一、网络设备管理1. 设备档案管理:建立网络设备档案,包括设备类型、型号、序列号、购买日期、使用部门等信息,便于设备的管理和维修。
2. 设备配置备份:定期备份网络设备的配置文件,以便在设备故障或更换设备时能够快速恢复配置,减少中断时间。
3. 设备监控管理:使用网络监控系统对设备的运行状态进行实时监测,及时发现设备故障或异常,进行故障排查和处理。
4. 设备维护与更新:定期对网络设备进行维护和升级,包括固件更新、补丁打补等,确保设备运行在最新的稳定版本上。
二、网络拓扑结构的规划和管理1. 设备布局规划:根据业务需求和网络规模,合理规划设备的布局与位置,确保网络结构的合理性和可管理性。
2. 网络拓扑图绘制:绘制网络拓扑图,包括主干网络、网络设备、网络线缆等,便于管理维护人员理清网络结构,快速定位故障。
3. VLAN规划与管理:根据业务需求,合理划分VLAN,实现不同业务的隔离和管理。
4. IP地址管理:建立IP地址分配表,对局域网内的IP地址进行统一管理,避免IP地址冲突和资源浪费。
三、网络安全管理1. 安全策略制定:制定网络安全策略,包括访问控制、安全认证、防火墙配置等,确保网络安全。
2. 安全隔离与流量监控:使用流量监控系统对网络流量进行实时监测,及时发现异常流量和攻击行为,采取相应的安全隔离措施。
3. 安全防护设备管理:管理和配置安全防护设备,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统等,确保网络安全。
4. 安全事件响应:建立安全事件响应机制,及时响应网络安全事件,进行紧急处理和事后分析。
四、故障处理与优化1. 故障定位与排查:使用故障管理系统对网络故障进行记录和跟踪,进行故障定位和排查,尽快恢复网络的正常运行。
2. 性能优化与分析:使用性能监测系统对网络性能进行实时监测,分析网络的瓶颈和优化空间,优化网络性能。
二、网络安全系统运维服务内容1. 系统监控我们将通过实时监控网络系统,及时发现并解决可能出现的问题。
2. 安全防护通过防火墙、入侵检测系统、防病毒软件等工具,为网络系统提供全方位的安全防护。
3. 系统维护与更新定期进行系统更新和维护,包括操作系统、防火墙、病毒防护等软件的更新,以及硬件设备的维护。
4. 安全事件应急响应对于发生的安全事件,我们将启动应急响应机制,迅速定位问题,制定解决方案,并尽快恢复系统运行。
三、运维服务流程1. 问题发现通过系统监控和定期检查,发现网络系统存在的问题或潜在风险。
2. 问题分析对发现的问题进行详细分析,确定问题的性质和影响,以及可能的解决方案。
3. 问题解决根据问题分析结果,采取相应的措施解决问题,包括修复安全漏洞、更新系统、更换硬件设备等。
4. 维护报告问题解决后,编写维护报告,记录问题的发生、解决过程和结果,以及未来预防相同问题的措施。
目录1 综合管理的必要性 (3)2 系统概述 (3)3 系统结构 (3)3.1 系统逻辑结构 (3)3.2 系统组网 (5)3.2.1 集中管理模式 (5)3.2.2 分级管理模式 (6)4 主要功能 (6)4.1 网络拓扑管理 (6)4.1.1 网络拓扑发现 (6)4.1.2 IP地址分布图及管理 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.1.3 支持跨地域的多层网络监控 (9)链路的管理 (8)4.1.4 故障检测 (9)4.2性能监测管理 (10)4.2.1 网络性能参数的监视..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.2.2 服务器性能监测管理 (12)4.2.3 数据库性能监测管理 (15)4.2.4 网络设备监测管理 (10)4.2.5 性能参数的统计图表及报表 (17)4.2.6 性能预警 (20)4.2.7 性能监视参数的拓展 (21)4.3 故障管理 (21)4.3.1 警的自动通知 (21)4.3.2 告警分析与统计 (22)4.3.3 告警处理 (23)故障告警源 (25)4.4 设备管理 (25)形象直观的设备图标 (26)4.4.2 设备快照及设备管理提示信息 (26)设备活动进程及安装软件的查看 (28)设备机架面板 (28)网络设备端口分布管理查询 (29)交换机端口详细信息查询 (30)4.4 桌面安全管理 (30)4.4.1 储存设备管理 (30)4.4.2 终端外设控制 (31)4.4.3 终端操作监控 (31)4.5 报表管理 (31)5 系统特点 (33)1 综合管理的必要性随着IT的不断发展,众多行业从其自身业务发展的角度出发,加强了网络信息化建设力度,在其网络基础上开展电子商务、企业资源计划 (ERP)、办公自动化(OA)等业务内容。
资源服务模型 值班服务台 健康度管理
监控管理 变更管理 知识管理 服务请求 配置管理 巡检管理 故障管理 问题管理
架构安全 资产配置库
服务运 行管理
任务调度管理 人工审计管理 服务器资源 存储资源 网络资源 虚拟化资源 软件资源
资产生命 周期管理
资源部署 回收管理
• 数据集中存储、处理,应用和业务集中化; • 建设依托有效规划,更加现代化,大规模信息中心中 心引入“两地三中心”模式 • 引入运维流程框架,通过流程实现跨部门的运维任务 在各个专业部门之间的贯穿和协同
• 信息部门在逻辑上成为一个整体,要求运维组织不再 按照专业领域进行部门划分,而是按照物理/逻辑进 行部门设置划分 • 信息部门“高可用性”有了基础级保障,运行维护工 作核心开始围绕服务和资源的合理提供、监管和调度。
虚拟基础架构大数据云架构Fra bibliotekLinux
稳态和 敏态架构
传统IT建设和新型互联网,在业务应用特征和基础架构方面有着不同的设计思路和技术线路,从 而出现稳态架构和敏态架构的产生、竞争和融合。
• 开发 • 应用维护 • 系统维护
• 开发 • 应用维护 • 系统维护
• 开发 • 应用维护 • 系统维护
服务 请求
生产中心 • 客户服务与运行 • 应用维护和监控 • 系统与平台软件 • 网络与安全管理 • 机房环境与设备 灾备中心
网络运维管理系统解决方案目录网络性能监控和流量管理的重要性 (5)1.1影响网络性能的原因 (7)1.2问题的关键 (7)1.3解决方案 (8)当前可能存在的两个混淆 (8)三种解决方案 (11)3.1项目目的 (11)3.2计划的实施 (12)3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述 (12)3.2.2 产品架构图 (13)3.2.3 产品部署和配置要求 (14)3.2.4使用网络用于配置管理的配置管理器 (NCM) (19)Orion NCM 特点 (20)Orion NCM 亮点: (20)与 Orion NPM 无缝集成 (21)直观的鼠标点击界面 (21)实时变更通知 (22)多供应商设备支持 (22)思科 EnergyWise 配置管理 (22)违反政策检测 (23)社区内容交换 (23)配置备份计划程序 (24)网络发现 (24)全局配置搜索 (24)库存报告程序 (25)配置恢复和归档 (25)远程固件和 IOS 传输 (25)用户行为追踪 (26)授权方式: (26)3.2.5 使用网络性能监视器(NPM ) 监控和管理您的网络 (26)产品描述: (27)Orion NPM 功能介绍: (28)简洁美观的监控界面 (28)3.2.6 使用IP 地址管理器 (IPAM )监控和管理您的网络 (32)Orion IPAM 产品概述: (32)猎户座 IPAM 亮点: (33)Orion IPAM 功能介绍 (34)3.2.7 使用 Application Performance Monitor (APM) 监控和管理您的网络 (35)3.2.8 _ 使用NetFlow 流量分析器 (NTA)控制带宽使用 (43)3.2.9 _VoIP Monitor (IP LSA)的带宽使用控制 (47)3.2.10 使用Solarwinds Toolset实现网络监控分析,及时发现网络故障 (51)四Solarwinds技术服务内容 (56)五Solarwinds 客户分享 (59)六大项目建设投资回报率 (60)七总结 (62)随着网络技术的不断发展和数字信息时代的到来,利用互联网进行数据收集和信息传输已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。
网络运维管理系统解决方案1chuan pr oje ct staff free provides has three year s technol ogy support, from 2009 began, accordi ng to hig h standards, and hig h of work thoug ht, and manpower planning, a nd poi nts step im plementation, using school earthquake Hou re construction of opport unities, again pl anning eleme ntary and middle school s campus network a nd e ducation city domain network, a nd l ocal broadcasti ng netw ork com pany cooperation, usi ng br oadcast TV netw ork, will physi cal fiber layi ng to each school, to mi nimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school constr ucti on sta ndar ds of campus netw ork and netw ork access to a ll rooms; XX educati on metropolita n area network center machine r oom equipme nt in the Mini stry of education standardizati on ma nagement platform, the Ce ntral Li brary of audi o-vi sual e ducation resource s, set up a Chine se teacher educati on cloud platform, impl