2016同等学力心理学综合真题、答案解析及命中率一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.思维的基本过程是(B )A.比较与分类B.分析与综合C.抽象与概括D.系统化与具体化2.下列各项中不属于音高听觉理论的是(C )A.电话说B.神经齐射说C.拮抗过程说D.行波理论3.鲁利亚认为脑干网状结构和边缘系统的机能属于(B )A.行为调节系统B.动力系统C.信息接受系统D.信息存储系统4.镶嵌图形的特点可以用于测量的认知风格是(D )A.自动化加工与意识控制加工B.冲动与沉思C.同时性与继时性加工D.场独立性与场依存性5.幼儿思维的主要特点是(C )A.可逆性B.抽象性C.具体形象性D.去自我中心性6.在新生儿阶段通常不具备的是(D )A.吸吮反射B.巴宾斯基反射C.抓握反射D.初级循环反应7.在被试内实验设计中,控制练习效应和疲劳效应的常用方法是(B )A.恒定法B.平衡法C.双盲设计D.纳入处理8.一定属于多因素实验设计的是(A )A.混合设计B.被试内设计C.随机区组设计D.被试间设计9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是(B )A.抗拒诱惑实验B.水下击靶实验C.攻击反应的学习实验D.言行一致实验10.建立在“官能心理学”基础上的迁移理论是(A )A.形式训练说B.概括原理说C.共同因素说D.关系转换说11.定量地揭示整个群体的人际关系状况以及各成员在该群体内人际关系状况的方法是(A )A.社交测量法B.罗夏墨迹测验C.角色扮演法D.主题统觉测验12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要内在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作(B )A.催眠者效应B.不充分理由效应C.睡眠者效应D.过度理由效应13.一个研究者报告独立样本的t检验的结果t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总人数为(D )A.23B.24C.25D.2614.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着(A )A.相关关系B.因果关系C.函数关系D.包含关系15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用1表示“农民”,2表示“教师”,3表示“公务员”,这里的数据123属于(C )A.等级数据B.比率数据C.称名数据D.等距数据16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持“同意”和“反对”态度的人数,若要了解性别与变量是否有关,则应该计算(C )A.积差相关B.等级相关C.Ø相关D.二列相关17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是(D )A.韦氏量表B.个性偏好测验C.比纳量表D.主题统觉测验18.可以作为同质性信度指标的是(C )A.肯德尔和谐系数B.差异系数C.克伦巴赫系数D.确定系数19.最早采用智力年龄概念的是(A )A.比纳量表B.瑞雯推理测验C.韦氏量表D.斯坦福比纳量表20.一项研究假设为:经过知觉运动学习的左利手儿童比未经过这种学习的儿童在眼手协调的作业上做得更出色,然而这种差别不出现在右利手儿童中,这项实验中“是否经过学习”是(C )A.中介变量B.因变量C.调节变量D.自变量二、名词解释(每小题3分,共24分)1. 效果律(课后名词解释p.583)效果律是由桑代克提出的,是指如果一个动作跟随着情境中一个满意的变化,在类似的情境中这个动作重复的可能性将增加,但如果跟随的是一个不满意的变化,这个动作重复的可能性将减少。
该书的作者是()A、斯滕伯格(R.Sternbeng) B.布鲁纳(J.Bruner)C.奈塞尔(U.Neisser)D.西蒙(H.Simon)【解析】选择C⼼理学发展史上标志性的⼈、事、物及时间等都为重点记忆内容,也始终是考察的重点记忆内容。
同等学力心理学考试答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 心理学研究的主要内容是:A. 人类行为B. 心理过程C. 心理现象D. 心理活动答案:C2. 心理学的三大流派是:A. 行为主义、精神分析、认知心理学B. 行为主义、人本主义、认知心理学C. 精神分析、人本主义、认知心理学D. 行为主义、精神分析、人本主义答案:B3. 弗洛伊德提出的心理学理论是:A. 行为主义B. 认知心理学C. 精神分析D. 人本主义答案:C4. 心理学研究的科学方法不包括:A. 实验法B. 观察法C. 调查法D. 推理法答案:D5. 情绪与认知的关系是:A. 无关B. 相互独立C. 相互影响D. 完全相同答案:C6. 认知失调理论是由哪位心理学家提出的?A. 皮亚杰B. 弗洛伊德C. 马斯洛D. 费斯廷格答案:D7. 人类记忆的三个阶段是:A. 感觉记忆、短时记忆、长时记忆B. 短时记忆、长时记忆、永久记忆C. 感觉记忆、永久记忆、长时记忆D. 短时记忆、感觉记忆、长时记忆答案:A8. 以下哪个不是学习理论的主要流派?A. 行为主义学习理论B. 认知学习理论C. 发展学习理论D. 社会学习理论答案:C9. 马斯洛的需求层次理论中,最高层次的需求是:A. 生理需求B. 安全需求C. 自我实现需求D. 社交需求答案:C10. 情绪智力理论是由哪位心理学家提出的?A. 加德纳B. 戈尔曼C. 斯滕伯格D. 布鲁姆答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是心理学的主要研究领域?A. 认知心理学B. 发展心理学C. 社会心理学D. 神经科学答案:ABCD2. 心理学研究方法包括:A. 观察法B. 实验法C. 调查法D. 案例研究法答案:ABCD3. 以下哪些是情绪的功能?A. 适应功能B. 动机功能C. 组织功能D. 社会功能答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是学习理论的主要观点?A. 学习是通过条件反射实现的B. 学习是通过观察模仿实现的C. 学习是通过认知加工实现的D. 学习是通过强化实现的答案:ABCD5. 以下哪些是智力理论的主要类型?A. 多元智力理论B. 三元智力理论C. 流体智力与晶体智力理论D. 情绪智力理论答案:ACD三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述心理学的主要研究方法及其特点。
2016同等学力心理学综合真题答案一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.思维的基本过程是(B )A.比较与分类B.分析与综合C.抽象与概括D.系统化与具体化2.下列各项中不属于音高听觉理论的是(C )A.电话说B.神经齐射说C.拮抗过程说D.行波理论3.鲁利亚认为脑干网状结构和边缘系统的机能属于(B )A.行为调节系统B.动力系统C.信息接受系统D.信息存储系统4.镶嵌图形的特点可以用于测量的认知风格是(D )A.自动化加工与意识控制加工B.冲动与沉思C.同时性与继时性加工D.场独立性与场依存性5.幼儿思维的主要特点是(C )A.可逆性B.抽象性C.具体形象性D.去自我中心性6.在新生儿阶段通常不具备的是(D )A.吸吮反射B.巴宾斯基反射C.抓握反射D.初级循环反应7.在被试内实验设计中,控制练习效应和疲劳效应的常用方法是(B )A.恒定法B.平衡法C.双盲设计D.纳入处理8.一定属于多因素实验设计的是(A )A.混合设计B.被试内设计C.随机区组设计D.被试间设计9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是(B )A.抗拒诱惑实验B.水下击靶实验C.攻击反应的学习实验D.言行一致实验10.建立在“官能心理学”基础上的迁移理论是(A )A.形式训练说B.概括原理说C.共同因素说D.关系转换说11.定量地揭示整个群体的人际关系状况以及各成员在该群体内人际关系状况的方法是(A )A.社交测量法B.罗夏墨迹测验C.角色扮演法D.主题统觉测验12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要内在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作(B )A.催眠者效应B.不充分理由效应C.睡眠者效应D.过度理由效应13.一个研究者报告独立样本的t检验的结果t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总人数为(D )A.23B.24C.25D.2614.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着(A )A.相关关系B.因果关系C.函数关系D.包含关系15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用1表示“农民”,2表示“教师”,3表示“公务员”,这里的数据123属于( C )A.等级数据B.比率数据C.称名数据D.等距数据16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持“同意”和“反对”态度的人数,若要了解性别与变量是否有关,则应该计算(C )A.积差相关B.等级相关C.Ø 相关D.二列相关17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是(D )A.韦氏量表B.个性偏好测验C.比纳量表D.主题统觉测验18.可以作为同质性信度指标的是(C )A.肯德尔和谐系数B.差异系数C.克伦巴赫系数D.确定系数19.最早采用智力年龄概念的是(A )A.比纳量表B.瑞雯推理测验C.韦氏量表D.斯坦福比纳量表20.一项研究假设为:经过知觉运动学习的左利手儿童比未经过这种学习的儿童在眼手协调的作业上做得更出色,然而这种差别不出现在右利手儿童中,这项实验中“是否经过学习”是(C )A.中介变量B.因变量C.调节变量D.自变量二、名词解释(每小题3分,共24分)1.效果律2.鉴别指数3.晕轮效应4.成熟势力说5.社会惰化6.概念形成7.暗适应8.抽样分布三、简答题(每小题6分,共36分)1.简述兴趣及其类型.2.简述短时记忆的特点.3.简述心理测量的特质.4.简述实验法的显著特点.5.简述社会测量法及其具体形式.6.简述利用一组原始数据编制次数分布表的主要步骤.四、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)1.结合文学著作人物形象,论述奥尔波特的人格特质理论.2.阐述不同理论对儿童性别角色发展的看法.。
