环境生态学课件PPT(共 63张)

环境问题的第一次高潮出现在20世纪50—60年代,当时环 境问题突出。自产业革命-1984年臭氧层空洞,“八大公害” 事件,是第一次环境问题高潮。
八大公害事件 :是指在世界范围内,由于环境污染而造成的
八次较大的轰动世界的公害事件。 公害事件:因环境污染造成
二.环境构成 环境包括自然环境和人工环境。
是人类出现之前就出现的,是人类目前赖以生存的自然条件和自然 资源的总称。是直接或间接影响到人类的一切自然形成的物质,能量和 自然现象的总体。
从狭义上: 来讲是指人类根据生产,生活,科研,文化,医疗等需要而创造的环
境空间,如人工气候室,无尘车间,温室,密封舱,各种建筑,人工园 林等。 从广义上:
2008。 5.尚玉昌 著《生态学概论》,北京大学出版社2003-2。 6.同济大学 编《城市环境保护》,中国建筑工业出版社。 7.毛文永 编《生态环境影响评价概论》,中国环境科学出版
社 1998-5。 8.周曦 编《生态设计新论》,东南大学出版社 2003-6。 9.《环境生态学》化学工业出版社 2003-8。 其他与生态学相关书目,特别须关注关于生态景观的书目。
三是由于上述原因造成生物资源的破坏,而导致生物多样性丰 富度的下降,大量物种灭绝或处于濒危境地。生物多样性的破坏 必然会导致人类的生存危机,人类对于这个问题严重性的认识还 远远不够。
。 环境问题是随着人类生产力的发展而产生和加剧的
1.环境问题的萌芽阶段(工业革命以前) 农业和畜牧业出现以前,人类活动以生活活动为主,以生理代谢过程

提出生态风险的管理和应对措施,包括风险预警、风险防范、风险 处置等,以及加强生态风险管理的建议。
全球气候变化、生物多样性丧失、环境污染与生态破坏等问题日益严重,对环境生 态学提出了更高要求。
指在一定空间内,生物群落与其非 生物环境之间通过物质循环、能量 流动和信息传递而形成的相互作用、 相互依存的统一整体。
指生活在一定区域内所有生物种群 的集合体,它们之间以及它们与环 境之间彼此影响、相互作用。
环境为生物提供生存所需的物质和能量,同时 影响生物的生长、发育和繁殖等过程。
结合实际案例,分析生态保护和恢复的成功实践,如退耕还林、湿 地保护等。
介绍生态工程的基本概念和特点,强调其在解决 环境问题、促进可持续发展中的重要作用。
详细介绍生态工程的技术和方法,包括生态修复 技术、生态农业技术、生态园林技术等,以及其 在实践中的应用。
包括季节变化、年际变化以及长 期演替趋势,反映了群落随时间 的变化规律。
包括原生演替和次生演替,是群 落由一种类型转变为另一种类型 的有序变化过程。
包括自然因素(如气候、土壤、 地貌)和人为因素(如土地利用、 环境污染),对群落动态和演替 产生重要影响。

➢ 这一时期是生态学理论形成、生物种群和群落由定性向定 量描述、生态学实验方法发展的辉煌时期。形成几个著名 的生态学派(四大学派)。
➢ 北欧学派:由瑞典乌普萨拉(Uppsala)大学的R. Sernauder创建。以注重群落分析为特点。
➢ 法瑞学派:代表人为J. Braun-Blanquet. 把植物群落生态 学称为“植物社会学”,用特征种和区别种划分群落类型, 建立严密的植被等级分类系统。常被称为植被区系学派。 1953年后,与北欧学派合流,被称为西欧学派或大陆学派 。
生态学是研究决定有机体的分布与多度的相互作用的科学-加拿大克雷 伯斯(Krebs,1972,1978,1985)
生态学是研究生态系统的结构与功能的科学—美国-奥德姆(Odum, E., 1959,1971)(生态学基础—Fundamentals of Ecology,1971)
生态学是研究生命系统和环境系统相互关系的科学(马世骏 )
➢ 英美学派:代表人为F.E.Clements 和A.G.Transley,以研 究植物群落演替和创建顶极群落著名。
202➢3/12/前30 苏联学派:注重建群种和优势种,重视植被生态、植2被7
➢ 研究层次上向宏观和微观两极发展:生态学的研究层次已囊 括了分子、基因、个体直到整个生物圈。
➢ 景观生态学: 研究景观结构及其过程 ( landscape structure and processes) 的科学。
生物圈(biosphere)和全球生态学(Global ecology)
➢ 生物圈: 地球上全部生物和一切适合于生物栖息的场所。 它包括岩圈(lithosphere)的上层、全部水圈 (hydrosphere)和大气圈(atmosphere)的下层。

