英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第九单元 的的结果句视译-文档资料
第9单元 结果句视译 (例段)
2. Another sensible proposal, embraced by President 另一项合理的银行税提案得到奥巴马总统和诸多
Obama and a number of international experts, is the 国际知名专家的支持,
第9单元 结果句视译 (要点梳理)
此单元所列是广义上,而非仅语法层面的结果句 各种语言因果颠倒的现象层出不穷 不同语言在相同或相近因果语境中的思维侧重或 方式的不同造成了思维转换障碍 视译原文:书面化语言居多, 视译译文:或是书面化,或是口语化,或是半口 语半书面化语言 翻译时在因果关系上采取“抓小放大”的办法, 即侧重原文细节, 淡化原文宏观链接
第9单元 结果句视译 (例段)
原文中的结果链接词语so that 在视译中 〈译评〉 翻译成“一旦开征”,遵从了汉语的表 达习惯。汉语中无论是原因还是条件, 只要结构复杂冗长,在表达结果前有时 需要对原因或条件进行缩略式重复,既 获得了逻辑更紧密的语义链接, 也收到 了承前启后的语言符号链接效果。
province since 2007. But Ma has faced some 但是在开办纪念堂的过程 problems in running the memorial hall, 中,马先生遇到了若干问题。
第9单元 结果句视译 (例段)
and as he spends most of his time and energy
【视译】 关于这个问题,不同的意见都已经得到 陈述,因此现在请大家表决。第9元 结果句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉 笔译版本在很大程度上保留了英文的思 维方式,译文听着费解,甚至困惑。视 译版本抛开了英语思维方式,更多地兼 顾汉语思维方式和习惯,所以译文更易 懂、流畅。
英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第二单元 地点句视译-精品文档
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
2. We went from Birmingham to Paris by way of London, Dover, and Calais. 【笔译】 我们从伯明翰出发,经由伦敦、多佛 尔和加莱,来到巴黎。
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉In New York 放在句首,还有后面地点 定语从句的使用,都是强调运动的起 始地,有些倒叙的意味,因此中文采取 叙事方法,逐一叙述,步步为营。这 样既方便翻译,又遵从就近转换的视译 原则。
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉 英文地点的排列顺序是由小到大,与中 文地点排列习惯恰恰相反,但是为了翻 译的顺畅,尤其是当地点成分较长时, 视译时也可以按照英文的顺序排列。此 句中地点状语从句连接词where 恰巧与 动词headquarter 在语义上遥相呼应, 因此可以巧妙地翻译成“此处是……所 在地”。
【视译】 我们从伯明翰来到巴黎,途经伦敦、 多佛尔和加莱。
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉 此句采取的还是意群就近翻译原则, 英语by way of 的汉语对应词组由 “经 由”换成了“途经”,该词组更符合 中文后补说明的习惯。
第2单元 地点句视译 (例句)
3. This company is located in Silicon Valley, in northern California, where many top companies in the world are headquartered. 【笔译】 这家公司坐落在加利福尼亚北部的硅谷 内,许多世界最知名企业也都在此设立 总部。 【视译】 这家公司地处硅谷,加利福尼亚州的北 部,此处也是许多世界最知名企业的 总部所在地。
It is a pity that he does not swim. 笔译:他不会游泳,真遗憾。
It is important that we should speak politely. 笔译:我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。
It is a shame that they have lost the game. 笔译:他们输掉了比赛,真是遗憾。
It is strange to see so many people are doing the same thing. 笔译:看到这么多人都在做同一件事情,真是 很奇怪。 视译:奇怪的是,看到这么多人都在做同一件 事情。
It is necessary that English majors speak English every day. 笔译:英语专业的学生要天天讲英语,这是很 有必要的。 视译:很有必要的是,英语专业的学生要天天 讲英语。
It is important not to be easily satisfied. 笔译:不要轻易满足是很重要的。
It is our priviledge to visit your country. 笔译:访问贵国是一大荣幸。
英汉汉英视译教程下篇汉译英第二十一单元 让步句视译
第21单元 让步句视译 〔例段〕
Statistics show, Europe’s population will continue to decline for decades. Currently, 1.5 babies are born for every EU woman, when two births are required to maintain the population “replacement rate〞. Even if women started to have more children again, the tendency to population decline would continue for decades, as there will be fewer parents through choice of their own in the next generation than in this one.
