高二期中测试题 2009年11月






)第I卷(选择题共36分)基础题(36分,每小题3分)一、语言知识及运用 1、下列各组中加点字注音全部正确的一组是() A、两靥(yàn)蹩进(bì)面面相觑(qù)肩胛骨(jiǎ) B、央浼(měi)搭讪(shàn)瞥了一眼(piě)刽子手(kuài) C、赝(yàn)品坻(chí)石踉踉跄跄(liàng)箍(gū)桶匠 D、愀(qiǎo)然颤抖(zhàn )酾(lì)酒临江牛犄(jī)角 2、选出字形全对的一组是() A、冠冕堂皇杯盘狼藉食不裹腹执著服贴 B、掎角之势坐镇指挥神志不清窥伺宣泄 C、铤身而出蜘丝蚂迹莫名其妙两迄厮打 D、无精打彩孽根祸胎纨绔子弟放涎兑换 3、下列各组句子中,加点的词的意义相同的一组是() A、①臣以供养无主,辞不赴命。





②此非孟德之困于周郎者乎? D、①予得专而名焉。


4、下列各句中,加点的成语或熟语使用正确的一句是() A、雨城区第七届龙井山桃花节于3月20日拉开帷幕,前往参观的人不绝如缕。







光照① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥甲①③ ② 2008-2009学年度第一学期高二期中考试生 物 2008.11说明:l 、本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分120分。







下列叙述正确的是A .该实验在黑暗中进行,可排除受光不均匀对实验结果的影响B .该实验证明尖端产生的物质是吲哚乙酸C .对照组是没有尖端的胚芽鞘,不生长D .该实验证明了生长素在植物体内进行极性运输2.对燕麦胚芽鞘尖端进行如下图所示的处理:①将尖端套上不透光的锡箔小帽;②将尖端下部用锡箔遮住;③在尖端纵向插入云母片;④在尖端横向插入琼脂片;⑤在切去尖端的胚芽鞘一侧放上琼脂块;⑥在切去尖端的胚芽鞘一侧放上用胚芽鞘尖端处理过的琼脂块。

下列相关叙述错误的是A .从左侧照光,保持直立生长的是①③B .①②可用于探究胚芽鞘感受单侧光刺激的部位C .若②④胚芽鞘向光弯曲,是因为背光侧生长素分布多于向光侧D .⑤⑥给与右侧光照,⑤将不生长,⑥向光弯曲 3.右图表示植物根的生长与生长素浓度的关系。

如果根a 侧的生长素浓度在曲线A 点为10-10mol ·L -1,下列对b 侧 生长素浓度范围的描述正确的是 A .在B-C 范围内能促进生长B .b 侧生长素浓度一定处于D-G 的范围 C. b 处生长素来源于a 处,.而不是来源于根尖端部分D. b 侧的生长素浓度低于a 侧,相当于F-E 段,因而细胞生长慢4.A.②→①→②→③→②B.②→③→②→①→②C.③→②→①→③→②D.③→②→①→②→③5.2007年5月,《新民晚报》消息:上海科学家破解了神经元“沉默突触”的沉默之迷。



北京四中2008—2009学年度第二学期高二年级文科数学期中试卷(试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)A 卷 本卷满分:100分一、选择题(每题5分,共60分)1. 已知点P 是曲线1x 2x y 3++=上的一点,过点P 的切线l 平行于直线3x 2y -=,则切线l 的方程是( )A. 1x 21y +-=B. 1x 2y +=C. y=2xD. x 2y 1x 2y =+=或 2. 函数x x 1)x ('f )x (f -=的导函数为,则f(x)的单调递增区间是( ) A. )0,(-∞ B. ),1(+∞ C. (0,1) D. ),1()0,(+∞-∞3. 已知复数i )6m m ()4m (z 22--+-=是纯虚数,则实数m=( )A. 2±B. 2-C. 2D. 34. 用反证法证明命题“三角形的内角中至少有一个不大于60°”时,应假设( )A. 三内角都不大于60°B. 三内角都大于60°C. 三内角至多有一个大于60°D. 三内角至多有两个大于60°5. 函数)1x ()1x (y 2-+=在x=1处的导数值为( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 46. 设函数)x (f y =的导函数)x ('f y =的图象如图所示,则f(x)的解析式可能是( )A. x a y =B. x log y a =C. x xe y =D. x ln x y =7. 设2i 1i 1a ,R a +++∈且是实数,则a=( ) A. 21 B. 1 C. 23 D. 2 8. 若)2x ln(b x 21)x (f 2++-=在区间),1(+∞-上单调递减,则实数b 的取值范围是( ) A. ),1[+∞- B. ),1(+∞- C. ]1,(--∞ D. )1,(--∞9. ),0()x (f +∞是定义在上的可导函数,且满足0)x (f )x ('xf ≤+,对任意正数a ,b ,若a<b ,则必有( )A. )a (bf )b (af ≤B. )b (af )a (bf ≤C. )b (bf )a (af ≤D. )a (af )b (bf ≤ 10. 函数d cx bx ax )x (f 23+++=的图象如图所示,且f(x)在0x x =与x=2处取得极值,则)1(f )1(f -+的值一定( )A. 等于0B. 大于0C. 小于0D. 小于或等于011. 定义在R 上的函数f(x)满足)y (f )x (f )y x (f +=+,R y ,x ∈,且f(1)=2,有下面的四个式子:①)1(nf )1(f 2)1(f +++ ;②⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+2)1n (n f ;③)1n (n +;④)1(f )1n (n +,则其中与)n (f )2(f )1(f +++ 相等的有( ) A. ①③ B. ①②C. ①②③D. ①②③④ 12. n 个连续自然数按如下规律排成下表,根据规律,从2008到2010的箭头方向依次为( ) 03 →4 7 → 8 11… ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ ↑ 1→ 2 5 → 6 9 → 10 A. ↓ → B. → ↑ C. ↑ → D. → ↓二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)13、计算:=+-i43i 23___________。



