




1. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _____ in a year.

A. follows

B. followed

C. to follow

D. being followed

2. _____from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.

A. Being separated

B. Having separated

C. Having been separated

D. To be separated



1. The repairs cost a lot, but it’s money well_____.

A. to spend

B. spent

C. being spent

D. spending

2. The prize of the game show is$30000 and an all expenses _____ vacation to China.

A. paying

B. paid

C. to be paid

D. being paid

3. When _____help, one often says, “Thank you.” Or “It’s kind of you.”

A. offering

B. to offer

C. to be offered

D. offered



1. The storm left, _____a lot of damage to this area.

A. caused

B. to have caused

C. to cause

D. having caused

2. More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, _____advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.

A. taking

B. taken

C. having taken

D. having been taken



1. “You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, _____away.

A. run

B. running

C. to run

D. ran

2. He glanced over at her, ______ that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.

A. noting

B. noted

C. to note

D. having noted

3. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _____fun.

A. had

B. have

C. to have

D. having


He came in, followed by his wife. 他走了进来,后面跟着他的妻子。



1. “Can the project be finished as planned?” “Sure, _____it completed in time, we’ll work two more hours a day.”

A. having got

B. to get

C. getting

D. get

2. ____ more about university courses, call (920) 746-3789.

A. To find out

B. Finding out

C. Find out

D. Having found out

3. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just _____a look at the sports stars.

A. had

B. having

C. to have

D. have



He fired, killing one of the passers-by. 他开枪了,打死了一个过路人。

1.Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _____a record US $ 57.65 a barrel on April 4.

A. have reached

B. reaching

C. to reach

D. to be reaching

2. 出乎意料的结果,用不定式表结果状语。如:

He returned home to find his wife waiting for him. 他回到家发现他的妻子在等他。

2.He hurried to the station only ______ that the train had left.

A. to find

B. finding

C. found

D. to have found



1. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise_____.

A. going on

B. goes on

C. went on

D. to go on

2. You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it _____often enough

A. explaining

B. to explain

C. explain

D. explained



1.While watching television, _____.

A. the door bell rang

B. the doorbell rings

C. we heard the doorbell ring

D. we heard the doorbell rings



It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview; _____the answers ready will be of great help.

A. To have had

B. Having had

C. Have

D. Having

十、考查“(be +) 过去分词+介词”结构

有一类“be+过去分词+介词”结构,如be interested in, be worried about, be lost in, be dressed in 等,也往往是命题的热点。如:

1. _____ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.

A. Having lost

B. Lost

C. Being lost

D. Losing

2. _____ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

A. Dressed

B. To dress

C. Dressing

D. Having dressed



1. I don’t want _____ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.

A. to sound

B. to be sounded

C. sounding

D. to have sounded

2. “Is Bob still performing?” “I’m afraid not. He is said _____ the stage already as he has become an official.”

A. to have left

B. to leave

C. to have been left

D. to be left


1.I was ______ work last week, but I changed my mind.

a. to start

b. to have started

c. to be starting

d. to have been starting

2.I intended ______ the matter with you, but I had some guests hen.

a. discuss

b. discussing

c. having discussed

d. to have discussed

3.Don’t let me catch you ______.

a. do that again

b. to do that again

c. doing that again

d. done that again

4.There are many kinds of metals ______.

a.each has its special properties

b. one has its special properties

b. each having its special properties d. having its special properties

5.It’s pay-day, and they’re waiting ______.

a. for paying

b. to be paid

c. to be paying

d. to have paid

6._______ trouble, I’m going to forget the whole affair.

a. Then rather cause

b. Rather causing

c. Rather than cause

d. Rather than caused

7. The brilliance of his satires was ______ make even his victims laugh.

a. so as to

b. such as to

c. so that

d. such that

8.Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined ______ high levels of self-confidence.

a. possess

b. have possessed

c. to possess

d. possessing

9.The worker is ______ in repairing the machine to notice my coming.

a. too busy

b. enough busy

c. busy too

d. busy enough

10.“What did you do in the garden?”

“I watched my father ______ his motorbike.”

a. to repair

b. repaired

c. repairing

d. repairs

11.We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.

a. to see

b. see

c. seeing

d. seen

12.Induction means ______ a general conclusion from special facts.

a. to come to

b. to coming

c. coming to

d. came

13.I’m not going to ask the teacher why he gave me that grade; I intend _______.

a. to let rest the matter

b. the matter to be let resting

c. letting the matter to rest

d. to let the matter rest

14.I have tried _______ worrying about it.

a. to stop consciously

b. to consciously stop

c. to conscious stopping

d. to stopping consciously

15.“Do you want to give a talk on that subject?”