emented li nks the two platforms. At pre sent, t he city's primary and middle school stude nts to computer 3198, vitality tha n 10:1; 809 equi pment cla sses t hrough the classroom (primary and se condary);36 of the campus network. T he esta blishment of an a dvanced, practical Gigabit e ducational metropolitan area network, t he city's school s have a cce ss to e ducati onal metr opolitan area network, school s have computer netw orks, cl osed-cir cuit televi sion netw ork, broa dca st network s into t he cla ssrooms, realize t he triple play. School s share Inter net ba ndwi dth, can meet the nee ds of teaching of the school office a nd at any time. Accor ding to Ministry of educati on on full starte d implementati on tea chi ng poi nts digital education re sources full cover proje ct of notificati on (taug ht technical letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province De partment of educati on on issue d XX pr ovince teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject impl ementation views of notificati on (chua n taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirem ents, I city 6 a tea chi ng points impl ementation teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject, combine d I city specifi c situati on, develope d issue d has XX City Bureau on tea chi ng poi nts digital resour ces full cover pr oje ct of implementation pr ogramme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resource s in modern distance e ducati on tea chi ng project lea ding group, XX, chaired the Se cretary f or educati on. Esta blished, digital resource s in m oder n dista nce e ducation teaching, XX full coverage proje ct group, XX, Dire ctor of the Center for e ducati ona l information and equipment chaire d Zhu Guiya n, responsibl e for dista nce e ducation digital resource s covering pr oje ct work. Projects in XX city school digital resour ces i n moder n distance e ducati on tea chi ng full-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n moder n dista nce education teaching, a nd XX full coverage proje ct group leadershi p and organi zation, in a ccordance wit h the unified arra ngement of the w hole provi nce, re sponsible for university e ducation digital resource s cov ering pr oject ma nagement a nd impleme ntation. Accordi ng to pr ovinces arrangeme nts, I Center ha s arrangement s Gong 网络管理系统解决方案mprove, se curity preve ntion ca pacity obviously e nha nce d,se curity hidden a nd security acci dent obvi ously re duced, effective g uarantees i nformation health development. XX E ducation Ce ntre regularly carry out day-to-day netw ork se curity monitori ng information and equipment. By the a ppr opri ate techni cal staff, XX network e ngine room maintenance staff on site manageme nt and maintena nce on a reg ular ba sis, sche dul ed viewi ng of netw orks, systems, databa ses a nd associated e qui pment operating conditions, a nd make a record. Computer lab mai ntena nce ma nagers regularly r un a va riet y of devices i n the school i nformation sy stem parameters, server sy stems and various data backup, so that there wa s a har dware failure i n a system crash ca n resume qui ckly and effici ently. Com puter lab mai ntena nce ma nagers esta blish a netw ork antivirus system, Avira V irus system on a reg ular basis, a nd a nti-vir us software security asse ssment, time to upgrade. Computer la b maintenance manageme nt for all equi pment i n the room a regular dust, re place the old la bel. Regularly host servers, network switches, core routing, firewalls, hardware mai ntena nce, such as equipment fail ure, should be processed i n a timely manner in or der to e nsure safe and reliabl e operation of the system. In XX city i nformation a nd equipment wa established wit hin t he Ce ntre, educati onal metropolita n area network center machine room XX. S ervers and data st ores a nd a ppli cations to set up i n XX City metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine r oom. Wi ndowsServer2003, wi ndowsServ er2008, window sServer2012, Li nux, t he operating system, the databa se for SQL Server2008, Office software, such as Mi crosoft Office software. School s (units) ofcomputer, i nformation sy stem security products for domestic product s, including the use of 360 a nd ki ngsoft Inter net se curity software. XX education metropolitan area network used by the server for HP, firewall and information se curity pr oduct for Huawei a nd Cisco pr oducts. In their daily w ork, to publicize related knowle dge andchuan pr oje ct staff