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( It’s been two years since Mr. and Mrs. Green came to China. Their daughter, Susanna, has just come to live with them. She knows very little about the country.)(格林夫妇来中国已经两年了。他们的女儿,苏珊娜,刚刚来和他们一起居住。她不太了解这个国家。)

Mom, how much do you know about China? 妈妈,你对中国了解多少?

A lot. China is a great country that has about 5 000 years of history. There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. 了解很多,中国是一个拥有约五千年历史的大国。它有许多名胜古迹,每年都吸引着来自世界各地数以百万计的游客。

Is that so? Are there any beautiful mountains? 真的吗?有美丽的山川吗?

Yes. And some of them are very famous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang, Mount Song and Mount Emei. 有。其中一些很有名,比如泰山、黄山、嵩山和峨眉山。

What about rivers? 那河流呢?

There are a great number of rivers in China. Among them, the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is the Huanghe River. They’re the bir thplaces of Chinese culture. 中国有许多大河,其中长江是中国最长的河流,黄河位居第二。它们是中华民族文化的发源地。

Anything else? 还有别的吗?

My dear, I think you should get to know more about China by yourself. I can fetch you Guide to China. It’s a book which introduces China in detail. 亲爱的,我认为你应该自己多去了解中国。我可以给你拿一本《中国指南》。它是一本详细介绍中国的书。

Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈妈。


Wow! What grand buildings! Why are the roofs of most buildings yellow? 哇!多宏伟的建筑啊!为什么大多数建筑的屋顶都是金黄色?

Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China. 因为在古代的中国,黄色是帝王权力的象征。

What are those animals that are carved on the stones? 那些刻在石头上的是什么动物?

They are dragons. It’s said that they’re powerful animals which guard the whole nation. In ancient China, emperors thought that they themselves were real dragons and the sons of Heaven. 它们是龙。据说它们是守护整个国家的威猛动物。在古代的中国,帝王们认为他们自己是真龙天子。

And the dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. 而且龙已经成为中华民族的象征了。

That’s correct! It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. 很正确!它在中国节日中也扮演着重要的角色。

How interesting! Anything else about dragons? 多有趣啊!关于龙还有别的什么吗?

Yes, there are a lot of operas, music, paintings and sayings about dragons. 当然,有许多关于龙的'戏剧、音乐、绘画和谚语。


Attributive Clauses (II) 定语从句(II)

1. China is a great country with about 5000 years of history. 中国有着约5000年历史的伟大国家。

2. China is a great country which/that has about 5000 years of history. 中国是一个拥有大约5000年历史的伟大国家。

3. It is a book with details about China. 那是一本有着中国详细资料的书。

4. It is a book which/that introduces China in detail. 那是一本详细介绍中国的书。


1. That’s correct ! 那是对的!

2. And some of them are very famous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang, Mount Song and Mount Emei. 他们中有一些非常著名,比如泰山、黄山、嵩山,峨眉山。

The home of tea, which has more than 4000 years of history, is China. People throughout China drink tea daily. Of the three major drinks –tea, coffee and cocoa – tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world. Tea from China, along with silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then.


The word for tea in different languages came from the Chinese character, “cha”. The English word, “tea”, sounds similar to the pronunciation of it in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The Russians call it “cha’i”, which sounds like “chaye” (tea leaves) as it is pronounced in northern China. The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese, though it is pronounced a little differently.