以下是一道例题:“下列哪个选项不属于弗洛伊德提出的心理人格结构?” A. 自我 B. 超我 C. 意识 D. 本我【参考答案】C. 意识。
9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是(分数:1.00) A.抗拒诱惑实验 B.水下击靶实验 √ C.攻击反应的学习实验 D.言行一致实验 10.建立在"官能心理学"基础上的迁移理论是(分数:1.00) A.形式训练说 √ B.概括原理说 C.共同因素说 D.关系转换说 11.定量地揭示整个群体的人际关系状况以及各成员在该群体内人际关系状况的方法是(分数: 1.00) A.社交测量法 √ B.罗夏墨迹测验 C.角色扮演法 D.主题统觉测验 12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要内在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作(分 数:1.00) A.催眠者效应 B.不充分理由效应 √ C.睡眠者效应 D.过度理由效应 13.一个研究者报告独立样本的 t 检验的结果 t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总 人数为(分数:1.00) A.23 B.24 C.25 D.26 √ 14.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们 可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着(分数:1.00) A.相关关系 √ B.因果关系 C.函数关系 D.包含关系 15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用 1 表示"农民",2 表示"教师",3 表示"公务员",这里的数据 123 属于(分数:1.00) A.等级数据 B.比率数据 C.称名数据 √ D.等距数据 16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持"同意"和"反对"态度的人数,若要了解性别与 变量是否有关,则应该计算(分数:1.00) A.积差相关 B.等级相关 C.? 相关 √ D.二列相关 17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是(分数:1.00)
2016同等学力心理学综合真题、答案解析及命中率一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.思维的基本过程是( B )A.比较与分类B.分析与综合C.抽象与概括D.系统化与具体化2.下列各项中不属于音高听觉理论的是( C )A.说B.神经齐射说C.拮抗过程说D.行波理论3.鲁利亚认为脑干网状结构和边缘系统的机能属于( B )A.行为调节系统B.动力系统C.信息接受系统D.信息存储系统4.镶嵌图形的特点可以用于测量的认知风格是( D )A.自动化加工与意识控制加工B.冲动与沉思C.同时性与继时性加工D.场独立性与场依存性5.幼儿思维的主要特点是( C )A.可逆性B.抽象性C.具体形象性D.去自我中心性6.在新生儿阶段通常不具备的是( D )A.吸吮反射B.巴宾斯基反射C.抓握反射D.初级循环反应7.在被试实验设计中,控制练习效应和疲劳效应的常用方法是( B )A.恒定法B.平衡法C.双盲设计D.纳入处理8.一定属于多因素实验设计的是( A )A.混合设计B.被试设计C.随机区组设计D.被试间设计9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是( B )A.抗拒诱惑实验B.水下击靶实验C.攻击反应的学习实验D.言行一致实验10.建立在“官能心理学”基础上的迁移理论是( A )A.形式训练说B.概括原理说C.共同因素说D.关系转换说11.定量地揭示整个群体的人际关系状况以及各成员在该群体人际关系状况的方法是( A )A.社交测量法B.罗夏墨迹测验C.角色扮演法D.主题统觉测验12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作( B )A.催眠者效应B.不充分理由效应C.睡眠者效应D.过度理由效应13.一个研究者报告独立样本的t检验的结果t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总人数为( D )A.23B.24C.25D.2614.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着( A )A.相关关系B.因果关系C.函数关系D.包含关系15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用1表示“农民”,2表示“教师”,3表示“公务员”,这里的数据123属于( C )A.等级数据B.比率数据C.称名数据D.等距数据16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持“同意”和“反对”态度的人数,若要了解性别与变量是否有关,则应该计算( C )A.积差相关B.等级相关C.Ø相关D.二列相关17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是( D )A.韦氏量表B.个性偏好测验C.比纳量表D.主题统觉测验18.可以作为同质性信度指标的是( C )A.肯德尔和谐系数B.差异系数C.克伦巴赫系数D.确定系数19.最早采用智力年龄概念的是( A )A.比纳量表B.瑞雯推理测验C.韦氏量表D.斯坦福比纳量表20.一项研究假设为:经过知觉运动学习的左利手儿童比未经过这种学习的儿童在眼手协调的作业上做得更出色,然而这种差别不出现在右利手儿童中,这项实验中“是否经过学习”是( C )A.中介变量B.因变量C.调节变量D.自变量二、名词解释(每小题3分,共24分)1. 效果律(课后名词解释p.583)效果律是由桑代克提出的,是指如果一个动作跟随着情境中一个满意的变化,在类似的情境中这个动作重复的可能性将增加,但如果跟随的是一个不满意的变化,这个动作重复的可能性将减少。
2016同等学力心理学综合真题、答案解析及命中率一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.思维的基本过程是(B )A.比较与分类B.分析与综合C.抽象与概括D.系统化与具体化2.下列各项中不属于音高听觉理论的是(C )A.电话说B.神经齐射说C.拮抗过程说D.行波理论3.鲁利亚认为脑干网状结构和边缘系统的机能属于(B )A.行为调节系统B.动力系统C.信息接受系统D.信息存储系统4.镶嵌图形的特点可以用于测量的认知风格是(D )A.自动化加工与意识控制加工B.冲动与沉思C.同时性与继时性加工D.场独立性与场依存性5.幼儿思维的主要特点是(C )A.可逆性B.抽象性C.具体形象性D.去自我中心性6.在新生儿阶段通常不具备的是(D )A.吸吮反射B.巴宾斯基反射C.抓握反射D.初级循环反应7.在被试内实验设计中,控制练习效应和疲劳效应的常用方法是(B )A.恒定法B.平衡法C.双盲设计D.纳入处理8.一定属于多因素实验设计的是(A )A.混合设计B.被试内设计C.随机区组设计D.被试间设计9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是(B )A.抗拒诱惑实验B.水下击靶实验C.攻击反应的学习实验D.言行一致实验10.建立在“官能心理学”基础上的迁移理论是(A )A.形式训练说B.概括原理说C.共同因素说D.关系转换说11.定量地揭示整个群体的人际关系状况以及各成员在该群体内人际关系状况的方法是(A )A.社交测量法B.罗夏墨迹测验C.角色扮演法D.主题统觉测验12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要内在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作(B )A.催眠者效应B.不充分理由效应C.睡眠者效应D.过度理由效应13.一个研究者报告独立样本的t检验的结果t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总人数为(D )A.23B.24C.25D.2614.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着(A )A.相关关系B.因果关系C.函数关系D.包含关系15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用1表示“农民”,2表示“教师”,3表示“公务员”,这里的数据123属于(C )A.等级数据B.比率数据C.称名数据D.等距数据16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持“同意”和“反对”态度的人数,若要了解性别与变量是否有关,则应该计算(C )A.积差相关B.等级相关C.Ø相关D.二列相关17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是(D )A.韦氏量表B.个性偏好测验C.比纳量表D.主题统觉测验18.可以作为同质性信度指标的是(C )A.肯德尔和谐系数B.差异系数C.克伦巴赫系数D.确定系数19.最早采用智力年龄概念的是(A )A.比纳量表B.瑞雯推理测验C.韦氏量表D.斯坦福比纳量表20.一项研究假设为:经过知觉运动学习的左利手儿童比未经过这种学习的儿童在眼手协调的作业上做得更出色,然而这种差别不出现在右利手儿童中,这项实验中“是否经过学习”是(C )A.中介变量B.因变量C.调节变量D.自变量二、名词解释(每小题3分,共24分)1. 效果律(课后名词解释p.583)效果律是由桑代克提出的,是指如果一个动作跟随着情境中一个满意的变化,在类似的情境中这个动作重复的可能性将增加,但如果跟随的是一个不满意的变化,这个动作重复的可能性将减少。
