



产品使用说明书文件编号:DZXS--JS--01--A执行标准:Q/DZXS01—2010铁路隧道用橡胶、钢边止水带2010年6月发布 2010年6月实施厂名发布目录一、概述 (2)1、用途 (2)2、特点 (2)3、产品执行标准 (3)4、产品的分类及型号说明 (3)二、主要性能参数 (3)1、规格尺寸 (3)2、外观质量 (4)3、物理力学性能 (4)三、止水带的选择 (5)1、止水带材质的选择.................. .. (6)2、止水尺寸的选择.................. .. (6)四、止水带的安装和施工 (6)1、橡胶止水带 (6)2、钢边止水带 (7)五、标志、运输、贮存 (8)六、承诺及售后服务 (8)一、概述我公司生产的铁路隧道用橡胶止水带系以三元乙丙橡胶为主要原料,掺加各种助剂及填充料,经塑炼、混炼、压制成型的新一代防水材料!钢边止水带是将热镀锌钢带插入硫化橡胶中间,是一种新型橡胶止水带,适用于许多大型建筑领域,尤其是在水压高和结构变形量较大时,其止水效果更为明显。

















新建铁路蒙西至华中地区铁路煤运通道工程MHTJ-9标段隧道工程编号:MHTJ-9-SDZY-14 止水带施工作业指导书单位:中铁隧道集团有限公司MHTJ-9标段项目经理部编制:审核:批准:专业整理资料分享2015年12月13日发布2015年12月14日实施专业整理资料分享专业整理资料分享1. 设计情况⑴拱墙环向施工缝采用背贴式橡胶止水带+中埋式橡胶止水带。




2. 施工方法2.1施工工艺施工准备→施工缝处理→止水带(条)安装。














图2.1 拱、墙环向施工缝防水构造示意图 2.2 拱墙环向施工缝中埋式止水带固定效果图图2.3 仰拱环向施工缝中埋式止水带固定效果图图2.4 止水带热硫化焊接效果图③仰边墙纵向施工缝采用中埋式橡胶止水带+制品式遇水膨胀橡胶止水条。





1 特点1.通过将混凝土结构分割成不同的区块,各区块间仅依靠氯丁钢边橡胶止水带相互柔性连接,可有效地防止混凝土结构出现裂缝和区块间相互位移产生裂隙。




2 适用范围适用于各类蓄水构筑物的氯丁钢边橡胶止水带完全变形缝和橡胶止水带变形缝的施工,也可为相应形式的半完全变形缝施工提供参考。

3 工艺原理通过设置几道变形缝将蓄水池的混凝土结构分断成几个相互独立的部分,相邻独立的池体通过氯丁钢边橡胶止水带嵌入混凝土中进行柔性连接,变形缝座落在氯丁钢边橡胶止水带的正中位置,缝宽为3~4cm,缝内采用聚乙烯泡沫板填充,缝口位置约4cm深度内采用双组份聚硫密封膏嵌缝。


4 工艺流程池体的底板、墙体、顶板渠道有不同的设计方式,施工工艺流程也有所不同。

底板防渗漏施工工艺流程墙防渗漏施工工艺流程5 操作要点1.混凝土配合比及原材料控制配合比设计的主导思想是通过外加剂和掺合料的使用来减少混凝土的用水量、降低水灰比、降低混凝土水化热、提高混凝土的自密性。






1 特点1.经过将混凝土结构分割成不同的区块,各区块间仅依靠氯丁钢边橡胶止水带相互柔性连接,可有效地防止混凝土结构出现裂缝和区块间相互位移产生裂隙。




2 适用范围适用于各类蓄水构筑物的氯丁钢边橡胶止水带完全变形缝和橡胶止水带变形缝的施工,也可为相应形式的半完全变形缝施工提供参考。

3 工艺原理经过设置几道变形缝将蓄水池的混凝土结构分断成几个相互独立的部分,相邻独立的池体经过氯丁钢边橡胶止水带嵌入混凝土中进行柔性连接,变形缝座落在氯丁钢边橡胶止水带的正中位置,缝宽为3~4cm,缝内采用聚乙烯泡沫板填充,缝口位置约4cm深度内采用双组份聚硫密封膏嵌缝。


4 工艺流程池体的底板、墙体、顶板渠道有不同的设计方式,施工工艺流程也有所不同。

底板防渗漏施工工艺流程墙防渗漏施工工艺流程5 操作要点1.混凝土配合比及原材料控制配合比设计的主导思想是经过外加剂和掺合料的使用来减少混凝土的用水量、降低水灰比、降低混凝土水化热、提高混凝土的自密性。





















隧道防水板、止水带施工作业指导书1 目的明确隧道防排水作业工艺流程、操作要点和相应的工艺标准,指导、规范隧道防排水作业施工,杜绝隧道结构渗漏水的发生,确保衬砌表面无湿渍,满足隧道防排水设计和规范要求。

