
【产品规格】10:1 20:1 UV/TLC
【英文名称】Liquorice Root P.E.
【拉丁名称】Radix Glycyrrhizae
【提取来源】甘草的根及根茎,植物来源为豆科植物甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.、胀果甘草 Glycyrrhizainflata Bat.或光果甘草
3.解毒作用甘草浸膏及甘草甜素对某些药物中毒、体内代谢产物中毒都 有一定的解毒能力。解毒作用的有效成份为甘草甜素,解毒机制为甘草甜素对毒物有吸附作用。

收稿日期:20210315基金项目:山东省中医药科技发展计划项目(2019-0440).作者简介:杨若琪(1996),男,湖北咸宁人,硕士研究生.通讯作者:李 泉(1981),男,山东招远人,主治医师.E -m a i l :9947450@q q.c o m 第33卷第3期2021年 6月沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)J o u r n a l o f S h e n y a n g U n i v e r s i t y (N a t u r a l S c i e n c e )V o l .33,N o .3J u n.2021文章编号:2095-5456(2021)03-0229-05甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌的体外抑制作用杨若琪1,2,赵贵萍1,3,李 泉1,2*(1.山东中医药大学药学院,山东济南 250355;2.潍坊医学院附属医院中医科,山东潍坊 261000;3.云南中医药大学中药学院,云南昆明 650500)摘 要:为了研究甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性㊁生物被膜形成以及产酸性的体外抑制作用,通过M T T 法分析了甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性的影响,采用结晶紫染色法定量检测药物处理后变形链球菌生物被膜形成的情况,糖酵解p H 值下降实验用于测定甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌产酸性的影响.结果表明,8.0m g ㊃m L -1的甘草粗提物㊁5.0m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分以及3.0m g㊃m L -1的乙酸乙酯馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性和生物被膜形成表现出了很强的抑制作用,其中乙醇馏分和乙酸乙酯馏分的活性要大于粗提物.同时4.0m g ㊃m L -1的甘草粗提物㊁2.5m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分以及1.5m g㊃m L -1的乙酸乙酯馏分处理后,培养基p H 值明显降低,说明甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌的产酸性也有一定的抑制作用.因此,甘草对变形链球菌具有体外抑制作用,有潜力被用作临床使用的抗龋药物.关 键 词:甘草;提取物;馏分;变形链球菌;生物被膜;产酸性中图分类号:R 248.2 文献标志码:A I n h i b i t o r y E f f e c t s o f D i f f e r e n t F r a c t i o n s o f G l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c hE x t r a c t o n S t r e pt o c o c c u sM u t a n s i nV i t r o Y A N GR u o q i 1,2,Z HA OG u i p i n g 1,3,L IQ u a n 1,2(1.C o l l e g eo f P h a r m a c y ,S h a n d o n g U n i v e r s i t y o f T r a d i t i o n a lC h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ,J i n a n 250355,C h i n a ;2.D e p a r t m e n t o fT r a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ,A f f i l i a t e d H o s p i t a l o fW e i f a n g M e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y ,W e i f a n g 261000,C h i n a ;3.C o l l e g e o fC h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ,Y u n n a nU n i v e r s i t y o fC h i n e s e M e d i c i n e ,K u n m i n g 650500,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :T os t u d y t h ei n v i t r oi n h i b i t o r y e f f e c t so fd i f f e r e n tf r a c t i o n so f G l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c he x t r a c to nt h e p l a n k t o n i c m e t a b o l i ca c t i v i t y ,b i o f i l m f o r m a t i o na n da c i d p r o d u c t i o no f S t r e p t o c o c c u sm u t a n s ,t h e MT Ta s s a y w a su s e dt oa n a l y z et h e i n f l u e n c eo f d i f f e r e n tf r a c t i o n s o f G l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c h e x t r a c t o n t h e m e t a b o l i c a c t i v i t y o f S t r e p t o c o c c u s m u t a n s p l a n k t o n i c c e l l s .T h e c r y s t a l v i o l e t s t a i n i n g a s s a y w a s u s e d t o q u a n t i t a t i v e l y d e t e c t t h e f o r m a t i o n o f t h e b i o f i l mo f S t r e p t o c o c c u sm u t a n s ,a n d t h e g l y c o l y s i s p Hd r o p a s s a y w a su s e dt od e t e r m i n et h ee f f e c to fd i f f e r e n t f r a c t i o n so na c i d o g e n e c i t y o f S t r e p t o c o c c u sm u t a n s .T h e r e s u l t s s h o wt h a t 