5.7 0.16386 6.7 0.20848 5.507 6.4 0.319729 0.096104 6.2 0.3447 5.2 0.14689 5.7 0.08723 5.5 0.273119.7 0.1491149.4 0.0571067.7 0.273231 5.4 0.215 6.4 0.29627 4.4 0.32864>10.0 0.144167 5.6 0.19776>10.0 0.54842 2.4 0.04323 6.1 0.64445 3.8 0.23534 6.7 0.091449 0.236555 0.611180.22744 6.5 0.07128 6.7 0.10448>10.0053 4.4 0.176347.6 0.145698.4 0.21723>10.0 0.09265>10.0 0.176518.4 0.11868 6.6 0.1181527.8 0.23343 4.9 0.03231 6.8 0.041017.4 0.04544 5.10.219327.9 0.45231 5.2 0.15100 4.2 0.17796 5.1 0.03655 4.5 0.0825>10.0 0.05917 4.9 0.1540 5.9 0.22722 6.7 0.07427 5.5 0.25448.3 0.04764>10.0 0.091330.13345 2.8 0.346264 0.12125 3.4 0.02871 5.2031 5.4 0.167132 5.2 0.07593 5.2 0.07341 4.9 0.167188.4 0.1250 3.6 0.067307.1 0.33390.07553 3.9 0.0825 5.9011 4.5 0116 0.0272259.30247.5 0.1412139.20 5.6 0.0771047.8 0.04821 6.4 0.156160 4.8 0.04862 6.7 0.048210.019525 0.10358 5.6 0.101696 0.444187 0.07540 4.5 0.115968.1040.02836 5.2 0.03718710。



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Information Research ALibres: Library and Information Science Research ElectronicA JournalMathematics of Computation AMISQ Executive AMultimedia Systems ANatural Language Engineering ANauchno-Technicheskoi Informasiya Seriya ANeural Networks ANew Review of Information and Library Research AParallel Computing APattern Recognition APerformance Evaluation AQuantum Information Processing AQueueing Systems : Theory and Applications ARandom Structures and Algorithms AReal-Time Systems AResearch on Language and Computation AScandinavian Journal of Information Systems ASchool Libraries Worldwide AScience of Computer Programming AScientometrics ASIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ASoftware Practice and Experience ASpeech Communication ATheoretical Computer Science ATheoretical Computer Science ATheory and Practice of Logic Programming ATheory of Computing ATheory of Computing Systems AUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction AUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction AVLSI Design AWorld Wide Web AAccess BACM Computer Communication Review BACM Computers in Entertainment BACM Transactions on Applied Perception BACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing BACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems BACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data BACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications andB ApplicationsACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing BACM Transactions on Storage BAdvances in Mathematics of Communications BAdvances in Mathematics of Communications BAI Communications BAnnals of Software Engineering BApplied Artificial Intelligence BApplied Intelligence 0924-669X BARS Combinatoria BArtificial Life BAslib Proceedings 0001-253X BAustralasian Journal of Information Systems BAutomated Software Engineering BBehavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers BBusiness Process Management Journal BCanadian Journal of Information and Library Science-RevueB Canadienne des Sciences de l Information et de Bibliotheconomie 1195-096XCollection Building BCommunications of the ACM BCommunications of the Association of Information Systems BComputer Communications BComputer Languages BComputer Standards & Interfaces BComputer Standards & Interfaces BComputers & Security BComputers in Industry BConnection Science BCybernetics and Systems BData & Knowledge Engineering BData & Knowledge Engineering BDiscourse Processes BDisplays BDistributed Systems Engineering Bd-Lib Magazine BElectronic Journal of Combinatorics BElectronic Journal of IS Evaluation BElectronic Library BEnvironmental Modelling & Software BEvidence Based Library and Information Practice BFundamenta Informaticae BGovernment Information Quarterly BGraphs and Combinatorics BHealth Information and Libraries Journal BHuman IT BIEEE Annals of the History of Computing BIEEE Communication Letters BIEEE Computer BIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications BIEEE Internet Computing BIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications BIEEE Multimedia BIEEE Pervasive Computing BIEEE Security and Privacy BIEEE Security and Privacy BIEEE Software BIEEE Transactions on Education BIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security BIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-B Systems and HumansIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-B CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-B Applications and ReviewsIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems BIET Computer Vision : (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image andB Signal Processing)IET Computers and Digital Techniques BIET Image Processing (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image andB Signal Processing)IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) BIET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) BImage and Vision Computing BIndustrial Management & Data Systems BInfo : the Journal of Policy Regulation and Strategy forB Telecommunications Information and MediaInformation and Software Technology BInformation Economics and Policy BInformation Management and Computer Security BInformation Management Journal BInformation Processing Letters BInformation Retrieval BInformation Sciences BInformation Software and Technology BInformation Systems Management BInformation Technology and Libraries BInformation Visualization BInnovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and ComputerB SciencesIntelligent Data Analysis BInterfaces BInterjournal BInternational Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing BInternational Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering BInternational Journal of Applied Cryptography BInternational Journal of Approximate Reasoning BInternational Journal of Autonomous and AdaptiveB CommunicationsInternational Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications BInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems BInternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems BInternational Journal of e-Collaboration BInternational Journal of Electronic Commerce BInternational Journal of Electronic Government Research BInternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Science BInternational Journal of General Systems BInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science BInternational Journal of Grid and Utility Computing BInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction BInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems BInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based and IntelligentB Engineering SystemsInternational Journal of Law and Information Technology BInternational Journal of Learning BInternational Journal of Neural Systems BInternational Journal of Parallel Emergent and Distributed Systems BInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialB IntelligenceInternational Journal of Software Engineering and KnowledgeB EngineeringInternational Journal of Software Engineering and KnowledgeB EngineeringInternational Journal of Wireless Information Networks BInternational Journal on Digital Libraries BInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer BInternet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy BJournal of (for) Computer Information Systems BJournal of Applied Non-Classical Logics BJournal of Artificial Intelligence and Law BJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series BJournal of Communications and Networks BJournal of Computer Information Systems BJournal of Computer Science and Technology BJournal of Computer Security BJournal of Government Information BJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications BJournal of Graph Theory BJournal of Information Ethics BJournal of Information Systems Management BJournal of Information Technology Education BJournal of Informetrics BJournal of Intelligent Information Systems BJournal of Intelligent Information Systems BJournal of Intelligent Systems BJournal of Knowledge Management BJournal of Knowledge Management Practice BJournal of Library Administration BJournal of Mathematical Cryptology BJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision BJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision BJournal of Object Technology BJournal of Organizational and End User Computing BJournal of Research and Practice in Information Technology BJournal of Software BJournal of Software Maintenance and Evolution-Research andB PracticeJournal of Supercomputing BJournal of Systems and Software BJournal of Systems Architecture BJournal of the American Society for Information Processing andB ManagementJournal of the Medical Library Association BJournal of the University College and Research Libraries Section ofB the Australian Library and Information AssociationJournal of Universal Computer Science B Journal of Universal Computer Science B Journal of Visualization B Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation B Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation B Knowledge and Information Systems B Knowledge Management Research and Practice B Knowledge Organization B Knowledge-Based Systems B Language Resources and Evaluation B Law Library Journal B Library Hi Tech B Library Management B Library Resources & Technical Services B Library Review B Libri B Logic Journal of the IGPL B Machine Translation B Machine Translation B Machine Vision and Applications B Mathematical and Computer Modelling B Mathematics and Computers in Simulation B Mobile Networks & Applications B Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal B Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal B Multimedia Tools and Applications B Multimedia Tools and Applications B Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing B Networks B Neural Computing & Applications B Neural Processing Letters B Neurocomputing B New Generation Computing B New Generation Computing B New Review of Information Behaviour Research B Online Information Review B Open Systems & Information Dynamics B Orana B Pattern Analysis and Applications B Pattern Recognition Letters B Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies) BPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies) BPervasive and Mobile Computing BPortal-Libraries and the Academy BPrometheus BReference & User Services Quarterly BRequirements Engineering BResearch Evaluation BRestaurator-International Journal for the Preservation of LibraryB and Archival MaterialSecurity and Communication Networks BSIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling andB Simulation InternationalSocial Science Computer Review BSoftware and System Modeling BSoftware Concepts and Tools BSoftware Testing Verification & Reliability BSoftware Testing Verification and Reliability BSynergy BTransactions in GIS BTransactions in GIS BVisual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics BWireless Communications & Mobile Computing BWireless Networks BAcademy of Information and Management Sciences Journal CACIS International Journal of Computer and Information Science CACM Journal of Computer Documentation CACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing CACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems CACM SIGecom Exchanges CACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review CACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review CActa Automatica Sinica CActa Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis CAdvanced Technology Libraries CAdvances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics CAdvances in Engineering Software CAfrican Journal in Information and Communication Technology CAI and Society CAI and Society CAI in Engineering CAI Magazine CAKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics CAlgebra and Discrete Mathematics CAlgorytmy (Algorithms) CApplicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics CApplied Computing and Informatics CApplied Computing Review CApplied Ontology CApplied Soft Computing CArchivaria CArchives and Manuscripts CArtificial Intelligence and Law CArtificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Quarterly CArtificial Intelligence in Medicine CArtificial Intelligence Review CAsian Journal of Information Technology CAssiut University Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science CAustralasian Journal of Combinatorics CAustralasian Public Libraries and Information Services CAustralian Journal of Electronic Commerce CAustralian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems CBehavioral & Social Sciences Librarian CBulletin des Bibliothques de France CBulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology CBulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics CBulletin of the European Association for Theoretical ComputerC ScienceBulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications CBusiness Information Review CBusiness Intelligence Journal CBusiness Intelligence Journal CCahiers Gutenberg CCampus-wide Information Systems CChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science CChinese Journal of Advanced Software Research CCommunications in Information Literacy CCommunications of the ICISA CCommunications of the International Information ManagementC AssociationCommunications of the International Information ManagementC AssociationComplex Systems CComplex Systems CComplexity C Complexity International C Complexity International C Computer Graphics Forum C Computer Languages Systems & Structures C Computers & Graphics-Uk C Computers & Security C Computers in Libraries C Computing and Informatics Journal C Congressus Numerantium C Contributions to Discrete Mathematics C Control and Cybernetics C Cryptography and Communications C Cryptologia C Cryptologia C Data Science Journal C Database for Advances in Information Systems C Desidoc Bulletin of Information Technology C Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications C Discrete Mathematics and Applications C Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science C Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory C East Asian Library Journal C Econtent C Education For Library and Information Services: Australia C Education Libraries C Education Libraries Journal C Egyptian Computer Science Journal C El Profesional De La Informacion C Electronic Commerce Research and Applications C Electronic Communication Law Review (was EDI Law Review) C Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management C Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries C Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics C Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science C Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence C Enterprise Information Systems C Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures C Ethics and Information Technology C Expert Systems C Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology CManagementFirst Monday CFoundations and Trends in Information Retrieval C Foundations and Trends庐 in Theoretical Computer Science C Graphical Models and Image Processing CGraphical Models and Image Processing CHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation CIAENG International Journal of Computer Science CIASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications CIASTED International Journal of Modelling and Simulation CIEE Proceedings - Software Engineering CIEE Proceedings-Software CIEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing CIEEE Computing in Science and Engineering CIEEE Computing in Science and Engineering CIEEE Distributed Systems Online CIEEE Intelligent Systems CIEEE Intelligent Systems: Putting AI Into Practice CIEEE Software Process Newsletter CIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of ElectronicsC Communications and Computer SciencesIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems CIET Information Security (was IEE Proceedings InformationC Security)Imaging Science Journal CImplementation of Quantum Computation CIndilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems CINFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science C Informa莽茫o & Informa莽茫o C Informatica C Informatica didactica C Informatics in Education: An International Journal C Information and Communications Technology Law CInformation Development: the international journal for librarians,C archivists and information specialistsInformation Knowledge Systems Management CInformation Management Policies and Services CInformation Outlook CInformation Processing & Management CInformation Research-an International Electronic Journal CInformation Resources Management Journal CInformation Security CInformation Services & Use CInformation Society CInformation Society CInformation Systems Control Journal CInformation Systems Security Journal CInformation Technologies and International Development CInformation Technologist CInformation Technology and Disabilities CInformation Technology and Management CInformation Technology and Tourism CInformation Technology Journal CInformation Technology Journal CInformation Technology Learning and Performance Journal CInforming Science CInforming Science C Ing茅nierie des syst猫mes d'information C Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing CIntelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management CInteracting With Computers CInteractions CInternational Arab Journal of Information Technology CInternational Information & Library Review CInternational Journal for Infonomics CInternational Journal for Infonomics CInternational Journal of Business Data Communications andC NetworkingInternational Journal of Business Information Systems CInternational Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining CInternational Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce CInternational Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce CInternational Journal of Cognitive Informatics and NaturalC IntelligenceInternational Journal of Communication Networks and DistributedC SystemsInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence CInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence andC ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer and Engineering Management CInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology CInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics CInternational Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental CLanguages (was Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages)International Journal of Computer Science an Network Security CInternational Journal of Computer Systems Science andC EngineeringInternational Journal of Computers and Their Applications CInternational Journal of Computers and Their Applications CInternational Journal of Computing and Information Sciences CInternational Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics CInternational Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining CInternational Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining CInternational Journal of Digital Evidence CInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks CInternational Journal of e-Business Research CInternational Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics CInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems CInternational Journal of Expert Systems CInternational Journal of Expert Systems With Applications CInternational Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems CInternational Journal of High Speed Computing CInternational Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems CInternational Journal of Image and Graphics CInternational Journal of Information and CommunicationC Technology EducationInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security CInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security CInternational Journal of Information and Operations ManagementC EducationInternational Journal of Information Management CInternational Journal of Information Quality CInternational Journal of Information Security CInternational Journal of Information Security and Privacy CInternational Journal of Information Systems and Supply ChainC ManagementInternational Journal of Information Technology CInternational Journal of Information Technology & DecisionC MakingInternational Journal of Information Technology and Management CInternational Journal of Information Technology and the SystemsC ApproachInternational Journal of Information Technology and WebC EngineeringInternational Journal of Information Technology Education CInternational Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies CInternational Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies CInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting FinanceC and Management (was Expert Systems Review)International Journal of Intelligent Technology CInternational Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management CInternational Journal of Internet Protocol Technology CInternational Journal of Internet Science CInternational Journal of Interoperability in Business InformationC SystemsInternational Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research CInternational Journal of Knowledge and Learning CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management Studies CInternational Journal of Libraries and Information Services CInternational Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies CInternational Journal of Mobile Communications CInternational Journal of Mobile Information Systems CInternational Journal of Mobile Information Systems CInternational Journal of Modelling and Simulation CInternational Journal of Network Management CInternational Journal of Netwrok Security CInternational Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems andC NetworksInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications CInternational Journal of Security and Networks CInternational Journal of Services and Standards CInternational Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling CInternational Journal of Systems Science CInternational Journal of Systems Science CInternational Journal of Technology and Human Interaction CInternational Journal of Technology Policy and Law (wasC International Journal of Information Policy and Law)International Journal of The Computer the Internet andC ManagementInternational Journal of Web and Grid Services CInternational Journal of Web Based Communities CInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology CInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology CInternational Journal of Web Information Systems C。