2 编制依据⑴《客运专线铁路隧道工程施工指南》(TZ214-2005);⑵《客运专线铁路隧道工程施工质量验收标准》铁建设[2005]160号;⑶《铁路隧道施工规范》(TB10204-2002);⑷《地下工程防水技术规范》(GB50108);⑸武广公司下发的各隧道施工图纸、参考图。

3 适用范围适用于武广铁路客运专线XXTJIII标段隧道二次衬砌防排水作业,主要是防水板、纵环向排水盲管及止水带和止水条的安装作业等。

4 工艺流程及技术要求4.1 防排水设计土质隧道采用“以堵为主、以排为辅”的原则,石质隧道采用“防、截、排、堵相结合,因地制宜,综合治理”的原则,达到防水可靠,经济合理,不留后患的目的。











橡胶止水带作业指导书一、概况本工程中伸缩缝止水为橡胶止水带,在19 S2/E D3 、43 S2/E D3轴线的地库外墙伸缩缝使用,数量不大,施工有一定难度,要求施工人员必须按操作规程精心组织施工,保证施工质量。










支渠橡胶止水带施工工艺一、施工前的准备工作1. 材料准备- 首先呢,咱得把橡胶止水带准备好。



我就有过一次,差点忘了夹子,到时候再去找可就耽误事儿了,所以这一步一定要仔细检查哦!2. 工具准备- 工具嘛,像剪刀啦,测量用的尺子之类的。



二、基层处理1. 清洁基层- 接下来就要处理支渠的基层了。





2. 平整基层- 基层不光要干净,还得平整呢。




三、橡胶止水带的安装1. 测量定位- 现在开始安装橡胶止水带啦。




2. 固定止水带3. 连接止水带四、检查与验收1. 初步检查- 安装好之后,要先初步检查一下。



2. 注水试验(如果需要)- 如果条件允许的话,可以进行注水试验,看看有没有漏水的地方。


你是不是也遇到过类似的情况?太让人头疼了!3. 最终验收- 最后就是最终验收啦。



橡胶止水带技术规范书 specification of earth shield TPE water-stop

橡胶止水带技术规范书 specification of earth shield TPE water-stop

Waterstops for Chemical, Industrial, & Environmental Applications®Waterstops play a critical role in the integrity of concrete structures. They provide a fluid-tight diaphragm when embedded in, and running through concrete joints.Earth Shield ® Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Water-stop (TPV), by JP Specialties, Inc., greatly expands the scope of conventional waterstop by offering un-matched chemical resistance to a broad spectrum of aggressive chemicals, solvents, and hot petroleum oils. Manufactured NSF certified, EPA-compliant water-stop profiles are available for new construction and retrofit, as well as the tools and accessories for proper field installation.JP Specialties has been the respected innovator in the waterstop industry since 1954. We are known world-wide for our high-quality waterstop, and we hold the patent on the ST-10® In Line Waterstop Splicing Table and the XLT2000 Waterstop Fabrication — the equip-ment used to mechanically weld thermoplastic water-stops.J P SPECIALTIES, INC.Section 03150 • MasterFormat™ 03 15 13All ribbed Earth Shield® Waterstop profiles are available with fac-tory installed brass eyelets. The eyelets provide for a convenient and durable tie-off point for wire tying the waterstop to the steelreinforcement prior to the concrete pour.Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV / TPER)Waterstop Basic UseEarth Shield ® Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Water-stop is used as a fluid-tight diaphragm, embeddedin concrete, across and along the joint, for primary and secondary containment structures. EarthShield ® Chemical Resistant Waterstops are resis-tant to a wide range of oils, solvents, and aggres-sive chemicals. Alcohol, ketones, glycols, esters, and aqueous solutions of acids, salts, and bases have little effect on Earth Shield ® ThermoplasticVulcanizate Waterstop.Unlike polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waterstop, Earth Shield ® waterstop contains no plasticizer,stabilizer, or filler to leech out when exposed tochemicals, fuels, and aggressive industrial fluids.Also, unlike PVC waterstop, Earth Shield ® can withstand prolonged exposure to high and lowtemperatures (-78°F to 275°F long term) without detrimental effect.Earth Shield ® TPV Waterstop is NSF Standard 61 Certified for use in drinking water and is made of a recyclable polymer, so it’s good for health and the environment./Waterstop_for_Concrete_Joints/nsf_certified_waterstop.htmlThe superior chemical resistance of Earth Shield ® Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Waterstop is enhanced by the use of a ribbed centerbulb configuration, which is available in a 4, 6, and 9-inch width. This provides for greater mechanical bonding with the concrete and a barrier against migrationof liquid flow around the waterstop. The ribbed centerbulb style also allows for joint movement and may be used in above or below grade applications. Additional shapes are available for retrofit, extreme expansion, stainless steel and base seal applications.Different varieties and grades of thermo-plastic elastomers (TPE) are commercially available. On the low-end there is ther-moplastic polyolefin (TPO), which has a rubber phase that is not cross-linked. On the high-end there is thermoplastic vulca-nizate (TPV)... Earth Shield ® has chosen a fully cross-linked TPV as our standard elastomer compound, which provides superior mechanical properties, retention, and chemical resistance. In fact, when compared side-by-side, no competitive product is even close to achieving thephysical properties of Earth Shield ®.Typical Applications Primary and secondary contain-• mentWaste water treatment plants • Refineries• Ozone contactor structures • Mining facilities• Fueling areas • Chemical factories • Manure pits• Earth Shield ® AdvantagesOutstanding fluid resistance to a wide• range of aqueous-based fluids, oils, and hydrocarbons Excellent retention of physical • properties at elevated temperatures Superior ozone and weather• resistanceInstallationInstall Earth Shield ® TPV Waterstop in all con-crete joints. Waterstop should be centered in, andrun the extent of the joint. All changes of direc-Page 2tions should be prefabricated (see Shop Made Fittings), leav-ing only butt-welding for the field. If installing in an expan-sion joint, keep center bulb un-embedded to allow it to accom-modate movement as designed. Use optional factory installed brass eyelets (or #3 hog rings) and tie wire to secure waterstop to reinforcing steel to avoid dis-placement during the concrete pour. Splice straight lengths of waterstop, and Shop Made Fit-tings to straight lengths, with an ST-10® In Line Waterstop Splicer with the iron tempera-ture set to 410°F to 430°F.More detailed installation in-structions can