8.0m g ㊃m L -1c r u d e e x t r a c t ,5.0m g ㊃m L -1e t h a n o l f r a c t i o na n d3.0m g ㊃m L -1e t h y l a c e t a t e f r a c t i o ns h o wa s t r o n g i n h i b i t o r y e f f e c t o n p l a n k t o n i cm e t a b o l i c a c t i v i t y a n db i o f i l mf o r m a t i o no f S t r e p t o c o c c u sm u t a n s ,a m o n g w h i c h t h e a c t i v i t y o f t h ee t h y l a c e t a t e f r a c t i o na n dt h ee t h a n o l f r a c t i o n i s g r e a t e r t h a nt h a to f t h e c r u d e e x t r a c t .A t t h es a m et i m e ,4.0m g ㊃m L -1c r u d ee x t r a c t ,2.5m g ㊃m L -1e t h a n o l f r a c t i o na n d 1.5m g ㊃m L -1e t h y l a c e t a t e f r a c t i o na l s os i g n i f i c a n t l y r e d u c e d t h e p H v a l u eo f t h e m e d i u m a f t e rt r e a t m e n t ,i n d i c a t i n g t h a td i f f e r e n tf r a c t i o n so f G l y c yr r h i z au r a l e n s i s Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.032沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷F i s c h e x t r a c t a l s o e x h i b i t e d i n h i b i t o r y e f f e c t s o n S t r e p t o c o c c u s m u t a n s.G l y c y r r h i z au r a l e n s i s F i s c hs h o w s i nv i t r o i n h i b i t o r y e f f e c t so na c i d p r o d u c t i o no fS t r e p t o c o c c u sm u t a n sa n dh a s t h e p o t e n t i a l t ob eu s e d a s a na n t i-c a r i e s a g e n t s f o r c l i n i c a l u s e.K e y w o r d s:G l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c h;e x t r a c t i o n;f r a c t i o n;S t r e p t o c o c c u s m u t a n s;b i o f i l m;ac id o ge n e c i t y龋齿是一种由口腔致病菌引起的局部感染性疾病[1].食物㊁宿主以及微生物都在龋齿的形成过程中起着重要的作用[2].在人类口腔环境的多种细菌中,变形链球菌具有较强的产酸性以及形成生物被膜的能力,被认为是主要致龋病原体[3].使用抗菌药物(例如氟化物或洗必泰)是目前预防龋齿的主要策略之一[4].然而,当抗菌药物对病原菌起作用时,益生菌在口腔中的生长也受到了影响,这可能会导致口腔菌群的失调以及牙渍和味觉改变等副作用的发生[5].在过去的几年中,研究人员对来源于植物的天然化合物产生了极大的兴趣,这些化学治疗药物的细胞毒性较低,并且具有潜在的抗龋活性[6].作为应用最广泛的传统中药,甘草(G l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c h)具有止咳㊁抗炎和抗菌的功效,其药理活性主要存在于以甘草素为代表的黄酮类化合物(f l a v o n o i d s)和以甘草酸㊁甘草次酸为代表的三萜皂苷类化合物(t r i t e r p e n o i d s a p o n i n s)中[7].研究显示,甘草中的一些活性化合物对牙齿疾病已经表现出了不同程度的治疗作用[8].本文通过测定甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性㊁生物被膜形成以及产酸性的影响,为抗龋药物的研发提供新的思路.1材料与方法1.1材料甘草药材(康美药业股份有限公司)㊁变形链球菌U A159(山东中医药大学微生物教研室提供)㊁脑心浸液培养基(B H I,北京奥博星生物技术有限公司)㊁噻唑蓝(MT T,5m g㊃m L-1,江苏凯基生物技术有限公司).1.2主要仪器设备96孔板(南通海之星实验器材公司)㊁2.5L厌氧产气包(青岛海博生物科技有限公司)㊁D NM-9602型酶标仪(北京普朗公司)㊁P H S-3C型p H计(上海虹益仪器仪表有限公司).1.3方法1.3.1甘草粗提物的制备以及各馏分的萃取甘草粗提物的制备根据蔡昀盈等[9]的方法并稍加修改.将甘草药材干燥并用搅拌机压成粉末,按照1ʒ8(g㊃m L-1)的料液比加入体积分数为90%乙醇作为提取剂,在80ħ水浴回流提取2h后,将提取物过滤并加入相同体积的提取剂重复上述过程1次.合并2次所得的滤液,经旋蒸浓缩后,用无菌蒸馏水溶解获得甘草粗提物,依次使用石油醚㊁乙酸乙酯和乙醇按照1ʒ3的体积比萃取3次,得到各有机层的馏分.1.3.2 MT T试验将变形链球菌U A159过夜培养至生长对数期,用B H I培养基稀释至菌落数为5ˑ105C F U㊃m L-1.将甘草提取物的不同馏分在96孔板中通过倍比稀释法配置成一系列所需质量浓度,与细菌在2.5L厌氧产气包中共同孵育24h.将10μL的MT T加入到每个孔中,37ħ避光反应3h后再向每个孔中加入二甲基亚砜溶液.使用酶标仪测量490n m处的吸光度,试验进行3次重复.1.3.3生物被膜形成试验过夜培养的变形链球菌U A159菌液用含有质量浓度为0.25g㊃m L-1的蔗糖B H I培养基稀释至菌落数为1ˑ107C F U㊃m L-1.将倍比稀释的药物与细菌在厌氧环境中共同孵育24h,然后小心除去每个孔中的上清液,并用无菌磷酸缓冲盐溶液洗涤形成的生物被膜.使用体积分数为0.4%结晶紫溶液对生物被膜进行染色,再次用无菌磷酸缓冲盐溶液洗去多余的染料,最后加入体积分数为33%乙酸溶液静置15m i n.使用酶标仪测量590n m处的吸光度,试验进行3次重复.1.3.4糖酵解p H值下降试验将菌落数为1ˑ107C F U㊃m L-1的变形链球菌U A159与不同质量浓度的药物一起添加到96孔板中.在将初始p H值调节至7.1后,每隔2h测量1次每个孔的p H值,试验进行3次重复.Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.1.3.5 统计学方法数据采用S P S S 统计软件(I B MS P S SS t a t i s t i c s 25,U S A )进行单因素方差分析(A N O V A ).结果以均数ʃ标准差(S D )表示.