2009学年第二学期期中考试 (2010. 04)高 二物 理 试 卷(非物理班)考生注意:1、本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟。



g 取210/m s 。


一、填空题:(每小题4分,共28分)1.天然放射现象中会放出三种射线,分别是 射线、_______、________。



4.电磁波与机械波的不同之处是______________,实验发现电磁波的人物是______________ 5.汤姆孙发现通过阴极射线的实验发现了________,卢瑟福通过________________________实验发现了原子的核式结构6.穿过闭合回里的____________发生变化时,电路中将产生感应电流,这个现象叫做__________________________。

7.如图所示,两根平行光滑的直金属导轨,导体棒ab 和cd 垂直跨在导轨上,当cd 棒在外力作用下匀速向右滑动时,cd 棒 中的电流方向为由_________向____________;ab 棒所受磁 场力的方向为_______________二.单选题(每小题3,共24分)8.卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验的结果: ( ) (A )证明了质子的存在;(B )说明原子的全部正电荷和几乎全部的质量都集中在一个很小的核里; (C )证明了原子核是由质子和中子组成的;(D )说明原子中的电子只能在某些不连续的轨道上运动。



湖北省部分重点高中09-10学年高二上学期期中联考(语文)考试时间:2009年11月12日下午2:30~5:00 试卷满分:150分一、(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音,完全正确的一组是A.踯.躅zhí桀.骜不驯jié驰骋.chéng 怏.怏不乐yàngB.刹.那chà徇.私枉法xùn 晌.午xiǎng 灯影幢.幢chuángC.椽.子chuán 拊.掌大笑fù纤.云xiān 否.极泰来pǐD.编纂.zuǎn 骁.勇善战xiāo 勾.当gòu 压轴.戏zhòu2.下列各组词语中,有两个错别字的一组是A.苍桑伶俜屈指可数鞠躬尽粹B.脉博涣散欢渡良宵汗流夹背C.喝彩毛燥金榜提名再接再励D.名信片撕杀金璧辉煌融会贯通3.下列各项中,加点的词语使用恰当的一项是A.面对这样一部文不加点....而且没有任何注释的古书,求助工具书只是一方面,我们还得学些断句知识。












0)的虚轴长为 2,焦距为 2
3 ,则双曲线的渐近线方程为
A. y 2x
B. y 2x
C. y 22 x

1 2
7.把一颗骰子掷两次,第一次出现的点数记为 a ,第二次出现的点数记为b ,则向量 m (a,b) 与 n (1,2)
1 A. 6
(Ⅱ)因为| y D | 1 ,所以河水上涨到抛物线顶点的时间是4 小时,而汽车到桥的时间需 (280 501) 50 4.6 小时,故
20.第一步:输入i 1与正整数 n ;
第二步:用 n 除以i ,判断余数是否为0,是输出i ;
步: i i 1; 第四步:判断i 是否大于 n ,若是,结束计算,否则返回第二步.
A. “若 x a2 b2 ,则 x 2ab”的逆否命题
C. | FA| | FC | 2 | FB |
D. | FA| | FC || FB | 2
二、填空题(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共 15 分.请将结果直接填写到题后横线上). 11.将十进制数5化为二进制数是_______(2).





”作者的意思是()A.历史是“心理的状态”的反映 B.实迹和文字史料都真实反映历史C.任何文字史料都带有主观因素 D.只有实迹史料才能反映历史真实2、1992年是哥伦布航行到美洲500周年,许多国家纷纷举行纪念活动,当时美洲印第安人后裔也用一种另类的态度表达了自己的感情,以下几条标语,你认为哪一条最能表现他们的感情()A.“你们庆祝的是我们的苦难” B.“感谢哥伦布将光明带给我们”C.“新大陆的伟大发现者” D.“美洲近代化的开创者”3.如果说英国资产阶级革命宣告资产阶级君主立宪制的诞生是人类一个重大进步的话,那么美国独立战争推动人类历史继续发展的最大贡献是()A. 冲击了英国殖民统治B. 创立了民主共和政体C. 组建了联邦制的政府D. 开创了美国崭新的历史4.东欧国家动荡不安的1989年,法国在进行它的200周年国庆纪念活动,7月14日,他们用飞机洒下了法国人引以为豪的“献给人类文明的礼物”,这一礼物最应该是()A.《论法的精神》B. 《人权宣言》C.1792年宪法D. 《拿破仑法典》5.拿破仑说:“我有时是狐狸,有时是狮子,进行统治的秘密在于要知道什么时候应当是前者,什么时候应当是后者。

”下列哪一事件体现拿破仑有时是“狐狸”()A.建立法兰西第一帝国 B.建立督政府C.雾月政变 D.颁布《民法典》6.易中天在《我们的反思》说:“正是这个设计……使这个稚嫩的国家在草莽中崛起,迅速成为也许你不喜欢但却不能轻视的超级大国。