同等学力申硕心理学综合真题1、内容反应一定是在以下哪种技术的前提下才可以进行()[单选题] *倾听(正确答案)解释鼓励面质2、方华情绪快而强,容易冲动,常常是爆发式的,并伴随有明显外部表现,她的气质类型属于()。
[单选题] *A胆汁质(正确答案)B多血质C粘液质D抑郁质3、青少年不再将思维局限于具体的事物上,而是运用抽象的概念,提出合理的可行的假设并进行验证,思维开始具有较大的弹性和复杂性。
[单选题] *感知运动阶段前运算阶段具体运算阶段形式运算阶段(正确答案)4、小英帮助生病在家的小勇辅导功课后,感到很快乐,这种情感属于()[单选题] *A 道德感(正确答案)B 美感C 理智感D 幸福感5、柯尔伯格认为儿童道德发展阶段的先后次序是()。
[单选题] *可以变动的可以躐等的固定不变的(正确答案)无所谓的6、第一印象作用的机制是()[单选题] *A)近因效应(B)光环效应(C)刻板印象(D)首因效应(正确答案)7、言语交往,首先应学会()。
[单选题] *A表达B沟通C倾听(正确答案)D尊重8、B 总结经验教训C 调节抱负水平D 建立和谐的人际关系追求完美自尊心脆弱控制欲望强自视甚高将不完美等同于不可爱不值得爱的是()[单选题] *A 自卑者9、张老师在教学中经常用奖励来激发学生动机,培养学生良好的学习习惯。
张老师的这种做法符合()[单选题] *A 人本主义学习观B 行为主义学习观(正确答案)C 认知主义学习观D 建构主义学习观10、当患者遇到突发性事件时,表现心慌,紧张,出汗,坐立不安,我们称此人有()[单选题] * A情感脆弱B焦虑情绪(正确答案)C反应过度D心境突变11、对知觉对象的某一特性形成判断之后,不加分析地推及到这一对象的其他方面,“一好百好,一糟全糟”,这种泛化或扩张的心理效果就是()[单选题] *A光环效应B 近因效应(正确答案)BC 刻板印象D 首因效应我们经常听人说的“长沙妹子不可交,面如桃花心似刀”,东北的姑娘“宁可饿着,也要靓着”,实际上都是()[单选题] *A 刻板印象(正确答案)12、团体咨询最适宜的对象是()[单选题] *A 学习困难者B 人际适应不良者(正确答案)C情绪困扰者D 人格障碍者13、厨师做菜会越做越咸,是因为()造成的。
2016同等学力申硕英语真题及答案解析(卷一) (卷一)Part I Oral Communication (10 points)Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet.Dialogue OneA. Will you take care of that for me?B. Does it have anything valuable inside?C. How do you want to send it?Clerk: May I help you? Customer: Ye s, I’d like to send this letter to my family in England. Clerk: Did you write your return address on the envelope? Customer: Yes, I did. Clerk: ____1____ Customer: I guess I’ll send it airmail. Clerk: ____2____ Customer: Yes. I enclosed a check and some photographs. Clerk: Then you’d better send it by registered mail. Customer: That’s a good idea.___3____ Clerk: I’m sorry, sir. You’ll have to take your letter to the next window.Dialogue TwoA. You can’t even stay in the sun for five minutes.B.I guess so.C. You want my advice?Winne: Oh, man! Nobody can stand this kind of scorching heat. Marc: Absolutely! _____4_____ Winne: Anyway, I guess this afternoon there’s nothing we can do but stay home. Marc: ____5_____ I don’t want to be taken to thehospital for heat exhaustion or something. Winne: ___6_____ Drink a lot of liquids and spare yourself the worst of the heat! Marc: Yean, you’re right. Got to drink a lot of fluids.Section B Directions:In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B ,C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer sheet.A.I literally can’t stop.B. But now I don’t need to worry any mo re.C. You’re known as the first billionaire author here.D. But that’s not just about money.Interviewer: You have published six popular books. 7Interviewee: Yeah. Interviewer: So how has being the first billionaire author affected your perception of yourself? Interviewee: I dress better. Well, you can definitely afford better clothes.8I think the single biggest thing that money gave me--and obviously I came from a place where I was a single mother and it really was hand to mouth at one point. It was literally as poor as you can get without being homeless at one point. 9 Never. Interviewer: Are you in a place now where you can accept that you will always be rich? Interviewee: No. Interviewer: And will you be writing more? Interviewee: Oh, definitely. I c an’t, yeah,10Well, I mean, you could tie my hands to my sides, I suppose, but I have to write. For my own mental health, I need to write.Part II Vocabulary (10 points)Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the four choices marked A, B, C and D thatbest keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11. Such experience helps promote one’s alertness to other cultures, as well as a better appreciation of one’s own culture.A. preferenceB. adjustmentC. sensitivityD. response12. If you always try to find fault with others, it means that you have gained another shortcoming.A. ignoreB. criticizeC. impressD. follow13. The election will be brought forward to June as so many people are on holiday in July.A. prolongedB. adaptedC. postponedD. Advanced14. As to the question of refreshments, I should think orange juice and potato chips will be sufficient.A. enoughB. abundantC. satisfyingD. proper15. Watching these kids grow brings me satisfaction that is difficult to surpass.A. obtainB. exceedC. describeD. forget16. The journal published a series of articles that reviewed the prospects for a new era of “genetic 16. medicine”.A. backgroundB. explorationC. surveyD. outlook17.If you don’t slow down and take a break, you’ll be burned out very quickly.A. distressedB. anxiousC. exhaustedD. upset18. Following our merging with Smith Brothers, the new company will, from now on be known as Smith and Murphy Inc.A. cooperationB. meetingC. agreementD. combination19. Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S. Presidency.A. requiredB. qualifiedC. selectedD. elected20. It was 38 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room.A. simplyB. quicklyC. hardlyD. stronglyPart III Reading Comprehension (25 points)Section A Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Passage OneWhat did you study at university? If it was something along the lines of law or business, you might want to look away now. That's because according to new research, which has found a link between our university subjects and our personalities, you have selfish, uncooperative tendencies and are not very in touch with your feelings. On the plus side, you're probably the life and soul of a party, the findings suggest. Researchers analyzed data from more than 13,000 university students who were involved in 12 separate studies. From this, they discovered a correlation between the “Big Five” major personality traits and the subjects they were enrolled on. For example, those studying law, economics, political science and medicine tended to be much more outgoing than those taking other subjects, the study found. But when it came to “agreeableness” -- the tendency towards being helpful, generous and considerate -- the lawyers scored particularly low, as did business and economics students. Arts andhumanities students, as well as those studying psychology and politics scored highly for openness, meaning they were curious, imaginative and in touch with their inner feelings, while economists, engineers, lawyers and scientists scored comparatively low. However, the arts and humanities students also tended to be less conscientious and more nervous, typically exhibiting signs of anxiety and moodiness. Psychology students were not far behind arts and humanities students for these traits. Study author Anna Vedel, from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, said she was surprised by the magnitude of the results. “The effect sizes show that the differences found are not trivial, far from,” she said. “On the more humorous side they do confirm our more or less prejudicial stereotypes of the disturbed psychologist, the withdrawn natural scientist, the cynical economist.” And she said that the findings could help those school pupils who currently have no idea what to study at university, as well as helping academics to plan their lectures. “I’m not arguing that these results should play a major role in either guidance or selection, but it might provide some inspiration for students that are in doubt about study choices and want to make a choice based on more than abilities, for example,” said Dr Vedel. “Or teachers might better understand their student population.”21.The first paragraph implies that law or business students may _______.A.be amused by the researchB.be interested in the researchC.dislike the researchD.enjoy the research22.According to the research, law students scored particularly low in the trait of_______. A. generosityB. opennessC. anxiety D. selfishness23. The word “conscientious” (Para. 4) probably means “________”.A. moodyB. sensitiveC. curiousD. careful24. Anna Vedel stated that the research _______.A. confirmed the link between personality and professionB. showed that the differences were far from significantC. was not reliable because of its prejudicial observationD. did not have enough samples to support its findings25. According to Anna Vedel, the research may help ______.A. students make wise choices in finding jobsB. teachers understand their students betterC. students make presentations more academicallyD. school pupils go to better universitiesPassage TwoAlphaGo’s victory over Go( 围棋)champion Lee Se-dol reportedly shocked artificial intelligence experts, who thought such an event was 10 to 15 years away. But if the timing was a surprise, the outcome was not. On the contrary, it was inevitable and entirely foreseeable. Playing complex games is precisely what computers do supremely well. Just as they beat the world champions at checkers(跳棋)and then chess, they were destined to beat the champion at Go. Yet I don’t believe, as some do, that human defeats like this one presage an era of mass unemployment in which awesomely able computers leave most ofus with nothing to do. Advancing technology will profoundly change