计算机电子通信等信息类SCI期刊大全计算机类SCI分区数据WoS四区(cs.whu)序号刊名1 AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS3 International Journal of Network Management4 ETRI JOURNAL5 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING6 Journal of Web Semantics7 R Journal8 Security and Communication Networks9 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS10 QUEUEING SYSTEMS11 INFORMATICA12 Frontiers of Computer Science13 IET Information Security14 Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks15 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY16 Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces17 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES18 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS19 ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS20 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation21 ACTA INFORMATICA22 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS23 INTEGRATION-THE VLSI JOURNAL24 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS25 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE26 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies27 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE28 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY29 WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS30 JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION31 Radioengineering32 IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE33 ADVANCED ROBOTICS34 IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH35 Semiconductors and Semimetals36 China Communications37 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition38 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics39 TRANSPORTATION JOURNAL40 Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology41 AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFAC42 IET Computer Vision43 Journal of the Society for Information Display44 Intelligent Service Robotics45 SIGMOD RECORD46 CONNECTION SCIENCE47 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL48 Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika49 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DESIGN AUTOMATION OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS50 JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS53 Computer Science and Information Systems54 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS55 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining56 Computers and Concrete57 AI MAGAZINE58 KYBERNETES59 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments60 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE61 Advances in Mathematics of Communications62 Information Retrieval Journal63 Advances in Computers64 Research in Transportation Economics65 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools66 Natural Computing67 MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL68 Intelligent Data Analysis69 Journal of Simulation70 IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE71 Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C-Computers & Electronics72 Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory73 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS74 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION75 ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS76 Journal of Organizational and End User Computing77 New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia78 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION79 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING80 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures81 PRESENCE-TELEOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS82 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS83 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING84 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS85 Language Resources and Evaluation86 MICROELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL87 ALGORITHMICA88 IET Software89 Current Computer-Aided Drug Design90 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS91 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE92 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS93 CIRCUIT WORLD94 International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining95 DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY96 International Arab Journal of Information Technology97 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE98 SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FORMODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNAT99 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY100 COMPUTER JOURNAL101 DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY102 Journal of Public Transportation103 Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research 104 International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing107 Journal of Cellular Automata108 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION109 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming110 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS111 FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE112 Translator113 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING114 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS115 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION116 CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES117 APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING118 International Journal of Web Services Research119 Logical Methods in Computer Science120 NEW GENERATION COMPUTING121 AI COMMUNICATIONS122 APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE123 ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC124 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS125 RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA126 THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS127 INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING128 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras129 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN 130 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis131 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS132 Asian Journal of Communication133 International Journal of Sensor Networks134 Analysis and Mathematical Physics135 IEEE Latin America Transactions136 VIRTUAL REALITY137 Scientific Programming138 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry139 ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING140 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering141 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AN 142 International Communication Gazette143 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research144 Applications of Mathematics145 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 146 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS147 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory148 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport149 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science150 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 151 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS152 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING153 Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering154 Problems of Information Transmission155 Journal of Web Engineering156 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE157 Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences158 JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE POWER AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY161 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING162 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY163 Differential and Integral Equations164 ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 165 Chinese Journal of Communication 166 NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS167 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems168 RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS169 Journal of Systems Science & Complexity170 PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS171 COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS172 INFINITE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS QUANTUM PROBABILITY AND RELATED TOPICS173 Journal of Logic Language and Information174 Annals of Combinatorics175 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS176 Pacific Journal of Optimization177 Mathematical Control and Related Fields178 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications179 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics180 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology181 IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 182 DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS183 ELECTROMAGNETICS184 IET Computers and Digital Techniques185 Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science186 MINDS AND MACHINES187 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS188 Econometrics Journal189 Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods and Applications190 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS191 ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage192 Journal of Grey System193 Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial194 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS195 Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics196 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS197 COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS198 COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRI 199 Homology Homotopy and Applications200 JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS201 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL202 Social Semiotics203 Journal of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis204 JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS205 INFORMACIJE MIDEM-JOURNAL OF MICROELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MAT 206 Annals of Functional Analysis207 Information Technology and Control208 Discrete Optimization209 Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies210 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING211 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security212 Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina215 Fixed Point Theory216 JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT217 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH218 INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS219 Milan Journal of Mathematics220 IEICE Electronics Express221 Computational Methods and Function Theory222 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 223 Journal of Function Spaces224 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS225 Communication Culture & Critique226 Text & Talk227 ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES228 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS229 APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL230 Statistics and Its Interface231 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY232 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY233 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS234 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics235 Journal of Mathematics and Music236 Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenie 237 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics238 NATURAL RESOURCE MODELING239 COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS240 MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES241 Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta-Seria Matematica 242 Journal of Mass Media Ethics243 Theory and Applications of Categories244 Mathematics and Financial Economics245 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica246 JAVNOST-THE PUBLIC247 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS 248 COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL249 Journal of Numerical Mathematics250 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-Serio Internacia251 Neural Network World252 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE253 Automatika254 KYBERNETIKA255 TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS256 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION257 JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING258 Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology259 PMM JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS260 COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING261 Media International Australia262 ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM263 CMC-Computers Materials & Continua264 ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES265 Advances in Difference Equations266 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Electrical Engine269 NARRATIVE INQUIRY270 Mathematical Communications271 ARCHIVE FOR HISTORY OF EXACT SCIENCES272 JOURNAL OF APPLIED COMMUNICATION RESEARCH273 Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche274 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research275 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING 276 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS277 Mathematical Population Studies278 University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Ma 279 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUT 280 UTILITAS MATHEMATICA281 HISTORIA MATHEMATICA282 MICROWAVE JOURNAL283 CRYPTOLOGIA284 Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities Series B285 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series286 PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE287 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal288 International Journal of Transport Economics289 JOURNAL OF MEDIA ECONOMICS290 Electronics and Communications in Japan291 FUJITSU SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL JOURNAL292 INFOR293 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN294 African Journalism Studies295 Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap296 Journal of African Media Studies297 ICGA JOURNAL298 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly299 Light & Engineering300 EPE Journal301 SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY302 Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals303 Traitement du Signal304 ELECTRONICS WORLD305 Road & Transport Research306 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems引用次数影响因子eigenFactorScore 1506 1.1470.00259826 1.130.00268225 1.1180.000261153 1.1160.00199354 1.0790.000471091 1.0750.00154422 1.0750.002561095 1.0670.002551474 1.0660.002631335 1.060.00221398 1.0560.00071405 1.0390.00113355 1.0370.00082311 1.0340.000683216 1.0320.00826197 1.0310.00048260 1.0290.00039691 1.0250.00111406 1.010.0019363810.0010278310.0003749810.000350410.0007724610.0001511650.9940.001513580.9760.001096280.9640.000949110.9560.0021335080.9510.007044170.950.0008911340.9450.001912590.9430.0003915720.920.002442950.9090.000334380.9090.000287350.9030.001784610.9020.000525580.90.000644640.8970.000216800.8930.001555770.8850.000584870.8780.0011510280.8770.00151340.8750.0003513140.8750.001413580.8670.000279300.8630.000897700.8590.001266140.850.0011615580.850.002753920.8370.00093 17340.8270.00279 3750.8270.00196 4040.8130.00085 12310.8120.00113 7850.8110.00071 2620.8090.00033 8330.8070.00113 2540.80.001689270.7910.00103 3510.7890.00048 6690.7810.00166 4220.7780.00063 6630.7780.00084 3530.7750.00031 8220.7720.00113 3610.7720.00063 8860.7710.00099 3230.770.00081 3640.7690.00031 9620.7690.00137 8180.7660.00162 8530.7650.00137 1380.7595.00E-05 1410.7580.00018 19260.7570.00654 18130.7540.00261 1610.7530.00029 16520.750.00054 36180.7480.00625 5970.7460.00106 4540.740.00067 4400.7380.00104 1940.7370.00029 19870.7350.00516 2280.7330.0004 3860.7320.00052 51150.7310.00754 5620.730.00145 12450.7290.00109 2260.7270.00024 2190.7270.00019 17270.7240.00645 5020.7240.0003 3350.7230.00176 12930.720.00137 13120.7130.00235 32140.7110.00301 13590.7110.00349 5440.710.00063 1860.7060.00048 3480.7050.000647860.6880.00125 17110.6870.0028 2360.6860.00028 4050.6770.00081 7300.6750.00073 3320.6740.00046 14080.670.0028 3700.6670.00099 1340.6670.00024 5070.6610.00337 3510.6570.0003 3620.6540.00098 5880.6520.00049 11180.6470.0037 3710.6470.00055 4130.6460.00131 6630.6450.0029 3390.6440.00041 4020.6430.00078 3650.6430.00081 5790.6420.00151 6830.6410.00128 3470.6380.00057 3050.6350.00038 620.6320.00082 10060.6310.00102 3640.6280.00031 3430.6270.00047 2080.6250.00235 13240.6230.00216 880.6220.00016 3820.6220.00065 4860.6220.00103 3610.6190.00061 3240.6180.00058 1730.6090.00048 5730.6090.00097 2980.6050.00209 3230.60.00042 890.68.00E-05 4550.5970.00124 11650.5970.00354 2060.5970.00047 3360.5950.00038 6580.5810.00081 1060.580.000192670.5790.00023 6860.5780.00107 4490.5750.00025120.5620 1290.5620.00043 6380.5620.00024 2760.560.00063 2100.5580.00067 5590.5560.00106 3300.5560.00037 7710.5480.00163 8420.5480.00142 2480.5480.00036 4010.5440.0022 18450.5430.01147 3490.5430.00127 1040.5420.00125 840.5290.00056 8250.5290.00152 7680.5250.00183 4890.5170.00076 1390.5160.00035 4100.5160.00058 2310.5150.00049 2750.5150.00073 3580.5140.00045 5290.5130.00075 7910.5130.00287 1900.5090.00091 10750.5030.00156 900.50.00019 3560.50.0002 1440.50.00028 5980.4970.00346 4200.4970.00073 6020.4890.00428 3380.4880.00053 7110.4870.00121 2470.4860.00149 3170.4860.00078 3620.4840.00051 3440.4840.00072 4170.4830.00043 5880.4810.00075 950.4780.00016 1370.4770.00098 1630.4750.00031 4580.4690.00161 4960.4680.00091 6340.4680.00089 930.4650.00034 870.4640.000469130.4570.00109 2670.4570.0012 9790.4560.00189 2500.4550.00111 5690.4520.00119 1500.4510.00068 18410.450.00144 2090.4480.00071 2970.4480.00083 14430.4460.0042 9350.4460.00076 4810.4440.00099 4210.4440.00201 6360.4410.00124 5780.4410.00194 3450.4390.00074 8600.4360.00318 530.4350.00011 840.4310.00017 600.4260.00037 3530.4260.0006 3670.4240.00099 7510.4230.00131 1440.4220.00052 2430.4190.00037 3030.4190.00145 1630.4150.00129 3440.4150.00079 1910.4130.00033 14480.4110.00196 4020.4050.00018 2760.4050.00163 5040.3940.00125 2510.3940.00023 6160.390.00185 1590.380.00041 8080.3790.00125 19520.3770.00551 1520.3750.00013320.3650.00087 1080.3650.0002 18640.3570.00117 1550.3480.00015 2640.3460.00068 3750.3430.00142 3150.3390.00093 25410.3350.0032 8490.3350.00233 220.333 5.00E-056920.3080.00072 150.30 1030.2990.00019 3450.2990.00054 2640.2980.00052 1700.2860.00021 1840.2790.00034 13810.2740.00196 4820.2610.00082 2210.2580.00028 3960.2580.00063 1600.2563.00E-05 1740.2470.00049 5380.2420.00106 1140.230.00017 6990.2280.00079 1890.220.00021 1870.2170.00017 1670.2020.00036 1730.1910.00022 3800.1890.00025 3980.1880.00033 120.1712.00E-05 420.1717.00E-05 660.1540.00018 630.1520.00028 2410.1490.00141 410.1183.00E-05 1010.0910.00011 1620.0820.000170.0780 720.0281.00E-05 450.0262.00E-05 1150.0210.00014 7-999.999 1.00E-05。




