土地资源管理-专业英语术语总结-修改土地资源管理专业英语术语总结1 adjoining parcel 邻宗地2 adjudication of land tenure 地权确认3 adjudication investigation 土地产权调查4 administration of land transaction 地权流转管理5 administrative punishment for illegal act on land 土地行政处罚6 agency application of land registration 土地登记申请代理7 agricultural land reserves survey 宜农荒地调查8 alterant land registration 变更土地登记9 amalgamation of cadastral parcel 宗地合并10 annual land use plan 土地利用年度计划11 approval of land title 土地登记批准12 area measurement [土地]面积量算13 attribute database 属性数据库14 balance table of land allocation 土地利用平衡表15 base statistics of land 基层土地统计16 basic cadastral map 基本地籍图17 basic database 基础数据库18 boundary point 界址点19 boundary line 界址线20 building land regulations 建设用地管理21 cadastral archives management 地籍档案管理22 cadastral archives 地籍档案23 cadastral survey 地籍调查24 cadastral parcel 宗地25 cadastral survey 地籍测量26 cadastral control survey 地籍控制测量27 cadastral map 地籍图28 cadastral attributes 地籍要素29 cadastre administration 地籍管理30 catalogue for building land supply 建设供地目录31 certification of land rights 土地权属证明32 certification of land title 土地权属审核33 code standardization 编码标准化34 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 土地行政强制执行35 conduct by land administrative order 土地行政处理36 conversion of aerial photograph 航[空像]片转绘37 conversion cadastral survey 变更地籍调查38 coordinative method of cadastral survey 数值地籍测量39 co-ownership parcel 混合宗地40 criminal act 犯罪41 cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查42 data processing[of land] [土地]数据处理43 data standardization 数据标准化44 declaration of land adjudication 土地权属审核公告45 demarkation of cadastral parcel 指界46 detailed survey 详细调查47 detailed cadastral surveying 地籍细部测量48 direct interpretation 直接解译49 earth survey ;land survey 土地测量50 field investigation and plotting 外业调绘51 fiscal cadastre 税收地籍52 goal;objectives 规划目标53 graphic method of cadastral survey 图解地籍测量54 grid format spatial data 网格格式空间数据55 horizontal control of cadastral surveying 地籍平面控制测量56 horizontal control point 平面控制点57 illegal act against civil laws 土地违法行为58 illegal act against civil laws 民事违法行为59 implementation of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划实施60 indirect interpretation 间接解译61 indoor work 内业工作62 initial land registration 初始土地登记63 initial land statistics 初始土地统计64 initial cadastral survey 初始地籍调查65 integrated land use planning 土地利用总体规划66 integrated land survey 综合方法调查67 integrated land-use plan 土地利用总体规划方案68 judicial review of land administrative order 土地行政复议69 juridical cadastre 产权地籍70 land administration 土地管理71 land policy 土地政策72 land administration system 土地管理体制73 land tenure administration 土地权属管理74 land registration 土地登记75 land registration announcement 土地登记通告76 land registration petitioner 土地登记申请人77 land in open access 无主土地78 land registration application form 土地登记申请书79 land registering 登记注册80 land register 土地登记簿81 land title 土地证书82 land statistics 土地统计83 land account book 土地台帐84 land statistics book 土地统计簿85 land statistics analysis 土地统计分析86 land use administration 土地利用管理87 land use control 土地利用控制88 land use regulation 土地用途管制89 land use regulation system 土地用途管制制度90 land use planning 土地利用规划91 land development planning 土地开发规划92 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning 土地整理规划93 land reclamation planning 土地复垦规划94 land improvement planning 土地改良规划95 land survey 土地调查96 land resource survey 土地资源调查97 land monitoring 土地监测98 land components survey 土地[资源组成]要素调查99 land type survey 土地类型调查100 land cover survey 土地覆被调查101 land use survey 土地利用调查102 land inventory 土地普查103 land information 土地信息104 land information system 土地信息系统105 land information application model 土地信息应用模型106 land use problems 土地利用问题107 land use strategy 土地利用方针108 land use allocation 土地利用配置109 land use zoning 土地管制分区110 land use regionalization 土地利用分区111 land use plan 土地利用计划112 land market administration ;land market control 土地市场管理113 land valuer registration system 土地估价师制度114 land price proclamation system 地价公告制度115 land price declaration system 地价申报制度116 land price ceilings system 最低、最高限价制度117 land information management 土地信息管理118 land supervision 土地监察119 law enforcement on land 土地执法120 limits of authority for building land examination 建设用地审批权限121 litigation for land administrative order 土地行政诉讼122 location of cadastral parcel 宗地位置123 main report of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划文本124 master map of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划图125 medium-term land use plan 土地利用中期规划126 mode base of land information application 土地信息应用模型库127 mosaic parcel 插花地128 multipurpose cadastre 多用途地籍129 natural condition survey 土地条件调查130 negotiation of land-use options 土地利用规划协调131 network protocol 网络协议132 non-continuous parcel 飞地133 nullification of land registration 注销土地登记134 parcel map 宗地图135 permission system for building land 建设用地审批制度136 planned administration of land use 土地利用计划管理137 planning area 规划区138 planning period 规划期限139 preemptive right system 优先购买权制度140 pre-examination system for building land 建设用地预审制度141 proclamation of overall land use plan 土地利用总体规划公告142 public inquiring of land register 土地登记公开查询143 public participation 公众参与144 quota for building land supply 建设用地定额145 recertification of initial adjudication 土地复丈146 reconnaissance survey 勘察性调查147 recordation system for building land 建设用地备案制度148 rectification of initial registration 更正登记149 register by household 土地归户册150 registration sheet 土地登记卡151 registration of sheet by household 土地归户卡152 regular land statistics 经常土地统计153 relative location of adjoining parcels 四至154 renewal cadastral surveying 地籍补测155 renewal of basic cadastral map 基本地籍图更新156 sample area survey 样地调查157 science of land administration 土地管理学158 semi-detailed survey 概略调查159 separate parcel 破宗地160 site survey for land condemnation 土地征用定位测量161 spatial database 空间数据库162 special –purpose land use planning 土地利用专项规划163 specification of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划说明164 state statistics of land 国家土地统计165 subdivision of cadastral parcel 宗地分割166 supplementary control of cadastral survey 地籍图根控制测量167 supplementary boundary point 图根控制点168 targets 规划指标169 terms of reference 规划任务书170 thematic mapping 专题成图171 title number 宗地编号172 traverse survey 路线调查173 vector format spatial data 矢量格式空间数据174 vertical control of cadastral surveying 地籍高程控制测量175 working area 作业面积176 zoning regulations 土地用途管制规则。
土地资源管理专业英文名称Land Resources Management.Land resources management encompasses the responsible use, conservation, and improvement of land resources, ensuring their sustainable utilization for present and future generations. It involves a diverse array of practices, including land use planning, soil conservation, water management, and wildlife habitat protection.Scope of Land Resources Management.The scope of land resources management is vast and multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of activities and responsibilities. These include:Land use planning: Determining the most appropriate uses for land, considering factors such as environmental sustainability, economic development, and social equity.Soil conservation: Implementing practices to protect and improve soil quality, prevent erosion, and maintainsoil fertility.Water management: Managing water resources to ensure their availability and quality for various uses, including agriculture, domestic consumption, and industrial purposes.Wildlife habitat protection: Conserving and restoring habitats for wildlife, ensuring the survival and diversity of plant and animal species.Rangeland management: Managing grasslands and shrublands to maintain their productivity and ecological integrity while supporting livestock grazing and other activities.Forest management: Managing forests to provide a range of benefits, including timber production, watershed protection, and recreation opportunities.Importance of Land Resources Management.Land resources are essential for human well-being, providing the foundation for food production, economic development, and environmental sustainability. Effective land resources management is crucial for:Food security: Ensuring the availability of nutritious food by sustainably managing agricultural lands.Economic prosperity: Facilitating economic growth through responsible land use planning and development.Environmental conservation: Protecting and improving ecosystems, watersheds, and wildlife habitats.Climate change mitigation: Managing land resources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon.Education and Training in Land Resources Management.Professionals in land resources management typically hold degrees in natural resources, environmental science,or a related field. They receive education and training in various disciplines, including ecology, soil science, hydrology, and policy analysis. In addition to theoretical knowledge, practical experience in land management and conservation is highly valued in the field.Career Opportunities in Land Resources Management.Land resources management professionals work in various settings, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies. Career opportunities include:Land use planner: Developing and implementing land use plans and policies.Soil conservationist: Designing and implementing practices to protect and improve soil quality.Watershed manager: Managing water resources and protecting watersheds.Wildlife biologist: Conserving and managing wildlife populations and habitats.Rangeland manager: Managing grasslands and shrublands to support livestock grazing and other uses.Forest manager: Managing forests to provide timber, recreation, and environmental benefits.Conclusion.Land resources management is a critical discipline that ensures the sustainable use and conservation of land resources for present and future generations. By implementing responsible practices in land use planning, soil conservation, water management, and wildlife habitat protection, we can safeguard the integrity of our natural ecosystems and support the well-being of both human andnon-human communities.。
土地资源管理专业英语术语总结(176个完美排序版)1 adjoining parcel 邻宗地2 adjudication of land tenure 地权确认3 adjudication investigation 土地产权调查4 administration of land transaction 地权流转管理5 administrative punishment for illegal act on land 土地行政处罚6 agency application of land registration 土地登记申请代理7 agricultural land reserves survey 宜农荒地调查8 alterant land registration 变更土地登记9 amalgamation of cadastral parcel 宗地合并10 annual land use plan 土地利用年度计划11 approval of land title 土地登记批准12 area measurement [土地]面积量算13 attribute database 属性数据库14 balance table of land allocation 土地利用平衡表15 base statistics of land 基层土地统计16 basic cadastral map 基本地籍图17 basic database 基础数据库18 boundary point 界址点19 boundary line 界址线20 building land regulations 建设用地管理21 cadastral archives management 地籍档案管理22 cadastral archives 地籍档案23 cadastral survey 地籍调查24 cadastral parcel 宗地25 cadastral survey 地籍测量26 cadastral control survey 地籍控制测量27 cadastral map 地籍图28 cadastral attributes 地籍要素29 cadastre administration 地籍管理30 catalogue for building land supply 建设供地目录31 certification of land rights 土地权属证明32 certification of land title 土地权属审核33 code standardization 编码标准化34 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 土地行政强制执行35 conduct by land administrative order 土地行政处理36 conversion of aerial photograph 航[空像]片转绘37 conversion cadastral survey 变更地籍调查38 coordinative method of cadastral survey 数值地籍测量39 co-ownership parcel 混合宗地40 criminal act 犯罪41 cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查42 data processing[of land] [土地]数据处理43 data standardization 数据标准化44 declaration of land adjudication 土地权属审核公告45 demarkation of cadastral parcel 指界46 detailed survey 详细调查47 detailed cadastral surveying 地籍细部测量48 direct interpretation 直接解译49 earth survey ;land survey 土地测量50 field investigation and plotting 外业调绘51 fiscal cadastre 税收地籍52 goal;objectives 规划目标53 graphic method of cadastral survey 图解地籍测量54 grid format spatial data 网格格式空间数据55 horizontal control of cadastral surveying 地籍平面控制测量56 horizontal control point 平面控制点57 illegal act against civil laws 土地违法行为58 illegal act against civil laws 民事违法行为59 implementation of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划实施60 indirect interpretation 间接解译61 indoor work 内业工作62 initial land registration 初始土地登记63 initial land statistics 初始土地统计64 initial cadastral survey 初始地籍调查65 integrated land use planning 土地利用总体规划66 integrated land survey 综合方法调查67 integrated land-use plan 土地利用总体规划方案68 judicial review of land administrative order 土地行政复议69 juridical cadastre 产权地籍70 land administration 土地管理71 land policy 土地政策72 land administration system 土地管理体制73 land tenure administration 土地权属管理74 land registration 土地登记75 land registration announcement 土地登记通告76 land registration petitioner 土地登记申请人77 land in open access 无主土地78 land registration application form 土地登记申请书79 land registering 登记注册80 land register 土地登记簿81 land title 土地证书82 land statistics 土地统计83 land account book 土地台帐84 land statistics book 土地统计簿85 land statistics analysis 土地统计分析86 land use administration 土地利用管理87 land use control 土地利用控制88 land use regulation 土地用途管制89 land use regulation system 土地用途管制制度90 land use planning 土地利用规划91 land development planning 土地开发规划92 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning 土地整理规划93 land reclamation planning 土地复垦规划94 land improvement planning 土地改良规划95 land survey 土地调查96 land resource survey 土地资源调查97 land monitoring 土地监测98 land components survey 土地[资源组成]要素调查99 land type survey 土地类型调查100 land cover survey 土地覆被调查101 land use survey 土地利用调查102 land inventory 土地普查103 land information 土地信息104 land information system 土地信息系统105 land information application model 土地信息应用模型106 land use problems 土地利用问题107 land use strategy 土地利用方针108 land use allocation 土地利用配置109 land use zoning 土地管制分区110 land use regionalization 土地利用分区111 land use plan 土地利用计划112 land market administration ;land market control 土地市场管理113 land valuer registration system 土地估价师制度114 land price proclamation system 地价公告制度115 land price declaration system 地价申报制度116 land price ceilings system 最低、最高限价制度117 land information management 土地信息管理118 land supervision 土地监察119 law enforcement on land 土地执法120 limits of authority for building land examination 建设用地审批权限121 litigation for land administrative order 土地行政诉讼122 location of cadastral parcel 宗地位置123 main report of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划文本124 master map of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划图125 medium-term land use plan 土地利用中期规划126 mode base of land information application 土地信息应用模型库127 mosaic parcel 插花地128 multipurpose cadastre 多用途地籍129 natural condition survey 土地条件调查130 negotiation of land-use options 土地利用规划协调131 network protocol 网络协议132 non-continuous parcel 飞地133 nullification of land registration 注销土地登记134 parcel map 宗地图135 permission system for building land 建设用地审批制度136 planned administration of land use 土地利用计划管理137 planning area 规划区138 planning period 规划期限139 preemptive right system 优先购买权制度140 pre-examination system for building land 建设用地预审制度141 proclamation of overall land use plan 土地利用总体规划公告142 public inquiring of land register 土地登记公开查询143 public participation 公众参与144 quota for building land supply 建设用地定额145 recertification of initial adjudication 土地复丈146 reconnaissance survey 勘察性调查147 recordation system for building land 建设用地备案制度148 rectification of initial registration 更正登记149 register by household 土地归户册150 registration sheet 土地登记卡151 registration of sheet by household 土地归户卡152 regular land statistics 经常土地统计153 relative location of adjoining parcels 四至154 renewal cadastral surveying 地籍补测155 renewal of basic cadastral map 基本地籍图更新156 sample area survey 样地调查157 science of land administration 土地管理学158 semi-detailed survey 概略调查159 separate parcel 破宗地160 site survey for land condemnation 土地征用定位测量161 spatial database 空间数据库162 special –purpose land use planning 土地利用专项规划163 specification of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划说明164 state statistics of land 国家土地统计165 subdivision of cadastral parcel 宗地分割166 supplementary control of cadastral survey 地籍图根控制测量167 supplementary boundary point 图根控制点168 targets 规划指标169 terms of reference 规划任务书170 thematic mapping 专题成图171 title number 宗地编号172 traverse survey 路线调查173 vector format spatial data 矢量格式空间数据174 vertical control of cadastral surveying 地籍高程控制测量175 working area 作业面积176 zoning regulations 土地用途管制规则。
