

Pragmatic Functions of Irony 反语的作用

Pragmatic Functions of Irony 反语的作用

Pragmatic Functions of Irony1.AbstractIrony is a common linguistic phenomenon in verbal communication. Recent years have seen a mushroom growth of distinctly angled theorizations in this orientation, which nevertheless exhibit strong complementarity. Traditionally, irony is treated as a figure of speech whose intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words uttered.In this paper, focus will be laid upon what is irony , what are the Pragmatic functions of irony in English culture and in Chinese culture .and what is the comparison between English irony and Chinese irony.2. What is ironyIt is difficult to define the word of “irony” which could be understood in various ways. The expansion of its research area may be the direct cause of the diversity of the definition of irony. The following are some definitions of irony from dictionaries.2.1 Dictionary definitions of irony1) Expression of one‟s meaning by saying the direct opposite of one‟s thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc. [2]Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary2) Use of words which are clearly opposite to one‟s meaning, usually either in order to be amusing or to show annoyance (e.g. by saying …What charming behavior‟ when someone has been rude.) [3]Longman Dictionary of English Language &Culture (English-Chinese) 3) Irony is a literary technique that achieves the effect of saying one thing and meaning another through the use of humor or mild sarcasm. [4]Webster’s New World Encyclopedia4) The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning. [5]Webster English Dictionary5) Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. This form of irony is called verbal irony, and differs from the stylistic device of dramatic irony. [6]English Rhetorical Options6) Definition of irony from Grolier International Dictionary:a). An expression or utterance marked by such a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning, for humorous or rhetorical effect.b). Incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs. [7]The above definitions, although explained by different experts from different angles, roughly display the nature of irony from both the form and function. Among these definitions, the basic meaning of irony could be found as “saying one thing but meaning another.” The best description of irony, say, the Grolier International Dictionary, takes both the form and function of irony into consideration and gives us a better picture. However, all of these definitions have some shortcomings. First, none of them provides an effective way to identify irony from non-irony. Second, they basically regard irony as a trope or a figure of speech whose literal and connotative meanings are mutually opposed to each other. This traditional understanding has been under challenges by modern research.3. Pragmatic functions of ironyIn the former parts of this paper, we have already discussed about the relation between irony and CP, the association between irony and IP, and the connection between irony and verbal humor. Though irony seems to take flouting CP as its own duty, it acts as an assistant of IP actively. As a type of verbal humor, irony devotes itself to produ ce humor in people‟s communications. However, what are the pragmatic functions of irony? In this section, the key to this question will be presented mainly from two major aspects: pragmatic functions of English irony and pragmatic functions of Chinese irony.3.1 Pragmatic functions of English ironyPragmatic functions of English irony can be stated in various ways, similar to theclassification of it. In the following passage, the effort will be concentrated on the major functions of irony. Firstly, while using irony people tend to use affirmative to express critique or discontent. Secondly, irony is always used as a means to satirize. Thirdly, irony is used as an approach to be polite. Last but not the least, irony is used as an approach to be humorous.3.1.1 Used as an affirmative to express critique or discontentIn English, irony is often used to state one‟s negative attitude to something. For example:(1) I just adore mosquitoes. (郑国龙,2003,P28)(2) You are a big help! (邱政政,2005,P2)(3) You are telling stories! (邱政政,2005,P2)In example (1), “adore” actually tells us the displeasure of the speaker. It can be learned from the meaning between the lines that the speaker hates mosquitoes in fact. The sentence of example (2) is not really used to praise the “help” but to indicate, “You only do nothing to help.” The speaker of example (3) applies irony to make a mockery.In everyday life, people tend to use irony in their speech though sometimes they may not be conscious of it. The following is another instance:(4) This morning, I was late for work; at noon, I had my bike stolen; on the way home this afternoon, I slipped down in the street. So today, I am certainly enjoying myself. (郑国龙,2003,P28)Obviously, the narrator did not enjoy himself indeed this day. With the strong discontent of the terrible experience, he expressed his displeasure by using the opposite word “enjoy”.3.1.2 Used as a means to satirizeIrony is used to veil feelings in a subtle way. Words of praise are often found where condemnation is meant. Below are some examples:(1) Like all the other officers at Group Headquarters except Major Danby, Colonel Cathcart was infused with the democratic spirit: he believed that all men outside Group equal, and he therefore spurned all men outside Group Headquarters with equalfervor. (冯翠华,1995,P214)(This passage implies that Colonel Cathcart was not democratic at all: his democratic spirit extended only to his own group; all others he treated with scorn and highhandedness.)(2) …a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a mo st delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout. (郑国龙,2002,P28)The author here proposed the measure to solve the problem of starvation and overpopulation by eating or selling children from poor families. However, his real purpose was to rip off the hypocritical mask of hypocrites. Used as a means to satirize, irony helped to disclose the serious problem of the society in above example.3.1.3Used as an approach to be politeIn daily conversation, people are apt to be polite. As an indirect expression, irony is widely applied. For example:(1) “Have a drink?”“All right, but not up at the bar. We will take a table.”“The perfect father.” (薛利芳,2004,P65)(2) “The boy has broken another glass,” said the mother.“A fine thing!” the father replied. (冯庆华,2001,P160)In example (1), the son chose the polite way of using “the perfect father” which actually referred to one who was stingy about money matter. If he complained directly to his father that “A stingy father”, the impoliteness would break the relationship between the father and son more or less. Conversely, the father in example (2) criticized the fault of his son in a n indirect way. “A fine thing!” could be treated as a criticism out of goodwill.3.1.4 Used as an approach to be humorousIn Section 5.2 of this paper, we have learned that verbal irony serves as an approach of verbal humor. Therefore, the humorous function of irony can be easily revealed. Below are some more examples for further acknowledging.(1) Polite horseThe Bach sees Ball walking lamely, asks him: “ What‟s happened?” Ball says: “ I went to the forest park to ride the horse on Sunday.” “ I‟m sure th at it was an unruly,or the horse did not allow to ride?” “Both are not. Just the horse was very polite --- when it ran to a stockade at a full gallop, it stopped all of a sudden and made me leap over first.” Says Ball. (艾临,2005,P170)(2) Taken in Twice“What‟s the matter with your hands?”“They were bitten by the serpent.”“How can it happen?”“I went to the forest the day before yesterday. Seeing there is a snake around the tree, I picked up a stick to beat.”“Missed the target.”“No, what is twisted around the tree was a rope, while what I picked up was just a snake.” (艾临,2005,P2)A new conception of what a polite horse is shows forth in example (1). Humor occurred when Ball understated his displeasing experience by using irony. Similarly, the embarrassment of the narrator in example (2) is well veiled in the ironic statement, which brings humor to good effect.3.2 Pragmatic functions of Chinese irony3.2.1 Chinese ironyChinese irony, to some extent, is equal to the type of English irony, namely verbal irony. Generally speaking, it can be classified as five types: irony for commendation and derogation,irony for satire,irony for fun, irony for affection and irony for emphasis. The classification is basically in the light of the pragmatic functions of irony. The detailed demonstration of them will be continued in the following parts.3.2.2 Pragmatic functions of Chinese irony(i) Irony for praise and denigrationIrony for praise and denigration is to use praise instead of derogatory term, or vice versa. It is an indirect utterance that can avoid making comments in direct way. Ithas nothing to do with sarcasm. For instance:凤姐道:“我那里管得这些事来?见识又浅,口角又笨,心肠又直率,人家给个棒槌我就认作针,脸皮又软,搁不住人家两句好话,心里就慈悲了。