the nature of high-value human skills and that is threatening, but we aren’t doomed. The skills of deep human interaction, the abilities to manage the exchanges that occur only between people, will only become more valuable. Three of these skills stand out: The first, the foundation of the rest, is empathy, which is more than just feeling someone else’s pain. It’s the ability to perceive what another person is thinking or feeling, and to respond in an appropriate way. The second is creative problem-solving in groups. Research on group effectiveness shows that the key isn’t team cohesion or motivation or even the smartest member’s IQ; rather, it’s the social sensitivity of the members, their ability to read one another and keep anyone from dominating. The third critical ability, somewhat surprisingly, is storytelling, which has not traditionally been valued by organizations. Charts, graphs and data analysis will continue to be important, but that’s exactly what technology does so well. To change people’s minds or inspire them to act, tell them a story. These skills, though basic to our humanity, are fundamentally different from the skills that have been the basis of economic progress for most of human history, logic, knowledge and analysis, which we learned from textbooks and in classrooms. By contrast, the skills of deep human interaction address the often irrational reality of how human beings behave, and we find them not in textbooks but inside ourselves. As computers master ever more co mplexity, that’s where we’ll find the source of our continued value.26. According to the author, AlphaGo’s victory_____.A. could have happened earlierB. came as a pleasant surpriseC. was an expected resultD. was more a matter of luck27. The word “presage”(Para. 2) is closest in meaning to“ _____”.A. surviveB. sufferC. inventD. predict28. What is the author’s attitude towards the human future in the face of technology?A. UnclearB. ConfusedC. WorriedD. Optimistic29. Which of the following is the most fundamental to human interaction?A. Social sensitivity of group members to understand each other.B. Strong ability to share people’s feelings and respond.C. Team spirit to make sure that everyone is involved.D. Inspirational storytelling to motivate people to act.30. According to the author, the skills of deep human interaction .A. are the source of true human values in the futureB. can work with knowledge to make the world betterC. are similar to the skills of human logic and analysisD. can be learned from textbooks and in classroomsPassage ThreeLast year, I went WWOOFing (Willing Workers on Organic Farms) at abeautiful organic farm in La Réunion. With WWOOFing, volunteers exchange their time and work for food and accommodation. I slept in a cabin in the woods with hedgehogs(刺猬) digging about in the bushes, all different coloured birds singing in the morning and endless rows of palm trees offering shade from the sun. For me, one of the best ways to get to know a new place is to work with the land, live with the locals and share meals together. This is why I absolutely love WWOOFing. It has got to be one of the best ways to travel. It is a mutually beneficial exchange where everyone involved prioritises people and environment above profit. You get the time and space to deepen a connection with local communities and nature. There is a lot to learn and each farm has its own unique way of doing things, depending on the environment, climate and soil. At the farm in La Réu nion we planted palm trees to harvest the core of the trunk which can be eaten in salads. Before staying with the farm I had only eaten heart of palm from cans which were nothing in comparison to the real thing, fresh from the ground. When potting up the very beginnings of the palm trees, I felt grateful to be a part of the start of the trees' cycle. I was filled with awe that something so small could grow into something so big and strong. We also did lots of weeding, which helped me to get to know all kinds of different plants, to be able to identify which ones we could use as herbs/medicine/in salads and which were seen as uneatable. I also got to harvest pineapples and guava fruit(番石榴) to make jams which will be sold at the local market. Of course, not everyone is able to travel far away into the field.The great thing about the skill-share philosophy behind WWOOFing is that it’s something we can all do from our own backyard. The focus shifts from money to how we can best support each other in our