土地资源管理专业英语词汇归纳经济数学Economical mathematics自然地理学Physical geography测绘基础Basis of surveying and mapping资源科学概论Generality of resources science经济学原理Economical principle建筑制图Architectural drawing土地资源学Science of land resources土地经济学Land economics管理学原理Principle of management science建筑工程概论Generality of architecture engineering资源环境经济学Natural Economics of resource and environmental economics 生态学Ecology环境学Environmental science社会统计分析方法Methodology of social statistics and analysis区域经济学Regional economics土地法学Land jurisprudencelaw房地产投资分析Real Eestate investment and analysissynthesis房地产会计Real Eestate accounting建筑施工Building constructionArchitectural土地管理学Land resource management science房地产开发经营Real Eestate exploitation and management城市规划原理Principles of cityurban planningAutoCADAutoCAD建筑工程概预算Construction project budget Budget of architecture engineering 不动产估价Realty evaluation土地利用规划Land use planning房地产营销策划Real Eestate marketing and artifice房地产金融学Real eEstate financeial science土地信息系统Land information systems物业管理Realty management国土开发与整理Land resourceRealm exploitation and arrangementconsolidation企业管理EnterpriseCorporation management专业外语Specialized Specialized foreign languageenglish 科技写作Writing on Composition of science and technology 专题讲座Specialized lecture生产实习Productiveon practice专业实习Specialized practice毕业论文Graduation thesis。
【最新精选】土地资源管理专业英语agrarian structure 土地结构as long as 如果只要buffer zones 缓冲带comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理 entry point 切入点fragmented holdings 破碎化的土地gender inclusion 性别包含individual consolidation initiative 个别土地整理倡议 irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施 land bank 土地银行land consolidation 土地整理land leveling 土地平整land reserves土地储备net income 净收益noble landlords 贵族地主participatory approaches 参与途径recreational sites娱乐用地rural development农村发展simplified consolidation 简化土地整理 voluntary group consolidation 自愿组织的土地整理 worse off 情况不佳allowable use 许可利用Bureau of Land Management (BLM)土地管理局 decision Ares 决定区域desired outcome 预期成果exotic invasive species 有害入侵物种 FLPMA联邦土地政策和管理法案management action 管理行为NEPA国家环境政策法planning area 规划区域provided that 倘若,假使split estate 可分割不动产temporal scales 时间尺度utility corridors 公共通道APR实际年利率Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率 discount rate 还原利率,贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析 economic analysis 经济分析financial analysis 财务分析 gross margin 毛利率internal rate of return 内部收益率 market-oriented concept 微观经济概念 Net Present Value(NPV) 净现值 nominal interest rates 名义利率 per-accounting-period 每个会计年度 physical constraints 自然限制性条件religious dietary prohibition 宗教中的饮食禁令return to labor 劳动力报酬return to land 土地报酬the ALES 自动土地评价系统 the least common multiple 最小公倍数nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted to be only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effects of frag mentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。
agrarian structure 土地结构as long as 如果只要buffer zones 缓冲带comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理entry point 切入点fragmented holdings 破碎化的土地gender inclusion 性别包含individual consolidation initiative 个别土地整理倡议irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施land bank 土地银行land consolidation 土地整理land leveling 土地平整land reserves土地储备net income 净收益noble landlords 贵族地主participatory approaches 参与途径recreational sites娱乐用地rural development农村发展simplified consolidation 简化土地整理voluntary group consolidation 自愿组织的土地整理worse off 情况不佳allowable use 许可利用Bureau of Land Management (BLM)土地管理局decision Ares 决定区域desired outcome 预期成果exotic invasive species 有害入侵物种FLPMA联邦土地政策和管理法案management action 管理行为NEPA国家环境政策法planning area 规划区域provided that 倘若,假使split estate 可分割不动产temporal scales 时间尺度utility corridors 公共通道APR实际年利率Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率discount rate 还原利率,贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析economic analysis 经济分析financial analysis 财务分析gross margin 毛利率internal rate of return 内部收益率market-oriented concept 微观经济概念Net Present V alue(NPV)净现值nominal interest rates 名义利率per-accounting-period 每个会计年度physical constraints 自然限制性条件religious dietary prohibition 宗教中的饮食禁令return to labor 劳动力报酬return to land 土地报酬the ALES 自动土地评价系统the least common multiple 最小公倍数nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted to be only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effects of frag mentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。
LandLand is a delineable [diˈlinieit]area of the earth's terrestrial [tiˈrestriəl]surface, encompassing all attributes of the biosphere immediately above or below this surface including those of the near-surface climate the soil and terrain forms, the surface hydrology (including shallow lakes, rivers, marshes, and swamps[swɔmp]), the near-surface sedimentary /ˌsedɪˈmentəri/(沉淀性的) layers and associated groundwater reserve, the plant and animal populations, the human settlement pattern and physical results of past and present human activity (terracing, water storage or drainage structures, roads, buildings, etc.[etˈsetərə](=et cetera)). (UN, 1994)Land useLand use is the human modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements. The major effect of land use on land cover since 1750 has been deforestation of temperate regions. More recent significant effects of land use include urban sprawl, soil erosion, soil degradation, salinization[səlini'zeiʃən], and desertification. Land-use change, together with use of fossil fuels, are the major anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide, a dominant greenhouse gas. It has also been defined as "the total of arrangements, activities, and inputs that people undertake in a certain land cover type".From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLand coverLand cover corresponds to a (bio) physical description of the earth's surface. It is that which overlays or currently covers the ground. This description enables various biophysical categories to be distinguished - basically, areas of vegetation (trees, bushes, fields and lawn), bare soil, hard surfaces (rocks, buildings) and wet areas and bodies of water (watercourses水流(河床), wetlands). There are two primary methods for capturing information on land cover: field survey and thorough analysis of remotely sensed imagery. The nature of land cover is discussed in Comber et al. (2005).A Comber, P Fisher, R Wadsworth. What is land cover? Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2005DifferenceLand use corresponds to the socio-economic description (functional dimension) of areas: areas used for residential, industrial or commercial purposes, for farming or forestry, forrecreational or conservation purposes, etc. Links with land cover are possible; it may be possible to infer land use from land cover and conversely. But situations are often complicated and the link is not so evident. Contrary to land cover, land use is difficult to 'observe'. For example, it is often difficult to decide if grasslands are used or not for agricultural purposes. Distinctions between land use and land cover and their definition have impacts on the development of classification systems, data collection and information systems in general. (UNEP)Land cover is distinct from land use despite the two terms often being used interchangeably. Land use is a description of how people utilize the land and socio-economic activity - urban and agricultural land uses are two of the most commonly recognised high-level classes of use. At any one point or place, there may be multiple and alternate land uses, the specification of which may have a political dimension.Land managementLand management can be defined as the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.Land administrationThe concepts of land administration are the reflection of views on land properties. In China, scholars hold ideas that land administration is the process of organization, coordination, supervision and management on land resources, land use, land property rights and land profit with political instruments for sake of whole society.Other studies on land administration, cadastral [kə'dæstrəl] titles and land market, urban land administration, and land sustainable conservation, altogether make these factors-land resources management, land assets supervision and land political governance for sustainability constitute foundation of land administration.DifferenceThere are many factors according to which administration can be distinguished from management. From the nature of work, administration is concerned about the determination of objectives and major policies of an organization; management puts into action the policies and plans laid down by the administration. From the nature of status, administration consists of owners who investcapital in and receive profits from an enterprise; management is a group of managerial personnel who use their specialized knowledge to fulfill the objectives of an enterprise. From Main functions, administration involves in planning and organizing functions; management involves in motivating and controlling functions.Land use planningLand use planning is the term used for a branch of public policy which encompasses [inˈkʌmpəs] various disciplines which seek to order and regulate the use of land in an efficient and ethical /ˈeθɪkəl/way. Despite confusing nomenclature nəuˈmenklətʃə,术语,命名系统, the essential function of land use planning remains the same whatever term is applied. The Canadian Institute of Planners offers a definition that: "Land use planning means the scientific, aesthetic [i:sˈθetik], and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThere is bound to be conflict over land use. The demands for arable land, grazing, forestry, wildlife, tourism and urban development are greater than the land resources available. In the developing countries, these demands become more pressing every year. The population dependent on the land for food, fuel and employment will double within the next 25 to 50 years. Even where land is still plentiful, many people may have inadequate access to land or to the benefits from its use. In the face of scarcity, the degradation of farmland, forest or water resources may be clear for all to see but individual land users lack the incentive or resources to stop it.Land-use planning is the systematic assessment of land and water potential, alternatives for land use and economic and social conditions in order to select and adopt the best land-use options. Its purpose is to select and put into practice those land uses that will best meet the needs of the people while safeguarding resources for the future. The driving force in planning is the need for change, the need for improved management or the need for a quite different pattern of land use dictated by changing circumstances.All kinds of rural land use are involved: agriculture, pastoralism田园风味, forestry, wildlife conservation and tourism. Planning also provides guidance in cases of conflict between rural land use and urban or industrial expansion, by indicating which areas of land are most valuable under rural use.F AO, Guidelines for land-use planningVocabularyMinistry of Land and Resources 国土资源部Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources 市国土资源管理局Municipal Bureau of Land Resourcesand Housing Management 市国土资源和房屋管理局Bureau of State Land Supervision 国家土地监察局land utilization (use) 土地利用extensive land use 土地粗放利用intensive land use 土地集约利用sustainable land use 土地可持续利用land management 土地技术管理land administration 土地行政管理land use planning 土地利用规划general plan of land-use 土地利用总体规划land allocation 土地配置land evaluation/appraisal 土地评价land policy 土地政策land economics 土地经济land market 土地市场land expropriation/requisition 土地征收/征用land registration 土地登记land transaction 土地交易land banking 土地储备land supply/demand 土地供应/需求land grant or transfer 土地出让或转让land negotiation /agreement 土地协议land auction 土地拍卖land public bidding 土地公开招标land value 土地价值land rent 地租land revenue 土地收益land use fee 土地使用费land use term 土地使用期land levelling 土地平整land development 土地开发land rehabilitation/reclamation 土地复垦land consolidation/readjustment 土地整理land retirement 土壤退化land subsidence 地面沉降land pollution 土地污染slope treatment for erosion control 坡面治理工程grain to green 退耕还林land information 土地信息land use interpretation 土地利用判读land use survey 土地利用调查land use monitoring 土地利用监测land use map 土地利用图land use mapping 土地利用制图land use classification 土地利用分类land use zoning 土地用途分区land use control 土地用途管制land use pattern 土地利用模式land use type 土地利用类型land use adjustment 土地利用调整land use capability 土地利用潜力land potential productivity 土地生产潜力land suitability 土地适宜性land efficiency 土地效益land structure 土地结构land use intensity 土地利用密度multiple crop index 复种指数prime cropland preservation 基本农田保护区planning approval 规划许可total dynamic balance of cropland 耕地总量动态平衡compensation institution of cropland occupation 占用耕地补偿制度limitation of land use 土地利用限制因素land reform 土地改革land use certificate 土地使用证land tenure 地权land-ownership 土地所有权land-use right 土地使用权state-owned land 国有土地household-based land contract system 土地家庭承包制。