当P <0.05时认为差异有统计学意义.2 试验结果2.1 甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性的影响用甘草提取物的不同馏分处理变形链球菌浮游细胞24h 后,结果如图1所示.8m g ㊃mL -1的粗提物与对照组相比相对降低了变形链球菌浮游细胞约70%的代谢活性(P <0.01),5m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分则相对降低了约80%的代谢活性(P <0.01).乙酸乙酯馏分的抑制效果最为明显,质量浓度为3m g ㊃m L -1时能够相对降低约75%的代谢活性(P <0.01).(a )粗提物质量浓度对浮游细胞代谢活性的影响(b)乙醇质量浓度对浮游细胞代谢活性的影响(c)乙酸乙酯质量浓度对浮游细胞代谢活性的影响图1 甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌浮游细胞代谢活性的影响F i g .1 E f f e c t s o f d i f f e r e n t f r a c t i o n s o fG l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i s F i s c h e x t r a c t o nm e t a b o l i c a c t i v i t y of S .m u t a n s p l a n k t o n i c c e l l s 注:与对照组比较,*表示P <0.05;**表示P < 甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌生物被膜形成的影响通过在培养基中添加质量浓度为0.25g ㊃m L -1的蔗糖使变形链球菌形成生物被膜,药物处理24h 后结果如图2所示.与对照组相比,5m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分以及3m g ㊃m L -1的乙酸乙酯馏分对变形链球菌生物被膜的形成表现出了显著的抑制活性,大约减少了相对85%的生物被膜形成(P <0.01).粗提物的抑制作用稍弱,8m g㊃m L -1时生物被膜的形成相对减少了约70%(P <0.01).2.3 甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌产酸性的影响甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌产酸性的影响如图3所示.对照组的p H 值从开始的7.1下降至最终的4.1,而药物处理组的p H 值变化明显减弱,4.00m g ㊃m L -1的粗提物㊁2.50m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分以及1.50m g ㊃m L -1的乙酸乙酯馏分在处理12h 后的最终p H 值仍然在6.0左右.同时2.00m g ㊃m L -1的粗提物㊁1.25m g ㊃m L -1的乙醇馏分以及0.75m g ㊃m L -1的乙酸乙酯馏分在处理4h 后也保持着6.0左右的p H 值,尽管在处理12h 后,它们的最终p H 值与对照组相比几乎没有差别.132第3期 杨若琪等:甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌的体外抑制作用Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.(a)粗提物质量浓度对生物被膜形成的影响(b)乙醇质量浓度对生物被膜形成的影响(c)乙酸乙酯质量浓度对生物被膜形成的影响图2甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌生物被膜形成的影响F i g.2E f f e c t s o f d i f f e r e n t f r a c t i o n s o fG l y c y r r h i z a u r a l e n s i sF i s c he x t r a c t o nb i o f i l mf o r m a t i o no f S.m u t a n s 注:与对照组比较,*表示P<0.05;**表示P<0.01.(a)粗提物质量浓度对产酸性的影响(b)乙醇质量浓度对产酸性的影响(c)乙酸乙酯质量浓度对产酸性的影响图3甘草提取物的不同馏分对变形链球菌产酸性的影响F i g.3E f f e c t s o f d i f f e r e n t f r a c t i o n s o fG l y c y r r h i z au r a l e n s i s F i s c he x t r a c t o na c i d o g e n e c i t y o fS.m u t a n s3讨论尽管人们对口腔健康越来越重视,但龋齿的患病率仍然以惊人的速度上升[10].变形链球菌在龋齿发病机理中的作用已有充分文献记载.变形链球菌的主要致龋特性是其能形成生物被膜以及通过糖酵解途径产生有机酸[11].因此,能够有效地控制变形链球菌生物被膜的形成以及有机酸产生的新型抗龋药物是研究人员关注的重点.牙菌斑生物被膜是一种能够黏附在有机或无机材料表面的致龋性微生物群落[12].生物被膜中的细菌通常被包裹在胞外聚合物基质中(由多糖㊁蛋白质以及胞外D N A组成),与浮游细菌相比,生物被膜对抗菌药物,宿主免疫防御机制和恶劣的外部环境都具有很强的抵抗力,这也使得龋病的预防和治疗变得更加困难[4].在本研究中,甘草提取物的不同馏分都对变形链球菌生物被膜的形成表现出了不同程度232沈阳大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.的抑制作用.综合来看,乙酸乙酯馏分所需的质量浓度最低,抑制效果略强于乙醇馏分,而粗提物的抑制活性相较于二者则明显下降.大量研究表明,许多黄酮类化合物对口腔细菌,特别是变形链球菌表现出了良好的抗菌活性,例如L i u 等[13]发现芹菜素可以通过增加细菌的表面疏水性从而抑制生物被膜的形成.甘草中也含有大量的黄酮类化合物,推测乙酸乙酯馏分中某些极性偏小的黄酮苷元可能是其抑制作用较强的主要原因.对甘草提取物各级馏分中所含主要活性成分的分离和鉴定是未来研究的主要方向之一.致龋细菌产生的有机酸也是导致龋齿形成的主要原因之一[14].变形链球菌能够黏附在牙齿的硬组织上,通过分解食物中的碳水化合物产生有机酸,从而使牙釉质脱矿并形成龋齿[15].在本研究中,甘草提取物的不同馏分处理后,p H 值的变化与对照组相比都有所减小,粗提物㊁乙醇馏分以及乙酸乙酯馏分对变形链球菌产酸性的抑制作用效果相当.目前天然产物在龋病防治方面仍面临着许多不可忽视的挑战.尽管目前的提取分离技术已经比较成熟,但是从复杂天然产物中提纯各种有效成分依旧非常困难.甘草提取物中单个分子对变形链球菌生物被膜形成的影响及其相关机制需要进一步研究.此外,口腔中没有特异的致龋菌,用一种特殊细菌来解释龋病的发生是不可能的.未来我们将使用多菌株生物被膜模型来尽可能地模拟真实口腔内各种细菌间的生态关系.参考文献:[1]L AMO N TRJ ,K O O H ,H A J I S H E N G A L L I S G.T h eo r a lm i c r o b i o t a :d y n a m i cc o mm u n i t i e sa n dh o s t i n t e r a c t i o n s [J ].N a t u r e R e v i e w sM i c r o b i o l o g y ,2018,16(12):745759.[2]S O N G Y M ,Z H O U H Y ,WU Y ,e t a l .I nv i t r o e v a l u a t i o no f t h e a n t i b a c t e r i a l p r o p e r t i e s o f t e a t r e e o i l o n p l a 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All Rights Reserved.。