1.消费效率 消费效率(consumption efficiency,CE)是指 营养阶层摄食的能量与 营养阶层的净生产量 的比值。 2.生态效率 生态效率是Lindeman最早提出的,所以又称 Lindeman效率。它是指营养阶层取食、吸收量 与 +1营养阶层取食、吸收量之比。它相当于 同化效率、生长效率和消费效率的乘积。
2.动物类群 水生生态系统,按功能分: 碎裂者:如石蝇幼虫等,以落入河流中的树叶为食; 颗粒状有机物质搜集者:可分为两个亚类,一类从沉 积物中搜集,例如摇蚊幼虫和颤蚓;另一类在水体中滤 食有机颗粒,如纹石蛾幼虫和蚋幼虫; 刮食者:其口器适应于在石砾表面刮取藻类和死有机 物,如扁蜉蝣幼虫; 以藻类为食的食草性动物; 捕食动物:以其他无脊椎动物为食,如蚂蟥、蜻蜓幼 虫和泥蛉幼虫等。
第四节 生态系统中的次级生产
消费效率In/Pn-1 生长效率Pn/In =10%
生长效率Pn/In =15%
生态系统中的次级生产 据资料显示,草食动物利用植物净生产量的特点有: ①植物种群增长率高、世代短、更新快,其被利用的百 分比就较高, ②草本植物的支持组织比木本植物的少,能提供更多的 净初级生产量为食草动物所利用, ③小型的浮游植物的消费者(浮游动物)密度很大.利用 净初级生产量比例最高。 而肉食动物: 就同化效率来说,一般高于草食动物;(难消化) 就生长效率来说,却一般低于草食动物。 (呼吸消耗大 )
一、名词解释 摄取量 同化量 呼吸量 生产量 消费效率 林德曼定律 初级生产 净初级生产量 生物量 次级生产 异化 淋溶 碎化 同化效率 总初级生产量 分解作用
二、思考题 1.生态系统能量流动遵循那些规律? 2.论述有机体分解的过程及其受哪些因素影响。 3.生态系统普适能流模式如何表达?

制定和完善环境保护法律法规, 加大对违法行为的惩处力度。
建设和完善废水处理设施,提 高废水处理率,保护水体环境。
划定生态保护红线,保护自然 生态系统和重要生态功能区, 维护生物多样性。
主要研究生物(包括人类)与环境之 间的相互作用关系,探讨生物在环境 中的适应、进化和保护等问题。
揭示生物与环境相互作用的规律,预测 和评估人类活动对生态环境的影响,提 出保护和改善生态环境的策略和措施。
环境生态学是生态学的一 个重要分支,它继承了生 态学的基本理论和方法, 同时更加关注人类活动对
尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然,推动经济 社会发展与环境保护相协调,实现人与自然 和谐共生的理念。
生态文明理念强调经济、社会和环境的协调 发展,推动可持续发展战略的实施。
生态文明理念要求保护生态环境,维护生态 安全,防止生态破坏和环境污染。
生态文明理念倡导绿色生活方式和消费模式, 提高人民生活质量,促进人的全面发展。
以节约资源和保护环境为基本国策,坚持可持续发展,推进 经济社会发展与环境保护相协调,实现经济效益、社会效益 和环境效益相统一的发展理念。

寄生 (Parasite)~活的生物從別的生物體取得食物
2. 競爭性排斥 (Competition Exclusion)~
– 當生活/生存必需品/因素 (如食物、水、光線及礦物質)成為 限制因子時,兩個或多個生物體對此會互相產生競爭現象。 當兩種物種在同一生活區 (niche)之下無法長久共存,而會 產生競爭性的互相排斥現象,此乃生態學上的原則 (principle)。
• 族群的成長率(Growth rate):族群的成長
率(Growth rate)是由出生率(Birth rate)、死亡 率(Death rate)及遷入和遷出率(Rate of Immigration and Emigration)所決定。 • 假如資源受到限制,正在成長中的族群會受環 境負荷量 (Carrying Capacity of Environment) 的關係而減緩。
• 生物時時都得對生活環境種種挑戰,諸如溫度 的據變、陽光、水和食物的短缺或者它種生物 的獵殺,一個生物體乃至於一個物種能否成功 地生存下去,完全決定於他們能不能在這些挑 戰下存活與繁衍。 • 因此,生物和環境之間的作用便決定了某一物 種的數量與分佈範圍;而研究這種交互作用的 便是生態學 (Ecology)。 • 生態學的生物組織範圍,小到一個物種的單 位—族群 (Population),大到生物圈 (Biosphere)。
細菌、真菌、黴菌 蚯蚓、線蟲、螃蟹
動物屍體、植物的有機廢物…等 有機物粒子為食