SCI (Science Citation Index)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)推出的,是全球科学领域最有影响力、最权威的学术文献数据库之一。



以下是中国SCI期刊的一些代表性排名:1. 《自然科学进展》(Nature):这是自然出版集团旗下的一本国际知名综合性学术期刊,也是SCI期刊中的佼佼者。


2. 《科学通报》(Science China):这是中国科学院的一本综合性学术期刊,将各个学科领域的重要研究成果进行综述和报道。


3. 《中国科学:地球科学》(Science China Earth Sciences):这是中国科学院地球科学部门主办的一本期刊,主要报道地球科学的最新研究成果。


4. 《发光学报》(Chinese Journal of Luminescence):这是中国科学技术协会光学学会主办的一本学术期刊,被SCI收录。


5. 《中国医学物理学杂志》(Journal of Medical Physics in China):这是中国医学物理学会主办的一本专业期刊,涵盖了医学物理学的各个方面,如医学成像技术、辐射治疗、生物医学光学等。


除了上述期刊之外,中国还有许多其他领域的SCI期刊,如《计算机科学》(Computer Science)、《环境科学与技术》(Environmental Science & Technology)、《金属学报》(Acta Metallurgica Sinica)、《机械强度》(Journal of Mechanical Strength)等。



ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Entertainment Computing
25,372 9,028 592
18,363 3,746 2,220
21,657 8,150
24,071 3,489
15,521 5,472 4,930
14,577 665
3,493 19,075 14,888
9,959 14,377
4,364 1,902 5,919 11,524 2,781 9,308 14,934
Molecular Informatics



SCI收录中国大陆期2ACTA CHIM SINICA0567-735122870.6113ACTA MATH APPL SIN-E0168-96734490.3714ACTA MATH SCI0252-96023650.2135ACTA MATH SIN1439-851610780.546ACTA MECH SINICA-PRC0567-77184890.7497ACTA MECH SOLIDA SIN0894-91662770.5438ACTA METALL SIN0412-196110360.4779ACTA METEOROL SIN0894-05256940.70410ACTA OCEANOL SIN0253-505X6750.47611ACTA PHARMACOL SIN1671-40834364 1.90912ACTA PHYS SIN-CH ED1000-32908555 1.25913ACTA PHYS-CHIM SIN1000-681816890.73414ACTA POLYM SIN1000-33047880.48115ADV APPL MATH MECH2070-0733290.5116ADV ATMOS SCI0256-153010280.92517ADV STEEL CONSTR1816-112X330.29618ALGEBR COLLOQ1005-38672260.30519APPL GEOPHYS1672-79751650.38720APPL MATH MECH-ENGL0253-48278550.51421APPL MATH SER B1005-1031930.14422ASIAN J ANDROL1008-682X1194 1.54923ASIAN J SURG1015-95843400.65224ASIAN PAC J TROP MED1995-7645420.17225CELL MOL IMMUNOL1672-76811051 2.02626CELL RES1001-060242439.41727CHEM J CHINESE U0251-079026360.65628CHEM RES CHINESE U1005-90405240.4629CHIN J INTEGR MED1672-04151820.57830CHIN J MECH ENG-EN1000-93451470.19431CHIN J OCEANOL LIMN0254-40593310.32532CHIN OPT LETT1671-76948410.69233CHINA COMMUN1673-5447150.05834CHINA FOUNDRY1672-6421440.20435CHINA OCEAN ENG0890-********.30236CHINA PET PROCESS PE1008-6234190.08837CHINESE ANN MATH B0252-95993940.45238CHINESE CHEM LETT1001-841720630.77539CHINESE GEOGR SCI1002-00631630.656 40CHINESE J AERONAUT1000-93611420.301 41CHINESE J ANAL CHEM0253-382018760.798 42CHINESE J ASTRON AST1009-92714990.849 43CHINESE J CANCER RES1000-9604640.252 44CHINESE J CATAL0253-983711840.752 45CHINESE J CHEM ENG1004-95418730.901 46CHINESE J CHEM PHYS1674-00683820.642 47CHINESE J ELECTRON1022-46531870.135 48CHINESE J GEOPHYS-CH0001-573314380.832 49CHINESE J INORG CHEM1001-486115460.67 50CHINESE J ORG CHEM0253-278612410.555 51CHINESE J POLYM SCI0256-76794190.478 52CHINESE J STRUC CHEM0254-586110420.624 53CHINESE MED J-PEKING0366-699939000.983 54CHINESE PHYS B1674-10562973 1.63 55CHINESE PHYS C1674-11372260.266 56CHINESE PHYS LETT0256-307X5298 1.077 57CHINESE SCI BULL1001-65386148 1.087 58COMMUN COMPUT PHYS1815-2406680 1.835 59COMMUN THEOR PHYS0253-610215160.488 60EARTHQ ENG ENG VIB1671-36642340.88 61ENG APPL COMP FLUID1994-2060590.36 62EPISODES0705-37971115 2.041 63FRONT MATH CHINA1673-3452570.494 64FRONT PHYS CHINA1673-34871240.581 65FUNGAL DIVERS1560-27451181 5.074 66HEPATOB PANCREAT DIS1499-38721020 1.514 67HONG KONG J DERMATOL1814-745340.059 68HONG KONG J EMERG ME1024-9079440.167 69HONG KONG J OCCUP TH1569-1861130.143 70HONG KONG J PAEDIATR1013-9923370.211 71INT J MIN MET MATER1674-4799450.322 72INT J OPHTHALMOL-CHI1672-51231073INT J ORAL SCI1674-2818230.815 74INT J SEDIMENT RES1001-6279271 1.708 75J BIONIC ENG1672-6529240 1.032 76J CENT SOUTH UNIV T1005-97845170.329 77J CHINA UNIV GEOSCI1002-07051810.703 78J COMPUT MATH0254-94095060.76 79J COMPUT SCI TECH-CH1000-9000790.14280J EARTH SCI-CHINA1674-487X330.286 81J ENVIRON SCI-CHINA1001-07421950 1.513 82J EXERC SCI FIT1728-869X430.421 83J GENET GENOMICS1673-8527414 1.494 84J GEOGR SCI1009-637X2760.673 85J HUAZHONG U SCI-MED1672-07334660.405 86J HYDRODYN1001-6058560 1.475 87J INFRARED MILLIM W1001-90143220.452 88J INORG MATER1000-324X8220.397 89J IRON STEEL RES INT1006-706X3080.14 90J MATER SCI TECHNOL1005-030210230.759 91J MOL CELL BIOL1674-278810813.4 92J MT SCI-ENGL1672-63161860.632 93J NAT GAS CHEM1003-9953443 1.345 94J RARE EARTH1002-07211305 1.086 95J SYST ENG ELECTRON1004-41322240.211 96J SYST EVOL1674-4918207 1.295 97J SYST SCI COMPLEX1009-61241450.564 98J THERM SCI1003-21691620.212 99J TROP METEOROL1006-87752320.38 100J UNIV SCI TECHNOL B1005-88505410.919 101J WUHAN UNIV TECHNOL1000-24136300.383 102J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC A1673-565X4420.322 103J ZHEJIANG UNIV-SC B1673-1581770 1.027 104LIFE SCI J1097-8135430.158 105MOL PLANT1674-2052944 4.296 106NANO RES1998-0124899 5.071 107NEURAL REGEN RES1673-53741090.18 108NEW CARBON MATER1007-88274130.888 109NUCL SCI TECH1001-8042860.204 110NUMER MATH-THEORY ME1004-8979400.714 111PARTICUOLOGY1674-2001199 1.317 112PEDOSPHERE1002-01608190.978 113PETROL SCI1672-51071110.432 114PLASMA SCI TECHNOL1009-06304790.553 115PROG BIOCHEM BIOPHYS1000-32823360.236 116PROG CHEM1005-281X8710.56 117PROG NAT SCI1002-007111370.832 118RARE METAL MAT ENG1002-185X12100.139 119RARE METALS1001-05215670.643 120RES ASTRON ASTROPHYS1674-45271470.856121SCI CHINA CHEM1674-729152122SCI CHINA EARTH SCI1674-731340123SCI CHINA INFORM SCI1674-733X33124SCI CHINA LIFE SCI1674-730565125SCI CHINA MATH1674-728311126SCI CHINA PHYS MECH1674-734835127SCI CHINA SER A1006-928312920.526 128SCI CHINA SER B1006-92911312 1.042 129SCI CHINA SER C1006-9305892 1.345 130SCI CHINA SER D1006-93132634 1.271 131SCI CHINA SER E1006-932110120.729 132SCI CHINA SER F1009-27574840.642 133SCI CHINA SER G1672-1799792 1.195 134SCI CHINA TECHNOL SC1674-732155135T NONFERR METAL SOC1003-632617610.676 136TRANSPORTMETRICA1812-8602640.808 137WORLD J GASTROENTERO1007-932715119 2.24 138WORLD J PEDIATR1708-85691250.945大陆期刊及其影响因子0.5860.043415 4.90.00320.0720.1236580.001690.3540.034175 6.20.001470.1540.5970.098205 5.50.005870.3220.7470.07396 4.80.001890.2450.58603850.000950.1780.4410.123204 5.40.00230.0960.053577.80.001070.6190.0248270.001350.1512.0330.338207 5.80.010090.4841.0630.1321366 3.60.007130.060.6330.112501 3.70.00350.0990.4430.05322850.001210.060.510.085470.000250.2620.9010.218119 6.50.003130.330.032310.000320.3280.03586 6.20.001720.270.09841>10.00.000280.4230.092152 6.70.002260.130.035570.00031.6790.7659840.003640.40.02836 5.40.001190.1720.0612780.000030.0110.71266 4.10.005336.992 1.6049630.02704 2.7380.5480.103468 4.90.003660.0690.4270.087208 3.80.001240.0710.18382 2.90.000570.037109 4.20.000530.041748.40.000570.143322 2.80.002180.0071350.000170.062650.000110.3830.0666160.00040.0660470.000020.5130.048638.20.002360.4640.5990.13838540.005440.130.460.01469 3.90.000560.110.04197 3.40.000480.5660.078357 4.30.003180.076 0.6190 4.40.00250.2320490.000160.7320.052231 4.30.002770.128 0.9080.041146 3.80.002930.203 0.4060.07129 3.80.00140.11 0.1470.026156 4.80.000540.033 0.7540.195323 4.20.003360.14 0.5440.08401 3.90.002570.065 0.5160.086291 4.80.002190.075 0.5070.123106 5.30.000860.098 0.5290.043303 4.40.001680.0650.9510.1689 4.90.009560.2141.6380.2381163 1.90.006140.192 0.2710.079368 1.90.001230.0880.790.215883 3.10.018210.1861.0370.228604 6.10.013560.25 1.8620.391052.60.005740.901 0.4280.1134333.90.004680.10.03655 4.60.001220.3980.146480.000330.146 2.3130.048218.20.002610.8360.022450.001020.2536 2.80.00063.3110.7125930.002920.5830.13910140.003350.056180.000030.036830.000140100.000030.053380.000170.3220.0481250.00020.085 006800 0.8150.034290.000160.2970.13936 3.20.00050.16280 2.70.000830.2890.043211 3.70.001780.066 0.3170 4.10.000630.086 0.810.29248 6.40.002880.54 0.0890.0571050.000330.0340.2860.0491820.000150.0941.3390.064283 3.40.007220.3130170.000171.3230.169772.60.002110.3710.01469 4.80.000720.065154 3.80.001720.2105 2.80.001030.3840.01103 4.70.000490.047 0.3860.051256 4.80.001670.068 0.2260.026196 3.80.001330.061 0.740.058190 4.60.004120.238 13.8 1.2528 1.30.00045 4.5910.07739 4.60.00060.22511130.001590.6920.056319 3.80.004430.1560.037163 3.40.000871.2950.289452.30.001320.4660.04295 3.30.00086085 6.30.000490.01952 6.30.000270.7410 4.30.002010.207 0.4820.039229 4.30.001420.0790.05120 3.70.002290.137124 3.50.003510.017590.000174.307 1.02483 1.80.00632 1.6315.084 1.15100 1.80.00609 2.0290.009320 1.90.000560.8330.08780 4.50.000970.1570.038780.000310.7140.115260.00050.5261.3450.1029820.001080.399 1.3270.09386 4.30.003350.3650.17668 2.60.000450.4750.02814140.002540.169 0.220.074163 4.70.000590.033 0.590.088260 3.60.002330.106 0.6890 4.30.00410.188 0.1890.008647 4.50.002340.026 0.5690.059118 4.10.002530.161 0.8560.377106 1.30.001060.4360.1293500.000020.1811820.000030.13324000.36916800.02927700.0753890.000060.56508.40.006590.3910.9080 5.50.002540.1741.1140 3.70.003050.267 1.220 5.90.007590.355 0.70202.80.003090.1510.6830 2.90.001480.1321.07502.30.002980.2240.14790.000010.5510.05858840.006520.135 0.9840.1200.000460.3780.325813 4.10.06110.14356 1.90.0006。



管理信息系统领域权威期刊及收录情况一览表注:1、本表仅仅罗列了主要刊登管理信息系统方面学术论文的期刊,有些著名的、但办刊定位并不是管理信息系统学术期刊的,本表没有给出,如management science、Omega等2、SCI是科学引文索引(Sciences Citation Index),SCIE是科学引文索引扩展版(Sciences Citation Index Expanded),SSCI是社会科学引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index)EI是工程索引(Engineering Index),其中C为核心期刊全部收录,P为核心版但部分收录,N为非核心期刊3、MIS Q和Information Systems Research是管理信息系统领域国际公认的顶级期刊,Journal of MIS次之,但其是盈利机构主办的。

管理信息系统领域重要学术会议一览表A+类会议国际资讯系统年会(ICIS: International Confeence on InformationSystems).A会议HICSS(Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences).DSI年会(Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting).A-会议IFIP(International Federation of Information Processing).AMCIS(American Conference on Information System).B+或B类国际会议ECIS(European Conference on Information Systems).PACIS(Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems).C类会议其它MIS国际会议.。