be found in our Standard 3-part Specifications.Technical AssistanceQualified technical assistance is available during any phase of your construction project.SpecificationsStandard 3-part Specifications are available at our website in Microsoft ® Word and Adobe ® PDF format, and upon request in printed and a vari-ety of computer word processor formats. Call our Technical Sales Staff for additional help with your specification./Waterstop_for_Concrete_Joints/specifications.htmlSuggested Proprietary Short Form Guide Specification Section 03150(Master Format 2004 — 03 15 13)TPV Chemical Resistant WaterstopWaterstop indicated in drawings and specifications for contraction (control), expansion and construc-tion joints to be Earth Shield ® TPV Chemical Re-sistant Waterstop Part No. #### [Designer insert appropriate part number here] as manufactured by JP Specialties, Inc.; 551 Birch Street, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530; Phone 951-674-6869Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV) Waterstop shall conform1. to EPA Title 40 CFR Section 265.193. The suitability of thewaterstop for a specific application should be determined byspecific testing for that particular requirement per ASTMD471. Project-specific certification to be provided by the manu-facturer.Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV) Waterstop shall be indepen-2. dently certified for use in potable water per NSF/ANSI Stan-dard 61. Third-party certified documentation to be provided by the manufacturer.No equals or substitutions allowed.3. Page 3Ribbed Centerbulb for Moving and Non-Moving JointsR ibbed centerbulb is the most versatile type of wa-terstop available. The centerbulb accommodates lateral, transverse, and shear movement. Ribbed centerbulb can be used in expansion, construction, and control joints.Ribbed centerbulb waterstops provide superior anchoring abilities and a long fluid-flow path be-cause of the multiple ribs on the exterior flanges. Under stress, the multiple ribs will distort less than a dumbbell type waterstop. This is because the stress is first applied to the inward-most anchoring rib, and decreases to the subsequent ribs.The centerbulb allows for joint movement beyond the ultimate elongation of the material (530%), with-out causing distortion to anchoring ribs.All of our ribbed centerbulb waterstopsare manufactured with a 9/16” outer di-ameter centerbulb, which is the largest inthe industry. This centerbulb, coupled withthe outstanding mechanical properties ofour proprietary TPV elastomer (ultimateelongation, tensile strength, etc.), providesfor unsurpassed joint movement and seal-ing abilities.Like all our thermoplastic vulcanizatewaterstops, ribbed centerbulb can beheat-welded using a standard waterstopsplicing iron. This allows for easy fieldfabrications, and allows the waterstop tofunction as a continuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm. Waterstop change of direc-tions (fittings) can be purchased along with straight roll stock, and custom, fit-to-print waterstop modulesare produced to order. Page 4Standard Fabrications(with eyelets: EYJP436)(with eyelets: EYJP636)(with eyelets: EYJP936)9” Ribbed Centerbulb WaterstopJP436L1 Flat Ell JP636L1 Flat Ell JP936L1 Flat EllJP436T1 Flat Tee JP636T1 Flat Tee JP936T1 Flat TeeJP436X1 Flat Cross JP636X1 Flat Cross JP936X1 Flat CrossJP436L2 Vert Ell JP636L2 Vert Ell JP936L2 Vert EllJP436T2 Vert Tee JP636T2 Vert Tee JP936T2 Vert TeeJP436X2 Vert Cross JP636X2 Vert Cross JP936X2 Vert CrossPage 5Retrofit Waterstop Systemsfor New to Existing Concrete JointsRetrofit waterstop is de-signed to provide a fluid-tight seal between existing and new concrete construc-tion, without resorting to the labor-intensive and structurally destructive saw-cut-and-grout method. It is ideal for constructing a new containment curb or wall to an existing slab, or joining a new slab to an existing wall. Special profile fabrications are available for columns and pipe penetrations.All of our retrofit waterstops are sold as a system, and include all the necessary stainless steel bars and bolts. We also offer a high-qualitychemical resistant novolac epoxy — VEN 1000. Earth Shield ® retrofit waterstops are manufactured with our proprietary thermoplastic vulcanizate compound, which provides for unsurpassed chemical resistance.Like all our thermoplastic vulcanizate waterstops, Earth Shield ® retrofit can be heat-welded using a standard waterstop splicing iron. This allows for easy field fabrications, and allows the waterstop to function as a con-tinuous, homogeneous, fluid-tight diaphragm. Waterstop change of directions can be purchased along with straight roll stock, and custom, fit-to-print waterstop modules are produced to order. Prefabricated ells, tees, tank pads, column fittings, and many others are in stock and ready to ship.Page 6Earth Shield® has solved a long-standing problem for engineered concretestructures with circular protrusions, such as columns, pipes, piers, andpilasters. The problem: how to permanently seal the concrete jointwhen cast-in-place concrete is formed against an existing circularmember. The solution: Earth Shield® Column & Pipe Fitting (part no.JP320LC1.XX* [*XX is the diameter in inches]) manufactured with aflexible, chemical-resistant polymer and stainless steel anchoringhardware. A single laborer on the job site can quickly install the col-umn fitting and its associated hardware. Simply apply an epoxy gelbed to the existing surface; place the polymer ring into the epoxy gelbed; heat weld the single opening on the polymer ring using a waterstopsplicing iron; and finally, complete the system with the stainless steel closurering.The Earth