“I prefer ______ .”

a. not want

b. not wanting

c. to not giving

d. not to

16.I _______ the truth of your remarks, although they go against my interests.

a. cannot but admit

b. cannot help but to admit

c. cannot but admitting

d. cannot help but admitting

17.Since she is angry, we ______.

a. had better leaving her alone

b. should leave her alone

c. might as well leave her alone

d. had rather leave her alone

18.I don’t allow ______ in my office and I don’t allow my family ______ at all.

a. to smoke…smoking

b. smoking…to smoke

c. to smoke…to smoke

d. smoking…smoking

19.You should remember ______ from the point when you are writing a composition.

a. don’t wander

b. not to wander

c. no wandering

d. not wander

20.Grace advised us to withdraw ______.

a. so as to get not involved

b. so as not to get involved

c. so that to get not involved

d. as not to get involved

21.He ran all the way up to the station ______ that the train had left fifteen minutes before.

a. in order to find

b. so as to find

c. only to find

d. such as to find

22.George went hunting for a week but still he didn’t find a room ______.

a. to live

b. to live in

c. for living

d. to be living in

23.You should really avoid ______ at home alone as he is old and ill.

a. your father stay

b. your father to stay

c. your father’s staying

d. your father who stays

24.John didn’t want to risk ______ wet as he had only one suit.

a. getting

b. to get

c. being got

d. to be gotten

25.I’m disappointed with the new officers elected in our club, but there is no point _______ about it.

a. to worry

b. in worrying

c. with us worrying

d. if we worry

26.I t won’t be any use ______ to borrow any more money.

a. you to try

b. of your trying

c. trying you

d. your trying

27.The law requires all cars _______ for safety and efficiency.

a. being tested regularly

b. to be regularly tested

c. be regularly tested

d. regularly tested

28.I remember ______ to the zoo by my father when I was little.

a. being taken

b. taking

c. have been taken

d. to have taken

29.I completely forgot ______ the front door last night and feel fortunate that nothing is stolen.

a. locking

b. being locked

c. to lock

d. to have locked 30.I regret ______ you that your application has been refused.

a. informing

b. being informed

c. to be informed

d. to inform

31.I didn’t mean ______ anything, but these apples looked so good I couldn’t resist ______ one.

a. to eat…trying

b. to eat…o trying

c. eating…to try

d. eating…to trying

32.I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ______ about it.

a. but to think

b. thinking

c. think

d. to think

33.The ship, ______ to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable.

a. being reduced

b. reducing

c. reduced

d. having been reducing

34.The young doctor could not sleep at night, his thoughts ______ him no peace.

a. gave

b. giving

c. being given

d. to give

35.After a long walk on a hot day, one feels ______.

a. exhaustive

b. exhausting

c. exhaust

d. exhausted

36.Those relatives of his are ______ . I don’t want to have any dealings with them.

a. boring people

b. bored people

c. people having bored

d. people having boring

37.You must follow the directions exactly and if you become ______, you must take the time to go back again and reread them.

a. to confuse

b. confusing

c. confuse

d. confused

38.There is something wrong with my TV set, I must have it ______.

a. checking

b. check

c. to check

d. checked

39.He was just about to jump up when he felt something ______ near his feet.

a. to move

b. move

c. moving

d. moved

40.______ with the corresponding period of last year, the output of chemical fibers in the first quarter rose by 15%.

a. Comparing

b. To compare

c. Compared

d. Compare

41.“Was the rally successful?’