The diffirence between sarcasm and innuendo(暗讽)
Definition of sarcasm
1、Definition from Longman: a way of speaking or writing that involves saying the opposite of what you really mean in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed
“You think so much about others,” said his wife. “it’s pleasure to hear what you say about friendship. I am sure the priest himself cannot say such beautiful things as you do, though he lives in a three-storeyed house, and wears a gold ring on his little finger.”
Brief conclusion of Functions of irony
• It aims at ridicule, humour or sarcasm to make one’s remark forceful and impressing.
--Earnest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms
“I hope Tom’s better where he is,” said Sid; “But if he’d been better in some ways—”


He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man.
他是我的朋友,对我忠实而公正: 但是布鲁图斯说他有野心; 而布鲁图斯却是一个正直的人。
小汉斯在自己的园子里干着活,一个人工作着。春天,夏天和秋天,他非常愉快。 但冬天一到,他就挨冻受饿,常常吃不上晚饭就去睡觉。而且,他在冬天也非常 寂寞,因为磨坊主冬天从来不来看他。 “冬天上小汉斯那儿去没用,”磨坊主常对他妻子说,。‘人有困难的时候,我 们不要去答理他,不要去打扰他。这是我对友谊的看法,而且我相信我的看法是 正确的。所以我要等春天来了,再去看他。那时他会给我一束缨草花,这会使他 感到愉快
• I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.
• He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favored country! - they let the paupers go to sleep!
Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense.