free provides has three year s technol ogy support, from 2009 began, accordi ng to hig h standards, and hig h of work thoug ht, and manpower planning, a nd poi nts step im plementation, using school earthquake Hou re construction of opport unities, again pl anning eleme ntary and middle school s campus network a nd e ducation city domain network, a nd l ocal broadcasti ng netw ork com pany cooperation, usi ng br oadcast TV netw ork, will physi cal fiber layi ng to each school, to mi nimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school constr ucti on sta ndar ds of campus netw ork and netw ork access to a ll rooms; XX educati on metropolita n area network center machine r oom equipme nt in the Mini stry of education standardizati on ma nagement platform, the Ce ntral Li brary of audi o-vi sual e ducation resource s, set up a Chine se teacher educati on cloud platform, impl emented li nks the two platforms. At pre sent, t he city's primary and middle school stude nts to computer 3198, vitality tha n 10:1; 809equi pment cla sses t hrough the classroom (primary and se condary); 36 of the campus network. T he esta blishment of an a dvanced, practical Gigabit e ducational metropolitan area network, the city's school s have a cce ss to e ducati onal metr opolitan area network, school s have computer netw orks, cl osed-cir cuit televi sion netw ork, broa dca st network s into t he cla ssrooms, realize t he triple play. School s share Inter net ba ndwi dth, can meet the nee ds of teaching of the school office a nd at any time. Accor ding to M inistry of educati on on full starte d implementati on tea chi ng poi nts digital education re sources full cover proje ct of notificati on (taug ht technical letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province De partment of educati on on issue d XX pr ovince teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject impl ementation views of notificati on (chua n taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirem ents, I city 6 a tea chi ng points impl ementation teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject, combine d I city specif c situati on, develope dissue d has XX City Bureau on tea chi ng poi nts digital resour ces full cover pr oje ct of implementation pr ogramme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resource s in modern distance e ducati on tea chi ng project lea ding group, XX, chaired the Se cretary for educati on. Esta blished, digital resource s in m oder n dista nce e ducation teaching, XX full coverage proje ct group, XX, Dire ctor of the Center for e ducati ona l information and equipment chaire d Zhu Guiya n, responsibl e for dista nce e ducation digital resource s covering pr oje ct work. Projects in XX city school digital resour ces i n moder n distance e ducati on tea chi ng full-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n moder n dista nce education teaching, a nd XX full coverage proje ct group leadershi p andorgani zation, in a ccordance wit h the unified arra ngement of the w hole provi nce, re sponsible for university e ducat ion digital resource s cov ering pr oject ma nagement a nd impleme ntation. Accordi ng to pr ovinces arrangeme nts, I Center ha s arrangement s Gong目录目录(2)一网络性能监控和流量管理的重要性(5)1.1影响网络性能的原因(6)1.2问题的症结(6)1.3解决之道(6)二目前可能存在的困惑(8)三解决方案(10)3.1方案目的(10)3.2方案实施(10)3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述(10)3.2.2 产品架构图(12)3.2.3 产品部署及配置要求(12)3.2.4 采用Network Configuration Manager(NCM)实现配置管理(15)3.2.5 采用Network Performance Monitor(NPM)监控管理您的网络(20)3.2.6 采用IP Address Manager(IPAM)监控管理您的网络(24)3.2.7 采用Application Performance Monitor(APM)监控管理您的网络(27)3.2.8 采用NetFlow Traffic Analyzer(NTA)控制带宽使用率(32)3.2.9 采用V oIP Monitor(IP LSA)控制带宽使用率(35)3.2.10 采用Solarwinds Toolset 实现对网络监测和分析以及网络故障及时发现(37)四Solarwinds技术服务内容(42)五Solarwinds客户分享(44)六项目建设的投资回报(45)七总结(47)mprove, se curity preve ntion ca pacity obviously e nha nce d, se curity hidden a nd security acci dent obvi ously re duced, effective g uarantees i nformation health development. XX E ducation Ce ntre regularly carry out day-to-day netw ork se curity monitori nginformation and equipment. By the a ppr opri ate techni cal staff, XX network e ngine room mainten ance staff on site manageme nt and maintena nce on a reg ular ba sis, sche dul ed viewi ng of netw orks, systems, databa ses a nd associated e qui pment operating conditions, a nd make a record. Computer lab mai ntena nce ma nagers regularly r un a va riety of devices i n the school i nformation sy stem parameters, server sy stems