communities. A fair exchange can make a big difference in the world.31. WWOOFing enables volunteers to ________.A. get food and shelter for their workB.travel around La Réunion for freeC. tell the differences between various birdsD. have close contact with wild animals32. The author found his farm life in La Réunio n quite ______A. awfulB. rewardingC. comfortableD. difficult33. The author did all of the following on the organic farm EXCEPT _______.A. removing weedsB. planting palm treesC. harvesting fruitsD. collecting vegetables34. The philosophy of WWOOFing is to _______A. improve local environmentB. make locals live betterC. unite different communitiesD. advocate a fair exchange35. This passage is mainly about _____A. the development of WWOOFingB. a local WWOOFing communityC. a charming WWOOFing experienceD. the system of WWOOFingPassage FourExperts say distracted walking is a growing problem, as people of all ages become more dependent on electronic devices for personal and professional matters. They also note pedestrian deaths have been rising in recent years. In 2005, 11% of all US deaths involved pedestrians, but that number rose to 15% in 2014. The rise in deaths coincides with states introducing bills that target pedestrians. Some states, such as Hawaii, Arkansas, Illinois, Nevada and New York, continue to introduce legislation every year. The measure recently introduced by New Jersey assembly woman Pamela Lampitt would ban walking while texting and prohibit pedestrians on public roads from using electronic communication devices unless they are hands-free. Violators would face fines of up to $50, 15-day imprisonment or both, which is the same penalty as jaywalking(乱穿马路). Half of the fine would be allocated to safety education about the dangers of walking while texting, said Lampit. Some see the proposal as an unnecessary government overreach, while others say they understand Lampitt's reasoning. But most agree that people need to be made aware of the issue. "Distracted pedestrians, like distracted drivers, present a potential danger to themselves and drivers on the road," Lampitt said. "An individual crossing the road distracted by their smartphone presents just as much danger to motorists as someone jaywalking and should be held, at minimum, to the same penalty." The main question raised about the measure, though, is whether it can be enforced consistently by police officers whousually have more pressing matters to deal with. Some feel that rather than imposing a new law, the state should focus on distracted-walking education. Lampitt said the measure is needed to stop and penalize "risky behavior." She cited a National Safety Council report that showed distracted-walking incidents involving cellphones accounted for an estimated 11,101 injuries from 2000 through 2011. The study found a majority of those injured were female and most were 40 or younger. Talking on the phone was the most prevalent activity at the time of injury, while texting accounted for 12%. Nearly 80% of the injuries occurred as the result of a fall, while 9% occurred from the pedestrian striking a motionless object.36.This passage is mainly concerned with _____A. the difficulty in enforcing road regulationsB. rising deaths caused by distracted walkingC. the dangers of jaywalking on busy streetsD. distracted walking involving smart phones37. The states introducing bills that target pedestrians ________.A. have benefited from the billsB. find it hard to carry them outC. have been promoting the legislationD. will have fewer deaths of pedestrians38. According to the measure proposed by Lampitt, walking while texting would ______.A. become illegalB. involve safety educationC. be blamed publiclyD. incur a fine of over $5039. Lampitt reasons that distracted pedestrians are as dangerous as ________.A. motoristsB. speeding driversC. jaywalkersD. drunk drivers40. Which of the following would the author of the passage most probably agree with?A. Males are more vulnerable to distracted-walking injures.B. Police officers are unhappy with the proposed law.C. Safety education is more important than penalty.D. Rising distracted-walking incidents call for real attention.Section B Directions: In this section, you are required to read one quoted blog and the comments on it. The blog and comments are followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answer A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.The saying “Clothes Make the Man” dates back some 400 years and it