“反语”( Irony)一词源于古希腊喜剧,为喜剧中的一种角色类型,即“佯装无知者”,因此,反语的原初含义即“佯装无知”的意思。









”而在《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中,反语解释为“the use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, often as a joke and with a tone of voice that shows this.二、反语的类型2.1归谬类反语归谬类反语在指正对方错误观点时,不加驳斥,而是将其进一步推理展开,使其荒唐性不言而喻。

irony 翻译

irony 翻译

irony 翻译Irony(讽刺)几乎在我们日常交流中随处可见,但要准确地将它翻译成中文却并非易事。





Irony分为三类:1. Verbal Irony(言语讽刺):言语讽刺指的是在说话时,说话人说的话和他的实际意图相反。



2. Situational Irony(情境讽刺):情境讽刺指的是某个事件的实际结果与人们期望的结果相反,通常涉及到一个出乎意料的结局。


3. Dramatic Irony(戏剧性讽刺):在文学和戏剧中使用,指的是读者或观众知道故事的情节和真相,但故事中的角色不知道,导致讽刺效果。



正确理解和翻译Irony需要掌握以下几种方法:1. 上下文翻译Irony通常是一个语境相关的现象,它的意义和效果是由上下文环境和世界观来构成的。


irony 讽刺 反语

irony 讽刺 反语

Ironies can be divided into two categories: verbal irony and situational irony. Verbal irony is the simple form of irony. It is used in everyday life.Verbal irony can be subdivided into light irony and heavy irony. 反语通常分为两类:词义反语和情景反语。 情景反语的意义主要从特定的情景中,从 作者对所叙述的事物的真实态度中体现出 来。词义反语从字面意义上就能判断出来, 是常用的表达方式。
For example, when someone hates the weather which spoils his trips and says," what a fine day!" he is ironical. the word "fine" is actually intended to mean "bad", "awful" and "abominable".
@WPS官方微博 @kingsoftwps
我们很幸运。到达彼岸的那一天是12月13 日,那是我们真的感到很愉快。
Situational irony 情景反语
Situational irony occurs when there is a discrepancy or incongruity betthe case and the real state of affairs.
①If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don't listen...They're probably trying to trick you into living.



Ridicule (嘲弄/嘲笑):
One entrepreneur rented a shop window to display an ape. Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related. "The poor brute cowered in a corner with his hands over his eyes, ” a reporter noted, "afraid it might be true. ” • 还有一个承包商租了一个商店橱窗来展出一只猿猴。有些人便 花钱去观看这只猿猴,并思量着自己是否可能与它有什么渊源。“ 这只可怜的畜牲双手捂住眼睛,蜷缩在一个角落里,”一位记者 这 样写道,“生怕人猿同源是真的。” (P26、27) Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence. (P35) • 布莱恩闷声不响地擦拭着自己的秃顶。IFra bibliotekony(反语):
Not long ago I went back to Dayton for the first time since my trial 37 years ago. The little town looked much the same to me. But now there is a William Jennings Bryan university on a hill-top over looking the valley.(P47) • 前不久,我在那次审判三十七年之后第一次重返戴顿。在我 眼中,小镇景物依旧,只是多了一所威廉•詹宁斯•布莱恩大学 ,它坐落在一个小山坡上,俯视着下面的山谷。 It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of it’s cruelty and ferocious aggression. • 纳粹政权在残酷镇压和疯狂侵略方面极为拿手, 人类过去这方 面的一切卑劣行径都望尘末及。



• Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act. (抢劫一位寡妇的储蓄当然是高尚的行为。)
Situational irony
有时,正话反说或反话正说不是靠一两个词所能体现的, 而是要靠语境来体现。所谓“情景式反语”常要有一定的 情景,也即是在整个段落或篇章中蕴含着讽刺,这样的段 落或篇章或许有画龙点睛的词语反语,或许根本没有词语 反语,但整个段落或篇章都是反语,或者准确的说其情景 是反语。 例如在Kate Chopin的短篇小说The story of an hour中, Mallad太太得知丈夫因车祸去世的消息时表面上一阵号哭, 心底里却暗自高,,她早就盼望的一天终于来到了,不禁 低声对自己说:“Free! Body and soul free!” 但正当她暗 自得意时, 丈夫突然出现在门口!原来他大难不死,安 然回家 而 Malled 太太却由于这突如其来的刺激导致心脏 病发作,不治身亡!
dramatic irony
• 戏剧性反语主要用于戏剧小说中,与剧情或戏剧的结构有 关。在这种反语中,读者或观众知晓实情,而台上的人却 一无所知,说一些与实情相悖的话,造成幽默或悲剧性的 效果。 • 例如上文提到过的Kate Chopin的那个故事结尾写道: When the doctors came, they said she had died of heart disease – of joy that kills. (医生们来了,他们说她死于心脏病——是看到丈夫生还,欣 喜至极使她丧了命。) 医生们以为她看到丈夫生还而欣喜至极,以致引发心脏病; 故事的读者不难看到事情正好相反——她是由于庆幸丈夫 去世过于激动了,结果又事与愿违, 受到突然刺激而猝 死的。


many mistakes this morning. Maybe she hadn’t slept well last night. After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.
------“Could you wait a few days for the money? I haven’t any small change about me.” -------“Oh, you haven’t? well, of course I know that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.”
它是以一种嘲笑和挖苦的方式来攻击,它的目的是贬低和伤 害被攻击人的感情。)
When children call a boy “Four Eyes” because he wears glasses, they are speaking in sarcasm.
In a group they were brave. He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. I hear he makes long speeches. Yes, he likes to listen to him.
My husband has been sober several times in the past five years. Innuendo is a figure of speech in which moderate and allusive words and tone are used to make comments or pass criticisms upon a person or thing. “暗讽”innuendo辞格是一种温和、委婉的词 语论述、评及事或人物,它不是直截了当地 用语言表达出来,但语言中含有这种意思。


( 1) They are almost as wise as the wise men of Gotham. ( 2) It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one’s pocket. 例 ( 1) 中 名 义 上 是 在 表 扬 , 曰 “明 智 ”, 而 实 际 上 是 在 讽 刺 他们愚笨, 就像“愚人村”的村民。而例( 2) 借delightful来自嘲, 表 现出身无分文在外国的尴尬和无助, 哪里谈得上开心愉快呢? 英国著名讽刺作家Jonathan Swift的名篇 “A Modest Proposal”中 大 量 使 用 到 了 irony。 广义而言, irony也是一种satire( 讽刺) , 但是它强调的是讽 刺的方式必须是反语, 即表面的意思与真实的意思相反, 显得 言不由衷, 具有幽默俏皮的特点, 其真实意思需要借助于上下 文 ; 与 之 相 比 , satire则 是 强 调 讽 刺 的 目 的 和 对 象 , 并 不 着 重 于 讽刺的方式。 再 来 看 最 开 始 的 5个 句 子 。第 一 句 字 面 的 意 思 是 新 婚 爱 侣 们应该去超市而非洞房中过夜, 但是真实的意思恰好相反, 很 显然是irony, 作者借此来嘲讽里根的荒谬观点。第二句将两个 身份差异明显的两个人放在一起, 本身就是一个讽刺, 借此来 揭露逃避穷人这一现象的坚实社会后台。第三句稍微复杂一 些: 双重否定用来强调肯定, 字面的意思就是逃避救助穷人是 一桩相当挣钱的买卖。果真如此吗? 作者的意思显然不是这 样。他是借此来讽刺不负责任的美国政府回避救助穷人的责 任是占小便宜吃大亏, 是得不偿失的。最后两句话中分别用到 了 “enduring”, “enjoying”和 “unparalleled popularity”几 个 关 键 的表达。显而易见, 这几个表达偏向于褒义, 都是正面的意思, 但 作 者 的 真 实 含 义 却 是 要 批 评 无 良 的 学 者Milton Friedman和 George Gilder抛弃穷人, 还要编造一套套“理论”为政府开脱责 任。所以这两句话都是反话正说, 名扬实抑。这样做不仅手段 巧妙, 讽刺的效果也十分理想。这种讽刺的技巧, 文学巨匠鲁 迅 先 生 实 为 精 湛 。在 他 的 大 作 《纪 念 刘 和 珍 君 》和 《“友 邦 惊 诧 ” 论》中对于北洋政府的嘲讽都是经典的反语。上述5句话中, 存 在分歧的地方主要是第二、三两句: 杨立民主编的教参认为第 二句是irony; 而有的教师认为第三句应是satire。笔者认为, 句 二中并无明显的说反话或其他褒贬的感情色彩, 故更应该是 satire, 以讽刺这种置穷人于不顾的社会; 而句三字面的意思是 “逃避救助穷人可以让政府赚钱”, 而实际的意思显然不是这 样。因为作者在前文中已经明确地表明过: 过度地逃避穷人会 让富人( 政府) 处于危险的境地( 一旦穷困过度, 穷人无疑会造 反甚至推翻政府) 。所以, 从现实来看, 这样做( 逃避救助穷人) 对政府来说无疑是不利的, 但作者表面却说这是“一桩赚大钱 的买卖”, 讽刺之意显而易见。因此这里同样是反话正说, 还是 irony, 而非satire。