“No, because the number of ______ was smaller t han we had expected.”

a. people who attend

b. attended people

c. people attending

d. attendance of people

42.Uncle Dick has already arrive. Do you expect ______ to see him?

a. Going

b. go

c. to go

d. that you go

43.From the electric refrigerator Dick takes a carton of cream, another of fresh milk and a can of ______ orange juice.


b. froze

c. freezing

d. freezed

44.He felt bad for ______ a chance to study abroad.

a. having not given

b. not having given

c. having not been given

d. not having been given

45.In some countries there are already a number of firms ______ computer programming.

a. specialize in

b. specialized in

c. specializing in

d. specializes in

46.The young man who saw the car ______ into the river telephoned the police station.

a. plunge

b. plunged

c. was plunging

d. to plunge

47.While she was shopping, she kept ______ the list to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything.

a. checked

b. checking

c. to check

d. check

48.You’d better ______.

a. to have your shoes mended

b. to have mended your shoes

c. have your shoes mended

d. having your shoes mended

49.The machines are made ______ at full speed.

a. work

b. working

c. to work

d. to be worked

50.It is certain that men will never stop ______ new energy sources to power their growing industry.

a. finding

b. to find

c. having found

d. found

51.It is really quite extraordinary that we should have been at the same college without ______ before.

a. met

b. being met

c. having met

d. having been met

52.Professor Smith is said ______ another important discovery in chemistry.

a. having made

b. having been made

c. to have made

d. to make

53.Without the sun’s light ______ the earth’s surf ace, it would be so cold that life could not exist on the earth.

a. warms

b. warmed

c. warming

d. to warm

54.The rocket will weigh about 200 tons when ______.

a. being completed

b. completed completing d. have been completed

55.There are plans ______ a number of atomic power station in this regions.

a. to build

b. to be built

c. building

d. being built

56.All of us are looking forward to ______ a trip to the Ming Tombs.

a. make

b. making

c. to making

d. have made

57.I can’t understand ______ a decision until it is too late.

a. him to postpone to make

b. his postponing to make

c. him to postponing making

d. his postponing making

58.I would like ______ that I don’t have a very high opinion of you.

a. to have you know

b. have you know

c. to have your known

d. having you know

59.I had intended ______ him while he was living at Aberdeen.

a. visiting

b. visit

c. to have visited

d. having visited

60.Do you consider better _______ ?

a. not doing it again

b. not do it again

c. not having done it again

d. not to do it again



非谓语动词考点总结归纳 非谓语动词包括不定式,动名词和分词。它们是高中所学的基础语法,也是高考必考内容。既是高考的难点又是高考的热点。真正领悟非谓语动词的用法要具备以下基础知识: ①具有句子结构的知识,会分析句子成分。 ②具有简单句最基本的五种句型的知识,要分得清双宾语和复合宾语。 ③具有扎实而丰富的动词知识,要分得清及物动词和不及物动词。 ④具备各种复合句的知识,能够拆析复合句和长难句。 1.三种非谓语动词的构成及变化形式。

●过去分词 done (无变化) ●所有非谓语动词的否定形式都是把否定副词not,never放在非谓语动词的前面。 2.?三种非谓语动词形式句法功能比较 考点一:非谓语作主语。 1. 在很多情况下没有明显的不同. Seeing is believing.=To see is to believe. 2. 不定式做主语表示某一次具体的,特定的或有待实现的动作, 而动名词则表示通常的

情况. eg:To tell him the truth would be the best. / Painting is an art. 动词不定式(短语)作主语时,另一种形式是在句首用先行代词it作形式主语,而将动词不定式(短语)移到谓语之后作真正主语。用于这种形式是一些特定形容词,动词和名词1)形容词作表语It is adj/n.(for sb.) to do sth. (常见的形容词是:necessary,imp ortant,possible等) It is adj./n.(of sb.) to do sth. (常见的形容词是clever,stupid,fo olish,wise,cruel等) 2)常见的动词有:require, cost, amuse, delight, annoy等 eg: It takes much time to do sth./ It didn’t occur to me to ask him to help me. 3)一些名词作表语 eg: It seems a pity to waste them./It is a great pleasure to do this./It is a good idea to think this way 动名词做主语时常用的句型有: It is nice doing sth./It’s foolish doing sth./It is useless doing that/It’s a waste of time doing this.