2024年度SCI影响因子是衡量学术期刊影响力的重要指标之一、SCI (Science Citation Index)为美国科学信息研究所的产品,是全球最主要的文献检索工具之一、每年,SCI都会发布一份全球各学科领域的影响因子排名,这对于学术界和科研领域都有着重要的参考价值。


在医学领域,2024年度的一些重要期刊影响因子如下:1. New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM): 72.4062. The Lancet: 44.0023. Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA): 44.4054. Nature Medicine: 30.3575. British Medical Journal(BMJ): 19.697在自然科学领域,以下是一些2024年度的期刊影响因子:1. Nature: 41.5772. Science: 37.2053. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS): 9.4234. Cell: 30.4105. Physical Review Letters: 8.462在工程与技术领域,以下是一些2024年度的期刊影响因子:1. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI): 15.9682. The Journal of Controlled Release: 7.7863. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing: 6.6854. Journal of Power Sources: 7.4675. Advanced Materials: 19.791在社会科学领域,以下是一些2024年度的期刊影响因子:1. Journal of Applied Psychology: 4.6212. Journal of Marketing: 5.2253. Journal of Organizational Behavior: 5.0114. Journal of Consumer Research: 4.160。



SCI期刊是Scientific Citation Index 期刊,它是由美国国家科学信息中心(NCS)出版的科学期刊收录目录,也是著名的期刊引证报告。






信息系统学术期刊排名集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-信息系统学术期刊排名JOURNAL CODE -- Journal Full Name /Average Rank Points*, MISQ -- MIS Quarterly /1.11,ISR -- Information Systems Research /2.67,CACM -- Communications of the ACM /2.75,MS -- Management Science /4.14,JMIS -- Journal of Management Information Systems /4.86,AI -- Artificial Intelligence /6,DSI -- Decision Sciences /6.43,HBR -- Harvard Business Review /8,IEEETrans -- IEEE Transactions (various) /8.75,AIMag -- AI Magazine /9,EJIS -- European Journal of Information Systems /10.17,DSS -- Decision Support Systems /10.67,IEEESw -- IEEE Software /11,I&M -- Information & Management /11.89,ACMTDS -- ACM Transactions on Database Systems /12, IEEETSE -- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering /12.17, ACMTrans -- ACM Transactions (various) /13,JCSS -- Journal of Computer and System Sciences /13,SMR -- Sloan Management Review /13.17,CAIS -- Communications of the AIS /14,IEEETSMC -- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics /14,ACS -- ACM Computing Surveys /15.71,JComp -- Journal on Computing /16,AMJ -- Academy of Management Journal /16.6,IJEC -- International Journal of Electronic Commerce /17.5, JAIS -- Journal of the AIS /17.75,IEEETC -- IEEE Transactions on Computers /18,ISF -- Information Systems Frontiers /18,JMS -- Journal of Management Systems /18,OS -- Organization Science?/18,IEEEComp -- IEEE Computer /18.17,ISJ -- Information Systems Journal /18.71,ASQ -- Administrative Science Quarterly /19,JGIM -- Journal of Global Information Management /19, DATABASE -- The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems /19.57,JDM -- Journal of Database Management /19.67,IS -- Information Systems /20,MISQD -- MISQ Discovery /20,AMR -- Academy of Management Review /20.4,JACM -- Journal of the ACM /20.4,COR -- Computers and Operations Research /20.5,HCI -- Human-Computer Interaction 20.67,CMR -- California Management Review 21,IT&P -- Information Technology and People /21,JSIS -- Journal of Strategic Information Systems /22.57,JGITM -- Journal of Global Information Technology Management/23,ACMTIS -- ACM Transactions on Information Systems /24,InfoSci -- Informing Science /24,JIM -- Journal of Information Management /24,OR -- Operations Research /24,JCIS -- Journal of Computer Information Systems 4.86,BH -- Business Horizons /25,IEEETKDE -- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering /25,JDA -- Journal of Database Administration /25,IBMSJ -- IBM Systems Journal /26,InfoSys -- Infosystems /26,JITTA -- Journal of Information Technology Theory andApplication /26,KBS -- Knowledge Based Systems /26,CompDcsn -- Computer Decisions /27,IT&M -- Information Technology and Management /27,WIRT -- WIRT (Wirtschaftsinformatik) /28,I&O -- Information and Organization (Accounting, Management,and IT) /28.25,ACMSIG -- ACM Special Interest Group Publications /28.67,ESA -- Expert Systems with Applications /29,ISM -- Information Systems Management /29,INTFCS -- Interfaces (INFORMS) /29,Omega -- Omega /29.6,IJHCS -- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies /29.75, DB -- Database /17.33,JS&S -- Journal of Systems and Software /30,DataMgmt -- Data Management /30.5,IJMMS -- International Journal of Man-Machine Studies /31,JIS(Acct) -- Journal of Information Systems (accounting) /31, JISM -- Journal of Information Systems Management /31.25,JIT -- Journal of Information Technology /31.5,JOR -- Journal of Operations Research /32,JOCEC -- Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce /32.5,IRMJ -- Information Resources Management Journal /33,JITCA -- Journal of IT Cases and Application /33,JISE -- Journal of Information Systems Education /33.33,JSM -- Journal of Systems Management /34,JASIS -- Journal of the American Society for Information Science /34,OBHDP -- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes /34,EMkt -- Electronic Markets /34.5,AJIS -- Australian Journal of Information Systems /35.5, JOEUC -- Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce /35.75,CSCW -- Computer Supported Cooperative Work /36,JISci -- Journal of Information Science /36,Dtmn -- Datamation /37,INFOR -- INFOR /37,IJIM -- International Journal of Information Management /37, JITM -- Journal of Information Technology Management /37,BIT -- Behavior and Information Technology /38,ESR -- Expert Systems Review /38,JEMIS -- Journal of Education for Management Information Systems /38.5,CompJ -- Computer Journal /39.33,IPM -- Information Processing and Management /40.5,ECRA -- Electronic Commerce Research and Application /41, IJTM -- International Journal of Technology Management /41, JIS(Edu) -- Journal of Information Systems (education) /41, CHB -- Computers in Human Behavior /42,EJOR -- European Journal of Operations Research /42,TIS -- The Information Society /42.5,CommRsch -- Communication Research /43,IR -- Information Research /43,JIIM -- Journal of International Information Management /43.5, ESJ -- E-Service Journal /45,IST -- Information and Software Technology /45,Sim -- Simulation /45,DPD -- Database Programming and Design /45.5,AIExp -- AI Expert /46,JMSM -- Journal of Microcomputer Systems Management /46,SJIS -- Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems /46.5, ACMECX -- ACM SIG E-Com Exchanges /47,JETM -- Journal of Engineering and Technology Management /47, JSwM -- Journal of Software Maintenance /47,INTFC(Edu) -- Interface: The Computer Education Quarterly /48, JITE -- Journal of Information Technology Education /48, CompAuto -- Computers and Automation /49,IJITMS -- International Journal of IT Management Systems /49, IBSCUG -- IBSCUG Quarterly /50,Info -- Information /50,JM -- Journal of Management /50,QP -- Quality Progress /52,PCW -- PC World /53,。






