小学六年级数学选择题100题【1】创作者凤中句日期:贰零贰贰年1月7日(人):一、选择题(共100小题,每小题1分,满分100分)1.(1分)分母一定,分子和分数值()A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.以上都不对2.(1分)正方形的边长与它的面积()A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.无选项3.(1分)一批货物,运出50%,又运进剩下的50%,现在货物与原货物的比是()A.4:3 B.3:4 C.1:1 D.1:2 4.(1分)甲数比乙数大10%,乙数比丙数少10%,甲、丙两数相比()A.甲大B.丙大C.无法确定5.(1分)表示x和y成正比例关系的式子是()A.x+y=6 B.y=x×C.x y=76.(1分)如果松树比柏树多75%,则松树和柏树的比是()A.4:7 B.7:4 C.3:47.(1分)圆柱的体积不变,如果高扩大2倍,底面积应该()A.扩大4倍B.缩小4倍C.扩大2倍D.缩小2倍8.(1分)如果圆锥和圆柱等高且体积相等,圆锥的底面积是圆柱底面积的()A.3倍B.C.9倍9.(1分)压路机的前轮转动一周能压多少路面是指()A.前轮的两个圆的面积B.前轮的侧面积C.前轮的表面积10.(1分)一个长方体和一个圆锥体的底面积和高分别相等,长方体体积是圆锥体积的()A.3倍B.2倍C.D.无法确定11.(1分)(2012•黔东南州)一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积相等,体积的比是3:1,那么高的比是()A.1:1 B.3:1 C.1:312.(1分)把一段圆柱形钢料制成一个最大的圆锥,削去部分重10千克.这段圆钢重()A.30千克B.20千克C.5千克D.15千克A3倍B.9倍C.2倍.27.(1分)一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,那么()A.第一段长B.第二段长C.两段一样长D.不能确定28.(1分)x是一个不为0的自然数,在下面各式中()的得数最大.A.B.C.x×1.5 D.x÷1.5 29.(1分)互质的两个数()A.一定是质数B.一定是奇数C.没有公约数D.只有公约数1 30.(1分)圆的周长和它的半径()A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.无答案31.(1分)(2010•临海市)四年级同学开展植树活动,成活了100棵,25棵没有成活,成活率是()A.25% B.80% C.75%32.(1分)把一个分数的分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,这个分数的值()A.不变B.扩大9倍C.缩小9倍D.无选项33.(1分)把一个棱长为a米的正方体,任意截成两个长方体,这两个长方体的表面积是()平方米.A.6a2 B.8a2 C.12a234.(1分)三角形中,其中两个角的和等于第三个角的2倍,则第三个角的大小()A.50°B.60°C.70°D.90°35.(1分)如果a÷b=5(a、b是不为0的自然数)那么a、b的最大公因数是()A.a B.b C.5D.不确定36.(1分)式子a÷b=5,说明()A.b一定能整除a B.b不能是a的因数C.b可能整除a D.a一定是b的倍数37.(1分)两个()梯形可以拼成一个平行四边形.A.周长一样B.完全一样C.面积相等38.(1分)一瓶饮料300毫升,其橙汁与水的比是1:4,小晶喝去一半后,剩下的饮料中,橙汁的含量是()A.20% B.10% C.25% D.无选项39.(1分)小文在计算3(x+6)时没看见括号,按3x+6计算,结果比原来()A.少12 B.多x C.多6 D.少640.(1分)下面四句话中,正确的一句是()A.0.40与0.4的意义相同B.互质的两个数一定都是质数C.圆的半径和周长成正比例D.3x+5是方程41.(1分)在比例尺是1:8的图纸上,甲、乙两个圆的直径比是2:3,那么甲、乙两个圆的实际的直径比是()A.1:8 B.4:9 C.2:3 D.8:142.(1分)把一个大正方体切成8个相等的小正方体,这些小正方体的表面积之和比原来正方体的表面积增加了()倍.A.B.1C.2D.43.(1分)如图所示,已知四边形ABEF是一个正方形,并且AC=BD,那么两个阴影部分的面积相比()A.甲>乙B.甲<乙C.甲=乙D.无法判断44.(1分)一个正方形的边长为a 分米,如果它的边长增加2分米,那么所得的大正方形的面积比原来这个正方形的面积多()平方分米.A.(a+2)2 B.4a+4 C.2×2 D.无选项45.(1分)一辆摩托车t小时行驶s千米,a小时行驶()千米.A.s÷t×a B.s÷t÷a C.t÷s×a D.无选项46.(1分)在含糖的110克糖水中,再加入10克糖,这时糖和糖水的质量比是()A.7:40 B.20:11 C.1:6 D.3:1347.(1分)将学校的长方形花坛按1:100画在图纸上,图上花坛的面积与实际面积的比是()A.1:100 B.1:200 C.1:10000 D.1:100048.(1分)一段路,甲车用6小时走完,乙车用4小时走完,甲乙两车的速度比是()A.3:2 B.2:3 C.1:249.(1分)两个正方形边长的比是2:3,它们的面积比是()A.2:3 B.4:6 C.4:9 D.3:2 50.(1分)甲、乙两队人数相等,现在把甲队人数的调入乙队,这时甲、乙两队的人数比是()A.2:3 B.4:5 C.6:5 D.5:4 51.(1分)一个三角形,它的三个内角度数的比是1:5:6,这个三角形是()A.直角三角形B.锐角三角形C.钝角三角形D.无选项52.(1分)如果甲堆煤的质量比乙堆煤少,那么下列说法不正确的是()A.乙堆的质量比甲堆多20%B.甲、乙两堆质量的比是6:7C.如果从乙堆中取出给甲,那么两堆煤的质量同样多D.甲堆占两堆煤总质量的53.(1分)一个长方形的周长为a 厘米,宽边比长短3厘米,则这个长方形的长边的长度是()A.(a+3)÷4 B.(a+a×2)÷2 C.(a÷2﹣3)÷2 D.(a÷2+3)÷254.(1分)相邻两个自然数相加的和是x,那么较小的一个自然数是()A.(x﹣1)÷2 B.x÷2 C.(x+1)÷2 D.(x﹣2)÷255.(1分)一辆大巴从杭州湾跨海大桥的南岸开往北岸,行驶了约36千米,用了20分钟,这辆大巴每小时的速度是()A.108千米B.18千米C.千米D.1.8千米56.(1分)三条线段的长分别是:10厘米,5厘米,5厘米,那么这三条线段()A.能围成等腰三角形B.能围成钝角三角形C.不能围成三角形D.无选项57.(1分)抛一枚硬币,连续9次都是正面朝上,第10次抛出,反面朝上的可能性为()A.B.C.D.158.(1分)下面()句是正确的.A.质数一定是奇数,合数一定是偶数B.两个合数一定不是互质数C.2的倍数是偶数D.无选项59.(1分)甲数是a,比乙数的3倍多b,表示乙数的算式是()A.(a﹣b)÷3 B.3a﹣b C.a÷3﹣b D.(a+b)÷360.(1分)一个长6分米,宽4分米,高5分米的长方体容器,最多可以放下()个直径是2分米的球.A.9B.12 C.15 D.60 61.(1分)两根同样长的绳子,第一根剪下全长的,第二根剪下米,剩余的部分长度是()A.第一根长B.第二根长C.两根一样长D.无法比较62.(1分)上海在杭州的北偏东50度的方向上,则杭州在上海的()的方向上.A.南偏西50度B.南偏西40度C.西偏东50度D.西偏南50度63.(1分)把一个平行四边形任意分割成两个梯形,这两个梯形中()总是相等.A.面积B.上下两底的和C.周长D.高64.(1分)一个半圆的周长是10.28分米,它的面积是()平方分米.A.1.57 B.3.14 C.6.28 D.12.5 65.(1分)用地砖铺教室地面,每块地砖的面积与地砖的块数这两个量()A成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例.66.(1分)圆的周长是它的半径的()倍.A.3.14 B.2C.πD.2π67.(1分)有一根长8米的木料分成两段,第一段占全长的7/8,第二段7/8米,这两段木料相比较,()A.第一段长B.第二段长C.两段一样长D.无法比较,都有可能68.(1分)大圆的半径是小圆直径的2倍,大圆与小圆的面积比是()A.2:1 B.4:1 C.16:1 D.1:16 69.(1分)一个长方形的框架,如果把它拉成一个平行四边形,它的周长和面积()A.周长不变,面积变大B.周长不变,面积也不变C.周长变小,面积变小D.周长不变,面积变小70.(1分)把一张正方形的纸连续对折4次,折后的每一小块占这张正方形纸的()A.B.C.D.71.(1分)一个半圆的半径是r,它的周长是()A.πr B.πr+2r C.2πr72.(1分)把0.8亿改写成用“万”作单位的数是()A.0.8万B.8000万C.80000万D.80000000万73.(1分)(2012•长寿区)2×3×6=36,2、3、6这三个数都是36的()A.倍数B.质因数C.公约数D.约数74.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个零件的实际长度是7毫米,但在图上量得长是3.5厘米.这幅图的比例尺是()A.1:2 B.1:5 C.5:1 D.2:1 75.(1分)把米长的铁丝锯成相等的4段,每段是原长的()A.米B.米C.D.76.(1分)有两个自然数,它们的倒数的和是,这两个数是()A.0和2 B.1和2 C.4和2 D.3和6 77.(1分)(2012•长寿区)如果甲数的等于乙数的,那么甲数:乙数等于()A.6:15 B.10:9 C.15:6 D.9:10 78.(1分)用圆规画一个周长是12.56厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离是()A.2厘米B.3厘米C.4厘米D.6厘米79.(1分)(2012•长寿区)监利水文站用来测量水位高低和变化情况的选用()统计图.A.条形B.折线C.扇形D.无选项80.(1分)(2012•长寿区)这里共有()条线段.A.三条B.四条C.五条D.六条81.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的底面积相等,圆锥的高是圆柱高的3倍.则圆锥的体积()圆柱的体积.A.小于B.等于C.大于D.无选项82.(1分)一件商品,先提价10%,以后又降价10%,现在的价格与原来相比()A.提高了B.降低了C.不变D.无法确定83.(1分)(2012•长寿区)2700÷500的余数是()A.2B.20 C.20084.(1分)(2012•长寿区)下列各数中不能化成有限小数的是()A.B.C.D.85.(1分)(2012•长寿区)0.625×5.8+×4.2=0.625×(5.8+4.2)这是应用了乘法的()A.交换律B.结合律C.分配律86.(1分)用小数表示,精确到千分位的结果是()A.0.81 B.0.8180 C.0.818 D.0.81987.(1分)一个圆柱体,挖去一个最大的圆锥体,成为一个容器,这个容器的体积是原来圆柱的()A.B.C.88.(1分)下列分数中能化成有限小数的是()A.B.C.D.89.(1分)的分子加上6,要使分数大小不变,分母应()A.加上6 B.乘以6 C.乘以390.(1分)小圆和大圆的半径分别是2厘米和5厘米,小圆与大圆的面积之比是()A.2:5 B.4:10 C.4:25 D.2:10 91.(1分)把、π和3.14从大到小排列是()A.>π>3.14 B.π>>3.14 C.3.14>>πD.无选项92.(1分)最接近4.08万的整数是()A.4.081万B.40801 C.40891 D.40809 93.(1分)要使四位数235□能被3整除,方框里至少是()A.1B.2C.4D.5 94.(1分)(2012•长寿区)把米长的电线平均分成5段,每段电线的长度是全长的()A.米B.C.米D.95.(1分)(2012•长寿区)在一幅地图上,用1厘米表示60千米的距离,这幅地图的比例尺是()A.1:60 B.1:6000 C.1:6000000 96.(1分)(2012•长寿区)把a×b=c×d改写成比例式是()A.a:b=c:d B.a:c=b:d C.a:c=d:b 97.(1分)(2012•长寿区)下列等式中a与b成反比例的是()A.6×a=B.C.4×=b÷6 D.无选项98.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一座粮食仓库的容积为约1500()A.米B.平方米C.立方米D.升99.(1分)0.375的计数单位是()A.0.1 B.0.01 C.0.001 D.无法确定100.(1分)0、5千克盐溶解在20千克水中,盐的重量占盐水的()A.B.C.D.无选项小学六年级数学选择题100题1、A 2.C3 B 4B 5B 6B 7D 8 A 9 B 10A11 A 12D 13 D 14C 15C 16B 17 B 18 A 19D 20 B21.(1分)把一根m米长的铁丝围成一正方形,又改围成一个圆形.他们的面积是()A.正方形大B.圆大C.一样大D.无法比较考点:面积及面积的大小比较;长方形、正方形的面积;圆、圆环的面积.分析:根据正方形的周长公式(c=4a)和圆的周长公式(c=2πr),已知周长分别求出正方形的边长、圆的半径再根据它们的面积公式计算它们的面积,然后进行比较即可.解答:解:设m=1,则:正方形的边长:1÷4=0.25(米);正方形的面积:0.25×0.25=0.0625(平方米);圆的半径:1÷3.14÷2≈0.16(米);圆的面积:3.14×0.162=3.14×0.0256=0.080384(平方米);答:圆的面积比正方形的面积大.故选:B.点评:此题主要考查周长相等的正方形和圆的面积的大小比较,圆的面积比正方形的面积大.22.(1分)如果用a代表一个相同的自然数,那么下列算式中,得数最大的是()A.a÷B.÷a C.a×考点:分数大小的比较;分数乘法;分数除法.分析:假设a=9,代入求解,然后比较大小,即可得解.解答:解:A、9÷=9×3=27,B、÷9=,C、9×=3;因为27>3>,所以a÷>a×>÷a;故选:A.点评:把字母按照条件假设出特殊值,可以使选择题简化,更明显看出结果.23.(1分)在下面的年份中,()是闰年.A.1990年B.1992年C.1900年考点:平年、闰年的判断方法.分析:用年份除以4(1900除以400),看是否有余数,没有余数的是闰年,否则是平年.解答:解:A、1990÷4=497…2;有余数,1990年是平年;B、1992÷4=498,没有余数,1992年是闰年;C、1900÷400=4…300,有余数,1900年是平年;故选:B.点评:本题主要考查了平年和闰年的判断方法:年份除以4(整百的年份除以400),如果有余数就是平年,没有余数就是闰年.24.(1分)我国国旗上的五角星是轴对称图形,它有()条对称轴.A.1条B.2条C.3条D.5条考点:确定轴对称图形的对称轴条数及位置.分析:一个图形沿一条直线对折,直线两旁的部分能够完全重合,那么这个图形就是轴对称图形,这条直线就这个图形的一条对称轴,由此即可判断五角星的对称轴的条数.解答:解:根据轴对称图形的定义可知,五角星有5条对称轴,故选:D.点评:此题考查了利用轴对称图形的定义判断轴对称图形的对称轴的条数的灵活应用.25.(1分)(2012•长寿区)互为倒数的两种量是()的量.A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例考点:辨识成正比例的量与成反比例的量.分析:判断互为倒数的两种量之间成什么比例,就看这两个量是对应的比值一定,还是对应的乘积一定;如果比值一定,就成正比例;如果是乘积一定,则成反比例.解答:解:根据倒数的意义知道,乘积是1的两个数互为倒数,即互为倒数的两种量的乘积一定,由此判断互为倒数的两种量成反比例,故选:B.点评:此题属于辨识成正、反比例的量,就看这两个量是对应的比值一定,还是对应的乘积一定,再做判断.26.(1分)把一个圆柱体削成一个最大的圆锥体,削去部分的体积是圆锥体积的()A.3倍B.9倍C.2倍考点:圆锥的体积;圆柱的侧面积、表面积和体积.分析:圆柱的体积是和它等底等高的圆锥体积的三倍,把圆柱削成最大的圆锥,则圆锥与圆柱等底等高,消去两个圆锥的体积.也就是削去部分的体积是圆锥体积的2倍.解答:解:V圆柱=3V圆锥(V圆柱﹣V圆锥)÷V圆锥=2V圆锥÷V圆锥=2答:削去部分的体积是圆锥体积的2倍.故选:C点评:此题考查圆柱圆锥的体积.27.(1分)一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,那么()A.第一段长B.第二段长C.两段一样长D.不能确定考点:分数大小的比较;分数的意义、读写及分类.分析:把这根绳子的长度看作单位“1”,把它平均分成11份,第二段占全长的,第一段占全长的1﹣=显然第二段要比第一段长,无论第一段长多少米,它只占全长,要比全长短.解答:解:第二段占全长的,第一段占全长的1﹣=;;故选:B.点评:本题主要是考查分数的意义及大小比较.第一段不管多长,它只占全长的.28.(1分)x是一个不为0的自然数,在下面各式中()的得数最大.A.B.C.x×1.5 D.x÷1.5考点:分数乘法;分数除法;小数乘法;小数除法.分析:根据一个不为0的自然数乘小于1的数积小于这个数;一个不为0的自然数乘大于1的数积大于这个数一个不为0的自然数除以小于1的数商等于这个数;一个不为0的自然数除以大于1的数商小于这个数由此解答.解答:解:A,x÷=x×2=2x;B,x×=x;C,x×1.5=1.5x;D,x÷1.5=x÷=x×=x;答:x÷的得数最大.故选:A.点评:此题主要考查分数乘法、除法的计算方法,以及判断积与一个因数的大小关系,商与被除数的大小关系29.(1分)互质的两个数()A.一定是质数B.一定是奇数C.没有公约数D.只有公约数1考点:合数与质数.分析:只有公约数1的两个数为互质数,由此可知,互质的两个数只有公约数1.解答:解:根据互质数的意义可知,互质的两个数只有公约数1.故选:D.点评:本题考查了学生对于互质数定义的理解.理解时要将“互质数”与“质数”的意义互相区分开.30.(1分)圆的周长和它的半径()A.成正比例B.成反比例C.不成比例D.无答案考点:圆、圆环的周长;正比例和反比例的意义.分析:根据圆的周长公式C=2πr,可知半径变大或变小,周长也会随之变大或变小.解答:解:圆的周长公式:C=2πr;当r变大时,C也随之变大;当r变小时,C也随之变小;所以C与r成正比例.答:圆的周长与它的半径成正比例.故选:A.点评:此题主要考查的是圆的周长和它的半径之间的比例关系.31.(1分)(2010•临海市)四年级同学开展植树活动,成活了100棵,25棵没有成活,成活率是()A.25% B.80% C.75%考点:百分数的实际应用.分析:要求成活率,就是用成活的棵数除以总棵数再乘百分之百,在此题中,总棵数为100+25=125(棵).解答:解:%,=0.8×100%,=80%;答:成活率是80%.故选:B.点评:此题属于百分率问题,计算的结果最大值为100%,都是用一部分数量(或全部数量)除以全部数量乘百分之百,解题的时候不要被表面数字困惑.32.(1分)把一个分数的分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,这个分数的值()A.不变B.扩大9倍C.缩小9倍D.无选项考点:分数的基本性质.分析:如果分子扩大3倍,分母不变,分数值就扩大3倍;如果分子不变,分母缩小3倍,分数值就扩大3倍由此得出分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,分数值就扩大3×3=9倍,据此即可做出选择.解答:解:把一个分数的分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,那么这个分数就扩大9倍;故选:B.点评:此题主要根据分子、分母扩大或缩小的倍数,引起分数值扩大或缩小的规律解答.33.(1分)把一个棱长为a米的正方体,任意截成两个长方体,这两个长方体的表面积是()平方米.A.6a2 B.8a2 C.12a2考点:长方体和正方体的表面积.分析:由题意可知:把一个棱长为a米的正方体,任意截成两个长方体后,表面积增加了两个面的面积,即增了2a2平方米,于是可以求出两个长方体的表面积.解答:解:a×a×6+a×a×2,=6a2+2a2,=8a2;答:这两个长方体的表面积是8a2平方米.故选:B.点评:解答此题的关键是明白:把一个正方体任意截成两个长方体后,表面积增加了两个面的面积.34.(1分)三角形中,其中两个角的和等于第三个角的2倍,则第三个角的大小()A.50°B.60°C.70°D.90°考点:三角形的内角和.分析:设三角形的第三个角是x,则另外两个角就是2x,根据三角形的内角和是180°,即可列出方程解决问题解答:解:设三角形的第三个角是x,则另外两个角的和就是2x,根据题意可得方程:2x+x=180,3x=180,x=60,所以第三个角是60°,故选:B.点评:此题考查了三角形内角和是180°的灵活应用.35.(1分)如果a÷b=5(a、b是不为0的自然数)那么a、b的最大公因数是()A.a B.b C.5D.不确定考点:因数、公因数和最大公因数.分析:a÷b=5(a、b是不为0的自然数),说明a和b是倍数关系,两个数为倍数关系,最大公因数为较小的数;最小公倍数为较大的数;由此解答问题即可.解答:解:由分析可知:倍数关系的两个数,较大的数为两个数的最小公倍数,较小的数为两个数的最大公因数,因为a>b,所以a、b的最大公因数是b;故选:B.点评:此题主要考查求两个数为倍数关系时的最大公因数和最小公倍数:两个数为倍数关系,最大公因数为较的数;最小公倍数为较大的数.36.(1分)式子a÷b=5,说明()A.b一定能整除a B.b不能是a的因数C.b可能整除a D.a一定是b的倍数考点:整除的性质及应用.分析:整除是指一个整数除以另一个不是0的整数,得到的商是整数,而没有余数,我们就说第一个整数能被二个整数整除,第二个整数能整除第一个整数;式子a÷b=5,因为不知道a和b是否是整数,所以不能确定这就是个整除算式,而因数和倍数又是在整除的前提下才能成立,因此选项A、B、D都不对,但根据式子可以说b可能整除a或a可能被b整除.解答:解:式子a÷b=5,由于不知a和b是否是整数,所以不能确定这就是个整除算式,而因数和倍数又都是在整除的前提下才能成立,因此:A、b一定能整除a,此选项错误;B、b不能是a的倍数,此选项错误;D、a一定是b的倍数,此选项错误;C、根据式子,可以说b可能整除a,所以该选项正确.故选:C.点评:此题考查整除的意义:必须是整数除以不为0的整数,商是整数,而没有余数;说两个数有因数和倍数系必须是在整除的前提下.37.(1分)两个()梯形可以拼成一个平行四边形.A.周长一样B.完全一样C.面积相等考点:图形的拼组.分析:一组对边平行且相等的四边形是平形四边形,两个完全一样的梯形拼成后的图形,一定有一组对边平行相等.据此解答.解答:解:根据以上分析知:两个完全一样的梯形拼成后的图形,一定是对边平行且相等的四边形.故选:B.点评:本题考查了学生根据平行四边形的特征来来解决问题的能力.38.(1分)一瓶饮料300毫升,其橙汁与水的比是1:4,小晶喝去一半后,剩下的饮料中,橙汁的含量是()A.20% B.10% C.25% D.无选项考点:比的应用.分析:由题意可得:橙汁的含量=×100%,并且这个浓度是保持不变的,据此即可进行选择.解答:解:因为橙汁的含量=×100%=20%,故选:A.点评:理解饮料中橙汁的百分比是保持不变的,是解答本题的关键.39.(1分)小文在计算3(x+6)时没看见括号,按3x+6计算,结果比原来()A.少12 B.多x C.多6 D.少6考点:整数四则混合运算.分析:把3(x+6)运用乘法分配律进行化简,然后减去3x+6即可.解答:解:3(x+6),=3x+3×6,=3x+18;3x+18﹣(3x+6),=3x+18﹣3x﹣6,=(3x﹣3x)+(18﹣6),=0+12,=12;结果比原来12.故选:A.点评:解决本题关键是能够运用乘法分配律对正确的算式进行化简,从中找出它与错误算式的差.40.(1分)下面四句话中,正确的一句是()A.0.40与0.4的意义相同B.互质的两个数一定都是质数C.圆的半径和周长成正比例D.3x+5是方程考点:小数的读写、意义及分类;合数与质数;方程的意义;辨识成正比例的量与成反比例的量.分析:根据题意,对各题进行依次分析、进而得出结论.解答:解:A.0.40与0.4的大小相同,但意义不相同,故本题说法错误;B.互质的两个数一定都是质数,说法错误,例如8和9;C.因为圆的周长÷半径=2π(一定),所以圆的半径和周长成正比例,说法正确;D.含有未知数的等式是方程,3x+5只含未知数,但不是等式,所以3x+5是方程,说法错误.故选:C.点评:此题设计面较广,考查了学生综合运用知识的能力,应注意基础知识的理解和运用.41.(1分)在比例尺是1:8的图纸上,甲、乙两个圆的直径比是2:3,那么甲、乙两个圆的实际的直径比是()A.1:8 B.4:9 C.2:3 D.8:1考点:比例尺应用题.分析:根据比例尺的意义,令甲乙两圆的图上直径为2d,3d,根据比例尺可得实际圆的直径分别是16d,24d,由此利用比例尺进行计算,即可选择正确答案.解答:解:令甲乙两圆的图上直径为2d,3d,根据比例尺可得实际甲乙两圆的直径分别是16d,24d,16d:24d=2:3.故选:C.点评:此题考查了利用比例尺解决实际问题的方法.42.(1分)把一个大正方体切成8个相等的小正方体,这些小正方体的表面积之和比原来正方体的表面积增加了()倍.A.B.1C.2D.考点:简单的立方体切拼问题;长方体和正方体的表面积.分析:因为大正方体的棱长是小正方体边长的2倍,所以我们设小正方体边长为a,那么大正方体边长为2a,别求出大正方体、小正方体的表面积,再用大正方体的表面积减去小正方体的表面积得到的差除以小正体的表面积,就是增加的倍数.解答:解:大正方体边长是小正方体边长的2倍,设小正方体边长为a,那么大正方体边长为2a,所以大正方体表面积=2a×2a×6=24a2,8个小正方体表面积=a×a×6×8=48a2,增加了的面积:(48a2﹣24a2)÷24a2=1,所以增加了1倍,故选:B.点评:本题借助正方体的表面积问题,考查了一个数比另一个数多几倍或少几倍的问题,用除法解答.43.(1分)如图所示,已知四边形ABEF是一个正方形,并且AC=BD,那么两个阴影部分的面积相比()A.甲>乙B.甲<乙C.甲=乙D.无法判断考点:面积及面积的大小比较.分析:从图中看出,两个三角形ACF和BED的底等于正方形的边长加上BC,相等,三角形的高也等于正方形的边长,因为正方形的边长相等,所以这两个三角形的面积相等.又知阴影甲=△ACF﹣丙,乙=△BED 丙,可以得出结论.解答:解:从图中看出,两个三角形ACF和BED的底等于正方形的边长加上BC,相等;这两个三角形的高也等于正方形的边长,所以△ACF的面积=△BED的面积,又知阴影甲的面积=△ACF的面积﹣丙的面积,阴影乙的面积=△BED的面积﹣丙的面积,所以阴影甲的面积=阴影乙的面积,故选:C.点评:此题主要考查三角形的面积,关键要理解三角形的底和高都等于正方形的边长,由此即可得出答案.44.(1分)一个正方形的边长为a 分米,如果它的边长增加2分米,那么所得的大正方形的面积比原来这个正方形的面积多()平方分米.A.(a+2)2 B.4a+4 C.2×2 D.无选项考点:长方形、正方形的面积;用字母表示数.分析:根据正方形的面积公式S=a×a,分别求出所得的大正方形的面积与原来这个正方形的面积面积,再相减可.解答:解:(a+2)×(a+2)﹣a×a,=a×a+4a+4﹣a×a,=4a+4(平方分米),故选:B.点评:本题主要应用正方形的面积公式S=a×a解决问题.45.(1分)一辆摩托车t小时行驶s千米,a小时行驶()千米.A.s÷t×a B.s÷t÷a C.t÷s×a D.无选项考点:用字母表示数.分析:根据速度=路程÷时间,求出一辆摩托车的速度,再根据路程=速度×时间,即可求出a小时行的路程.解答:解:s÷t×a(千米),故选:A.点评:本题主要考查了速度、时间与路程的关系.46.(1分)在含糖的110克糖水中,再加入10克糖,这时糖和糖水的质量比是()A.7:40 B.20:11 C.1:6 D.3:13考点:比的意义.分析:要求这时糖和糖水的质量比是多少,用“糖的重量:糖水的质量”,糖的质量:110×+10,糖水的质量110+10,代入数据计算即可.解答:解:110×+10,=11+10,=21(克),110+10=120(克),21:120=7:40,答:这时糖和糖水的质量比是7:40;故选:A.点评:解答此题的关键是先分别求出糖的质量和糖水的质量,然后进行计算,应明确:糖水=糖+水.47.(1分)将学校的长方形花坛按1:100画在图纸上,图上花坛的面积与实际面积的比是()A.1:100 B.1:200 C.1:10000 D.1:1000考点:比的应用;长方形、正方形的面积.分析:假设在图纸上操场的长为8厘米,宽为4厘米,再据“实际距离=图上距离÷比例尺”求得实际的长和宽,而分别求得图上的面积和实际的面积,然后用图上面积除以实际面积,就是图上的面积是实际面积的几之几.解答:解:假设在图纸上操场的长为8厘米,宽为4厘米,图上面积:8×4=32(平方厘米);实际的长:8÷=800(厘米),。