所有生態系的活動是能量推動 的,而能量的最終來源就是
• 生態系內的生物組成一個或多個食物鏈, 每一食物鏈包括一系列的營生階層。 • 植物從環境﹝如土壤、水及空氣﹞獲得 無機養分,並轉成有機質。 • 有機養分可輾轉被初級消費者 (草食性動 物 )及次級消費者 (肉食動物) 所取用。 • 植物或動物之屍體或廢物所包含的養分 可被分解者 (如細菌、真菌) 分解成無機 營養而回環境。

Switching between prey types
Predators may alter or ‘switch’ their preference for a particular prey species depending on the abundance of that species, When this occurs, common prey are consumed super proportionately whilst less common prey are largely ignored.
Predators vary in the number of species of prey they will feed on, with some species being specialists, whilst others are more generalist. Generally, parasites tend to be more specialist than true predators and herbivores tend to be more specialist than carnivores.
捕食者-猎 物模型
Lotka-Volterra捕食者-猎物模型是描述捕食者与猎物间 相互关系的一个简单的数学模型。这一模型做了三个 简单化假设:(i)相互关系中仅有一种捕食者与一种 猎物;(ii)如果捕食者数量下降到某一阈值以下,猎 物数量就上升,而捕食者数量如果增多,猎物种数量 就下降和(iii)如果猎物数量上升到某一阈值,捕食者 数量就增多,而猎物种数量如果很少,捕食者数量就 下降。这一简单的模型做了一个有趣的预测:捕食者 和猎物种群动态会发生循环,就像在自然的捕食者-猎 物种群动态中所观察到的那样。
环境生态学 英文20页PPT

11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。

生态破坏与生物多样性丧 失
人类活动导致的生态破坏和生物多样性丧失, 对生态系统的稳定性和可持续性造成严重影响。
人类活动是导致物种灭绝和濒危的主要原因之一,许多珍稀濒危物 种面临生存威胁。
包括制定相关法律法规、加强执法力度、推广生态教育、促进公众参与 等。
包括废气、废水、废渣等污染 物的排放,对大气、水体和土
生态系统的能量流动:能量输入、能量传递、能 量转化与散失。
生态系统的物质循环:水循环、碳循环、氮循环 等。
生态系统的能量流动与物质循环的关系:相互影 响、相互制约。
生态系统的信息传递方式: 物理信息、化学信息、行 为信息。
生态系统的调控机制:负 反馈调节、正反馈调节。
环境生态学课件PPT(共 63张)

环境是个系统,而这个系统又因分析的角度不同而又不同的划分方法。从 人类和环境相互作用的角度,由小到大可分为:
聚落是人类聚居的地方,也是于人类活动关系最为密切,最直接的环境, 他们是人工环境占优势的生存环境。它可分为院落环境,村落环境和城市 环境。
地理环境是指围绕人类的自然现象的总体。它具备人类生存的三大条件: 有常温常压的物理条件,适当的化学条件和繁茂的生物条件。当今的地理 环境概念,不仅包括自然地理环境,还包括人文地理环境,主要是指,人 类的社会,文化和生产生活活动的地域组合,包括人口,民族,聚落,政 治,经济、交通、军事、社会行为等许多成分。他们构成的圈层,称为人 文圈。
则是指由于人类活动而形成的环境要素,包括由于人工形成的物质, 能量和精神产品以及由人类活动过程中所形成的人与人之间的关系,后 者也称之为社会环境。(包含了物质,精神以及社会关系3个层面)我们 现在研究的环境是围绕着人类活动而展开的,在时间上随人类社会的发 展而发展,在空间上随人类活动领域的扩张而扩张。
第三节 环境的功能与特性
一.环境的功能 环境的功能指以相对稳定的有序结构构成的环境系统为人类和其他生命
环境能提供供人类和其他生物栖息,生长,繁衍的场所,且这种场所 是适合他们生存发展的 2.营养功能