第21单元 让步句视译 〔例段〕
〈译评〉首先,无论是从内容还是从语言角度看, 笔译译文已经十分到位,但是视译译文 更口语化,其中关联副词when 替代转 折词but 当属精彩之译,更贴近英语思 维习惯。另外,again, as, through choice of their own 等词语运用得也相 当巧妙。
第21单元 让步句视译 〔例段〕
1.据研究人员统计,接下来的几十年,欧洲人口将 持续减少。
Statistics show, Europe’s population will continue to decline for decades. 目前欧盟国家的妇女平均生1.5 个孩子, Currently, 1.5 babies are born for every EU woman, 而为了保持人口替代率,每个妇女至少要生2 个孩 子。
Secretary-General’s Message for UN Day联合国日致辞New Y ork, 24 October 20112011年10月24日Days from now, the human family will welcome its seven billionth member.再过几天,人类大家庭将迎来第70亿个成员。
Some say our planet is too crowded. I say we are seven billion strong.有人说,我们这个星球过于拥挤。
The world has made remarkable progress since the United Nations was born 66 years ago today.自联合国于66年前的今天诞生以来,世界取得了长足的进步。
We are living longer. More of our children survive. More and more of us live at peace, under democratic rule of law.我们活得更长,我们的婴儿存活率提高了,我们有越来越多的人生活在和平、民主与法治之中。
As we have seen in this dramatic year, people everywhere are standing up for their rights and human freedoms.正如我们在这个惊心动魄的一年中所看到的,世界各地的人们都在起来争取他们的权利和人的自由。
And yet, all this progress is under threat. From economic crisis. Rising joblessness and inequality. Climate change.但是,这一切进展都面临着威胁。
英汉汉英视译教程下篇汉译英第十六单元 “有”字句视译-精选文档
【视译】 This company registers a capital of 15 million US dollars and specializes in import and export and a great variety of digital products.
第16单元 “有”字句视译 (例句)
〈译评〉视译版本动词register 的用法更符合英语 常见思维习惯,感觉更自然、简洁。该句 也可译成“The company’s registered capital is 15 million US dollars, and it specializes in import and export and a great variety of digital products.”汉语的 “有”可与英语的多重意思相对应,因此 英语的表达形式便更多样化。
第16单元 “有”字句视译 (例句)
3.自从澳大利亚北领地成为世界上第一个将自愿 安乐死合法化的地方以来已有16个月了。 【笔译】It has been 16 months Australia’s Northern Territory became the first place in the world to legalize voluntary euthanasia.
第16单元 “有”字句视译 (例句)
第16单元 “有”字句视译 (要点梳理)
间的存 在、量度总计,也可以表述所有权,无主句 式 “有”字句式的多样性和灵活性对视译人员 构成了很大的思维转换难度
第16单元 “有”字句视译 (例句)
1.这家公司有1 500 万美元的注册资金,主营进 出口和一系列的数码产品。 【笔译】 This company has a registered capital of 15 million US dollars and specializes in import and export and a great variety of digital products.
英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第一单元 时间句视译-精选文档
第1单元 时间句视译(例句)
4. It was not until we got to be an arm’s distance from each other that I recognized it was my longlost elder brother. 【笔译】直到我们走到离彼此只有一臂之遥时, 我才认出对方是我失散已久的哥哥。
第1单元 时间句视译(例句)
〈译评〉笔译参考译文的语义逻辑略显平淡,视 译参考译文听着更具戏剧性,焦点更加 突出。文字表述与口头表述之间存在许 多规律性区别,英汉视译的转换终端是 口头表述形式。因此有时为了使缺乏听 觉趣味和视觉联想效果的书面语言听起 来更加生动、有趣,可以把原文里语境 语义的焦点适度放大或夸张, 甚至挪移, 使之更加凸显,以达到更佳的视听接收 效果。
第1单元 时间句视译(例句)
2. The bell had rung for the class before he could have his breakfast. 【笔译】 他还没来得及吃早饭,上课铃就响了。
【视译】 上课铃响了,可是他还没吃早饭。
第1单元 时间句视译(例句)