小学六年级数学选择题100题一、选择题(共100小题,每小题1分,满分100分)1.(1分)分母一定,分子和分数值()2.(1分)正方形的边长与它的面积()3.(1分)一批货物,运出50%,又运进剩下的50%,现在货物与原货物的比是()4.(1分)甲数比乙数大10%,乙数比丙数少10%,甲、丙两数相比()5.(1分)表示x和y成正比例关系的式子是().y=x×C6.(1分)如果松树比柏树多75%,则松树和柏树的比是()7.(1分)圆柱的体积不变,如果高扩大2倍,底面积应该()8.(1分)如果圆锥和圆柱等高且体积相等,圆锥的底面积是圆柱底面积的()9.(1分)压路机的前轮转动一周能压多少路面是指()10.(1分)一个长方体和一个圆锥体的底面积和高分别相等,长方体体积是圆锥体积的()11.(1分)(2012•黔东南州)一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积相等,体积的比是3:1,那么高的比是()12.(1分)把一段圆柱形钢料制成一个最大的圆锥,削去部分重10千克.这段圆钢重()27.(1分)一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,那么()28.(1分)x是一个不为0的自然数,在下面各式中()的得数最大.29.(1分)互质的两个数()30.(1分)圆的周长和它的半径()31.(1分)(2010•临海市)四年级同学开展植树活动,成活了100棵,25棵没有成活,成活率是()32.(1分)把一个分数的分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,这个分数的值()33.(1分)把一个棱长为a米的正方体,任意截成两个长方体,这两个长方体的表面积是()平方米.分)三角形中,其中两个角的和等于第三个角的2倍,则第三个角的大小()34.(135.(1分)如果a÷b=5(a 、b 是不为0的自然数)那么a 、b 的最大公因数是( )36.(1分)式子a÷b=5,说明( )37.(1分)两个( )梯形可以拼成一个平行四边形.38.(1分)一瓶饮料300毫升,其橙汁与水的比是1:4,小晶喝去一半后,剩下的饮料中,橙汁的含量是( )39.(1分)小文在计算3(x+6)时没看见括号,按3x+6计算,结果比原来( )40.(1分)下面四句话中,正确的一句是( )41.(1分)在比例尺是1:8的图纸上,甲、乙两个圆的直径比是2:3,那么甲、乙两个圆的实际的直径比是( )42.(1分)把一个大正方体切成8个相等的小正方体,这些小正方体的表面积之和比原来正方体的表面积增加了( )倍.43.(1分)如图所示,已知四边形ABEF 是一个正方形,并且AC=BD ,那么两个阴影部分的面积相比( )44.(1分)一个正方形的边长为a 分米,如果它的边长增加2分米,那么所得的大正方形的面积比原来这个正方形的面积多( )平方分米.45.(1分)一辆摩托车t 小时行驶s 千米,a 小时行驶()千米.46.(1分)在含糖的110克糖水中,再加入10克糖,这时糖和糖水的质量比是( )47.(1分)将学校的长方形花坛按1:100画在图纸上,图上花坛的面积与实际面积的比是( )48.(1分)一段路,甲车用6小时走完,乙车用4小时走完,甲乙两车的速度比是( )49.(1分)两个正方形边长的比是2:3,它们的面积比是()50.(1分)甲、乙两队人数相等,现在把甲队人数的调入乙队,这时甲、乙两队的人数比是()51.(1分)一个三角形,它的三个内角度数的比是1:5:6,这个三角形是( )52.(1分)如果甲堆煤的质量比乙堆煤少,那么下列说法不正确的是( ).如果从乙堆中取出给甲,那么两堆煤的质量同样多甲堆占两堆煤总质量的53.(1分)一个长方形的周长为a 厘米,宽边比长短3厘米,则这个长方形的长边的长度是()54.(1分)相邻两个自然数相加的和是x,那么较小的一个自然数是()55.(1分)一辆大巴从杭州湾跨海大桥的南岸开往北岸,行驶了约36千米,用了20分钟,这辆大巴每小时的速度是().千米D.56.(1分)三条线段的长分别是:10厘米,5厘米,5厘米,那么这三条线段()57.(1分)抛一枚硬币,连续9次都是正面朝上,第10次抛出,反面朝上的可能性为()58.(1分)下面( )句是正确的.59.(1分)甲数是a ,比乙数的3倍多b ,表示乙数的算式是( )60.(1分)一个长6分米,宽4分米,高5分米的长方体容器,最多可以放下( )个直径是2分米的球. 61.(1分)两根同样长的绳子,第一根剪下全长的,第二根剪下米,剩余的部分长度是( )62.(1分)上海在杭州的北偏东50度的方向上,则杭州在上海的( )的方向上.63.(1分)把一个平行四边形任意分割成两个梯形,这两个梯形中( )总是相等.64.(1分)一个半圆的周长是10.28分米,它的面积是( )平方分米.65.(1分)用地砖铺教室地面,每块地砖的面积与地砖的块数这两个量()66.(1分)圆的周长是它的半径的()倍.67.(1分)有一根长8米的木料分成两段,第一段占全长的7/8,第二段7/8米,这两段木料相比较,()68.(1分)大圆的半径是小圆直径的2倍,大圆与小圆的面积比是()1分)一个长方形的框架,如果把它拉成一个平行四边形,它的周长和面积()69.(71.(1分)一个半圆的半径是r ,它的周长是( )72.(1分)把0.8亿改写成用“万”作单位的数是( )73.(1分)(2012•长寿区)2×3×6=36,2、3、6这三个数都是36的( )74.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个零件的实际长度是7毫米,但在图上量得长是3.5厘米.这幅图的比例尺是()75.(1分)把米长的铁丝锯成相等的4段,每段是原长的( ). 米 B . 米 C 76.(1分)有两个自然数,它们的倒数的和是,这两个数是( )77.(1分)(2012•长寿区)如果甲数的等于乙数的,那么甲数:乙数等于()78.(1分)用圆规画一个周长是12.56厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离是()79.(1分)(2012•长寿区)监利水文站用来测量水位高低和变化情况的选用()统计图.80.(1分)(2012•长寿区)这里共有()条线段.81.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的底面积相等,圆锥的高是圆柱高的3倍.则圆锥的体积()圆柱的体积.82.(1分)一件商品,先提价10%,以后又降价10%,现在的价格与原来相比()83.(1分)(2012•长寿区)2700÷500的余数是()84.(1分)(2012•长寿区)下列各数中不能化成有限小数的是( )85.(1分)(2012•长寿区)0.625×5.8+×4.2=0.625×(5.8+4.2)这是应用了乘法的( )86.(1分)用小数表示,精确到千分位的结果是( )87.(1分)一个圆柱体,挖去一个最大的圆锥体,成为一个容器,这个容器的体积是原来圆柱的( ) 88.(1分)下列分数中能化成有限小数的是( ) 89.(1分)的分子加上6,要使分数大小不变,分母应( ) 90.(1分)小圆和大圆的半径分别是2厘米和5厘米,小圆与大圆的面积之比是( )91.(1分)把、π和3.14从大到小排列是().>π>3.14 B .π>>3.14 C.3.14>>πD.92.(1分)最接近4.08万的整数是()93.(1分)要使四位数235□能被3整除,方框里至少是()94.(1分)(2012•长寿区)把米长的电线平均分成5段,每段电线的长度是全长的().米B.米D.95.(1分)(2012•长寿区)在一幅地图上,用1厘米表示60千米的距离,这幅地图的比例尺是()96.(1分)(2012•长寿区)把a×b=c×d改写成比例式是()97.(1分)(2012•长寿区)下列等式中a与b成反比例的是().6×a=B.4×=b÷6D.98.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一座粮食仓库的容积为约1500())99.(1分)0.375的计数单位是(100.(1分)0、5千克盐溶解在11 A 12D 13 D 14C 15C 16B 17 B 18 A 19D 20 B21.(1分)把一根m米长的铁丝围成一正方形,又改围成一个圆形.他们的面积是()22.(1分)如果用a代表一个相同的自然数,那么下列算式中,得数最大的是().a÷B.÷a C.a×解:A、9÷=9×3=27,B、÷9=,C、9×=3;因为27>3>,所以a÷>a×>÷a;故选:A.23.(1分)在下面的年份中,()是闰年.24.(1分)我国国旗上的五角星是轴对称图形,它有()条对称轴.25.(1分)(2012•长寿区)互为倒数的两种量是()的量.26.(1分)把一个圆柱体削成一个最大的圆锥体,削去部分的体积是圆锥体积的()27.(1分)一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,那么()把这根绳子的长度看作单位“1”,把它平均分成11份,第二段占全长的,第一段占全长的1﹣=,显然第二段要比第一段长,无论第一段长多少米,它只占全长,要比全长短.解:第二段占全长的,第一段占全长的1﹣=;;故选:B.本题主要是考查分数的意义及大小比较.第一段不管多长,它只占全长的.28.(1分)x是一个不为0的自然数,在下面各式中()的得数最大.解:A,x÷=x×2=2x;B,x×=x;C,x×1.5=1.5x;D,x÷1.5=x÷=x×=x;答:x÷的得数最大.故选:A.29.(1分)互质的两个数()30.(1分)圆的周长和它的半径()31.(1分)(2010•临海市)四年级同学开展植树活动,成活了100棵,25棵没有成活,成活率是()解:%,32.(1分)把一个分数的分子扩大3倍,分母缩小3倍,这个分数的值()33.(1分)把一个棱长为a米的正方体,任意截成两个长方体,这两个长方体的表面积是()平方米.34.(1分)三角形中,其中两个角的和等于第三个角的2倍,则第三个角的大小()35.(1分)如果a÷b=5(a、b是不为0的自然数)那么a、b的最大公因数是()36.(1分)式子a÷b=5,说明()37.(1分)两个()梯形可以拼成一个平行四边形.38.(1分)一瓶饮料300毫升,其橙汁与水的比是1:4,小晶喝去一半后,剩下的饮料中,橙汁的含量是()由题意可得:橙汁的含量=×100%,并且这个浓度是保持不变的,据此即可进行选择.解:因为橙汁的含量=×100%=20%,故选:A.39.(1分)小文在计算3(x+6)时没看见括号,按3x+6计算,结果比原来()40.(1分)下面四句话中,正确的一句是()41.(1分)在比例尺是1:8的图纸上,甲、乙两个圆的直径比是2:3,那么甲、乙两个圆的实际的直径比是()42.(1分)把一个大正方体切成8个相等的小正方体,这些小正方体的表面积之和比原来正方体的表面积增加了()倍.43.(1分)如图所示,已知四边形ABEF是一个正方形,并且AC=BD,那么两个阴影部分的面积相比()44.(1分)一个正方形的边长为a 分米,如果它的边长增加2分米,那么所得的大正方形的面积比原来这个正方形的面积多()平方分米.45.(1分)一辆摩托车t小时行驶s千米,a小时行驶()千米.46.(1分)在含糖的110克糖水中,再加入10克糖,这时糖和糖水的质量比是()要求这时糖和糖水的质量比是多少,用“糖的重量:糖水的质量”,糖的质量:110×+10,糖水的质量:110+10,代入数据计算即可.解:110×+10,=11+10,=21(克),110+10=120(克),21:120=7:40,答:这时糖和糖水的质量比是7:40;47.(1分)将学校的长方形花坛按1:100画在图纸上,图上花坛的面积与实际面积的比是()解:假设在图纸上操场的长为8厘米,宽为4厘米,图上面积:8×4=32(平方厘米);实际的长:8÷=800(厘米),实际的宽:4÷=400(厘米),实际面积:800×400=320000(平方厘米),32÷320000==1:10000;答:图上花坛的面积与实际面积的比是1:10000.故选:C.48.(1分)一段路,甲车用6小时走完,乙车用4小时走完,甲乙两车的速度比是()49.(1分)两个正方形边长的比是2:3,它们的面积比是()50.(1分)甲、乙两队人数相等,现在把甲队人数的调入乙队,这时甲、乙两队的人数比是()设甲、乙两队原有的人数都为x,则甲队现有人数为(1﹣)x,乙队现有人数为(1+)x,于是即可得到两队现有人数的比为(1﹣)x:(1+)x,依据比的性质进行化简即可.解:设甲、乙两队原有的人数都为x,则甲队现有人数为(1﹣)x,乙队现有人数为(1+)x,(1﹣)x:(1+)x=:=2:3;故选:A.51.(1分)一个三角形,它的三个内角度数的比是1:5:6,这个三角形是()因为三角形的内角度数和是180°,三角形的最大的角的度数占内角度数和的=,根据按比例分配的方法,求出最大角,进而判断即可.解:1+5+6=12,最大的角:180°×=90°,所以这个三角形是直角三角形;故选:A.52.(1分)如果甲堆煤的质量比乙堆煤少,那么下列说法不正确的是().如果从乙堆中取出给甲,那么两堆煤的质量同样多甲堆占两堆煤总质量的根据“甲堆煤的重量比乙堆煤少”,可以知道:乙堆煤的重量为单位“1”,甲堆煤的重量是乙堆煤的1﹣,也即甲堆煤的重量对应的分率为,两堆煤总重量对应的分率为(1+),据此把所给选项逐个分析后,即可得出答案.解:A、乙堆的重量比甲堆多:(1﹣)÷=×=20%,此句正确;B、甲、乙两堆重量的比是::1=5:6,不是6:7,原句错误;C、从乙堆中取出给甲堆,乙堆还剩:1﹣=,甲堆现有:+=,两堆煤的重量就同样多,此句正确;D、甲堆占两堆煤总重量的:÷(1+)=×=,此句正确;综合以上知道:B句错误;故选:B.53.(1分)一个长方形的周长为a 厘米,宽边比长短3厘米,则这个长方形的长边的长度是()54.(1分)相邻两个自然数相加的和是x,那么较小的一个自然数是()55.(1分)一辆大巴从杭州湾跨海大桥的南岸开往北岸,行驶了约36千米,用了20分钟,这辆大巴每小时的速度是().千米D.先化20分钟=小时,再根据速度=路程÷时间解答.解:20分钟=小时,36÷=108(千米);答:这辆大巴每小时的速度是108千米.故选:A.56.(1分)三条线段的长分别是:10厘米,5厘米,5厘米,那么这三条线段()57.(1分)抛一枚硬币,连续9次都是正面朝上,第10次抛出,反面朝上的可能性为()解:因为硬币只有正、反两面,反面朝上:1÷2=;答:反面朝上的可能性为;故选:C.58.(1分)下面()句是正确的.59.(1分)甲数是a,比乙数的3倍多b,表示乙数的算式是()60.(1分)一个长6分米,宽4分米,高5分米的长方体容器,最多可以放下()个直径是2分米的球.解答:解:根据分成两段,第一段占全长的,则第二段占全长:1﹣=,因为,所以这两段木料相比较,第一段长.故选:A.点评:本题可以比较两段木料所占分率的大小,也可以比较两段木料具体的长度.68.(1分)大圆的半径是小圆直径的2倍,大圆与小圆的面积比是()A.2:1 B.4:1 C.16:1 D.1:16考点:圆、圆环的面积;比的意义.2865984分析:大圆的半径是小圆直径的2倍,即大圆的半径是小圆的半径的4倍;设小圆的半径为r,则大圆的半径就是4r,利用圆的面积公式即可分别求得大小圆的面积的比.解答:解:设小圆的半径为r,则大圆的半径就是4r,大圆的面积为:π(4r)2=16πr2;小圆的面积为:πr2,则大圆面积:小圆面积=16πr2:πr2=16:1;故选:C.点评:此类问题可以把小圆与大圆的半径分别用相应的数字或字母代替,然后利用圆的面积公式分别表示出大圆与小圆的面积进行解答.69.(1分)一个长方形的框架,如果把它拉成一个平行四边形,它的周长和面积()A.周长不变,面积变大B.周长不变,面积也不变C.周长变小,面积变小D.周长不变,面积变小考点:平行四边形的特征及性质;长方形、正方形的面积;平行四边形的面积.2865984分析:平行四边形和长方形的周长就是围成它们的线段的和,每条线段长度没有变化,则周长不变;长方形拉成平行四边形后高变小了,底没变,则面积减小了.解答:解:平行四边形和长方形的周长就是围成它们的线段的和,每条线段长度没有变化,则周长不变;长方形拉成平行四边形后高变小了,底没变,则面积减小了.故选:D.点评:此题主要考查周长的定义及平行四边形和长方形的面积之间的变化关系.70.(1分)把一张正方形的纸连续对折4次,折后的每一小块占这张正方形纸的()A.B.C.D.考点:简单图形的折叠问题;分数的意义、读写及分类.2865984分析:把一张正方形的纸连续对折4次,相当于把这张纸平均分成16块,利用分数的意义得出每一小块占这张正方形纸的,由此选择答案.解答:解:张正方形的纸连续对折4次,折成:2×2×2×2=16(块),所以每一小块占这张正方形纸的;故选:C.点评:解决此题的关键是求得一张正方形的纸连续对折4次,平均分成的块数,进一步由分数的意义解答即可.71.(1分)一个半圆的半径是r,它的周长是()A.πr B.πr+2r C.2πr考点:圆、圆环的周长.2865984分析:根据圆的周长公式C=2πr可计算出半圆的周长,半圆周长=圆周长的一半+直径.列式解答即可.解答:解:半圆周长=2πr÷2+2r,=πr+2r;答:一个半圆的半径是r,它的周长是πr+2r.故选:B.点评:此题主要考查的是如何求半圆的周长.72.(1分)把0.8亿改写成用“万”作单位的数是()A.0.8万B.8000万C.80000万 D.80000000万考点:整数的改写和近似数.2865984分析:把0.8亿改写成用万做单位的数,是高级单位“亿”改写成低级单位“万”,要乘进率,万到亿的进率是10000,据此解答即可.解答:解:0.8亿×10000=8000万,故选:B.点评:此题考查整数的改写,注意改写时把小数末尾的零去掉,添上一个“万”,改写是数的大小不变,用等号连接.73.(1分)(2012•长寿区)2×3×6=36,2、3、6这三个数都是36的()A.倍数B.质因数C.公约数D.约数考点:因数和倍数的意义;因数、公因数和最大公因数.2865984分析:因为2×3×6=36,说明2、3和6是36的因数,只有2和3是质数,所以2和3是36的质因数,但6不是质数,是合数,由此选出答案即可.解答:解:因为2×3×6=36,所以2、3、6是36的因数(约数);故选:D.点评:此题主要考查质因数与因数的区别:是一个数的因数,如果都是质数,这样的数就是这个数的质因数,注意一个数的因数可以有1.74.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个零件的实际长度是7毫米,但在图上量得长是3.5厘米.这幅图的比例尺是()A.1:2 B.1:5 C.5:1 D.2:1考点:比例尺.2865984分析:图上距离与实际距离的比即为比例尺,将数据统一单位后,即可求得这幅图的比例尺.解答:解:3.5厘米=35毫米,35:7=5:1;答:这幅图的比例尺是5:1.故选:C.点评:此题主要考查比例尺的意义,关键是要统一单位后再求比例尺.解:根据分成两段,第一段占全长的,则第二段占全长:1﹣=,因为,所以这两段木料相比较,第一段长.故选:A.75.(1分)把米长的铁丝锯成相等的4段,每段是原长的()A.米B.米C.D.考点:分数的意义、读写及分类.分析:把米长的铁丝锯成相等的4段,就是把米长的铁丝看作单位“1”,平均分为4份,求每段是原长的几分之解答:解:把米长的铁丝锯成相等的4段,每段是原长的:1÷4=;故选:C.点评:本题主要考查分数的意义,注意找准单位“1”,分析平均分了几份.76.(1分)有两个自然数,它们的倒数的和是,这两个数是()A.0和2B.1和2C.4和2D.3和6考点:分数的拆项.分析:先把2拆成两个因数的积,然后根据分数的基本性质,给分数的分子和分母同时乘这两个因数的和,再把它拆成两个分数相加的和,并将每个加数进行约分.这时得到两个分数,这两个分数的分母就是要求的两个自然数.解答:解:===+=+;所以这两个自然数是3和6.故选:D.点评:此题考查了分数的拆项,实际上是把一个较大的分数单位拆成两个较小分数单位的和,从而解决问题.77.(1分)(2012•长寿区)如果甲数的等于乙数的,那么甲数:乙数等于()A.6:15B.10:9C.15:6D.9:10比的意义;求比值和化简比.分析:因为甲数的等于乙数的,即甲数×=乙数×,然后根据比的基本性质化简比即可.解答:解:设甲数×=乙数×,所以甲数:乙数=:=9:10;故选:D.点评:解答本题关键是利用甲数的等于乙数的,甲数×=乙数×,然后根据比的基本性质求出甲乙的比.78.(1分)用圆规画一个周长是12.56厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离是()A.2厘米B.3厘米C.4厘米D.6厘米圆的认识与圆周率.分析:求圆规两脚之间的距离,即求圆规的半径,根据“r=C÷π÷2”进行解答即可.解答:解:12.56÷3.14÷2,=4÷2,=2(厘米);答:圆规两脚之间的距离是2厘米;故选:A.点评:解答此题用到的知识点:圆的周长、半径和圆周率三者之间的关系.79.(1分)(2012•长寿区)监利水文站用来测量水位高低和变化情况的选用()统计图.A.条形B.折线C.D.无选项考点:统计图的选择.分析:条形统计图能很容易看出数量的多少;折线统计图不仅容易看出数量的多少,而且能反映数量的增减变化情况;扇形统计图能反映部分与整体的关系;所以,监利水文站用来测量水位高低和变化情况的选用折线统计图比较合适.解答:解:由折线统计图的特点可知:监利水文站用来测量水位高低和变化情况的选用折线统计图最合适;故选:B.点评:此题考查了统计图的特点,要根据实际情况灵活选择.80.(1分)(2012•长寿区)这里共有()条线段.A.三条B.五条D.六条考点:组合图形的计数.分析:根据线段的含义:有两个端点、有限长;来解答本题即可.解答:解:如图:图中共有线段AB、AC、AD、BC、BD、CD共6条.故选D.点评:本题考查线段的含义,查找线段数目是按一定顺序,做到不重不漏.81.(1分)(2012•长寿区)一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的底面积相等,圆锥的高是圆柱高的3倍.则圆锥的体积()圆柱的体积.A.小于B.大于D.无选项考点:圆锥的体积;圆柱的侧面积、表面积和体积.分析:根据题干,设圆柱和圆锥的底面积相等是S,设圆柱的高是h,则圆锥的高是3h,由此利用圆柱和圆锥的体积公式求出它们的体积即可解答.解答:解:设圆柱和圆锥的底面积相等是S,设圆柱的高是h,则圆锥的高是3h,圆柱的体积是:Sh,圆锥的体积是:S×3h=Sh,所以圆柱的体积与圆锥的体积相等.故选:B.点评:此题考查了圆柱与圆锥的体积公式的灵活应用.82.(1分)一件商品,先提价10%,以后又降价10%,现在的价格与原来相比()B.降低了C.不变D.无法确定考点:百分数的实际应用.分析:设原价是1,第一个单位“1”是原价,提价后的价格就是原价的1+10%;第二个10%的单位“1”是提价后的价格,现价是提价后价格的1﹣10%,求出现价再与原价比较即可.解答:解:设原价是1,则提价后的价格是:1×(1+10%),=1×110%,=1.1;现价是:1.1×(1﹣10%)。
小学六年级词汇语法选择训练100题(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.He _____ at home last Tuesday. ()A.stay B.staying C.stayed2.—_____? ()—It was good.A.How are you B.How was your holiday C.What was your weekend3.—What _____ you do yesterday? ()—I cleaned my room.A.do B.were C.did4.—Did you do anything else? ()—_____A.Yes, I do.B.No, I didn't.C.Yes, I am. 5.—What did you do yesterday? ()—I _____ my clothes.A.washed B.wash C.washing6.My brother _____ TV last night. ()A.watched B.watch C.watching 7.What _____ Amy usually do every Monday? ()A.do B.did C.does8.You are going to stay hungry. ()A.你将继续饿着。
9.We are going to have a picnic in the park. ()A.我们将要在公园里散步。
10.It's going to rain soon. ()A.很快就要下雨了。
