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C 1 、Counter samples can also be called -----

A duplicate samples

B sealed samples

C confirmed samples

D reference samples

C 2 、Which of the following clauses is appropriate for a contract of sale by ** ----

A The quality of the goods delivered should be the same as the quality as sample

B The quality of the goods delivered should be equal to the quality of sample

C The quality of the goods delivered should be about equal to the quality of sample

D The quality of the goods delivered should be refer to the quality of sample

D 3 、“1000 pairs of shoes” is an example of using ---- specity quantity

A weight

B length

C volume

D number

D 4 、----is not frequently used in international trade

A Metric System

B British System

C U.S. System

D French System

C 5、According to the UCP 600 “about”allows the quantity to be -----more or less

A 3%

B 5%

C 10%

D 15%

D 6、A credit stipulated that the quantity of the bulk cargo is 1000M/T and total amount is USD

0.9 million .It shows no “more or less clause” and partial shipment is not allowed .According to the UCP 600----

A The quantity and total amount of the goods delivered should not increase or decrease

B The quantity and total amount of the goods delivered can be 10% more or less

C The quantity and total amount of the goods delivered can be 5%more or less

D The quantity of the goods delivered can be 5%more or less while and total amount can not exceed USD 0.9 million

B 7、According to the international trade practice, ------ should provide the shipping Marks unless otherwise stipulated in the contract

A the issuing bank

B the sellers

C the buyers

D the carrier

A 8 、The method suitable for measuring the weight of importing wool is the -----

A theoretical weight

B conditioned weight

C settled by buyers and sellers

D dry net weight

B 9、If there is no specific provision ,the draft under a letter of credit should draw on ----

A advising bank

B issuing bank

C negotiating bank

D applicant

10、A standby credit ----

A is a documentary credit

B is a special clean credit

C can be a documentary credit as well as a clean credit

D is not a real letter of credit but a letter of guarantee

A 11、If a bank other than the issuing bank guarantees the payment under an L/C ,this L/C is


A a confirmed credit

B an irrevocable credit

C not-transferable credit

D a negotiable credit

CB 12、A ----credit is normally used in processing trade

A back to back

B revolving

C reciprocal

D red clause

B 13、If the exporter finds out mistakes on a received L/

C ,he should contact the ----

A advising bank

B importer

C negotiating bank

D issuing bank

A 14、Your enquiry is having our prompt ____and we hope to make you an offer in a few days.

A. attention

B. settlement

C. arrangement

D. mind

B 15、We trust our offer will be ____ to you and await your order.

A accept

B accepting C. acceptable D. needed

C 16、When an importer intends to make purchases of some goods, he sends a letter of ____to an exporter?

A. quotation B offer C. enquiry D. counter offer

B 17、If you care to place an order with us any time in the future, you may be assured __B__the same prompt attention which you have had in the past.

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. that

B 18、In reference to your letter, we cannot ___B__a better offer than the one we suggested to you

A take B. make C. receive D. hold

C 19、After discussing the matter with our Board of Directors, we have decide we can comply ____your request for lower price.

A to

B on

C with

D in

A 20、In view of the fact that you have bought from us such a volume of office equipment, we should like ____you half way.

A meet

B give in

C give up

D have

C 21、we regret that it is not possible to accept the ___price you have offer.

A reducing

B having reduced

C reduced

D cutting

C 22、unless you see your way clear to grant us an additional reduction in price, we may have to ____our business with you.

A continue

B continuing

C discontinue

D keep

B 23、The main documents adopted by the insured to make claims against the insurer is ____


B transportations document

C insurance proposal form

D insurance document

C 24、according to “Ocean marine cargo clause of the people’s insurance company of china ”,the coverage which cannot be effected independently is ___

A. FPA B WPA C. War Risk D. All Risks

D 25、Company A exported 5 metric tons of tea. The tea suffered heavy storm in transit. The sea
