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许伟华 杨述华 杜靖远 肖宝钧 李进 杨操

【摘要】 目的 分析股骨远端骨折的分型和治疗。 方法 回顾性总结1995-2003年间的



例。结果 股骨远端A、B和C型骨折治疗后Neer评分依次降低,分别为73.4±13.9、64.9±14.7


折的治疗和预后有较大区别。 结论 股骨远端骨折应根据不同类型而采用不同的手术和内固



【关键词】 股骨骨折; 骨折固定术; 骨折分型

C l a ssi f i ca ti on and trea t m en t of d ist a l fe m ora l fractures XU W ei2hua,YAN G Shu2hua,DU J ing2

yuan,X I AO B ao2j un,L I J in,YAN G Cao.D epart m ent of O rthopaedics,U nion Hospital,Tongji M edical

College,Huazhong U niversity of Science and Technology,W uhan430022,China

【Abstract】 O bjecti ve To analyze the classificati on of distal fe mur fractures and understand the

choice of treat m ent according t o the classificati on. M ethods A retr os pective study was carried out in

603cases(301males and302fe males,with age range of0.6285years,average42.6years)with distal

fe mur fractures treated fr om1995t o2003.According t o the Müller classificati on,there were282cases of

type A fractures,98type B and223type C.Fifty2eight cases(9.6%)were with open fractures.Of all,

134fractures were treated by conservative methods,469by surgical operati on,18by comp ressi on p lates,

15by“T”2or“L”2shaped p lates,74by fe moral condylar blade p lates,112by dynam ic condylar

scre w,97by fe moral condylar p lates,23by fe moral l ocked nails,41by distal femoral nails,55by exter2

nal fixat ors and34by others. Results The average Neer scores of type A,B and C fractures were de2

creased t o73.4±13.9,64.9±14.7and59.2±14.8res pectively.The average Neer score of surgery

was significantly better than that of conservative methods.There existed marked differences in treat m ent

and p r ognosis bet w een the si m p le and comm inuted fractures in type B fractures. Conclusi on s D istal

fe mur fractures should be treated according t o fracture classificati on.Based on the involved areas and

comm inuti on degrees,type B fractures should be gr ouped int o three subtypes that then can be treated by

suitable fixati on method.

【Key words】 Fe moral fractures; Fracture fixati on; Fracture classificati on


1 临床资料与方法


作者单位:430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院骨科