Shield® system functions as an internal dam, centrally located within the cast concrete, to stop aggressive chemicals, solvents and hot petroleum oils from penetrating the joint. By preventing the passage of hazardous liquids the Earth Shield® Col-umn Fitting provides facility owners, engineers, and contractors with the necessary EPA-mandated containment compliance (EPA Title 40 CFR 265.193). Of course, the system prevents the passage of water as well. The mechanical properties of the polymer, plus the tear-web design of the JP320L profile, enable the column fitting to function equally well in expansion (isolation) joints andconstruction joints.Retrofit Waterstop System(Includes all batten bars and anchors)Page 73/8"[9.53]Integrated Cap SystemsIntegrated Waterstop and Joint SealantIntegrated expansion board cap waterstop systems are designed to replace post-applied joint sealant, and provide a fluid-tight internal seal like a traditional waterstop with a one-step, integrated unit.Earth Shield ® expansion board cap waterstop is installed on top of conventional expansion board filler. The expansion board acts as theform; therefore, no form splitting is necessary. This greatly accelerates the project schedule and provides a long lasting, attractive finished concrete joint.Earth Shield ® screed key cap slides over the top of metal screed key, eliminating the need for sealant.No split forms• Accelerated installation • No sawcutting or sealant • No joint finishing • Long life• UV and abrasion resistant•JPEB375 (with eyelets: EYJPEB375)3/4” Expansion Board Cap WaterstopJPEB350 (with eyelets: EYJPEB350)1/2” Expansion Board Cap WaterstopJP158Screed Keyway CapJPEB375R (with eyelets: EYJPEB375R)3/4” Exp. Board Cap Retrofit Waterstop (Includes all batten bars and anchors)Page 8Typical Joint DetailJPEB350X1 Flat Cross JPEB375X1 Flat CrossJPEB350T1 Flat Tee JPEB375T1 Flat TeeJPEB350L3 Outside Corner JPEB375L3 Outside CornerJPEB375RL1 Outside Corner(Includes all batten bars and anchors)Standard FabricationsJPEB350L2 Inside Corner JPEB375L2 Inside CornerJPEB350L1 Flat Ell JPEB375L1 Flat EllJPEB375RL2 Inside Corner(Includes all batten bars and anchors)Page 9Special ShapesBase Seal (aka Rearguard)for Flatwork and Bund Wall Applications39/64"[15.63]Base seal waterstop is ideal for flat pavement jobs such as runways, large containment slabs, etc. Base seal waterstop is by far the easiest waterstop to install... Simply lay the waterstop directly on the compacted subgrade, place and finish concrete, and create control joint using saw cut or other method. The base seal provides a permanent, life-of-structure seal at the bottom of the joint.Base seal is suitable for construction, contraction (control), and expansion joints. Base seal should not beused on jobs that make interior wall transitions as the part is non-symmetrical and therefore cannot function correctly. For large hydrostatic head pressures (>50 foot) ribbed centerbulb should be used instead.JP211JP678 (with eyelets: EYJP678)6” Tear Web WaterstopJP978 (with eyelets: EYJP978)9” Tear Web WaterstopEarth Shield ® tear web waterstops are designed for large joint move-ments such as tankfoundations. Tear web is suitable for expansion joints. For construction and contraction (control) joints, ribbed centerbulb should be used instead.Page 10DumbbellLarge Web Thickness for Heavy ConcreteDumbbell waterstop is usually used in below grade applications, where limited movement is expected. Dumbbell wa-terstop can be installed in construction and contraction (control) joints; where-as, dumbbell centerbulb can be installed in construction, control, and expansion joints.The large centerbulb (1-1/2” outer diameter) on the JP949 (and JP1149) waterstop profile, coupled with the outstanding mechanical properties of our thermoplastic vulcanizate and large endbulb anchors, enable the product to withstand large -scale joint movement (seismic, settlement, etc.). JP648, JP948, JP949 and JP1149 are all 3/8” thick... The largest and thickest profiles available in the industry!6” Dumbbell WaterstopJP6476” Dumbbell WaterstopPage 11Waterstop Shop Made FittingsEnsure A Quality ProjectTesting has shown that the majority of waterstop failures are caused when the waterstop mustmake directional changes. This is because directional changes, or fittings as they are commonly known, require special tools and skills that are not gener-ally required for welding the straight edges of wa-terstops. Consequently, the fittings are either made wrong (edge welding); there is no tensile strength in the welds; the material is charred, burnt or otherwise contaminated; or the worker’s lack of experience causes unreliable welds. Shop Made Fittings are ma-chine welded using an XLT-2000 Waterstop SplicingTable. JP Spe-cialties invent-ed the XLT-2000 and retains the patent on the technology. The XLT-2000 applies force evenly, creat-ing monolithic, homogeneous and contami-nant-free welds.Shop MadeFittings arerecognized and specified world-wide by major engineeringfirms. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also specified Shop Made Fittings in the July, 1995 revision of CEGS Section 03250. Shop Made Fittings are specified be-cause they work. Edge welding waterstop seriously compromises the integrity of any project. Even the limited movement of concrete during the coefficient of expansion and contraction can be too much for edge welded waterstop. The edge welded water-stop lacks the proper tensile strength and does not maintain the characteristics of the parent material (bulb or rib continuity). Consequently, the waterstop often tears at the most critical junction: the change of direction. Since all waterstops are designed to act as a continuous, fluid-tight diaphragm which fluidsPage 12(generally water) traverse, the structure that uses edge welded waterstop will naturally leak, as fluids migrate to any tears in the weld and pass through to the other side of the joint.Structures that use Shop Made Fit-tings will significantly reduce these waterstop failures. The tensile strength of the weld will be at least 80% of the parent material. Continuity of the bulbs and ribs shall be maintained across the weld. In other words, the waterstop will perform as intended and last the life of the structure.mum requirements for the chemical contaminants and impurities that are indirectly imparted to drinking water from products, components, and materials used in drink-Standard 61 is intended to cover specific materials or products that come intocontaminants or impurities imparted indirectly to drink-In the U.S., 47 of 50 states have legislation that requires compliance with NSF/ANSI Standard 61. Products that are NSF Certified againstdemonstrate compliance with both Canadian and U.S. Plumbing Codes. NSF Certifi-cation and Testing is widely accepted. NSF data is recog-nized by ASSE, BOCA, IAPMO, ICBO-ES, SBCCI, City of Los Angeles and many others.Trust Your Critical Water Projects to Earth Shield® — NSF Standard 61 Certified, EPA Compliant WaterstopWater is arguably the most valuable resource in the world. Today’s water treatment, distribution, and storage projects are under ever-increasing layers of regulations and requirements, one of the foremost being that components and materials that contact potable water not have potential adverse human effects.Earth Shield® TPV Waterstop, with NSF 61 certification,is the perfect choice for today’s critical waterprojects, and in particular drinkingwater projects.Page 13J P S P E C I A L T I E S , I N C .H y A S T M D 4S p e c i f i c G r a v i t y , 77°F A S T M D 71I n e r t M i n e r a l F i l l e r F e d e r a l S p e c S S -S -210A V o l a t i l e M a t t e r A S T M D 6S o f t e n i n g P o i n t ,R i n g a n d B a l l A S T M D 36P e n e t r a t i o n , C o 150 g m . 5 s e c . A S TF l a s h P o i n t , A S T M D 92F i r e P o i n t AS T M D 92C o l or P a c k a H i g h -Q u a l i t y M f o r C o n c r e t e C o E a r t h S h i e l d ® T y p e 10 i s a h i g h -q u a l i t y , s w h i c h p r e v e n t s w a t e r f r o m p e n e t r a t i c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n .T y p e 10’s e a s e o f i n s t a l l a t i o n m a k e o f a p p l i c a t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g :• C o n c r e t e V a u l t s • • U t i l i t y V a u l t s • • S e p t i c T a n k s •• B u r i a l V a u l t s • R e t a i n i n g W a l l s •• T u n n e l s • C a s T h e T y p e 10 A d v a n t a g e • P r o v i d e s p e r m a n e n t l y f l e x i b l e w a t e r t i g h t j o i n t s .• Q u i c k a n d e a s y t o i n s t a l l . D o e s n o t r e q u i r e s k i l l e d l a b o r .• E x c e l l e n t a d h e s i o n t o c l e a n d r y s u r f a c e s .• S e a l e d j o i n t s w i l l n o t s h r i n k , h a r d e n o r o x i d i z e u p o n a g i n g .• R u g g e d s e r v i c e t e m p e r a t u r e : -30°F t o 200°F (-34°C t o 93°C ).I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s 1. B r u s h a n d r e m o v e l o o s e d i r t a n d p a r t i c l e s f r o m t h e s u r f a c e .2. B r u s h o n e c o a t o f T y p e 10 P r i m e r A d h e s i v e o n t o t h e c l e a n ,c o n c r e t e s u r f a c e . T y p e 10 P r i m e r A d h e s i v e i s a v a i l a b l e i n o n e g a l l o n c a n s .3. A l l o w p r i m e r t o c u r e (p e r d i r e c t i o n s o n c a n ).4. P r e s s T y p e 10 f i r m l y o n t o t h e p r i m e d s u r f a c e .5. O v e r l a p e n d s (1" m i n i m u m ), a n d j o i n w i t h a k n e a d i n g a c t i o n , p r e s s e n d s t o g e t h e r u n t i l t h e r e i s n o s e p a r a t i o n o r a i r p o c k e t s .6. R e m o v e s e p a r a t i o n p a p e r .7. Y o u a r e n o w r e a d y f o r y o u r s e c o n d p o u r .S u g g e s t e d S h o r t F o r m G u i d e S p e c i f i c a t i o n W a t e r s t o p i n d i c a t e d i n d r a w i n g s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n j o i n t s t o b e E a r t h S h i e l d ®T y p e 10 W a t e r s t o p a s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y J P S p e c i a l t i e s , I n c . — 551 B i r c h S t r e e t , L a k e E l s i n o r e , C A 92530— P h o n e 800-821-3859; I n t e r n a t i o n a l 951-674-6869; F a x 951-674-1315; W e bw w w .j p s p e c i a l t i e s .c o m ; E -m a i l j p s p e c @j p s p e c i a l t i e s .c o m 1.S i z e : 3/4” x 1” x 16’-8” c o n t i n u o u s .2.R e q u i r e d h y d r o s t a t i c p r e s s u r e r e s i s t a n c e : 20 p s i .3.R e q u i r e d c e r t i f i c a t i o n t o F e d e r a l S p e c . S S -S -210A .4.N o e q u a l s o r s u b s t i t u t i o n s a l l ow e d .w w w .j p s p e c i a l t i e s .c o m /j p p r o d u c t .h t m l T yp e1J P S p e c i a l t i e s , I n c .P .O . B o x 1507, L a k e E l s i n o r e , C A 92531P h o n e : 800-821-3859; F a x : 951-674-1315E -m a i l : j p s p e c @j p s p e c i a l t i e s .c o m W e b : w w w .j p s p e c i a l t i e s .c o m h i e l d ® T y p e 10r s t o p e l op e r sT y p e10 Wa t e r s t o p i sn o t in t e n de df or u s ei n e xp an s i o n j o i n t s . I T S HO U L D BE U S E D I N N O N -M O V I N G JP S P E C I A L T I E S , I N C .Meets or exceeds Black & Veatch specification requirementsEarth Shield® Carbon Steel Waterstop variety of grades, gauges, widths, and finishes. All waterstop is made to order to the required ASTM or specificationrequirements.ASTM