refers to the fact that when people see a well-dressed person, they assume that person is a professional, capable, and (especially in the old days) rich. Therefore, you had to dress like how you wanted to be perceived, what you wanted to eventually achieve. Fast forward 400 years, lots of folks still think the same way. But does it really make a difference? I happen to be one of those who do not put faith in the old saying. I suppose I might be in the minority but I am a member of an elite club with the likes of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in my camp. Perception is not reality; perception is halfway to discovering reality.Perception is drawn from our own impressions, our own belief systems. Is it powerful and influential? Absolutely! Is it all that it seems? Less often than you think. How many times have you cast an initial judgment only to surprise yourself later and learn how you missed out on a great opportunity, person or idea? Comment 1 In the present era, many associate the well-dressed with being the most successful. It took folks in the business world a long time to overlook the way Steve Jobs wore jeans on the public stage. I did not know Mr. Jobs, though I wish I had. I have heard it said that he invented the concept of “business casual.” In my mind that is as much a matter of self-confidence as it is a matter of taste in clothing. Comment 2 You are wrong about Steve Jobs. He certainly did care about how he was perceived and his appearance was very much calculated to achieve his desired effect. From his early formal business clothing down to the aggressive casualness of his eventual black turtle neck and jeans uniform, his clothes and the impact they made were clearly foremost in his mind. Comment 3 It reminds me of the story about the philosopher who goes to a formal dinner party in jeans. When asked if he felt out of place because of his clothes, he looked around and said he hadn’t noticed.41.Which of the following might the writer of the passage agree with?A. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dress formally.B. We should not judge a person by his clothing.C. It is clothes that make the man.D. The well-dressed are most likely to succeed.42. According to the writer of the passage, perception ______.A. might prove wrongB. is powerful and reliableC. is half realityD. might be worthless to us43. The writer of Comment 1 seems to ______.A. dislike the way Steve Jobs dressed for business occasionsB. suggest that business people have no taste in clothingC. believe that the well-dressed are the most successfulD. think that Steve Jobs’ casualness reflected his self-confidence44. Speaking of Steve Jobs, the writer of Comment 2 ________.A. points out that Steve Jobs was a very aggressive personB. suggests that he and Steve Jobs used to be in the same clubC. holds the same view as the writer of the passageD. thinks Steve Jobs’ casualness was carefully thought out45.When he went to the dinner party in jeans (Comment 3), the philosopher _______A. thought that people liked his clothesB. was not aware of how his clothes lookedC. felt quite embarrassedD. considered himself out of placePart IV Cloze (10 points) Directions:In this part, there is a passage with ten blanks. For each blank there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.The history of transportation is very long and full of changes and inventions. It starts ___46__ walking, which is not any invention; it just takes energy. People used to walk to get to other places. If you wanted to get somewhere quickly, the __47___way to do that was to run . Actually, the first invention for the transportation __48__ was the shoe. Centuries ago there were no shoes, and people walked barefoot. Then people invented ___49__ to transport themselves and materials from one place to another. In some cultures, people invented sledges(雪橇), ___50__ are a kind of board that you drag along the ground. You can tie things on the sledges to help carry them, but it’s a challenging invention ___51__ if you hit a rock with the sledges as you pull it, the contents can ___52___. In other cultures, people invented the wheels, which they used to make it easier to move things---and people. That was the beginning of many innovations in transportation. ___53___ people had wheels they could invent other ways to travel. They could put the wheels on a board and make it a wagon, and then they could ___54__ that wagon to an ox or a horse and ride as well as carry materials. That