〈译评〉 本句中,由before 引导的时间状语从 句置于句末,这是英语常见的时间状 语从句形式,而中文的此类时间状语 更多见于句首。虽然笔译参考译文更 地道、生动,笔者还是建议学生更要 参考视译译文,因为视译译文更符合 “鱼贯而出”的视译规律。
第1单元 时间句视译
上篇 英译汉 英汉汉英视译教程
第1单元 时间句视译
无论何种形式的时间句,包括时间状语词组和时间状 语从句,英语时间句的特点都是时间修饰部分在句子中的 位置根据表达侧重的需要比汉语更加灵活多变,常见于句 首、句中和句末。而汉语时间句的时间修饰部分多见于句 首或句中,却鲜见于句末,这就造成英译汉时时间成分分 别在英汉句式结构中的时间和空间上的不对称,给即时口 译,尤其是同声翻译译员在瞬间构建译文逻辑时带来很大 的不便、干扰或障碍,从而减缓翻译效率,降低翻译质量, 甚至阻碍信息的顺畅传递。我们如果注意到英汉语句时间 修饰成分在句子结构位置上的特点与差异,经过专项翻译 练习,熟练掌握应对英汉时间句的转换技巧,便能够在语 句、语段或语篇翻译时达到迅速、自如、流畅、通顺的口 译较高境界。
In2014theChinesegovernmentpromoteddevelopmentconceptsandsyst emsinnovation,adoptedeffectivemeasurestoguaranteecitizens’accesstofair development,hadmorepeopletosharethefruitofreformanddevelopment,and betterprotectedthepeople’seconomic,socialandculturalrights.人民生活有新的改善。
People’slivingstandardfurtherimproved.China’sGDPin2014increased by7.4percentoverthepreviousyear,andtheeconomyoperatedwithinanapprop riaterange.TheeconomicgrowthincentralandwesternChinawasfasterthanthat intheeast.Asmanyas13.22millionnewurbanjobswerecreated,morethanthatin 2013.Thetotaloutputofgrainwas607.1milliontons,anincreaseof5.16millionto nsoverthepreviousyear.南水北调中线一期工程通水,京津冀等地6000万群众喝上了长江水。
英汉汉英视译教程下篇汉译英第二十二单元 目的句视译
第22单元 目的句视译 〔例段〕
〈译评〉笔译译文表示目的的词组in order to 从 逻辑结构层面与原文更贴近,但是在假 设干表示目的的短语之后再出现主句是 典型的书面化语言,无论译员,还是听 众都会有冗长的感觉。而视译译文一开 始就巧妙地明确主题是目的,后面只是 罗列假设干平行系表结构,使得句子结 构简单,语义层次清晰。
第22单元 目的句视译 〔例段〕
2. 为缓和紧张局势,中方做了大量劝和促谈工 作。我们支持任何有利于维护半岛和平稳定的 努力,支持各方进行接触和对话,希望有关接 触对话和六方会谈能够并行推进。为此,我们 欢送半岛北南双方昨天在巴厘岛接触。
第22单元 目的句视译 〔例段〕
2. 为缓和紧张局势,中方做了大量劝和促谈工作。 China has made a lot of efforts to encourage talks
第22单元 目的句视译
英汉之间表达目的的方式差异之大常常出乎想象。比方 “为了尽快安排好地震灾民,政府已经采取一系列有力措 施。〞可以译成“In order to have the earthquake victims housed properly and quickly, the government has taken a series of strong measures.〞、“The government hopes/wants to house the earthquake victims properly and quickly and has taken a series of strong measures.〞、 “The government has taken a series of strong measures in hope of housing the earthquake victims properly and quickly.〞或“The government has taken a series of strong measures hoping to house the earthquake victims properly and quickly.〞除此之外,在更大的语境条件下这 句
• 7. Scientists report that hunting or eating wild animals not only destroy the balance of nature, but also run the risk of being infected by virus from animals.
• 9. If you have yet to appoint a new sales manager in chargeБайду номын сангаасof our L.A. office, Mrs. Coleman was born there and has good connections.
• 10. Suppose the gasoline tank of your car holds 20 gallons and you average 16 miles to the gallon, how far can you drive on a tank full of gasoline?
• 3. Keeping a business firm running is far more difficult than starting it. According to current statistics, 2/3 of new business firms will fail in the first five years.