这是广义的营养,包括环境提供的人类和其他生物生长,繁衍所必须 的各类的营养物质及各类资源,能源(后者主要针对人类而言) 3.调节功能 主要指环境要素的自我恢复调节功能及对于其他要素的调节功能。
第一章 环境概论
第三章 生态环境保护 环境学课件(共45张PPT)

3、生态系统中的物质 (wùzhì)循环
〔a〕形态结构:生物的种类、种群数量、种的空间配置〔水平分布、垂 直分布〕、种的时间变化。 〔b〕营养结构:生态系统各组成局部之间建立起来的营养关系。是生态 系统能量流动(liúdòng)和物质循环的根底。
生产者 〔绿色植物 (lǜsè zhíwù)〕
环境 〔土壤、空气、水〕
❖按此定义,生物多样性是指生命形式的多样性 〔从类病毒、病毒、细菌、支原体、真菌到动物 界与植物界〕,各种生命形式之间及其与环境之 间的多种相互作用;以及各种生物群落、生态系 统及生境与生态过程的复杂性。
❖生物多样性包括了多个层次,主要是遗传多样性、 物种(wùzhǒng)多样性、生态系统多样性与景观多 样性。
2. 不同生态系统的
1.生产者为第一营养级,依次是第二、第三、 第四营养级,一般不超过七级。低位营养级 的能量仅有10%〔水生系统〕被上一个营养 级利用。
2.在数量上,第一营养级就必须大大超过第 二营养级,逐渐递减,就造成(zào chénɡ)了 生物数目金字塔、生物量金字塔、生产率金

Community structure
The species diversity of a community depends on the number of different species it contains (the species richness) and the evenness of species abundance across species. Diversity indices can be calculated to take into account both of these factors. Another way of representing species richness and evenness together is to plot the relative abundance of species against rank order of species abundance. Diversity can be measured over the three different spatial scales of the local community, the region and the broadest geographic scale (e.g. the continent). This yields alpha (α)-, beta (β)-and gamma (γ)-diversity.
Community complexity, diversity
and stability
There are tow components to stability – resilience and resistance, which describe the community’s ability to recover from disturbance and to resist change. Complexity is thought to be important in determining resilience and resistance, However, more complex communities are not necessarily the most stable; increased complexity has been shown to lead to instability. In addition, different components of the communities (e.g. species richness and biomass) may respond differently to disturbance. Communities with a low productivity (e.g. tundra) to be the least resilient. In contrast, weak competition permits coexistence among species and reduces community instability.