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19.74261 CIRCULATION 19.30962 Nature Climate Change 19.30463 Lancet Respiratory Medicine 19.28764 Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics18.58865 GASTROENTEROLOGY 18.39266 Nature Reviews Endocrinology 18.31867 Cell Metabolism 18.16468 PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS 17.89369 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 17.83970 Advances in Optics and Photonics 17.83371 Lancet Global Health 17.68672 Nano Today 17.47673 PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS17.42574 PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE17.38275 ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 17.20276 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials17.18877 PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN 16.79378 Science Translational Medicine 16.76179 Advanced Energy Materials 16.72180 GUT 16.65881 TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES 16.63082 JAMA Oncology 16.55983 JAMA Internal Medicine 16.53884 PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY 16.45585 EUROPEAN UROLOGY 16.26586 ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 15.74587 Annual Review of Neuroscience 15.63088 CELL RESEARCH 15.60689 TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES 15.40290 TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY 15.33391 JAMA Psychiatry 15.30792 TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 15.26893 Nature Chemical Biology 15.06694 Cell Host & Microbe 14.94695 Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology14.91796 JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE PHARMACY 14.78997 Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 14.74198 MOLECULAR CELL 14.71499 MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REVIEWS14.533100 REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS 14.311101 Nature Reviews Cardiology 14.299 102 BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES 14.200 103 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 14.176104 Psychological Science in the Public Interest14.143105 Light-Science & Applications 14.098 106 NEURON 14.024 107 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 14.020108 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science14.016109 STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY 14.000 110 CIRCULATION RESEARCH 13.965 111 ACS Nano 13.942 112 Nature Geoscience 13.941 113 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 13.858 114 Physics of Life Reviews 13.840115 Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology13.678116 Applied Physics Reviews 13.667 117 Annual Review of Medicine 13.609 118 FUNGAL DIVERSITY 13.465 119 Annual Review of Materials Research 13.432 120 SURFACE SCIENCE REPORTS 13.333 121 COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS 13.324 122 TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 13.287 123 HEPATOLOGY 13.246 124 PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY 13.217125 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE13.204126 MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 13.204127 BLOOD 13.164128 JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY13.081129 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology12.877130 Annual Review of Entomology 12.867 131 ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES 12.811 132 TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES 12.797 133 Physical Review X 12.789 134 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 12.784 135 NANO LETTERS 12.712 136 NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 12.595137 JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute12.589138 JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 12.486 139 Living Reviews in Solar Physics 12.455 140 Nano Energy 12.343 141 REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS 12.340 142 Annual Review of Marine Science 12.333143 JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGYC-PHOTOCHEMISTRY REVIEWS12.317144 ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 12.213 145 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS 12.198 146 Nature Reviews Rheumatology 12.188 147 Nature Reviews Nephrology 12.146 148 Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 12.136 149 ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 12.124 150 Nature Communications 12.124 151 INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 12.015 152 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 11.994 153 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 11.991 154 GENOME RESEARCH 11.922 155 TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE 11.911 156 GENOME BIOLOGY 11.908 157 PLOS MEDICINE 11.862 158 DIABETES CARE 11.857 159 ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 11.855 160 ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY REVIEWS 11.764 161 HUMAN REPRODUCTION UPDATE 11.748 162 LEUKEMIA 11.702 163 BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 11.615 164 Lancet Psychiatry 11.588 165 PROGRESS IN RETINAL AND EYE RESEARCH 11.587 166 MMWR-MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY WEEKLY 11.483REPORT167 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 11.412 168 PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS 11.229 169 PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 11.127 170 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 11.126 171 TRENDS IN NEUROSCIENCES 11.124 172 Academy of Management Annals 11.115 173 Annual Review of Physiology 11.115 174 TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY 11.020 175 NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS 11.014 176 PROGRESS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 11.000 177 Annual Review of Phytopathology 10.981 178 DRUG RESISTANCE UPDATES 10.906 179 TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 10.893 180 TRENDS IN GENETICS 10.844 181 TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE 10.732 182 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 10.710 183 Materials Horizons 10.706 184 Annual Review of Biophysics 10.676185 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION10.629186 ACS Catalysis 10.614 187 BIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCES 10.597 188 PROGRESS IN LIPID RESEARCH 10.583 189 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 10.569 190 Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 10.514 191 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE 10.435 192 JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH 10.391 193 Nature Plants 10.300 194 BRAIN 10.292 195 JAMA Pediatrics 10.251 196 Annual Review of Public Health 10.228 197 JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging 10.189198 Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics10.182199 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 10.162 200 Nature Protocols 10.032 201 JAMA Neurology 10.029 202 CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY 9.937 203 ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY 9.890 204 Lancet HIV 9.842 205 PLOS BIOLOGY 9.797 206 EMBO JOURNAL 9.792 207 LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 9.787208 Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences9.780209 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 9.776 210 Molecular Systems Biology 9.750 211 Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle 9.697 212 ISME Journal 9.664213 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA9.661214 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE 9.654 215 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 9.619 216 IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 9.614 217 SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY 9.611 218 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 9.566 219 Alzheimers & Dementia 9.478 220 CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 9.466221 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-REVIEWS ON CANCER9.452222 ECOLOGY LETTERS 9.449 223 APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 9.446 224 Journal of Statistical Software 9.436 225 FRONTIERS IN NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 9.425 226 Annual Review of Microbiology 9.415 227 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 9.413 228 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW 9.408 229 MASS SPECTROMETRY REVIEWS 9.373 230 PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 9.361 231 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9.353 232 Bone Research 9.326 233 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 9.294 234 EMBO Molecular Medicine 9.249 235 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 9.237 236 DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 9.174 237 NPG Asia Materials 9.157 238 SEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY 9.141 239 GREEN CHEMISTRY 9.125 240 CANCER RESEARCH 9.122 241 npj Quantum Information 9.111 242 Annual Review of Nutrition 9.054 243 Advanced Science 9.034 244 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 9.025 245 FISH AND FISHERIES 9.013 246 ANNALS OF SURGERY 8.980 247 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 8.972 248 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF 8.966NEPHROLOGY249 PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 8.964 250 PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 8.964 251 AUTOIMMUNITY REVIEWS 8.961 252 SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 8.958 253 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES 8.955 254 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY 8.917 255 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 8.897 256 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8.867 257 CURRENT BIOLOGY 8.851 258 National Science Review 8.843 259 JACC-Cardiovascular Interventions 8.841 260 Molecular Plant 8.827 261 Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 8.769 262 Theranostics 8.766 263 MEDICINAL RESEARCH REVIEWS 8.763 264 ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS 8.759 265 Annual Review of Genetics 8.745 266 PLANT CELL 8.726 267 DIABETES 8.684 268 Chemical Science 8.668 269 Soft Robotics 8.649 270 Small 8.643 271 PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE 8.619 272 INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS 8.605 273 Autophagy 8.593 274 CANCER TREATMENT REVIEWS 8.589 275 Particle and Fibre Toxicology 8.577 276 EMBO REPORTS 8.568 277 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 8.502 278 Microbiome 8.496 279 JACC-Heart Failure 8.493 280 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 8.462 281 TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 8.442 282 Laser & Photonics Reviews 8.434 283 Cell Systems 8.406 284 BIOMATERIALS 8.402 285 KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 8.395 286 CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY 8.384 287 CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION 8.339288 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE8.329289 NEUROLOGY 8.320 290 NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 8.299291 Cancer Immunology Research 8.284 292 Cell Reports 8.282 293 THORAX 8.272 294 GENETICS IN MEDICINE 8.229 295 ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS REVIEW 8.222 296 EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES 8.222 297 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION 8.222 298 CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 8.216 299 OPHTHALMOLOGY 8.204 300 ALDRICHIMICA ACTA 8.182 301 PROGRESS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 8.177 302 METABOLIC ENGINEERING 8.142 303 BMC Medicine 8.097304 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS8.085305 RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 8.050 306 FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 8.039 307 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 8.008 308 JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 7.980 309 JAMA Surgery 7.956 310 JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 7.955 311 ACS Central Science 7.939 312 Applied Mechanics Reviews 7.921 313 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 7.889 314 Obesity Reviews 7.883 315 Liver Cancer 7.854 316 JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 7.786 317 NEURO-ONCOLOGY 7.786 318 BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 7.780 319 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 7.738 320 Nature Reviews Urology 7.735 321 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 7.733 322 Optica 7.727 323 eLife 7.725 324 OncoImmunology 7.719 325 HAEMATOLOGICA 7.702 326 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS 7.671327 Annual Review of Organizational Psychologyand Organizational Behavior7.644328 JOURNAL OF AUTOIMMUNITY 7.641 329 PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW 7.638 330 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES 7.623 331 EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW 7.600 332 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7.596333 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics7.579334 SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN 7.575 335 ONCOGENE 7.519 336 PERSOONIA 7.511 337 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7.504 338 SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 7.497 339 Mucosal Immunology 7.478 340 AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS 7.452 341 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 7.443 342 Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 7.435 343 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 7.417 344 MATRIX BIOLOGY 7.400 345 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7.398 346 NEUROSCIENTIST 7.391 347 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 7.384 348 Nanoscale 7.367 349 ALLERGY 7.361 350 Perspectives on Psychological Science 7.359 351 CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY 7.357 352 Nano Research 7.354353 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY7.349354 Stem Cell Reports 7.338 355 Molecular Ecology Resources 7.332 356 NEW PHYTOLOGIST 7.330357 Annual Review of Food Science and Technology7.310358 BIOINFORMATICS 7.307 359 RADIOLOGY 7.296 360 ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 7.286361 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY7.281362 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING7.277363 MIS QUARTERLY 7.268 364 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 7.266 365 Health Psychology Review 7.241 366 IEEE NETWORK 7.230 367 ChemSusChem 7.226 368 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 7.226 369 ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 7.223 370 Eurosurveillance 7.202 371 APPLIED ENERGY 7.182372 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS7.168373 EPIDEMIOLOGIC REVIEWS 7.160 374 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS 7.151 375 Lancet Haematology 7.123 376 JOURNAL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION 7.114 377 ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 7.088 378 MOVEMENT DISORDERS 7.072 379 Genome Medicine 7.071 380 Clinical Epidemiology 7.056 381 EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 7.051 382 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 7.050 383 Conservation Letters 7.020384 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY7.002385 Oceanography and Marine Biology 7.000 386 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE 6.968 387 GONDWANA RESEARCH 6.959 388 mBio 6.956 389 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 6.953 390 Comprehensive Physiology 6.949 391 WATER RESEARCH 6.942392 CURRENT OPINION IN SOLID STATE & MATERIALS SCIENCE6.938393 2D Materials 6.937 394 CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 6.932 395 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 6.926 396 Arthritis & Rheumatology 6.918 397 JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 6.894 398 Advanced Optical Materials 6.875 399 GigaScience 6.871 400 HYPERTENSION 6.857401 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY6.852402 JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH 6.847 403 JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 6.844 404 SPORTS MEDICINE 6.832 405 Science Signaling 6.830 406 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES 6.825 407 Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging 6.803 408 Advances in Catalysis 6.800 409 Molecular Metabolism 6.799 410 CYTOKINE & GROWTH FACTOR REVIEWS 6.794 411 ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 6.790412 ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 6.790 413 CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 6.784 414 Molecular Neurodegeneration 6.780 415 BMC BIOLOGY 6.779416 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics6.764417 ACS Photonics 6.756 418 Geochemical Perspectives 6.750 419 ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 6.748 420 CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY 6.743 421 PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS 6.726 422 DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM 6.715 423 AGING CELL 6.714 424 Earth System Science Data 6.696 425 MOLECULAR THERAPY 6.688 426 MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS 6.686 427 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST 6.681428 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN THERAPEUTIC DRUG CARRIER SYSTEMS6.667429 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 6.662 430 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 6.646 431 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6.645432 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY6.639433 CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 6.635 434 BRAIN PATHOLOGY 6.624 435 SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 6.614 436 PLoS Pathogens 6.608437 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY6.607438 Circulation-Cardiovascular Interventions 6.598 439 Journal of Thoracic Oncology 6.595 440 ORGANIC LETTERS 6.579 441 CEREBRAL CORTEX 6.559 442 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE 6.557 443 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 6.542 444 MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 6.540 445 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 6.513 446 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 6.501 447 Polymer Reviews 6.459 448 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 6.456449 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS SCIENCES6.455450 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD 6.442AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY451 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILDAND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY6.442452 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 6.434 453 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 6.434 454 Frontiers in Immunology 6.429 455 Nanotoxicology 6.428 456 NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 6.403 457 DRUG DELIVERY 6.402 458 JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 6.395 459 Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids 6.392 460 Nature Reviews Disease Primers 6.389461 ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING6.387462 Advances in Immunology 6.383 463 CANCER LETTERS 6.375 464 Circulation-Heart Failure 6.372 465 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY 6.369 466 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 6.352 467 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY REVIEW 6.352 468 Journal of Hematology & Oncology 6.350 469 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 6.347 470 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 6.347 471 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH 6.345 472 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 6.343 473 BLOOD REVIEWS 6.342 474 ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING 6.337 475 CARBON 6.337 476 Redox Biology 6.337 477 International Journal of Neural Systems 6.333 478 TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY 6.333479 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS6.327480 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 6.320 481 Acta Biomaterialia 6.319 482 CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 6.319 483 Journal of the International AIDS Society 6.296 484 Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 6.294 485 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 6.287 486 JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 6.284 487 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY 6.281 488 JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 6.273 489 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 6.268 490 Annual Review of Environment and 6.268Resources491 Advances in Cancer Research 6.267 492 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 6.265 493 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 6.264 494 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 6.259 495 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST 6.257 496 ACTA NUMERICA 6.250 497 BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 6.238498 JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY6.226499 JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY 6.226 500 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 6.216 501 SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY 6.212 502 Molecular Cancer 6.204 503 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 6.202 504 GLIA 6.200 505 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 6.198 506 MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 6.190 507 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 6.189 508 BMJ Quality & Safety 6.186 509 ACS Macro Letters 6.185 510 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 6.176 511 PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 6.173 512 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION 6.165 513 Alzheimers Research & Therapy 6.154 514 CHEST 6.147 515 CATALYSIS REVIEWS-SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 6.143 516 NEUROSIGNALS 6.143517 CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE6.136518 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 6.133 519 Blood Cancer Journal 6.126520 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems6.108521 ENDOSCOPY 6.107 522 PLoS Genetics 6.100 523 MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 6.086 524 DIABETOLOGIA 6.080 525 Brain Stimulation 6.078526 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION6.077527 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION REVIEWS 6.077 528 PHYSIOLOGY 6.076 529 CANCER 6.072530 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6.065 531 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 6.063 532 HEART 6.059 533 Environmental Science-Nano 6.047 534 GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY 6.045 535 LAB ON A CHIP 6.045 536 JOURNAL OF FINANCE 6.043 537 JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 6.035 538 STROKE 6.032 539 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 6.029540 European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging5.99541 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 5.988 542 Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 5.988 543 EPIDEMIOLOGY 5.986 544 EPIDEMIOLOGY 5.986545 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY5.974546 PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY5.971547 Cell Death & Disease 5.965 548 BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 5.964549 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES5.957550 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES5.957551 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5.951 552 ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY 5.901 553 PLANT JOURNAL 5.901 554 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 5.899 555 Cellular & Molecular Immunology 5.897556 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE5.888557 CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 5.878 558 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES 5.869559 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES5.846560 DEVELOPMENT 5.843 561 MACROMOLECULES 5.835 562 NEUROIMAGE 5.835 563 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 5.83 564 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT 5.825 565 JAMA Dermatology 5.817 566 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL 5.815HEALTH-PART B-CRITICAL REVIEWS567 JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 5.813 568 Journal of Crohns & Colitis 5.813 569 Journal of Clinical Lipidology 5.812 570 IUCrJ 5.793571 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY5.79572 ADDICTION 5.789 573 ADDICTION 5.789 574 Journal of Supply Chain Management 5.789 575 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 5.788576 COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING5.786577 ANESTHESIOLOGY 5.785 578 METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 5.777 579 PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 5.776580 Journal of the American Medical Directors Association5.775581 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING 5.774 582 Catalysis Science & Technology 5.773 583 MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS 5.764 584 WILDLIFE MONOGRAPHS 5.75 585 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE REVIEWS 5.745 586 MODERN PATHOLOGY 5.728 587 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES 5.727588 Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances5.725589 Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine5.72590 JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 5.715 591 Social Issues and Policy Review 5.714 592 Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5.708 593 PEDIATRICS 5.705 594 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY 5.702 595 MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MEDICINE 5.686 596 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS 5.68597 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY5.68598 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE 5.673 599 Evolutionary Applications 5.671 600 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 5.67 601 Information Fusion 5.667 602 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5.667 603 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 5.657604 BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 5.651 605 Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 5.65 606 ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS 5.646 607 FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY 5.63 608 THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS 5.627 609 Epilepsy Currents 5.625 610 JAMA Ophthalmology 5.625 611 FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 5.606612 Artificial Cells Nanomedicine and Biotechnology5.605613 Emerging Microbes & Infections 5.605614 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE5.601615 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PARTC-SEMINARS IN MEDICAL GENETICS5.6616 STEM CELLS 5.599 617 Kidney International Supplements 5.593 618 Advances in Applied Microbiology 5.59 619 ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 5.589620 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS5.578621 Journal of Stroke 5.576622 Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering5.571623 Journal of Environmental Informatics 5.562 624 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 5.55625 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS5.547626 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 5.533 627 DESALINATION 5.527 628 Astrophysical Journal Letters 5.522 629 THYROID 5.515630 MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH5.5631 SEMINARS IN LIVER DISEASE 5.5 632 FASEB JOURNAL 5.498 633 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 5.491 634 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 5.487635 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE5.476636 TOBACCO CONTROL 5.469 637 Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 5.462638 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM5.455639 Gastric Cancer 5.454 640 AUTOMATICA 5.451 641 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 5.451 642 PAIN 5.445 643 REVIEWS IN MEDICAL VIROLOGY 5.439 644 Advances in Genetics 5.431 645 Physics of the Dark Universe 5.425646 Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology5.41647 Annual Review of Sociology 5.404 648 DNA RESEARCH 5.404 649 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 5.401 650 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 5.395 651 ACS Synthetic Biology 5.382 652 BIOSCIENCE 5.378 653 Polymer Chemistry 5.375 654 Protein & Cell 5.374 655 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY 5.363 656 CURRENT OPINION IN PHARMACOLOGY 5.363 657 CRITICAL CARE 5.358 658 SEMINARS IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY 5.356 659 ANNALS OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE 5.352 660 NEUROPATHOLOGY AND APPLIED NEUROBIOLOGY 5.347 661 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 5.344662 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES5.34663 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 5.34 664 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 5.318 665 JOURNAL OF MARKETING 5.318 666 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 5.317667 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology-In Practice5.317668 Molecular Oncology 5.314 669 Environmental Science & Technology Letters 5.308 670 BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY 5.306 671 ACTA MATERIALIA 5.301672 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing5.301673 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH 5.301 674 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 5.301 675 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 5.297 676 Seminars in Immunopathology 5.296 677 EPILEPSIA 5.295 678 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 5.292679 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY 5.291 680 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY 5.291 681 NUTRITION REVIEWS 5.291 682 JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS 5.287 683 NEURAL NETWORKS 5.287 684 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY 5.275 685 ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 5.267 686 QUARTERLY REVIEWS OF BIOPHYSICS 5.267 687 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY 5.264 688 INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING 5.264 689 CLINICAL REVIEWS IN ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY 5.263 690 REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 5.263 691 Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5.256 692 ACADEMIC MEDICINE 5.255 693 CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 5.255 694 ANGIOGENESIS 5.253 695 CURRENT ISSUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 5.25 696 BIOMACROMOLECULES 5.246 697 CORROSION SCIENCE 5.245698 Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation5.245699 Biofabrication 5.24 700 Advances in Nutrition 5.233 701 PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5.231 702 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 5.23 703 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 5.23 704 RESUSCITATION 5.23705 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY5.226706 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE 5.22 707 CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS 5.216 708 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 5.215 709 JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 5.207 710 JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 5.207 711 Biotechnology for Biofuels 5.203 712 MRS BULLETIN 5.199 713 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 5.196 714 INVESTIGATIVE RADIOLOGY 5.195 715 EuroIntervention 5.193 716 TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 5.191 717 JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 5.19 718 Epigenetics & Chromatin 5.189719 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH5.189。