• • • • • 阅读技巧 (快速阅读技巧) 抓住中心思想 准确把握结构 正确理解词义 百科知识
• 使用翻译方法 (直译、意译、归化、异化) • 运用翻译技巧 (增补、省略、词性转换、 肯否转换、词义引申) • 达到翻译标准 (信、达、雅)
姚斌英汉视译 PPT资料共42页
第9单元 句子成分的转换 第10单元 被动语态的视译 第11单元 形容词和副词比较级的视 译
第12单元 It句式的视译 第13单元 There+be句式的视译 第14单元 长句的视 译(Ⅰ) 第15单元 长句的视译(Ⅱ) 附录一 自主训练参考答案
+ 我想真心赞叹格林威治大学,赞叹这所许多年前成立的英国第 二家理工学院,赞叹(重复)它从创建之日起就一直走在创新 的前沿(名变动)。格林威治大学现有学生23,000人,它扎根 本地社区,从胜利走向胜利(寻求动态对等),它不仅享有教 师培训的盛名,而且(增添)还创造了许多独具慧眼的机会, 激励当地年轻人踊跃进入大学学习。(顺译)
+ The willingness of China to share its lessons and experiences with other countries through this training center and also learn from them is a demonstration of the Chinese Commitment to help developing countries to improve their development status.
+ 现场文本与网络文本相结合 + 题材、内容多元化 + 国别多样化 + 材料难度循序渐进
+ 1、顺句驱动,断句成章;2、灵活调整, 重组信息。(《英汉视译》)
+ 1、不重复;2、不停顿;3、不罗嗦;4、 不晦涩。(《视译基础》)
Passage 1Most ironic was the image of government that was born of these experiences. As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you, the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer for a complex, modern society like ours is efficient, rational, uniform and courteous treatment for the citizens it deals with. Yet not only did these qualities not come through to the people I talked with, it was their very opposites that seemed more characteristic. People of all classes – the rich man dealing with the Internal Revenue Service as well as the poor woman struggling with the welfare department – felt that the treatment they had received had been bungled, not efficient; unpredictable, not rational; discriminatory, not uniform, all too often, insensitive, rather than courteous. It was as if they had bought a big new car that not only did not run when they wanted it to, but periodically revved itself up and drove all around their yards.Passage 2After I talked for a few minutes with Chou Enlai, and explained who I was, he arranged for me to spend the night in Pai Chiaping, and askedme to come next morning to his headquarters, in a nearby village. I sat down to dinner with a section of the Communications Department, which was stationed here, and I met a dozen young men who were billeted in Pai Chiaping. Some of them were teachers in the partisanschool, one was a radio operator, and some were officers of the Red Army. Our meal consisted of boiled chicken, unleavened whole-wheat bread, cabbages, millet, and potatoes, of which I ate heartedly. But, as usual, there was nothing to drink but hot water and I could not touch it.I am famished with thirst. The food was served – delivered is the word –by two nonchalant young lads wearing uniforms several sizes too large for them, and peaked Red Caps with long bills that kept flapping down over their eyes. They looked at me sourly at first, but after a few minutes I managed to provoke a friendly grin from one of them. emboldened by this success, I called to him as he went past.Passage 3It is often said that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, with parents who work 18 hours a day in the family grocery and children who work with equal amazing perseverance in the classroom. At a glance, the evidence seems clear: while the first Asians to come to America lived poorly as farmers, miners and railway workers, we now enjoy one of the highest average incomes in the country. Here at Harvard, 18% of the class of 1996 are Asian Americans, compared to 3% of the total US population. By focusing on the “positive stereotype”, however, one neglects the other side of our lives. For many of us –the second generation –there is something uncomfortable about being Asian in America.Although many of us appreciate the great sacrifices our parents have made, their economic success somehow represents for us an unsatisfying legacy. We suffer in particular from an endemic identity crisis. We have begun to question the accommodationist ways of our forebears, our quietly studious manner, our narrow priorities, and our previous notions of successPassage 4Running the country is all well and good, but Tony Blair still wonders if he could have made it as a rock star. “I’ve always wondered, could I have actually done it,”the onetime lead singer of a rock band called the Ugly Rumors, more recently prime minister, told his former bass player in an interview. “I was quite serious about it. It wasn’t just a mere dalliance –it was a bit more than that for me.”Blair told ex-bass player Mark Ellen. Experts from the intervieew were printed in The Times. “With politics, it all clicked into place for me somehow. Whereas with music you had to have a particular set of attributes that I didn’t quite have, and it never happened for me even though I was despertately keen to carry on.”Blair, 51, said that he still gets a thrill meeting rock icons of his youth like Paul McCartney or David Bowie. “They say: ‘it must be so interesting what you do,’and I say: ‘it’s not as interesting as whatyou do.”Passage 5Despite the clear-cut technological advantages, the railroad didn’t become the primary means of transportation for nearly 20 years after the fist pioneering American railroads were introduced in the early 1830s. Besides the stiff competition of water transportation, an important