土地资源管理专业英语术语总结(176个完美排序版)1 adjoining parcel 邻宗地2 adjudication of land tenure 地权确认3 adjudication investigation 土地产权调查4 administration of land transaction 地权流转管理5 administrative punishment for illegal act on land 土地行政处罚6 agency application of land registration 土地登记申请代理7 agricultural land reserves survey 宜农荒地调查8 alterant land registration 变更土地登记9 amalgamation of cadastral parcel 宗地合并10 annual land use plan 土地利用年度计划11 approval of land title 土地登记批准12 area measurement [土地]面积量算13 attribute database 属性数据库14 balance table of land allocation 土地利用平衡表15 base statistics of land 基层土地统计16 basic cadastral map 基本地籍图17 basic database 基础数据库18 boundary point 界址点19 boundary line 界址线20 building land regulations 建设用地管理21 cadastral archives management 地籍档案管理22 cadastral archives 地籍档案23 cadastral survey 地籍调查24 cadastral parcel 宗地25 cadastral survey 地籍测量26 cadastral control survey 地籍控制测量27 cadastral map 地籍图28 cadastral attributes 地籍要素29 cadastre administration 地籍管理30 catalogue for building land supply 建设供地目录31 certification of land rights 土地权属证明32 certification of land title 土地权属审核33 code standardization 编码标准化34 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 土地行政强制执行35 conduct by land administrative order 土地行政处理36 conversion of aerial photograph 航[空像]片转绘37 conversion cadastral survey 变更地籍调查38 coordinative method of cadastral survey 数值地籍测量39 co-ownership parcel 混合宗地40 criminal act 犯罪41 cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查42 data processing[of land] [土地]数据处理43 data standardization 数据标准化44 declaration of land adjudication 土地权属审核公告45 demarkation of cadastral parcel 指界46 detailed survey 详细调查47 detailed cadastral surveying 地籍细部测量48 direct interpretation 直接解译49 earth survey ;land survey 土地测量50 field investigation and plotting 外业调绘51 fiscal cadastre 税收地籍52 goal;objectives 规划目标53 graphic method of cadastral survey 图解地籍测量54 grid format spatial data 网格格式空间数据55 horizontal control of cadastral surveying 地籍平面控制测量56 horizontal control point 平面控制点57 illegal act against civil laws 土地违法行为58 illegal act against civil laws 民事违法行为59 implementation of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划实施60 indirect interpretation 间接解译61 indoor work 内业工作62 initial land registration 初始土地登记63 initial land statistics 初始土地统计64 initial cadastral survey 初始地籍调查65 integrated land use planning 土地利用总体规划66 integrated land survey 综合方法调查67 integrated land-use plan 土地利用总体规划方案68 judicial review of land administrative order 土地行政复议69 juridical cadastre 产权地籍70 land administration 土地管理71 land policy 土地政策72 land administration system 土地管理体制73 land tenure administration 土地权属管理74 land registration 土地登记75 land registration announcement 土地登记通告76 land registration petitioner 土地登记申请人77 land in open access 无主土地78 land registration application form 土地登记申请书79 land registering 登记注册80 land register 土地登记簿81 land title 土地证书82 land statistics 土地统计83 land account book 土地台帐84 land statistics book 土地统计簿85 land statistics analysis 土地统计分析86 land use administration 土地利用管理87 land use control 土地利用控制88 land use regulation 土地用途管制89 land use regulation system 土地用途管制制度90 land use planning 土地利用规划91 land development planning 土地开发规划92 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning 土地整理规划93 land reclamation planning 土地复垦规划94 land improvement planning 土地改良规划95 land survey 土地调查96 land resource survey 土地资源调查97 land monitoring 土地监测98 land components survey 土地[资源组成]要素调查99 land type survey 土地类型调查100 land cover survey 土地覆被调查101 land use survey 土地利用调查102 land inventory 土地普查103 land information 土地信息104 land information system 土地信息系统105 land information application model 土地信息应用模型106 land use problems 土地利用问题107 land use strategy 土地利用方针108 land use allocation 土地利用配置109 land use zoning 土地管制分区110 land use regionalization 土地利用分区111 land use plan 土地利用计划112 land market administration ;land market control 土地市场管理113 land valuer registration system 土地估价师制度114 land price proclamation system 地价公告制度115 land price declaration system 地价申报制度116 land price ceilings system 最低、最高限价制度117 land information management 土地信息管理118 land supervision 土地监察119 law enforcement on land 土地执法120 limits of authority for building land examination 建设用地审批权限121 litigation for land administrative order 土地行政诉讼122 location of cadastral parcel 宗地位置123 main report of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划文本124 master map of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划图125 medium-term land use plan 土地利用中期规划126 mode base of land information application 土地信息应用模型库127 mosaic parcel 插花地128 multipurpose cadastre 多用途地籍129 natural condition survey 土地条件调查130 negotiation of land-use options 土地利用规划协调131 network protocol 网络协议132 non-continuous parcel 飞地133 nullification of land registration 注销土地登记134 parcel map 宗地图135 permission system for building land 建设用地审批制度136 planned administration of land use 土地利用计划管理137 planning area 规划区138 planning period 规划期限139 preemptive right system 优先购买权制度140 pre-examination system for building land 建设用地预审制度141 proclamation of overall land use plan 土地利用总体规划公告142 public inquiring of land register 土地登记公开查询143 public participation 公众参与144 quota for building land supply 建设用地定额145 recertification of initial adjudication 土地复丈146 reconnaissance survey 勘察性调查147 recordation system for building land 建设用地备案制度148 rectification of initial registration 更正登记149 register by household 土地归户册150 registration sheet 土地登记卡151 registration of sheet by household 土地归户卡152 regular land statistics 经常土地统计153 relative location of adjoining parcels 四至154 renewal cadastral surveying 地籍补测155 renewal of basic cadastral map 基本地籍图更新156 sample area survey 样地调查157 science of land administration 土地管理学158 semi-detailed survey 概略调查159 separate parcel 破宗地160 site survey for land condemnation 土地征用定位测量161 spatial database 空间数据库162 special –purpose land use planning 土地利用专项规划163 specification of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划说明164 state statistics of land 国家土地统计165 subdivision of cadastral parcel 宗地分割166 supplementary control of cadastral survey 地籍图根控制测量167 supplementary boundary point 图根控制点168 targets 规划指标169 terms of reference 规划任务书170 thematic mapping 专题成图171 title number 宗地编号172 traverse survey 路线调查173 vector format spatial data 矢量格式空间数据174 vertical control of cadastral surveying 地籍高程控制测量175 working area 作业面积176 zoning regulations 土地用途管制规则。
A8 first class category 8 个一级类a "landlord' s market”土地所有者的市场a “soft”rental market “疲软的”出租市场a bundle of entitlements 一组权利束a debased currency 一种贬值的流通货币a last resort 最后手段(办法)a prima facie 证据确凿accessibility (n. ) 易接近,可到达的accountability ( n. ) 有责任,有义务,可说明性accrue (vi. ) 自然增加,产生acreage (n. ) 英亩数,面积adequacy (n. ) 适当,足够adjacent (adj. ) 邻近的,接近的adjudication ( n. ) 判决,(法院的)宣告,确认adjudication of land-rights 土地确权administrative boundaries 行政边界advisable ( adj. ) 可取的,明智的aerial photographs 航空照片aerial photographs 航片aesthetic (adj. ) 美学的,审美的,有审美感的affordability (n. ) 可支付性affordable housing 可支付住房aggravating ( adj. ) 使恶化的,加重的,恼人的aggregate (n. ) 合计,总计,集合体;(adj. )合计的,集合的,聚合的;(v. )聚集,集合,合aggressive pursuit 不顾一切地追求agrarian structure 土地所有制agricultural census data 农业普查数据air photographs 航片airphoto 摄影,航空摄影图片albeit (conj. )虽然Albers Equal Area Conic projection 亚尔勃斯正轴等积割圆锥投影align (vi. )排列,成一条线(vt. )使结盟,使成一行;对准,校直,调准,校正,调整以达到恰当的关系或方位all-equity bank 完全权益银行allocative efficiency 配置效率allowable Use 许可利用ambiguities (n. ) 含糊,不明确amenities ( n. ) 令人愉快之事物amenity values 娱乐价值amortized loans 分期偿还的贷款an effective demand for housing 住房的有效需求an offsite improvement 场地之外的改良物analogous (adj. ) 类似的,相似的,可比拟的analysis area 分析区域annexation (n. ) 合并apartments (n. ) 公寓appreciation (n. ) 涨价,增值appropriate (vt. ) 拨出(款项);占用,据为己有;盗用,挪用;充当,充用aquatic (adj. ) 水的,水上的,水生的,水栖的arbitrage (n. ) 仲裁,套汇,套利交易arbitrament ( n. ) 仲裁,裁裁判,裁决artery (n. ) 动脉,要道ascendancy (n. ) 优势,支配(或统治)地位assemblages (n. ) 与会者(集合称) ,集合,集会,装配asset structure 资产结构ASTER Terra 卫星上的一种高级光学传感器,包括了从可见光到热红外共14 个光谱通道,可以为多个相关的地球环境资源研究领域提供科学、实用的卫星数据asymmetry (n. ) 不对称:缺乏平衡或对称性at odds 不一致at short notice 在短时间,立刻atlas (n. ) 地图,地图集,地图册attorney (n. ) <美>律师,(业务或法律事务上的)代理人atypical (adj. )非典型的auspices (n. ) 由……主办及赞助authenticity (n. )确实性,真实性automate the classification 自动分类available ( adj. ) 可用到的,利用的,有用的,有空的,接受探访的average product of labor 劳动力的平均产量avow (v. ) 承认azimuthal (adj. )方位角的的azimuthal projection 方位投影Bbaby boom 婴儿潮back up 支持backlog ( n. ) 储备备backlogs of work 工作积压backstop (v. ) 止住balance资产负债表barren (adj. )不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的(n. )荒地be comprised of 由……组成below-cost leases 低于成本的租约benchmark prices 基准价格benchmark 基准Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率betterment levy 地产增值税BHCS 金融控股公司bid-rent curves 竞租曲线biological (adj. ) 生物学的的birth peak 生育高峰bleak (adj. )寒冷的,阴冷的,荒凉的,凄凉的,黯淡的blunder (v. ) 跌跌撞撞地走. 做错(n. ) 大错,失误误boards (n. ) 理事会;董事会bona fide 很好的承诺,信用bond issues 发行债券boulevard (n. ) 林阴大道boundary of polygons 多边形边界boundary survey 边界调查(测量)boycott (v. )联合抵制,联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交bracken (n. ) 欧洲蕨breach (n. ) 违背,破坏,破裂,裂口(vt. ) 打破,突破brown fields 棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地)buffer zones 缓冲带带build to suit 定制建造bundle of rights 权利束burdensome (adj. ) 繁重的,烦累的,难以承担的Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 土地管理局bushel (n. ) 蒲式耳(谷物计量单位)buttress (n. ) 扶墙;拱壁buyer's market 买方市场buys up 买光ccadastral administration 地籍管理cadastral like management 地籍档案管理cadastral inventory 地籍调查cadastral management 地籍管理cadastral maps 地籍图cadastral survey 地籍调查(测量)cadastral system 地籍系统cadastre (n. ) 地籍簿call for 需要;要求;值得canyon (n. ) 峡谷capital arbitrage 资本套利capital farm land 基本农田capital gains tax 资本收益.capitalization rates 资本化率capitalized estate values 资本化的房地产价值carrot (n. )胡萝卜cartel (n. ) 企业联合,卡特尔cartography (n. )绘图法,绘图,制图catalyst (n. ) 催化剂catalytic converters 接触型转换器CBD (Central Business District) 商务中心区cemetery (n. )墓地,公墓cesium (n. ) [化]铯change land registration 变更土地登记chartered bank 特许银行classical economics 古典经济学classification of land 土地分类clients (n. ) 顾客,客户,委托人climatological (adj. ) 气候的Coase theorem 科斯定律code of conduct 行为规coincide (vi. )一致,符合coincide with (vi. ) 与........一致致(相同,相符合)coincidental (adj. ) 一致的,符合,的,巧合的collateral (n. ) 抵押品,担保物collateral (n. ) 担保物collateral (adj. ) 间接;并行的,平行的;伴随的,附属的collectible (n. )收藏品collective ownership right 集体土地所有权collective-owned land usership right 集体土地使用权collide (vi. ) 抵触collusive (adj. ) 共谋的color infrared aerial remote sensing technology 彩红外航空遥感技术command (n. ) 令,掌握,司令部;(v. )命令,指挥,克制,支配commensurate ( adj. ) 相称的,相当的commercial office buildings 商业写字楼commodification of housing 住房商品化common pool resources 共享资源commonplace ( n. ) 平凡的事,平常话;(adj. ) 平凡的common-property regimes 共有产权制度comparative advantage 比较优势compatible (adj. )谐调的,一教的,兼容的compelling ( adj. ) 强制的,强迫的,引入注目的compendium (n. ) 纲要,概略complexes (adj. ) 多功能复合住房建筑composition ( n. ) (地图)编绘comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理compulsory (adj. ) 义务的,强制的concession (n. )让步condominium (n. ) 共管,共同统治权condos (n. ) 分户出售公寓大厦conformal ( adj. ) (地图投影中)正形投影的,等角的conformal projection 等角投影,正形投影connotation (n. ) 含蓄,蓄的东西(词、语等入涵consensus (n. ) 意见一致consigner (n. ) 委托人,交付人consistency ( n. ) 一致性,连贯性constellation [天]星群,星座,灿烂的一群constitutional ( adj. ) 构成的,宪法的consumer surplus 消费者剩余contemplate ( v. ) 凝视,沉思,预期,企图contingent ( n. ) 偶然的事情,分道队,代表团contradictory ( adj. ) 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的(n. )矛盾因素,对立物contravention ( n. ) 违反违背,矛盾control point 控制点controls urveying 控制测量convene (n. ) 会议召集人conveyance (n. ) 财产让与conveyancer (n. ) 运输者,传达者,办理不动产等让与事务者coordination (n. ) 协调copper (n. ) 铜,警察coppice (n. ) 矮林;灌木林corporate real estate (CRE) 非房地产公司持有的不动产corporate restructuring 公司重组cost approach 成本法cost of equity 股权成本counterparts (n. ) 非常相似的人(或物),配对物covenant (n. ) 契约,盟约credit risk 信贷风险cross-reference ( n. ) 相互(交叉)对照cross-sectional model横截面模型culpable (adj. )该宙备的,有罪的,不同到的cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查cumbersome (adj. ) 麻烦的cumulative (adj. 顺积的currency (n. )时效性cushion (n. ) 缓冲customary tenure 习惯保有cyclical volatility 周期波动性cyclicality 周期性cylindrical (adj. ) 圆柱形的,圆柱体的cypress (n. ) [植]柏科树的,柏木厉植物D'data hungry' techniques 数据高需求型技术.data processing 数据处理:数据加工de facto (adj. ) 事实的,实际的de jure (adj. ) (拉)理上的,权利上的dearth缺乏debt ratio 负债率decision area 决定区域deductibility (n )可推断性deed (n. ) 行为,契约deface (Vt. ) 损伤外观, 丑化,失面子deity (n. ) 神, 神性delineates (v. ) 描绘demographic (adj. ) 大门统计学的demographic echo 人口回声效应depreciable (adj. ) 可贬值的depreciation (n. ) 贬值,减价, 跌落,折旧. 