2009—2010学年度第二学期期中考高 二 数 学(理科)时间120分钟 满分150分第Ⅰ卷 (选择题共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1、若()f x '是31()213f x x x =++的导函数,则(1)f '-的值是( ) A .1B .-1C .-3D .32、复数iz -=11的共轭复数是( )A .i 2121+B .i2121- C .i +1 D .i -13、黑白两种颜色的正六边形地面砖按如图的规律拼成若干个图案则第n 个图案中有白色地面砖有( ) A .4n -2块 B .4n +2块 C .3n+3块 D .3n -3块 4、若函数32()(6)1f x x ax a x =++++有极大值和极小值,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A .-1<a <2B .-3<a <6C .a <-3或a >6D .a <-1或a >25、若复数i x x x )23()1(22+++- 在复平面内对应的点在虚轴上,则实数x 的值是( )A .-1B . 1C .±1D .-1或-26、已知函数f (x )的导函数()f x '的图象如右图所示, 那么函数f (x )的图象最有可能的是 ( )7、用数学归纳法证明“*(1)(2)()213(21)()n n n n n n n N +++=⨯⨯-∈ ” 则“从k 到k+1”时左端需增乘的代数式为() A 、2k+1 B 、 2(21)k + C 、 211k k ++ D 、 231k k ++ 8、两曲线22y x x =-+,224y x x =-所围成封闭图形的面积S 等于( ) A .4- B .0 C .2 D .4 9、给出下面四个类比结论:①实数,,b a 若0=ab 则0=a 或0=b ;类比向量,,若0=⋅,则=或= ②实数,,b a 有;2)(222b ab a b a ++=+类比向量,,有2222)(+⋅+=+ ③向量2=;类比复数z ,有22z z =④实数b a ,有022=+b a ,则0==b a ;类比复数z ,2z 有02221=+z z ,则021==z z其中类比结论正确的命题个数为( ) A 、0B 、1C 、2D 、310、已知函数()f x 在R 上满足2()2(2)88f x f x x x =--+-,则曲线()y f x =在点(1,(1))f 处的切线方程是( )A.21y x =-B.y x =C.32y x =-D.23y x =-+第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共100分)二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题4分.共20分.把答案填在答案卡相应位置. 11、计算dx x ⎰-1021= .12、()=++--++-iii i 2121)31(63. 13、若函数3()128f x x x =-+在区间[-1,3]上的最大值与最小值分别为,M m ,则M m -= .14、定义运算a cb d =ad-bc ,若复数x 满足 22xi 32i -=2x ,则复数x= .15、非空集合G 关于运算⊕满足:(1)对任意,a b G ∈,都有a b G ⊕∈; (2)存在e G ∈,使得对一切a G ∈,都有a e e a a ⊕=⊕=,则称G 关于运算⊕为“融洽集”; 现给出下列集合和运算:① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 其中G 关于运算⊕为“融洽集”的是 。






一、语文基础知识及运用(共12分,每小题2分)1. 下列加点字的注音全部正确的一项是()A.央浼.miǎn拾掇.chuò朔.风sù得鱼忘筌.quánB.傩.送nuó陨.首sǔn提.防tí数.见不鲜shùC.蹩.脚bié熟稔.rěn瓯.越ōu强.近之亲qiǎngD.出岫.xiù捧袂.jué窸窣.sū摸棱.两可líng2. 下列选项字形完全正确的一项是()A. 仓廒迤逦涎皮皇天后土B. 岑寂尺读讥俏轻鸢剪略C. 概叹坍缩付梓河辙之鲋D. 帷慕糍粑梳朗高朋满坐3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()(1)建造蚁丘的时候,有时需要一批一定的细枝。