• d. Now, he had not even a penny with him and did not have to think about what to eat for lunch, wonderful! 现在他一名不文,也不必操心午饭吃 什么了,真棒! • (wonderful means the opposite — bad; here it is used in a rakish潇洒的manner)
• can become sarcasm(讽刺)if it is taken to a harsh extreme
Light Irony
• • • Light irony is used to achieve humor. Look at the following examples: - a. Yes, she is so beautiful that even the pockmarks(麻子)on her face are shining brightly.What is ugly about her is the countless wealth.(Irony:beautiful, ugly)
• Light Irony:
b. We are lucky. It’s the other side on the thirteenth of December. That makes us feel really good. (David Parks: G. I. diary)
• (The author means exactly the opposite of what he says: 13 is an unlucky number to most Westerners. Since on that day— December 13, they will land on the other side of the Pacific to fight in the Vietnam War, they don’t feel good at all)


• situational irony
• dramatic irony
Irony in Use
as welcome as a storm
as slender in the middle as a cow in the waist
The guest opens his mouth to compliment the chef, but before he can speak, he burps long and loudly.
Identify each item as one of the following:
• verbal irony
It is used to
show people’s intimate feelings.
criticize or expose bad and ugly things.
It gives life to the language.
Sarcasm 讽刺
Definition of sarcasm Typical examples of sarcasm
• adds greatly to the tension in stories, plays, and movies
• heightens the sense of humor in comedies and deepens the sense of dread in tragedies
Verbal irony Say one thing but mean the opposite

修辞学 提喻 借喻 Session 9

修辞学 提喻 借喻 Session 9

1.4 以属代替种
One day a poor creature who could not have been more than four feet tall crept past me under a vast load of wood.
一天,一个身高不到四英尺的可 怜妇人背着老大一捆柴火从我 身边蹒跚而过。 Analysis:
laurels 月桂树
Rather than resting on our laurels, we have feared getting fat and lazy. Apollo and Daphne: 爱神丘比特为了
向阿波罗复仇,将一支使人陷入爱 情漩涡的金箭射向了他,使阿波罗 而不是在我们的荣誉上休息,我 疯狂地爱上了达芙妮;同时,又将 一支使人拒绝爱情的铅箭射向达芙 们害怕变得肥胖和懒惰。 妮,使姑娘对阿波罗冷若冰霜。当 达芙妮回身看到阿波罗在追她时, 急忙向父亲呼救。河神听到了女儿 的声音,在阿波罗即将追上她时, 将她变成了一棵月桂树。达佛妮虽 然成了树,阿波罗仍然很喜欢她, 他拥抱着树干,树叶沙沙地颤抖着。 “你将成为我的树,”他说,“你 将终年长青,成为胜利者的荣冠。”
不直接说出某人或某事物的名称,而是借用与其密切 相关的名称或其本身的某种属性来称代(吕煦 2004:165)(“换一个说法”)
1.synecdoche [sɪ'nekdəkɪ]提喻 2.metonymy [mɪ'tɒnɪmɪ]借喻
朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。--杜甫 《自京赴奉先县咏怀 五百字》
Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人
Soapy stood still with his hands in his pockets and smiled at the sight of brass buttons. ---The Cop and the Anthem