轻视depreciation deductions折旧扣除额derelict land 废弃土地derived (type of) demand 引致需求derived from 来自,源自designate (vt. ) 指明,指出任命,指派(v. )指定,指派desired outcome 预期成果deterioration (n. ) 变坏,退化,堕落determination ( n. ) 决心,果断detrimental (adj. ) 有害的deviation (n: )背离diagrammatic (adj. ) 图表的,概略的dictum (n. ) 格言,(法津)法官的附带意见,声明differential ( adj. )微分的;(n. ) 微分digital differential rectification 数字差分校正dimension ( n. ) 尺寸,尺度,维(数),度(数) ,元diminishing marginal productivity 递减的边际生产率diminishing returns 回报,递减dire (adj. ) 可怕的disadvantaged group 弱势群体discard (vt. ) 丢弃, 抛郊discern) (v. ) 辨别,看清楚discount rate 还原利率、贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析discrepancy (n. ) 相差,差异,矛盾discretion (n. ) 判断力disease-resistant 抗病disequilibrium (n. )不均衡,不安定Disincentive (n. ) 障碍Dissertation (n. ) (学位)论文,专题,论述,学术演讲Distort (vt. ) 扭曲,歪曲(真理、事实等)误报,使变形diversification benefit 多样化收益dividend-paying common stock 支付股息的普通股票divisibility 可分性doomsday (n. ) 世界末日double duty 双重用途doubling up 同住一屋dryland agriculture 旱地农业dwelling stock 住房存量dynamic ( adj. ) 动力的,动力学的,动态的dynamic monitoring 动态监测dynasty (n. ) 皇室,朝代Eearth's ecosystems 地球生态系统easement (n. ) 缓和,减轻,(律)在他人土地上的通行权(或类似的权力) ,(法)地役权ecological economics 生态经济学economic analysis 经济分析economic depression 经济萧条economic effective demand 经济有效需求economic premise 经济前提economic supply of land 土地的经济供给economic surplus 经济剩余economically sound 在经济上可靠efficacy (n. ) 功效,效验efficiency (n. ) 效率1 效能,实力,生产能力;功率;产最;有效作用Elaborate ( adj. ) 精心制作的,详细阐述的,精细(vt. )精心制作,详细阐述elastic (adj. )弹性的Elm (n. )榆树embodiment ( n. ) 体现,具体化,化身empirical (adj. ) 完全根据经验的,经验主义的,【化】实验式encumbrance (n. ) 阻碍,累赘,妨害物endorse (v. ) 背面签名,签注endowment funds 捐赠基金endue (vt. ) 穿上,授予,赋予energy efficiency 能源效率enforceability (n. ) 可强迫实施性entity (n. ) 实体:统一体;存在 (物) ;(有别于属性等的)本质;组织,机构,团体entrenchment hypothesis 防御假说entrust with 委托entry point 切入点enumeration (n. ) 列举environmental degradation 环境退化environmental economics 环境经济学equal area azimuthal projection 等积方位投影equal area projection 等( 面) 积投影equidistant (adj. ) 等距的equidistant azitnuthal projection 等距方位投影equidistant projection 等距投影equitable (adj. ) 公平的,公正的Equivalent projection等积投影Era ( n. ) 时代,纪元,时期,【地】代espouse (vt. ) 支持,赞成ethical criterion 伦理道德标准ethical principles 伦理法则evacuation ( n. ) 疏散,撤退,走开eviction (n. ) 逐出ex Post 依据过去经济发展情形分析的exacerbate (vt . ) 使加剧exclusive sales covenants 排他性的销售租约exclusivity (n) 排他性exhaustive ( adj. ) 无遗漏的,彻底的,详尽的,无遗的existing home 存量住房expected benefits 预期收益expedient (adj. ) 有利的(n . )权宜之计expendable (n. ) 消耗品,牺牲的expertise (n. )专家的意见,专门技术exploitation tactics 开发策略exploration ( n. ) 探险,踏勘,探测external clues 外部线索external diseconomy 外部不经济external economy 外部经济extractive ( adj. ) 可提出的;可抽出的;消耗资源的Extraordinary (adj. )非常的,特别的,非凡的,特派的Ffacet (n. ) (多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小平面,方面,琢面;(Vi. )在···上刻画facilitate (vt. ) 促进fair market value 公平市场价值farmland preservation 农田保护fashion conscious 追求时尚fertility rate 人口出生率fetch (vt. )接来,取来,带来,售得,引出(vi. )取物,绕道而行(n. ) 取得,拿,诡计fieldwork (n. ) 野外工作,实地调查,现场工作financial analysis 财务分析financial leverage 财务杠杆Fir (n. )冷杉,枞树,杉木fiscal (adj. ) 财政的fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fixed and current assets 固定和流动资产fixed-rate mortgages 固定利率按揭贷款fixture (n. ) 固定物flexibility and simplicity 简单灵活floating-rate loan 浮动利率贷款floor area ratios (FAR) 容积率floor space 房屋面积,建坪flow (n. ) 流程,流动,(河水)泛滥,洋溢(vi. )流动,涌流(vt. ) 溢过,淹没forced sale 强行拍卖foreclosure (n. ) 丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥foregoing (adj. ) 在前的,前述的foreshadow (v. ) 预示formulate (vt. ) 用公式表示明确地表达,作简洁述(v. )阐明forthcoming (adj. ) 即将来临的fraction (n. ) 小部分,微量,片断,分数fragile (adj. ) 易碎的,脆的的fragment (v. ) 分裂fragmented holdings 破碎化的士地fragmented landownership 不完整的土地产权Framework for Land Evaluation 土地评价大纲Freehold ( n. ) 自由保存,不动产Freehold /leasehold 永久业权/租用业权Fringe (n. ) 边缘frontage (n. )房子的正面,前方,临街fundamental (adj. ) 基础的,基本的;(n. )基本原则,基本原理funneled (adj. ) 漏斗状的Ggearing ratios 资本充足率gender inclusion 性别包含general plans 总体规划generalize (vt. )归纳,概括, 推广,普及(vi. ) 由归纳法得出一结论,形成一般的概念或结论generally accepted valuation principles 普适评估准则Genesis (n. ) 起源geodetic (adj. ) 测地学的,测量的geographic (adj. ) 地理学的,地理的geographic dimension 地理的尺寸; 维数geographic information system 地理信息系统geographical features 地理特征geologist (n. )地质学者geometric polynomial rectification 几何多项式校正geomorphology 地形学geopedological地质土壤的geostatistical methods 土地统汁方法geosynchronous (adj. ) 与地球的相对位置不变的,相对地球是静止的globe position system 全球定位系统going concern value 持续经营价值government insured loan 由政府担保的贷款graduated symbol渐变符号grazing land 牧草地greenhouse effect 温室效应gross margin 毛利润ground resolution 地面分辨率groundwater ( n. ) 地下水guarantee law 担保法guarantor (n. ) 【律】保证人Guided land development (GLD) 定向土地开发Hharshness (n. ) 粗糙的事物hay-making 割草heterogeneous (adj. )不同种类的,异类的hierarchy (n. ) 层次;划分,区分,分等级highest and best use 最高最佳用途Highlight (vt. ) 加亮,使显著,以强光照射,突出HIS transform HIS变换Historic site 历史遗迹holding (n. ) 所有物,财产home ownership 住房所有权homeownership rate 住房自有率homestead (n ) 家园,田产homogeneous (adj. )同类的,相似的,均一的,均匀的Horizontal (adj. ) 地平线的,水平的house purchasers 房屋购买者housing allowance 住房补贴housing construction bonds 住房债券housing expenditure 住房支出housing finance 住房金融housing land registration 住宅土地登记housing policy 住房政策housing provident funds ( HPFs) 住房公积金housing voucher 住房资助券human resources 人力资源human-made capital人造资本hydrology ( n. ) 水文学Iidentical ( adj. ) 同一的,梓的ideological principle 意识形态原则idiosyncratic (adj. ) 特殊物质的,特殊的,异质的illegal expropriation of the land 土地的不合法征用illustrate (vt. )举例说明,图解加插图于,阐明;(vi. )举例image merging 图像融合image mosaic 图像镶嵌image rectification 图像校正image resolution 图像分辨率image tone adjust 图像灰度凋整immovable property 不可移动的产权impetus (n. ) 推动力,促进implication (n. ) 牵连,含意,暗示implicitly (adv. )含蓄地,暗中地impose a tax on sulphur emissions 征收硫的排放税improvements (人工)改良物in a lump sum 一次全部付清的款额in certain cases 在某种场合in conjunction with 与……协力in kind 以货代钱in line with 符合in nature 实际上,本质上in physical and/or economic terms 在自然或经济方面in place 在适当的位置in pursuit of a profitable return 追求利润的回报in similar fashion 以同样的方式inanimate (adj. ) 死气沉沉的没生命的,单调的income capitalisation approach 收益资本化法increasing financial and institutional pressure 渐增的经济和制度的压力incremental (adj. ) 增加的incur (vt. ) 遭遇incurred costs 引致成本individual consolidation initiatives 个别土地整理倡议indoor interpretation 室解译indoor transfer of aerial photo 航片室转绘inelastic (adj. ) 无弹性的inept (adj. ) 不适当的,无能的,不称职的inflict (v. ) 造成,施加,蒙受information banks 信息库informative (adj. )情报的,提供情报的,见闻广博的,提供信息的,提供消息的Initial land registration 初始土地登记insolvency ( n. )无力偿还,破产inspection and acceptance 检查验收instalment (n. ) 分期付款institution (n. )制度instructive ( adj. ) 有益的,教教教育性的instrumental ( adj. ) 有帮助的insulate (vt. ) 使绝缘,隔离insurable value 保险价值intangible (adj. ) 难以明了的,无形的Intellectual property 知识产权interchangeably (adv. )可交地,可交替地interdependence (n. ) 互相依赖interdisciplinary way 以学科交叉的方式interest-rate risk 利率风险interlace (vt. ) 使交织,使交错(vi. ) 交错,交织、交错,隔行扫描intermediate ( adj. ) 中间的,居中的(n )媒介,中间人,中间体,媒介物internal rate of return 部收益率International Institute for Aerospace Survey& earth Sciences (ITC) 国际空间测量和地球科学协会International Terrestrial Reference Frame(ITRF) 国际地球参照框架International Union of Soil Science 国际土壤联合会international valuation standards committee(IVSC) 国际评估标准委员会Internet applications 因特网应用Interoperability (n. )互用性,协同工作的能力intra-community 社区intrinsic (adj. ) (指价值、性质)间有的,在的,本质的intrinsic value 在价值invalidate (v ) 使无效inventory (n. ) 详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量investment value or worth 投资价值iron out 消除,解决(困难等)ironic (adj. ) 说反话的,讽刺的irregularly shaped 不规则形状的irrigated agriculture 灌溉农业irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施JJensen abnormal return 延森非正常收益jurisdiction (n. ) 权限,司法(权) jurisdiction (n. ) 权限KK 一L transform 离散( Karhunen-Loeve)变换LLambert Conformal Conic projection 兰勃特正形圆锥投影land accounting book 土地统计台账land acquisition 土地征购land administration 土地行政管理Land agriculturally unproductive 不适合农业用途的贫瘠亡地land bank 土地银行land banking 土地储备land ceiling acts 土地限制法案land certification 土地证书land consolidation 土地整理理land dealings 土地交易land development 土地开发land dispute 土地权属争议land evaluation土地评价land expropriation 土地征收(征用)land grading and land price 土地等级和土地价格Land hierarchy 士地层次Land Information System ( LIS) 土地信息系统land investigation 土地调查Land leveling 土地平整land management 土地技术管理Land Mapping Unit 土地制图单元Land Monitoring and Statistic Division 土地监测与统计处Land ownership survey 土地权属调查Land parcel宗地land performance土地性能land pooling/readjustment土地整理land record土地档案land registration agent 土地登记代理Land Registration Division土地登记处land registration 土地登记Land Related Information System ( LRIS)土地相关信息系统land reserves 土地储备land suitability 土地适宜性Land Survey Division 土地调查处Land Tenure Division 土地权属处land tenure 地权land titling/registration system 土地产权/登记系统land transaction safety 土地交易安全land transfers 土地转让land use types 土地利用类型Land Utilization survey 土地利用调查Land Utilization Type 土地利用类型landform (n. ) 地形landlord (n. ) 房东,地主landlord (n. ) 房东,地主,(旅旅馆等的)老板Landsat TM 美国地球资源探测卫星land-use planning 土地利用规划layout (n. ) 规划,设计,(书刊等)编排,版面,配线,企划,设计图案,(工厂等的)布局图;版面设计lease (n. ) 租赁权lease tie-ins 捆绑租约leasehold 租赁期legal assistance 合法援助legal responsibilities and obligations 法律责任和义务legend (n. ) 图例legislation (n. ) 立法,法律的制定(或通过)level off 平整,变平,稳定levy (v. ) 征收,征集levy betterment taxes 征收(不动产)增值税liability rules 义务条款life expectancy 平均寿命limits-to-growth增长的极限line (n. ) 一连串有关的人或事物liquidation or forced sale value 清算价值liquidity (n. ) 流动性living floor space 生活用房面积look ahead 计划未来low-cost, high-quality scanners 价廉质优的扫描仪low-income family 低收人家庭low-priced privatization of public housing公房低价私有化M macroeconomics 宏观经济学mainstream economics 主流经济学mainstream satellite RS data 主流的卫星遥感数据make concession 让步management action 管理行为mandate (n. ) 命令,要求mandatory (adj. ) 命令的,受委托的mangrove (n. ) 红树林manipulate (vt. ) (熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理Maple (n. ) 枫,枫木,淡棕色mar (v. ) 弄坏,毁坏,损害marginal (adj. ) 记在页边的,边缘的,边际的marginal product 边际产量market clears 市场出清market distortions 市场扭曲market value 市场价值marketable 可出售的market-oriented societies 市场经济社会market-to-book value ratio 市价对账面价值比marriage vale 联合价值measurement level量度水准median income 中等收人metaphor (n. ) 隐喻,暗喻,比喻,说法meteorology (n. ) 气象学methodology (n. ) 方法学,方法论Methods for Publicity and Consultation of Land Registration Information 土地登记信息公开查询方法metropolitan area 大都市micro-economic concept 微观经济概念micro-economics 微观经济学microeconomics 微观经济学military bases 军事基地mimic (adj. ) 模仿的,假装的;[生]拟态的(n. )模仿者,小丑,仿制品模仿,摹拟minimum legible delineation 最小上图面积misdirect (vt. ) 误导,写错地址mitigate (v. ) 减轻mitigation (n. ) 缓解,减轻,平静mixed purposes 多种目的mobility (n. ) 迁移率modeling functions 建模功能modified historical cost accounting 修订后的原始成本会计molecular [化]分子的,由分子组成的momentum (n. ) 动力,要素monitoring station 监测站monopolistic or oligopolistic competition 寡头垄断控制下的竞争mortgage (n. ) 抵押,抵押权,抵押契据(vt. )抵押,以……作担保,把……许给mortgage and lease 抵押和出租mortgage credit 抵押贷款mortgage debt outstanding (MDO) 购房抵押贷款余额mortgage finance 按揭贷款融资mortgage lending 按揭贷款mortgage loans 抵押贷款mortgage market 按揭市场mortgagor (n. ) (mortgager) 抵押人MSCL market index 摩根史丹利资本国际(MSCL)市场指数数multi-dimensional多尺度multiple-unit rental market 多户式住房租赁市场multiple-unit residential building 多户式住房建筑multiplicity (n. ) 多样性multiply (v. ) 乘,增加multi-spectral 多谱线的,多谱段的multi-spectral and panchromatic bands 多光谱和全色波段multi-temporal and spatiotemporal analysis多时相和时空分析multivariate [统][数]多变量的,多元的multivariate linear regression model多元线性回归模型NNationality Autonomous Region 民族自治地区natural breaks 自然分割(法) ,自然分界,自然截断natural resource and environmental economics 自然资源和环境经济学natural resource stocks 自然资源储量natural resources 自然资源navigational (adj. ) 航行的,航海的necessary condition 必要条件neighborhood communities 邻里社区NEPA ( National Environmental Policy Act) 国家环境政策法案net income 净收益Net Present Value (NPV) 净现值neutral (n. ) 中立者,中立国,非彩色。
土地资源管理专业英语术语总结(176个完美排序版)1 adjoining parcel 邻宗地2 adjudication of land tenure 地权确认3 adjudication investigation 土地产权调查4 administration of land transaction 地权流转管理5 administrative punishment for illegal act on land 土地行政处罚6 agency application of land registration 土地登记申请代理7 agricultural land reserves survey 宜农荒地调查8 alterant land registration 变更土地登记9 amalgamation of cadastral parcel 宗地合并10 annual land use plan 土地利用年度计划11 approval of land title 土地登记批准12 area measurement [土地]面积量算13 attribute database 属性数据库14 balance table of land allocation 土地利用平衡表15 base statistics of land 基层土地统计16 basic cadastral map 基本地籍图17 basic database 基础数据库18 boundary point 界址点19 boundary line 界址线20 building land regulations 建设用地管理21 cadastral archives management 地籍档案管理22 cadastral archives 地籍档案23 cadastral survey 地籍调查24 cadastral parcel 宗地25 cadastral survey 地籍测量26 cadastral control survey 地籍控制测量27 cadastral map 地籍图28 cadastral attributes 地籍要素29 cadastre administration 地籍管理30 catalogue for building land supply 建设供地目录31 certification of land rights 土地权属证明32 certification of land title 土地权属审核33 code standardization 编码标准化34 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 土地行政强制执行35 conduct by land administrative order 土地行政处理36 conversion of aerial photograph 航[空像]片转绘37 conversion cadastral survey 变更地籍调查38 coordinative method of cadastral survey 数值地籍测量39 co-ownership parcel 混合宗地40 criminal act 犯罪41 cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查42 data processing[of land] [土地]数据处理43 data standardization 数据标准化44 declaration of land adjudication 土地权属审核公告45 demarkation of cadastral parcel 指界46 detailed survey 详细调查47 detailed cadastral surveying 地籍细部测量48 direct interpretation 直接解译49 earth survey ;land survey 土地测量50 field investigation and plotting 外业调绘51 fiscal cadastre 税收地籍52 goal;objectives 规划目标53 graphic method of cadastral survey 图解地籍测量54 grid format spatial data 网格格式空间数据55 horizontal control of cadastral surveying 地籍平面控制测量56 horizontal control point 平面控制点57 illegal act against civil laws 土地违法行为58 illegal act against civil laws 民事违法行为59 implementation of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划实施60 indirect interpretation 间接解译61 indoor work 内业工作62 initial land registration 初始土地登记63 initial land statistics 初始土地统计64 initial cadastral survey 初始地籍调查65 integrated land use planning 土地利用总体规划66 integrated land survey 综合方法调查67 integrated land-use plan 土地利用总体规划方案68 judicial review of land administrative order 土地行政复议69 juridical cadastre 产权地籍70 land administration 土地管理71 land policy 土地政策72 land administration system 土地管理体制73 land tenure administration 土地权属管理74 land registration 土地登记75 land registration announcement 土地登记通告76 land registration petitioner 土地登记申请人77 land in open access 无主土地78 land registration application form 土地登记申请书79 land registering 登记注册80 land register 土地登记簿81 land title 土地证书82 land statistics 土地统计83 land account book 土地台帐84 land statistics book 土地统计簿85 land statistics analysis 土地统计分析86 land use administration 土地利用管理87 land use control 土地利用控制88 land use regulation 土地用途管制89 land use regulation system 土地用途管制制度90 land use planning 土地利用规划91 land development planning 土地开发规划92 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning 土地整理规划93 land reclamation planning 土地复垦规划94 land improvement planning 土地改良规划95 land survey 土地调查96 land resource survey 土地资源调查97 land monitoring 土地监测98 land components survey 土地[资源组成]要素调查99 land type survey 土地类型调查100 land cover survey 土地覆被调查101 land use survey 土地利用调查102 land inventory 土地普查103 land information 土地信息104 land information system 土地信息系统105 land information application model 土地信息应用模型106 land use problems 土地利用问题107 land use strategy 土地利用方针108 land use allocation 土地利用配置109 land use zoning 土地管制分区110 land use regionalization 土地利用分区111 land use plan 土地利用计划112 land market administration ;land market control 土地市场管理113 land valuer registration system 土地估价师制度114 land price proclamation system 地价公告制度115 land price declaration system 地价申报制度116 land price ceilings system 最低、最高限价制度117 land information management 土地信息管理118 land supervision 土地监察119 law enforcement on land 土地执法120 limits of authority for building land examination 建设用地审批权限121 litigation for land administrative order 土地行政诉讼122 location of cadastral parcel 宗地位置123 main report of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划文本124 master map of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划图125 medium-term land use plan 土地利用中期规划126 mode base of land information application 土地信息应用模型库127 mosaic parcel 插花地128 multipurpose cadastre 多用途地籍129 natural condition survey 土地条件调查130 negotiation of land-use options 土地利用规划协调131 network protocol 网络协议132 non-continuous parcel 飞地133 nullification of land registration 注销土地登记134 parcel map 宗地图135 permission system for building land 建设用地审批制度136 planned administration of land use 土地利用计划管理137 planning area 规划区138 planning period 规划期限139 preemptive right system 优先购买权制度140 pre-examination system for building land 建设用地预审制度141 proclamation of overall land use plan 土地利用总体规划公告142 public inquiring of land register 土地登记公开查询143 public participation 公众参与144 quota for building land supply 建设用地定额145 recertification of initial adjudication 土地复丈146 reconnaissance survey 勘察性调查147 recordation system for building land 建设用地备案制度148 rectification of initial registration 更正登记149 register by household 土地归户册150 registration sheet 土地登记卡151 registration of sheet by household 土地归户卡152 regular land statistics 经常土地统计153 relative location of adjoining parcels 四至154 renewal cadastral surveying 地籍补测155 renewal of basic cadastral map 基本地籍图更新156 sample area survey 样地调查157 science of land administration 土地管理学158 semi-detailed survey 概略调查159 separate parcel 破宗地160 site survey for land condemnation 土地征用定位测量161 spatial database 空间数据库162 special –purpose land use planning 土地利用专项规划163 specification of integrated land use plan 土地利用总体规划说明164 state statistics of land 国家土地统计165 subdivision of cadastral parcel 宗地分割166 supplementary control of cadastral survey 地籍图根控制测量167 supplementary boundary point 图根控制点168 targets 规划指标169 terms of reference 规划任务书170 thematic mapping 专题成图171 title number 宗地编号172 traverse survey 路线调查173 vector format spatial data 矢量格式空间数据174 vertical control of cadastral surveying 地籍高程控制测量175 working area 作业面积176 zoning regulations 土地用途管制规则(注:素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