环境生态学(外文资料及翻译)"Environmental ecology, mainly in humanities and social and environmental ecology international wide public concern" the concept of sustainable development ", "environmental protection and sustainable development strategy problem", "harmonious society and circular economy", "human survival way and environmental ecological crisis", "China at the beginning of 21 century on the path of sustainable development", "environmental culture and living safety", "global warming the earth's environment and the ecological security", "ozone depletion of earth environment the ecological influence", "acid rain on the earth's environment the ecological influence", "urbanization on city environment and regional climate effect", "desert-oasis ecosystem water heat transfer and the interaction numerical simulation", "western China development of water resources and the sustainable development problems".In the 21 st century, the human face of worsening ecological environment and the lack of human resources, clearly recognized that must walk the path of sustainable development. From a long-term perspective, the development environment ecological education is to solve the environmental problems and the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development at all. Higher school education is to improve theecological environment of the new century, the environment of the builders ecological awareness, to the transportation environment of specialized personnel the ecological protection of important way. As a contemporary college students, must have the living environment and the sense of urgency and have the time should be the new century demand quality talent environmental knowledge.Green peace in China and international stage play an active role. In China, the green peace was China's most influential media as "China's best public organization"; On the international stage, green peace at the UN conference on climate change, and in the light of the international society should how to deal with climate change challenge from China put forward the folk organization views.Because of "traditional environmental technology can not to" contemporary environmental biological technology, the development of high level technology mainly in the hot, namely to molecular biology technology as the main body, by genetic engineering as the leading pollution diagnosis, pollution monitoring, pollution control and ecological remediation technologies. Among them, the environmental biological new technology, new methods of development and utilization, such as pollution of the environment molecular diagnosis technology ispollution control and repair the premise and basis. Because the current environmental biological technology researchers, still can't very well in biological chip, genetically modified, stem cell, protein group, metabolic group, biological technology, such as the development of light pollution detection and monitoring of the effective method.People and the environment is inseparable relationship. In the past, present and future, human beings are always in constant change the environment, create not only use, and beautiful environment space. City imply, is more than just building, streets, shops and construct the accumulation of artificial things and contain in many functional facilities and hard landscape of social culture, accompanied by economic, political and urban residents colorful life. From external visual image of the city is to see, by its plane structure, the sky outline, various building, facilities, regional market, open space, landmark plant gardens and indefinite traffic tools through a city, but these are people in choice and the selected behavior formed under the physical form, which contain deep natural law, social psychology, human emotions and historical vicissitudes of life.Urbanization in bring about many benefits for people at the same time, also caused a series of serious ecological environment problems, to natural ecosystem and the people's health effects. These problems isreflected in three aspects: one is the urban climate change (such as heat island effect) and environmental pollution, including water, air and noise and solid waste pollution, etc.; 2 it is natural resource depletion and shortages, especially fresh water, fossil fuel, cultivated land excessive utilization and biodiversity of the reduced; Three is the city the increase of population, resulting in a large number of social issues, such as housing nervous, heavy traffic, reduce, education and health and green lag and so on. Ecological city is to point to in ecological system, within the scope of carrying capacity of the ecological economy principle and system engineering construction method of the city. And Ecological city construction, change the traditional way of production and consumption, decision-making and management methods, fully mining district inside and outside the resources can be exploited to all potential, has developed economy, ecology and efficient industry, the system is reasonable, the harmony of the society culture and ecological health, landscape suitable environment, to achieve the conditions of the socialist market economy, economic growth and environmental protection, material civilization and the spiritual civilization, natural ecological and human ecological high unification.Ecological city practice methods should be coordinated economic and social development, at the same time ensure long-term ecological healthand future generations, the resources needed for survival and development. China's ecological city planning with other plan to have two different. Its planning time more than 20 years of general (general layout planning of fixed number of