11.When are you going to eat? ()A.你们将要做什么?B.你们将什么时候吃饭?12.—What did you do last weekend? ()—I learnt ___________ the drum.A.played B.plays C.playing D.to play 13.The old man is ___________. He can’t see anything. ()A.blind B.deaf C.happy D.good 14.Jenny ___________ the museum by bus yesterday afternoon. ()A.go B.go to C.went D.went to 15.Jerry ___________ me to finish my homework yesterday. ()A.help B.helps C.helping D.helped 16.You should eat more vegetables. And you should do more exercise, ___________. ()A.also B.too C.either D.and 17.Did Jack miss the bus ___________? ()A.every day B.often C.this morning D.tomorrow 18.Tom often ___________ in the morning. ()A.run B.miss the bus C.lose his keys D.wakes up late 19.—Did they win the game last week? ()— ___________A.Yes, they do.B.Yes, they did.C.No, they don’t.D.No, they doesn’t.20.Tom ___________ to play basketball with Mike every Sunday. ()A.go B.went C.goes D.going21.I ___________ with friends last night. ()A.have fun B.has fun C.having fun D.had fun 22.—What happened to Tony? ()— ___________A.He’s swimming.B.They’re eating.C.He’s sleeping.D.He forgot his homework.23.I often learn ___________ the piano on Sunday. ()A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing 24.My books weren’t in my bag this morning. I ___________ everywhere. () A.looked for them B.looked them for C.find them D.found them 25.I can go to school by bike. I can ___________ go to school on foot. ()A.also B.too C.as well D.either 26.Ben looks happy today. He ___________. ()A.lost his way B.won the game C.woke up late D.missed the bus 27.I ___________. I failed the test. ()A.had a bad day B.had a good day C.had a great day D.had a nice day 28.Yesterday, I ___________. I was late for school. ()A.got up early B.woke up late C.went to bed early D.woke up early 29.Why did you ___________ this morning? ()A.missed the bus B.misses the bus C.miss the bus D.missing the bus 30.I’m so happy. I ___________. ()A.got a gift B.hurt my knee C.lost my bike D.had a cold 31.I ___________ yesterday. My teacher was angry. ()A.forgot my homework B.got a giftC.lost my bike D.got up early32.It _________ cold in Xi'an tomorrow. ()A.is B.will C.will be33.—What are you going to do _________ dinner? ()—I am going to play chess.A.in B.at C.after34.It will _________ in Chengdu. ()A.snow B.snowy C.snowing35.Let's _________ the weather tomorrow. ()A.looks at B.look at C.looking at36.It will be _________ in Hainan. ()A.sun B.sunny C.shining37.There _______ a football match tomorrow because of the rain. ()A.will be B.won’t be C.aren’t going to be 38.We _______ some bread for lunch, but there _______ any bread in my bag now. () A.buy; isn’t B.bought; wasn’t C.bought; isn’t 39.Shall we _______ some pictures in the park? ()A.taking B.to take C.take40.It’s snowy. Let’s _______ a snowman. ()A.make B.to make C.making41.My father is sleeping, but the radio is too noisy. Can you _______? ()A.turn it down B.turn it up C.turn it on42.Mary _______ to school last Monday because she was ill. ()A.doesn’t go B.didn’t go C.won’t go 43.Hong Kong _______ the “Shopping Centre”. ()A.calls B.called C.is called44.It is yellow, brown and black. It has a very long neck. It eats leaves on the top of the trees. It’s a _______. ()A.snake B.dog C.giraffe45.It’s my _______ to play the ball game. ()A.turn B.turning C.turns46.Tom _______ finish his homework last night. ()A.didn’t B.don’t C.doesn’t47.It _____ now. ()A.rains B.is raining C.is going to rain 48.—_____ are you going to do your homework? ()—At 7:00.A.When B.What C.Where49.It _____ soon. ()A.rains B.is raining C.is going to rain 50.There are some ducks _____ the pond. ()A.to B.on C.at51.It _____ you’re going to stay hungry. ()A.look like B.looks like C.looks likes52.It will be hot _________ Friday. ()A.in B.at C.on53.—________ are you going to do today?()—I'm going to the park to play.A.What B.What time C.Where54.It will _________ in Beijing tomorrow. ()A.rain B.be rain C.going to rain 55.—Where am _________? ()—_________ are in Harbin.A.I; your B.You; I C.I; You56.It _________ snow in Harbin tomorrow. ()A.is B.will C.will be57.Jack is _______ his wallet. ()A.look for B.looking for C.find D.finding 58._______ did you do yesterday? ()A.What B.Where C.How D.Why 59.Did Jenny _______ to the park yesterday? ()A.went B.go C.goes D.going 60.What did Gogo do _______ Monday afternoon? ()A.in B.of C.on D.at 61.—Did you read a book last night? ()—_______A.Yes, I do.B.No, he didn’t.C.No, I don’t.D.No, I didn’t. 62.What happened to _______? ()A.he B.her C.she D.they63.I _______ some bread this morning. I don’t want _______ bread for lunch. () A.eat; eat B.ate; to eat C.eat; to eat D.ate; eat 64.Tim’s teacher _______ angry. Because Tim _______ his homework yesterday. ()A.is; isn’t doing B.did; didn’t do C.was; didn’t do D.was; isn’t do 65.What happen _______ that little girl? ()A.with B.to C.for D.on 66.My brother _______ up late yesterday. ()A.got B.get C.gets D.getting 67.Where did you _______ last winter holiday? ()A.go B.goes C.going D.went 68.—What happened? ()—_______, I watched a movie. _______, I played a game. I _______ went shopping. A.Next; First; then B.First; Next; then C.First; Then; next D.Next; Then; first69.Yesterday _______ a bad day. I hurt my foot. ()A.is B.are C.was D.were 70.—Why didn’t he open the door? ()—Because he _______ the key.A.won B.lost C.had D.got 71.We _______ hungry yesterday. We ate a lot of bread. ()A.is B.was C.are D.were 72.—What happened _______ Lisa? ()—She couldn’t find her pen.A.by B.with C.for D.to73.I had a _______ day. I had a cold. ()A.nice B.good C.bad D.best 74.I’m looking _______ my English book. ()A.to B.for C.with D.on 75.Tony and Gogo _______ an interesting game last night. ()A.play B.plays C.played D.playing 76.Jenny won the match. She was really _______! ()A.luck B.lucky C.bad D.sick 77.—What did you do last year? ()—I ___________ a shop assistant.A.was B.were C.is D.are78.—What did your sister do last weekend? ()—She ___________ TV.A.watch B.watches C.watching D.watched 79.—Were you at the theatre 2 days ago? ()—___________A.Yes, I were.B.No, I was.C.Yes, I was.D.No, I weren’t. 80.The apples smelled ___________, so I ___________ them away. () A.badly; threw B.badly; throw C.bad; threw D.bad; throwed 81.—What did you want to be when you were young? ()—___________ a scientist.A.I want to be B.I wanted to be C.I am want to be D.I was want to be82.Let’s ___________ on the road. It’s dangerous. ()A.play B.not play C.don’t play D.no playing 83.Lisa’s computer ___________ last night. ()A.doesn’t work B.didn’t worked C.doesn’t works D.didn’t work 84.I went boating with my friend ___________. ()A.tomorrow B.yesterday C.next week D.right now 85.—What _______ John _______? ()—He slept all day.A.does; do B.did; do C.did; did D.does; did 86.Jack was in Chengdu _______ October 2005. ()A.in B.on C.at87.What _______ your mother's name? ()A.am B.are C.is88.Martin is _______ Chinese. ()A.learn B.learns C.learning89.Lisa is pretty _______ lovely. ()A.but B.or C.and90.I can _______ the guitar. ()A.play B.plays C.playing91.I was born _______ China. ()A.in B.on C.at 92.People are _______ cool clothes there. ()A.wear B.wearing C.wears 93.We love _______. ()A.he B.him C.his二、词汇选择题找出下列每组中不同类的一项。
A 桑娜无论自己受苦,都要收养西蒙的两个孩子。
B 校园里屹立着一棵棵松树。
C 《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画的作者是达·芬奇。
D 我一定改正不好的缺点。
42、为什么瓜秧开了花不结瓜是水浇得不够是肥施得不足还是土壤根本不行一位雷达兵在生产队当过副队长他找到了答案瓜秧开了花要授粉( )A ????,:!B ?、、?,,。
C ?,,?,:。
D ,,,?。
小学英语六年级专项训练100题(含答案解析)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.—What would you like to ________? ()—I’d like ________ orange juice.A.drink; drinking B.drink; to drink C.drink; drinks 2.—________ did you play? ()—In the school playground.A.Where B.When C.What3.My mother ________ to work from Monday to Friday. ()A.goes B.go C.went4.My mother ________ an English book now. ()A.reads B.reading C.is reading 5.Did they ________ after dinner last Saturday? ()A.chatted B.have a chat C.chatting6.He ________ TV at home last Sunday. ()A.watches B.is watching C.watched7.I like school life. It’s ________ to go to school. ()A.sad B.fun C.hard8.This water is ________. You can drink it. ()A.clean B.dirty C.hot9.It’s ________ today. It’s fun to play football. ()A.sunny B.windy C.raining10.I’m hungry. Here are some ________. ()A.drinks B.candies C.sandwiches 11.This park is beautiful. We often ________ here. ()A.comes B.come C.are coming 12.You want your friend to go on a picnic, and you can say: ()A.Why do you go on a picnic?B.Where shall we go on a picnic? C.How about going on a picnic?13.You don't want your friend to swim in the river, and you can say: () A.You shouldn't swim in the river.B.You have to swim in the river. C.Why not swim in the river?14.—Would you like _____ boating with us tomorrow? ()—I'd love to. But I have to do my homework first.A.to go B.go to C.going 15.—It's not good to eat _____ meat. ()—OK. I see.A.more B.too many C.too much 16.—We should _____ because they're our friends. ()—Yes. You're right.A.make the air dirty B.pick flowers C.help the animals 17.—Can Jim _____? ()—Yes. And he plays it very well.A.plays the guitar B.play the violin C.play the football 18.___________ How do I get to the zoo? ()A.Hello.B.Sorry.C.Excuse me. 19.Go straight on. Then ___________ right. ()A.go B.turn C.come 20.Turn left. The zoo is ___________ the right. ()A.on B.in C.at21.The UN building is a very ________ building in New York. () A.important B.delicious C.difficult 22.—Where does a monkey live? ()—It lives __________.A.in the water B.in the forest C.in the room23.A snake sleeps __________ eighteen hours a day. ()A.at B.for C.in24.A fox sleeps in the day and is doesn’t sleep __________ night. ()A.in B.on C.at 25.—__________ does the tiger sleep? ()—It sleeps for 15 hours a day.A.What B.When C.How long 26.—What animal do you love? ()—I love __________.A.pandas B.swimming C.noodles 27.Do you want ________ the UN building in New York? ()A.to make B.to have C.to visit 28.—What does Colin look like? ()—He looks _____. Because he often plays sports.A.healthy B.weak C.happy 29.I usually walk to school.That's good ________. ()A.take B.bye C.exercise 30.—________is it?—It's behind the zoo. ()A.Who B.Where C.How many 31.It's________the post office. ()A.of front B.in front of C.in front 32.Hi,children.You're ________. ()A.buy B.early C.help 33.Oh,the bus is ________! ()A.come B.comes C.coming 34.I'll ________Grandpa. ()A.tell B.first C.sometimes35.The light is ___________. We can go. ()A.red B.yellow C.green36.We ___________ play in the street. It’s dangerous. ()A.can B.should C.shouldn’t 37.The UN wants to ________ in the world. ()A.make money B.make peace C.make food 38.Many countries are ________ the UN. ()A.on B.in C.at 39.—What do you often do __________? ()—I often read books.A.in the library B.at the zoo C.in the shop 40.—__________ do you often do at the weekend? ()—I often help my mum.A.Where B.Who C.What41.We are getting ready ______ fly ______ Shanghai ______ our holiday. () A.for; to; to B.to; to; for C.for; for; to D.to; to; to 42.Her name is Lily. She ________ from London. ()A.be B.comes C.come 43.This is my friend in China. ________ name is Lingling. ()A.Her B.She C.Its 44.There is ________ in New York Zoo now. ()A.a panda B.a park C.four tigers 45.The people in America can speak ________. ()A.Chinese B.English C.Japanese 46.—What did you do at the weekend? ()—I ________ three emails.A.write B.wrote C.am writing 47.I borrowed two books from the school ________. ()A.building B.library C.dining room 48.The lion dance is a traditional Chinese ________. ()A.song B.music C.dancing 49.Many _______ kinds of animals live in Dalian Forest Zoo. () A.different B.difficult C.delicious 50.Let’s go to a Chinese ________ to have dinner. ()A.theatre B.restaurant C.library 51.Amy, Let’s cook supper. We’ll give mum a ________. ()A.book B.letter C.surprise 52.