非谓语 动词专项及解析(1)

必备英语非谓语动词专项及解析 一、非谓语动词 1.The WWF is working hard _________ the animals in danger. A. save B. to save C. saves D. saved 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:世界自然基金会正努力工作来拯救处于危险中的动物。此处表示 目的,应该用动词不定式。故选B。 【点评】考查动词不定式。动词不定式表示目的。 2.— Please stay with me this weekend. —I'm sorry, but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末请和我呆在一起吧。——我很抱歉,但是我父亲和 我很久前就计划去参观北京了。plan to do sth.,计划做某事,动词不定式作宾语,故选C。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语plan to do sth. 3.To live a low-carbon life, we must remember ________ the lights when we leave the room. A. to turn off B. turning off C. not to turn off 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:要过低碳生活,我们必须记住离开房间时要关掉灯。remember (not)to do sth.忘记要做的事;remember doing sth.忘记已经做过的事。根据句末when we leave the room.可知关灯的动作还没有做,此处表示肯定含义,要用不定式的肯定式, 故选A。 【点评】考查动词remember的固定搭配。根据所表示的含义选择正确的搭配。 4.Most people enjoy other people games. A. watching; plays B. to watch; to play C. watching; playing D. watching; to play 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:许多人喜欢看别人做游戏。喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth后跟动名词 作宾语;看某人做某事:watch sb do sth(用省to的不定式表示看到了整个过程);watch sb doing sth(用动名词表示看到了动作在发生)。人们喜欢看别人在做游戏而不一定是整个 过程,故选C。 5. Though he often made his little sister ______, today he was made ______ by his little sister. A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry 【答案】 A


2017年中考英语语法非谓语动词考点 【非谓语动词命题趋势】 根据对非谓语动词部分全国各省、市中考试题的分析可知,今后该部分仍将是重点考查点之一。其考查重点为: 1.it作形式主语、宾语的用法 2.感官动词后不定式作宾语补足语和动词ing形式作宾语补足语的用法; 3.动词不定式与疑问代词和疑问副词的连用 4.一些特殊动词的动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to,但变为被动语态时就要带to; 5.有些动词既可接不定式也可接动词ing形式作宾语,但表达的意思不同。 【考点诠释】 一、考查非谓语动词用作主语 不定式或动名词用作主语,而分词不能担任句子中的主语。 【考例】It's very nice pictures for me. [天津] A. of you to draw B. for you to draw C. for you drawing D. of you drawing [答案]:A。[解析]考查It's+形容词+of/for sb. +to do sth.句中it 为形式主语,to do是真正的主语,当形容词是表示品质意思时,应该用of sb.,其他形容词用for sb.,故此题答案为A。

二、考查非谓语动词用作宾语 【考例】一It's a bit cold Would you mind my ______all the windows? 一Do as you like,please.[07淄博市] A.close B will close C.closing D.to close [答案]C [解析]动词mind意为“介意”,后跟动词时,应使用ing 形式。 Mary and I enjoy ____________ badminton[07黔岭东南州] A.to play B playing C.played [答案]B[解析] enjoy后跟动词的ing形式作宾语,即:enjoy doing something,意为“喜欢(做)某事”。 --So hot in the classroom.Would you mind ___the windows? ——0K.I'll do it right now.[黄冈市] A.not closing B not opening C closing D.opening [答案]D[解析] mind是中考的重点考查词汇,其后跟v—ing表示“介意……”。 ---Mr. Wang,I have trouble _______the text. 一Remember ____it three times at least.[威海市] A.to understand;reading B understanding;reading


必备英语非谓语动词知识点总结 一、非谓语动词 1.I look forward _____ you soon. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:我盼望尽快见到你。look forward to doing sth盼望做某事,故答案为D。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意look forward to中的to是介词,后跟动名词。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B.动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句意及结构,故选B。 3.一What should we take when going birdwatching? 一 We should take a pair of binoculars ____________the birds clearly. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一去看鸟应该带什么?一为了看得清楚,我们应该带一副望远镜。带上望远镜的目的是看得清楚,用带to的不定式作目的状语。故选C。 4.The workers were made from morning to night in the past. A. worked B. to work C. work D. working 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:在过去工人们被迫从早晨工作到晚上make sb do sth让某人做某事,其被动语态形式sb be made to do sth所以选B。 5.Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates____speaking English.


高考非谓语动词专项练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.The woman, when _______ how her husband was injured, began to cry. A.asked B.to ask C.asking D.ask 【答案】A 【解析】 2.In 2012, Sun Yang became the first Chinese man _____ an Olympic gold medal in swimming. A.winning B.to win C.having won D.being won 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查不定式作定语。句意:在2012年,孙杨成为第一个获得奥运会游泳比赛金牌的中国男运动员。当名词前面有序数词修饰或被修饰的词就是序数词的时候,通常要用不定式作定语。如the first to come and the last to leave,本句中Chinese man前面有序数词the first修饰,所以后面要用不定式作定语。故B项正确。 3.I stopped the car ____ a short break as I was feeling tired. A.take B.taking C.to take D.taken 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:我停下车来休息一会儿,因为我感觉累了。此处动词不定式表目的,故选C。 【考点定位】考查非谓语动词 4.They might just have a place ________ on the writing course—why don’t you give it a try? A.leave B.left C.leaving D.to leave 【答案】B 【解析】 此处left过去分词作定语修饰a place,被留下的留给写作课程的地方(机会)。句意:他们可能还有个学习写作课的机会,你为什么不试一试呢? 【考点定位】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。 5.After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on all the people who had helped in her career. A.to thank B.thanking C.having thanked D.to have thanked