year), for long-term development direction. In addition, ecological city planning than any other plan covers the content more widely. China's ecological city method can reflect the most need to solve two aspects of the--the economic and ecological, the purpose is to seek for the economic and social benefits, long-term ecological health and resource management and coordination. Social issue would be in the discussions of the ecological city becomes more and more important. First, pay attention to the exploration of the urban ecology theory, especially the different scale of urban construction and function of; Second, expanding the scope of the city scientific research, that is, from the city by a single objective of the study, change is compound ecological system in rural and urban studies, including half of urbanized area research and rural industrialization and urban agglomeration research; Third, the development of ecological city construction applicable technology system, and promote the existing technology the ecological; Fourth, for ecological city construction ecological landscape planning and provide the ecological culture methodological guidance; Fifth, establish the corresponding policies and decrees and rewards and punishment system, promote the development ofecological city; Sixth, strengthen education, training and ecological city construction, enhance the ability of ecological consciousness; Seventh, to strengthen international between cities and communities, cooperation and communication between the.."We have a responsibility, which is not only consider the meaning, and open our own to experience the beauty and follows the lead. The urban environment art, a kind of choice and the progress of relief.The current both large and medium cities or towns and villages, the ecological construction practice in our country on booming has. People are more and more aware of ecological city development and construction of ecological city the importance and the urgency ofEcological city is put forward based on the awakening of the human ecological civilization and to the traditional industrialization and industrial cities, ecological city has not reflect pure natural ecology, but the natural, social and economic compound the symbiosis between the urban ecological, it and sanitation city, garden city, urban landscape, garden city, forest city, different qu co-workers, have distinction to have connection again already, have increase public cultural quality and life quality effect, note that the Chinese ecological environment conditionsdiffer in thousands ways, may not single development type and development model, need to adjust measures to local conditions of ecological city planning create all sorts of type and various development model.Facing the new century, the human orientation and inevitable choice is ecology. Urban ecological development path, construction go ecological city is the inevitable trend of the development of history. The construction of ecological city cannot leave the creative planning and design, creative planning and design need forward-looking theoretical guidance. In the research of ecological city became a city plan the forefront of research topic. Change the traditional urban planning values, it is necessary in new ecological values of the current under the guidance of the urban planning theory to a fundamental reform system, ecological city planning and design theory principle and method, the method, a series of problems, such as technology to meet the need of the time.Ecological city idea contains the sustainable development idea and city and nature coexist aims, the domestic future urban planning work have important significance. In today's science and technology is developed, to transform nature (namely human intervention natural ability of past situation, far beyond human must be aware that any living environment(including city) is a global ecological system, part of the human activities within the limit in the ecological necessary, and fully embodied in the planning, this is true in the premise of sustainable development of establishing ecological city, is also the fundamental guarantee.Ecological civilization of moral evaluation standard, in general, that is beneficial to the human and the nature harmonious relationship between the behavior of the construction is good, what things are harmful to the human and the nature harmonious relationship between the behavior of the construction is evil. Of course, consciously abide by the environmental law shall ecological civilization is the base line of ethics standards, specific provision people in dealing with the relationship between man and nature, what should do and what should not do. And active practice ecological ethics behavior may allow have DuoZhong realm. The highest state is "ecological self-supervision", that is, no matter when and where, regardless of whether supervision, always to ecological moral standard, in the interests of both consciously and ecological benefits, the determination to promote the harmony between human being and nature and prosperity, and the relationship between man and nature to solve the crisis with all my heart. In short, ecology theory in China construction of ecological civilization society has the important, not the role of the body, and provide scientific theory.Hope that nature can peace and common forever!!!!!《环境生态学》主要以人文社会和环境生态学方面国际社会广泛关注的“可持续发展的理念”、“环境保护与可持续发展战略问题”、“和谐社会和循环型经济”、“人类生存方式与环境生态危机”、“中国21世纪初可持续发展之路”、“环境文化与生存安全”、“全球变暖与地球环境生态安全”、“臭氧层破坏对地球环境生态的影响”、“酸雨对地球环境生态的影响”、“城市化对城市环境及区域气候的影响”、“沙漠-绿洲生态系统水热输送及相互作用数值模拟”、“中国西部水资源开发与可持续发展问题”。

Nutrient Cycles within ecosystems:
– – – –
Water cycle. Carbon cycle. Nitrogen cycle. Phosphorus cycle.