—Can you ________ English? ()—Yes, but only a little.A.tell B.say C.speak 53.There is ________ big Chinatown in New York. ()A.a B.an C.the 54.________ lots of Chinese shops and restaurants in Chinatown. () A.There is B.There are C.There was 55.If a boy helps us, we should say _________ for his help. ()A.hello B.sorry C.thank you 56.My favourite festival _________ Spring Festival. ()A.is B.are C.am 57.Thanksgiving is very _________ in America. ()A.difficult B.easy C.important 58.Hi, boy! I will tell you ______. ()A.something important B.important something C.nothing important D.important nothing 59.—______ you like a cup of tea or coffee? ()—______A.Would; Yes, I’d love to.B.Would; Tea, please.C.Do; Tea, please.D.Do; Coffee, please.60.—I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. ()—______!A.Have a good time B.Best wishes to themC.Thank you very much D.It’s OK61.—______ will you stay in America? ()—About two months.A.How many B.How often C.How long D.How 62.It is a good time ______. ()A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.sang 63.—How do you go to work? ()—I usually go to work ______.A.by a car B.in a taxi C.on a car D.by cars 64.There are five ______ and two ______ in the room. ()A.Japanese; Germen B.Japaneses; Germen C.Japanese; Germans 65.I can’t ride bikes. So I __________ ride a bike. ()A.often B.sometimes C.never66.—Do you often watch TV? ()—__________A.Yes, I did.B.No, I don’t.C.No, he doesn’t. 67.I like playing football. So I __________ play football. ()A.never B.like C.often68.The bookshelf is very messy. I ________ find my book. ()A.can B.can’t C.will69.We can play well ________ a tidy room. ()A.on B.in C.from 70.—What do you want to do at school tomorrow? ()—I want to ________.A.go to Beijing B.go swimming C.read some books 71.He ________ ride bikes. He doesn’t like bikes. ()A.never B.always C.often72.We can feel good in a ________ room. ()A.messy B.tidy C.small 73.—Does he often play football in the park? ()—________A.Yes, he does.B.No, I don’t.C.No, he can’t. 74.—Do you often play with your dog? ()—Yes, ________.A.I played with my dog B.I never play with my dog C.every day 75.—Let’s read the books together. ()—________A.Yes, I do.B.Good idea!C.OK, let’s go.76.I often ________ stories to my little brother. ()A.look B.read C.listen77.I tidied my room and I ________. ()A.found a coin B.drew a picture C.read a story book 78.I ________ a book about the UK. But I haven’t got a book about America. () A.have got B.haven’t got C.has got79.I’ve got a ________ from China. ()A.food B.stamp C.books 80.Look, this is a book about the US. This book is from ________. ()A.England B.America C.American 81.Last week, Daming ________ me some photos of New York. They are very beautiful. ()A.wrote B.sent C.got82.Our school starts at ________.()A.half past three B.twelve o’clock C.eight o’clock 83.Chinese children often _______ in the park in spring. ()A.fly kites B.go skiing C.go swimming 84.Our school _______ at half past four in the afternoon. ()A.starts B.finishes C.begins 85.I _______ some photos of New York. Daming sent them. ()A.have taken B.have got C.have bought 86.Have you got a book _______ the UK? ()A.on B.in C.about 87.Is it easy or _______ to learn swimming? ()A.long B.difficult C.cold 88.My brother _______ a kite. It’s a bird. ()A.have got B.has got C.get 89.—Do you use _______ to eat in the US? ()—No, we don’t.A.chopsticks B.chairs C.chicks 90.I’ve got long, black hair and _______. ()A.a book B.a friend C.black eyes 91.I _______ my teacher in the bookstore yesterday. ()A.learned B.read C.met 92.The snakes are almost deaf. They can’t _____.()A.talk B.see C.hear 93.What does it _____ about my favourite animal? ()A.say B.talk C.speak 94.This is a great DVD! This DVD is _____. ()A.bad B.fantastic C.good 95.—Does a snake love _____ to the music? ()—No, it doesn’t.A.listening B.reading C.playing 96.—What are you doing? ()—I _____ my pen. I can’t find it.A.am looking at B.am looking for C.am looking up二、情景选择97.You want to go out to play, but your mother wants you to play the violin. She will say: _______ ()A.It's time to play sports.B.It's time to go out to play.C.It's time to play the violin.98.You want your friend to plant trees with you, and you can say: ()A.Do you like planting trees?B.Would you like to plant trees with us? C.Shall we cut down some trees?99.When others say "Sorry" to you, you can say: ()A.Excuse me.B.It doesn't matter.C.I'm sorry.三、词汇选择题选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。
小学六年级选择题英语作业100题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.Linda is walking ______ because her grandpa ______ in the house. ()A.quiet; sleeps B.quietly; is sleeping C.quietly; sleeps D.quiet; is sleeping2.People drive on the left side of the road in _______. ()A.Shang Hai B.the US C.the United Kingdom D.Beijing 3.—Do you like animal fables? ()—Yes, I do.对话中两个句子的末尾升降调符号应该是:_______.A.; B.; C.; D.;4.The w or ker says “ F our sh or t h or ses, running through the grass”.句中四个斜体单词画线部分读音不同的是:_______. ()A.w or ker B.F our C.sh or t D.h or ses 5.Western people often have _______ for breakfast. ()A.some porridge B.steamed buns C.bread and eggs D.noodles 6.Rubbish _______ the bedroom dirty. ()A.makes B.make C.making D.to make 7.—Can I have _______ ice cream? ()—Sorry, I don’t have _______ ice cream.A.any; some B.any; any C.some; some D.some; any 8.My brother usually _______. That isn’t a good habit. ()A.goes to bed late B.keeps his room tidy C.has breakfast on time D.puts his things in order9.Tim is laughing _______, because he is watching an _______ film. () A.excited; exciting B.excitedly; exciting C.excited; excitedly D.excitedly; excited10.We should _______ a lot about road _______. ()A.know; safety B.knows; safe C.know; safe D.know; safely 11.—How can I _______ your house? ()—You can _______ the metro.A.get; by B.get to; by C.get ; take D.get to; take 12.—_______ Tom good at English? ()—Yes, he often _______ English books after dinner.A.Does; reads B.Is; reads C.Is; read D.Does; read 13.My grandpa is seventy years old, but he _______ walk fast. ()A.can B.must C.can’t D.shouldn’t 14.There _______ a lot of people in the street last night. ()A.are B.was C.is D.were 15.Be quite! The baby _______ in the bedroom. ()A.sleep B.sleeps C.is sleeping D.is sleepy 16.I have _______ rice and _______ vegetables for dinner every day. ()A.a few; a little B.a little; a little C.a little; a few D.a few; a few 17.I’ll go to ______ with my family. We’ll visit ______. ()A.the UK; the Great Barrier Reef B.Australia; StonehengeC.the US; Yellowstone National Park18.I see ______ eggs and ______ sweet food on the table. ()A.a few; much B.some; many C.much; a lot of19.I will buy a birthday cake ______ Lily and bring it ______ the party. () A.for; to B.to; for C.to; at20.Let’s ______ a play. ()A.put on B.put out C.put off21.He ______ busy this week. He ______ free next week. ()A.was; is B.is; will C.is; will be22.You should have your meals ______. ()A.in time B.on time C.at a time23.Mike was busy ______ the floor in the classroom just now. ()A.sweep B.to sweep C.sweeping24.Jack knows a lot about road ______. For example, he knows that people must wait for the green man to keep ______. ()A.safety; safely B.safety; safe C.safely; safety 25.—In Macau, people always drive on the ______ side of the road. ()—In London, people drive on the ______ side of the road.A.right; right B.left; left C.left; right26.—______ it usually rainy in London? ()—Yes. It ______ yesterday and it ______ tomorrow, too.A.Does; rained; will rain B.Did; rains; rained C.Is; rained; will rain 27.______! A strong tiger is ______ food outside. ()A.Look out of; looking after B.Look for; looking at C.Look out; looking for 28.______ is an interesting country. ______ welcome visitors. You will like ______ football games. ()A.Australia; Australians; Australian B.Australia; Australian; Australian C.Australian; Australia; Australians29.The film is very ______. The children are all ______. ()A.exciting; exciting B.excited; exciting C.exciting; excited 30.Where ______ your cousin ______? ()A.is; come from B.is; from C.does; from 31.There ______ two fashion shows in the park the day after tomorrow. ()A.will have B.is going to be C.are going to be 32.He stayed at home _______ his father last weekend . ()A.and B.for C.with33.He stayed at home and _______ some broken chairs. ()A.fix B.fixed C.fixes34.Taking a bus is _______ than walking . ()A.faster B.fast C.better 35.The film magazine talked about _______ new films. ()A.lot of B.a lot C.a lot of36.I hope you feel _______ now. ()A.well B.good C.better 37.—What would you like? ()—I would like _______.A.two cup of tea B.two cup of teas C.two cups of tea 38.They bought some _______ and _______. ()A.potato; fish B.potatos; fishes C.potatoes; fish 39.What do you eat _______ supper?()A.for B.in C.at40.In _______ word “pineapple”, we can find a “pine” and _______ “apple”. () A.a; an B.the; a C.the; an 41.—Is there _______ juice in the fridge? ()—Yes, _______.A.any; a few B.some; a little C.any; a little 42.The schoolbag is _______. I can’t carry it. ()A.too big B.too heavy C.too small 43.—Do you have a _______ body? ()—Yes, I do.A.health B.healthy C.healthily44.I played football for two hours today. I need _______ now. ()A.having a rest B.to have a rest C.had a rest 45.Mike eats _______ meat and _______ vegetables in a day. ()A.a little; a few B.a little; a little C.a few; a little 46.Mia likes ice cream very much. But she only has _______ in summer. () A.some B.many C.a little 47.—Where is Bobby? We can't ______ him in the bedroom. ()—I'm here, under the bed.A.watch B.see C.look D.have48.Mike ______ well in all his subjects. ()A.does B.don't C.doing D.doesn't 49.—Kobe is a very good basketball player. ()—______.A.That's OK B.That's all right C.That's true D.Well done 50.—What do you usually do ______ Friday afternoon? ()—I usually ______ my grandparents.A.on; visits B.in; visits C.on; visit D.in; visit 51.—______ are we going, Dad? ()—We are ______ to Qingdao.A.What; go B.What; going C.Where; go D.Where; going 52.He didn't ______ yesterday. ()A.flew kites B.went fishing C.any housework D.go swimming 53.Nancy studies very ______. ()A.hard B.hardly C.great D.good 54.—Mum, I'm ______. Can I have some milk? ()—Sure. Here you are.A.cool B.hungry C.thirsty D.tired 55.Millie is a good girl. She ______ goes to school early. ()A.always B.never C.sometimes D.sometime 56.Yang Ling speaks English very ______. ()A.good B.nice C.well D.bad 57.—What happened? ()—______A.We went there by bike. B.I fell off the horse.58.—Did you go to Shengzhen? ()—______A.Yes, I did.B.No, I did.C.Yes, I didn’t.59.—What did they do yesterday? ()—______A.They went to a park.B.They are going to a park.C.They go to a park. 60.These are some photos ______ my summer holiday. ()A.to B.with C.from 61.Come and look ______ my photos. ()A.at B.for C.in62.That is ______ bad! ()A.too B.two C.to63.Where ______ Tom go yesterday? ()A.do B.did C.does64.I ______ off my bike last night. ()A.fall B.fell C.falling65.______, the music is nice! ()A.Look B.Listen C.Hear D.Watch 66.He has three meals ______ day. And he eats ______ apple every day. () A.a; an B.a; a C.an; an 67.Most of ______ people often have cereal, bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast. ()A.China B.Western C.Chinese 68.Which of the following words can't be added to “es”? ________ () A.mango B.photo C.hero69.— ______ Jim ______ some chocolate? ()— No, he doesn't.A.Do; have B.Does; has C.Does; have 70.My mother bought ______ beautiful dresses for my little sister yesterday. () A.a little B.a few C.a lot 71.—What about ______ some chicken and vegetables for lunch? ()—Great! I like chicken.A.have B.to have C.having72.I have some dumplings for lunch, but my grandpa ______. He has______ rice. () A.hasn't; little B.isn't; few C.doesn't; a little 73.Junk food is bad for our ______. We should eat ______ and have a ______ diet. () A.health; healthily; healthy B.healthy; healthily; health C.health; healthy; healthy 74.You ______ drink too ______ cola. ()A.should; much B.shouldn't; many C.shouldn't; much 75.Mary doesn't have a good ______ habit. She often has some hamburgers and cola for supper. ()A.eat B.ate C.eating76.I often ______ my homework on the weekend. ()A.do B.did C.doing77.—What did the boy do there? ()—__________A.He draw many pictures.B.He draws many pictures.C.He drew many pictures.78.—What happened? ()—I ate some bad food and __________ feel well.A.did B.do C.didn't79.—Did she go camping there? ()—No, she didn't __________ camping there.A.went B.go C.goes80.—__________ you watch TV last night? ()—Yes, I did.A.Did B.Do C.Does81.Do you want _____? ()A.watch TV B.to watch TV C.watching TV82.We saw a lot of _____ last weekend. ()A.films B.film C.a film83.Let's _____ at home. ()A.stay B.stays C.staying 84.Taking a bus is faster than _____. ()A.walk B.walks C.walking85._____ you _____ books this morning? ()A.Did; read B.Do; read C.Did; readed86.I went _____ yesterday. ()A.swam B.swimming C.swim87.I studied English _____ my brother. ()A.for B.with C.to88.Did you help them _____? ()A.washed clothes B.wash clothes C.washing clothes 89.Did Lucy _____ the noodles yesterday? ()A.cooking B.cook C.cooked二、语音选择题选出划线部分发音不同的单词。