范围:甘草提取物责任:物料部采购员、仓库保管员、质量管理部经理、检验员内容:标准依据:《中华人民共和国兽药典》2010年版二部物料名称: 甘草提取物【性状】本品为棕色粉末;有微弱的特殊臭气和持久的特殊甜味。

A类植物提取物Adhesive Rehmannia Root Tuber Extract 地黄提取物Aharpleaf Ucaria Stem with Hooks Extract 钩藤提取物Alfafa Extract 紫花苜蓿提取物Alisma Extract 泽泻提取物Amur Corktree Bark Extract黄柏提取物Angelica (Dong Quai) Extract 当归提取物Angelica Root Extract 白芷提取物Artichoke Extract朝鲜蓟提取物Asiatic plantain Herb Extract 车前草提取物Astragalus Root Extract 黄芪提取物B类植物提取物Bacopin Extract 巴戟天提取物BaikalSkullcapRoot Extract 黄芩提取物Balloonflower Root Extract 桔梗提取物Balsampear Fruit Extract 苦瓜提取物Bamboo Shavings Extract 竹茹提取物Bitter Apricot Seed 苦杏仁提取物Black Cohosh Extract 黑升麻提取物Blackberrglily Rhizome Extract 射干提取物Boswellin extract 乳香提取物Bupleurum sinensis extract 柴胡提取物Burdock Extract 牛蒡提取物C类植物提取物Cactus Extract 仙人掌提取物Cape Jasmine Fruit Extract 栀子提取物Capillary Wormwood Herb Extract 茵陈提取物Catclaw Buttercup Root Tuber extract 猫爪草提取物Chaste Tree Extract 蔓荆子提取物Cherokee rose fruit extract 金樱子提取物Chinaroot Greenbrier Rhizome Extract 菝葜根提取物Chinese Arborvilea Seed Extract 柏子仁提取物Chinese Bushcherry Seed Extract 郁李仁提取物Chinese Cinnamcn, Cassia Bark Extract 肉桂提取物Chinese Clematis Root and Rhizome Extract 威灵仙提取物Chinese Dodder Seed Extract 菟丝子提取物Chinese Ephedra Herb Extract 麻黄提取物Chinese Gentian Root Extract 龙胆提取物Chinese Goldthread Rhizome Extract 黄连提取物Chinese Ivy Stem Extract 常春藤提取物Chinese Taxillus Herb Extract 桑寄生提取物Chinese Taxillus Herb 桑寄生提取物Chinese Thorowax Root Extract 柴胡提取物Chinese Waxgurd Seed Extract 冬瓜子提取物Cholla Stem Extract 仙人掌提取物Christina Loosestrife Herb 金钱草提取物Cinnamon Bark Extract 肉桂提取物Citrus Aurantium Extract 枳实提取物Cnidium Fruit Extract 蛇床子提取物Codonopsis Root Extract 葫芦巴子提取物Commom Floweringquine Fruit Extract木瓜提取物Common Achyranthes Extract牛膝提取物Common Andrographis Herb Extract穿心莲提取物Common Fenugreek Seed胡芦巴提取物Common Selfheal Spike Extract 夏枯草提取物Coriander Herb Extract芫荽提取物Corn Silk Extract 玉米须提取物Costusroot Extract木香提取物Cristina Loosestrife Herb Extract 金钱草提取物Curcuma Longa Extract 姜黄提取物Cushaw Seed Extract 南瓜子提取物D类植物提取物Dandelion Extract 蒲公英提取物Densefruit Pitany Root-bark Extract白鲜皮提取物Desertliving Cistanche Herb Extract 肉苁蓉提取物Dioscorea Nipponica Extract 穿地龙提取物Divaricate Saposhnikovia Extract防风提取物Doubleteeth Angelica Root Extract独活提取物Dried Longan Pulp Extract龙眼肉提取物Dwarf Lilyturf Root Tuber Extract 麦冬提取物E类植物提取物Echinacea Extract 紫锥菊提取物Epimedium Extract 淫羊藿提取物Eucommia ulmoides extract杜仲提取物European Hop Flower Extract 啤酒花提取物F类植物提取物Figwort Root Extract 玄参提取物Figwort Root Extract玄参提取物Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb Extract荆芥提取物Flaxseed Extract 亚麻子提取物Florists Sendranthema Extract 菊花提取物Fortune’SDrynariaRhizome Extract骨碎补提取物G类植物提取物Ginger Extract 生姜提取物Glossy Privet Fruit Extract女贞子提取物Goldenrod Extract 一支黄花提取物Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草提取物Grape Seed Extract葡萄籽提取物Great Burdock Fruit Extract牛蒡子提取物Great Burdock Root Extrac牛蒡根提取物Green Tea Extract 绿茶提取物H类植物提取物Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb Extract 仙鹤草提取物Hawthorn Fruit / Leaf Extract山楂提取物Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb鱼腥草提取物Horsetail Extract问荆提取物I类植物提取物Indian Buead Extract茯苓提取物Indigowoad Leaf Extract大青叶提取物Indigowoad Root Extract 板蓝根提取物J类植物提取物Japanese Honeysuckle Flower Bud Extract金银花提取物Jujube Extract 大枣提取物K类植物提取物Kudzu Extract葛根提取物L类植物提取物Lalang Grass Rhizome Extract 白茅根提取物Lalang Grass Rhizome Extract白茅根提取物Langehead Atractylodes Rhizome Extract白术提取物Lophatherum Herb Extract 淡竹叶提取物Loquat Leaf Extract 枇杷叶提取物Lucid Ganoderma extract灵芝提取物M类植物提取物Macrocarpium Fruit Extract山茱萸提取物Magnolia Cortex Extract厚朴提取物Maitake mushroom Extract 灰树花提取物(舞茸提取物) Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit Extract补骨脂提取物Manchurian Wildginger Herb细辛提取物Ma-yuen Jobstears Seed Extract薏苡仁提取物Medicinal Morinda Root Extract巴戟天提取物Milk Thistle Extract水飞蓟提取物Momordica Grosvenori Extract 罗汉果提取物Mongolian Snakegourd Fruit Extract 瓜蒌提取物Motherwort Herb Extract 益母草提取物Mulberry Fruit Extract 桑葚提取物Mulberry Leaf Extract桑叶提取物Mulberry Twig Extract 桑枝提取物Mushroom Extract 香菇提取物Nettle Extract 荨麻提取物O类植物提取物Oat Extract 燕麦提取物Obtuseleaf Senna Seed Extract 决明子提取物Olive Leaf Extract 橄榄叶提取物P类植物提取物Pepperweed Seed Extract葶苈子提取物Perilla Leaf Extract紫苏叶提取物Pilose Asiabell Root Extract 党参提取物Pine Bark Extract 松树皮提取物Pinellia Tuber Extract半夏提取物Polygala tenuifolia extract 远志提取物Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract 虎杖提取物Pomegranate Extract 石榴皮提取物Pomegranate rind Extract 石榴皮提取物Potentilla anserina L.Extract鹅绒委陵菜提取物Psoralea corylifolia L. P.E.补骨脂提取物R类植物提取物Radix Rehmanniae Extract地黄提取物Red Clover Extract 红车轴草提取物Rhodiola Rosea Extract 红景天提取物Rhubarb Extract大黄提取物S类植物提取物Safflower Extract红花提取物Salvia miltiorrhiza Extract丹参提取物Sanchi extract 三七提取物Sanna Leaf Extract 番泻叶提取物Saw palmetto Fruit Extract锯叶棕提取物Schisandra Chinensis Extract五味子提取物Seed of Asiatic plantain Extract车前子提取物Semen Cannabis Extract火麻仁提取物Sessil Stemona Root tuber Extract百部提取物Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit Extract益智仁提取物Shitake Mushroom Extract 香菇提取物Shrubalthea Bark Extract 木槿皮提取物Siberian Cocklebur Fruit Extract 苍耳子提取物Siberian Cocklebur Fruit Extract苍耳子提取物Siberian Ginseng Extract 刺五加提取物Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome Extract黄精提取物Silktree Albizia Bark extract 合欢皮提取物Simpleleaf Shrub Chastetree Fruit Extract 蔓荆子提取物Snakegourd Root Extract 天花粉提取物Snakegourd Root Extract天花粉提取物Songaria Cynomorium Herb Extract锁阳提取物Soy extract 大豆提取物Spreading Hedyotis Herb Extract 白花蛇舌草提取物St. John’s Wort Extract贯叶连翘提取物Stiff Silkworm Extract 僵蚕提取物Suberect Spatholobus Stem Extact 鸡血藤提取物Swordlike Atractylodes Rhizome Extract 苍术提取物Szechwan Lovage Rhizome Extract川芎提取物T类植物提取物Tangerine Peel Extract 陈皮提取物Tatarinow Sweetflag Rhizome Extract石菖蒲提取物Ternate Pinellia Extract半夏提取物Thinleaf Milkwort Root Extract远志提取物Tonkin Sophora Root Extract山豆根提取物Tree Peony Root-bark Extract 牡丹皮提取物Tribulus Terrestris Extract刺蒺藜提取物Tuber Fleeceflower Root Extract何首乌提取物Tuckahoe 茯苓提取物W类植物提取物Wenchow Turmeric Root Tuber Extract郁金提取物White Kidney Bean Extract 白云豆提取物White Mulberry Root-bark Extract 桑白皮提取物White Mustard Seed Extract白芥子提取物White peony root extract 白芍提取物White Willow Extract白柳皮提取物Wild Mint Herb Extract 薄荷提取物Wild Mint Herb Extract 黄柏提取物Wild Yam Extract 山药提取物Wolfberry Extract 枸杞子提取物Wormwood Leaf Extract 艾叶提取物Wudcekery Seed Extract 芹菜子提取物。
国际命名化妆品原料 INCI 英汉对照名称