信号处理算法方向的一些SCI杂志(他人经验)电子信息类专业SCI收录期刊影响因子排名表计算机方面国际期刊1(武汉大学)一、程序语言和软件工程权威期刊类:ACM Trans on Programming Languages & SystemsAnnals of Software EngineeringIEEE Trans on Software EngineeringJnl of Functional ProgrammingACM Trans on S/W Eng and MethodologyFormal Methods in System Design著名期刊类:The Jnl of Logic ProgrammingIEEE Procs - SoftwareJnl of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as LISP and Symbolic Computation)Software: Practice and ExperienceJnl of Functional and Logic ProgrammingThe Constraints JournalJournal of Logic and ComputationJournal of Programming LanguagesEmpirical Software EngineeringAutomated Software EngineeringFormal Aspects of ComputingObject-Oriented SystemsTheory and Practice of Object SystemsJournal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityFuture Generations Computer Systems: FGCSProgramming and Computer SoftwareScience of Computer ProgrammingJnl of Systems and SoftwareIntl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngNew Generation ComputingSoftware Quality JournalSoftware Testing, Verification and ReliabilityComputer LanguagesRequirements Engineering JournalIEEE Software Engineering Journal其它期刊:Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logic Notre Dame Journal of Formal LogicJournal of Computer and Software EngineeringJournal of Structured ProgrammingInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchJournal of Computing Systems in EngineeringJournal of Symbolic LogicProject Management JournalInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality, and SafetyJournal for Applied Nonclassical LogicThe Journal of Defense Software EngineeringComputer & Control Engineering JournalJournal of Logic, Language and InformationComputer Systems Engineering JournalJournal of Automata, Languages and CombinatoricsThe C Users JournalInformation Design JournalJava Developer's JournalC++ JournalFortran JournalJournal of Scientific ProgrammingLogic Journal of the IGPLJournal of Philosophical LogicJournal of Quality TechnologyInternational Journal of Technology ManagementSoftware Process Modeling and TechnologyJournal of Computers and TranslationJournal of C Language TranslationJournal of Electronic TestingSoftware Engineering Notes二、软件技术权威期刊类:ACM Trans on GraphicsACM Trans on Modeling & Computer SimulationComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignIEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & SystemsIEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer GraphicsSIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical ComputingMultimedia SystemsPerformance EvaluationJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 著名期刊类:Computers & EducationACM Trans on Mathematical SoftwareHypermediaIntl Jnl of Modelling & SimulationIntl Jnl of Shape ModellingIntl Jnl on Computational Geometry & AppsSimulation & GamesSimulation & GamingVisual ComputerComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsSimulationMultimedia Tools & ApplicationsIntl Jnl in Computer SimulationIntegrated Computer-Aided EngineeringInformation RetrievalComputer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CG Computer & GraphicsIntl Jnl of Applied Software TechnologyJnl of Computational and Applied MathematicsMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematics and Computers in SimulationInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsSimulation Practice and TheoryThe New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & Res Trans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in Simuln Computer Simulation: Modeling & AnalysisTrans of the Society for Computer SimulationJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingEngineering ComputationsSoftware - Concepts and ToolsJournal of Visualization and Computer AnimationThe International Journal of The Eurographics Association其它期刊类:Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringJournal of Digital ImagingJournal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and Research Digital Technical JournalInterface Journal of New Music ResearchSPIE Journal of Electronic ImagingThe Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of Graphics ToolsInternational Journal of Information Processing and Management Journal of Library AutomationThe Journal of Computer Game DesignJournal of DocumentationVirtual Prototyping JournalJournal of Computing and Information TechnologySIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.Journal of Computer Aided SurgeryJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJournal of the Virtual Reality SocietyJournal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics三、数据库权威期刊:ACM Trans on Database SystemsIEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data EngineeringJnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB TechVLDB Intl JnlDistributed and Parallel Databases著名期刊:Data & Knowledge EngineeringInformation systemsJnl of Systems IntegrationJnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge DiscoveryIntl Jnl of Computer & Information SciencesIntl Jnl of Cooperative Information SystemsIntl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. SystemsIntl Jnl of Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Information Processing and Cybernetics Geoinformatica Journal on Digital LibrariesJournal of the American Society for Information ScienceJournal of Intelligent Information SystemsData EngineeringKnowledge and Information SystemsAdvances in Engineering SoftwareInformation & Software TechnologyData BaseData Base ManagementDatabase and Network JournalJournal of Data WarehousingJournal of Combinatorics, Information and System SciencesInternational Journal of Information TechnologyTransactions of Information Processing Society of JapanSIGMOD RecordIEICE Data Engineering其它期刊:Journal of Computing Information ScienceJournal of Information Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Databases ManagementDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsData ManagementData mationGovernment Data SystemsJournal of Database AdministrationJournal of the Association for Education Data Systems Information Processing and ManagementJournal of Information Science: Principles and Practice Database Programming and DesignScandinavian Journal of Information System四、人工智能权威期刊:Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ReviewComputational LinguisticsIEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntlIEEE Trans on Robotics and AutomationIEEE Trans on Image ProcessingJournal of AI ResearchNeural ComputationMachine LearningIntl Jnl of Computer Vision著名期刊:ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing AI MagazineAnnals of Mathematics and AIApplied Artificial IntelligenceApplied IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in MedicineAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsComputational IntelligenceComplex SystemsComputer Speech and LanguageComputer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingConnection ScienceCVGIP: Graphical Models & Image ProcessingCVGIP: Image UnderstandingExpert Systems with Applications: An Intl JnlIEEE Trans on Neural NetworksIEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio ProcIEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & BIntl Jnl on Artificial Intelligence ToolsJnl of Experimental & Theoretical AIJournal of East Asian LinguisticsKnowledge Engineering ReviewMachine TranslationNeural NetworksNetwork Computing in Neural SystemsPattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern RecognitionNeurocomputingUser Modelling & User-Adapted Interaction: an Intl JnlCommunications of COLIPSComputer Processing of Chinese & Oriental LanguagesComputers and Artificial IntelligenceCybernetics and Systems Engineering Intelligent Systems for EE and CS Expert SystemsEvolutionary ComputationIntelligent Instruments & ComputersIntl Jnl for AI in EngineeringIntl Jnl of Applied Expert SystemsIntl Jnl of Approximate ReasoningIntl Jnl of Intelligent SystemsIntl Jnl of Neural SystemsIntl Jnl of Pattern Recognition & AIIntl Journal of Document Analysis and RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsKnowledge Acquisition JnlKnowledge-Based SystemsKybernetikaNatural Language EngineeringNeural Computing & ApplicationsNetwork SocietyNeural Processing LettersPattern Recognition LettersIEEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal ProcSpeech CommunicationsJournal of Neural Network ComputingMinds and Machines: Jnl for AI, Philosopy and Cog. Sc Intl Jnl of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBSHeuristics: Jnl of Knowledge EngineeringEngineering Applications of AIJnl. of Japanese Soc. of AIAustralian Jnl of Intelligent Information Proc SysIntelligent Data AnalysisImage and Vision ComputingJournal of Artificial Neural NetworksNeural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsRobotica其它期刊类:AIAA JournalCanadian Artificial IntelligenceJournal of Advanced RoboticsJournal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationJournal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Automation, and ManufacturingJournal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and ComplexJournal of Computational AcousticsJournal of Computational NeuroscienceJournal of Computational VisionJournal of Card. ImagingJournal of CyberneticsJournal of Cybernetics and Information ScienceJournal of Design Automation of Embedded SystemsJournal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering SystemsJournal of Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Systems Automation: Research and ApplicationsJournal of Automation and Remote ControlJournal of Intelligent Automation & Soft ComputingJournal of Intelligent Control and SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Systems EngineeringJournal of Intelligence SystemJournal of Intelligent TechnologyJournal of Literary and Linguistic ComputingJournal of Machine Vision and ApplicationsJournal of Man-Machine StudiesJournal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information SystemsJournal of Robotics and MechatronicsJournal of Robotic SystemsJournal of Robotics and Autonomous SystemsJournal of Robotics ResearchJournal of the Robotics Society of JapanJournal of Computational NeurologyInternational Journal of LexicographyJournal of intelligent ComputingInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and ManagementInternational Journal of Speech TechnologyEngineering Design and Automation JournalInternational Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacturing International Journal of Corpus LinguisticsJournal of Chinese Information Processing五、算法、理论及相关领域权威期刊:AlgorithmicaComputational ComplexityDiscrete & Computational GeometryIEEE Trans on Information TheoryInformation & ComputationJnl of AlgorithmsJnl of Computer and System SciencesJnl of the Association for Computing MachinerySIAM Jnl on ComputingMathematics of OR著名期刊“Acta InformaticaChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceComputational Logic (TOCL)Designs, Codes and CryptographyJnl of Symbolic ComputationJournal of Automated ReasoningJournal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsJournal of ComplexityJournal of CryptologyJOTA - J. of Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsMathematics of ComputationMathematical ProgrammingOptimization: A J. of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research ORSA Journal of ComputingNordic J of Computing (BIT)SIAM Journal on OptimizationRandom Structures & AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceApplicable Algebra in Eng., Comm., and ComputingApplied Maths and ComputationBIT: Computer Science and Numerical MathematicsBulletin of the European Assoc. for Theoretical CSComputational and Applied MathsComputers & Mathematics With ApplicationsCombinatorics, Probability & ComputingEuropean Journal of ORJournal of Computer and System Sciences InternationalIntl Jnl of Foundations of Computer Science其它期刊:Problem Solving TechnologiesJournal of Algebraic CombinatoricsJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Experimental AlgorithmicsJournal of Electronic ImagingIntl Jnl for Numerical Methods in EngineeringSIAM Journal of Algorithms and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsNaval Journal of Operations ResearchJournal of SchedulingElectronic Journal of CombinatoricsJournal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing Journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceInternational Journal on Mathematical and Computer Models Journal of Global OptimizationJournal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis六、硬件和体系结构权威期刊:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIEEE Trans on ComputersIntegration: The VLSI JnlVLSI Design著名期刊:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIJnl of Microcomputer ApplicationsMicroprocessing and MicroprogrammingComputer DesignDigital ProcessesElectronics Letters,EUROMICRO JnlJnl of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJnl of Electronics, Information and SystemsMicroprocessors and MicrosystemsSupercomputerIEEE Journal on Computer Architectures for Intelligent Machines 其它期刊:Signal ProcessingTechnical Journal of Digital Equipment CorporationThe Linux JournalIBM Application System/400 Technology JournalJournal of System ArchitectureNEC Technical JournalInternational Journal of Computer Aided VLSI DesignMRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor ResearchStandards and Interface JournalInternational Journal of Mini and MicrocomputersJournal of Microelectronic Systems IntegrationUser Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionThe X Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window System Hewlett-Packard Journal七、系统技术权威期刊:IEEE Trans on CommunicationsJnl of Parallel and Distributed ComputingACM Trans on Computer SystemsIEEE/ACM Trans on NetworkingACM Trans on Information SystemsIEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed SystemsDistributed ComputingIEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in CommunicationInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingComputer Networks (Previously "& ISDN Networks")Real-time Systems著名期刊:NetworksInternet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy Computer CommunicationsJnl of Computer CommunicationsJnl of Network and Computer ApplicationsParallel ComputingMobile Networks and ApplicationsJnl of High Speed NetworksWireless NetworksQueueing SystemsThe Intl Jnl of Supercomputer ApplicationsConcurrency - Practice and ExperienceIEEE Journal of Internet ComputingACM Transactions on Information and System SecurityComputers & SecurityIEE Proc. - CommunicationsIEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec., Comm., and Comp.IEICE Trans on CommunicationsMobile Computing and Communications ReviewDistributed Systems Engineering JnlIntl Jnl of High Speed ComputingWorld Wide Web JournalElectronic NetworkingIntl Jnl of Communication SystemsSignal Processing: Image CommunicationTelecommunication SystemsInternational Journal of Systems ScienceJournal of CryptographyInternet Security JournalJournal of Networks and Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Wireless Information NetworksAn Interactive Journal of Mobile Computing其它期刊:Information & Systems TechnologyJnl of Computer SecurityParallel Processing LettersIBM Systems JournalThe International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications NetworkingUSENIX Computing Systems JournalAT&T Technical JournalJournal of Internetworking: Research and ExperienceFujitsu Scientific and Technical JournalComputer Music JournalJournal of Computer-based InstructionICL Technical JournalInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyInternational Journal of Digital and Analog Communication SystemJournal of Supercomputer Application of High Performance ComputingJournal of Decision Support SystemsJournal of Computer Research and DevelopmentBritish Telecommunications Technology JournalThe Journal of Interactive Media and EducationInternational Journal of Time-Critical Computing SystemsInternational. Journal of CAD/ CAM & Comp. GraphicsEducational Communication and Technology JournalThe International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for ComputersJournal of Electronic PublishingWeb JournalMicrosoft Systems JournalJournal of Data & Computer CommunicationJournal of SupercomputingJournal of Imaging TechnologyINESC Journal on Junior Activities in Science and Technology The Journal of Electronic Data InterchangeISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingInternational Journal of CIMInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Digital SystemsIVHS JournalJournal Design Automation and Fault Tolerant ComputingJournal of the American Voice I/O SocietyJournal of the Communications Research LabInternational Journal of Construction information Technology Journal of Computer Communication ReviewReal-Time Imaging JournalJournal of Lightwave TechnologyJournal of Advanced Automation TechnologyJournal of Technology TransferTI Technical JournalJournal of Imaging Science and TechnologyJournal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionThe journal of the Interactive Multimedia Association Transputer Communication JournalBell System Technical JournalJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Reliable ComputingJournal of Digital Library Research八、其它权威期刊:Jnl of the American Medical Informatics Assoc (JAMIA) Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A & B)CombinatoricaSIAM Jnl on Discrete MathematicsOperations Research著名期刊:Communications of the ACMACM Computing SurveysProcs of the IEEEInformation Processing LettersIBM Journal of R & DComputers in Biomedical ResearchMethods of Information in MedicineMedical Decision MakingInternational Journal of General SystemsAdaptive BehaviorDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsJournal of Computational BiologyJournal of Molecular BiologyBioinformaticsComputer JournalComputer Applications in the BioSciences: CABIOS ComputingFuzzy Sets and SystemsIBS Computing QuarterlyInformation SciencesIntl Jnl of Computer Applications in Technology Intl Jnl of Computer System Science & Engineering Medical InformaticsInternational Journal of Medical InformaticsJnl of Computer Science and TechnologyJnl of Computing and InformationJnl of Information ProcessingAustralian Computer JnlJournal on Universal Computer ScienceIEICE Trans on Infomation and SystemsComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineComputers in Biology and MedicineFinite Fields and their ApplicationsInstructional Science其它期刊:Journal of Computational ChemistryComputers and Geosciences: An International JournalJournal of Chemical Information and Computer SciencesJournal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaComputer/Law JournalJournal of Law and Information ScienceInternational Journal of Clinical Monitoring and ComputingJournal of Combinational Mathematics and Combinational Computer science International Journal of Computers and MathematicsJournal of Computational PhysicsInternational Journal of ForecastingJournal of Computational PhysiologyJournal of Applied and Computational Harmonic AnalysisJournal of Computing and Electronics in AgricultureJournal of Computing in Civil EngineeringJournal of Purchasing and Materials ManagementInternational Journal of Bio-Medical ComputingThe Journal of Engineering with ComputersSocial Science Computing JournalInternational Journal of Computer Integrated ManufacturingJournal of the National Academy of SciencesJournal of Indian Institute of ScienceBritish Journal of Educational TechnologyInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and TechnologyComputer and High Technology Law JournalJapan Journal of Science, Technology and SocietyJournal of Special Education TechnologyAustralian Journal of Biological SciencesJournal of Computers in the HumanitiesCybermetrics: International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and BibliometricsJournal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and TechnologyInternational Journal of Computer Science and Information ManagementChinese Journal of ComputersJournal Educational Computing ResearchInternational Journal of Human-Computer StudiesJournal of Computer Assisted LearningAICHE JournalSouth African Journal of Computer ScienceJournal of the Brazilian Computer SocietySMPTE JournalCSCW-JournalICCA JournalJournal of ASISJournal of Computer Assisted TomographyURISA JournalINFORMATIK Journal of the Swiss Informaticians Society Journal of KISS, The Korea Information Science Society Journal of Informatics in Primary CareJournal of Forth Application and ResearchAIEDAM journalNCR Journal of Research and DevelopmentJSME International JournalJournal of the Swiss Computer Science SocietyThe Canadian Journal of Information ScienceAustralian Computer Science CommunicationsInteracting with ComputersISPRS JournalJournal of RTSAbakus, The Journal of the Computer Science Dept., University College Cork Journal of Research of the National Bureau of StandardsInternational Journal of Human-Computer StudiesJournal of Approximation TheoryAdvances in ComputersDesign Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS)SIGIR ForumSIGPLAN NoticesOperating Systems ReviewMathematical Structures in Computer ScienceElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer ScienceInformation FusionAI CommunicationsArtificial Intelligence and LawComputing SystemsMarkup LanguagesInternational Journal of Intelligent SystemsSoftware FocusSoftware Process: Improvement and PracticeSystems and Computers in JapanActa CyberneticaColombian Journal of Computation (RCC)Informatica (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)Informatica (Slovenia)DBMS - The Database & Client/Server Solutions Magazine Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC)JQL - Journal of Quantitative Linguistics。