小学六年级英语选择题作业100题(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.That dinosaur is 4.2 _______. ()A.tall metres B.metre tall C.metres tall2.I'm taller _______ my brother Tom. ()A.that B.to C.than3.—Did you clean your room? ()—________A.No, I don't.B.Yes, I did.C.Yes, I didn't. 4.—What did Linda do yesterday? ()—She ________ music.A.listened B.listens to C.listened to 5.My mum ________ busy yesterday. ()A.is B.was C.were 6.—What did John do yesterday morning? ()—________A.He sleeps all day.B.He's making the bed.C.He went boating. 7.I ________ maths with my brother last night. ()A.studied B.study C.studyed8.The weather is getting ______ and ______.() A.cooler; cooler B.colder; colder C.hotter; hotter 9.Army's ball is ______ than John's. ()A.smaller B.bigger C.older10.How ______ is the dinosaur? ()A.heavy B.heavier C.heaviest11.—______ are your shoes? ()—Size 8.A.What B.What size C.How12.LiuYun’s hair is 18 cm. Chen Jie’s hair is 4 cm shorter than Liu Yun’s. 问:How long is Chen Jie’s hair? ()A.14 cm B.15 cm C.16cm13.Amy wears size 18. Zhang Peng wears size 16. 问:Whose feet are bigger? () A.Amy’s feet are bigger.B.Zhang Peng’s feet are bigger.C.Their feet are same. 14.Bai Ling is ______ girl in our class. ()A.the tallest B.tallest C.the taller15.Who is shorter, Wu Binbin ______ Mike? ()A.and B.or C.but16.You are getting ______ every year. ()A.old B.older C.younger17.How big ______ your feet? ()A.am B.is C.are18.The black dog is ______ than the white dog. ()A.heavy B.heavier C.heavyer19.My hands are bigger than ______.()A.you B.your C.yours20.I’m ______ than you. ()A.strong B.thiner C.thinner21.—How tall are you? ()—______A.He is 150 cm.B.I’m 1. 52 meters.C.I’m 42 kilograms. 22._________ I clean my room. ()A.Sometimes B.Anytime C.Some times23.My father is _________. ()A.hard-work B.hard-working C.work hard 24.The dancing class_________ at10o'clock. ()A.start B.have C.starts 25.Do you often go to bed at9:30 _________10o'clock? () A.but B.and C.or 26.Amy often _________lunch at school.()A.have B.eats C.eat27.I _____ TV last night. ()A.watch B.watching C.watched 28.I fell _____ my bike. ()A.at B.off C.on 29.—What _____ are your shoes, Mike? ()—Size 8.A.size B.colour C.day 30.There _____ a hospital 3 years ago. ()A.is B.was C.are 31.The tiger is _____ than the cat. ()A.big B.long C.bigger 32.Helen Keller became blind and deaf. She _______ see or hear. () A.can B.wasn’t C.couldn’t 33.My brother went to the supermarket and _______ some apples for me. () A.buy B.buys C.bought 34.—Do you often wash your car? ()—_______A.No problem.B.Not very often.C.Good idea. 35.—Where are you going, Peter? ()—_______A.On Sunday.B.To the library.C.At school. 36.—How many _______ are there in your class? ()—Fifty.A.children B.student C.table 37.Xiaoyong is _______ in Chemistry. He studies hard. ()A.interested B.interesting C.exciting 38.—Can I have some ice-creams, please? ()—_______A.Sorry, you can’t.B.Yes, I am.C.Yes, we are. 39.—Do you like dumplings? ()—Yes, I do. They're my favourite _______.A.sport B.fruit C.food40.Today is Wednesday and yesterday was _______. ()A.Thursday B.Monday C.Tuesday41.Look at this picture on the wall. It’s _______ old picture. ()A.a B.an C.the42.Hi, boys and girls! Take it easy and believe in _______. ()A.yourselves B.themselves C.myself43.“_______ is believing” means if you see something yourself, you will believe it. () A.Saw B.See C.Seeing44.The people were very hungry, but they had _______ to eat. ()A.much food B.anything C.nothing45.“I can’t be proud. I should work harder,” I said to _______. ()A.me B.my C.myself46.He _______ a report at that time, so I had to wait for a while. ()A.wrote B.was writing C.is writing47.The apple is bad. May I have _______ one? ()A.some B.other C.another48.Stop _______. Miss White is coming. ()A.talking B.talk C.to talk49.Jack is too proud. He _______ the silly hare. ()A.likes B.is like C.doesn’t like 50._______ is good for our health. ()A.Eat fruit B.Ate fruit C.Eating fruit 51.Jiamin was in the classroom and waited _______ his teacher. ()A.in B.for C.to 52.The new shorts are ten _______. ()A.dollar B.dollars C.cent 53.What _______ Duoduo want to drink? ()A.Do B.is C.does 54.—Can _______ help you? ()—I want _______ bread.A.I; some B.I; a C.my; some 55.—_______ are the apples? ()—They are $30.A.What B.How C.How much 56.—_______ hamburgers do you want? ()—Three.A.How much B.How many C.What 57.—How ______ are they? ()—Ten yuan.A.many B.much C.big 58.A cola ______ me. ()A.with B.for C.to 59.The book is 5 yuan cheaper _______ hers. ()A.then B.than C.that 60.The elephant is _______ than the cat. ()A.biger B.large C.bigger 61.—How _______ are your feet? ()—I wear size 18.A.big B.long C.heavy62.The cat's tail is 20 cm _______. ()A.long B.small C.big 63.—What does your aunt do? ()—_______A.She is a policemen.B.She is a nurse.C.She is pretty. 64.—What's the weather like in Beijing? ()—_______A.It’s sunny.B.It’s sun.C.It’s Sunday. 65.—_______ are you going to do? ()—I’m going to watch a movie.A.How B.What C.When 66.Sarah is _______ than his sister, Mary . ()A.old B.longer C.shorter67._______. How can I get to the post office? ()A.Excuse me B.I’m sorry C.Thank you 68.—How heavy are you? ()—I'm _______.A.161 cm tall B.35 kg C.12 years old 69.—Can fish swim? ()—_______A.Yes, they can.B.No, they aren't.C.Yes, they can't. 70._______ one do you like best? ()A.Who B.Which C.What71.The small animals are cheering ________ the tortoise ________. ()A.of; loud B.for; loudly C.for; loud D.of; loudly 72.The ball is ________ the hole. So Sam pours some water ________ the hole. () A.in; in B.into; in C.in; into D.into; into73.The liger was ________ and wanted ________ the rabbit. ()A.angry; to eat B.angrily; to eat C.angry; eating D.angrily; eating 74.Miss Li looked ________ when she heard the good news. ()A.sad B.sadly C.happily D.happy二、情景选择75.你听见了不好的消息,你可以说:()A.I’m sorry to hear that.B.I’m sorry.76.白灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:()A.Bai Ling is 2 kg heavier than Mike.B.Bai Ling is two years bigger than Mike. C.Bai Ling is two years older than Mike.77.约翰有45公斤,迈克有50公斤,我们不能说:()A.Mike is stronger than John.B.Mike is thinner than John.C.Mike is 5kg heavier than John.78.吴斌斌是160厘米高,萨拉是157厘米高,可以说:()A.Wu Binbin is taller than Sarah.B.Wu Binbin is shorter than Sarsh. C.Wu Binbin is 3cm shorter than Sarah.79.小明的爸爸是一名老师,当别人问他爸爸的职业时,他应该回答:() A.She is tall.B.Great!C.He is a teacher. 80.别人帮助了你,你应该对他说什么?()A.Thank you!B.You are welcome.C.Sure.81.当你弄坏了同学的文具,你应该对他说什么?()A.Happy birthday!B.I’m sorry!C.Why?82.当你看到你的朋友受伤了,你应该对他说什么?()A.What happened?B.How old are you?C.OK!83.父亲节的时候你会对你爸爸说:()A.Happy Mother’s Day!B.Happy Father’s Day!C.Happy Children’s Day!三、选择正确图片/词句84.()A.dentist B.worker C.teacher 85.()A.nose B.mouth C.hand 86.()A.radio B.fan C.fridge 87.( )A.cap B.cat C.car 88.()A.bag B.bed C.book 89.()A.see a doctor B.see a film C.go to the zoo 90.()A.on foot B.by taxi C.by subway 91.( )A.take pictures B.have a cold C.take a trip92.()A.read a book B.wash clothes C.clean the room 93.( )A.go fishing B.go camping C.go cycling 四、词汇选择题选出每组单词中不同类的一项。
A 桑娜无论自己受苦,都要收养西蒙的两个孩子。
B 校园里屹立着一棵棵松树。
C 《蒙娜丽莎》这幅画的作者是达·芬奇。
D 我一定改正不好的缺点。
为什么瓜秧开了花不结瓜是水浇得不够是肥施得不足还是土壤根本不行一位雷达兵在生产队当过副队长他找到了答案瓜秧开了花要授粉( )A ????,:!B ?、、?,,。
C ?,,?,:。
D ,,,?。
小学英语六年级选择题作业100题(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________1.( )A.We rode horses together.B.We rode bikes together. 2.There ______ lots of dinosaurs many years ago. ()A.are B.were C.is3.—How was your Labour Day holiday? ()—______A.It was good.B.It was warm.C.I hurt my foot. 4.Amy went to Sanya ______ her parents and her uncle. ()A.or B.with C.and5.—Did you go camping last Saturday? ()—______A.Yes. I do.B.Yes, we did.C.Yes, we do.6.I ______ my foot yesterday morning. ()A.hurts B.hurted C.hurt7.Where did you ______ last Saturday? ()A.went B.go C.goes8.Bobin ______ like the dog. ()A.aren’t B.don’t C.didn’t 9.—What did you do there? ()—______A.I bought some gifts.B.I went to a park.C.I clean my room. 10.Tom _____ a picnic tomorrow. ()A.is having B.has C.is going to have11.Look! He _____ in the classroom. ()A.sings B.singing C.is singing 12.Yesterday I had two _____. ()A.hamburgers B.sandwich C.rices 13.—When are we going to eat, Bob? ()—_____ half past six.A.In B.At C.On 14.The children are doing _____ homework. _____ look happy. () A.they; They B.their; They C.them; Their 15.What ______ a hot dog? ()A.am B.are C.is16.It ______ good. ()A.look B.looking C.looks 17.______ careful! ()A.Do B.Can C.Be 18.—What do you want to ______? ()—Milk, please.A.eat B.drink C.do19.I ______ a cola. ()A.want B.want to C.want be 20.—______ do you want? ()—A hot dog.A.Who B.What C.Where 21.What do you ______ eat? ()A.want to B.want C.wants 22.—______ is it? ()—It’s twenty dollars.A.How many B.How much C.How23.Let ______ take them. ()A.me B.I C.my24.Can I ______ you? ()A.helps B.helped C.help 25.Simon is going to school ________ nine. ()A.at B.in C.of26.It won’t ________ in Nanjing. ()A.rain B.raining C.rainy27.________ are they going to play football? ()A.How B.What C.When28.It __________ soon. ()A.is snowing B.is going to snow C.snows29.It ________ like you’re going to ________ hungry. ()A.look; stay B.looks; stay C.looks; stays 30.When are you going _______ a party this evening? ()A.have B.to have C.having31.It will be ________ in Beijing. ()A.rain B.rainy C.raining32.I want ______ some tea, please. ()A.to drink B.drink C.drinking 33.It’s going to ______ tomorrow. ()A.windy B.winds C.be windy 34.—______ ()—It’s five yuan.A.How much it is?B.How much is it?C.How many is it? 35.A dog ______ under the tree. ()A.sleeping B.is sleeping C.sleep36.We’re looking ______ some ducks. ()A.in B.at C.to37.In this photo, the birds are flying ______ the sky. ()A.on B.at C.in 38.—How much is it? ()—It is ______.A.thirteen dollars and one cent B.thirteen dollars and one cents C.thirteen dollar and one cents39.She’s ______ her homework. ()A.do B.did C.doing 40.The ______ are playing in the park. ()A.children B.childs C.child 41.Look, there is a beautiful bird ______ the tree. ()A.in B.on C.at 42.—______ are the apples? ()—They are ten yuan.A.How many B.How much C.What 43.It will ______ in Tianjin. ()A.rain B.rainy C.be rain 44.Look! The girls ______ in the playground. ()A.dance B.dancing C.are dancing 45.