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Soft rock applications 软岩 High-pressure applications 高压应用
Common applications Water well and geothermal drilling 水井与地质
Common applications – Mining 采矿
Secoroc accessories附件
Fishing tools捕捞锥与捕捞套筒
Reliable workhorse 高可靠性-质量稳定
High performers with the latest technology
High performers with the latest technology Secoroc COP Gold hammer-金锤系列
Ideal in high production drilling理想的穿孔效率 Superior longevity and reliability长寿命与高可靠性 Excellent fuel efficiency燃油效率高 Re-build and maintain performance with E-kit维修保养方便, 有修理包 4-6inch hammer. 目前有4-6’ 冲击器。
Common applications – Mining 采矿
High performance and reliability - Secoroc COP Gold Holes larger than 8" (203 mm) - Secoroc TD
Common applications – Quarrying 采石
Hole depth limited only by the back pressure.仅受背压限制 Penetration rate 5–10 times faster than rotary and core drilling快5-10倍比牙 轮 Straight holes孔直 Efficient hole cleaning有效的孔底清洁 Good hole quality孔质量好 Easy field service易于工地服务 Quick service and rebuilding of hammer快修 Versatility功能多 Simplicity简单
Grinding machines and tools
Blast hole爆破孔 Deep hole深孔 Water well水井 Oil & Gas油气田钻井 Foundation drilling桩孔 Pre-splitting预裂孔
Wide range of large diameters大孔
Quantum Leap® valve technology means maximum pressure for 80% of the strokeQL阀可提高活塞行程80%
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Strong performers with proven technology Secoroc COP hammers
Common applications Mineral Exploration 探矿
Greenfield and in-pit grade control Reverse circulation hammer - Secoroc RC50
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Secoroc utility power pole drill 电线杆孔
Tried and tested technology可靠的技术 Highly reliable in production drilling高效 Maximum pressure of 25 bar可在25bar风压下工作
The reliable workhorse – Secoroc QLC
The new ( QLC)range 新的国内产品 – When reliability and economy are a priority高可靠性与经济 性 A powerful replacement for the classic range替代以前的产品 Greater penetration in deep hole drilling在深孔内也具备高穿孔 效率
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Strong performers with proven technology Secoroc QL hammer经典的QL系列
Proven strong performance in deep and water filled holes with high backpressure深孔高效性
Mountable in a workshop or container 可在车间与工地
Available in two models:
– Hydraulic driven with a hand pump 手动 – Hydraulic driven with a pnuematic foot pump脚踏 泵
QL bit shank for standardized DTH bit range标准的QL钻柄
Reversible cylinder maximizes service life外缸可调头-增加了寿 命 Issued 4’,5’,6’ serial hammer 已发布了QL340,QL50c,QL6c. 广泛地应用于各矿山
High performers with the latest technology Secoroc QLX(TD) hammer
Outstanding performance in deep and water-filled holes with high backpressure深孔性能突出 可在高背压的水 井中工作 Rated at 35 bar风压可达35bar Unique AirSelect® system - Matches the hammer to the compressor 独特的气体选择阀 Quantum Leap® valve technology-QL阀技术。
QLc hammer-the best economic choice 最佳性价比
高性能 QL50C,60C 冲击器均经过了可靠的现场验证,我们的冲击器为客户提高了生 产效率,得到了客户的认可。 高等级钢材质量的保证使的我们冲击器的寿命延长 使用寿命长,可靠性高 为客户节约了钻孔成本,同时钻具的稳定性也为我们的客户延长了工作时间, 创造更多的效益。
由于内部大部分为组件构成,易于拆卸维修, 经济包 该冲击器经济包的设计,使得您的钻孔成本再一次的降低,
Premium Plus range of bits广范围的钻头系列
Application areas-应用范围
Abrasive formations 强磨蚀性岩层
Why choose Secoroc DTH equipment? 为什么要选择阿特拉斯的潜孔钻具?
Five product ranges grouped into three performance categories 三方面关键因素: High performers with the latest technology最新的技术保证了优异的性能 -快速穿孔。 Strong performers with proven technology强耐用性
Common applications Dimensional stone industry 石材
Common applications – Construction 建筑
Common applications - Oil and Gas 油气田
Common applications - Mineral Exploration 探矿
Surface and Underground
Products & applications
Tricone bits
Rotary pipes
Products & applications
Raise boring
Cuቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱters
Products & applications
Extension equipment – Surface
Products & applications
Extension equipment – Underground
Products & applications
Products & applications
Creates electric pole sockets in hard rock much more efficiently than auguring or blasting methods Allows rapid creation of multiple utility pole holes Available in two sizes
Product portfolio产品部
Raise boring
Products & applications-产品与应用
Tapered equipment
Products & applications
– 112 L – 112 LS
Secoroc breakout bench潜孔锤拆卸台
A hydraulic-driven breakout bench 液压驱动
An ideal maintenance tool
Opens 3“-8” DTH hammers with ease 可拆3-8寸锤