More examples • We are lucky.(when something bad happens) • What you said makes me feel really good.(when someone says sth. unpleasant) • This diligent(勤勉的) student seldom reads more than an hour per week.
• 表亲昵之情
恋爱中的男女双方“you are such a bad boy(girl)”绝非在 指责或讽刺挖苦对方,而只是在打情骂俏,证明两人关系 相当亲昵。 再如孙犁在《荷花淀》里所写的: 几个女人有点失望,也有点伤心,各人在心里骂自己的狠心 贼。
(the women, a bit sad as well as a bit disappionted, cursed in the mind their merciless thief.)
(中国人之所以应当感谢艾奇逊,是因为他胡诌了一大篇中 国近代史) 在此,thank 具有浓烈的讽刺语气,辛辣地揭露并批判了美 国资产阶级的代言人艾奇逊的侵华谎言。
• Well, of course, I knew that gentlemen like you carry only large notes. (啊,当然。我知道像你这样的先生只带大票子。) 店员这 句话意在讽刺这位穿破衣的顾客,像你这样的人怎么会有大 票子呢?名为“gentlemen”实则“beggar”而已。
Functions of irony
• 反语是语言常态的一种改变,所以它引人注目,使人深思。 在特定的语言环境中,它比正面表达更鲜明、更深刻、更 有趣味、更有力量。在表露强烈的爱憎情感上有它的独到 之处。再则,运用反语使语言形式富于变化,避免呆板, 使语言生动活泼,饶有情趣。



I. Concept of Irony1. Irony ---“eironeia” (Greek: dissembler in speech)2. Interpretation:“A method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression inwhich the intended meaning of the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense.”(Webster’s New World Dictionary)3. Irony in Chinese:a. 有几个“慈祥”的老板到菜场去收集一些菜叶,用盐水一浸,这就是他们难得的佳肴。

(夏衍:《包身工》)b. 好在愿意我活下去的已经没有了,再也没有谁痛心。




(鲁迅:《孤独者》)c. 丁四:怎样?娘子:挺好!挺合身儿!大妈:就怕呀,一下水就得抽一大块!丁四:大妈,您专会说吉祥话儿!(老舍:《龙须沟》)d. 几个女人有点失望,也有点伤心,各人在自己心里“骂着”自己的“狠心贼”。