—______ are you going to eat? ()—At half past twelve.A.What B.When C.Where 46.Let's ______ a picnic tomorrow. ()A.having B.had C.have 47.Xiaohong is hungry. She ______ eat some chicken. ()A.want B.wants C.wants to48.—______ do you want to ______? ()—I want some noodles.A.What; drink B.What; eat C.Why; eat 49.She is going to visit the Great Wall ______. ()A.last month B.next week C.yesterday 50.—______ ()—Yes. I'd like some coffee.A.Can I help you?B.Here you are.C.Come in, please. 51.In the UK, people drive on the _____ of the road. ()A.right B.middle C.left 52.—Why does the bus stop here? ()—_____ the traffic light is red.A.because B.Because C.because of 53.My _____ car is over there. It's red. ()A.one B.first C.the first 54.There are _____ cars on the road,so we should go _____. () A.some; slow B.lots of; fast C.many; carefully 55.Look! Some sheep _____ the road. ()A.are crossing B.is crossing C.crossing 56.In Macao, people drive on ______ of the road. ()A.the right side B.the middle C.the left side 57.As students, we must ______ our teachers in class. ()A.listen B.listen to C.to listen 58.—What does the sign mean? ()—It ______ we mustn't swim here.A.means B.meaning C.is meaning 59.The No. 9 bus is coming. Let's ______ the bus one by one. ()A.get off B.get to C.get on60.I can ______ the piano, but I'm not good at ______ it now. ()A.play; playing B.playing; playing C.play; play61.It's time ______ rest. Stop ______. ()A.to; to work B.for; working C.for; to work 62.Listen! The bird ______ happily in the tree. ()A.sings B.is singing C.singing63.______, my grandma dances with her friends in the morning every day. () A.Keep healthy B.To keep healthy C.Keeping healthy 64.We ______ play on the road because there are so many cars and buses. () A.must B.can C.mustn't65.He is ______ his dog in the park, but he doesn't find it. ()A.finding B.look for C.looking for 66.—Which of the following is not an animal fable? ()—______A.The fox and the crow.B.The monkeys and the moon. C.Carving (雕刻) a boat for a sword (剑).67.I will be a teacher ______. ()A.some day B.yesterday C.last year 68.My mother often ______ shopping on Sundays, but last Sunday she ______ an old friend. ()A.goes; visits B.goes; visited C.went; goes 69.The teacher ______ very angry and said, "Look at the words ______!" () A.is; careful B.was; carefully C.is; carefully 70.Peter, please ______ some water here. ()A.take B.bring C.bite71.The ball is ______ the hole, so Sam pours some water ______ the hole. () A.on; in B.into; in C.in; into 72.Two men ______ the lion ______ a large net. What a poor lion! ()A.caught; with B.catch; by C.caught; by 73.People are ______ about the ______ film. ()A.exciting; excited B.excited; exciting C.exciting; excitedly 74.Mary and Tim are cheering ______ the winner. ()A.to B.with C.for75.My sister _____ making clothes _____ her dolls. ()A.like; of B.like; to C.likes; for76.—_____ you 157 cm tall? ()—Yes, I _____.A.Are; am B.Are; do C.Do; do77.Who is _____ Li Na or Meimei? ()A.tall B.taller C.tallest78.Tom is 155 cm tall. Tim is 162 cm tall. So Tom is _____ cm______ than Tim. () A.7; younger B.7; shorter C.8; taller79.Lily is one year _____ than me. ()A.longer B.bigger C.older80.—How _____ are you? ()—I’m 42 kilograms.A.tall B.heavier C.heavy81.We _____ tea last night. ()A.drank B.drinks C.drink82.—_____ did you do last weekend?()—I slept at home.A.Where B.When C.What83.I’m 1.45 metres. You are _____ than me. ()A.heavier B.tallest C.taller84.What size _____ your shoes? ()A.was B.are C.is85.John played football _____ Jim yesterday. ()A.and B.together C.with86.Lily took some pictures _____. ()A.now B.tomorrow C.last night 87.—_____ was your weekend ? ()—It _____ fine, thanks.A.How; was B.How; is C.What; was 88.Did Amy _____ the bed yesterday? ()A.make B.makes C.made 89.John is _____ than Mike. ()A.strong B.stronger C.strongest90.It's my brother's birthday today. He's very ________.()A.sadly B.happy C.happily 91.The lion ________ the net with his teeth, but that didn't ________. () A.bites; helped B.bit; help C.bit; helped 92.Feifei sings ________ but she dances ________.()A.bad; beautiful B.badly; badly C.badly; beautifully 93.Last Sunday, Su Hai ________ to the library with her father. ()A.went B.goes C.is going 94.The mouse helped the lion ________.()A.got out B.get out C.getting out三、词汇选择题选出不同类的一项。
小学英语六年级专项训练100题(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.—Would you like to go to the concert with me? ()—I’d love to, ________ I can’t. I have a lot of homework to do.A.or B.but C.so D.and 2.—Would you like some more? ()—________ I’m full.A.Yes, please.B.I’d love to.C.No, I won’t.D.No, thanks. 3.—Would you like another cake? ()—________A.I think.B.I’d love to do.C.No, thanks.D.I’m afraid. 4.We should _______ more flowers. ()A.plant B.planting C.plants5.—May I have some water? ()—_______A.Yes, you have.B.Yes, you can.C.Yes, certainly. 6.—Shall we work on the farm? ()—_______A.Yes, we do.B.Yes, we shall.C.All right.7._______ you like some bread? ()A.Would B.Could C.Can8.—_______ shall we take? ()—Fruits and drinks.A.What B.What’s C.How9.We _______ throw the waste in the zoo. ()A.shouldn’t B.don't C.aren’t10._______ do you do on weekends? ()A.What B.Why C.What is11.Let’s _______ the guitar. ()A.go B.go on C.play12.I usually ___________ the park. ()A.go B.go to C.goes13.Let’s ___________ a picnic. ()A.go B.go on C.play14.—Who was on duty last Friday? ()—_______A.I am.B.I was.C.Yes, I was.D.No, I wasn’t. 15.The twins _______ in Dalian last year. They _______ here now. ()A.are; were B.were; are C.was; are D.were; was 16._______ your parents at home last week? ()A.Is B.Was C.Are D.Were 17.It’s time for school, _______. ()A.I’m afraid you have to go now.B.I’m afraid you have going now. C.I’m afraid you go now.D.I’m afraid you have go now.18.It _______ on the desk now. ()A.was B.are C.is D.were 19.It _______ behind the door yesterday. ()A.was B.were C.is D.are20.I wear a pair of ________ on a sunny day. ()A.sunglasses B.rain coat C.scarf21.I wear a ________ on a snowy day. ()A.sunglasses B.rain coat C.warm jacket22.I wear a ________ on a rainy day. ()A.sunglasses B.rain coat C.warm jacket23.I often _________. ()A.play a beach volleyball B.play beach volleyball C.play the beachvolleyball24.I want ____________. ()A.eat sea food B.to eat sea food C.eating sea food 25.I want to go to _________. ()A.Mount Tai B.a Mount Tai C.an Mount Tai 26.Your father is ill today, ________ he can’t take you to school. ()A.But B.because C.so27.—The hospital is not far. You can go there ________. ()—But I can’t walk that far.A.on foot B.in a short time C.by taxi 28.—What’s your hobby, Emily? ()—________.A.Books B.Reading stories C.Play computer games 29.Look at that old man. He can’t put up the picture on the wall. Let’s help ________. ()A.He B.his C.him 30.—Tomorrow is Saturday. What ________? ()—Do you have any plans?A.can we do B.should he do C.do they do31.My father and I _________ a film last night. ()A.see B.saw C.seeing32.I don’t feel tired _________. ()A.in all B.at all C.at now33.Tom _________ football after school last week. ()A.play B.plays C.played34.Amy _________ a headache yesterday afternoon. ()A.have B.had C.has 35.Xiaoming _________ in Beijing in 2020. ()A.do live B.didn’t live C.didn’t lived 36.My mother often _________ to work by bus. ()A.go B.goes C.went 37.I _________ my grandpa next week. ()A.visits B.will visit C.visited 38.Listen! The students _________ in the music room. ()A.are singing B.sings C.sing 39.—My aunt is ill. ()—I am _________ to hear that.A.busy B.sorry C.happy 40.Please take the medicine _________ a day. ()A.three B.one C.twice 41.What _________ you _________ this morning? ()A.did; have B.did; had C.do; had 42.The little baby sleeps _________ 10 hours each night. ()A.plenty of B.at least C.too many 43.You had a cold. You _________ drink more water. () A.shouldn’t B.can C.should 44.She was ill, so she stayed in hospital _________ three days. () A.at B.for C.on 45.Here are some jelly ________ you. ()A.for B.with C.to 46.Some of the students go ________ a trip in summer. ()A.to B.on C.at47.I am interested ________ taking photos. ()A.for B.on C.in 48.—It is fun _________ after school. Do you think so? ()—I agree with you. Doing sports in the free time _________ great fun.A.to do sports; is B.doing sports; are C.to do sports; are D.doing sports; is 49.He usually goes to work by bike, but ______ walks to the office. ()A.often B.never C.always D.sometimes 50.—How often do you take exercise? ()—______.A.Sometimes B.Three hours C.At three o'clock D.In two hours 51.—What is your favourite fruit? ()—______.A.Peanut B.Cheese C.Mango D.Bee52._____ your English book, please. ()A.Takes out B.Take out C.Taking out 53.—Dad, can I play sports now?()—_____A.I’m afraid you can’t.B.I’m not afraid you can C.I’m afraid so. 54.It’s time to play _____ violin. ()A./B.the C.a55.—Do you do _____? ()—No, I don’t.A.eye exercise B.eyes exercise C.eye exercises56.I get up _____ seven o’clock. ()A.on B.in C.at57.What time do you _____? ()A.sleeps B.sleep C.sleeping58.I play _____ violin at 10 o’clock. ()A.the B./C.a59.Can I _____? ()A.have a rest B.have rest C.to have a rest 60.She always _____ at 8 o’clock. ()A.cook B.cooks C.cooking61.They usually _____ at 9 o’clock. ()A.reading B.reads C.read62.He usually _____ at 12 o’clock. ()A.has lunch B.have lunch C.having lunch63.I usually _____ at seven o’clock. ()A.get up B.gets up C.getting up 64.What do you _____ every day? ()A.do B.to do C.doing65.What _____ he going to do? ()A.am B.is C.are66.My grandma was ill and I had to ______ her. ()A.look for B.look at C.look after67.My father is ______. He has too much work to do every day. ()A.busy B.free C.excited68.—I lost my bike and had to walk home. ()—______.A.It doesn't matter B.Sounds good C.I am sorry to hear that 69.Mr. Brown bought ______ in the supermarket. ()A.a pair of rain boots B.a pairs of rain boots C.a pair of rain boot 70.People in the north wear ______ in winter. ()A.shorts and T-shirts B.gloves and scarfs C.sunglasses and jackets 71.There were about ______ students in the school thirty years ago. ()A.two thousands B.eight hundreds C.three hundred 72.My grandpa is sleeping. Please ________. ()A.be quiet B.sing a song C.speak loudly 73.I’m hungry. Oh no! I didn’t bring ________! I forgot! ()A.any food B.any drinks C.any fruits74.—Where is the park, please? ()—Go straight on. Then turn left. The park is ________ the right.A.in B.on C.at75.The water is ________ here. We can drink the water. ()A.dirty B.clean C.happy76.________ How can I get to the zoo? ()A.Sorry.B.Excuse me.C.Hello.77.It’s fun to ________ with friends at school. ()A.play games B.buy clothes C.visit grandma 78.Look, the light is ________. We can go. ()A.red B.yellow C.green79.It’s a ________ day. Let’s fly kites. ()A.hot B.cloudy C.windy80.I’m ________. I want some water. ()A.angry B.hungry C.thirsty 81.This is a beautiful park. Let’s ________ here. ()A.borrow books B.have a picnic C.go swimming 82.I have a big lunch ________ my family at New Year. ()A.and B.with C.in83.Ben is looking ________ her pencil case. ()A.to B.for C.up二、词汇选择题读一读,根据每组选项的意义范畴选出不同类的选项。