计算机类SCI排名CORE Computer Science JournalRankingsJournal RankingACM Computing Surveys A+ACM Transactions on Computer Systems A+ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction A+ACM Transactions on Database Systems A+ACM Transactions on Graphics A+ACM Transactions on Information Systems A+ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software A+ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems A+ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology A+Algorithmica A+Annual Review of Information Science and Technology A+Artificial Intelligence A+Decision Support Systems A+European Journal of Information Systems 0960-085X A+Human-Computer Interaction A+IEEE Transactions on Computers A+IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems A+IEEE Transactions on Image Processing A+IEEE Transactions on Information Theory A+IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems A+IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and MachineA+ IntelligenceIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering A+IEEE-ACM Transactions on Networking A+Information & Management A+Information Research-An International Electronic Journal A+Information Systems Databases: Their Creation Management A+and Utilization An International JournalInformation Systems Research A+Information Systems Research A+International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) A+Journal of Computer and System Sciences A+Journal of Cryptology A+Journal of Documentation A+Journal of Information Science A+Journal of Management Information Systems A+Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing A+Journal of the American Society for Information Science andA+ TechnologyJournal of the Association for Computing Machinery A+Journal of the Association for Information Systems A+Library & Information Science Research A+Library Quarterly A+Library Trends A+Machine Learning A+MIS Quarterly A+Neural Computation A+Quantum Information & Computation A+School Library Media Research A+SIAM Journal on Computing A+ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics AACM Transactions on Algorithms AACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization AACM Transactions on Computational Logic AACM Transactions on Information and System Security AACM Transactions on Information and System Security AACM Transactions on Internet Technology AACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation AACM Transactions on the Web AActa Informatica AActa Informatica A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence A Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence A Australian Academic and Research Libraries A Australian Library Journal A Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems A Cataloging and Classification Quarterly A College & Research Libraries A Combinatorics Probability & Computing A Computational Complexity A Computational Intelligence A Computer Journal A Computer Networks A Computer Research and Development A Computer Science Education A Computer Speech and Language A Computer Supported Cooperative Work A Computer Vision and Image Understanding A Computers & Education A Computing 0010-485X A Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience A Constraints A Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery A Decision Sciences A Designs Codes and Cryptography A Digital Creativity A Digital Creativity A Discrete Applied Mathematics A Discrete Mathematics A Distributed and Parallel Databases A Distributed Computing A Electronic Commerce Research A Electronic Markets AEmpirical Software Engineering A Evolutionary Computation A Expert Systems With Applications A First Monday A Formal Aspects of Computing A Formal Methods A Formal Methods in System Design A Future Generation Computer Systems A Fuzzy Sets and Systems A IBM Journal of Research and Development A IBM Systems Journal A IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing A IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing A IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation A IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering A IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing A IEEE Transactions on Multimedia A IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks A IEEE Transactions on Reliability A IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics A IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications A Information and Computation A Information and Organisation A Information and Organisation A Information Communication and Society A Information Systems Frontiers A Information Systems Journal A Information Technology and People A Integration-the VLSI Journal A Interlending & Document Supply A International Journal of Computer Vision A International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident ResponseA (Digital Investigation)International Journal of High Performance Computing andA NetworkingInternational Journal of High Performance ComputingA ApplicationsInternational Journal of Human-Computer Studies AInternational Journal of Parallel Programming AJournal of Academic Librarianship AJournal of Algorithms AJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research AJournal of Automated Reasoning AJournal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems AJournal of Community Informatics AJournal of Community Informatics AJournal of Computer Assisted Learning AJournal of Database Management AJournal of Digital Information AJournal of Education for Library and Information Science AJournal of Functional and Logic Programming AJournal of Functional Programming AJournal of Global Information Technology Management AJournal of Grid Computing AJournal of Heuristics AJournal of Heuristics AJournal of Information Systems AJournal of Information Technology AJournal of Librarianship and Information Science AJournal of Logic and Algebraic Programming AJournal of Logic and Computation AJournal of Machine Learning Research AJournal of Network and Computer Applications AJournal of Network and Systems Management AJournal of Organizational Computing and ElectronicA CommerceJournal of Strategic Information Systems AJournal of Symbolic Computation AJournal of Visual Languages and Computing AJournal of Visual Languages and Computing ALibrary and Information Research ALibres: Library and Information Science Research ElectronicA JournalMathematics of Computation AMISQ Executive AMultimedia Systems ANatural Language Engineering ANauchno-Technicheskoi Informasiya Seriya ANeural Networks ANew Review of Information and Library Research AParallel Computing APattern Recognition APerformance Evaluation AQuantum Information Processing AQueueing Systems : Theory and Applications ARandom Structures and Algorithms AReal-Time Systems AResearch on Language and Computation AScandinavian Journal of Information Systems ASchool Libraries Worldwide AScience of Computer Programming AScientometrics ASIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ASoftware Practice and Experience ASpeech Communication ATheoretical Computer Science ATheoretical Computer Science ATheory and Practice of Logic Programming ATheory of Computing ATheory of Computing Systems AUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction AUser Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction AVLSI Design AWorld Wide Web AAccess BACM Computer Communication Review BACM Computers in Entertainment BACM Transactions on Applied Perception BACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing BACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems BACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From Data BACM Transactions on Multimedia ComputingB Communications and ApplicationsACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing BACM Transactions on Storage BAdvances in Mathematics of Communications BAdvances in Mathematics of Communications BAI Communications BAnnals of Software Engineering BApplied Artificial Intelligence BApplied Intelligence 0924-669X BARS Combinatoria BArtificial Life BAslib Proceedings 0001-253X BAustralasian Journal of Information Systems BAutomated Software Engineering BBehavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers BBusiness Process Management Journal BCanadian Journal of Information and Library Science-Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Information et deB Bibliotheconomie 1195-096XCollection Building BCommunications of the ACM B Communications of the Association of Information Systems B Computer Communications B Computer Languages B Computer Standards & Interfaces B Computer Standards & Interfaces B Computers & Security B Computers in Industry B Connection Science B Cybernetics and Systems B Data & Knowledge Engineering B Data & Knowledge Engineering B Discourse Processes B Displays B Distributed Systems Engineering B d-Lib Magazine B Electronic Journal of Combinatorics B Electronic Journal of IS Evaluation B Electronic Library B Environmental Modelling & Software B Evidence Based Library and Information Practice B Fundamenta Informaticae B Government Information Quarterly B Graphs and Combinatorics B Health Information and Libraries Journal B Human IT B IEEE Annals of the History of Computing B IEEE Communication Letters B IEEE Computer B IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications B IEEE Internet Computing B IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications B IEEE Multimedia BIEEE Pervasive Computing BIEEE Security and Privacy BIEEE Security and Privacy BIEEE Software BIEEE Transactions on Education BIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security BIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics PartB A-Systems and HumansIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics PartB B-CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics PartB C-Applications and ReviewsIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems BIET Computer Vision : (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, ImageB and Signal Processing)IET Computers and Digital Techniques BIET Image Processing (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, ImageB and Signal Processing)IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) BIET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software) BImage and Vision Computing BIndustrial Management & Data Systems BInfo : the Journal of Policy Regulation and Strategy forB Telecommunications Information and MediaInformation and Software Technology BInformation Economics and Policy BInformation Management and Computer Security BInformation Management Journal BInformation Processing Letters BInformation Retrieval BInformation Sciences BInformation Software and Technology BInformation Systems Management BInformation Technology and Libraries BInformation Visualization BInnovations in Teaching and Learning in Information andB Computer SciencesIntelligent Data Analysis BInterfaces BInterjournal BInternational Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing BInternational Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering BInternational Journal of Applied Cryptography BInternational Journal of Approximate Reasoning BInternational Journal of Autonomous and AdaptiveB CommunicationsInternational Journal of Computational Geometry &B ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems BInternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems BInternational Journal of e-Collaboration BInternational Journal of Electronic Commerce BInternational Journal of Electronic Government Research BInternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Science BInternational Journal of General Systems BInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science BInternational Journal of Grid and Utility Computing BInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction BInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems BInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based and IntelligentB Engineering SystemsInternational Journal of Law and Information Technology BInternational Journal of Learning BInternational Journal of Neural Systems BInternational Journal of Parallel Emergent and DistributedB SystemsInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialB IntelligenceInternational Journal of Software Engineering and KnowledgeB EngineeringInternational Journal of Software Engineering and KnowledgeB EngineeringInternational Journal of Wireless Information Networks BInternational Journal on Digital Libraries BInternational Journal on Software Tools for TechnologyB TransferInternet Research: Electronic Networking Applications andB PolicyJournal of (for) Computer Information Systems BJournal of Applied Non-Classical Logics BJournal of Artificial Intelligence and Law BJournal of Combinatorial Theory Series BJournal of Communications and Networks BJournal of Computer Information Systems BJournal of Computer Science and Technology BJournal of Computer Security BJournal of Government Information BJournal of Graph Algorithms and Applications BJournal of Graph Theory BJournal of Information Ethics BJournal of Information Systems Management BJournal of Information Technology Education BJournal of Informetrics BJournal of Intelligent Information Systems BJournal of Intelligent Information Systems BJournal of Intelligent Systems BJournal of Knowledge Management BJournal of Knowledge Management Practice BJournal of Library Administration BJournal of Mathematical Cryptology BJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision BJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision BJournal of Object Technology BJournal of Organizational and End User Computing BJournal of Research and Practice in Information Technology BJournal of Software BJournal of Software Maintenance and Evolution-Research andB PracticeJournal of Supercomputing BJournal of Systems and Software BJournal of Systems Architecture BJournal of the American Society for Information ProcessingB and ManagementJournal of the Medical Library Association BJournal of the University College and Research LibrariesB Section of the Australian Library and Information AssociationJournal of Universal Computer Science BJournal of Universal Computer Science BJournal of Visualization BJournal of Visualization and Computer Animation BJournal of Visualization and Computer Animation BKnowledge and Information Systems BKnowledge Management Research and Practice BKnowledge Organization BKnowledge-Based Systems BLanguage Resources and Evaluation BLaw Library Journal BLibrary Hi Tech BLibrary Management BLibrary Resources & Technical Services BLibrary Review BLibri BLogic Journal of the IGPL BMachine Translation BMachine Translation BMachine Vision and Applications BMathematical and Computer Modelling BMathematics and Computers in Simulation BMobile Networks & Applications BMultiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal BMultiagent and Grid Systems: An International Journal BMultimedia Tools and Applications BMultimedia Tools and Applications BMulti-Valued Logic and Soft Computing BNetworks BNeural Computing & Applications BNeural Processing Letters BNeurocomputing BNew Generation Computing BNew Generation Computing BNew Review of Information Behaviour Research BOnline Information Review BOpen Systems & Information Dynamics BOrana BPattern Analysis and Applications BPattern Recognition Letters BPersonal and Ubiquitous Computing (was PersonalB Technologies)Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was PersonalB Technologies)Pervasive and Mobile Computing BPortal-Libraries and the Academy BPrometheus BReference & User Services Quarterly BRequirements Engineering BResearch Evaluation BRestaurator-International Journal for the Preservation of BLibrary and Archival MaterialSecurity and Communication Networks BSIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling andB Simulation InternationalSocial Science Computer Review BSoftware and System Modeling BSoftware Concepts and Tools BSoftware Testing Verification & Reliability BSoftware Testing Verification and Reliability BSynergy BTransactions in GIS BTransactions in GIS BVisual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics BWireless Communications & Mobile Computing BWireless Networks BAcademy of Information and Management Sciences Journal CACIS International Journal of Computer and InformationC ScienceACM Journal of Computer Documentation CACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing CACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems CACM SIGecom Exchanges CACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review CACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review CActa Automatica Sinica CActa Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis CAdvanced Technology Libraries CAdvances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics CAdvances in Engineering Software CAfrican Journal in Information and CommunicationC TechnologyAI and Society CAI and Society CAI in Engineering CAI Magazine CAKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics CAlgebra and Discrete Mathematics CAlgorytmy (Algorithms) CApplicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics CApplied Computing and Informatics CApplied Computing Review CApplied Ontology CApplied Soft Computing CArchivaria CArchives and Manuscripts CArtificial Intelligence and Law CArtificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior Quarterly CArtificial Intelligence in Medicine CArtificial Intelligence Review CAsian Journal of Information Technology CAssiut University Journal of Mathematics and ComputerC ScienceAustralasian Journal of Combinatorics CAustralasian Public Libraries and Information Services CAustralian Journal of Electronic Commerce CAustralian Journal of Intelligent Information ProcessingC SystemsBehavioral & Social Sciences Librarian CBulletin des Bibliothques de France CBulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology CBulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics CBulletin of the European Association for Theoretical ComputerC ScienceBulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications CBusiness Information Review CBusiness Intelligence Journal CBusiness Intelligence Journal CCahiers Gutenberg CCampus-wide Information Systems CChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science CChinese Journal of Advanced Software Research CCommunications in Information Literacy CCommunications of the ICISA CCommunications of the International Information ManagementC AssociationCommunications of the International Information ManagementC AssociationComplex Systems CComplex Systems CComplexity CComplexity International CComplexity International CComputer Graphics Forum CComputer Languages Systems & Structures CComputers & Graphics-Uk CComputers & Security CComputers in Libraries CComputing and Informatics Journal CCongressus Numerantium CContributions to Discrete Mathematics CControl and Cybernetics CCryptography and Communications CCryptologia CCryptologia CData Science Journal CDatabase for Advances in Information Systems CDesidoc Bulletin of Information Technology CDiscrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications CDiscrete Mathematics and Applications CDiscrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science CDiscussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory CEast Asian Library Journal CEcontent CEducation For Library and Information Services: Australia CEducation Libraries CEducation Libraries Journal CEgyptian Computer Science Journal CEl Profesional De La Informacion CElectronic Commerce Research and Applications CElectronic Communication Law Review (was EDI Law Review) CElectronic Journal of Knowledge Management CElectronic Journal on Information Systems in DevelopingC CountriesElectronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics CElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science CElectronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence CEnterprise Information Systems CEnterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures CEthics and Information Technology CExpert Systems CFailure and Lessons Learned in Information TechnologyC ManagementFirst Monday CFoundations and Trends in Information Retrieval CFoundations and Trends庐in Theoretical Computer Science CGraphical Models and Image Processing CGraphical Models and Image Processing CHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation CIAENG International Journal of Computer Science CIASTED International Journal of Computers and Applications CIASTED International Journal of Modelling and Simulation CIEE Proceedings - Software Engineering CIEE Proceedings-Software CIEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal Processing CIEEE Computing in Science and Engineering CIEEE Computing in Science and Engineering CIEEE Distributed Systems Online CIEEE Intelligent Systems CIEEE Intelligent Systems: Putting AI Into Practice CIEEE Software Process Newsletter CIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of ElectronicsC Communications and Computer SciencesIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems CIET Information Security (was IEE Proceedings InformationC Security)Imaging Science Journal CImplementation of Quantum Computation CIndilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems CINFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science CInforma莽茫o & Informa莽茫o CInformatica CInformatica didactica CInformatics in Education: An International Journal CInformation and Communications Technology Law CInformation Development: the international journal forC librarians, archivists and information specialistsInformation Knowledge Systems Management CInformation Management Policies and Services CInformation Outlook CInformation Processing & Management CInformation Research-an International Electronic Journal CInformation Resources Management Journal CInformation Security CInformation Services & Use CInformation Society CInformation Society CInformation Systems Control Journal CInformation Systems Security Journal CInformation Technologies and International Development CInformation Technologist CInformation Technology and Disabilities CInformation Technology and Management CInformation Technology and Tourism CInformation Technology Journal CInformation Technology Journal CInformation Technology Learning and Performance Journal CInforming Science CInforming Science CIng茅nierie des syst猫mes d'information CIntelligent Automation and Soft Computing CIntelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management CInteracting With Computers CInteractions CInternational Arab Journal of Information Technology CInternational Information & Library Review CInternational Journal for Infonomics CInternational Journal for Infonomics CInternational Journal of Business Data Communications andC NetworkingInternational Journal of Business Information Systems CInternational Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining CInternational Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce CInternational Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce CInternational Journal of Cognitive Informatics and NaturalC IntelligenceInternational Journal of Communication Networks andC Distributed SystemsInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence CInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence andC ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer and EngineeringC ManagementInternational Journal of Computer Applications in Technology CInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics CInternational Journal of Computer Processing of OrientalC Languages (was Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages)International Journal of Computer Science an NetworkC SecurityInternational Journal of Computer Systems Science andC EngineeringInternational Journal of Computers and Their Applications CInternational Journal of Computers and Their Applications CInternational Journal of Computing and Information Sciences CInternational Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics CInternational Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining CInternational Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining CInternational Journal of Digital Evidence CInternational Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks CInternational Journal of e-Business Research CInternational Journal of Electronic Security and DigitalC ForensicsInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems CInternational Journal of Expert Systems CInternational Journal of Expert Systems With Applications CInternational Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems CInternational Journal of High Speed Computing CInternational Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems CInternational Journal of Image and Graphics CInternational Journal of Information and CommunicationC Technology EducationInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security CInternational Journal of Information and Computer Security CInternational Journal of Information and OperationsC Management EducationInternational Journal of Information Management CInternational Journal of Information Quality CInternational Journal of Information Security CInternational Journal of Information Security and Privacy CInternational Journal of Information Systems and SupplyC Chain ManagementInternational Journal of Information Technology CInternational Journal of Information Technology & DecisionC MakingInternational Journal of Information Technology andC ManagementInternational Journal of Information Technology and theC Systems ApproachInternational Journal of Information Technology and WebC EngineeringInternational Journal of Information Technology Education CInternational Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies CInternational Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies CInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in AccountingC Finance and Management (was Expert Systems Review)International Journal of Intelligent Technology CInternational Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management CInternational Journal of Internet Protocol Technology CInternational Journal of Internet Science CInternational Journal of Interoperability in BusinessC Information SystemsInternational Journal of IT Standards and StandardizationC ResearchInternational Journal of Knowledge and Learning CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management CInternational Journal of Knowledge Management Studies CInternational Journal of Libraries and Information Services CInternational Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies CInternational Journal of Mobile Communications CInternational Journal of Mobile Information Systems CInternational Journal of Mobile Information Systems CInternational Journal of Modelling and Simulation CInternational Journal of Network Management CInternational Journal of Netwrok Security CInternational Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems andC NetworksInternational Journal of Pervasive Computing andC CommunicationsInternational Journal of Security and Networks CInternational Journal of Services and Standards CInternational Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling CInternational Journal of Systems Science CInternational Journal of Systems Science CInternational Journal of Technology and Human Interaction CInternational Journal of Technology Policy and Law (wasC International Journal of Information Policy and Law)International Journal of The Computer the Internet andC ManagementInternational Journal of Web and Grid Services CInternational Journal of Web Based Communities CInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology CInternational Journal of Web Engineering and Technology CInternational Journal of Web Information Systems CInternational Journal of Web Information Systems CInternational Journal of Web Services Research CInternational Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing CInternational Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools CInternational Journal on Digital Libraries C。