and various data backup, so that there wa s a har dware failure i n a system crash ca n resume qui ckly and effici ently. Com puter lab mai ntena nce ma nagers esta blish a netw ork antivirus system, Avira V irus system on a reg ular basis, a nd a nti-vir us software security asse ssment, time to upgrade. Computer la b maintenance manageme nt for all equi pment i n the room a regulardust, re place the old la bel. Regularly host servers, network switches, core routing, firewalls, hardware mai ntena nce, such as equipment fail ure, should be processed i n a timely manner in or der to e nsure safe and reliabl e operation of the system. In XX city i nformation a nd equipment wa established wit hin t he Ce ntre, educati onal metropolita n area network center machine room XX. S ervers and data st ores a nd a ppli cations to set up i n XX City metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine r oom. Wi ndowsServer2003, wi ndowsServ er2008, window sServer2012, Li nux, t he operating system, the databa se for SQL Server2008, Office software, such as Mi crosoft Office software. School s (units) of computer, i nformation sy stem security products for domestic product s, including the use of 360 a nd ki ngsoft Inter net se curitysoftware. XX education metropolitan area network used by the server for HP, firewall and information se curity pr oduct for Huawei a nd Cisco pr oducts. In their daily w ork, to publicize related knowle dge andmanagement systems a nd mea sure s establi she d by, and a number of pragmatic, com bine d part-time workforce educati on i nformation, t he protecti on of the digital campus construction and sustaina ble development. Six Burea u attaches great importance to i nformation te chnol ogy se curit y, infor mation technology security, e ntrust XX City Ce nter for educati onal information and equipm nt de dicate d to the work. Netw ork se curity lea ding gr oup was set up, chaired by the E ducation Burea u Chi ef, head, for XX educati on M etro-network and information se curity emerge ncy re sponse leader ship. Deputy group lea der for XX e ducational metropolitan are a netw ork and informati on security emergency re sponse coor dinati on, command. T he team assist leader and de puty lea der, responsibl e for netw ork XX network security and information ... T eam. Information se curity w ork Conference held each semeste r, a nd depl oy ment of i nformation security of documents i ssued on a reg ular ba sis. Information se curity a ssessment is i ncl ude d i n the annual index. Strictly impleme nt the information se curity budget to ensure information se curity of inve stment. By XX, educati on informati on a nd e qui pment Ce ntre XX netw ork netw ork se curity and information se curit y. Accordi ng to the i nformation te chnol ogy se curity requirements, issued a docume nt requires schools (units) implement, define d the informati on se curity guideli nes, spe cific w ork practi ces, procedure s, and requirements. Clear industry information se curity incidents (accide nts) to dete ct, report and disposal processes. A ccor ding to self-examinati on, the school (units) basic esta blished ha s netw ork se curity manageme nt system; the school (units) accor ding to thi s units act ual, esta blished ha s units per sonnel management, informati on system room management, a nd e qui pment manageme nt, and media management, a nd network se curity construction management, and shipped dimensi on ma nagement, a nd se rvice outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and t he netw ork of netw ork security re sponsibility held system, signe d has network security responsibi lity; website of information manageme nt personnel is responsi ble for confidential m anageme nt, pa sswor d manageme nt, on com puter e njoys i nde pe nde nt right, User name and pa ssw ord of the computer for its proprietary, a nd relea se of provi sions is prohibite d, such a s leaks, i nvestigated for responsi bility. A ccording t o who is in charge of who's in charge, w ho is r unning a nd w ho is re sponsible for, who uses pri nci ples of who i s in charge of manageme nt schools (units) define d the role s and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsi bilities t o schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of whi ch w ere not classifie d se curity pr otecti on assessme nt, of whi ch 1 (XX e ducation a nd re source network) for classified se curity protecti on level s, without t hird-l evel information systems. otal education information systems 1 (XX educati on cloud platform), contains features wit h e-Governme nt, resource library, test databa se, mailservices, such as e-books, all intranet service s. No for grade protecti on gradi ng record a nd eval uation of school (units), re quireme nts the school (units) accordi ng to informati on security grade prote ction about poli cy and standard, organization carrie d out information se curity g rade prote ction secur ity management system construction, a nd technology measures construction a nd gra de evaluati on, im plementation grade protecti on sy stem of the requirements, makes i nformation system security manageme nt level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yua n, accor ding to t he standard, high quality planning XX e ducati onal metropolitan area network reali zes Wa n Zha okua n to schools, hundre ds of megabytes of broa dba nd t o the tabl e, ' wire ' (ie: We b, vide o, audio) to t he target, electr oni c white boar ds, multime dia cla ssrooms, remote intera ctive vide o teaching sy stem of moder n educational equi pment in t he cla ssroom. ... Wit h Intel compa ny on XX Education City domain network of topic case desig n, relies on Cisco company t houg ht Shu aid chuan pr oje ct staff free provides has three year s technol ogy support, from 2009 began, accordi ng to hig h standards, and hig h of work thoug ht, and manpower planning, a nd poi nts step im plementation, using school earthquake Hou re construction of opport unities, again pl anning eleme ntary and middle school s campus network a nd e ducation city domain network, a nd l ocal broadcasti ng netw ork com pany cooperation, usi ng br oadcast TV netw ork, will physi cal fiber layi ng to each school, to mi nimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school s chool pass; Each school constr ucti on sta ndar ds ofcampus netw ork and netw ork access to a ll rooms; XX educati on metropolita n area network center machine r oom equipme nt in the Mini stry of education standardizati on ma nagement platform, the Ce ntral Li brary of audi o-vi sual e ducation resource s, set up a Chine se teacher educati on cloud platform, impl emented li nks the two platforms. At pre sent, t he city's primary and middle school stude nts to computer 3198, vitality tha n 10:1; 809 equi pment cla sses t hrough the classroom (primary and se condary); 36 of the campus network. T he esta blishment of an a dvanced, practical Gigabit e ducational metropolitan area network, t he city's school s have a cce ss to e ducati onal metr opolitan area network, school s have computer net w orks, cl osed-cir cuit televi sion netw ork, broa dca st network s into t he cla ssrooms, realize t he triple play. School s share Inter net ba ndwi dth, can meet the nee ds of teaching of the school office a nd at any time. Accor ding to M inistry of educati on on full starte d implementati on tea chi ng poi nts digital education re sources full cover proje ct of notificati on (taug ht technical letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province De partment of educati on on issue d XX pr ovince teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject impl ementation views of notificati on (chua n taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirem ents, I city 6 a tea chi ng points impl ementation teaching points digital educati on resour ces full cover pr oject, combine d I city specifi c situati on, develope d issue d has XX City Bureau on tea chi ng poi nts digital resour ces full cover pr oje ct of implementation pr ogramme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resource s in modern distance e ducati on tea chi ng projectlea ding group, XX, chaired the Se cretary for educati on. Esta blished, digital resource s in m oder n dista nce e ducation teaching, XX full coverage proje ct group, XX, Dire ctor of the Center f or e ducati ona l information and equipment chaire d Zhu Guiya n, responsibl e for dista nce e ducation digital resource s covering pr oje ct work. Projects in XX city school digital resour ces i n moder n distance e ducati on tea chi ng full-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n moder n dista nce education teaching, a nd XX full coverage proje ct group leadershi p and organi zation, in a ccordance wit h the unified arra ngement of the w hole provi nce, re sponsible for university e ducation digital resource s cov ering pr oject ma nagement a nd impleme ntation. Accordi ng to pr ovinces arrangeme nts, I Center ha s arrangement s Gongmprove, se curity preve