六年级单项选择题100题( )1.It's cold today. You must _____the coat.A.take offB.put onC.take downD.put in ( )2.I have two pencils. One is green, and _____is red.A.oneB.otherC.the otherD.others( )3.How many eggs _____in the bag?A.hasB.haveC.is thereD.are there( )4.____me, please.A.ListenB.sayC.Listen toD.talk( )5.---______day is tomorrow? ---It's Tuesday.A.WhoseB.WhatC.WhichD.When( )6.Would you like _____tea?A.someB.aC.anyD.many( )7.______morning she gets up at six.A.Every dayB.On everyC.In everyD.Every ( )8.Don't _____late next time!A.isB.areC.beD./( )9.Oh, it's ____. How are you?A.youB.yourC.yoursD.he( )10.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch.A.doesB./C.doD.doing( )11.-How do you _____Tuesday? -Er.T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.A.sayB.speakC.talkD.spell( )12.Write _____ your exercise-books.A.down it inB.it down inC.down it onD.it down on( )13.The shop___ "Closed".A.writesB.talksC.saysD.speaks( )14.My favourite school days ___Friday and Saturday.A.isB.amC.areD.be( )15.Do you have any coloure pens?Sorry, I don't have_____. I think he has_____.A.any.anyB.sone.someC.some.anyD.any.some( )16.Where is London? It’s in_____.A.AmericaB.JapanC.EnglishD.England ( )17.Are they from ____?A.AustralianB.EnglishC.AmericanD.Canada( )18.One of my_____from Hangzhou.A.friends areB.friend isC.friends isD.friend are ( )19.You can _____she likes bananas a lot.A.lookB.watchC.seeD.to see ( )20.You are a teacher.What about ____?A.sheB.Li Pin brotherC.herD.your( )21.There____much_____ on the table.A.is,breadB.is,breadsC.are,breadD.are,breads ( )22.What ______his friends ______doing?A.do,likesB.does,likeC.do,likeD.does,likes ( )23.His son goes to a different school______.A.to hisB.from himC.from heD.from his ( )24.One of the boys is English.All______are Chinese.A.the others boyB.the other boyC.the other boysD.other boys( )25.I can't_____the words(单词).They are too small.A.lookB.seeC.watchD.say( )26.______Alice's brother.A.HisB.He'sC.HerD.She's( )27.The map_____China is_____the wall.A.on...ofB.of...onC.of...inD.of...at( )28.Some postcards ______in the box.A.isB.areC.there isD.there are ( )29.Mr John is working______Jack.A.withB.toC.atD.and( )30.Our teacher often talks_____us____English.A.to...onB.with...onC.with...inD.to...at ( )31.Who______hard in your class?A.worksB.studysC.workingD.studying ( )32.It's very nice______meet you.A.toB.forC.ofD./( )33.Is the blue cup yours______mine?A.andB.butC.forD.or( )34.______are good friends.A.Mike and I BI and Mike C.Mike and me D.Me and Mike( )35.It's _____bus.A.red'sB.greenC.a blueD.yellow a ( )36.Are ______here today?A.all weB.all of weC.we allD.all of boys ( )37.Could I have_______?A.full oneB.a full onesC.full one bottleD.a full one( )38.Please give___abottle of___.A.me...orangesB.she...orangeC.him...orangeD.her...oranges( )39.I want to put______in the basket.A.this thingsB.these thingsC.that thingsD.those thing( )40.The car is______full______move.A.too...tooB.to...tooC.too...toD.to...to( )41.Jim, please come______.A.thereB.to hereC.to homeD.here( )42.It's time to______games.We alllike______games.A.playing...playingB.play...playC.playing...playD.play...playing( )43.Let______. He must go to school.A.he goB.him goC.he to goD.him to go ( )44.I'd like______a cup of tea.A.to eatB.to drinkC.eatD.drink( )45.---Thanks very much.---______.A.No thanksB.All rightC.You're welcomeD. you, too( )46.Linlin, what's that______English?A.inB.atC.forD.with( )47.Can he______a bike?A.to rideB.ridesC.ridingD.ride( )48.______are they? They are at home.A.WhatB.HowC.WhoD.Where( )49.She often gets______late.A.to homeB.homeC.to hereD.to there ( )50.I go to school______bike every day.A.in theB.on myC.by theD.by my( )51.School______over at four in the afternoon.A.areB.beC.isD./( )52.On______way to school she often helps the old man.A.hisB.sheC.myD.her( )53.Don't______late for class.A.to beB./C.can'tD.be( )54.What time_____you and Jim_____up?A.does...getB.do...getsC.does...getsD.do...get ( )55.He is_____us. We all like him.A.friendB.friendlyC.friend toD.friendly to ( )56.There______only bread and rice. We must go to buy some meat.A.areB.isC.beD.have( )57.Linlin, get the______basket!A.shopB.shopingC.shoppingD.big shoping ( )58._______is this pen?A.How muchB.How manyC.WhatD.Who's ( )59.He doesn't want to______late for school.A.isB.doesC.beD.goes( )60.The first class______at eight o'clock.A.beginB.is beginningC.beginningD.begins ( )61.Miss Gao______lunch at school.A.has,notB.doesn't,hasC.don't,hasD.doesn't,have ( )62.She can______a little Japanese.A.speakB.sayC.speaksD.says( )63._______bread would you like?A.ManyB.MuchC.How manyD.How much ( )64.There are_______old men over there.A.anB.muchC.a lotD.a lot of( )65.I often buy something to eat on my way_____.A.schoolB.to schoolC.to homeD.to shop( )66.Is this______watch? Yes, it's_____.A.your,mineB.yours,mineC.yours,myD.your,my( )67.Let him______the kite.A.to flyB.flyingC.fliesD.fly( )68.I have____to do.A.many,workB.much,worksC.much,workD.many,works( )69.She is_______English girl.A.aB.anC.theD./( )70.How old_______you? I_______ten.A.are...isB.is...amC.are...amD.am...are ( )71.What's that?______.A.It is deskB.It is a deskC.This is deskD.That is a desk( )72.----What does your father do?---____.A.workB.docterC.He is workingD.He’s a worker ( )73.______. Are you Miss Sue? ——______,I'm mot.A.Sorry,Excuse meB.Excuse me,SorryC.Sorry,SorryD.Excuse me...Excuse me( )74.________? I'm in Class Three.A.Are you in Class ThreeB.What class you are in?C.What class are you inD.in what class( )75.These are_______.A.an eggB.a eggC.their eggD.eggs ( )76.I'm in_______.A.Class Three, Grade TwoB.Grade Two, Class ThreeC.class three, grade twoD.grade two, class three ( )77.Is this_______ruler?A.heB.hisC.youD./( )78.Sorry, I_______know.A.am notB.amC.doD.do not( )79.Is this a car?No,_______.A.it isn'tB.it isC.it'sD.this is not( )80.________old_______she?A.What...isB.What...areC.How...isD.How...are ( )81.This is a bird.______name is Polly.A.It'sB.ItsC.itsD.It( )82._______this?This is Wang Lin.A.Who isB.Who areC.What isD.What are ( )83.Is this a ______pencil-box?A.sheB.herC.yourD./( )84.They are_______.A.banana treeB.banana treesC.bananas treeD.bananas trees( )85.---Is the ship_____now?---No,it's_____.A.open,closeB.open,closedC.opened,closedD.opened,close( )86.Is this______ruler or______eraser?A.an...aB.a...anC.a...aD.an...an( )87.Are these______boxes?A.youB.IC.meD.your( )88._______everyone here?A.IsB.AreC.AmD./( )89.There aren't many people in the shop _____Mondays.A.inB.onC.atD.by( )90._______she have breakfast at school?A.DoB.HasC.DoesD.Is( )91.Look, the boy______near the house.A.is sitingB.sitC.sitsD.is sitting( )92.Where_______your father_______?A.does,frome,fromC.are,fromD.is,from ( )93.Would you give______to me, please?A.themB.theyC.theirD.they're( )94.Do you like_______basketball?A.playB.playingC.playsD.is playing( )95.Her sister______Japanese at school.A.studyB.studyingC.studiesD.is study ( )96.Does Wang Kai go to bed_______ten in the evening?A.atB.inC.forD.on( )97.Tom______every morning.A.cleans his bikeB.cleans bikeC.clean a bikeD.clean bike( )98.It's time_______morning exercises.A.doB.doesC.to doD.doing ( )99.Do you want to______English with me?A.askB.speakC.talkD.say( )100.Who_______your good friend?A.amB.areC.isD.does答案和讲解:1.B 天气冷,应该穿上衣服。
小学英语六年级选择填空专项练习题( )1. I get up _______ about seven fifty -five .A. inB. onC. atD. for( )2. Why are you looking at _______like that?A. IB. mineC. myD. me( )3. I want _______ a map of China .A. buyB. is buyingC. to buyD. am buying( )4. Is it a picture ______ your school ?A. ofB. toC. andD. with( )5. Do you like _______ ?A. swimB. swimmingC. are swimmingD. swim, too( )6. The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle .A. andB. ofC. withD. for( )7. Who's the lady ______ blue ?A. inB. onC. atD. with( )8. We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon .A. at…inB. at…onC. in…atD. on…on( )9. A: It's a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, ____ is yellow .A. IB. MyC. MineD. Me( )10. ______ any men in the room ?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. There aren'tD. There isn't( )11. The bed ______ the right is yours .A. onB. inC. atD. of( )12. Look at _______ picture .A. oneB. the oneC. firstD. the first( )13. These books are my _______ .A. studentsB. students'sC. students'D. students of( )14. My parents often tell me ______ your family .A. aboutB. fromC. forD. by( )15. ______ any food in the fridge ?A. Are thereB. Is thereC. HaveD. Has( )16.He often helps______with_______English.A.her,her B.she,her C.her,she D.she,she ( )17.How many_______are there in your school?A.woman teacher B.women teacherC.woman teachers D.women teachers( )18."Are you_______?""Yes,we are_______brothers."A.twin,twin B.twins,twinsC.twins,twin D.twin,twins( )19.David goes to school_______every day.A.by a bike B.by his bike C.on his bike D.on bike ( )20.Are in the same class?A.you,he and I B.you,I and heC.he,you and I D.I,you and he( )21.There's______"u" in the word "use".A.a B.an C.the D.×( )22." your brother's number?" "4".A.What's B.How many C.How D.How old ( )23.That's bus.A.English B.his C.Japanese D.he ( )24."Thank you very much.""________".A.That's right. B.Thank you.C.Oh,yes,all right D.That's all right.( )25. a bird. name is Polly.A.Its,Its B.It's,Its C.It's,It's D.Its,It's ( )26. May ____ got a Chinese book.A . isB . has C. have D. there is( )27. This is Mr Li's room. _____ room is clean.A. HeB. HerC. HimD.The( )28. ____ any bags in the locker.A. There areB. Is there c. There aren't D. There is( )29. ____ , is this Park School?A . Pardon B. Sure C.Sorry D. Excuse me ( )30. I'm in _______ room.A. heB. meC. ourD.she( )31. A: Where's John? B:____________.A a. He's over there.B . Which one?C . Oh, she's in the classroom. D. He’s studying.( )32. There is a letter ______ your grandma.A . inB . for C. to D. on( )33. How many ____ are there in the classroom?A . boyB . girlC . girls and boys D.girl’s and boy’s( )34. A:_____ is your phone number?B: My phone number is 59811678.A. WhichB. WhatC. How manyD. Who( )35. A:_____ is your brother? B: He's 20 years old.A. How muchB. WhatC. Who D . How old( )36. Is there _______ paper in the desk?A. someB. anyC. aD.an( )37. Mary has got _______ red apples.A. someB. anyC. anD.a( )38. He's got _______ brother.A. someB. aC. anD.any( )39. A: Have you got any books? B:_______________.A. Yes, I have got.B. No, I haven't. C Yes, I got. D.. Yes, I am. ( )40. Can you do some washing? _______________.A. Yes, please.B. Sure.C. Thank you.D. You are welcome! ( )41. The students in our class__________ different primary schools.A. is fromB. are come fromC. comes fromD. are from ( )42. We go to school__________ Monday ________ Friday.A. from … andB. both …andC. from … toD. and…and ( )43. Would you ________ a cup of tea?A. likeB. toC. atD. for( )44. Do they get__________________ school early? Yes, they do.A. onB. toC. atD. for( )45. They live ____________ the _________ floor.A. in...five B. in...fifth C. on ...fifth D. on (iv)( )46. He usually goes to school_________ underground.A. onB. inC. byD. to( )47. Do you live far___________ school?No, I don't. I live near here.A. forB. to C .at D. from( )48. I get up very early____________ weekdays.A. onB. inC. atD. to( )49. _________ do you go to work? On foot.A. WhatB. HowC. WhereD. What time( )50. What's your favourite book? I like books ________ animals.A. toB. forC. aboutD. in( )51. There's _________ apple tree in our garden.Under _________ tree, there is ________ young man.A. a; the; aB. an; the; theC. an; the; aD. the; the; a ( )52. ---Whose watch is this?---Is it a black _________?A. itB. oneC. thisD. that ( )53. There aren't _______ pears _______the tree.A. some; onB. any; inC. some; inD. any; on ( )54. ---What can you see in the bag?---_________. Oh, they are pencil-boxes.A. All rightB. No, I can'tC. ThanksD. Let me see ( )55. ---Excuse me, do you have any erasers?---__________________.A. It's my pleasureB. Sorry, I can'tC. OK, here you areD. Yes, here you are( )56. There __________ some books and a clockon the desk. The clock ________three hands.A. are; isB. is; hasC. are; hasD. have; has ( )57. ---____________ is your shirt?---It's black and white.A. WhatB. What colourC. WhichD. Where ( )58. It's time ______________.A. play basketballB. to go to bedC. playing gamesD. for the supper( )59. Here's a letter ______ Kate. She's ill _____ home.A. to; inB. from; forC. for; atD. at; from ( )60. ---Is this computer ______________?