hindrance to railroad development was public antipathy, which had its roots in ignorance, conservatism, and vested interest. People thought that speeds of 20 to 30 miles per hour would be physically harmful to passengers. Many honestly believed that the railroad would prove to be impractical and uneconomical and would not provide services as dependent as that of the waterways. Unsurprisingly, the most vigorous opposition to railroads came from groups whose economic interests suffered from the competition of the new industry. Millions of dollars had been spent on canals, rivers, highways, and plank roads, and thousands of people depended on the transportation enterprises for their livelihood.When Kim Bogue accidentally threw her wallet away with her lunch, she had little hope that she’d recover the $900 and bundle of credit cards inside. With a team of co-workers, she twice searched the Santa Ana civic buildings where she works as a janitor, but found nothing. “I was sick all weekend,”said Bogue, who was saving the money for a trip to Thailand, her home country. The same weekend, a homeless man who roams the building also was searching for something. He made his routine visit to the trash bins nearby to look for aluminus cans. Instead, he found Bogue’s wallet. That Monday, the man, who declined to be identified, gave the money to Sherry Wesley who works in one of the buildings. “He came to me with the wad of money and said: ‘This probably belongs to someone that you work with. Can you return it?’”Grateful, Bogue gave the man a $100 reward, which he split with Wesley. She gave the money to her church. While the money would serve as a tempting find, especially for a homeless man, Wesley said the man’s action did not surprise her. “I know he has got the biggest heart,” she said. “Somebody like that who is so down on their luck and willing to help someone out is a rare thing.”Three big uncertainties loom over the Rice Department. The first concerns the new secretary herself. For four years, Ms. Rice has been a sounding board, tutor, and weather vane. She will now have to articulate a clearer view of the post-al-Qaeda world. For example, she has a lot of expertise in Russia. But should America’s attitude to Vladimir Putin’s centralization of power be determined by the need to keep good relations with a partner in the war on terror? Or should it be influenced more by Mr. Bush’s view that the best way to starve global terrorism is to encourage democracy? The second uncertainty concerns her department. Does she spend time shaping it, replacing the diplomats in charge of the DPRK and the Middle East, while risking the sort of hostility and disruption? The third uncertainty is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. Even before the election, Mr. Bush and Ms. Rice privately indicated that, three years after September 11th, it was time to patch things up in Europe and the Middle East.Passage 7Life for almost everybody is a long competitive struggle where very few can win the race, and those who do not win are unhappy. When I try tounderstand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other. The one that goes least deep is the necessity for subservience in some large organization. If you are an energetic man with a strong view as to the right way of doing the job which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical. Whenever you have a bright idea the boss puts a stopper on it. The more energetic you are and more vision you have, the more you will suffer from the impossibility of doing things that you feel ought to be done. When you go home and moan to your wife, she tells you that you are a silly fellow and that if you become the proper sort of yes-man, your income will soon be doubled. If you try divorce and remarriage it is very unlikely that there will be any change in this respect. And so you are condemned to great ulcers and premature old age.。
英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第十一单元 条件句视译-文档资料
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
2. The critics would acknowledge Shakespeare’s 评论家们无疑会肯定莎士比亚遣词造句的才能, gift for phrasemaking, but assail plot twists—e.g., 但也会抨击其百转千回的情节,如,海盗袭击船队
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
1. I think most of us have this sense today, if we 我想绝大多数人现在都有这样一种感觉,前提是 are honest. If you read a book with your laptop 人们会如实承认。如果你看书时,屋子另一端的笔
第11单元 条件句视译 (要点梳理)
视译时两大难点: 1. 位置关系不同: 英语:句首、句中或句末 汉语:多见于句首 处理比较冗长的主从句时,主从句的位置需要瞬间 转换,构成巨大的翻译障碍 2.英语条件常用介词 英语里一个介词词组所表达的条件语意经常相当于 汉语里一个完整语句所能表达的条件语意,但不是 所有词组都需要译成句子
the unlikely pirate attack that sends Hamlet back to 迫使哈姆雷特回到丹麦就不够真实,这些繁杂的情
Denmark—that keep the play from completely 节使该剧无法全力“运作”。 “working”.
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
第11单元 条件句视译 (例句)
1. Chomsky’s view cannot be reconciled with Piaget’s, if I understand both correctly. 【笔译】 如果我的理解正确,乔姆斯基和皮亚 杰的观点是针锋相对的。
英汉汉英视译教程下篇汉译英第十四单元 “被”字句视译
第14单元 “被〞字句视译 〔例句〕
Once, a fiery red fox bounded out of the bush in front of me, and I was so scared that I fell to my buttocks. Once, a fiery red fox bounded out of the bush in front of me, scaring my buttocks down to the ground.