第 2 页,共 142 页
酸性橙 6; (CI 14270)
酸性橙 7; (CI 15510)
酸性橙 24; (CI 20170)
1320-Байду номын сангаас7-6
65 ACID RED 14
酸性红 14; (CI 14720)
酸性红 33; (CI 17200)

九、G系列Galanthamine 加兰他明Gallotannin 五倍子鞣质Ganodenna Lucidum P.E 灵芝提取物Gardenoside 栀子甙Garlic Extract 大蒜油Garlic P.E 大蒜提取物Gastrodin 天麻素Geniposide 京尼平甙Geniposidic acid 京尼平甙酸Genistein 染料木素Genistin 染料木甙Genkdaphin 芫花木内酯Genkwanin 芫花素Gentiopicrin 龙胆苦甙Gentrin Knotweed P.E 虎杖提取物Geraniol 牻牛儿醇Germacrone 牻牛儿酮Ginger P.E 生姜提取物Ginkgetin 银杏素GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT 银杏黄酮Ginkgo Biloba P.E 银杏叶提取物Ginkgolic acid 白果酸Ginseng P.E 人参提取物Ginseng Root(American)P.E 西洋参提取物Glucomannan(Konjac Root P.E.) 葡甘露聚糖Glycyrrhetinic acid 甘草次酸Glycyrrhizic acid 甘草酸Gossypol 棉酚Gotu Kola P.E 积雪草提取物GRAPE SEED EXTRACT POWER(Grape seed P.E) 葡萄籽提取物Grape Bark P.E 葡萄皮提取物Grape Seed Oil 葡萄籽油Green Tea P.E 绿茶提取物Grifola Frondosus P.E 灰树花提取物Guan-fubase A 关附甲素Guan-fubase B 关附庚素Guayewuanine A 瓜叶乌头甲素Guayewuanine B 瓜叶乌头乙素Gymnema P.E 武靴藤提取物Gymnemic Acids 武靴藤酸Gynostemma P.E 绞股蓝提取物Gyrophoric acid 石耳酸十、H系列Harmaline 骆驼蓬碱Harmalol 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚Harmine 哈尔明碱Harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱Hawthorne Berry P.E 山楂果提取物Hawthorne leaf P.E 山楂叶提取物Hayatine 海牙亭Helicid 豆腐果甙Hesperidin 橙皮甙Higenamine dl-去甲基乌药碱Hilieidum 昆明神衰果素Hinesol 茅苍术醇Homoarbutin 高熊果甙Homoeriodictyol 高圣草素Homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱Honegsukle flower P.E 金银花提取物Honokiol 和厚朴酚Hops Extract 啤酒花浸膏HordatineA,B 大麦芽新碱A,B Hordenine 麦芽碱Horse chest Nut P.E 娑罗子提取物Horsetail P.E 问荆提取物Humulone 律草酮Huperzine Serrate P.E 千层塔提取物Hydroginkgolic acid 氢化白果酸Hydroginkgolinic acid 氢化白果亚酸p-Hydroxyacetophenone 对羟基苯乙酮p-Hydroxybenzylalcohol 对羟基苯甲醇10-Hydroxycamptothecine 10-羟基喜树碱N-Hydroxycantharidin N-羟基斑蝥素Hydroxycinnamic acid 对羟基桂皮酸Hydroxygenkwanin 羟基芫花素Hydroxylrenifolin 羟基肾叶鹿蹄草甙α-Hyodeoxy cholic acid α-猪去氧胆酸Hyoscyamine 莨菪碱Hypaconitine 次乌头碱Hypericin 金丝桃素Hypericum Perforatum P.E 贯叶连翘提取物Hypoepistephanine 次表千金藤碱。

甘草提取物的工艺流程英文回答:Licorice extract is derived from the roots of the licorice plant, scientifically known as Glycyrrhiza glabra. The extraction process involves several steps to obtain the desired compounds from the plant material.Firstly, the licorice roots are harvested and cleaned to remove any dirt or impurities. Then, they are typically chopped into smaller pieces to increase the surface areafor extraction. This step is crucial as it helps in better extraction of the active compounds present in the roots.Next, the chopped licorice roots are subjected to a process called maceration. In this step, the plant material is soaked in a solvent, such as ethanol or water, for a specific period of time. The solvent helps in breaking down the cell walls of the plant material, allowing the active compounds to be released into the liquid.After maceration, the mixture is usually filtered to separate the liquid extract from the solid plant material. The liquid extract obtained is then concentrated to remove excess solvent and obtain a more concentrated form of the desired compounds. This can be done through methods like evaporation or distillation.The concentrated licorice extract may undergo further purification processes to remove any impurities or unwanted compounds. This can involve techniques like chromatography or crystallization, which help in isolating and purifying the specific compounds of interest.Finally, the purified licorice extract is typically dried to remove any remaining moisture and obtain a stable powder or solid form. This dried extract can then be usedin various applications, such as in the pharmaceutical, food, or cosmetic industries.中文回答:甘草提取物是从甘草植物的根部提取得到的,科学名称为Glycyrrhiza glabra。