A. 规格反映翻过绕过越过B. 规范反映越过绕过翻过C. 规格反应越过翻过绕过D. 规范反应翻过绕过越过4.下列加横线的成语使用不正确的一项是()A.有些人往往是话说得富丽堂皇,行动上却总是见不得阳光。







5. 选出填入横线处上下应衔接最顺畅的一项是()咬文嚼字有时是一个坏习惯,所以这个成语的含义通常不很好。



市八中学2009学年度第二学期期中考试高二英语试卷2010.4 I. Listening Comprehension (24%)Part A Short Conversations (10%)1. A. 16 B. 10 C. 8 D. 62. A. Watching a show B. Staying at homeC. Buying shoesD. Purchasing(购买)food3. A. Student and professor B. Reader and librarianC. Customer and shop assistantD. Salesman and manufacturer4. A. At a restaurant B. At a bank C. At a hotel D. At a grocery5. A. Tom is lazy and doesn’t want to work hardB. Tom is so stupid that he can’t study wellC. Tom should have a more patient teacherD. Tom just doesn’t know why he needs to study6. A. Sue was the last in the raceB. The woman has watched the raceC. Other runners fell behind SueD. Sue could hardly finish the race7. A. He thinks the class is not big enoughB. He doesn’t agree with the womanC. He is going to sign up for another classD. He thinks that the class is too big8. A. Jane is worse than his wife as a housekeeperB. Nothing needs to be done to keep Jane form comingC. Theirs is even worse than Jane’s homeD. There’s no need to worry since Jane’s home is worse9. A. He is working in a hospitalB. He is doing business with his brother nowC. He will graduate from college in JulyD. He is helping his brother with his lessons10. A. They are pleased B. They are undecidedC. They feared it greatlyD. They are upsetPart B Passages (6%)Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. He wanted to find a place to read his papers.B. He wanted to kill time before boarding the plane.C. He felt thirsty and wanted some coffee.D. He went there to meet his friends.12. A. Toys for children B. Important documentsC. Food and coffeeD. Clothes and scientific papers13. A. The woman took his case on purpose. B. All his papers had been stolen.C. He had taken the woman’s case.D. The woman played a joke on him.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A recent textbook assignment B. Requirements for the final examinationC. Choosing research topicsD. Preparing an outline for a paper15. A. Immediately B. The following weekC. In two weeksD. At the end of the semester16. A. To present final papers B. To give a model of outline styleC. To discuss the rough outlineD. To discuss final gradesPart C Longer conversations (8%)Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.II. Grammar & Vocabulary (23%)Section A (14%)25. The patient was warned ______ oily food after the operation.A. to eat notB. eating notC. not to eatD. not eating26. Since he came to live there, he has become deeply ______ in local affairs.A. combinedB. involvedC. joinedD. included27. Mr. Green didn’t understand ______ made his daughter so absent-minded this morning.A. how that wasB. what was itC. why it was thatD. what it was that28. In no city of China ______ little about the economic development.A. the government caresB. does the government careC. doesn’t the government careD. the government doesn’t care29. ______ his method, Tom was sure that he would pass the examination.A. Being improvedB. ImprovedC. To be improvedD. Having improved30. Study hard in high school and lay a ______ for the future.A. basicB. baseC. foundationD. founder31. Don’t ______ the news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A. releaseB. relyC. relateD. inform32. John, 37, ______ the power of a hurricane(飓风).A. is unfamiliar withB. are unfamiliar withC. is unfamiliar toD. are unfamiliar to33. The test will be very easy and I am sure all of you will have no trouble ______ it.A. to passB. passingC. passedD. pass34. Happiness is ______ we experience after an act, which is a deep, permanent(永久的)emotion.A. thatB. whetherC. whichD. what35. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. Do to turn off the lights before leaving.B. He does is fond of music.C. I did had the shoes repaired.D. In my opinion, Mr. White does do good to his students in his class at present. He is verystrict in their study.36. When she realized I ______ her, she quickly made a pose, smiling.A. photographedB. had photographedC. was photographingD. will photograph37. There was ______ at the concert.A. a large audienceB. large audiencesC. much audienceD. many audience38. When we got to the school in the mountain village, we ______ warmly by the teachers andstudents there.A. receivedB. were receivedC. acceptedD. were acceptedSection B (9%)Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful ___39___ on those who hear it. Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in the US. But it soon ___40___ to other parts of the world.“Muzak(音乐广播网)was ___41___ simply to create a soothing(使人宽心的)atmosphere. Recently, however, it’s become big business ---thanks in part to recent research, Dr. Ronald Milliman, an American marketing expert, has shown that music can boost(提高)sales or increase factory production---by as much as a third.But, it has to be ___42___ music. A fast one has no effect at all on ___43___. Slow music can increase receipts by 38%. This is probably ___44___ shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot(注意到)items they like to buy. Yet, slow music isn’t always solution. Dr. Milliman found, for example, that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which ___45___ overall sales. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play up-tempo music to ___46___ the customers moving---unless of course, the ___47___ in digestion leads to scolds.III. Reading Comprehension (37%)Section A (15%)When a child is faced with a problem, he may not be able to deal with it. Children need to learn ___48___. The best way is to take the time to talk about problems as they happen. Problems have a way of bursting upon someone at the ___49___ time. But ___50___ the time is on the best, you should try to help.There are many things you can do to help a child learn problem solving skills. One good way is to find out what ___51___ the problem. This is a skill that children won’t learn without help. A child may knock over his glass of milk at the dinner table, but he ___52___ not realize that the glass was too close to the edge. You can show the child what the problem is.The next step for a child is to learn how to solve the problem ___53___. This step takes courage. Some people are so afraid of being ___54___ that they cannot solve problems. You can help by talking about some possible answers. Let the child ___55___. Now the child will see that problems can be solved, and you can ___56___ him.Another step is to help children ___57___ the laws of cause and effect. If a child knocks over a glass, it will fall and break. Soon the child will see link between cause and effect, and then he is on the road to ___58___.The ability to solve problems is not easy for children to learn. It is not easy for adults either. It takes ___59___ for you, and it takes practice for the child. Finding the right ___60___ between helping children solve problems and ___61___ them to explore and take risks is not always ___62___. All you need is time and effort.48. A. why B. how C. what D. when49. A. best B. exact C. worst D. right50. A. even if B. because C. when D. if51. A. caused B. solved C. simplified D. complicated52. A. need B. should C. can D. may53. A. quickly B. correctly C. alone D. quietly54. A. ugly B. wrong C. timid D. slow55. A. pick it up B. try it out C. get it out D. think it over56. A. blame B. ignore C. excuse D. praise57. A. break B. make C. discover D. obey58. A. growth B. promotion C. science D. achievement59. A. strength B. thoughts C. imagination D. patience60. A. relation B. balance C. link D. conflict61. A. forcing B. allowing C. begging D. expecting62. A. easy B. correct C. proper D. lucky Section B (6+8+ 8=22%)AMother’s Day is a holiday that honors mothers. It is celebrated in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countries. In the United States, it is celebrated on the second Sunday in May every year. Many people celebrate the day by sending gifts or other token (象征)of love and respect to their mothers. Those whose mothers are living often wear red rose or carnation, while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.The idea of setting aside a day to honor mothers was first proposed by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. As a result of her efforts, the first American Mother’s Day celebration was held in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. The idea quickly became popular throughout the nation and around the world.63. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Mother’s Day is celebrated in every country.B. Only those whose mothers are alive celebrate Mother’s Day.C. Americans hold Mother’s Day celebration on May 10.D. People celebrate Mother’s Day in different ways.64. People can judge whether a person’s mother is living or dead only by ______.A. the gifts he sends to his motherB. the love he gives to his motherC. the flowers he wearsD. the clothes he wears65. Suppose it is May 1, Monday, then when is Mother’s Day?A. May 7B. May 14C. May 1D. May 10BOn hearing the words “Just do it!”, you will know there is a Nike product nearby. If it’s “Always Coca-Cola”, you can be sure someone wants to sell you a refreshing drink.An advertising slogan(口号)is to a brand what eyes are to a person. The slogan helps people understand the brand better by telling them what it wants to sell to its customers. Good slogans leave a message inside people’s minds. It’s almost certain that every brand has a popular slogan.Here are a few examples:“Just do it!”---This slogan speaks out to teens. It tells them to do something, but only if they think it’s worth it. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?“Always Coca-Cola”---Coke’s slogans change every few years, but this one has enjoyed a lasting popularity because it shows the brand’s spirit. It seems to say “Coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drinks.”“Share moments, share life.”---This slogan from Kodak connects photos and beauty. It asks people to remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them----using Kodak film of course!66. What would be the best title for the text?A. Just Do It!B. Slogan And BrandC. Famous SlogansD. What Is A Good Slogan?67. Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentence An advertising slogan is to a brand what eyes are to a person.?A. A good advertising slogan should draw people’s attention.B. A brand should have an advertising slogan just as people have eyes.C. An advertising slogan is as important to a brand as eyes are to a person.D. An advertising slogan acts as the eyes of a brand.68. The world “them” in the last paragraph refers to _______.A. peopleB. the happy momentsC. photos and beautyD. Kodak film69. Which of the following tables can best match the slogans with their brands?CWhen I come across a good essay in reading newspapers, I often feel like cutting and keeping it. But just as I am about to do so, I find the article on the opposite side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to keep in good health, or advice about how to be oneself in society. If I cut the front essay, the opposite one is bound(必然的)to suffer damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text without the subject. As a result, the scissors would stay before they start, or halfway done when I find out the result that inevitably(不可避免的)causes my regret. Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both deserving your attention. You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be given up. But you know the future is unpredictable---the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left behind. Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad. How come that nice opportunities and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life changes dramatically on your preference of one choice to the other.In fact that is what life is like: we are often faced with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only after we take up another. The former may be more important than the latter and give rise to a divided mind. I still remember a philosopher’s(哲学家)remarks: “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” So a passive choice may not be a bad one.Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life’s storm makes us go, there must be something we can achieve, some shore we can land on. Don’t forget god always keeps an alternative door open for every one. While the front door is closed, there must be another open door for you.70. The main idea of the passage is _______.A. where there’s will, there’s wayB. cutting newspapers gives us a lessonC. all roads lead to RomeD. an equal chance is provided for every one71. The word “fix” in “you are caught in a fix” in Paragraph 1 refers to _______.A. difficult situationB. your preference of one choiceC. what is left behindD. two things are to be done at the same time72. The underlined part in the passage that is what life is like tells us _______.A. life is like cutting newspapersB. we can’t kill two birds with one stoneC. life sometimes changes completelyD. it is often difficult to make a choice in our life73. Which of the statements below is TRUE to the passage?A. Cutting newspapers is a hard job.B. When you are caught in a fix, you have met two good things.C. There must be a way that is better than the other.D. You should maintain a positive towards your choice.第二卷IV. Translation (4*4=16%)1. 你越是微笑,你的笑容就会越自然。






