(孙犁:《荷花淀》)4. Some examples of English Irony:a. “Could you wait a few days for the money? I haven’t any small change about me.”“Oh, you haven’t? Well, of course I know that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.”(Mark Twain: One Million Pound Bank-note)b. An Englishman does everything on principle; he fights you on patriotic principles; he robs you on business principles; he enslaves you on imperial principles.(Bernard Shaw)c.He was such a marvelous teacher that whenever he recognized a spark of genius you could be sure he’d water it. (Charlws Kay Smith: Style and Structures)d.“Did you have a nice lunch?” she asked sweetly. I had had a marvelous steak, but knew better by now than to say so. “Awful,” I reported, “some sort of sour fish, eel, I think.”“Good…”e. “Generally speaking,” said Miss Murdstone, “I don’t like boys. How d’ye do, boy?”Under these encouraging circumstances, I replied that I was very well and that I hoped she was the same, with such an indifferent grace that Miss Murdstone disposed of me in two words, “Wants manner!”(Charles Dickens: David Copperfield)II. Modes of Irony1. Antiphrases (词义反语)a. We are lucky. It’s the other side on the thirteenth of December. That makes us feel very good.(David Parks: G. I. Diary)b. A bronco often becomes so attached to his master that he will lay down his life necessary --- his master’s life, I mean.(Bill Bye)c.It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money and save it, you can just go and borrow it.(Winston Churchill)d. I stayed in the hospital ten days with my sister who was dying. Babara, my ex-best friend, came to my house to look after my children. She helped things out and took my things out. She did help.e.The Chinese should thank Acheson also because he has fabricated wild tales about modern Chinese history.f. The whole outfit could be purchased for about $5 and Gandhi’s sins; at least his fleshly sins would make the same sort of appearance if placed all in one heap. A few cigarettes, a few mouthfuls of meat, a few annas pilfered in childhood from the maidservant, two visits to a brothel (on each occasion he got away without “doing anything”;), one narrowly escaped lapse with his landlady in Plymouth, one out burst of temper --- that is about the whole collection.(George Orwell: Reflections on Gandhi)g. The virtuous, dignified bishop has four illegitimate children.h.If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don’t listen --- They’re probably trying to trick you into living. (American Cancer Society)2. Situation IronyIrony depends on the context to be detected.For example:a. H e’s a fine friend.b. You’re really a genius. (Look what a great mess you’ve made of it.)c. You should have been a fiction writer.d.“It’s no use going to see little Hans in writer,” the miller used to say to his wife. “When people are in trouble we must leavethem alone and not bother them, that is my idea of friendship and I am right.So I shall wait till spring comes, and then I shall visit him and he will give me a large bouquet, and that will make him very happy.”“You think so much about others,” said his wife. “It’s pleasure to hear what you say about friendship. I am sure the priest himself cannot say such beautiful things as you do, though he lives in a three-storied house, and wears a gold ring on his little finger!”(Oscar Wilde: The Devoted Friend)e.He tried soldiering for two weeks with a motley band of Confederate guerrillas who diligently avoided contact with the enemy. Twain quit after deciding,“---I knew more about retreating than the man that invented retreating.”(Mark Twain)f. For instance, the nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time, when asked why, since no man can see them, they reply, “Oh, but you forget the good God.” Apparently they conceive the Deity as a peeping Tom, whose omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by bathrobes. This view strikes me as curious.(Bertrand Russell: An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish, BasicWritin3. Quotation Ironya. He was “extremely kind” to me, and I shall never forget it.b.Miss Ma ria Osborne, it is true, was “attached” to Mr. Augustus Bullock, of the firm of Hulker, Bullock & Bullock; but hers was a most respectable attachment, and she would have taken Bullock Senior, just the same, her mind being fixed as that of a well-bred young woman should be --- upon a house in Park Lane, a country house at Wimbledon, a handsome chariot, and two prodigious tall horses and footmen, and a forth of the annual profits of the eminent firm of Hulker & bullock, all of which advantages were represented in the person of Frederick Augustus.(W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair)c.“The moon,” writes Lawrence, “certainly isn’t a snowy cold world, like a world of our own gone cold. Nonsense, it is a globe of dynamic substance, like radium or phosphorus, coagulated upon a vivid pole of energy.” The defect of this statement is that it happens to be demonstrably untrue. (Aldous L. Huxley: Meditation on the Moon)。



试论“Irony”在《傲慢与偏见》人物塑造中的作用摘要 irony过去被译为“反讽”,也因此,它常被误认为讽刺。





关键词:简·奥斯丁 irony 人物塑造中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a在以往的研究中,irony曾被译为“反讽”。