ntion ca pacity obviously e nha nce d, se curity hidden a nd security acci dent obvi ously re duced, effective g uarantees i nformation health development. XX E ducation Ce ntre regularly carry out day-to-day netw ork se curity monitori ng information and equipment. By the a ppr opri ate techni cal staff, XX network e ngine room mainten ance staff on site manageme nt and maintena nce on a reg ular ba sis, sche dul ed viewi ng of netw orks, systems, databa ses a nd associated e qui pment operating conditions, a nd make a record. Computer lab mai ntena nce ma nagers regularly r un a va riety of devices i n the school i nformation sy stem parameters, server sy stems and various data backup, so that there wa s a har dware failure i n a system crash ca n resume qui ckly and effici ently. Com puter lab mai ntena nce ma nagers esta blish a network antivirus system, Avira V irus system on a reg ular basis, a nd a nti-vir us software security asse ssment, time to upgrade. Computer la b maintenance manageme nt for all equi pment i n the room a regular dust, re place the old la bel. Regularly host servers, network switches, core routing, firewalls, hardware mai ntena nce, such as equipment fail ure, should be processed i n a timely manner in or der to e nsure safe and reliabl e operation of the system. In XX city i nformation a nd equipment wa established wit hin t he Ce ntre, educati onal metropolita n area network center machine room XX. S ervers and data st ores a nd a ppli cations to set up i n XX City metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine r oom. Wi ndowsServer2003, wi ndowsServ er2008, window sServer2012, Li nux, t he operating system, the databa se for SQL Server2008, Office software, such as Mi crosoft Office software. School s (units) of computer, i nformation sy stem security products for domestic product s, including the use of 360 a nd ki ngsoft Inter net se curity software. XX education metropolitan area network used by the server for HP, firewall and information se curity pr oduct for Huawei a nd Cisco pr oducts. In their daily w ork, to publicize related knowle dge and information security consi derations. Enhance d global aware ness of netw ork and information se curit y, and strive to a chi eve netw ork everyone knows security and virus before the guard, to improve netw ork and information se curity, ensure that the XX e ducation system netw ork and infor mation system se curit y. Tracking re porti ng system requires all parties to strengthe n collaboration, work closely with emergency safety plan devel ope dXX educati on metropolita n area network, reg ularly carry out emerge ncy drills, a nd carried out spe cial funds every ye ar to prote ct the security of information. A nnual 2-3 pr ofessional traini ng for netw ork manager s in the city, forming technology wit h a strong professional and techni cal team, school network ma nagers on common network fail ures a nd be ca pable of solvi ng se curity issue s. Issues that cannot be re solve d, timely forms of meetings, such as me etings, a nalysi s, and soluti ons t hrough a meeti ng, without r olling up the ability t o solve problems, a nd fee dba ck to superiors i n writing de partments to resolve. Thr oug h self-examinati on, we are well aware, relative la ck of inve stment in education, facilitie s and e qui pment for furth er updates, e ducation dev elopment is st ill uneven, new education concept s nee d to be further enhanced t o some extent and rest ricti ng the de velopment of city educati on. We will take the opportunity of governme nt supervi sion, to strive for t he pr ovin ce e ducati on demonstration countie s as a driving for ce, furt her increase i nput in e ducation, efforts to promote t helong wi ng, and Li Wanfu, and Mi chael Je nkins, and Che n Jian, a nd S ong a nd xia ochua nyun, 7 bit comrade participate in provi nce ba ckbone f ace-to-face or netw ork lear ning, do each teaching poi nts are ha s teachers partici pate in trai ning, Oct ober 17, 2013, issue d XX city e ducation information a nd e qui pment Center on re quireme nts the tea chi ng points school for good satellite gr ound stati on i nstallation pre pared of notification, requirements school related ma nagement personnel familiar XX provi nce teachi ng poi nts digital e ducation resource s full cov er project constr ucti onmanagement manual, Parti cularly wit h regard to i nstallation pre paration parts accor ding to t he point of XX province full coverage of digital e ducational resource s in the project constructi