)1.西方学者认为,公元前6世纪至公元前3世纪是人类文明的“轴心时代”(Axial Age),“人类意识”首次觉醒,理性思维所创造的精神文化决定着其后诸民族的文化走向。

在当时的中国,最具典型意义的现象是A.诸子并立,百家争鸣 B.以法为教,焚书坑儒C.罢黜百家,独尊儒术 D.崇儒尚佛,兼收并蓄2.下列关于太学的表述,不正确的是A.汉武帝根据董仲舒的建议而兴办B.学习内容为儒学五经C.为贵族官僚所垄断D.使儒学地位大大提高3.下列关于王阳明的表述,不正确的是A.提出了“心性论”的主张B.把儒学发展成为“心学”C.提出人心是世界万物的本源D.提出“致良知”的思想4.明清时期出现了资本主义萌芽,传统的社会生产关系发生了变化。

黄宗羲的思想反映了这种变化,下列观点出自黄宗羲的是A.“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻” B.“宇宙便是吾心”C.“工商皆民生之本” D.“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”5.四位学生在作研究性学习时,以中国古代四大发明对西方历史影响为题,各命了一个小标题,你觉得哪一个不确切?A.大汉的文明传承——纸改变了西欧的文化进程B.西方海外殖民的助跑器——指南针C.火药——荡平欧洲封建城堡的致命锐器D.没有印刷术就没有西方的文艺复兴和宗教改革6.说到人生追求,我们也许会吟诵,“独上高楼,望尽天涯路”,“蜀道之难,难于上青天”,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”,这里依次引用的文学形式分别是:A、楚辞、汉赋、唐诗B、楚辞、唐诗、宋词C、宋词、唐诗、楚辞D、唐诗、宋词、元曲7.下列关于京剧的叙述不正确的是A.同治、光绪年间是京剧的高潮B.京剧在我国艺术宝库中占有重要地位C.标志着中国戏曲的成熟D.是博采众长、兼收并蓄的戏剧8.仔细阅读下列言论,用发展的观点从低到高排列,正确的一项是①“尽收外国之羽翼为中国之羽翼,尽转外国之长技为中国之长技。