高考英语短文改错考点解析:非谓语动词 一、考点规律分析 短文改错对非谓语动词的考查主要涉及不定式符号to 的有无,介词后该使用动词的什么形式(用动名词),并列结构中几个非谓语动词是否一致,动词用作主语时用何种形式(可用动名词或不定式,但不能用动词原形)等。 二、真题单句归纳 (1)David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the car.(wanted 后加to ,因为want 后要接不定式)(全国卷) (2)…rather than go into the forest and getting lost. (getting 改get,因为get 与其前的go 并列)(全国卷) (3)David pointed to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village. (leading改为lead,因为其前有助动词would)(全国卷) (4)I went back to get David and helped him to stood up.(stood 改为 stand,因为to stand up在此为不定式结构)(全国卷) (5)Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building. (climbed 改为climb / climbing,若将as well as 视为连词,则将climbed 改为climb,因为它与其前的do并列;若将as well as视为介词,则climbing,因为介词后动词用动名词)(全国卷) (6)Modern people know more about health ,have better food,and to live in clearer surroundings.(去掉live 前的to,因为live 与其前的know,have 并列)(全国卷)(7)The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world. (improve 前加to,to improve … 为表目的的不定式短语)(全国卷)(8)…you pay the cost of send a postcard the librarian will write to you. (send改为sending,因为介词后接动名词作宾语) (全国卷) (9)…and let you to know when the book you want has returned (去掉know 前的to,因为其前有动词let)(全国卷)


-非谓语部分 1. ____ some students, the teacher entered the hall. A. Following B. Followed C. Being followed D. Having followed 2. ____, and he had to go back home. A. Day having broken B. Night had fallen C. The day had broken D. Night fallen 3. Hearing his father was seriously ill, ____. A. he burst into tears B. his eyes were filled with tears C. his face lost its color D. tears came to his eyes 4. He did all this to make her ____, so she was very angry with him. A. laughed B. a good man C. laughing D. laughed at 5. Entering the house, I found Jane ____ at the desk and ____ something. A. seat; write B. sitting; writing C. seating; writing D. seated; to write 6. ____ so many people in the hall, I had to push my way to the front. A. Being B. There were C. There being D. As being 7. --- What would you like for breakfast? --- I don’t feel like ____. A. to eat something B. eating anything C. to eat anything D.eating nothing 8. He got out of the car, ____ to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help. A. walked B. walking C. to walk D. walk


非谓语动词 一、什么是非谓语动词? 1.“非谓语非谓语:就是不能做谓语的动词 谓语:说明主语所做的动作或具冇的特征和状态。它冇人称、数、时态和语态的变化。 e.g. He works. He will go to Shanghai. You looked smart. 非谓语:无人称,数的变化,不单独作谓语,但保留动词特点,可以苗宾语或状语。 Climbin呂mountains is great fun. To vis让China is my next goaL 非谓语动词包括:1)不定式to + v 2)动词v?ing 3)过去分词v-ed 2.非谓语使用条件 _个句子当中,己经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况卜 She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat. She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat. 3.构成形式 二、用法比较 (一).不定式和?ing形式作主语的区别 1.-ing和不定式都可以作主语,?ing作主语表示一般或抽象的经常性,习惯性行为,不定式作主语往往表示具体的或一?次性的动作。 Learni昭a foreign language is very useful. It is not very good for you to smoke so much. 2.?…不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。常见句型有让is adj. (of/for sb J to do sth. (1)It's difficult (important, necessary) for sb. to do (2)It's kind (good, friendly; pol让e, careless, rude, cruel, clever; foolish, brave) o£sb. to do. 3..-ing 在"It is no use/ no good/useless + doing"结构中作主语,it 为形式主语。 It is no good writin呂to him; he never answers letters. 4..主表对称原则Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. (二).不定式和ing形式作宾语的区别 l.?ing形式作宾语通常衣示一般的、经常性的行为,而不定式作宾语表示特定的、具体的、-?次性动作 I like swimming, but I don't like to swim today.