A505 — Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements For.ASTM A506 — Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, Regular Quality and Structural Quality. /sswaterstop.htmlCarbon Steel WaterstopJP Specialties, Inc.P .O. Box 1507, Lake Elsinore, CA 92531Phone: 800-821-3859; Fax: 951-674-1315E-mail: jpspec@ Web: JP550(various widths available• 12 gauge thick standard)Distributed by:Earth Shield® is a registered trademark of JP Specialties, Inc.6"3"JP550B (various widths available • 12 gauge thick standard)/sswaterstop.html JP S P E C I A L T IE S , I N C .H i g h -Q u a l i t y H f o r C o n c r e t e C E a r t h S h ie ld ® T y p e 20 & T y p e 23 H y d r o p a r e d e s ig n e d t o s w e ll w h e n e x p o s e d t s t r u c t u r a l i n t e g r i t y t h a t w i l l n o t d e t e e x p a n s i o n , u n l i k e m a n y o f t h e t r a d i t c u r r e n t ly o n t h e m a r k e t . T h is s w e ll in o f w a t e r t h r o u g h c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c T y p e 20 & 23 w a t e r s t o p s a r e f a s t , e S i m p l y a p p l y E a r t h S h i e l d P r i m e r t p r e s s t h e w a t e r s t o p t o t h e p r i m e p o u r o f c o n c r e t e . N o s p l i t t i n g o f f n e c e s s a r y t o a c h i e v e a w a t e r t i g h E a r t h S h ie ld T y p e 20 & 23 H y d r i d e a l f o r :• N o n -m o v i n g J o i n t s• P i p e P e n e t r a t i o n s • S l a b s & W a l l s I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o 1. B r u s h a n d r e m o v e l 2. B r u s h o n e c o a t o f T c o n c r e t e s u r f a c e . o n e g a l l o n c a n s .3. A l l ow p r i m e r t o c 4. P r e s s T y p e 20 f i r 5. O v e r la p en d s (1" p r e s s e n d s t o g e p o c k e t s .6. R e m o v e s e p a r 7. Y o u a r e n o w r S u g g e s t e d S h o r W a t e r s t o p i n d ic a t e d j o i n t s t o b e E a r t h Sm a n u f a c t u r e d b y E ls in o r e , C A 92536869; F a x 951-674j p s p e c @j p s p e c i a 1.S iz 2.R 3.N w w w .j p s p e c ia lt ie s .c T yp e 2l i cT y p e 20& 23 W a e t a l l i c Wa t e r s t o p f or E x m e a g o a g d e fo r tr e E a r in m in c lu A ll c p re m fo r t JP S p E a rt h S h ie ld d o e s fa b ri ca te c u st o m w a te rs to p p ro fi le s fo r o u r e n g in e e ri n g a n d o w n e r cl ie n ts . F e e l f d ir e ct ly if y o u r p ro je ct y o Page 1452%1.2248%1%370°F (188°C )C o n e 77°F 62 mm T M D217 C .O.C ., °F 630°F (332°C )t , C .O.C ., °F 630°F (332°C )B l a c k a g i ng6 r o l l s p er c a r t o n 100 lf t . p e r c a r t o n3/4"x 1" x 16'8"1"[25.4]3/4"[19.05]T y pe 10G J OI N T S O N L Y .E a r t hS h i e l d® i s a r eg i s t e r e d tr a de m ar k o f J P Sp e c i a l t i e s , I n c.T e f lo n ® C o a t in g (n o c o v e r s n e c e s s a r y )E r g o n o m ic ,C o m f o r t a b le Gr ipB u il t -inT h e r m o m e t e rh e w at er st op er ie s th at d oe sn ’t r eq u ir e Pe el a Retrofit Waterstop profiles.Waterstop profile.#3 H o g R i n g s &H og R i n g P l i e r s H o g R in g s a n d P li e r s ...W a t e r s t o p p r o je c t is c o m ple t e Additional JP Specialties Products/Waterstop_for_Concrete_Joints/product.htmlPage 15J P SPECIALTIES, INC.Earth Shield ® Chemical Resistant WaterstopP .O. Box 1507, Lake Elsinore, CA 92531Phone: 888-836-5778; International: 951-674-6869Fax: 951-674-1315Visit Earth Shield ® on the Web atfor all the latest informationEarth Shield ® Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV / TPER) Waterstop Limited WarrantyJP Specialties, Inc. warrants to the Buyer that this product is new and will be free from defects and will perform as represented in writing subject to the two (2) following conditions: First, the application of the product and the concrete construction practic-es used in the application are in accordance with JP Specialties, Inc. recommendations; and, Second, the Buyer has selected the proper product for the specific application required.Any information supplied in good faith by JP Specialties, Inc. with respect to its products is believed to be correct. JP Special-ties, Inc. Makes no representation or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.The exclusive remedies of the Buyer and the limit of the liability of JP Specialties, Inc. from any and all losses or damages result-ing from the use of this product shall be either full refund of the purchase price to the Buyer of this product or the replacement of the quantity of product purchased by the Buyer at the discretion of JP Specialties, Inc.All supplied testing data has been performed by independent testing laboratories. JP Specialties, Inc. has performed no tests.Publication Date July, 2009 • Earth Shield ® and CAPwrap ® are registered trademarks of JP Specialties, Inc.All material copyright 2009 JP Specialties, Inc.AvailabilityNational and International WarehousesEarth Shield ® Chemical Resistant Waterstop is readily available from a variety of sources:Preferred Regional Stocking Partners • — We are partnered with some of the very best Concrete Accessories Distributors in the world. All our preferred partners have large stocking inventories and are factory trained to provide the utmost in on-site assistance.Distributor Sales • — Earth Shield ® can bespecial ordered from many distributor sales channels throughout the world.Factory Direct • — Earth Shield ® may be con-tacted directly for project quotation and prod-uct purchase (call 888-836-5778).JP Specialties, Inc. is conveniently located between Los Angeles and San Diego in Lake Elsinore, California. We have stocking Preferred Distributor Partners strategically located throughout the nation and the world.Distributed by:。