agrarian structure 土地结构as long as 如果只要buffer zones 缓冲带comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理entry point 切入点fragmented holdings 破碎化的土地gender inclusion 性别包含individual consolidation initiative 个别土地整理倡议irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施land bank 土地银行land consolidation 土地整理land leveling 土地平整land reserves土地储备net income 净收益noble landlords 贵族地主participatory approaches 参与途径recreational sites娱乐用地rural development农村发展simplified consolidation 简化土地整理voluntary group consolidation 自愿组织的土地整理worse off 情况不佳allowable use 许可利用Bureau of Land Management (BLM)土地管理局decision Ares 决定区域desired outcome 预期成果exotic invasive species 有害入侵物种FLPMA联邦土地政策和管理法案management action 管理行为NEPA国家环境政策法planning area 规划区域provided that 倘若,假使split estate 可分割不动产temporal scales 时间尺度utility corridors 公共通道APR实际年利率Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率discount rate 还原利率,贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析economic analysis 经济分析financial analysis 财务分析gross margin 毛利率internal rate of return 内部收益率market-oriented concept 微观经济概念Net Present V alue(NPV)净现值nominal interest rates 名义利率per-accounting-period 每个会计年度physical constraints 自然限制性条件religious dietary prohibition 宗教中的饮食禁令return to labor 劳动力报酬return to land 土地报酬the ALES 自动土地评价系统the least common multiple 最小公倍数nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted to be only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effects of frag mentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。
A8 first class category 8 个一级类a "landlord' s market”土地所有者的市场a “soft”rental market “疲软的”出租市场a bundle of entitlements 一组权利束a debased currency 一种贬值的流通货币a last resort 最后手段(办法)a prima facie 证据确凿accessibility (n. ) 易接近,可到达的accountability ( n. ) 有责任,有义务,可说明性accrue (vi. ) 自然增加,产生acreage (n. ) 英亩数,面积adequacy (n. ) 适当,足够adjacent (adj. ) 邻近的,接近的adjudication ( n. ) 判决,(法院的)宣告,确认adjudication of land-rights 土地确权administrative boundaries 行政边界advisable ( adj. ) 可取的,明智的aerial photographs 航空照片aerial photographs 航片aesthetic (adj. ) 美学的,审美的,有审美感的affordability (n. ) 可支付性affordable housing 可支付住房aggravating ( adj. ) 使恶化的,加重的,恼人的aggregate (n. ) 合计,总计,集合体;(adj. )合计的,集合的,聚合的;(v. )聚集,集合,合aggressive pursuit 不顾一切地追求agrarian structure 土地所有制agricultural census data 农业普查数据air photographs 航片airphoto 摄影,航空摄影图片albeit (conj. )虽然Albers Equal Area Conic projection 亚尔勃斯正轴等积割圆锥投影align (vi. )排列,成一条线(vt. )使结盟,使成一行;对准,校直,调准,校正,调整以达到恰当的关系或方位all-equity bank 完全权益银行allocative efficiency 配置效率allowable Use 许可利用ambiguities (n. ) 含糊,不明确amenities ( n. ) 令人愉快之事物amenity values 娱乐价值amortized loans 分期偿还的贷款an effective demand for housing 住房的有效需求an offsite improvement 场地之外的改良物analogous (adj. ) 类似的,相似的,可比拟的analysis area 分析区域annexation (n. ) 合并apartments (n. ) 公寓appreciation (n. ) 涨价,增值appropriate (vt. ) 拨出(款项);占用,据为己有;盗用,挪用;充当,充用aquatic (adj. ) 水的,水上的,水生的,水栖的arbitrage (n. ) 仲裁,套汇,套利交易arbitrament ( n. ) 仲裁,裁裁判,裁决artery (n. ) 动脉,要道ascendancy (n. ) 优势,支配(或统治)地位assemblages (n. ) 与会者(集合称) ,集合,集会,装配asset structure 资产结构ASTER Terra 卫星上的一种高级光学传感器,包括了从可见光到热红外共14 个光谱通道,可以为多个相关的地球环境资源研究领域提供科学、实用的卫星数据asymmetry (n. ) 不对称:缺乏平衡或对称性at odds 不一致at short notice 在短时间,立刻atlas (n. ) 地图,地图集,地图册attorney (n. ) <美>律师,(业务或法律事务上的)代理人atypical (adj. )非典型的auspices (n. ) 由……主办及赞助authenticity (n. )确实性,真实性automate the classification 自动分类available ( adj. ) 可用到的,利用的,有用的,有空的,接受探访的average product of labor 劳动力的平均产量avow (v. ) 承认azimuthal (adj. )方位角的的azimuthal projection 方位投影Bbaby boom 婴儿潮back up 支持backlog ( n. ) 储备备backlogs of work 工作积压backstop (v. ) 止住balance资产负债表barren (adj. )不生育的,不孕的,贫瘠的(n. )荒地be comprised of 由……组成below-cost leases 低于成本的租约benchmark prices 基准价格benchmark 基准Benefit-to-Cost ratio 成本收益率betterment levy 地产增值税BHCS 金融控股公司bid-rent curves 竞租曲线biological (adj. ) 生物学的的birth peak 生育高峰bleak (adj. )寒冷的,阴冷的,荒凉的,凄凉的,黯淡的blunder (v. ) 跌跌撞撞地走. 做错(n. ) 大错,失误误boards (n. ) 理事会;董事会bona fide 很好的承诺,信用bond issues 发行债券boulevard (n. ) 林阴大道boundary of polygons 多边形边界boundary survey 边界调查(测量) boycott (v. )联合抵制,联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交bracken (n. ) 欧洲蕨breach (n. ) 违背,破坏,破裂,裂口(vt. ) 打破,突破brown fields 棕色地带(待重新开发的城市用地)buffer zones 缓冲带带build to suit 定制建造bundle of rights 权利束burdensome (adj. ) 繁重的,烦累的,难以承担的Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 土地管理局bushel (n. ) 蒲式耳(谷物计量单位) buttress (n. ) 扶墙;拱壁buyer's market 买方市场buys up 买光ccadastral administration 地籍管理cadastral like management 地籍档案管理cadastral inventory 地籍调查cadastral management 地籍管理cadastral maps 地籍图cadastral survey 地籍调查(测量) cadastral system 地籍系统cadastre (n. ) 地籍簿call for 需要;要求;值得canyon (n. ) 峡谷capital arbitrage 资本套利capital farm land 基本农田capital gains tax 资本收益. capitalization rates 资本化率capitalized estate values 资本化的房地产价值carrot (n. )萝卜cartel (n. ) 企业联合,卡特尔cartography (n. )绘图法,绘图,制图catalyst (n. ) 催化剂catalytic converters 接触型转换器CBD (Central Business District) 商务中心区cemetery (n. )墓地,公墓cesium (n. ) [化]铯change land registration 变更土地登记chartered bank 特许银行classical economics 古典经济学classification of land 土地分类clients (n. ) 顾客,客户,委托人climatological (adj. ) 气候的Coase theorem 科斯定律code of conduct 行为规coincide (vi. )一致,符合coincide with (vi. ) 与........一致致(相同,相符合)coincidental (adj. ) 一致的,符合,的,巧合的collateral (n. ) 抵押品,担保物collateral (n. ) 担保物collateral (adj. ) 间接;并行的,平行的;伴随的,附属的collectible (n. )收藏品collective ownership right 集体土地所有权collective-owned land usership right 集体土地使用权collide (vi. ) 抵触collusive (adj. ) 共谋的color infrared aerial remote sensing technology 彩红外航空遥感技术command (n. ) 令,掌握,司令部;(v. )命令,指挥,克制,支配commensurate ( adj. ) 相称的,相当的commercial office buildings 商业写字楼commodification of housing 住房商品化common pool resources 共享资源commonplace ( n. ) 平凡的事,平常话;(adj. ) 平凡的common-property regimes 共有产权制度comparative advantage 比较优势compatible (adj. )谐调的,一教的,兼容的compelling ( adj. ) 强制的,强迫的,引入注目的compendium (n. ) 纲要,概略complexes (adj. ) 多功能复合住房建筑composition ( n. ) (地图)编绘comprehensive land consolidation 综合土地整理compulsory (adj. ) 义务的,强制的concession (n. )让步condominium (n. ) 共管,共同统治权condos (n. ) 分户出售公寓大厦conformal ( adj. ) (地图投影中)正形投影的,等角的conformal projection 等角投影,正形投影connotation (n. ) 含蓄,蓄的东西(词、语等入涵consensus (n. ) 意见一致consigner (n. ) 委托人,交付人consistency ( n. ) 一致性,连贯性constellation [天]星群,星座,灿烂的一群constitutional ( adj. ) 构成的,宪法的consumer surplus 消费者剩余contemplate ( v. ) 凝视,沉思,预期,企图contingent ( n. ) 偶然的事情,分道队,代表团contradictory ( adj. ) 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的(n. )矛盾因素,对立物contravention ( n. ) 违反违背,矛盾control point 控制点controls urveying 控制测量convene (n. ) 会议召集人conveyance (n. ) 财产让与conveyancer (n. ) 运输者,传达者,办理不动产等让与事务者coordination (n. ) 协调copper (n. ) 铜,警察coppice (n. ) 矮林;灌木林corporate real estate (CRE) 非房地产公司持有的不动产corporate restructuring 公司重组cost approach 成本法cost of equity 股权成本counterparts (n. ) 非常相似的人(或物),配对物covenant (n. ) 契约,盟约credit risk 信贷风险cross-reference ( n. ) 相互(交叉)对照cross-sectional model横截面模型culpable (adj. )该宙备的,有罪的,不同到的cultivated land reserves survey 耕地后备资源调查cumbersome (adj. ) 麻烦的cumulative (adj. 顺积的currency (n. )时效性cushion (n. ) 缓冲customary tenure 习惯保有cyclical volatility 周期波动性cyclicality 周期性cylindrical (adj. ) 圆柱形的,圆柱体的cypress (n. ) [植]柏科树的,柏木厉植物D'data hungry' techniques 数据高需求型技术.data processing 数据处理:数据加工de facto (adj. ) 事实的,实际的de jure (adj. ) (拉)理上的,权利上的dearth缺乏debt ratio 负债率decision area 决定区域deductibility (n )可推断性deed (n. ) 行为,契约deface (Vt. ) 损伤外观, 丑化,失面子deity (n. ) 神, 神性delineates (v. ) 描绘demographic (adj. ) 大门统计学的demographic echo 人口回声效应depreciable (adj. ) 可贬值的depreciation (n. ) 贬值,减价, 跌落,折旧. 轻视depreciation deductions折旧扣除额derelict land 废弃土地derived (type of) demand 引致需求derived from 来自,源自designate (vt. ) 指明,指出任命,指派(v. )指定,指派desired outcome 预期成果deterioration (n. ) 变坏,退化,堕落determination ( n. ) 决心,果断detrimental (adj. ) 有害的deviation (n: )背离diagrammatic (adj. ) 图表的,概略的dictum (n. ) 格言,(法津)法官的附带意见,声明differential ( adj. )微分的;(n. ) 微分digital differential rectification 数字差分校正dimension ( n. ) 尺寸,尺度,维(数),度(数) ,元diminishing marginal productivity 递减的边际生产率diminishing returns 回报,递减dire (adj. ) 可怕的disadvantaged group 弱势群体discard (vt. ) 丢弃, 抛郊discern) (v. ) 辨别,看清楚discount rate 还原利率、贴现利率discounted cash flow analysis 贴现现金流分析discrepancy (n. ) 相差,差异,矛盾discretion (n. ) 判断力disease-resistant 抗病disequilibrium (n. )不均衡,不安定Disincentive (n. ) 障碍Dissertation (n. ) (学位)论文,专题,论述,学术演讲Distort (vt. ) 扭曲,歪曲(真理、事实等)误报,使变形diversification benefit 多样化收益dividend-paying common stock 支付股息的普通股票divisibility 可分性doomsday (n. ) 世界末日double duty 双重用途doubling up 同住一屋dryland agriculture 旱地农业dwelling stock 住房存量dynamic ( adj. ) 动力的,动力学的,动态的dynamic monitoring 动态监测dynasty (n. ) 皇室,朝代Eearth's ecosystems 地球生态系统easement (n. ) 缓和,减轻,(律)在他人土地上的通行权(或类似的权力) ,(法)地役权ecological economics 生态经济学economic analysis 经济分析economic depression 经济萧条economic effective demand 经济有效需求economic premise 经济前提economic supply of land 土地的经济供给economic surplus 经济剩余economically sound 在经济上可靠efficacy (n. ) 功效,效验efficiency (n. ) 效率1 效能,实力,生产能力;功率;产最;有效作用Elaborate ( adj. ) 精心制作的,详细阐述的,精细(vt. )精心制作,详细阐述elastic (adj. )弹性的Elm (n. )榆树embodiment ( n. ) 体现,具体化,化身empirical (adj. ) 完全根据经验的,经验主义的,【化】实验式encumbrance (n. ) 阻碍,累赘,妨害物endorse (v. ) 背面签名,签注endowment funds 捐赠基金endue (vt. ) 穿上,授予,赋予energy efficiency 能源效率enforceability (n. ) 可强迫实施性entity (n. ) 实体:统一体;存在(物) ;(有别于属性等的)本质;组织,机构,团体entrenchment hypothesis 防御假说entrust with 委托entry point 切入点enumeration (n. ) 列举environmental degradation 环境退化environmental economics 环境经济学equal area azimuthal projection 等积方位投影equal area projection 等( 面) 积投影equidistant (adj. ) 等距的equidistant azitnuthal projection 等距方位投影equidistant projection 等距投影equitable (adj. ) 公平的,公正的Equivalent projection等积投影Era ( n. ) 时代,纪元,时期,【地】代espouse (vt. ) 支持,赞成ethical criterion 伦理道德标准ethical principles 伦理法则evacuation ( n. ) 疏散,撤退,走开eviction (n. ) 逐出ex Post 依据过去经济发展情形分析的exacerbate (vt . ) 使加剧exclusive sales covenants 排他性的销售租约exclusivity (n) 排他性exhaustive ( adj. ) 无遗漏的,彻底的,详尽的,无遗的existing home 存量住房expected benefits 预期收益expedient (adj. ) 有利的(n . )权宜之计expendable (n. ) 消耗品,牺牲的expertise (n. )专家的意见,专门技术exploitation tactics 开发策略exploration ( n. ) 探险,踏勘,探测external clues 外部线索external diseconomy 外部不经济external economy 外部经济extractive ( adj. ) 可提出的;可抽出的;消耗资源的Extraordinary (adj. )非常的,特别的,非凡的,特派的Ffacet (n. ) (多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小平面,方面,琢面;(Vi. )在··上刻画facilitate (vt. ) 促进fair market value 公平市场价值farmland preservation 农田保护fashion conscious 追求时尚fertility rate 人口出生率fetch (vt. )接来,取来,带来,售得,引出(vi. )取物,绕道而行(n. ) 取得,拿,诡计fieldwork (n. ) 野外工作,实地调查,现场工作financial analysis 财务分析financial leverage 财务杠杆Fir (n. )冷杉,枞树,杉木fiscal (adj. ) 财政的fiscal and monetary policy 财政金融政策fixed and current assets 固定和流动资产fixed-rate mortgages 固定利率按揭贷款fixture (n. ) 固定物flexibility and simplicity 简单灵活floating-rate loan 浮动利率贷款floor area ratios (FAR) 容积率floor space 房屋面积,建坪flow (n. ) 流程,流动,(河水)泛滥,洋溢(vi. )流动,涌流(vt. ) 溢过,淹没forced sale 强行拍卖foreclosure (n. ) 丧失抵押品赎回权,排斥foregoing (adj. ) 在前的,前述的foreshadow (v. ) 预示formulate (vt. ) 用公式表示明确地表达,作简洁述(v. )阐明forthcoming (adj. ) 即将来临的fraction (n. ) 小部分,微量,片断,分数fragile (adj. ) 易碎的,脆的的fragment (v. ) 分裂fragmented holdings 破碎化的士地fragmented landownership 不完整的土地产权Framework for Land Evaluation 土地评价大纲Freehold ( n. ) 自由保存,不动产Freehold /leasehold 永久业权/租用业权Fringe (n. ) 边缘frontage (n. )房子的正面,前方,临街fundamental (adj. ) 基础的,基本的;(n. )基本原则,基本原理funneled (adj. ) 漏斗状的Ggearing ratios 资本充足率gender inclusion 性别包含general plans 总体规划generalize (vt. )归纳,概括, 推广,普及(vi. ) 由归纳法得出一结论,形成一般的概念或结论generally accepted valuation principles 普适评估准则Genesis (n. ) 起源geodetic (adj. ) 测地学的,测量的geographic (adj. ) 地理学的,地理的geographic dimension 地理的尺寸; 维数geographic information system 地理信息系统geographical features 地理特征geologist (n. )地质学者geometric polynomial rectification 几何多项式校正geomorphology 地形学geopedological地质土壤的geostatistical methods 土地统汁方法geosynchronous (adj. ) 与地球的相对位置不变的,相对地球是静止的globe position system 全球定位系统going concern value 持续经营价值government insured loan 由政府担保的贷款graduated symbol渐变符号grazing land 牧草地greenhouse effect 温室效应gross margin 毛利润ground resolution 地面分辨率groundwater ( n. ) 地下水guarantee law 担保法guarantor (n. ) 【律】保证人Guided land development (GLD) 定向土地开发Hharshness (n. ) 粗糙的事物hay-making 割草heterogeneous (adj. )不同种类的,异类的hierarchy (n. ) 层次;划分,区分,分等级highest and best use 最高最佳用途Highlight (vt. ) 加亮,使显著,以强光照射,突出HIS transform HIS变换Historic site 历史遗迹holding (n. ) 所有物,财产home ownership 住房所有权homeownership rate 住房自有率homestead (n ) 家园,田产homogeneous (adj. )同类的,相似的,均一的,均匀的Horizontal (adj. ) 地平线的,水平的house purchasers 房屋购买者housing allowance 住房补贴housing construction bonds 住房债券housing expenditure 住房支出housing finance 住房金融housing land registration 住宅土地登记housing policy 住房政策housing provident funds ( HPFs) 住房公积金housing voucher 住房资助券human resources 人力资源human-made capital人造资本hydrology ( n. ) 水文学Iidentical ( adj. ) 同一的,梓的ideological principle 意识形态原则idiosyncratic (adj. ) 特殊物质的,特殊的,异质的illegal expropriation of the land 土地的不合法征用illustrate (vt. )举例说明,图解加插图于,阐明;(vi. )举例image merging 图像融合image mosaic 图像镶嵌image rectification 图像校正image resolution 图像分辨率image tone adjust 图像灰度凋整immovable property 不可移动的产权impetus (n. ) 推动力,促进implication (n. ) 牵连,含意,暗示implicitly (adv. )含蓄地,暗中地impose a tax on sulphur emissions征收硫的排放税improvements (人工)改良物in a lump sum 一次全部付清的款额in