非谓语 动词知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细)

非谓语动词知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细) 一、非谓语动词 1.________, he has to listen to tapes every day. A. To learn English well B. Learn English well C. Learning English well 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:为了学好英语,他不得不每天听录音。选项部分在句子中表示目 的,故用动词不定式,故选A。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意动词不定式的成分。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B. 动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句 意及结构,故选B。 3.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体 验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 4.My parents didn't allow me ______ to the party. A. go B. to go C. goes D. went 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】:本题考点为非谓语动词(固定用法)。allow sb. to do sth.,即“允许某 人做某事”。故答案为B。 5.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future. A. used, be used B. is used, be used C. used, use D. is used, use 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问 题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是


非谓语动词就是不能作句子谓语而具有其他语法功能的动词。 主语/表语: 不定式和ing分词均能作主语,二者有何区别? 1.表示某一具体的动作时,多用不定式;表示比较抽象的一般行为倾向的,多用动名词。 2.动名词作主语时通常位于句首;不定式作主语时常置于句末,用it作形式主语放在句首。 1) Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here. 2) It is not very good for you to smoke so much. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. 若主语和表语都是非谓语动词, 应保持形式上的一致。

宾语: 1. 有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,如: …… manage, promise, pretend, plan, offer, agree, ask, dare, choose, fail, help(帮助),want(想要) , refuse等。 决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。 主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。 2. 有些动词后只跟动名词作宾语,如: ……practise, appreciate, dislike, excuse, forgive, keep, resist, risk, deny, advise, fancy, complete, forbid, permit, allow, stand, refer to, give up, lead to, take to, set about, get down to, object to, succeed in, have difficulty in... 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。 避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡。 3.有些动词如begin, start; love, like, hate, prefer后既可以跟不定式又可以跟ing分词作宾语,意义上无多大区别(但ing分词一般表示经常性的行为;不定式表示具体的行为)。 4.有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词作宾语,但意义上有明显差别。go on (stop/remember/regret)to do/doing can’t help to do / doing try to do/ doing mean to do(打算)/ doing(意味)be used to do / doing ( get used to doing)(used to do) 5.动词need, require, want作“需要”,deserve作“应受,应得”,主动表被动 定语: 不定式、ing 分词和过去分词都可以作定语,主要区别在于它们的时态意义和语态意义。 分词作定语与动词不定式作定语的区别是:现在分词表示主动、进行之意;过去分词表示被动与完成;而不定式表示在谓语动词表示的动作之后即将发生的动作。 不定式用来修饰序数词、最高级或no, all, any等限定词的中心词,表主动关系。 E.g.: The car to be bought is for his sister. / He was the best man to do the job. The houses being built are for the teachers. Developing countries/ developed countries 补语: 1.能接带to的不定式作宾语补足语和主语补足语的动词有:ask, advise, tell, force, get, allow, want, wish, like, hate, prefer, intend,expect, encourage, persuade, permit, request,order, warn, cause等。 Think, consider, believe, suppose, feel等后常用“to be....”作补语。 E.g.: You are not allowed to smoke here. People considered him to be a great leader. 2.使役动词,感官动词接不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的使役动词有make, let, have等;感官动词有see, hear, watch, observe, notice, feel以及look at, listen to等。 ◆“吾看三室两厅一感觉”---5看(look at, see, watch, notice, observe)3使(make,


-高中英语语法强化训练(非谓语动词续) ( )1.European football is played in 80 countries ,______it the most popular sport in the world A. making B, makes C. made D to make ( )2The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______the next year . A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out ( )3.The purpose of new technologies in to make life easier, _______it more difficult. not make B. not to make C. not making D. don’t make ( B )5.I’ve worked with children before ,so I know what ______in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects ( )6.A computer does only what thinking people _______. A. have it to B. nave it done C. have done it D. having it done ( )7.What worried the child most was ____to visit his mother in the hospital . A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed ( ) 8.Cleaning woman in big cities usually get ______by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay ( )9.They are not very good, but we like_______. anyway to play basketball with them to play basketball with them anyway to play with them basketball anyway with them to play basketball anyway ( )10 He sent me an e-mail ,_______to get further information. hoped B hoping C. to hope D. hope ( )11._____is 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being rounded B it was founded C. Founded D. Founding ( )12,The ____boy was last seen ______near the East Lake.