2009级高二第二学期期中考试语文试题 全卷1

2009级高二第二学期期中考试语文试题 全卷1

























(一)阅读下文,完成1——6 题(16分)老鹰沈世豪①天高地阔,已经很难见到老鹰了。























第二学期期中考试高二英语试卷〔总分值100 分;时间90分钟〕一.单项选择〔1*21〕1. As we left college, I wondered what the future held for me.A. in shopB. in storeC. in orderD. in place2 ---Why didn’t you attend the dinner party? I couldn’t find you anywhere. ---Oh, but I got a slight pain in my stomach.A. I’m thinking of goingB. I’d like toC. I hoped soD. I had intended to3. in a black jacket, the man took out his gun and pointed it at me.A. DressedB. Having dressedC. To dressD. Dressing4.The elderly need special care in winter, as they are to the sudden change of weather.A. positiveB. sensibleC. flexibleD. sensitive5.I don’t doubt he’s telling the truth.A. thatB. ifC. whetherD. why6.The man hurried to the railway station only that the train had left five minutes before.A. knowB. knowingC. to be toldD. being told7. They have a large amount of money for the new classroom building of their school.A. set asideB. set upC. set backD. set off8.---Will you stay for dinner?---Sorry, . My brother is coming to see me.A. I needn’tB. I won’tC. I mustn’tD. I can’t9.---Would you mind helping me to feed some porridge to my cat?--- .A. No, of course notB. Never mindC. No, please doD. Never mind10.The question seemed easy , but when the students tried to answered it, they discovered how difficult it was.A. in sightB. at first sightC. first of allD. in the first place 11.She demanded that Jim the books he borrowed from her.A. would returnB. returnedC. returnD. must return12.Somehow, in the rush to get out of the building, I got from my mother.A. separatedB. separatingC. to separateD. separate13. There is a sign by the road, which “Parking 〞.A. reads; forbiddingB. reads; forbiddenC. writes; forbiddingD. writes; forbidden14.There is no light on. They be at home.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. shouldn’t15.People had to run away from their homes as the fighting progressed to avoid .A. being killedB. to killC. killingD. to be killed16. It was at six sharp in the morning she came out of the house.A. whenB. untilC. sinceD. that17. any trouble in finding his house, don’t hesitate to let me know at once.A. Have youB. Should you haveC. You should haveD. If you had had18.Since you understand all this, is no need for me to explain.A. itB. thisC. thatD. there19.When the food in the hotel where we are staying , what should we do?A. isn’t tasted goodB. doesn’t taste goodC. isn’t tasted wellD. doesn’t taste well20.The teacher has she would not allow talking in the class.A. made it clear thatB. made that clearC. made it clear whatD. made clear that21.Everyone felt to hear the news that our football team had lost again.A. inspiring; disappointedB. disappointed; inspiringC. disappointed; disappointingD. inspired; inspiring二.完形填空〔1*20〕I returned to Abuja,the capital of Nigeria,after college graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said, “Here are the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.〞 1 , I jumped into the car and speeded off.Seeing me or rather my 2 , a boy sprang up(跳起来), 3 to sell his bananas and peanuts,“Banana 300naira.Peanut 200naira!〞Looking at his black-striped bananas, I 4 to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He 5 . I handed him a 500naria note. He didn’t have 6 so I told him not to worry. He was 7 and smiled a roe of perfect teeth.When, two weeks later, I 8 this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should 9 this country as the son of a 10 .But it was hard to find pleasure in a place where it was so 11 to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.“What’s up ?〞I asked. He answered in 12 English, “I…I no get money to buy book.〞I took out two 500naira notes. He looked around 13 before sticking his hand into the car 14 the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that 15 only 50,000 each year.The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you are a fountain of opportunity.〞(时机)16 it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for 17 .After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road. “Are you in school now?〞He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I 18 what he wanted. I held out a 500naira note. “Take this.〞He shook his head fiercely and stepped back 19 hurt. “It’s a gift.〞I said.Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts, “I’ve been waiting to 20 these to you.〞1. A. Encouraged B. Disappointed C. Delighted D. Confused2. A. car B. mother C. driver D. keys3. A. willing B. afraid C. eager D. ashamed4. A. got down B. bargained down C. put down D. took down5. A. explained B. promised C. agreed D. admitted6. A. change B. notes C. checks D. bills7. A. troubled B. regretful C. comfortable D. grateful8. A. ran after B. ran into C. ran over D. ran to9. A .protect B. enjoy C. help D. support10.A. minister B. headmaster C. manager D. president11. A. lucky B. amazing C. funny D. common12. A. old B. broken C. traditional D. modern13. A. proudly B. madly C. curiously D. nervously14. A. for B. with C. at D. upon15. A. spends B. pays C. makes D. affords16. A. Possibly B. Actually C. Certainly D. Fortunately17. A. joys B. nuts C. books D. bananas18. A. asked B. imagined C. reminded D. realized19. A. when B. as if C. even if D. after20. A. send B. provide C. sell D. give三.阅读理解〔2*4*3〕AEvery day we go to school and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask for your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat with friends—you are in a slightly unnatural situation where alarge group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. You must speak so that they can hear you—loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself.Remember, too, that it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease (not worried) but the situation is somewhat different from that of an ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can be heard.ually, when you speak to the class, the class is____________.A.noisyB. quietC. having a restD. serious2.The situation in the class is _____than in your house.A.not very different fromB. sometimes the same asB.sometimes not the same as D. not the same as3.If you are having a conversation with an official, the most important thingfor you is _________.A.to show your abilityB. to be very gentleC.to make sure that you can be heardD. to put the official at ease4.The main idea of the passage is _________.A.that we should talk in different ways in different situationsB.that we must speak loudly to make ourselves heard when stating ouropinions in serious situationsC.that we must keep silent at any timeD.that we must talk with the classBA man went to a barbershop to have his hair and beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things on various subjects.Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said, “I don’t believe that God exists as you say so.〞“ Why do you day that?〞asked the client(顾客). “ well, it’s so easy; you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist.〞“Oh, tell me.〞“ If God existed, would there be so many sick people? Would there be so many abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t think of God who permits all of these things.〞The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn’t want to respond so as to prevent an argument.The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long hair and beard. Then the client again entered the barbershop and he said to the barber, “ Knowing what? Barbers do not exist.〞“ How come they don’t exist?〞asked the barber, “Well I am here and I am a barber.〞“No!〞the client exclaimed, “They don’t exist because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who walks in the street.〞“Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me.〞“Exactly!〞affirmed the client. “That’s the point. God does exist, what happens is that people don’t go to him for help. That’s why there’s so much pain and suffering in the world.〞1.The client was trying to prove that__________.A.God existsB. God permits suffering and painB.barbers do not exist D. people have to look for God2.According to the barber, if God existed, ________.A.there would be so many sick peopleB.there would be deserted childrenC.there would be no suffering in the worldD.there would be no people with long hair and beard in the street3.Why did the man in the street wear long hair and beard?A.he was poor and had no money to go to the barber’sB.he was not willing to go to the barber’sC.it is fashionable to wear long hair and beardD.it is not mentioned in the passage4.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A.the barber wad talkativeB. the client was very cleverC. God does existD. God does not existCPeople who eat at home most of the time have better nutrition than those who go out to eat , a recent study shows. Cornell University professors Lana Hall and Karen Bunch interviewed 3900 people in the survey. “People who eat less than 30 percent of their food away from home eat the most nutritiously,〞they said.“In general, Americans don’t have nutrient deficiencies(营养不良), except for iron and calcium,〞they reported. They have the opposite problem——over—consumption(过度消耗), especially of fat.The food at many fast food restaurants is often low in vitamins. “People who eat more than 30 percent of total calories away from home eat foods that are generally low in nutrients per calorie,〞the professors said. More calories and adequate nutrient intake are required to achieve.One of the major health risks is eating too much fat. The professor found than fat consumption became greater as income went up. It also went up in houses where the female worked. This is probably because these people eat more highly processed foods.1.According to the passage, which of the following suggestions would youmost readily take?A.Eat out as many times as possibleB.Eat at home as many times as possibleC.Eat foods with a lot if iron, calcium and fatD.Eat more highly processed foods2.What is the result if people often dine out according to the passage?A.They tend to have better nutritionB.They tend to have less nutritionC.They can save a lot of timeD.They will spend much money on it 3.Nowadays, a major health risk that people face is_______.A.Eating too much fast foodB.Frequent dining outC.Eating at home very oftenD.Eating too much fat4.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?A. Food and HealthB. The Life Style in Modern SocietyC. Fast food in the USAD. Dining out Lowers Nutrient Intake四.词汇〔1*10〕1.The scientist won the Nobel Prize because of the great success hehad a in physics.2.That story you have just told r me of an experience I once had.3.After 10 years in prison, he was given his f .4. It’s a p letter, you’re not supposed to open it.5. Before you go abroad, you must apply for a p .6. He (犹豫) before he answered because he didn’t know what to say.7.The citizens have all (获益) from the newly-built library.8. (判断) from what you said, he must be an expert.9. I passed math exam but (失败) in French.10. The route has been (做记号) so that it is easy to follow.五.短文改错〔1*10〕Dear Sir,I’m glad to recommend myself to you.I was born in July 16, 1980 in Beijing. Ifrom Xinhua Primary School in 1992. When Ithe middle school, INo.1 High School, IUniversity study physics. After four years of hard work 6______there, I went to the United States for farther study. Because 7_____of my excellent work, I get a doctor’year but I’六.书面表达〔15〕假设你是李华,开学初,教师和家长都要求你住校,而你却喜欢走读。