certain cases 在某种场合in conjunction with 与……协力in kind 以货代钱in line with 符合in nature 实际上,本质上in physical and/or economic terms 在自然或经济方面in place 在适当的位置in pursuit of a profitable return 追求利润的回报in similar fashion 以同样的方式inanimate (adj. ) 死气沉沉的没生命的,单调的income capitalisation approach 收益资本化法increasing financial and institutional pressure 渐增的经济和制度的压力incremental (adj. ) 增加的incur (vt. ) 遭遇incurred costs 引致成本individual consolidation initiatives 个别土地整理倡议indoor interpretation 室解译indoor transfer of aerial photo 航片室转绘inelastic (adj. ) 无弹性的inept (adj. ) 不适当的,无能的,不称职的inflict (v. ) 造成,施加,蒙受information banks 信息库informative (adj. )情报的,提供情报的,见闻广博的,提供信息的,提供消息的Initial land registration 初始土地登记insolvency ( n. )无力偿还,破产inspection and acceptance 检查验收instalment (n. ) 分期付款institution (n. )制度instructive ( adj. ) 有益的,教教教育性的instrumental ( adj. ) 有帮助的insulate (vt. ) 使绝缘,隔离insurable value 保险价值intangible (adj. ) 难以明了的,无形的Intellectual property 知识产权interchangeably (adv. )可交地,可交替地interdependence (n. ) 互相依赖interdisciplinary way 以学科交叉的方式interest-rate risk 利率风险interlace (vt. ) 使交织,使交错(vi. ) 交错,交织、交错,隔行扫描intermediate ( adj. ) 中间的,居中的(n )媒介,中间人,中间体,媒介物internal rate of return 部收益率International Institute for Aerospace Survey& earth Sciences (ITC) 国际空间测量和地球科学协会International Terrestrial Reference Frame(ITRF) 国际地球参照框架International Union of Soil Science 国际土壤联合会international valuation standards committee(IVSC) 国际评估标准委员会Internet applications 因特网应用Interoperability (n. )互用性,协同工作的能力intra-community 社区intrinsic (adj. ) (指价值、性质)间有的,在的,本质的intrinsic value 在价值invalidate (v ) 使无效inventory (n. ) 详细目录,存货,财产清册,总量investment value or worth 投资价值iron out 消除,解决(困难等)ironic (adj. ) 说反话的,讽刺的irregularly shaped 不规则形状的irrigated agriculture 灌溉农业irrigation and drainage infrastructure 灌排设施JJensen abnormal return 延森非正常收益jurisdiction (n. ) 权限,司法(权) jurisdiction (n. ) 权限K K 一L transform 离散( Karhunen-Loeve)变换LLambert Conformal Conic projection 兰勃特正形圆锥投影land accounting book 土地统计台账land acquisition 土地征购land administration 土地行政管理Land agriculturally unproductive 不适合农业用途的贫瘠亡地land bank 土地银行land banking 土地储备land ceiling acts 土地限制法案land certification 土地证书land consolidation 土地整理理land dealings 土地交易land development 土地开发land dispute 土地权属争议land evaluation土地评价land expropriation 土地征收(征用) land grading and land price 土地等级和土地价格Land hierarchy 士地层次Land Information System ( LIS) 土地信息系统land investigation 土地调查Land leveling 土地平整land management 土地技术管理Land Mapping Unit 土地制图单元Land Monitoring and Statistic Division 土地监测与统计处Land ownership survey 土地权属调查Land parcel宗地land performance土地性能land pooling/readjustment土地整理land record土地档案land registration agent 土地登记代理Land Registration Division土地登记处land registration 土地登记Land Related Information System ( LRIS)土地相关信息系统land reserves 土地储备land suitability 土地适宜性Land Survey Division 土地调查处Land Tenure Division 土地权属处land tenure 地权land titling/registration system 土地产权/登记系统land transaction safety 土地交易安全land transfers 土地转让land use types 土地利用类型Land Utilization survey 土地利用调查Land Utilization Type 土地利用类型landform (n. ) 地形landlord (n. ) 房东,地主landlord (n. ) 房东,地主,(旅旅馆等的)老板Landsat TM 美国地球资源探测卫星land-use planning 土地利用规划layout (n. ) 规划,设计,(书刊等)编排,版面,配线,企划,设计图案,(工厂等的)布局图;版面设计lease (n. ) 租赁权lease tie-ins 捆绑租约leasehold 租赁期legal assistance 合法援助legal responsibilities and obligations 法律责任和义务legend (n. ) 图例legislation (n. ) 立法,法律的制定(或通过) level off 平整,变平,稳定levy (v. ) 征收,征集levy betterment taxes 征收(不动产)增值税liability rules 义务条款life expectancy 平均寿命limits-to-growth增长的极限line (n. ) 一连串有关的人或事物liquidation or forced sale value 清算价值liquidity (n. ) 流动性living floor space 生活用房面积look ahead 计划未来low-cost, high-quality scanners 价廉质优的扫描仪low-income family 低收人家庭low-priced privatization of public housing公房低价私有化M macroeconomics 宏观经济学mainstream economics 主流经济学mainstream satellite RS data 主流的卫星遥感数据make concession 让步management action 管理行为mandate (n. ) 命令,要求mandatory (adj. ) 命令的,受委托的mangrove (n. ) 红树林manipulate (vt. ) (熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理Maple (n. ) 枫,枫木,淡棕色mar (v. ) 弄坏,毁坏,损害marginal (adj. ) 记在页边的,边缘的,边际的marginal product 边际产量market clears 市场出清market distortions 市场扭曲market value 市场价值marketable 可出售的market-oriented societies 市场经济社会market-to-book value ratio 市价对账面价值比marriage vale 联合价值measurement level量度水准median income 中等收人metaphor (n. ) 隐喻,暗喻,比喻,说法meteorology (n. ) 气象学methodology (n. ) 方法学,方法论Methods for Publicity and Consultation of Land Registration Information 土地登记信息公开查询方法metropolitan area 大都市micro-economic concept 微观经济概念micro-economics 微观经济学microeconomics 微观经济学military bases 军事基地mimic (adj. ) 模仿的,假装的;[生]拟态的(n. )模仿者,小丑,仿制品模仿,摹拟minimum legible delineation 最小上图面积misdirect (vt. ) 误导,写错地址mitigate (v. ) 减轻mitigation (n. ) 缓解,减轻,平静mixed purposes 多种目的mobility (n. ) 迁移率modeling functions 建模功能modified historical cost accounting 修订后的原始成本会计molecular [化]分子的,由分子组成的momentum (n. ) 动力,要素monitoring station 监测站monopolistic or oligopolistic competition 寡头垄断控制下的竞争mortgage (n. ) 抵押,抵押权,抵押契据(vt. )抵押,以……作担保,把……许给mortgage and lease 抵押和出租mortgage credit 抵押贷款mortgage debt outstanding (MDO) 购房抵押贷款余额mortgage finance 按揭贷款融资mortgage lending 按揭贷款mortgage loans 抵押贷款mortgage market 按揭市场mortgagor (n. ) (mortgager) 抵押人MSCL market index 摩根史丹利资本国际(MSCL)市场指数数multi-dimensional多尺度multiple-unit rental market 多户式住房租赁市场multiple-unit residential building 多户式住房建筑multiplicity (n. ) 多样性multiply (v. ) 乘,增加multi-spectral 多谱线的,多谱段的multi-spectral and panchromatic bands 多光谱和全色波段multi-temporal and spatiotemporal analysis多时相和时空分析multivariate [统][数]多变量的,多元的multivariate linear regression model多元线性回归模型NNationality Autonomous Region 民族自治地区natural breaks 自然分割(法) ,自然分界,自然截断natural resource and environmental economics 自然资源和环境经济学natural resource stocks 自然资源储量natural resources 自然资源navigational (adj. ) 航行的,航海的necessary condition 必要条件neighborhood communities 邻里社区NEPA ( National Environmental Policy Act) 国家环境政策法案net income 净收益Net Present Value (NPV) 净现值neutral (n. ) 中立者,中立国,非彩色。
专业英语单词复习专有名词:Integrated land- use planning土地利用总体规划Special-purpose land-use planning 土地利用专项规划Proclamation of overall land-use plan土地利用总体规划报告Explanatory memorandum of integrated land-use plan土地利用总体规划说明Land conservation土地保护Remunerativegrant of land use-right土地出让Overall registration土地初始登记Land banking/ land reserves土地储备Land rating 土地分等定级Land reclamation/ land rehabilitation土地复垦Land supervision 土地监察Current land use survey/survey of land use situation土地利用现状调查surveyof landutiliation variations 土地利用变更调查Integrated land use planning土地利用总体规划outline1. Geography 地理2. Physical geography 自然地理3. Human geography 人文地理4. Longitude 经度5. Latitude 纬度6. Spatial 空间7. Cartography[kɑ:ˈtɒgrəfi] 制图学8. landscape 景观9. Ecosystem[ˈi:kəʊsɪstəm] 生态系统10. Natural resources 自然资源L1 land use in China1. cultivable land / arable land 耕地2. The Ministry of Land and Resources of China 国土资源部3. cadastral management地籍管理4. cadastral survey地籍调查5. land statistics 土地数据6.dynamic monitoring动态监测7. land evaluation 土地评价8. geological disasters地质灾害9. hydro-geological水文地质10. annual land plan 年度土地计划11. comprehensive plan of land utiliation / comprehensiveplanoflandutiliation土地总体利用规划12. land use verification and approval土地利用审批L2 land use in UK1. land use and land cover 土地利用和土地覆被2. land classification 土地分类3. hectares 公顷4. Green Belts 城市绿化带;5. National Nature Reserves 国家自然保护区6. rainfall 降雨量7.sunshine 阳光灿烂8.geology 地质学9. aspect 方面10.gradient[ˈgreɪdiənt] 坡度11.topography[təˈpɒgrəfi] 地貌12. tenancy租用tendency趋势L3 questionnaire design1. questionnaire 问卷2. survey 调查3. respondent回答者;4. quantitative 定量的5.behaviours 行为6.qualitative 定性的7. attitude 态度8. interview 采访9. perception[pəˈsepʃn] 知觉10. open-ended没有固定限度的11. bias 偏见12. fixed-response 固定回答L4 how to write an abstract1. Abstract 简介2 Accurate 精确的3. Quotation 指标4. Vague statement含糊其词5. Concise 精确的6. Conference 会议7. Consistent 一致8. Summary 总结9. Category 分类10 Descriptive描写的L5 how to read a scientific paper1. literature 文学2. hypothesis[haɪˈpɒθəsɪs]假设3. Dissertation 论文4.Acknowledgement 承认5. Methodological[ˌmeθədə'lɒdʒɪkl] 研究方法6. relevance 相关性7. interpretation理解8.authority 学术权威9. Reference 参考10. accuracy 精确。
土地资源管理专业英语 全
第一篇nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted tobe only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effectsof fragmentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。
2.In reality land consolidation has been associated with broader social and economic reforms from the time of its earliest applications in western Europe.现实中土地整理已与更广泛的社会和经济改革想结合,最初应用在西欧。
nd consolidation has always been regarded as an instrument or entry point for rural development. 土地整理一直被视为一种工具或切入点,在农村发展问题上。
4.Early concepts of rural development were virtually the same as agricultural development because of the predominant role of agriculture in rural areas at the time.早期概念的农村发展几乎一样的农业发展,因为农业主导作用在农村地区的时间。
5.Improving the agrarian structure was viewed as beingidentical to maintaining the social viability in rural areas; what was good for the farmers was good for areas.改善农业用地结构被认为与维持乡村地区的社会生存发展能力具有相同的含义,对农民有益的事物也对乡村地区的发展有益。
土地资源管理专业英语术语Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】土地资源管理(专业英语)术语1.土地管理 land administration2.土地政策 land policy3.土地管理体制 land administration system4.土地管理学 science of land administration5.土地权属管理 land tenure administration6.地权确认 adjudication of land tenure7.土地权属证明 certification of land rights8.土地权属审核 certification of land title9.土地权属审核公告 declaration of land adjudication10.地权流转管理 administration of land transaction11.税收地籍 fiscal cadastre12.产权地籍 juridical cadastre13.多用途地籍 multipurpose cadastre14.地籍管理 cadastre administration15.土地登记 land registration16.初始土地登记 initial land registration17.变更土地登记 alterant land registration18.注销土地登记 nullification of land registration19.更正登记 rectification of initial registration20.土地登记通告 land registration announcement21.土地登记申请人 land registration petitioner22.无主土地 land in open access23.土地登记申请书 land registration application form24.土地登记申请代理 agency application of land registration25.土地登记批准 approval of land title26.登记注册 land registering27.土地登记卡 registration sheet28.土地登记簿 land register29.土地归户卡 registration of sheet by household30.土地归户册 register by household31.土地证书 land title32.土地登记公开查询 public inquiring of land register33.土地统计 land statistics34.基层土地统计 base statistics of land35.国家土地统计 state statistics of land36.初始土地统计 initial land statistics37.经常土地统计 regular land statistics38.土地台帐 land account book39.土地统计簿 land statistics book40.土地统计分析 land statistics analysis41.地籍档案管理 cadastral archives management42.地籍档案 cadastral archives43.土地利用管理 land use administration44.土地利用控制 land use control45.土地利用计划管理 planned administration of land use46.土地用途管制 land use regulation47.土地用途管制制度 land use regulation system48.土地利用规划 land use planning49.土地利用总体规划 integrated land use planning50.土地利用专项规划 special –purpose land use planning51.土地开发规划 land development planning52.土地整理规划 land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning53.土地复垦规划 land reclamation planning54.土地改良规划 land improvement planning55.土地调查 land survey56.土地测量 earth survey ;land survey57.土地资源调查 land resource survey58.地籍调查 cadastral survey59.土地监测 land monitoring60.土地[资源组成]要素调查 land components survey61.土地条件调查 natural condition survey62.土地类型调查 land type survey63.土地覆被调查 land cover survey64.土地利用调查 land use survey65.宜农荒地调查 agricultural land reserves survey66.耕地后备资源调查 cultivated land reserves survey67.土地普查 land inventory68.路线调查 traverse survey69.样地调查 sample area survey70.综合方法调查 integrated land survey71.勘察性调查 reconnaissance survey72.概略调查 semi-detailed survey73.详细调查 detailed survey74.外业调绘 field investigation and plotting75.作业面积 working area76.直接解译 direct interpretation77.间接解译 indirect interpretation78.内业工作 indoor work79.航[空像]片转绘 conversion of aerial photograph80.专题成图 thematic mapping81.[土地]面积量算 area measurement82.初始地籍调查 initial cadastral survey83.变更地籍调查 conversion cadastral survey84.土地产权调查 adjudication investigation85.宗地 cadastral parcel权属界址线所封闭86.混合宗地 co-ownership parcel87.破宗地 separate parcel图斑单一地类地块或有行政界线权属界址线火线撞地类地物分割的单一. 制图最小单元分子表示图斑分母地类.容积率总建筑面积比土地面积..88.邻宗地 adjoining parcel89.飞地 non-continuous parcel独立于其行政区域外90.插花地 mosaic parcel没有明确归属91.宗地合并 amalgamation of cadastral parcel92.宗地分割 subdivision of cadastral parcel93.宗地编号 title number94.宗地位置 location of cadastral parcel95.界址点 boundary point宗地权属界址线的转折点96.界址线 boundary line宗地四周的权属界线97.四至 relative location of adjoining parcels每宗地四邻的名称98.指界 demarkation of cadastral parcel通过相邻双方权利人和地籍调查员对权属界址状况进行实地调查,并予以确认的过程99.地籍测量 cadastral survey100.图解地籍测量 graphic method of cadastral survey101.数值地籍测量 coordinative method of cadastral survey102.地籍控制测量 cadastral control survey103.地籍平面控制测量 horizontal control of cadastral surveying104.地籍高程控制测量 vertical control of cadastral surveying105.地籍细部测量 detailed cadastral surveying106.地籍图根控制测量 supplementary control of cadastral survey107.平面控制点 horizontal control point具有平面坐标值的控制点控制点以一定精度测定其位置的固定点108.图根控制点 supplementary boundary point109.地籍补测 renewal cadastral surveying 修测补测全测110.土地复丈 recertification of initial adjudication111.土地征用定位测量 site survey for land condemnation112.地籍图 cadastral map113.地籍要素 cadastral attributes114.基本地籍图 basic cadastral map115.基本地籍图更新 renewal of basic cadastral map116.宗地图 parcel map117.土地信息 land information118.土地信息系统 land information system119.基础数据库 basic database120.空间数据库 spatial database121.矢量格式空间数据 vector format spatial data122.网格格式空间数据 grid format spatial data123.属性数据库 attribute database124.[土地]数据处理 data processing[of land]125.土地信息应用模型 land information application model126.土地信息应用模型库 mode base of land information application127.规划目标 goal;objectives128.规划指标 targets129.规划区 planning area130.规划期限 planning period131.规划任务书 terms of reference132.土地利用问题 land use problems133.土地利用方针 land use strategy134.土地利用配置 land use allocation135.土地利用规划协调 negotiation of land-use options136.土地利用总体规划方案 integrated land-use plan137.土地利用总体规划公告 proclamation of overall land use plan 138.土地利用总体规划实施 implementation of integrated land use plan 139.公众参与 public participation140.土地利用平衡表 balance table of land allocation141.土地利用总体规划图 master map of integrated land use plan 142.土地利用总体规划文本 main report of integrated land use plan 143.土地利用总体规划说明 specification of integrated land use plan 144.土地管制分区 land use zoning145.土地利用分区 land use regionalization146.土地用途管制规则 zoning regulations147.土地利用计划 land use plan148.土地利用年度计划 annual land use plan149.土地利用中期规划 medium-term land use plan150.建设用地管理 building land regulations151.建设用地预审制度 pre-examination system for building land 152.建设用地审批制度 permission system for building land153.建设用地备案制度 recordation system for building land154.建设用地审批权限 limits of authority for building land examination 155.建设供地目录 catalogue for building land supply156.建设用地定额 quota for building land supply157.土地市场管理 land market administration ;land market control 158.土地估价师制度 land valuer registration system159.地价公告制度 land price proclamation system160.地价申报制度 land price declaration system161.最低、最高限价制度 land price ceilings system162.优先购买权制度 preemptive right system163.土地信息管理 land information management164.数据标准化 data standardization165.编码标准化 code standardization166.网络协议 network protocol167.土地执法 law enforcement on land168.土地监察 land supervision169.土地违法行为 illegal act against civil laws170.民事违法行为 illegal act against civil laws171.犯罪 criminal act172.土地行政处理 conduct by land administrative order173.土地行政处罚 administrative punishment for illegal act on land174.土地行政强制执行 compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 175.土地行政诉讼 litigation for land administrative order176.土地行政复议 judicial review of land administrative order。