XX中心城市XX(XX-XX)综合管廊工程中埋式橡胶止水带施工方案编制:审核:审批:XX集团有限公司二〇一七年九月目录一、编制依据 (1)二、工程概况 (1)三、施工安排 (3)3.1 施工组织管理机构设置 (3)3.2 施工步骤 (3)3.3 施工目标 (3)3.4 各项目部主要岗位职责 (3)3.5 施工区段划分 (4)3.6 材料组织 (5)3.7 劳动力组织 (6)四、施工准备 (6)五、施工工艺及方法 (7)5.1、施工顺序 (7)5.1、钢边橡胶止水带的连接 (8)5.1.1、钢边橡胶止水带的连接工艺流程 (8)5.1.2、钢边橡胶止水带的连接操作要点及技术要求 (9)5.2、钢边橡胶止水带施工工艺 (9)5.2.1、底板钢边橡胶止水带安装工艺流程 (9)5.2.2、操作要点及技术要求 (9)5.2.3、侧墙钢边橡胶止水带安装工艺流程 (10)5.2.4、操作要点及技术要求 (10)5.2.5、顶板钢边橡胶止水带安装工艺流程 (10)5.2.5、操作要点及技术要求 (10)六、质量标准 (11)七、成品保护 (12)八、质量保证措施 (12)九、安全文明施工保证措施 (12)十、安装附图 (13)一、编制依据1、《建筑工程施工质量统一验收标准》(GB 50300-2013)2、《地下建筑防水构造》(10J301)3、《地下工程防水技术规范》(GB50108-2008)4、《地下防水工程质量验收规范》(50208-2011)5、《给排水工程混凝土构筑物变形缝设计规程CECS 117:2000》6、XX地下中心城市综合管廊施工图纸二、工程概况本工程为“三横四纵”干线综合管廊、海棠路等14条支线综合管廊,其中干线综合管廊30.9公里,支线综合管廊35.75公里工程合同范围内的防水工程。