wheel led to __55___ we have today: trucks, automobiles, and even boats and planes. For example, there were steamboats that used giant wheels that turned with blades, pushing the water and pushing the boat forward.46. A. on B. at C. for D. with47. A. possible B. only C. one D. Just48. A. probably B. luckily C. really D. Formerly49. A. methods B. channels C. ways D. Measures50. A. what B. when C. where D. Which51. A. unless B. but C. even D. Since52. A. pull out B. slip off C. hold down D. put down53. A.Once B. Then C. However D.Yet54. A. stick B. make C. fasten D. change55. A. what B. that C. which D. howPart V Text Completion(20 points)Directions: In this part, there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions (Ranging from 56 to 75).Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed .First, use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases. Second, use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Text One56. A.many B.choose C.think of D. ways of Phrases: A.56only one languageB.57any reason not toC.in58different waysD.the most boring59seeing the world I think every language has a certain way of seeing the world. Each is a whole different world – a whole different mindsets. I couldn’t possibly60because it would mean really giving up the possibility to be able to see the world. So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest,62. There are so many advantages of learning a language; I reallycan’t63. Text Two A. known B. idea C. feelPhrases: A. but it may64like forever B. a person may have no65what is wrong C.what is66as panic disorder A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long, __67__. The cause can be something as normally uneventful at driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before. A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first __68___. But these can all be signs of ___69____. The first appearance usually is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. 1n some cases it develops after a tragedy. Like the death of a loved one, or some other difficult situation. Text Three A.lights B.protect C. in the dark Phrases: A.sit at home70 B.turn off all non-essential71 C.passed a law to I’m a big fan of trying to save the environment, and this month is the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) annual Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an event where you 73 and power between 8-9 pm, things like your TV and computer. However, you don’t just 74 for an hour. Instead, people gather in groups and have fun without using power. Things like dancing, fireworks and musical performances are popular and it’s very fun to take part. Earth Hour isn’t just about saving energy; people involved in Earth Hour have also planted a forest in Uganda, built2016年同等学力申硕英语真题参考答案及解析1.本题选 C 解析:根据第 1 题空格下面一行顾客说“我想我会用航空邮件寄”可以推断店员在问邮寄方式。
同等学力申硕心理学真题模拟及答案同等学力申硕心理学真题及答案同等学力人员申请硕士学位学科综合水平全国统一考试心理学试卷一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)1.神经胶质细胞在神经元轴突周围形成的绝缘层称为( C )。
A.胞体B.树突C.髓鞘D.轴丘2.下列视觉现象中可用侧抑制作用解释的是( A )。
A.马赫带B.暗适应C.明适应D.后像3.由声波频率决定的主要听觉特性是(C )。
A.音响B.音调C.音高D.音色4.在问题空间中随机搜索所有可能的解决方法,直至选择有效的一种,这称为(C )。
A.逆向搜索策略B.手段—目的分析法C.算法策略D.爬山法5.一切不利于学生身心健康的研究都是不允许的,这体现了教育心理学研究的(C )。
A.客观性原则B.系统性原则C.理论联系实际原则D.教育性原则6.奥苏贝尔认为有意义学习的心理机制是( C )。
A.强化B.平衡C.同化D.顺应7.强调主体、情境、协作和资源作为促进教学条件的学习理论派别是(D )。
A.联结理论B.认知理论C.人本主义D.建构主义8.把音乐智力、人际智力、自知智力等包括在人类智力结构中的理论是(C )。
A.群因素论B.智力三元论C.多重智力论D.三维结构论9.一个人在肯定评价上的特征越多,强度越大,则给人的总体印象越好,越易为人所接纳,这属于总体印象形成中的( A )。
A.加法模式B.乘法模式C.平均模式D.加权平均模式10.寻找某一特定结果与特定原因之间的稳定联系,这体现了归因的(A )。
A.不变性原则B.特异性原则C.一致性原则D.折扣原则11.运动员在比赛中所获得的“名次”属于( B )。
A.等比数据B.等级数据C.分类数据D.等距数据12.利用陌生情境测量婴儿依恋表现的研究者是(B )。
A.鲍尔比(Bowlby)B.艾斯沃斯(Ainsworth)C.柯尔伯格(Kohlberg)D.艾里克森(Erikson)13.少年期心理上出现的“虚构的自我”、“假想的观众”等现象体现了其( D )。
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2016 年同等学力心理学申硕考试真题
1.思维的基本过程是( B )
2.下列各项中不属于音高听觉理论的是( C )
3.鲁利亚认为脑干网状结构和边缘系统的机能属于( B )
4.镶嵌图形的特点可以用于测量的认知风格是( D )
5.幼儿思维的主要特点是( C )
6.在新生儿阶段通常不具备的是( D )
7.在被试内实验设计中,控制练习效应和疲劳效应的常用方法是( B )
8.一定属于多因素实验设计的是( A )
9.下列实验中不能用来论证社会学习理论的是( B )
10.建立在“官能心理学”基础上的迁移理论是( A )
(A )
12.为了保持认知的协调,外在理由越缺乏,越需要内在理由的补充,这种心理反应被称作( B )
13.一个研究者报告独立样本的t检验的结果t(24)=2.53,根据这个结果可以推知研究被试总人数为( D )
14.一项调查表明抽烟量较大的人群比抽烟较少或不抽烟的人群患肺癌的比率更高,据此我们可以说,抽烟量与患肺癌比率这两个变量间存在着( A )
15.一项研究涉及到职业,我们用1表示“农民”,2表示“教师”,3表示“公务员”,这里的数据123属于( C )
16.已知某校男、女学生对某项教育措施各自持“同意”和“反对”态度的人数,若要了解性别与变量是否有关,则应该计算( C )
17.以下各项中属于投射测验的是( D )
18.可以作为同质性信度指标的是( C )
19.最早采用智力年龄概念的是( A )
20.一项研究假设为:经过知觉运动学习的左利手儿童比未经过这种学习的儿童在眼手协调的作业上做得更出色,然而这种差别不出现在右利手儿童中,这项实验中“是否经过学习”是( C )