非谓语动词在高考中的考点及易错点 一?非谓语题的解题总方法与思路: 1.先看四个答案:如果四个答案分别为动词原形、不定式、现在分词、过去分词等情况,那么这个题多半是非谓语动词题。 2.看符号:中间有个逗号,末尾有个句号(有时中间没有逗号); 3.看有没有连接词(引导词)。如果用逗号隔开的两个部分都没有连接词的话,一部分是句子时,那么另一部分就一定是非句子,而非句子里的动词就是非谓语动词。 4.定语态:如果本句的主语(或动词自带的逻辑主语)与它是逻辑上的主谓关系,那么答案一般用 Ving形式;如果本句的主语(或动词自带的逻辑主语)与它是逻辑上的动宾关系(被动关系),那么答案 一般用v-ed形式。 5.定时态:如果非谓语的动作比谓语先(或先很久)发生,那么非谓语动词要用完成式(to have done/to have been done/ having done/ Having been done),否则我们要用非谓语的一般式(to do / to be done / doing / being done / done)。 Eg. 1.___________ f or an hour by his teacher, the boy felt depressed. A. Bei ng scolded B. Havi ng bee n scolded C. To be scolded D. Scoldi ng 【1 答案:B 】 二.非谓语动词可能出现的考查点及易错点: 一)?使用非谓动词的语言结构。 1)在“短语,and/or +句子”的并列句结构中,可能会考查“以动词原形开头”的祈使句,四个答案表面上像非谓语,其实考查的是谓语。 2.______ hard and you will succeed in the exam. 3.______ hard or you will fail in the exam. A. Study B. To study C. Studying D. Studied 【2、3 答案:A A 】 2)在“句子,短语”结构中,短语部分用非谓语: 4.The teacher devoted his life to his career, __________ most of his stude nts successful in study. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 【4 答案:C】 3)在“短语,句子”结构中,短语部分用非谓语: 5.___________ w ith childre n, I know what is n eeded most. A. Working B. Having worked C. Worked D. To work 【5 答案:B 】 4)在“ with +宾语+宾语补足语”结构中,宾语补足语可能用非谓语动词: 6.With her baby ____________on her back, the woman was cleaning the rich man 'house. A. sleep B. slept C. to sleep D. sleepi ng 【6 答案:D】 7.With his hair __________ like a role in the film, the boy felt very cool. A. cut B. to be cut C. cutting D. to cut 【7 答案:B】 5)在drive/leave/keep/make/have/let/get/find/hear…等使役动词或感官动词后面作宾语补足语时,也可能用非谓语动词。 8.He made his sister __________ by tak ing away her toy. 9.His sister was made ____________ by his tak ing away her toy. A. cry B. to cry C. crying D. cried 【& 9 答案: A B 】 10.The policeman found the thief ___________ h is hand into an old man ' pocket and arrested him. A. put B. putting C. to put D. being put 【10 答案:B】 二).非谓语动词考点易错点: 1)表面上考分词,实际上考形容词的情况: 11. _________ , he fell asleep quickly. A. Tire B. Tiring C. Tired D. To tire 【11 答案:C】 12.The man won a big prize, ________________ a nd ____________ . A. surprised ; happy B. surpris ing ; happy C. surprised ; pleasa nt D. surpris ing ; pleased 【12 答案: A 】 13. _________ i n thought of the problems, the man didn 'realize his girlfriend ' coming in. A. Losing B. Lost C. To lose D. Having lost 【13 答案:B 】 14.The stude nts ___________ in art can sig n in the form and be a member of our school.