1.success A.agriculture B.bury C.support D.include2.wear A.appear B.search C.heard D.bear 3.experience A.experiment B.explanation C.exact D.exercise 4.classmate A.vegetable B.fortunate C.baggage D.bathe5.regular A.singer B.geography C.meaningful D.generalB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

6.—Mike got “F” in his history test.—? He has been working so hard on it.A.How come B.So what C.What for D.Why not7.is often the case with elder people, my grandma talked about my new hairstyle for at least 50 minutes nonstop.A.That B.Which C.As D.It8.To some people life is enjoyable, while to it is suffering.A.ones B.others C.those D.another9.Several years had passed I finally realized the true value of friendship.A.when B.that C.before D.until10.Recently some studies have found that learning second language can lead to increase in one’s brain power.A.a; the B./; the C.a; an D.the; an11.The boy looked to the right and to the left, what to do.A.not to know B.didn’t know C.not knowing D.not being known 12.Hello. You 68442936. I’m sorry I’m unable to answer your call right now.A.reached B.have reached C.are reaching D.had reached13.Most of the big hotels were full at this time of year, but finally we find a room in one of those small guesthouses near the station.A.ought to B.could C.were able to D.might14.Every student as well as teachers who to visit the museum asked to be at the school gate on time.A.is; is B.are; are C.is; are D.are; is 15.smoking here will be fined $ 20.A.Who B.Whomever C.Anyone D.Whoever16.It was 10 o’clock the front doorbell rang.A.where B.when C.that D.which17.—I’m terribly sorry that I missed your birthday. I just completely forgot.—Oh, .A.take it easy B.no problem C.don’t mention it D.that’s right18.My daughter is not sure what to at the university; she can’t make up her mind about her future.A.take up B.make up C.pick up D.build up19.I failed in the job interview last week and only then the importance of English.A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realize 20.—Bob, you’re absent-minded!—Oh, I’m sorry I attention to you, Miss Shute.A.haven’t paid B.wasn’t paying C.am not paying D.couldn’t have paid Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—40各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