on ma nagement man ual ... Device are able to re ceive TV sig nals a nd IP data, the schools hav e school training a nd school-base d applicati on to use good. Actively orga nize impleme ntation of a divisi on of a class, a teacher in one class a ctivity. XX i n XX city first to complete full regi stration of teachers w orking i n this city, XX, Sun class rate of 54 per ce nt respectivel y, the forefront. In XX, a divi sion of a class, a cla ss a total ranke d first in Divisi on a ctivities, wa s awarde d the national ministerial one, 2 provi nci al second prize, third prize at the provi ncial lev el 3. Actively organize im plementation of the e-lear ning space the w ork of everyone. At present, in the ope n space of public service platform of provi ncial e ducational resource s teachers number 2444, 83 to the total number of teachers, student num ber is 6569 of the open spa ce, t he city's total students 18.31 to (juni or hig h school students i n 30 ﹪above, students not re quire d), registration number t o meet t he re quirement s of tea chers and st ude nts, i n XX i n first pla ce. F ive, i nformation technology a ppli cation ca pability as a mea ns t o boost teaching of teachers to use informati on, E ducation Burea u of XX titl e and modern educati onal te chnol ogy teacher a ssessment level s li nked to the exami nation; la unche d a provincial m odel school of m oder n educati on te chnol ogy selecti on, advanced unit in education a year (i ndivi dual) awar d. To ex pedite e ducation informatizati on work, t he city establishe d the school r unning levelof supervisi on a nd asse ssment system. Information education i n school performance eval uation, e ducation assessme nt information w ork more t han t o cut weig ht 10. Practice is a regular room supervisi on, education i nformation steering, steeri ng, ste ering wit h the end, principal s of e ducation information i ntoperformance asse ssment nd school level monitori ng and evaluation, to develop a sci entific, operational educati on nformation ste ering assessme nt methods, tracki ng management of education nformation nd ppli cations. By March 2016, 100 of the tea chers, partici pated n a national ducational technology traini ng for primary and secondary school teachers, the teachers have made o cut 80 primary and middl e school teachers educati onal technology proficie ncy test certificate. At prese nt, all schools have cce ss to broa dba nd networks. Training classification training of teachers, school teachers, aca demic lea ders, nformation te chnol ogy, tea cher traini ng and netw ork management personnel from the County, withi n the school back to school traini ng once trai ning is complete. Through this mode of cla ssificati on traini ng, information technology applicati on capa bility training of teacher in our city reached 100. XX series of effective informationmanagement systems a nd mea sure s establi she d by, and a number of pragmatic, com bine d part-time workforce educati on i nformation, t he protecti on of the digital campus construction and sustaina ble development. Six Burea u attaches great importance to i nformation te chnol ogy se curit y, infor mation technology security,e ntrust XX City Ce nter for educati onal information and equipme nt de dicate d to the work. Netw ork se curity lea ding gr oup was set up, chaired by the E ducation Burea u Chi ef, head, for XX educati on M etro-network and information se curity emerge ncy re sponse leader ship. Deputy group lea der for XX e ducational metropolitan are a netw ork and informati on security emergency re sponse coor dinati on, command. T he team assist leader and de puty lea der, responsibl e for netw ork XX network security and information ... T eam. Information se curity w ork Conference held each semeste r, a nd depl oyment of i nformation security of documents i ssued on a reg ular ba sis. Information se curity a sses sment is i ncl ude d i n theannual index. Strictly impleme nt the information se curity budget to ensure information se curity of inve stment. By XX, educati on informati on a nd e qui pment Ce ntre XX netw ork netw ork se curity and information se curit y. Accordi ng to the i nformation te chnol ogy se curity requirements, issued a docume nt requires schools (units) implement, define d the informati on se curity g uideli nes, spe cific w ork practi ces, procedure s, and requirements. Clear industry information se curity incidents (accide nts) to dete ct, report and disposal processes. A ccor ding to self-examinati on, the school (units) basic esta blished ha s netw ork se curity manageme nt system; the school (units) accor ding to thi s units act ual, esta blished ha s units per sonnel management, informati on system room management, a nd e qui pment manageme nt, and media management, a nd network se curity construction。