甘草提取物西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司02 9 -8132 1495.[产品名称-KinGreen]: 甘草提取物[英文名称-KinGreen]: Licorice Extract[拉丁名称-KinGreen]: Radix Glycyrrhizae[原料别名-KinGreen]: 美草、密甘、密草、国老、粉草、甜草、甜根子、棒草。
[产品来源-KinGreen]: 甘草提取物来源为豆科植物甘草Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.、胀果甘草Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. 或光果甘草Glycyrrhiza glabra L. 的干燥根。
[原料形态-KinGreen]: 干燥根呈长圆柱形,不分枝,多截成长30~120厘米的段,直径0.6~3.3厘米。
[原料分布-KinGreen]: 主要分布于内蒙古、宁夏、新疆、甘肃;家种甘草主产在甘肃的河西走廊,陇西的周边,宁夏部分地区。
[ Product—Brand ]: 西安金绿-Xi’an KinGreen[产品规格-KinGreen]: 甘草提取物10:1 20:1 30:1甘草次酸98%甘草酸98%甘草酸单钾M/H/二钾甘草酸单铵/二铵光甘草定/甘草浸膏粉[供应厂家-KinGreen]: 西安金绿生物工程技术有限公司[药理作用-KinGreen]: 1.解毒作用:甘草甜素或其钙盐有较强的解毒作用,对白喉毒素、破伤风毒素有较强的解毒作用,对于一些过敏性疾患、动物实验性肝炎、河豚毒及蛇毒亦有解毒作用。

编号:FZD0148 甘草提取物中甘草酸(Glycyrrhizic Acid)含量测定方法一、色谱条件
色谱柱:Zorbax SB-C18 15cm×4.6mm 5μm
1. 对照品溶液制备精密称取干燥至恒重的甘草酸对照品约5mg 于50mL容量瓶中,加入流动相溶解定容。
2. 样品溶液制备精密称取甘草提取物约200mg于50mL容量瓶中,加入30mL流动相,超声60min溶解后,放置至室温,流动相定容,用0.45μm微孔滤膜过滤即得样品溶液。


产品基本信息【中文名称】:甘草提取物【拉丁名称】:Radix Glycyrrhizae【英文名称】:Licorice Roots Northwest Origin【提取来源】:甘草属植物甘草的根茎【产品性状】:黄色至类白色粉末【产品规格】:甘草酸7%-98%/甘草酸二钾98%/光甘草定40% HPLC【植物形态】:多年生草本;根与根状茎粗状,直径1-3厘米,外皮褐色,里面淡黄色,具甜味。

甘草(Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.)是传统中药之一,由于其含有多种有效物质,因此被广泛应用于中医临床。

1、制定符合国际工业化标准生产的生甘草 检测的技术标准 2、制定符合国际工业化标准生产的技术标 准,并通过省级备案。填补中国国内空白。 3、制定符合国际工业化标准生产的工艺、 工艺规程、操作规程、技术文档。 4、设备尽可能选用国产设备。
CO2超临界流体技术萃取甘草酸的各种因素,并与 超临界流体技术萃取甘草酸的各种因素, 冷浸法、热提法、超声波法提取甘草酸作了比较 研究, 研究,结果表明超临界流体技术萃取法的萃取率高 于上述2种方法, 通过调节温度、压力、CO 于上述2种方法, 通过调节温度、压力、CO2流速以 及夹带剂,而使萃取周期大大缩短, 及夹带剂,而使萃取周期大大缩短,并且节省提取 溶剂; 溶剂;。 CO2超临界萃取技术提取甘草地上部分的总黄酮 具有提取容剂用量少、时间短、提取率高和含量 高的特点,是高效率的环境友好绿色提取工艺, 高的特点,是高效率的环境友好绿色提取工艺,符合 中国中药现代化的发展方向。
药理研究表明:甘草酸及甘草次酸具有解毒、消 炎、镇痛、抗肿瘤的作用,近年来, 炎、镇痛、抗肿瘤的作用,近年来,还用于防治病毒 性肝炎、癌症以及艾滋病等作用。 中国虽然是甘草生产和出口的大国, 中国虽然是甘草生产和出口的大国,但对甘草主要 有效成分甘草酸的生物合成、作用机制、精制加 工和综合利用的深入研究,还远落后于日本等发 达国家。 中国因受技术条件和工艺限制, 中国因受技术条件和工艺限制,应用传统方法提取 的甘草酸粗品的纯度低,在国际市场上的价格低, 的甘草酸粗品的纯度低,在国际市场上的价格低,并 且提取效率也低,对甘草资源的利用不充分, 且提取效率也低,对甘草资源的利用不充分,影响了 中国甘草产业的发展。

一项发表在《Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine》杂志上的研究表明,对动物进行长期甘草提取物补充,没有明显的不良影响,表明其安全性高。