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高二期中测试题2009年11月一.听力二. 单项填空三. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36——55各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had 36 a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and 37 his father could well 38 it, he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into own study and told him how 39 he was to have such a fine son. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 40 but slightly disappointed, the young man 41 the box and found a lovely book. 42 , he raised his voice at his father and said, “43 all your money you give me a book?”and rushed out of the house, 44 the book in the study.He did not contact(联系) his father for a whole year 45 one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father. He 46 he had to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his father’s house, he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week. The moment he was about to 47 the hospital, he saw on the desk the 48 new book ,just as he had left it one 49 ago. He opened it and began to 50 the pages. Suddenly, a car key 51 from an envelope taped behind the book. It had a tag(标签) with the dealer’s name, the 52 dealer who had the sports car he had 53 . On the tag was the 54 of his graduation, and the 55 PAID IN FULL.36. A. expected B. enjoyed C. admired D. owned37. A. finding B. proving C. deciding D. knowing38. A. afford B. offer C. keep D. like39. A. encouraged B. comfortable C. proud D. moved40. A. Nervous B. Serious C. Careful D. Curious41. A. packed B. opened C. picked up D. put aside42. A. Angrily B. Eagerly C. Careful D. Anxiously43. A. At B. From C. With D. To44. A. coating B. putting C. forgetting D. leaving45. A. until B. as C. before D. unless46. A. learned B. realized C. recognized D. admitted47. A. get to B. search for C. turn to D. leave for48. A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite49. A. year B. month C. week D. day50. A. clean B. read C. turn D. count51. A. lost B. came C. appeared D. dropped52. A. old B. same C. special D. new53. A. rememberer B. desired C. found D. met54. A. picture B. place C. date D. sign55. A. words B. information C. message D.card四.阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑AI work as a journalist(新闻记者) and today I was lucky to have an interview with Ezra Pryme , the famous English eccentric(怪人). I say“lucky”,because Ezra Pryme doesn’t have much time for the humans and he almost has no visitors. He is very rich and he has a very big country house with a large garden. He has got a large family, but he never sees any of his children or grandchildren. “I haven’t got any time for them,”he says. He has the largest collection of Art Deco objects in the world, but he is the only one who never sees them.I knocked at the door of the house at exactly 3 pm. Ezra’s servant opened the door for me. I was led through a large hall which had all sorts of paintings on the walls and then into a library. I waited for a while and at last a very short man appeared. He had white hair and grey eyes. He had a beautiful green suit on and pink tie. He also had a smile on his face, which surprised me. As soon as he saw me, he held out his hand. Not expecting this, I hesitated for a moment. “Y ou can shake hands,”he said, “I don’t have any diseases! Mind the steps!”he cries, leading me down some steps, “I don’t say that to all my visitors, you know!”56.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “hesitated”?A. Introduced oneselfB. Held out my handC. Showed uncertaintyD. Showed smiles57. Ezra Pryme is called an eccentric, which is not the reason ?A. He never sees any of his children or grandchildren.B. He himself has a very big house and garden.C. He has seldom had visitors.D. He accepted the interview.58. Why was the writer allowed to have the interview?A. Because he was a new journalist.B. Because he was lucky.C. We don’t know from the passage.D. Since the eccentric likes journalists.BMusic plays an important part in our lives. Music is for dancing, drinking, eating, loving and thinking. Some songs remind us of our childhood or youth. Others remind us of the peaple we love. Many important occasions, like weddings and funerals, have special music. Every nation has a national song like the American The Star-Spangled Banner.In the US, high schools and colleges have school songs too. Music is a part of the history of America. It expresses the problems and feelings of its people.As the years go on, the music grows and changes. Modern science has also changed music. Inventions such as records, radios, movies, electric instruments, tape recorders and videos have changed the way we play and listen to music. They have helped to make music an important form of international communication.American music, from the earliest folk songs to modern “pop”, is knownaround the world. Music is one of America’s most important exports. It represents a living history of America. And it brings the people of the world together. Even when people don’t understand the same language, they can share in the same music.Many people learn and practise English by singing songs. Understanding American music can help you understand American people, their history and culture. So, as the song says, “Put a dime in the juke-box, baby”. Let’s listen to the music!59. The underlined word “juke-box” in the passage means_____.A. a container containing moneyB. a box used to hold dimesC. a record-player operated by coinsD. a tape recorder60. According to the passage, if we want to understand American people, theirhistory and culture, we’d better_____.A. sing songsB. listen to musicC. understand American musicD. put a dime in the juke-box61. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. Some music can make us think back to the days of our childhood.B. Many important occasions have special music.C. The Star-Spangled Banner is the American national song.D. Music, from the earliest folk songs to modern “pop” , is known around theworld.62. The passage is mainly about_____.A. the function of musicB. the development of musicC. American musicD. musicCParis is the capital of the European nation of France. It is also one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the world.Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What modern women are wearing in Paris will soon be worn by many women in the world. Paris is also a famous world center of education. For instance, the headquarter of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, is in Paris.The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this centric river. The oldest and perhaps most well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century. The Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the Left Bank of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill called Montmarte on the Right Bank of the Seine.There are many other famous places in paris, such as the famous museum the Louver as well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.Paris is named after a group of people called the Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousands year ago. This island, called lle de la Cite, is where Notre Dame is located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.63.Paris is famous for_____.A. beautyB. fashion and educationC. Louvre and Eiffel TowerD. all of the above64. Parisii originally is _______.A. ParisB. a group of people living in Paris 2,000 years agoC. a small villageD. the white church65. Pont Neuf is ________.A. a famous bridgeB. a famous universityC. a beautiful towerD. a well-known church66. _______divides Paris into two parts.A. the Eiffel TowerB. the Seine RiverC. UNESCOD. Notre DameDDuring the twentieth century there has been a great change in the lives of women. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children , of whom four or five till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years and is likely to take paid work until sixty.This important change in women’s life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school and took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women marry younger, more married women stay at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more afterwards return to full-time or pary-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life.67. We are told that in a family about 1900____.A. few children died before they were fiveB. seven or eight children lived to be more than fiveC. the youngest child would bu fifteenD. four or five children died when they were five68.One reason with the woman of today may take a job is that she _________.A. is younger when her children are old enough to look after themselvesB. does not look after children herselfC. needn’t worry about food for her childrenD. can be free from family duties when she reaches sixty69. Many girls are now likely to ____.A. give up their jobs after they are marriedB. leave school as soon as they canC. marry so that they can get a jobD. continue working until they are going to have a baby70. According to the passage, it is now quite common for women to _____.A. stay at home after leaving schoolB. marry men younger than themselvesC. start working again later in lifeD. marry while still at schoolETYPINGThis course is for those who want to learn to type(打字), as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. Y ou are tested in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring you own paper.Course fee:$ 125 Materials(材料):$ 25Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of qualified business education teachers who have successfully taught typing courses before.UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERSThis is twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. Y ou will learn what computers are, what they can and can’t do and how to use them.Course fee:$ 85 Jan.4,7,11,14,18, Wed.&Sat. 9:00-11:30 amEquipment fee:$ 10Joseph Saunders is Professor of Computer Science at New Urban University. He has over twenty years of experience in the computer field.STOP SMOKINGDo you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods. Y ou can stop smoking, and this twelve-hour course will help you do it.Course fee:$ 30 Jan.2,9,16,23 Mon. 2:00-5:00 pmDr John Good is a practising psychologist(心理学家) who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.71. If you choose the UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS course, you willhave classes _______.A. from Monday to SundayB. from Monday to FridayC. on Wednesday and SaturdayD. on Saturday and Sunday72. The STOP SMOKING course will last_____.A. for half a dayB. for three hoursC. for a weekD. for four weeks73. Mr Black works every morning and evening, but he wants to take part in oneof the three courses. Y our suggestion is____.A. TypingB. Understanding ComputersC. Stop SmokingD. all the courses74. If you want to learn computer and at the same time you want to improve yourtyping, you will pay____.A. $ 75B. $ 150C. $ 115D. $ 23575. The typical difference of “Typing” from the other two is _____.A. people with different skill levels may learn at different speedB. you will take a test after the courseC. you will pay the fee before practisingD. you will pay less money。