5.1.2 细部构造做法必须符合设计要求。

5.2、一般项目:5.2.1 中埋式止水带中心线与变形缝中心线重合,止水带应固定牢靠、平直,不得有扭曲现象。




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1 目的

2 范围

3 术语定义

4 职责
4.1 各项目对橡胶止水带作业中的进度进行控制。





4.6 橡胶止水带作业人员按照本作业标准进行相应的施工作业过程控制。

5 作业流程图
6 作业标准
6.1 施工准备
6.1.1 图纸会审与交底

6.1.2 施工方案编审

6.1.3 材料及主要机具的准备橡胶止水带材料进场时检查其产品合格证(或材料检验报告),加盖公章的营业执照复印件及材料复验报告,并进行抽样复验和检查验收。止水带表面不允许有裂、缺胶、海绵状等影响使用的缺陷,气泡、杂质、明疤等缺陷不得超过4处;重点检查其中间的止水圆环。不能长时间存放,不要在露天曝晒,防止雨淋,勿与污染性强的化学物质接触。



6.1.4 作业条件的准备 焊工必须持有有效的省建设行政主管部门颁发的特种作业人员上岗证。 电源应符合要求,电箱应确保一机一闸一漏电一箱。 作业场地应有安全防护措施,以及防火和必要的通风措施,防止发生烧伤、触电、中毒及火灾等事故。高空作业必须系好安全带。


6.2 橡胶止水带作业



6.2.2橡胶止水带的安装固定可卸式橡胶止水带安装为了便于安装可卸式橡胶止水带,需提前安装预埋螺栓,要提前将预埋螺栓固定在提前预埋好的加钢板止水片的钢板上,并浇筑预埋在混凝土内部,该部分混凝土要仔细振捣确保其密实度。变形缝的转角部位应做成圆弧形或45°角,圆弧半径应根据预埋螺栓的长度确定,以2个相邻螺栓头的距离不影响止水带和止水带夹板安装为准。预埋螺栓时为了防止其被腐蚀,应在螺栓上涂抹黄油或加PVC套管;止水带的固定应根据现场螺栓实际位置采用皮带冲打孔方法,在止水带安装过程中不能用力拉扯止水带,止水带与夹板间以及与预埋钢板之间应填加石棉纸或软金属片衬垫以确保严密性。 埋入式橡胶止水带安装钢筋绑扎完成后放置遇水膨胀橡胶止水带,止水带两端用定位钢筋和扁钢固定,用扁钢将止水带两端加紧并与结构钢筋或定位钢筋焊接;扁钢用一定间距的螺栓固定,以保证止水带中间空心圆环与变形缝中心重合,同时止水带两端应微微翘起与中间空心圆环成15°~30°水平夹角,便于浇筑混凝土时排出内部空气。对垂直设置的止水带应在定型钢筋上绑扎一定间距的混凝土垫块固定,并要保持其界面部位平展;为保证水平橡胶止水带的中心标高,应在模板上弹出控制线,并在底板钢筋处点焊有止水环的钢筋棍以用来检查标高;一般采用从底部控制线位置处吊线坠的方法来控制垂直橡胶止水带的垂直度。固定橡胶止水带时,只能在止水带的允许部位上穿孔打洞,不得损










6.3 收尾作业


6.3.2 机具设备检查

6.3.3 现场清理

6.3.4 资料整理

7 支持性文件
7.1地下工程防水技术规范GB 50108-2008
8 相关记录
9 附件