Chapter 6 Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities
Chapter 3 Risk and Cost: Elements of Decision Making
Two primary factors in most decisions: – Risk 风险 – Cost 成本
Chapter 5: Interactions: Environments and Organisms
Global environmental problems 是引起全球范围内生态环境退化 全球范围内生态环境退化的问题。 全球范围内生态环境退化 Environmental problems involve(包括 ! 包括): 包括
(1) 人口过度(overpopulation ) (2) 淡水资源短缺(freshwater shortage) (3) 多样性灭绝 (extinction of biological diversity) (4) 海洋污染(marine pollution) (5)全球变暖(global warming) (6)臭氧层破坏(destruction of the ozone layer) (7)酸雨(acid rain)
Environmental Classification 环境的分类
按环境的范围由近及远进行分类: ! community environment (聚落环境) geographical environment (地理环境) geological environment (地质环境) cosmical environment (宇宙环境)
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环境课件生态学双语 A1 什么是生态学要点 A1 WHAT IS ECOLOGY A2 生态学的10个规律要点 A2 TEN RULES IN ECOLOGY B1 适应要点 B2 应付环境变异要点 B3 生态位要点 C1 太阳辐射与气候要点C2 微气候要点 D1 水的特性要点 D2 植物与水要点 D3 动物与水要点 E1 温度与代谢要点 E2 对温度的响应要点 E3 温度与物种分布要点 F1 太阳辐射与植物要点 G1 资源与循环要点 G2 植物与消费者要点 G3 土壤形成特性和分类要点 H1 种群和种群结构要点 H2 出生率死亡率和种群增长要点 H3 密度和密度制约要点 H4 种群动态波动周期和混沌要点I1 竞争的性质要点 I2 种内竞争要点 I3 资源分配要点 J1 捕食的性质要点 J2 捕食行为和猎物反应要点 K1 寄生的性质要点 K2 寄生的动态要点 L1 互利共生要点 M1 生活史要点 N1 社群合作和利他行为要点 N2 生态学中的性要点 O1 遗传的变异要点O2 物种形成要点 P1 组成成员和过程要点 P2 初级和次级生产力要点P3 食物链要点 Q1 群落结构和稳定性要点 Q2 岛屿群落与移殖要点 Q3 群落格局竞争和捕食要点 R1 演替要点 R2 群落对干扰的反应要点 S1 生态系统格局要点 S2 草地要点 S3 冻原要点 S4 森林要点 S5 荒漠半荒漠和灌丛要点 S6 盐水生物群系要点 S7 淡水生物群系要点 T1 收获理论要点 T2 渔业和捕鲸业要点 U1 有害生物问题及其防治对策要点 U2 杀虫剂和问题要点 U3 生物防治和害虫综合治理要点 V1 稀有物种生境损失和灭绝要点 V2 保育对策要点 V3 生物资源和基因库要点 W1 空气水和土壤污染物要点 W2 温室气体和全球变暖要点 W3 臭氧要点 X1 土壤侵蚀和农业要点 X2 养分水和能量利用要点 Related topics Fishing and whaling T2 The open ocean is used as a dumping ground for numerous pollutants including oil sewage hydrocarbons and metals Some become magnified in the food web and can contaminate fish stocks Recreational and commercial development of intertidal regions has led to habitat destruction and pollution Dredging sewage pollution and over-fishing have degraded coral reefs Environmental concerns 主要的淡水和湿地区域淡水生物群系包括湖泊河流酸性沼泽草本沼泽和木本沼泽这些系统靠从附近排水区沥滤的水和营养物生存Freshwater biomes include lakes rivers bogs marshes and swamps These systems are fed by water and nutrients leaching from the surrounding catchment area Key Notes Primary freshwater and wetland regions S7 FRESHWATER BIOMES 溪流和河流溪流和河流的物理特征沿水体长度而有变化它们靠近源头的窄小湍急变成河口附近的宽广平缓植物和动物的多样性和生产量在中部地区通常是最高的因为那儿的水流速度和河床底质允许大型植物的生长湖泊和池塘湖泊的水很少流动或者不流动使得水体可垂直分层包括表层光照充足而温暖的水和下层黑暗而寒冷的水湖泊可以是营养充足的富营养型或者是营养匮乏的贫营养型 The physical characteristics of streams and rivers alter along their length they change from being small and turbulent close to their source to wider and slower at their mouth Plant and animal diversity and production tends to be highest in the middle regions where flow rates and substrate allow the growth of macrophytes Streams and rivers Lakes have very little or no current allowing the water body to acquire vertical stratification with illuminated warm water at the surface and dark cold water below Lakes can be nutrient rich eutrophic or nutrient poor oligotrophic Lakes and ponds 环境关系开凿运河商业开发和污染造成了许多河流下游水生生物和河岸植被的减少湿地被用于农业变成了农田和牧场富营养化由生物或非生物的污染而造成结果导致植物多样性的减少和藻类的大量生长这个问题在小湖泊小池塘以及半封闭系统如英国的Norfolk 宽阔河段中尤其显著相关主题空气水和土壤污染物W1 Related topics Air water and soil pollutants S7 Canalization commercial development and pollution have resulted in a loss of aquatic biota and bankside vegetation in the lower reachesof many rivers Wetlands have been lost to agriculture for grain production and grazing Eutrophication can occur through organic and inorganic pollution resulting in a loss of plant diversity and algal blooms This is a particular problem