---No, it's not _____________.It's my _____________.A. yours; my; brotherB. your; mine; brotherC. his; hers; brother'sD. yours; mine; brother's( )61. Classes begin_______seven fifty-five.A. inB. onC. atD. for( )62. They often help________.A. IB. mineC. myD. me( )63. I want_______a map of China .A. buyB. is buyingC. to buyD. am buying( )64. Is it a picture_______your school?A. ofB. toC. andD. with( )65. Do you like________?A. swimB. swimmingC. are swimmingD. swim, too ( )66. The man________a stick(手杖)is my grandpa.A. andB. ofC. withD. for( )67. Who's the lady________blue?A. inB. onC. atD. with( )68. We usually stay_______home________Saturday afternoon.A. at...inB. at...onC. in...atD. on...on( )69. A: It's a white shirt, is it yours? B: No,_______ is yellow.A. IB. MyC. MineD. Me( )70. any men in the room?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. There aren'tD. There isn't( )71. The bed________ the right is yours.A. onB. inC. atD. of( )72. Look at_________picture.A. oneB. the oneC. firstD. the first( )73. These books are my________.A. studentsB. students'sC. students'D. students of ( )74. My parents often tell me________China.A. aboutB. fromC. forD. by( )75. any food in the fridge?A. Are thereB. Is thereC. HaveD. Has( )76. I like English. How_______you?A. areB. doC. about( )77. Does Su Hai have________hobbies?A. someB. anyC. all( )78. The girl usually plays the violin________Sunday morning.A. atB. inC. on( )79. He_______to school from Monday to Friday.A. goB. goesC. going( )80. am your English teacher. Please listen to .A. I, mineB. I, meC. you, my( )81. Kate_______blue eyes. Her hair________ brown.A. has, isB. has, areC. have, is( )82. The boy draws________ .A. carefulB. carefullyC. be careful( )83. Put your hands your head and turn left and right.A. on, /B. on, toC. with, /( )84. This is Ben. He is from . He speaks .A. the USA, AmericanB. American, EnglishC. the USA, English ( )85. Give me_______orange,please. I want______big orange.A. an, anB. a,anC. an,a( )86. Ben _______ morning exercises now.A. doB. doesC. doingD. is doing( )87. _______ you like watching TV? Yes, I do.A. AreB. doC. doesD. Can( )88 He usually _______ breakfast at 6:30.A. hasB. haveC. doD. does( )89. The boy is good ______ drawing.A. onB. atC. inD. are( )90. My cousin ________ Paris next Spring Festival.A. visitsB. is visitingC. visitD. will visit( )91. The girl often ________ home at 5:00.A. goB. go toC. goesD. is going( )92. They go to school _________.A. by footB. on footC. on bikeD. take bike( )93. Do you play the piano______?A. badlyB. badC. goodD. nice( )94. There ________ some milk in the bottle.A. hasB. areC. haveD. is( )95. Whose present is it? It's ________A. IB. meC. myD. mine( )96. We often _______ games after school.A. playingB. playsC. playD. do( )97. What would you like? I'd like _________.A. two piece of breadB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( )98. ________ does your first class begin? At 8.00.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Why( )99 My hobby is ________ pets.A. keepingB. keepC. keepingD. to keep( )100. David likes model ships , Mike doesn’t .A. make ; butB. making ; butC. make ; and答案和讲解:1.C 在几点钟和几点几分钟的前面用介词“on”.2.D at是介词,后面接宾格me.3.C “want to + 动词原形”想要干什么。
六年级英语选择题专项训练100题(含答案)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.—How did John go to the forest park? ()—______A.He went there on foot.B.They went to Hainan.C.She goes on foot.【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:—约翰怎么去的森林公园?—他步行去的森林公园。
2.I want _____ big fish. ()A.to this B.this C.to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我想要这条大鱼。
want+名词/动名词,want to+动词原形,横线后面的fish是名词,排除AC,this这,指示代词,修饰名词fish,故选B。
3.The child _____ eating ice creams. ()A.are B.like C.likes D.wants【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:这孩子____吃冰激凌。
are是,系动词;like喜欢,动词原形;likes喜欢,动词第三人称单数;wants想要,动词第三人称单数;结合句意和选项,可知句子是一般现在时,主语The child是第三人称单数,be动词用is,排除A,谓语动词用动词第三人称单数,排除B,like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,want to do sth想要做某事,横线后面的eating是动名词,故选C。
A.Vegetables B.Vegetable C.The vegetable【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:蔬菜可以帮助我们保持健康。
Vegetables可数名词复数,Vegetable可数名词单数,The vegetable这个蔬菜,本题表示泛指该空用可数名词复数,故选A。
A.小华跑得远B.小明跑得远C.两人跑得一样远3.在比例尺是1∶500的图纸上,测得一块长方形的土地长5厘米,宽4 厘米,这块地的实际面积是()平方米。
A.飞机下降500米B.飞机位于海平面以下500米5.一种饼干包装袋上标着:净重(150±5)克,表示这种饼干标准质量是150克,实际每袋最少不少于( )克。
A. B.0 C.-1 D.-210.已知有比例3∶9=1.3∶x ,则x的值是()。
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六年级单项选择题100题( )1.It's cold today. You must _____the coat.A.take offB.put onC.take downD.put in( )2.I have two pencils. One is green, and _____is red.A.oneB.otherC.the otherD.others( )3.How many eggs _____in the bag?A.hasB.haveC.is thereD.are there( )4.____me, please.A.ListenB.sayC.Listen toD.talk( )5.---______day is tomorrow? ---It's Tuesday.A.WhoseB.WhatC.WhichD.When( )6.Would you like _____tea?A.someB.aC.anyD.many( )7.______morning she gets up at six.A.Every dayB.On everyC.In everyD.Every( )8.Don't _____late next time!A.isB.areC.beD./( )9.Oh, it's ____. How are you?A.youB.yourC.yoursD.he( )10.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch.A.doesB./C.doD.doing( )11.-How do you _____Tuesday? -Er.T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.A.sayB.speakC.talkD.spell( )12.Write _____ your exercise-books.A.down it inB.it down inC.down it onD.it down on( )13.The shop___ "Closed".A.writesB.talksC.saysD.speaks( )14.My favourite school days ___Friday and Saturday.A.isB.amC.areD.be( )15.Do you have any coloure pens?Sorry, I don't have_____. I think he has_____.A.any.anyB.sone.someC.some.anyD.any.some( )16.Where is London? It’s in_____.A.AmericaB.JapanC.EnglishD.England( )17.Are they from ____?A.AustralianB.EnglishC.AmericanD.Canada( )18.One of my_____from Hangzhou.A.friends areB.friend isC.friends isD.friend are( )19.You can _____she likes bananas a lot.A.lookB.watchC.seeD.to see( )20.You are a teacher.What about ____?A.sheB.Li Pin brotherC.herD.your( )21.There____much_____ on the table.A.is,breadB.is,breadsC.are,breadD.are,breads( )22.What ______his friends ______doing?A.do,likesB.does,likeC.do,likeD.does,likes ( )23.His son goes to a different school______.A.to hisB.from himC.from heD.from his( )24.One of the boys is English.All______are Chinese.A.the others boyB.the other boyC.the other boysD.other boys( )25.I can't_____the words(单词).They are too small.A.lookB.seeC.watchD.say( )26.______Alice's brother.A.HisB.He'sC.HerD.She's( )27.The map_____China is_____the wall.A.on...ofB.of...onC.of...inD.of...at( )28.Some postcards ______in the box.A.isB.areC.there isD.there are( )29.Mr John is working______Jack.A.withB.toC.atD.and( )30.Our teacher often talks_____us____English.A.to...onB.with...onC.with...inD.to...at( )31.Who______hard in your class?A.worksB.studysC.workingD.studying( )32.It's very nice______meet you.A.toB.forC.ofD./( )33.Is the blue cup yours______mine?A.andB.butC.forD.or( )34.______are good friends.A.Mike and I BI and Mike C.Mike and me D.Me and Mike ( )35.It's _____bus.A.red'sB.greenC.a blueD.yellow a ( )36.Are ______here today?A.all weB.all of weC.we allD.all of boys ( )37.Could I have_______?A.full oneB.a full onesC.full one bottleD.a full one( )38.Please give___abottle of___.A.me...orangesB.she...orangeC.him...orangeD.her...oranges( )39.I want to put______in the basket.A.this thingsB.these thingsC.that thingsD.those thing( )40.The car is______full______move.A.too...tooB.to...tooC.too...toD.to...to( )41.Jim, please come______.A.thereB.to hereC.to homeD.here( )42.It's time to______games.We all like______games.A.playing...playingB.play...playC.playing...playD.play...playing( )43.Let______. He must go to school.A.he goB.him goC.he to goD.him to go( )44.I'd like______a cup of tea.A.to eatB.to drinkC.eatD.drink( )45.---Thanks very much.---______.A.No thanksB.All rightC.You're welcomeD. you, too( )46.Linlin, what's that______English?A.inB.atC.forD.with( )47.Can he______a bike?A.to rideB.ridesC.ridingD.ride( )48.______are they? They are at home.A.WhatB.HowC.WhoD.Where( )49.She often gets______late.A.to homeB.homeC.to hereD.to there( )50.I go to school______bike every day.A.in theB.on myC.by theD.by my( )51.School______over at four in the afternoon.A.areB.beC.isD./( )52.On______way to school she often helps the old man.A.hisB.sheC.myD.her( )53.Don't______late for class.A.to beB./C.can'tD.be( )54.What time_____you and Jim_____up?A.does...getB.do...getsC.does...getsD.do...get( )55.He is_____us. We all like him.A.friendB.friendlyC.friend toD.friendly to( )56.There______only bread and rice. We must go to buy some meat.A.areB.isC.beD.have( )57.Linlin, get the______basket!A.shopB.shopingC.shoppingD.big shoping( )58._______is this pen?A.How muchB.How manyC.WhatD.Who's( )59.He doesn't want to______late for school.A.isB.doesC.beD.goes( )60.The first class______at eight o'clock.A.beginB.is beginningC.beginningD.begins( )61.Miss Gao______lunch at school.A.has,notB.doesn't,hasC.don't,hasD.doesn't,have( )62.She can______a little Japanese.A.speakB.sayC.speaksD.says( )63._______bread would you like?A.ManyB.MuchC.How manyD.How much( )64.There are_______old men over there.A.anB.muchC.a lotD.a lot of( )65.I often buy something to eat on my way_____.A.schoolB.to schoolC.to homeD.to shop( )66.Is this______watch? Yes, it's_____.A.your,mineB.yours,mineC.yours,myD.your,my( )67.Let him______the kite.A.to flyB.flyingC.fliesD.fly( )68.I have____to do.A.many,workB.much,worksC.much,workD.many,works( )69.She is_______English girl.A.aB.anC.theD./( )70.How old_______you? I_______ten.A.are...isB.is...amC.are...amD.am...are( )71.What's that?______.A.It is deskB.It is a deskC.This is deskD.That is a desk( )72.----What does your father do?---____.A.workB.docterC.He is workingD.He’s a worker( )73.______. Are you Miss Sue? ——______,I'm mot.A.Sorry,Excuse meB.Excuse me,SorryC.Sorry,SorryD.Excuse me...Excuse me ( )74.________? I'm in Class Three.A.Are you in Class ThreeB.What class you are in?C.What class are you inD.in what class( )75.These are_______.A.an eggB.a eggC.their eggD.eggs( )76.I'm in_______.A.Class Three, Grade TwoB.Grade Two, Class ThreeC.class three, grade twoD.grade two, class three( )77.Is this_______ruler?A.heB.hisC.youD./( )78.Sorry, I_______know.A.am notB.amC.doD.do not( )79.Is this a car?No,_______.A.it isn'tB.it isC.it'sD.this is not( )80.________old_______she?A.What...isB.What...areC.How...isD.How...are( )81.This is a bird.______name is Polly.A.It'sB.ItsC.itsD.It( )82._______this?This is Wang Lin.A.Who isB.Who areC.What isD.What are( )83.Is this a ______pencil-box?A.sheB.herC.yourD./( )84.They are_______.A.banana treeB.banana treesC.bananas treeD.bananas trees( )85.---Is the ship_____now?---No,it's_____.A.open,closeB.open,closedC.opened,closedD.opened,close( )86.Is this______ruler or______eraser?A.an...aB.a...anC.a...aD.an...an( )87.Are these______boxes?A.youB.IC.meD.your( )88._______everyone here?A.IsB.AreC.AmD./( )89.There aren't many people in the shop _____Mondays.A.inB.onC.atD.by( )90._______she have breakfast at school?A.DoB.HasC.DoesD.Is( )91.Look, the boy______near the house.A.is sitingB.sitC.sitsD.is sitting( )92.Where_______your father_______?A.does,frome,fromC.are,fromD.is,from( )93.Would you give______to me, please?A.themB.theyC.theirD.they're( )94.Do you like_______basketball?A.playB.playingC.playsD.is playing( )95.Her sister______Japanese at school.A.studyB.studyingC.studiesD.is study( )96.Does Wang Kai go to bed_______ten in the evening?A.atB.inC.forD.on( )97.Tom______every morning.A.cleans his bikeB.cleans bikeC.clean a bikeD.clean bike( )98.It's time_______morning exercises.A.doB.doesC.to doD.doing( )99.Do you want to______English with me?A.askB.speakC.talkD.say( )100.Who_______your good friend?A.amB.areC.isD.does答案和讲解:1.B 天气冷,应该穿上衣服。