〈译评〉笔译译文只是一种译文版本,视译译文提 供了两种译文版本,时间状语既可以放在 句首,也可以放在句末。语境的多样化需 要译员多样化的思维方式和翻译方式。
第14单元 “被〞字句视译 〔例句〕
2.他被那个老板支使每天干大量重活。 【笔译】 He is made to do lots of hard work by the
第14单元 “被〞字句视译
做此种练习的前提条件是译员需要具备熟练的多样思维能 力,即表达一种语意意境时,可以进行多样逻辑链接。比 方,美国国务卿在中美双边会谈中可以说:“奥巴马总统 始终高度重视美中关系〞,英语可译成“President Obama has always attached great importance to USChina relationship.〞此句译文逻辑与汉语思维路径大致 相同。但是,此时会谈的话题焦点可能是美中关系、美日 关系、美韩关系,在此语境下这句话的表述主体更可能是 美中关系,所以更贴切的译文应该是:“US-China relationship has always been high on the agenda of President Obama.〞总之,汉语被字句并非时时处处都等 于英语被动语态,视译汉语被字句时应以英语多样思维应 对,以获得最正确翻译效果。
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An old friend came to our university to visit us last night.
An old friend came to our university// to visit us// last night.
笔译:这种(科学)方法在很大程度上先是 由科学家、化学家和生物学家使用,后来为 在教育学、心理学和社会学等领域内(其研 究对象是人)工作的研究人员所采纳而发展 起来的。
The method was largely developed //by physicists, chemists and biologists; //it was later adopted// by people working in such areas //as education, psychology and sociology, //where the subjects of research were often people.
在类意群间加入名词或代词作为连接成分; 明确译出原文的暗含内容作为连接成分。
视译最重要的原则是依序顺译,也就是按照 原文句子的顺序翻译下来。
依序顺译的重要环节是合理断句。 由于汉语意合的特点,许多类意群是可以不
用任何连接词就能顺译下来的。但是也有例 外,请看:
一个老朋友到学校//来看望我们//这是昨 晚的事情。
In this small town, almost everyone Knew Mr. Smith, the onetime boss of a prestigious company called Smith& Sons.
笔译:在这个小城里,几乎每个人都认识史密斯先 生,他曾经是一家叫做史密斯父子的大公司的老板。
She tried to pronounce every sound correctly by reading the poem aloud every morning.
上面的例句笔译过程中需要大幅度调整原文 语序,并且要将介词引导的句子成分放到句 首。
视译中,此类以介词引导的句子成分,只要 合理加入连接成分,可以不必调整原文语序。
Finally he succeeded in inventing the new product through repeated consultation and experiments.
笔译:他通过无数次咨询和试验终于发明这 一新产品。
视译:他终于发明了这一新产品,因为他做 了无数次的咨询和试验。
视译:在这个小城里,几乎每个人都认识史密斯先 生,他曾经是一家大公司的老板,这家公司叫做史 密斯父子公司。argely developed by physicists, chemists and biologists; it was later adopted by people working in such areas as education, psychology and sociology, where the subjects of research were often people.
That those young people who had been so energetic died so suddenly in the earthquake was a real shock to everybody.(请尝试划 分类意群)
That those young people// who had been so energetic// died so suddenly in the earthquake// was a real shock to everybody.
这种方法的发明者主要是//物理学家、化 学家和生物学家,//后来采纳这种方法的 是//另外一些领域的研究人员,//这些领 域包括教育学、心理学和社会学,//研究 对象多是人本身。
2 介词引导的句子成分
Finally he succeeded in inventing the new product through repeated consultation and experiments.
视译:那些年轻人 //曾经是那样地充满活 力//突然在地震中死去,//这的确是令人 震惊的事情。
视译的连接成分不是语法中的连接词,而是 连接两个类意群之间的一种句子成分,它可 以是代词、名词,也可以是词组等,目的是 使整个句子通顺。
视译中两种情况尤其需要连接成分:一、需 要增加名词或代词作连接成分的句子和需要 增加同位语作连接成分的句子;二、有些介 词引导的句子成分。
She tried to pronounce every sound correctly by reading the poem aloud every morning.
笔译:她每天早上都大声朗读这首诗歌,为 的是将每一个音都发准。
视译:她试图将每一个音都发准,方法是每 天早上大声朗读这首诗歌。