网络运维管理系统解决方案设计网络管理系统解决方案目录目录 (2)一网络性能监控和流量管理的重要性 (5)1.1影响网络性能的原因 (6)1.2问题的症结 (6)1.3解决之道 (6)二目前可能存在的困惑 (8)三解决方案 (10)3.1方案目的 (10)3.2方案实施 (10)3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述 (10)3.2.2 产品架构图 (12)3.2.3 产品部署及配置要求 (12)3.2.4 采用Network Configuration Manager(NCM)实现配置管理 (15)3.2.5 采用Network Performance Monitor(NPM)监控管理您的网络 (20)3.2.6 采用IP Address Manager(IPAM)监控管理您的网络 (24)3.2.7 采用Application Performance Monitor(APM)监控管理您的网络 (27)3.2.8 采用NetFlow Traffic Analyzer(NTA)控制带宽使用率 (32)3.2.9 采用VoIP Monitor(IP LSA)控制带宽使用率 (35)3.2.10 采用Solarwinds Toolset 实现对网络监测和分析以及网络故障及时发现 (37)四Solarwinds技术服务容 (42)五Solarwinds客户分享 (44)六项目建设的投资回报 (45)七总结 (47)随着网络技术的不断发展,数字信息时代的到来,利用互联网进行资料收集、信息传递,已成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。
运维管理系统特点:❖邮件和短信实时故障报警;❖B/S构造,可以通过web对远程服务器下达指令;❖监控服务器和被监控服务器之间通过python socket来发送信息;❖记录寻常故障解决,以便下次浮现同样故障时可以更快解决问题;❖实现自动化管理和自动化监控;❖安全管理服务器性能;❖操作流程记录与管理。
网络系统运维服务方案1. 背景本文档旨在提供一个网络系统运维服务方案,以确保网络系统的稳定运行和高效管理。
2. 服务内容- 网络设备管理:负责网络设备的安装、配置和维护,包括路由器、交换机和防火墙等。
- 网络性能监控:定期监控网络性能,及时发现和解决潜在问题,确保网络吞吐量和可用性。
- 网络安全管理:实施安全策略和措施,防止网络入侵和数据泄露,并定期进行漏洞扫描和安全评估。
- 网络故障排除:迅速响应网络故障,并提供即时支持和解决方案,以最小化系统停机时间。
- 系统备份和恢复:定期备份网络系统和数据,并建立恢复计划,以应对意外事故和数据丢失。
3. 工作流程3.1 需求收集和分析我们首先会与客户沟通,了解他们的网络需求和目标,并对现有网络系统进行评估和分析。
3.2 设计和规划根据客户的需求和分析结果,我们会制定适合的网络架构和运维方案,并进行详细的设计和规划。
3.3 实施和部署在得到客户的确认后,我们将开始实施和部署网络系统和相关设备,并确保顺利完成。
3.4 运维和支持一旦网络系统投入使用,我们将提供持续的运维和支持服务,包括设备维护、性能监控和故障排除等。
3.5 优化和改进为了保持网络系统的最佳状态,我们将定期评估其性能,并提出优化和改进建议,以满足客户不断变化的需求。
4. 服务保障为了保证服务的质量和可靠性,我们将提供以下保障措施:- 24小时在线技术支持:客户可以随时联系我们的技术人员寻求帮助和支持。
- 定期服务报告:我们将每月提供一份服务报告,总结过去一个月的工作和成果。
- 保密协议:我们会与客户签订保密协议,保护客户的信息安全和权益。
5. 费用和合约具体的费用和合约规定将根据客户的需求和实际情况而定,我们将与客户进行详细商讨,并签订正式合约。
6. 服务团队我们拥有专业的网络运维团队,成员都具备丰富的经验和专业知识。
网络系统运维方案1. 概述本文档旨在提供一个完整的网络系统运维方案,以确保网络系统的正常运行和高效维护。
2. 目标- 保证网络系统的高可用性和稳定性。
- 提供快速响应和故障排除的能力。
- 最大限度地减少网络系统停机时间。
- 保护网络系统免受安全威胁和攻击。
3. 运维策略- 定期检查和维护网络硬件设备,确保其正常工作。
- 实时监测网络系统的运行状态,保证及时发现并解决问题。
- 建立备份和恢复机制,定期备份关键数据,以防止数据丢失。
- 定期进行性能评估和优化,以提升网络系统的性能和效率。
- 部署防火墙和安全软件,保护网络系统免受恶意攻击和入侵。
4. 运维流程4.1 问题报告和记录- 用户或相关人员发现问题后,应尽快向运维团队报告,并详细描述问题现象。
- 运维团队应记录问题的详细信息,包括时间、地点、问题描述等。
4.2 问题解决- 运维团队应尽快响应问题报告,并进行问题分析和诊断。
- 对于常见问题,运维团队可以采用预定的解决方案进行处理。
- 对于复杂问题,运维团队应与相关人员合作解决,确保问题的及时解决。
4.3 变更管理- 所有对网络系统的变更,包括硬件设备、软件升级等,都应经过严格的变更管理过程。
- 变更管理应包括变更申请、变更评估、变更计划和变更验证等环节,以确保变更的正确性和可行性。
4.4 维护和优化- 运维团队应定期对网络系统进行维护和优化工作,包括系统更新、性能优化、安全巡检等。
- 运维团队应制定详细的维护计划,确保维护工作的正常进行。
5. 绩效评估- 运维团队应建立绩效评估机制,定期评估运维工作的成效。
- 绩效评估应包括网络系统正常运行时间、故障处理时间、问题解决率等指标。
6. 结论本文档提供了一个完整的网络系统运维方案,通过合理的运维策略和流程,可实现网络系统的高可用性、稳定性和安全性。
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网络管理系统解决方案目录目录 (2)一网络性能监控和流量管理重要性 (5)1.1影响网络性能因素 (6)1.2问题症结 (6)1.3解决之道 (7)二当前也许存在困惑 (8)三解决方案 (10)3.1方案目 (10)3.2方案实行 (11)3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述 (11)3.2.2 产品架构图 (12)3.2.3 产品布置及配备规定 (13)3.2.4 采用Network Configuration Manager(NCM)实现配备管理 (16)3.2.5 采用Network Performance Monitor(NPM)监控管理您网络 (22)3.2.6 采用IP Address Manager(IPAM)监控管理您网络 (26)3.2.7 采用Application Performance Monitor(APM)监控管理您网络 (30)3.2.8 采用NetFlow Traffic Analyzer(NTA)控制带宽使用率 (36)3.2.9 采用VoIP Monitor(IP LSA)控制带宽使用率 (40)3.2.10 采用Solarwinds Toolset 实现对网络监测和分析以及网络故障及时发现 (43)四 Solarwinds技术服务内容 (47)五 Solarwinds客户分享 (50)六项目建设投资回报 (51)七总结 (53)随着网络技术不断发展,数字信息时代到来,运用互联网进行资料收集、信息传递,已成为咱们生活中不可缺少一某些。
SolarWinds Orion正是为满足这个需求而存在。
据关于调查表白,有近32% 顾客反映她们网络应用性能明显降级,43% 顾客以为在过去一年中网络速度在不断减少。
只有四分之一被调查者回答她们精确懂得哪类应用在运营,它们占用带宽几何;有39%顾客预计,非约束性应用占据了21% 到40% 网络带宽。
尽管配备有网络监控工具,仍有72.6% 客户反映终端顾客提出性能问题,另有82.3% 被调查者说公司雇员提到网络性能降级问题。
Solarwinds orion能提高网络中核心应用可靠性,在网络与服务器浮现故障时及时排查问题,并告知网络主管也许带来其他影响。
这些都可以通过咱们建议使用SolarWinds Orion 网络性能监控解决方案得到满足。
3.1方案目针对网络环境实际需要,对服务器,路由和互换机进行了监测和管理,详细添加CPU、memory 、Disk、接口流量、接口状态、接口丢包率,流量流向,合同使用分布,网络增长趋势等监测器,并绘制和发布网络拓扑图,设立专门报警,在超过预设阈值时发送报警,故障恢复同样发送告知。
3.2方案实行3.2.1 Solarwinds系列产品概述SolarWinds是一种体系构造分布式网络性能监控系统,用于网络性能监测和性能分析。
超过45%全球财富500强公司使用SolarWinds 系统来管理她们网络。
3.2.2 产品架构图3.2.3 产品布置及配备规定Orion Server安装产品模块●Solarwinds Orion Network Configuration Manager ●Solarwinds Orion Network Performance Monitor●Solarwinds Orion IP Address Manger●Solarwinds Orion Application Performance Monitor ●Solarwinds Orion NetFlow Traffic Analyzer●Solarwinds Orion VoIP●Solarwinds ToolsetOrion Database Server (SQL Server)3.2.4 采用Network Configuration Manager(NCM)实现配备管理产品概述:Orion® Network Configuration Manager (NCM)提供经济实惠、简朴易用网络配备与更改管理。