in small lakes and ponds and in semiclosed systems such as the Norfolk Broads Environmental concerns 收获目标为了使种群开发获得最大回报管理应以使对象种群可长期持续获得最大产量为目标 To maximize the returns gained by exploiting a population management should aim to harvest the maximum yield that the maximum yield that the population can produce sustainably over the long term Key Notes The goals of harvesting T1 HARVESTING THEORY 最大持续产量长期收获最大产量的一种方法是最大持续产量即MSY法随着种群密度在很低的基础上开始增加出生率超过死亡率种群的净补充量增加当种群密度达到最大环境容纳量时死亡率上升出生率下降因此最大净补充量发生在中等密度种群中存在许多繁殖个体而种内竞争又相对较弱的情况下这一最大净补充量即为人们可长期从种群中收获的最大量MSY One approach to deduce the maximum long-term yield is known as the maximum sustainable yield or MSY approach As a population increases in density from very low numbers the birth rate outstrips the death rate so the net recruitment births-deaths into the population rises As the population density approaches the maximum the environmentcan support the death rate increases and the birth rate falls The maximum net recruitment therefore occurs at an intermediate density when intraspecific competition is relatively low yet there are many reproductive individuals in the population This maximum net recruitment is the maximum number that can be harvested from the population sustainably – the MSY Maximum sustainable yield 配额限制在一定时期可通过控制配额收获对象生物量或个体数量限制收获配额控制允许收获者在每一<a name=baidusnap0></a>季节</B>或每年收走一定数量的猎物配额限制通常应用于海洋渔业来获得MSY但成功例不多这表明配额限制实际上很冒险有可能导致过捕甚至种群灭绝Harvesting may be limited by controlling the quota the biomass or number of individuals culled in a given period Quota controls thus allow the harvesters to remove a fixed number of the prey species every season or year Quota limi-tataion is commonly applied in marine fisheries to achieve a MSY with limited success The theory demonstrates that quota-limitation is intrinsically risky and may cause overexploitation and even extinction of the harvested populations Quota limitation 努力限制配额限制潜在的危险或通过导入努力限制来缓和努力限制具有明显的优点因为当猎物种群数量减少时人们往往会通过更加努力来获限正在减少中的数量环境波动利用种群增长模型预测被收获种群可获潜能的效果会受到环境波动的严重影响因为环境波动会影响种群的出生率或死亡率 The ability of models of population growth to predict the harvesting potential of a population is esverely compromised by environmental variation which may affect recruitment or mortality Environmental fluctuation The risk inherent in quota-limitation can be alleviated by adopting an approach of limiting effort This has a clear advantage- as a prey species becomes rarer more effort will be required to seek out and catch the diminishing numbers Effort limitation 相关主题种群和种群结构H1 密度和密度制约H3出生率死亡率和种群增长H2 种群动态波动周期和混沌H4 动态库模型简单的模型不考虑种群的年龄结构这使其预测能力有限因为死亡率与繁殖力都是与年龄相关的收获个体通常都是种群中体大年高的个休具有最高的繁殖潜能精确地考虑到不同年龄群出生率生长和死亡率的动态库模型对对象种群的预测效果更好举例来说考虑到不同年龄群的动态库模型意味着可理论上检测海洋渔业中使用不同大小网具的影响效果 Simple models do not consider the age structure of populations which limits their predictive power as the mortality rates and reproductive output of individuals is age-specific Usually the individuals harvested are the larger and older members of the population which have the highest reproductive potential Dynamic poolmodels explicitly consider the recruitment growth andmortality of different age classes allowing a better model ofthe population to be derived This approach means that forexample the impact of varying mesh size in a marine fishery canbe tested theoretically Dynamic pool models Related topicsPopulations and population Density anddensity structure H1 dependence H3 Natality mortality and Populationdynamics –fluctuations growth H2 cycles and chaos H4 渔业海洋一直为我们人类提供丰富的食物资源现在全球渔获量约1亿吨其中一小部分并不直接被人类消费而是用做动物饲料大洋生产力与陆地系统相比大洋是生产力很低的生境大陆架生产力较高但全球单位公顷渔获量很低部分是因为大洋区极低的生产力部分是由于渔获物处于食物链高营养级其生产效率很低 The arctic。