LandLand is a delineable [diˈlinieit] area of the earth's terrestrial [tiˈrestriəl] surface, encompassing all attributes of the biosphere immediately above or below this surface including those of the near-surface climate the soil and terrain forms, the surface hydrology (including shallow lakes, rivers, marshes, and swamps[swɔmp]), the near-surface sedimentary /ˌsedɪˈmentəri/(沉淀性的) layers and associated groundwater reserve, the plant and animal populations, the human settlement pattern and physical results of past and present human activity (terracing, water storage or drainage structures, roads, buildings, etc.[etˈsetərə](=et cetera)). (UN, 1994)Land useLand use is the human modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as fields, pastures, and settlements. The major effect of land use on land cover since 1750 has been deforestation of temperate regions. More recent significant effects of land use include urban sprawl, soil erosion, soil degradation, salinization[səlini'zeiʃən], and desertification. Land-use change, together with use of fossil fuels, are the major anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide, a dominant greenhouse gas. It has also been defined as "the total of arrangements, activities, and inputs that people undertake in a certain land cover type".From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLand coverLand cover corresponds to a (bio) physical description of the earth's surface. It is that which overlays or currently covers the ground. This description enables various biophysical categories to be distinguished - basically, areas of vegetation (trees, bushes, fields and lawn), bare soil, hard surfaces (rocks, buildings) and wet areas and bodies of water (watercourses水流(河床), wetlands). There are two primary methods for capturing information on land cover: field survey and thorough analysis of remotely sensed imagery. The nature of land cover is discussed in Comber et al. (2005).A Comber, P Fisher, R Wadsworth. What is land cover? Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2005DifferenceLand use corresponds to the socio-economic description (functional dimension) of areas: areas used for residential, industrial or commercial purposes, for farming or forestry, for recreational or conservation purposes, etc. Links with land cover are possible; it may be possibleto infer land use from land cover and conversely. But situations are often complicated and the link is not so evident. Contrary to land cover, land use is difficult to 'observe'. For example, it is often difficult to decide if grasslands are used or not for agricultural purposes. Distinctions between land use and land cover and their definition have impacts on the development of classification systems, data collection and information systems in general. (UNEP)Land cover is distinct from land use despite the two terms often being used interchangeably. Land use is a description of how people utilize the land and socio-economic activity - urban and agricultural land uses are two of the most commonly recognised high-level classes of use. At any one point or place, there may be multiple and alternate land uses, the specification of which may have a political dimension.Land managementLand management can be defined as the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.Land administrationThe concepts of land administration are the reflection of views on land properties. In China, scholars hold ideas that land administration is the process of organization, coordination, supervision and management on land resources, land use, land property rights and land profit with political instruments for sake of whole society.Other studies on land administration, cadastral [kə'dæstrəl]titles and land market, urban land administration, and land sustainable conservation, altogether make these factors-land resources management, land assets supervision and land political governance for sustainability constitute foundation of land administration.DifferenceThere are many factors according to which administration can be distinguished from management. From the nature of work, administration is concerned about the determination of objectives and major policies of an organization; management puts into action the policies and plans laid down by the administration. From the nature of status, administration consists of owners who invest capital in and receive profits from an enterprise; management is a group of managerial personnelwho use their specialized knowledge to fulfill the objectives of an enterprise. From Main functions, administration involves in planning and organizing functions; management involves in motivating and controlling functions.Land use planningLand use planning is the term used for a branch of public policy which encompasses [inˈkʌmpəs] various disciplines which seek to order and regulate the use of land in an efficient and ethical /ˈeθɪkəl/way. Despite confusing nomenclature nəuˈmenklətʃə,术语,命名系统, the essential function of land use planning remains the same whatever term is applied. The Canadian Institute of Planners offers a definition that: "Land use planning means the scientific, aesthetic [i:sˈθetik], and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic and social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThere is bound to be conflict over land use. The demands for arable land, grazing, forestry, wildlife, tourism and urban development are greater than the land resources available. In the developing countries, these demands become more pressing every year. The population dependent on the land for food, fuel and employment will double within the next 25 to 50 years. Even where land is still plentiful, many people may have inadequate access to land or to the benefits from its use. In the face of scarcity, the degradation of farmland, forest or water resources may be clear for all to see but individual land users lack the incentive or resources to stop it.Land-use planning is the systematic assessment of land and water potential, alternatives for land use and economic and social conditions in order to select and adopt the best land-use options. Its purpose is to select and put into practice those land uses that will best meet the needs of the people while safeguarding resources for the future. The driving force in planning is the need for change, the need for improved management or the need for a quite different pattern of land use dictated by changing circumstances.All kinds of rural land use are involved: agriculture, pastoralism田园风味, forestry, wildlife conservation and tourism. Planning also provides guidance in cases of conflict between rural land use and urban or industrial expansion, by indicating which areas of land are most valuable under rural use.F AO, Guidelines for land-use planningVocabularyMinistry of Land and Resources 国土资源部Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources 市国土资源管理局Municipal Bureau of Land Resourcesand Housing Management 市国土资源和房屋管理局Bureau of State Land Supervision 国家土地监察局land utilization (use) 土地利用extensive land use 土地粗放利用intensive land use 土地集约利用sustainable land use 土地可持续利用land management 土地技术管理land administration 土地行政管理land use planning 土地利用规划general plan of land-use 土地利用总体规划land allocation 土地配置land evaluation/appraisal 土地评价land policy 土地政策land economics 土地经济land market 土地市场land expropriation/requisition 土地征收/征用land registration 土地登记land transaction 土地交易land banking 土地储备land supply/demand 土地供应/需求land grant or transfer 土地出让或转让land negotiation /agreement 土地协议land auction 土地拍卖land public bidding 土地公开招标land value 土地价值land rent 地租land revenue 土地收益land use fee 土地使用费land use term 土地使用期land levelling 土地平整land development 土地开发land rehabilitation/reclamation 土地复垦land consolidation/readjustment 土地整理land retirement 土壤退化land subsidence 地面沉降land pollution 土地污染slope treatment for erosion control 坡面治理工程grain to green 退耕还林land information 土地信息land use interpretation 土地利用判读land use survey 土地利用调查land use monitoring 土地利用监测land use map 土地利用图land use mapping 土地利用制图land use classification 土地利用分类land use zoning 土地用途分区land use control 土地用途管制land use pattern 土地利用模式land use type 土地利用类型land use adjustment 土地利用调整land use capability 土地利用潜力land potential productivity 土地生产潜力land suitability 土地适宜性land efficiency 土地效益land structure 土地结构land use intensity 土地利用密度multiple crop index 复种指数prime cropland preservation 基本农田保护区planning approval 规划许可total dynamic balance of cropland 耕地总量动态平衡compensation institution of cropland occupation 占用耕地补偿制度limitation of land use 土地利用限制因素land reform 土地改革land use certificate 土地使用证land tenure 地权land-ownership 土地所有权land-use right 土地使用权state-owned land 国有土地household-based land contract system 土地家庭承包制土地资源管理是综合经济学、法学、管理学、区域学等诸多学科,用来解决土地规划与利用的一门综合学科。
土地资源管理专业英语 全
第一篇nd consolidation is sometimes incorrectly interpreted tobe only the simple reallocation of parcels to remove effectsof fragmentation. 土地整理有时被错误的理解成为了克服土地破碎化的影响仅对土地进行的简单再配置。
2.In reality land consolidation has been associated with broader social and economic reforms from the time of its earliest applications in western Europe.现实中土地整理已与更广泛的社会和经济改革想结合,最初应用在西欧。
nd consolidation has always been regarded as an instrument or entry point for rural development. 土地整理一直被视为一种工具或切入点,在农村发展问题上。
4.Early concepts of rural development were virtually the same as agricultural development because of the predominant role of agriculture in rural areas at the time.早期概念的农村发展几乎一样的农业发展,因为农业主导作用在农村地区的时间。
5.Improving the agrarian structure was viewed as beingidentical to maintaining the social viability in rural areas; what was good for the farmers was good for areas.改善农业用地结构被认为与维持乡村地区的社会生存发展能力具有相同的含义,对农民有益的事物也对乡村地区的发展有益。
11.税收地籍 fiscal cadastre
12.产权地籍 juridical cadastre
13.多用途地籍 multipurpose cadastre 14.地籍管理 cadastre administration 15.土地登记 land registration
16.初始土地登记 initial land registrationublic inquiring of land register 33.土地统计 land statistics 34.基层土地统计 base statistics of land 35.国家土地统计 state statistics of land 36.初始土地统计 initial land statistics 37.经常土地统计 regular land statistics 38.土地台帐 land account book
79.航[空像]片转绘 conversion of aerial photograph
80.专题成图 thematic mapping
81.[土地]面积量算 area measurement
82.初始地籍调查 initial cadastral survey 83.变更地籍调查 conversion cadastral survey 84.土地产权调查 adjudication investigation 85.宗地 cadastral parcel 86.混合宗地 co-ownership parcel 87.破宗地 separate parcel 88.邻宗地 adjoining parcel
69.样地调查 sample area survey
70.综合方法调查 integrated land survey
土地资源管理(专业英语)术语1.土地管理land administration2.土地政策land policy3.土地管理体制land administration system4.土地管理学science of land administration5.土地权属管理land tenure administration6.地权确认adjudication of land tenure7.土地权属证明certification of land rights8.土地权属审核certification of land title9.土地权属审核公告declaration of land adjudication10.地权流转管理administration of land transaction11.税收地籍fiscal cadastre12.产权地籍juridical cadastre13.多用途地籍multipurpose cadastre14.地籍管理cadastre administration15.土地登记land registration16.初始土地登记initial land registration17.变更土地登记alterant land registration18.注销土地登记nullification of land registration19.更正登记rectification of initial registration20.土地登记通告land registration announcement21.土地登记申请人land registration petitioner22.无主土地land in open access23.土地登记申请书land registration application form24.土地登记申请代理agency application of land registration25.土地登记批准approval of land title26.登记注册land registering27.土地登记卡registration sheet28.土地登记簿land register29.土地归户卡registration of sheet by household30.土地归户册register by household31.土地证书land title32.土地登记公开查询public inquiring of land register33.土地统计land statistics34.基层土地统计base statistics of land35.国家土地统计state statistics of land36.初始土地统计initial land statistics37.经常土地统计regular land statistics38.土地台帐land account book39.土地统计簿land statistics book40.土地统计分析land statistics analysis41.地籍档案管理cadastral archives management42.地籍档案cadastral archives43.土地利用管理land use administration44.土地利用控制land use control45.土地利用计划管理planned administration of land use46.土地用途管制land use regulation47.土地用途管制制度land use regulation system48.土地利用规划land use planning49.土地利用总体规划integrated land use planning50.土地利用专项规划special –purpose land use planning51.土地开发规划land development planning52.土地整理规划land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning53.土地复垦规划land reclamation planning54.土地改良规划land improvement planning55.土地调查land survey56.土地测量earth survey ;land survey57.土地资源调查land resource survey58.地籍调查cadastral survey59.土地监测land monitoring60.土地[资源组成]要素调查land components survey61.土地条件调查natural condition survey62.土地类型调查land type survey63.土地覆被调查land cover survey64.土地利用调查land use survey65.宜农荒地调查agricultural land reserves survey66.耕地后备资源调查cultivated land reserves survey67.土地普查land inventory68.路线调查traverse survey69.样地调查sample area survey70.综合方法调查integrated land survey71.勘察性调查reconnaissance survey72.概略调查semi-detailed survey73.详细调查detailed survey74.外业调绘field investigation and plotting75.作业面积working area76.直接解译direct interpretation77.间接解译indirect interpretation78.内业工作indoor work79.航[空像]片转绘conversion of aerial photograph80.专题成图thematic mapping81.[土地]面积量算area measurement82.初始地籍调查initial cadastral survey83.变更地籍调查conversion cadastral survey84.土地产权调查adjudication investigation85.宗地cadastral parcel86.混合宗地co-ownership parcel87.破宗地separate parcel88.邻宗地adjoining parcel89.飞地non-continuous parcel90.插花地mosaic parcel91.宗地合并amalgamation of cadastral parcel92.宗地分割subdivision of cadastral parcel93.宗地编号title number94.宗地位置location of cadastral parcel95.界址点boundary point96.界址线boundary line97.四至relative location of adjoining parcels98.指界demarkation of cadastral parcel99.地籍测量cadastral survey100.图解地籍测量graphic method of cadastral survey101.