高考英语非谓语动词知识点真题汇编附答案 一、选择题 1.His study was a mess with lots of books and magazines __________up everywhere. A.to pile B.having piled C.piled D.to be piled 2.The next morning she found the man ___________ in bed, dead. A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying 3.By no means ________ when we try to create a global brand. A.the cultural factor is to neglect B.is the cultural factor to neglect C.the cultural factor is to be neglected D.is the cultural factor to be neglected 4.A healthy diet and adequate physical exercises are the keys ______ a better life. A.of having B.to have C.for having D.to having 5.It is easy ________ the consequences of unchecked plant disease: food shortage could kill millions of people and cause unrest in the world. A.imagine B.to be imagined C.imagining D.to imagine 6.Some psychologists suggest that one could improve his performance when mentally imagining himself ________ (perform) well at some back. A.performing B.to perform C.performed D.having performed 7.________ with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend hours going from one dress on another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. A.Having faced B.Faced C.To face D.Facing 8.________ to a colorful campus culture, students should draw a line between what is their major concern and what is of ________ importance. A.Exposing…the least B.Having exposed...least C.Having been exposed…the less D.Exposed...less 9.Some people are skeptical about the internet, ________ that surfing the Internet is a waste of time. A.claimed B.claiming C.to claim D.having claimed 10.Last night, there were millions of people ______________ the opening ceremony live on TV. A.watch B.to watch C.watched D.watching 11.Bats are surprisingly long lived creatures, some ________ a life span of around 20 years. A.having B.had C.have D.to have 12.The long-lasting war, filled with blood and deaths, ended in people’s sadness, _______no result. A.reached B.to reach C.would reach D.reaching 13.(2015·江苏)Much time ________sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.


非谓语动词考点归纳 一、考点归纳 非谓语动词是整个高中阶段的重点语法项目,也是高考的必考点,出题形式主要体现在语法填空与写作上。非谓语动词的主要考点有: 考点一:不定式和动名词作主语 1. 不定式表示具体或者一次性的动作,而动名词表示一般或习惯的概念。 2. 在写作中,动词不定式和动名词作主语常用it作形式主语,把作真正主语的不定式和动名词短语移到句末,以使句子平衡。 考点二:不定式、动名词和分词作表语 1. 动词不定式作表语表示具体或即将发生的动作,而动名词表示习惯动作或者一般概念,或说明主语的内容。 2. 现在分词与过去分词在句中作表语其实就相当于形容词作表语。现在分词常译为“令人……的”,一般形容事物;过去分词译为“感到……的”多用来形容人。常见的动词有interest,excite,thrill,frighten,surprise,shock,confuse,puzzle,please,bore等。 考点三:不定式和动名词作宾语 1. 后面只能接动名词作宾语的动词主要有:finish,avoid,suggest,consider,appreciate,admit,delay 等。 2. 只能接动词不定式作宾语的动词主要有:refuse,demand,agree,manage,decide,fail,intend,dare,offer,pretend,promise,expect等。 3. 既可接动名词又可接动词不定式(意思不同)的动词主要有:stop,go on,regret,remember,forget,try,mean等。 4. 接动名词表示被动意义的动词主要有意为“需要”的require,want和need等。 考点四:不定式和分词作宾语补足语 1. 接动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词主要有:tell,ask,expect,inspire,encourage,allow,remind,persuade,require,force,forbid等。 2. 感官动词(feel,see,watch,notice,find,observe等)与使役性动词(let,make,have等)后可接省略to的动词不定式、现在分词和过去分词作宾语补足语。前两者都表示宾语与宾补有主动关系,区别在于不定式侧重动作的全过程,而现在分词强调动作正在进行;过去分词则表示与宾语是动宾关系,即有“被动”之意。注意:作宾补的不定式变为被动句时要加上to。 考点五:不定式、动名词和分词作定语 1. 动名词说明名词的功能,不定式强调动作正在进行。如: 动名词:a sleep car卧铺,a reading room阅览室 现在分词:a sleeping baby一个正熟睡的婴儿 2. 当被修饰的名词或代词与非谓语动词为主动关系或强调动作正在进行,则选用现在分词;被修饰的词与非谓语动词为动宾关系或者表示动作已经完成,则用过去分词。另外,分词作定语可以转化为定语从句。 3. 动词不定式作后置定语表示将要发生,表情态意义或者完成的动作。如: Do you know the new teacher to teach us next term?(表将来) = Do you know the new teacher who will teach us next term? Louis is the proper person to help us out.(表情态意义) =Louis is the proper person who can help us out. 考点六:不定式和分词作状语 1. 作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,用动词不定式。 2. 分词可在句子中作伴随、时间、让步、原因、结果、条件和方式状语,且可转化为相应的状语从句。 Working hard,you will succeed.=If you work hard,you will succeed.如果你努力工作,你会成功的。 His father died,leaving him a great sum of debts.=His father died,so that he left him a great sum of debts.