Pesticide safety data sheet (MSDS)1 product and company identificationProduct Name: glyphosateEnglish Name: glyphosate ammoniumOther name: NoneProduct category: water agentCompany name: Guangdong Wei Wei Chemical Co., Ltd.Address: Jintang town Guangdong Maonan district city of Maoming ProvinceZip code: 525025Telephone: 0668-2366098Fax: 0668-23669286 email address:2 component / component informationThe chemical name of the active ingredient of the product: N- phosphine carboxyl methyl glycineCAS No.:1071-83-6 content: 41%Molecular formula: C3H8NO5PStructural formula:Molecular weight: 169.07The main physicochemical properties: melting point: 189 ~190 DEG C; vapor pressure (20 DEG C) negligible; water solubility: 11.6g/L (25 DEG C), insoluble in acetone, common organic solvents such as ethanol and xylene, easy to react with alkali solution to generate water soluble salt. Stability: good stability, non photochemical explanation, stable in the air.Name of harmful substances: formaldehydeCAS No.:50-00-0Content: 0.6g/kg molecular formula: CH2OStructural formula:Molecular weight: 30.03Main physical and chemical properties: no dataProducts containing a variety of harmful ingredients, should be listed separatelyThe name of the harmful ingredient: glyphosateCAS No.: no dataContent: less than 0.8mg/kgMolecular formula: no data structure: no dataRelative molecular mass: no data main physical and chemical properties: no dataProducts containing a variety of harmful ingredients, should be listed separately3 an overview of hazards (including information that is hazardous to humans and the environment)Risk categories: sixth (drugs)Invasive routes: inhalation, ingestion, eye and skin contactHealth hazards: on the skin, eyes, respiratory irritationEnvironmental hazards: low toxicity to environmental organismsBurning and explosion hazards: stable storage at room temperature, non flammable, non explosive4 first aid measuresSkin contact: such as skin contact with the liquid, to use a large amount of clean water, flushing time is not less than 15min, and a doctorEye contact: such as eye contact with the liquid, to use a large amount of water flushing, flushing time is not less than 15min, and a doctorInhalation: rapidly moved patients to fresh air; to maintain airway patency. Breathing difficulties to oxygen, if the patient is not breathing, give artificial respiration and heart massage. Doctor.Ingestion: if swallowed, immediately vomit, and carries the label rushed to a hospital for treatment.5 fire protection measuresDangerous characteristic:Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, phosphorus.Fire extinguishing methods and extinguishing agents: with fog water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand fireFire precautions: Firefighters must wear air respirator, wear a full body fire protection clothing, in the upper reaches of the fire. As far as possible the container from the fire to the open6 Leakage Emergency TreatmentEmergency treatment: quick alarm, evacuation personnel, isolation pollution area; the number of personnel evacuation and isolation pollution area size according to the size of the leakage of concrete and avoid the agent, water pollution; emergency personnel must wear safety clothing.Elimination method: absorb spill with adsorbent in a unified centralized processing equipment; cleaning detergent leakage range, finally must be used to clean up all things clean. In the process of wastewater generated emergency unified collection to factory wastewater treatment station.7 handling and storageOperation note: this item is harmful to the human body; avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing; avoid by inhalation drug fog; eating, drinking, smoking and the toilet must wash their hands before contact with it; any items must be cleared; the operator must wear personal protective clothing.Storage precautions: store ventilation, to prevent moisture and sunlight, to avoid contact with children and livestock; not with food, seeds, feed mixed; in the storage place is strictly prohibited eating, drinking and smoking, after operation must be washed with soap8 contact control / personal protectionMaximum allowable concentration: no dataMonitoring method: no dataEngineering controls: tightly sealed to provide adequate local exhaust, as far as possible mechanization, automation, to provide safe shower and eyewash equipmentRespiratory protection: wear masksEye protection: wear protective eyesBody protection: wear rubber overalls when producing and applying pesticideHand protection: use latex glovesOther protection: wear rubber overalls, work site smoking, eating and drinking water9 physical and chemical propertiesProduct appearance and properties: should be the pH value of water:Melting point (c): density: loose density: 0.516g/ml. pile density: 0.569g/ml.Boiling point (DEG C): no relative vapour density: no dataVapor pressure: no data burning heat (kJ/mol): no dataCritical temperature (DEG C): no data critical pressure (MPa): no dataOctanol / water partition coefficient: no data flash point (c): no dataExplosion limit% (V/V): no data autoignition temperature (c): no dataLower explosive limit (V/V): no dataSolubility:Main use:Other physical and chemical properties:Corrosion of packaging materials: no corrosion of packaging materialsThermal explosion: no thermal explosionSolid flammability: nonflammable10 stability and reactivityStability: stableNo ligand: strong alkaline substanceTo avoid contact conditions: This product is made of galvanized metal containers have a role in corruption; storage and use as far as possible with plastic containersPolymerization hazard: no polymerization performanceDecomposition products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides11 toxicology data急性毒性:1. The LD50 value of male and female rats was >5000mg/kg;2 acute percutaneous: LD50 values of male and female rats were >2000mg/kg;3 acute inhalation: acute inhalation of LC50>2000mg/m3 in male rats;4 acute eye irritation test: no irritation to the eyes of New Zealand white rabbits;5 acute skin irritation test: no irritation to the skin of New Zealand white rabbits6 skin allergy test: 88.8% glyphosate ammonium soluble granules on guinea pig skin is a weak sensitizing agentSubacute toxicity:Chronic toxicity:Thrill:Teratogenicity:Carcinogenicity:Other:11 ecological dataeco-toxicity:The acute oral LC50 (48h) >2.00 * 103mg a.i./L was low toxicity of glyphosate to Italy honey beeGlyphosate on quail LD50 (168h) >1.00 * 103mg a.i./kg, bw. and low toxicity.Glyphosate has low toxicity to zebrafish LC50 (96h) >100mg a.i./L.LC50 (96h) >2.00 * 103mg a.i./L, low toxicity of glyphosateGlyphosate dendrolimuspunctatus Trichogramma (24h) acute LC50 >2.00 * 103mg a.i./L, low toxicity.Glyphosate technical exposure to bee LD50 (48h) >14.9 g a.i./ bee, low toxicityGlyphosate on earthworm Eisenia LC50 (14d) >100mg a.i./kg. dry soil, low toxicityGlyphosate on Daphnia magna EC50 (48h) >10mg a.i./L, low toxicityGlyphosate on Scenedesmus obliquus EC50 (72h) >30.0mg a.i./L, low toxicityGlyphosate on non target plant EC10 (4D) corn: 0.498mg/L; cucumber; 1.00mg/L; carrot: 0.691mg/L. non target plant EC50 (4 days) corn: 19.0mg/L; cucumber; 6.09mg/L; carrot;9.74mg/L.Biodegradability: no dataNon biodegradable: no dataBioconcentration or bioaccumulation: no dataOther harmful effects: no data13 waste disposalThe waste - hazardous waste - solid wasteWaste disposal methods: classification and collection of qualified units to deal withWaste precautions: in strict accordance with the "People's Republic of China solid waste pollution prevention law" and other relevant laws and regulations14 transportation informationDangerous goods number: poison.GB 6.1 class 61875UN number: 3464Packing mark: in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the general rules of pesticide packaging GB 3796<, shall be marked with micro toxicity, and should be marked on behalf of the green belt of herbicidesPacking type: (III) packagingPacking method: application of cleaning, drying, packaging plastic barrels packaging barrel. The net content of 200kg. small packaging barrel net content of 5kg, 10kg, 15kg. can also according to user requirements or order agreement, using other forms of packaging, but need to comply with the provisions of GB 3796.Transport note: to prevent moisture and sun, not with food, seeds, feed mixed release; avoid contact with the skin, eyes, to prevent inhalation by the nose and mouth15 regulatory information1 pesticide management regulations2 measures for the implementation of the regulations on pesticide administration3 chemical dangerous goods safety regulations4 regulations for the administration of production license of industrial products of the People's Republic of China5 People's Republic of China solid waste pollution prevention and control law16 other informationFill in time: 2013-8-2Form department:Guangdong Chemical Co., Ltd.Description: for the first time, without modificationReference:1 Zhou Guotai, chemical dangerous goods safety technology, chemical industry press, 19972 the State Environmental Protection Administration of toxic chemicals management office, CO editor of Beijing Research Institute of chemical industry, chemical toxicity data handbook of environmental regulations, Chinese Environmental Science Press, 1992。