数值地籍测量coordinative method of cadastral survey 102.地籍控制测量cadastral control survey103.地籍平面控制测量horizontal control of cadastral surveying 104.地籍高程控制测量vertical control of cadastral surveying 105.地籍细部测量detailed cadastral surveying106.地籍图根控制测量supplementary control of cadastral survey 107.平面控制点horizontal control point108.图根控制点supplementary boundary point109.地籍补测renewal cadastral surveying110.土地复丈recertification of initial adjudication111.土地征用定位测量site survey for land condemnation112.地籍图cadastral map113.地籍要素cadastral attributes114.基本地籍图basic cadastral map115.基本地籍图更新renewal of basic cadastral map116.宗地图parcel map117.土地信息land information118.土地信息系统land information system119.基础数据库basic database120.空间数据库spatial database121.矢量格式空间数据vector format spatial data122.网格格式空间数据grid format spatial data123.属性数据库attribute database124.[土地]数据处理data processing[of land]125.土地信息应用模型land information application model126.土地信息应用模型库mode base of land information application 127.规划目标goal;objectives128.规划指标targets129.规划区planning area130.规划期限planning period131.规划任务书terms of reference132.土地利用问题land use problems133.土地利用方针land use strategy134.土地利用配置land use allocation135.土地利用规划协调negotiation of land-use options136.土地利用总体规划方案integrated land-use plan137.土地利用总体规划公告proclamation of overall land use plan 138.土地利用总体规划实施implementation of integrated land use plan 139.公众参与public participation140.土地利用平衡表balance table of land allocation141.土地利用总体规划图master map of integrated land use plan 142.土地利用总体规划文本main report of integrated land use plan 143.土地利用总体规划说明specification of integrated land use plan 144.土地管制分区land use zoning145.土地利用分区land use regionalization146.土地用途管制规则zoning regulations147.土地利用计划land use plan148.土地利用年度计划annual land use plan149.土地利用中期规划medium-term land use plan150.建设用地管理building land regulations151.建设用地预审制度pre-examination system for building land 152.建设用地审批制度permission system for building land153.建设用地备案制度recordation system for building land154.建设用地审批权限limits of authority for building land examination 155.建设供地目录catalogue for building land supply156.建设用地定额quota for building land supply157.土地市场管理land market administration ;land market control 158.土地估价师制度land valuer registration system159.地价公告制度land price proclamation system160.地价申报制度land price declaration system161.最低、最高限价制度land price ceilings system162.优先购买权制度preemptive right system163.土地信息管理land information management164.数据标准化data standardization165.编码标准化code standardization166.网络协议network protocol167.土地执法law enforcement on land168.土地监察land supervision169.土地违法行为illegal act against civil laws170.民事违法行为illegal act against civil laws171.犯罪criminal act172.土地行政处理conduct by land administrative order173.土地行政处罚administrative punishment for illegal act on land174.土地行政强制执行compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 175.土地行政诉讼litigation for land administrative order。
土壤与土壤资源学常用专业词汇(-土壤矿物质固氮菌diazotroph矿物mineral (四土壤理化性质石英quartz 土壤物理性质soil physical properties 长石feldspar 质地texture岩石rock 粒组soil separate花岗岩granite 砂质sandy风化(作用weather壤质loam粘土clay(minerals 粘质clay母质parent material /subsoil 粘重heavy苏达soda砾石gravel石灰lime 土壤结构soil structure土壤soil 团粒granular土体solum 土壤孔隙系统soil pore system云母mica孔隙度porosity(二土壤有机质土壤容重bulk density/apparent density 有机质organic matter 土壤比重particle density泥炭peat 土壤湿度状况soil temperature regime腐殖质humus 土壤通气性soil aeration凋落物litter 土壤水soil water林褥forest floor 土壤湿度soil moisture积累accumulate/deposit 含水量soil moisture content分解decomposition/decompose 水势water potential矿化mineralization 毛细作用capillary(三土壤生物土壤颜色soil color土壤生物体soil organism蒙塞尔土壤色卡土壤动物(区系soil fauna Munsell Soil Color Chart细菌bacteria 土壤化学性质真菌fungi (pl of fungus soil chemistry properties藻类algae 氧化-还原(作用oxidation-reduction 土壤植物(区系soil niicroflora 胶体colloid蚯蚓earthworm 吸附adsorption蚁ant阳离子交换量嫡mite cation exchange capacity根际the rhizosphere 阴离子交换anion exchange根瘤root nodule/root tubercle 盐基饱和度salt base percentage/ 菌根mycorhiza base -saturation percentage土壤酶soil enzyme 土壤反应(pH soil reaction(pH酸性acid不完全性肥料incomplete fertilizer酸度acidity厩肥stable manure(长效肥料碱化alkalinization 粪便excrement碱性的alkaline(碱土鸟粪guano /gwa:neu/碱度alkalinity 骨粉bone meal(六养分、肥料及肥力堆(氾制(作堆肥compost土壤养分soil nutrient 草皮turf营养元素nutrient element 草炭peat大量元素macro-element草木灰ash微量元素niicro-/trace element 石灰lime氮nitrogen 石膏gypsum水解氮hydrolysable nitrogen 硝酸盐肥料nitrate硝态氮nitrate nitrogen 过磷酸盐肥料superphosphate氨态氮ammonium nitrogen 钾盐肥料kainite磷phosphorus (七土壤发生与分布分类有效磷available phosphoius 风化作用weathering钾potassium 土壤发育(发生钙calcium pedogenesis/soil development/genesis/formation 镁magnesium 土壤发生因素factor of soil development 硫sulphur 土壤发育过程processes of铁iron 淋溶(作用leaching/eluviation铝aluminium 沉积deposit猛manganese 淀积illuviate(soil 专用土壤养分供应soil nutrient supply 沉淀(沉降precipitation土壤肥力soil fertility (水饱和saturate肥料fertilizer or manure 还原(条件reduction or reducing condition 施肥fertilization or manure 潜育gleys吸收absorption or uptake 好气条件aerobics (pl (condition 空中施肥(飞机aerial fertilization 累积accumulation叶面施肥foliar fertilization 富集(积enrichment/concentration缺乏deficiency 锈斑mottling缺氮nitrogen deficiency 杂色的、斑驳的mottled缺钾potassium deficiency 过滤percolate肥料效果re sp on se to /effe ct of ferti 1 i zer 土壤剖面soil profile土壤植物诊断soil and plant diagnosis 剖面发育profile development可见症状visual symptom 发生层horizon (layer化肥fertilizer 有机质层organic layer完全性肥料complete fertilizer腐殖质层humus layer绿肥(作物green-mature crops 矿质土层mineral horizonA、B、C 层A、B、C horizon 土地经营land management淋溶层eluvial horizon 地力分级land classification淀积层illuvial horizon 立地site潜育层gleying horizon 立地指数site index土壤分布soil distribution 深翻ripping地带性土壤zonal soils 松土'scarifying /ai/非地带性土壤(在内intrazonal soil 土壤改良soil reclamation/improvement 土壤带soil stripes /ai/ 土壤保持soil conservation土壤复域soil complex 荒地virgin land土壤分类soil classification 开荒reclamation土壤分类系统soil taxonomy/k"sc/ or system 工程防治(水保mechanical control 诊断层diagnostic horizon 生物防治(水保biological control 分类单元categories 沟渠clinch土纲soil order (九地质地貌土类great group 风化残渣residue n・亚类group (subgroup 残积土residual soil淋溶土Alfisols 底土subsoil旱成土Aridisols 沉积物deposit sediment新成土Entisols 冲积物alluvial material有机土Histosols 冲积砂fluvial sand始成土Inceptisols 冲积土alluvial soil软土Mollisols 冰川glacier氧化土Oxisols 冻土glacial soil灰土(灰壤Spodosols松散岩石(母质unconsolidated rocks老成土Ultsols非破碎岩石uncrambled rocks变性土V eilisols 山脉mountain range暗棕壤Dark Brown Forest Soil 山脊(山岭mountain ridge草甸土Meadow soil 坡地slope沼泽土Bog soil 坡度falling gradient /ei/石质土Lithosol soil 陡steep / 缓gentle(八土壤管理分水岭water shed耕作cultivate or tillage 谷地valley灌溉irrigation 盆地basin排水drain (n、-age 洼地low land or depression or loblolly 放牧pasture 平原plain集约(精耕intensive平地flat land肥力保持maintain soil fertility 沙丘dune /ju:/轮作crop rotation 漫滩(泛湿地floor plain排污waste discharge 山洪torrent沼泽(泥沼marsh/swamp/bog 污水净化sewage purification人为搅动土disturbed soil 烂泥sludges(+ 土壤环境学(化学组成composition旱化drought or xeric 微生物转化microbiological transformation水淹flood or overflow 中毒水平toxic level侵蚀erosion 农药污染pesticide pollution可蚀性erodibility 杀虫剂pesticide生荒的virgin杀菌剂细菌bactericide真菌fungicide精耕的(集约intensive除草剂herbicide开垦reclamation 残留residue土壤改良soil improvementor amelioration/or amendment B毎解、;争化degradation v. -de硬化(板结compact富营养化eutrophia水利water conservancy 生物富集biotic-enrichment/beneficiation水土保持soil and water conservation 放射性物质(废物radioactive wastes废气discharge or effluent gas废水sewage/effluent/waste water土壤污染soil pollution /contamination 废渣fag end/waste slag/industrial sediment or waste 重金属heavy metal 工业三废three industrial waste元素element 环境保护environmental protection环境背景值(本底值background levels 环境监测environmental monitoring汞mercury 环境危害environmental hazard镉cadmium 环境标准——standard/criteria(评价铅lead 环境评价■一criticize/assayment/evaluate污水 /下水道sewage ;工业effluents 污水净化sewage purification污灌sewage farm 污染生物指数boitic index of pollution 二氧化硫sulfurdioxide/dai'eksaid/ (------------------------- 土壤分析常用词酸雨acid rain /precipitation 消化digestion 大气沉降atmospheric deposition(fallout 稀释dilution 环境污染物environmental pollutant 萃取extraction 危害(危险hazard萃取剂extractant (剂extract (物剧毒highly toxic 渗透osmosis 毒害、毒物poison渗漏percolation浓缩、富集enrichment/concentrate 扩散diffusion工业废物(残渣industrial sediment 过滤filter废物处理waste disposal 分析analysis 测定determination原子吸收光谱atomic absorption spectrometry 分光计spectrometer 蒸镭distillation 光谱spectrum补遗词汇过磷酸钙superphosphate 磷酸钱ammonium phosphate 氨ammonia尿素urea基月巴base manure追肥top application or dressing 随机区组randomized blocks 腐熟well-composted 堆腐compost・。
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土地资源管理(专业英语)术语1.土地管理land administration2.土地政策land policy3.土地管理体制land administration system4.土地管理学science of land administration5.土地权属管理land tenure administration6.地权确认adjudication of land tenure7.土地权属证明certification of land rights8.土地权属审核certification of land title9.土地权属审核公告declaration of land adjudication10.地权流转管理administration of land transaction11.税收地籍fiscal cadastre12.产权地籍juridical cadastre13.多用途地籍multipurpose cadastre14.地籍管理cadastre administration15.土地登记land registration16.初始土地登记initial land registration17.变更土地登记alterant land registration18.注销土地登记nullification of land registration19.更正登记rectification of initial registration20.土地登记通告land registration announcement21.土地登记申请人land registration petitioner22.无主土地land in open access23.土地登记申请书land registration application form24.土地登记申请代理agency application of land registration25.土地登记批准approval of land title26.登记注册land registering27.土地登记卡registration sheet28.土地登记簿land register29.土地归户卡registration of sheet by household30.土地归户册register by household31.土地证书land title32.土地登记公开查询public inquiring of land register33.土地统计land statistics34.基层土地统计base statistics of land35.国家土地统计state statistics of land36.初始土地统计initial land statistics37.经常土地统计regular land statistics38.土地台帐land account book39.土地统计簿land statistics book40.土地统计分析land statistics analysis41.地籍档案管理cadastral archives management42.地籍档案cadastral archives43.土地利用管理land use administration44.土地利用控制land use control45.土地利用计划管理planned administration of land use46.土地用途管制land use regulation47.土地用途管制制度land use regulation system48.土地利用规划land use planning49.土地利用总体规划integrated land use planning50.土地利用专项规划special –purpose land use planning51.土地开发规划land development planning52.土地整理规划land readjustment planning ;land consolidation planning53.土地复垦规划land reclamation planning54.土地改良规划land improvement planning55.土地调查land survey56.土地测量earth survey ;land survey57.土地资源调查land resource survey58.地籍调查cadastral survey59.土地监测land monitoring60.土地[资源组成]要素调查land components survey61.土地条件调查natural condition survey62.土地类型调查land type survey63.土地覆被调查land cover survey64.土地利用调查land use survey65.宜农荒地调查agricultural land reserves survey66.耕地后备资源调查cultivated land reserves survey67.土地普查land inventory68.路线调查traverse survey69.样地调查sample area survey70.综合方法调查integrated land survey71.勘察性调查reconnaissance survey72.概略调查semi-detailed survey73.详细调查detailed survey74.外业调绘field investigation and plotting75.作业面积working area76.直接解译direct interpretation77.间接解译indirect interpretation78.内业工作indoor work79.航[空像]片转绘conversion of aerial photograph80.专题成图thematic mapping81.[土地]面积量算area measurement82.初始地籍调查initial cadastral survey83.变更地籍调查conversion cadastral survey84.土地产权调查adjudication investigation85.宗地cadastral parcel权属界址线所封闭86.混合宗地co-ownership parcel87.破宗地separate parcel图斑单一地类地块或有行政界线权属界址线火线撞地类地物分割的单一. 制图最小单元分子表示图斑分母地类.容积率总建筑面积比土地面积..88.邻宗地adjoining parcel89.飞地non-continuous parcel独立于其行政区域外90.插花地mosaic parcel没有明确归属91.宗地合并amalgamation of cadastral parcel92.宗地分割subdivision of cadastral parcel93.宗地编号title number94.宗地位置location of cadastral parcel95.界址点boundary point宗地权属界址线的转折点96.界址线boundary line宗地四周的权属界线97.四至relative location of adjoining parcels每宗地四邻的名称98.指界demarkation of cadastral parcel通过相邻宗地双方权利人和地籍调查员对权属界址状况进行实地调查,并予以确认的过程99.地籍测量cadastral survey100.图解地籍测量graphic method of cadastral survey101.数值地籍测量coordinative method of cadastral survey102.地籍控制测量cadastral control survey103.地籍平面控制测量horizontal control of cadastral surveying104.地籍高程控制测量vertical control of cadastral surveying105.地籍细部测量detailed cadastral surveying106.地籍图根控制测量supplementary control of cadastral survey107.平面控制点horizontal control point具有平面坐标值的控制点控制点以一定精度测定其位置的固定点108.图根控制点supplementary boundary point109.地籍补测renewal cadastral surveying 修测补测全测110.土地复丈recertification of initial adjudication111.土地征用定位测量site survey for land condemnation112.地籍图cadastral map113.地籍要素cadastral attributes114.基本地籍图basic cadastral map115.基本地籍图更新renewal of basic cadastral map116.宗地图parcel map117.土地信息land information118.土地信息系统land information system119.基础数据库basic database120.空间数据库spatial database121.矢量格式空间数据vector format spatial data122.网格格式空间数据grid format spatial data123.属性数据库attribute database124.[土地]数据处理data processing[of land]125.土地信息应用模型land information application model126.土地信息应用模型库mode base of land information application 127.规划目标goal;objectives128.规划指标targets129.规划区planning area130.规划期限planning period131.规划任务书terms of reference132.土地利用问题land use problems133.土地利用方针land use strategy134.土地利用配置land use allocation135.土地利用规划协调negotiation of land-use options136.土地利用总体规划方案integrated land-use plan137.土地利用总体规划公告proclamation of overall land use plan 138.土地利用总体规划实施implementation of integrated land use plan 139.公众参与public participation140.土地利用平衡表balance table of land allocation141.土地利用总体规划图master map of integrated land use plan 142.土地利用总体规划文本main report of integrated land use plan 143.土地利用总体规划说明specification of integrated land use plan 144.土地管制分区land use zoning145.土地利用分区land use regionalization146.土地用途管制规则zoning regulations147.土地利用计划land use plan148.土地利用年度计划annual land use plan149.土地利用中期规划medium-term land use plan150.建设用地管理building land regulations151.建设用地预审制度pre-examination system for building land152.建设用地审批制度permission system for building land153.建设用地备案制度recordation system for building land154.建设用地审批权限limits of authority for building land examination 155.建设供地目录catalogue for building land supply156.建设用地定额quota for building land supply157.土地市场管理land market administration ;land market control 158.土地估价师制度land valuer registration system159.地价公告制度land price proclamation system160.地价申报制度land price declaration system161.最低、最高限价制度land price ceilings system162.优先购买权制度preemptive right system163.土地信息管理land information management164.数据标准化data standardization165.编码标准化code standardization166.网络协议network protocol167.土地执法law enforcement on land168.土地监察land supervision169.土地违法行为illegal act against civil laws170.民事违法行为illegal act against civil laws171.犯罪criminal act172.土地行政处理conduct by land administrative order173.土地行政处罚administrative punishment for illegal act on land174.土地行政强制执行compulsory enforcement to land administrative order 175.土地行政诉讼litigation for land administrative order176.土地行政复议judicial review of land administrative order。