管理信息系统(MIS)权威期刊列表学术长文:信息系统领域(排名先后排序)MIS Quarterly(EBSCO) SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Information Systems Research(EBSCO) SSCI 延迟一年,例如08年的论文要到2010年才可以下载(全文,EndNotes) Communications of the ACM(EBSCO)SCI (全文,EndNotes)Management Science(EBSCO)延迟一年SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Journal of Management Information Systems (EBSCO) SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Harvard Business Review(EBSCO) SSCI (全文,EndNotes)IEEE Transactions on Engineering management(IEEE)SCI SSCI 没有全文,在IEEE数据库EndNotesEuropean Journal of Information Systems SCIE 没有最新的全文EndNotesDecision Support Systems(elsevier)SCIE (全文,EndNotes)Information & Management(elsevier)SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Communications of the Association for Information Systems(EBSCO)无检索(全文,EndNotes)Academy of Management Journal (EBSCO) SSCI (全文,EndNotes)International Journal of Electronic Commerce(EBSCO) SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Journal of the Association for Information Systems (EBSCO)SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Organization Science(EBSCO)ISSN:10477039 SSCI 延迟两年(全文,EndNotes)Information Systems Journal(EBSCO,blackwel) ISSN:13501917 SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Academy of Management Review (EBSCO)SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Journal of strategic information systems (elsevier)SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Information Systems Management(EBSCO) SCIE 2010年可以下载09年的论文 (全文,EndNotes)Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce(EBSCO) SCIE (全文,EndNotes)International Journal of Information Management(elsevier)SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Electronic Commerce Research and Applications(elsevier)SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Journal of Information Technology (EndNotes)Strategic Management Journal (Wiley-Blackwell ) SSCI (全文,EndNotes)偏技术或方法的IS期刊+IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Systems(IEEE)没有全文SCIE EndNotes+IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering(IEEE)没有全文SCI EndNotes+ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ACM) 没有全文SCI EndNotes+Information Systems(elsevier)SCI EndNotes)+Information Sciences(elsevier)SCI (EndNotes)供应链Journal of Operations Management(elsevier)SCIE SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Decision Sciences (Wiley-Blackwell) SSCI (全文,EndNotes)Production and Operations Management (EBSCO)SCIE [ISSN:10591478] (全文,EndNotes)Operations Research SCIE [ISSN: 0030364X] 延迟l两年(全文,EndNotes)International Journal of Production Economics(elsevier)SCIE SSCI 好多(全文,EndNotes)Supply chain management: An International Journal (Emerald)SCIESSCI(全文,EndNotes)Industrial Marketing Management (elsevier)SSCI 好多(全文,EndNotes)服务管理International Journal of Service Industry Management(Emerald)SSCI(全文,EndNotes)******************八个权威期刊************MIS QuarterlyInformation Systems ResearchJournal of MISEuropean Journal of Information Systems (EndNotes)Journal of AISInformation Systems Journal补充的两个Journal of Strategic Information Systems***********************************************。




不少研究这方面的作者都有发表SCI论文的需求,但是很多研究人员都是第一次接触SCI期刊,因此对信息类的SCI期刊不懂得如何去选择,下面为大家推荐几本信息技术比较好发表的SCI期刊,供大家参考!一、《Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis》本刊为中国自然科学核心期刊;中国科协优秀科技期刊;中国科协择优支持基础性、高科技学术期刊。





二、《Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica》《Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica》是基础学科类学术刊物,主要刊载化学学科物理化学领域具有原创性实验和基础理论研究类文章。

《Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica》的办刊宗旨是坚持正确的办刊方针,以促进学术交流及本学科发展为已任,为发现和培养科技人才服务,提供一个总结、交流、宣传科技成果的园地。

《Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica》面向的读者群主要是化学及相关专业高年级大学生、研究生、教师和科研人员以及企业的研发人员。

三、《Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics》《Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics》是国内外公开发行的全国性学术期刊,由中国科学院生物物理研究所和中国生物物理学会共同主办。


《Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics》创刊于1974年。

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Egyptian Informatics Journal
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10,739 1,988 2,859 4,924 2,097
19,075 2,098 9,959 5,898 5,754 1,890 2,781
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12,832 5,098 940 2,932 9,000 1,621
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717 3,229 1,242
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579 10,233
685 38,759
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524 1,119
395 208 4,339 2,274 462 3,727 3,680 3,566 2,281 3,319 499 4,299 1,396 2,437 1,984 2,997 634 11,149 455 1,207 426 1,180 526 963 753 997 1,767 1,385 2,590
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37 Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
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