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甘草的药性和功能主治英文介绍1. Introduction甘草(Glycyrrhiza)是一种广泛使用的中药材,来源于甘草植物的根部。
2. Medicinal Properties of Licorice甘草具有多种药性,包括:•Anti-inflammatory:具有抗炎作用,可减轻炎症症状和缓解炎症反应。
3. Functions and Indications of Licorice甘草具有多种功能主治,适用于以下情况:•Sore throat:治疗咽喉肿痛和喉咙痛。
•Cough and expectoration:治疗咳嗽和痰多。
•Stomach pain and ulcer:治疗胃痛和溃疡。
•Chronic hepatitis:治疗慢性肝炎。
•Replenishing qi and nourishing the spleen:益气养脾,治疗脾胃虚弱。
•Detoxification and relieving toxicity:解毒并缓解毒素。
•Anti-inflammatory and relieving pain:具有抗炎和止痛作用。
•Promoting diuresis and reducing edema:利尿消肿。
4. Preparation and Dosage甘草可通过以下方式制备:1.甘草水煎剂:将适量的甘草根加入水中煎煮,制成浓缩液或糖浆。

甘草有效成分的提取纯化方法研究进展甘草为豆科(Zeguminosae)植物甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch)、胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza infIata Bat.)和光果甘草(Glycyrrhia glabra L.)的根及根茎,始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品,传统中医药认为它具有补脾益气,清热解毒,祛痰止咳,缓急止痛,调和药性的功效。
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Material Safety Data SheetVersion 1.0Revision Date 12/18/2014Print Date 12/18/20141.Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company●Product name: Licorice Root Extract●Recommended use: Flavorings●Manufacturer:●Company address:●Emergency telephone no.:●Fax no.:position/information on ingredients●Chemical identity: Licorice Root Extract●Molecular formula: N/a●CAS No.: 97676-23-8●BRN No.: N/a●EC-Index-No.: N/a3.Hazards Information On Substance●Health hazards: No data available yet●Fire and explosion hazards: Not combustible, flammable or explosive●Environmental hazards: No environmental hazards as far as to our knowledge4.First-Aid Measures●After inhalation: Remove to well-ventilated area. Seek medical attention.●After skin contact: Take off all contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water.●After eye contact:Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water and seek medical advice.●After swallowing:Immediately drink plenty of water, seek medical advice and show thiscontainer or label.5.Fire-Fighting Measures●Flammability of the Product: Maybe combustible at high temperature.●Extinguisher media:Water Spray, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical Powder, sand, foam or otherappropriate form.●Other information:cool container with water spray from a safe distance. Contain escapingvapors with water. Prevent fire-fighting water from entering surface wateror groundwater. Keep away from sources of ignition.●Special risks:Development of hazardous combustion gases or vapors possible in theevent of fire.6.Accidental release measures●Person-related precautionarymeasures: do not inhale vapors/aerosols. Ensure supply of fresh air in enclosed rooms.●Environmental-protectionmeasures:do not allow to enter sewerage system.●Procedures for cleaning/absorption:take up with liquid-absorbent material. Forward for disposal. Clean affected area.7.Handling and storage●Handling: Take precautionary measures against static discharges. Keep away fromsource of ignition. When using do not eat or drink.●Storage:Tightly closed in a well-ventilated place. Keep away from source ofignition- no smoking.8.Exposure controls and personal protection●Exposure limits: none●Ventilation requirements: Use only in systems processed and procedures in which effectiveventilation has been provided.●Respiratory: Appropriate eyes protection, such as NIOSH/MSHA approved masks,should be worn to prevent inhalation.●Eyes:Appropriate respiratory protection, such as chemical-type goggles, shouldbe worn to prevent eye contact.●Gloves: Wear appropriate gloves to avoid contact with skin.●Special clothing: Wear adequate clothing to avoid contact with skin.9.Physical and chemical properties:●Form: Liquid●Color:●Odor:●Boiling point: N/a●Flash point: >110°C●Melting point: N/a●Explosive properties: No information available●Lower explosion limit: No information available●Upper explosion limit: No information available●Ignition temperature: No information available●Oxidizing properties: Not oxidizing; Not flammable●Density/specific gravity(20°C):●Refractive(20℃):●Solubility in water:●Solubility in ethanol:●Acid value●Volatile components(%)●Partition coefficient No information available(log p O/W):10.Stability and reactivity●Stablity&Reactivity: The compound is stable at room temperature in closed containers.●Conditions to avoid: Incompatible materials, light, dust generation, moisture, excess heat,strong oxidants.●Materials to avoid: Oxidizing agents.No information available.●Hazardous decompositionproducts:11.Toxicological informationLD50 oral, rat: No information availableLD50 dermal, rabbit: No information availableNo information availableFurther toxicologicalinformation:12.Ecological information●Biologic degradation: No information available●Ecotoxic effects: No information availableBiological effects No information availableFish toxicity No information availableBacterial toxicity No information availableDaphnia toxicity No information availableAlgal toxicity No information available●Further ecological data: Do not allow to enter water, drain or soil13.Disposal considerations●Product: according to official local regulations.●Packing: according to official local regulations.14.Transport information●Not subject to transport regulations15.Regulatory information●Labeling according to EC Directives:Symbol N/aR-phrases N/aS-phrases N/aEC-no. N/a16.Other Information●The data given here is based on current knowledge and experience. The purpose of this safetydata sheet is to describe the product in terms of their safety requirements. The data does not signify and warranty with regards to the product’s properties.。