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* 讲话人运用Irony 旨在讽刺: 如此朋友, 乘人之危, 完全是帮倒忙。
Hale Waihona Puke It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money and save it, you can just go and borrow it. (Winston Churchill) 假如你可以干脆去借钱, 以此代替赚钱与省钱, 那会省掉许多麻烦了。 After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind. ( John Scopes: TheTrial That Rocked the World P169 Book I Advanced English) 用不了多久, 就会出现人与人、宗教与宗教之间互相争斗的局面, 直 到我们倒退到十六世纪那光辉的年代。那时, 如果有谁敢于给人类 带来智慧、知识和文化, 他就会被那些偏见、固执的宗教信徒们绑 在柴堆上活活烧死。
(冯翠华,1995: 213)
Irony是把词、词组或句子用于反意,以表示说话人对事物的批判 性的评价。为了使听众能真正理解到讽刺,必须有加强的语调, 有时甚至还须要加以手势和表情。在书面语中不可能有这些语音 手段,有时能使用引号、斜体等暗示讽刺。不过更主要的还是要 从语言环境或上下文来理解。
… until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man.
他是我的朋友,对我忠实而公正: 但是布鲁图斯说他有野心; 而布鲁图斯却是一个正直的人。
Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense.
So little Hans worked and worked in his garden. During Spring and Summer and Autumn he was very happy, but when Winter came, he suffered from cold and hunger, and often went to bed without supper, Besides, in Winter he was very lonely, as the miller never came to see him. “It’s no use going to see little Hans in Winter,” the miller used to say to his wife, “When people are in troub1e we must 1eave them alone and not bother them, that is my idea of friendship and I am sure I am right. So I shall wait til1 spring comes, and then I shall visit him and he will give me a large bouquet of prim-roses, and that will make him very happy.”
Irony 的类型
Irony最常用的类型称为Verbal Irony ( 词语反语) , 从广义的文体修 辞来说, 还有Dramatic Irony ( 戏剧性反语) 和Situational Irony ( 情 境反常) 。 1、Verbal Irony Verbal Irony 指说话人利用词汇、语法手段表示明显的反义, 即用 同本意相反的词语表示本意。例如明知天气不好, 却故意说: It is a nice, pleasant sort of weather indeed! 又如英国的Gotham是有名的愚人村, 却故意说: They are almost as wise as the wise men of Gotham. 他们几乎和愚人村里的愚人一样聪明。
小汉斯在自己的园子里干着活,一个人工作着。春天,夏天和秋天,他非常愉快。 但冬天一到,他就挨冻受饿,常常吃不上晚饭就去睡觉。而且,他在冬天也非常 寂寞,因为磨坊主冬天从来不来看他。 “冬天上小汉斯那儿去没用,”磨坊主常对他妻子说,。‘人有困难的时候,我 们不要去答理他,不要去打扰他。这是我对友谊的看法,而且我相信我的看法是 正确的。所以我要等春天来了,再去看他。那时他会给我一束缨草花,这会使他 感到愉快
革命思想主要是在头脑里,而不在口袋里,脑袋是无法搜查的。因此,“母亲”要宪兵们 搜查our heads(我们的脑袋),既是对敌人的讽刺,也是对搜查的蔑视。
Like all other officers at Group Headquarters except Major Danby, Colonel Cachcart was infused with the democratic spirit: he believed that all men were created equa1, and he therefore spurned all men outside Group Headguaters with equal fever.
• 讥讽和反语修辞手法有所不同,这种修辞手法不必 暗示,也不必兜圈子,常常以直接方式攻击对方观 点、讽刺对方,故语言直截了当、措辞尖锐、刻薄 ,字里行间充满着轻视、蔑视和敌意。
• When we are born, we cry that we are coming to this great stage of fools.
全文没有一个明显的反义词。但综观全局,则十分辛辣、讽刺。深刻地揭示了磨坊主唯利 是图、冷酷无情的丑恶嘴脸。英国谚语说:A friend in need is a friend indeed(患难中的 朋友才是真正的朋友),而磨坊主的友谊观却是:“when peop1e are in trouble we must leave them alone and not bother them”(人有困难的时候,我们不要去答理他不要去打扰 他。)
他们竞允许穷人睡觉!——这是多么高尚的例证,说明他那行善的 国家的法律是多么仁慈!
作者用noble(高尚),tender(仁慈)和favored(行善的)等反语讽刺当时的英国法律, 说明穷人只有失业和睡觉的权利。
You devils ought to search our heads and not our pockets.
I stayed in the hospital ten days with my sister who was dying. Babara, my ex2best friend,came to my house to look after my children. She helped things out and took my things out. She did help! 我在医院呆了10 天, 陪伴我生命垂危的妹妹。我原先最好的朋友 芭芭拉来到家中照料我的孩子。她帮助解决了困难, 也拿走了我的 东西。她的确帮了忙。
Frankly, I have been accustomed to regard your president as a statesman whose mouth was the most efficient part of his head.
但白他说,我已习惯子把你们的总统看作一个政治家,因为他的嘴 巴是他五官中最有效用的部分。
• The virtuous, dignified bishop has four illegitimate children.
Irony (反语)
• Well, of course, I knew that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.
• 店员这句话意在讽刺这位穿破衣的顾客:像你这样的人 怎么会有大票子呢? 名为"gentlemen"实则"beggar"而已
• I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn’t it.
• He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favored country! - they let the paupers go to sleep!
• Slowly the old lady stooped to pick it (the check) up. Her present, her lovely present, with her trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.